

Financial Management 财务管理

Financial Management 财务管理

Conflicts Between Managers and Stockholders

Managers are naturally inclined to act in their own best interests (which are not always the same as the interest of stockholders). But the following factors affect managerial behavior:

Well-functioning markets promote economic growth. Economies with well-developed markets perform better than economies with poorlyfunctioning markets.
Value of any asset is present value of cash flow
stream to owners.
Most significant decisions are evaluated in terms
of their financial consequences.
more persons
An incorporated business owned by many
Proprietorships and Partnerships

Ease of formation Subject to few regulations No corporate income taxes



Foundation of Financial ManagementModule syllabusTeacher Name: Zhanwei LiuSchool Name: Xuchang University1. Unit descriptionFinancial management is part of the decision-making, planning and control subsystems of an enterprise. It incorporates the treasury function, which includes the management of working capital and the implications arising from exchange rate mechanisms due to international competition, evaluation, selection, management and control of new capital investment opportunities, raising and management of the long-term financing of an entity.The management of risk in the different aspects of the financial activities undertaken is also addressed. Studying this course should provide you with an overview of the problems facing a financial manager in the commercial world. It will introduce you to the concepts and theories of corporate finance that underlie the techniques that are offered as aids for the understanding, evaluation and resolution of financial ma nagers’ problems. This subject guide is written to supplement the Essential and Further reading listed for this course, not to replace them. It makes no assumptions about prior knowledge other than that you have completed Principles of accounting.The aim of the course is to provide an understanding and awareness of both the underlying concepts and practical application of the basics of financial management. The subject guide and the readings should also help to build in your mind the ability to make critical judgments of the strengths and weaknesses of the theories, just as it should be helping to build a critical appreciation of the uses and limitations of the same theories and their possible applications.On successful completion of the module, learners will be able to:●describe how different financial markets function and estimate thevalue of different financial instruments (including stocksand bonds)●make capital budgeting decisions under both certainty and uncertainty●apply the capital assets pricing model in practical scenarios●discuss the capital structure theory and dividend policy of a firm●estimate the value of derivatives and advise management how to usederivatives in risk management and capital budgeting●describe and assess how companies manage working capital andshort- term financing2. Pre-requisite units and assumed knowledgeAccounting, Economics3. Learning aims and outcomesLearning Outcome 1Explain the method of financial analysis and planningASSESSMENT CRITERIA:a. Explain the goals and objectives of financial managementb. Demonstrate a reasonable ability to prepare the three basic financialstatementsc. Discuss the method of financial analysisd. Explain the operating leverage, financial leverage. and combinedleverageLearning Outcome 2Explain the manager how to manage working capitalASSESSMENT CRITERIA:a. Explain the context of risk-return analysisb. Explain the financial manager how to choose between liquid,low-return assets and more profitable, less liquid assets Learning Outcome 3Explain the process of the capital budgetingASSESSMENT CRITERIA:a. Discuss the time value of moneyb. Explain the valuation of bonds and stocksc. Explain the cost of capital and capital structured. Explain the capital budgeting decision and risk-return analysisLearning Outcome 4Explain the long-term financing in the capital marketsASSESSMENT CRITERIA:a. Explain the long-term debt and lease financingb. Explain the common stock and preferred stock financingc. Explain the dividend policy and retained earningsd. Explain the warrants and convertibles covered, as well as the moreconventional methods of financing4. Weighting of final gradeGrades will be assigned on the basis of the following percentages:5. GradingA 100-95 A- 94-90 B+ 