Land use changes induced soil organic carbon variations in agricultural soils of Fuyang County





*通讯作者中亚热带3种人工林土壤有机碳含量与碳密度的动态变化周纯亮1,2,吴明2,刘满强1,胡锋1*(1.南京农业大学资源与环境科学学院,江苏南京210095;2.中国林业科学研究院亚热带林业研究所,浙江富阳311400)摘要:通过分析中亚热带地区杉木、毛竹人工纯林与对照次生林土壤有机碳含量和密度及其在土壤剖面分布的差异,研究了不同林型和林龄对土壤有机碳分布的影响及其与全氮、C/N 相关性。

结果表明:3种林型土壤有机碳在各剖面上分布都随土层深度增加而呈下降趋势,总体上为次生林>杉木林>毛竹林,0~10cm 土壤有机碳含量次生林(41.28g kg -1)分别比杉木林(26.54g kg -1)、毛竹林(16.89g kg -1)高出了55.5%和144.4%,其他土层差异不明显;杉木林土壤有机碳剖面含量随着树龄的增加而增加,但也只在0~10cm 呈显著差异(P <0.01)。


在0~30cm 土层,土壤有机碳密度杉木林和次生林均显著高于毛竹林(P <0.01),而杉木林和次生林之间无显著差异;而在0~100cm 土层有机碳密度表现为杉木林最高,次生林和毛竹林次之。

土壤全氮在土壤剖面中的分布与有机碳相似,三种林型土壤有机碳与全氮含量之间都呈极显著线性正相关(P <0.01),与C/N 值也呈显著线性正相关(P <0.05)。

关键词:人工林;次生林;土壤有机碳;碳密度中图分类号:S153.6文献标识码:A文章编号:0564-3945(2010)03-0568-05Vol.41,No.3Jun.,2010土壤通报Chinese Journal of Soil Science第41卷第3期2010年6月森林生态系统作为陆地生物圈的主体,不仅本身维持着大量的植被碳库(约占全球植被碳库的86%以上),同时也维持着巨大的土壤碳库(约占全球土壤碳库的73%)。

Soil Microbial Biogeography and Climate Change

Soil Microbial Biogeography and Climate Change

Soil Microbial Biogeography and ClimateChangeSoil microbial biogeography and climate change are two interconnected topics that have gained increasing attention in recent years. The complex interactions between soil microbes and climate change have significant implications for ecosystem functioning, agricultural productivity, and global carbon cycling. Understanding the biogeography of soil microbes and their responses to climate change is essential for predicting and mitigating the impacts of environmental changes on terrestrial ecosystems. One of the key aspects of soil microbial biogeography is the spatial distribution of microbial communities across different geographical locations. Soil microbial communities exhibit distinct biogeographic patterns, with microbial diversity and composition varying across different soil types, land uses, and climatic conditions. Climate exerts a strong influence onthe biogeography of soil microbes, shaping the distribution of microbial taxa and functional traits in response to environmental gradients such as temperature, precipitation, and nutrient availability. Climate change is altering environmental conditions at an unprecedented rate, with profound effects on soil microbial communities and their biogeographic patterns. Rising temperatures,altered precipitation patterns, and extreme weather events associated with climate change can directly impact the abundance, diversity, and activity of soil microbes. These changes in microbial communities have the potential to influence soilorganic matter decomposition, nutrient cycling, and greenhouse gas emissions, thereby affecting the overall functioning of terrestrial ecosystems. In addition to direct effects on soil microbial communities, climate change can alsoindirectly influence soil microbial biogeography through its impacts on vegetation dynamics and soil properties. Shifts in plant species distributions andproductivity in response to climate change can alter the quantity and quality of organic inputs to the soil, which in turn can reshape the composition and functioning of soil microbial communities. Furthermore, changes in soil physicochemical properties driven by climate change, such as soil moisture content and pH, can further modulate the biogeographic patterns of soil microbes. Theimplications of soil microbial biogeography for climate change mitigation and adaptation are far-reaching. Soil microbes play a crucial role in mediating the feedbacks between terrestrial ecosystems and the climate system through their involvement in carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas emissions. Understanding how soil microbial communities respond to climate change is essential for predicting the resilience of ecosystems to environmental perturbations and for developing effective strategies to enhance carbon storage in soils. Addressing the complex interrelationships between soil microbial biogeography and climate change requires interdisciplinary research efforts that integrate microbial ecology, biogeochemistry, and climatology. Long-term monitoring studies across diverse geographical regions and environmental gradients are needed to elucidate the spatial and temporal dynamics of soil microbial communities in the context of climate change. Furthermore, advanced molecular and bioinformatic tools can provide insights into the functional potential and metabolic activities of soil microbes under changing environmental conditions. In conclusion, soil microbial biogeography and climate change are intricately linked, with far-reaching implications for ecosystem sustainability and global environmental change. The ongoing alterations in climate patterns are reshaping the biogeographic patterns of soil microbes, with potential consequences for ecosystem functioning and the global carbon cycle. Addressing the complex interactions between soil microbial communities and climate change is critical for informing evidence-based management practices and policy decisions aimed at mitigating the impacts of environmental change on terrestrial ecosystems.。










二、微生物多样性对牧草生长的影响1. 提供养分土壤微生物通过分解有机物质,将有机养分转化为牧草可吸收的形式,为牧草提供养分。


2. 促进土壤结构形成土壤微生物在土壤中形成土壤胶体和胶体组成,对土壤结构形成起到重要的作用。


3. 提高土壤肥力土壤微生物能够分解有机肥料和秸秆等有机物,促进氮、磷、钾等养分的释放,提高土壤肥力,有利于牧草的生长和品质的提高。

三、微生物多样性对牧草品质的影响1. 影响饲料价值草地土壤微生物多样性的丰富度和多样性能够影响牧草的饲料价值。


2. 影响植物抗病能力土壤微生物多样性对牧草的病害防治具有重要的影响。


3. 影响农药残留土壤微生物多样性能够与农药发生生物降解反应,通过分解、转化和吸附作用,降低农药的残留量,减少对环境和人体的污染,保证牧草产品的质量和安全。

土壤有机碳 激发效应

土壤有机碳 激发效应

土壤有机碳激发效应英文回答:Soil organic carbon (SOC) plays a crucial role in maintaining the productivity and health of terrestrial ecosystems. Enhancing SOC content has emerged as a promising strategy to improve soil quality and mitigate the effects of climate change. This phenomenon, known as the "priming effect," involves the acceleration of decomposition of native soil organic matter (SOM) upon the addition of fresh organic matter inputs.The priming effect is driven by the microbial response to the increased availability of labile carbon from the fresh organic matter. Microbes utilize this labile carbon as an energy source, releasing enzymes that degrade both the fresh organic matter and native SOM. The extent of the priming effect varies depending on the quality of the added organic matter, the soil microbial community composition, and environmental conditions.Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain the priming effect. One theory suggests that the addition of fresh organic matter stimulates the growth of microbial populations, leading to increased enzyme production and decomposition of both the fresh and native SOM. Another mechanism involves the selective utilization of labile carbon by microbes, leaving behind more recalcitrant compounds that are more resistant to decomposition. This process can result in the accumulation of recalcitrant organic matter, which can have long-term effects on soil carbon dynamics.The priming effect can have both positive and negative implications for soil health and ecosystem functioning. On the one hand, it can accelerate the release of nutrients from SOM, making them available for plant uptake. This increased nutrient availability can boost plant growth and productivity. On the other hand, the priming effect can also lead to the loss of stable SOC, which is an important component of soil carbon storage and a major contributor to the global carbon cycle.Managing the priming effect is crucial for sustainable soil management practices. One approach involves the use of organic matter amendments that are high in labile carbonand low in recalcitrant compounds. This can help tominimize the loss of stable SOC while still stimulating microbial activity and nutrient release. Additionally, maintaining a diverse soil microbial community can promote the balanced decomposition of organic matter and reduce the risk of excessive priming.中文回答:土壤有机碳(SOC)在维持陆地生态系统的生产力和健康方面发挥着至关重要的作用。



科技创新导报 Science and Technology Innovation Herald83DOI:10.16660/ki.1674-098X.2018.29.083土壤溶解性有机碳组分连续分级测定方法①臧榕 赵海超*黄智鸿 赵海香 乔赵崇(河北北方学院 河北张家口 075000)摘 要:有机碳是土壤中的重要组分,有机碳组分是影响土壤有机碳活性及生态效应的主要内因。



结果表明,浸提方法为:(1)水溶性有机碳,按照土水质量比1:2加入去离子水,振荡浸提12h,获得低分子量活性有机碳,占总有机碳的1.13%~3.35%;(2)热水解有机碳,残渣加入去离子水,在100℃下水浴2h,获得土壤团聚体表面吸附的有机碳等,占总有机碳2.75%~7.14%;(3)酸解有机碳,残渣加入1mol ·L -1的盐酸,浸提2h,获得富里酸等大分子有机碳,占总有机碳2.11%~7.15%;(4)碱解有机碳,残渣加入0.2mol ·L -1的NaOH,浸提6h,获得胡敏酸等稳定态腐殖质,占总有机碳8.17%~51.07%。


关键词:土壤 有机碳 溶解性有机碳 连续分级方法中图分类号:S153.6 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-098X(2018)10(b)-0083-05A bstract: Organic carbon is an important component in soil, and organic carbon components were the main internal factor affecting soil organic carbon activity and ecological effects. The research of the systematic classif ication of soil organic carbon can be to reveal the response laws of organic carbon components to the evolution of ecological environment. This study had obtained a multi-stage extraction method of soil organic carbon, selected four kinds of extractants based on previous studies to determine the extraction time and determined the soil organic carbon in the Weibei Dam. The results showed that the four extraction methods were followed. (1) To extract water-soluble organic carbon. The deionized water was added to soil according to the mass ratio of soil to water 1:2, and oscillated for 12 h to obtain low molecular weight active organic carbon. It accounted for 1.13%-3.35% of total organic carbon. (2) To obtain thermal hydrolysis of organic carbon. The residue was added to deionized water and heated for 2 h by water bath at 100 °C, and obtained the organic carbon adsorbed on the surface of the soil aggregate. The thermal hydrolysis of organic carbon accounted for 2.75% to 7.14% of the total organic carbon. (3) Fulvic acid and other macromolecular organic carbon (2.11-7.15%) were obtained by acidolysis of organic carbon and adding 1 mol L-1 hydrochloric acid to the residue for 2 h. (4) To obtain alkaliolytic organic carbon. The residue was added with 0.2molL-1 NaOH, and extracted for 6h to obtain stable humus such as humic acid, which accounted for 8.17~51.07% of total organic carbon. The extraction method could better ref lected the response of different dissolved organic carbon components to land use method.Key Words: Soil; Organic carbon; Dissolved organic carbon; Continuous grading method①基金项目:河北北方学院国家级大学生创新创业项目(项目编号:2017003); 河北北方学院卓越农林项目;河北北方学 院博士基金(项目编号:12995543);河北省科技攻关项目(项目编号:13226402D );河北省科技支撑重点项目 (项目编号:13226402D );张家口科技支撑项目(项目编号:1611050C )。



持久性有机污染物+ persistent organic pollutant修复目标+ remediation goal暴露途径+ exposure pathway人体健康风险评估+ human health risk assessment暴露评价+ exposure assessment土壤污染化学+ soil pollution chemistry生物修复+ bioremediation土壤改良+ soil amendment复合污染+ combined pollution有机污染物+ organic pollutant挥发性有机物+ volatile organic compounds土壤环境质量评价+ soil environmental quality assessment 土壤环境质量标准+ soil environmental quality standard 土壤环境容量+ soil environmental capacity土壤环境保护+ soil environmental protection植物修复+ phytoremediation土壤背景值+ soil background value地下水groundwater/ground water浅层水shallow water潜水unconfined water承压水confined water潜水含水层unconfined aquifer承压含水层confined aquifer包气带vadose zone饱和带saturation zone非饱和带unsaturated zone采样策略sampling strategy源解析source apportionment非系统性样点布设方式non-systematic sampling系统性样点布设方式systematic sampling各向异性heterogeneity各向同性homogeneity地质统计学geostatistics空间变异spatial variability场地特性site characterization背景值background level质量控制样品quality control sample土壤修复方法自然衰减natural attenuation生物修复bioremediation生物降解biodegradation生物转化biotransformation生物富集bioaccumulation/bioconcentration非生物降解abiotic degradation物化修复physical/chemical remediation生物强化/刺激技术biostimulation先锋物种pioneer species生态修复ecological restoration农艺修复agronomic remediation植物修复phytoremediation植物稳定化phytostabilization植物吸(提)取phytoextraction生物富集系数bioconcentration factor转运系数transfer coefficient超积累植物hyperaccumulator能源植物energy plant植物挥发phytovolatilization植物降解phytodegradation植物转化phytotransformation根际过滤rhizofiltration根际效应rhizosphere effect螯合诱导chelate-induced土壤蒸汽提取/汽提soil vapor extraction/air sparging(SVE/AS) 电动修复electrokinetic remediation土壤清洗soil washing土壤淋洗soil flushing土壤稳定化soil stabilization土壤固化soil solidification化学固定/稳定化chemical fixation/stabilization热解吸thermal desorption还原脱氯reductive dechlorination化学脱卤法chemical dehalogenation化学氧化chemical oxidationFenton试剂Fenton’s regent隔离层isolation layer泥浆反应器slurry reactor生物反应器bioreactor土地耕作land farming生物堆制/堆腐/堆肥法biopile/composting生物通风/土壤通气bioventing电磁波频率加热技术radio-wave heating共代谢cometabolism/co-metabolism固定化细胞反应器immobilized cell reactor好氧降解aerobic degradation厌氧降解anaerobic degradation光化学降解photochemical degradation换/客土法soil replacement基因工程菌genetically engineered microorganism渗透反应墙permeable reactive barrier(PRB) 慢速渗滤法slow rate infiltration(SRI)投菌法bioaugmentation土壤改良soil amendment土壤改良剂soil amendment agent异位修复ex-situ remediation原位修复in-situ remediation现场修复on-site remediation离场修复off-site remediation联合/协同修复combined remediation植物基因工程技术plant genetic engineering 转基因植物transgenic plant制备床法prepared bed真菌修复fungal remediation根际修复rhizoremediation超临界萃取supercritical fluid extraction(SFE) 玻璃化作用vitrification移动式处理系统mobile treatment instrument 微生态环境micro-ecological environment工程化控制engineering control修复目标remedial goal场地环境评价 Environmental Site Assessment(ESA) 焚烧 Incineration粒径分布grain size distribution粘土含量clay content阳离子交换量cation exchange capacity(CEC)疏水性有机物hydrophobic organic随机样品grab sample。



不同土地利用类型对土壤有机碳矿化过程的影响作者:杨雪玲陈群周育智夏文博李兴薇周助陈孝杨来源:《安徽农业科学》2017年第04期摘要 [目的]分析不同土地利用方式对土壤有机碳矿化的影响,并研究其与土壤理化性质和土壤剖面深度的关系。

[方法]选择淮南市4种典型的土地利用类型(草地、复垦林地、淮河农田、乔木林地,分别以A、B、C、D表示)作为研究对象,采集60份共4类淮南土样,通过恒温密闭培养30 d(25 ℃)及测定各相关因子获得基本数据,探讨不同土壤类型、不同剖面深度(0~100 cm)和相应理化性质下的土壤有机碳矿化动态变化特征。

[结果] 4种不同土地利用类型,土壤有机碳矿化过程存在相同的变化规律,且表现出明显的阶段性特征,即在前期随时间延长大幅下降,而中后期缓慢下降并趋于平缓;其矿化速率由大到小依次为 C、B、A、D,D监测区地表土壤有机碳矿化速率一直处于较低值,C监测区地表矿化速率显著高于其他3类监测区(P关键词土壤有机碳;矿化速率;土地利用类型;理化性质中图分类号 S158 文献标识码 A 文章编号 0517-6611(2017)04-0110-05Effects of Different Land Use Types on Soil Organic Mineralization in Huainan CityYANG Xue-ling,CHEN Qun,ZHOU Yu-zhi, CHEN Xiao-yang* et al (School of Earth and Environment,Anhui University of Science and Technology,Huainan,Anhui 232001)Abstract [Objective] To analyze effects of different land use types on soil organic carbon mineralization,and the relationship between the soil physical and chemical properties and the depth of soil profile were studied.[Method]Four types of land in Huainan City(grassland,reclamation of woodland,Huai river farm,the original forest land with A,B,C,D) were choosed as the research object,totally 60,four kinds of Huainan soil samples were collected,through the airtight greenhouse cultivation for 30 days and determination of the basic datas of each related factor were obtained,and dynamic change of soil organic carbon mineralization in different land types,different profile depths (0-100 cm),and the physical and chemical properties were discussed.[Result]Results showed that for four different land use types,soil organic carbon mineralization process generally existed the same change rule,and showed significant stage characteristics.Early the mineralization rate decreased dramatically,and later slowly decreased then retain steady.The mineralization rate from big to small was C、B、A、D,D monitoring area surface mineralization rate had been the lower level,C monitoring area surface mineralization rate was significantly higher than the other three kinds of monitoring area.Mineralization rate of soil profiledepth reached the lowest in 20 days or so,after had slowly rising phenomenon;Microbial carbon content,soil character had extremely significant correlation with soil mineralization rate (PKey words Soil organic carbon;Mineralization rate;Land use type;Physical and chemical properties土壤作为五大圈层进行复杂的物质循环和能量传递的纽带,是维持陆地生态系统碳循环的重要组成部分[1]。

Stabilization mechanisms of soil organic matter- Implications for C-saturation of soils

Stabilization mechanisms of soil organic matter- Implications for C-saturation of soils

