雅思口语之必答问题 and nationality:自我介绍,介绍自己的名字和国籍。
2.Are you a student or do you work? 你是学生还是工作人士?3.Where do you live/study/work? 你住在哪里,在哪里学习和/或工作?4.Can you describe your home/family? 你可以描述一下你的家/家庭吗?5.What do you do in your spare time? 你业余时间做什么?6.Why did you choose to study this subject/所选专业?7.Have you always wanted to study this subject? 你是不是一直都想学习这个专业?8.What are your hobbies? 你的爱好是什么?9.How did you prepare for the口语part of the test? 你如何准备口语考试?10.What is your favorite book/movie/song? 你最喜欢的书/电影/歌曲是什么?11.Can you tell me something about the last book you read? 你能告诉我你最近读的一本书吗?12.Do you read a newspaper in English? 你是否阅读英文报纸?13.What do you think of the transportation in your country? 你觉得你所在国家的交1通状况如何?14.How often do you travel? 你多久旅行一次?15.Can you tell me about a person who has had a significant influence on you? 能否告诉我一个对你影响深远的人?以上问题只是其中的一部分,实际上在考试中,考官可能会根据考生的回答进行深入提问,或者提出一些其他的话题。
例如:Where are you from?(你来自哪?)Why are you studying English?(为什么学英语呀?)Have you visited any English speaking countries?(去过说英语的国家吗?)Do you play any sports?(你参与什么运动吗?)建议:这个时候,你应当给考官一个比较全面的回答,这是给对方留下第一好印象的时刻。
Where are you from?Im from Shanghai in China. Its the largest city in China.Its a modern city but with a lot of history and a lovely place to live. 我来自中国上海(到这不能停),上海是中国最大的城市,是一座现代化的大城市,历史也很悠久,是一个特别适合居住的地方。
Why are you preparing for the IELTS exam?Because I need it for my studies. Ive been offered a place at a university in England to study on an MBA but I need to show my level of English is good enough.为了学习(到这不能停),我已经被英国一家高校的MBA录用了,但是我需要证明自己的语言水平足够好。
以下是一种常用的雅思口语对话模板,供参考:Part 1: 个人信息和常规话题1. 介绍自己"Hello, my name is [Your Name]. I come from [Your Country/City].""I'm currently studying/working as a [Your Occupation/Student Major]."2. 回答个人常规问题"In my free time, I enjoy [Your Hobbies/Interests].""I'm fond of [Your Favorite Activities/Books/Movies]."3. 简短的个人看法/观点"I believe that [Your Opinion on a Common Topic]."Part 2: 针对给定话题展开讨论1. 阐述个人经验或观点"From my perspective, [Your Experience/Opinion on the Topic].""I'd like to share an experience related to [Topic]."2. 提供例子或支持观点的具体内容"For instance, [Example/Reason Supporting Your Opinion].""To illustrate, [Specific Example or Story]."3. 表达理解与补充"Moreover, [Additional Point/Opinion on the Topic].""Furthermore, [Extend Your Thought/Connect to a Related Point]."Part 3: 对话延伸和问题回答1. 与考官进行对话"What about you? What's your opinion on [Topic]?""Have you ever experienced something similar to what I mentioned?"2. 回答考官的问题并扩展讨论"I haven't thought about it in that way before. Can you tell me more about [Related Topic]?""That's an interesting point. It reminds me of [Personal Experience/Another Perspective]."3. 结束对话"Thank you for the discussion. It was nice sharing thoughts on [Topic].""I appreciate the opportunity to talk about [Topic]."这个模板旨在帮助考生组织思路,但在实际口语考试中,更自然、更真诚的表达和回答往往更能获得更高的分数。
以下是一些常见的雅思口语问题和相关的口语模板:1.个人陈述部分常见问题:-请你介绍一下自己模板回答:My name is [你的姓名], and I am from [你的国家]. Currently, I am [你的职业/学生身份]. In my free time, I enjoy [你的兴趣爱好]. I decided to take the IELTS exam because [你的原因].-你最喜欢的科目是什么?模板回答:My favorite subject is [科目名]. I find it fascinating because [原因]. I enjoy learning about [科目中的一个方面] because [原因]. It helps me to [你的学习目标].-你最喜欢的电视节目是什么?模板回答:My favorite TV show is [电视节目名]. I like it because [原因]. The characters are [形容词], and the storyline is [形容词]. It is entertaining and keeps me engaged.2.对话部分常见问题:-对话1:与考官的个人对话-请问你的名字是什么?模板回答:My name is [你的姓名].-你的家乡是哪里?模板回答:I am from [你的家乡]. It is located in [家乡所在地区/国家]. It is a [形容词] place with [一些描述特点].-你的家乡是一个怎样的地方?模板回答:My hometown is a [形容词] place. It is knownfor [一些特点]. The people are [形容词] and welcoming, andthe food is [形容词]. I love the atmosphere of my hometown.-对话2:与考官的对话-你认为追求成功重要吗?模板回答:I believe that pursuing success is important.It motivates us to work hard and achieve our goals. However,it is also important to define what success means to us individually.-你认为教育的重要性如何?模板回答:I believe that education is extremely important. It provides us with knowledge and skills that are essentialfor personal growth and development. It also opens up opportunities and improves our career prospects.3.话题讨论部分常见问题:-你认为旅行的好处是什么?模板回答:I believe that traveling has numerous benefits. Firstly, it allows us to experience different cultures and broadens our perspectives. Secondly, it helps us to relax and de-stress. Lastly, it provides us with valuable memories and experiences that we can cherish for a lifetime.-你认为宠物对人们的生活有什么影响?模板回答:I think pets have a positive impact on people's lives. They provide companionship and unconditional love. Additionally, taking care of a pet teaches responsibility and empathy. Pets can also help reduce stress and improve mental health.-你认为社交媒体对人们的生活有何影响?模板回答:I believe that social media has both positive and negative effects on people's lives. On one hand, it allows us to connect with others and share our thoughts andexperiences. It also provides a platform for learning and staying updated. On the other hand, excessive use of social media can be addictive and harmful to mental health.总结:在雅思口语考试中,准备一些常见问题的模板回答可以帮助考生更好地准备口语考试。
个人经历类问题1. 请介绍一下你自己。
2. 你从小到大住在哪里?我出生在XXX,一直在那里生活到XXX岁,之后我去了XXX市读大学,现在我在这里工作了。
