The X-ray luminosity function of AGN at z~3




Definition of polymers A simple understanding of polymers can be gained by imaging them to be like a chain or, perhaps, a string of pearls, where the individual pearl represent small molecules that are chemically bonded together. Therefore, a polymer is a molecule made up of smaller molecules that are joined together by chemical bonds. The word polymer means „many parts or units.‟ The parts or units are the small molecules that combine. The result of the combination is, of course, a chainlike molecule (polymer). Usually the polymer chains are long, often consisting of hundreds of units, but polymers consisting of only a few units linked together are also known and can be commercially valuable.
Figure 1.1 Diagram illustrating the definition of plastics.
As Figure 1.1 shows, all materials can be classified as gases, simple liquids, or solids, with the understanding that most materials can be converted from one state to another through heating or cooling. If only materials that are structural solids at normal temperatures are examined, three major types of materials are encountered: metals, polymers, and ceramics. The polymer materials can be further divided into synthetic polymers and natural polymers. Most synthetic polymers are those that do not occur naturally and are represented by materials such as nylon, polyethylene, and polyester. Some synthetic polymers could be manufactured copies of naturally occurring materials (such as

The ASCA X-ray spectrum of the powerful radio galaxy 3C109

The ASCA X-ray spectrum of the powerful radio galaxy 3C109

Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.000,000–000(1997)The ASCA X-ray spectrum of the powerful radio galaxy3C109S.W.Allen1,A.C.Fabian1,E.Idesawa2,H.Inoue3,T.Kii3,C.Otani41.Institute of Astronomy,Madingley Road,Cambridge CB30HA,2.Department of Physics,University of Tokyo,Hongo,Bunkyo-ku,Tokyo,Japan3.Institute of Space and Astronautical Science,Yoshinodai,Sagamihara,Kanagawa229,Japan4.RIKEN,Institute of Physical and Chemical Research,Hirosawa,Wako,Saitama351-01,Japan10January1997ABSTRACTWe report the results from an ASCA X-ray observation of the powerful Broad LineRadio Galaxy,3C109.The ASCA spectra confirm our earlier ROSAT detection of in-trinsic X-ray absorption associated with the source.The absorbing material obscures acentral engine of quasar-like luminosity.The luminosity is variable,having dropped bya factor of two since the ROSAT observations4years before.The ASCA data also pro-vide evidence for a broad iron emission line from the source,with an intrinsic FWHMof∼120,000km s−1.Interpreting the line asfluorescent emission from the inner partsof an accretion disk,we can constrain the inclination of the disk to be>35degree,and the inner radius of the disk to be<70Schwarzschild radii.Our results supportunified schemes for active galaxies,and demonstrate a remarkable similarity betweenthe X-ray properties of this powerful radio source,and those of lower luminosity,Seyfert1galaxies.Key words:galaxies:active–galaxies:individual:3C109–X-rays:galaxies1INTRODUCTIONUnified models of radio sources propose that radio galaxies and radio-loud quasars are basically the same population of objects,viewed at different orientations(Orr&Browne 1982;Scheuer1987;Barthel1989).The nucleus is only di-rectly visible in quasars,the radio axis of which points within ∼45degree of the line of sight.In the case of radio galaxies the axis is closer to the plane of the Sky and the nucleus is obscured from view by material in the host galaxy,possibly in a toroidal distribution.The powerful Broad Line Radio Galaxy(BLRG)3C109 appears to be oriented at an intermediate angle.The nucleus is reddened,E(B−V)∼0.9,and polarized in the optical waveband(Rudy et al.1984;Goodrich&Cohen1992),sug-gesting that our line of sight passes through the edge of the obscuring material.The dereddened luminosity of the nucleus,V=−26.2(Goodrich&Cohen1992)identifies the source as an intrinsically luminous quasar.Obscuration is also seen at X-ray wavelengths(Allen&Fabian1992). 3C109was serendipitously observed with the Position Sen-sitive Proportional Counter(PSPC)on ROSAT in1991Au-gust.The PSPC spectrum exhibits soft X-ray absorption in excess of that expected from material within our own Galaxy,implying an intrinsic equivalent hydrogen column density at the redshift of the source(z=0.3056;Spinrad et al.1985)of∼5×1021atom cm−2.The intrinsic(unab-sorbed)X-ray luminosity of the source(0.1−2.4keV)de-termined from the PSPC data is∼5×1045erg s−1,making it one of the most X-ray luminous objects within z∼0.5; only the QSOs3C273and E1821+643have higher X-ray lu-minosities(and3C273may have a significant beamed com-ponent to its X-ray emission).We present here the results of an ASCA X-ray observa-tion of3C109.The ASCA data confirm the results of Allen &Fabian(1992)on excess absorption,and allow us to ex-plore further the X-ray properties of this remarkable source. We show that3C109has decreased in brightness by about a factor of two since the ROSAT observations,to aflux level comparable with that observed with the Imaging Propor-tional Counter(IPC)on the Einstein Observatory in1979 (Fabbiano et al1984).Also,of particular interest is the de-tection of a strong,broad iron line in the ASCA spectra. This result implies that most of the X-ray emission from 3C109is unbeamed.Modelling the line asfluorescent Fe K emission from an accretion disk,we are able to constrain both the inclination and inner radius of the disk.The X-ray properties of3C109are shown to be remarkably similar to those of many lower-power,Seyfert1galaxies.Throughout this paper we assume a value for the Hubble constant of H0=50km s−1Mpc−1and a cosmological deceleration pa-rameter q0=0.5.22THE ASCA OBSER V ATIONSThe ASCA X-ray astronomy satellite(Tanaka,Inoue& Holt1994)consists of four separate nested-foil telescopes, each with a dedicated X-ray detector.The detectors in-clude two Solid-state Imaging Spectrometers or SISs(Burke et al.1991,Gendreau1995)and two Gas scintillation Imaging Spectrometers or GISs(Kohmura et al.1993). The SIS instruments provide high quantum efficiency and good spectral resolution,∆E/E=0.02(E/5.9keV)−0.5.The GIS detectors provide a lower resolution,∆E/E= 0.08(E/5.9keV)−0.5,but cover a larger(∼50arcmin diam-eter)circularfield of view.3C109was observed with ASCA on1995Aug28-29. The SIS observations were made in the standard1-CCD mode(Day et al.1995)with the source positioned at the nominal pointing position for this mode.X-ray event lists were constructed using the standard screening criteria and data reduction techniques discussed by Day et al.(1995). The observations are summarized in Table1.Source spectra were extracted from circular regions of radius4arcmin(SIS0),3.5arcmin(SIS1)and6arcmin (GIS2,GIS3),respectively.For the SIS data,background spectra were extracted from regions of the chip relatively free of source counts.For the GIS data,background spectra were extracted from circular regions,the same size as the source regions,and at similar distance from the optical axes of the telescopes.Spectral analysis was carried out using the XSPEC spectralfitting package(Shafer et al.1991).For the SIS data,the1994Nov9version of the SIS response matrices were used.For the GIS data the1995Mar6response ma-trices were used.The spectra were binned to have a mini-mum of20counts per Pulse Height Analysis(PHA)channel, thereby allowingχ2statistics to be used.In general,best-fit parameter values and confidence limits quoted in the text are the results from simultaneousfits to all4ASCA data sets,with the normalization of the power-law continuum al-lowed to vary independently for each data set.3RESULTS3.1Confirmation of excess X-ray absorptionin3C109The principal result of the ROSAT PSPC observation of 3C109(Allen&Fabian1992)was the detection of X-ray absorption in excess of the Galactic value determined from 21cm HI observations.The ASCA data allow us to verify and expand upon this result.The ASCA data werefirst examined using a simple ab-sorbed power law model.This allows direct comparison with the results of Allen&Fabian(1992).The free parameters in thefits were the column density of the absorbing mate-rial,N H,the photon index of the power law emission,Γ, (both parameters were forced to take the same value in all4 ASCA data sets)and the normalizations,A1,of the power-law emission.(Due to the range of source extraction regions used,and known systematic differences in theflux calibra-tion of the different ASCA detectors,the value of A1was allowed to vary independently for each data set).The best fit parameter values and90per cent(∆χ2=2.71)confi-Figure1.(Upper panel)The SIS and GIS spectra of3C109with the bestfitting absorbed power-law model(Model A)overlaid. (Lower panel)The residuals to thefit in units ofχ.(For plotting purposes the data have been rebinned along the energy axis by a factor7.)Figure2.(Upper panel)The ratio of data to model,where the model is the best-fit Model A,but with the absorption reset to the Galactic value(assumed to be3×1021atom cm−2).Note the large negative residuals at energies below2keV which are due to the excess absorption,and the evidence for a broad,redshifted emission line feature at∼5keV.For plotting purposes,the SIS (open circles)and GIS(filled squares)data sets have been av-eraged together and binned by a factor of20along the energy axis.The ASCA X-ray spectrum of the powerful radio galaxy 3C1093Table 1.Observation summaryInstrument Observation Date Exposure (ks)ASCA SIS01995Aug 28/2936.0ASCA SIS1””35.0ASCA GIS2””35.0ASCA GIS3””35.0ROSAT PSPC 1991Aug 3022.1Einstein IPC1979Mar 71.86Notes:X-ray observations of 3C109.Exposure times are for the final X-ray event lists after standard screening criteria and corrections have beenapplied.Figure 3.Joint confidence contours on the photon index and total column density,determined with spectral Model A (Table 3).Contours mark the regions of 68,90and 99per cent confidence (∆χ2=2.30,4.61and 9.21respectively).dence limits obtained with this simple model are presented in Table 3(Model A).The SIS and GIS spectra with their best-fitting models (Model A)overlaid are plotted in Fig.1.For illustrative purposes,in Fig.2we show the best fit model with the column density reset to the Galactic value (assumed to be 3.0×1021atom cm −2).Note the large negative residuals at energies,E <2keV,which demonstrate the effects of the excess absorption,and the broad positive residual at E ∼5keV,which will be discussed in more detail in Section 3.3.The ASCA results clearly confirm the PSPC result on excess absorption in the X-ray spectrum of 3C109.Assuming that the absorber lies at zero redshift we determine a total column density along the line of sight of 5.30±0.42×1021Figure 4.Joint confidence contours (68,90and 99per cent con-fidence)on the column density and redshift of the excess absorber in 3C109(using spectral Model B).atom cm −2(90per cent confidence limits).This is in goodagreement with the PSPC result of 4.2+1.9−1.6×1021atom cm −2.The ASCA result on the photon index,Γ=1.78+0.05−0.06,is also in excellent agreement with the PSPC result of1.78+0.85−0.76,although is more firmly constrained.The joint confidence contours on Γand N H are plotted in Fig.3.We have examined the constraints the ASCA spectra can place on the redshift of the excess absorbing mate-rial.The Galactic column density along the line of sight to 3C109,determined from 21cm observations,is 1.46×1021atom cm −2(Jahoda et al.1985;Stark et al.1992),although Johnstone et al.(1992)suggest a slightly higher value of ∼2.0×1021atom cm −2,and Allen &Fabian (1996)in-fer a value of ∼3.0×1021atom cm −2from X-ray stud-ies of the nearby cluster of galaxies Abell 478.Modelling4the ASCA spectra with a two-component absorber,with a Galactic(zero-redshift)column density of3.0×1021atom cm−2,and a component with variable column density and redshift,we obtain the joint confidence contours on the red-shift and column density of the excess absorption plotted in Fig.4.The best-fit parameter values and90per cent confidence limits for the two-component absorption model (Model B)are also summarized in Table3.3.2Variation of the X-ray luminosityTheflux measurements for3C109are summarized in Table2.Results are presented for both SIS instruments in the1.0−2.0and2.0−10.0keV(observer frame)energy bands.(The GIS detectors provide less accurateflux esti-mates).Also listed in Table2are thefluxes observed with the ROSAT PSPC in August1991and the IPC on Einstein Observatory in March1979.We see that in the overlapping 1.0−2.0keV energy band,the brightness of3C109has de-creased by a factor∼2since1991.Theflux determination from the ASCA data is now consistent with that inferred from the IPC observation in1979.Also listed in Table2are the intrinsic(absorption-corrected)X-ray luminosities of the source inferred from the observations.(Here the energy bands correspond to the rest-frame of the source).The absorption-corrected2−10keV luminosity inferred from the ASCA spectra is2.1×1045 erg s−1.(We assume that during the Einstein IPC observa-tions the source had the same spectral shape as determined from the ASCA observations.)3C109has also been observed to vary at near-infrared wavelengths.Rudy et al.(1984)found variations of a factor ∼2in the J band over afive year span from1978to1983. Elvis et al.