You've Got Mail《电子情书(1998)》完整中英文对照剧本
电子情书♪梦想不过是愿望♪♪Dreams are nothing more than wishes♪♪愿望亦不过是梦想♪♪And a wish's just a dream♪♪你希望实现的梦想♪♪You wish to come true♪♪要是我能有一只小狗♪♪If only I could have a puppy♪♪我就会觉得自己十分幸运♪♪I'd call myself so very lucky♪♪拥有了狗狗的陪伴♪♪Just to have some company♪♪狗狗也能陪我一起喝茶♪♪To share a cup of tea with me♪♪我带着狗狗到处逛♪♪I'd take my puppy everywhere♪♪心中无忧无虑♪♪La, la, la, la, I wouldn't care♪♪我们会远离人群♪♪Then we'll stay away from crowds♪♪因为他们立着"狗狗禁止入内"的牌子♪♪With signs that said "no dogs allowed", oh we♪♪我知道它永远也不会咬我♪♪I know he'd never bite me♪♪我知道它永远不会咬我♪♪I know he'd never bite me♪♪如果我有个朋友就好了♪♪If only I could have a friend♪♪能陪伴我一直走下去♪♪Who'll stick with me until the end♪♪和我一起在海边散步♪♪And walk along beside the sea♪♪同我一起欣赏月光♪♪To share a bit of moon with me♪♪我会带着我的朋友到处逛♪♪I'd take my friend most everywhere♪♪心中无忧无虑♪♪La, la, la, la, I wouldn't care♪♪我们会远离人群♪♪And we'll stay away from crowds♪♪还有立着"朋友禁止入内"牌子的地方♪♪With signs that said "no friends allowed", oh we♪♪我们会非常快乐♪♪We'd be so happy to be♪♪我们在一起会非常快乐♪♪We'd be so happy to be together♪♪但梦想不过是愿望♪♪But dreams are nothing more than wishes♪♪愿望亦不过是梦想♪♪And a wish's just a dream♪♪你希望成真的梦想♪♪You wish to come true♪惊人太惊人了Amazing. This is amazing!听听这篇报道弗吉尼亚州的所有职工Listen to this: The entire work force of the state of Virginia必须强制卸载他们电脑里的纸牌游戏had to have Solitaire removed from their computers因为他们已经六周没完成任何工作了because they hadn't done any work in six weeks.真可悲That's so sad.-你知道这代表什么吗 -不知道- Do you know what this is? - No.我们正在见证西方文明的终结What we're seeing here is the end of Western civilization as we know it. 你是不是要迟到了Hey, aren't you late?说出科技给我们带来了什么好处Technology. Name me one thing.只要说出一项就好One that we've gained from technology.电力Electricity.算一项吧你以为机器是你的朋友但其实不然That's one. You think this machine's your friend, but it's not.-我出门了 -今晚见- I'm out of here. - See you tonight.-寿司 -寿司- Sushi! - Sushi!再见Bye!选择网名小店女孩欢迎Welcome.你有新邮件You've got mail.新邮件发件人纽约152主题布林克利"布林克利是我的狗"Brinkley is my dog.他和我一样喜欢纽约的街道"He loves the streets of New York as much as I do."不过他喜欢在人行道旁捡披萨和面包圈吃Although he likes to eat Bits 'n' Pizza and bagel off the sidewalk 而我更愿意去店里买♥♥and I prefer to buy them.布林克利是优秀的接球手Brinkley is a great catcher大都会分队曾邀请他试训who was offered a tryout on the Mets farm team.不过他选择和我待在一起这样他就可以But he chose to stay with me so he could spend 18 hours a day 躺在超大的绿枕头上一天睡上十八小时sleeping on a large green pillow the size of an inner tube.纽约的秋天很惹人喜爱不是吗Don't you love New York in the fall?让我有想去买♥♥文具的冲动Makes me want to buy school supplies.亲爱的Honey.我快准备好了I'm almost ready.如果我知道你的名字和住址I would send you a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils我就会寄给你一束刚削好的铅笔if I knew your name and address.换个角度想这种未知感也有独特的魅力On the other hand, this not knowing has its charms.-你按下去了吗 -按了- Did you push it? - Yeah.我按下去了Yes, I pushed it.我要迟到了I'm so late.兰登出版社解雇了迪克·阿特金斯真是一大解脱Random House fired Dick Atkins. Good riddance.默里·切尔顿死了又少了一个不和我说话的人Murray Chilton died, which makes one less person I'm not speaking to. 快点快点快点Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!文斯收到的反响很不错他肯定会得意忘形Vince got a great review. He'll be insufferable.今晚参加作家晚宴Tonight, PEN dinner.-我也要去吗 -乔·福克斯你答应过了- Am I going? - Joe Fox, you promised.这场合太正式了It's black-tie.我能不能直接捐钱Can't I just give money instead?这周是什么主题 "解放阿尔巴尼亚的作家"What is it this week? "Free Albanian writers"?我很赞成这事啊I'm in favor of that.好我去我去你要迟到了Okay, I'll go. I'll go. You're late.我知道我知道I know, I know.早上好伊登小姐Good morning, Miss Eden.谁是开心的狗狗谁是开心的狗狗Who's a happy dog? Who's a happy dog?-欢迎 -欢迎- Welcome. - Welcome.收件箱你有新邮件-你有新邮件 -你有新邮件- You've got mail. - You've got mail.好了下去吧下去吧All right. Okay. Get down, get down.亲爱的朋友我希望在信的开头Dear friend: I like to start my notes to you就能让你感觉到我们正聊到一半as if we're already in the middle of a conversation.我假装我们是最亲密的老朋友I pretend that we're the oldest and dearest friends然而事实却完全相反as opposed to what we actually are:我们是连对方名字都不知道的陌生人People who don't know each other's names早上好福克斯先生Morning, Mr. Fox.在聊天室相遇and met in a chat room而我们都声称自己从没进过聊天室where we both claimed we'd never been before.河滨大道152号♥"纽约152今天会说些什么呢" 我心想"What will NY152 say today?" I wonder.我打开电脑I turn on my computer.迫不及待地等着网络连接I wait impatiently as it connects.上线之后I go online我屏住自己的呼吸and my breath catches直到我听到那五个字in my chest until I hear three little words:♪我的生活啊♪♪Oh, my life♪"你有新邮件""You've got mail."♪日新月异♪♪is changing everyday♪我什么也听不见听不见纽约街头的任何声音I hear nothing, not even a sound on the streets of New York. ♪千变万化♪♪In every possible way♪只有我自己的心跳声Just the beat of my own heart.我收到了你的邮件I have mail from you.♪我的梦想啊♪♪And oh, my dreams♪♪暗流涌动♪♪it's never quiet as it seems♪♪暗流涌动♪♪Never quiet as it seems♪♪这种感觉是如此熟悉♪♪I know I've felt like this before♪♪但现在的感觉却更为强烈♪♪but now I'm feeling it even more♪♪因为这感觉来源于你♪♪Because it came from you♪♪我睁开双眼发现♪♪And then I open up and see♪♪我已陷入爱河♪♪the person falling here is me♪♪一种从未有过的方式♪♪A different way to be♪♪一颗充满惊奇的心♪♪A totally amazing mind♪♪如此温柔如此善解人意♪♪so understanding and so kind♪♪你就是我的一切♪♪You're everything to me♪配电承包商打电♥话♥说The electrical contractor called,他昨晚开卡车的时候撞到了鹿his truck hit a deer last night.所以他明天之前都不能来了So he's not gonna be here till tomorrow.楼上书架的安装也要延期And upstairs, the shelves are late...因为我们订的那批松木里有甲虫because the shipment of the pine we ordered has beetles. 很好很好Very good, very good.我们还吃了一张五万的罚单And we got a $50,000 ticket因为建筑工人在屋顶撒尿for construction workers peeing off the roof.很好好极了配电工来了吗Great. That is great. Is the electrician here?我刚和你说过他开车撞了鹿See, I just told you he hit a deer.我就知道你没认真听我说话Man, I knew you weren't listening to me.你说得对You're right.我确实没听I wasn't."我什么也听不见"I hear nothing.什么也听不见Nothing.听不见城市街头的任何声音只有我自己的心跳声"Not a sound on the city streets, just the beat of my own heart."我想应该是这么说的差不多吧I think that's how it goes. Something like that.你和帕特丽夏订婚了对吗You and Patricia got engaged, didn't you?你可以告诉我的You can tell me.订婚Engaged?得了吧Come on.你疯了吗Are you crazy?怎么了我以为你喜欢帕特丽夏What? I thought you liked Patricia.没错我爱帕特丽夏I do. I do. I love Patricia. I love Patricia.帕特丽夏很厉害咖啡见了她都紧张Patricia is-- Patricia's amazing. Patricia makes coffee nervous.我们应该向周边居民介绍一下我们自己You know what, we should announce ourselves to the neighborhood. 让他们知道我们来了Let them know, here we come.我不清楚这里是曼哈顿上西区I don't know. This is the Upper West Side.还不如直接告诉他们我们在这开了个毒品站We might as well tell them we're opening a crack house.他们会恨死我们的They're going to hate us.一旦他们听到这个消息他们就会排着队As soon as they hear it, they're gonna be lining up聚集在大型连锁店门前抗♥议♥to picket the big, bad chain store.这就相当于...That's out to destroy毁了他们珍视的一切everything they hold dear.我们得去诱惑他们You know, we're going to seduce them.我们得用我们书店的规模We're going to seduce them with our square footage折扣和舒适的扶手椅来诱惑他们and our discounts and our deep armchairs....还有我们的卡布奇诺And our cappuccino.没错他们刚开始会恨我们That's right. They're going to hate us at the beginning.但我们最终会打动他们But we'll get them in the end.-你知道为什么吗 -为什么- And you know why? - Why?因为我们卖♥♥的书很便宜Because we're gonna sell them cheap books而且还卖♥♥合法的兴♥奋♥剂♥ and legal addictive stimulants.