3. 你最喜欢的科目是什么?我最喜欢的科目是英语,因为它能够让我更好地理解世界,并且在我的专业中也非常重要。
家庭类问题1. 你家有多少人?你和他们住在一起吗?我家有XXX人,我和我的父母以及一个兄弟住在一起。
2. 你最喜欢与家人做什么活动?我最喜欢与家人一起看电影或者游戏,这样可以增强我们之间的联系,同时也是放松和享受时光的好方式。
3. 你家习惯晚餐一起吃吗?是的,我们家习惯晚餐一起吃,这是家人之间沟通交流的好机会,也帮助我们更好地了解彼此的生活和工作。
工作和学习类问题1. 你目前的工作是什么?你喜欢它吗?我目前的工作是XXX,我非常喜欢这个工作,因为它与我的专业相关,并且也给我提供了可以提升自己的机会。
2. 你最喜欢的科目是什么?我最喜欢的科目是英语,因为它能够让我更好地理解世界,并且在我的专业中也非常重要。
3. 你是否参加过课外活动?如果有,你参加的是什么活动?是的,我参加过一些课外活动,比如志愿者服务、音乐和阅读俱乐部等。
生活和兴趣类问题1. 你最喜欢的电影类型是什么?我最喜欢的电影类型是悬疑和犯罪类型的电影,因为这种类型的电影可以让我感受到紧张和刺激,也让我想更多地思考人性和社会问题。
2. 你喜欢旅行吗?你去过哪些国家或城市?是的,我非常喜欢旅行。
面对雅思口语Part2你这样回答会跑题扣分在雅思口语考试中,Part 2无疑是重点和难点,对于考生来说也是备考花费时间最多的一个部分。
如果答题的时候跑题了肯定大家都不愿意面对这种情况,下面小编给大家带来面对雅思口语Part 2 你这样回答会跑题扣分,希望大家引以为戒!面对雅思口语Part 2 你这样回答会跑题扣分大家都知道Part 2的考试形式是考官给考生一个话题册的某一页,这一页上是一个话题,比如说“Describe a magazine you enjoy reading”,同时还包含了下面四点提示,也就是考生非常熟悉的“You should say”四点内容,于是考生的问题也就随之而来。
雅思官方也提到了说“You will not be penalized if your talk does not follow all the cues on the card”,也就是说考生的分数不会因为漏说了某一点或某两点受到过多影响,当然前提不要跑题,而是“It's more important to talk fluently and keep going for 2 minutes than to cov er all the points on the topic card.”A:什么样的素材是跑题?Q:拿9-12月题库的考题为例,在很多资料上被翻译成“集中注意力的活动”的话题“something you do to make you concentrate”其实是不准确的,应该是“描述能让你集中注意力做某件事的活动”,比如喝咖啡、喝茶、听轻音乐、去安静的环境等等,而不是集中注意力去做的某件事。
雅思口语考试并不要求说得多深奥,题目也比较贴近生活,所以考生要留心日常话题在英语里怎么说.口语考试重点考察F,V,G,P.F=fluency,即流畅.V=vocabulary,即词汇.G=grammar也,即语法.P=pronunciation,即发音.所以多读还是很重要的,阅读时的语感有时在口语中并非就能表现出来.高考和4,6级将学生的能力困在阅读和听力上,导致很多学生在考雅思口语的时候很难突破6分以上.据多次考雅思的人回忆,口语考试基本上只有少量的新题.所以题目是可以准备的,但是千万不要去背.这也是可以理解的,如果每个人都背标准答案,听多了谁都知道啦~所以回答的随心就好,带有情绪化也无关紧要,最重要是发自内心~最近在整理雅思的材料看到以下的topic觉得很不错,和大家分享一下.1.What do you think is the role of grandparents (old people) in a family?In china, many grandparents take on the responsibility of primary caregiver for young babies. Many parents realize that the bond between grandparents and kids is rewarding for both generations. In today’s busy world, work demands make it difficult for parents to be as involved in their kids’ lives as they would like. In these cases, grandparents and extended family offer the greatest help to parents.In addition, grandparents are often regarded as the anchor that keeps extended family members together; they play a unique and memorable role in the family.2.What is your opinion on one child policy?It is no doubt that a policy like one child policy in china right now will bring many good effects. As each couple is only allowed to have one child, they will do the best they can to give their children good education and good living conditions. They will do a lot to make their own children to be the best. It is favorable for the children’s growth financially.However, many people are worried about that today’s children are more spoiled than ever. Many of the children are self-centered and lack the ability to co-work with others even though they perform well individually. Children often have much pressure of being successful and do not allow themselves to fail. I believe that it is a problem cannot be ignored because a well functioning society is result of group work rather than a number of individual performances.3.What do you think of extended family and nuclear family?I think each family module has its own advantages and disadvantages.Advantages: In an extended family, older adult can care for and teaching young, so that they feel they are useful and need.As older adults are in this family, the whole family is more coherent- they help to keep the family relationship between the members.In time of crisis, there will be more people to think about the solutions. And older adults might be more experienced in finding them.While in a unclear family, people feel like they can enjoy greater mobility and privacy.And more resources from time to money can be devoted to each member of the family.Disadvantages: On the other hand, an extended family may have financial problems as there are more people in it and they have to share the available resources.4. Are single-parent families unfavorable for children’s growth?To be sure, children in single parent families can’t get the due love or care from the other parent compared to other ones from regular families.As there is only one parent to support the family there are often financial problems caused by low income and a lack of child-care support.This result in the fact that children living in single-parent families tend to slip behind their classmates. More seriously, some children will isolate themselves from their classmates and friends.However, I know of persons who grew up in single parent families turned out fine. Children from single parent families are more independent and more strong-minded.5.What are the roles that public libraries play?The public library is anindependent learning center. The library supports individuals of any ages pursuing a program of learning independent of any formal education system.The library provides the latest materials in a variety of formats for people, such as books, magazines, CDs, cassettes and videos.6.What public libraries will be like in the future?All the materials like books, magazines and cassettes will arrive in compact