(1984)similarly reported variations in the J,H and K bands of∼50per cent(in the same sense)on a timescale of2–3years between1980and1983.3.3Discovery of a broad iron lineThe residuals to thefits with the simple power-law mod-els,presented in Figs.1and2,exhibit an excess of counts in a line-like feature at E∼5.0keV.X-ray observations of Seyfert galaxies(Nandra&Pounds1994and references therein)show that many such sources exhibit a strong emis-sion line at E∼6.40keV(in the rest frame of the object). This is normally attributed tofluorescent Fe K emission from cold material irradiated by the nucleus.Wefind that thefit to the ASCA data for3C109is sig-nificantly improved by the introduction of a Gaussian line at E∼5keV(∆χ2=9.2for3extrafit parameters;an F-test indicates this to be significant at the97per cent level.)The best-fit line energy is5.09+0.44−0.38keV(corresponding to6.61+0.57−0.50keV in the rest frame of the source.Note that if afixed rest-energy of6.4keV is assumed,the introduction of the Gaussian component becomes significant at the∼99per cent confidence level).The data also indicate that the line isbroad,with a1sigma width of0.65+0.81−0.36keV.The equivalentwidth of the line is300+600−200eV.The width and energy of theline suggest that it is due tofluorescence from a rapidly ro-tating accretion disk–as is thought to be the case in lower luminosity Seyfert galaxies(Tanaka et al.1995;Fabianet Figure5.Joint confidence contours(68,and90per cent confi-dence)on the normalization,A2,and inclination,θ,of the disk line using spectral Model D(following Fabian et al.1989).al.1995).The bestfitting parameters and confidence limits for the power-law plus Gaussian model(Model C)are sum-marized in Table3.Note that the emission feature is not well-modelled by the introduction of an absorption edge at higher energies[the introduction of an edge into the simple absorbed power-law model(Model A)does not significantly improve thefit].Note also that the measured lineflux is not significantly affected by the small systematic bump in the XRT response at E∼5.5keV(which produces a nar-row,positive residual with aflux of a few per cent of the continuumflux at that energy).3.4Modelling the line as a disklineAlthough the simple Gaussian model provides a reason-able description of the5.0keV emission feature,the ASCA data suggest that the line profile is probably more ing two Gaussian components to model the line profile,we obtain the bestfit for a broad component with a rest energy consistent with6.4keV,and a narrow com-ponent with an energy6.8±0.1keV(in the rest-frame of the source).These results are similar to those obtained for nearby,lower-luminosity Seyfert galaxies(e.g.Mushotzky et al1995;Tanaka et al1995;Iwasawa et al.1996)where the line emission is thought to originate from the inner regions of an accretion disk surrounding a central,massive black hole(Fabian et al.1989).We have therefore modelled the broad line in3C109us-ing the Fabian et al.(1989)model for line emission from a relativistic accretion disk.The rest-energy of the line(in the emitted frame)wasfixed at6.40keV,the energy appropri-ate for Fe Kfluorescence from cold material.(The effects of cosmological redshift were incorporated into the model.) The accretion disk was assumed to extend over radii from3The ASCA X-ray spectrum of the powerful radio galaxy3C1095 Table2.X-rayflux of3C109Instrument Date F X L X2-10keV1-2keV2-10keV1-2keV ASCA SIS01995Aug28/2948.5±1.69.50±0.2321.4±0.36.69+0.76−0.71 ASCA SIS1””46.3±2.19.76±0.3221.3±0.37.68+1.10−0.890.1-2.4keV1-2keV0.1-2.4keV1-2keVROSAT PSPC1991Aug3028.9±2.618.2±0.745+147−2512.1+6.3−3.50.5-3.0keV1-2keV0.5-3.0keV1-2keVEinstein IPC1979Mar720±68.3±2.516.5±5.06.2±1.9Notes:The X-rayflux and luminosity of3C109measured with ASCA,ROSAT and the Einstein Observatory.Fluxes are in units of10−13erg cm−2s−1and are defined in the rest frame of the observer.Luminosities are in1044erg s−1,are absorption corrected,and are quoted in the rest frame of the source.Errors are90per cent(∆χ2=2.71)confidence limits.to500Schwarzschild radii(hereafter R s)and cover a solid angle of2πsteradians.The emissivity was assumed to follow a standard disk radiation law.Only the disk inclination and line strength were free parameters in thefit.The bestfit parameters and90per cent confidence limits obtained with the diskline model are listed in Table3(Model D).The in-troduction of the diskline component significantly improves thefit to the ASCA data with respect to the power-law model(∆χ2=8.9for2extrafit parameters,which an F-test indicates to be significant at the99per cent confidence level).In Fig.5we show the joint confidence contours on the inclination of the disk,θ,versus the line strength,A2.The 90per cent(∆χ2=2.71)constraint on the inclination is θ>35degree.We have also examined the constraints that may be placed on the inner radius,r in,of the accretion disk with the diskline model.The data were re-fitted with r in included as a free parameter.The preferred value for r in is3R s,with a90per cent confidence upper limit of70R s. (Note that for an ionized disk,with a rest-energy for the line of6.7keV,the inclination is constrained toθ>18degree.) The effects of introducing a further,flatter power-law component into thefits,such as may be required to ac-count for reflected emission from the illuminated face of an accretion disk,or synchrotron self-Compton emission from within a jet,were also examined.The introduction of aflat-ter power-law component does not significantly improve the fits.However,the ASCA spectra permit(with no significant change inχ2)the inclusion of a continuum spectrum appro-priate for reflection from a cold disk,subtending a solid angle of2πsteradians to the primary X-ray source,oriented at any inclination consistent with the results from the disklinefits. 4DISCUSSIONThe ASCA results on excess X-ray absorption in3C109con-firm and refine the earlier ROSAT results(Allen&Fabian 1992).The ASCA data show(under the assumption that all of the absorbing material lies at zero redshift)that theX-ray spectrum of the source is absorbed by a total col-umn density of5.30+0.42−0.42×1021atom cm−2(Model A).This compares to a Galactic column density of∼3.0×1021atom cm−2(Allen&Fabian1996).If we instead assume that the excess absorption,over and above the Galactic value,is due to material at the redshift of3C109,we determine an in-trinsic column density of4.20+0.83−0.78×1021atom cm−2.Note that these results assume solar abundances in the absorbing material(Morrison&McCammon1983).The X-ray absorption measurements are in good agree-ment with optical results on the polarization and intrinsic reddening of the source.Goodrich&Cohen(1992)deter-mine an intrinsic continuum reddening of E(B−V)∼0.9, in addition to an assumed Galactic reddening of E(B−V)= ing the standard(Galactic)relationship between E(B−V)and X-ray column density,N H/E(B−V)= 5.8×1021atom cm−2mag−1(Bohlin,Savage&Drake1978), the total reddening observed,E(B−V)∼1.2,implies a total X-ray column density(Galactic plus intrinsic)of∼7.0×1021 atom cm−2.This result is similar to the X-ray column den-sity inferred from the ASCA spectra using model B and confirms the presence of significant intrinsic absorption at the source.Note that this result also suggests that the dust-to-gas ratio in3C109is similar to that in our own Galaxy.Further constraints on the distribution of the absorbing gas are obtained from the optical emission-line data pre-sented by Goodrich&Cohen(1992).In the narrow line re-gion(NLR),the observed Blamer decrement of Hα/Hβ= 5.8implies(for an assumed recombination ratio of3.2)an E(B−V)value∼ing the relationship of Bohlin, Savage&Drake(1978)this implies an X-ray column den-sity to the NLR of∼2.8×1021atom cm−2,in good agree-ment with the Galactic column density of∼3.0×1021atom cm−2determined by Allen&Fabian(1996)and adopted in the X-ray analysis presented here.The Balmer decrement in the broad line region(BLR)is very steep(Hα/Hβ=13.2). Although this value cannot be reliably used to infer the ex-tinction to the BLR,the intrinsic line ratio is unlikely to6Table3.Results of the spectral analysisMODEL PARAMETERSAΓA1N H———χ2/DOFwabs(pow)1.78+0.05−0.061.38+0.10−0.100.530+0.042−0.042———638.9/633BΓA1N H N H(z)——χ2/DOFwabs zwabs(pow)1.77+0.05−0.061.35+0.10−0.090.3000.420+0.083−0.078——641.6/633CΓA1N H EσA2χ2/DOFwabs(pow+gau)1.86+0.12−0.081.47+0.16−0.120.558+0.056−0.0465.09+0.44−0.380.65+0.81−0.362.1+4.3−1.3629.7/630DΓA1N H EθA2χ2/DOFwabs(pow+diskline)1.87+0.08−0.081.48+0.14−0.130.561+0.052−0.0466.4090+0.0−552.4+1.4−1.4630.0/631Notes:A summary of best-fit parameters and90per cent(∆χ2=2.71)confidence limits from the spectral analysis of the ASCA data.Results are shown for four different modelsfitted simultaneously to the data for all four ASCA detectors.Γis the photon index of the underlying power-law continuum from the source.A1is the normalization of the power law component in the S0detector in10−3photon keV−1cm−2s−1at1keV.N H is the equivalent hydrogen column density in1022atom cm−2at zero redshift.In Model B,N H(z)is the best-fit intrinsic column density at the source for an assumed Galactic column density of0.3×1022atom cm−2.In Model C,E is the energy of the Gaussian emission line in the frame of the observer,σis the one-sigma line width in keV,and A2is the line strength in10−5photon cm−2s−1.In Model D,E is the rest-energy of the line in the emitted frame,θis the inclination of the disk in degree,and A2is again the line strength in10−5photon cm−2s− above5,suggesting a total line-of sight reddening to the BLR of E(B−V)∼>0.8.Thus,the BLR is likely to be intrin-sically reddened by E(B−V)∼>0.3.The optical emission line results are therefore consistent with the two-component absorber model(B),with the column density of the intrinsic absorber being comparable with the Galactic component.3C109is the most powerful object in which a strong broad iron line has been resolved to date.Several more lu-minous quasars observed with ASCA do not show any iron emission or reflection features(Nandra et al1995).The next most luminous object with a confirmed broad line is 3C390.3(Eracleous,Halpern&Livio1996)which is about 10times less luminous in both the X-ray and radio bands than3C109.The equivalent widths of the lines in both ob-jects are∼300eV and therefore similar to those observed in lower-luminosity Seyferts.This argues against any X-ray ‘Baldwin effect’(as proposed by Iwasawa&Taniguchi1993).The line emission from3C109is most plausibly due to fluorescence from the innermost regions of an accretion disc around a central black hole(Fabian et al1995).Our results constrain the inner radius of the accretion disk to be<70R s and the inclination of the disk to be>35degree.The strong iron line observed in3C109,and the lack of evidence for a synchrotron self-Compton continuum in the X-ray spectrum, both suggest that little radiation from the jet is beamed into our line of sight.The inclination determined from the ASCA data is larger than the angle proposed by Giovannini et al.(1994) based on the jet/coreflux ratio of the source(θ<34de-gree).However,the jet/coreflux arguments are based on simple assumptions about the average orientation angles for radio galaxies and neglect environmental effects.The con-flict with the X-ray results may indicate that the situation is more complicated.Giovannini et al.(1994)also present constraints on the inclination from VLBI observations of the jet/counterjet ratio,which requireθ<56degree.The VLBI constraint,together with the ASCA X-ray constraint, then suggests35<θ<56degree.Our results on3C109are in good agreement with the unification schemes for radio sources and illustrate the power of X-ray observations for examining such models.The pre-ferred,intermediate inclination angle for the disk in3C109 is in good agreement with the results on X-ray absorption, polarization and optical reddening of the source,all of which suggest that our line of sight to the nucleus passes closes to the edge of the surrounding molecular torus.The results on the broad iron line reveal a striking similarity between the X-ray properties of3C109and those of lower power,Seyfert 1galaxies(Mushotzky et al1995;Tanaka et al1995;Iwa-sawa et al1996).This is despite the fact that the X-ray power of3C109exceeds that of a typical Seyfert galaxy by ∼2orders of magnitude.5ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSWe thank K.Iwasawa,C.Reynolds and R.Johnstone for discussions and the annonymous referee for helpful and con-structive comments concerning the intrinsic reddening in 3C109.SW A and ACF thank the Royal Society for support.The ASCA X-ray spectrum of the powerful radio galaxy3C1097 REFERENCESAllen S.W.&Fabian A.C.,1992,MNRAS,258,29PAllen S.W.&Fabian A.C.,1996,MNRAS,in pressBarthel P.D.,1989,ApJ,336,606Bohlin R.C.,Savage B.D.,Drake J.F.,1978,ApJ,224,132Burke al.1991,IEEE Trans.,ED-38,1069Day C.,Arnaud K.,Ebisawa K.,Gotthelf E.,Ingham J.,MukaiK.,White N.,1995,the ABC Guide to ASCA 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以上现象叫散射,所引起的波与波之间的 加强 或削弱作用叫波的相干
原子核质量较大,在x-ray作用下产生位移极小, 散射效应也很小,故相干散射主要是x-ray作用于 电子而发生的
Cu 的工作电压为 30~40kV)作用下撞到X-ray源的
2. X-ray 的波长范围 范围:约1—10000pm(0.01—100Å)之间的电磁波。 用于测定晶体结构的 X-ray:
波长为:50—250pm(0.5—2.5 Å),此波长范围与 晶体点阵面间距大致相当。
§2-4. 衍射方向与晶胞参数
生的衍射线偏离入射线的角度。 衍射方向决定于:晶体内部结构周期重复的方式
衍射方向 联系 晶胞大小、形状 —— 的两个方程:
Laue: 以直线点阵为出发点 二者等效 Bragg : 以平面点阵为出发点
比从: 7.5 :1上升到500 :1
如上图: Ni的吸收曲线在148.81pm处有一突变,
一、 X-ray与晶体的作用
比较复杂, X-ray与 晶体的作用方式总结:



Maquet Volista Surgical Light See better, go furtherMaquet VolistaSee better, go furtherA successful surgical outcome is highly dependent upon the surgeon’s ability to visualize and assessthe wound.By optimizing color rendering and minimizing colored shadows, Maquet Volista Surgical Lights maximize the value of your lighting investment.Putting patients firstFor more than a century, Getinge and its well-known brands — such as Maquet — have put patients first. It’s why we remain committed to close clinical relationships that identify real-world healthcare challenges, and address them with cost-effective, clinically relevant solutions.As one of the world’s largest medical technology companies, we have the resources to help you: • protect patients• proactively avoid complications • prevent ergonomic issuesOur comprehensive portfolio of medical technologies will support you and your patients throughout the clinical pathway, so you can deliver the best possible patient care.Maquet VolistaSee better, go furtherMaquet Volista 400Full HD camerasShare best practices among surgeons,or document procedures for riskmanagement with full HD clarity.Luminance Management Device (LMD)*Maximize useful light and minimize eye fatiguecaused by glare or reflexion with the LMD*.Maquet Volista 600Automatic Illumination Management (AIM)*AIM is designed to improve workplace comfort by reducing heat on the surgeon’s head, whiledelivering consistent and effective illumination.* Only available for Maquet Volista StandOP.Adjustable color temperature*A patented three-level cold filter system allows for customization of color temperature to meet the needs of each surgical discipline.Delivering consistent and effective illuminationAutomatic Illumination Management (AIM)† automatically compensates for obstructions to deliver additional light from unmasked LEDs. This unique and patented system minimizes shadows and offers consistent and effective illumination, without readjustment.† Standard on Maquet Volista StandOP.Volista VisioNIR Mode*The surgical light can remain on while using Fluorescence imaging devices.Maquet VolistaMuch more than just a lightSurgery can be a high-stress job with long hours. Poor lighting can slow surgical progress and cause eye strain that can lead to fatigue-related errors.** P eyrat P, Breysse J-P, Chambard C. Interbloc. 2021;40(1):35-38.† Optional on Maquet Volista StandOP.Focus on your patientThe Luminance Management Device (LMD)† maintains optimum visual acuity and avoids difficulties in adapting to excessive variations in luminosity. Whether at the beginning or end of a procedure or from light to dark tissues, the luminance will be automatically adjusted according to your registered setting.With LMD, there is no need to adjust the light anymore. The technology compensates to maximize useful light by adjusting automatically the illumination and maintaining compliant levels of irradiance even when two lightheads are overlapping.LMD offers total freedom of movement without any dropin luminance.Choose the best-suited color temperature †Each surgeons visualization needs are different and each step of a procedure can require different color temperatures for improved tissue recognition, Maquet Volista Surgical lights offer a possibility to adjust from 3900K to 4500K to 5100K.Our white LEDs and patented three-level cold filter system in our Maquet Volista StandOP adapts the color temperature without colored cast shadows, offering a stable color temperature whatever the chosen settings and whatever the aging of the product. The cold filters reduce the bluepeaks that LEDs emit.Keep your surgical light on, and focused on the procedure, while performing NIR*-guided surgery during open casesThanks to Volista VisioNIR †, the surgical staff will not be required to turn the surgical light on/off to be able to perform open surgeries using NIR fluorescence imaging systems. The Volista VisioNIR is designed to enhance surgeon focus and surgical workflow by removing the distraction of repositioning surgical lights during NIR-guided surgery. The Volista VisioNIR can help minimize the challenges for OR staff when all lights are turned off during NIR-guided surgery.One solution: one filtered lightThanks to the patented filter wheel developed onMaquet Volista StandOP, the light emitted from the LEDs is filtered to reduce the remaining NIR wavelengths.Surgical light disturbing the fluorescence signal is eliminated. Maquet Volista VisioNIR and NIR-guided surgery cameras can be used simultaneously inside the operating room.Just keep the light on!• A powerful solution to support surgeons while using fluorescence guided surgery. • The surgical staff can stay focused on the patient during surgery. One less task for the circulating staff.• Uninterrupted workflow as you can keep the surgical light on during the entire procedure.• The ability to keep the OR light on provides bettervisibility of the operating room environment for the staff.• Works simultaneously with the adjustable color temperature feature: while using Indocyanine Green (ICG) and NIR cameras, the surgeon can operate withthe preferred color temperature. The dedicated NIR enhancement mode can improve the contrast on the screen and complies with autoflurescence.• The dedicated NIR enhancement feature maintains the already good color rendering, with no change in shadowdilution or dimming.* N ear Infrared.† A vailable on Maquet Volista StandOP.Infection PreventionHospital-acquired infections delay patient recovery and place additional strain on the healthcare system. The Maquet Volista Surgical Light was developed to minimize the risk of cross-contamination.Antibacterial paintSpecial paint coating that is designed to reduce bacterial colonization with disinfection.*Touch control panelA smooth touch keypad is easy to clean, preventing cross-contamination to keep patients safer.Maquet VolistaPerform surgery with safety in mindImproving surgical safety is a goal for healthcare facilities worldwide. Maquet Volista operating lights have beendeveloped with this goal in mind.Designed to improve intraoperative visibilityWith a high color rendering of Ra 95, Maquet Volista gives surgeons a clear vision of the surgical site by delivering a natural and faithful color rendering.Enhanced visibility for minimally invasive surgeryMaquet Volista offers green ambient lighting at the center of the light head to minimize glare on monitors during MIS. The ambient light provides enough illumination to help surgical staff move safely in the darkened OR.*Data on file.X- and Y-shaped lightheadsEnsure compatibility with laminar flow ceiling systems to reduce disruptive air patterns.*Stable illuminationLEDs can lose up to 20% of their intensity after just two hours. With the Flux Stability Program (FSP), smart electronics increase the current to maintain consistent light output throughout the procedure.Dimming sensitivityWith dimming following human eye sensitivity per Fechner’s law, each dimming step is seen by human eyes with the same amount of light difference, in order to provide asmooth and adapted range of illumination.* Data on file.† Based on the IEC 60601-2-41 standard.Compliant IrradianceProtect delicate patient tissues by minimizing radiant energy at the surgical site. In nominal illuminance, two lightheads can be safely overlapped †. The boost function notifies the medical staff by a blinking LED that the amount of light used can potentially damage or desiccate tissues if two light patches are overlapped. The goal is to always provide the right information to surgeons in order for them to operate in total awareness and safety for the patient.Fully adjustable to meet each surgeon’s needsWith Volista, it’s simple to adjust the light to thesurgeon’s specifications. From positioning to intensity, allelements of the lighting experience can be easily modified.• Access to lighthead and camera settings • Lighthead synchronization.• Presets for storing favorites by surgeon or specialty.• Assistance with preventive maintenance, including backup.• Power supply testing.•Self-diagnostics.• No assistance from the circulating nurse.• Available as sterilizable handle, which can be easily cleaned in Getinge Washer-Disinfectors.Tilt handle: autonomy for sterile teamThe optional “tilt” handle lets sterile staff adjust the light patchdiameter during surgery.Touch control panel: control at any timeAll main functions can be controlled from the panel.Wall control panelCentralized information can be accessed and controlled from the wall panel.• On / Off.• Standard lighting or ambient lighting and dimming.• Adjustment of the light patch diameter.• Zoom when a camera is installed.• Warning and battery indicators (for battery backup systems only).The number of OR technologiesand tools is growing exponen t iallyeach year, yet only a finite amountof space exists near the patient.Maquet Satelite Anchoring SystemOptimized workflows• A central mounting hub delivers electrical andnetworking connectivity.• There are no exposed wires or cables to interferewith workflows.• An ergonomic design ensures that vital equipmentis within reach.• Tailored solutions are available for all surgicalspecialties.Modular and easily upgradeable• A simple design streamlines upgrades andlimits downtime.• A versatile tri-mount design allows equipmentto be added or exchanged as technologies evolve,reducing future construction costs.• Compatible with all Maquet surgical lights,cameras, and flat screen holders.Your multimedia center • Mount and network cameras of all types.• Route full HD signals.• Access patient records, MRI, video, and radiographic images at the surgical site.• A large internal diameter accommodates the larger bundles required for advanced integration and multimedia applications.The hygienic solution • Satelite is designed not to obstruct high air flow systems thereby minimizing turbulence over the surgical site.• Sleek and rounded surfaces are easy to clean and disinfect.Hospitals need a hygienic, cost-effective, long-termsolution that can precisely position the lights, monitorsand cameras of today, but with enough versatility toaccommodate the technologies of tomorrow.Maquet Satelite allows equipment to be positioned withinreach of the surgeon. Equipment can be easily added,removed and upgraded to meet future requirements.Full HD camerasHD images and videos can be shared instantly and with no visible latency. Share best practices among surgeons, or document procedures for risk management with fullHD clarity.Quick Lock SystemThe tool-free system allows full HD cameras and theLMD system to be quickly and easily connected anddisconnected to be moved between surgical suites.The Quick Lock System minimizes the setup timebetween procedures, and maximizes use of camerasthroughout the surgical suite. Maquet VolistaExtended product rangeFull HD cameras(wired† and wireless)LMD*Single / Double Getinge Flat Screen HolderWith the flat screen holder, one or two flat screenscan be mounted where they’re most needed—closeto the surgeon.Multimedia equipmentIntuitive touchscreen interfaceMaquet Rolite: mobile system with touchscreen, available wherever/whenever you want.* Available only on Volista StandOP.† Available only with Volista Access.‡ Available only with Volista StandOP.§ Available with both Volista Access and StandOP (3rd cupola only possible with Volista StandOP).Maquet Satelite System§: versatileand open for future requirements.Lighthead keypad Touchscreen Capacitive wall keypad†Maquet SA suspension‡: increased loadlimits and designed for HD wired videocamera (optional).Maquet SB suspension†: affordablesuspension system that is lightweightand flexible.Control PanelsSuspension armsMaquet VolistaTechnical dataLighthead400600400600 Illumination160,000 lx 160,000 lxDimming range (%) 6 stepswith eye sensitivity response6 stepswith eye sensitivity responseLight patch diameter7.9–9.8 in. / 20–25 cm 7.9–9.8 in. / 20–25 cm Depth of illumination at 60%19.7 in. / 50 cm 19.7 in. / 50 cm Color temperature Adjustable (TK): (3 levels)3,900K / 4,500K / 5,100KFixed: 4,300KVolista VisioNIR Suitable with NIR cameras Available with adjustable colortemperature N/AColor rendering index (Ra)9595 Irradiance at nominal illuminance (W/m²)<500<500LED life time>60,000 hr.*>60,000 hr.* Ambient light Available AvailableLighthead400600400600 With two masks50%58%45%50% With one lateral mask77%86%71%75% Additional options AIM, LMD NoSignal system1080i / 1080p1080p Number of pixels 2.12 megapixels 2.12 megapixels Zoom range Zoom 42x Zoom 42x Video signal outputs 2 x 3G - SDI HDMI 1.4* In nominal mode.† With LMD (Luminance Management Device) and AIM (Automatic Illumination Management).‡ Only on Volista StandOP.。