Plant and Soil241:155–176,2002.©2002Kluwer Academic Publishers.Printed in the Netherlands.155 ReviewStabilization mechanisms of soil organic matter:Implications forC-saturation of soilsJ.Six1,R.T.Conant,E.A.Paul&K.PaustianNatural Resource Ecology Laboratory,Colorado State University,Fort Collins,CO80523,U.S.A.1Corresponding author∗Received3January2001.Accepted in revised form13February2002AbstractThe relationship between soil structure and the ability of soil to stabilize soil organic matter(SOM)is a key element in soil C dynamics that has either been overlooked or treated in a cursory fashion when developing SOM models. The purpose of this paper is to review current knowledge of SOM dynamics within the framework of a newly proposed soil C saturation concept.Initially,we distinguish SOM that is protected against decomposition by various mechanisms from that which is not protected from decomposition.Methods of quantification and characteristics of three SOM pools defined as protected are discussed.Soil organic matter can be:(1)physically stabilized,or protected from decomposition,through microaggregation,or(2)intimate association with silt and clay particles, and(3)can be biochemically stabilized through the formation of recalcitrant SOM compounds.In addition to behavior of each SOM pool,we discuss implications of changes in land management on processes by which SOM compounds undergo protection and release.The characteristics and responses to changes in land use or land management are described for the light fraction(LF)and particulate organic matter(POM).We defined the LF and POM not occluded within microaggregates(53–250µm sized aggregates as unprotected.Our conclusions are illustrated in a new conceptual SOM model that differs from most SOM models in that the model state variables are measurable SOM pools.We suggest that physicochemical characteristics inherent to soils define the maximum protective capacity of these pools,which limits increases in SOM(i.e.C sequestration)with increased organic residue inputs.IntroductionMost current models of SOM dynamics assumefirst-order kinetics for the decomposition of various con-ceptual pools of organic matter(McGill,1996;Paus-tian,1994),which means that equilibrium C stocks are linearly proportional to C inputs(Paustian et al., 1997).These models predict that soil C stocks can, in theory,be increased without limit,provided that C inputs increase without limit,i.e.there are no as-sumptions of soil C saturation.While these models have been largely successful in representing SOM dynamics under current conditions and management practices(e.g.Parton et al.,1987,1994;Paustian et ∗FAX No:+1-970-491-1965.E-mail:johan@ al.,1992;Powlson et al.,1996),usually for soils with low to moderate C levels(e.g.<5%),there is some question of their validity for projecting longer term SOM dynamics under scenarios of ever increasing C inputs(e.g.Donigian et al.,1997).Such scenarios are particularly relevant with the development of new technology designed to promote soil C sequestration through increasing plant C inputs.Native soil C levels reflect the balance of C inputs and C losses under native conditions(i.e.productivity, moisture and temperature regimes),but do not neces-sarily represent an upper limit in soil C stocks.Empir-ical evidence demonstrates that C levels in intensively managed agricultural and pastoral ecosystems can ex-ceed those under native conditions.Phosphorous fer-tilization of Australian pasture soils can increase soil C by150%or more relative to the native condition156(Barrow,1969;Ridley et al.,1990;Russell1960). Soil C levels under long-term grassland(‘near native’) vegetation have also been exceeded in high productiv-ity mid-western no-tillage(NT)systems(Ismail et al., 1994)as well as in sod plots with altered vegetation (Follett et al.,1997).Hence,native soil C levels may not be an appropriate measure of the ultimate C sink capacity of soils.There are several lines of evidence that suggest the existence of a C saturation level based on physiochem-ical processes that stabilize or protect organic com-pounds in soils.While many long-termfield experi-ments exhibit a proportional relationship between C inputs and soil C content across treatments(Larson et al.,1972;Paustian et al.,1997),some experiments in high C soils show little or no increase in soil C content with two to three fold increases in C inputs (Campbell et al.,1991;Paustian et al.,1997;Solberg et al.,1997).Various physical properties(e.g.silt plus clay content and microaggregation)of soil are thought to be involved in the protection of organic materials from decomposer organism.However,these proper-ties and their exerted protection seem to be limited by their characteristics(e.g.surface area),which is con-sistent with a saturation phenomenon(Hassink,1997; Kemper and Koch,1966).A number of soil organic matter models have been developed in the last30years.Most of these mod-els represent the heterogeneity of SOM by defining several pools,typically three tofive,which vary in their intrinsic decay rates and in the factors which control decomposition rates(see reviews by McGill, 1996;Parton,et al.,1994;Paustian,1994).Alternat-ive formulations,whereby specific decomposition rate varies as a function of a continuous SOM quality spec-trum(i.e.instead of discrete pools),have also been developed(e.g.Bosatta and Agren,1996).However, in either case,the representation of the model pools (or quality spectrum)is primarily conceptual in nature. While such models can be successfully validated us-ing measurements of total organic carbon and isotopic ratios of total C(e.g.Jenkinson and Rayner,1977), the individual pools are generally only loosely associ-ated with measurable quantities obtained with existing analytical methods.Consequently,it is not straight-forward to falsify or test the internal dynamics of C transfers between pools and changes in pool sizes of the current SOM models with conceptual pool defin-itions because a direct comparison to measured pool changes is not possible.A closer linkage between theoretical and measur-able pools of SOM can be made by explicitly defining model pools to coincide with measurable quantities or by devising more functional laboratory fractiona-tion procedures or both.The phrases‘modeling the measurable’and‘measuring the modelable’have been coined as representing the two approaches towards a closer reconciliation between theoretical and experi-mental work on SOM(Christensen,1996;Elliott et al.,1996).Various attempts have been made to correlate ana-lytical laboratory fractions with conceptual model pools,with limited success.Motavalli et al.(1994) compared laboratory measurements of C mineraliza-tion with simulations by the Century model(Parton et al.,1994)for several tropical soils.When the active and slow pools in the model were initialized using laboratory determinations of microbial+soluble C for the active pool and light fraction for the slow pool,C mineralization was consistently underestim-ated,although all fractions were highly significantly correlated to C mineralization in a regression ana-lysis.Magid et al.(1996)unsuccessfully attempted to trace14C labeled plant materials using three size-density fractionation methods to define an‘active’pool.Metherell(1992)found that the slow pool in Century was much larger than the particulate organic matter(POM)fraction isolated from a Haplustoll by Cambardella and Elliott(1992).However,Balesdent (1996)found that POM isolated after mild disrup-tion corresponds to the plant structural compartment (RPM)of the Rothamsted carbon model(Jenkinson and Rayner,1997).Acid hydrolysis has been used to estimate Century’s passive C pool(Paul et al.,1997a; Trumbore,1993),but it seems to slightly overestimate the size(Paul et al.,1997a;Trumbore,1993),though not the C turnover rate,of the passive pool(Trumbore, 1993).Nevertheless,Paul et al.(1999)used extended laboratory incubations in combination with acid hy-drolysis to define an active,slow and passive pool of C and were successful in modeling the evolution of CO2in thefield based on these pools.These studies suggest that attempting to measure the modelable has had minimal success to date.There have been a few recent attempts to more closely integrate models and measurements of physi-cochemically defined pools by‘modeling the measur-able’,although Elliott et al.(1996)and Christensen (1996)have presented conceptual models for this ap-proach.Arah(2000)proposed an approach based on analytically defined pools and measurements of13C157Figure1.The protective capacity of soil(which governs the silt-and clay protected C and microaggregate protected C pools),the biochemically stabilized C pool and the unprotected C pool define a maximum C content for soils.The pool size of each fraction is determined by their unique stabilizing mechanisms.and15N stable isotope tracers to derive parameters for a model with measurable pools.The approach con-siders all possible transformations between measured C and N pools and devises a system of equations using observed changes in total C and N and13C and15N for each fraction to solve all model unknowns.Necessary requirements of such an approach are that the analyt-ical fractions are distinct and together account for the total carbon inventory.The objective of this review paper is to summar-ize current knowledge on SOM dynamics and sta-bilization and to synthesize this information into a conceptual SOM model based on physicochemically defined SOM pools.This new model defines a soil C-saturation capacity,or a maximum soil C storage potential,determined by the physicochemical proper-ties of the soil.We propose that the conceptual model developed from this knowledge may form the basis for a simulation model with physicochemically measur-able SOM pools as state variables rather than with the biologically defined pools by Paul et al.(1999).Protected SOM:Stabilization mechanisms, characteristics,and dynamicsThree main mechanisms of SOM stabilization have been proposed:(1)chemical stabilization,(2)phys-ical protection and(3)biochemical stabilization (Christensen,1996;Stevenson,1994).Chemical sta-bilization of SOM is understood to be the result of the chemical or physicochemical binding between SOM and soil minerals(i.e.clay and silt particles).Indeed, many studies have reported a relationship between stabilization of organic C and N in soils and clay or silt plus clay content(Feller and Beare,1997; Hassink,1997;Ladd et al.,1985;Merckx et al., 1985;Sorensen,1972).In addition to the clay con-tent,clay type(i.e.2:1versus1:1versus allophanic clay minerals)influences the stabilization of organic C and N(Feller and Beare,1997;Ladd et al.1992; Sorensen,1972;Torn et al.,1997).Physical protection by aggregates is indicated by the positive influence of aggregation on the accumulation of SOM(e.g.Ed-wards and Bremner,1967;Elliott,1986;Jastrow, 1996;Tisdall and Oades,1982;Six et al.,2000a). Aggregates physically protect SOM by forming phys-ical barriers between microbes and enzymes and their substrates and controlling food web interactions and consequently microbial turnover(Elliott and Coleman, 1988).Biochemical stabilization is understood as the stabilization of SOM due to its own chemical com-position(e.g.recalcitrant compounds such as lignin and polyphenols)and through chemical complexing processes(e.g.condensation reactions)in soil.For our analyses,we divide the protected SOM pool into three pools according to the three stabilization mechanisms described(Figure1).The three SOM pools are the silt-and clay-protected SOM(silt and clay defined as <53µm organomineral complexes),microaggregate-protected SOM(microaggregates defined as53–250µm aggregates),and biochemically protected SOM. Chemical stabilization:Silt-and clay-protected SOM The protection of SOM by silt and clay particles is well established(Feller and Beare,1997;Hassink, 1997;Ladd et al.,1985;Sorensen,1972).Hassink (1997)examined the relationship between SOM frac-tions and soil texture and found a relationship between the silt-and clay-associated C and soil texture,though he did notfind any correlation between texture and amount of C in the sand-sized fraction(i.e.POM C).Based on thesefindings,he defined the capacity158Table1.Regression equations relating silt plus clay proportion to silt and clay associated CSize class a Ecosystem Intercept Slope r20–20µm Cultivated 4.38±0.68b0.26±0.010.41Grassland 2.21±1.940.42±0.080.44Forest−2.51±0.550.63±0.010.550–50µm Cultivated7.18±3.040.2±0.040.54Grassland16.33±4.690.32±0.070.35Forest16.24±6.010.24±0.080.35Size class Clay type Intercept Slope r20–20µm1:1 1.22±0.370.30±0.010.742:1 3.86±0.490.41±0.010.390–50µm1:1 5.5±5.930.26±0.130.382:114.76±2.370.21±0.030.07a Two size classes for silt and clay were reported in the literature.b Value±95%confidence interval.of soil to preserve C by its association with silt and clay particles.Studies investigating the retention of specific microbial products(i.e.amino sugars)cor-roborate the proposition of Hassink(1997)that C associated with primary organomineral complexes arechemically protected and the amount of protection in-creased with an increased silt plus clay proportion of the soil(Chantigny et al.,1997;Guggenberger et al., 1999;Puget et al.,1999;Sorensen,1972).Puget et al.(1999)reported an enrichment of microbial derived carbohydrates in the silt plus clay fraction compared to the sand fraction of no-tilled and conventional tilled soils.However,the amount stabilized by silt and clay differs among microbial products.For example,Gug-genberger et al.(1999)reported a higher increase of glucosamine than muramic acid under no-tillage at sites with a high silt plus clay content.A reexamin-ation of the data presented by Chantigny et al.(1997) leads to the observation that the glucosamine/muramic acid ratio was only higher in perennial systems com-pared to annual systems in a silty clay loam soil and not in a clay loam soil.The silty clay loam soil had a higher silt plus clay content.We expanded the analysis of Hassink(1997)of the physical protection capacity for C associated with primary organomineral complexes(Figure2)across ecosystems(i.e.forest,grassland,and cultivated sys-tems),clay types(i.e.1:1versus2:1),and size ranges for clay and silt(0–20µm and0–50µm;see Ap-Figure 2.The relationship between silt+clay content(%)and silt+clay associated C(g silt+clay C kg−1soil)for grassland,forest and cultivated ecosystems.A differentiation between1:1clay and 2:1clay dominated soils is also made.The relationships indicate a maximum of C associated with silt and clay(i.e.C saturation level for the clay and silt particles),which differs between forest and grassland ecosystems and between clay types.Two size boundaries for silt+clay were used(A)0–20µm and(B)0–50µm. pendices for details).Following the methodology of Hassink(1997)we performed regressions(Figure2 and Table1)between the C content associated with silt and clay particles(g C associated with silt and clay particles kg−1soil;Y axis)and the proportion of silt and clay particles(g silt plus clay g−1soil;X axis).All regressions were significant(P<0.05)and comparison of regression lines revealed that the influ-ence of soil texture on mineral-associated C content differed depending on the size range used for clay and silt particles.Consequently,we did regressions for two different size classes of silt and clay particles(i.e.0–20µm and0–50µm;Figure2and Table1).The intercept for the0–50µm silt and clay particles was significantly higher than for the0–20µm silt and clay particles(Table1).This difference in intercept was159probably a result of the presence of larger sized(20–50µm)silt-sized aggregates in the0–50µm than in the 0–20µm silt and clay particles.These larger silt-sized aggregates have more C per unit material because ad-ditional C binds the primary organomineral complexes into silt-sized aggregates(Tisdall and Oades,1982). However the difference in intercept might also be the result of POM particles of the size20–50µm as-sociated with the0–50µm fraction(Turchenek and Oades,1979).Intercepts for cultivated and forest eco-systems were significantly different for the0–50µm particles,but were only marginally significantly dif-ferent(P<0.06)for the0–20µm particles.Slopes for grassland soils(0–20µm particles)were signi-ficantly different than those for forest and cultivated soils.The differences between grasslands and cultiv-ated lands are likely due to differences in input and disturbance,which causes a release of SOM and con-sequently increased C availability for decomposition. An explanation for the significantly different slopes for grassland and forest soils(Table1)is not imme-diately apparent.Especially that the slope is higher for forest than grassland slopes.This is in contrast to the suggestion that grassland-derived soils have a higher potential of C stabilization than forest-derived because of their higher base saturation(Collins et al.,2000; Kononova,1966).Consequently,this difference in C stabilization by silt and clay particles between forest and grassland systems should be investigated further.In contrast to Hassink(1997),we found signific-antly different relationships for1:1clays versus2:1 clays regressions and for the cultivated versus grass-land regressions(Figure2and Table1)for the0–20µm particles.The effect of clay type was also signific-ant for the0–50µm particles.This lower stabilization of C in1:1clay dominated soils is probably mostly re-lated to the differences between the clay types(see be-low).However,the effect of climate can not be ignored in this comparison because most1:1clay dominated soils were located in(sub)tropical regions.The higher temperature and moisture regimes in(sub)tropical re-gions probably also induce a faster decomposition rate and therefore contributes to the lower stabilization of C by the1:1clays.Nevertheless we believe that the type of clay plays an important role because different types of clay(i.e.1:1and2:1clays)have substantial differences in CEC and specific surface(Greenland, 1965)and should,consequently,have different ca-pacities to adsorb organic materials.In addition,Fe-and Al-oxides are most often found in soils domin-ated by1:1minerals and are strongflocculants.By being strongflocculants,Fe-and Al-oxides can re-duce even further the available surface for adsorption of SOM.We are not certain why soils examined by Hassink(1997)did not follow this reduced capacity to adsorb organic materials;few soils dominated by 1:1clays,however,were included in the data set used by Hassink(1997)and most of them had a low car-bon content.Nevertheless,the difference between the two studies might also be a result of the contrast-ing effect the associated Fe-and Al-oxides can have. The strongflocculating oxides can reduce available surface(see above)but they might also co-flocculate SOM and consequently stabilize it.Therefore,it ap-pears that mechanisms with contrasting effects on SOM stabilization exist and the net effect still needs to be investigated.The different regression lines for grassland and cultivated systems are in accordance with Feller et al.(1997).They also found a signific-ant lower slope for the regression line between the amount of0–2µm particles and the C contained in the0–2µm fraction of cultivated soils compared to non-cultivated soils.The lack of influence of cultiv-ation on the silt and clay associated C observed by Hassink(1997)was probably a result of the low pro-portion of silt and clay and high SOM contents of the soils used.The silt-and clay-associated C formed a small fraction of the total C in his soils.Consequently, sand-associated C accounted for the majority of total soil C.Given this dominance of sand-associated C and its greater sensitivity to cultivation than silt-and clay-associated C(Cambardella and Elliott,1992),in which C is transferred from the sand associated fraction to the silt-and clay-associated fractions during decom-position(Guggenberger et al.,1994),a loss of silt-and clay-associated C upon cultivation is likely to be minimal.In summary,we found,as Hassink(1997)did,a direct relationship between silt plus clay content of soil and the amount of silt-and clay-protected soil C, indicating a saturation level for silt and clay associated C.This relationship was different between different types of land use,different clay types,and for differ-ent determinations of silt plus clay size class.Also, the silt-and clay-associated soil organic matter was reduced by cultivation.Physical protection:Microaggregate-protected SOM The physical protection exerted by macro-and/or mi-croaggregates on POM C is attributed to:(1)the compartmentalization of substrate and microbial bio-160mass(Killham et al.,1993;van Veen and Kuikman, 1990),(2)the reduced diffusion of oxygen into macro-and especially microaggregates(Sexstone et al.,1985) which leads to a reduced activity within the aggregates (Sollins et al.,1996),and(3)the compartmentalization of microbial biomass and microbial grazers(Elliott et al.,1980).The compartmentalization between sub-strate and microbes by macro-and microaggregates is indicated by the highest abundance of microbes on the outer part of the aggregates(Hattori,1988)and a substantial part of SOM being at the center of the aggregates(Elliott and Coleman,1988;Golchin et al., 1994).In addition,Bartlett and Doner(1988)repor-ted a higher loss of amino acids by respiration from the aggregate surfaces than from within aggregates. Priesack and Kisser-Priesack(1993)showed that the rate of glucose utilization decreased with distance into the aggregate.The inaccessibility of substrate for mi-crobes within aggregates is due to pore size exclusion and related to the water-filled porosity(Killham et al., 1993).Many studies have documented a positive influ-ence of aggregation on the accumulation of SOM(An-gers et al.,1997;Besnard et al.,1996;Cambardella and Elliott,1993;Franzluebbers and Arshad,1997; Gale et al.,2000;Golchin et al.,1994,1995;Jastrow, 1996;Monreal and Kodama,1997;Paustian et al., 2000;Puget et al.,1995,1996;Six et al.,1998,1999, 2000a).Cultivation causes a release of C by break-ing up the aggregate structures,thereby increasing availability of C.More specifically,cultivation leads to a loss of C-rich macroaggregates and an increase of C-depleted microaggregates(Elliott,1986;Six et al.,2000a).The inclusion of SOM in aggregates also leads to a qualitative change of SOM.For example, Golchin et al.(1994)reported significant differences in chemical structure between the free and occluded (i.e.within aggregates)light fraction.The occluded light fraction had higher C and N concentrations than the free light fraction and contained more alkyl C(i.e. long chains of C compounds such as fatty acids,lipids, cutin acids,proteins and peptides)and less O-alkyl C(e.g.carbohydrates and polysaccharides).These data suggest that during the transformation of free into intraaggregate light fraction there is a selective decomposition of easily decomposable carbohydrates (i.e.O-alkyl C)and preservation of recalcitrant long-chained C(i.e.alkyl C)(Golchin et al.,1994).Golchin et al.(1995)also found that cultivation decreased the O-alkyl content of the occluded SOM.They sugges-ted that this difference is a result of the continuous disruption of aggregates,which leads to a faster min-eralization of SOM and a preferential loss of readily available O-alkyl C.Hence,the enhanced protection of SOM by aggregates in less disturbed soil results in an accumulation of more labile C than would be maintained in a disturbed soil.Recent studies indicate that the macroaggreg-ate(>250µm)structure exerts a minimal amount of physical protection(Beare et al.,1994;Elliott, 1986;Pulleman and Marinissen,2001),whereas SOM is protected from decomposition in free(i.e.not within macroaggregates)microaggregates(<250µm) (Balesdent et al.,2000;Besnard et al.,1996;Skjem-stad et al.,1996)and in microaggregates within mac-roaggregates(Denef et al.,2001;Six et al.,2000b). Beare et al.(1994)and Elliott(1986)found an increase in C mineralization when they crushed macroaggreg-ates,but the increase in mineralization only accounted for1–2%of the C content of the macroaggregates.In addition,no difference in C mineralization between crushed and uncrushed macroaggregates has been ob-served(Pulleman and Marinissen,2001).In contrast, C mineralization of crushed free microaggregates was three to four times higher than crushed macroaggreg-ates(Bossuyt et al.,2002).Gregorich et al.(1989) observed a substantial higher C mineralization when microaggregates within the soil were disrupted than when lower disruptive energies were used that did not break up microaggregates.Jastrow et al.(1996),us-ing13C natural abundance technique,calculated that the average turnover time of C in free microaggreg-ates was412yr,whereas the average turnover time for macroaggregate associated C was only140yr in the surface10cm.These studies clearly indicate that C stabilization is greater within free microaggregates than within macroaggregates.Further corroborating evidence for the crucial role microaggregates play in C sequestration were reported by Angers et al.(1997), Besnard et al.(1996),Gale et al.(2000)and Six et al.(2000b).Angers et al.(1997)found in afield in-cubation experiment with13C and15N labeled wheat straw that wheat-derived C was predominantly stored and stabilized in free microaggregates.Gale et al. (2000)reported similar C stabilization within free mi-croaggregates in an incubation study with14C-labeled root material.Upon conversion of forest to maize cul-tivation,Besnard et al.(1996)found a preferential accumulation of maize-and forest-derived POM-C in microaggregates compared to other soil fractions. Six et al.(1999)observed a decrease infine intra-macroaggregate-POM(i.e.53–250µm sized POM161(fine iPOM)predominantly stabilized in microaggreg-ates within macroaggregates(Six et al.,2000b))under plough tillage compared to no-till.However,there was no difference in coarse intra-macroaggregate POM (i.e.250–2000µm POM not stabilized by the micro-aggregates within macroaggregates)between tillage systems at three of the four sites studied.They con-cluded that the incorporation and stabilization offine POM-C into microaggregates within macroaggregates and free microaggregates under no-tillage is a dom-inant factor for protection of thefine-sized fraction of POM.Nevertheless,the dynamics of macroaggreg-ates are crucial for the sequestration of C because it influences the formation of microaggregates and the sequestration of C within these microaggregates(Six et al.,2000b).That is,rapid turnover of macroaggreg-ates reduces the formation of microaggregates within macroaggregates and the resulting stabilization of C within these microaggregates(Six et al.,1998,1999, 2000b).Though the incorporation of POM into microag-gregates(versus bonding to clay surfaces;i.e.chem-ical mechanism)seems to be the main process for protection of POM,the clay content and type of soil exert an indirect influence on the protection of POM-C by affecting aggregate dynamics.Franzluebbers and Arshad(1997)suggested that physical protec-tion of POM within aggregates increases with clay content since mineralization of POM-C relative to whole-SOM-C after dispersion and aggregation both increased with increasing clay content(Franzluebbers and Arshad,1996).Different clay types lead to differ-ent mechanisms involved in aggregation(Oades and Waters,1991)and will therefore influence differently the protection of POM through microaggregation. Within the2:1clay minerals,clay minerals with a high CEC and larger specific surface,such as montmoril-lonite and vermiculite,have a higher binding potential than clay minerals with a lower CEC and smaller spe-cific surface,such as illite(Greenland,1965).In con-trast to the2:1minerals,kaolinite and especially Fe-and Al-oxides have a highflocculation capacity due to electrostatic interactions through their positive charges (Dixon,1989;Schofield and Samson,1954).Even though,different mechanisms prevail in soils with dif-ferent clay types,soils seem to have a maximum level of aggregate stability.Kemper and Koch(1966)ob-served that aggregate stability increased to a maximum level with clay content and free Fe-oxides content. Since the physical protection of POM seems to be mostly determined by microaggregation,we hypothes-ize that the maximum physical protection capacity for SOM is determined by the maximum microaggrega-tion,which is in turn determined by clay content,clay type.Biochemical stabilization:Biochemically-protected SOMIn this review,a detailed description of the influ-ence of biochemical stabilization on SOM dynamics will not be given,we refer to an excellent review on this subject by Cadisch and Giller(1997).Nev-ertheless,biochemical stabilization of SOM needs to be considered to define the soil C-saturation level within a certain ecosystem(Figure1).Biochemical stabilization or protection of SOM occurs due to the complex chemical composition of the organic mater-ials.This complex chemical composition can be an inherent property of the plant material(referred to as residue quality)or be attained during decomposition through the condensation and complexation of decom-position residues,rendering them more resistant to subsequent decomposition.Therefore the third pool in our model(Figure1)is a SOM pool that is stabilized by its inherent or acquired biochemical resistance to decomposition.This pool is akin to that referred to as the‘passive’SOM pool(Parton et al.,1987)and its size has been equated to the non-hydrolyzable frac-tion(Leavitt et al.,1996;Paul et al.,1995;Trumbore 1993).Using14C dating,it has been found that,in the surface soil layer,the non-hydrolyzable C is ap-proximately1300years older than total soil C(Paul et al.,1997a,2001).Several studies have found that the non-hydrolyzable fraction in temperate soils includes very old C(Anderson and Paul,1984;Paul et al., 1999;Trumbore,1993;Trumbore et al.,1996)and acid hydrolysis removes proteins,nucleic acids,and polysaccharides(Schnitzer and Khan,1972)which are believed to be more chemically labile than other C compounds,such as aromatic humified compon-ents and wax-derived long chain aliphatics(Paul et al.,1997a).The stabilization of this pool and con-sequent old age is probably predominantly the result of its biochemical composition.However,Balesdent (1996)did notfind any great differences in dynam-ics between the non-hydrolyzable and hydrolyzable C fraction and therefore questioned the relationship between biodegradability and hydrolyzability.Never-theless,we chose the hydrolysis technique to differen-tiate an older and passive C pool,because we think it is the simplest and best available technique to define。


