Civil liberties and national__ interests




执法部门law-enforcingdepartments群众组织massorganizations保证将国家机关的工作置于社会的监督下toensuretheworksofstateorganizationsbeputundersocialsupervision深入开展反腐败斗争todeepentheanticorruptioncampaign廉正建设theconstructionofhonestadministering社会主义民主政治的核心是人民当家做主,真正享有法律赋予的各项民主权利.Theessenceandcoreofsocialistdemocraticpoliticsis thatthepeoplearethemastersandtheyreallyenjoyvariousdemocraticrightsendowedbylaws集体领导、民主集中、个别酝酿、会议决定collectiveleadership, democraticcentralism,case-specificconsultation,decisionthroughmeeting全心全意为人民服务、立党为公、执政为民servethepeopleheartandsoul,workforthepublicandassumespowerforthepeople社会主义制度socialistsystem社会变革socialtransformation建设有中国特色的社会主义事业thecauseofbuildingsocialismwithChinesecharacteristics中华民族的伟大复兴thegreatrejuvenationoftheChinesenation小康社会、小康生活well-to-dosociety,well-to-dolife四项基本原则FourCardinalPrinciples社会主义初级阶段theprimarystageofsocialism党管干部的原则theprincipleofthePartyassumingtheresponsibilityforcadres’affairs集体领导、民主集中、个别酝酿、会议决定collectiveleadership,democraticcentralism,case-specificconsultation,decisionthroughmeeting基本国策basicstatepolicy精神文明intellectualandideologicaldevelopment物质文明materialprogressc onstructionofacleangovernment廉政建设权利下放delegate/decentralizepowertothelowerlevelss ocialmorality人浮于事overstaffed社会风气社会风尚s ocialgraces;socialgraciousness物质文明materialprogress私abusepowerforpersonalgains以权谋与国际接轨gear⋯tointernationalconventions政企分开separategovernmentfunctionsfromenterprisemanagement 监督部门l aw-enforcingdepartmentsandsupervisory执法institutions中国国情China'sactualconditions综合国力theoverallnationalstrength遵纪守法observedisciplineandabidebythelaw改革开放reformandopenup(totheoutsideworld解放思想、实事求是e mancipatingthemind,seekingtruthfromthefacts全心全意为人民服务、立党为公、执政为民servethepeopleheartandsoul,workforthepublicandassumes powerforthepeople依法治国和以德治国theruleoflawandtheruleofvirtue社会主义物质文明和精神文明materialandspiritualcivilizations ofsocialism人民民主专政thepeople'sdemocraticdictatorship民主集中制、党内民主democraticcentralism,inner-Partydemocracy democraticdecision-making民主决策democraticelections民主选举democraticmanagement民主管理DemocraticProgressiveParty民进党democraticsupervision民主监督DengXiaopingtheory邓小平理论deputytotheNationalPeople'sCongress全国人大代表extensiveandprofound博大精深extravaganceandwaste铺张浪费falsification弄虚作假familyplanning计划生育federationsofindustry工商联梏fettersofsubjectivismandmetaphysics主观主义和形而上学的桎“台独”fightagainst"TaiwanIndependence"反对good-neighborlyrelationship睦邻友好governmentfunctions政府职能governmentinstitutions政府机构governmentintervention政府干预governmentorgans政府机构(have)agoodgovernmentandaunitedpeople政通人和historicbreakthrough历史性突破holdhighthegreatbannerofDengXiaopingtheory高举邓小平理论伟大旗帜honesty诚实守信honestyandhighefficiency廉洁高效HongKongAndMacaospecialadministrativeregions香港、澳门特别行政区ideologicalandmoraleducation思想道德建设intellectuals知识分子intensifyfunctions强化功能internationalorganizations国际性组织internationalsituation国际形势ironoutdifferences化解歧见keeppacewiththetimes与时俱进kingpin支撑long-termpeaceandorder长治久安long-termsocialstabilityandsolidarity长期社会安定团结MaoZedongthought毛泽东思想MarxismLeninism马克思列宁主义massorganizations人民团体mastersofthecountry当家作主materialandculturalneedsofthepeople人民的物质文化需要materialandspiritualcivilization物质文明和精神文明mediaandpublicitywork宣传舆论工作moralkingpin精神支撑morality,intelligence,physiqueandart德智体美nationalrejuvenationthroughscienceandeducation科教兴国nationalreunification祖国统一nationalspirit民族精神negotiationsonpeacefulreunification和平统一谈判neighborhoodcommittee居委会NPCmember人大代表ourcompatriotsinTaiwan台湾同胞patriotsfromallwalksoflife各界爱国人士patrioticdemocraticpersonages爱国民主人士patrioticunitedfront爱国统一战线peaceanddevelopment和平与发展peace,justiceandprogress和平,正义,进步proceedfromournationalconditions从我国国情出发promoteall-roundsocialprogress促进社会全面进步realmofideology意识形态领域reformandopening-up改革开放reform,developmentandstability改革发展稳定rule(run)thecountrybylaw依法治国rule(run)thecountrybyvirtue以德治国runningtheparty,stateandarmy治党治国治军survivalanddevelopment生存和发展sustainabledevelopment可持续发展systemofregionalethnicautonomy民族区域自治制度theChinesepeopleofallethnicgroups全国各族人民thegreatrejuvenationoftheChinesenation中华民族的伟大复兴thepeopleofallsocialstrata社会各阶层人们theprovincialandmunicipal(prefectural)governments省、市(地)两级地方政府twoconferences(NPCandCPPCC)两会(人大,政协)unified,open,competitiveandorderly统一、开放、竞争、有序vigilanceagainstrisks抗风险能力vitality,creativityandcohesionofanation民族的生命力、创造力和凝聚力citizens'participationinpoliticalaffairs公民政治参与civicduty公民职责civilrights/civilliberties公民权利、自由civilservants公务员。



关于隐私泄露和隐私保护的英语作文Privacy has become an increasingly important issue in the digital age as technology continues to advance and data collection becomes more prevalent. The rise of social media, online shopping, and various other digital platforms has led to a vast amount of personal information being shared and stored online. While this data can be useful for businesses and individuals, it also poses significant risks in terms of privacy breaches and the potential for misuse of sensitive information.One of the primary concerns regarding privacy is the issue of data breaches. As more and more personal and financial information is stored electronically, cybercriminals have found numerous ways to gain unauthorized access to this data. Data breaches can lead to the theft of sensitive information, such as credit card numbers, social security numbers, and personal addresses, which can then be used for identity theft, financial fraud, and other malicious activities. This can have devastating consequences for the victims, who may face significant financial and emotional distress as a result.Another major concern is the collection and use of personal data by companies and organizations. Many businesses collect large amounts of data about their customers, including browsing history, purchase habits, and demographic information. While this data can be used to improve products and services, it also raises questions about how this information is being stored, secured, and used. There have been numerous instances of companies misusing or failing to properly protect customer data, leading to privacy breaches and a loss of trust from the public.In addition to data breaches and corporate data collection, there is also the issue of government surveillance and the potential for abuse of power. Many governments around the world have implemented various forms of mass surveillance, often in the name of national security or public safety. This has led to concerns about the erosion of civil liberties and the potential for abuse of power by those in authority.To address these privacy concerns, there have been various efforts to implement stronger privacy protections and regulations. One of the most prominent examples is the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which came into effect in 2018. The GDPR sets strict standards for how companies and organizations must handle and protect personal data, with significant penalties for non-compliance.In the United States, there have been similar efforts to strengthen privacy laws, such as the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and the proposed federal privacy legislation known as the American Data Privacy and Protection Act. These laws aim to give individuals more control over their personal data and impose stricter requirements on companies regarding data collection, storage, and use.However, despite these efforts, there are still significant challenges in ensuring effective privacy protection. One of the main challenges is the rapid pace of technological change, which can outpace the development of new laws and regulations. Additionally, there are concerns about the potential for government overreach and the use of surveillance technologies for political purposes.To address these challenges, it is essential that individuals, businesses, and governments work together to develop comprehensive and effective privacy protection measures. This may include the implementation of stronger data security protocols, the development of more transparent data collection and usage practices, and the establishment of clear guidelines and oversight mechanisms to ensure that personal information is being handled responsibly and ethically.Furthermore, it is crucial that individuals take an active role inprotecting their own privacy. This may involve being more cautious about the information they share online, using strong passwords and two-factor authentication, and regularly reviewing and updating their privacy settings on various digital platforms.In conclusion, the issue of privacy breaches and privacy protection is a complex and multifaceted challenge that requires a collaborative effort from all stakeholders. As technology continues to evolve and the amount of personal data being collected and stored continues to grow, it is essential that we prioritize the protection of individual privacy and work to ensure that the benefits of technological progress are not outweighed by the risks of privacy violations and data misuse.。



英国概况复习题英国概况复习题(5题×4’)Explain the following terms1. Norman Conquest:(1)Duke William of Normandy set sail across the English Channel on 28th September 1066, with a fleet of knights, archers and horses.(2) He was crowned King of England, established a Norman aristocracy.(3) The conquest of England ushered in a new era in English history with the introduction of feudalism.2. Magna Carta(1) Magna Carta for Great Charter’, is the most famous document of British constitutional history, issued by King John in 1215.(2) The purpose of it was to insure the rights of the Church and the customs of the town, to curb the king’s exploitation of the tax system and financial privileges and to guarantee that the king could not encroach on baronial privileges.(3)Magna Carta is a landmark in English constitutional history.3. The Hundred Years War(1) The Hundred Years’ War broke out between England and France in 1337, and it lasted until 1453.(2) Bordeaux was in French hands.(3) England ceased thinking of itself as a continental power and began to develop its own identity and culture.4. Glorious Revolution(1) Leading politicians invited William of Orange, Mary’shusband and ruler of the Netherlands, to invade England with Dutch forces and restore English liberties.(2) William and Mary became joint rulers of England after accepting whatbecame known as the Bill of Rights.(3) The Bill of Rights stated that no Roman Catholic would rule England; it gave inviolable civil and political rights to the people and political superemacy to Parliament.5. Tripartite System(1) Tripartite system was an educational system of Britain Act 1944.(2) It was divided into three parts: secondary modern, technical and grammar schools.(3)It was abolished in 1960s.6. GCSEIt was the General Certificate of Secondary Education, and was taken at the end of compulsory education at the age of 16. Any number of individual subjects may be taken. It replaces the former O-level and GSE examination.7. welfare state(1) It can be defined as ‘ a state with a government which assumes responsibility for the well-being of its citizens throughout life, through a range of interventions in the market economy.(2) The welfare state would aim to offer its citizens: a life with certain specified standards of living which it considers reasonable and possible for all, and protection against the unexpected hazards of life.8. NHSA short form for national health service. It was established in1947 for all to receive free diagnosis, treatment and hospitalization when necessary.9.absolute povertyAbsolute poverty is defined as calculating what income is required byfamilies of different sizes to provide the minimum of food, clothing (second-hand) and shelter needed for the maintenance of merely physical health.10.mixed economy(1) Mixed economy is an economy in which there is some public ownership as well as privately owned business.(2) Britain has mixed economy.11.civil libertiesThe freedom to organise politically,The freedom to speechThe freedom to the pressThe equality of all people under the law12.the civil serviceThe civil service is non-political. It consists of Permanent officials employed by government. The functions of civil service are to advise ministers and implement policy and top officials popularly known as ‘mandarins’.13.the rule of lawEverybody is subject to the law.Laws must not be arbitrary.There is only one body of law.The rights of the individual are to be respected.14. common law(1) This is law as decided by judges, their decisions in cases being arrived at after considering the customs and practices ofthe people involved.(2) English law has a long history, much of it being derived.15. the juryThe jury represents the people and its drawn from a cross-section of the public.The jury consists of twelve lay people who are selected at random.In court the jury cannot ask questions, the role of the jury is to listen impartially to the evidence from all sides.After the judge sums up all the evidence at the end of a trial, the jury retire from the court and consider their verdict in private. When they have reached a unanimous agreement of either guilty or not guilty they return to the court and give their verdict to the judge.Answer the following essay questions1. Why is the reign of Elizabeth called Golden Age?1)She reestablished Anglicanism.2)Important legislation enacted in her reign included stabilization of labor conditions, currency reform, poor laws, and acts to encourage agriculture, commerce, and manufacturing.3)British Navy, the defeat of the Armada.2. What is the effect of The Wars of Roses?1)Henry Tudor established the Tudor House.2)marriage to Edward IV’s daughter Elizabeth united the house of Lancaster and Yoke.3)ended feudalism in England.3. What are the basic features of Britain’s economy?1)Britain has a well-developed economy,also a mixed economy.2)Lack of raw materials.3)It is heavily depend on the export and import in its trade.4)Self-sufficient in energy since 19805)Manufacturing continues to play an important role, but services count for most of GDP.4. Describe the educational changes in Britain.1)Before 1870 education was voluntary and many of the existing schools had been set up by churches.2)From 1870, in response to changes brought about by the industrial revolution and movements for social and political reform, the government started to take responsibility for education.3)It was not until the Education Act 1944 that all children were given the right to free secondary education.4)Comprehensive schools were introduced in the 1960s.5)The Education Reform Act 1988 provided for: the establishment of a National Curriculum for 5 to 6 year-olds and regular examinations, the introduction of city technology colleges, more power being given to schools to run their own affairs.第五大题1.Church took after the poor and orphans.2.A harsher system of relief was introducted.3.National insurance schemes were established. Enable some people to cove retirement and medical costs.4.Most radical and widespread reforms based on Beveridge Report.5.Benifit system tigened up private provision of pension and medical costs encouraged.6.cost to paying for poor relief considered too burdensome7.discourage people from applying for relief. Staying in workhourses. Responsible for their own condition.8.only part of people9.too expensive10.people want to be more speading on the sick and disabled and wanted to more benifts for retired people1. non-political,Formal Head of State and Commomealth, Elizabath II2.Prime Minister,Ministers Secretaries of state political heads of government department(all MPS)3.political,House of Commons(MPS). House of Lard(hereditary,life peers)4.Lord chancellor,a leading Law Lord appointed by the Prime Minister5.non-political,employed by government,mandariws6.1)No longer exercise political pocoer.a symbolic one2)presides over the state opening of partionment3)give Royal Assent of agreement of any new law4)keep in touch with government with Prime Minister7.1)Prime Minister choose the Cabinet2)minister are responsible for their particular government department3)tollevtive cabinet responsibility.Once the cabinet has decide upon a policy all plinister will speak in support.8.1)make new laws2)approve amend reject laws3)debate national and international affair4)limie and examine the government(expenditure)public interest9.1)house of lord is the highest court2)put the laws into practice3)deal with cases according to the law10.1)officials sever the elected political governments2)Top civil serionment offer advice about the possible consequences of poicy3)responsible for implementing the polities that the government,withparliament’s approval,decides to pursue。



行政管理专业专用词汇英汉对照行政管理专业专用词汇英汉对照1. administration 行政管理2. administrative procedures 行政程序3. administrative law 行政法4. administrative agency 行政机关5. administrative discretion 行政裁量权6. administrative tribunal 行政法庭7. administrative appeal 行政申诉8. administrative enforcement 行政执法9. administrative inspection 行政检查10. administrative supervision 行政监督11. administrative sanction 行政处罚12. administrative punishment 行政处分13. administrative contract 行政合同14. administrative order 行政命令15. administrative document 行政文件16. administrative rule 行政规则17. administrative regulation 行政法规18. administrative decision 行政决定19. administrative act 行政行为20. administrative power 行政权力21. administrative responsibility 行政责任22. administrative accountability 行政问责制23. public administration 公共行政24. public management 公共管理25. public policy 公共政策26. public finance 公共财政27. public service 公共服务28. public interest 公共利益29. public participation 公众参与30. public opinion 公众舆论31. public relations 公共关系32. public image 公共形象33. public trust 公共信任34. civil administration 民政35. civil service 公务员36. civil society 民间社会37. civil society organization 民间社会组织38. civil rights 公民权利39. civil liberties 公民自由40. civil law 民法41. civil liability 民事责任42. civil procedure 民事诉讼程序43. civil judgment 民事判决44. civil execution 民事执行45. civil mediation 民事调解46. civil arbitration 民事仲裁47. civil compensation 民事赔偿48. civil contract 民事合同49. civil code 民法典50. social administration 社会管理51. social policy 社会政策52. social welfare 社会福利53. social security 社会保障54. social insurance 社会保险55. social assistance 社会救助56. social work 社会工作57. social welfare organization 社会福利组织58. social responsibility 社会责任59. economic administration 经济管理60. economic policy 经济政策61. economic reform 经济改革62. economic development 经济发展63. economic growth 经济增长64. economic efficiency 经济效率65. economic globalization 经济全球化66. economic integration 经济一体化67. economic competition 经济竞争68. economic cooperation 经济合作69. economic integration 经济一体化70. economic regulation 经济调节71. economic supervision 经济监管72. economic security 经济安全73. economic law 经济法74. economic analysis 经济分析75. environmental administration 环境管理76. environmental policy 环境政策77. environmental protection 环境保护78. environmental education 环境教育79. environmental impact assessment 环境影响评价80. environmental auditing 环境审计81. environmental compensation 环保赔偿82. resources administration 资源管理83. resources policy 资源政策84. resources development 资源开发85. natural resources 自然资源86. land resources 土地资源87. mineral resources 矿产资源88. water resources 水资源89. forest resources 林业资源90. energy resources 能源资源91. technological administration 科技管理92. technological policy 科技政策93. technological innovation 科技创新94. technological upgrading 科技升级95. technological transfer 科技转移96. intellectual property 知识产权97. patent 专利98. trademark 商标99. copyright 版权100. information administration 信息管理101. information technology 信息技术102. information security 信息安全103. information management 信息管理104. information system 信息系统105. information resource 信息资源106. information network 信息网络107. information society 信息社会108. information industry 信息产业109. tourism administration 旅游管理110. tourism policy 旅游政策111. tourism development 旅游开发112. tourism marketing 旅游营销113. tourism service 旅游服务114. tourism product 旅游产品115. tourism resource 旅游资源116. tourism infrastructure 旅游基础设施117. legal administration 法律管理118. legal education 法律教育119. legal service 法律服务120. legal aid 法律援助121. legal advice 法律咨询122. legal assistance 法律协助123. legal liability 法律责任124. legal procedure 法律程序125. legal system 法律体系126. legal philosophy 法学哲学127. legal history 法律史128. legal theory 法律理论129. international administration 国际管理130. international law 国际法131. international relations 国际关系132. international organization 国际组织133. international cooperation 国际合作134. international negotiation 国际谈判135. international communication 国际交流136. international development 国际发展137. international trade 国际贸易138. international investment 国际投资139. diplomatic administration 外交管理140. diplomatic immunity 外交豁免141. diplomatic protocol 外交礼仪142. consular service 领事服务143. embassy 大使馆144. consulate 领事馆145. visa 签证146. passport 护照147. military administration 军事管理148. military strategy 军事战略149. military tactics 军事战术150. military organization 军队组织151. military logistics 军事后勤152. military intelligence 军事情报153. military diplomacy 军事外交154. military law 军事法律155. military training 军事训练156. disaster administration 灾害管理157. disaster prevention 灾害防治158. disaster relief 灾害救援159. emergency response 应急响应160. emergency management 应急管理161. emergency preparedness 应急准备162. public safety 公共安全163. national security 国家安全164. social stability 社会稳定165. public health 公共卫生166. healthcare administration 医疗管理167. healthcare policy 医疗政策168. healthcare reform 医疗改革169. healthcare service 医疗服务170. healthcare insurance 医疗保险171. healthcare resource 医疗资源172. healthcare system 医疗体系173. nursing care 护理照料174. disease prevention 疾病预防175. health inspection 卫生检查176. health education 卫生教育177. health promotion 卫生促进178. health management 卫生管理179. health statistics 卫生统计180. health research 卫生研究181. food safety 食品安全182. drug administration 药品管理183. traditional Chinese medicine 中药学184. public transport 公共交通185. urban transport 城市交通186. transportation policy 交通政策187. transportation planning 交通规划188. transportation infrastructure 交通基础设施189. transportation service 交通服务190. transportation safety 交通安全191. transportation efficiency 交通效率192. transportation network 交通网193. transportation technology 交通技术194. transportation economics 交通经济195. transportation law 交通法律196. education administration 教育管理197. education policy 教育政策198. education reform 教育改革199. education system 教育体系200. education curriculum 教育课程201. education quality 教育质量202. education investment 教育投资203. education administration organization 教育管理机构204. higher education 高等教育205. vocational education 职业教育206. adult education 成人教育207. special education 特殊教育208. private education 私立教育209. foreign education 国外教育210. cultural administration 文化管理211. cultural policy 文化政策212. cultural heritage 文化遗产213. cultural relics 文物214. cultural industry 文化产业215. cultural exchange 文化交流216. cultural diversity 文化多样性217. cultural identity 文化认同218. cultural construction 文化建设219. cultural innovation 文化创新220. sports administration 体育管理221. sports policy 体育政策222. sports events 体育赛事223. sports facility 体育设施224. sports coaching 体育教练225. sports medicine 体育医学226. sports science 体育科学227. media management 媒体管理228. media policy 媒体政策229. media regulation 媒体监管230. media ethics 媒体伦理231. media literacy 媒体素养232. media technology 媒体技术233. media convergence 媒体融合234. media industry 媒体产业235. media globalization 媒体全球化236. public opinion survey 舆情调查237. propaganda administration 宣传管理238. propaganda policy 宣传政策239. propaganda campaign 宣传活动240. cultural propaganda 文化宣传241. news propaganda 新闻宣传242. education propaganda 教育宣传243. science and technology propaganda 科技宣传244. tourism propaganda 旅游宣传245. environmental propaganda 环境宣传246. health propaganda 卫生宣传247. public service advertising 公益广告248. public relations management 公共关系管理249. public relations strategy 公共关系战略250. crisis management 危机管理251. stakeholder management 利益相关者管理252. investor relations 投资者关系253. community relations 社区关系254. employee relations 员工关系255. media relations 媒体关系256. government relations 政府关系257. corporate social responsibility 企业社会责任258. management science 管理科学259. management theory 管理理论260. management method 管理方法261. management technique 管理技术262. management practice 管理实践263. management innovation 管理创新264. management education 管理教育265. strategic management 战略管理266. operation management 运营管理267. marketing management 市场营销管理268. financial management 财务管理269. human resource management 人力资源管理270. information management 信息管理271. technology management 技术管理272. project management 项目管理273. quality management 质量管理274. risk management 风险管理275. innovation management 创新管理276. knowledge management 知识管理277. performance management 绩效管理278. decision-making 决策279. planning 计划280. organizing 组织281. staffing 人力资源管理282. directing 领导283. controlling 控制284. delegation 授权285. motivation 激励286. leadership 领导力287. communication 沟通288. teamwork 团队合作289. conflict management 冲突管理290. time management 时间管理291. stress management 压力管理292. coaching 教练293. mentoring 导师294. supervision 监督295. evaluation 评估296. feedback 反馈297. decision support 决策支持298. software engineering 软件工程299. network engineering 网络工程300. system analysis 系统分析总结:以上行政管理专业专用词汇英汉对照,涵盖了行政管理学科及相关领域中的重要术语,涉及到的范围比较广泛,子项也比较多,如果有需要真正用到某个领域的术语,需要进一步熟悉该领域专业知识,并结合实际情况进行运用。