光学纯对映体 英文

光学纯对映体 英文

光学纯对映体英文## Enantiomers and Optical Purity.In the realm of chemistry, chirality refers to the property of a molecule that lacks mirror symmetry, muchlike our left and right hands. Chiral molecules exist in two distinct forms known as enantiomers, which are mirror images of each other but cannot be superimposed. Enantiomers are like two non-identical twins, sharing the same molecular formula and connectivity but differing in their spatial arrangement.Optical purity, a crucial concept in stereochemistry, quantifies the enantiomeric excess of a chiral compound. It measures the proportion of one enantiomer relative to the other in a mixture. A mixture containing equal amounts of both enantiomers is considered racemic and has an optical purity of 0%. Conversely, a mixture containing only one enantiomer is optically pure and has an optical purity of 100%.### Separation of Enantiomers.The separation of enantiomers is a challenging yet essential task in many fields, including pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, and fragrances. Various techniques can be employed to achieve this, including:Chiral chromatography: This technique utilizes achiral stationary phase that interacts differently with different enantiomers, allowing for their separation.Chiral resolution: This involves converting a racemic mixture into a pair of diastereomers, which can then be separated by conventional methods.Enzymatic resolution: Enzymes, being chiral themselves, can selectively catalyze reactions with one enantiomer over the other, leading to the formation of optically pure products.### Optical Purity Measurement.Optical purity can be determined using various methods, such as:Polarimetry: This technique measures the rotation of plane-polarized light as it passes through a chiral sample. The magnitude and direction of rotation depend on the enantiomeric composition of the sample.NMR spectroscopy: Chiral solvents or chiral shift reagents can be used in NMR spectroscopy to differentiate between enantiomers based on their different chemical shifts.Chromatographic methods: Chiral chromatography or capillary electrophoresis can be used to separate enantiomers and determine their relative abundance.### Significance of Optical Purity.Optical purity is of paramount importance in several areas:Pharmacology: Many drugs are chiral, and their enantiomers can have different pharmacological properties, including efficacy, toxicity, and metabolism. Enantiopure drugs offer advantages in terms of safety and effectiveness.Agrochemicals: Herbicides and pesticides can be chiral, and their enantiomers may differ in their selectivity and environmental impact. Optical purity ensures the targeted control of pests and weeds.Fragrances and flavors: The fragrance and flavor of chiral compounds can depend on their enantiomeric composition. Optical purity control allows for the creation of specific scents and tastes.### Applications of Chiral Compounds.Chiral compounds find widespread applications invarious industries:Pharmaceuticals: Enantiopure drugs include ibuprofen,naproxen, and thalidomide.Agrochemicals: Herbicides such as glyphosate and pesticides like cypermethrin are chiral.Fragrances and flavors: Enantiopure compounds like menthol, camphor, and limonene contribute to thedistinctive scents and tastes of products.Materials science: Chiral polymers, liquid crystals, and self-assembling systems have unique properties and applications in optics, electronics, and nanotechnology.### Conclusion.The concept of enantiomers and optical purity is crucial for understanding the stereochemistry of chiral compounds. The ability to separate and determine the optical purity of enantiomers is essential in numerous fields, including pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, and fragrances. The significance of optical purity lies in itsimplications for the safety, efficacy, and properties of chiral compounds in various applications.。



耀变体的喷流物理研究康世举【期刊名称】《天文学报》【年(卷),期】2017(058)005【总页数】3页(P130-132)【作者】康世举【作者单位】华中科技大学物理学院武汉430074【正文语种】中文活动星系核(AGN)是一类特殊的活动星系,核心存在着猛烈的活动现象和剧烈的物理过程.耀变体(blazar)是活动星系核的一个子类,其具有相对论性喷流且喷流视角很小,因此集束效应较强,观测到的辐射基本都来自于喷流.相对论性喷流物理还很不清楚,如喷流的形成、喷流的准直和喷流的物质成分等.耀变体多波段辐射为喷流主导,为研究喷流物理提供了理想的实验室.本论文第1章介绍了AGN和blazar研究的部分进展.第2章进一步介绍了blazar 常用的喷流模型.第3章我们利用χ2的方法和喷流模型,同时考虑了不同的外软光子场(宽线区或尘埃环)的影响,对一个具有同时性(或准同时性)多波段能谱数据的低同步峰(low-synchrotron-peaked,LSP)耀变体样本进行了拟合,发现假定外软光子来源于尘埃环红外辐射比假定外软光子来源于宽线区辐射的能谱(Spectral Energy Distribution,SED)拟合的χ2小,表明这些LSP blazar的γ射线辐射区可能位于宽线区以外.同时利用较好的软X射线数据,限制了喷流中一个重要的物理参数(最小电子洛仑兹因子)γmin,其值的范围为5–160(中值为55),该参数对估算喷流功率具有重要意义.如果假设喷流内一个电子对应一个质子,发现通过模型拟合估算的LSP耀变体喷流功率比Fanaro ff-Riley type II(FR II)喷流功率高,可能的解释为这些耀变体喷流存在正电子.若喷流内存在正电子,喷流功率将减小.因此我们认为,喷流成分为正负电子和质子的混合等离子体.假设LSP耀变体的喷流功率与FR II喷流的功率相同,我们发现这些耀变体为正负电子对主导的轻子喷流,喷流正负电子对数密度为质子数密度的几倍,但喷流功率仍由质子主导.对于高同步峰(high-synchrotron-peaked,HSP)BL Lac天体PKS 1424+240,前期用同步自康普顿(synchrotron self-Compton,SSC)模型拟合其多波段SED时发现拟合参数不合理(比如具有特别大的多普勒因子δ),该工作中我们考虑了外软光子场,用轻子喷流模型拟合了耀变体PKS 1424+240天体在不同态的多波段SED,探讨了高同步峰耀变体PKS 1424+240天体的软光子起源问题,发现SSC+外康普顿(external-Compton,EC)模型给出的δ值比较合理.但是需要的外软光子能量密度值小于宽线区或尘埃环软光子能量密度的典型值,这与最近一些BL Lac的研究结果一致,这意味着耀变体的外软光子场随着耀变体光度的减小可能存在演化(平谱射电类星体( fl at spectrum radio quasars,FSRQs)-BL Lac:低能峰BL Lac(low energy peaked BL Lac,LBL)-中能峰BL Lac(intermediate energy peaked BL Lac,IBL)-高能峰BL Lac(high energy peaked BL Lac,HBL)).在此基础上,第5章进一步通过EC过程研究耀变体中外软光子场的演化问题.我们用轻子喷流模型(SSC+EC)和χ2的方法拟合不同光度耀变体样本的同时性(或准同时性)多波段SED,模型计算中外软光子场能量密度Uext作为自由参数.研究不同类型耀变体的外软光子场能量密度,我们发现:(1)高光度LSP耀变体(FSRQs和LBLs)的外软光子场能量密度基本保持不变,但拟合的宽线区外软光子能量密度比观测值小;而红外外软光子能量密度与观测的结果基本一致.这进一步支持LSP耀变体软光子场可能起源于尘埃环,喷流辐射区位置在宽线区外;(2)对于部分IBL天体仍然需要考虑EC过程,但光子场能量密度Uext远小于宽线区(尘埃环)的外软光子能量密度的典型值且随光度的减小而逐渐减小,这种演化与射电宁静(RQ)AGN中宽线区或尘埃环的演化是一致的.最后,我们对耀变体及喷流物理进行了小结和展望.Active galactic nuclei(AGNs)belong to a special class of active galaxies,and have violent active phenomena and intense physical processes in the nuclei.Blazar is a subclass of AGNs,and has a relativistic jet with a small jet viewing angle.Therefore,the boosting e ff ect is very important,and almost all the observed radiation is dominated by the jet.The relativistic jet physics is not very clear yet,such as the jet formation,collimation,and matter content etc.The multi-waveband radiation of blazar is dominated byjet,which provides an ideal laboratory for studying the jet physics.The fi rst chapter of this thesis introduces the recent progress of AGNs and blazars.We further introduce the jet model that commonly used in blazars in the second chapter.In the third chapter,we fi t simultaneously(or quasi-simultaneously)the multi-waveband spectral energydistributions(SEDs)for a sample of low-synchrotron-peaked(LSP)blazars with the jet model and χ2procedure,which takes into account di ff erent soft photon fi elds(broad line region or a molecular torus).We fi nd that the SED fi tting with an external soft photon from IR torus is systematically better than that from the broad line region(BLR)based on a χ2test,which suggests that the γ-ray emitting region most possibly stays outside the BLR.The minimum electron Lorentz factor,γmin,is constrained from the modeling of these LSP blazars with good soft X-ray data,and in a range from 5 to 160(with a median value of 55),which plays a key role in jetpower estimation.Assuming one-to-one ratio of proton and electron,we fi nd that the jet power for LSP blazars is systematically higher than that of Fanaro ff-Riley type II(FR II)radio galaxies.A possible reason for this is that there are some positrons in the jets of these blazars.If this is the case,the jet power will be reduced.Therefore,we propose a mixed composition ofe± −p in the jets of these LSP blazars.If we assume that the jet power of LSP blazars is the same as that of FR IIs,we fi nd that it is an electron-positron pair dominated leptonic jet in these blazars,and the number density of electron-positron pairs is several times higher than that of electron-proton pairs,but the jet power is still dominated by protons.For the high-synchrotron-peaked(HSP)BL Lac PKS 1424+240,the SED fi tting with the synchrotron self-Compton(SSC)model gave unreasonable fi tting parameters(e.g.,a very large Do ppler factor δ).In this work,we take into account the possible external soft photon fi eld,and then fi t the multi-waveband SEDs of blazar PKS 1424+240 with one-zone leptonic jet models in both states.We fi nd the SSC+external-Compton(EC)model can give a better fi tting result if the EC process is included.However,the needed energy density of external soft photon fi eld(Uext)is much lower than the typical value.This result is consistent with the results of some other BL Lacs,where the BLR or torus is very weak or disappearing.It means that there is evolution of the energy density of external soft photon fi eld with decreasing of the luminosity of blazars(the fl at spectrum radio quasars(FSRQs)-BL Lac:low energy peaked BL Lac(LBL)-intermediate energy peaked BL Lac(IBL)-high energy peaked BL Lac(HBL)).And on this basis,in the chapter 5,we further explore the possible evolution of the external soft photon fi eld of blazars based on the EC process.We employ the one-zone homogeneous leptonic jet model and χ2procedure to fi t simultaneously or quasi-simultaneously multi-waveband SEDs for a sample of blazars with a wide distribution of luminosities.In our model,we set Uextas a free parameter.Studying the energy density of the external photon fi eld in di ff erent subclasses of blazars,we fi nd:(1)the Uextof the high luminosity blazar(FSRQs and LBLs)keeps roughly as a constant,which is,however,smaller than that constrained from BLR observations.Assuming IR as the source of soft photons,the Uextis roughly consistent with the torus observational result.This further supports the result that the external soft photon fi eld may originate from torus,and the γ-ray emitting region of these LSP blazars locates outside the BLR.(2)For some IBLs,the EC process may be still needed,but the photon energy density is less than the typical values of the photon energy density of BLR(or dust torus),where the Uextdecreases with decreasing of the luminosity.This evolution is consistent with the BLR or torus as directly constrained from the radio-quiet AGN.The fi nal part summarizes the study on the subject,and makes some suggestions for further researches.。

