• 无论抢救情况如何紧急,
气管插管前首先要通过导 管口看视导管内是否通畅, 特别应该注意细小的导管;
• 导管内放置软硬粗细适中 的导丝,其顶端不能露出 导管斜面口; • 准备好牙垫,5-10ml注射
㈡ 喉镜(laryngoscopes) 喉镜由喉镜片(blade)、喉镜柄(handle) 和灯泡(bulb)构成。 直型喉镜 根据喉镜片的外形 (straight blade) 弯型喉镜 (curved blade) 喉镜根据其大小可分1~4个型号。
• 在气管导管的气囊过声门后,将导管芯拔出,继 续将导管向前送入3-5cm,继续插至所需深度。 (成年女性插管深度距门齿约22cm,成年男性约 24cm)。
安置牙垫,拔出喉镜。确定导管在气管内,用胶布 将导管和牙垫固定牢固,向导管气囊内注入3~5ml 气体。
直视下导管进入声门,出现呛咳。 按压胸部时,导管口有气流。 人工通气时,可见双侧胸廓对称起伏,听诊双 肺可听到清晰的肺泡呼吸音。 吸气时管壁清亮,呼气时可见明显的“白雾” 样变化。 病人如有自主呼吸,接呼吸机后可见 呼吸囊随呼吸而张缩。 如能监测呼气末CO2分压(ET CO2) 则更易判断, ET CO2有显示则可确 认无误。
1893年,Eisenmenger对经口气管插 管的材料加以改进,以较为柔软的材料代 替金属。1895年Kirstein在柏林首次介绍 直接喉镜的应用。1907年美国费城的 Jackson医师将其加以改进。此后,喉镜 直视下气管插管方法便成为气管插管的标 准技术方法。
气 管 插 管 术
气管插管术 (tracheal intubation)
【适应证】1. 需紧急解除喉阻塞者,如新生儿呼吸困难,婴幼儿呼吸窘迫综合征,急性感染性喉阻塞,急性喉水肿,颈部肿块或感染肿胀压迫喉气管引起呼吸困难。
2. 下呼吸道分泌物潴留,需及时抽吸。
3. 各种病因引起呼吸功能衰竭,需进行人工呼吸。
4. 小儿支气管造影和小儿气管切开术,需先行气管插管。
【插管进路】1. 经鼻气管插管优点包括:①插管不致过粗,损伤喉的机会小。
2. 经口气管插管优点包括:①操作简易、方便。
气管插管Endotracheal Tube
气管插管Endotracheal Tube一、目的抢救患者生命、降低病死率,能够及时吸出气管内分泌物或异物 ,防止异物进入呼吸道 ,保持呼吸道通畅,进行有效的人工或机械通气。
Anaesthesia breathing circuit麻醉呼吸回路Smoothore breathing circuit 螺纹管,平滑管Tracheal tube/ Endotracheal tube 气管插管Water trapper 集水杯Latex 乳胶(一般为蓝色)Latex-free 非乳胶(一般为绿色)Breathing bag 呼吸皮囊Breathing circuit-reinforced 加强型呼吸回路Breathing circuit tube 呼吸回路Breathing circuit-universal 普通型呼吸回路Disposable anesthetic breathing circult tube-flexible 一次性麻醉呼吸回路(可伸缩型)Disposable anesthetic breathing circult tube-univeral一次性麻醉呼吸回路(普通型)Anesthetic extended tube 麻醉延长管Breathing circuit tube 无创呼吸回路管Disposable anesthetic breathing circuit tube一次性麻醉呼吸回路管Anesthetic masks 麻醉面罩First of artificial respiration masks 急救面罩(CPR面罩)Oxygen masks 吸氧面罩Heat and moisture exchanger filters (HMEF) 过滤器Anesthetic laryngoscope 麻醉咽喉镜Manual suction units 吸痰器Guedel airway 口咽通气道Manual resuscitator 简易呼吸器Three way connect 三通接头Tube connector 导管接头TELEFLEX MEDICAL 泰利福。
4.舌咽部组织的可见度:最大张口位伸舌 后,检查者所见患者软腭、悬雍垂、咽后 壁的可见度。 I级:可见软腭、悬雍垂、咽后壁 II级:可见软腭、咽峡弓、悬雍垂 III级:可见软腭、悬雍垂根部 IV级:可见软腭 III-IV级插管困难
1.经过训练的医师,试行气管插管3次不 成功或超过10min。 2.经气道预评估认定的困难气道。
1.寻找原因,重新插管。 2.正压面罩通气,保证SPO2。 3.其他插管技术: 经喉罩引导盲插 纤维支气管镜引导下插管 光棒引导下插管 逆行法气管内插管 经鼻盲探插管 环甲膜穿刺术 气管切开
5.插入气管导管 暴露声门后,右手拿气管导管,将其前 端对准声门,在病人吸气末(声门开大 时),轻柔地将导管插入,导管插过声门 1cm左右,迅速拔除管芯,将导管继续旋 转深入气管。插管深度距门齿距离平均 22cm,男性可增加1~2cm,女性可减少 1~2cm。
1.颈部活动度(颈髓损伤患者除外):最 大限度屈颈到伸颈的活动范围,正常值 >90°,若<80°,插管困难。 2.甲颏间距:颈部完全伸展时甲状腺切迹 至颏突的距离,若<6.5cm(四横指), 插管困难。 3.张口度:最大张口时,上下门齿间距, 正常值约4.5cm(三横指),若<3cm,插 管困难。
易产生鼻出血、鼻骨折 口腔护理不便
可产生鼻窦炎,中耳炎综 可产生牙齿口咽损伤
Logo pany m o C
(4)躁动的患者(需用大剂量镇静剂、麻醉剂或 肌肉松弛剂,便于进行抢救操作)。
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Logo pany m o C
?经鼻气管插管( nasotracheal intubation ,NTI)
?经口气管插管( orotacheal intubition ,OTI)
?快速气管插管( rapid sequence intubition ,
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?6、一般护理 : 口腔护理:每天用漱口液进行口腔冲洗 (方法:由两人操作、一人用20ml注射器 抽取口腔漱口液从一边冲洗,另一人从另 一侧用吸引器吸引)冲洗后随时更换气管 插管的固定带。
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? 5 .右手以握笔?观式察胸手廓势起伏持气管导管,插过声门
?鼻饲管冒泡 ?触摸颈部的导管和气囊
?8.注套囊空气 (3-5m1).
