Logic Lecture 1 Handout




THAN must be followed by a nominative pronoun rather than an accusative pronoun. Examples from BNC: 1) You’re lighter than me. 2) She was even more miserable than me. 3) But she made it first than me. 4) Like you know, loads of people are smaller than me! 5) This year she will only be two years younger than me. 6) You have got ta have a lot more room than us! GRAMMAR AS CHOICE Example 1: Making a request I am wondering if you could leave me alone for a while. (in formal letters!) I would be grateful if you could leave me alone. (in formal letters!) Could you leave me alone for a while? (in spoken English, but formal!) Would you mind going out and leaving me alone? Can you go out and leave me alone? (in informal spoken English!) Go out and leave me alone! (Order!) Example 2: Different use of That-clauses between speech and writing Text Sample 1 Newspaper Report <an extract from the British newspaper The Independent, October 1989; from an article describing the historical background of the Rivonia treason trial in South Africa, which began in 1963> In a recent book on the trial <…>, Hilda Bernstein, the wife of one of those on trial, write: “The Rivonia trial was a confrontation in which the opposing forces in South Africa appeared face to face <…>” The defendants tried to prove that Umkhonto we Sizwe was not part of the ANC. They denied that they had adopted a plan for guerrilla warfare and denied that the ANC was communist. The state’s case was based mainly on accusations of sabotage and planned sabotage, a case well supported by the evidence found at Rivonia. Detailed plans for Operation Mayibuye, an outline for guerrilla warfare and foreign intervention, were revealed. Mr Sisulu said that it was just a draft plan, which had not been adopted. (NEWS)







二、Logic的使用方法1.安装与配置在使用Logic之前,首先需要确保您的计算机安装了最新版本的MacOS 操作系统。

然后下载并安装Logic Pro X,按照提示完成安装过程。














logic使用手册逻辑使用手册第一章:基本概念1.1 逻辑的定义1.2 命题和命题逻辑1.3 谓词和谓词逻辑1.4 命题与谓词逻辑的关系第二章:命题逻辑2.1 命题的基本运算2.1.1 否定2.1.2 合取2.1.3 析取2.1.4 条件2.1.5 双条件2.2 命题的等价与蕴含2.2.1 等价2.2.2 蕴含2.3 命题的简化与合取范式2.3.1 极小项与极大项2.3.2 卡诺图2.3.3 合取范式2.4 命题的推理2.4.1 假言推理2.4.2 拒取推理2.4.3 析取三段论2.4.4 假言三段论第三章:谓词逻辑3.1 谓词逻辑的基本概念3.1.1 谓词3.1.2 量词3.2 谓词的基本运算3.2.1 否定3.2.2 合取3.2.3 析取3.2.4 条件3.2.5 双条件3.3 谓词的等价与蕴含3.3.1 等价3.3.2 蕴含3.4 谓词的简化与前束范式3.4.1 极小项与极大项3.4.2 前束范式3.5 谓词的推理3.5.1 全称推理3.5.2 特称推理3.5.3 全称三段论3.5.4 特称三段论第四章:逻辑推理4.1 形式逻辑与实质逻辑4.2 形式逻辑的证明4.2.1 直接证明4.2.2 间接证明4.3 形式逻辑的推理规则4.3.1 假言推理4.3.2 拒取推理4.3.3 析取三段论4.3.4 全称推理4.3.5 特称推理4.4 形式逻辑的证明方法4.4.1 数学归纳法4.4.2 反证法4.4.3 构造法第五章:逻辑推理的应用5.1 逻辑推理在数学中的应用5.2 逻辑推理在科学中的应用5.3 逻辑推理在哲学中的应用5.4 逻辑推理在日常生活中的应用附录:逻辑符号表附录A:命题逻辑符号表附录B:谓词逻辑符号表本使用手册旨在全面介绍逻辑的基本概念、命题逻辑和谓词逻辑的运算规则、推理方法以及逻辑推理在各个领域的应用。