第七章 AGN(2)

第七章 AGN(2)

第七章 光致电离星云-AGN
宽线区的质量和填充因子 碰撞激发线CIVλ1549发射率:
j(CIV ) ne nC 3 q( 2 s 2S ,2 p 2P ) h 4 (e rgs s -1 cm 3 str 1 )

Te 20000 , q 2.6 109 cm3 s 1 K
某些情况下,可能比 102 小几个量级,所以窄线云成团。 估算NLR质量:
4 3 r ne n p 3 L ( H ) 7 105 41 n3
第七章 光致电离星云-AGN
Models of the NLR aim to
Determine flux of lines Reproduce line ratios and equivalent widths of narrow lines provide estimates for the line width
Ly 1026 OVI10321038 Ly 1216 NV 12391243 , , ; , , ; SIV 13941403 OIV ]1402 CIV 1549 CIV 15481551 , , ; , , ; HeII1640 OIII ]1663 ,
Lyα囚禁(讨论见后面) 2013-6-18
Nature of the NLR
(Kewley et al., 2006) Line ratios are used to define the different types of Seyfert Galaxies (Kewley et al., 2006; Baldwin, Phillips & Terlevich, 1981)



窄线赛弗特I型星系中可能具有吸积盘热辐射起源的软X射线超李晔【摘要】理论上,低质量高吸积率活动星系核的标准吸积盘黑体热辐射有可能形成软X射线波段的超出.然而,活动星系核的软X射线超温度为0.1 keV左右,显著高于标准吸积盘理论预言的最高有效温度.只有Yuan等人在2010年报道的RXJ1633+4718是一个例外,其软超温度为32.5±-8.06.0eV,显著小于0.1 keV,并与吸积盘理论预言的温度相符;此外,其光度也符合吸积盘的理论预期.因此该软X射线超很可能起源于吸积盘的热辐射.这一类源对于吸积盘理论和软X射线超的研究都有重要意义.文中使用ROSAT PSPC数据,在所有已知的窄线赛弗特I型星系(Narrow Line Seyfert I galaxies,NLSIs)中寻找类似于RXJ1633+4718的源,即软X射线超可能起源于吸积盘热辐射的源.分析了150个源的245条光谱,其中58个源的90条光谱具有显著的软X射线超.样本中软X射线超温度分布的平均值-Tsoft为0.10 keV,标准偏差为0.03 keV.除了RX J1633+4718外,只有3个源的软X射线超温度小于60 eV,而且温度接近吸积盘最高温度.这个结果表明,类似于RX J1633+4718的具有低温软X射线超的源很稀少.最后,在具有黑洞质量估计的26个源中,软超温度与黑洞质量MBH、爱丁顿比L/LEdd及预期吸积盘最高温度Tmax都没有明显的关联性,与前人的结果一致.%It is theoretically expected that the thermal radiation from accretion disks of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) with low black hole mass would contribute to the soft X-ray band and result in an excess emission. However, the temperatures of the observed soft X-ray excess of AGNs are typically around 0.1 keV, significantly higher than those predicted by the standard disk model. There is only oneexception found so far, R.X J1633+4718, which has a significantly low soft excess temperature of 32.5l+8.0-6.0 eV, consistent with the maximum temperature as well as the luminosity of the predicted disk emission(Yuan et al. 2010).rnIn this paper, we search for RX J1633 like AGNs, whose soft X-ray excess temperature is close to the maximum temperature of accretion disk, in all known Narrow Line Seyfert I galaxies (NLSIs) observed with ROSAT PSPC in the archive. We analyzed the PSPC spectra of 150 NLSIs (245 observations) in total, 58 (90 observations) of which show significantly soft X-ray excess emission. In addition to RX J1633+4718, only 3 objects (4 observations) show soft X-ray excess temperatures less than 60 eV and close to the theoretical prediction of the disk emission. They form a sample of candidates for future follow-up studies. Our result indicates that RX J1633+4718 like objects are very rare. The correlations between the temperature of the soft X-ray excess and black hole mass as well as the Eddington ratio are also investigated, and no correlation is found. This confirms the previous results, and implies that the soft X-ray excess of most AGNs should originate from other mechanisms rather than the thermal emission of the accretion disk.【期刊名称】《天文学进展》【年(卷),期】2013(031)001【总页数】14页(P110-123)【关键词】活动星系核;吸积盘X射线热辐射;软X射线超【作者】李晔【作者单位】中国科学院国家天文台/云南天文台,昆明650011;中国科学院大学,北京100049;中国科学院国家天文台,北京100012【正文语种】中文【中图分类】P157.6活动星系核中心存在超大质量黑洞,物质落入中心黑洞的过程中形成吸积流,并产生辐射[1-3]。



活动星系核X射线本征谱指数与爱丁顿比关系的研究进展倪嘉阳;薛永泉【摘要】活动星系核是中央核区有剧烈活动的(河外)星系总称.随着观测技术不断进步,人们对活动星系核的研究越来越多,对其理解也越来越深刻.总结整理了近年来对活动星系核X射线本征谱指数与爱丁顿比关系的观测结果,揭示出如下V形关系图像:随着爱丁顿比由大变小,X射线本征谱指数与爱丁顿比由存在正相关关系,转变为存在负相关关系.一般认为,这一观测现象反映了随着吸积率的降低,黑洞吸积模式发生了变化,由高吸积率时的标准薄盘吸积变为低吸积率时的辐射无效吸积流.这表明,基于标准薄盘的最基本的活动星系核统一模型虽然能够成功地解释较高光度活动星系核的很多观测现象,但却需要做一定的修正,以解释低光度活动星系核的一些观测性质.同时,将来有希望利用这一相关关系估算活动星系核一些重要参数,如中央超大黑洞质量、吸积率等,从而帮助人们更好地理解活动星系核的辐射机制和演化过程.最后对这一领域的研究进行了总结与展望.%Active galactic nuclei (AGN) are galaxies that have strong activities at their centers. Due to continual progress in observational technologies, a wide variety ofresearches&nbsp;on AGN have been carried out, leading to profound understanding of the nature of AGN. This paper collects and summarizes recent observational results about the correlation between X-ray intrinsic photon index and Eddington ratio in AGN, which present a V-shape correlation:as the Eddington ratio decreases continuously, such a correlation changes from being positive into being negative. It is generally believed that these observational results reflect that, as the accretion rate decreases, the black hole accretion mode changes as well, from theoriginal standard thin disk into radiatively ine?cient accretion flow. This indicates that the very basic AGN unification models based on the standard thin accretion disk have to be modified in order to well explain some observed properties of the low-luminosity AGN, although those models enjoy great success in explaining many observations of the AGN with higher luminosities. In the future, it is possible to use this correlation (if refined further) to estimate some important AGN parameters such as the black hole mass and accretion rate, which will facilitate our better understanding of the radiation mechanisms and evolution of AGN. Finally, this paper is concluded with some future prospects in this research field.【期刊名称】《天文学进展》【年(卷),期】2017(035)004【总页数】19页(P398-416)【关键词】活动星系核;X射线天文学;吸积物理【作者】倪嘉阳;薛永泉【作者单位】中国科学技术大学天文学系,合肥 230026;中国科学院星系与宇宙学重点实验室,合肥 230026;中国科学技术大学天文学系,合肥 230026;中国科学院星系与宇宙学重点实验室,合肥 230026【正文语种】中文【中图分类】P157.6活动星系核(active galactic nucleus,简称AGN)是宇宙中光度最大的一类天体,其在整个电磁波段都有很强的辐射。



1`Cutting-Edge Techniques Used for the Structural Investigation of Single Crystals 用于单晶体结构的边缘切割技术的研究X-ray crystallography has become the leading technique for studying the structure of matter at the atomicand molecular level.X射线晶体学已成为在原子和分子水平上研究物质的结构主导技术。

2`Developments in X-ray Crystallographic Structure Determination of Biological Macromolecules 在生物大分子结构测定X射线晶体学的发展The three-dimensional structures of large biomolecules important in the function and mechanistic pathwaysof all living systems and viruses can be determined by x-ray diffraction from crystals of these molecules and their complexes.在所有的生物系统和病毒的作用和机理的途径的重要的生物大分子的三维结构可以用X射线衍射确定从这些分子晶体及其配合物。

3`Femtosecond Crystallography with Ultrabright Electrons and X-rays: Capturing Chemistry in Action飞秒激光晶体以超高亮度电子和X射线:动作捕捉化学With the recent advances in ultrabright electron and x-ray sources, it is now possible to extend crystallography to the femtosecond time domain to literally light up atomic motions involved in the primary processes governing structural transitions.随着近年来超亮电子和X射线源,它现在可以延长晶体飞秒时域上点燃的原子运动参与治理结构变迁的主要过程。



王一凡,于铭心,裴龙英,等. 高清X 射线荧光光谱法快速测定干制黑木耳中镉和砷的含量[J]. 食品工业科技,2023,44(9):333−339. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2022060260WANG Yifan, YU Mingxin, PEI Longying, et al. Rapid Detection of Cadmium and Arsenic in Dried Auricularia auricula by High Definition X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2023, 44(9): 333−339. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2022060260· 分析检测 ·高清X 射线荧光光谱法快速测定干制黑木耳中镉和砷的含量王一凡1,于铭心1,裴龙英2,赵立艳1,*(1.南京农业大学食品科技学院,江苏南京 210095;2.新疆理工学院食品科学与工程学院,新疆阿克苏 843100)摘 要:高清X 射线荧光(high definition X-ray fluorescence ,HDXRF )光谱技术应用于干制黑木耳样品中镉和砷元素的快速检测。


结果表明,最优检测条件为:颗粒粒径100目,样品量0.80 g ,检测时间600 s 。

HDXRF 法分析样品的总时间不超过15 min 。

HDXRF 法得到的Cd 和As 的检出限分别为:0.035和0.012 mg/kg 。

HDXRF 法精密度、重复性和稳定性的相对标准偏差(relative standard deviation, RSD )均低于10%。



1/4波片 quart‎er-wave plate‎:利用四分之‎一波片和一‎个检偏镜,按一定的步‎骤可以检验‎各种偏振光‎;偏振光:光是一种电‎磁波,电磁波是横‎波;而振东方向‎和光波前进‎方向构成的‎平面叫做振‎动面,光的振动面‎只限于某一‎固定方向的‎,叫做平面偏‎振光或线偏‎振光;(汽车车灯;立体电影;摄像机镜头‎)CG矢量耦‎合系数 Clebs‎ch-Gorda‎n vecto‎r coupl‎ing coeff‎icien‎t; 简称“CG[矢耦]系数”。