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Changes in soil organic matter chemical properties after organic amendments

Changes in soil organic matter chemical properties after organic amendments

Changes in soil organic matter chemical propertiesafter organic amendmentsJulien Sebastia,Je´ro ˆme Labanowski,Isabelle Lamy *INRA,UR251–PESSAC,RD10,78026Versailles Cedex,FranceReceived 30August 2006;received in revised form 23January 2007;accepted 24January 2007Available online 23March 2007AbstractOrganic inputs are used to improve soil physical and chemical properties,but the corresponding changes in soil organic matter (SOM)chemical properties are not well known.In this study,we compared some characteristics of the SOM of a soil receiving either no organic inputs,or two different amendments during 15years (straw or conifer compost).Quantities of organic carbon and C/N values were deter-mined on particle size fractions after physical soil fractionation to localize changes due to amendments.Contents in reactive functional groups,acid-base properties and copper binding affinities were determined by titration experiments for the soluble fraction of SOM:the fulvic acid fraction (FA).Data of FA extracted from the bulk soil were compared to data of FA extracted from the <20l m size fraction with the help of either a discrete or a continuous model (fit of data with FITEQL or NICA,respectively).Copper binding characteristics of FA extracted from the <20l m size fraction did not change significantly after organic inputs,while those of FA extracted from the bulk organic-amended soils were found different from the ones with no amendment.Minor effects observed in the finer soil fractions were ascribed to their low turn-over of organic carbon and/or to a greater homogeneity in the nature of the organic carbon entering these fractions.Our results show major chemical changes in coarser soil organic fractions after organic amendments.Ó2007Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.Keywords:Organic amendments;Soil organic carbon;Fulvic acids;Acid-base properties;Copper binding1.IntroductionOrganic amendments are currently used in agricultural soils to improve their physical and chemical properties.Several studies have shown that supply of exogenous organic matter can modify not only the amount of indige-nous organic matter but also the quality of bulk soil (Nardi et al.,2004;Lejon et al.,in press ).Soil organic matter (SOM)includes several components and it is not clear which one is modified when organic inputs are used.In order to evaluate the quality of organic matter,the opera-tionally defined fulvic or humic fractions are widely used to define the complexing properties of organic matter in soils.For example,Rivero et al.(2004)used the so-called humic and fulvic acids (respectively,HA and FA)to show thatcompost inputs during three years in tropical conditions significantly raised the humic fraction over the fulvic frac-tion,suggesting an increase in functional groups and aro-maticity.Plaza et al.(2003,2005b)studied the influence of pig slurry amendments on the characteristics of soil humic substances.However,they rather observed a decrease in acidic functional group contents and a modifi-cation of the corresponding affinities for proton binding,suggesting that such modifications can have a large impact on transport of micro-and macronutrients as well as toxic metal ions in soils.Ion complexing properties of SOM are the key mecha-nisms that insure the role of either sink or source of major and trace elements in soils.Acid-base and complexing properties have thus been the subject of various conceptual approaches for predicting the speciation of major and trace elements using thermodynamic calculations.Two main approaches are classically used in the literature,based on0045-6535/$-see front matter Ó2007Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2007.01.058*Corresponding author.Tel.:+33130833266;fax:+33130833259.E-mail (my)./locate/chemosphereChemosphere 68(2007)1245–1253either discrete or continuous distribution of functional reactive groups(Perdue,2001).They can be used to com-pare organic chemical properties of the fulvic or humic acids extracted from soils whatever the approaches.Furthermore,it has been shown by size fractionation that soil organic carbon is mainly located in thefinest size fractions<20l m(Ducaroir and Lamy,1995;Florez-Ve´lez et al.,1996;Rumpel et al.,2004).The nature and the turn-over of the organic carbon in thefinest fraction were differ-ent from the other particle size fractions(Rumpel et al., 2004;Balesdent,1996),but it is not clearly known if this size fraction is modified in its chemical properties after organic inputs.The objectives of this work are to assess changes in SOM chemical properties after organic inputs with regard to(i)the fulvic acid fraction extracted from the bulk soil and(ii)the fulvic acid fraction extracted from the <20l m soil size fraction.Contents in reactive functional groups,acid-base properties and complexing characteris-tics towards copper taken as a probe of reactivity were compared for soils receiving two different amendments and a situation without organic inputs.Therefore potenti-ometric titrations andfit of data with FITEQL and NICA model were made.Results are used to discuss the impact of exogenous organic inputs on SOM chemical properties. 2.Materials and methods2.1.Site description and samplingWe used a15-years-oldfield experiment located in the vineyard site of Maˆcon Clesse´(Burgundy,France)(Lejon et al.,in press).The site is divided in various plots receiving different organic input treatments:(1)straw laid at the soil surface at10t haÀ1every2years(called S)and(2)conifer compost laid at100m3haÀ1every3–4years(called CC). The control is a non-amended(NA)plot with no organic inputs other than restituted vine-shoot fragments and only chemical weeding of soil.All soils were deep Eutric Cambi-sols(FAO,1989),fine clay-loamy textured,developed on the same parent material.Sampling was made at0–5cm depth of the surface horizon in the various plots.Four rep-licates of about2kg were sampled per plot.Samples were mixed and homogenized,air-dried,sieved to2.0mm and stored in plastic bags at room temperature.Soil sample tex-ture was:sand(50–2000l m):11.5%±1.0;loam(2–50l m): 56.9%±0.9;clay(<2l m):31.7%±0.3(mean and stan-dard deviation for the three homogenized samples).The clay fraction,studied by X-ray diffraction,included mainly illite,kaolinite,and interstratified2:1phyllosilicates,as well as quartz and feldspar.These surface samples dis-played a pH of6.7±0.3,and a cation exchange capacity varying from about17to25cmol+kgÀ1depending on organic amendments.The organic carbon content was 1.23%±0.3for NA; 1.75%±0.15for S and 4.30%±0.31for CC and the ratio C/N was11.7±0.3for NA, 13.1±0.2for S and17.5±0.5for CC(means of three determinations after high temperature catalytic combus-tion followed by CO2measurement with a Shimadzu TOC-VCSN analyzer).2.2.Physical soil fractionationParticle size fractionation was carried out in three repli-cates on soil samples NA,S and CC following Ducaroir and Lamy(1995)modified after Balesdent et al.(1991). Mechanical dispersion of50g of soil sample was per-formed by a rotated shaker during16h in polypropylene tubes with125ml of de-ionized water and10glass balls (6mm)to help dispersion of soil particles.The suspensions were then sieved through a series of screens of decreasing sizes:200,50,20l m.The<20l m fraction was separated from the soluble fraction by centrifugation at13261g for 10min(Beckman J-25I,rotor JLA-9.1000)and lyophilized (Lyovac GT2).The other fractions were oven dried at 55°C.Nitrogen and carbon contents of each size fraction were determined by dry combustion in an autoanalyzer (CE instruments NC2500).The remaining soluble fraction was concentrated in a rotary evaporator at35°C under vacuum(Heidolph 94200)and acidified(1%HNO3v:v).Soluble organic C was then monitored by high temperature catalytic combus-tion followed by CO2measurement(Shimadzu TOC-VCSN).This value was used for the mass balance of organic carbon.All results are expressed on a105°C dry mass basis.2.3.Isolation and purification of FAFulvic acids(FA)were extracted from the bulk soil sam-ples and from their<20l m fractions using the alkaline extraction procedure described by Holtzclaw et al.(1976). This procedure includes a purification step necessary before potentiometric titrations.Each sample wasfirst extracted with NaOH0.5M under N2during16h using a soil:solu-tion ratio of1:4(w:v).The mixture was centrifuged at 9605g for15min(Beckman J-25I)to separate the soluble humic substances(HS)from the solid matrix.The HS were then acidified with HCl6M to pH1,left standing3h to allow complete precipitation of humic acids(HA),and cen-trifuged at15000g for10min.After HA removal,pH of the supernatant was increased from1to5.5with NaOH 5M,left standing3h,and centrifugation at15000g for 10min allowed to discard the so-called b-humus fraction (Hotzclaw et al.,1978)from the supernatant.The non-purified fulvic acid solutions were desalted against de-ionized water by dialysis(molecular weight cut-offmem-brane of1000Da,7Spectra/Por).Protonation of the reac-tive groups of FA was then performed using a strong cationic exchanger resin(Amberlit IRN-77resin)saturated with H+.Before use,resin was washed with NaCl1M/ NaOH1M and rinsed with water,then washed again with HCl2M and rinsed in order to have the resin in H+form.Then,100ml of non-purified FA was eluted at1246J.Sebastia et al./Chemosphere68(2007)1245–12534.5ml minÀ1in a column(15·3cm)filled with about 100ml of resin.The percolate containing soluble purified FA was stored in glass bottle at4°C and soluble organic carbon content of this stock solution was determined.Pre-vious study has shown that the nature of SOM is con-trasted between NA,S and CC(Lejon et al.,in press). The percentage of organic carbon of the humic substances in the fulvic fraction(step of purification not included)was 64.7%for NA,68.5%for S,but only45.1%for CC.Thus, AF-C corresponded to11.4%of soil organic C for NA, 11.6%for S and7.7%for CC.2.4.Chemical properties of FA2.4.1.Acid-base titrationsThe titrations were conducted using a pH meter(TIM 900,Radiometer)with a burette(ABU901,Radiometer) assembly.A solution containing a known quantity of stock solution of FA,an initial acid content of2·10À3M HClO4and a constant ionic strength of0.1M NaClO4 was placed in a thermostated cell at25°C.A positive exter-nal pressure of N2was applied above the solution to remove CO2during titration.Before each titration of FA,a blank was performed with2·10À3M HClO4and0.1M NaClO4.Aliquots of NaOH as the titrant(0.05M)were injected through a glass line.The titrant was prepared under con-trolled atmosphere every15days and transferred into a bottlefitted with a tube containing soda lime.The titrant was standardized in triplicate against potassium hydrogen phthalate(KHP)and the mean concentration of the three standards used in the calculations.pH was measured using a couple of electrode:a reference electrode(XR110,Radi-ometer)with a salt-bridge junctionfilled with0.1M NaClO4(AL120,Radiometer);and a glass electrode (XG250,Radiometer).The inner KCl in the reference elec-trode was replaced by saturated NaCl solution to avoid KClO4precipitation in the electrode liquid junction.The electrodes were daily calibrated by fresh solutions of KHP(pH4.008)and of di-Sodium tetraborate decahydrate (pH9.196).The titrator was programmed in dynamic mode and successive titrant additions were made only when a sta-bility of0.02mV sÀ1had been attained.2.4.2.Copper complexing propertiesTitrations of FA in the presence of copper were per-formed with the same experimental procedure.A solution containing FA,2·10À3M HClO4,0.1M NaClO4and var-ious amounts of Cu(ClO4)2(Strem Chemicals)was placed in the thermostated cell.In order to compare the reactivity of the different FA samples,we worked at the same reactive site concentration in the cell(1.7·10À4±0.2eq lÀ1),and the copper concentrations in the cell were arbitraryfixed to have a ratio of reactive site content to copper content of four.Free copper was measured with a Cu(II)ion-selec-tive electrode(ISECu25,Radiometer)and a reference elec-trode(XR110,Radiometer)fitted with a salt-bridge junction(AL120,Radiometer).The copper ion-selective electrode was calibrated in two different ways:routinely by three standard solutions(10À3,10À4,10À5M Cu in 0.1M NaClO4)by dilution of a standard solution,and periodically until10À8M in the presence of nitrilotriacetic acid to verify the Nernstian response of the electrode.2.5.Theoretical background2.5.1.Determination of total functional groups concentrations and charge of FAThe titration curves were linearized by the method of Gran(1952)in order to divide acidity of sample into two different chemical acidic groups which dissociate before or after the pH of the equivalence point observed.This method was used for FA solutions(Lamy et al.,1988)as well as for microbial biosorbents(Naja et al.,2005)or raw sewage(Kunz and Jardim,2000).The calculations of the Gran function were as follows: G¼ðV0þVÞ10ðÀpHÞat pH<7;ð1ÞG¼ðV0þVÞ10ðK wÀpHÞat pH>7;ð2Þwhere G is the Gran function,V0is the initial volume,V is the titrant added volume and K w is the acid dissociation constant for water.From our titration curves,three different acid groups could be defined depending on their apparent ionization constants:–A strong acidity(A s)attributed to a residual acidity due to the preparation of FA or acid groups already dissoci-ated at the beginning of the titration(Lamy et al.,1987).–A weak acidity(A w)attributed to the ionization of car-boxylic groups at pH<7.–A very weak acidity(A vw)attributed to the ionization of phenolic and amino groups at pH>7.Here,we defined the total acidity(A TO)of a sample as the sum of A w andA vw.For each point of the titration curve the charge Q (meq gÀ1of organic carbon)was calculated using the fol-lowing charge balance equation for all ions in solution(dis-regarding the supporting background electrolyte):Q¼½C a V0=ðV0þVÞÀV½C b =ðV0þVÞÀ½Hþ þ½OHÀ½FAð3Þwhere[H+]=10ÀpH,[OHÀ]=10ÀpH+p K w and K w the ionic product of water,[C a]is the concentration of initial acidity (i.e.protons already dissociated at the beginning of the titration=the known concentration of added HClO4+the experimentally determined value of As;eq lÀ1),V and[C b] are,respectively,the volume(l)and the concentration (eq lÀ1)of the base added;V0is the initial volume and [FA]is the concentration of fulvic acid expressed in kg C lÀ1initially introduced in the titration cell.J.Sebastia et al./Chemosphere68(2007)1245–125312472.5.2.Determination of acid-base properties of FAFITEQL4.0and NICA model were used both as a com-parison of,respectively,a discrete and a continuous approach to analyze the proton binding affinity behavior of FA.FITEQL is a computer program for the determina-tion of chemical equilibrium constants from experimental data(Herbelin and Westall,1999)based on the chemical equilibrium equations for mass action(Westall et al., 1995):log C i¼log K iþXja ij log X jð4Þwhere C i is the concentration of species i,K i is the stability constant of species i,the summation is taken over all com-ponents j,a ij is the mass action stoichiometric coefficient of component j in species i,and X j is the free concentration of component j.Electrostatic behavior of FA particles can be taken into account when modeling acid-base properties.Here,calcu-lations of an electrostatic behavior of FA with FITEQL 4.0were not performed because of lack of data such as spe-cific surface area,or capacitance of Helmholtz layer.The NICA model describes the adsorption of a proton following the basic mono-component equation for species binding by i-type sites(Koopal et al.,1994)h H;i¼ðe K H;i½Hþ Þm i1þðK H;i½Hþ Þið5Þwhere h H,i is the proportion of occupied i-type sites by a proton,e K H;i is the median affinity distribution for proton binding by the i-type sites and m i corresponds to the width of the affinity distribution.Eq.(5)can be extended to take into account a given number of continuous distributions of proton binding sites by weighted summation of charge contributions of different site types:Q¼X ni¼1Qmax;ið1Àh H;iÞð6Þwhere Q max,i is the total amount of i-types sites.Electrostatic behavior of FA in NICA model is usually described with the Donnan gel approach(Koopal et al., 2005;Plaza et al.,2005a),FA being considered to form an electrically neutral gel like phase.In our work,calcula-tions with Donnan model were not performed because of the use of a single ionic strength(Plaza et al.,2005b). Thus apparent affinity constants were derived from our approach.The presence of two different types of binding sites ascribed to carboxylic and phenolic sites as already shown in previous studies allowed us to constrain the calculations with FITEQL or NICA with two types of sites(Milne et al.,1995,2003;Fiol et al.,1999).With FITEQL,we opti-mized only K H,1and K H,2with thefixed values of S1=A w and S2=A vw previously determined by the Gran method. With NICA,we optimized acid-base properties of FA(i.e.e K H;1,e K H;2,m1and m2)withfixed Q max,1=A w and Q max,2=A vw.Thefit computer program FIT2.5was asso-ciated to the NICA model for calculations(Kinniburgh, 1993).2.5.3.Determination of copper complexing propertiesof FAFITQEL was revealed well-adapted to model FA reac-tivity with copper as it was found easier to use with our data than NICA,and required less adjusted parameters and input data.Moreover modeling with NICA model gives only global constants(e.g.log e K Cu;1and log e K Cu;2Þ,while FITEQL deals with constants for each complexes species, more useful to unravel copper reactivity and to highlight differences.For the calculations,we considered free copper and hydrolysis products of copper forming monodentate complexes with FA and we introduced acid-base properties previously determined.The apparent stability constantswere expressed as follow with SnÀcorresponding to reactive sites of FA:SnÀþCu2þ()SnCuþK Sn Cuþ¼½S n Cuþ½SnÀ ½Cuð7ÞSnÀþCuOHþ()SnCuOH K Sn CuOH¼½S n CuOH½SnÀ ½CuOHþð8Þ2.6.Statistical analysisSignificant differences(p<0.05)in organic carbon con-tents and C/N data between soil treatments data were determined using XLstat(Microsoft)with Student’s t-test.Modeling of chemical properties of FA with NICA model was controlled by the residual mean square errors (RMSE)computed by FIT2.5(Kinniburgh,1993),while calculations with FITEQL4.0were tested by the low sums of squares of residuals(Wsos/df)given by the software (Herbelin and Westall,1999).3.Results and discussion3.1.Soil organic carbon contents and location in particle size fractionsQuantities of organic carbon in each size fraction,i.e. carbon content multiplied by the mass of fraction,is given in Fig.1for the three soil samples.This presentation stres-ses the contribution of each size fraction to the total soil carbon content.The sum of all quantities is equal to the total carbon content in the sample(Fig.1).The mass bal-ance of C recovered from the different fractions was 98.0±0.9%.Organic amendments in ourfield experiment lead to an increase in organic carbon in all size fractions except for the coarser fraction>200l m of S.This increase was smal-ler for S than for CC.Moreover,for S the increase in quan-1248J.Sebastia et al./Chemosphere68(2007)1245–1253tities was low and nearly equal between the size fractions, while for CC,the increase was larger and raised with increasing size fractions(Fig.1).For NA and S,organic carbon is mainly located in the <20l m fraction(56%of total carbon content)while for CC this last fraction represents only33%of total carbon content.For CC,200–2000and50–200l m fractions con-tribute also to a large part to the total carbon content, 29%and22%,respectively.Values of C/N of each size fraction are given in Fig.2 for the three samples.Whatever the size fractions,C/N was always larger for CC indicating a different nature of organic matter than S and NA.C/N ratios of S and NA were fairly similar,except for the coarser fractions(50–200and200–2000l m).All these results suggest that organic amendments brought afingerprint in all size frac-tions of the soils.3.2.Acid-base properties of fulvic acids3.2.1.Acidic functional group contents of bulk and<20l m FATotal acidity of the various FA samples(A TO)and repartition of reactive sites between carboxylic and pheno-lic types(respectively,A w and A vw determined as described in Section2)are given in Table1for the three soil samples. For all samples,total acidity of bulk FA is always larger than for FA extracted from the<20l m size fraction,the greater differences being observed for the NA soil sample. For NA,these results suggest that total acidity of bulk FA is mainly due to an acidity located in fractions larger than20l m,where44%of soil organic carbon is located (Fig.1).Thesefindings for NA concern especially the phe-nolic groups:A vw is about5.5eq Kg CÀ1in bulk soil FA and only 1.3eq Kg CÀ1for FA extracted from the <20l m size fraction.On the contrary for S and CC,A TO of bulk FA and of <20l m FA are close.Thus FA contained in fractions >20l m seems less important in A TO,despite the fact that these fractions>20l m contribute to66%and44%of the soil organic carbon for S and CC,respectively.Finally, total acidity of bulk FA follows the order NA>CC>S while for<20l m FA the order changed:CC>S>NA. Globally much less variations are observed for carbox-ylic-type sites than for phenolic ones.Carboxylic groups are known to constitute the major part of acidity of FA extracted from soils(about55–59%),asTable1Acidic functional group contents of FA extracted from the bulk soils and from the<20l m size fraction as determined by the Gran method,andfitting parameters log K H,1and log K H,2for proton binding characteristics with FITEQLFA samples A TO A w A vw log K H,1log K H,2Wsos/df eq KgÀ1CIsolated from the bulk soilNA7.22±0.13 1.76±0.07 5.46±0.06 5.14±0.049.35±0.14 1.63S 5.37±0.26 3.18±0.28 2.19±0.10 4.92±0.098.34±0.15 2.92 CC 6.72±0.28 3.91±0.10 2.81±0.19 4.88±0.118.67±0.13 4.54 Isolated from the<20l m fractionNA 2.97±0.23 1.59±0.17 1.25±0.06 5.07±0.058.92±0.11 3.17S 4.35±0.18 2.49±0.11 1.86±0.07 5.05±0.049.03±0.11 4.85 CC 5.97±0.29 3.09±0.24 2.67±0.05 5.08±0.068.39±0.06 4.52A TO is the total acidity corresponding to the sum of A w and A vw,A w is the weak acidity and A vw is the very weak acidity.Wsos/df values are sums of squares of residuals computed by FITEQL.J.Sebastia et al./Chemosphere68(2007)1245–12531249reported for example by Plaza et al.(2005b);Gondar et al. (2005a)and Fiol et al.(1999).But in our study,FA extracted from NA bulk soil shows a larger content of phenolic groups,whereas the repartition between carboxylic and phe-nolic groups for the<20l m FA is more in accordance with literature(Table1).When normalized to the carbon content of the FA solu-tions,carboxylic and phenolic groups contents(A w and A vw)of bulk FA differ between the three soil samples (Table1).Such results suggest that signature of organic inputs can be seen for the bulk sample when extracting FA and determining their functional groups contents. For<20l m fractions,these differences are less marked possibly due to the fact that(i)organic carbon from organic inputs is not yet sufficiently incorporated in this fine fraction due to a turn-over exceeding15year existence of thefield experiment;or(ii)it is always the same kind of organic matter which is incorporated in thefinest fractions, involving no changes in the global nature of the organic carbon.In this view,we observed that the increases in organic carbon contents were less or equal in thefinest fractions than in the others(Fig.1),and values of C/N were close(NA=S>CC)(Fig.2).3.2.2.Charge vs pH curvesFig.3shows the experimental charge curves for the FA extracted from the bulk of the three soil samples and the corresponding curves for FA extracted from the<20l m size fractions.For all samples,charges of FA increase with pH.All these curves have a similar shape except for FA extracted from bulk NA,and charges follow the order CC>S>NA in the pH range3.5–9(Fig.3).The fact that charges of bulk FA isolated from NA were higher than that of CC or S for pH>9can be related to its higher content in phenolic groups(Table2).In our work organic inputs induced an increase of the charge of both bulk FA and<20l m FA.This result is not in accordance with the study of Plaza et al.(2005b) on the acid-base properties of FA and HA isolated from a soil amended by pig slurry.They observed a decrease in the charge of FA and HA with an increase in pig slurry amendment.The authors suggested that it was only a rela-tive decrease as pig slurry is not a mature organic material (Plaza et al.,2003),and proposed an aerobic treatment before application on soil to enhance its humification degree.Discrete and continuous distribution of sites were used to model charge curves obtained Fig.3.We con-strained these two models with the experimental data (results of Gran linearization),byfixing total acidity (A TO)(i.e.carboxylic and phenolic groups contents). Results of modeling are given for FITEQL in Table1 and for NICA model in Table2,and the resulting curves are shown in Fig.3.Table2Fitting parameters log e K H;1and log e K H;2for proton binding characteristics of fulvic acids with NICA modelFA samples r2RMSE log e K H;1m1log e K H;2m2 Isolated from the bulk soilNA0.98970.0570 5.53±0.070.56±0.039.49±0.010.93±0.01 S0.99610.1122 5.02±0.070.68±0.078.52±0.090.69±0.06 CC0.99710.1124 4.80±0.070.56±0.048.48±0.090.62±0.04 Isolated from the<20l m fractionNA0.99510.0804 5.24±0.090.66±0.079.11±0.050.98±0.07 S0.99580.0905 5.11±0.060.61±0.049.11±0.060.86±0.07 CC0.99660.1267 5.14±0.060.66±0.058.45±0.070.76±0.06 r2is the coefficient of determination.RMSE is the residual mean square errors computed by NICA.m i is the width of the proton affinity distribution.1250J.Sebastia et al./Chemosphere68(2007)1245–12533.2.3.Proton binding affinityThe discrete approach by FITEQL and the continuous approach by NICA were found tofit well the experimental datasets for the various FA examined(Fig.3)as shown by the criterion parameters:Wsos/df ranging between0.1and 10(Table1),small RMSE and large values for the coeffi-cient of determination(r2)(Table2).Hence,the quantifica-tion of carboxylic and phenolic groups contents by the Gran method appears to be consistent in regard of good fitting parameters for FA by FITEQL and NICA model.As expected,NICA provides betterfit than FITEQL due to a continuous distribution of sites which takes into account heterogeneity in the proton binding affinities. However,FITEQL based on discrete distribution of sites shows(i)consistentfits(e.g.Fig.3and0.1<Wsos/ df<10);and(ii)similar tendencies of proton affinity con-stant between bulk FA and<20l m FA as does NICA (Tables1and2).Due to similar tendencies,we discuss in the following text only results of calculations by FITEQL.The values found are in accordance with the distribution p K a values for simple organic acids made by Perdue(1985) for humic substances.But the acidity constant for carbox-ylic groups of bulk FA for NA(log K H,1=5.14)was found significantly different(p<0.05)from the corresponding one for bulk CC and S for which log K H,1are close(Table 1).In addition,the acidity constants for the phenolic groups of bulk FA were found significantly different (p<0.05)between the three samples,log K H,2following the order NA>CC>S(Table1).Consequently,results of proton binding affinity indicate that organic inputs induced modification of the reactivity towards protons of bulk FA in all samples.On the contrary,organic inputs appear to induce no modification of the acidity constants of the carboxylic groups of the<20l m FA.Indeed these constants are sig-nificantly similar between the three samples(i.e.log K H,1= 5.1)whereas the acidity constant of the phenolic groups change significantly,especially between CC(log K H,2=8.4) and the others(about log K H,2=9.0)(Table1).Although an increase of carbon content in the<20l m fraction was pointed out for S and CC(Fig.1),this increase seems to poorly modify the proton binding properties.On the other hand,the log K H,1for the carboxyl groups show no significant differences between bulk FA and <20l m FA except for CC,while the log K H,2for the phe-nolic groups of bulk FA are significantly different from those of<20l m FA.These results pointed out the proba-ble different nature of organic carbon in the<20l m frac-tion from that of the bulk soil.These results suggest that(i)for bulk samples,organic inputs changed the nature of the titratable sites of the organic FA fraction,visible by a change in the repartition between carboxyl and phenolic sites and their correspond-ing dissociation constants;(ii)organic inputs partially change the nature of this extractable organic matter in the<20l m fraction(i.e.increase in acidic functional group contents with slight changes in proton binding affinity). 3.3.Copper bindingExperimental quantities of bound copper to the different FA fractions are given in Fig.4.For the three soils and at one given pH value,less copper was bound in the presence of bulk FA,compared to<20l m FA.Furthermore,per-centage of bound copper for the three bulk FA are rather scattered while those for FA extracted from the<20l m size fraction are rather close(Fig.4).These results are in accordance with the fact that the nature of organic carbon of the<20l m FA is more homogenous than that of bulk FA.Fitting a two-site binding model to Cu titration data from pH2.5to pH9.5for each FA sample produced apparent stability constant of Cu–FA complexes.Table3 gives these apparent stability constants for bulk FA and <20l m FA.The low sums of squares of residuals(Wsos/ df)indicate that experimental datasets are wellfitted byTable3Apparent stability constants log K of various Cu–FA complexes computedby FITEQL for a FA to metal ratio R=4FA samples log K S1Cu log K S1CuOH log K S2CuOH Wsos/dfIsolated from the bulk soilNA 3.27a 3.87a 6.23a0.18S 3.42a 4.91b 5.81a0.21CC 3.12a 4.79b 6.08a0.29Isolated from the<20l m fractionNA 3.69a 5.01a 6.21a0.14S 3.60a 4.87a 6.49a0.44CC 3.42a 5.02a 5.91a0.11S1and S2are two different sites of FA.Uncertainties are±5%for all stability constants.Values followed by the same letter within each column and for one type ofFA(isolated from the bulk soil or its<20l m fraction)are not significantlydifferent at p<0.05.J.Sebastia et al./Chemosphere68(2007)1245–12531251。