二、逻辑的功能与特点1. 知识图谱构建:逻辑提供丰富的知识图谱构建工具,支持从数据导入、实体链接、关系抽取到图谱推理等全流程操作。

2. 知识表示与查询:逻辑支持多种知识表示方法,并提供高效的查询引擎,方便用户进行知识检索和分析。

3. 可视化与交互:逻辑提供丰富的可视化组件和交互功能,使用户能够直观地理解和操作知识图谱。

4. 定制化与扩展:逻辑支持定制化开发,用户可根据自身需求进行功能扩展和定制。

5. 高效性能:逻辑采用先进的技术架构和算法,确保知识图谱构建、查询和推理的高效性能。

三、逻辑的安装与配置1. 安装环境:请根据逻辑官方网站提供的指南,确保您的计算机满足逻辑的最低硬件和软件要求。

2. 安装过程:访问逻辑官网,下载对应版本的安装包,按照提示完成安装。

3. 配置与启动:完成安装后,根据逻辑的配置向导,设置好相关参数,即可启动逻辑。

四、逻辑的基本操作与使用方法1. 创建项目:打开逻辑,选择“新建项目”,根据项目需求选择相应的模板或自定义配置。

2. 数据导入:在项目中选择“数据导入”功能,根据数据源类型选择相应的导入方式,上传数据并进行配置。

3. 实体链接:利用实体链接工具将文本中的实体链接到知识图谱中相应的节点。

4. 关系抽取:从原始数据中抽取实体之间的关系,构建知识图谱。

5. 图谱查询:使用查询语言对知识图谱进行查询和分析,获取所需信息。

6. 可视化展示:将知识图谱以可视化的形式展示出来,方便用户理解和分析。

7. 项目导出与分享:将项目导出为指定格式,或分享给他人进行协作。

五、逻辑的高级功能与应用1. 图谱推理:利用逻辑的推理引擎对知识图谱进行推理,发现隐藏的知识和关系。

2. 自然语言处理:结合自然语言处理技术,对文本进行语义分析和理解。




















记笔记要点九大类信号词1.时间顺序(Time-Sequence)2.举例(Example)3.列举(Enumeration)4. 补充(Continuation)5.比较或反差(Comparison or Contrast)6.强调(Emphasis)7.因果(Cause-Effect)8.总结(Summary)9.定义(Definition)一、时间顺序(Time-Sequence)例词first, later, next, finally, before, after, now, previously, last, then, when, immediately, formerly, subsequently, presently, initially, ultimately meanwhile 含义:按时间顺序叙述事件二、举例(Example)例词:for example, such as, for instance, illustrate含义:举例说明中心想法e.g. Black English used to be considered simply poor English until linguists realized that the so-called errors were actually consistent alternative grammatical forms, some of which originated in African linguistic patterns. For example, the word "be" in standard English is primarily used as part of the infinitive "to be." But in Black English, "be" can also be used to indicate a repeated action or existential state .Q: What does this example indicate?The black English is not poor English but an alternative grammatical form.三、列举(Enumeration)例词:and, too, finally, furthermore, first(ly), second, third, last, another, next 含义:说话人罗列观点(有时想暗示各观点不同的重要性)e.g. Firstly, I would like to talk about classical music and its representative composers. Next I would like to talk about Jazz music and some influential albums in the history of Jazz. Finally, I will move on to pop music in the last century.Q: What kind of music does this person want to talk?Three categories: classical music, Jazz, and Pop music四、补充(Continuation)例词:also, in addition, and, further, another, as well as含义:说话人在继续讨论同一话题,并欲补充更多的信息e.g. A computer is often called a “thinking machine,” and in many ways it is just that. Computers perform difficult and timesaving mathematical computations, as well as problems in logic and reasoning. In addition, computers run other machines and answer questions. Also, they are used to guide astronauts on take-off.Q:What functions do computer have?Five Functions: Difficult Maths computations / deal with problems logically / control other machines/ answer questions /guide astronauts to take off.五、比较或反差(Comparison or contrast)比较类(comparison)例词:like, likewise, as, similarly, at the same time,as well as, both, all, in comparison,反差类(contrast)例词:on the other hand, in contrast, despite,nevertheless, yet, instead, rather, though,regardless, unlike, although, even though,whereas , but, in spite of, on the contrary,however含义:说话人想说出一个与之前的观点相同,不甚相同甚至是相反的观点:e.g. The sex of the instructor affected the extent of active student participation. In classes taught by men with roughly equal proportions of male and female students, male students were responsible for about 75% of all class discussion. Similarly, with women as instructors, female student participation rose from 25% to 42%; in contrast, male participation slipped from 75% to 58%.Q:What’s main idea of this paragraph?Students’ class participation differs according to the sex of the instructors. Male students are more active in male instructors’ classes while female students prefer to respond to the female teachers’ classes.六、强调(Emphasis)例词:important to note, most, above all, especially valuable, a central issue, especially relevant, should be noted, the most substantial issue, remember that, a major event, the principal item, pay particular attention to, the chief factor, most of all, a significant factor, a primary concern, a key feature, the main value 含义:说话人想说出最重要最核心的内容,说话人用这些词引起听众的注意:e.g. Although the resources of our world are limited, the wants of people are not. Indeed, one of the most important assumptions of economics is that the total human wants can never be satisfied. No matter how much we have, we seem to want more. As people's income increase, so does their desire for more and better goods and services.Q: Can you briefly summarize this paragraph?People seem to have unlimited desire for resources.七、因果(Cause-Effect)例词:because, accordingly, for this reason, hence, resulting, as a result, o, then, thus, therefore, since, consequently含义:说话人欲表现两个或多个事物之间的联系,尤其是它们之间的因果关系e.g. Atherosclerosis is the result of the buildup of fat, fibrin, parts of dead cells, and calcium on the inside of the arteries. No one knows what causes this disease, but a number of things can speed its development. These include smoking cigarettes and eating animal fat and cholesterol. Others include age, hypertension,diabetes, stress, heredity, and sex (males have more heart attacks).八、总结(Summary)例词:thus, in short, to conclude, in brief, in the end, in summary, to reiterate, in conclusion, to sum up, finally, therefore, thus, as already stated 含义:说话人欲复述或总结之前的话语e.g. Euthanasia is defined as mercy killing, either by the sick people themselves or by their relatives or close friends. One controversial doctor is a strong proponent of this act: Dr. Jack Krevorkian. Dr. Krevorkian has publicly admitted to giving assistance to people who have committed suicide. As a result, he has been called a saint by some, a murderer by others.Q: What’s people’s attitude towards Dr. Krevorkian?Some people support his behavior while others find it unacceptable.九、定义(Definition)例词:define, is defined as, known as, that is, the term means, we mean, we can state, we refer to含义:说话人欲给术语下定义e.g. Our country has been obsessed with youth for far too many years. Age has been defined only as a decline from a peak of youth. Age is a fate worse than death. Negative stereotypes of older people are reinforced daily in the popular media, which contain very few examples of anyone 60 or older doing anything active or dynamic in society.Q:How do most people feel about age? Why?They feel fearful, because the mass media keeps sending a message that being old is a dreadful thing.TipsFind the signal words when you are reading or listening to the materials.Take advantage of the signal words and form the entire logic structure of the paragraph.。


11) 能够按照不同的拍速和按键对 Apple Loops 进行混音:Logic 能够根据项目的拍速和 按键来自动调整循环,因此,使用者可以在同一个项目中对不同声源的循环进行自由组合。 2、 关于本操作手册 本操作手册的撰写目的是帮助 Logic 用户尽快组装和使用系统,因此,它不是对 Logic 所有 内容的最终测评,不会对 Logic 程序的各个部分都进行详尽的介绍。 在本手册里,我们只为您详细介绍 Logic 的接口、命令以及菜单等最重要的内容。此外,随 同这些详细介绍,我们还配有对如何完成某项特定任务的逐步讲解和指导。我们建议您利用 系统中自带的演示曲教程(Tutorial Song),跟从这些讲解和指导进行大量的练习和实例 观摩,以快速掌握 MIDI 和音频信息的处理方法和技巧。 本手册的第一章主要为您讲述如何安装配置 Logic。如果您已经完成这一步,想直接进入应 用的学习阶段,那么您可以转跳到第二章——Logic 入门。然后,在接下来的几章,您将学 到很多关于 Logic 概念和设备的简介。 本手册的设计初衷不是为使用者提供利用电脑进行音乐创作的综合指南,因此,通常使用较 多的技术术语都被安排在附录部分。 如果您想了解更多关于数字音频和音乐项目组成元素的内容,可以阅读本手册的附录 A—— 音频和 MIDI 基础知识;而附录 B 则主要讲述 Mac OS X 操作系统中音频和 MIDI 的有关信息; 附录 C 则主要教您如何将 Logic 接入调音台并将作为调音台使用;最后,在附录 D 中,您将 学到如何对电脑进行优化,以用于音乐制作。 此外,通过 Logic 的参考手册以及在线帮助系统,您还可以获得更多更全面有关 Logic 的各 种信息。因此,除了本手册,我们建议您阅读更多相关的参考手册。 其中,在线帮助系统可以通过 Logic 的“帮助”菜单进入,它基本上相当于一款电子版的参 考手册。它的优点在于使用方便,可以随时查找。 无论您再怎么不喜欢阅读使用手册,我们还是建议您读完下一部分,因为它将为您提供 Logic、XSK 所涉及的版权保护硬件的有关信息。 最后,请注意,这里我们为您提供的所有信息在付诸打印时都是最权威的。对于此后发生的 任何有关功能增减的升级信息,请参照 Logic DVD 中的“后继信息”或者每一款 Logic 升级 版本中所附带的“升级信息”。 3、 本手册中所使用的有关规则 在教您从 DVD 中载入演示曲教程之前,我们认为有必要向您介绍一下本手册所使用的所关规 则。 1)菜单功能 Logic 中大多数功能都可以通过等级菜单来实现,其中菜单的等级设置如下:菜单>菜单页 面>功能 2)重要页面 在本手册中,部分文本中标有“重要”字样,指的主要是有关功能或者参数的信息。这些页 面讲述的都是一些应该或者必须阅读并且牢记的重要概念或者技术信息。建议您对这种页面 格外留心。 3)注解 在本手册中,您会发现有的地方标有“注解”字样,这些部分主要为您提供一些能够帮助您 更好地使用 Logic 的额外信息或者技巧。 4)键盘命令 Logic 中的很多功能都可以通过键盘命令(也就是电脑键盘的快捷键)来激活或者打开。本 手册中所提到的快捷键设置都是基于 Logic 设置助手中所分配的标准快捷键设置。另外,我