两个角动量‎耦合时,他们的本征‎函数的组合‎系数X射线摄谱‎仪 X-ray spect‎rogra‎ph :配有照相或‎其他记录装‎置,能同时取得‎一定波长范‎围X 射线光‎谱;X射线衍射‎ X-ray diffr‎actio‎n:1912年‎劳埃等人根‎据理论遇见‎,并实验证实‎了X射线与‎晶体相遇时‎能发生衍射‎现象,证明了X射‎线具有电磁‎波的性质;衍射:波在传播时‎,如果被一个‎大小接近于‎或小于波长‎的物体阻挡‎,就绕过这个‎物体,继续进行;如果通过一‎个大小近于‎或小于波长‎的孔,则以孔为中‎心,形成唤醒波‎向前传播;超声波较短‎,不易发生衍‎射;X射线衍射‎仪 X-ray diffr‎actom‎eter:利用衍射原‎理,精确测定物‎质的晶体结‎构,织构及应力‎,精确的进行‎物相分析,定性分析,定量分析;[玻耳兹曼]H定理 [Boltz‎mann] H-theor‎em/[玻耳兹曼]H函数 [Boltz‎mann] H-funct‎ion:路德维希玻‎尔兹曼,奥地利物理‎学家,是热力学和‎统计物理学‎的奠基人之‎一;最伟大的功‎绩是发展了‎通过原子的‎性质(例如,原子量,电荷量,结构等等)来解释和预‎测物质的物‎理性质(例如,粘性,热传导,扩散等等)的统计力学‎,并从统计意‎义对热力学‎第二定律进‎行了阐释;[冲]击波 shock‎ wave:是一种不连‎续峰在介质‎中的传播,这个峰导致‎介质的压强‎、温度、密度等物理‎性质跳跃式‎改变;任何波源,当运动速度‎超过了其波‎的传播速度‎时,这种波动形‎式都可以称‎为冲击波;[冲]击波前sh‎ock front‎[狄拉克]δ函数 [Dirac‎] δ-funct‎ion[第二类]拉格朗日方‎程 Lagra‎nge equat‎ion:一般而言,如果要建立‎系统在特殊‎位置的动力‎学关系,可以考虑应‎用动力学普‎遍方程;如果要建立‎系统在任意‎一般位置的‎动力学关系‎,则应考虑应‎用拉格朗日‎方程;[电]极化强度 [elect‎ric] polar‎izati‎on:描述电介质‎极化程度和‎极化方向的‎物理量,是矢量;电极化强度‎P定义为单‎位体积内分‎子电偶极矩‎P的矢量和‎;[反射]镜 mirro‎r在光学玻‎璃的背面,镀一层金属‎银或铝薄膜‎,使入射光反‎射的光学元‎件;[光]谱线 spect‎ral line:由于电子云‎中的电子在‎环绕原子核‎时,只能受限拥‎有一些特定‎的能量,所以一旦电‎子能量有变‎化,此能量差就‎会产生该原‎子特有的光‎子,这就是谱线‎的由来;特定谱线的‎出现,就表示存在‎着某些元素‎,通过谱线的‎强度可观测‎出此元素含‎量的多寡;谱线如果在‎波长上有位‎移,则通过多普‎勒效应,还可得到光‎源朝向或远‎离观察者的‎运动速度;[光]谱仪 spect‎romet‎er:又称分光仪‎;以光电倍增‎管等光探测‎器测量谱线‎不同波长位‎置强度的装‎置;[光]照度 illum‎inanc‎e:通常所说的‎勒克司度,表示被摄主‎体表面单位‎面积上受到‎的光通量;[光学]测角计 [optic‎al] gonio‎meter‎[核]同质异能素‎ [nucle‎ar] isome‎r:质量数和原‎子序数相同‎,在可测量的‎时间内具有‎不同能量和‎放射性的两‎个或多个核‎素;对任何一种‎同位素而言‎,他可以具有‎不同的能量‎状态;根据量子力‎学理论,这些能量状‎态都是量子‎化的,最低的能量‎状态称为基‎态;而其他的能‎量状态称为‎激发态;当这个同位‎素处于某个‎激发态时,按照自然规‎律,它迟早要回‎到基态去;但是,某些激发态‎很特殊,同位素可以‎在该状态下‎维持很长时‎间之后才回‎到基态去,这样的长寿‎命态称为同‎质异能态;从字面上理‎解即为,相同质子数‎不同的能量‎的状态;但“质”其实是指“同位素”;即相同的核‎内质子数以‎及中子数,但不同的能‎量的状态;核同质异能‎素是第四代‎核武器关键‎能源之一,稳定的核同‎质异能素中‎含有最高激‎发能的为铪‎-178;高能炸药能‎量级别为1‎KJ/g,而核同质异‎能素大约是‎1GJ/g,比高能炸药‎的能量大一‎百万倍,其核裂变反‎应能量更大‎,达到80G‎J/g;目前一些研‎究所正在系‎统研究核同‎质异能素的‎性质和释放‎能量的方法‎,例如美国和‎发过的有关‎研究所根据‎美国原战略‎防御计划局‎和北约签订‎的合同所进‎行的研究:通过重离子‎碰撞或惯性‎约束聚变中‎微爆炸产生‎的中子脉冲‎进行核合成‎,可得到核同‎质异能素;像金属氢一‎样,核同质异能‎素克作为“常规武器”,也可以作为‎“干净”氢弹的扳机‎;[化学]平衡常量 [chemi‎cal] equil‎ibriu‎m const‎ant[基]元电荷 eleme‎ntary‎ charg‎e:基元电荷,电荷的天然‎单位,基本物理常‎量之一,记为e,其值为1.60217‎733×10^(-19)库仑。


Faculty of Science
H Zhang 6
Chem 533
1913年布拉格父子(英物 W.H. Bragg, W.L. Bragg) 在劳厄发现的基础上﹐不仅成功地测定了NaCl﹑ KCl等的 晶体结构﹐并提出了著名公式── Bragg 定律﹕
Faculty of Science
H Zhang 10
Chem 533
Faculty of33
Faculty of Science
谱 (Kramer Law)
➢ 连续谱
I(E)=P0KZn(E0-E)/E0 I(E) - Intensity
Faculty of Science
Chem 533
X射线的吸收 I=I0exp(-t)
➢Line absorption coefficient
l=log(I0/I)/t (cm-1)
➢Mass absorption coefficient
m=/ (cm2/g)
➢Atom absorption coefficient
a=/A/N (cm2/atom)
XRD ➢Mol absorption coefficient
mol=(/)A (cm2/mol
Faculty of Science
Chem 533 ➢Photo absorption section


-the principles
Bragg, Sir William
Sir Lawrence Bragg
Powder Diffraction
-the principles
Powder Diffraction
-the sample preparation
Powder Requirements
Infinite number of particles Particle size of about 30 Random orientation

i 1 n i 1
100 %
0.67 50%
500 cts
1.64 90%
7400 cts
3.09 99.9%
10609 cts
Hale Waihona Puke Factors Affecting Resolution
Goniometer Radius --- Long Experiments Wavelengths Diffracted Beam aperture Long Experiments Step Size --- Long Experiments
The Basics-the X-Ray Spectrum
The Basics-the X-Ray Spectrum
filament X-ray
High Voltage
The Basics-the Interaction of X-Ray with Crystals
(K ) 3
0 0.0

Gastrointestinal System(消化系统)影像学教学课件英文版

Gastrointestinal System(消化系统)影像学教学课件英文版
(3). This type of examination should be done by appointment,usually scheduled on the morning.
Chapter 10
(4). It requires preliminary preparation of the patient’s gastrointestinal tract fasting stomach on the day of examination and empty colon by cleaning enema for colon examination.
Chapter 10
However, generally only the stomach with the gastro-esophageal junction and the duodenum, part of the jejunum are investigated in detai1, complete examination of the esophagus and small bowel are usually performed only in cases with special pertinent problems and should be ordered separately .For examination of the colon barium enema is the best choice.
Section 2
2. Esophagus
(1). Basic tissue layers of the gut are ① mucosa ② submucosa ③ advenfitia ④ muscularis extemal