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许昌仁和骨科医院 许昌心脑血管病医院 许昌交通医院 许昌市第三人民医院-红月医院
Stylet Syringe Oral and nasal airways Precut tape
许昌仁和骨科医院 许昌心脑血管病医院 许昌交通医院 许昌市第三人民医院-红月医院
Positioning of the Patient
许昌仁和骨科医院 许昌心脑血管病医院 许昌交通医院 许昌市第三人民医院-红月医院
Hypoxemia Respiratory failure Airway obstruction Depressed level of consciousness Manipulation of the airway
A. B.
Open the airway and mask ventilation Direct laryngoscopy
许昌仁和骨科医院 许昌心脑血管病医院 许昌交通医院 许昌市第三人民医院-红月医院
许昌仁和骨科医院 许昌心脑血管病医院 许昌交通医院 许昌市第三人民医院-红月医院
Sniffing position
许昌仁和骨科医院 许昌心脑血管病医院 许昌交通医院 许昌市第三人民医院-红月医院
False vocal cord
Vocal cords
许昌仁和骨科医院 许昌心脑血管病医院 许昌交通医院 许昌市第三人民医院-红月医院
C. Orotracheal intubation the tube is 4-5cm under the vocal cord,2024cm at the teeth
盲插(Blind NasotrachealLeabharlann Intubation)01.
口腔小或上列牙齿突出:正常成人张口可垂直放入3个手指。张口<2cm,仅能直视软腭者为M3(Mallampati class),部分直视悬雍垂者为M2。选用NTI或使用直镜及小号弯镜OTI ;
气管内插管术(相对禁忌 证)
喉水肿 急性(喉)咽峡炎 气管粘膜下血肿 主动脉瘤压近或侵犯气管者 出血素质或有出血向者
Trachea encheiresis
(保护气道)是建立人工气道、进行人 工通气的最常用方法。 (防止误吸)便于清除呼吸道分泌物。 (正压通气)维持气道通畅,减少气道阻力,保证有效的通气量。 面罩吸氧仍呼吸困难,为给氧、加压人工呼吸、气管内给药提供条件。
心脏停搏需要持续胸外按压。 病人神志尚清醒,但有呼吸窘迫或衰竭的体征:PO2↓PaCO2↑,附属肌肉辅 助呼吸。 病人的气道保护机能丧失(如昏迷、心跳停止):咳嗽或吞咽反射消失。 由于舌或咽喉部肌肉失张力而致的呼吸道梗阻。 其他方法不能改善昏迷病人的通气状况时。 全身麻醉或使用肌松剂
导管尖端在气管的中段,距离隆突4cm。 男性:门齿不超过22cm; 女性:21cm。 儿童:双唇12cm + (年龄/2)。
一、急诊医学中的常用词汇和短语1. Chief complaint:主要症状2. Vital signs:生命体征3. History of present illness:现病史4. Past medical history:既往史5. Medications:用药6. Allergies:过敏史7. Physical examination:体格检查8. Diagnosis:诊断9. Treatment plan:治疗方案10. Discharge instructions:出院指导11. Admit to hospital:入院12. Discharge from hospital:出院13. Transfer to another hospital:转院14. Abdominal pain:腹痛15. Chest pain:胸痛16. Shortness of breath:呼吸困难17. Headache:头痛18. Nausea and vomiting:恶心呕吐19. Dizziness:头晕20. Trauma:创伤21. Cardiac arrest:心脏骤停22. Respiratory distress:呼吸窘迫二、常见疾病和诊疗1. Myocardial infarction:心肌梗死2. Stroke:中风3. Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS):急性呼吸窘迫综合征4. Sepsis:败血症5. Pneumonia:肺炎6. Appendicitis:阑尾炎7. Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD):炎症性肠病8. Pulmonary embolism:肺栓塞9. Pancreatitis:胰腺炎10. Gastrointestinal bleed:消化道出血11. Kidney stone:肾结石12. Asthma exacerbation:哮喘急性发作13. Allergic reaction:过敏反应三、常用的紧急医疗技术和设备1. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR):心肺复苏2. Defibrillation:除颤3. Endotracheal intubation:气管插管4. Mechanical ventilation:机械通气5. Central venous catheterization:中心静脉导管置入6. Intraosseous line placement:骨内静脉置管7. Arterial line placement:动脉置管8. Chest tube insertion:胸腔引流管置入9. Ultrasound imaging:超声影像10. Computed tomography (CT) scan:计算机断层扫描四、急诊医学中的沟通技巧1. 急诊医生需要具备良好的英语口语表达能力,能够清晰明了地向病人及家属解释病情和治疗方案。
Orotracheal Intubat 0orotracheal intubationindications1. inadequate oxygenation (decreased arterial po2, etc.) that is not corrected by supplemental oxygen supplied by mask or nasal prongs.2. inadequate ventilation (increased arterial pco2).3. need to control and remove pulmonary secretions (bronchial toilet).4. need to provide airway protection in an obtunded patient or a patient with a depressed gag reflex (for example during a general anesthesia).contraindicationsthe following are only relative contraindications to tracheal intubation:1. severe airway trauma or obstruction that does not permit safe passage of an endotracheal tube. emergency cricothyrotomy is indicated in such cases.2. cervical spine injury, in which the need for complete immobilization of the cervical spine makes endotracheal intubation difficult.preparing the procedurewhen intubating a patient, there are certain bare essentials that must be present to ensure a safe intubation. they can be remembered by the mnemonic salt suction. this is extremely important. often patients will have material in thepharynx, making visualization of the vocal cords difficult. pulmonary aspiration should be avoided.airway. the oral airway is a device that lifts the tongue off the posterior pharynx, often making it easier to mask ventilate a patient. the inability to ventilate a patient is bad. also a source of o2 with a delivery mechanism (ambu-bag and mask) must be available.laryngoscope. this lighted tool is vital to placing an endotracheal tube.tube. endotracheal tubes come in many sizes. in the average adult a size 7.0 or 8.0 oral endotracheal tube will work just fine.equipment required1. self-refilling bag-valve combination (eg, ambu bag) or bag-valve unit (ayres bag), connector, tubing, and oxygen source. assemble all items before attempting intubation.2. laryngoscope with curved (macintosh type) and straight (miller type) blades of a size appropriate for the patient.3. endotracheal