行为主义 Handout

行为主义 Handout

Lecture 2 Behaviourism1.Warm-up activity(1)Please describe the experiment.(2)What is the stimulus, the response and reinforcement in the experiment?2.General understanding of behaviourism(1)Definitions of stimulus, response and reinforcementA stimulus serves to _________________; a response triggered by a ___________________;reinforcement, which serves to mark the_______________ as being appropriate or inappropriate and encourage the ___________________ or ___________________of the response in the future.(2) A Please use a graph to illustrate their relationship.(3)Positive/Negative reinforcement/ PunishmentAnswer the questions: What is a negative reinforcement/a positive reinforcement/punishment? What do positive and negative reinforcement have in common?What’s the difference between reinforcement and punishment?(3) Adopting Behaviorism to TeachingTo apply this theory to language learning is to identify the organism as the___________________, the behavior as ___________________, the stimulus as ___________________ or presented of foreign language, ___________________ as the learner’s reaction to the stimulus, and the reinforcement as the __________________ or_______________ of the teacher or fellow students or the _________________________ of target language use.Language mastery is represented as acquiring a set of appropriate language____________ __________________________.3.Teaching PracticePlease observe the teaching episode and identify the stimulus, response, reinforcement and punishment in it. Please pay attention to the teacher’s behaviors.Episode 1: Clothing (教师示范)Episode 2: Clothing (小组活动:结合行为主义理论,写出教学过程)Prompt(提示):the short sleeved shirt.Response: I think the short sleeved shirt looks good on her.or: I don’t think the short shirt look g ood on her.Prompt: the green short sleeved T-shirtsResponse: I think the green short sleeved T-shirts look good on her.or: I don’t think the green short sleeved T-shirts look good on her.Group work: Discuss teaching techniques on the basis of behaviorism.• 1. Teacher should make explicitly clear_______________________________.• 2. Tasks should be broken down into ________________________________.• 3. Students should be encouraged to work ____________________________.• 4. Learning should be programmed by providing ____________________based on as nearly as 100% success.4.How to praise students?(1)List at least four expected behaviors.(2)Are these praises efficient? Why?Examples: You’ve done a very good job. /Oh, very good!/Terrific!(3)How to change the inefficient guidelines for praises?How to change the praises into efficient ones?Be common, generalPraise for the participation.Compare Ss with other SsOwing success to luckFocus on External authority5.Give students privileges。

Logic Presentation

Logic Presentation

~ Negation
⋅ And, But ∨ Or ⊃ If … then ≣ If and only if ∷ Is equivalent to ∴ Therefore
Rues of Inference
• These are the rules Westerners generally follow when they want to reach conclusions based on information from a conversation, presentation, or text. (I say “generally” because Westerners do sometimes make errors or use other systems but in most everyday life situations these are the rules that most people follow).
How Westerners TБайду номын сангаасink
What Westerners are Listening for when they Listen
• When Westerners have a conversation or read something, they are usually concerned with making sense of what is said by trying to understanding the connections between the different elements (statements).
• This reasoning is often an unconscious mental process and most Westerners are not aware that this is what they are doing when they are doing it. • Many aspects of Western conversation are heavily reliant on logic (or the violation thereof) including argumentation, humor, and even romance.



初学者LogicPro上手指南(多图)初学者应该怎样学习 Logic Pro?齐瑞,职业音乐制作人@大果老师太捧我了,简直不敢懈怠,一口气写到底啊,最后已经是收不住的节奏,多图多字、多背景知识需要,慎入啊慎入:)@邓世择老师和 @大果老师说了学习 DAW 的“道”,@AirS Jack 老师和@beikagai 老师说了具体的途径,都很好,我再具体点谈谈学LPX 的“术”,说到“术”,这个问题有点太大并不太好回答,所以我尝试给一些提纲和一些资源,供参考:LPX 或者其他主流DAW 都具有非常丰富的功能,每个人的用途也不太一样。

编普通流行歌的,编电子的,写交响乐的,用来录唱的、录乐队的,用来混音的,甚至用来做 master 的,大家用途不同所需功能也不一样,以下我本着全面介绍的原则来讲一下,大家各取所需吧:基本功能:每个功能都有很多实现方式,用什么方式直接决定了是否高大上和效率,根据难度和炫目程度排序:B-初级,M-中级,A-高级,Ma-大师级。

•常用工具:B:各工具的用途、Esc 键切换、M:快速变换三种常用工具——左键、右键、Cmd+左键(需要在设置菜单打开)•播放头控制:B:鼠标点时间线控制播放头M:快捷键:从上次停止位置播放、回到上次播放位置;A:设定定位符播放(一次完成 2 个动作)、从指定 region 开始处播放、从屏幕最左边沿播放、使用Marker 跳转、<>号整小节跳转。



我见过大师用 LPX、pro tools、DP,没有一个不是直接输入小节号/时间点来控制播放条的。

用熟了绝对有一种指挥家的感觉:“给我从 39 小节再来一遍!”•Transport 走带B:普通播放、停止、录音、节拍器、M:捕捉上次演奏的 MIDI,有了它我再也不按 record 键了……快捷键:按照 region 长度自动设置循环。