disks, which will allow the reader to interact with, play with, and manipulate the information on his or her own computer.7.What are the difference between Chinese music and western music?I am not sure about this question. I do not know much about music as I only listen to it for relax. I am not an expert on it. But I know that traditional Chinese music has been existence for thousands of years, much longer than and form of western music and also the world’s most numerous people listen to this form of music.8.What are the advantages and disadvantages of watching TV?Advantages: Nowadays we have several programs on different channels. We have Business channel, News Channel, Sports Channel, Movie Channel. We can see news, entertainment programs, sports events, films, and serials on TV.We can also get a lot of information from the educational channel. And a good serial can keep the whole family get together in front of TV for days.Disadvantages: TV is a very expensive medium and many countries do not have the technology and the money to make their own TV programs. The result is that most countries are dependent of TV of Britain and America. So, a lot of people feel that is a danger to local cultures in some countries.9.Do you think it is necessary to hold music courses in schools?Learning gained through music participation in school groups is not forgotten and will be of the utmost value to the children throughout their lives. Music is the strongest medium for personal social adjustment. Children singing or playing music in groups, adjust quickly to their environment. Music is the greatest aid in helping children to learn to work together through their unified group participation. And Music, more than any other subject, promotes teamwork, cooperation, self-discipline, respect for one another and the love of beauty.10.How do you think weather affect us?Weather affects people in many ways.Bad weather like heavy rain and storm always makes people’s daily activities difficult. People don’t like to go out on a rainy day.The weather can also affect our mood. Like when the days are extremely hot, and we feel irritated or moody for no apparent reason. And what about when it is cold or rainy and gloomy and we feel sad or even depressed, but we can’t quite put your finger on it.11.How does climate affect the style of buildings?Changes in the weather, such as rainfall, wind and the frequency of storms will affect the way our homes and offices are designed and constructed.The kind of differences can be seen by comparing the building in different regions. The buildings in windy regions are built with this in mind that they can stand up to more severe weather. In rainy regions, building and roofs are designed to shed water as quickly as possible.12.How do you make Chinese dumplings?Making dumplings starts with preparing the dough, which is then rolled out into small parcels. Making the dough may sounds easy, but preparing a good one is very tricky. You need just the right consistency so it rolls easily, isn’t too sticky or too dry and doesn’t break up either while stuffing the dumplings or boiling them.The parcels are stuffed with a mixture of minced pork or other meat, finely chopped vegetables, oil, salt, water and soya sauce.The dumplings are sealed. Then boil them in a pot for a few minutes.13.What do you think has made western fast food so popular inchina?The modern western fast food was introduced into china by KFC about 20 years ago. In recent years, western fast food industry has been growing at an astonishing speed.The target consumer groups of western fast food are youngsters as they are mostly fashion advocators and prefer western fast food to Chinese food.Western fast food companies are mostly chain-restaurant ones, which are mostly large in scale with standard business management and mainly or even totally operate mechanically.14.What are the differences in Chinese eating habits and western eating habits?The main difference between Chinese and western eating habits is that unlike the west, where every one has their own plate of food, in china the dishes are placed on the table and every one shares.15.What are Chinese eating habits?A typical meal starts with some cold dishes, like boiled peanuts and smashed cucumber with garlic. There are followed by the main courses, hot meat and vegetable dishes. Finally soup is brought out, which is followed by the staple food, which is usually rice or noodles or sometimes dumplings.16.How can pets help people emotionally?Pets are so good for us, physically and emotionally, because their love, loyalty consistency, and forgiving natures offer people great comfort.Pets can help us relax and focus our attention away from our problems and worries. Watching fish in a aquarium, or the activity of birds can be very soothing.Pets can help alleviate feeling of loneliness and isolation. Everyone needs to feel needed and have someone to care for. Many elderly citizens or persons living alone will tell you their pet gives them a reason for living.17. A lot of medical experiments are done in animals. What do you think of