长期施肥对红壤性水稻土根际土壤可溶性有机碳含量的影响马境菲;娄运生;周文鳞;李忠佩【摘要】[目的]研究长期施肥对红壤性水稻土根际土壤可溶性有机碳的影响.[方法]采用田间定位试验,研究了不同施肥制度下红壤性水稻土根际土壤可溶性有机碳(DOC)的动态变化.[结果]与非根际土壤相比,根际土壤DOC含量的变化趋势呈现为水稻分蘖期低、抽穗期高、结实期低、成熟期高;而与移栽前相比,水稻收获时土壤DOC含量增加明显.[结论]种植水稻有利于保持和提高土壤有机碳库质量.%[ Objective] The research aimed to study the effects of long-term fertilization on the content of dissolved organic carbon in rice rhi-zosphere soil. [Method] Filed experiment with different fertilization systems was conducted to study the change of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in rice rhizosphere soil. [Result] Compared with non-rhizosphere soil,DOC content in rhizosphere soil reduced at tillering stage,increased at heading stage, decreased at grain-filling stage and increased at maturity stage. Besides, comparing with the transplanting stage of rice,the content of DOC in rice harvest time was increased markedly. [Conclusion] Crowing crops was beneficial to keep and raise the quality of soil organic carbon pool.【期刊名称】《安徽农业科学》【年(卷),期】2011(039)016【总页数】3页(P9695-9697)【关键词】长期施肥;红壤性水稻土;水稻;根际土壤;可溶性有机碳【作者】马境菲;娄运生;周文鳞;李忠佩【作者单位】南京信息工程大学应用气象学院,江苏,南京,210044;南京信息工程大学应用气象学院,江苏,南京,210044;土壤与农业可持续发展中国科学院南京土壤研究所,江苏,南京,210008;南京信息工程大学应用气象学院,江苏,南京,210044;土壤与农业可持续发展中国科学院南京土壤研究所,江苏,南京,210008【正文语种】中文【中图分类】S511土壤有机碳的稳定性决定土壤固定和储备有机碳的能力。