第七章:调音台、乐器以及效果器 轨道调音台 环境(Environment)中的调音台和音频目标(Audio Objects) 调音台和插件的使用 自动化混音 并轨——最后混音
第八章:环境概念 MIDI 通道 外部控制 从琶音器到分步音序器
附录 A:音频和 MIDI 基础知识 MIDI 音频
附录 B:Mac OS X 系统中的音频和 MIDI 核心音频 核心 MIDI
材商店即可买到。 由于电脑上用于音频输出的是一个 3.5 毫米的立体声插孔,因此,在连接时,您需要使用一 条一头带有 3.5 毫米立体声插头一头带有几个能够接入高保真系统、放大器或者调音台的插 头的连接线。据了解,当前绝大多数高保真系统采用的都是 Cinch(RCA)插头,而且绝大多 数调音台不是采用 Cinch 插头就是 6.3 毫米(单声道或者 1/4 英寸)插头。 注解:更多有关 Mac OS X 音频选项、驱动器特别选项以及 Logic 相关参数的信息,请查阅 本手册附录部分。 2、Logic 设置助手 注意:作为经验之谈,我们建议您在首次启动 Logic/Logic 设置助手之前,用笔记下您所有 MIDI 设备的 MIDI 输入和输出接口的连接方法。 您可以通过双击“应用程序>Logic 7 文件夹”中的 Logic 图标来启动 Logic。 当 Logic 第一次启动时,Logic 设置助手也随之启动运行,带您一步步根据已有音频和 MIDI 硬件的安装情况完成对 Logic 的系统设定。 由于 Logic 设置助手的操作非常简单明了,因此,这里我们就不再为您详细描述每一个设置 页面的具体情况了。您只需根据系统提示,通过拉动条、检验栏以及下拉菜单等选择相应的 选项,就可以完成系统的初步设置了。 其中主要的步骤有: 选择您想在 Logic 系统中使用的音频接口 确定您想在调音台中使用的通道(包括轨道、总线、乐器、输入、输出)总数 定义您通过对音频轨道进行录音所用的输入通道 为键盘选择第一套键盘命令组(您也可以将键盘命令从 Logic 6 的参数文件中直接输入) 选择您想在 Logic 中使用的监视器 添加所有连接好的 MIDI 设备 当您按照 Logic 设置助手的提示,逐步完成设置后,请重新启动 Logic。系统默认的演示曲 配有 9 种非常有用的画面组合,并包含有您在 Logic 设置助手中设定的 MIDI 设备,这就意 味着,您马上就可以使用该软件进行音乐制作了! 注解:在进行设置时,如果您对其中的部分选项不能确定时,不要着急,因为您的这些决定 不是永久的,只要愿意,您还可以修改。您可以通过“Logic>参数选择>启动 Logic 设置助 手”多次启动 Logic 系统,来创建不同的配置演示曲作为 Logic 的制作起点。 3、模板 Logic 能够为用户提供很多演示曲模板。其中,每一种都是针对某种特殊需要而设计的,因 而,使用者总能找到适合当前录音环境的模板作为起点。比如,如果您想对真实乐器进行录 音的话,就可以直接打开针对录音项目需要而设计的录音模板。模板的使用可以为用户节省 大量时间。 1)模板的打开方式 在 Logic 的主菜单拖条中依次选择“文件/新建”; 在弹出的对话框中确认“使用演示曲模板”选项; 从模板下拉菜单中选择所需要的模板 2)如何将自选歌曲保存为模板 只需简单地依次选择“文件/保存为模板”选项,然后在名称栏中键入要保存为模板的歌曲 名称即可 注解:建议您留心一下系统所提供的模板,它也许会真的为您未来项目的创作带来一些灵感! 4、自动载入歌曲 Logic 允许用户将其中一种模板设置为“自动载入歌曲”,也就是说,每次 Logic 启动时,



今天,代数的研究对象不仅是数字,而是各种抽象化的结构。例如 整数集作为一个带有加法、乘法和序关系的集合就是一个代数结 构。在其中我们只关心各种关系及其性质,而对于“数本身是什 么”这样的问题并不关心。实际上,数学上重要的并不是对象,而 是对象间的关系。例如几何可以看成是图形的代数,而代数也不外 是符号的几何。故此,代数被定义为对各种集合的元素施行代数运 算的科学(有点语义重复,初学者可能莫名其妙) 。而代数结构, 即定义有代数运算的集合(例如:群、环、域、线性空间、代数等 等) ,成为代数学研究的主体。 ——抽象代数(近世代数)
崔建伟 (华中科大物理学院) 数学物理基础
-W ian
ui iC e
March 29, 2013 10 / 27
《大学数学》上下册,陈仲等编著,南京大学出版社 1998。
《线性代数》第三版,华中科技大学数学系,刘先忠,杨明编著, 高教出版社。 参考书:
线性代数三大块:行列式、矩阵、线性空间。核心在线性空间(与 工科数学的区别) 。
-W ian
ui iC e
March 29, 2013 7 / 27
崔建伟 (华中科大物理学院)
行列式出现于线性方程组的求解。一元多次方程求解发展出群论, 进而发展出抽象代数;多元一次方程(线性方程组)求解发展出行 列式、矩阵等。 矩阵这个概念在诞生之前就发展地很好了。矩阵的基本性质是在行 列式的发展中建立起来的。在逻辑上,矩阵的概念先于行列式的概 念,但在历史上次序正相反。这就是为什么在矩阵引进的时候它的 基本性质就已经清楚了的原因。 线性空间:起源于三维向量分析,物理学家的创造。数学上起源于 四元数,但与之分裂(后者发展出超复数——费米场量子化) 。

Writing-handout Lecture 13-14(答案)

Writing-handout Lecture 13-14(答案)