it?P82/ writing topic~~~~18.How can people judge true friends?A true friend is someone who is always there. It’s the kind of best friend who will always tell you the truth even when they know you don’t want to hear it sometimes. A true friend should last forever and never fade. A true friend is a person who you tell your darkest secrets to sometimes you would never tell a family member.19.What makes a good neighbor?Being a good neighbor means being considerate of others.For instance, you must allow your neighbor access to your house of he needs such access for construction, repairs or maintenance work on his house. However, he must first notify you in advance. He must also repair any damage caused by this work and restore your house to its original condition.20.What do you think of the fact that more and more Chinese have begun to celebrate some foreign festivals?As cultural exchange expand between china and the west, it appears that the Chinese especially young people are more eager for foreign festivals rather than their own traditional Chinese festivals.Youngsters love foreign festivals because of the joy and pleasure in them. As to the difference between foreign festivals and traditional festivals in china, some think that Chinese festivals rest on material activities of eating and clothing, while foreign ones pay much attention to communication of feelings and ideas. Meanwhile, others think they become too tired during traditional festivals but feel free and easy going during foreign festivals.21.What are Chinese customs of the newborn?The first important event for the newly born baby is the one-month celebration. On the morning of the baby’s 30th day, sacrifices are offered to the gods so that the gods will protect the baby in his subsequent life. Ancestors are also virtually informed of the arrival of the new member in the family. According to the customs, relatives and friends receive gifts from the child’s parents. Usually the gifts are red eggs, which are the symbol of changing process of life and harmony andhappy life. They also return some presents including children’s clothes, gold or silver wares. But the commonest are some money wrapped in a piece of red paper. In the evening, the child’s parents give a rich feast at home or a restaurant to the guests at the celebration.22.What do Chinese think about generation?Chinese put their family in a very important position as they regard it as a means to keep the family blood stream continuously running. That is why children production and breeding in china becomes a focus of all members of families. It is even accepted by them as an essential moral duty.23.How do Chinese people name their children?A good name for a child is considered equally important. The Chinese think a name may somehow determine the future of the child. Therefore, all possible factors must be taken into account when they are naming their children.24.How do you summarize the major characteristics of Chinese educational system?First, the Chinese educational system is a comprehensive and complete educational system, including preschool education, primary, secondary, university, and postgraduate education. Schooling starts at the age of 6 and education is compulsory for the next 9 years.Second, the Chinese educational system is a highly competitive educational system. Because of the huge population and the limited space in colleges and universities, entrance to higher educational institutions must be very competitive. A nationwide unified college entrance examination system has been adopted. As a result, almost all students in primary and secondary schools are focused on that college examination.25.What do you think of distance education?Distance education has advantages and disadvantages and whether one outweighs the other depend quite often on your personal abilities.Taking distance program is a favorable means of study if you do not have regular time to attend classes in the university. For instance, it is good for people who have to work during the daytime.But we realize that motivation, time management, isolation and communication are problems faced by the students studying from home.However, if you have the ability of studying on your own and also have the strong-mind and self-disciplines, you can also get good results.26.What is your opinion on studying abroad?Studying abroad is a good experience for college students. You can learn something different from what you can learn in your country. The programs offered by universities of different countries may be different in content, concepts and views covered and the assumptions and values they are based on. And studying in a foreign language is worthwhile for language practice. Living abroad itself can also be a great experience for you. These experiences will help you understand the people and their culture better.But, studying abroad is not necessarily an easy, pleasant, and happy experience for everyone. You cannot see your family and friends for a long time; you can’t expect their help. And you may find hard to adjust to the local food.However, these hardships