89-87B 86-83 B- 82-80 C+ 79-77C 76-73 C- 72-70 D+ 69-67D 66-63 D- 62-60 F 59 or lower6. PoliciesAttendance PolicyAttendance in class is a very important part of your learning experience. As such, failure to attend class will reduce your grade, and may be grounds for failure in the course. If you are late to class, your attendance score may also be affected. In the event of unavoidable absences, such as serious illness, or deaths in the family, students may be requested to provide documentary evidence of the reason for their absence to their academic coordinator. You should not give these to your instructor. Students are solely responsible for the makeup of any missed classes, and for obtaining any class materials or assignments that they may miss. You are expected to come to class prepared to actively participate in class discussions.Participation PolicyStudents should participate in their chosen classes actively and effectively. The Participation Grade is related to the Attendance Grade. Students’ final attendance grade is the maximum of their participation grade.Participation grade will be based on a variety of factors including, but not limited to taking part in class discussions and activities, completingassignments, being able to answer questions correctly, obeying class rules, and being prepared for class, frequent visiting your instructors and chatting in English during their office hours is highly recommended.Policy on Assignments and QuizzesStudents should finish their assignments completely and punctually. Assignment should be submitted on the date appointed by the instructor. If a student cannot hand in the assignment on time, the reasonable excuse will be needed. Late assignments will receive a maximum grade of 80. An assignment that is late for 3 days will be corrected but receive 0.You are recommended print all your assignment in the uniform format with the heading o f Student’s Pledge of no cheating. Written assignment or printed ones without the uniform heading of pledge will receive a maximum grade of 80.It is mandatory to have weekend assignment every week. Any weekend assignment should be submitted on first class of next week. It is mandatory to have holiday assignment on the public holidays. Any holiday assignment should be submitted on the first day on returning to school. Students are required to do a multitude of presentations during the course.Plagiarism and CopyingPlagiarism is using someone else’s work or ideas as your own without giving them proper credit or copying someone else’s work a nd presenting it as your own.There has a very strict plagiarism policy and will not tolerate academic cheating in any form. Penalties can be as severe as expulsion from the university. At the very least, no one will receive any credit for assignments that appear to be copied from another student. To avoid plagiarism, do your own work, or cite the work of others appropriately. You can refer to the course catalogue for more information about plagiarism policy.If you cheat on the homework, I can guarantee you that you will fail the class. Every exam I give has several problems that require you to submit journal entries, create financial statements in proper form, or to create schedulesshowing certain details that you have to calculate. If you do not practice doing these things by doing the homework yourself and correcting your own work in class, you will lose a significant number of points on the exams.Classroom Policies●No eating, cellular phones, electronic dictionaries, smoking, chatting ordrowsing in class.●Please speak in English rather than Chinese in class.●Students are not allowed to attend class without textbooks.●Stand up when answering questions.●Respect classmates’ ideas, opinions, and questions of your classmates.●You are welcome to visit the instructor’s office in his/her office hours.●Take good care of the laboratory facilities. Do not splash water on thedesktop.●When each class is over, hang the earphone on the hanger. Put the trashinto the trash-bin.●All your classroom involvement, performance and after-classcommunications with instructor will affect your participation score.7. Texts and other recoursesThe primary textbook:Stanley B.Block. Foundation of financial management, 14th ed.The supplementary textbook:Richard A. Barealey et al(2011) fundamentals of corporate finance(6th ed.).Renmin university of China pressWEB SITES:Teaching methodsDiscussions and Homework8. Session Plan。