Lecture 13-14: Cause and Effect RelationshipLecture on Course and Effect2.1 DefinitionCause and effect is to state a point of view as for analyzing causes that bring out that phenomenon or problem and for consequences that might follow.2.2 GuidelinesSound Reasoning or logic2.3 Four Patterns2.3.1 Pattern 1: Single Cause—Single Effect(一因一果)2.3.2 Pattern 2: Multiple Causes, Single Effect (多因一果)Introduction including the thesiscause 1cause 2 Effectcause 3Conclusion2.3.3 Pattern 3: Single cause, multiple effects(一因多果)Introduction including the thesiseffect 1cause effect 2effect 3ConclusionExtension PracticeInternet;communication, teaching methodology and economy; internet2.3.4 Pattern 4: Causal chain(因果链) P161Introduction including the thesisCause 1↓(effect 1) Cause 2↓(effect 2) Cause 3↓(effect 3) Cause 4↓Final effectConclusionWays to organizing the causal analysis essay1. order of familiarity2. order of interest3. order of importance√4. order of time sequence/chronological order√2.4 Typical Expressionseffects causes Transition Wordsso, thusas a result, consequently, accordingly, because of this, therefore, hence,for this reason, result in, lead to,cause, contribute tofor, because,since, as,on the ground thatdue to, because of,thanks to,owing to, as a result of,on account of ,on the ground of,throughresult fromfollows fromFor one thing, …for another,…The first reason is that …the second one is …It is mainly (partly) because of …It is not that …, but that …It is not because …but because …This is why …3.To Do Practices3.1 Sentence Connectors Ex.1Children watch too much television,(cause)as a result,consequently,therefore,because of this,hence,they lose creativity.(effect)Ex. 2Childrenare SO interested in television THATwatch SO much television THATwatch SO many television programs THATwatch SUCH a lot of television THATare SUCH avid TV watchers THAT hence,(cause)they lose creativity.(effect)Ex. 3Watching too much television too much television(cause) is the reason foris responsible forleads tocontributes toresults incausesloss of creativeability.(effect)Ex. 4Children lose creative ability(effect) since becausebecause of the fact that they watch so muchtelevision. (cause) Ex. 5Loss of creativity(effect)results from follows from is due to is a result of is a consequence ofwatching too muchtelevision..(cause)3.2 Paraphrasing Sentences of Cause-Effect 3 STEPS:Point out the cause and effect of the original sentence. Recognize the part of speech of the given transition words. Rewrite sentences.1. Lost of creative ability results from watching too much television.(therefore) Children watch too much television. Therefore, they lose creative ability. (so/ such … that) Children watch so much television that they lose creative ability. 2. Too much TV causes children to withdraw from real-life experiences.(is a consequence of) Children ’s withdrawal from real-life experiences is a consequence of watching too much TV.(because of the fact that) Children withdraw from real-life experiences because of the fact that they watch too much TV.3. Children develop a low tolerance for the frustration of learning; hence they are discouraged by any activity that does not give them instant gratification.(so/ such … that) Children develop such a low tolerance for the frustration of learning that they are discouraged by any activity that does not give them instant gratification.(cause someone to) A low tolerance for the frustration of learning causes children to be discouraged by any activity that does not give them instant gratification.4.Another result of television violence is that children have come to regard it as an everyday thing. (because of this)Children watch violence in TV . Because of this , they have come to regard it as an everyday thing. Because of television violence, children have come to regard it as an everyday thing.(so/ such … that) Children watch so much television violence that they have come to regard it as an everyday thing.5. Because of watching too much television, children expect every problem to be resolved in 30 or 60 minutes. (result from)It results from watching too much television that children expect every problem to beresolved in 30 or 60 minutes.The fact that children expect every problem to be resolved in 30 or 60 minutes resultsfrom watching too much television.(because) Children expect every problem to be resolved in 30 or 60 minutes, because they watch too much television.6. Children cannot understand stories without visual illustrations because they cannot formpictures in their minds.(consequently) Children cannot form pictures in their minds. Consequently,they cannot understand stories without visual illustrations.(is due to) Children cannot understand stories without visual illustrations, which is due to the fact that they cannot form pictures in their minds.3.3 Exercise 3 (Post-class)Complete the following paragraph with cause and effect relationship.Topic sentence:Education is also very important for elderly people. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Reference 1 to Exercise 3Education is also very important for elderly people. Usually old people have more time to deal with because they have to quit working. Attending different kinds of trainings can first of all engage their time so that they will not feel bored. Besides, these trainings can also help old people learn some useful knowledge which can help make their life more colorful. Therefore, it is quite important for old people to seek a certain kind of education.。



ECE683 p13
MAC Performance
Performance Measure
Frame transfer delay – time that elapses when the first bit of frame arrives from the higher layer at source MAC to when the last bit of frame is delivered at destination MAC Throughput (Max Throughput = Reff)
Dynamic medium access control
Partition medium into channels Dedicated allocation to users Static and collisionfree sharing Ex:
Satellite transmission Cellular Telephone
Propagation delay Time to transmit a frame
ECE683 p11
Efficiency = ρ max =
Normalized DelayBandwidth Product
t prop R t prop = L L/R
The ratio of one way delay-bandwidth product to the average frame length
ECE683 p3
Channelization: Satellite
Satellite Channel uplink fin downlink fout

Writing an Essay(handout)

Writing an Essay(handout)