tubes of several different sizes. low-pressure, high-flow cuffed balloons are preferred.4. oral airways.5. tincture of benzoin and precut tape.6. introducer (stylets or magill forceps).7. suction apparatus (tonsil tip and catheter suction).8. syringe, 10-ml, to inflate the cuff.9. mucosal anesthetics (eg, 2% lidocaine)10. water-soluble sterile lubricant.11. gloves.position of the patientthe height of the table where the patient is lied, should be adjusted so that the patient's face is at the level of the xiphoid cartilage of the standing person who is performing the procedure. elevating the patient's head about 10 cm with pads under the occiput and extension of the head at the atlanto-occipital joint (sniffing position) serve to align the oral, pharyngeal, and laryngeal axis, so that the passage from the lips to the glottic opening is almost a straight line. this position permits better visualization of the glottis and vocal cords and allows easier passage of the endotracheal tube. for children under 1 month of age, the head should be in a neutral position. see figure 1.。
Orotracheal Intubat 0orotracheal intubationindications1. inadequate oxygenation (decreased arterial po2, etc.) that is not corrected by supplemental oxygen supplied by mask or nasal prongs.2. inadequate ventilation (increased arterial pco2).3. need to control and remove pulmonary secretions (bronchial toilet).4. need to provide airway protection in an obtunded patient or a patient with a depressed gag reflex (for example during a general anesthesia).contraindicationsthe following are only relative contraindications to tracheal intubation:1. severe airway trauma or obstruction that does not permit safe passage of an endotracheal tube. emergency cricothyrotomy is indicated in such cases.2. cervical spine injury, in which the need for complete immobilization of the cervical spine makes endotracheal intubation difficult.preparing the procedurewhen intubating a patient, there are certain bare essentials that must be present to ensure a safe intubation. they can be remembered by the mnemonic salt suction. this is extremely important. often patients will have material in thepharynx, making visualization of the vocal cords difficult. pulmonary aspiration should be avoided.airway. the oral airway is a device that lifts the tongue off the posterior pharynx, often making it easier to mask ventilate a patient. the inability to ventilate a patient is bad. also a source of o2 with a delivery mechanism (ambu-bag and mask) must be available.laryngoscope. this lighted tool is vital to placing an endotracheal tube.tube. endotracheal tubes come in many sizes. in the average adult a size 7.0 or 8.0 oral endotracheal tube will work just fine.equipment required1. self-refilling bag-valve combination (eg, ambu bag) or bag-valve unit (ayres bag), connector, tubing, and oxygen source. assemble all items before attempting intubation.2. laryngoscope with curved (macintosh type) and straight (miller type) blades of a size appropriate for the patient.3. endotracheal tubes of several different sizes. low-pressure, high-flow cuffed balloons are preferred.4. oral airways.5. tincture of benzoin and precut tape.6. introducer (stylets or magill forceps).7. suction apparatus (tonsil tip and catheter suction).8. syringe, 10-ml, to inflate the cuff.9. mucosal anesthetics (eg, 2% lidocaine)10. water-soluble sterile lubricant.11. gloves.position of the patientthe height of the table where the patient is lied, should be adjusted so that the patient's face is at the level of the xiphoid cartilage of the standing person who is performing the procedure. elevating the patient's head about 10 cm with pads under the occiput and extension of the head at the atlanto-occipital joint (sniffing position) serve to align the oral, pharyngeal, and laryngeal axis, so that the passage from the lips to the glottic opening is almost a straight line. this position permits better visualization of the glottis and vocal cords and allows easier passage of the endotracheal tube. for children under 1 month of age, the head should be in a neutral position. see figure 1.。
ETT医学术语ETT是指气管插管(Endotracheal intubation)。
下面是有关ETT的一些医学术语及其解释:1. 呼吸机(ventilator):一种医用设备,用于提供机械通气和辅助呼吸。
2. 有创机械通气(Invasive mechanical ventilation):需要通过气管插管或气管切开等方法将呼吸机连接到患者呼吸系统中。
3. 无创机械通气(Non-invasive mechanical ventilation):通过面罩、鼻罩等装置将呼吸机连接至患者的呼吸道口中进行辅助呼吸。
4. 保护性通气(protective ventilation):针对急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)等重症疾病患者的一种保护性通气策略。
5. 气囊(cuff):气管插管上部的一项装置,可以在气管和插管之间产生一定的压力,以防止肺部和呼吸道感染。