与此同时我们会在外面挂一块大牌子In the meantime, we'll just put up a big sign:"福克斯大型书城即将开业"Coming soon, a Fox Books Superstore.文明的终结即将到来"The end of civilization as you know it."街角书店早上好克里斯蒂娜Good morning, Christina.早上好凯瑟琳Morning, Kathleen.今天真美好It's a beautiful day.今天真是再美好不过了不是吗Isn't it just the most beautiful day?我想是吧I guess. Yeah, sure.笨蛋你干什么Idiot, what are you doing?你干什么我前面是绿灯What are you doing, man. I got the green light!纽约的秋天很惹人喜爱不是吗Don't you just love New York in the fall?完美Perfect.闻着真不错Can't beat that.透明胶带吗你到底怎么了Scotch tape? What is going on with you?没事Nothing.-你恋爱了 -恋爱不才没有- You're in love. - In love? No. No.没错我和弗兰克恋爱了Oh, yes, that's right! I'm in love with Frank.我几乎算是和弗兰克同居了I'm practically living with Frank.你能在这周之内把我们的圣诞宣传广♥告♥发出去吗Do you think you could get our Christmas mailers out this week? 好我保证在下周一前完成Yeah yeah yeah, by Monday, I promise.我只是有篇论文得在这周五之前交I just, I have this paper due Friday.到底怎么了What is going on?没事没事什么事也没有Nothing, nothing. Nothing at all.如果你不告诉我我就一直在这站着You know, I am just going to stand here until you tell me.好吧All right.如果你通过邮件结识了一个人这算不忠吗Is it infidelity if you're involved with someone on e-mail? 你们做过爱了吗Have you had sex?当然没有我都不认识他No, of course not. I don't even know him.-我是说网络性♥爱♥ -没有- I mean cybersex. - No.千万不要尝试一旦你这么做Well, don't do it. The minute you do,你立刻就会失去他们对你的尊重they lose all respect for you.不是你说的那样Well, it's not like that.我们只是互发邮件而已真没什么事We just e-mail. It's really nothing.最重要的是On top of which,我在考虑要不要到此为止因为这变得越来越...I'm definitely thinking about stopping because it's getting.... 失控了吗Out of hand?令人困惑Confusing.但也不算吧因为本来就没什么大不了But not. Because it's nothing.你在哪儿认识他的Where'd you meet him?我都记不起来了Listen, I can't even remember.好吧Okay.在我生日那天我抱着玩玩的心态On my birthday, I wandered进入了"三十岁以上人群"的聊天室into the "Over 30" Room for a joke, sort of.他也在我们就开始聊天了And he was there. And we started chatting.聊什么About what?书和音乐我们俩有多爱纽约Books and music, how much we both love New York....都是无关痛痒的话题Harmless, harmless.也没什么意义Meaningless.刚削好的铅笔花束得了吧Bouquets of sharpened pencils. Oh.你说什么Excuse me?算了Forget it.我们没聊任何私人话题We don't talk about anything personal,所以我不知道他的名字so I don't know his name...也不知道他的职业和住址or what he does or where he lives exactly...如果不想再联♥系♥了也很简单因为我根本没见过他so it'll be easy for me to stop seeing him, because I'm not.天哪下一个走进书店的人可能就是他God, he could be the next person to walk into the store.我知道I know.他可能就是...He could be...乔治George.早上好Morning.你上网吗Are you online?在我看来Well, as far as I'm concerned...上网只是另一种被女人拒绝的方式the Internet is just another way of being rejected by a woman.早上好Good morning.早上好伯蒂Good morning, Birdie.你们俩在聊什么呢What are you girls talking about?网络性♥爱♥Cybersex.我试过一次但总是显示信♥号♥♥忙I tried to have cybersex once, but I kept getting a busy signal. 我知道I know.我知道之前一个周六晚上九点左右我真的很郁闷...I know. I was really depressed one Saturday night about 9:00-- 该开门了Time to open up!杰西卡和玛雅你们好吗Jessica and Maya, how are you today?要和凯瑟琳打招呼吗Want to say hi to Kathleen?你好凯瑟琳Hi, Kathleen.早上好这里是街角书店Good morning, Shop Around the Corner.我是乔治有什么能帮您的George speaking. May I help you?装♥修♥进程很顺利我们应该可以按时开业Construction's going well. We should open on time.不过我和凯文Although Kevin and I are都有点担心周围居民的反应both a little concerned about the neighborhood response.这沙发的面料是什么有名字吗This fabric on the couch, what is it? Does it have a name?-钱 -什么- Money. - Huh?-这面料的名字叫钱 -这样啊- Its name is money. - Oh.吉莉安选的吧Gillian selected it.猜中了Good guess.你♥爸♥又要结婚了Your father's getting married again.-真的吗 -没错- Really? - Yeah.-恭喜 -多谢了- Congratulations! - Thank you.为什么Why?谁知道呢Who knows?-因为爱吗 -可能吧- Love? - Possible.我觉得你就是个大笨蛋I think you're a damn fool.爸马修才四岁好吗Pops, Matthew is 4 years old, okay?如果他知道自己的父母结婚了这样对他会更好It'd be nice for him if he knows his parents were married. 听着我有不幸的事要宣布Listen, I have a sad announcement to make.23号♥街的城市书店City Books, on 23rd Street?就快关门了It's going under.又一家独♥立♥书店倒闭了Another independent bites the dust.接着说On to the next!我打算买♥♥下他们店里Going to buy out their entire inventory of architecture所有关于建筑和纽约历史的书放到新书店里and New York history for the new store.多少钱孩子你打算花多少钱How much, son? How much you paying?无论要花多少钱Whatever it costs, it won't be as much...肯定会比那张坐着不舒服的山羊毛沙发便宜as that exquisitely uncomfortable mohair episode there 弄得我全身都是毛which is now all over my suit.给你Here you go.谢谢Thanks.我们还会开设一个专区We'll also have a section专门摆放住在曼哈顿西区作家的书dedicated to writers who've lived on the West Side.这是为了安抚周围居民As a sop to the neighborhood.很好就让这些住在西区的Perfect. Keep those West Side,自♥由♥派疯子半吊子知识分子liberal nuts, pseudo-intellectual--读者爸他们叫读者Readers, Dad. They're called readers.别这么称呼他们孩子不要美化他们Don't do that, son. Don't romanticize them.他们只会继续抨击你It'll keep them from jumping down your throat.还有竞争对手吗What's the competition?一家悬疑书店在78号♥街和阿姆斯特丹街交汇处One mystery store, Sleuth, at 78th and Amsterdam...还有一家儿童书店叫街角书店and a children's bookstore, Shop Around the Corner.-已经开了很久了 -塞西莉亚的店- It's been there forever. - Cecilia's store.她是谁Who's that?塞西莉亚·凯莉Cecilia Kelly.很漂亮的女人我们好像约过一次会Lovely woman. I think we might have had a date once.也可能只是交换了一下信件Or maybe we just exchanged letters.你还给她写信了You wrote her letters?邮件那叫邮件Mail. It was called mail.-邮票还有信封 -我听说过- Stamps, envelopes-- - You know, I've heard of it.塞西莉亚的字很漂亮Cecilia had beautiful penmanship.她对我来说太年轻了She was too young for me...但她很有魅力but she was enchanting.-有魅力 -现在书店是她女儿的了- Enchanting? - Her daughter owns it now.那她真不幸Too bad for her.-打扰了福克斯先生 -你说- Excuse me, Mr. Fox. - Yeah.我父亲又要结婚了My father is getting married again.五年来他都在和一个叫吉莉安的女人同居For five years, he's been living with a woman named Gillian... 她在凯撒宫学习装潢who studied decorating at Caesar's Palace.这是瓷质的吗Is it porcelain?橡胶的Rubber.我以前读过一个故事有一只蝴蝶飞进了地铁Once I read a story about a butterfly in the subway,今天我见到了and today... I saw one.它在42号♥街上车然后在59号♥街下车It got on at 42nd and off at 59th where...我猜它要去布鲁明戴尔百货商店I assume it went to Bloomingdale's...去买♥♥一顶难看的帽子to buy a hat that will turn out to be a mistake.反正帽子几乎都难看As almost all hats are.听听这个Listen to this:每天晚上都会有一辆卡车停在我家附近的面包店旁Every night a truck pulls up to my neighborhood bagel place... 把成吨♥的面粉倒入地下储罐and pumps about a ton of flour into underground tanks.空气中弥漫着漂浮不定的白色粉尘The air is filled with white dust which never seems to land. 为什么呢Why is that?《傲慢与偏见》我承认《傲慢与偏见》这本书我读了快两百遍Confession: I've read Pride and Prejudice about 200 times. 我深深地被其中的文字吸引比如I get lost in the language. Words like:"向彼处""Thither.""厄运""Mischance.""幸福""Felicity."我总会因为伊丽莎白和达西先生会不会在一起I'm always in agony over whether Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy... 而感到纠结不已are really going to get together.读读看Read it.我知道你肯定会喜欢I know you'll love it.星巴克这种地方存在的意义The purpose of places like Starbucks...就是为了让那些做不出决定的人is for people with no decision-making ability whatsoever一次性做出六种决定就为了买♥♥一杯咖啡to make six decisions just to buy one cup of coffee.小杯还是中杯淡咖还是黑咖Short, tall, light, dark...含不含咖♥啡♥因♥caf, decaf...低脂还是脱脂low-fat, nonfat...诸如此类的决定et cetera.大杯摩卡星冰乐Mocha frappuccino grande.那些无所适从的人们So people who don't know what the hell they're doing...只需要花上两块九毛五or who on earth they are can, for only 2.95...