西方与东方的道德价值观英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1The differences in moral values between the East and the West have been a topic of debate and discussion for centuries. While both regions have developed rich traditions and philosophies that guide their ethical beliefs, there are distinct differences in the way these values are prioritized and expressed. In this essay, I will explore some key aspects of Western and Eastern moral values and how they influence individuals and societies.One of the fundamental differences between Western and Eastern moral values is the emphasis on individualism versus collectivism. In Western societies, individual rights and freedoms are often seen as paramount, with an emphasis on personal autonomy and self-expression. This focus on the individual is reflected in the emphasis on personal responsibility and the importance of personal achievement.In contrast, Eastern societies often prioritize the needs of the community over those of the individual. Collectivism is a keyaspect of Eastern moral values, with an emphasis on harmony, cooperation, and social cohesion. In these societies, individuals are expected to prioritize the needs of the group over their own desires, and to work towards the common good.Another key difference between Western and Eastern moral values is the emphasis on duty and obligation. In Western societies, moral values are often based on principles of justice and fairness, with a focus on individual rights and responsibilities. Individuals are expected to act in accordance with these principles, and to uphold moral norms and standards.In Eastern societies, moral values are often based on concepts of duty and hierarchy. Individuals are expected to fulfill their obligations to their family, community, and society, and to respect authority figures and traditional norms. The emphasis on duty and obligation is often tied to concepts of karma or fate, with individuals expected to accept and fulfill their roles in life.The differences in moral values between the East and the West can be seen in a variety of areas, including attitudes towards gender, marriage, and social justice. For example, Western societies have made significant progress in promoting gender equality and LGBTQ rights, while Eastern societies may still hold more traditional views on these issues. Similarly,Western societies may prioritize individual rights and civil liberties, while Eastern societies may prioritize social harmony and stability.Despite these differences, it is important to recognize that both Western and Eastern moral values have valuable insights to offer. By engaging with the diverse perspectives and traditions of different cultures, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of their own moral beliefs and values, and develop a more nuanced and inclusive worldview.In conclusion, the differences in moral values between the East and the West reflect the diverse cultural traditions and philosophies that have shaped these regions over centuries. By exploring and engaging with these differences, individuals can gain a deeper appreciation for the richness and complexity of human moral values, and work towards a more inclusive and harmonious global society.篇2Western and Eastern Ethical ValuesEthical values are the principles that guide individuals and communities in their behavior and decision-making processes. These values are shaped by cultural, religious, and social factors,leading to differences in ethical frameworks across different regions of the world. Western and Eastern societies represent two distinct cultural spheres with unique ethical values that have been shaped by their respective histories, religions, and philosophical traditions.In the Western world, ethical values are often influenced by Judeo-Christian traditions, Enlightenment philosophy, and human rights principles. Individualism, autonomy, and equality are commonly upheld as key ethical values in Western societies. The emphasis on individual rights and freedoms has led to the development of ethical frameworks that prioritize personal choice, privacy, and self-determination. For example, the concept of human rights, as enshrined in documents like the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, reflects Western values of dignity, equality, and freedom for all individuals.On the other hand, Eastern societies, such as those in East Asia, are influenced by Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism, which highlight values such as harmony, filial piety, andself-cultivation. Collectivism, social harmony, and respect for authority are prominent ethical values in Eastern cultures. Confucian ethics, for example, emphasize the importance of social roles, responsibilities, and relationships in fostering aharmonious society. Filial piety, or respect for one's parents and ancestors, is considered a core virtue in many East Asian societies, reflecting the values of loyalty, obedience, and interconnectedness within the family unit.Despite these differences, Western and Eastern ethical values also share common themes and principles. Both traditions emphasize the importance of virtues such as honesty, compassion, courage, and justice in guiding ethical behavior. The Golden Rule, which encourages individuals to treat others as they would like to be treated, is a universal ethical principle that is found in various cultural and religious traditions around the world.Furthermore, globalization and modernization have led to the cross-pollination of ethical values between Western and Eastern societies. In today's interconnected world, people are exposed to diverse cultural influences through media, technology, and international interactions, leading to the adoption of new ethical perspectives and norms. For example, the concept of human rights has gained traction in many Eastern countries as a universal standard for promoting social justice and equality.In conclusion, Western and Eastern societies have distinct ethical values that are shaped by their unique cultural, religious, and philosophical traditions. While there are differences in how ethical values are understood and practiced in these two cultural spheres, common themes of virtue, compassion, and justice are shared across Western and Eastern ethical frameworks. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, there is a growing recognition of the need to promote dialogue and understanding between different cultural and ethical traditions in order to address global challenges and promote mutual respect and cooperation.篇3Western and Eastern Moral ValuesThroughout the history of human civilization, different regions and cultures have developed their own unique sets of moral values. Among the most well-known are the Western and Eastern moral values, which are rooted in the philosophical traditions of their respective regions. While both have their merits and drawbacks, understanding the differences between Western and Eastern moral values can provide valuable insights into the diversity of human beliefs and behaviors.Western moral values are often derived from theJudeo-Christian tradition, which emphasizes individual rights and responsibilities, the importance of law and justice, and the sanctity of human life. These values are typically characterized by a focus on individualism, personal autonomy, and the pursuit of happiness and success. Western moral values also place a strong emphasis on rationality, empirical evidence, and critical thinking as the basis for ethical decision-making.In contrast, Eastern moral values are often rooted in the teachings of Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism, which emphasize harmony, balance, and interconnectedness with the natural world. Eastern moral values are usually characterized by a focus on collectivism, social harmony, and the importance of relationships and community. Eastern moral values also stress the importance of humility, selflessness, and compassion as essential virtues for living a virtuous and fulfilling life.One of the key differences between Western and Eastern moral values is their perspective on the self and the individual's relationship to society. In Western cultures, the self is often seen as a distinct and autonomous entity, separate from others and responsible for its own actions and choices. This can lead to a greater emphasis on personal freedom, individual rights, and thepursuit of self-interest. In contrast, in Eastern cultures, the self is viewed as interconnected with others and the larger social fabric, leading to a greater emphasis on community, cooperation, and social harmony.Another difference between Western and Eastern moral values is their approach to ethics and moral reasoning. Western moral values tend to be more rule-based and focused on the consequences of actions, with a strong emphasis on rights, duties, and justice. In contrast, Eastern moral values are often more virtue-based and focused on the cultivation of moral character, with an emphasis on inner qualities such as compassion, humility, and wisdom.Despite these differences, both Western and Eastern moral values share many common principles, such as the importance of honesty, respect for others, and a commitment to social justice. By understanding and appreciating the diversity of moral values across different cultures, we can cultivate a more inclusive and comprehensive understanding of ethics and morality. Ultimately, the richness and complexity of human moral values reflect the diversity and richness of human experiences and traditions.。


spring equinox 春分 regimental 军团的 trooping the color 每年英国女王生日之际在白金汉宫前举行的盛大检阅庆祝活动
guy fawkes night 盖伊.福克斯之夜 conspirator 阴谋者 bonfire 篝火
chapter six literature
constituencies 选区 life peers 爵位不能世袭的终身贵族 general election 普选 primacy 首位
ratification 批准 scrutinize 仔细检查 motion of no confidence 不信任案 estimates and budget 概预算
sermon 布道 sonnet 十四行诗 lord chamberlain's men 张伯伦勋爵剧团 king's men 国王剧团 globe theater 环球剧院
blackfrairs theater 黑衣修士剧院 upheavals 剧变 meditative 沉思的 obscurity 隐匿 high-minded 高尚的 progenitors 创始人 introspection 自省
comprehensive school 综合学校 grammar school 文法学校 eton and winchester 伊顿公学和温彻斯特公学
general certificate of secondary education 普通中等教育证书 sixth form 第六级学院
general certificate of education—advanced 普通教育高级证书 general national vocational qualifications 国家通用职业资格证书



政治学专用词汇一院制 Unicameral一党制国家 One—party States人权 Human rights人权宣言 Declarations of the Rights of Man and the Citizen工会 Trade unions下议院 House of Commons上议院 House of Lords个人主义 Individualism女权主义 Feminism马列主义 Marxism—Leninism马克思主义 Marxism马基雅维里主义 Machiavelli王权 Crown无产阶级 Proletariat无产阶专政Dictatorship of the proletariat 无政府主义 Anarchism专制 Despotism专制政府/绝对专制主义Absolute government/absolutism 中央与地方的关系Central/Local relations分权 Separation of powers公共行政 Public administration公民权利 Civil rights公民自由 Civil liberties正义 Justice可审判性 Justiciability平等 Equality奴隶制 Slavery占统治地位的党 Dominant party代表 Delegate代议员 Representative代议制政府 Representative government代表制 Representation主权 Sovereignty市民社会 Civil society市(镇)长 Major立宪主义 Constitutionalism立宪政体 Constitutional government立法机关 Legislatures 立法否决 Legislative veto立法委员会 Legislative committees立法起草 Legislative drafting半总统制 Semi-presidential systems议长 Speaker议会制度 Parliamentary system司法机构 Judiciary司法行政官 Magistrate司法审查 Judicial review民主 Democracy民主党 Democratic Party民主集中制 Democratic centralism民意测验 Opinion polls共产党 Communist Parties共和国 Republic机构/制度 Institution权力 Power权利 Rights权利法案 Bill of rights权威 Authority妇女选举权Women’s suffrage地方长官 Prefect地方政府 Local government地方政府财政 Local government finance 地方政治 Local politics同意 Consent同意投票 Approval voting团体理论 Group theory邦联 Confederation邦联条例 Articles of Confederation自由 Freedom自由党 Liberal parties自由裁量权 Discretion自决 Self-determination自治 Self-government自治领 Dominion行为主义 Behaviouralism行政 Administration行政机关 Executives行政委员 Administrative board行政法庭 Administrative tribunal行政法院 Administrative court州长 Governor多元主义 Pluralism多元社会 Plural society多头制 Polyarchy多数派政府 Majority government多数统治 Majority rule决策 Decision making决策理论 Decision theory农奴制 Serfdom阶层/阶级 Class麦迪逊,詹姆斯 Madison,James苏格拉底 Socrates极权主义 Totalitarianism否决权 Veto投票 Voting投票率 Turnout护宪 Entrenchment财产权 Property利益 Interests利益表达与聚合Interest articulation and aggregation 利益集团 Interest group言论,表达和出版自由Freedom of speech,expression,and the press社区/共同体 Community社团主义 Corporatism社会主义 Socialism社会民主主义 Social democracy社会契约论 Social contract君主制 Monarchy责任 Responsibility责任政府 Responsible government直接民主 Direct democracy直接行动 Direct action托马斯.杰斐逊 Thomas.Jefferson欧洲议会 European Parliament欧洲共同体 European Community歧视 Discrimination国际法 International Law国家 State国家元首 Head of state国家消亡 Withering away of the state 国家财政危机 Fiscal crisis of the state 非暴力反抗 Civil disobedience非暴力行为 Non-violent action制定法 Statute Law制衡 Checks and balance委任 Patronage委员会 Commission质询 Interpellation法 Law法令 Act法官 Judge法治 Rule of law法律的正当程序 Due process of law法案,议案 Bill宗教自由 Freedom of religion审判 Adjudication审查制度 Censorship官僚制/官僚 Bureaucracy实证主义 Positivism封建主义 Feudalism革命和反革命Revolution and counter-revolution 政体 Polity政纲 platform政变Coup D’etat政府 Government政府组成过程Government formation process政府首脑 Head of government政府调查 Public inquiry政治 Politics政治义务 Political obligation政治文化 Political culture政治中的种族问题 Race in politics政治心理学 Political psychology政治发展 Political development政治行动委员会(美国)Political action committee政治行为研究 Political behaviour政治地理学 Political geography政治权力 Political power政治局(及常务委员会)Politburo(and Pesidium)政治沟通 Political communication政治体系/政治系统 Political system政治参与 Political participation政治财政 Political finance政治科学 Political science政治社会化 Political socialization政治社会学 Political sociology政治学的定量方法Quantitative methods in politics 政治态度 Political attitudes政治腐败 Political corruption政治继承 Political succession政治理论 Political theory政治暴力 Political violence政治影响 Political influence政治整合/政治一体化Political integratio 政党分赃制 Spoils system政党认同 Party identification政党代表大会 Party convention政党功能 Parties,political:functions of 政党组织 Party organization政党核心集团 Machine政党秘密会议 Caucus政策分析 Policy analysis政策实施 Implementation政策输出研究 Policy output studies城市政府 City government城邦国家 City state贵族/贵族制 Aristocracy思想库 Think tank守政府 Caretaker government选区 Constituency选民登记 Registration of electors选择投票 Ticket-splitting选择领导 Leadership selection选举 Elections选举团 Electoral college选举纲领 Election program选举制度 Electoral system选票 Ballot重农主义 Physiocracy重划选区 Redistribution重商主义 Mercantilism 种族灭绝 Genocide种族主义 Racism种族隔离 Apartheid顺从 Deference保守主义 Conservatism保守党 Conservative parties保护主义 Clientelism修正主义 Revisionism独立机构 Independent agency独立宣言 Declaration of Independence独裁主义,权威主义 Authoritarianism独裁制 Autocracy帝国 Empire帝国主义 Imperialism美国革命 American Revolution美国国会 Congress美国辉格党 Whig:U.S.首相(总理)/首相(总理)制政府Prime ministerPrime ministerial government总统,总统制President/Presidential system总罢工 General strike总督 Governor-General派别 Faction咨询和同意 Advice and consent宣传 Propaganda宪法 Constitutional law宪法规约 Convention of the constitution 宪法/宪政Constitution/constitutionalism 神权政治 Theocracy神授王权 Divine right of kings费边主义 Fabianism绝对专制主义 Absolutism统治阶级 Ruling class统治能力 Governability恐怖 Terror恐怖主义 Terrorism格劳修斯 Grotius监护 Tutelage监察专员 Ombudsman党派首领 Boss罢免 Recall恩格斯 Engels缺席投票 Absence voting特权 Prerogative特许状 Charter秘密警察 Secret police倒台与政权更迭Breakdown and regime change候选人选择 candidate selection爱国主义 Patriotism被保护国 Protectorate竞争性政党制度 Competitive party system 竞选运动 Election campaign部门 Department部长,部 Minister/Ministry部长会议 Council of Ministers准司法 Quasi-judicial准--非政府组织 Quango资历制 Seniority资产阶级 Bourgeoisie资本主义 Capitalism浮动投票人Floating vote浪漫主义 Romanticism宽容 Toleration家长型控制 Paternalism调查委员会 Select committee预算,预算编制 Budget/Budgeting陪审团 Jury理性 Rationality理性选择方法 Rational choice教权主义 Clericalism教会与国家 Church and State基本权利 Fundamental right基层党组织 Primary party organization 职能代表 Functional representation授权立法 Delegated legislation授权学说 Mandate theory常设委员会 Standing committee累计投票 Cumulative vote唯心主义 Idealism领导 Leadership第二院,上议院 Second chambers康德 Kant混合政府 Mixed government 弹劾 Impeachment隐私 Privacy殖民统治 Colonial government联合,联合政府Coalition/Coalition government 联合民主 Consociational democracy联合国 United Nations联邦制 Federalism联邦党人文集 Federalist Papers联盟,联合 League超载 Overload超国家政府 Supranational government 博爱 Fraternity斯大林 Stalin斯宾诺莎 Spinoza亚当.斯密 Adam.Smith最低下限 Droop quota最高行政法院 Conseil d’A etat最高法院 Supreme court黑格尔 Hegal辉格党与托利党 Whigs and Tories等级 Estates集体主义 Collectivism集体行动 Collective action集体领导 Collective leadership集合理论 Coalition theory街区选举,集团投票 Block vote普通法 Common law游说 Lobbying雇主组织Employer’s organization强制性投票 Compulsory voting鼓励性行动 Affirmative action马丁.路德 Martin.Luther解散议会 Dissolution of parliament 意识形态 Ideology新左派 New Left新右派 New Right新政 New deal新教政党 Protestant parties福利国家 Welfare state群众性政党 Mass membership party僭主制/暴政 Tyranny寡头制 Oligarchy寡头政治铁律 Iron law of oligarchy 精英,精英主义 Elites,Elitism精英理论 Doctrine of elites腐败选区 Rotten borough弊政 Maladministration熊彼特 Schumpeter影子内阁 Shadow cabinet暴力 Violence潘恩 Paine 霍布斯 Hobbes穆勒 Mill激进主义 Radicalism激进政党 Radical parties整体主义 Holism辩证法 Dialectic辩证唯物主义 Dialectical materialism 警察 Police警察国家 Police state。