make you better educated and trained. You will find much joy and satisfaction in overcoming these hardships.27.Do you think patent is important in the modern society?First, the offer of patent protection encourages the inventor to make the invention.Second, since the inventor must describe the invention in the patent, and copies of the patent may be purchased by the public, then the knowledge of the invention is made available to everyone. If it were not for the patent law many inventors would be unable to develop their inventions and would abandon their ideas, and many others would keep them secret as long as they could instead of publishing them in patents which stimulate others to make still furtherinventions.28.What inventions do you think are the greatest in Chinese history?There are 4 greatest inventions in Chinese history, namely, papermaking, printing, gunpowder and compass.By the 3rd century AD, Chinese scientists had studied and learned that iron ore tended to align itself in a North/South position. Scientists learned to make magnet by heating pieces of ore to red-hot temperatures and then cooling the pieces in a North/South position. The magnet was then placed on a piece of reed and floated in a bowl of water marked with directional bearings. These first navigational compasses were widely used on Chinese ships by the 11th century AD.29.What are the advantages and disadvantages of renting an apartment?A: you only have to pay a small initial investment involves a minimum financial risk and does not limit investment flexibility, and monthly costs are easier to predict since maintenance and repair costs are usually part of the tenant’s rent. And also you have freedom to move and travel.D: Tenant’s activities and improvements may be restricted by the lease, such as not allowing pets. Renting apartments usually provides less space than a house. You may not have a garden or large, private outdoor space.30.How do people benefit from local parks and open places?Playgrounds and sports fields offer places where children and adults can play organized sports and informal games, which are good for health.Wetlands, natural areas and vegetated parks help filter pollutants from the air and water and reduce noise pollution.31.What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in cities and living in the countryside?Living in cities is often easier to find work, and there is usually choice of public transport, so you don’t need to own a car. Also, there are a lot of interesting things to do and places to see. City life is full of bustle and variety and you need never feel bored.However, living in the city is often very expensive. It is particularly difficult to find good, cheap accommodation. What is more, public transport is sometimes crowded and dirty, particularly in rush hour, and even the parks can become crowed on weekends.You can live near the nature if you choose to live in the countryside, and it is much cleaner than in cities because there are not so many cars and factories. Also, you can have a big house and a big yard around your house. You can keep pets, and your neighbors don’t complain as easily as in a city.When you move into the country, finding a job is more difficult, and there are not many shops and distances from the downtown are long.32.What are the difference between young and old when they choose living positions?City life can be particularly appealing to many young people, who like the excitement of the city and don’t mind the noise and pollution. However, many people, when they get older, often prefer the peace and fresh air of the countryside.33.What are the advantages and disadvantages of self-employment?Self-employment offers the advantage that you can control your time, it means that you can have a holiday whenever you feel tired or stressed.Incomeis likely to be much more irregular in self-employment. And balance between work and the rest of your life can be difficult to manage if you work for yourself. There are no other workers and no boss to start work and what time to go home. Support and expertise can be more difficult to access when you work for yourself. In a large organization there will be many experts to provide specialist support with, for example, legal or financial matters. Working for yourself, you will need to buy in these services or learn the relevant skills yourself.34.What job-hunting method do you think is the most effective and fast?Many job seekers arefinding out about the power of the Internet. On-line job searches are becoming more popular as people find out the advantage of connecting with larger and larger numbers of potential employers. In addition, resumes and vital information about employees can be delivered cheaply and almost instantaneously over the Internet.35.What are the advantages and disadvantages about online job-hunting?A: you can connect and communicate with people anywhere in the rmation is timely and frequently rmation is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.The accesses to many job website are free.D: the information on the internet can be volatile