1. 《财务会计》(Financial Accounting)- Walter T. Harrison Jr., Charles T. Horngren, C. William Thomas这本书是财务管理领域的经典教材之一,适合初学者入门。



2. 《管理会计》(Managerial Accounting)- Ray H. Garrison, Eric W. Noreen, Peter C. Brewer除了财务会计,初学者还需要了解管理会计的基本概念和技术。



3. 《财务管理导论》(Introduction to Financial Management)- Charles P. Jones这本书是财务管理领域的入门教材,介绍了企业财务管理的基本概念、目标和职能。



4. 《企业财务分析》(Corporate Financial Analysis)- David Hillier, Stephen A. Ross, Randolph W. Westerfield财务分析是财务管理中非常重要的一环,它可以帮助企业评估自身的财务状况和经营表现。



ation Limited 2008
Chapter 1: The Role of Financial Management
1. With an objective of maximizing shareholder wealth, capital will tend to be allocated to the most productive investment opportunities on a risk-adjusted return basis. Other decisions will also be made to maximize efficiency. If all firms do this, productivity will be heightened and the economy will realize higher real growth. There will be a greater level of overall economic want satisfaction. Presumably people overall will benefit, but this depends in part on the redistribution of income and wealth via taxation and social programs. In other words, the economic pie will grow larger and everybody should be better off if there is no reslicing. With reslicing, it is possible some people will be worse off, but that is the result of a governmental change in redistribution. It is not due to the objective function of corporations. 2. Maximizing earnings is a nonfunctional objective for the following reasons: a. Earnings is a time vector. Unless one time vector of earnings clearly dominates all other time vectors, it is impossible to select the vector that will maximize earnings. b. Each time vector of earning possesses a risk characteristic. Maximizing expected earnings ignores the risk parameter. c. Earnings can be increased by selling stock and buying treasury bills. Earnings will continue to increase since stock does not require out-of-pocket costs. d. The impact of dividend policies is ignored. If all earnings are retained, future earnings are increased. However, stock prices may decrease as a result of adverse reaction to the absence of dividends. Maximizing wealth takes into account earnings, the timing and risk of these earnings, and the dividend policy of the firm. 3. Financial management is concerned with the acquisition, financing, and management of assets with some overall goal in mind. Thus, the function of financial management can be broken down into three major decision areas: the investment, financing, and asset management decisions. 4. Yes, zero accounting profit while the firm establishes market position is consistent with the maximization of wealth objective. Other investments where short-run profits are sacrificed for the long-run also are possible. 5. The goal of the firm gives the financial manager an objective function to maximize. He/she can judge the value (efficiency) of any financial decision by its impact on that goal. Without such a goal, the manager would be "at sea" in that he/she would have no objective criterion to guide his/her actions. 6. The financial manager is involved in the acquisition, financing, and management of assets. These three functional areas are all interrelated (e.g., a decision to acquire an asset necessitates the financing and management of that asset, whereas financing and management costs affect the decision to invest). 7. If managers have sizable stock positions in the company, they will have a greater understanding for the valuation of the company. Moreover, they may have a greater incentive to maximize shareholder wealth than they would in the absence of stock holdings. However, to the extent persons have not only human capital but also most of their financial











财务管理基础 financial management 清华大学出版社第13版ppt2

财务管理基础 financial  management  清华大学出版社第13版ppt2
Chapter 2
The Business, Tax, and Financial Environments
Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. © Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
The Business Environment
Corporation – A business form legally separate from its owners.
• •
An artificial entity that can own assets and incur liabilities. Business income is accounted for on the income tax form of the corporation.

• •
Limited liability
Easy transfer of ownership Unlimited life
Double taxation More difficult to establish More expensive to set up and maintain
• • •
The Business Environment
The Tax Environment
The Financial Environment
Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. © Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.



财务管理(Financial管理学院张剑英一、课程称号:财务管理〔Financial Management〕二、授课对象:会计学财务管理管理信息系统专业本科生三、学时:1.总学时 54学时2.授课学时 46学时3.习题课 6学时4.案例剖析 2学时四、教学目的与要求本门课的教学注重理念性教学,除使先生掌握财务管理的基础知识和基本实际,了解和掌握财务管理的发生、开展进程和作用外,要灵敏掌握实务中财务效果的处置,并掌握资金的时间价值、企业筹资方式、投资方式、最优资本结构确定、营运资金管理以及财务剖析的基本内容及方法,最后经过案例剖析到达实际知识与实践的结合。



五、内容体系«财务管理»这门课共包括九个局部的内容,主要为:第一章总论 (general view)第二章财务管理的基础概念〔basic concept of financial management〕第三章筹资方式〔financing methods〕第四章资金本钱与资本结构〔capital cost & capital structure〕第五章项目投资 (project investment)第六章证券投资 (securities investment)第七章营运资金的管理(management of working capital)第八章收益分配 (income distributing )第九章财务剖析 (financial analysis)六、教学布置七、参考教材及教材剖析1. 参考教材:〔1〕全国会计专业技术资历考试指导小组办公室编«财务管理»中国财政经济出版社1998年10月出版〔2〕财政部注册会计师考试委员会办公室编«财务本钱管理»西南财经大学出版社出版1999年3月出版〔3〕Eugene F. Brighman & Louis C. Gapenski <Intermediate Financial Management > 1998 .12. 教材剖析:〔1〕«财务管理»一书是全国会计专业技术资历考试指定用书,由全国会计专业技术资历考试指导小组办公室编写,该书的体系和内容契合我国国情,实务性较强,目前在国际财务管理教材中威望性较强。