Dieter GrimmListe für China1. Constitutions, Constitutional Courts and Constitutional Interpretation at the Interface of Law and Politicsin: B. Iancu (ed.), The Law/Politics Distinction in Contemporary AdjudicationUtrecht 2009, S. 21 – 34(constitutional courts at the interface of law and politics 08-2008.doc)2. Constitutional Adjudication and Democracyin: M. Andenas (Hrsg.), Judical Review in International PerspectiveLiber Amicorum in Honour of Lord Slynn of Hadley Band IIDen Haag 2000, S. 103(constitutional adjudication lib.pdf)3. Political Parties(political parties engl fuer yale 07-2006)4. Levels of the Rule of Law(Levels of the rule of law final 15-12-09.doc)5. The Development towards a Rights-Oriented Legal Culture in Europe(rights-oriented legal culture china 03-2007.doc)6. Human Rights and Judicial Review in Germanyin: D. Beatty (Hrsg.), Human Rights and Judicial Review, Dordrecht 1994, S. 267(grimm human rights.pdf)7. Values in German Constitutional Law, Dennis Davis u.a. (Hrsg.) - noch nicht erschienen, (values in german const law Aenderungen 20-04-09.doc)8. Proportionality in Canadian and German Constitutional Jurisprudencein: University of Toronto Law Journal 57 (2007), S. 383 – 397(proportionality printversion 30-01-07.doc)9. The Protective Function of the Statein: G. Nolte (Hrsg.), European and US Constitutionalism, Cambridge (England) 2005,S. 137 – 155(protective function of the state 12-2004.doc)10. Civil Liberties in an Age of Terror( GrimmConstitutions, Constitutional Courts and Constitutional Interpretation at the Interface of Lawand PoliticsI.1. Before the end of World War II constitutional courts or courts with constitutional jurisdiction werea rarity. Although constitutions had been in place long before, a worldwide demand for constitutionaladjudication arose only after the experiences with the many totalitarian systems of the 20th century. The post-totalitarian constitutional assemblies regarded judicial review as the logical consequence ofconstitutionalism. In a remarkable judgment the Israeli Supreme Court said in 1995: "Judicial reviewis the soul of the constitution itself. Strip the constitution of judicial review and you have removed its very life… It is therefore no wonder that judicial re view is now developing. The majority of enlightened democratic states have judicial review… The Twentieth Century is the century of judicial review." (United Mizrahi Bank Ltd. v. Migdal Village, Civil Appeal No. 6821/93, decided 1995). Based on this universal trend the Israeli Court claimed the power of judicial review although it had not been explicitly endowed with it in the constitution.Yet, just as the transition from absolute rule to constitutionalism had modified the relationship between law and politics, this relationship was now modified by the establishment of constitutional courts. As long as law was regarded as being of divine origin politics were submitted to law. Political power derived its authority from the task to maintain and enforce divine law, but did not include the right to make law. When the Reformation undermined the divine basis of the legal order and led to the religious civil wars of the 16th and 17th century the inversion of the traditional relationship between law and politics was regarded as a precondition for the restoration of social peace. The political ruler acquired the power to make law regardless of the contested religious truth. Law became a product of politics. It derived its binding force no longer from God‘s will but from the ruler‘s will. It was henceforth positive law. Eternal or natural law, in spite of its name, was not law, but philosophy.Constitutionalism as it emerged in the last quarter of the 18th century was an attempt to re-establish the supremacy of the law, albeit under the condition that there was no return to divine or eternal law. The solution of the problem consisted in the reflexivity of positive law. Making and enforcing the law was itself subjected to legal regulation. To make this possible a hierarchy had to be established within the legal system. The law that regulated legislation and law-enforcement had to be superior to the law that emanates from the political process. Yet, since there was no return to divine law the higher law was itself the product of a political decision. But in order to fulfil its function of submitting politics to law it needed a source different from ordinary politics. In accordance with the theory that, in the absence of a divine basis of rulership the only possible legitimization of political power is the consent of the governed, this source was found in the people. The people replaced the ruler as sovereign, just as before the ruler had replaced God. But the role of the popular sovereign was limited to enacting the constitution while the exercise of political power was entrusted to representatives of the people who could act only on the basis and within the framework of the constitution.Hence, one can say that the very essence of constitutionalism is the submission of politics to law. This function distinguishes constitutional law from ordinary law in various respects. There is, first, a difference in object. The object of constitutional law is politics. Constitutional law regulates the formation and exercise of political power. The power holders are the addressees of constitutional law. Secondly, constitutional and ordinary law have different sources. Since constitutional law brings forth legitimate political power it cannot emanate from that same power. It is made by or attributed to the people. Consequently, the making of constitutional law differs, thirdly, from the making of ordinarylaw. It is usually a special body that formulates constitutional law and its adoption is subject to a special procedure in which either the people takes the decision or, if a representative body is called upon to decide, a supermajority is required.Fourthly, constitutional law differs from ordinary law in rank. It is higher law. In case of conflict between constitutional law and ordinary law or acts of ordinary law application constitutional law trumps. What has been regulated in the constitution is no longer open to political decision. Insofar, the majority rule does not apply. This does not mean a total juridification of politics. Such a total juridification would be the end of politics and turn it into mere administration. Constitutional law determines who is entitled to take political decisions and which procedural and substantive rules he has to observe in order to give these decisions binding force. But the constitution neither predetermines the input into the constitutionally regulated procedures nor their outcome. It regulates the decision-making process but leaves the decisions themselves to the political process. It is a framework, not a substitute for politics.Finally, constitutional law is characterized by a certain weakness compared to ordinary law. Ordinary law is made by government and applies to the people. If they do not obey government is entitled to use force. Constitutional law, on the contrary, is made by or at least attributed to the people as its ultimate source and applies to government. If the government does not comply with the requirements of constitutional law there is no superior power to enforce it. This weakness may differ in degree, depending on the function of the constitution. Regarding the constitutive function the structure of public power will usually conform to the constitutional arrangement. Regarding its function to regulate the exercise of political power this cannot be taken for granted. The historical and actual evidence is abundant.2. It was this weakness that gave rise to constitutional adjudication, in the United States soon after the invention of constitutionalism, in Europe and other parts of the world only after the collapse of the fascist and racist, socialist and military dictatorships beginning in the 1950s and culminating in the 1990s. Although many of these systems had constitutions their impact was minimal, and invoking constitutional rights could be dangerous to citizens. In the light of this experience constitutional courts were generally regarded as a necessary completion of constitutionalism. If the very essence of constitutionalism is the submission of politics to law, the very essence of constitutional adjudication is to enforce constitutional law vis-à-vis government. This implies judicial review of political acts including legislation. However, constitutional courts or courts with constitutional jurisdiction cannot fully compensate for the weakness of constitutional law. Since the power to use physical force remains in the hands of the political branches of government, courts are helpless when politicians refuse to comply with the constitution or disregard court orders.But apart from this situation, which is exceptional in a well-functioning liberal democracy with a deeply-rooted sense for the rule of law, it makes a difference whether a political system adopts constitutional adjudication or not. Even a government that is generally willing to comply with the constitution will be biased regarding the question what exactly the constitution forbids or requires in a certain situation. Politicians tend to interpret the constitution in the light of their political interests and intentions. In a system without constitutional adjudication usually the interpretation of the majority prevails. In the long run this will undermine the achievement of constitutionalism. By contrast, in a system with constitutional adjudication an institution exists that does not pursue political intentions, is not subject to election and specializes on constitutional interpretation in a professional manner. It is thus less biased and can uphold constitutional requirements vis-à-vis the elected majority. Even more important is the preventive effect of constitutional adjudication. The mere existence of a constitutional court causes the political majority to raise the question of the constitutionality of a political measure quite early in the political process and in a more neutral way. It observes its own political plans through the eyes of the constitutional court.Kelsen, whom the Israeli Supreme Court quotes approvingly in the Mizrahi opinion, may have exaggerated when he said that a constitution without constitutional adjudication is just like not having a constitution at all. There is a number of long-established democracies where the constitution mattersalthough no constitutional review exists. Here constitutional values have become part of the legal and political culture so that there is less need for institutionalized safeguards. But for the majority of states, in particular for those who turned toward constitutional democracy only recently, it is true that the constitution would not matter very much in day-to-day politics if it did not enjoy the support of a special agent that enforces the legal constraints to which the constitution submits politics. The small impact of fundamental rights before the establishment of judicial review proves this.However, the existence of a constitutional court alone is not sufficient to guarantee that politicians respect the constitution. Just as constitutionalism is an endangered achievement constitutional adjudication is in danger as well. Politicians, even if they originally agreed to establish judicial review, soon find out that its exercise by constitutional courts is often burdensome for them. Constitutions put politics under constraints and constitutional courts exist in order to enforce these constraints. Not everything that politicians find necessary – be it for themselves or their party, be it for what they deem good for the common interest – can be effectuated if the court sees it not in line with the constitution. Politicians therefore have a general interest in a constitutional court that, to put it mildly, is at least not adverse to their objectives and plans. But there is also a specific interest in the outcome of constitutional litigation on which the implementation of a certain policy depends.Yet, any political interference with the judicial process would undermine the whole system of constitutional democracy. This is why judges must be protected against political influence or pressure. The dividing line between the various organs of the state drawn by the principle of separation of powers is particularly strong where the judiciary is concerned. Independence of the judiciary is indispensable for the functioning of a constitutional system and is therefore itself in need of constitutional protection. If it is true that constitutional courts are helpless when political actors refuse to obey their orders, it is even more true that constitutional courts are useless when they cannot take their decisions independently from politics. The best protection of judicial independence is, of course, a deeply-rooted conviction on the side of politicians that any interference with court procedures is unacceptable, supported by a strong backing for the constitution within society. But this cannot be taken for granted. Rather, special safeguards are necessary. Judicial independence must be guaranteed, not only against any attempt to directly influence the outcome of litigation, but also against more subtle ways of putting pressure on the judiciary. This is why constitutions usually guarantee the irremovability of judges and often a sufficient salary, to mention only a few devices.A special problem in this context is the recruitment of judges of constitutional courts or courts with constitutional jurisdiction. Since these courts have a share in public power the judges need democratic legitimation. If they are not elected directly by the people, a circumstance which presents problems of its own regarding judicial independence, some involvement of the elected branches of government in the recruitment process seems inevitable. Yet, every involvement creates the temptation to elect or appoint deferential judges. Recruitment of judges is the open flank of judicial independence. A constitutional court that simply reflects political interests will hardly be able to keep the necessary distance from politics. Hence, safeguards against a politicization of the court are of vital importance.Most countries with constitutional adjudication have some special provisions for the election or appointment of constitutional judges. If they are elected by parliament often a supermajority, like the one required for amending the constitution, is prescribed. This means that majority and minority must agree on one candidate, which makes extreme partisan appointments unlikely. Other countries prefer a mixed system of election and appointment by dividing the right to select constitutional judges among different bodies of government. In others, non-political actors are involved in the process, for instance representatives of the legal profession. It may be difficult to determine which system is the best. But it is not difficult to see that some barriers against the threat of a politically docile constitutional court must be erected if constitutionalism is to live up to its aspirations.3. Judicial independence is the constitutional safeguard against the threat arising from politicians to the judges' proper exercise of their function. It is directed against attempts to induce judges not to apply the law but to bend to political expectations. This is an external threat. But it would be naïve toassume that this is the only threat the functioning of the constitutional system is exposed to. There is an internal threat as well that comes from the judges themselves. It comes in two forms. One is the inclination to voluntarily follow, for what reasons ever, political expectations or even party lines. The other is the temptation to adjudicate according to one‘s own political preferences or ideas of what is just and unjust instead of following constitutional standards. The constitutional guarantee of judicial independence protects judges against politics, but it does not protect the constitutional system and society against judges who, for other reasons than direct political pressure, are willing to disobey or distort the law.Therefore, external independence must be accompanied by internal independence. The constitutional guarantee of judicial independence is not a personal privilege to decide at will, but a functional requirement. It shall enable judges to fulfil their function, namely to apply the law irrespectively of the interests and expectations of the parties to the litigation or powerful political or societal forces. It frees judges from extra-legal bonds, not to give them leeway in their decisions, but to enable them to decide according to the law. The reason for the independence from extra-legal bonds is to give full effect to the legal bonds to which judges are submitted. Submission to law is the necessary counterpart of judicial independence. Like for external independence, precautions can be taken for internal independence as well.However, since internal independence is largely a matter of professional ethics and individual character, the possibilities of the law are limited. Gross misbehaviour such as corruption can of course be outlawed and made a crime. Experience shows, however, that it is difficult to fight corruption within the judiciary when corruption is habitual among politicians and in society as well. This seems to be quite a problem in a number of new democracies. It is likewise justified to criminalize perversion of justice. But it is not easy to clearly distinguish perversion of justice from false or questionable interpretation of the law. This is why convictions because of perversion of justice are rare. Yet, criminalizing corruption and perversion of justice and removing judges from office who committed these crimes is not a violation of the independence of the judiciary.A more subtle misconduct is the willingness or pre-disposition to interpret the law in a way that is favourable to certain political views or to a party or a candidate for political office, either in general or in an individual case. This usually comes in the disguise of a legal argumentation that seeks to hide that, as a matter of fact, it is result-driven. This will not always occur intentionally. Self-deception of judges as to the motives of their judicial behaviour is not impossible. The problem is that this type of misconduct does not only appear in a number of new democracies. It can be observed in solid constitutional states as well. The decision of the US Supreme Court in Bush v. Gore in the year 2000 may serve as an example. There will hardly be a legal sanction in these cases. But there may be harsh public criticism or even a loss of trust in the judiciary to which no court can remain indifferent.II.1. Law owes its existence to a political decision. Political motives are legitimate in the process of law-making. But in a constitutional democracy the role of politics ends when it comes to applying the law. Application of the law is a matter for the legal system in which political motives are illegitimate. For this reason the division between law and politics is of crucial importance. But what if law application and in particular constitutional adjudication is in itself a political operation so that all attempts to separate law from politics on the institutional level are thwarted on the level of law application? This is a serious question, and it is a question that should not be confused with the abuse of judicial power which lies in the intentional non-application or misapplication of the law.Of course, constitutional adjudication is inevitably political in the sense that the object and the effect of constitutional court decisions are political. This follows from the very function of constitutional law, which is to regulate the formation and exercise of political power, and the function of constitutional courts, which consists in enforcing this law vis-à-vis politics. Constitutional courts are a branch of government. Excluding political issues from judicial scrutiny would be the end ofconstitutional review. Hence, the question can only be whether operations that judges undertake in order to find the law and to apply it to political issues are of a political or a legal character.This question arises because all analyses of the process of law application to concrete issues show that the text of the law is unable to completely determine judicial decisions. One of the reasons is that the law in general and constitutional law in particular is neither void of gaps and contradictions nor always clear and unambiguous, and it can hardly be different, given the fact that a legal system is a product of different times, reacting to various challenges, inspired by different interests or concepts of justice and depending on the use of ordinary language. Filling the gaps, harmonizing the contradicting provisions, rendering them precise enough for the decision of an issue is the task of the law applicants, in the last resort of the courts, which, in turn, draw profit from the efforts of legal science.But even if provisions are formulated as clearly and as coherently as possible they can raise questions when it comes to solving a concrete case. This incapacity to guarantee a full determination of legal decisions, even in the case of seemingly clear provisions, is inherent in the law because a law is by definition a general rule applicable to an indefinite number of cases arising in the future. This is why it must be formulated in more or less abstract terms. Consequently, there will always remain a gap between the general and abstract norm on the one hand and the concrete and individual case on the other. The judge has to find out what the general norm means with regard to the case at hand. This is achieved by interpretation, which always precedes the application of the norm. The general norm must be concretized to a more specific rule before the individual case can be decided.Like the task of filling gaps, harmonizing contradicting provisions, clarifying vague norms, the concretization contains a creative element. Norm application therefore is always to a certain extent norm-construction. The fact as such is undisputable. The degree can vary. It depends on a number of variables. The most important one is the precision of a norm. A narrowly tailored norm leaves less room for the constructive element whereas a broad or even vague norm requires a lot of concretization before it is ready for application to a case. Usually a constitution will contain more vague norms than, say, the code of civil procedure. This is certainly true for the guiding principles and for fundamental rights, less so for organizational and procedural norms. Another variable is the age of a norm. The older a norm the larger the number of problems that were not or could not have been foreseen by the legislature and thus raise questions of meaning and applicability.The mere fact that the law does not fully determine the judgment in individual cases is not sufficient to turn law application from a legal into a political operation. It remains a legal operation if what the judge adds to the text of the law in the process of interpretation has its basis in the text and can be derived from it in a reasonable argumentative manner. If not it becomes a political one. The task therefore is to distinguish between legal and non-legal arguments, be they political, economic or religious. This decision can only be taken within the legal system. No other system is competent to determine what counts as a legal argument. Within the legal system the distinction between a legal and a non-legal argument is the concern of methodology. By doing so methodology attempts to eliminate subjective influences from the interpretation of the law as far as possible. This is why the distinction between legal and non-legal operations in the course of law application becomes largely a question of legal method.Yet, different from the text of the law that is the product of a political decision and thus not at the disposition of judges, methodology is itself a product of legal considerations. It emerges in the process of interpreting and applying the law or is developed in scholarly discourse, but it is nowhere decreed authoritatively. This means at the same time that various methodologies can coexist and so can different variations of a certain methodological creed. Method is a matter of choice within the legal system. All historical attempts by legislators to prohibit interpretation or to prescribe a certain method have been in vain. They were themselves subject to interpretation. But the lack of one authoritative method does not mean that methodology can justify any solution and thus loses its disciplining effect on judges. Just as certain legal systems have their time in history methodologies have their time, too. There is usually a core of accepted arguments or operations and a number of arguments or operationsthat are regarded as unacceptable. The degree to which a method can succeed in eliminating all subjective elements from interpretation is controversial. There were and are methods that claim this capacity.2. A historically influential method that promised to eliminate subjective influences was legal positivism, not in its capacity as a theory of the validity of law opposed to all natural law theories, but in its capacity as theory of legal interpretation. For a positivist in this sense the legal norm consists of its text and nothing else, and the only instrument to discover the meaning of the text is philology and logic, i.e. not the legislative history, not the motives or the intent of the legislature, not the values behind the norm, not the social reality that brought forth the problems the norm was meant to solve and in which it is to take effect, not the consequences the interpretation may entail. There can be but one correct understanding of a norm and this remains correct as long as the norm is in force, no matter how the context changes.The problem with positivism was on the one hand that it could not fulfil its promise to eliminate all subjective influences on interpretation. Rather these influences were infused into the interpretation in a clandestine way, mostly in connection with the definition of the notions used by the legislature. On the other hand, positivism prohibited an adaptation of the law to social change by way of interpretation. Since the social reality in which the norm was to take effect was regarded as irrelevant for the interpretation a positivist could not even perceive of social change. Of course, a positivist would not have denied that, because of social change, a legal norm may miss its purpose and produce dysfunctional results. But this was regarded as a matter for the law-maker, not for the law-applicant. It was this deficit that largely contributed to the decline of positivism after the far-reaching social change in the wake of the Industrial Revolution and World War I.There is yet another influential theory of interpretation that claims to preclude all subjective influences, namely originalism. Different from positivism, originalists believe that only a historical method is the right way to ascertain the meaning of a legal norm. The law-applicant must give a norm, in particular a norm of the constitution, no meaning other than the one that the framers had had in mind. Sometimes originalism appears in a crude way that excludes the application of a norm to any phenomenon the framers could not have known. If the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects the freedom of the press, this would not allow the law-applicant to extend the protection to radio and TV by way of interpretation. Sometimes originalism appears in a more enlightened form. The law-applicant is then permitted to ask whether the framers clearly would have included a new phenomenon had they known it at the time when the law was enacted. In this case it would be methodologically permissible to include radio and TV into the protection of the First Amendment by way of interpretation. But like a positivist an originalist is not prepared to acknowledge that there can be more than one sound interpretation of a norm and that the interpretation can legitimately change when the circumstances change in which it is applied.The problem with originalism is first a practical one. In most cases it is difficult or even impossible to know what the original understanding or the original intent was. It is the more difficult if many persons are involved in the process of constitution-making many of whom may not have expressed their understanding or intent. For this reason ascertaining the original intent or understanding is often a highly selective process, in which some utterances of actors are singled out and taken for the whole. The second problem is the same that positivism encountered. There is extremely limited or even no room at all for the adaptation of legal norms to social change. If social change affects the constitution adversely the only remedy is to amend the text, which can be extremely complicated in a country like the United States. The constitution tends to petrify, in opposition to the theory of a living constitution.Although one would have difficulties in finding positivists or originalists in Germany, these methodologies are by no means of historical interest only. Positivism, or more precisely a crude literal understanding, plays a considerable role in a number of post-communist countries and in parts of Latin America. Originalism has a stronghold in the United States in reaction to the activist Warren Court of the 1950s and '60s. In Germany, the idea that a legal method exists that can exclude any subjective。