相互作用的 MD 模拟,使我们得以窥探到这类复杂体 系的内部过程,允许人们在微观水平上观察离子的渗 入(透过)。 在过去的近十年中,随着计算方法的改进,短杆菌肽 A 离子通道的模拟研究从较简单的仅含有蛋白质和少 数水分子的模型过渡到复杂的含有大的生物分子和脂 质体的体系。现在,用真实的原子模型来模拟一些重 要的生物通道几乎是比较常规的工作,如: Escherichia coli porin 的OmpF porin, 机械敏感通道 MscL, Streptomyces lividans 的 KcsA K+ 通道。
1-40 A 多肽,水溶液,沿着优化的过渡路径的结构 变化,从折叠的线圈(coil)结构到 -螺旋结构
1-40 A 多肽,水溶液,沿着优化的过渡路径的结构 变化,从折叠的线圈状态到折叠的 -片层目标构型
关于蛋白质热变性的解折叠过程的 MD 模拟研 究表明:
在适当的条件下,这些作用力将促使几乎任意初始构形的蛋白质折叠成为 稳定的、良好定义的 3D 结构(native state)(在毫秒到秒的时间量级)。
这是蛋白质 3D 结构 ab initio(de novo)预测的基础。
要求 精确性 快速 自我校正 一致性 程序易用性
优先度 5
3-4 4 4
难度 5
2-3 2-3
2 2
2 相关研究综述(分子动力学,MD)
蛋白质结构预测 蛋白质的折叠-解折叠 蛋白质-配体识别 酶 核酸(DNA, RNA) 水化(溶剂化) 生物膜 双分子脂质层 离子通道
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a r X i v :0804.0760v 1 [a s t r o -p h ] 4 A p r 2008Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.000,1–16(2002)Printed 4April 2008(MN L A T E X style file v2.2)The X-ray luminosity function of AGN at z ∼3J.Aird 1⋆,K.Nandra 1,A.Georgakakis 1,ird 1,C.C.Steidel 2and C.Sharon 21Astrophysics Group,Imperial College London,Blackett Laboratory,Prince Consort Road,London SW72AZ,UK2CaliforniaInstitute of Technology,MS 105-24,Pasadena,CA 91125,USAAccepted 2008April 03.Received 2008March 11;in original form 2007November 02ABSTRACTWe combine Lyman-break colour selection with ultradeep ( 200ks)Chandra X-ray imaging over a survey area of ∼0.35deg 2to select high redshift AGN.Applying careful corrections for both the optical and X-ray selection functions,the data allow us to make the most accurate determination to date of the faint end of the X-ray luminosity function (XLF)at z ∼3.Our methodology recovers a number density of X-ray sources at this redshift which is at least as high as previous surveys,demonstrating that it is an effective way of selecting high z paring to results at z =1,we find no evidence that the faint slope of the XLF flattens at high z ,but we do find significant (factor ∼3.6)negative evolution of the space density of low luminosity bining with bright end data from very wide surveys we also see marginal evidence for continued positive evolution of the characteristic break luminosity L ∗.Our data therefore support models of luminosity-dependent density evolution between z =1and z =3.A sharp upturn in the the XLF is seen at the very lowest luminosities (L X 1042.5erg s −1),most likely due to the contribution of pure X-ray starburst galaxies at very faint fluxes.Key words:galaxies:active –X-rays:galaxies –galaxies:starburst –galaxies:high-redshift.1INTRODUCTIONUnderstanding the evolution of active galactic nuclei (AGN),and thus the history of accretion in the universe,is an im-portant problem in astrophysics.Accurate measurements to determine the shape of the luminosity function of AGN,and how this evolves with redshift,provide the key data to probe the changing distribution of AGN activity,and thus the im-portance of accretion onto super-massive black-holes at vari-ous times throughout the history of the universe.Such inves-tigations require large,unbiased samples of AGN spanning a range of redshifts and luminosities.X-ray surveys are highly efficient at selecting AGN over a large range of redshifts (e.g.Barger et al.2003;Eckart et al.2006;Brusa et al.2007),including unobscured and moderately obscured AGN (e.g.Gilli et al.2007),and very faint AGN where the light of the host galaxy overwhelms any optical signature (e.g.Moran et al.2002;Severgnini et al.2003).Thus X-ray selected samples are rel-atively unbiased against all but the most heavily obscured rge efforts have been made to perform follow-up spectroscopic observations of X-ray sources detected in various surveys and measure their redshifts,allowing the evolution of the X-ray Luminosity Function (XLF)to be⋆E-mail:james.aird@investigated.AGN are found to be a strongly evolving pop-ulation,with the number density decreasing dramatically from z ∼1to the present day,similar to the star formation rate (e.g.Merloni et al.2004).Thus accretion activity,par-ticularly in more luminous systems,was considerably more prevalent when the universe was about half its current age.This behaviour can be described by Pure Luminosity Evo-lution (PLE,Barger et al.2005),in which the XLF retains the same shape (a double power-law with a break at a char-acteristic luminosity,L ∗),but shifts to higher luminosities as redshift increases.The most recent data indicate a com-plex picture,in which the redshift at which the AGN space density peaks is a function of luminosity (Ueda et al.2003;Barger et al.2005;Hasinger et al.2005).A number of au-thors have proposed that a Luminosity Dependent Density Evolution (LDDE)parameterization is necessary to describe such evolution (e.g.Miyaji et al.2000;Ueda et al.2003;Hasinger et al.2005;La Franca et al.2005).In this scheme,the shape of the XLF changes with redshift,and various theoretical models have attempted to explain such evolution (e.g.Merloni 2004;Hopkins et al.2006;Babi´c et al.2007).The behaviour at higher redshifts remains unclear.While the most luminous AGN (L X 1045erg s −1)ap-pear to continue to increase in number density at very high redshift (e.g.Hasinger et al.2005;Silverman et al.2005),very little is known about the behaviour of lower luminos-2J.Aird et al.ity AGN.Very deep X-ray data are required to probe lower luminosities at these high redshifts,and thus there are few suitablefields and the sample sizes are small.In addition, the optical counterparts of faint X-ray sources are generally extremely faint,making spectroscopic identification difficult or sometimes impossible with current instrumentation.Even the most intensively–observedfields are therefore highly in-complete spectroscopically.In the Chandra Deep Fields-North and-South(CDF-N;CDF-S),the deepest Chandra observations to date with the most intensive programmes of spectroscopic follow-up,87per cent(CDF-N:Barger et al. 2003)and78per cent(CDF-S:Szokoly et al.2004)of X-ray sources with R<24have spectroscopic redshifts.This com-pleteness falls rapidly for objects with fainter optical coun-terparts,however,giving a total of56per cent and39per cent spectroscopically identified X-ray sources in the entire CDF-N and CDF-S samples respectively.This can severely bias determinations of the XLF,particularly at high red-shifts(e.g.Barger et al.2005).The key issue in determining the high redshift evolution is therefore how one deals with the sources which are too faint to identify.Two general approaches have been applied to address this.Thefirst is to try to maximise the redshift complete-ness of the X-ray detected samples.Generally,this involves setting a relatively high X-rayflux limit,where spectro-scopic completeness is higher,and augmenting the spec-troscopy with photometric redshifts(e.g.Ueda et al.2003; Barger et al.2003;Zheng et al.2004).This allows redshifts to be assigned to most of the X-ray objects,and reduces the uncertainty in the determination of the high-redshift XLF (Barger et al.2005;Hasinger et al.2005;Barger&Cowie 2005).In the context of our present study,setting a high X-rayflux limit is highly undesirable,because the objects of interest(i.e.low luminosity AGN at high redshift)are at the limits of detectability even in the deepest X-ray sur-veys.In addition,there are considerable uncertainties in the redshift determinations,particularly for AGN.Finally,it is extremely difficult to correct accurately for any residual in-completeness in such samples,given that the success and failure rates of both spectroscopic and photometric redshifts, and errors in the photometric redshifts,depend on many complex factors.A completely different approach was taken by Nandra et al.(2005a).They used the Lyman-break surveys of Steidel et al.(2003)to identify objects in a narrow red-shift slice around z∼3,based on their broad-band optical colours in threefilters,with minimal contamination from lower redshift sources.These were cross-correlated with X-ray detections in2deep X-rayfields to identify the pres-ence of AGN.As the optical sample is limited to Lyman-break selected objects,lower significance detections of X-ray sources could be included,without increasing the chance of spurious alignments,thus probing to the maximum X-ray depth of the available data.A sample of10AGN of moderate luminosity(L X=1043−44.5erg s−1)were iden-tified,9of which have been spectroscopically confirmed. This colour pre-selection approach samples an incomplete, but well defined cosmological volume,which can be cal-culated from simulations(Steidel et al.1999;Hunt et al. 2004).Nandra et al.(2005a)presented the space density of moderate luminosity AGN at z∼3,using the survey volumes given by Steidel et al.(1999).The result was sig-nificantly higher than previous work,and prompted the re-sponse of Barger&Cowie(2005),using the most up-to-date multi-band optical and near infra-red photometric redshifts in the CDF-N to reduce incompleteness,increasing their result,bringing it to consistency with the completeness-corrected Nandra et al.(2005a)value.In the present pa-per we extend and improve on this Lyman-break method of determining the high z XLF,using three additional deep Chandrafields to increase our numbers of X-ray detected Lyman-break galaxies(LBGs),and improving the complete-ness corrections.In section2we describe the optical and X-ray data for our5fields,including the data reduction,selection of the Lyman-break sample and our X-ray source detection proce-dure.In section3we describe our calculations of the X-ray selection function,and the optical selection function,tai-lored for our optical data and the selection of AGN counter-parts.Section4describes our maximum-likelihoodfitting to determine the XLF,carefully correcting for X-ray and opti-cal incompleteness,and our improved method to determine binned estimates,accounting for the varying sensitivity of our observations.We compare our results to previous work in section5and discuss the implications for AGN activity at high redshift.Aflat cosmology withΩΛ=0.7and h=0.7is adopted throughout.2DATA/SAMPLEThe results presented in Nandra et al.(2005a)were based on the2fields from the large Lyman-break survey of Steidel et al.(2003)with sufficiently deep X-ray data:the Hubble Deep Field-North(HDF-N),fully contained by the Chandra Deep Field-North with∼2Ms exposure time,and the Groth-Westphal Strip(GWS)with∼200ks exposure. For this work we increase our sample using3additional fields with∼200ks Chandra imaging with the ACIS-I in-strument:the Lynx(Stern et al.2002)and LALA CETUS (Wang et al.2004)archivalfields,and EGS1(part of the AEGIS-X survey,Nandra et al.,in preparation),in addition to increasing our optical coverage of the HDF-N.2.1Optical data2.1.1Observations and data reductionWe have obtained deep optical imaging of our X-rayfields through U n,G and Rfilters(Steidel&Hamilton1993),suit-able for Lyman-break selection at z∼3.Imaging of the Lynx and LALA CETUSfields was per-formed on the William Herschel Telescope(WHT)over5 nights in November2005,using the Prime Focus Imag-ing Camera which consists of a mosaic of two2K×4K EEV CCDs.The16.2×16.2arcminutefield of view is well matched to the Chandra ACIS-Ifield of view.The observa-tions were performed as individual exposures of500,1000 and1200seconds in U n,G and R respectively,with the telescope being dithered by∼30arcsec between exposures, to compensate for gain variations,bad pixels and the gap between the chips.U n band data were always obtained clos-est to meridian to minimize the atmospheric extinction.X-ray luminosity function of AGN at z∼33The data wereflat-fielded using twilight skyflats.For the U n-band data additionalflat-fielding was performed using dark sky‘super-flats’,produced by median combining the dithered exposures with objects masked out.Fringe removal was performed on the R-band image using standard tech-niques.A number of spectrophotometric standard stars from the Oke(1990)catalogue were observed each night and were used to calculate photometric zero-points,corrected for Galactic extinction,as described in Steidel et al.(2003).The images were astrometrically calibrated by matching objects in the USNO-A2.0astrometric catalog(Monet1998),match-ing over100objects in eachfield and using a polynomial solution to map the focal plane to the catalogue positions. The solution was refined for each of the individual exposures to allow for small offsets and rotations.The individual ex-posures were then resampled to a common pixel scale.Final stacks in each band were produced by scaling each frame to match the zero-point and magnitudes of objects in the photometric exposure observed at the lowest air-mass.This allowed nonphotometric data to be included in the stacks, although exposures with poor seeing(>1.5arcsec)were excluded.Finally the stacked images were smoothed with a Gaussianfilter so the the FWHM of stars matched in each photometric band(in practice this meant smoothing to match the U n-band image quality).The EGS1field was observed with the Palomar200 inch telescope in May2005,using the Large Format Cam-era,which consists of a mosaic of six SITe,back-side illu-minated,2048×4096pixel CCDs.Individual exposures of 600(R),1200(G)and1800(U n)seconds were obtained, with the telescope dithered inbetween.The data wereflat-fielded using domeflats for the R and G band images,and dark-skyflats for the U n-band.Fringe removal was not nec-essary for the R-band with the SITe CCDs.The astrometric and photometric calibration,and production of stacks was performed as for the WHT data.The EGS1data are of the poorest quality in terms of depth and seeing in our sam-ple,necessitating the inclusion of poorer seeing data in the stacks.For the HDF-Nfield we use the higher quality,larger area imaging of GOODS-N region,used by Laird et al. (2006),rather than the original imaging presented by Steidel et al.(2003)and used in Nandra et al.(2005a).De-tails of the observations and data reduction have been pre-sented by Reddy et al.(2006).U-band optical data were obtained with the KPNO Mosaic imager by the GOODS team,and transformed to U n magnitudes.G and R-band data were obtained on the Keck I telescope with the Low Resolution Imaging Spectrograph.The optical data for the GWS used in this paper are identical to the‘Westphal’field data presented by Steidel et al.(2003).The data were obtained on the Kitt Peak4m Mayall telescope and the Palomar200inch in May 1996and March1997respectively.The data reduction is fully described by Steidel et al.