第一章财务管理导论Corporate Finance Financial Management

第一章财务管理导论Corporate Finance Financial Management

财务管理解决下述三个问题 :
投资决策:公司应该投资于什么样的长期资产?— —涉及到资本预算 融资决策:公司如何筹资,以支付投资支出所需 要的资金?——涉及到资本结构 营运资本管理:公司应该如何管理它在经营中的 现金流量( cash flow )?——涉及到净营运资 本决策


公司应如何为长期投资筹集所需的长期资金? 这些长期资金将利用股东权益方式还是通过 借入资金方式筹集? 这属于企业的长期筹资决策。 资本结构( Capital Structure)决策
公司价值(The value of the firm )可以被看做一个圆饼. 财务经理的目标是增加圆饼 的大小 资本结构(Capital Structure)决策可以视做 怎样去最佳地分割圆饼 70% 25% 50% 30% 股 Debt Debt权 负债 75% 50% Equity
由于对圆饼的分割(资本结构)将直接影响 到圆饼 大小(公司价值),因此资本结构决 策就非常重要

企业应如何管理日常的财务活动,即企业应 如何取得短期资金以及是否要进行赊销?等等 这属于企业由流动资产和流动负债组成的营 运资金管理决策。 净营运资本=流动资产 - 流动负债
净营运资本(Net Working Capital)决策



企业财务管理的书以下是一些经典的企业财务管理的书籍:1.《财务管理》(Fundamentals of Financial Management)-作者:Eugene F. Brigham, Joel F. Houston此书是一本权威的财务管理教材,涵盖了企业财务管理的基本原理和实践,包括资本预算、资本结构、股息政策等重要议题。

2.《企业财务管理》(Corporate Finance)-作者:Stephen A. Ross, Randolph W. Westerfield, Jeffrey Jaffe这本书提供了关于企业财务的全面介绍,包括投资决策、融资决策、盈利能力分析等关键内容。


3.《财务管理原理》(Principles of Corporate Finance)-作者:Richard A. Brealey, Stewart C. Myers, Franklin Allen该书提供了一种综合的财务管理框架,涵盖了投资、融资和资本结构等方面的内容。


4.《财务管理与政策》(Financial Management and Policy)-作者:James C. Van Horne, John M. Wachowicz Jr.这本书强调了财务决策的战略性和长期连续性,探讨了企业财务管理与企业价值创造之间的关系。


5.《财务管理:理论与实践》(Financial Management: Theoryand Practice)-作者:Eugene F. Brigham, Michael C. Ehrhardt 这本书提供了对财务管理的理论和实践的综合介绍。





《财务管理》课程教学大纲课程名称:财务管理课程代码: INDE2018英文名称: Financial and Costing Management课程性质:专业必修课程学分/学时:3学分/54学时开课学期:第5学期适用专业:工业工程先修课程:基础会计、工程经济、经济学基础、管理学基础后续课程:无开课单位:机电工程学院课程负责人:窦云霞大纲执笔人:窦云霞大纲审核人:杨宏兵一、课程性质和教学目标(在人才培养中的地位与性质及主要内容,指明学生需掌握知识与能力及其应达到的水平)课程性质:财务管理是工业工程专业的一门专业选修课程;本课程也是管理类其他专业和经济类部分专业的学科基础课程。

它以 "企业"为对象,以管理学原理为基础,阐述了企业财务管理的基本原理与方法。





2. 财务管理在企业管理中的地位与作用。









8.《财务管理基础》,【美】尤金.F.布瑞翰, 乔尔.F.休斯顿著,胡玉明主译,东北财经大学出版社,2004年1月第一版。


10.《财务管理基础(第十一版)》[美]James C.Van Horne John M.Wachowicz Jr.(詹姆斯C范霍恩、小约翰M瓦霍维奇/著郭浩徐琳/ 译,经济科学出版社,)2001年9月。