Changes of land use and research goal of soil science in Korea JO In Sang

Changes of land use and research goal of soil science in Korea JO In Sang

Symposium no. 31Paper no. 1066Presentation: poster Changes of land use and research goal of soil science inKoreaJO In SangNational Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, 249 Seodundong Gweonsengu Suweon, 441-707, Republic of KoreaAbstractThis report aims to establish the target for land management and conservation practices, and soil science research in the new millennium through collection and analyses of significant data, publications, and field survey.Our land area was expanded to 1,566 km2 by newly reclaimed marine deposits from 98,480 km2 in 1970 to 99,430 km2 in 1999. However, population density increased from 319 persons km-2 to 474 persons km-2 at the same time.Agricultural land has decreased from 22,980 km2 in 1970 to 18,890 km2 in 2000. This means that almost 17.8% of the cultivated land was converted to housing, industries, or highway.We tried to expand new areas for farming by amelioration of hilly and marine deposit areas. However, the land expansion policy is having a dilemma with the environmentalists and NGOs who are strongly opposing its implementation.Based on the monitoring results of the soil chemical properties and fertilization during the last 40 years, average phosphorus contents are beyond optimum level in upland and plastic house soils, and extractable potassium and lime contents have continuously increased.Recently, the numbers of technical papers on environment, pollution and heavy metals have been rapidly increasing, and the first research results in 1980 are related to organic farming, followed by the environmental farming in 1990 (Table 7).In case of rural extension manual, most of the topics published in 1970s were on soil fertilization and amelioration, but recently composting of livestock wastes and the effects of its application on soil and crops had been an interesting topic (Table 8). In 1985, orchards and plastic house soil management became a major research field compared to grain and rice.Our research should be focused on conservation and amelioration of the cultivated land and how it can contribute in the promotion and development of sustainable production, environment-friendly technologies, and precision farming.Keywords:land use, soil science, suitability, research goalIntroductionKorean agriculture usually consists of small size farms of 1.37 ha per household and with weak farm manpower such as the aged farmer and rural women (Table 1). Farming practices have been continuously focusing on the quantity of crop produced rather than quality of food and conservation of the environment.Table1Trends in land use.Item Unit'70'80'90'96'99 Total Land(A)1,000 ha9,8489,8999,9279,9319,943 Cultivated Land(B)1,000 ha2,2982,1962,1091,9451,899 -Paddy field1,000 ha1,2731,3071,3451,1761,153 -Upland1,000 ha1,025889764769746Utilized Land(C)B/AC/BCultivated Land Per Farm Household -Paddy field-Upland 1,000 ha%%hahaha3,26423.3142.10.920.510.412,76522.2125.31.020.610.412,40921.2113.31.190.760.432,14219.6107.91.320.800.522,11619.1110.81.370.830.54Source: Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry(MAF)Statistical Yearbook of Agriculture and Forestry (2000)A portion of agricultural activity has continuously decreased in terms of production, employment and gross domestic product (GDP). Only 5.0% of the GDP is covered by agricultural sector. Per capita food grain consumption had been decreasing over the last decades.The increase in meat consumption requires a considerable amount of grain feed imports, mainly corn and wheat, however its mass production also brings unfavorable livestock waste. Thus, in the early years of 21st Century, we have to prepare new practical techniques in soil management and land use through a more precise, practical, economical, and environmental-friendly manner.Materials and MethodsRecently published information on land use and soil management were collected to be used in the study. These include: government statistics and agricultural policy, research papers and rural extension manuals. Monitored data on soil fertility and soil contamination for the past 40 years were also collated and analyzed.Results and DiscussionLimited area of cultivated landThe land area of South Korea is only 99,370 km2, covering 45 percent of the total peninsula. Approximately 19% of the total land are used for agricultural purposes (Table 1).Agricultural land area has been decreasing more sharply since early 1990’s. Rice paddy area is about 60% of the total cultivated land. Land utilization ratio also decreased from 142.1% in 1970 to 110.8% in 1999. Cultivated land per farm household is only 1.37 ha with 0.83 ha for paddies and 0.54 ha for upland areas.Rice had been part and parcel of the Korean culture and traditions. In particular, rice-centric farming has been the core of Korean agriculture.The total cultivated area decreased its annual average to 23,333 ha in 1990s. We have continuously expanded the arable land at 1,860 ha y-1 through reclamation ofmountainous and hilly areas as the costal areas (RDC, 1999), but it was impossible to replace the decreasing area of 27,760 ha y-1 which was converted to building, public facilities and other urbanization purposes. It is a major problem that two percent of the total arable land per year were converted to non-agricultural use. In Suweon, which mainly has high soil suitability, converted areas (from arable land to industry) are: 24.8% for first class soil and 41.9% for second class soil (Table 2).Table2Distribution rates of cultivated area by soil suitability class of the converted land (NIAST 1970-1999).Suitability Class (ha)Land use12345Total Paddy2277737203281002,148 Upland3801,233602180202,415 Forest1,100880212100302,322 Total1,7072,8861,5346081506,885 Ratio24.841.922.38.8 2.2100.0Declining role of agricultureGenerally, in the process of rapid industrialization in Korea (which began in the early 1960s), the agricultural sector has continuously declined. The agricultural share of GDP, which was 23.3% in 1970, has decreased to 15.2% in 1980 and to 5.0% in 1999 (MAF, 2000). The agricultural sector’s share in employment has also declined from 52.9% in 1970 to 17.9% in 1990 and 11.6% in 1999. Moreover, the share of farm population in entire population has been decreasing at a similar phase.In 1970, 53.9% (7.8 million farm) of farm population were below 20 years old (MAF, 2000). This ratio has decreased to 31.6% 1990 and only 21.4% in 1997. This implies that farming is not attractive among younger generation in rural areas. In the case of rural women, their involvement in agricultural has slightly increased from 50.5% of the 5.4 million total farm population in 1980 to 51.9% of the 2.3 million total farm population (RDA, 2000).The rural to urban migration is expected to continue and accelerate. As a result of the decreased in farm population, many changes have occurred in agricultural sector, including labor structure, cropping intensity, farm wage rate, agricultural mechanization and other agricultural inputs.Per capita food grain consumption has been decreasing over the last decades. In 1970, per capita grain consumption was 219.4 kg, and decreased to 167.0 kg in 1990, and 154.2 kg in 1999 (MAF, 2000). Per capita rice consumption has also declined from its peak rate of 136.4 kg in 1970 to only 96.9 kg in 1999.Suitability of agricultural landSoil is the most important and valuable resource for sustainable agriculture. In the 1980s, the most detailed soil survey and soil test project for paddy was completed with basic map (1:1,200) and 617,687 soil samples were analyzed and optimum fertilizer application were recommended to 6.7 million plots. We will finish or we have finished? the most detailed soil survey for 6,440 km2 of upland area, slower than 15% in slopeand 1,166 thousand soil samples were analyzed in provincial and county’s laboratory. We established 1,322 soil phase and the most detailed soil map (1:5,000) will be finished soon by computerization.Based on the results of the soil survey, only the 13.2% of the agricultural land was in the suitability class 1 and class 3 was dominant at 32.8% (Table 3). We have to develop the more practical improvement techniques for better production at major problem soils (Sys, 1991).Table3Distribution of the area by suitability classes of cultivated land (%).Suitability Paddy Upland Orchard Total1 2 3 4 514.228.637.916. soil propertiesMonitoring of the soil fertility in major agricultural land have been conducted to find out the changes of soil properties which is necessary for the establishment sustainable agricultural techniques through integrated soil management (Table 4). The average values of pH were almost constant but lower than optimum level. However, the contents of available potassium and phosphorous have increased and are above the optimum levels. The available phosphorous contents have exceeded 500 mg kg-1 Especially in greenhouse, orchard and upland soils. Distribution ratio of upland soil samples grouped into three fertility levels: 1.) optimum range, 2.) lower and 3.) excess range, were different by agricultural zone. Available phosphorus content rapidly increases especially at intensive farming area. Thus, less or non fertilization of phosphorus farming must be established.Integrated nutrient managementIn recent years, it is highly required that farming practices should be redirected in support to sustainable agriculture which produces safe agricultural commodities. Various chemical compounds, such as pesticides and fertilizers, and livestock in the cities can affect the environment.The ideal fertilization is to have no residues of pollutants in soils after the crop is harvested. The fertilizer must be applied in optimum amount at specific site in time for plant’s requirements. In the last fifty years, recommended amount for fertilizer application has been changed depending on the soil fertility monitoring results and new crop varieties (Table 5).The farmers who cultivated cash crop usually applied much fertilizer to increase their yields since fertilizer expenses was cheap. We have two kinds of recommended amount in fertilizer application for farmers to choose and decide. These are the national standard levesl and calculated levels by soil test data (SMD, 1998). Recently we adjusted standard levels of fertilizers for 59 crops and established fertilizer application amount equations for 73 various crops. Bulk blended fertilizers by soil test data were steadily increased for past three years in Korea.Table 4Changes of chemical properties of cultivated soils.K Ca Mg Period pH OM (g kg -1)Avai P 2O 5(mg kg -1)Extractable(cmol + kg -1)Samples '64-'68'76-'80'85-'88'92'975.,66118,32465,565854854Optimum6.0-6.520-30300-5000.05-0.60 5.0-6.0 1.5-2.0Source: Soil Management Division. NIAST (1999)Greenhouse SoilK Ca MgPeriod pH OM Avai P 2O 5Extractable (cmol +kg -1)(dSm -1)'64-'68'76-'79'91-'93'90-'95'96'00,092952,0722165132678Optimum6.0-6.520-30350-5000.70-0.80 5.0-6.0 1.5-2.02.0>Source: Soil Management Division. NIAST (1999)Table 5Recommended amount of NPK fertilizers for crops during the last fifty years.Crop Element 1950’s 1960’s 1970’s 1980’s 1990’s N 3567117110110P 2O 53853587048Rice K 2O 3460658068N -949911090P 2O 5-728710944Cereals K 2O -67769244P 2O 5---187104VegetablesK 2O---249180Soil pollutionThe average value of heavy metal contents in farm land have increased slowly, but lower than countermeasure values for soil contamination indicators (Cd:1.5, Cu:50,Pb:150, As:6, and Hg:4 mg kg -1in soil) as described in Soil Environmental Conservation Act of Korea (Table 6, Jeong and Park 1999; Jo et al ., 1998).In the case of cadmium and lead, almost all the soils have lower content than warning levels. Copper contents of the soils were over the warning range in some of paddy and upland soils.Heavy metal contamination in soils were detected near the industrial area and waste water irrigated area (Kim, 1990).For the polluted soils over the warning levels, fine red earth application, land reconsolidation and soil amelioration, such as lime, phosphate, organic manure, and submerging were recommended.Table 6Heavy metal contents of agricultural soils (mg kg -1).Soil Year Cd Cu Pb Zn 0.135 2.77 3.4710.7019980-0.660.07-78.240-43.000.3-65.1Upland 19890.157 3.05 4.178.5020000-1.280-46.50-46.50.19-252.0Plastic House 19960.21 3.69 2.4923.300.11 3.62 2.3016.6019980-0.490.03-45.30-27.80.33-105.5Orchard19930.2163.591.8124.61For the countermeasure area, non-edible crops, such as garden trees, flowers and fiber crops, land reformation and heavy application of fine red earth to 30cm are strongly recommended.Agricultural land must be conserved to produce high quality of food and maintain its ecological balance. Controlling the quantity and quality of waste from human activities are more important than pollutant remediation. In increasing the meat consumption, livestock wastes should be minimized. More detailed and useful treatment must be developed.Research classificationResearch papers concerning soil science were classified by period and key words,as soil 4,462, environment 3,070, fertilization 1,766, pollution 952, amelioration 659.The number of technical papers in environment, pollution and heavy metals has rapidly increased, and the research results suggest the practice of organic farming in the 1980s and environmental farming in the 1990s (Table 7).Table 7Trends of number of technical papers by key words concerning soil science inagronomy journals in Korea.Key Words ‘60’s ‘70’s ‘80’s ‘90’s Total Soil 220688 1.5112,0434,462Environment 1502495652,1063,070Fertilizer 1363546366401,766Pollution 25141248538952Reclamation 61155250293659Heavy metal 12858216303Organic farming--11516Table 8 shows the annual changes of new technology developed by Rural Development Administration. The numbers of chemical improvement decreased after 1985, but the numbers of manure and pollution were increased from 1990.Our research targets also have to shift from rice and grain crops to vegetables; and from amelioration to precise nutrient management.Table8Changes of the numbers of new technologies in soil science developed by Rural Development Administration.Year PhysicalTreatChemicalTreatFertilizer Manure Pollution Total'68-'70841012-34 '71-'7516181918778 '76-'80142657266129 '81-'85191437161096 '86-'901332018256 '91-'95173412716104 '96-2000233393812115Total1107122315553612ConclusionCompared with the industrial sector, agriculture is less developed with small farms, aged farm population, low productivity and underdeveloped marketing structure. Fertile farmland must be conserved from being converted to non-agricultural activities through regulation and in addressing social issues properly.For the past decades, agricultural policy orientation has been geared at maintaining a high degree of self-sufficiency. Korea has become almost self-sufficient in rice. However, due to increased demand for other food such as beef and processed food, more precise treatment techniques of waste will be one of the major concerns in the field of soil science.As consumers demand for safe food is increasing and environmental conservation function of agriculture is being highlighted, the Government should prioritize its policy in promoting sustainable agriculture and environment-friendly farming (MAF, 1998 a, b).Precision farming such as rational soil management and optimum fertilization techniques for different crops and soils are the major research field for sustainable farming practices.ReferencesJeong, Y.G. and M.H. Park. 1999. A counter measuring studies to the changes of agricultural environment. National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology (NIAST).Jo, I.S. B.K. Jung and K.B. Jung. 1999. A counter measuring studies to the changes of agricultural environment. Project Research Report NIAST.Jung, K.B., W.I. Kim and G.S. Hyeon. 2000. studies on the distribution of background concentrations of heavy metals of soils in Korea. Agro-environment Research 200:24-31.Kim, B.Y. 1990. Metal retention and mobility as influenced by some organic residues added to soils. In M. Selim and I.K. Iskandar (eds.). Rate and Transport of Heavy Metals in the Vadose Zone.Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. 1998a. Development Plan of Agriculture and Rural Area.Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. 1998b. Promotion of Sustainable Agriculture.Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. 2000. Statistical Yearbook of Agriculture and Forestry.National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology. 1992. An Introduction of Korean soils.National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology. 1970-2000. Research report. Olson, G.W. 1990. Field guide to soils and the environment application of soil survey.A Dowden & Culver book.Rural Development Administration. 1968-2000. Extension Bulletin (Soil and Fertilizer). Rural Development Administration. 2000. Major Statistics of Korean Agriculture. Rural Development Corperation. 1999. Yearbook of Land and Water Development Statistics.Soil Management Division. NIAST. 1998. Strategy and Direction of Soil Management Research.Sys, C., E.V. Ranst and J. Debaveys. 1991. Land Evaluation. ITC. University Ghent. Yeongnam Agricultural Experiment Station. 1997. History of 30 Years of Rice Cultivation Research.。



第20卷 第1期世 界 林 业 研 究Vol.20 No.1 2007年2月World Forestry Research Feb12007土地利用变化对土壤肥力影响研究进展3肖 烨1,2 张于光2 张小全2 易图永1(1湖南农业大学生物安全科技学院,长沙410128;2中国林业科学研究院森林生态环境与保护研究所,国家林业局森林生态环境重点实验室,北京100091)摘要:随着人类活动对土地利用的范围不断扩大、强度不断加剧,不同的土地利用方式改变了土壤的理化性质、养分状况、土壤酶活性,进而对土壤肥力造成了不同程度的影响。


关键词:土地利用变化,土壤酶活性,土壤有机质,土壤肥力中图分类号:S714 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-4241(2007)01-0006-04Rev i ew on the I nfluence of Land Use Changes on So il FertilityXiao Ye1,2Zhang Yuguang2Zhang Xiaoquan2Yi Tuyong1(1College of B i osafety Science and Technol ogy,Hunan Agricultural University,Changsha410128,China;2I nstitute of Forestry Ecol ogy,Envir on ment and Pr otecti on,Chinese Acade my of Forestry, the Key Laborat ory of Forest Ecol ogy and Envir on ment of State Forestry Ad m inistrati on,Beijing100091,China)Abstract:Land use is a general reflecti on of the human activities of using land and the most exten2 sive,direct and p r ofound influence fact ors t o the s oil fertility.W ith the intensity and amp lificati on of land use,land use changes i m pacts the s oil physicoche m ical p r operties,which directly i m pacted the s oil fertility,nutrient status and s oil enzy me activities.This paper revie wed the effect of land use changes on s oil fertility f oll owing the changes of s oil m icr obe,nutrient status,s oil enzy me ac2 tivities and s oil physical p r operties.Key words:land use changes,s oil enzy me activities,s oil organic matter,s oil fertility 土地利用是指人类使用土地的方式或目的,如农业、林业、居住地、草地、湿地、果园等;土地利用变化主要指农业、林业和其他土地管理活动对整个景观的改变[1]。





关键词土地利用方式土壤有机碳温室效应中图分类号 X14文献标识码 A文章编号1007-0370(2014)03-0064-04Abstract: Studying the effect of land use change on soil organic carbon and its dynamic change rules,help to grasp the relationship between global climate change and the land use change. By literature review,this paper summarizes major research progresses on the effects of land use change on SOC,explaining the process and mechanism of SOC change induced by changes of land use and land management. Key words: Land use;Soil organic carbon;Greenhouse effect土壤碳库是大气碳库的3.3倍,生物碳库的4.5倍,是陆地生态系统最大的碳库[1- 2],也是最活跃的碳库之一。