不仅能得到一杯咖啡get not just a cup of coffee...还能获得清晰的自我感知but an absolutely defining sense of self.中杯脱脂焦糖玛奇朵Tall, skim, caramel macchiato.中杯Tall!低咖♥啡♥因♥Decaf!卡布奇诺Cappuccino!中杯低咖♥啡♥因♥卡布奇诺Tall, decaf cappuccino.完了Bummer!福克斯大型书城A Fox Books superstore.简直是噩梦Quel nightmare.和我们无关这只是一家规模大没人情味It has nothing to do with us. It's big, impersonal...存书过多还充满了无知售货员的书店overstocked and full of ignorant salespeople.但他们会打折But they discount.但他们不提供任何服务But they don't provide any service.我们提供We do.真的So really...这是个不错的发展it's a good development.你知道吗花朵区充满了各种花店You know how in the flower district there are all those flowers shops 想要什么花都能找得到so you can find whatever you want?这里将会成为图书区This is going to be the book district.他们没有的书我们有If they don't have it, we do.反之亦然And vice versa.没错Absolutely.等你击垮福克斯书城之后When you are finished with Fox Books,街角书店将会成为the Shop Around the Corner is gonna be responsible扭转工业革命进程的重要角色for reversing the entire course of the Industrial Revolution. 弗兰克你真贴心Well, now, that is so sweet. Frank!谢谢你真贴心Thank you. That is so sweet.-不过我 -怎么了- Although I-- - What?等等那是什么Wait a minute. What is that doing here?天哪Oh, my gosh!这个超棒的This is amazing.听Listen.奥林匹亚豪华电动打字机The Olympia Report Deluxe electric.打字Report.声音就像枪声As in gunshot.-这声音很耳熟 -听听看- That sound is familiar. - Listen to this.这个嗡嗡声吗What, that whirring?一台如此完美的机器The gentle, soothing lullaby发出的轻柔而舒缓的安眠曲of a piece of machinery so perfect--我知道我之前在哪儿听到过这个声音弗兰克I know where I've heard that before, Frank.我需要一台备用机I needed a backup.你自己家里不是还有一台吗Don't you have another one at your apartment? -可能吧 -你用来写专栏的那台- I might. - That you wrote a column about?是啊管它呢Yes. Who cares?你本来打算说什么What were you gonna say?-什么时候 -就刚刚- When? - Before.-没什么 -说吧- Nothing. - Come on.我只是在想Well, I'm just wondering.我在想我的工作我只是I'm wondering about my work. I'm just--我到底在做什么我真正做的...What is it that I do, exactly? All I really do is-- 你真正做的All you really do...是一件无比崇高的事is this incredibly noble thing.-我不确定真的 -凯瑟琳- I don't know. Really, I'm just-- - Kathleen!你在孤军奋战You are a lone reed.你独身一人You are a lone reed...傲然...standing...屹立...tall...无所畏惧地...waving boldly...在腐朽的商业汪♥洋♥中...in the corrupt sands...乘风破浪of commerce.-我在孤军奋战 -孤军奋战- I am a lone reed. - Lone reed.我在孤军奋战I am a lone reed.有时我会思考自己的人生Sometimes I wonder about my life.我的生活很平凡I lead a small life.珍贵但平凡Well, valuable, but small.有时我会想And sometimes I wonder...我是因为喜欢才这么做do I do it because I like it...还是因为我没有足够的勇气改变or because I haven't been brave?我的所见所闻让我想起了一本书里的内容So much of what I see reminds me of something I read in a book... 难道不应该是由读书引发对现实的思考吗when shouldn't it be the other way around?我不想知道答案我只想I don't really want an answer. I just want...把这个深奥的问题送入虚空to send this cosmic question out into the void.所以So...晚安亲爱的虚空Good night, dear void.-你好啊乔 -你好乔- Hey, Joe! - Hello, Joe.我认识你们俩I know you!我认识你们你好安娜贝尔小姑娘I know you. Hello, Annabel, little girl.-你好 -你好吗- Hi. - How are you?还有你And you!-马修你好吗 -我很好- Matthew, how are you? - Good.那就好Good.准备和新泽西打招呼了吗Ready to say hello to New Jersey?你好新泽西Hello, New Jersey!怎么没和我打招呼Don't I get a hello?你好吉莉安Hello, Gillian.吻我一下我马上就要成为你的恶毒继母了Kiss me. I'm gonna be your wicked stepmother.好了吧There you go.你好这位是Hello. And who is this?保姆莫琳Nanny Maureen.我带她来了免得你照顾不过来孩子I brought her in case you couldn't handle the kids.莫琳要离婚了Maureen's getting a divorce.我很遗憾Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.是我的错永远不要嫁给会说谎的男人It's my own fault. Never marry a man who lies.很明智安娜贝尔记好了That is so wise. Yes. Annabel, remember that.她教了马修怎么拼自己的姓She taught Matt to spell his name.真的吗Really?-我听听 -福克斯- Let's hear it. - F-O-X.真棒Excellent!真棒我没问题你今天可以休息Excellent. You know, I've got this covered. You can have the day off. 你肯定有什么活动要赶着去参加吧And I'm sure you must be late for something.去亨利街做社区志愿者Volunteering at the Henry Street settlement,还是为波斯尼亚难民包扎伤口or rolling bandages for Bosnian refugees.没错我要去取卵I am. I'm having my eggs harvested.放心去取吧And getting those eggs harvested.别担心晚点见Don't worry about a thing! See you later.-再见莫琳再见吉莉安 -再见- Bye, Maureen! Bye, Gillian! - Bye!再见妈妈Bye, Mom.好了你们准备好乘船出行了吗All right, you guys, are you ready to go out on the boat? -没有 -没有- No! - No!你们俩怎么回事啊What happened to you? What happened?♪他一整天都在树上摇滚着♪♪He rocks in the treetops all day long♪♪活蹦乱跳地唱着属于自己的歌♥♪♪Hoppin' and a-boppin' and singing his song♪来吧再来一次Come on, one more time.♪杰伯德街的小鸟们♪♪All the little birds on J-Bird Street♪给你扔这个Here, you can do that one.♪都喜欢听知更鸟的歌♥唱♪♪Love to hear the robin go tweet tweet tweet♪♪摇滚的知更鸟♪♪Rockin' rokin♪我们赢了什么What do we win?♪摇滚的知更鸟♪♪Rockin' robin♪♪继续摇滚吧知更鸟♪♪Go rockin' robin♪♪因为我们就是要让今夜摇滚起来♪♪'Cause we're really gonna rock tonight♪♪每一只燕子和山雀♪♪Every little swallow, every chickadee♪♪每一只站在高高橡树上的小鸟♪♪Every little bird in the tall oak tree♪看看看Look, look, look!♪智慧的老猫头鹰大大的黑乌鸦♪♪The wise old owl, the big black crow♪♪扇动着翅膀唱着去吧小鸟♪♪Flappin'their wings singing go bird go♪♪摇滚的知更鸟♪♪Rockin' robin♪♪摇滚的知更鸟♪♪Rockin' robin♪♪继续摇滚吧知更鸟♪♪Go rockin' robin♪♪因为我们就是要让今夜摇滚起来♪♪'Cause we're really gonna rock tonight♪♪继续摇滚吧我们就是要让今夜摇滚起来♪♪Go rockin' robin cause we're really gonna rock tonight♪金鱼怎么样了How are the fish doing?金鱼挺好的我觉得它们很开心The fish are doing very well. I think they're very happy. -是吗 -没错- Are they? - Yes.你们想去看电影吗看电影怎么样You guys want to go to a movie? How about a movie?不了影院上映的电影都不怎么样No, there's nothing good playing.看是故事书女士Look! A storybook lady.我们来得刚好吗好的走吧Are we at the right time? Yeah, let's go.故事书女士"那次是我自己一个人"That it was I and I alone...想到了这个大胆的老鼠阴谋who had the idea for the great and daring mouse plot.我们都有属于自己的高光时刻We all have our moments of brilliance and glory...这一刻属于我and this was mine.我说道 '不如我们'Why don't we,' I said...把一只老鼠塞到帕拉切特太太的糖果罐里吧slip it into one of Mrs. Pratchett's jars of sweets?然后And then...当她把自己的脏手伸进罐子准备抓一把糖时when she puts her dirty hand in to grab a handful...她就会抓到一只发臭的死老鼠'she will grab a stinky dead mouse instead.'其他四人吃惊地看着我The other four stared at me in wonder.然后随着他们开始慢慢领会这个天才般的阴谋Then, as the sheer genius of the plot began to sink in...笑容浮现在了他们的嘴角they all started grinning.他们拍着我的背They slapped me on the back,为我欢呼甚至在教室里起舞cheered me and danced around the classroom.'今天就干' 他们大声说道'We will do it today!' they cried.'我们就在回家路上动手这是你的主意''We'll do it on the way home. You had the idea,'他们对我说they said to me.'你可以亲手去放那只老鼠'"'So you can be the one who puts the mouse in the jar.'"-这只金鱼是谁的 -是我的- Who belongs to this fish? - That's mine.你能过来帮我看一下这些旧书吗Could you give me a hand with these used books?这是她最好的朋友塔西可她的真名叫阿纳斯塔西娅And this is her best friend Tacy, whose real name is Anastasia. 下一本书中贝特茜与塔西和蒂布成为了好朋友And the next book, Betsy and Tacy become friends with Tib... 很遗憾地告诉你蒂布的真名叫西尔玛whose real name, I am sorry to tell you, is Thelma.这些插画是手绘的The illustrations are hand-tipped.所以才这么贵吗And that's why it costs so much?所以才这么有价值。