Test 1 News Report 1Question 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item.[1]There are about 650,000 school-aged Syrian refugee children in Turkey. Government officials estimate onlt about one-third of them are going to school. Educating the refugee children is an enormous task. One . official says that a huge school system like the one in New York City would be overwhelmed.The United States says it is working with the United Nations to help bridge the education gap for refugee children. Without school, the effects will be negative and long-lasting.The United States provided Turkey with aid for education earlier.[2]In December, it offered an additional $24 million. Human Rights Watch says a quality education will ensure a more stable future for these organization says about 90 percent of children in refugee camps run by the Turkish government attend school. But most of the children living outside of those camps are not receiving education.1.What is the news report mainly aboutA) Education problems of American children.B) Education problems of Syrian children in Turkey.C) A statement published by Human Rights Watch.D) Many children in Turkey don’t receive education.2.What did the United States do to help refugee childrenA) They built long-lasting schools in Turkey.B) They established a huge school systems in Turkey.C) They offered financial support to Turkey.D) They sent refugee children to refugee camps.Test 1 News Report 2Question 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item.[3]Eleven Taliban fighters attacked an important airport in southern Afghanistan early Tuesday, killing at least 50 people, Afghan officials said.The Afghan Defense Ministry said 38 civilians, 10 soldiers and two police officers were killed.The attack on the Kandahar Air Field lasted 20 hours, reported the Washington Post. Among the dead were women and children, the newspaper wrote. The airport includes a military base with troops from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, or NATO. There were no reports that NATO troops were killed or injured in the attack.A spokesman for the Taliban says fighters entered the base and attacked local and foreign military troops. He said more than 150 soldierswere killed in the attack. The Taliban often makes claims about the results of their attacks that are not true. [4]Taliban attacks have grown in number and strength in Afghanistan this year after the withdrawal last year of combat troops from other countries.3.What did Taliban fighters do early TuesdayA) They killed no more than 50 people.B) They fired against NATO troops.C) They attacked an airport in Afghanistan.D) They killed 10 children, and two police officers.4.What led to the growth of Taliban attacks in AfghanistanA) Withdrawal of combat troops from other countries.B) False claims of foreign military troops.C) Decline of the local troops’ strength.D) Last year’s victory over foreign troops.Test 1 News Report 3Question 5 to 7 will be based on the following news item.[5]The Australian state of Tasmania is considering raising the legal age for buying cigarettes to at least 21 and potentially as high as 25. If the plan goes ahead, it will give Tasmania some of the toughest tobacco laws in the world. The current legal age to purchase, possess, or smokecigarettes of all the Australian states is 18. Critics have complained the proposed restrictions would be a violation of civil liberties. Australia already has some of the world’s toughest anti-smoking policies. It introduced so-called plain packaging 4 years ago, [6]where packs are colored in an identical olive brown and covered in health warnings that include pictures. The country is also the most expensive place in the world to buy cigarettes—from around $15 a pack.Parts of the world already ban cigarette sales to those under 21, including Kuwait and next year Hawaii. Around 1 in 5 Tasmanians smoke, with the vast majority taking up the habit before the age of 25. [7]The Tasmanian government proposals are part of the 5-year plan to make the state Australia’s healthiest by 2025.5.What does the state of Tasmania plan to doA) Violate the civil liberties in Australia.B) Increase the legal age to buy cigarettes.C) Introduce a plan called plain packaging.D) Raise the price of cigarettes in Australia.6. According to plain packaging, what should be included in the packs of cigaretteA) Details of anti-smoking policies.B) Pictures with olive trees.C) Health warnings including pictures.D) Data of cigarette sales worldwide.7. What’s the purpose of the Tasmanian government proposalsA) To follow the anti-smoking trend in Kuwait and Hawaii.B) To make Tasmania Australia’s healthiest city by 2025.C) To ease existing tough anti-smoking policies.D) To have more tough anti-smoking policies.Test 2 News Report 1Question 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item.The number of girls married in Africa is expected to double in the next 35 years, experts say. [1]That means almost half, or 310 million girls, by 2050 will be married before they reach adulthood, says a United Nations’ report. The African Union says it wants to end child marriage in Africa.Delegates at a summit in Zambia are expected to set 18 years old as the lowest legal for marriage across the continent. Marriage before age 18 is already against the law in most African countries.Yet the UN says more than 125 million women and girls alive today were married before their 18th birthday. Experts say most were given to men in traditional or religious unions in violation of the law.[2]African Union chairwoman Nkosozana Dlamini Zuma says localculture that undervalues girls and women is to blame. Poverty and lack of education are also responsible, experts say.1. What do we learn from the United Nation’s reportA) The number of adult girls is expected to double by 2050.B) Child marriage in Africa will be ended by 2050.C) Half women will be married before reaching adulthood by 2050.D) The legal marriage age will set above 18 by 2050.2. What is the reason for child marriage in AfricaA) Poverty and lack of education.B) The low legal age for marriage.C) Local culture that undervalues children.D) High risks of becoming teenage mothers.Test 2 News report 2Question 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item.[3]Waste products from a popular alcoholic drink could be used in the future to make biofuel. Researchers say the new fuel, based onsay using less oil could cut pollution that studies have linked to climate change. Scotland is the largest producer of whisky in the world. And a Scottish professor has found how to take the byproducts from distilling whisky and turn theminto a form of alcohol called biobutanol. Biobutanol can be used as a fuel. Whisky comes from grain, such as corn, and wheat.Martin Tangney is director of the Biofuel Research Centre at Napier University in Edinburgh. He says less than 10 percent of what comes out can be considered whisky. [4]The rest is mainly one of two unwanted byproducts: strong beer and wheat. Tangney says the two byproducts can be produced to create a new material: biobutanol.3.What is the news report mainly aboutA) Waste products of whisky could make biofuel.B) Scotland is the largest producer of whisky in the world.C) A new fuel called Biobutanol is found by a Scottish professor.D) There are many waste products in making whisky.4.What are the unwanted products in making whiskyA) Corn and sugar cane.B) Rye and corn.C) Strong beer and wheat.D) Rice and wheat.Test 2 News report 3Question 5 to 7 will be based on the following news item.For many years, human resources director Pete Tapaskar says it'sbeen a challenge to fill all the jobs at his suburban Chicago-based technology company. [5]Getting high skilled people is still a challenge.Elizabeth Sue is principal policy analyst for the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning, who studies Chicago’s recent immigration trends. She said “They are slowly moving into the south, especially Texas, and Atlanta, Georgia. [6]What we are seeing right now is a substantially decreased total of international in-immigrations. Prior to the recession we were between 50 and 60 thousand most years. Now since 2010, we’ve been at about 23- to 24-thousand international in-migrations on a net basis.” [6]She says that dramatic drop - as much as two-thirds some years - contributions to Chicago’s overall still population growth.Tapaskar says there are many reasons why immigrants choose to live in Southern states instead of Chicago. [7]“The environment there is ideal for starting a business, could be the taxes there are low, and employers are getting a lot of benefits from the state government.”But Tapaskar says one thing that could bring new immigrants to Chicago is increasing the number of work visas that would attract the highly skilled tech workers his business needs.5.What is the problem for the technology companies in ChicagoA) Getting high skilled people.B) Promoting company’s technology.C) Finding enough employees.D) Increasing members of immigrants.6. What do we learn from about international iin-immigrations in ChicagoA) The number of them decreases dramatically.B) They mainly move from south states.C) They come to Chicago without work visa.D) The number of them increases after the recession.7. Why do immigrants choose southern states instead of ChicagoA) The law of immigrants.B) The environment for companies.C) The number of work visas.D) Higher salary and better titles.Test 3 News Report 1Question 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item.[1]In a statement, the US president says he is taking the action, because the conflict in Darfur threatens the national security and foreign policy of the United States. The asset freeze is being imposed on four Sudanese identified by the . Security Council as being involved in organizing and carrying out cruel and violent actions in Darfur. The president’s order comes days before rallies are planned in Washingtonand throughout the United States to protest the three-year war in Darfur.[2]Celebrities such as Academy Award winning actor George Clooney are scheduled to speak at the rally. Clooney, who just returned from a trip to the Darfur region, told reporters in Washington the world’s attention needs to be focused on what he called the “first massive murder of the 21st century.”1.Why is the . president taking actions in DarfurA) The asset of the US there has been frozen.B) The conflict there threatens the . national security.C) Rallies are planned to protest the war there.D) The . Security Council is involved in the issue there.2. Who is scheduled to speak at the rallyA) Four Sudanese.B) The . president.C) Reporters.D) George Clooney.Test 3 News Report 2Question 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item.When the top . oil companies announced huge increases in profits this week, many consumer advocates raised companies. At a time whenAmerican motorists are paying record-level prices for gasoline, [3]some in the . Congress think the oil companies profits should be examined closely. The . Senate Finance Committee is seeking tax return information on top . oil companies from the Internal Revenue Service and some politicians are calling for a windfall profits tax. Pf course, oil companies oppose such a move, citing similar or even higher profit increases in other industries, such as real estate, that have not caused controversy. [4]Oil industry analysts, however, say a windfall profits tax might be counterproductive. Bob Tippee, editor of Houston-based Oil and Gas Journal, says large oil company profits could benefit consumers in the end.3. What are the reactions to the oil companies’ huge increases in profitsA) Consumers give up motorcycles.B) Some politicians suggest cutting down prices of gasoline.C) Oil companies are not satisfied with it.D) Some congressmen think oil companies should be examined.4. What do the oil industry analysts think of the windfall profits taxA) It might not work.B) Consumers will finally benefit from it.C) It is good for oil industry.D) It should also be imposed on other industries.Test 3 News Report 3Question 5 to 7 will be based on the following news item.An earthquake measuring on the Richter scale has hit northeast India, near its borders with Myanmar and Bangladesh, killing at least nine people. [5]The quake hit at 4:35 am local time about 29 km northwest of Imphal, the capital of Manipur state, according to the US Geological Survey. Strong quakes have been felt across the region. The earthquake was originally reported to have measured on the Richter scale. India’s Meteorological Department said it struck at a depth of 17 km.The earthquake cracked walls and [6] a newly-built six-story building in Imphal collapsed, police said. Other buildings were also reported to have been damaged. At least six people have been killed in Manipur and more than 30 injured, the Press Trust of India news agency reported. In the neighboring Bangladesh, three people were reported dead while dozens were being treated in hospital for injuries sustained during the quake. [7]A 23-year-old man died when he suffered a stroke after the quake while two others died of heart attacks, news agency AFP quoted police as saying. A university student, who jumped from a fourth-floor balcony to escape, was among the severely wounded, the agency added.5. When did the earthquake happenA) At 4:35 pm local time. B) At 4:35 am local time.C) At 4:25 am local time. D) At 4:25 pm local time.6. What do we know about the earthquake from the news reportA) The US Geological Survey first reported the earthquake.B) India’s Meteorological Department has predicted the earthquake.C) A newly-built building collapsed in the earthquake.D) Three thousand people were reported dead in the earthquake.7. Why did the 23-year-old man dieA) The US Geological Survey first reported the earthquake.B) India’s Meteorological Department has predicted the earthquake.C) A newly-built building collapsed in the earthquake.D) Three thousand people were reported dead in the earthquake.Test 4 News Report 1Question 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item.The number of Americans over the age of 65 is expected to double between now and 2030. This next generation of retirees will be the healthiest, best educated, and most wealthy in American history. [1]But many of them won’t have a retirement benefit their parents’ generation fought hard to get. It is something known as a defined-benefit plan, or “pensio n”. Retired workers who have a pension continue to be paid acertain percentage of their highest annual salary-usually anywhere from one to three percent-multiplied by the number of years they worked for the company. Pensions first became popular during World War Ⅱ, when a federally-approved wage-freeze meant unions had to negotiate for retirement benefits, instead of pay increases. [2]Pensions reached the height of their popularity in the late 1970s, when more than 60 percent of Americans had one.1.What problem does the next generation of retirees haveA) Their health becomes worse.B) They don’t fight as hard as before.C) They won’t get the benefit of pension.D) They receive less education.2. When did pensions reach the height of their popularityA) In the late 1970s.B) In the early 1970s.C) During World War II.D) In the late 1960s.Test 4 News Report 2Question 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item.US government kealth and safty officials are investigating the causeof the recent explosion at a West Virginia coal mine, which killed 12 miners. [3]The accident was apparently an error in an industry which has prided itself on miner safety at a time of extraordinary expansion. Mine companies operate in 27 states, from West Virginia in the east to Montana in the west, producing a total of about one billion tons a year, or more than a third of the world’s coal supply. The . economy is dependent on coal production. Coal-fired power plants generate about 50 percent of the nation’s electricity. More than half the nation’s coal is mined underground by thousands of men and women who daily risk injury and death. [4]But the occupation has become much safer since the late 1960s, when the . Congress passed laws requiring federal mine inspetions.3. What do we learn about the recent explosion at a coal mineA) Nobody was injured in it.B) It was caused by an error.C) It killed 27 miners.D) It affected national electricity supply.4. What made the mining industry safer in the late 1960sA) Extraordinary expansion of mine companies.B) The laws requiring federal mine inspections.C) The decline of coal supply in the world.D) An accident causing thousands of death.Test 4 News Report 3Question 5 to 7 will be based on the following news item.When it comes to dieting, losin weight fast holds some appeal. Maybe that’s why . News & World Report has added a Fast Weight-Loss Diet category to its annual rankings of best diet plans.And one of the diets that comes out on top is the Health Management Resources (HMR) program.[5]HMR is a meal replacement diet that can be done on your own at home or under medical supervision. Instead of made-at-home meals, dieters can order low-calorie milk, soups, nutrition bars and multigrain cereal.The . News reviewers say [6]the plus side to the HMR diet is its quick-start option and the convenience of having meals delivered to you. The down side is “the milk lacks variety,” and it’s tough to eat out while on this diet.[7] “A common misunderstanding is that losing weight quickly is not healthy, not sustainable, and will just lead to future weight re-gain,”wrote Carol Addy, the chief medical officer at HMR, in a release. But she says, to the contrary, “numerous studies demonstrate that following a lifestyle change program which promotes fast initial weight loss can result in better long-term success.”5. What is the HMR programA) An express company that delivers food.B) A meal replacement diet.C) A report on fast weight-loss diet category.D) An annual ranking of best diet plans.6. What is the advantage of HMR programA) The food is made by medical workers.B) The food is healthier than made-at-home meal.C) The food is delivered to dieters directly.D) Dieters can order a variety of food.7. What’s the common misunderstanding about losing weight fastA) It is tough to achieve.B) It may change our lifestyle.C) It is unhealthy and unsustainable.D) It can lead to future diseases.Test 5 News Report 1Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item.Two months ago, Zogby International, a Wahington-based research organization, conducted a public opinion poll in six Arab countries:Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. The respondents, randomly chosen from different neighborhoods invarious cities of each country, [1]were asked to give their opinion on a number of issues, including concerns facing their country and their personal life, economic development, employment opportunities and the likelihood of peace in the Middle East.[2]Overall, respondents expressed more satisfaction with their lives and more optimism about their future than they did in the poll conducted ten years ago. In Lebanon,both satisfaction and optimism have doubled.This is not surprising, says James Rauch, a professor at the University of California. “The Lebanese have experienced an enormous change now with the end of the Syrian occupation. They would have good reasons to be optimistic.”1.What were the respondents asked to comment onA) Their personal life.B) Educational opportunities.C) Political development.D) Their views on international issues.2. What do we learn about the result of the pollA) In Morocco, both satisfaction and optimism have doubled.B) Optimism grows generally in the Arab world in recent years.C) Many Arab countries have improved the income of their citizens.D) There is an acceleration of the economic growth in the Arab world.Test 5 News Report 2Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item.[3] In October the Ugandan opposition leader, Kizza Basigye, returned to Kampala to prepare for the presidential elections next year. Three weeks later he was arrested. The Ugandan government says he must answer the charges, but hi s supporters say it’s an attempt by Ugandan President Museveni to Prevent Dr. Basigye running against him.[4]The incident is threatening to darken the country’s first multi-party elections in two decades. Western nations which provide essential economic support to Uganda have held up Uganda as a role model in the region, opposition leaders are calling on them to take a stand. In this edition of Analysis, Lucy Williamson looks at whether Uganda’s relationship with its donors is feeling the strain.3. Why did Kizza Basigye return to KampalaA) To arrest the leader of the opposition party.B) To prepare for the presidential elections.C) To answer his charges at home.D) To protect his supporters.4. What is the consequence of Basigye’s incidentA) Ug anda’s multi-party elections were darkened.B) Economic support from western nations was cut off.C) Uganda’s role model in the region was canceled.D) Uganda’s relationship with its donors felt strained.Test 5 News Report 3Questions 5 to 7 will be based on the following news item.At the end of every year, . weather researchers look back at what the nation’s weather was like, and what they saw last year was weird.[5]The year was hot and annoyed by all manner of extreme weather events that did a lot of expensive damage.December, in fact, was a fitting end.“This is the first time in our 121-year period of record that a month has been both the wettest and the warmest month on record,” says Jake Crouch, a weather researcher. The rest of the year was very wet and hot too, he says-the second-hottest period on record for the US.[6]The cause: a warming climate and a super strong El Nino. El Nino is a weather phenomenon out of the ocean that hits every few years and affects weather globally.Together, climate and a very strong El Nino pushed the weather in the US, as warm as its 20th century average.And even when the atmosphere is only that much warmer, it holds more moisture, [7]leading to record snows in the Northeast last Februaryand March, and record rain in the South and Midwest.5. What was weather in the US like last yearA) It was wet and cold.B) It was hot and dry.C) It was cold and terrible.D) It was hot and terrible.6. What made last year’s weather so wiredA) All the extreme weather events.B) El Nino and a warmer climate.C) Light snows and record rain.D) The land’s surrounded by ocean.7. What happened in the Northwest of the US last February and MarchA) There was record-breaking snowfall.B) There was record-breaking rainfall.C) It were the warmest months ever recorded.D) It were the wettest months ever recorded.Text 6 News Report 1Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item.[1]February is Black History Month in the United States, when Americans are enco uraged to learn about and appreciate the manycontributions African Americans have made to American society. Those efforts got a boost this week [2]when the Simthsonian Institution announced its plan to build a National Museum of African American History and Culture on the National Mall, where, in about 10 years, it will join the rest of the capital city’s famed national museums and monuments. There is much to do before the museum is actually built. An architect must be chosen, the collection must be assembled, and half the museum’s $300-$500 million price tag must be provided from private donors. Lonnie Bunch, the director, of the new museum, says the museum really desires to create an opportunity for millions of Americans to engage in and understand African American history.1. What are Americans encouraged to do in Black American historyA) Learn about the history of American society.B) Appreciate the contributions of African Americans.C) Visit famed national museums and monuments.D) Donate money to build new museums.2. What is the plan of the Smithsonian InstitutionA) To join association of museums.B) To collect money from architects.C) To choose donors.D) To build a new museum.Test 6 News Report 2Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item.When the tsunami hit Thailand last year, hundreds of Burmese migrants working in beach front hotels were among the victims. Thai officials have identified 80 Burmese migrant workers among the dead.[3]But they believe several of the more than 800 unidentified bodies are likely to be Burmese. Thousands of Burmese migrant workers are employed along Thailand’s Andaman Sea coast-a source of cheap labor for contractors who often overlook the need to register the workers.[4]Those who survived the tsunami often found their jobs, homes, and belongings were gone, and that they were unable to get government aid. Adison Kurdmongkol, a Thai labor activist, says the disaster called attention to the problems the Burmese migrants faced even before the tsunami.2.How many unidentified bodies are likely to be BurmeseA) Several.B) 80. C) More than 800. D) Several hundred.4. What happened to the surviving Burmese after last year’s tsunamiA) They were employed by contractors.B) They overlooked the government aid.C) They called attention to the problems of migrants.D) They were unable to get government aid.Test 6 News report 3Questions 5 to 7 will be based on the following news item.[5]The Paris agreement to curb climate change calls for a dramatic shift away from fossil fuels and greenhouse gasses the emit, especially carton dioxide.Switching to renewable energy helps, but that won’t happen fast enough to keep temperatures from rising to dangerous levels. That’s why scientists and researchers all over the world also are working on new ways of keeping carbon out of the atmosphere.[6]At an industrial site in Alberta, a province in North America. Royal Dutch Shell, an oil company, recently hosted a grand opening for its Quest carbon capture and storage project.It’s part of Shell’s oil sands business. Turning oil sands into crude oil emits a lot of carbon dioxide. So Shell tries to capture some of that greenhouse gas before it gets into the air.The technology in the quest project has been around for a while, but it’s still expensive: The cost of building and operating this one plant over the next decade is about $970 million. For all that money, it captures only a third of the CO2 that’s produced here.[7]For many companies, such a plant isn’t an attractive investment because it’s not profitable.5. What’s the purpose of Paris agreementA) To help companies make more money.B) To gain reputation around the world.C) To keep temperatures at a low level.D) To control the change of climate.6. What is the content of Shell’s Quest projectA) Transportation of sands and oil.B) Way to stop emitting carbon dioxide.C) Capture and storage of carbon dioxide.D) Method of exploring more oil.7. Why doesn’t Quest’s plant attract to many companiesA) Because it needs government’s suport.B) Because it’s hard to acquire the technology.C) Because it’s not easy to make a profit.D) Because it requires a lot of money.。