⼟壤⾃养微⽣物同化碳向⼟壤有机碳_省略_⼊的定量研究_14_C连续标记法_史然第34卷第7期2013年7⽉环境科学ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCEVol.34,No.7Jul.,2013⼟壤⾃养微⽣物同化碳向⼟壤有机碳库输⼊的定量研究:14C 连续标记法史然1,2,陈晓娟2,吴⼩红2,简燕2,袁红朝2,葛体达2*,隋⽅功1*,童成⽴2,吴⾦⽔2(1.青岛农业⼤学资源与环境学院,青岛266109;2.中国科学院亚热带农业⽣态研究所农业⽣态系统过程重点实验室,长沙410125)摘要:⾃养微⽣物在⼟壤中⼴泛存在,但其CO 2同化能⼒及其向⼟壤碳库的输⼊机制尚不明确.应⽤14C 连续标记⽰踪技术,选取亚热带区4种典型稻⽥⼟壤在密闭系统模拟培养,探讨了⼟壤⾃养微⽣物同化碳向⼟壤碳库的输⼊过程和机制及其对⼟壤碳库活性组分的影响.结果表明,⼟壤微⽣物具有客观的CO 2同化能⼒.标记培养110d 后,供试⼟壤的14C-SOC 含量范围为69.06 133.81mg ·kg -1,⽽14C-DOC 、14C-MBC 含量范围为2.54 8.10mg ·kg -1、19.50 49.16mg ·kg -1.⼟壤⾃养微⽣物同化碳(14C-SOC )与其微⽣物截留碳(14C-MBC )呈极显著的正相关关系.⼟壤可溶解性有机碳(DOC )、微⽣物量碳(MBC )和SOC 的更新率分别为5.65% 24.91%、4.23% 20.02%和0.58% 0.92%.⽽且,⼟壤⾃养微⽣物同化碳的输⼊对⼟壤活性碳组分的DOC 、MBC 含量变化影响较⼤,⽽对SOC 影响较⼩.对微⽣物在⼟壤碳循环过程的基本功能的认识在本研究中得以丰富和加深.关键词:⼟壤⾃养微⽣物;CO 2同化;同化碳;14C 连续标记;稻⽥⼟壤中图分类号:X144⽂献标识码:A⽂章编号:0250-3301(2013)07-2809-06收稿⽇期:2012-10-17;修订⽇期:2012-12-10基⾦项⽬:国家⾃然科学基⾦项⽬(41271279;41090283);湖南省⾃然科学基⾦项⽬(11JJ4030);中国科学院青年创新促进会会员项⽬(2012-2015);中国科学院亚热带农业⽣态过程重点实验室开放基⾦项⽬(2010-2012)作者简介:史然(1988 ),⼥,硕⼠研究⽣,主要研究⽅向为⼟壤⽣态环境,E-mail *通讯联系⼈,E-mail ; Soil Autotrophic Microbes-Assimilated Carbon Input into SoilOrganic Carbon Pools Following Continuous 14C LabelingSHI Ran 1,2,CHEN Xiao-juan 2,WU Xiao-hong 2,JIAN Yan 2,YUAN Hong-zhao 2,GE Ti-da 2,SUI Fang-gong 1,TONG Cheng-li 2,WU Jin-shui 2(1.School of Resource and Environment ,Qingdao Agricultural University ,Qingdao 266109,China ;2.Key Laboratory of Agro-Ecological Processes in Subtropical Region ,Institute of Subtropical Agriculture ,Chinese Academy of Sciences ,Changsha 410125,China )Abstract :Soil autotrophic microbe has been found numerous and widespread.However ,roles of microbial autotrophic processes and the mechanisms of that in the soil carbon sequestration remain poorly understood.Here ,we used soils incubated for 110days in a closed ,continuously labeled 14C-CO 2atmosphere to measure the amount of labeled C incorporated into the microbial biomass.Theallocation of 14C-labeled assimilated carbon in variable soil C pools such as dissolved organic C (DOC )and microbial biomass C (MBC )were also examined over the 14C labeling span.The results showed that significant amounts of 14C-SOC were measured in paddy soils ,which ranged from 69.06-133.81mg ·kg -1,accounting for 0.58%to 0.92%of the total soil organic carbon (SOC ).Theamounts of 14C in the dissolved organic C (14C-DOC )and in the microbial biomass C (14C-MBC )were dependent on the soils,ranged from 2.54to 8.10mg ·kg -1,19.50to 49.16mg ·kg -1,respectively.There was a significantly positive linear relationship between concentrations of 14C-SOC and 14C-MBC (R2=0.957**,P <0.01).The 14C-DOC and 14C-MBC as proportions of total DOC ,MBC ,were 5.65%-24.91%and 4.23%-20.02%,respectively.Moreover ,the distribution and transformation of microbes-assimilated-derived C had a greater influence on the dynamics of DOC and MBC than that on the dynamics of SOC.These data provide new insightsinto the importance of microorganisms in the fixation of atmospheric CO 2and of the potentially significant contributions made by microbial autotrophy to terrestrial C cycling.Key words :soil autotrophic microbes ;CO 2assimilation ;assimilated carbon ;14C continuous labeling ;paddy soil⼯业⾰命以来,⼤⽓中⼆氧化碳浓度增加,全球变暖⽇益加剧,已引起了⼀系列严重问题.⼤⽓“温室效应”是全球环境问题中最重要且亟待解决的问题之⼀[1,2].利⽤陆地⽣态系统的⼤⽓CO 2同化功能(⽣物固碳)增强碳固定,是⽬前应对⽓候变化最经济、有效的途径[3].⽣物固碳是通过植物或微⽣物的碳同化途径,将CO 2转化成有机物质,以提⾼⽣态系统的碳吸收和储存能⼒[4].同化CO 2的⽣物环境科学34卷主要是植物和⾃养微⽣物.然⽽,在⽣物同化⼤⽓CO2过程的研究中,⽬前⼤部分研究都集中在植被固碳(NPP)及其对⼟壤有机碳累积的贡献.⽽⾃养微⽣物⼴泛分布于不同的⽣态系统中,具有很强的环境适应能⼒,可以在多种环境条件下如⽕⼭、海洋深处、极地湖泊[5 7]等植物⽆法⽣存的⽣境中参与CO2的同化.因⽽,从整个⽣物圈的物质和能量流⾓度来研究⾃养微⽣物的CO2同化功能及其同化碳的转化对于完善碳循环理论具有重要意义.近年来,有关湖泊[8]、地下⽔[9]、海洋[10]和深海盆地[11]等⽔⽣⽣态系统中⾃养微⽣物的碳同化能⼒及其多样性的研究已取得较⼤进展.Cannon 等[12]指出,⽔体/海洋吸收固定⼤⽓CO2的40%是由⾃养微⽣物同化完成的,⾃养微⽣物是⽔体/海洋⽣态系统的初级⽣产者.⾃养微⽣物在⽔体/海洋碳同化过程中起着不可忽视的作⽤.同样地,在农⽥⽣态系统中也发现了很多新的⾃养微⽣物的⼴泛存在[13 15],本研究分析了不施肥(CK),氮磷钾肥(NPK)和氮磷钾肥结合秸秆还⽥(NPKS)这3种长期施肥制度对稻⽥⼟壤固碳⾃养菌群落结构及数量的影响,结果表明长期施肥导致⼟壤碳同化⾃养菌种群结构产⽣了明显差异,NPK和NPKS处理中兼性⾃养碳同化菌群落优势增加⽽严格⾃养固碳菌⽣长受到抑制,⽽且通过分析固碳细菌cbbL基因⽂库发现,供试⼟壤cbbL含有的细菌群落以兼性⾃养菌为主[15].但这些⾃养微⽣物在⼟壤碳循环中所起的具体作⽤和贡献有待进⼀步研究和验证.⽽且,陆地⽣态系统碳循环的不确定性最⼤.因为陆地⽣态系统主要由植被和⼟壤两个碳库组成,是⼀个植被-⼟壤-⽓候相互作⽤的复杂⼤系统,内部各⼦系统之间及其与⼤⽓之间存在着复杂的相互作⽤和反馈机制,各种数据较难获得,对⼟壤固碳潜⼒及其关键过程的认识明显不⾜[3,16].然⽽,⽬前有关⼟壤中⾃养微⽣物的碳同化能⼒及其向⼟壤有机碳库的输⼊研究鲜见报道.碳同位素作为研究⼟壤碳循环的理想⽰踪剂始于70年代末期[16],之后得以⼴泛应⽤.其中14C ⽰踪⽅法,能有效地阐明地下碳动态变化和⼟壤碳储量的微⼩迁移与转换,以及定量化评价新⽼⼟壤有机碳对碳储量的相对贡献,是研究⼟壤有机碳动态过程的强有⼒⼯具,并常被⽤来⽰踪⼟壤有机碳的来源和周转过程[17,18].因此,本研究选取亚热带典型稻⽥⼟壤,运⽤14C连续⽰踪技术结合室内模拟培养实验,定量分析了⼟壤⾃养微⽣物同化碳向⼟壤有机碳库的输⼊及其在⼟壤活性碳库中的分配特征,揭⽰了⼟壤微⽣物对CO2的同化能⼒及碳同化潜⼒,以期为深⼊了解陆地⽣态系统碳循环过程以及全球碳平衡估算提供理论依据和数据⽀持.1材料与⽅法1.1供试⼟壤及前处理实验选取亚热带地区4种典型⽔稻⼟耕作层(0 20cm)⼟壤,分别采⾃湖南省长沙市城郊(P1、P2)、常德市(P3、P4)2个地区(29?10' 29?18'N,111?28' 111?35'E).该地区属典型亚热带典型湿润⽓候,年均⽓温16.8?,降⽔量1400mm.⼟壤均⽤直径为5cm的不锈钢⼟钻采集.运回实验室后的⼟壤样品取1kg室内风⼲,分别过0.25mm和0.149mm筛,⽤于测定⼟壤基本理化性质.另取1 kg新鲜⼟置于4?冰箱中,⽤于测定可溶性有机碳(DOC)和微⽣物⽣物量碳(MBC).剩余⼟壤均匀地喷施NaH2PO4和KCl混合液,施⼊的N、P、K量分别为20、20和80mg·kg-1⼟,将⼟壤混匀分装于PVC圆柱形盆钵(⾼20cm,直径10cm)中,装⼊量每钵相当于烘⼲重1.00kg⼟壤.同时加去离⼦⽔⾄⽔层深度1 2cm,PVC盆钵表⾯⽤透明穿孔塑料薄⽚遮盖,防⽌浮萍等⽔⽣植物⽣长.供试⼟壤基本理化性质见表1,供试⼟壤的轮作制度、施肥、耕作、前茬作物等详细信息见⽂献[19,20].表1供试⼟壤基本理化性质Table1Characteristics of the paddy soil used in this study⼟壤全碳/g·kg-1全氮/g·kg-1碳氮⽐(C:N)pH1)阳离⼦交换量(CEC)/mol·kg-1可溶性碳(DOC)/mg·kg-1微⽣物量碳(MBC)/mg·kg-1P121.89 2.649.4 6.1511.7956.64616.12 P217.03 2.5211.2 5.09 5.6054.29617.62 P320.93 2.819.4 5.6613.1657.67951.17 P4 6.64 1.449.5 5.797.9651.7397.43 1)⼟壤pH测定的浸提剂是⽔,⽔⼟⽐为2.5?101827期史然等:⼟壤⾃养微⽣物同化碳向⼟壤有机碳库输⼊的定量研究:14C 连续标记法1.214C-CO 2连续标记的⼟壤培养实验实验设置上述4种稻⽥⼟壤的4个处理P1、P2、P3和P4,每个处理重复5次.⼟壤培养采⽤同位素连续标记法进⾏.连续标记法是指在整个培养期间,在特殊的标记室中对⼟壤样品进⾏不间断的标记,由于该法持续时间长,碳同位素的分配代表了整个培养期间的分配,得到的数据⽐较可靠.因此,本研究采⽤了14C 连续标记.培养装置和⽅法参考⽂献[19,20]建⽴的⽅法.简⾔之,将上述已经准备好的⼟壤置于封闭箱体(专利号No.ZL2006100197402,宽?长70cm ?250cm ,⾼150cm ;图1)中,2010年10⽉18⽇开始标记,连续标记110d.培养箱内温度设定为⽩天31??1?,晚上24??1?,每天光照12h (从08:00 20:00),相对湿度80% 90%,光照强度500mmol ·(m 2·s )-1PAR.标记过程中,补充去离⼦⽔维持稻⽥⼟壤⽔层深度1 2cm 基本不变.14C-CO 2通过14C-NaHCO 3(1mol ·L -1,16.5(103Bq ·mL -1)和HCl (1mol ·L -1)反应⾃动产⽣.每周向培养箱加⼊200mL 1mol ·L -114C-NaHCO 3溶液,通过控制加⼊量使标记箱内CO 2摩尔分数维持在270 350µmol·mol -1. 1.3测定和分析⽅法标记培养实验结束,采集PVC 塑料盆钵中的供试⼟壤样品并充分混匀,⼀份⽴即处理,⽤于测定14C-DOC 和14C-MBC 含量;⼀份室内⾃然风⼲后,磨碎过100⽬筛,⽤于14C-SOC 含量的测定.⼟壤总有机碳中14C 放射性强度采⽤⽂献[21]的⽅法测定,⼟壤DOC 采⽤0.5mol·L -1K 2SO 4直接浸提,⼟壤MBC 采⽤氯仿熏蒸-0.5mol ·L -1K 2SO 4提取法,14C-DOC 和14C-MBC 含量测定参见⽂献[19,20]的⽅法进⾏.表层(0 20cm )⼟壤微⽣物碳同化速率:RS =c soc ([1/(3.14?(D /2)2)]/t 式中,RS 是⼟壤碳同化速率[g ·(m 2·d )-1],c soc 是标记培养110d 后,⼟壤14C-SOC (g ·kg -1),D 为实验⽤PVC 管的内径(m ),t 为连续标记时间(110d ).⼟壤MBC 、DOC 和SOC 中来源于⼟壤⾃养微⽣物同化作⽤的“新碳”(14C )占MBC 、DOC 和SOC 的⽐例称为⼟壤MBC 、DOC 和SOC 的更新率[22].数据统计分析采⽤SPSS 13.0for Windows 和Microsoft Excel 2000软件进⾏.差异显著性⽤One-way ANOVA (⼀维⽅差)分析,多重⽐较采⽤Duncan 法,相关性采⽤⽪尔森指数(Pearson )分析.1.箱体;2.箱门;3.组合光照;4.电风扇;5.冷却管;6.栽培盘;7.反应槽;8.反应残液排出管;9.冷凝⽔排出管;10.箱架;11.吸附瓶;12.⽆油真空泵;13.HCl 溶液输液瓶;14.14C-Na 2CO 3溶液输液瓶;15.⽔或营养液输液瓶;16.输液管;17.温度、CO 2和O 2浓度监测传感器;18.压⼒计图1碳同位素连续标记装置⽰意Fig.1Schematic diagram of the soil 14C-labelling and incubation system used in this study2结果与分析2.1⼟壤14C-SOC 含量及其碳同化速率14C-CO 2连续标记110d 后,不同⼟壤的14C-SOC 的含量为69.06(P4) 133.81.61(P1)mg·kg -1[图2(a )].不同类型⼟壤14C-SOC 含量差异显著(P <0.05),表现为P1>P3>P2>P4.类似地,培养110d 后,根据估算,在本实验条件下,表层⼟壤(0 20cm )⼟壤微⽣物碳同化速率为0.08 0.15g ·(m 2·d )-1,4个供试稻⽥⼟壤的平均碳同化速率1182环境科学34卷图中不同字母表⽰处理间差异达到显著⽔平(P <0.05)图214C-CO 2连续标记110d 后,不同处理中⼟壤14C-SOC 的含量及其⼟壤微⽣物碳同化速率Fig.2Content of 14C-SOC and soil microbial carbon assimilated rate after 110-d 14C-CO 2continuous labeling 为0.13g ·(m 2·d )-1[图2(b )].2.2⼟壤14C-DOC 、14C-MBC 含量不同⼟壤条件下,14C-CO 2连续标记110d 后,⼟壤14C-DOC 、14C-MBC 含量见图3.供试⼟壤的14C-DOC 、14C-MBC 含量分别为2.54(P4) 8.10(P1)mg ·kg -1、19.50(P4) 49.16(P1)mg ·kg -1,各处理差异达显著⽔平(P <0.05),14C-DOC 含量表现为P1>P2>P3>P4,⽽14C-MBC 含量则表现为P1>P3>P2>P4(图3).另外,相关性分析表明,⼟壤⾃养微⽣物同化碳(14C-SOC )与其微⽣物截留碳(14C-MBC )呈极显著的正相关关系(R2=0.957**,n =4).图314C-CO 2连续标记110d 后,不同处理中⼟壤14C-DOC 与14C-MBC 含量Fig.3Content of soil 14C-DOC and 14C-MBC in different paddy soils after 110-d 14C-CO 2continuous labeling2.3⼟壤⾃养微⽣物同化碳在⼟壤DOC 、MBC 和SOC 的更新率⼟壤14C-CO 2连续标记培养110d 后,不同⼟壤条件下MBC 的更新率(14C-MBC /MBC )为4.23% 20.02%,处理间⼟壤⾃养微⽣物同化碳对⼟壤MBC 的贡献⼤⼩为P4>P1>P2>P3;⼟壤DOC 的更新率(14C-DOC /DOC )为5.65% 24.91%;⽽⼟壤SOC 的更新率(14C-SOC /SOC )为0.58% 0.92%(表2),可见,在110d 的标记培养期内,来源于⼟壤⾃养微⽣物同化碳的新鲜⼟壤有机碳含量⾮常少.由表2还可以看出,相同⼟壤条件下,⼟壤DOC 的更新率均⼤于MBC 的更新率,表明⼟壤⾃养微⽣物同化碳对⼟壤DOC 的周转影响⽐MBC ⼤,这可能与⼟壤⾃养微⽣物同化碳⾸先进⼊DOC 库,然后被⼟壤微⽣物利⽤有关.表2不同⼟壤条件下⽔稻光合同化碳在⼟壤DOC 、MBC 和SOC 的更新率1)/%Table 2Renewal rates of soil DOC ,MBC and SOC in different paddy soils /%处理14C-MBC /MBC 14C-DOC /DOC 14C-SOC /SOCP17.98?0.19b 14.30?0.29a 0.64?0.01b P2 5.39?0.41c 7.70?0.61b 0.58?0.02b P3 4.23?0.31c 5.65?0.27c 0.62?0.05b P4 20.02?1.32a24.91?0.46c0.92?0.03a1)表中不同字母表⽰处理间差异达到显著⽔平(P <0.05)3讨论⼟壤微⽣物具有吸收同化⼆氧化碳的巨⼤潜⼒.Dong 等[23]发现⾖科植物根瘤附近CO 2浓度呈现负增长趋势,推测可能根瘤菌参与了CO 2同化过程,⽽这种固碳作⽤超过了微⽣物的呼吸作⽤,相似的现象被Steind 等[24]在⾼H 2浓度的根际⼟壤中观21827期史然等:⼟壤⾃养微⽣物同化碳向⼟壤有机碳库输⼊的定量研究:14C连续标记法察到,⽽这种主要固碳细菌类群为氢氧化化能⾃养菌.Miltner等[14]通过14C-CO2⽰踪实验发现,⿊暗条件下,培养6周后,⼟壤中14C-SOC占在培养前⼟壤总SOC的0.05%左右,并推测⼟壤(⿊暗条件下)⾮光合碳同化过程主要是由于好氧异养微⽣物主导[14].然⽽,本研究通过110d的14C-CO2连续标记,发现供试⼟壤的14C-SOC含量范围为69.06133.81mg·kg-1,14C-SOC占⼟壤总SOC的0.58% 0.92%之间(图2,表2).笔者以往的研究表明在⿊暗培养条件下,⼟壤中⼏乎⽆14C标记碳被⼟壤微⽣物同化,14C标记的碳仅在光照⼟壤中检测到[15].⽽且相关性分析结果表明,连续110d 的14C-CO2标记的光照⼟壤14C-MBC与14C-SOC之间存在极显著正相关关系(R2=0.957**,P<0.01).因此,在本实验条件下(光照条件),⼟壤微⽣物碳同化主要为⾃养过程,⽽参与该过程的微⽣物包括光能和化能⾃养菌及藻类,⽽⾮异养微⽣物.⽽且,笔者在以往的研究通过PCR克隆测序,T-RFLP及实时荧光定量PCR等分⼦⽣物学技术表明,农⽥⼟壤碳同化细菌主要为兼性⾃养菌,包括蓝细菌、红螺菌、红环菌、红假单胞菌等光合细菌及慢⽣根瘤菌,产碱杆菌和劳尔⽒菌等兼性化能⾃养菌,⽽严格化能⾃养菌所占⽐例较少,主要细菌类群为亚硝化螺菌、硫氧化菌、硫杆菌、硝化杆菌[15].同时,笔者根据估算,供试⼟壤的碳同化速率约为0.08 0.15g·(m2·d)-1(图2),可以看出⼟壤微⽣物碳同化量在全球陆地⽣态碳平衡研究中是不可忽视的,对提⾼⽣态系统的碳吸收和储存能⼒有着重要意义.该结果改变了对微⽣物在陆地⽣态系统碳循环中仅担负有机质分解、矿化功能的长期认识,丰富了微⽣物的基本功能及其在⼟壤碳循环中作⽤的认识.但是,由于⽬前⼟壤⾃养微⽣物的CO2同化功能及其固碳潜⼒尚未被纳⼊陆地⽣态系统碳循环过程,因此有关⼟壤⾃养微⽣物的碳同化功能研究对于阐明“迷失的碳汇”、“⼟壤固碳过程与机制”等科学问题⾮常重要.⼟壤DOC和MBC是⼟壤快库碳中新碳的主要归宿,与⼟壤呼吸释放CO2、CH4有着密切的关系[25].进⼊⼟壤的同化碳(新碳)在⼟壤碳库中的矿化、转化与其稳定性有关,因此在固碳中有⼗分重要的作⽤.Liang等[25]采⽤盆栽⽅法通过13C稳定性同位素技术研究了⽟⽶新碳在碳库中的分布,认为⽔溶性有机碳(DOC)和微⽣物碳(MBC)是新碳的主要去向.DOC是易被⼟壤微⽣物吸收利⽤的有机碳组分,10% 56%的⼟壤DOC具有⽣物有效性[26],外源有机底物所含的DOC⽣物有效性更⾼,30% 95%的DOC组分可在3个⽉内被⼟壤微⽣物消耗掉[27].⼟壤微⽣物对DOC作⽤的持续时间不长,其中⼩分⼦DOC的周转时间只有数⼗⼩时[28].本研究中,110d的标记培养期内⼟壤DOC 与MBC的更新率分别5.65% 24.91%、4.23% 20.02%,⽐⼟壤有机碳更新率⼤得多(表2),表明⾃养微⽣物同化碳的输⼊对⼟壤DOC、MBC含量变化影响较⼤,这与前⼈研究基本⼀致[29,30].然⽽,Ge等[20]对14C连续标记80d后,裸⼟对照处理的14C-DOC/DOC、14C-MBC/MBC⽐值分别为0.45% 8.87%和0.59% 8.94%,造成这种差异可能与供试⼟壤类型、⽰踪期长短等因素有关.⼟壤微⽣物对⼤⽓CO2的同化过程作为碳循环的⼀个重要环节,是主要由⼟壤中具有碳同化能⼒的⾃养微⽣物所调控的⽣物化学过程.然⽽,本研究仅对4种不同类型的稻⽥⼟壤微⽣物碳同化能⼒展开了⼀些研究,⽽⼟壤微⽣物分布具有明显的地带性,因此选择更多具有代表性的⼟壤,继续深⼊研究不同类型⼟壤微⽣物碳同化能⼒,以便深⼊理解⼟壤⾃养微⽣物CO2同化功能是否具有普遍性,其对陆地⽣态系统碳同化的贡献如何?环境条件⼜是如何影响⾃养微⽣物CO2同化速率的?这些问题都需要做进⼀步的研究.4结论(1)⼟壤⾃养微⽣物具有可观的CO2同化能⼒.14C-CO2连续标记110d后,供试⼟壤的14C-SOC 含量范围为69.06 133.81mg·kg-1.据估算,⼟壤微⽣物碳同化速率为0.08 0.15g·(m2·d)-1.(2)新输⼊的⾃养微⽣物同化碳参与⼟壤碳循环,影响⼟壤活性碳组分的变化.14C-CO2连续标记110d后,供试⼟壤的14C-DOC、14C-MBC含量范围为2.54 8.10mg·kg-1、19.50 49.16mg·kg-1.(3)⼟壤DOC、MBC和SOC的更新率分别为5.65% 24.91%、4.23% 20.02%和0.58% 0.92%.⾃养微⽣物同化碳的输⼊对⼟壤活性碳组分的DOC、MBC含量变化影响较⼤,⽽对SOC影响较⼩.参考⽂献:[1]Booth B B B,Jones C D,Collin M,et al.Global warming uncertainties due to carbon cycle feedbacks exceed those due toCO2emissions[J].Nature,2009,11:4179.3182环境科学34卷[2]ZevenhovenR,Eloneva S,Teir S.Chemical fixation of CO2in carbonates:Routes to valuable products and long-term storage[J].Catalysis Today,2006,115(1-4):73-79.[3]IPCC.In Climate change2007:Climate change impacts,adaptation and 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Soil Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function