and sites change quickly.You cannot expect privacy or security for resumes submitted on the web. Anyone can see your resume when it is posted.Each site works differently so you must explore and learn to use each site.36.What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of working abroad?A: experiencing life, culture and working practices in other countries can be seen as making a positive contribution to your career development.It is also worthwhile for language practice.It is an enlightening experience that broadens horizons.D: Not good for everybody. Culture shock is an unsettling experience for many.You cannot see your family and friends for a long time; sometimes it is very lonely.It is very expensive to live abroad. Even if you are earning abroad you are unlikely to be able to fund all your travel and accommodation.37.Do you think athletes deserve high salaries?Maybe they are, but I don’t really believe that athletes are over paid. People don’t understand how the lifestyle of a professional athlete really is or who would get the money we spend if the athletes didn’t get it. They just see those astronomical numbers and think that it is unfair that us working class people don’t make that amount of money. Professional athletes are some of the most dedicated, hardest working people in the world. They don’t just play during their season, they have to train year round or they will lose their job.Fans pay to watch the game. Different broadcasting corporations pay the team to cover and air the game. All of this money goes to the owner of the particular team. The owners, in turn, then pay their players their salaries. The truth of the matter is that the owners actually make the most money and only distribute a small portion of it to their hard working employees. Athlete’s salaries must stay high to keep the level of competition where it is, and keep striving to get better.38.Why do many countries apply to host great sport events?The hosting of international sport events offers the potential to bring direct and significant benefits across a broad range of government priorities and can act as a catalyst for the achievement of other objectives.Economic benefits include job creation, regional development, increased tourism, increased exports, enhanced infrastructure and increased tax revenue.Social benefits range from unique work experience including training and youth participation, to volunteer promotion and increased emphasis on fitness and health.39.What are the advantages and disadvantages of online shopping?A: online shopping is available all the time. The stores never close. People can shop 24 hours a day and 7 hours a week.The selection of consumer goods may be even greater than what are found in a traditional store.You can compare shops for features, quality and price on line easily instead of using time and energy driving to different stores to compare shops.D: there are so many choices online that confusion results. Sometime it becomes harder, not easier, to make a decision.You should carefully check out the total amount you will pay including the cost of shipping andhandling as well as sales taxes. Sometimes to buy online may be more expensive than in local stores even if the price of the product is less.You should also consider about the privacy and security of your information before buying online.40. What are the advantages and disadvantages of big supermarkets?A: It is a very convenient way of shopping because people can choose the product they want from a large rang and have the possibility to get to know new products.People don’t have to carry things but just take a trolley, and people an wheel your trolley to their car, load their stuff in to the car boot and leave the basket or trolley near by to be collected by the store attendant.D: on the other hands shopping in supermarkets can be annoying for there is a big choice which can cause confusion. People often buy unnecessary things because they seeing to have a good price and you buy things that you did not plan to buy earlier.41.How does tourism benefit a country?Tourism generates foreign exchange.Tourism generates local employment both directly in the tourism sector and in the various support and resource management sectors.Tourism stimulates profitable domestic industries in hotels, restaurants, transport systems, souvenirs and handicrafts, and guides.Tourism improves intercultural understanding and global communication.42.How has the physical environment changed in china in recent years for early childhoodeducation?A kindergarten often has several classroom buildings surrounding an enclosed playground. The playground contains equipment for children’s activities.Each groupof children has its own classroom, bedroom for afternoon naps, and playground, which is good for the safety of the younger children and easy for the teacher to regulate.43.How do Chinese families invest in the education of children?In recent years, many Chinese families are spending more and more on education of their children. Many parents try to send their children to the best kindergartens, schools