6. 气囊压力(cuff pressure):气囊内气体的压力。
这个值的正确控制是非常重要的,因为高于30 cm H2O的高压可以导致插管相关的并发症,例如气道黏膜损伤。
7. 装管深度(tube depth):指插管后气管插管的尖端到口腔或鼻腔入口之间的距离,通常是在20-24厘米之间。
8. 大气压(ambient pressure):环境大气压力。
9. 心跳停止(cardiac arrest):指心脏停止搏动的情况,死亡风险较高,需要进行紧急的CPR操作。
Elective intubation Cervical spine injury
Less comfortable Disadvantages Patient may bite on tube Oral hygiene difficult Tube less secure
Endotracheal Intubation
When to Ventilate
Hypoxia (PaO2 < 50mmHg RA) or 70mmHg after supplemental oxygen. Inadequate ventilation (PaCO2 > 50mmHg + acidosis) Fatigue (RR> 35/min) Inability to maintain airway Inability to clear secretions and cough Muscle weakness (MIP< -25, VC < 10 ml/kg) Shock (acidosis) Therapeutic (sedation, raised ICP)
Objectives of Mechanical Ventilation
Physiologic Objectives
Support pulmonary gas exchange (oxygenation, ventilation) Reduce metabolic cost of breathing Minimize ventilator associated lung injury Reverse hypoxemia (high FiO2) Optimize ventilation Prevent or treat atelectasis Overcome upper airway obstruction Manage secretions Protect airway from aspiration Permit sedation/anesthesia and neuromuscular blockade Reduce ICP Stabilize chest wall
医学英语综合翻译如下:thinking 思索,思想thin layer chromatogram scanner 薄层色谱扫描仪thin layer chromatograph 薄层色谱仪thin layer electrophoresis apparatus 薄层电泳仪third molar tissue retractor 第三磨牙组织牵开器thoracentesis needle 胸腔穿刺针thoracic 胸的,胸廓的thoracic cavity drainage casingneedle 胸腔引流套管针thoracic cavity forceps 胸腔镊thoracic cavity hemostat 胸腔止血钳thoracic clamp 胸腔夹,胸夹thoracic clamp forceps 胸腔夹钳thoracic forceps 胸腔钳thoracic needle holder 胸腔持针器thoracic puncture set 胸腔穿刺器thoraic puncture trocar 胸腔穿刺套针thoracic tissue clamp 胸腔组织夹thoracic tissue forceps 胸腔组织镊thoracic tourniquet 胸腔止血器thoracic trocar 胸腔套针thoraco-胸,胸腔thoracograph 胸动描记器thoracometer 胸围计,胸廓张度计thoracopneumograph 胸肺描记器thoracoscope 胸腔镜thoracoscopy 胸腔镜检查thoracotome 开胸刀thoracotomy knife 胸骨切开刀Thoraeus filter 托劳斯氏过滤器〔由锡,铝,铜组成,X 射线治疗用〕thorax 胸,胸廓thorax scissors 胸腔剪thorax surgery retractor 胸外科牵开器thoriagram 钍照片thorium(abbr. Th) 钍thousand 一千,千thread ①线②螺纹threading forceps 缝线镊thread saw blade 线锯条thread saw handle 线锯柄three dimensional image 三维象,立体像three edged needle 三棱针three flanged nail 三刃钉three folding bed 三折病床three limb tube 三臂管,三通管three ring funnel shelf 三环漏斗架three surface contact lens 三面接触镜three way cock 三通接头three way stopcock 三路活塞three wings anoscope 三翼肛门镜three wings vaginoscope 三翼阴道镜threshold 阈值,界限threshold audiogram 听阈图threshold dosage 阈量threshold value 阈值thrix 毛,发throat 咽,喉throat applicator 咽喉卷棉子throat hrush 咽喉刷throat dressing forceps 喉用敷料镊throat forceps 喉头钳thrombelastography 血栓弹性描记法thrombo-血栓thrombocyte 血小板thrombocytocrit ①血小板比容计②血小板比容thrombocytometer 血小板计数器thrombocytometry 血小板计数法thromboelastogram 凝血弹性描记图thromboelastograph 凝血弹性描记器thromboelastography 凝血弹性描记法thrombometer 血栓预检器thromboplastid 血小板thrombus forceps 血栓钳through B/L 联运提单thrust ①推,推力②牵引力thulium (abbr. Tm) 铥thumb ①拇指②摸,压,按thumb dressing forceps 按捏换药镊〔脑用〕thumb forceps 按捏钳thumb lancet 宽柳叶刀thumb tissue forceps 按捏组织钳〔脑用〕thymus retractor 胸腺牵开器thyratron 闸流管thyrector 可变电阻thyro-甲状腺thyroid 甲状腺thyroid tetractor 甲状腺牵开器,甲状腺拉钩thyroid scissors 甲状腺剪thyroid tenaculum 甲状腺钩thyroid traction forceps 甲状腺牵开钳thyrotome 甲状软骨刀Ti (titanium) 钛ticker ①断续器②振动器③蜂音器ticket ①票②标签③证明书tidal air 潮〔流〕气〔一次呼吸进出肺部的空气〕tidal air metr 潮气量计tidal drainage 潮式引流法tidal-meter 测潮表tidal volume 潮气量tidal volume indicator 潮气量指示仪tidal volume module 潮气量测定组件tide 潮tier antenna 分层天线tightener 扭紧器,紧线器tile 板,瓦片tilt 倾斜,歪tiltometer 倾斜测定仪〔脊髓麻醉时测量手术台倾斜度〕tilt table 倾斜手术台time ①时间,时期②次,回,倍time base 时基,扫描〔基线〕time base apparatus 时基器time chronometer 精密计时器time clock 记时钟time constant 时间常数timed 定时的,同步的time difference 时差time interval indicator 时间间隔指示器time lag 时滞,延时time limit 期限time mark 时标time marker 计时器,时间指示器time mark generator 时间标记发生器,时标器time measurer 测时器time memory 时间记忆time motion display 时间动作显示time motor 记时发动机time of delivery 交货时间,交货日期time of exposure 曝光时间time of shipment 装运时间,装船时间timepiece 计时器timer ①记时器,定时器②程序装置time register 记时器time scale 时标time sequence 时序time signal 报时信号,时标time switch 定时开关time table 时间表timing generator 定时信号发生器tin 锡tin bar 锡条tincture 酊剂tine 齿,叉,柄tin foil 锡箔tinol 锡焊膏tinsel 金属丝,金属片tint 色调,着色tint B 色调B〔测定X 射线量的纸碟的色调〕tinted spectacles 有色眼镜tintometer ①液体比色计②色调计tintometry 液体比色法tip 尖,端,电极头,管头tip type cryoprobe 尖头型冷冻头tirebal 拔弹器tireballe 拔弹器tirefond ①起骨器②提锥tirefond with handle 有柄提锥Tissot spirometer 提骚氏肺量计tissue 组织tissue culture incubator 组织培育箱tissue culture microscope 组织培育显微镜tissue embedding basket 组织包埋笼tissue fixator 组织固定器tissue forceps 组织钳tissue grasping forceps 组织紧握钳tissue holder 组织夹tissue