14.张蕊,《公司财务学》,高等教育出版社,2009年版15. 中国注册会计师协会,《财务成本管理》,中国财政经济出版社,2009年16. (美) 詹姆斯C.范霍恩(James C. Van Horne), (美) 小约翰M.瓦霍维奇(John M. Wachowicz, JR.)著, 刘曙光等译,《财务管理基础》,清华大学出版社,2009年17. Alan C. Shapiro, Foundations of Multinational Financial Management, fourth edition. John Wiley sons, Inc. 200218 Alan C. Shapiro, Foundations of Multinational Financial Management, third Edition, Prentice-Hall.Inc , 199819.Adrian Buckley, Multinational Finance fourth edition.. Prentice Hall, 2000urent L. Jacque, Management and Control of foreign Exchange Risk, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 199621.David K. Eiteman, Arthur I. Stonehill, Michael H. Moffett, Multinational Business Finance ninth edition Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc. 200122.Kirt C. Butler, Multinational Finance, second edition,South-Western College Publishing, 200023.Cheol S. Eun Bruce G. Resnick:, International Financial Management, second edition, McGraw-Hill companies, 199824.Robert S. Kaplan, Anthony A. Atkinson, Advanced Management Accounting, by Prentice Hall.,199825.Jeff Madura, International Financial Management, fifth edition, South-Western College Publishing, 199826.UNCTAD,World Investment Rreport 2003,200227.矛宁著,《国际企业理财理论与方法投资,融资,税务》,中国社会科学出版社,1996年28.程惠芳潘信路著,《入世与国际直接投资发展》,世界图书出版公司,2000年29.白雪阎宏伟主编,《跨国公司财务管理》,冶金工业出版社,1996年30.翁君奕编著,《跨国公司理财》,中国经济出版社,1995年31.杨忠赵曙明编著,《国际企业:风险管理》,南京大学出版社,1998年32.宋常著,《跨国理财问题研究》,中国人民大学出版社,1998年33.罗平译,《国际收支手册》(第五版),中国金融出版社,1995年34.冯文伟编著,《国际金融管理教程》,华东理工大学出版社,1999年35.戴国强编著,《货币银行学》,上海财经大学出版社,2001年36.秦艳梅编著,《货币银行学》,经济科学出版社,2002年37.易纲张磊编著,《国际金融》,上海人民出版社,1999年38.张宏伟编著,《国际贸易融资研究》,中国社会科学出版社,2002年39.王冬,“跨国经营中的转移定价”,《经贸实务》,2001年第2期40.《跨国经营企业会计与财务》,企业管理出版社,1995年41.王华成编著,《国际财务管理》,中国人民大学出版社,1996年42.《跨国公司财务管理》,经济科学出版社,1996年43.《国际会计》厦门大学出版社, 2001年44贸部国际经贸研究院跨国公司研究中心,《2001跨国公司在中国投资报告》,中国经济出版社,2001年45.罗伯特C 希金斯(Robert C Higgins)著, 沈艺峰等译,《财务管理分析》,北京大学出版社,2009年46.亚当斯密,国富论,商务版47.马歇尔,经济学原理,商务版48.凯恩斯,通论,商务版49.弗里德曼,资本主义与自由,商务版50.哈耶克,个人主义与经济自由,三联版51.斯蒂格利茨,经济学,人大版52.曼昆,经济学原理,北大版53.斯蒂芬马汀,高级产业经济学,上海财大版54.埃斯里奇,应用经济学研究方法论,经济科学版55.张维迎,博弈论与信息经济学、企业理论与中国企业改革,北大版56.林毅夫,论经济学方法,北大版57.王小卫,经济学方法——十一位经济学家的观点,复旦版。