Civil Liberties的课文及翻译

Civil Liberties的课文及翻译

Civil Liberties的课文及翻译在1788年批准的宪法中包含了一些保障个人权利和自由的规定。



The Constitution, as ratified in 1788, contains a few provisions guaranteeing individual rights and liberties. For example, Article I, Section 9 prohibits the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus except in cases of rebellion or invasion; Article I, Sections 9 and 10 prohibit either the state or federal government from passing bills of attainder or ex post facto laws. Article III, Section 2 guarantees trial by jury in criminal cases except in cases of impeachment; Article III, Section 3 specifically enumerates the requirements for a conviction of treason, and Article VI, Section 2 prohibits the use of religious test as a qualification for public office.联邦权力结构可以作为额外保障个人权利和自由的力量。



高级辩论题材作文英语Debating is a highly intellectual and engaging activity that allows individuals to explore complex issues, challenge their own beliefs, and develop critical thinking skills. As we delve into the realm of advanced debate topics, we encounter a diverse array of thought-provoking subjects that push the boundaries of our understanding and challenge us to consider new perspectives.One such topic that has garnered significant attention in recent years is the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in society. As AI systems become increasingly sophisticated, the ethical implications of their use have come under intense scrutiny. Debates on this topic may explore the potential benefits and risks of AI, such as its impact on employment, its ability to make decisions that affect human lives, and the need for robust governance frameworks to ensure AI development is aligned with human values.Another highly contentious issue is the ongoing debate surrounding climate change and the appropriate response to this global challenge. Proponents of action argue that urgent measures areneeded to mitigate the devastating effects of climate change, while skeptics may question the scientific consensus or the feasibility of proposed solutions. This debate encompasses a wide range of sub-topics, including the role of renewable energy, the responsibility of developed and developing nations, and the balance between economic growth and environmental protection.The complex relationship between individual rights and national security is another area ripe for advanced debate. In the wake of terrorist attacks and the increasing threat of cyber warfare, governments have implemented various measures to enhance security, often at the expense of personal freedoms. Debates on this topic may explore the delicate balance between civil liberties and the need for effective security measures, as well as the potential for abuse of power and the erosion of democratic principles.Another thought-provoking topic is the ongoing debate surrounding the legalization of drugs, including both recreational and medicinal substances. Proponents argue that the criminalization of drug use has led to the proliferation of organized crime, the overcrowding of prisons, and the stigmatization of individuals struggling with addiction. Opponents, on the other hand, may express concerns about the potential public health and societal consequences of legalization. This debate often intersects with issues of individual liberty, public health, and the role of government in regulatingpersonal choices.The ethical implications of biotechnology and genetic engineering also present a complex and multifaceted debate. As advancements in these fields continue to push the boundaries of human capabilities, questions arise about the moral and philosophical implications of manipulating the human genome, the potential for enhancing human traits, and the equitable access to these technologies. Debates on this topic may explore the balance between scientific progress and the preservation of human dignity and autonomy.Furthermore, the ongoing debate surrounding the role of religion in public life is another area that warrants in-depth exploration. In many societies, the separation of church and state is a contentious issue, with debates centering on the appropriate level of religious influence in government policies, education, and social institutions. Discussions on this topic may delve into the principles of secularism, the protection of religious freedom, and the potential for religious-based conflicts to arise in pluralistic societies.Another crucial area of debate is the complex issue of global wealth inequality and the appropriate strategies for addressing this challenge. Proponents of wealth redistribution may argue that excessive inequality undermines social cohesion, limits economic mobility, and perpetuates cycles of poverty, while opponents mayemphasize the importance of individual property rights and the potential negative impact of overly intrusive government intervention on economic growth.The ongoing debate surrounding the role of media and its influence on public discourse is another area of intense scrutiny. In an era of rapidly evolving communication technologies and the proliferation of social media, questions arise about the impact of media on shaping public opinion, the spread of misinformation, and the ethical responsibilities of media organizations. Debates on this topic may explore the balance between freedom of expression and the need for responsible journalism, as well as the potential for media consolidation to undermine the diversity of voices in the public sphere.Finally, the debate surrounding the future of work and the impact of automation and technological disruption on employment is a critical issue that deserves thorough examination. As automation and artificial intelligence continue to transform various industries, concerns have been raised about the potential displacement of human workers and the need for effective policies to address the social and economic implications of these technological changes.These are just a few examples of the many advanced debate topics that offer rich opportunities for intellectual discourse and theexploration of complex societal issues. Engaging in these debates requires a deep understanding of the nuances and complexities involved, as well as the ability to critically analyze evidence, consider multiple perspectives, and articulate persuasive arguments.Ultimately, the value of advanced debate topics lies in their ability to challenge our assumptions, broaden our horizons, and foster a more informed and engaged citizenry. By grappling with these thought-provoking issues, we can develop the critical thinking skills and the intellectual curiosity necessary to navigate the increasingly complex and interconnected world we inhabit.。



关于国家大事的英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1The National AffairsNational affairs are the key issues that concern a country and its citizens. These are the matters that shape the present and future of a nation and its people. From politics to economy, from social issues to international relations, national affairs cover a wide range of topics that require attention and action from the government and the public.One of the most important aspects of national affairs is politics. The policies and decisions made by the government have a significant impact on the lives of the citizens. This includes laws and regulations that govern various aspects of society, such as education, healthcare, and the environment. Political stability and good governance are crucial for a country to thrive and prosper.Economy is another critical factor in national affairs. The economic well-being of a nation determines its growth and development. This includes factors such as employment rates,inflation, GDP growth, and trade relations. The government plays a vital role in creating a conducive environment for businesses to thrive and for individuals to prosper.Social issues also form an integral part of national affairs. These include matters such as poverty, inequality, education, healthcare, and homelessness. The government has a responsibility to address these issues and ensure that all citizens have access to basic necessities and opportunities for a better life.Furthermore, international relations are crucial in today’s globalized world. A country’s foreign policy and diplo matic relations determine its position in the international community. This includes issues such as trade agreements, alliances, security, and humanitarian aid. Cooperation and diplomacy are essential in maintaining peace and stability on the global stage.In conclusion, national affairs are the backbone of a country’s progress and prosperity. It is essential for the government and the citizens to be informed and actively engaged in addressing these issues. By working together, we can build a better future for our nation and ensure the well-being of all its people.篇2National AffairsIn recent times, the world has been witnessing several important events. These events have had a significant impact on the global political scenario, with countries grappling with issues ranging from security threats to economic challenges. In this essay, we will discuss some of the major national affairs that have been making headlines in recent years.One of the most pressing national affairs is the rise of terrorism and its implications on global security. From the attacks on the World Trade Center in 2001 to the recent rise of ISIS in the Middle East, terrorism has become a grave concern for countries around the world. Governments have been forced to invest significant resources in combating this threat, leading to increased militarization and surveillance measures. The war on terror has also raised questions about civil liberties and the balance between security and individual rights.Another important issue that has been dominating national affairs is climate change. With rising global temperatures and extreme weather events becoming more frequent, countries are under pressure to take action to mitigate the impact of climatechange. The Paris Agreement, signed in 2015, was a major step in this direction, with countries committing to reduce their carbon emissions and transition to renewable energy sources. However, the implementation of these commitments has been slow, with many countries failing to meet their targets.One of the most hotly debated national affairs is immigration. With increasing globalization and economic disparities between countries, migration has become a major issue for governments to grapple with. The debate over immigration policies has been marked by heated rhetoric and polarized opinions, with some countries advocating for open borders and others calling for stricter controls. The refugee crisis in Europe, driven by conflicts in the Middle East and Africa, has only added fuel to the fire, with countries struggling to find a balance between humanitarian concerns and national security.Economic issues have also been a major focus of national affairs, with countries grappling with issues such as income inequality, trade tensions, and economic stagnation. The global financial crisis of 2008 has had long-lasting repercussions, with many countries still recovering from the economic downturn. Inequalities within and between countries have also been on the rise, leading to social unrest and political instability. The rise ofprotectionist policies, such as tariffs and trade barriers, has further exacerbated tensions between countries, threatening to undermine the principles of free trade and globalization.In conclusion, national affairs play a crucial role in shaping the political landscape of the world. From security threats to economic challenges, countries are facing a myriad of issues that require careful planning and swift action. Governments must work together to find solutions to these problems, fostering cooperation and dialogue on the international stage. Only through collaboration and mutual understanding can we hope to address the pressing national affairs of our time and build a more peaceful and prosperous world for future generations.篇3National affairs are the most important events that shape the course of a country's history and development. These events can range from political decisions and social reforms to economic policies and international relations. In this essay, we will explore some of the key national affairs that have had a significant impact on the world.One of the most important national affairs in recent history is the rise of China as a global superpower. In the past fewdecades, China has undergone rapid economic growth and modernization, becoming the second-largest economy in the world. This has had far-reaching implications for global trade, politics, and security. The rise of China has also led to increased competition with traditional superpowers like the United States, as both countries seek to assert their influence in the Asia-Pacific region.Another important national affair is the ongoing conflict in the Middle East. The region has long been a hotbed of political instability, religious tensions, and armed conflict. The rise of extremist groups like ISIS has further destabilized the region, leading to humanitarian crises and mass displacement of populations. The conflict in the Middle East has also sparked international intervention, as countries like the United States and Russia seek to influence the outcome of the various conflicts in the region.In Europe, the Brexit referendum in the United Kingdom has had a profound impact on both the country and the European Union as a whole. The decision to leave the EU has raised questions about the future of the European project and the stability of the region. The Brexit referendum has also led to political turmoil in the UK, as the government struggles tonegotiate a new relationship with the EU and address the concerns of both pro- and anti-EU factions.On the domestic front, national affairs like healthcare reform, immigration policy, and climate change have dominated the political landscape in many countries. These issues are complex and divisive, with different political parties and interest groups advocating for competing visions of how to address them. Healthcare reform, for example, has been a major issue in the United States, with debates over the Affordable Care Act and proposals for a single-payer healthcare system. Immigration policy has also been a key national affair in many countries, with debates over border security, refugee resettlement, and the rights of immigrants.In conclusion, national affairs are a crucial aspect of any country's development and future. These events shape the course of history, influence global relations, and impact the lives of millions of people. By understanding and engaging with national affairs, we can better navigate the complex challenges facing our world today and work towards a more just and equitable future.。



英美社会与文化课英语作文The United States and the United Kingdom, two of the most influential countries in the world, have long been known for their rich cultural heritage and diverse societies. As neighboring nations with a shared history and language, the two countries have developed distinct social and cultural identities that have significantly impacted the global landscape. In this essay, we will explore the intricacies of English and American society and culture, examining the similarities and differences that make these nations unique.One of the most striking aspects of both English and American society is the emphasis placed on individualism and personal freedom. In both countries, the notion of the individual as the fundamental unit of society is deeply ingrained, with a strong emphasis on personal rights, self-expression, and the pursuit of personal goals. This individualistic ethos has shaped the social and political landscapes of both nations, leading to the development of robust democratic institutions and a vibrant civil society.However, the expression of this individualism can take differentforms in the two countries. In the United Kingdom, the concept of the "stiff upper lip" and a more reserved, formal approach to social interactions are often seen as hallmarks of English culture. Britons are often perceived as more polite, reserved, and deferential to authority, with a strong sense of tradition and social hierarchy. In contrast, American society is often characterized by a more casual, outgoing, and egalitarian approach to social interactions, with a greater emphasis on informality and self-expression.These cultural differences are reflected in the educational systems of the two countries as well. The English education system is often seen as more rigorous and academically focused, with a strong emphasis on traditional academic subjects and a more structured, hierarchical approach to learning. In contrast, the American education system is often more diverse and flexible, with a greater emphasis on practical, hands-on learning and a more individualized approach to student development.Another key aspect of both English and American society is the role of religion and spirituality. In the United Kingdom, the Church of England, the official state church, has played a significant role in shaping the country's cultural and social landscape. While religious observance has declined in recent decades, the influence of the Anglican church can still be felt in many aspects of English life, from the architecture of historic cathedrals to the observance of religiousholidays.In the United States, the religious landscape is much more diverse, with a wide range of Christian denominations, as well as significant populations of adherents to other faiths, such as Judaism, Islam, and Hinduism. The separation of church and state enshrined in the US Constitution has led to a more pluralistic religious environment, where individuals are free to practice their faith without state interference.Despite these differences, both England and the United States share a deep appreciation for the arts and cultural expression. From the literary masterpieces of Shakespeare and Hemingway to the iconic works of art in the National Gallery and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the two countries have made invaluable contributions to the global cultural landscape.In the realm of popular culture, the influence of both nations is equally profound. The music, film, and television industries of the UK and the US have captivated audiences around the world, with iconic artists, actors, and directors shaping the cultural zeitgeist. From the Beatles to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the cultural exchange between the two countries has been a two-way street, with each nation's creative output influencing and inspiring the other.Despite these shared cultural ties, there are also significant differences between English and American society that are worth exploring. One of the most notable is the role of government and the relationship between the individual and the state. In the United Kingdom, the monarchical system and the tradition of parliamentary democracy have led to a more centralized and hierarchical approach to governance, with a stronger emphasis on social welfare and collective responsibility.In contrast, the United States has a more decentralized, federalist system of government, with a stronger emphasis on individual rights and a more limited role for the federal government. This difference in political philosophy has shaped the social and economic landscapes of the two countries, leading to divergent approaches to issues such as healthcare, education, and social welfare.Another key difference between English and American society is the role of class and social stratification. In the UK, the legacy of the aristocratic system and the enduring influence of the upper classes have led to a more rigid social hierarchy, with a stronger emphasis on tradition, privilege, and social status. In the US, the notion of a classless society and the "American Dream" of social mobility have led to a more fluid and dynamic social structure, with a greater emphasis on individual achievement and entrepreneurship.Despite these differences, however, both England and the United States share a deep commitment to democratic values and a belief in the fundamental rights and freedoms of the individual. From the Magna Carta to the US Constitution, the two countries have played a pivotal role in shaping the global discourse on human rights, civil liberties, and the rule of law.In conclusion, the societies and cultures of England and the United States are complex and multifaceted, shaped by a rich history, diverse populations, and a shared commitment to democratic ideals. While the two nations may differ in their specific cultural expressions and social structures, they are united by a common language, a deep appreciation for the arts and creativity, and a shared belief in the power of the individual to shape the world around them. As the world continues to evolve and change, the enduring influence of English and American society and culture will undoubtedly continue to shape the global landscape for generations to come.。