holding forceps 持组织镊tissue lifter 组织铲tissue processor 组织脱水机,细胞处理机tissue retractor 组织牵开器tissue slice 组织切片titanium (abbr. Ti) 钛titanium microdissector 钛显微解剖器titer ①值效价②滴度,滴定率title 标题,题目,字幕titrant 滴定剂titrating stand 滴定器架titration 滴定,滴定法titration appratus 滴定装置titrator 滴定器titre 值,效值,滴度titrigraph 滴定记录仪titrimeter 滴定计titrimetry 滴定分析法TKD (tokodynamometer) 分娩力计TKG (tokodynalrapy) 分娩力描记图Tl (thallium) 铊Tm (thulium) 铥Tobolds apparatus 托博耳德氏器〔喉镜照明器〕toco-生产,分娩tocodynagraph (abbr. TKG) 分娩力描记图tocodynamometer (abbr. TKD0 分娩力计toco-ergometer 阵痛力计,分娩力计toco-ergometry 分娩力测定法tocograph 分娩力描记器,阵痛计tocography 分娩力描记法tocology 产科学tocometer 分娩力计tocomonitor 分娩监护仪tocotransducer 分娩换能器toilet 厕所,洗室,卫生间toilet pail 卫生桶toilet paper 卫生纸,手纸toilet soap 香皂token 标记,象征toko-生产,分娩tokodynagraph (abbr. TKG) 分娩力描记图tokodynamometer (abbr. TKD) 分娩力计tokograph 分娩力描记器tolerable 可容许的,相当的tolerable limit 容许极限toll 费,税tome 册,卷-tome 刀,切除器Tomog (tomography) X 射线断层照像术tomogram X 射线断层照片tomograph X 射线断层摄影机tomographic scanner X 射线断层扫描仪tomography X 射线体层摄影,X 射线断层摄影tomoscanner 断层扫描仪-tomy 切开术ton 吨tone 音调,色调tone generator 发音器tone quality 音色toner 调色剂tongs 钳,夹tongue ①舌②舌簧片tongue deflector 压舌器tongue depressor 压舌板,压舌器tongue forceps 舌钳tongue protector 护舌器tongue retractor 舌牵开器tongue scraper 刮舌器tongue seizing forceps 舌夹持钳tongue spatula 压舌板,压舌器tono-张力,紧急tonogram 张力描记图tonograph 张力描记器tonography 张力描记法tonometer ①压力计②眼压计③张力计tonometry 压力测量法tononoscillograph 动脉压脉搏描记器tonophant 音振动描记器tonoscillograph 动脉压脉搏描记器tonoscope ①音波振动描记器②张力计tonsil 扁桃体tonsil attractive tube 扁桃体吸引管tonsil curet 扁桃体刮匙tonsil dissector 扁桃体剥离器tonsil dissector and elevator 扁桃体剥离器和起子tonsil dissector and enucleator 扁桃体剥离器和剜出器tonsile expressor 扁桃体压榨器tonsil guillotine 扁桃体铡除刀tonsil hemostat 扁桃体止血钳tonsil hemostatic and ligature forceps 扁桃体止血结扎钳tonsil hemostatic clip 扁桃体止血夹tonsil hemostatic forceps 扁桃体止血钳tonsil holding forceps 扁桃体夹持钳tonsil hook 扁桃体钩tonsil knife 扁桃体刀tonsil knife and dissector 扁桃体刀和剥离器tonsillectome 扁桃体切除器,扁桃体挤切刀tonsilloscope 扁桃体镜tonsillotome 扁桃体刀tonsil needle 扁桃体针tonsil punch forceps 扁桃体咬切钳tonsil raspatory 扁桃体刮器tonsil retractor 扁桃体拉钩tonsil scissors 扁桃体剪tonsil scoop 扁桃体刮匙tonsilsector 环形扁桃体切除刀tonsil seizing forceps 扁桃体夹持钳tonsil snare 扁桃体圈套器tonsil squeezer 扁桃体压榨器tonsil stopbleeding guillotine 扁桃体止血铡除刀tonsil tenaculum 扁桃体持钩tool 工具,器械tool bag 工具包tool holder 刀夹tool kit 工具夹,组合工具tool rest 刀架toolroom 工具室tool set 工具箱tooth 牙tooth arch ①齿弧②弓形夹板〔牙科用〕tooth band 牙带tooth brush 牙刷tooth coloured selfcuring resin 自凝补牙树脂tooth drill 牙钻toothed curet 有齿刮匙toothed forceps 有齿镊toothed retractor 有齿牵开器tooth forceps 拔牙钳tooth key 牙钥,拔牙键toothpaste 牙膏toothpick 牙签toothpowder 牙粉tooth scaler 刮牙器tooth syringe 牙科注射器top 顶,尖端topic 题目,课题topo-部件,局部topogram 内存储信息的位置图示topography ①地形图②局部解剖图topothermesthesiometer 局部温度感觉测量器-tor 器torch ①吹焰器,喷灯②火炬torcular tourniquet 勒绞式止血带toroid 环,环形线,复曲面,螺旋管torr 托〔真空度单位,相当于1 毫米水银柱的压强〕torsiograph 扭力计torsiometer 眼旋计torsion 扭转torsion balance 扭力天平,扭称torsion forceps 扭转钳torsion tourniquet 扭转止血器tosimeter 微压计total amount 总额,总计total ion monitor 全离子探测器totally-enclosed type 全封闭式total price 总价,总值totameter 流量计touch 接触,到达tourmaline 电气石tourniquet 止血器,压脉器,止血带towel 毛巾,抹布,手巾towel bracket 毛巾架towel clamp 帕镊towelette 小毛巾〔外科用〕towel forceps 帕巾钳,持钩钳towel shelf 毛巾架tower 塔tower type double distilling unit 塔式重蒸馏器town 市镇,城市toxic gas 有毒气体toxico-毒toxicology 毒理学toxicosis 中毒toxin 毒素TPR (temperature,pulse,respiration) 体温,脉搏,呼吸TQ (tourniquet) 止血带,压脉器TR (temperature recorder) 温度记录器TPS (treatment planning system) 放射治疗准备系统trace 踪迹,轨迹,微量trace diagram 描迹图trace element 微量元素trace paper 描图纸tracer ①示踪器②描记器③示踪剂tracer atoms 示踪原子tracer element 示踪元素trace system 描绘系统trachea 气管trachea dilator 气管扩张器trachea foreign body forceps 气管异物钳tracheal bistoury 气管细长刀tracheal cannula 气管插管tracheal casing pipe 气管套管tracheal catheter 输氧鼻管tracheal dilating forceps 气管扩张钳tracheal dilator 气管扩张器tracheal forceps 气管钳tracheal foreign forceps 气管异物钳tracheal hook 气管拉钩tracheal retractor 气管牵开器tracheal tenaculum 气管拉钩tracheal tube 气管导管tracheal vessel 气管导管tracheascope 气管镜trachea tube with stylet 带有通管针的通气管trachelo-颈,项trachelorrhectes 胎儿颈椎压碎器tracheo-气管tracheobronchial 气管支气管的tracheobronchoscopy 气管支气管镜检查tracheoscope 气管镜tracheoscopy 气管镜检查tracheostomy cannula 气管造口套管tracheotome 气管切开刀tracheotomy hook 气管切开钩tracheotomy tube 气管切开插管trachoma 沙眼trachoma forceps 沙眼镊trachoma rasp 沙眼锉tracing 示踪,描记法tracing atom 示踪原子tracing machine 电子轨迹描绘器,描图机tracing paper 描图纸tracing point 描迹针track ball 转球tracker ①短文,小册子②管,道,系统traction 牵引,牵引力traction apparatus 牵引装置traction bod 牵引床traction bow 牵引弓traction frame 牵引架traction handle 牵引柄traction machine 牵引机traction screw 牵引螺钉traction splint 牵引夹traction table 牵引台traction