Writing an EssayAn essay is a literary composition that expresses a certain idea, claim, or concept and backs it up with supporting statements.It follows a logical pattern and includes:an introductory paragraph (make the claim)a body (support)a conclusion (summary of statements and support)IntroductionA good introduction will tell the reader just enough about your essay to draw them in and make them want to continue reading.1. Capture the reader's interest.e.g. Title: Rosa Parks , an Important Figure in American History←"In this essay I will explain why Rosa Parks was an important figure."versus←“A Michigan museum recently paid $492,000 for an old, dilapidated(残旧的)bus from Montgomery, Alabama."2. Introduce the topic.The next few sentences should explain your first statement, and prepare the reader for your thesis statement.←"The old yellow bus was reported to be the very one that sparked the civil rights movement, when a young woman named Rosa Parks..."3. Make a claim or express your opinion in a thesis sentence.At the end of your introductory paragraph, you will place a powerful thesis statement. Your thesis sentence should provide your specific assertion and convey a clear point of view.←"In refusing to surrender her seat to a white man, Rosa Parks inspired a courageous freedom movement that lives on, even today."BodyThe body of the essay will include three paragraphs (if this is a five-paragraph essay), each limited to one main idea that supports your thesis. You should state your idea, then back it up with two or three sentences of evidence or examples.Example of a main idea:←"It took incredible courage for an African American woman to make such a bold stance in 1955 Alabama."Offer evidence to support this statement:←"This act took place in an era when African Americans could be arrested and face severe retribution for committing the most trivial acts of defiance."All of your body paragraphs should follow the pattern of statement, supporting ideas, and transition statement.Use transition words to lead to the paragraph that follows.Sample transition words to use in your transition statements:moreover in facton the whole furthermoreas a result simply putfor this reason similarlylikewise it follows thatnaturally by comparisonsurely yetConclusionThe final paragraph will summarize your main points and re-assert your main claim (from your thesis sentence). It should point out your main points, but should not repeat specific examples.Writing a Persuasive Essay(argumentative essays)A persuasive essay is designed to sway the reader to adopt your point of view about a topic, it presents an argument. (asking “What if?”)Structure:introduce your topiclist your evidencedraw a conclusione.g. Topics:What will be the top three problems for your generation to solve?Is living in a college dorm beneficial or harmful?Should all college students be required to do volunteer work as part of their graduation requirement?How can we persuade people to drive more safely? Or show more courtesy when driving?1. Decide your point of view or what you argue for(your purpose)2. Collect facts from good sources to justify your opinions(support you argument)Since the death penalty has been reinstated, more than 140 inmates(囚犯)on death row have been released after evidence proved them innocent. Ask yourself: How would you like to be one of those 140 wrongfully-convicted inmates?"3. Discuss conflicting opinions.Present the other side of your argument and use logic and facts to show why the other side's opinion is either inaccurate or wrong.e. g."Some people argue that the death penalty acts as a deterrent to crime. Time after time, evidence has disproved this theory. The death penalty, in fact, does not act as adeterrent to crime: The South accounts for 80% of US executions and has the highest regional murder rate."4. Tie all your ideas together in a gripping conclusionBe sure to stress your thesis, or what you are arguing for or against, one last time. Use some of the information you have discussed, or a story you've saved, to color your conclusion a little bit.e. g. (First paragraph of the essay, stating the opinion)1. Gun control has been a controversial issue for years. A vast majority of citizens believe that if gun control is strictly enforced it would quickly reduce the threat of crime. Many innocent people feel they have the right to bear arms for protection, or even for the pleasure of hunting. These people are penalized for protecting their lives, or even for enjoying a common, innocent sport. To enforce gun control throughout the nation means violating a persons Constitutional rights. Although some people feel that the issue of gun control will limit crime, the issue should not exist due to the fact that guns are necessary for self defense against crime, and by enforcing gun control is violating a citizen’s second amendment right to bear arms.Writing an Expository EssayExpository essays can compare, explore and discuss problems, or tell a story. An exposition essay gives information about various topics to the reader. It: ←Informs←Describes←ExplainsYour purpose is to explain.(asking “what?”)1.Choose a subject for your essay.investigate a topicpresent an argument about the topic based on evidence.Expository essays differ from persuasive essays because you aren't stating an opinion. You're stating facts that you can back up with research.2.Select your strategy and structure.←Definitions. Definition essays explain the meaning of terms or concepts.←Classification. Classification essays organize a topic into groups starting with the most general group and narrowing down to more specific groups.←Compare and contrast. In this type of essay, you'll describe either the similarities and differences (or both) between ideas or concepts.←Cause and effect. These essays explain how topics affect each other and how they are interdependent.←How-to. How-to essays explain the steps required for completing a task or a procedure with the goal of instructing the reader.3. Keep your views unbiased.Expository essays aren't about opinions. They are about drawing a conclusion based on verifiable evidence. This means keeping your perspective balanced and focusingon what the facts tell you.4. Use the facts to tell the story.Think like a journalist when writing an expository essay. If you put down all the facts like a reporter, the story should tell itself.e. g.School UniformsSchool uniforms are good for the development of children. First of all, everyone is dressed unified. So no one has "better" clothes than others and no one can threaten others only because of their clothes. In many schools ganging up on others because of what they are wearing is already normal and uniforms are a way to protect the children from such acts. School uniforms also keep everyone from having to buy expensive brands of clothes to be part of the society, which relieves especially the parents and takes the pressure of being "cool" away from the children. School uniforms also helps to put off children being overly concerned about keeping up with the latest fashions. This gives young children more time to concentrate on more important developmental things. Of course, there are also critics, who say that school uniforms make the children lose their own individuality but in general it is possible to say, that school uniforms have a good influence on most children.。



logic使用手册摘要:1.Logic 使用手册概述2.Logic 的功能与特点3.Logic 的安装与配置4.Logic 的基本操作与使用方法5.Logic 的高级功能与应用6.Logic 的故障排除与维护7.Logic 的升级与更新正文:【Logic 使用手册概述】Logic 是一款功能强大的知识库管理工具,适用于个人、团队和企业。


本手册将为您详细介绍Logic 的功能、安装配置、使用方法和注意事项等内容。

【Logic 的功能与特点】1.多维度知识管理:Logic 支持文档、图片、音频、视频等多种格式的知识资料,并提供标签、分类、评分等管理功能,方便用户建立个性化的知识库。

2.强大的搜索功能:Logic 提供实时搜索功能,用户可以快速找到所需知识资料。

同时,Logic 还支持全文搜索、关键词搜索等多种搜索方式。

3.便捷的协同功能:Logic 支持多人实时协作,团队成员可以共同编辑、评论和分享知识,提高团队协作效率。

4.自动备份与同步:Logic 支持自动备份和多设备同步功能,确保用户知识资料的安全和便捷访问。

5.灵活的权限管理:Logic 提供多种权限设置,管理员可以灵活分配权限,确保知识资料的安全和隐私。

【Logic 的安装与配置】1.下载与安装:用户可以从Logic 官网下载最新版本的安装包,按照提示进行安装。

2.注册与登录:安装完成后,用户需要注册一个账户并登录,方可使用Logic 的功能。


【Logic 的基本操作与使用方法】1.创建知识库:用户可以创建多个知识库,对不同领域的知识进行分类管理。




#16 - The Compliant Sadist and the Apathetic Bystander Things to look for (A new ure on handouts….maybe…Tell me if you like it) By the end of this lecture, you should be able to 1) Describe the classic Asch, Milgram, and MHRC exps? (and maybe Zimbardo). 2) Define and give examples of the three factors in Latané’s Social Impact Theory 3) Apply what you have learned about social pressure to real world situations. The limits of free will The Asch Experiment - Peer Pressure How much control do you have? The Milgram Experiment (1963, 1974) What is the set up? What is a plausible guess about people’s behavior? What happened? Why? Why was this experiment done? The Manufacturer's Human Relations Consultant's (MHRC) encounter (1981) What is the set up? What happened? How does this compare to the Milgram study? Why? Latané (1981) pronounced Latin A The law of social impact. Three factors Strength Immediacy Number Can you think of brilliant examples of each of these? IF TIME......One more classic experiment Zimbardo - The Stanford Prison Experiment What is the set up? What happened? What does this add to the other experiments? What is the point? page 1



LogIC操作手册2012-1北京宇畔科技发展有限公司目录1、LOGIC用户及程序运行环境 (4)1.1用户环境 (4)1.2建立项目区 (5)1.3程序更新区 (5)1.4程序环境 (5)1.5 LOGIC常规处理模块单井分析模块 (6)Single Well Analysis .................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