人工智能的发展给人类带来的挑战,英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Development of Artificial Intelligence and Its Challenges to HumanityIntroductionArtificial intelligence (AI) has rapidly evolved in recent years, with advancements in machine learning, natural language processing, and robotics. While the development of AI offers promising opportunities for innovation and progress, it also presents challenges and risks to society. In this essay, we will explore the challenges that AI development poses to humanity and discuss potential solutions to mitigate its negative impacts.Impact on EmploymentOne of the most significant challenges of AI development is the potential impact on employment. As AI technologies become more advanced, they have the ability to automate tasks that were previously performed by humans. This automation could lead to job displacement and unemployment in various industries, including manufacturing, service, and transportation.To address this challenge, policymakers and businesses must prioritize reskilling and upskilling initiatives to help workers adapt to the changing job market. Additionally, governments should consider implementing policies such as universal basic income to provide financial support to individuals who have lost their jobs due to AI automation.Privacy and Data SecurityAnother challenge of AI development is the potential threat to privacy and data security. AI algorithms are increasingly being used to analyze vast amounts of personal data, raising concerns about data breaches and unauthorized access to sensitive information. Additionally, the use of AI in surveillance technologies poses risks to civil liberties and individual freedoms.To protect privacy and data security in the age of AI, policymakers must enact stringent regulations and standards for data collection, storage, and usage. Companies that develop AI technologies should prioritize data protection and encryption to safeguard sensitive information from cyber threats and unauthorized access.Bias and DiscriminationAI algorithms are not immune to biases and discrimination, as they are trained on datasets that may contain inherent biases. This poses a significant challenge in areas such as hiring practices, criminal justice, and healthcare, where AI systems may perpetuate existing inequalities and injustices.To address bias and discrimination in AI, developers must implement mechanisms to identify and mitigate bias in algorithms. This includes diversifying training datasets, conducting bias audits, and increasing transparency in AI decision-making processes. Additionally, policymakers should establish guidelines and regulations to ensure that AI systems are designed and deployed in a fair and ethical manner.Ethical and Social ImplicationsThe rapid development of AI raises complex ethical and social implications that require careful consideration. Questions of accountability, transparency, and autonomy in AIdecision-making are central to ensuring that AI technologies benefit society while minimizing harm.To address these ethical and social challenges, policymakers, researchers, and industry stakeholders must engage in multidisciplinary dialogue and collaboration to develop ethical frameworks and guidelines for the responsible development anddeployment of AI. This includes promoting transparency in AI algorithms, ensuring accountability for AI decisions, and prioritizing human values and rights in AI design.ConclusionThe development of artificial intelligence offers immense potential for improving human life and driving technological innovation. However, it also poses significant challenges and risks to society, including impact on employment, privacy and data security, bias and discrimination, and ethical and social implications. To address these challenges, policymakers, businesses, and researchers must collaborate to develop strategies and solutions that prioritize human well-being and ensure the ethical and responsible use of AI technologies. By working together, we can harness the power of AI to create a better future for humanity.篇2The rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) is posing new challenges for society. On one hand, AI has the potential to bring about significant advances in various fields such as healthcare, transportation, and finance. On the other hand, italso raises concerns about the impact on jobs, privacy, and security.One of the major challenges that AI presents is the potential displacement of jobs. As AI technology becomes more sophisticated, many tasks that were previously performed by humans can now be automated. This can lead to job loss in certain industries, particularly those that rely on routine or repetitive tasks. While AI may create new job opportunities in areas such as data analysis and programming, the transition may be difficult for workers who are displaced.Furthermore, the use of AI raises important ethical issues related to privacy and security. As AI systems collect and analyze vast amounts of data, there is a risk of unauthorized access or misuse of sensitive information. For example, AI algorithms used in facial recognition technology have raised concerns about invasion of privacy and potential surveillance. It is crucial for regulators to establish clear guidelines and safeguards to protect individuals' privacy in the age of AI.Another challenge posed by AI is the potential for bias and discrimination in decision-making processes. AI systems are trained on large datasets, and if these datasets contain biased or incomplete information, the AI algorithms may produce biasedoutcomes. For example, AI algorithms used in hiring processes may inadvertently discriminate against certain groups based on biased data. Addressing these biases is essential to ensure fair and equitable outcomes in AI applications.In addition, the rapid pace of AI development raises questions about accountability and transparency. As AI systems become increasingly complex and opaque, it can be difficult to understand how decisions are being made and who is responsible for them. This lack of transparency raises concerns about accountability, particularly in cases where AI systems make decisions with significant consequences, such as in healthcare or criminal justice.Despite these challenges, there are also opportunities to harness the potential of AI for the benefit of society. AI has the potential to revolutionize healthcare by improving diagnosis and treatment outcomes, and to enhance transportation systems by optimizing traffic flow and reducing accidents. It is essential for policymakers, researchers, and industry stakeholders to work together to address the challenges posed by AI and ensure that its benefits are realized in a responsible and ethical manner.篇3The Development of Artificial Intelligence: Challenges for HumanityIntroductionArtificial Intelligence (AI) has made significant advancements in recent years, revolutionizing various aspects of our lives. From autonomous vehicles to virtual assistants, AI has become an integral part of our daily routines. However, with the rapid development of AI comes a new set of challenges for humanity. This essay will explore the challenges that AI poses to society and discuss how we can address them.1. UnemploymentOne of the most pressing challenges of AI is the potential loss of jobs due to automation. As AI systems become more sophisticated, they are capable of performing tasks that were once exclusive to humans. This automation has the potential to displace millions of workers in various industries, leading to job insecurity and economic instability. To address this challenge, policymakers must prioritize retraining and reskilling programs to ensure that workers are equipped with the skills needed for the jobs of the future.2. Privacy and SecurityAnother challenge posed by AI is the threat to privacy and security. AI systems are capable of collecting and analyzing vast amounts of data, raising concerns about the protection of personal information. Additionally, the use of AI in surveillance and cybersecurity poses new risks to individual privacy and national security. To mitigate these risks, policymakers must establish robust data protection regulations and cybersecurity measures to safeguard individuals and organizations from potential breaches.3. Bias and DiscriminationAI systems are only as unbiased as the data they are trained on. Unfortunately, many AI algorithms have been found to exhibit bias and discrimination, perpetuating existing social inequalities. For example, facial recognition technology has been shown to have higher error rates for individuals with darker skin tones, leading to systemic discrimination in law enforcement and other sectors. To address this challenge, developers must prioritize diversity and inclusion in AI training data and establish mechanisms for identifying and addressing bias in algorithms.4. Ethical and Social ImplicationsThe development of AI raises complex ethical and social implications that must be carefully considered. For example, theuse of AI in autonomous weapons systems raises concerns about the morality of delegating life or death decisions to machines. Additionally, the integration of AI in healthcare and education raises questions about the impact on human autonomy and agency. To navigate these ethical challenges, policymakers and stakeholders must engage in open dialogue and collaborative decision-making to ensure that AI is developed and deployed in a manner that upholds human values and rights.5. SuperintelligenceOne of the most debated challenges of AI is the potential emergence of superintelligent systems that surpass human intelligence. This scenario, known as the singularity, raises existential risks for humanity, as superintelligent AI could pose a threat to human civilization. To address this challenge, researchers and policymakers must invest in the development of AI safety measures and ethical guidelines to ensure that AI systems are aligned with human values and goals.ConclusionThe development of AI has the potential to revolutionize society in profound ways, but it also poses new challenges that must be addressed. From unemployment to privacy and bias, AI presents complex ethical, social, and existential dilemmas thatrequire careful consideration and proactive solutions. By engaging in open dialogue and collaborative decision-making, we can ensure that AI is developed and deployed in a manner that benefits humanity and upholds our values and rights.。



对al积极分面和消极分面英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Positive and Negative Aspects of Artificial IntelligenceArtificial Intelligence (AI) is a rapidly evolving technology that has the potential to bring about significant changes in various aspects of our lives. With its ability to process large amounts of data and perform complex tasks, AI offers numerous benefits to society. However, along with the positive aspects, there are also negative aspects of AI that need to be carefully considered.First of all, let's discuss the positive aspects of AI. One of the major benefits of AI is its ability to automate tasks that were previously done by humans, such as data analysis,decision-making, and customer service. This automation can help businesses become more efficient, reduce costs, and improve the overall quality of their products and services. Moreover, AI can also assist in scientific research and healthcare by analyzing vast amounts of data to uncover new insights and solutions to complex problems. For example, AI is being used indrug discovery, disease diagnosis, and personalized medicine to improve patient outcomes.Another positive aspect of AI is its potential to enhance our daily lives. AI-powered devices and applications, such as virtual assistants, smart home systems, and autonomous vehicles, can make our lives easier, safer, and more convenient. These technologies can help us save time, improve productivity, and even reduce our carbon footprint. For instance, self-driving cars can reduce traffic accidents and congestion, while smart home systems can help us save energy and money by automatically adjusting our lighting, heating, and appliances.However, despite its many benefits, AI also has some negative aspects that need to be addressed. One of the main concerns with AI is its impact on jobs and the economy. As AI continues to automate tasks and replace human workers, there is a risk of job displacement and income inequality. This can have serious social and economic implications, such as unemployment, poverty, and social unrest. Therefore, it is important for policymakers to develop strategies to adapt to the changing labor market and ensure that the benefits of AI are shared equitably among society.Another negative aspect of AI is its potential to be used for malicious purposes. AI-powered technologies, such as autonomous weapons, deepfakes, and social media bots, can be manipulated by bad actors to spread misinformation, commit cybercrimes, and threaten national security. The misuse of AI can have serious consequences for individuals, businesses, and governments, leading to privacy violations, financial losses, and political instability. To mitigate these risks, it is essential to establish regulations and ethical guidelines for the development and deployment of AI technologies.In conclusion, AI has the potential to bring about significant benefits to society, but it also poses challenges that need to be addressed. By understanding the positive and negative aspects of AI, we can make informed decisions about how to leverage this technology responsibly and ethically. With the right policies, regulations, and ethical frameworks in place, we can harness the power of AI to create a better future for all.篇2Positives and Negatives of Artificial IntelligenceArtificial Intelligence (AI) is a rapidly growing field with the potential to transform countless industries, improve efficiency,and enhance the quality of life for people around the world. However, like any powerful technology, AI also has its drawbacks and potential negative impacts. In this essay, we will explore both the positive and negative aspects of AI to gain a comprehensive understanding of its implications.On the positive side, AI has the ability to revolutionize industries by streamlining processes, reducing costs, and increasing productivity. For example, in healthcare, AI-powered technologies can analyze large amounts of data to diagnose diseases, develop personalized treatment plans, and improve patient outcomes. In the business sector, AI can automate routine tasks, freeing up employees to focus on more strategic and creative work. Additionally, AI has the potential to enhance customer experiences through personalized recommendations, chatbots, and other forms of customer service.In addition to its economic benefits, AI can also contribute to social good by addressing important global challenges. For instance, AI can be used to improve disaster response efforts by analyzing satellite imagery to assess damage, identify areas in need of assistance, and coordinate rescue operations. AI can also help address climate change by optimizing energy usage, reducing waste, and developing sustainable solutions.However, despite its many advantages, AI also presents significant challenges and potential risks. One of the major concerns surrounding AI is its impact on employment. As AI continues to automate tasks previously performed by humans, there is a risk of widespread job displacement and income inequality. Furthermore, the use of AI in decision-making processes, such as hiring, loan approvals, and law enforcement, raises important ethical questions about bias, accountability, and transparency.Another significant challenge of AI is its potential for misuse and unintended consequences. For example, AI-powered autonomous weapons could pose a threat to global security if they fall into the wrong hands. Additionally, the widespread use of AI in surveillance and facial recognition technologies raises concerns about privacy, civil liberties, and government overreach. As AI becomes more integrated into our daily lives, it is crucial to establish regulations and ethical guidelines to ensure its responsible development and use.In conclusion, while AI offers tremendous opportunities for innovation and progress, it also presents complex challenges and risks that must be addressed. By understanding the positive and negative aspects of AI, we can work towards harnessing itspotential for good while mitigating its potential harms. It is essential for policymakers, researchers, industry leaders, and the public to engage in informed discussions and collaborations to ensure that AI is developed and deployed in an ethical and responsible manner. Only then can we fully realize the benefits of AI while minimizing its drawbacks.篇3Positive and Negative Aspects of Artificial IntelligenceArtificial intelligence (AI) has become a hot topic in recent years, with advancements in technology allowing for more sophisticated AI systems. While there are many positive aspects to AI, there are also some negative implications to consider. In this essay, we will explore both the positive and negative aspects of AI.Firstly, let's discuss the positive aspects of AI. One of the key benefits of AI is its ability to automate tasks that are repetitive and time-consuming for humans. This can lead to increased efficiency in various industries, such as manufacturing, healthcare, and finance. AI can also help improvedecision-making processes by analyzing large amounts of data quickly and accurately.Furthermore, AI has the potential to improve the quality of life for individuals by providing personalized services and recommendations. For example, AI-powered virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa can help people with daily tasks and provide valuable information on-demand. AI can also be used to improve healthcare by diagnosing diseases early and recommending personalized treatment plans.On the other hand, there are some negative aspects of AI that need to be considered. One of the key concerns is the potential for AI to replace human jobs, leading to unemployment and economic instability. As AI systems become more advanced, there is a risk that many jobs will become obsolete, leaving millions of people without work.Additionally, there are ethical implications to consider when it comes to AI. For example, AI systems may not always make ethical decisions or prioritize human well-being. There is also the risk of bias in AI algorithms, which can lead to discriminatory outcomes for certain groups of people.Another concern is the potential for AI to be used for malicious purposes, such as hacking into systems or creating fake news. As AI technology becomes more sophisticated, thereis a risk that it could be weaponized and used to cause harm to individuals or organizations.In conclusion, there are both positive and negative aspects to artificial intelligence. While AI has the potential to revolutionize industries and improve the quality of life for individuals, there are also risks and ethical concerns that need to be addressed. It is important for policymakers, researchers, and industry leaders to work together to ensure that AI is developed and used responsibly to benefit society as a whole.。