00:00:50,309 --> 00:00:52,675 汤姆汉克斯200:00:53,764 --> 00:00:56,324 梅格莱恩300:00:57,636 --> 00:01:00,799 电子情书400:01:44,805 --> 00:01:47,330 派克波西500:01:48,453 --> 00:01:51,115 珍史塔波顿600:01:52,100 --> 00:01:54,625 大卫查普700:01:55,812 --> 00:01:58,337 史帝夫沙汉800:01:59,461 --> 00:02:01,725 黛伯妮柯尔曼900:02:03,140 --> 00:02:05,802 葛烈格肯尼尔1000:02:52,484 --> 00:02:54,952 制片:萝伦唐娜,诺拉爱索1100:02:56,068 --> 00:02:58,798 编剧:诺拉爱索,狄丽雅爱索00:02:59,780 --> 00:03:07,780 导演:诺拉爱索1300:03:07,780 --> 00:03:09,028 这真是太夸张了你听听看1400:03:09,028 --> 00:03:13,795 他们将要把整个维吉尼亚州政府电脑里的接龙洗掉1500:03:14,596 --> 00:03:16,836 因为这些公务员已经六个礼拜没有在工作1600:03:16,836 --> 00:03:17,764 这真是悲哀1700:03:17,764 --> 00:03:18,628 你知不知道这代表什么意思不知道1800:03:18,660 --> 00:03:24,452 这表示西方文明已经完了你是不是快迟到了1900:03:24,452 --> 00:03:26,821 请你说出科技带给我们什么好处2000:03:26,821 --> 00:03:29,654 一个就好电力2100:03:29,732 --> 00:03:33,700 好吧,人们以为机器是益友但是谁知道呢2200:03:33,700 --> 00:03:35,748 我走了今晚吃什么2300:03:35,748 --> 00:03:37,892 寿司寿司2400:03:37,892 --> 00:03:39,325 再见2500:04:12,548 --> 00:04:14,982 (请选择你的名字)(老板娘)2600:04:26,403 --> 00:04:27,370 欢迎2700:04:29,412 --> 00:04:30,845 你有新邮件2800:04:31,428 --> 00:04:33,157 (新邮件)(名字一纽约152)2900:04:33,700 --> 00:04:34,860 (主旨)(布克林)3000:04:39,491 --> 00:04:43,291 布克林是我的狗他和我一样都喜欢纽约的街道3100:04:45,092 --> 00:04:47,390 可是他会去人行道捡而我宁愿去买3200:04:48,035 --> 00:04:51,139 布克林很会接棒球纽约网队曾经请他去面试3300:04:51,139 --> 00:04:52,548 但是他宁愿和我在一起3400:04:52,548 --> 00:04:57,212 这样他就可以一天18个小时都躺在大绿枕头上3500:04:57,956 --> 00:05:01,636 你喜不喜欢纽约的秋天这让我有冲动去买学校用品3600:05:01,636 --> 00:05:02,852 甜心干嘛3700:05:02,852 --> 00:05:04,114 我快准备好了3800:05:04,292 --> 00:05:06,403 如果我知道你的名字和住址打开了没3900:05:06,403 --> 00:05:08,227 那我就可以寄给你一盒新削好的铅笔4000:05:08,227 --> 00:05:09,412 我今天要双倍浓缩咖啡4100:05:09,412 --> 00:05:13,348 但是换个角度想不知道可以制造神秘感4200:05:13,379 --> 00:05:16,405 你有没有按下去有,我按下去了4300:05:17,059 --> 00:05:18,287 我已经迟到了4400:05:19,843 --> 00:05:22,573 蓝登出版社开除了狄克艾金斯这是个好消息4500:05:22,627 --> 00:05:25,603 摩利查尔顿死了又走了一个我讨厌的人4600:05:25,603 --> 00:05:27,468 快点…4700:05:30,627 --> 00:05:33,858 文斯的作品受到好评他会忙死4800:05:33,955 --> 00:05:36,549 今晚要参加纽约诗人协会晚宴4900:05:40,579 --> 00:05:44,612这个太正式了能不能捐钱了事5000:05:44,612 --> 00:05:46,083 这个礼拜又要募捐什么5100:05:46,083 --> 00:05:47,747 让阿尔巴尼亚有艺术创造自由吗5200:05:47,747 --> 00:05:49,374 这我很赞成5300:05:51,875 --> 00:05:56,471 我去…你已经迟到了我知道…5400:06:10,787 --> 00:06:12,186 早安,爱汀小姐5500:06:28,451 --> 00:06:31,249 你最快乐了…5600:06:37,539 --> 00:06:38,665 欢迎欢迎5700:06:39,171 --> 00:06:41,696 (你有新邮件)你有新邮件5800:06:42,499 --> 00:06:44,194 下去…5900:06:46,211 --> 00:06:47,041 (收信者:纽约152)(寄信者:老板娘)6000:06:47,043 --> 00:06:47,805 (主旨一亲爱的朋友)6100:06:47,811 --> 00:06:53,027 亲爱的朋友,我喜欢一开始假装我们已经谈到一半6200:06:53,027 --> 00:06:57,726 我喜欢假装我们是老朋友了虽然事实不然6300:06:57,731 --> 00:06:59,458 我们连对方的名字都不知道6400:06:59,458 --> 00:07:02,859 早,先生早,查理我们会客室见,说第一次来6500:07:03,971 --> 00:07:07,771 我在想纽约152今天会说什么6600:07:08,451 --> 00:07:13,184 我打开电脑很不耐烦的等上线6700:07:13,283 --> 00:07:17,549 上线后,我摒住呼吸6800:07:22,531 --> 00:07:28,739 我听不到纽约街头的声音我只听到我的心跳声6900:07:28,739 --> 00:07:31,606 我收到你的来信7000:08:30,306 --> 00:08:33,090 配电承包商说昨晚他撞到一只鹿7100:08:33,090 --> 00:08:35,202 所以他明天才能来7200:08:35,202 --> 00:08:39,490 楼上的架子现在不能装因为我们订的松木被虫蛀了7300:08:39,490 --> 00:08:40,546 非常好…7400:08:40,546 --> 00:08:42,980 我们还收到一张五万块钱的罚单7500:08:43,682 --> 00:08:44,610 因为工人在屋顶上尿尿7600:08:44,610 --> 00:08:47,511 太棒了…配电工今天来不来7700:08:50,306 --> 00:08:53,219 你说的对当然7800:08:53,219 --> 00:08:54,146 我是没在听7900:08:54,146 --> 00:08:59,683 “我听不到纽约街头的声音我只听到我的心跳声”8000:08:59,683 --> 00:09:01,742 差不多是这个意思8100:09:02,850 --> 00:09:05,955 你和派崔莎已经订婚了不是吗,你可以跟我说实话8200:09:05,955 --> 00:09:07,171 订婚说吧8300:09:07,171 --> 00:09:10,018 你疯了吗我以为你喜欢派崔莎8400:09:10,018 --> 00:09:13,185 是没错…我爱死派崔莎了8500:09:13,185 --> 00:09:17,506 她真厉害,她精力充沛连咖啡都怕她8600:09:17,506 --> 00:09:20,003 你知道吗,我们应该先和邻居打好关系8700:09:20,003 --> 00:09:21,470 让他们知道我们即将开幕8800:09:21,474 --> 00:09:22,964 我不知道,这里是西区8900:09:22,979 --> 00:09:27,075 干脆告诉他们,我们在贩毒他们会恨死我们9000:09:27,138 --> 00:09:28,931 一旦他们听到消息他们会排队…9100:09:28,931 --> 00:09:30,851 会群起抗议会群起抗议9200:09:30,851 --> 00:09:33,475 没错,就是这样这是他们的生活方式9300:09:33,475 --> 00:09:34,913 你知道吗,我们要诱惑他们9400:09:34,913 --> 00:09:40,707 我们用大量的产品,折扣舒服的沙发以及…9500:09:40,707 --> 00:09:42,754 我们的卡布奇诺我们的卡布奇诺9600:09:42,754 --> 00:09:45,282 没错,他们一开始会讨厌我们但是…9700:09:45,282 --> 00:09:47,202 我们终究会获胜我们终究会获胜9800:09:47,202 --> 00:09:49,534 你知道原因吗不知道9900:09:49,665 --> 00:09:52,995 因为我们卖的书很便宜而且又卖廉价兴奋剂10000:09:52,995 --> 00:09:55,486 从现在开始我们要放个招牌10100:09:55,938 --> 00:10:00,102 “即将开幕,福克斯超级书局文明的灭亡”10200:10:04,482 --> 00:10:07,458 早安,克莉丝汀娜早安,凯萨琳10300:10:07,458 --> 00:10:11,235 今天天气真棒你说是不是很棒10400:10:11,235 --> 00:10:13,203 我想是吧10500:10:14,723 --> 00:10:17,922 你会不会开车你才会不会开车,我是绿灯10600:10:17,922 --> 00:10:19,719 纽约的秋天真是迷人10700:10:36,418 --> 00:10:41,091 这闻起来真不错你在闻胶带,你到底怎么了10800:10:41,091 --> 00:10:44,706 没事你一定谈恋爱了10900:10:44,706 --> 00:10:49,058 没这回事,等一下,你说的对11000:10:49,058 --> 00:10:53,995 我爱上了法兰克我还和法兰克同居11100:10:54,979 --> 00:10:57,986 你能不能在这个礼拜完成圣诞节邮购目录11200:10:57,986 --> 00:11:02,753 好…我答应你礼拜一完成因为我礼拜五要交份报告11300:11:04,386 --> 00:11:08,578 到底发生了什么好事没什么…11400:11:08,578 --> 00:11:12,810 我会一直站在这里直到你说实话11500:11:13,185 --> 00:11:19,074网友算不算朋友你们有做爱吗11600:11:19,074 --> 00:11:22,562 当然没有,我们根本没见过面我是说网路性爱11700:11:22,562 --> 00:11:24,029 没有11800:11:24,353 --> 00:11:28,949 绝对不要有网路性爱一旦做了,他们就会失去兴趣11900:11:33,027 --> 00:11:36,994 而且我想要中止这段关系因为真的…12000:11:36,994 --> 00:11:43,298 失控吗是迷惑,算了,反正没什么12100:11:43,298 --> 00:11:46,995 你在哪里遇到他的我不记得了12200:11:51,106 --> 00:11:56,417 好吧,我生日那天我去30岁以上会客室12300:11:56,417 --> 00:11:59,521 他在那里,然后我们开始聊天12400:11:59,521 --> 00:12:00,886 聊些什么12500:12:01,217 --> 00:12:04,898 书和音乐以及我们对纽约的热爱12600:12:04,898 --> 00:12:07,765 只是在闲聊…12700:12:07,778 --> 00:12:12,162 一盒削好的铅笔什么12800:12:12,162 --> 00:12:15,137 算了,我们没有谈到私人问题12900:12:15,137 --> 00:12:19,631 所以我不知道他的名字他的职业以及他的住处13000:12:19,746 --> 00:12:24,129 和他分手很容易因为根本没见过13100:12:24,129 --> 00:12:27,361 天啊,他可能是下一个走进书店的人13200:12:27,361 --> 00:12:29,295 我知道他可能…13300:12:32,738 --> 00:12:34,399 乔治13400:12:36,194 --> 00:12:37,559 早安13500:12:37,602 --> 00:12:39,729 你有没有上网13600:12:39,745 --> 00:12:45,274 就我看来,上网只会增加被女人拒绝的机会13700:12:47,777 --> 00:12:51,076 早安早安,柏蒂13800:12:51,361 --> 00:12:52,321 等一下再说13900:12:52,321 --> 00:12:56,002 你们刚刚在说什么网路性爱14000:12:56,002 --> 00:12:59,265 我很想试网路性爱但是网路经常塞车14100:12:59,265 --> 00:13:03,650 我知道有个礼拜六晚上…14200:13:03,650 --> 00:13:08,451 开门了我想没问题,我可以上网看看14300:13:09,314 --> 00:13:13,282 洁西卡和麦雅,你们好跟凯萨琳打招呼啊14400:13:13,282 --> 00:13:14,466 嗨,凯萨琳嗨14500:13:14,466 --> 00:13:15,585 早安嗨,凯萨琳14600:13:15,585 --> 00:13:17,553 转角书店,我是乔治我能为你效劳吗14700:13:19,874 --> 00:13:22,626 进度没有落后我们应该可以如期开张14800:13:22,626 --> 00:13:26,561 但是凯文和我有点担心附近居民的反应14900:13:26,561 --> 00:13:30,689 这张沙发的布料叫什么名字钱15000:13:30,689 --> 00:13:33,658 什么叫钱15100:13:33,698 --> 00:13:36,129 是吉莉安选的猜对了15200:13:36,129 --> 00:13:38,433你老爸又要结婚了真的吗15300:13:38,433 --> 00:13:39,873 是的恭喜了15400:13:39,873 --> 00:13:41,170 谢谢为什么15500:13:41,249 --> 00:13:42,945 谁知道呢是爱情吗15600:13:42,945 --> 00:13:45,761 可能吧我认为你是个笨蛋15700:13:45,761 --> 00:13:50,818 爸,马修才四岁大如果我们结婚这会对他好15800:13:50,818 --> 00:13:54,481 听着,我有一个坏消息要宣布15900:13:54,529 --> 00:14:00,593 在23街上的城市书局要关门了16000:14:03,265 --> 00:14:07,266 