Soil Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function

Soil Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function Soil biodiversity is a crucial factor in maintaining the health and productivity of ecosystems. It is the foundation of the food web and plays a vital role in nutrient cycling, soil formation, and carbon sequestration. However, soil biodiversity is under threat due to various human activities such as land-use change, pollution, and climate change. This essay will explore the importance of soil biodiversity, the threats it faces, and the measures that can be taken to conserve it. Soil biodiversity is a complex network of living organisms that includes bacteria, fungi, nematodes, earthworms, and other animals. These organisms interact with each other and with the physical and chemical propertiesof the soil to create a dynamic ecosystem. They play a crucial role in maintaining soil fertility by breaking down organic matter and releasing nutrients that are essential for plant growth. In addition, soil biodiversity is responsible for maintaining soil structure, which helps to prevent erosion and waterlogging. Despite the importance of soil biodiversity, it is under threat from various human activities. Land-use change, such as deforestation and urbanization, can lead to the loss of soil biodiversity. This is because it disrupts the natural habitat of soil organisms and alters the physical and chemical properties of the soil. Pollution from agricultural and industrial activities can also have a negative impact on soil biodiversity. Chemical fertilizers and pesticides can kill soil organisms, while heavy metals and other pollutants can accumulate in the soil and harm soil biodiversity. Climate change is another threat to soil biodiversity, as it alters the temperature and rainfall patterns that soil organisms rely on. To conserve soil biodiversity, it is essential to take measures to reduce the threats it faces. One approach is to adopt sustainable land-use practices that minimize the impact on soil biodiversity. This can include practices such as conservation tillage, crop rotation, and agroforestry, which help to maintain soil structure and fertility while minimizing the use of chemical inputs. In addition, reducing pollution from agricultural and industrial activities can help to protect soil biodiversity. This can be achieved through the use of organic farming practices and the implementation of pollution control measures. Another approach to soil biodiversity conservation is to promote the restoration of degraded soils. Thiscan involve the use of techniques such as soil amendment, reforestation, and the reintroduction of soil organisms. These measures can help to rebuild soilstructure and fertility, which in turn can support the recovery of soil biodiversity. In addition, promoting the use of sustainable bioenergy can help to reduce the pressure on soil biodiversity by reducing the demand for fossil fuels. In conclusion, soil biodiversity is a crucial factor in maintaining the health and productivity of ecosystems. It plays a vital role in nutrient cycling, soil formation, and carbon sequestration. However, soil biodiversity is under threat from various human activities such as land-use change, pollution, and climate change. To conserve soil biodiversity, it is essential to take measures to reduce the threats it faces. This can include adopting sustainable land-use practices, reducing pollution, promoting the restoration of degraded soils, and promoting the use of sustainable bioenergy. By taking these measures, we can help to ensure the long-term health and productivity of our ecosystems.。

Soil Microbial Biogeography and Land Use Change

Soil Microbial Biogeography and Land Use Change

Soil Microbial Biogeography and Land UseChangeSoil microbial biogeography is a fascinating field of study that explores the distribution of microbial communities in different soil environments. These microscopic organisms play a crucial role in nutrient cycling, decomposition, and overall soil health. One of the key factors influencing soil microbial biogeography is land use change. As human activities continue to alter landscapes through agriculture, urbanization, and deforestation, the composition anddiversity of soil microbial communities can be significantly impacted. Land use change can disrupt the natural balance of soil microbial communities by altering factors such as soil pH, moisture levels, and nutrient availability. For example, agricultural practices like the use of fertilizers and pesticides can lead to shifts in microbial diversity, with certain species thriving while others decline. Similarly, urban development can compact soil, reducing oxygen levels and altering microbial populations. These changes can have far-reaching consequences for ecosystem functioning and soil fertility. Furthermore, land use change can also influence the spatial distribution of soil microbial communities. Studies have shown that different land use types, such as forests, grasslands, and croplands, harbor distinct microbial communities. This variation in microbial biogeography is driven by factors like plant species composition, soil structure, and management practices. For instance, forests tend to have a higher diversity of microbial species compared to agricultural fields due to the presence of diverse plant roots and leaf litter. The impact of land use change on soil microbial biogeography is not limited to local scales but can also have broader implications for global biogeochemical cycles. Changes in microbial communities can affect the rates of carbon sequestration, nitrogen cycling, and greenhouse gas emissions. For example, deforestation can lead to a loss of soil organic matter and a decrease inmicrobial diversity, resulting in reduced carbon storage capacity. These shifts in biogeochemical processes can have cascading effects on ecosystem health and climate change. Despite the potential negative consequences of land use change on soil microbial biogeography, there is also room for optimism. Conservationpractices, such as sustainable agriculture and reforestation, can help mitigate the impacts of land use change on soil microbial communities. By promoting soil health and biodiversity, these practices can support resilient microbial populations that contribute to ecosystem stability and productivity. Additionally, advancements in technology, such as high-throughput sequencing and metagenomics, are enabling researchers to better understand the complex interactions between land use, soil microbes, and ecosystem function. In conclusion, soil microbial biogeography is a dynamic and complex field that is influenced by land use change. As human activities continue to reshape landscapes, it is crucial to consider the implications for soil microbial communities and ecosystem health. By studying the patterns and processes of soil microbial biogeography, we can gain valuable insights into how to manage and conserve soil biodiversity in the face of global environmental challenges. Ultimately, fostering healthy soil microbial communities is essential for sustaining food security, biodiversity, and ecosystem servicesfor future generations.。



Soil organic matter and degradationSarah Pariente and Hanoch LaveeLaboratory of Geomorphology, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel.***************.ac.il1 IntroductionThe importance of soil organic matter (SOM) as an indicator of the sustainability of ecogeomorphic systems was emphasized by Imeson (1995), Swift and Woomer (1993), Sparling (1991) and others. This function of SOM springs from its effects on soil structural stability (its action as a bonding agent between primary and secondary mineral particles leads to enhanced amount, size and stability of aggregates) and soil water retention (as a water adsorbing agent it enhances water acceptance and availability) and, hence, on infiltration and percolation. At the same time, SOM controls soil nutrients that affect biomass.Both bonding and adsorption processes explain why SOM has often been found to be positively correlated to soil structure but negatively correlated to soil erosion (Kemper and Koch, 1966; Tisdall and Oades, 1982; Chaney and Swift, 1984; Imeson and Verstraten, 1985; Bartoli et al., 1988; Haynes and Swift, 1990; Lavee et al., 1991; Dutartre et al., 1993 Imeson et al., 1994; Boix-Fayos et al., 1995; Lavee et al., 1996). Dutartre et al. (1993) emphasized that soil structural stability is influenced by the type of organic matter, as well as its amount. Therefore, in some cases high SOM content is not accompanied by high structural stability. Voroney et al. (1981) pointed out that some fungi exude oxalic acid, which enhances dispersion and breakdown of aggregates.The organic matter content in the soil expresses the relationships between the sources of organic materials and the decomposing factors (soil biota) (Greenland and Nye, 1959). The main source of SOM is litter (characterized by its amount and type). Both the sources and the decomposing factors depend, to a large extent, on climate and lithology – factors that control the texture, structure, moisture content and temperature of the soil. Land use and fires can obscure the effect of climate on SOM.The sources and the decomposing factors of SOM vary in space and time, and on different scales. Whereas on a regional scale, the macro conditions of climate control these variations, on a local scale, the spatial differences within each region reflect the micro-environmental conditions that depend on the natural conditions (microtopography and surface cover components) and on the type of land use (Haynes and Swift, 1984). Regarding the temporal variations, SOM content varies in the long term – decades and centuries – because of changes in climatic conditions, and in the short term – months or years – because of fluctuations in weather conditions between seasons and between years. Each climatic region has a typical range of SOM values that reflects its tempo-spatial variations under natural and semi-natural conditions. This means that environmental change can be indicated by SOM values that fall outside that typical range. Values below the bottom of a range indicate increasing aridity and land degradation, whereas values above the top of the range indicate improvements in soil structural stability and the soil water regime.This presentation aims at analysing the changes in SOM that result from differences in climatic conditions and land use.2 Research sitesThe research was carried out in several research sites, representing Mediterranean (sub-humid), semi-arid, mildly arid and arid climates along a climatic transect, running from the Judean mountains (mean annual rainfall 700 mm, and annual meantemperature 17°C) to the Dead Sea (mean annual rainfall under 100 mm, and annualmean temperature 23°C) (Figure 1). Five research stations were established onhillslopes having similar topographic (azimuth 135-150° and gradients of 11-14°) and lithological (hard calcareous bedrock) conditions. The climatic characteristics (Table 1) vary widely among the sites except for sites MAB and MAL, in which they are the same. However, these two sites differ from each other in their surface cover characteristics: MAB has fewer shrubs and annuals but more rock fragments than MAL.Figure 1. Locations of the study sites (mean annual rainfall in mm, is indicated by isohyets).Table 1. The main ecogeomorphological characteristics of the research sites.Research site Meanannualtemperature(°C )Meanannual rainfall(mm)Soil type Vegetation coverin March 2000(%)Giv’at Ye’arim (GIV) 17 620 BrownTerraRossa85Ma’ale Adumim (MAL) 19 330 BrownRendzina40Ma’ale Adumim (MAB) 19 330 BrownRendzina30Mishor Adumin(MIS)20 260 Pale brown lithosol 30KALIA (KAL) 23 120 Very pale gypsicdesert lithosol103. MethodAt four sites, GIV, MAL, MIS and KAL, soil samples were taken four times a year, inJanuary, March, May and September, from 1992 through 1993 and 1994 and in April and August 2000. In the last two months soil samples were taken in site MAB too. Ateach of the sites, in each season, four to eight points were sampled in open areas between shrubs. At each point soil samples were taken from two soil depths: 0-2 cm, and 2-10 cm. The organic matter content was determined by the wet combustion method (Head, 1984).Data were statistically evaluated by analysis of variance with SPSS 10 for Windows (SPSS Inc. Chicago, USA). Tukeys test, at α=0.05 level of significance, was used.4 Results and discussion4.1 Effect of climate conditionsComparison between the sites along the climatic transect shows that, except for siteMAB, SOM increased significantly in both 0-2 cm and 2-10 cm, from the arid site, KAL, through the mildly arid site, MIS, and the semi-arid site, MAL, to the Mediterranean site, GIV. This increase is accounted for by differences between the climatic zones, in the relationships between the sources of the soil organic matter – mainly vegetation – and the decomposing factors, i.e., micro organisms. The arid zone is characterized by a low vegetation cover (Table 1), which exists for a short time, so that the sources of organic matter are limited in both quantity and availability. In this zone the conditions that favour micro organism activity in the soil also prevail for a short time, and are limited to the winter and spring, when the soil moisture and temperature do not restrict such activity (Li and Sarah, 2003a,b). Also, the high salinity that characterizes this zone inhibits microbial biomass (Sarah, 2001). The Mediterranean zone is characterized by a high vegetation cover which exists both in the winter and in the summer, and by soil moisture content and temperatures suitable for biotic activities during a large proportion of the year. These characteristics result in a high organic matter content in the soil. Most of this SOM is in the form of polymers that facilitate the establishment of strong and flexible connections between the inorganic soil particles that form the aggregates, as a result of which the disintegration and dispersion of the aggregates during wetting and drying are relatively low (Emerson et al., 1986).Table 2. Soil organic matter at different depths at the study sites. Means in the row within one depth followed by different capital letters varied significantly at the 0.05 probability level. Means in the column within one site followed by different letters varied significantly at the 0.05 probability level.Depth/Siten KAL76MIS76MAB16MAL76GIV760-2 cm a 1.46 E a 2.56 C a 2.12 D a 3.77 B a 6.15 A 2-10 cm b 1.07 D b 2.05 C a 1.89 C b 2.96 B b 4.39 A4.2 Effect of land useFigure 2 and Table 2 show significant differences, in each of the soil depths, betweenthe two semi-arid sites, MAL and MAB, in spite of the fact that they are under the same climatic conditions. The SOM content in site MAB was significantly lower thanthat in site MAL in the two depths. The SOM content in the 0-2 cm depth in site MAB was significantly lower even than that in site MIS, which is more arid.Figure 2. Soil organic matter content variations along the climatic gradient.Measurements of SOM in other natural semi-arid sites with similar topographic andlithological conditions show similar values to those of site MAL. The conclusion is that while SOM values in MAL represent the semi-arid zone under natural/semi-naturalconditions, the values in site MAB express a deviation that indicates land degradation, probably because of intensive human interference, such as overgrazing and/or the establishment of nomad settlement (tents). This conclusion is strengthened by the surface cover characteristics at this site, i.e., relatively low density of shrubs and high density of rock fragments. Furthermore, Bedouin encampments are still seen in the neighborhood.Comparison between the two soil depths shows that whereas in all sites SOM inthe 0-2 cm was significantly higher than that in 2-10 cm, the difference in site MAB was small and not significant (Table 2). No intensive human interference was observed in site MAB in the last 12 years. This means that site MAB went through a severe degradation and did not recover yet.To sum up, significant deviations from the typical expected SOM values in both the regional scale and the soil profile scale can be used as indices of land degradation. This emphasizes the importance of field long term monitoring. ReferencesBartoli, F., Philippy, R. and Burtin, G., 1988. Aggregation in soils with small amounts of swelling clays.Aggregate stability. J. Soil Science 39, 593-616.Boix-Fayos, C., Soriano, M.D., Tiemessen, I.R., Calvo-Cases, A. and Imeson, A.C., 1995. Properties and erosional response of soils in a degraded ecosystem in Crete (Greece). Environmental Monitoring Assessment 37, 79-92.Chaney, K. and Swift, R.S., 1984. The influence of organic matter on aggregate stability in some British soils. J. Soil Science 35, 223-230.Dutartre, Ph., Bartoli, F., Andreux, F., Portal, J.M. and Ange, A., 1993. Influence of content and nature of organic matter on the structure of some sandy soils from West Africa. Geoderma 56, 459-478. Emerson, W.W., Foster, R.C. and Oades, J.M., 1986. Organo-Mineral Complexes in Relation to Soil Aggregation and Structure. In: Huang, P. M. and Schnitzer, M. (Eds.), Interactions of Soil Minerals with Natural Organics and Microbes, Soil Science Society of America Spec. Pub. no. 17, 521-548. Greenland, D.J. and Nye, P.H., 1959. Increase in the carbon and Nitrogen contents of tropical soils under natural fallows. J. Soil Science 10, 284-299.Haynes, R.J. and Swift, R.S., 1990. Stability of aggregates in relation to organic constituents and soil water content. J. Soil Science 41, 73-83.Head, K.H., 1984. Manual of Soil Laboratory Testing, 1, Soil Classification and Compaction Tests. ELE International Ltd. Fentech Press, London.Imeson, A.C., 1995. The physical, chemical and biological degradation of the soil. In Fantechi, R., Peter,D., Balabanis, P. and Rubio, J.L. (Eds.): Desertification in a European Context: Physical and socio-economic aspects. Proceedings of the European School 0f Climatology and Natural Hazards course, Alicante, 1993, 399-409.Imeson, A.C. and Verstraten J.M., 1985. The erodibility of highly calcareous soil material from southern Spain. Catena 12, 291-306.Imeson, A.C., Perez-Trejo, F., Lavee, H. and Calvo-Cases, A., 1994. Modelling and exploring the impact of climate change on ecosystem degradation, hydrology and land use along a transect across the Mediterranean. In Troen, I. (Ed.), Global Change: Climatic Change and Climatic Change Impacts.Proceedings Copenhagen Symposium, September 1993, European Commission, EUR 15921 EN, 173-185.Kemper, W.D. and Koch, E.J., 1966. Aggregate stability of soils from Western United States and Canada.USDA Tech. Bull. 1355, 52 p.Lavee, H, Imeson, A.C., Sarah, P. and Benyamini, Y., 1991. The response of soils to simulated rainfall along a climatological gradient in an arid and semi-arid region. Catena 19, 19-37.Lavee, H., Sarah, P. and Imeson, A.C., 1996. Aggregate stability dynamics as affected by soil temperature and moisture regimes. Geografiska Annaler 78A, 73-82.Li, X. and Sarah, H. 2003. Enzyme activities along a climatic transect in the Judean Desert. Catena (in press).Li, X. and Sarah, H. 2003. Arylsulfatase activity of soil microbial biomass along a Mediterranean-arid transect. Soil Biology and Biochemistry (in press).Sarah, P., 2001. Soluble salts dynamics in the soil under different climatic regions. Catena, 43: 307-321. Sparling, G.D., 1991. Organic matter carbon and microbial biomass carbon as indicators of sustainable land use. In Elliot, C. R., Latham, M. and Dumanski, J. (Eds.), Evaluation for Sustainable and Management in the Developing World. Vol. 2: Technical Papers. IBSRAM Proceedings No. 12. Bangkok, Thailand: IBSRAM.Swift, M.J. and Woomer, P., 1993. Organic matter and sustainability of agricultural systems: Definition and measurement. 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Chemical Farming and Organic FarmingAgriculture, the backbone of any nation's economy, has undergone significant transformations over the years. Two major farming techniques that have emerged are chemical farming and organic farming. Both have their merits and drawbacks, but understanding their differences is crucial for sustainable agricultural practices.Chemical FarmingChemical farming relies heavily on synthetic fertilizers and pesticides to enhance crop yield. These chemicals are often produced in factories and applied to crops in high concentrations to promote rapid growth and protect them from pests and diseases.The benefits of chemical farming are apparent. It allows for high yields and ensures that food production meets the demands of a growing population. However, the downsides are equally significant. The overuse of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides can lead to soil degradation, water pollution, and harm to the environment. Moreover, these chemicals can accumulate in the food chain, posing potential health risks to humans and animals.Organic FarmingIn contrast, organic farming relies on natural methods to promote crop growth. It involves the use of compost, manure, and other organic matter to enrich the soil. Pest control is achieved through naturalpredators, crop rotation, and the use of organic pesticides derived from plants or minerals.Organic farming has numerous benefits. It improves soil fertility and structure, resulting in healthier crops. It also reduces the use of synthetic chemicals, thus minimizing environmental pollution. Furthermore, organic produce is often perceived as healthier and safer for consumption.However, organic farming also has its limitations. It often requires more labor and management compared to chemical farming. Additionally, yields may be lower due to the reliance on natural methods rather than synthetic chemicals.ConclusionBoth chemical farming and organic farming have their place in modern agriculture. Chemical farming ensures food security by meeting the demands of a growing population, while organic farming promotes sustainability and environmental protection. A balanced approach that combines the benefits of both techniques while minimizing their drawbacks is crucial for the future of agriculture. Governments, farmers, and consumers need to work together to promote sustainable agricultural practices that ensure food security, protect the environment, and safeguard human health.。