tongs 颅骨牵引夹tractograph 牵引记录单tractor 牵引器trade 贸易,职业trade-mark 商标trade protocol 贸易协定书tradition 传统,惯例traffic ①交通,运输②交易,贸易T rail 骨牵引用T 型横档trailing antenna 下垂天线,拖曳天线train ①训练,培育②列车trainer 训练设备training 训练trajector 检弹探子,觅弹器trans-经〔由〕,超过,透过transcranial oloppler 经脑多普勒超声诊断仪transcriber 转录器,读数器transcription 抄本,副本transcutaneous 经皮肤的transcutaneous oxyqenelectrode 经皮测氧电极transcutaneous oxygen monitor 经皮血氧监测仪transdermal brain chemode 脑内化学电极transducer 换能器,传感器transducer mount 换能装置〔监护仪用〕transfer pipette 移液吸管transfer template guide 移膜标,标准移膜transfixion nail 贯穿甲,穿通钉transfixion pin 贯穿针transforator 穿颅器transformation 变换,转换,变压transformator 变换器,变压器transformer 变压器,变换器transfuse 输液,输血transfuser 输入血技士transfusion 输液〔法〕,输血〔法〕transfusion apparatus 输血器transfusion bottle 输血瓶transfusion cannula 输血套管transfusion filter 输血过滤器transfusionist 输入血技工transfusion needle 输液针transfusion system 输液系统transfusion rtocar 输血套针transfusor 输血器transient 临时的,不稳定的transilluminating lamp 鼻副窦透照灯transillumination 透射光,透射照明transilluminator 透照器transistor 晶体管transistor amplifier 晶体管放大器transistor circuit 晶体管电路transistor curve tracer 晶体管特性曲线描绘器transistor hearing aid 半导体助听器transitive 传递的,过渡的transitory 短暂的,瞬变的translation 翻译,变换translator ①翻译机②译码器③变换器translocation 转位,易位translucence 半透亮性translumbar aortography 经腰部主动脉造影术transluminal angioplasty 腔间血管成形术transmission ①传输,透射②传动装置transmission electron microscope 透射电子显微镜transmittance 透射率,透光度transmitted light 透射光transmitter ①发射机,传递器②传感器③话筒transmitter receiver ①对讲机②发射接收机transorbitome 穿眶手术刀transparent 透亮的,明显的transparent plastic 透亮塑料transparent soap 透亮皂transpirometer 蒸腾计transplant 移植物,移植片transplantation forceps 移植钳transplantation knife 移植刀transplantation scissors 移植剪transportation ①运输②输送装置transporter 输送器,传送装置transrectal plobe 经血肠探头transseptal catheterization 经中隔导管术transrectum radial scanner 直肠射线扫描器〔B 超〕transurethral 经尿道的transvenous catheter pacemaker 经静脉导管起搏器transverse 横间的,横断的transverse line 横线transverse section 横切面transverter 变换器,换能器trap 收集器,陷波器,分别器trapper 陷波器travelling microscope 移动式显微镜travelling wave tube 行波管traverse 横过,交叉traverser 转盘,活动平台tray ①托盘,盆,槽②座,垫,托架tray carriage 托盘车tray rack 托盘架tread mill 活动平板车,踏旋器treat 治疗,处理,对待treatise 论文treatment 治疗,处理treatment of burn apparatus 烧伤治疗机treatment planningsystem (TPS) 放射治疗准备系统treatment table 治疗台treatment unit 治疗装置,治疗机treaty ①条约协定②协商,谈判treble 三倍的tree 树,轴tremogram 震颤描记图tremograph 震颤描记器tremolo 震动按摩器tremor 震颤tremorgram 震颤描记图tremorgraph 震颤描记器tremulor 振动治疗器,震颤机trend 方向,趋势trendgram 趋势图〔心电图方面〕trendgraph 趋势图描记器trendsetter 创造潮流者,时装设计师trepan 环钻trepan-formed perforator 圆钻形穿孔器trepanning instrument 圆锯开颅器械trephine 环钻,环锯trestle 台架,架柱trial 试验trial case 验光镜片盒,试镜箱trial frame 试镜架trial lens 试镜片trial lens frame 试片眼镜框trial print 相版triangle 三角形triangle wire 天角丝triangular arm sling 三角臂吊带triangular bandage 三角绷带triangular knife 三角刀triangular needle 三角尖针triangular prism 三棱镜triangular scarf 三角巾triaxial 三维的,三轴的trichiasis forceps 倒睫钳trichinoscope 旋毛虫检查镜tricho-esthesiometer 毛发感觉计trick 特技tricolour tube 彩色显像管tricuspid valve 三尖瓣的trielcon 三爪钳trifocal lens 三焦点镜片trigeminal knife 三叉神经刀trigeminal nerve 三叉神经trigeminal scissors 三叉神经剪trigger 启动器,触发器trigonotome 膀胱三角刀trilabe 三叉取石钳trimmer ①修整器,修整钻②微调电容trinocular microscope 三目显微镜trinocular tube 三目镜筒triode 三极管triode amplifier 三极管放大器triple-angle 三角器〔牙科〕triple blade rectal speculum 三翼直肠窥器triple change stethoscope 三用听诊器triplet ①三通,T 形接头②三个一组③三合透镜triplet thin lens 三合薄透镜triplography 三重造影术tripod 三脚架tripod assembly 三脚架tripod supported centrifuge 式支撑离心机trip off 断开,跳开trisecting forceps 三切钳tritium (abbr. 3H; T) 氚triturate tablet 模印片triturating machine 研制机triturator 研磨器,研制器triturium 分液器〔分别不同密度的液体〕trivalent element 三价元素trivalve 三瓣的〔窥器〕tRNA (transfer RNA) 转移核糖核酸trocar 套针,套管针trocar and cannula 套针套管trocar needle 套针trocar rasp 穿刺锉trocar sheath 套针鞘,外套管trochar 套针,套管针trochlear ergometer 滑车式功率计trochotron 余摆管,磁旋管,电子转换器trolley 小车,手推车tromometer 微震计tropometer ①眼球旋转计②长骨扭转计trouble 故障,干扰trouble shooting 故障检修,排除故障trough 沟,槽trousers ①裤子②整流罩truck 手推车,货车true 真的,校准true image 真像trumpet ①助听筒〔聋人用〕②喇叭形的东西trumpet pudendal needle guide 喇叭型阴部针导子trumpet valve 喇叭型阀truss 疝带trust ①托付,责任②托拉斯,联合企业truth 真理,精确性try 试验,尝试TS (①tet solution ②totalsolids) ①试验溶液②固体粒子总数TSEM (transmission scanning electron microscope) 发射电子扫描显微镜T-shaped 丁字形的T-shaped bone knife 丁字形骨刀T-shaped forceps 丁字钳T-shaped tracheal cannula 丁字形气管导管TS meter 固体粒子总数折射计T splint T 型夹T tube T 型管T tube hollow fiber ultrafilter 空心纤维型三通超滤器T-type drainage tube T 型引流管,胆管引流管tub 桶,槽,浴盆tube ①管,软管②电子管tube base 管座tube brush 管刷tube centrifuge 管式离心机。