又一家小书店倒了再搞下一个吧16100:14:07,266 --> 00:14:12,257我要买下他们所有的建筑书籍以及纽约历史书籍放进新书店16200:14:12,257 --> 00:14:14,337 儿子,你要付多少钱16300:14:14,337 --> 00:14:19,400 不计任何代价最起码都比这张沙发便宜16400:14:21,281 --> 00:14:22,543 拿去吧16500:14:27,841 --> 00:14:29,793 这是在讨社区的欢心16600:14:29,793 --> 00:14:33,057 太棒了,可以让那些西区的解放份子和知识份子…16700:14:33,057 --> 00:14:35,425 爸,那是叫读者16800:14:35,425 --> 00:14:38,336 儿子,不要给他们取这么好听的名字16900:14:38,336 --> 00:14:39,969 不然他们会群起攻击你17000:14:39,969 --> 00:14:41,345 还有哪些竞争对手17100:14:41,345 --> 00:14:46,081有一间神秘的店,在78街上叫悬疑书局17200:14:46,081 --> 00:14:47,777 以及一家儿童书局叫转角书店17300:14:47,777 --> 00:14:49,506 这家好像历史悠久17400:14:52,385 --> 00:14:55,137 她叫西西莉雅凯莉很棒的女人17500:14:55,137 --> 00:15:00,939 我想我们有约会过一次应该说是互相写过信…17600:15:01,313 --> 00:15:02,837 你有写信给她过17700:15:03,585 --> 00:15:07,840 应该叫信件要加邮票和信封的17800:15:07,840 --> 00:15:08,898 我听说了17900:15:08,929 --> 00:15:13,665 西西莉雅的字很漂亮她对我来说太年轻了18000:15:13,665 --> 00:15:17,533 但是她很有魅力18100:15:17,985 --> 00:15:20,453 魅力现在是她女儿在管18200:15:20,993 --> 00:15:22,290 那太可惜了18300:15:25,249 --> 00:15:27,137 对不起,福克斯先生进来吧18400:15:27,137 --> 00:15:28,801 我父亲又要结婚了18500:15:28,801 --> 00:15:31,905 他和一个叫吉莉安的女人同居了五年18600:15:31,905 --> 00:15:33,760 她在凯撒宫学装横18700:15:33,760 --> 00:15:36,285 这是瓷器吗是橡胶18800:15:38,081 --> 00:15:40,705 我以前读过一个关于蝴蝶进地铁的故事18900:15:40,705 --> 00:15:42,730 而我今天看到了19000:15:42,912 --> 00:15:45,761 他在41街上车然后在59街下车19100:15:45,761 --> 00:15:52,132 我假设他要到布鲁明代尔书局去买一顶他根本不会戴的帽子19200:15:53,761 --> 00:15:57,664 听听这个,有一辆卡车每天晚上都会到附近的贝果店19300:15:57,664 --> 00:16:00,428 然后把上吨的面粉倒进地下槽19400:16:00,544 --> 00:16:05,982 然后空中到处都是面粉久久不散,为什么19500:16:06,817 --> 00:16:07,937 (傲慢与偏见)19600:16:07,937 --> 00:16:11,532 我承认傲慢与偏见这本书我读过二百多次19700:16:12,098 --> 00:16:15,744 我深深的被书中的文字吸引19800:16:15,744 --> 00:16:20,321 例如“向彼处”,“不幸”“幸福”19900:16:20,321 --> 00:16:24,724 我总是期盼伊莉莎白和达西先生能在一起20000:16:25,025 --> 00:16:28,461 读读看,你会喜欢的20100:16:29,888 --> 00:16:32,193 之所以有连锁咖啡店20200:16:32,193 --> 00:16:37,825 就是让那些三心二意的人做六个选择买一杯咖啡20300:16:42,337 --> 00:16:45,152 低热量,无热量,诸此之类20400:16:45,152 --> 00:16:47,905 摩卡研磨咖啡摩卡研磨咖啡20500:16:47,905 --> 00:16:53,344 只花2块9毛5就可以让这些无所适从的人20600:16:53,344 --> 00:16:58,817 或是没有自信的人不只买到咖啡,还能买到自信20700:16:58,817 --> 00:17:00,307 大杯的脱脂马奇亚多咖啡20800:17:00,352 --> 00:17:06,154 大杯,低咖啡因,卡布奇诺大杯低咖啡因的卡布奇诺20900:17:26,624 --> 00:17:27,921 该死21000:17:30,016 --> 00:17:34,753 福克斯超级书局这是恶梦21100:17:34,753 --> 00:17:36,128 我们不会受到影响21200:17:36,128 --> 00:17:41,395 他们虽然大但是只是一些生意人21300:17:41,632 --> 00:17:43,566 可是他们会打折扣21400:17:43,648 --> 00:17:47,296 但是他们不提供服务而我们却不一样21500:17:47,296 --> 00:17:53,984 这是个好现象就像花区有许多花店21600:17:53,984 --> 00:17:59,149 人们可以找到自己想要的这里会成为书区21700:17:59,328 --> 00:18:02,304 如果顾客在那里找不到书就会来找我们21800:18:02,304 --> 00:18:04,772 反过来也是完全正确21900:18:08,033 --> 00:18:10,496 当你们击垮福克斯书局22000:18:10,496 --> 00:18:17,984 转角书店将带领世界击垮工业革命22100:18:17,984 --> 00:18:23,354 你真会说话,法兰克,谢谢22200:18:23,712 --> 00:18:25,543 虽然我…怎么了22300:18:25,632 --> 00:18:30,721 等一下,这是什么东西这是个好东西22400:18:30,721 --> 00:18:36,224 听听看这是奥林匹亚电子打字机22500:18:36,224 --> 00:18:40,064 声音就像子弹一样好听这声音好像听过22600:18:40,064 --> 00:18:41,554 你来听听看…22700:18:42,336 --> 00:18:44,065 你叫我听这个震动声吗22800:18:44,065 --> 00:18:48,384 这就是一个完美的机器所发出的声音22900:18:48,384 --> 00:18:51,410 我知道我在哪里听过这个声音23000:18:52,736 --> 00:18:55,232 我需要一台备用不是在你的公寓里…23100:18:55,232 --> 00:18:57,312 我需要已经有一台了吗23200:18:57,312 --> 00:18:59,280 是的,管他的23300:18:59,872 --> 00:19:02,080 你到底要说什么你是说哪句话23400:19:02,080 --> 00:19:04,288 在讨论打字机前那句话没什么23500:19:04,288 --> 00:19:05,664 说嘛23600:19:05,664 --> 00:19:10,911 我一直在想,我到底在做什么23700:19:10,911 --> 00:19:16,097 我觉得我只是经营一家儿童书店238你所做的事情是一件伟大的事情23900:19:20,096 --> 00:19:21,760 我不知道…凯萨琳…24000:19:21,760 --> 00:19:26,561 我只是…你在孤军奋战24100:19:26,944 --> 00:19:42,724 你在这一片商业腐败的气息中孤军奋战24200:19:44,256 --> 00:19:48,064 我在孤军奋战没错24300:19:48,064 --> 00:19:50,555 我在孤军奋战24400:19:56,352 --> 00:20:03,776 有时候我在思考我的生活这家书店虽然小,但是有价值24500:20:03,776 --> 00:20:07,872 有时候我在想我之所以做是因为我喜欢吗24600:20:07,872 --> 00:20:14,047 还是我不够勇敢这让我想起某本书的一段情节247书本不是应该提醒我现实生活吗24800:20:17,856 --> 00:20:22,793 我不想知道答案我只想把这个问题丢到太空24900:20:23,328 --> 00:20:27,264 晚安,亲爱的太空25000:20:32,511 --> 00:20:34,144 嘿,乔哈啰,乔25100:20:34,144 --> 00:20:42,239 嘿…你们来了…哈啰,安娜贝儿25200:20:42,239 --> 00:20:44,764 嗨你好,还有你25300:20:45,247 --> 00:20:47,715 马修,你好好25400:20:48,320 --> 00:20:50,208 准备好了没我们来跟纽泽西打招呼25500:20:50,208 --> 00:20:54,577 哈啰,纽泽西哈啰,纽泽西256怎么没有人跟我说哈啰哈啰,吉莉安25700:20:58,783 --> 00:21:01,946 亲我一下我要成为你的坏继母25800:21:04,447 --> 00:21:07,610 这样可以吧,这位是谁25900:21:07,968 --> 00:21:11,456 毛琳,我之所以带她来是怕你管不住这两个小鬼26000:21:11,456 --> 00:21:15,893 毛琳要离婚了我很难过26100:21:15,967 --> 00:21:20,495 是我的错,不该跟个骗子结婚26200:21:20,800 --> 00:21:23,680 这句话很有道理安娜贝儿,要记住哦26300:21:23,680 --> 00:21:25,728 马修会念自己的名字都是她教的26400:21:25,728 --> 00:21:28,511 真的吗,念一遍给我听福一克一斯26500:21:28,511 --> 00:21:32,191非常好…我可以处理26600:21:32,191 --> 00:21:34,240 你们去忙吧我相信你们一定很忙26700:21:34,240 --> 00:21:38,643 例如到亨利街的流浪之家或是援救波西尼亚难民26800:21:38,655 --> 00:21:41,488 没错,我要保持精力26900:21:43,136 --> 00:21:46,687 那你去吧,不要担心,再见再见27000:21:46,687 --> 00:21:49,183 再见,毛琳,再见,吉莉安再见,妈27100:21:49,183 --> 00:21:54,246 你们准备好上船了吗不27200:21:54,271 --> 00:21:55,898 你们怎么回事…27300:22:10,016 --> 00:22:14,715 你太差劲了再试一次,你也来27400:22:18,367 --> 00:22:19,629 奖品是什么27500:23:09,088 --> 00:23:12,126 真的吗真的,要不要看电影27600:23:12,126 --> 00:23:13,923 没什么好看的27700:23:14,015 --> 00:23:20,062 看,是说故事女士时间到了吗,到了,进去吧27800:23:20,062 --> 00:23:22,326 我一个人独自在想我想到了最伟大的老鼠计划27900:23:26,430 --> 00:23:31,390 我们每个人都有光荣的一刻这一刻是属于我的28000:23:31,390 --> 00:23:32,542 我说28100:23:32,542 --> 00:23:37,888 “我们可以把一只老鼠放进普莱查特太太的糖果罐里”28200:23:37,888 --> 00:23:45,158 “然后当她伸手去拿糖时她会拿起一只死老鼠”28300:23:45,470 --> 00:23:48,064 他们四个就这样瞪着我28400:23:53,758 --> 00:23:57,694拍我的背,称赞我他们开始在教室里跳舞28500:23:58,622 --> 00:24:00,382 “今天动手我们可以放学后动手”28600:24:00,382 --> 00:24:04,682 “这是你的计划,由你动手”28700:24:11,390 --> 00:24:13,324 能不能帮我一下我想选些旧书28800:24:14,463 --> 00:24:17,791 这是她最好的朋友,叫泰西她真正的名字是安妮莎提夏28900:24:17,791 --> 00:24:24,287 在下一集,泰西和提柏我不想说她的真名,她叫索玛29000:24:24,351 --> 00:24:25,613 真难听没错29100:24:25,983 --> 00:24:31,870 这本书是手工黏的所以才会这么贵,对吧29200:24:31,870 --> 00:24:34,134 不,应该说这本书很有价值29300:24:34,719 --> 00:24:37,662 我全部都要我再考虑一下29400:24:37,662 --> 00:24:39,071 一次买这么多对你爸爸来说太贵了29500:24:39,071 --> 00:24:43,007 我想要什么书,爸都会买给我他真好29600:24:43,007 --> 00:24:48,638 那不是我爸,那是我侄子我不认为他会是你的侄子29700:24:48,638 --> 00:24:50,654 不,她说的是真的29800:24:50,654 --> 00:24:56,490 安娜贝儿是我的姑姑对不对,安娜贝儿29900:24:56,766 --> 00:24:57,951 而马修是他…30000:24:57,951 --> 00:25:01,886 等一下…让我猜猜看你是他叔叔吗30100:25:01,886 --> 00:25:05,117 不是是他爷爷吗30200:25:06,207 --> 00:25:10,701 还是他曾爷爷我是他弟弟30300:25:11,262 --> 00:25:16,062 马修是我父亲的儿子安娜贝儿是我祖父的女儿30400:25:16,062 --> 00:25:20,431 我们是…美国家庭30500:25:25,630 --> 00:25:27,998 拿去擦吧这是什么30600:25:27,998 --> 00:25:32,030 这是手帕,你们不知道手帕吗30700:25:32,030 --> 00:25:36,190 手帕就像卫生纸只是可以重覆使用30800:25:36,190 --> 00:25:39,231 这是我妈妈做给我的上面有我的缩写和雏菊30900:25:39,231 --> 00:25:41,256 这是我最喜欢的花31000:25:41,886 --> 00:25:44,286 能不能告诉我,你是谁31100:25:44,350 --> 00:25:48,081 