英语单词精解系列[高中译林模块10单元2]第二十二篇skateboard音标_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 英[’skeɪtbɔːd] 美[’sket’bɔrd]释义_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n. 溜冰板vi. 用滑板滑行短语_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Skateboard City:街头极限滑板;小游戏Crazy Skateboard:疯狂滑板skateboard shoes:滑板鞋Skateboard Bearings:滑板轴承Skateboard Street:滑板公园赛To skateboard:去滑板Skateboard Shelf:滑板架skateboard control:滑板控制Ride Skateboard:玩儿滑板例句_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1.N-COUNT A skateboard is a narrow board with wheels at each end, which people stand on and ride for pleasure. 滑板council音标_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 英[’kaʊns(ə)l; -sɪl] 美[’kaʊnsl]释义_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n. 委员会;会议;理事会;地方议会;顾问班子n. (Council)人名;(英)康斯尔短语_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Nordic Council:北欧理事会;北欧委员会;此乃由北欧委员会Atlantic Council:大西洋理事会;大西洋委员会;理事会District council:区议会;部的联邦律师;区理事会Guardian Council:宪法监督委员会;宪法监护委员会;监护委员会;护教会议Population Council:人口理事会;人口委员会;人口协会;可口可乐公司Federal Council:瑞士联邦委员会;联邦委员会;联邦参议院;联邦院city council:市议会;市政府;市政局;市政厅tourist council:旅游委员会;驴友委员会;旅游Select Council:选择会例句_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1.N-COUNT-COLL/N-IN-NAMES A council is a group of people who are elected to govern a local area such as a city. 政务委员会2.N-COUNT-COLL Council is used in the names of some organizations. 委员会3.N-COUNT-COLL In some organizations, the council is the group of people that controls or governs it. 管理委员会4.N-COUNT A council is a specially organized, formal meeting that is attended by a particular group of people.会议cater音标_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 英[’keɪtə] 美[’ketɚ]释义_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ vt. 投合,迎合;满足需要;提供饮食及服务n. (Cater)人名;(英)凯特短语_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Vince Cater:打老虎屁股;文斯·卡特Sharon Cater:莎伦·卡特cater cousin:远房兄弟Beverly Cater:标签Cater Diana:名称Cater wear:凹陷磨耗cater angle:自动车的Frances Cater:标签CATER WALK:平跑道例句_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1.V-I To cater to a group of people means to provide all the things that they need or want. 满足…需要; 迎合2.V-I To cater to something means to take it into account. 考虑3.V-T If a person or company caters an occasion such as a wedding or a party, they provide food and drink for all the people there. (在婚礼、派对等场合) 提供餐饮服务; 承办酒席4.→ see also cateringherb音标_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 英[hɜːb] 美[ɝb]释义_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n. 香草,药草n. (Herb)人名;(德、英、瑞典)赫布短语_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Typhoon Herb:台风贺伯Clinopodium Herb:剪刀草;断血流粉末;断血流Veronicastrum Herb:腹水草Horseweed Herb:小飞蓬Herb Ritts:赫伯·里兹;赫伯·瑞茨;赫柏·利兹;赫伯herb layer:草本层;草本植物层herb jackson:杰克逊Lophatherum Herb:淡竹叶粉末Goldenrod herb:一枝黄花例句_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1.N-COUNT A herb is a plant whose leaves are used in cooking to add flavour to food, or as a medicine. (调味或药用的) 香草controversial音标_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 英[kɒntrə’vɜːʃ(ə)l] 美[,kɑntrə’vɝʃl]释义_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ adj. 有争议的;有争论的短语_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Controversial issues:争议的问题;无争议的问题controversial plans:有争议的计划Controversial Causes:争论原因controversial category:争议范畴a controversial:一个有争议controversial problem:争论问题controversial election:争议性的选举controversial information:无争议信息例句_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1.ADJ If you describe something or someone as controversial , you mean that they are the subject of intense public argument, disagreement, or disapproval. 有争议的physicist音标_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 英[’fɪzɪsɪst] 美[’fɪzɪsɪst]释义_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n. 物理学家;唯物论者短语_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ radiation physicist:放射物理学家assistant physicist:助理物理学家mechanics physicist:力学物理学家;机械物理学家engineering physicist:工程物理学家acoustics physicist:声学物理学家;声学物理学者environmental physicist:环境物理学家Theoritical physicist:理论物理学Talent physicist:天才物理学家British Physicist:英国物理学家例句_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1.N-COUNT A physicist is a person who does research connected with physics or who studies physics. 物理学家precise音标_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 英[prɪ’saɪs] 美[prɪ’saɪs]附加_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [ 比较级more precise 最高级most precise ]释义_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ adj. 精确的;明确的;严格的短语_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ precise leveling:精密水准测量;精密校平;水准测量;精密水隼测量precise ephemeris:精密星历;精密星曆Precise Code:精码;精捕捉码;精密码;精确码precise couple:精密偶件Precise Pangolin:精确的穿山甲;穿山甲;刻板的穿山甲;精准的穿山甲precise cursors:精确光标precise riveter:精密铆接机Precise Marketing:精细化营销precise measurement:精密测量例句_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1.ADJ You use precise to emphasize that you are referring to an exact thing, rather than something vague. 确切的[ADJ n] [强调]2.ADJ Something that is precise is exact and accurate in all its details. 精确的fortune-telling释义_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n. 算命adj. 算命的短语_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Fortune-telling Forbidden:止算命fortune-telling charms:占卜与符咒fortune-telling detail:算命fortune-telling book:禄命书ancient Fortune-telling:古代算命术Fingerprint Fortune-Telling:指纹歌Horoscopes fortune-telling:人的生辰八字算命Constellation Fortune-telling:星座算命Fortune-telling sticks:求签privilege音标_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 英[ˈprɪvəlɪdʒ] 美[ˈprɪvəlɪdʒ]释义_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n. 特权;优待vt. 给予…特权;特免短语_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ object privilege:对象权限;对象特权access privilege:存取特权;访问特权;存取方式privilege violation:特权扰乱image privilege:映象特权Privilege Separation:特权分离;特权隔离Position Privilege:领先地位spousal privilege:配偶特权Privilege Hotel:普利维基酒店;特惠酒店例句_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1.N-COUNT A privilege is a special right or advantage that only one person or group has. (某人、某团体拥有的)特权2.N-UNCOUNT If you talk about privilege , you are talking about the power and advantage that only a small group of people have, usually because of their wealth or their connections with powerful people. (一小部分人因其财富或与有权人的关系而拥有的) 特权3.N-SING You can use privilege in expressions such as be a privilege or have the privilege when you want to show your appreciation of someone or something, or to show your respect. 荣幸slip音标_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 英[slɪp] 美[slɪp]附加_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [ 过去式slipped 或slip 过去分词slipped 现在分词slipping ]释义_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ vi. 滑动;滑倒;犯错;失足;减退vt. 使滑动;滑过;摆脱;塞入;闪开n. 滑,滑倒;片,纸片;错误;下跌;事故adj. 滑动的;有活结的;活络的abbr. 串行线路接口协议,是旧式的协议(Serial Line Interface Protocol)n. (Slip)人名;(芬)斯利普短语_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Slip Joint:滑动接头;滑配接头;伸缩接头;滑动关节insurance slip:投保单;保险单;保险申请pay slip:工资单;工资条;工资收入证明slip petticoat:衬裙slip resistance:滑动阻力;防滑性;防滑性能;防滑slip system:滑移系;卡瓦装置;传票轨制correction slip:勘误表;刊误表Slip Plan:滑动面slip regulator:转差调节器;滑动第器;转差率第器;转差调治器例句_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1.V-I If you slip , you accidentally slide and lose your balance. 滑; 滑倒2.V-I If something slips , it slides out of place or out of your hand. 滑走; 滑落3.V-I If you slip somewhere, you go there quickly and quietly. 溜走4.V-T If you slip something somewhere, you put it there quickly in a way that does not attract attention. 把…悄悄地放在5.V-T If you slip something to someone, you give it to them secretly. 偷偷地给6.V-I To slip into a particular state or situation means to pass gradually into it, in a way that is hardly noticed. (不知不觉地) 陷入7.V-T/V-I If something slips to a lower level or standard, it falls to that level or standard. 使下降; 下降8.N-SING Slip is also a noun. 下降9.V-T/V-I If you slip into or out of clothes or shoes, you put them on or take them off quickly and easily. 迅速轻松地穿上; 迅速轻松地脱下10.V to detach (portions of stem, etc) from (a plant) for propagation (从植物)取接枝11.N-COUNT A slip is a small or unimportant mistake. 差错; 疏漏12.N-COUNT A slip of paper is a small piece of paper. 纸条13.N-COUNT A slip is a thin piece of clothing that a woman wears under her dress or skirt. 衬裙14.N clay mixed with water to a creamy consistency, used for decorating or patching a ceramic piece 粘土与水的混合物15.N a part of a plant that, when detached from the parent, will grow into a new plant; cutting; scion 接枝;插枝16.PHRASE If you let slip information, you accidentally tell it to someone, when you wanted to keep it secret. 无意中说出(秘密)17.PHRASE If something slips your mind , you forget about it. 被遗忘numb音标_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 英[nʌm] 美[nʌm]释义_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ adj. 麻木的,失去知觉的;(因震惊、害怕等)呆滞的v. 使麻木,使失去知觉;使迟钝n. 麻木,木然短语_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ legs numb:双腿麻痹;双腿麻木numb a:麻木的;失去感觉的Strangely Numb:前卫金属NUMB number:编号class numb:类数numb sensation:麻木Numb Nuts:麻木坚果Beyond Numb:超越麻木NUMB antibody:英文名称例句_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1.ADJ If a part of your body is numb , you cannot feel anything there. 麻木的2.numbness N-UNCOUNT 麻木3.ADJ If you are numb with shock, fear, or grief, you are so shocked, frightened, or upset that you cannot think clearly or feel any emotion. 木然的4.numbness N-UNCOUNT 木然5.V-T If an event or experience numbs you, you can no longer think clearly or feel any emotion. 使木呆6.numbed ADJ 惊呆的7.V-T If cold weather, a drug, or a blow numbs a part of your body, you can no longer feel anything in it. 使失去知觉botany音标_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 英[’bɒt(ə)nɪ] 美[’bɑtəni]释义_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n. 植物学;地区植物总称短语_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ agricultural botany:农业植物学structural botany:结构植物学botany twills:博坦尼斜纹呢botany noil:博坦尼短毛botany box:细支毛针梳机special botany:特用植物学;植物学各论descriptive botany:叙述植物学;Molecular Botany:描述植物学;描述性植物学例句_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1.N-UNCOUNT Botany is the scientific study of plants. 植物学accountant音标_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 英[ə’kaʊnt(ə)nt] 美[ə’kaʊntənt]释义_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n. 会计师;会计人员短语_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Senior Accountant:高级会计;Management Accountant:高级会计师;资深会计;主任会计师consultant accountant:管理会计;管理会计师;会计主管;需要注册和执照qualified accountant:顾问会计师;顾问Legal accountant:合格的会计师;会计师;合资格会计师;详细翻译Accountant supposition:法务会计environmental accountant:会计假设forensic accountant:环境会计师;环境会计;环境会计的计量;缌production accountant:法务会计师;证会计师例句_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1.N-COUNT An accountant is a person whose job is to keep financial accounts. 会计师clerk音标_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 英[klɑːk] 美[klɝk]释义_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n. 职员,办事员;店员;书记;记账员;牧师,教士vi. 当销售员,当店员;当职员n. (英)克拉克(人名)短语_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Operations Clerk:操作员;操作文员;内勤操作员;海运Remittance Clerk:汇款员Reservation Clerk:预订部文员;预订员;预定文员;预定员Settlement Clerk:结算员;分期融资放款专员;结算人员;外汇部核算员luggage clerk:行李员Administration Clerk:行政职员;行政文员;行政专员;行政办事员Clerk Maxwell:麦克斯韦;从麦克斯Engineering clerk:工程部文员;工程文员;已停止招聘;工程业务员Housekeeping Clerk:客房部文员;客房文员;管家部文员;客房中心文员兼部门秘书例句_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1.N-COUNT A clerk is a person who works in an office, bank, or law court and whose job is to keep the records or accounts. 文书; (法庭) 书记员2.N-COUNT In a hotel, office, or hospital, a clerk is the person whose job is to answer the telephone and deal with people when they arrive. 接待员[美国英语]3.N-COUNT A clerk is someone who sells things to customers in a shop. 售货员[美国英语]4.V-I To clerk means to work as a clerk. 做文书工作[美国英语]ROmany释义_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _n. 吉普赛语;吉普赛人adj. 吉普赛人的;吉普赛语的;吉普赛人之风俗习惯的短语_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Romany language:罗姆语;吉普赛语Name Romany:罗Romany Malco:马尔科;罗曼尼·马尔可;马尔可;马尔柯romany goodium:罗马尼姆铝基合金ROMANY SONG:吉普塞之歌Romany goodce:浪漫曲;罗曼史Romany Rhapsody:吉普塞狂想曲Romany revival:吉卜赛文艺复兴Romany Polanyski:波兰斯基例句_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1.N-COUNT A Romany is a member of a race of people who travel from place to place, usually living in trailers, rather than living in one place. 吉普赛人2.ADJ Romany means related or connected to the Romany people. 吉普赛人的[usu ADJ n]swap音标_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 英[swɒp] 美[swɑp]附加_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [ 过去式swapped 过去分词swapped 现在分词swapping ]释义_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ v. 交换,调换;交易;以……作交换;代替n. 交换,调换;交易;交换之物;被交换者;互惠信贷短语_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ swap transaction:调期交易;掉期交易Hot Swap:热插拔;热抽换;热交换;热插入swap file:交换文件;置换档;互换文件;交换档memory swap:交换记忆;类用语交换记忆;交换记swap deposit:掉期存款;假美金;掉期放款bond swap:债券互换;债券辑期;债券交换;券掉期swap channels:交换声道;声音通道翻转;互换声道;声道交换rate swap:利率掉期;利率互换Swap Heroes:交换英雄例句_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1.V-RECIP If you swap something with someone, you give it to them and receive a different thing in exchange.交换2.N-COUNT Swap is also a noun. 交换3.V-T If you swap one thing for another, you remove the first thing and replace it with the second, or you stop doing the first thing and start doing the second. 调换Norway音标_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 英[’nɔ:weɪ] 美[’nɔrweɪ]释义_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n. 挪威(北欧国家名)短语_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Statistics Norway:挪威统计局Norway Cup:挪威杯Norway Women:挪威女足Norway pout:挪威鳕Norway Rat:沟鼠;挪威鼠;翻译;褐鼠英语Norway Post:挪威邮政NORWAY HOUSE:挪威豪斯norway map:挪威地图Norway GPF:挪威政府养老基金bingo音标_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 英[’bɪŋgəʊ] 美[’bɪŋɡo]附加_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [ 复数bingos ]释义_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n. 宾戈游戏n. (Bingo)人名;(日)备后(姓)短语_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Bingo cards:宾果游戏牌;所有宾果回函卡;一切宾果回函卡Caesars Bingo:宾果在线Bingo Blaster:宾果冲击波Bingo line:宾果行;扑克牌线Bingo Night:宾果之夜Miss Bingo:宾果小姐拼图方块Lucky Bingo:棋牌游戏Bucky Bingo:购布基宾果Bingo Lounge:球迷也可在宾果茶座例句_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1.N-UNCOUNT Bingo is a game in which each player has a card with numbers on it. Someone calls out numbers and if you are the first person to have all your numbers called out, you win the game. 宾戈游戏(一种赌博游戏)2.INTERJ You can say "bingo!" when something pleasant happens, especially in a surprising, unexpected, or sudden way, or to show that you have just achieved or discovered something. 因突然出现的好事或成功所发出的叫声clarify音标_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 英[’klærɪfaɪ] 美[’klærəfaɪ]附加_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [ 过去式clarified 过去分词clarified 现在分词clarifying ]释义_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ vt. 澄清;阐明vi. 得到澄清;变得明晰;得到净化短语_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ perplex clarify:困惑;阐明Clarify functions:理顺职能分工variety clarify:杂耍;综艺节目Clarify expectations:明确期望clarify mana:澄净法力molecular clarify:分子筛ice clarify:冰上表演Clarify points:说清楚点You clarify:你阐明例句_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1.V-T To clarify something means to make it easier to understand, usually by explaining it in more detail. 澄清[正式]2.clarification N-VAR 澄清biologist音标_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 英[baɪ’ɒlədʒɪst] 美[baɪ’ɑlədʒɪst]释义_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n. 生物学家短语_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ developmental biologist:发育生物学家;生物学家parasitology biologist:寄生虫生物学家synthetic biologist:合成生物学家protozoology biologist:原生动物生物学家Austrian Biologist:奥地利生物学家chartered Biologist:并获得特许生理学家Biologist Nurse:说明systems biologist:系统生物学家cell biologist:细胞生物学家bungalow音标_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 英[’bʌŋgələʊ] 美[ˈbʌŋɡəˌlo]释义_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n. 平房;小屋短语_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tourist Bungalow:客宿舍;旅客询问中心Udom Bungalow:乌冬小屋;乌冬简易别墅酒店Bangrak Bungalow:邦拉克平房酒店;班戈拉克简易别墅酒店;苏梅岛班戈拉克简易别墅酒店Tea Bungalow:茶别墅Rose Bungalow:玫瑰简易别墅;玫瑰平房酒店Sunshine Bungalow:阳光别墅Dewangga Bungalow:德王加平房酒店;德王加简易别墅酒店;迪云加平房Panpen Bungalow:盘鹏小屋酒店Pramesti Bungalow:普拉梅斯蒂平房酒店例句_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1.N-COUNT A bungalow is a house that has only one level, and no stairs. 平房brain drain释义_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 人才外流;智囊流失短语_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ brain-drain:人才流失Brain n drain:脑力人才外流;人才流失;人才外流brain-drain situation:人才流失A serious brain-drain:严重的人才外流the brain-drain of village teachers:农村教师流失A gnawing worry about brain-drain:中译英Brain-drain crisis management system:人才流失危机管理机制Brain Drain in China:中国人才外流;中国的人才外流brain drain in enterprises:关键词中小企业;流失问题;企业人才例句_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1.N-SING When people talk about a brain drain , they are referring to the movement of a large number of scientists or academics away from their own country to other countries where the conditions and salaries are better. (国家的)人才流失boom音标_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 英[buːm] 美[buːm]释义_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ vt. 使兴旺;发隆隆声vi. 急速发展;发隆隆声n. 繁荣;吊杆;隆隆声n. (Boom)人名;(法、德)博姆短语_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ economic boom:经济繁荣;经济蓬勃;经济繁华;经济腾飞Tunnel boom:微压波噪音boom year:景气年份;经济高度增长年;oil boom:高涨年boom crane:拦油栅;围油栏;石油热;防油栅boom hoist:吊杆起重机;伸臂起重机;桁梁起重机;悬臂起重机Boom Blox:悬臂绞车;伸臂式起重机;臂式吊车;扒杆绞车boom operator:轰隆魔块;欢乐轰炸;爆裂方块;轰隆模块SOUND BOOM:录音话筒操作员例句_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1.N-COUNT If there is a boom in the economy, there is an increase in economic activity, for example, in the number of things that are being bought and sold. (经济) 繁荣2.N-COUNT A boom in something is an increase in its amount, frequency, or success. 增长3.V-I If the economy or a business is booming , the number of things being bought or sold is increasing. 激增4.V-T/V-I When something such as someone’s voice, a cannon, or a big drum booms , it makes a loud, deep sound that lasts for several seconds. 发出低沉洪亮的声音5.PHRASAL VERB Boom out means the same as . 发出低沉洪亮的声音6.N-COUNT/SOUND Boom is also a noun. 轰鸣声hurricane音标_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 英[ˈhʌrɪkən] 美[ˈhɜːrəkeɪn]释义_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n. 飓风,暴风短语_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hurricane Katrina:飓风卡特里娜;卡特里娜飓风;卡特里娜;卡崔娜飓风Hurricane Sandy:飓风桑迪;桑迪飓风;飓风珊迪The Hurricane:黑罪风云;飓风侠Hurricane Vince:飓风文斯Hurricane Style:飓风形态;飓风形式Hurricane Venus:宝儿;完整版;飓风金星hurricane drier:风干室;快速热风烘燥机hurricane watch:飓风监视Hurricane Ivan:飓风伊万;飓风伊凡;伊万飓风例句_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1.N-COUNT A hurricane is an extremely violent storm that begins over ocean water. 飓风tough音标_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 英[tʌf] 美[tʌf]释义_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ adj. 艰苦的,困难的;坚强的,不屈不挠的;坚韧的,牢固的;强壮的,结实的n. 恶棍vt. 坚持;忍受,忍耐adv. 强硬地,顽强地n. (Tough)人名;(英)图赫短语_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tough bronze:韧铜;韧青铜tough boy:北斗神拳第二代主题歌;北斗神拳主题曲;科迪·林雷Tough Choices:勇敢抉择;艰难抉择;艰难的抉择卡莉·菲奥莉娜;艰难的选择Tough Baosin:拓扶·宝思哲tough policy:强硬政策;强硬的政策Be Tough:要坚强;副本大爷小铁匠;坚定自己;沫桑不高兴的tough copper:韧铜Tough Test:艰苦测试;韧性试验tough business:困难的生意例句_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1.ADJ A tough person is strong and determined, and can tolerate difficulty or suffering. 坚强的2.toughness N-UNCOUNT 坚强3.ADJ If you describe someone as tough , you mean that they are rough and violent. 粗暴的4.ADJ A tough place or area is considered to have a lot of crime and violence. 治安很差的5.ADJ A tough way of life or period of time is difficult or full of suffering. 艰苦的6.ADJ A tough task or problem is difficult to do or solve. 困难的7.ADJ Tough policies or actions are strict and firm. (政策或行动) 强硬的8.ADJ A tough substance is strong, and difficult to break, cut, or tear. (物质) 坚硬的9.ADJ Tough meat is difficult to cut and chew. (肉) 嚼不动的thief音标_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 英[θiːf] 美[θif]附加_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [ 复数thieves ]释义_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n. 小偷,贼短语_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tiny Thief:小小盗贼;小贼物语;小小贼;阿神的实况教室Thief Gold:神偷黄金版;黄金版MASTER THIEF:盗贼大师;盗贼;盗王;偷盗大师Puzzle Thief:小贼偷箱子;迷宫小偷;巧智神偷major thief:大盗;thief rod:巨盗;翻译rod thief:取样杆;测量杆;采样杆Horse Thief:棒形采样器;长杆取样器No Thief:盗马贼;马贼例句_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1.N-COUNT A thief is a person who steals something from another person. 小偷ambulance音标_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 英[’æmbjʊl(ə)ns] 美[’æmbjələns]释义_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n. [车辆][医] 救护车;战时流动医院短语_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ambulance chaser:唯利是图的低级律师;趁火打劫的人;救护车的追逐者;追救护车的人Ambulance Rush:野蛮救护车;疯狂救护车;救护车emergency ambulance:急救车;急诊救护;行了紧急救护ambulance corps:野战卫生队;翻译ambulance stretcher:救护车担架;救护车motor ambulance:救护车ambulance station:救护站Ambulance Paramedic:辅助医疗救护;急救人员;紧急救护人员例句_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1.N-COUNT An ambulance is a vehicle for taking people to and from a hospital. 救护车[also ’by’ N]inn音标_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 英[ɪn] 美[ɪn]释义_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n. 客栈;旅馆vi. 住旅馆n. (Inn)人名;(柬)因短语_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Jinjiang Inn:锦江之星;锦江之星连锁旅馆;锦江之星旅馆Residence Inn:万豪居家;万豪居家酒店;万豪高级行政公寓;连锁酒店GDH INN:粤海之星;粤海之星深圳华海店Sleep Inn:斯里普;斯利普酒店;司丽普酒店;斯里普酒店Swiss Inn:瑞园旅馆;瑞士旅馆;瑞园酒店;瑞士酒店Budget Inn:巴吉旅馆;廉价旅馆;经济旅馆;低价宾馆Goldshire Inn:闪金旅馆KNIGHTS INN:骑士酒店;骑士旅馆;骑士客栈;骑士Airline Inn:头等舱饭店;中华馆例句_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1.N-COUNT/N-IN-NAMES An inn is a hotel, bar, or restaurant, often one in the country. (常指乡村的) 小旅店;小酒馆; 小餐厅。