医用英语词汇如下:nasal speculum 鼻镜,鼻窥器nasal sphenoid punch forceps 鼻蝶窦咬取钳nasal splint 鼻夹nasal swivel knife 鼻中隔旋转刀,鼻用转轴刀nasal tampon 鼻塞nasal tampon forceps 鼻腔填塞钳nasal tampon spring forceps 鼻腔填塞敷料弹簧镊nasal trephine 鼻环锯nasal tube 鼻管,通鼻管nasal universal forceps 鼻科通用钳naso- 鼻naso-antral 鼻窦的nasograph 鼻测量计nasographic mirror 鼻通气检验镜nasomanometer 鼻内压力计naso-pharyngeal biopsy forceps 鼻咽活检钳,鼻咽活体取样钳nasopharyngeal endoscope 鼻咽镜naso-pharyngeal fibroma dissector 鼻咽纤维瘤剥离器naso-pharynges mirror 鼻咽镜nasopharyngeal sound 鼻咽探子nasopharyngeal speculum 鼻咽部窥张器nasopharyngofiberscope 鼻咽纤维窥镜nasopharyngoscope 鼻咽镜nasopharynx 鼻咽nasoscope 鼻镜nasoseptascope 鼻中隔镜nasotracheal tube 鼻气管插管nasus 鼻natality 出生率nation 国家,民族nation-wide 全国的,全民的native 本地的,天然的natrium(abbr. Na) 钠natuary 分娩室natural impedance 特性阻抗,波阻抗nature ①性质②种类nautical mile 海里,里(=3.2 米)navel 脐Nb (niobium) 铌Nd (neodymium) 钕Nd YAG medical caser system 钕钇铝石棉石医用激光治疗仪Ne (neon) 氖nearby 附近near point reading cards 近距视力检查表near sight 近视nearthrosis 人造关节,假关节nearultraviolet rays 近紫外线nebulization 喷雾法nebulizer (abbr.Neb) 喷雾器,雾化器NEC(Nippon Elictric Company) 日本电气公司necessary ①必要的,必需的②必需品nece 颈,颈状物neck band 围颈带neck stabber 刺颈器necl tilephone 喉头送话器neck tube 颈管necro- 坏死,尸体necrobiotic rays 生物致死线(短波紫外线)necrocytosis 细胞坏死necrodochium 停尸室necrometer 尸体测量器necropsy 尸体剖检necroscopy 尸体剖检necrosis 坏死necrosis forceps 尸骨钳necrotomy ①尸体解剖②尸骨切除need ①需要②缺乏needle 针,指针,针状needle adapter 针接头needle and syringe sterilizer 针头和注射器消毒器needle biopsy 针吸活组织检查needle box 针盒needle carrier 持针器needle case 针盒needle cutting forceps 断针钳needle electrode 针状电极needle endoscope 针状内窥镜needle file 针锉needle forceps 持针钳needle guard 针套needle handle 针柄needle holder 持针器needle holder and forceps 持针器和钳needle holding forceps 持针钳needless dermo-injector 皮下无针注射器needleless dermopressurs injector 皮下无针压力注射器needleless injector 无针注射器needle point 针尖needle point tracer 针尖描记器(牙科)needle protector 针头保护器negation 否定,否认,反对negative ①底片,负片②负的,阴的negative blood pressure 负血压negative carbon 阴极碳棒negative cardiogram 负性心动图negative charge 阴电荷,负电荷negative electricity 阴电,负电negative electrode 负极,阴极negative feedback 负反馈negative film 照像负片,底片negative half-cycle suppressor 负半波遏抑器negative hologram 负全息图negative image 负像negative ion 阴离子,负离子negative lens 负透镜negative ocular 负目镜nagative potential 负电位negative pressure 负压negative pressure catheter 负压导管,吸引导管negative valence 负价negatoscope 看片灯,观片灯negatron 阴电子,负电子negligible 微小的,可忽略不计的negotiation 谈判,协商Neisser's syringe 奈瑟氏尿道注射器neo-arthrosis 人造关节,假关节neodiathermy 短波透热法neodymium(abbr.Nd) 钕neodymium laser 钕激光器neon(abbr.Ne) 氖neonatal laryngoscope 新生儿喉镜neonatal monitor 新生儿监护仪neonate 新生儿neon bulb 氖灯,氖灯泡neon light 氖灯nephelo- 云,雾,浑浊nepheloid 浑浊的nephelometer 比浊计,散射浊度计nephelotitrator 浊度滴定器nephr-; nephro- 肾nephrectomy 肾切除术nephrofiber scope 纤维肾镜nephrogram 肾X 线(造影)照片nephrography 肾X 线造影术nephrolith clamp 肾石钳nephropyelopolasty 肾盂成形术nephros 肾nephroscope 肾镜(karl)nephrosonography 肾超声波扫描术nephrotomography 肾X 射线断层照像术neptunium(abbr.Np) 镎nerve 神经nerve bristle 神经针nerve broach 拔髓针nerve canal cleaner 神经根管洗髓针nerve canal drill 神经根管钻nerve canal plugger 牙神经根管充填管nerve canal reamer 神经根管扩孔钻nerve dissector 神经剥离器nerve dissector with hook 带钩神经剥离器nerve extraction forceps 抽取神经钳nerve hook 神经钩nerve knife 神经刀(三叉神经切断刀)nerve probe 神经探子nerve retractor 神经牵开器nerve root retractor 神经根拉钩nerve stimulator 神经刺激器nerve tracing 神经描记法nirvous 神经的nervous system 神经系统nesis ①缝②缝线nest ①插孔,座②一套,群,组net ①网,罩②净的,纯粹的net-export 净出口net-import 净进口net weight(.Wt.) 净重network ①电路②网状结构,网络network analhyzer 网络分析器neural 神经的neuramebimeter 神经反应时间测定器neuramoebimeter 神经反应时间测定计neuraxon 轴索neure 神经元neuro- 神经neuro-anatomy 神经解剖学neuro-calorimeter 神经热量计neurocranium 脑颅neurocyte 神经细胞neuroelectricity 神经电neurogram 印象neurography 神经学neurokinet 连打神经刺激器,神经叩击器neurological test instrument 神经科试验仪器neuron 神经元neurophone 脑听器neurorrhaphy 神经缝术neurosurgical instruments 神经外科仪器neurotome 神经切开刀neurotomy 神经切断术neurotonometer 皮肤紧张度计neurotransmission 神经传递neurotransmitter 神经传递介质neurovoltometer 神经伏特计neutral 中性的,中和的neutral colour filter 中性滤色器neutrality 中性neutralization 中和,平衡,抵消neutralizer 中和器neutral stain 中性染剂neutron 中子neutron counter 中子计数器neutron cyclotron 中子回旋加速器neutron diffractometer 中子衍射仪neutron generator 中子发生器neutron ray 中子射线neutron roentgen 中子伦琴neutron spectrograph 中子谱仪neutron spectrometer 中子光谱计neutron therapy unit 中子治疗机newborn ①新生儿②新生的new student & teaching polarizing microscope 新型教学偏光显微镜Newton 牛顿(米千克秒制中力的单位,= 达因)Newton's alloy 牛顿合金(铋铅锡软合金)Ni(nickel) 镍nibbling forceps 持针钳Ni-Cd battery charger 镍镉电池充电器nick 刻痕,凹痕nickel(abbr.Ni) 镍nickel-chromium alloy plates 镍铬合金片nickel spatula 镍刮铲Nicol's prism 尼科尔棱镜night pail 便桶night vision tester 夜间视力测验器nigral 黑质的nigrometer 黑度计nil 无,零(点)ninefold 九倍nine holes shadowless lamp 九孔无影灯nippers 镊子,钳子nipple ①奶头②喷嘴③螺纹接套nipple protector 