Parameter files (6)WDT file (6)1.6 LOGIC常规处理模块单井处理主菜单及次级菜单 (7)2.LOGIC程序基本要素 (8)2.1 原始数据 (8)2.2 参数文件 (8)2.3 层分析文件 (9)2.4 数据系统及其相关联的数据文件 (10)2.5 文件结构 (11)2.6 访问及检索数据 (11)2.7 数据道属性 (11)3、测井资料预处理 (12)3.1 如何进入深度移动模块 (17)3.2 如何使用深度移动 (20)3.3 术语解释 (22)3.4 数据拼接 (29)3.5 曲线编辑和修改 (33)3.6 斜井垂深校正Directional Surveys (36)3.6.1 Load/edit/write survey data导入/编辑/写入井斜数据 (36)3.6.2 Reports导入/编辑/写入井斜数据 (37)3.7 对测井道数据的操作处理 (38)4.LOGIC参数输入 (43)4.1参数输入的主窗口功能 (43)4.2参数输入的通用选项 (44)4.3 WDT文件编辑----井图头参数 (44)4.4 GEO文件编辑----井分层参数 (47)4.5 PET文件编辑----岩石物理及岩性参数 (61)4.5.1岩石物理参数数据组: (61)1)Single set view (62)2)Multi-set view (63)3)利用Pickett Plot确定地层水电阻率 (64)4.5.2岩性参数数据组: (65)5、测井关联数据的输入及编辑 (72)5.1 导入关联数据 (73)5.2 编辑关联数据 (74)5.3 定义列信息 (74)5.4 定义单位 (75)6、数字处理分析方法 (77)6.1 Input data limits 输入数据范围 (77)6.2 Channel transfers 数据道转换 (78)6.3 Environmental corrections 环境校正 (79)6.4 Command Interpreter 命令说明 (80)6.5 Interpretation method 解释方法 (81)6.5.1 Vclay determination泥质含量的计算 (82)6.5.2 Porosity Options孔隙度选项 (82)6.5.3 Matrix inversion techniques复杂岩性反演技术 (83)6.5.4 Hydrocarbon corrections含油气校正 (84)6.5.5 PHIE/PHIT 有效孔隙度/总孔隙度 (85)6.5.6 Rt选项 (86)6.5.7 地层水饱和度 (87)6.5.8 Sxo 冲洗带含油饱和度 (87)6.5.9 Calculation of Bottom Hole Temperature 计算井底地层温度 (88)7、判别文件编辑---储层判别、坏井眼识别、矿物识别 (89)7.1 标准判别组合 (90)7.2 坏井眼判别组合 (92)7.3 矿物识别 (93)8、测井绘图 (95)8.1绘制测井曲线图 (95)8.2 绘制测井交会图、直方图 (99)9、解释成果输出 (105)10、多井对比分析 (107)附录B: 岩石物理常数名 (115)附录C: 分析方程 (116)LogIC操作手册1、LogIC用户及程序运行环境LogIC运行前需要明确用户的机器结构组成,如打印机、数字化仪及其他与计算机相连的硬件设备。



LogicPro音乐制作基础指南Chapter 1: Introduction to LogicPro Music Production SoftwareLogicPro is a professional music production software developed by Apple Inc. It is widely used by musicians, producers, and audio engineers for its comprehensive set of tools and features. In this chapter, we will explore the basic functions and interface of LogicPro.1.1 Getting Started with LogicProTo begin using LogicPro, you need to install the software on your computer. Once installed, you can open the program and start a new project or open an existing one. LogicPro provides a user-friendly interface that consists of various windows and menus.1.2 Interface OverviewLogicPro's interface is split into different sections, each serving a specific purpose. The main window is known as the Arrange window, where you can arrange and edit your music tracks. The Mixer window allows you to adjust the levels and effects of individual tracks. There are also other windows like the Piano Roll and Score Editor for detailed editing of MIDI and notation.1.3 Workflow and NavigationUnderstanding the workflow and navigation in LogicPro is crucial for efficient music production. LogicPro adopts a timeline-based approach, where you can arrange and organize your tracks in a linearfashion. You can navigate through your project using the playhead and zoom in or out to focus on specific sections.Chapter 2: MIDI Sequencing and Editing in LogicProMIDI sequencing is an essential part of music production, allowing users to create and edit musical performances. In this chapter, we will explore LogicPro's powerful MIDI sequencing capabilities and learn how to create and edit MIDI data.2.1 Creating MIDI Tracks and RegionsIn LogicPro, you can create MIDI tracks and regions by selecting the appropriate options from the menu. MIDI regions represent the musical performances and can be edited using various tools and techniques. You can also assign MIDI instruments and plugins to each track.2.2 Recording MIDI DataLogicPro allows you to record MIDI data in real-time using a MIDI keyboard or manually enter notes using the piano roll editor. You can choose the appropriate recording settings and quantize the recorded data to ensure precise timing.2.3 Editing MIDI DataLogicPro provides extensive editing capabilities for MIDI data. You can use tools like the pencil tool, eraser tool, and marquee tool to manipulate MIDI notes and events. LogicPro also offers advancedediting features like MIDI transform functions and humanization for creating natural-sounding performances.Chapter 3: Audio Recording and Editing in LogicProIn addition to MIDI sequencing, LogicPro offers powerful audio recording and editing capabilities. This chapter will guide you through the process of recording and editing audio in LogicPro.3.1 Setting up Audio Interface and RecordingTo record audio in LogicPro, you need to connect an audio interface to your computer and set it up within the software. LogicPro supports multi-channel recording, allowing you to record multiple sources simultaneously. You can also apply various effects and process the recorded audio during the recording process.3.2 Editing Audio RegionsLogicPro provides a range of tools for editing audio regions. You can cut, copy, and paste audio segments, adjust the timing using Flex Time, and apply audio effects and plugins. LogicPro also features advanced audio editing functions like pitch and time correction.3.3 Mixing and Mastering AudioAfter recording and editing audio, you can mix and master your tracks to achieve a professional sound. LogicPro offers a comprehensive mixing console that allows you to adjust the levels, panning, and apply EQ, compression, and other effects to individualtracks. You can then finalize your project by mastering the audio to optimize its sound for various playback systems.Chapter 4: Music Arrangement and Composition in LogicProLogicPro provides a range of tools and features to aid in music arrangement and composition. In this chapter, we will explore how to compose and arrange music using LogicPro.4.1 Writing MIDI and NotationLogicPro allows you to compose music using MIDI instruments or traditional music notation. You can use the score editor to write music using standard notation or use the piano roll editor for MIDI-based compositions. LogicPro also supports MIDI plugins and virtual instruments to expand your creative options.4.2 Arranging and Orchestrating MusicOnce you have composed your musical ideas, you can arrange and orchestrate them in LogicPro's Arrange window. Here, you can organize your tracks, add and remove sections, and create transitions. LogicPro also offers various tools for creating harmonies, counterpoint, and arranging different instrument sections.4.3 Automation and EffectsLogicPro provides extensive automation capabilities to enhance your music. You can automate volume, panning, effects parameters, and other aspects to add dynamic changes to your tracks. Additionally,LogicPro offers a wide range of built-in effects plugins, including reverbs, delays, EQs, and more, to shape the sound of your compositions.Chapter 5: Mixing and Mastering in LogicProMixing and mastering are crucial stages of music production to achieve a polished and professional sound. In this chapter, we will delve into the mixing and mastering capabilities of LogicPro.5.1 Mixing BasicsLogicPro's mixer window offers a range of controls and features for mixing your tracks. Here, you can adjust the volume, panning, and apply EQ, compression, and other effects to individual tracks. LogicPro also supports grouping and routing options for efficient mixing.5.2 Mastering TechniquesAfter mixing, the final step is mastering. LogicPro provides a range of mastering plugins and tools to optimize the overall sound of your project. You can apply equalization, dynamic processing, stereo widening, and other mastering techniques to achieve a cohesive and professional sound.5.3 Exporting and SharingOnce you have finished mixing and mastering your project, you can export it in various formats for sharing or distribution. LogicPro allowsyou to export your music as audio files, burn it onto CDs, or share it directly to online platforms.ConclusionLogicPro is a powerful music production software that caters to the needs of both beginners and professionals. From MIDI sequencing and audio recording to arranging and mixing, LogicPro offers a comprehensive set of tools and features. By mastering the techniques outlined in this guide, you will be well-equipped to produce high-quality music using LogicPro.。