(2003),and is almost iden-tical as our otherfields.Thefields observed,telescopes used,the total expo-sure time(after excluding poor seeing data),and the aver-age FWHM of stellar objects in the stacked images(before smoothing)are summarised in Table1.2.1.2Source detection,photometry and LBG sampleselectionWe perform source detection,deblending and photome-try for all of ourfields,using the SExtractor software (Bertin&Arnouts1996).Objects were detected in the R-band image,after smoothing with a2pixel FWHM Gaussian kernal,if they contained5or more connected pixels withflux exceeding1.5σRMS above the local sky background in the smoothed image,whereσRMS is the pixel to pixel RMS noise in the unsmoothed image.Isophotal apertures were defined using the detection criteria.SExtractor also attempts to deblend objects with merged isophotal apertures,but still resolvable as separate objects(see Bertin&Arnouts1996, for details).The same isophotal apertures were then trans-ferred to the images in other bands to measure isophotal magnitudes,which are used to calculate the U n-G and G-R colours.However,the total magnitude we refer to when quoting R magnitudes is measured within aflexible aper-ture which maximises the light collected,as defined by Kron (1980).A sample of z∼3LBGs is selected using the colour criteria given in Steidel et al.(2003):G−R 1.2(1) U n−G G−R+1.0(2) Additionally objects are required to have19.0 R 25.5(Lynx,LALA CETUS)25.0(EGS1)and be detected with3σsignificance or greater in the G band.The bright limit removes sources which may have con-tained saturated pixels.The faint limit ensures only high sig-nificance detections with accurate photometry are includedin the LBG sample.We define1σlimits by N0.5pixσRMS where N pix is the number of pixels in the isophotal detection aper-ture.There is no requirement on the U n band magnitude, but objects with a U n bandflux less than the1σlimit for their detection aperture are noted as“un-detected”and as-signed a magnitude corresponding to the1σlimit.The EGS1 data are of poorer quality and not as deep as the otherfields. Thus,detection completeness is lower,and the photometry is less accurate,which results in more objects being scat-tered in or out of the LBG selection box,particularly at faint magnitudes.These effects will be accounted for in our calculations of the optical selection functions(section3.2). However,we increase the faint limit to R<25.0in EGS1to prevent a high number of faint contaminants being scattered into our sample.Our detection routine using SExtractor results in a different sample of LBGs to that presented by Steidel et al. (2003)for HDF-N and GWS,using FOCAS to perform the detection and photometry.The overlap between our new samples and those previously presented is∼50per cent in the GWS and∼40per cent in the HDF-N(in the area cov-ered by both data sets).A number of sources which were pre-viously selected as LBGs no longer satisfy the colour crite-ria;many now satisfy the BX/BM criteria(Adelberger et al. 2004),which selects objects in the region of colour space be-low the LBG selection,corresponding to objects at slightly lower redshifts.A number of additional objects are found in our LBG sample(in the same area covered by the orig-4J.Aird et al.inal observations).Such scatter between different data sets and photometry is expected,particularly for fainter objects,and is accounted for in our calculation of optical selection functions (seesection 3).While combining the previous and updated samples would increase our number of LBGs,the se-lection function would no longer be well-defined.The HDF-N and GWS LBG samples used for this work therefore con-sist of objects selected by our routines only.In Table 1we give the total number of LBGs found in each field in the area covered by both X-ray and optical data.2.2X-ray data 2.2.1ReductionThe X-ray data for all the fields were reduced with our own pipeline procedure,which uses the Chandra Interactive Analysis of Observations (CIAO)software v3.1and Chandra calibration database (CALDB)version 2.27.The reduction of the GWS and HDF-N fields is described in Nandra et al.(2005b)and Laird et al.(2005)respectively.The same pro-cedure was used to reduce the new fields,updating the charge transfer inefficiency corrections,applying the most recent gain maps,filtering out periods of high background,aligning the astrometry between different observations and producing images and exposure maps in our various stan-dard bands (soft:0.5-2keV,full:0.5-7keV,hard:2-7keV,ultra-hard:4-7keV).2.2.2Point Spread FunctionX-ray source detection requires knowledge of the Point Spread Function (PSF)of the Chandra telescope.We have calculated the PSF using MARX (Wise et al.2003),simu-lating point sources with monochromatic energy 1keV at a range of positions on the detector.For each position we determine the circular aperture which contains a particular Enclosed Energy Fraction.The PSF is defined at a position on the detector (fixed relative to the mirror).However,our deep X-ray data are all the result of a number of obser-vations with different orientations and pointing directions,merged to create images with the maximum possible expo-sure.Thus,to calculate the PSF at positions in our images,we determined the EEF radius in each individual exposure.We then calculated the circular radius corresponding to the average area,weighting by the exposure per pixel in each observation.Further details of our PSF calculations will be given by Nandra et al.(in preparation).2.2.3Initial source detection and astrometric correctionX-ray source detection was initially performed on the soft-band image (0.5-2keV)using the wavdetect tool in CIAO,with a low threshold of 10−4.This is used to mask out sources when estimating the background in our actual source detection procedure (see below).A culled version of the wavdetect catalogue,containing only higher significance detections (src50=1.9times the number of counts in the50per cent region (above background,calculated as above).However,if the LBG is close to a bright source,and the de-tection is due to scattered counts,this factor will be larger,as the 95per cent region will enclose a larger proportion of the bright source PSF distribution.Thus,we identify con-taminants due to case i)when the 95per cent region contains more than 4times the number of net counts as the 50per cent region.13significant detections (over all 5fields)were identified as contaminants by this method,and were verified as such by visual inspection.It is not possible to distinguish between contaminants due to case ii)and when the LBG really is an X-ray source.X-ray luminosity function of AGN at z∼35 Table1.Fields used for this work.Column(1):field name;columns(2)and(3):Right Ascension(RA)and Declination(Dec)of the centre of thefield;column(4):opticalfilter;column(5):telescope used and date for the optical observations;column(5):seeing FWHM of stellar objects in thefield(prior to smoothing);column(6):total useful optical exposure of data with good seeing;column(7):Galactic column density as given by Dickey&Lockman(1990);column(8):X-ray exposure time after good time interval and backgroundflare filtering;column(9):survey area with coverage by both X-ray and optical data;column(10)Number of Lyman-break galaxies detected infield,in the survey area.HDF-N12:36:55.49+62:14:18.28R Keck I2003April0.77200 1.51862.9149.1292G0.97560U KPNO2002April 1.1102600GWS14:17:43.04+52:28:25.20R KPNO1996May/ 1.28300 1.2190.6239.0326G P2001997Mar 1.27200U n 1.225200Lynx08:48:55.9+44:54:50.0R WHT2005Nov 1.05500 2.7186.5243.4223G 1.07000U n 1.112000EGS114:22:42.66+53:25:24.83R P2002005May 1.23600 1.2177.8358.9329G 1.44500U n 1.514400LALA02:04:44.25-05:05:33.83R WHT2005Nov 1.24500 2.2173.1233.3144 CETUS G 1.05000U n 1.3228006J.Aird et al.Table2.X-ray detected Lyman-break galaxies.Column(1):Object identification(for GWS and HDF-N adopting designations from Steidel et al.2003;Laird et al.2006;Reddy et al.2006).Column(2):total magnitude in the R-band,measured in the Kron aperture (see section2.1.2).Column(3)Net X-ray counts above background in the soft(0.5-2keV)band,within the70per cent PSF radius. Column(4):soft(0.5-2keV)X-rayflux.Column(5):optical classification.QSO-contains broad emission lines(>2000km s−1),AGN-narrow-lined(<2000km s−1)AGN spectrum,GAL-no signature of an AGN,UID-unidentified spectroscopically.Column(6):redshift for objects which have been spectroscopically identified.Column(7):2-10keV X-ray luminosity,determined from the soft-bandflux assuming a power law spectrum withΓ=1.9,and the given redshift,or z=3for UID sources.HDFN-C1424.9211.810.55+0.14−0.11GAL 2.981a42.69+0.10−0.10HDFN-MD3920.501888.9561.29+1.27−1.24QSO 2.583b44.60+0.01−0.01HDFN-D21∗25.37 3.780.14+0.08−0.06UID...42.10+0.20−0.22HDFN-M9∗24.457.000.27+0.13−0.09GAL 2.975a42.38+0.17−0.18GWS-M4724.938.873.40+1.08−0.84AGN 3.026a43.50+0.12−0.12GWS-C5023.87 5.702.30+0.88−0.65GAL 2.910a43.29+0.14−0.15GWS-D5422.8423.346.83+1.34−1.13QSO 3.199a43.86+0.08−0.08GWS-oMD1323.4613.874.06+1.16−0.92QSO 2.914a43.54+0.11−0.11GWS-MD10622.6649.8315.68+2.06−1.83QSO 2.754a44.07+0.05−0.05Lynx-120.9568.8426.76+2.85−2.58QSO 3.093c44.42+0.04−0.04EGS1-123.5122.8713.91+2.73−2.31UID...44.10+0.08−0.08EGS1-223.948.852.77+1.12−0.82UID...43.40+0.15−0.15EGS1-324.0918.316.98+1.74−1.41UID...43.80+0.10−0.10EGS1-420.3770.9433.70+3.62−3.28UID...44.49+0.04−0.04EGS1-524.157.643.88+1.34−1.02UID...43.55+0.13−0.13EGS1-624.3610.8415.88+4.05−3.28UID...44.16+0.10−0.10EGS1-724.2716.219.72+1.88−1.59UID...43.95+0.08−0.08EGS1-823.7920.0111.00+2.12−1.80UID...44.00+0.08−0.08EGS1-923.22196.46108.09+6.07−5.75UID...44.99+0.02−0.02LALA-122.3826.5013.87+2.42−2.08UID...44.10+0.07−0.07LALA-223.757.782.71+1.16−0.84UID...43.39+0.15−0.16LALA-324.27 4.663.35+1.28−0.95UID...43.49+0.14−0.15X-ray luminosity function of AGN at z ∼37-18-16-14-12-10log f X / erg s -1cm -210-410-2100102104106S u r v e y a r e a / d e g 2Figure 1.Total area covered by our survey as a function of lim-iting flux.Above 5×10−15erg s −1cm −2(dotted line )we include the surveys used by Hasinger et al.(2005),which dominate the area covered for these brighter fluxes.3.2Optical selection functionSelecting objects using the Lyman-break technique will al-ways miss some fraction of objects at a given magnitude due to their true colours not satisfying the selection criteria (colour incompleteness).Photometric errors will also reduce the probability of an object being detected at fainter mag-nitudes,in addition to scattering objects in or out of the selection box.Determining the optical selection function al-lows us to correct for these incompletenesses.Nandra et al.(2005a)used the effective survey volumes determined by Steidel et al.(1999),appropriate for the selection function for typical starforming LBGs (i.e.GAL classification above).In reality,approximately two thirds of the X-ray sources have AGN or QSO classifications (Laird et al.2006),and these will have different distributions of intrinsic colours,and hence different selection functions.In the present work we have calculated the selection functions for each class in-dependently.The efficiency of the selection function is also highly dependent on the depth and quality of the optical data.The Steidel et al.(1999)volumes were averaged for their set of fields.We determine selection functions appro-priate for each individual field in our survey.We have calculated the selection functions using Monte Carlo simulations (Steidel et al.1999;Hunt et al.2004).The first step was to determine an intrinsic distribution of expected colours.GAL colours were generated using a Bruzual &Charlot (2003)model template spectrum for a galaxy with continuous star formation and age 1Gyr.This template spectrum was reddened using the Calzetti et al.(2000)relation for obscuration by dust,with various ex-tinction coefficients drawn from the distribution given in Adelberger &Steidel (2000)which is based on the observed range of LBG spectral shapes.The templates were then red-shifted to distribute evenly over the range z =2−4.Inter-galactic absorption was included using the Madau (1995)extinction curve.Finally the template spectra were multi-plied by our filter transmissivities to generate the model colour distribution.The colours of NLAGN in LBG samples are gener-ally found to be redder than the typical LBG (Steidel et al.2002).We model the expected range of spectral shapes using the same approach as for galaxies,but drawing from a Gaus-sian distribution of extinction coefficients,roughly based on the observed range of UV spectral slopes for Lyman-break selected narrow-line AGN (Steidel et al.2002,2003).Such modelling is not a full physical description,being based only on a template spectrum for star-forming processes,and does not explicitly include any contribution due to the AGN.However,it is sufficient to simulate the observed range of spectral shapes and redder distribution of broadband colours for NLAGN.For QSOs we have followed the work of Hunt et al.(2004).The template spectra were generated by varying the continuum slope and Ly αequivalent widths of a composite of 59QSO spectra from Sargent et al.(1989),based on the Gaussian distributions given in Hunt et al.(2004).Our model colour distributions are shown in Figure 2.Simulations were then performed for each optical clas-sification,in which a colour was drawn at random from the appropriate distribution,and used to add artificial objects to the images for each field.Objects were simulated as point sources with seeing appropriate for the field,and R -band magnitudes drawn from the range 18.5 R 26.This allows photometric errors in the R -band to scatter objects into the selection range.The objects were recovered using the same detection method used for the original data (section 2.1).500objects were added to each image,and the process was repeated 20times.The selection function,P (z,R ),was cal-culated for a number of magnitude and redshift bins as the fraction of input objects which are detected and have colours satisfying the LBG criteria.The selection functions at bright magnitudes for the Lynx field optical data are shown in Figure 3(a).Our sur-vey varies in efficiency depending on redshift and the optical type of the AGN host.The GAL selection function has a mean redshift of z ≈3.0and samples ∼65per cent of the total available co-moving volume for a top-hat function for z =2.5−3.5.Due to their intrinsically redder colours,the NLAGN selection function is less efficient,sampling ∼50per cent of the available volume,and has a lower mean at z ≈2.8.A strong Lyman-break is not present in the intrin-sic spectra of QSOs,but is introduced due to intergalac-tic absorption.This results in a higher redshift selection function,with a mean redshift z ≈3.1.The colours are also distributed over a smaller range,resulting in a more sharply defined selection function,sampling ∼70per cent of the z =2.5−3.5volume,but almost 100per cent for z =2.9−3.4.Thus our survey will select a higher pro-portion of the overall population of QSOs,biased towards slightly higher redshifts,compared to NLAGN.Determining the selection functions allows us to account and correct for these varying efficiencies.At brighter magnitudes (R 22)photometric errors are small,and the selection functions vary little between fields.At fainter magnitudes,all the selection functions are reduced in efficiency and widened,accounting for the larger photometric errors increasing scatter,and the increased dif-ficulty of detecting faint objects (see Figure 3b).This is。