我叫凯萨琳凯莉这是我的店,那你呢31200:25:48,639 --> 00:25:52,798叫我乔就好了这些书我都要了31300:25:52,798 --> 00:25:56,427 好,你会再回来吧31400:25:56,671 --> 00:25:59,806 当然31500:25:59,806 --> 00:26:02,495 看,这就是我们不会关门的原因31600:26:02,495 --> 00:26:03,774 因为我们的顾客都很忠心31700:26:03,774 --> 00:26:07,071 对面要开一家福克斯书局我爸爸…31800:26:07,071 --> 00:26:11,337 喜欢买打折的书不要说出去,这样很尴尬31900:26:14,047 --> 00:26:15,070 你真厉害32000:26:15,070 --> 00:26:17,470 可以拼出狐狸(与福克斯同义)32100:26:17,470 --> 00:26:18,528 你会不会拼狗32200:26:18,718 --> 00:26:20,208 福一克一斯32300:26:20,222 --> 00:26:22,846 看,这里有一本恐龙书是立体恐龙书32400:26:22,846 --> 00:26:27,408 想不想要这本,你们先过来32500:26:27,422 --> 00:26:31,294 安娜贝儿,你带马修念这本书我去处理一些事情32600:26:31,294 --> 00:26:34,263 无论我说什么你们专心看书就对了32700:26:36,030 --> 00:26:38,521 把那本立体恐龙书也算进去32800:26:38,622 --> 00:26:42,974 这个世界不是只有折扣相信我,我在这行做了很久32900:26:42,974 --> 00:26:46,590 我从六岁开始放学后就在帮我妈妈33000:26:46,590 --> 00:26:53,246 我看到她并不只是卖书她在帮忙人们找到内心世界33100:26:53,246 --> 00:27:00,675 因为小时候所读的书对你的影响最大,我太激动了33200:27:01,310 --> 00:27:08,216 是,没错你让我感受到…33300:27:10,270 --> 00:27:14,707 魅力,你母亲很有魅力没错33400:27:14,877 --> 00:27:18,142 你要用什么样的付款方式现金33500:27:18,142 --> 00:27:21,669 你怎么知道那边有张照片33600:27:22,270 --> 00:27:24,204 那个小女孩是你吗你那时候在干嘛33700:27:24,702 --> 00:27:26,067 旋转33800:27:27,134 --> 00:27:29,364 我妈和我常常这样做33900:27:29,629 --> 00:27:32,254 她把这家店给我而我要把店传给我女儿34000:27:32,254 --> 00:27:34,750 73块钱,谢谢多少34100:27:34,750 --> 00:27:37,378 73块钱34200:27:38,910 --> 00:27:42,539 你女儿多大了34300:27:43,069 --> 00:27:47,369 我没有女儿,我还没结婚但是一定会有34400:27:48,446 --> 00:27:51,904 那家福克斯书局最好下地狱34500:27:52,925 --> 00:27:55,614 拿去吧谢谢,好了吗34600:27:55,614 --> 00:27:57,206 好了34700:27:57,469 --> 00:27:59,678 这很可爱再见,凯萨琳34800:27:59,678 --> 00:28:03,205 再见,安娜贝儿,再见,马修再见34900:28:06,365 --> 00:28:10,174 马修,我再问你一个问题你会不会拼猫35000:28:10,174 --> 00:28:17,012福一克一斯狐狸很像猫,谢了35100:28:19,805 --> 00:28:21,636 天啊,还好不是鱼被夹住35200:28:23,326 --> 00:28:24,486 保重35300:28:34,494 --> 00:28:41,627 (福克斯父子书局)(开幕期间65折特价)35400:28:57,758 --> 00:29:01,717 (65折)35500:29:09,949 --> 00:29:14,525 没有示威游行,没有抗议人潮这个社区很喜欢我们35600:29:14,525 --> 00:29:18,494 他们大概在想这几年没有我们他们是怎么过的35700:29:18,494 --> 00:29:21,019 很成功儿童区呢35800:29:21,374 --> 00:29:25,533 现在时间还早,学校还没放学而且附近有一家儿童书店35900:29:25,533 --> 00:29:26,718 就是那家转角书店00:29:26,718 --> 00:29:31,197 那是西西莉雅的店我们以前约会过一次36100:29:31,197 --> 00:29:34,046 现在是她女儿在负责我们会逼她关门的36200:29:34,046 --> 00:29:35,479 她很有魅力36300:29:40,669 --> 00:29:42,589 他们开幕了六天36400:29:42,589 --> 00:29:45,387 而这个礼拜比去年同一个礼拜少了1200块钱36500:29:47,997 --> 00:29:49,862 他们只是运气好36600:29:50,366 --> 00:29:52,095 真的吗36700:29:52,638 --> 00:29:57,534 听着,他们才刚开过一阵子就没了36800:29:57,534 --> 00:29:59,069 我要多放一点圣诞灯饰36900:29:59,069 --> 00:30:00,861 这个主意不错00:30:00,861 --> 00:30:05,405 如果我们倒了怎么办我再也找不到兼职工作37100:30:05,405 --> 00:30:10,270 我就付不出房租我就得搬到布鲁克林去37200:30:10,270 --> 00:30:14,685 还好我住在公家套房一个月450块37300:30:14,685 --> 00:30:17,373 我们知道你已经说了上百次了37400:30:17,373 --> 00:30:20,509 可是我不敢相信你竟然这个时候提出来37500:30:20,509 --> 00:30:23,773 你在干嘛,挖苦我吗37600:30:23,773 --> 00:30:28,369 我们不会关门嘿,我…37700:30:28,893 --> 00:30:34,923 这里没事可做,我要出去走走乔治37800:30:37,373 --> 00:30:38,931 乔治37900:30:45,309 --> 00:30:46,776 玛兰达38000:30:48,157 --> 00:30:52,719 嗨…凯萨琳,生意好不好38100:30:53,437 --> 00:30:56,873 我们对你出的新书很兴奋什么时候签约38200:30:57,053 --> 00:31:02,077 一月才出版你们撑得到一月吗,我很担心38300:31:02,077 --> 00:31:06,845 我们生意很好,对吧根本没受影响38400:31:06,845 --> 00:31:12,189 太棒了我可以松一口气了38500:31:12,189 --> 00:31:14,140 有需要的地方尽管开口我可以组团体支持你们38600:31:14,140 --> 00:31:18,973 可以找时代杂志写篇专访或是找观察杂志的那个疯子38700:31:18,973 --> 00:31:21,771 你在说什么38800:31:21,885 --> 00:31:25,758就是那个叫法兰克的他对打字机有种狂爱38900:31:25,758 --> 00:31:27,817 那种大书局他最喜欢攻击39000:31:30,877 --> 00:31:33,725 她说我是疯子这不是重点39100:31:33,725 --> 00:31:36,701 她认为我的生意不好她为什么要这样说39200:31:36,701 --> 00:31:38,846 顾客很多,足够大家分39300:31:38,846 --> 00:31:39,972 是没错那就好39400:31:39,997 --> 00:31:43,261 不只是好,是很好39500:31:43,261 --> 00:31:44,606 我们很好没错39600:31:44,606 --> 00:31:45,698 你们好39700:31:46,141 --> 00:31:47,631 很好很好39800:31:47,773 --> 00:31:49,725 进来吧,文斯在等你们嗨39900:31:49,725 --> 00:31:51,997 文斯,恭喜你好,谢谢40000:31:51,997 --> 00:31:53,725 猜猜看,我今天在地铁看到谁嗨,文斯40100:31:53,725 --> 00:31:55,837 嗨威廉史邦金40200:31:55,837 --> 00:31:58,429 那是谁,我想不会吧我真的看到他40300:31:58,429 --> 00:32:01,565 他躲在墨西哥他不可能离开墨西哥40400:32:01,565 --> 00:32:03,032 完全正确,他对我说“你应该去渡假”40500:32:03,037 --> 00:32:05,532 你们真的应该去渡假40600:32:05,532 --> 00:32:09,195 我很高兴能跟你分享40700:32:09,213 --> 00:32:11,325 亲爱的,我喝完了再帮我拿一杯40800:32:11,325 --> 00:32:20,199 那个地方很棒,可以好好休息他对我说句话,是不是很好笑40900:32:22,748 --> 00:32:24,113 给我一杯香槟41000:32:24,988 --> 00:32:28,048 给我一杯伏特加加冰块换个新杯子41100:32:28,797 --> 00:32:30,230 白酒,谢谢41200:32:30,973 --> 00:32:32,600 这是你的谢谢41300:32:36,444 --> 00:32:39,504 哈啰嗨41400:32:40,221 --> 00:32:41,692 嗨嗨41500:32:41,692 --> 00:32:45,719 你还记得我吗我当然记得你,嗨41600:32:49,533 --> 00:32:52,508我最好赶快送过去我的女伴很渴41700:32:52,508 --> 00:32:53,668 她像只骆驼一样41800:32:53,693 --> 00:32:57,891 你叫乔,对吧你叫凯萨琳41900:33:03,164 --> 00:33:06,065 凯萨琳凯莉两杯白酒,谢谢42000:33:10,781 --> 00:33:14,717 我真不敢相信你竟然跟乔福克斯讲话42100:33:14,940 --> 00:33:17,408 他是乔福克斯没错42200:33:17,532 --> 00:33:21,491 就是…他会毁了你们42300:33:29,052 --> 00:33:31,486 你姓福克斯42400:33:32,220 --> 00:33:34,279 福一克一斯42500:33:35,004 --> 00:33:40,029 天啊,我没想到我真的不知道42600:33:40,029 --> 00:33:43,036 你身边的人是谁我不知道你身边的人是谁42700:33:43,036 --> 00:33:44,401 什么42800:33:45,052 --> 00:33:48,764 这是教父的对白,抱歉42900:33:48,764 --> 00:33:55,228 这是当制片发现汤姆哈金是别人派来的密探43000:33:55,228 --> 00:34:00,666 那一幕有一只马头被丢在床上到处都是血,他醒来就…43100:34:03,837 --> 00:34:05,270 算了43200:34:05,276 --> 00:34:09,341 你在侦查我,对吧那些小孩大概是你租来的43300:34:09,341 --> 00:34:10,524 我侦查你干嘛43400:34:10,524 --> 00:34:13,244 因为我是你的竞争对手这点你很清楚43500:34:13,244 --> 00:34:16,680不然你不会在门上放“就在转角”这个招牌43600:34:17,277 --> 00:34:22,236 我们的入口刚好在转角这样说不对吗43700:34:22,236 --> 00:34:25,000 何况这不是我们的店名43800:34:25,053 --> 00:34:28,921 而且“转角”这个名词又不是你的43900:34:31,388 --> 00:34:33,948 你在干嘛,你到底在做什么44000:34:34,588 --> 00:34:40,925 你把配料都拿走了那别人怎么办44100:34:45,532 --> 00:34:48,348 听着,我之所以走进你的店44200:34:48,348 --> 00:34:50,621 是因为我在照顾安娜贝儿和马修44300:34:50,621 --> 00:34:56,560 我在帮他们买礼物我喜欢用钱买小孩的心44400:35:00,252 --> 00:35:01,756 现在情况不一样了44500:35:01,756 --> 00:35:09,288 你那家可爱的小书店一年大概赚35万吧44600:35:09,436 --> 00:35:12,234 你怎么会知道我是干这行的44700:35:12,316 --> 00:35:14,944 不,我才是卖书的44800:35:16,124 --> 00:35:22,812 原来如此,我们可是薄利多销和超级市场一样44900:35:22,812 --> 00:35:27,215 只是我们不卖沙拉油我们卖廉价的书45000:35:27,227 --> 00:35:34,108 我当间谍,你说的没错我手上有最机密的文件45100:35:34,108 --> 00:35:41,571 你的资料我全有因为我害怕你会害我关门45200:35:43,547 --> 00:35:45,756 怎么了…45300:35:45,756 --> 00:35:50,022 嘿,你好,我叫法兰克我叫乔福克斯45400:35:50,684 --> 00:35:53,244 乔福克斯福一克一斯45500:35:53,499 --> 00:35:57,884 就是你发明了连锁店你是中小企业的敌人45600:35:57,884 --> 00:36:01,435 是你毁了城市书店告诉我,你为什么睡得着45700:36:01,435 --> 00:36:06,332 我服用一种很棒的药就是超级安眠药45800:36:06,332 --> 00:36:10,792 只能吃半颗效果之好你无法想像45900:36:10,812 --> 00:36:12,059 你是法兰克,对吧46000:36:12,059 --> 00:36:12,988 是的,我们走吧46100:36:12,988 --> 00:36:17,340 你在上一期的观察周刊上所写的文章真的很棒46200:36:17,340 --> 00:36:20,207 真的吗真的很不错46300:36:20,860 --> 00:36:22,452我叫派崔莎爱汀嗨46400:36:22,460 --> 00:36:23,804 嗨,我是爱汀出版社的负责人46500:36:23,804 --> 00:36:26,940 乔,他大概是仅存的专家46600:36:26,940 --> 00:36:29,339 他对1953年的泄密案很清楚46700:36:29,339 --> 00:36:31,388 你真的喜欢我的…这位是凯萨琳凯莉46800:36:31,388 --> 00:36:32,827 嗨我的作品吗,我很抱歉46900:36:32,827 --> 00:36:38,204 我真的很高兴,写完之后以为一个礼拜后会有人反应47000:36:38,204 --> 00:36:42,523 可是没有人打电话来然后我开始觉得我真是失败47100:36:42,523 --> 00:36:45,372 我对那篇文章之所以感兴趣47200:36:45,372 --> 00:36:47,548 是因为那两位科学家看起来很苍老。