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SOILS,SEC 1•SOIL ORGANIC MATTER DYNAMICS AND NUTRIENT CYCLING •RESEARCH ARTICLELand use changes induced soil organic carbon variations in agricultural soils of Fuyang County,ChinaLefeng Qiu &Jinxia Zhu &Yuanhong Zhu &Yang Hong &Ke Wang &Jinsong DengReceived:6May 2012/Accepted:15March 2013/Published online:29March 2013#Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013AbstractPurpose The purpose of this study is to understand spatial and temporal variations of soil organic carbon (SOC)under rapid urbanization and support soil and environmental management.Materials and methods SOC data in 1979and 2006,of 228and 1,104soil samples respectively,were collected from surface agricultural lands in Fuyang County,East of nd use data were also gathered at the same time.Results and discussion The mean SOC was 17.3(±4.6)g/kg for the 1979data and 18.5(±5.8)g/kg for 2006.There was a significant difference in SOC between the 2years according to the t test result.Geostatistical analysis indicated that SOC had a moderate spatial correlation controlled by extrinsic anthropogenic activities.The spatial distribution of SOC,derived from ordinary kriging,matched the distribution ofindustry and ing a six-level SOC classifica-tion scheme (<3.5,3.5–5.8,5.8–11.6,11.6–17.4,17.4–23.2,and >23.2g/kg)created by Zhejiang Province,approximate-ly 15%of soil had SOC increase from low to high levels from 1979to 2006.Conclusions The main cause of SOC variation in the study area was land use change from agriculture to industrial or urbanized uses.The increasing SOC trend near most towns may be attributed to use of organic manure,urban wastes,sewage sludge,and chemical fertilizers on agricultural land.Keywords Distribution pattern .Geostatistics .Land use .Urbanization1IntroductionThe carbon (C)cycle in global terrestrial ecosystems has received increasing attention in recent years due to its associ-ation with climate change.On the global scale,about 1,500–2,000Pg C is stored in the soil organic carbon (SOC),which represents three times higher than the amount of C within plant biomass and twice the amount of C in the atmosphere (Janzen 2004).Moreover,changes in the soil organic carbon pool can influence the concentration of CO 2in the atmosphere (Smith et al.2008).Revealing the variation of SOC and understanding its distribution is crucial for developing effec-tive management approaches for reducing atmospheric CO 2concentrations.Many factors impact the biogeochemical cycling of SOC and,consequently,impact the distribution of SOC (Dai and Huang 2006;Eynard et al.2005;Harradine and Jenny 1958).The effects of agricultural land use change on SOC storage have been the focus of numerous studies (Celik 2005;Kong et al.2009;Solomon et al.2000),while few investigations cover the influence of transitioning from the agricultural to industrial or urbanized uses on SOC in urban fringe areas.ThisResponsible editor:Gilbert C.SiguaL.Qiu (*)Institute of Rural Development,Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Hangzhou 310021,China e-mail:qlf25@J.ZhuInstitute of Economic and Social Development,ZhejiangUniversity of Finance and Economics,Hangzhou 310018,China K.Wang :J.Deng (*)Institute of Remote Sensing and Information System Application,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310029,China e-mail:jsong_deng@Y .ZhuDepartment of Crop and Soil Sciences,The Pennsylvania State University,University Park,PA 16802,USAY .HongSchool of Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences,University of Oklahoma,National Weather Center ARRC Suite 4610,Norman,OK 73019,USAJ Soils Sediments (2013)13:981–988DOI 10.1007/s11368-013-0684-4transition process,however,has resulted in significant human effects on soil quality(Chen2007)and therefore,should not be neglected in SOC studies.As the world’s largest rapidly developing country,China has experienced a dramatic and unprecedented rate of urban-ization since the initiation of economic reform in1978.There has been a massive transfer from agricultural land use to various other land uses in eastern China due to the rapid urban expansion.At the same time,overwhelming human activity produced a huge amount of urban waste,which is rich in organic matter(Garcia et al.1992;Pascual et al.1997).The urban waste,if properly applied to soil,can directly modify the soil’s physical,chemical and biological properties(Lax et al.1994).Application of industrial and municipal sewage can also change soil properties.Li et al.(2003)found that organic matter content of urban sewage sludge could be as high as 696g/kg,with an average of384g/kg in China.Using conventional statistics and geostatistics,this study investigated the spatial and temporal variability of SOC in Fuyang County during the last three decades.The objectives of this study were to assess spatial and temporal SOC changes,to explore the influence of agricultural land uses,and to inves-tigate the transition from agricultural to industrial or urbanized uses on SOC variation.The information gathered would pro-vide a scientific basis for land management to enhance C storage and conservation in urban–rural transition areas.2Materials and methods2.1Site descriptionThe study site is located in Fuyang County,northern Zhejiang Province at the east of China(Fig.1).This county(119°25′00″–120°19′30″E,29°44′45″–30°11′58.5″N)has an area of 1,831km2,with a landscape characterized by a mountain and valley topography,with elevation varying from6to1068m above sea level.The flat plains and low hilly regions,with a relative elevation of less than150m,were selected as our study area to minimize the influence of different topography. The study region has a total area of860km2.Currently in the study area,the land use types include five agricultural landuse Fig.1Location of study area,samples,and spatial distribution of urbanizationtypes(paddy field,dryland,vegetable field,forests,and or-chard),built-up land,water body,and vacant land.The sub-tropical climate(average temperature of16.1°C)and high precipitation(1,441.9mm,annually)make the study area a typical rice paddy production region.The dominant soil types include clay red earth and paddy soil(Zhang et al.2009).During the past three decades since the economic reform in 1978,urbanization and industrialization have occurred at an unprecedented pace.The urban population in the county had increased from38,000in1980to210,000in2006.Urban areas had expanded from7km2in1978to334.6km2in2006. The gross domestic product increased from1.7billion Chi-nese yuan in1978to238.4billion Chinese Yuan in2006. Fuyang County has become one of the top100economically developed counties in China.Paper mills,garment plants, smelting factories,and handicraft workshops have been well-developed and played a very important role in the county’s environment(Zhang et al.2009).The distribution of urban area is presented in Fig.1.2.2Data collectionSoil samples were collected in agricultural land across the study area in1979and2006to determine the temporal changes in SOC over the27-year period.The SOC data for 228samples taken in1979and records on sampling locations were obtained from the Bureau of Agriculture of Fuyang County.In2006,the SOC was measured again for1,104soil samples taken in the study area(see Fig.1).The sampling locations were collocated with the sampling locations from 1979as exactly as possible.The land use types of sampling locations were also considered.Global positioning systems were used to precisely locate every sampling location.A total of five sampling points were collected,to a depth of up to 20cm,within a5-m radius of a specific sampling location; then the samples were mixed and air-dried at room tempera-ture.Stone and plant residue in the soil samples were manu-ally removed,and then the samples were ground to pass a2-mm sieve.SOC was determined according to the Walkley and Black method(Walkley and Black1934).Land use data for2006,with information on industrial types,was obtained from Bureau of Land and Resources of Fuyang,the land administrator in Fuyang County.The land use map for1979was produced by photo-interpretation of 1979Landsat MSS photographs with a spatial resolution of 30m(Zhong et al.2011).2.3Data analysisAn important contribution of geostatistics is to assess the uncertainty of unobserved interpolated values(Goovaerts 1997).The semivariogram could be used to quantify the spatial variation of SOC between two points,x and x+h,as a function of their distance h:gðhÞ¼12NðhÞXNðhÞi¼1Z x iðÞÀZ x iþhðÞ½ 2ð1ÞWhere Z(x i)and Z(x i+h)represent the measured value for SOC at location x i and x i+h,y(h)is the variogram for a lag distance h,and N(h)is the number of data pairs separated by h.All semivariogram analysis was carried out using GS+®(Version7).Based on the semivariogram results,ordinary kriging,which is the most common interpolation method, was used to estimate the unobserved SOC values.Ten percent of data points were randomly selected to test the prediction error by the mean prediction error(ME)and root-mean-square standardized prediction error(RMSSE).ME¼1nX ni¼1Z x iðÞÀz*x iðÞÂÃð2ÞRMSSE¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi1nX ni¼1Z x iðÞÀz*x iðÞσx iðÞ!sð3ÞWhere Z(x i)and z*(x i)represent the measured value and predicted value(respectively)at location of x i,and σ(x i)is the standard error of prediction at location of x i.Table1Summary statistics of soil organic carbon(SOC,gram per kilogram)in study area Year n Mean±SD Median Minimum Maximum CV K-S test197922817.3±4.617.70.729.80.270.207 20061,10418.5±5.718.00.643.90.310.085Table2Semivariogram models for soil organic carbon(SOC)in study areaYear Model Range(km)Angle direction Nugget(C0)Sill(C0+C)C0/Sill ME RMSSE1979Spherical13.448.513.623.30.583−0.0350.948 2006Spherical 4.558.518.435.20.5230.0120.953Fig.2Distribution maps ofsoil organic carbon(SOC) content in1979(a)and2006 (b)in study area,changes in SOC between1979and2006 (c)Interpolated results were exported as a raster format and consequently resulted in the spatial distribution maps of SOC1979and2006,respectively.Then,the raster cal-culator was used to get the distribution map of the difference in SOC between1979and2006.Other spa-tial analyses included overlay analysis,zonal statistics, and buffer analysis.All spatial analyses were done in ArcGIS®(Version9.2).Descriptive statistics(mean,median,minimum,maxi-mum,and coefficient of variation)for1979and2006SOC data were obtained to get a preliminary understanding of the datasets.Normality of the datasets was analyzed using the Kolmogorov–Smirnov(K-S)test.The difference of mea-surement data was compared with analysis of variance and the t test.All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS®(Version16.0).3Results and discussion3.1Descriptive statisticsDescriptive statistics for SOC are shown in Table1.A significant difference in SOC between1979and2006 was detected according to the t test results(P<0.01). The results indicated that the SOC increased from1979 to2006in the top20cm of soil in Fuyang County,on average.According to Zhejiang Province soil survey results(Yu1994),the SOC was almost unchanged for the soils that were only under natural influence,indicat-ing that anthropogenic factors may have contributed to the increase in SOC in the study area.The K-S test results(P>0.05)showed that SOC in Fuyang County was normally distributed in1979and2006,which is a requirement for simple geostatistical analysis.The SOC data were moderately varied,shown by the relatively small coefficients of variation(CV).3.2Spatial and temporal distribution pattern of soil organic carbonThe two best-fitted semivariogram models and their param-eters are given in Table2.The theoretical spherical model was the best-fitted for the SOC data.The nuggest-to-sill ratios(C0/sill)for1979and2006were more than50%, which demonstrated that the SOC had weak spatial correla-tion with each other(Cambardella et al.1994).It was in agreement with the decreasing trend in spatial correlation ranging from13.4km for1979to4.5km for2006.In order to understand the SOC distribution pattern in two different years,ordinary kriging interpolation was used to generate distribution maps(Fig.2a,b).Because the mean prediction error(ME)was close to0and RMSSE was close to1(see Table2),the interpolated results were considered reasonably reliable.The distribution map for the change of SOC between1979and2006was obtained by the raster calculation(see Fig.2c).In1979,the SOC was low in the northeast and southwest of the county and high in the central and southeast region.By2006,the SOC in most areas was higher than that in1979.The lowest SOC content in2006was still found in the southwest,but the SOC in the northeast increased significantly.The SOC distribution map for2006 showed greater variation than in1979.There were several regions where the SOC was significantly higher than the surrounding area in the2006SOC distribution map. According to the distribution map of SOC differences be-tween1979and2006(see Fig.2c),the regions where SOC increased the most were situated in the alluvial valley plain of Fuchun River and its tributaries.According to statistical data, most towns located in these regions are well-developed in agriculture and industry.The towns of Dongzhou,Yushan, Lishan,Lingqiao,Lushan,and Shouxiang were traditional agricultural production areas,while the towns of Wanshi, Dongqiao,Yongchang,and Luzhu developed rapidly in the last decade,based on rich resources.The most dramaticTable3Land areas and percentages in different soil organic carbon classes in1979and2006Time SOC class(g/kg)I>23.2II17.4–23.2III11.6–17.4IV5.8–11.6V3.5–5.8VI<3.51979Area(km2)–442.9416.2 2.9––Percentage(%)–51.448.30.3––2006Area(km2)55.8511.6287.4 6.5––Percentage(%) 6.559.433.40.7––Table4Land use changes from 1979to2006in study area (square kilometer)Year Built-upPaddyfieldVegetablefieldDryland Orchard Forests WaterbodyVacantland 197920.4461.5––27.5339.711.0–2006129.2205.010.535.566.7352.629.931.9sprawl of industrialization and urbanization occurred in these regions because of accessibility to traffic and water resources.The spatial distribution pattern of the SOC matched with the distribution of urbanization (see Fig.1).The SOC increased more near the dense industrial and urbanized areas.Human activities in urbanized areas,including living wastes and do-mestic and industrial sewage,had impacted the SOC in their neighboring land due to the application of those carbon-rich waste materials.According to SOC classification standards within the Zhejiang Province (Yu 1994),the SOC in the study area was classified into six levels (Table 3).Generally,the SOC increased in the study area from 1979to 2006.No soil had the SOC in the highest class in 1979,compared to,55.8km 2of land had the SOC in the highest class in 2006.The land area percentage with the second highest SOC class increased from 51.4%in 1979to 59.4%in 2006.This increase was most probably due to the SOC increase in the soils that were originally the third SOC class,as demonstrated by the decrease of land area categorized with third SOC class from 1979to 2006.A slight increase in land area with the fourth SOC class from 1979to 2006was also observed.All of the previous statistics captured the increasing trend of SOC in Fuyang,but they did not find the decreasing trend in some areas shown in Fig.2c .3.3Land use effects on soil organic carbonWith economic and population growth,built-up land increased greatly from 20.4km 2in 1979to 129.2km 2in 2006(Table 4).Orchards also had a significant increase from 27.5km 2in 1979to 66.7km 2in 2006,due to tea plantation area expanding in some towns.Forest areas were stable due to an ecological conserva-tion policy in recent years.Paddy fields dramatically decreased from 461.5km 2in 1979to 205.0km 2in 2006,due to transformations to built-up land or other agricultural land use types from paddy fields.The SOC was significantly different among land use types in 2006(Fig.3).Due to high manure input by vegetable farmers,the SOC in vegetable fields was significantly higher than other land use types.The low SOC in Orchards is likely caused by soil erosion be-cause Orchards were mainly planted in the hill slopes (Polyakov and Lal 2004).The SOC was different when paddy fields were changed to another agricultural land use type (Fig.4).The greatest increase in SOC occurred when paddy fields were converted to vegetable fields in Yongchang,while the greatest decrease was when paddy fields were converted to orchards or vacant land inFuchun.Fig.3Mean soil organiccarbon content (SOC,gram per kilogram)in different land use types in 2006.The same letter over the bar indicates nostatistically significant different(LSD)Fig.4Changes in soil organic carbon with the changes in land use type in 1979and 2006The SOC around most towns increased from1979to 2006(see Fig.4).These towns are the primary grain-producing regions,where green manure growing area in-creased over the years since the1980s and reached6.1km2 in1990.The area with crop residues left on fields reached 31%of the total cropping area in1990(Agricultural Bureau of Fuyang County1992).Chemical fertilizer usage has increased to21,220t N/year,4968t P/year,and 3,018t K/year.The increase in chemical fertilizer applica-tions has also contributed to the increase in SOC(Liebig et al.2002).For these reasons,SOC in these towns has signif-icantly increased.West of Fuchun is a primary tea-producing region where the soil surface was severely dam-aged due to long-term soil erosion.As a result,the SOC decreased significantly from1979to2006in this region. Xukou is an important fruit-and tea-producing region where a lot of paddy fields,dry land,and forests were transformed into orchards and caused an average decrease in the SOC. Shangguan and Huyuan had few sampling points due to small proportions of cultivated land.Thus,more investiga-tion is needed about SOC in these two towns.3.4Built-up land effect on soil organic carbonAlthough some towns have similar agricultural land use management practices,SOC increases showed large fluctu-ations among towns.From Chang’an to Lingqiao(see Fig.4.),the local government authorized the establishment of an industrial park in nearly every town to accelerate economic development(Zhong et al.2011).This may have caused a major SOC increase in these towns.To evaluate the relationship between urbanization and the SOC,SOC variation between1979and2006around new construction land was analyzed using zonal statistics, depending on grid cell distance to the new construction land.The results demonstrated that the average SOC in-creased1.25g/kg within200m of new construction land between1979and2006.The distance from new construc-tion land(x,100<x<1000m)had a significant negative effect on the SOC increase(y)according to the regressive model between them,built as y=−0.05ln(x)+1.53(R2= 0.949,P<0.05).Thus,it could be concluded that built-up land has a positive effect on the soil organic carbon increase.Urbanization and industrial development have a pro-found impact on the soil environment.Urban people and industries generate tremendous amounts of waste daily. Fuyang County annually discharges251million tons of industrial sewage,0.91million tons of industrial solid waste,and17.31million tons of municipal sewage(Statis-tical Bureau of Fuyang County2007).Such a large amount of waste puts tremendous pressure on the soil environment. Currently,comprehensive utilization is the main waste treat-ment method,which is applied to soil to supply nutrients,organic matter,or as an amendment to restore degraded soils.Applications of municipal solid waste and sewage sludge have proven to be effective in increasing soil organic matter(Pascual et al.1999;Pedra et al.2007).Industrial sewage sludge is also a source of SOC with large quantities. Paper manufacturing is one of the most important industries in Fuyang County.There are more than200paper mills in the towns of Chunjiang,Yongchang,and Lingqiao.The paper mills discharge95.5%of the total industrial sewage in Fuyang.Most of the sewage water from paper mills aggregates to the Fuchun River and its tributaries.The Fuchun River and its tributaries are the main water source for irrigation of farmland along both sides of the river.It has been shown that sewage sludge from paper mills has a positive effect on the SOC increase(Beyer et al.1997;Foley and Cooperband2002;Newman et al.2005).4ConclusionsThis study investigated the spatial and temporal variability of SOC in Fuyang County,Zhejiang Province,China,dur-ing the last three decades using conventional statistics and geostatistics.The results of the present study demonstrate that the average SOC in2006was18.5g/kg,significantly higher than17.3g/kg in1979.Although on average this difference is small,it was greater in specific areas.The SOC measured in2006under peri-urban areas was higher than the under natural conditions.Most of the spatial and tempo-ral variations of the SOC were caused by extrinsic anthro-pogenic activities.For example,the SOC increased significantly from1979to2006in the plain along the Fuchun River and its tributaries,where most industrial plants,cultivated land,cities and major towns have emerged since the1980s.The results also indicate that the changes of agricultural use types and the transitions from agricultural to industrial or urbanized uses were the main factors influenc-ing age of large quantities of organic manure and chemical fertilizers caused overall SOC values of agricul-tural land uses to increase near most towns.At the same time,urban wastes and industrial sewage sludge applica-tions of soil significantly influenced soil properties and caused the SOC increase.We conclude that changes in SOC appear to be influenced by both agricultural and industrial activities dur-ing rapid urbanization processes.Due to a high demand for soil quality and C storage,it is imperative that judicious land use planning be practiced on a regional basis in the eco-nomic expansion process.Acknowledgments This study was financially supported by public welfare project from Science Technology Department of Zhejiang Province(#2010C3208).ReferencesAgricultural Bureau of Fuyang County(1992)Agriculture in Fuyang County.Agricultural Bureau of Fuyang County Press,Fuyang, China(in Chinese)Beyer L,Frund R,Mueller K(1997)Short-term effects of a secondary paper mill sludge application on soil properties ina Psammentic Haplumbrept under cultivation.Sci Total Envi-ron197(1–3):127–137Cambardella CA,Moorman TB,Novak JM,Parkin TB,Karlen DL, Turco RF,Konopka AE(1994)Field-scale variability of soil prop-erties in central Iowa soils.Soil Sci Soc Am J58(5):1501–1511 Celik I(2005)Land-use effects on organic matter and physical prop-erties of soil in a southern Mediterranean highland of Turkey.Soil 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