清华经院431参考书目一、经济学类1. 《宏观经济学原理》美国经济学家尤金·法玛(N. Gregory Mankiw)著2. 《微观经济学原理》美国经济学家尤金·法玛(N. Gregory Mankiw)著3. 《国际经济学》美国经济学家保罗·克鲁格曼(Paul Krugman)著4. 《货币银行学》中国人民大学经济学院编著5. 《发展经济学导论》美国经济学家阿玛蒂亚·森(Amartya Sen)等著6. 《产业经济学》中国人民大学经济学院编著7. 《计量经济学导论》中国人民大学经济学院编著二、管理学类1. 《管理学基础》新加坡管理大学教授白志明等著2. 《组织行为学》美国约翰·霍普金斯大学教授席南·罗宾斯(Stephen P. Robbins)著3. 《市场营销学》美国科罗拉多大学教授凯文·雷恩(Kevin Lane Keller)著4. 《人力资源管理实务》科学出版社编著5. 《战略管理》美国斯坦福大学教授迈克尔·E·波特(Michael E. Porter)著6. 《财务管理》上海财经大学编著7. 《运营管理》美国加州大学洛杉矶分校教授凯文·塔亚洛尔(Kevin J. Tarrall)著三、金融学类1. 《证券市场概论》上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院编著2. 《投资学》美国耶鲁大学教授托马斯·丁顿(Zvi Bodie)著3. 《公司金融学》美国斯坦福大学教授约翰·希尔(Jonathan Berk)著4. 《金融机构管理》浙江大学经济学院编著5. 《金融市场与投资银行业务》对外经济贸易大学金融学院编著6. 《国际金融》加拿大约克大学教授克里斯汀·卡普兰(Cheol Eun)著7. 《金融衍生工具》清华大学经济管理学院编著四、统计学类1. 《统计学导论》美国加州大学洛杉矶分校教授哈瑞斯·施拉克曼(Morris H. DeGroot)著2. 《数理统计学》北京大学数学科学学院编著3. 《应用统计学》北京大学统计学院编著4. 《时间序列分析与预测》南京大学经济学院编著5. 《多元统计分析》北京大学统计学院编著6. 《实证研究方法与数据处理》上海财经大学统计学院编著7. 《统计学应用案例选编》西安交通大学数学与统计学院编著五、计算机类1. 《计算机科学基础》上海交通大学计算机科学与工程系编著2. 《数据结构与算法分析》美国佛罗里达国际大学教授马克·艾伦·维斯曼(Mark Allen Weiss)著3. 《操作系统概论》哈佛大学教授阿伦·米尔斯(William Stallings)著4. 《数据库系统概论》清华大学计算机科学与技术系编著5. 《网络技术与应用》清华大学计算机科学与技术系编著6. 《人工智能导论》加州大学伯克利分校教授斯图尔特·罗素(Stuart Russell)等著7. 《计算机图形学原理与技术》南京大学计算机科学与技术系编著六、历史文化类1. 《中华文明概览》中国社会科学出版社编著2. 《中国古代史》北京大学历史学系编著3. 《中国近代史》清华大学历史学系编著4. 《世界史纲要》北京大学历史学系编著5. 《欧洲文化史》美国哥伦比亚大学教授理查德·泰特勒(Richard Tarnas)著6. 《印度文化史》英国剑桥大学教授奥斯汀·考普利(A.L. Basham)著7. 《哲学概论》美国哈佛大学教授罗伯特·索林(Robert C. Solomon)著七、法学类1. 《宪法学》清华大学法学院编著2. 《民商法概论》清华大学法学院编著3. 《刑法学概论》北京大学法学院编著4. 《国际法概论》北京大学法学院编著5. 《经济法概论》清华大学法学院编著6. 《劳动法概论》北京大学法学院编著7. 《环境法概论》清华大学法学院编著八、社会科学方法论类1. 《社会学导论》美国加州大学洛杉矶分校教授安东尼·盖登(Anthony Giddens)著2. 《心理学导论》美国麻省理工学院教授丹尼尔·纳曼(Daniel Schacter)著3. 《政治学导论》北京大学国际关系学院编著4. 《人类学导论》美国芝加哥大学教授布鲁斯·克诺士特(Robert Layton)著5. 《教育学导论》中国人民大学教育学院编著6. 《传媒学导论》中国传媒大学编著7. 《科学方法论与研究伦理》清华大学社会科学院编著以上为清华经院431参考书目,涵盖了经济学、管理学、金融学、统计学、计算机学、历史文化学、法学及社会科学方法论等各个学科领域。