for better educational environment with qualified teachers, regardless of higher tuition fees.Also, going abroad to study has become a trend among young Chinese. Chinese parents believe there are several advantages to their children’s going abroad to study. So many Chinese families sent their children to study in Britain, the USA, and Australia to study at extremely high cost.44.What measures does the government have in your country to protect environment?To date, the Chinese government has enacted 12 laws and over 20 regulations on environmental protection, as well as 250 environmental standards.The Chinese government also has adopted various measures to curb environmental pollution. The ratio of environmental protection funds keeps rising in resent years. Huge achievements have been made in industrial and urban pollution control, and environmental pollution has been brought under control in some areas.45.What are Chinese people’s opinions and measures to protect environment?In recent years, people’s awareness of environmental protection has been an unprecedented upsurge, and an increasing number of people have begun to make efforts for environmental protection and given their support to the government’s work in this regard.In most of the cities around china, residents consciously use cloth bags instead of plastic ones, take care not to litter, or contribute to the fight against sandstorms by volunteering to plant trees and grass.46.What effects do you think global warming will bring us?Global warming will have different effects in different parts of the world. Scientists around the world are blaming global warming for extreme weather events such as severe droughts, floods and storms.Climate changes will affect people everywhere.Warming will change climate patterns around the world. We can expect more storms, more droughts, more floods, hurricanes, frosts and t heat waves.Wildlife habitatswill change with the climate. The change will probably be too fast and many species are likely go extinct.Global warming also changes the ways of life and health of human beings. Summers become hotter and winters become warmer. People have to adjust themselves to the changes physically and mentally.47.What should people do at home to save energy?Always turn the lights off when you leave a room and adjust to your curtains to let in as much light as possible during the day.Don’t leave the door of the fridge open for longer than necessary, as cold air will escape. Avoid putting hot or warm food straight into the fridge; allow it to cool down first.Try to take shower instead of bath. An ordinary shower uses only half of the water needed for a bath.48.What are the advantages and disadvantages of email?A: email is fairly fast. The deliveries of the massages only take a few seconds.And email is a kind of communication that doesn’t occur at the same time. So the recipient can read the message at any time, which is convenient for him or her. This is a very useful factor for communication between long distances and different world time zones.Another important advantage in use of email is its rather cheap service.D: email has quite low level of security and privacy. Sometime the massages may be delivered to the wrong address because of the transmission error or the incorrectly typed address.Another thing that can be considered as a disadvantage is that in many cases the storage limit of the email inbox is not that big. This mainly goes for online free services.49.What are the advantages and disadvantages of advertising?A: advertising may lead to increased sales and greater competition, which lead to mass production, better quality and lower prices.Advertising informs the consumer about the various products on the market, which leads to a better choice.D: advertising is expensive and if it fails to increase sales, prices will increase.Consumers are tempted to purchase goods and services witch they do not really needed.Also, it is not good for the beauty of our city. For example, billboards can deface natural features. Leaflets may be thrown away when handed out in public, which adds to pollution.50.Do you think the private lives of public figures celebrities should be open to press scrutiny?For the public political figures, people have rights to know about those in power over them, because their salaries are paid for by the people through taxes. The decision made by the political figures affect many aspects of people’s lives; in exchange the people have the right to know what kind of leaders they have.I don’t think the mass media should focus too much attention on the people like athletes and movie and music stars. I know that their lives are much more interesting than the normal people, but this should not be a reason to deny the right to privacy of these famous people.[ 本帖最后由 .mini. 于2008-7-18 17:36 编辑]收藏分享。
1. 你的家乡是哪里?
2. 你住在城市还是乡村?
3. 你觉得城市生活和乡村生活有什么不同?
4. 你喜欢去哪些地方旅行?
5. 你最喜欢的食物是什么?
6. 你有兄弟姐妹吗?他们对你有什么影响?
7. 你觉得教育对一个人的重要性是什么?
8. 你平时做什么运动?
9. 你觉得现在社交媒体对人们的生活有什么影响?
10. 你将来有什么职业规划?
雅思口语part3常见题型答题技巧雅思口语的Part 3在雅思备考中,是各位考生很头痛的一部分,因为虽然有机经题目可以用来练习,但是参考价值不如Part 1和Part 2的大,雅思考官提问的灵活度比较高,所以常常让我们无从下手。