INTERNATIONAL COVENANT ON CIVIL AND POLITICAL RIGHTS公民权利和政治权利国际公约Preamble 序言The States Parties to the present Covenant, Considering that, in accordance with the principles proclaimed in the Charter of the United Nations, recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world, Recognizing that these rights derive from the inherent dignity of the human person, Recognizing that, in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the ideal of free human beings enjoying civil and political freedom and freedom from fear and want can only be achieved if conditions are created whereby everyone may enjoy his civil and political rights, as well as his economic, social and cultural rights, Considering the obligation of States under the Charter of the United Nations to promote universal respect for, and observance of, human rights andfreedoms, Realizing that the individual, having duties to other individuals and to the community to which he belongs, is under a responsibility to strive for the promotion and observance of the rights recognized in the present Covenant, Agree upon the following articles:本公约缔约各国,考虑到,按照联合国宪章所宣布的原则,对人类家庭所有成员的固有尊严及其平等的和不移的权利的承认,乃是世界自由、正义与和平的基础,确认这些权利是源于人身的固有尊严,确认,按照世界人权宣言,只有在创造了使人人可以享有其公民和政治权利,正如享有其经济、社会、文化权利一样的条件的情况下,才能实现自由人类享有公民及政治自由和免于恐惧和匮乏的自由的理想,考虑到各国根据联合国宪章负有义务促进对人的权利和自由的普遍尊重和遵行,认识到个人对其他个人和对他所属的社会负有义务,应为促进和遵行本公约所承认的权利而努力,兹同意下述各条:PART I 第一部分 Article 1 第一条1. All peoples have the right of self-determination. Byvirtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development.2. All peoples may, for their own ends, freely dispose of their natural wealth and resources without prejudice to any obligations arising out of international economic co-operation, based upon the principle of mutual benefit, and international law. In no case may a people be deprived of its own means of subsistence.3. The States Parties to the present Covenant, including those having responsibility for the administration of Non-Self-Governing and Trust Territories, shall promote the realization of the right of self-determination, and shall respect that right, in conformity with the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations.一、所有人民都有自决权。

civilizational civil辨析 -回复

civilizational civil辨析 -回复

civilizational civil辨析-回复在我们的现代社会中,存在着许多不同的文明,每个文明都有其独特的特点和发展路径。

在这个语境下,"civilization"和"civil "是两个相关但又有所不同的概念。










例如,美国的"civil liberties"描述了公民在法律中所享有的自由权利。

要理解这两个词之间的区别,可以通过以下几个方面来考虑:1. 范围:"civilization"是一个广泛的概念,描述了整个社会的组织和发展。


2. 内容:"civilization"包含了政治、经济、文化和科技等多个方面,而"civil"则更加强调社会秩序、法律制度和公民权利。

3. 规范性:"civilization"描述了一个文明的特点和特征,并不强调道德和行为规范。










关键词美国内战奴隶主权势废奴运动自由党威尔莫特符文政治话语1858年8月27日,林肯在与斯蒂芬·道格拉斯(Steven Douglass)的第二场辩论中宣称:“在我们的国家,奴隶制持续不断的入侵,已经对一个自由民族最珍视的权利带来了毁灭性影响……美国公民应该团结起来,以和平、合宪、有效的措施来抵制奴隶主权势的入侵。

”①这是林肯首次公开使用“奴隶主权势”(Slave Power)一词。

在他之前,萨蒙·蔡斯(Salmon Chase)等共和党领袖曾多次公开阐释“奴隶主权势”观念:一个由南部奴隶主组成的权力集团,试图扩张奴隶制,颠覆美国的共和体制。

在19世纪50年代,“奴隶主权势”观念是共和党意识形态和话语策略的关键内容,有学者甚至将其称为共和党的“主导性象征”(master symbol)。




行政管理专业英语一、人力资源管理:Human Resource Management ,HRM人力资源经理: human resource manager高级管理人员:executive /i`gzekjutiv职业:profession道德标准:ethics操作工:operative employees专家:specialist人力资源认证协会:the Human Resource Certification Institute,HRCI二、外部环境:external environment内部环境:internal environment政策:policy企业文化:corporate culture目标:mission股东:shareholders非正式组织:informal organization跨国公司:multinational corporation,MNC管理多样性:managing diversity三、工作:job职位:posting工作分析:job analysis工作说明:job description工作规范:job specification工作分析计划表:job analysis schedule,JAS职位分析问卷调查法:Management Position Description Questionnaire,MPDQ行政秘书:executive secretary地区服务经理助理:assistant district service manager四、人力资源计划:Human Resource Planning,HRP战略规划:strategic planning长期趋势:long term trend要求预测:requirement forecast供给预测:availability forecast管理人力储备:management inventory裁减:downsizing人力资源信息系统:Human Resource Information System,HRIS五、招聘:recruitment员工申请表:employee requisition招聘方法:recruitment methods内部提升:Promotion From Within ,PFW工作公告:job posting广告:advertising职业介绍所:employment agency特殊事件:special events实习:internship六、选择:selection选择率:selection rate简历:resume标准化:standardization有效性:validity客观性:objectivity规范:norm录用分数线:cutoff score准确度:aiming业务知识测试:job knowledge tests求职面试:employment interview非结构化面试:unstructured interview结构化面试:structured interview小组面试:group interview职业兴趣测试:vocational interest tests会议型面试:board interview七、组织变化与人力资源开发人力资源开发:Human Resource Development,HRD培训:training开发:development定位:orientation训练:coaching辅导:mentoring经营管理策略:business games案例研究:case study会议方法:conference method角色扮演:role playing工作轮换:job rotating在职培训:on-the-job training ,OJT媒介:media八、企业文化与组织发展企业文化:corporate culture组织发展:organization development,OD调查反馈:survey feedback质量圈:quality circles目标管理:management by objective,MBO全面质量管理:Total Quality Management,TQM团队建设:team building九、职业计划与发展职业:career职业计划:career planning职业道路:career path职业发展:career development自我评价:self-assessment职业动机:career anchors十、绩效评价绩效评价:Performance Appraisal,PA小组评价:group appraisal业绩评定表:rating scales method关键事件法:critical incident method排列法:ranking method平行比较法:paired comparison硬性分布法:forced distribution method晕圈错误:halo error宽松:leniency严格:strictness3600反馈:360-degree feedback叙述法:essay method 集中趋势:central tendency十一、报酬与福利报酬:compensation 直接经济报酬:direct financial compensation 间接经济报酬:indirect financial compensation非经济报酬:no financial compensation公平:equity外部公平:external equity内部公平:internal equity员工公平:employee equity小组公平:team equity工资水平领先者:pay leaders现行工资率:going rate工资水平居后者:pay followers 劳动力市场:labor market工作评价:job evaluation排列法:ranking method 分类法:classification method 因素比较法:factor comparison method评分法:point method 海氏指示图表个人能力分析法:Hay Guide Chart-profile Method工作定价:job pricing 工资等级:pay grade 工资曲线:wage curve 工资幅度:pay range十二、福利和其它报酬问题福利间接经济补偿员工股权计划:employee stock ownership plan,ESOP 值班津贴:shift differential奖金:incentive compensation 分红制:profit sharing十三、安全与健康的工作环境安全:safety 健康:health 频率:frequency rate 紧张:stress 角色冲突:role conflict 催眠法:hypnosis 酗酒:alcoholism十四、员工和劳动关系工会:union 地方工会:local union 行业工会:craft union 产业工会:industrial union 全国工会:national union 谈判组:bargaining union 劳资谈判:collective bargaining 仲裁:arbitration罢工:strike 内部员工关系:internal employee relations 纪律:discipline 纪律处分:disciplinary action申诉:grievance 降职:demotion 调动:transfer 晋升:promotion1、操作工:operative employees-我认为operation staff更符合实际和贴切2、既然提到企业文化,我想加上愿景应该更好-愿景:vision3、目标:mission -mission翻译成使命更好,目标可以是goal,没有mission这种使命感给人感觉更强烈;4、职位:posting-显然应该是position5、工作说明:job description-译成职位描述或许更加,HR专业术语中我们称其为JD6、行政秘书:executive secretary-应该是执行秘书,“执行秘书”比一般的“行政秘书”更高一级,基本等同主管级员工;7、地区服务经理助理:assistant district service manager -这个词组对一般企业来说基本没有意义,应该只是某个特定公司设置的特定职位;8、人力资源计划:Human Resource Planning,HRP-译成“人力资源规划”更佳;9、战略规划:strategic planning-其实strategy一词足以;10、要求预测:requirement forecast-需求预测11、员工申请表:employee requisition-我认为中英文在这里容易产生歧异:如果是部门需要招聘,需填写招聘申请表recruiting application form;如果是应聘者应聘填写的表格,通常的称谓是job application form;这里的“员工申请表:employee requisition”我不太明白是何种情况;12、试用期应该是很多企业用到的名词,我添加一下probation;13、加上“辅导”一词coaching,很常用的;14、经营管理策略:business games-games如果是strategy会更专业;15、角色扮演:role playing-不要说语法了,就应该是role play,没有ing,role play这里就是名词一个;16、工作轮换:job rotating-job rotation;17、质量圈:quality circles-品质圈,或品管圈,这样更贴切-在任何企业中,品质的含义都比质量更高;18、职业动机:career anchors-中文极不准确,应该是“职业锚”,完全是事;19、报酬:compensation -译成薪酬更好; 20、奖金:incentive compensation-incentive足以; 21、加一个常用词,年终奖annual bonus; 22、工会:union-当然是labor union了,没有labor就没有任何意义;行政管理学专用英语词汇一院制 Unicameral一党制国家 One—party States人权 Human rights人权宣言 Declarations of the Rights of Man and the Citizen工会 Trade unions下议院 House of Commons上议院 House of Lords个人主义 Individualism女权主义 Feminism马列主义 Marxism—Leninism马克思主义 Marxism马基雅维里主义 Machiavelli王权 Crown无产阶级 Proletariat无产阶专政 Dictatorship of the proletariat无政府主义 Anarchism专制 Despotism专制政府/绝对专制主义 Absolute government/absolutism 中央与地方的关系 Central/Local relations分权 Separation of powers公共行政 Public administration公民权利 Civil rights公民自由 Civil liberties正义Justice可审判性Justiciability平等Equality奴隶制Slavery占统治地位的党Dominant party代表Delegate代议员Representative代议制政府Representative government 代表制Representation主权Sovereignty市民社会Civil society市镇长Major立宪主义Constitutionalism立宪政体Constitutional government立法机关Legislatures立法否决Legislative veto立法委员会Legislative committees立法起草Legislative drafting半总统制Semi-presidential systems 议长Speaker议会制度Parliamentary system司法机构Judiciary司法行政官Magistrate司法审查Judicial review民主Democracy民主党Democratic Party民主集中制Democratic centralism 民意测验Opinion polls共产党Communist Parties共和国Republic机构/制度Institution权力Power权利Rights权利法案Bill of rights权威Authority妇女选举权Women’s suffrage地方长官Prefect地方政府Local government地方政府财政Local government finance 地方政治Local politics同意Consent同意投票Approval voting团体理论Group theory邦联Confederation邦联条例Articles of Confederation自由Freedom自由党Liberal parties自由裁量权Discretion自决Self-determination自治Self-government自治领Dominion行为主义Behaviouralism行政Administration行政机关Executives政委员Administrative board行政法庭Administrative tribunal 行政法院Administrative court州长Governor多元主义Pluralism多元社会Plural society多头制Polyarchy多数派政府Majority government多数统治Majority rule决策Decision making决策理论Decision theory农奴制Serfdom阶层/阶级Class麦迪逊,詹姆斯Madison,James苏格拉底Socrates极权主义Totalitarianism否决权Veto投票Voting投票率Turnout护宪Entrenchment财产权Property利益Interests利益表达与聚合Interest articulation and aggregation利益集团Interest group言论,表达和出版自由Freedom of speech,expression,and the press 社区/共同体Community社团主义Corporatism社会主义Socialism社会民主主义Social democracy社会契约论Social contract君主制Monarchy责任Responsibility责任政府Responsible government直接民主Direct democracy直接行动Direct action杰斐逊,托马斯Jefferson,Thomas欧洲议会European Parliament欧洲共同体European Community歧视Discrimination国际法International Law国家State国家元首Head of state国家消亡Withering away of the state国家财政危机Fiscal crisis of the state 非暴力反抗Civil disobedience非暴力行为Non-violent action制定法Statute Law制衡Checks and balance委任Patronage委员会Commission质询Interpellation法Law法令Act法官Judge法治Rule of law法律的正当程序Due process of law法案,议案Bill宗教自由Freedom of religion审判Adjudication审查制度Censorship官僚制/官僚Bureaucracy实证主义Positivism封建主义Feudalism革命和反革命Revolution and counter-revolution 政体Polity政纲platform政变Coup D’etat政府Government政府组成过程Government formation process政府首脑Head of government政府调查Public inquiry政治Politics政治义务Political obligation政治文化Political culture政治中的种族问题Race in politics政治心理学Political psychology政治发展Political development政治行动委员会美国Political action committee政治行为研究Political behaviour政治地理学Political geography政治权力Political power政治局及常务委员会Politburoand Pesidium政治沟通Political communication政治体系/政治系统Political system政治参与Political participation政治财政Political finance政治科学Political science政治社会化Political socialization政治社会学Political sociology政治学的定量方法Quantitative methods in politics 政治态度Political attitudes政治腐败Political corruption政治继承Political succession政治理论Political theory政治暴力Political violence政治影响Political influence政治整合/政治一体化Political integration 政党分赃制Spoils system政党认同Party identification政党代表大会Party convention政党功能Parties, political: functions of 政党组织Party organization政党核心集团Machine政党秘密会议Caucus政策分析Policy analysis政策实施Implementation政策输出研究Policy output studies城市政府City government城邦国家City state贵族/贵族制Aristocracy思想库Think tank看守政府Caretaker government选区Constituency选民登记Registration of electors 选择投票Ticket-splitting选择领导Leadership selection选举Elections选举团Electoral college选举纲领Election program选举制度Electoral system选票Ballot重农主义Physiocracy重划选区Redistribution重商主义Merchantilism种族灭绝Genocide种族主义Racism种族隔离Apartheid顺从Deference保守主义Conservatism保守党Conservative parties保护主义Clientelism修正主义Revisionism独立机构Independent agency独立宣言Declaration of Independence独裁主义,权威主义Authoritarianism独裁制Autocracy帝国Empire帝国主义Imperialism美国革命American Revolution美国国会Congress美国辉格党Whig:.首相总理/首相总理制政府Prime minister/Prime ministerial government 总统,总统制President/Presidential system总罢工General strike总督Governor-General派别Faction咨询和同意Advice and consent宣传Propaganda宪法Constitutional law宪法规约Convention of the constitution 宪法/宪政Constitution/constitutionalism 神权政治Theocracy神授王权Divine right of kings费边主义Fabianism绝对专制主义Absolutism统治阶级Ruling class统治能力Governability恐怖Terror恐怖主义Terrorism格劳修斯Grotius监护Tutelage监察专员Ombudsman党派首领Boss罢免Recall恩格斯Engels缺席投票Absence voting特权Prerogative特许状Charter秘密警察Secret police倒台与政权更迭Breakdown and regime change 候选人选择candidate selection爱国主义Patriotism被保护国Protectorate竞争性政党制度Competitive party system竞选运动Election campaign部门Department部长,部Minister/Ministry部长会议Council of Ministers准司法Quasi-judicial准--非政府组织资历制Seniority资产阶级Bourgeoisie资本主义Capitalism浮动投票人Floating vote浪漫主义Romanticism宽容Toleration家长型控制Paternalism调查委员会Select committee预算,预算编制Budget/Budgeting陪审团Jury理性Rationality理性选择方法Rational choice教权主义Clericalism教会与国家Church and State基本权利Fundamental right基层党组织Primary party organization 职能代表Functional representation授权立法Delegated legislation授权学说Mandate theory常设委员会Standing committee累计投票Cumulative vote唯心主义Idealism领导Leadership第二院,上议院Second chambers康德Kant混合政府Mixed government弹劾Impeachment隐私Privacy殖民统治Colonial government联合,联合政府Coalition/Coalition government 联合民主Consociational democracy联合国United Nations联邦制Federalism联邦党人文集Federalist Papers联盟,联合League超载Overload超国家政府Supranational government博爱Fraternity斯大林Stalin斯宾诺莎Spinoza斯密,亚当Smith,Adam最低下限Droop quota最高行政法院Conseil d’AEtat最高法院Supreme court黑格尔Hegal辉格党与托利党Whigs and Tories 等级Estates集体主义Collectivism集体行动Collective action集体领导Collective leadership集合理论Coalition theory街区选举,集团投票Block vote普通法Common law游说Lobbying雇主组织Employer’s organization 强制性投票Compulsory voting鼓励性行动Affirmative action路德,马丁Luther,Martin解散议会Dissolution of parliament 意识形态Ideology新左派New Left新右派New Right新政New deal新教政党Protestant parties福利国家Welfare state群众性政党Mass membership party 僭主制/暴政Tyranny寡头制Oligarchy寡头政治铁律Iron law of oligarchy 精英,精英主义Elites,Elitism精英理论Doctrine of elites腐败选区Rotten borough弊政Maladministration熊彼特Schumpeter影子内阁Shadow cabinet暴力Violence潘恩Paine霍布斯Hobbes穆勒Mill激进主义Radicalism激进政党Radical parties整体主义Holism辩证法Dialectic辩证唯物主义Dialectical materialism 警察Police警察国家Police state。

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• After 9/11, George W. Bush issued an executive order that authorized the NSA to conduct surveillance of certain telephone calls without obtaining a warrant from FISC as stipulated by FISA.
Conservatives’ dislike of Miranda ruling
Miranda ruling is intended to ensure that confessions are not coerced. Its use in terrorism cases has been especially controversial because of concerns that informing a suspect of his rights could interrupt the flow of interrogation and prompt him to stop disclosing info that might prevent future attack.
NSA Warrant-less Surveillance
• surveillance of persons within United States incident to the collection of foreign intelligence by U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) as part of the war on terror. • Under Bush’s "terrorist surveillance program“, NSA is authorized to monitor phone calls, e-mails, Internet activity, text messaging, and other communication involving any party believed by NSA to be outside the U.S. without warrants.
KILNER: Still, you don't deserve to be treated that way. Not after what you've done for our country. And I'm not the only one that thinks so.
BAUER: Thank you.
• The proposal to ask Congress to loosen the Miranda rule argued that terrorism suspects — including United States citizens like Faisal Shahzad — should be imprisoned and interrogated as military detainees, rather than handled as ordinary criminal defendants.
cruel and inhumane treatment of prisoners.”
---(Guardian, 19 April 2008)
Байду номын сангаас
• The 1978 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) regulates U.S. government agencies' carrying out of physical searches, and electronic surveillance, wherein the main purpose is the gathering of foreign intelligence information. • "Foreign intelligence information" is defined as information necessary to protect the U.S. or its allies against actual or potential attack from a foreign power, sabotage or international terrorism.
Jack Bauer Gets into Washington Politics and Faces Senate Hearing
• "Please do not sit there with that smug look on your face and expect me to regret the decisions that I have made, because, sir, the truth is, I don't."
New York Times, May 9, 2010
“ The Obama administration said Sunday it would seek a law allowing investigators to interrogate terrorism suspects without informing them of their rights, as Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. flatly asserted that the defendant (Faisal Shahzad) in the Times Square bombing attempt was trained by the Taliban in Pakistan. ”
Agent Kilner and Bauer
KILNER: I just wanted to tell you, what they're making you go through at that Senate hearing, it's wrong. BAUER: No, it's not. It's better that everything comes out in the open. We've done so many secret things over the years in the name of protecting this country, we've created two worlds, ours and the people we promised to protect. They deserve to know the truth, and they can decide how far they want to let us go.
• The U.S. is split when it comes to torture with 48% opposed and 43% in favor according to the most recent polling.
• Senator Rockefeller points to "24" as a central force buttressing support for torture in this country.
Eric H. Holder
“We’re now dealing with international terrorists and I think that we have to think about perhaps modifying the rules that interrogators have and somehow coming up with something that is flexible and is more consistent with the threat that we now face.”
authorization of surveillance
• First, FISA allows Justice Department to obtain warrants from Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) before or up to 72 hours after beginning of surveillance. FISA authorizes a FISC judge to issue a warrant for electronic cameras if "there is probable cause to believe that… target of electronic surveillance is a foreign power. • Second, FISA permits President or his delegate to authorize warrantless surveillance for collection of foreign intelligence if "there is no substantial likelihood that surveillance will acquire contents of any communication to which a United States person is a party".
Jack Bauer's Human Rights Violations in 24
• • • • •
Murdering a Witness Torturing His Girlfriend's Ex-Husband Threatening a Department of Justice Attorney Torture of a Private Citizen Kidnapping the President