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Logic Lecture, Week 1: Arguments, Validity, Consistency1. Arguments(1) Alice is a politician. All politicians are nice. Therefore, Alice is nice.(2) It is sunny outside. Therefore, it is warm outside.Definition:(i) A declarative sentence is a grammatical sentence which may be true or false.C.f. Hodges’ test, p.5: A declarative sentence of English is a grammatical sentencewhich can be put in place of ‘x’ in ‘Is it true that x?’so as to yield a grammatical question.Contrast the following s entences: ‘The cat is on the mat’ and ‘Take me to your leader!’There are just two values for declarative sentences: true and false. A declarative sentence is not false if and only if it is true; it is not true if and only if it is false.It can be difficult to determine whether a declarative sentence is true or false because it is ambiguous.Consider the following: (See Hodges, §4)(3) The bank is 300 meters away. Therefore, a financial institution 300 meters away.Lexical ambiguity.(4) No news is good news.Stuctural ambiguity (more than one way of grouping the words).(5) Alice is talking to Lucy, and so she’s busy.Ambiguity of cross-reference (variety of structural ambiguity). Definition:(ii) An argument is a set of declarative sentences followed by a consequence-word, such as ‘therefore’, followed by another declarative sentence. The first set of sentences consists of the premises and the last sentence is the conclusion of the argument.2. ValidityKey idea: an argument is valid if and only if the conclusion follows from the premises. Definition:(iii) An argument is valid if and only if there is no possible situation in which all the premises are true and the conclusion is false. (Hodges, p.38)Validity is characterised in terms of truth and falsity of the premises and the conclusion. (iii) is a negative definition: it excludes one situation as impossible. (1) is valid; (2) is invalid.3. Possible situationsThe notion of possibility with which logic is concerned is cal led, naturally enough, ‘logical possibility’. Contrast the following examples:(6) There are supermarkets on the moon.(6) is false but there is a possible situation in which it is true.(7) Sylvia is in Paris. Therefore, Sylvia is in France.(7) isn’t valid because the course of history could have been different.(8) The stuff in the glass is either water or acid.The stuff in the glass freezes at 7˚C.Therefore, the stuff in the glass is acid.(8) isn’t valid, because the laws of nature could have been different.4. Consequences of the definition of validitya) Definition (iii) excludes as invalid only one type of argument, namely arguments where thepremises can be true and the conclusion false.b) There can be invalid arguments with premises and conclusion which are in fact all true.E.g. (9) It is Tuesday today. Therefore, Brown is PM.c) There can be valid arguments with false premises and a false conclusion.E.g. (10) London is to the south of Paris. Therefore, Paris is to the north of London. d) There can be valid arguments with false premises and a true conclusion.E.g. (11) Hodges is a politician. All politicians are British. Therefore, Hodges isBritish.Consequences of definition (iii) of particular interest – The Paradoxes of Entailment: − If the conclusion of the argument is a necessary truth, the argument is valid.E.g. Brown is PM. Therefore, 2 + 2 = 4.− If the premises of the argument cannot all be true, the argument is valid.E.g. 2 + 2 = 5. Brown is PM. Therefore, Bush is French.5. ConsistencyDefinitions:(iv) A set of declarative sentences is consistent if and only if there is some possible situation in which they are all true together.E.g. {I’m in Paris now; It’s the winter}Consistent(v) A set of declarative sentences is inconsistent if and only if there is no possible situation in which they are all true together.E.g. {I’m in Paris now; Paris is not in England; I’m in England now}Inconsistent Notes on consistency:e) A set of declarative sentences can be consistent but completely unconnected.E.g. {Brown is PM; It’s Tuesday today; Berlin is in Germany}.f) Consistency applies to single sentences: a sentence is consistent if and only if there is some possible situation in which it is true (e.g. ‘Berlin is in France’, ‘2 + 2 = 4’); a sentence is inconsistent if and only if there is n’t a possible situation in which it is true (e.g. ‘2 + 2 = 5’). 6. Consistency, Counter-Example Sets and ValidityDefinition:(vi) The counter-example set of an argument is the set of premises of the argument together with the negation of its conclusion. (Hodges, p. 39)Consider (1) again:(1) Alice is a politician. All politicians are nice. Therefore, Alice is nice.The counter-example set of (1) is the set of the following sentences:{Alice is a politician; All politicians are nice; It is not the case that Alice is nice}It follows from the definition of validity that:An argument is valid if and only if its counter-example set is inconsistent. (Hodges, p. 39) A valid argument is one in which the premises cannot all be true and the conclusion false. The counter-example set of an argument is the set of its premises and the negation of its conclusion. This set is consistent if there is a possible situation in which the premises are all true and the negation of the conclusion is true (i.e. the conclusion is false). But that is precisely the type of situation that is ruled out by our definition of validity. So if an argument is valid, its counter-example set cannot be consistent, it has to be inconsistent.。