口语模仿秀-《电子情书》Love and Feelings
口语模仿秀-《电子情书》Love and Feelings欢迎来到口语模仿秀,今天我们来模仿《电子情书》这首歌曲。
Verse 1:Every night I sit alone and reminisce每个夜晚我独自坐着回忆过去How it felt when we first kissed回想起我们初吻的感觉Remembering those nights we spent回忆起我们共度的夜晚Our love was so intense, so intense我们的爱如此强烈,如此强烈Chorus:Love and feelings, all the things we shared爱与情感,我们所分享的一切Through the nights and days, you were always there度过了无数的夜晚和白天,你一直在那里Love and feelings, never fading away爱与情感,永不褪去In my heart forever, you'll always stay永远留在我心中Verse 2:Now I'm typing this message out of the blue现在我突然间输入这段信息Hoping that it finds its way to you希望它能找到你I miss the way we used to talk all night我怀念我们曾经整夜的聊天Our laughter and our little fights我们的笑声和小小的争吵Chorus:Love and feelings, all the things we shared爱与情感,我们所分享的一切Through the nights and days, you were always there 度过了无数的夜晚和白天,你一直在那里Love and feelings, never fading away爱与情感,永不褪去In my heart forever, you'll always stay永远留在我心中Bridge:Now I wonder where you are and what you do现在我想知道你在哪里,做着什么If you still remember our love so true是否还记得我们真挚的爱情I hope this message finds its way to you我希望这条信息能找到你Chorus:Love and feelings, all the things we shared爱与情感,我们所分享的一切Through the nights and days, you were always there 度过了无数的夜晚和白天,你一直在那里Love and feelings, never fading away爱与情感,永不褪去In my heart forever, you'll always stay永远留在我心中Outro:Love and feelings, love and feelings爱与情感,爱与情感Forever in my heart, you'll always stay永远留在我心中。
经典情书台词爱一个人需要理由吗?不需要吗?需要吗?不需要吗?需要吗?不需要吗?我是跟你研究研究嘛,干嘛这么认真呢?需要吗?以下是店铺为大家准备的经典情书台词,希望大家喜欢!经典情书台词(一)1. 当我站在瀑布前,觉得非常的难过,我总觉得,应该是两个人站在这里。
2. 《东邪西毒》:如果感情可以分胜负的话,我不知道她是否会赢,但是我很清楚,从一开始,我就输了。
3. 我要你知道,这个世界上有一个人会永远等着你。
无论是在什么时候,无论你在什么地方,反正你知道总会有这样一个人!4. 生命中充满了巧合,两条平行线也会有相交的一次。
5. 人生下来的时候都只有一半,为了找到另一半而在人世间行走。
6. 《玻璃樽》:人生下来的时候都只有一半,为了找到另一半而在人世间行走。
7. 《青蛇》:姐姐,你千年修行,为了一个许仙值得吗?8. 《榴莲飘飘》:结婚了吧,傻X了吧,以后挣了钱都两个人花原始社会好,原始社会好,原始社会男女光着屁股跑。
9. 《东宫西宫》:你到底是男的,还是女的?这不重要,当你想爱的时候,你就是男的。
10. 你伤透了我的心纸巾是弄不好的。
11. 《开往春天的地铁》:我不知道该说什么,我只是突然在那一刻很想念她。
12. 不知道从什么时候开始,在什么东西上面都有个日期,秋刀鱼会过期,肉罐头会过期,连保鲜纸都会过期,我开始怀疑,在这个世界上,还有什么东西是不会过期的?13. 《玻璃之城》:我手上的爱情线、生命线和事业线,都是你的名字拼成的。
14. 每天你都有机会和很多人擦身而过,而你或者对他们一无所知,不过也许有一天他会变成你的朋友或是知己。
电子情书You've Got Mail 中英文剧本Amazing. This is amazing! 这真是太夸张了你听听看Listen to this: The entire work force of Virginia had solitaire removed from their computers...他们将要把整个维吉尼亚州政府电脑里的接龙洗掉因为这些公务员已经六个礼拜没有在工作...because they hadn't done any work in six weeks.That's so sad.这真是悲哀你知不知道这代表什么意思不知道Do you know what this is?这表示西方文明已经完了你是不是快迟到了The end of Western civilization as we know it.Aren't you late?请你说出科技带给我们什么好处Name me one thing that we've gained from technology.一个就好电力Electricity.好吧,人们以为机器是益友但是谁知道呢That's one. You think thismachine's your friend, but it'snot.-I'm out of here. -See youtonight!我走了今晚吃什么Sushi!寿司寿司再见Bye!(请选择你的名字) (老板娘)欢迎Welcome.你有新邮件You've got mail.(新邮件) (名字一纽约152)(主旨) (布克林)布克林是我的狗他和我一样都喜欢纽约的街道"Brinkley is my dog. Weboth love New York streets. "Although he likes to eatpizza off the sidewalk...可是他会去人行道捡而我宁愿去买...and I prefer to buy it.Brinkley is a great catcherwho was offered a tryout onthe Mets.布克林很会接棒球纽约网队曾经请他去面试But he chose to stay with meso he could spend 18 hours aday...但是他宁愿和我在一起这样他就可以一天18个小时都躺在大绿枕头上...sleeping on a large pillowthe size of an inner tube.Don 't you love New York inthe fall?你喜不喜欢纽约的秋天这让我有冲动去买学校用品Makes me want to buyschool supplies.甜心干嘛I' m almost ready.我快准备好了I would send you a bouquetof newly sharpened pencils...如果我知道你的名字和住址打开了没那我就可以寄给你一盒新削好的铅笔...if I knew your name and address.我今天要双倍浓缩咖啡但是换个角度想不知道可以制造神秘感On the other hand, this not knowing has its charms.你有没有按下去有,我按下去了Did you push it?Y es, I pushed it.I' m so late.我已经迟到了蓝登出版社开除了狄克艾金斯这是个好消息Random House fired Dick Atkins. Good riddance!摩利查尔顿死了又走了一个我讨厌的人Murray Chilton died. That's one less person l' m not speaking to.快点…Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! 文斯的作品受到好评他会忙死Vince got a great review.He'll be insufferable.今晚要参加纽约诗人协会晚宴T onight, PEN dinner.Am I going?You promised!这个太正式了能不能捐钱了事It's black-tie.Can't I just give moneyinstead?What is it this week? FreeAlbanian writers?这个礼拜又要募捐什么让阿尔巴尼亚有艺术创造自由吗I'm in favor of that.这我很赞成我去…你已经迟到了我知道…Okay, I'll go.You're late.I know, I know.早安,爱汀小姐你最快乐了…Who's a happy dog?欢迎欢迎Welcome.(你有新邮件) 你有新邮件You've got mail.All right. Okay. Get down,get down.下去…(收信者:纽约152) (寄信者:老板娘)(主旨一亲爱的朋友)亲爱的朋友,我喜欢一开始假装我们已经谈到一半Dear friend: I like to start mynotes to you......as if we 're already in themiddle of a conversation.我喜欢假装我们是老朋友了虽然事实不然I pretend that we 're theoldest and dearest friends......as opposed to what weactually are:我们连对方的名字都不知道People who don 't know each other's names...早,先生早,查理我们会客室见,说第一次来... and met in a chat room where we both claimed we 'd never been before.我在想纽约152 今天会说什么"What will NY152 say today?" I wonder.我打开电脑很不耐烦的等上线I turn on my computer.I wait impatiently as it connects.上线后,我摒住呼吸I go online......and my breath catches in my chest until I hear three little words:"You 've got mail. "I hear nothing, not even a sound on the streets of New York.我听不到纽约街头的声音我只听到我的心跳声Just the beat of my own heart. I have mail...我收到你的来信... from you.配电承包商说昨晚他撞到一只鹿The electrical contractor hit adeer last night.所以他明天才能来So he won't be here tilltomorrow.楼上的架子现在不能装因为我们订的松木被虫蛀了And upstairs, the shelves arelate...... because the pine weordered has beetles.Very good.非常好…And we got a $50,000 ticketfor workers peeing off theroof.我们还收到一张五万块钱的罚单因为工人在屋顶上尿尿太棒了…配电工今天来不来That is great. Is theelectrician here?I just told you he hit a deer. Iknew you weren't listening tome.你说的对当然You're right. I wasn't.我是没在听“我听不到纽约街头的声音我只听到我的心跳声”"l hear nothing.Not a sound on the citystreets, just the beat of myown heart. "I think that's how it goes.Something like that.差不多是这个意思You and Patricia got engaged,didn't you? You can tell me.你和派崔莎已经订婚了不是吗,你可以跟我说实话Engaged?订婚说吧你疯了吗我以为你喜欢派崔莎Are you crazy?I thought you liked Patricia.是没错…我爱死派崔莎了I do.I love Patricia.她真厉害,她精力充沛连咖啡都怕她Patricia's amazing. She makes coffee nervous.你知道吗,我们应该先和邻居打好关系We should announce ourselves to the neighborhood: "Here we come. "让他们知道我们即将开幕This is the Upper West Side. 我不知道,这里是西区干脆告诉他们,我们在贩毒他们会恨死我们We might as well tell them we're opening a crack house.They're going to hate us.They'll be lining up to picket the big bad chain store...一旦他们听到消息他们会排队…会群起抗议会群起抗议...that's out to destroy--没错,就是这样这是他们的生活方式Everything they hold dear.We're going to seduce themwith our square footage...你知道吗,我们要诱惑他们我们用大量的产品,折扣舒服的沙发以及…...and our discounts and ourdeep armchairs......and our cappuccino.我们的卡布奇诺我们的卡布奇诺They're going to hate us atthe beginning...