Limited Partnership -- limited partners have liability limited to their capital contribution (investors only). At least one general partner is required and all general partners have unlimited liability.
2. Understand how to calculate a corporation's taxable income and how to determine the corporate tax rate - both average and marginal.
3. Understand various methods of depreciation. 4. Understand why acquiring assets through the use of debt
individual form
• Unlimited liability • Hard to raise
additional capital • Transfer of
ownership difficulties
The Business Environment
Partnership -- A business form in which two or more individuals act as owners.
• Easy transfer of
• More diffiablish
• Unlimited life
• More expensive to

财务管理基础 financial management 清华大学出版社pp13

财务管理基础 financial management 清华大学出版社pp13
Julie Miller is evaluating a new project for her firm, Basket Wonders (BW). She has determined that the after-tax cash flows for the project will be $10,000; $12,000; $15,000; $10,000; and $7,000, respectively, for each of the Years 1 through 5. The initial cash outlay will be $40,000.
• For this project, assume that it is independent of any other potential projects that Basket Wonders may undertake.
• Independent – A project whose acceptance (or rejection) does not prevent the acceptance of other projects under consideration.
13.4 Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. © Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
Proposed Project Data
After Studying Chapter 13, you should be able to:
Understand the payback period (PBP) method of project evaluation and selection, including its: (a) calculation; (b) acceptance criterion; (c) advantages and disadvantages; and (d) focus on liquidity rather than profitability. Understand the three major discounted cash flow (DCF) methods of project evaluation and selection – internal rate of return (IRR), net present value (NPV), and profitability index (PI). Explain the calculation, acceptance criterion, and advantages (over the PBP method) for each of the three major DCF methods. Define, construct, and interpret a graph called an “NPV profile.”

财务管理课后答案 清华大学出版社

财务管理课后答案 清华大学出版社

附录六:习题答案第一章 答案一、单项选择题1.C2.A3.D4.A5.B 二、多项选择题1.ABC2.BC3.ABCD4.AC5. AC第二章 答案一、单项选择题1.A2.C3.A4.D5.B6.B7.A8.C9.C 10.B 二、多项选择题1.AC2.ABD3.BCD4.ABCD5.ABD6.ABC7.BCD8.AC9.BD 10.ABCD 三、计算题1.Pv=8000*(P/A,8%/12,240)=953,594(万元)银行贷款的年利率为8%时,分期付款方式好,低于一次性付款。


2.(1)100=10*(F/P,10%.n )得:(F/P,10%.n )=10 查复利终值系数表,i=10%,(F/P,10%.n )=10,n 在24~25年之间; (1)100=20*(F/P,5%.n )得:(F/P,5%.n )=5 查复利终值系数表,i=5%,(F/P,5%.n )=5,n 在30~35年之间; (1)100=10*(F/A,10%.n )得:(F/A,10%.n )=50 查年金终值系数表,i=10%,(F/A,10%.n )=50,n 在18~19年之间; 因此,第三种方式能使你最快成为百万富翁。

3.(1)2010年1月1日存入金额1000元为现值,2013年1月1日账户余额为3年后终值: F =P (F/P ,10%,3)=1000×1.331=1331(元)(2)F =1000×(1+10%/4)3×4 =1000×1.34489 =1344.89(元)(3)2013年1月1日余额是计算到期日的本利和,所以是普通年金终值: F =250×(F/A ,10%,4)=250×4.641 =1160.25(元) (4)F =1331,i =10%,n =4 则:F =A ×(F/A,i ,n )即1331=A ×(F/A,10%,4)=A ×4.641 , A =1331/4.641=286.79(元)4. 10=2×(P/A ,i ,8) (P/A ,i ,8)=5查年金现值系数表, i =8,(P/A, i.8)=5, i 在11~12年之间968.4%12178.0146.05146.5%1%%11⎪⎪⎭⎪⎪⎬⎫⎪⎭⎪⎬⎫⎪⎪⎭⎪⎪⎬⎫⎪⎭⎪⎬⎫x得,借款利率为11.82%5.递延年金现值P =300×(P/A ,10%,5)×(P/F ,10%,1)=300×3.791×0.9091 =1033.92(万元)。