我们都比较清楚,Part 3的题目是根据Part 2的话题发问的,所以如果第二部分考的是a long car journey you went on,那么第三部分可能问到大家的题目可能长成这样:1. What’s the difference between men and women's preference on cars?2. What will cars be like in the future?3. Why do people like to have private cars?第一题是典型的“比较”类型题,考官经常比较的维度还有“过去跟现在”“年轻人和老人”等。
不过一定要注意,可以根据自己或者身边人的经历作为素材组织答案,但在输出的过程中,一定要talk in general,不能说怎么怎么样。
Sample Answer:Well, I guess there are quite a few differences between men and women when it comes to getting a car. For starters, men pay more attention to the performance, so it might take them more time to decide which vehicle type and make they are supposed to buy, while women focus more on the appearance and convenience, so they might get themselves a cute compact, which is easy to drive and park. And also, about the color, both genders believe that the choice of color says a lot about themselves, like personality and taste, so traditionally, men prefer dark colors like black or dark blue, you know, to make them more professional and mature, but women, on the contrary, are more into light and bright colors. Oh, and men tend to consider the resale value of a car before they actually make the purchase, but I don’t think many women would do that.So those are the differences I can think of.第二题是典型的“in the future”预测未来题型,我们可以在Part 3看到好多这样的题目,例如:How do you think toys will change in the future? What do you imagine people’s houses will be like in the future?What will be the most popular jobs in the future? How do you imagine that art will be taught in the future? Do you think that cities will become noisier in the future? 等等。
雅思口语part2题目太多怎么办?那这些“串”话题小套路你必看整理雅思口语话题太多,备考忙不过来怎么办?下面我给大家带来雅思口语part 2题目太多怎么办?那这些“串”话题小套路你必看,盼望对大家有所关心!雅思口语part 2题目太多怎么办?那这些“串”话题小套路你必看许多雅思索生在面对雅思口语其次部分时都会有这种感觉---难点一:part2每个换题季需要预备50个话题左右,自己时间不够,整理不出来这么多话题;难点二:话题用英文讲不到规定的时间,说出来的(句子)都好简洁,不够深刻;难点三:最关键的是,想不出来思路,中文都没话说,叫我用英文怎么讲啊...---先让我们回顾一下一般考生应对part2时的预备历程:1. 熟识将全部话题,并且尝试去归类。
2. 一般分为四类:people,object,event和place四大类。
3. 每一类去搜寻一些模版(文章),自己改的更简洁,易背或者加工二次创作。
4. 在背诵中遗忘,在遗忘中回忆,在回忆中卡壳...每一种(方法)都有它的科学性,但大部分的考生其实并没有这么有急躁去这么备考。
下面我们就以话题Describe an activity you do to stay healthy为例来进行讲解:开头思路:什么活动可以保持健康呢?我选择去健身房吧,这个够健康!主体段思路(万能思路):一. Diet control1. More vegetables and fruits: exemplify(举例) and explain(举例)-比如:broccoli, banana, apples2. less high-calories junk food and sweet food: exemplify(举例)and explain(举例)-比如:, coke, french fries3. Advantages of diet control: 可以从body shape,掌握体重以及削减得病的风险来谈。
以下是整理的雅思⼝语考试考官说话的流程,欢迎阅读!1.雅思⼝语考试考官说话的流程 Good morning. Come in and take a seat. Can you tell me your full name, please? What shall I call you? Can I see your identification please? Can you tell me where you are from? 第⼀部分: Now in this first part, I’d like to ask you some questions about yourself. 1. Let’s talk about… 2. I’d like to move on now to talk about … 3. Let’s move on to the topic of … 4. Let’s move on to the topic of … 第⼆部分: Now I’m going to give you a topic, and I’d like you to talk about it for one to two minutes. Before you talk, you’ll have one minute to think about what you’re going to say. You can make some notes if you wish. Do you understand? Here’s some paper and a pencil, for making notes, and here’s your topic. ...... All right? Remember you have one to two minutes for this, so don’t worry if I stop you. I’ll tell you when the time is up. Can you start speaking now, please? ...... 第三部分: We’ve been talking about …… and I’d like to discuss one or two more general questions related to this.2.雅思⼝语的变题期 雅思⼝语话题的准备是⼤家在备考雅思⼝语考试的时候最重要的部分,但是⼤家要了解雅思⼝语话题并不是⼀成不变的,了解了这个变化的规律,有助于⼤家选择考试的时间,提⾼考试成绩。
以下是⽆忧考整理的雅思⼝语part1-3的解题套路,欢迎阅读!1.雅思⼝语part1-3的解题套路 ⼀、雅思⼝语part1答题套路 雅思⼝语part1是给考官留下良好印象的重要阶段,所以能够合理的作答是重要的。
但是⾯对这样的问题,考⽣不能只回答“是”或“否”,⽽是要让考官信服,讲出原因,所以part1的作答套路就是“yes/sure+ reason”or”no+why/reason”.即不管你的观点是怎样的都要讲出能够⽀持你观点的理由。
Do you love to go out for a walk in parks? Explain why. Definitely! I love the feeling of walking in the park in the early morning, listening to the birds chirping in the trees, enjoying the grass sparkled with dew, breathing in the fresh air, feeling the gentle breeze blowing over my face. It can always work its magic to put me in a good mood. It is a fresh start of a perfect day! 这⾥需要注意,⼀般在考试的时候考官很少会直接让你说“Explain why”,所以考⽣不能直接说完definitely就完事了,切记要记得解释。
但当把同样的问题变成咱们雅思口语Part1的题目时:Are there many places to swim near you? 我们同学的开头回答是这样的:There’s an ocean no far from our dorm. (节选同学的回答)或是Right in my school there is an outdoor swimming pool.(节选同学的回答) 抛开语法正确与否,我们同学开头第一句话会直接去回答更为具体的内容部分,而不做出任何直接的应题。
雅思口语part1答题误区其次:题意理解错误,导致回答跑题有一次咱们的每日练习题是:What kinds of apps do you often use? 这种问法是雅思口语P1P3的一类高频问法,什么种类。
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一. 关于雅思口语考试
A:由于IELTS考试被称为国际英语语言考试系统,口语考官可能会有不同的口音. 然而,他们都受过良好的教育,并会用中等语速说纯正的英语.每年,所有考官都会接受正规的培训和测评他们的表现.换句话说,考生并不受考官口音和语速的影响.总而言之,你要相信IELTS考官筛选程序.
二. 考试过程中
A:不一定,按规定,11~14分钟为正常考试时间,除第2部分考生准备考生准备卡片内容的时间一分钟是严格控制外,考官有权根据情况做合理调整. 短于10分钟或超过14
A: IELTS虽来源于英国和澳大利亚,但出题委员会一直强调并自豪于其"国际性".不管是英式还是美式,只要说的标准流利,都能受到考官青睐.
A:虽然考官也会喜欢诚实的考生,但应付考官需要一定策略.如你可能是个古乐手,能弹一手好琵琶.但想想,考官好奇心大发,让你描述如何弹奏它,岂不傻了眼? 这时候,你可说欣赏音乐是你的爱好,说一下给你带来的好处和乐趣,岂不容易的多? 换一种说发往往能领你走出困境.
Q:考官会急性发问吗? 会根据考生的水平问不同问题吗?