乳头保护器nipple shield 乳头罩niton(abbr.Nt) 氡nitrocellulose filter 硝化纤维素滤器nitrogen(abbr.N) 氮nitroger determination system 氮含量测定系统(生化)nitrogen dioxide 二氧化氮nitrogen molecular laser 氮分子激光器nitrogen needle 氮针nitrograph 氮气浓度测定仪nitrometer 氮素计,氮定量器NMR(nuclear magnetic resonance) 核磁共振NMR-CT 核磁共振成象装置NMR imaging equipment 核磁共振成像装置NMR imaging 核磁共振成象NMR spectrometer 核磁共振分光计No(1.nobelium 2.number) ①锘②号码,数目nobelium (abbr.No) 锘noble gas 惰性气体noble gas alser 惰情气体激光器nocufensor 外伤防御器,防伤害系统node 结,结节noematachograph 思考速度描记器noematachometer 思考速度测验器noematachymeter 思考速度测验器noematic 思考的,思想的noetic 认识的,智力的noise 噪音noise apparatus 噪音计noise audiometer 噪音听力计noise killer 噪声限制器noise level 噪声级noise measuring instrument 噪声测量仪noisemeter 噪音计noise silencer 噪声抑制器,消音器noise trap 抗干扰装置nomenclature 词汇,名词汇编,专业术语nominal 名义上的,标称的,额定的nominal power 标称功率,额定功率nomogram 列线图nomograph 列线图解,计算图表non- 非,无,不nonabsorbable ligature 非吸收结扎线nonabsorbable suture 非吸收缝线non-biological oscillator 非生物振荡器non-contact 无触点,非接触non-contact tonometer 非接触式眼压计non-invasive blood gas measurement 非侵入性血气测定仪,非创伤性血气测定仪noninvasive lood pressure monitor 无创伤性血压监察仪noninvasive measurement 无创伤性测量noninvasive temporary palemaker 无创伤性暂时起转器noninvasive testing 无创伤性检查nonlinear system 非线性系统non-metal 非金属non-mydriatic retinal camera 非散瞳式眼底照像机non-noxious stimulation 无害刺激。
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orotracheal intubation
1. inadequate oxygenation (decreased arterial po2, etc.) that is not corrected by supplemental oxygen supplied by mask or nasal prongs.
2. inadequate ventilation (increased arterial pco2).
3. need to control and remove pulmonary secretions (bronchial toilet).
4. need to provide airway protection in an obtunded patient or a patient with a depressed gag reflex (for example during a general anesthesia).
the following are only relative contraindications to tracheal intubation:
1. severe airway trauma or obstruction that does not permit safe passage of an endotracheal tube. emergency cricothyrotomy is indicated in such cases.
2. cervical spine injury, in which the need for complete immobilization of the cervical spine makes endotracheal intubation difficult.
preparing the procedure
when intubating a patient, there are certain bare essentials that must be present to ensure a safe intubation. they can be remembered by the mnemonic salt
suction. this is extremely important. often patients
will have material in the pharynx, making visualization of the vocal cords difficult. pulmonary aspiration should be avoided.airway. the oral airway is a device that lifts the tongue off the posterior pharynx, often making it easier to mask ventilate a patient. the inability to ventilate a
patient is bad. also a source of o2 with a delivery mechanism (ambu-bag and mask) must be available.
laryngoscope. this lighted tool is vital to placing an endotracheal tube.
tube. endotracheal tubes come in many sizes. in the average adult a size 7.0 or 8.0 oral endotracheal tube will work just fine.
equipment required
1. self-refilling bag-valve combination (eg, ambu bag) or bag-valve unit (ayres bag), connector, tubing, and oxygen source. assemble all items before attempting intubation.
2. laryngoscope with curved (macintosh type) and
straight (miller type) blades of a size appropriate for the patient.
3. endotracheal tubes of several different sizes. low-pressure, high-flow cuffed balloons are preferred.
4. oral airways.
5. tincture of benzoin and precut tape.
6. introducer (stylets or magill forceps).
7. suction apparatus (tonsil tip and catheter suction).
8. syringe, 10-ml, to inflate the cuff.
9. mucosal anesthetics (eg, 2% lidocaine)
10. water-soluble sterile lubricant.
11. gloves.
position of the patient
the height of the table where the patient is lied, should be adjusted so that the patient's face is at the level of the xiphoid cartilage of the standing person who is performing the procedure. elevating the patient's head about 10 cm with pads under the occiput and extension of the head at the atlanto-occipital joint (sniffing position) serve to align the oral, pharyngeal, and laryngeal axis, so that the passage from the lips to the glottic opening is almost a straight line. this position permits better visualization of the glottis and vocal cords and allows easier passage of the endotracheal tube. for children under 1 month of age, the head should be in a neutral position. see figure 1.figure 1:letter a shows the wrong and letter b shows the correct position of patient's head.
a. mask ventilation: (oxygen delivered with a face mask at a rate of 10-15 l/min.):。