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Irrelevance of Dividends
A. Current dividends versus retention of earnings

M&M contend that the effect of dividend payments on shareholder wealth is exactly offset by other means of financing. The dividend plus the “new” stock price after dilution exactly equals the stock price prior to the dividend distribution.
Dividends as a Passive Residual
Can the payment of cash dividends affect shareholder wealth? If so, what dividend-payout ratio will maximize shareholder wealth?
Tax Effect

Dividends are taxed more heavily than capital gains, so before-tax returns should be higher for highdividend-paying firms. Empirical results are mixed – recently the evidence is largely consistent with dividend neutrality. Expect that increases (decreases) in dividends lead to positive (negative) excess stock returns. Empirical results are consistent with these expectations.

Irrelevance of Dividends
B. Conservation of value

M&M and the total-value principle ensures that the sum of market value plus current dividends of two firms identical in all respects other than dividend-payout ratios will be the same.
Factors Influencing Dividend Policy
Legal Rules

Insolvency Rule – some states prohibit the payment of cash dividends if the company is insolvent under either a “fair market valuation” or “equitable” sense. Undue Retention of Earnings Rule – prohibits the undue retention of earnings in excess of the present and future investment needs of the firm.

The firm uses earnings plus the additional financing that the increased equity can support to finance any expected positive-NPV projects. Any unused earnings are paid out in the form of dividends. This describes a passive dividend policy.
Relevance of Dividends
A. Preference for dividends

Uncertainty surrounding future company profitability leads certain investors to prefer the certainty of current dividends. Investdends.
Financial Signaling

Implications for Corporate Policy

Establish a policy that will maximize shareholder wealth.
Distribute excess funds to shareholders and stabilize the absolute amount of dividends if necessary (passive).
Dividends in excess of the passive policy does not appear to lead to share price improvement because of taxes and flotation costs.

Factors Influencing Dividend Policy
Dividend Policy

• • • • •
Passive Versus Active Dividend Policies Factors Influencing Dividend Policy Dividend Stability Stock Dividends and Stock Splits Stock Repurchase Administrative Considerations

Investors can “create” any dividend policy they desire by selling shares when the dividend payout is too low or buying shares when the dividend payout is excessive.

Investors do not like to manufacture “homemade” dividends, but prefer the company to distribute them directly.
Relevance of Dividends
B. Taxes on the investor

Other Dividend Issues

Flotation costs
Transaction costs and divisibility of securities Institutional restrictions

Financial signaling
Empirical Testing of Dividend Policy

Payouts greater than excess funds should occur only in an environment that has a net preference for dividends.
Implications for Corporate Policy

There is a positive value associated with a modest dividend. Could be due to institutional restrictions or signaling effects.

Capital gains taxes are deferred until the actual sale of stock. This creates a timing option. Capital gains are preferred to dividends, everything else equal. Thus, high dividendyielding stocks should sell at a discount to generate a higher before-tax rate of return. Certain institutional investors pay no tax.

Incorporation in some states (notably Delaware) allows a firm to use the “fair value,” rather than “book value,” of its assets when judging whether a dividend impairs “capital.”
Chapter 18
Dividend Policy
After Studying Chapter 18, you should be able to:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
7. 8.
Understand the dividend retention versus distribution dilemma faced by the firm. Explain the Modigliani and Miller (M&M) argument that dividends are irrelevant. Explain the counterarguments to M&M - that dividends do matter. Identify and discuss the factors affecting a firm's dividend and retention of earnings policy. Define, compare, and justify cash dividends, stock dividends, stock splits, and reverse stock splits. Define “stock repurchase” and explain why (and how) a firm might repurchase stock. Summarize the standard cash dividend payment procedures and critical dates. Define and discuss dividend reinvestment plans (DRIPs).