没错,他们一开始会讨厌我们但是…...but we'll get them in theend.我们终究会获胜我们终究会获胜你知道原因吗不知道And you know why?Why?因为我们卖的书很便宜而且又卖廉价兴奋剂Because we'll sell cheapbooks and legal addictivestimulants.从现在开始我们要放个招牌In the meantime, we'll justput up a big sign:“即将开幕,福克斯超级书局文明的灭亡”"Coming Soon, a Fox BooksSuperstore. The End ofCivilization......As You Know It!"早安,克莉丝汀娜早安,凯萨琳Good morning, Christina.Morning, Kathleen.今天天气真棒你说是不是很棒Isn't it just the most beautifulday?I guess. Yeah, sure.我想是吧你会不会开车你才会不会开车,我是绿灯-ldiot, what are you doing? -Igot the green light!Don't you love New York inthe fall?纽约的秋天真是迷人Perfect.这闻起来真不错你在闻胶带,你到底怎么了Can't beat that.Scotch tape? What is going on with you?没事你一定谈恋爱了Nothing.-You're in love. -ln love? No.没这回事,等一下,你说的对Yes, that's right! I'm in love with Frank.我爱上了法兰克我还和法兰克同居I'm practically living with Frank.你能不能在这个礼拜完成圣诞节邮购目录Could you get our Christmas mailers out this week?By Monday, I promise. I have this paper due Friday.好…我答应你礼拜一完成因为我礼拜五要交份报告到底发生了什么好事没什么…What is going on? Nothing at all.You know, I am just going tostand here until you tell me.我会一直站在这里直到你说实话网友算不算朋友你们有做爱吗All right.Is it infidelity if you'reinvolved with someone one-mail?Have you had sex?当然没有,我们根本没见过面我是说网路性爱No, I don't even know him.I mean cybersex.没有Don't do it. The minute youdo, they lose all respect foryou.绝对不要有网路性爱一旦做了,他们就会失去兴趣It's not like that.We just e-mail. It's reallynothing.On top of which, I'mthinking of stopping becauseit's getting....而且我想要中止这段关系因为真的…Out of hand?失控吗是迷惑,算了,反正没什么Confusing.But not.Because it's nothing.你在哪里遇到他的我不记得了Where'd you meet him?Listen, I can't evenremember.好吧,我生日那天我去30岁以上会客室On my birthday, I wanderedinto the "over 30" room for ajoke, sort of.他在那里,然后我们开始聊天And he was there. And westarted chatting.About what?聊些什么书和音乐以及我们对纽约的热爱Books and music, how muchwe both love New York....Harmless, harmless.只是在闲聊…Meaningless.一盒削好的铅笔什么Bouquets of sharpened pencils.Excuse me?算了,我们没有谈到私人问题Forget it.We don't talk about anything personal, so I don't know his name...所以我不知道他的名字他的职业以及他的住处...or what he does or where he lives exactly......so it'll be easy for me to stop seeing him, because I'm not.和他分手很容易因为根本没见过He could be the next person to walk into the store.天啊,他可能是下一个走进书店的人我知道他可能…I know.He could be......George.乔治早安Morning.你有没有上网Are you online?就我看来,上网只会增加被女人拒绝的机会As far as I'm concerned......the lnternet is just anotherway of being rejected by awoman.早安早安,柏蒂Good morning, Birdie.等一下再说你们刚刚在说什么网路性爱What are you girls talkingabout?Cybersex.我很想试网路性爱但是网路经常塞车I tried once, but I keptgetting a busy signal.我知道有个礼拜六晚上…I know.I was really depressed oneSaturday night about 9:00--Time to open up!开门了我想没问题,我可以上网看看洁西卡和麦雅,你们好跟凯萨琳打招呼啊Jessica and Maya, how areyou today?-Want to say hi to Kathleen?-Hi, Kathleen.嗨,凯萨琳嗨早安嗨,凯萨琳转角书店,我是乔治我能为你效劳吗May I help you?进度没有落后我们应该可以如期开张Construction's going well.We should open on time.Although Kevin and I areconcerned about theneighborhood response.但是凯文和我有点担心附近居民的反应这张沙发的布料叫什么名字钱This fabric on the couch, what is it?Money.什么叫钱Its name is money.是吉莉安选的猜对了-Gillian selected it. -Good guess.你老爸又要结婚了真的吗-Your father's getting married again. -Really?是的恭喜了Congratulations!谢谢为什么Why?谁知道呢是爱情吗Who knows?Love?可能吧我认为你是个笨蛋Possible.You're a damn fool! 爸,马修才四岁大如果我们结婚这会对他好Pops, Matthew is four yearsold, okay?It'd be nice if his parentswere married.听着,我有一个坏消息要宣布Listen, I have a sadannouncement to make.City Books...在23街上的城市书局要关门了...on 23rd Street.It's going under.又一家小书店倒了再搞下一个吧Another independent bitesthe dust.On to the next!我要买下他们所有的建筑书籍以及纽约历史书籍放进新书店Going to buy out theirinventory of architecture......and New Y ork history forthe new store.儿子,你要付多少钱How much you paying, son?不计任何代价最起码都比这张沙发便宜It won't be as much as thatuncomfortable mohairepisode there......which is now all over mysuit.Here you go.拿去吧We'll also have a sectiondedicated to writers from theWest Side.这是在讨社区的欢心As a sop to theneighborhood.Keep those West Side, liberalnuts, pseudo-intellectual--太棒了,可以让那些西区的解放份子和知识份子…Readers, Dad. They' re calledreaders.爸,那是叫读者Don't romanticize them. It'llkeep them...儿子,不要给他们取这么好听的名字...from jumping down yourthroat.不然他们会群起攻击你What's the competition?还有哪些竞争对手One mystery store, Sleuth, at 78th and Amsterdam...有一间神秘的店,在78街上叫悬疑书局...and a children's bookstore, Shop Around The Corner.以及一家儿童书局叫转角书店-It's been there forever. -Cecilia's store.这家好像历史悠久Who's that?她叫西西莉雅凯莉很棒的女人Cecilia Kelly.Lovely woman. I think we might have had a date once.我想我们有约会过一次应该说是互相写过信…Or maybe we just exchanged letters.You wrote her letters?你有写信给她过Mail. It was called mail.应该叫信件要加邮票和信封的-Stamps, envelopes-- -I'veheard of it.我听说了Cecilia had beautifulpenmanship.西西莉雅的字很漂亮她对我来说太年轻了She was too young for me...但是她很有魅力...but she was......enchanting.Enchanting?魅力现在是她女儿在管Her daughter owns it now.那太可惜了Too bad for her.对不起,福克斯先生进来吧Excuse me, Mr. Fox.My father is getting marriedagain.我父亲又要结婚了他和一个叫吉莉安的女人同居了五年For 5 years, he 's been livingwith Gillian...... who studied decorating atCaesar's Palace.她在凯撒宫学装横这是瓷器吗是橡胶Is it porcelain?Rubber.我以前读过一个关于蝴蝶进地铁的故事Once I read a story about abutterfly in the subway, andtoday...而我今天看到了...I saw one.他在41街上车然后在59街下车It got on at 42nd and off at59th...我假设他要到布鲁明代尔书局去买一顶他根本不会戴的帽子... where, I assume it went toBloomingdale 's...... to buy a hat that will turnout to be a mistake.As almost all hats are.听听这个,有一辆卡车每天晚上都会到附近的贝果店Listen to this:Every night a truck pulls up to my neighborhood bagel place...然后把上吨的面粉倒进地下槽...and pumps a ton of flour into underground tanks.然后空中到处都是面粉久久不散,为什么The air is filled with white dust which never seems to land.Why is that?(傲慢与偏见) Confession: I've read Pride and Prejudice about 200 times.我承认傲慢与偏见这本书我读过二百多次我深深的被书中的文字吸引I get lost in the language. Words like...... "thither. " 例如“向彼处”,“不幸”“幸福”"Mischance. ""Felicity. "I'm always in agony overwhether Elizabeth and Mr.Darcy...我总是期盼伊莉莎白和达西先生能在一起...are really going to gettogether.读读看,你会喜欢的Read it.I know you 'll love it.之所以有连锁咖啡店The purpose of places likeStarbucks......is for people with nodecision-making ability...就是让那些三心二意的人做六个选择买一杯咖啡... to make six decisions justto buy one cup of coffee.Short, tall, lite, dark...... caf, decaf...... Iow-fat, nonfat...低热量,无热量,诸此之类... et cetera.摩卡研磨咖啡摩卡研磨咖啡Mocha frappucci no g rande.So people who don 't knowwhat the hell they're doing...只花2块9毛5 就可以让这些无所适从的人... or who on earth they arecan, for only $2.95...或是没有自信的人不只买到咖啡,还能买到自信...get not just a cup ofcoffee...... but an absolutely definingsense of self.大杯的脱脂马奇亚多咖啡Tall!大杯,低咖啡因,卡布奇诺大杯低咖啡因的卡布奇诺Decaf!Cappuccino!T all decaf cappuccino.Bummer!该死A Fox Books Superstore.福克斯超级书局这是恶梦Quel nightmare.我们不会受到影响It has nothing to do with us. It's big...他们虽然大但是只是一些生意人...impersonal......overstocked and full of ignorant salespeople.可是他们会打折扣But they discount.But they don't provide any service.但是他们不提供服务而我们却不一样We do.So, really...这是个好现象就像花区有许多花店...it's a good development.You know how in the flower district there are all those shops......so you can find whatever you want?人们可以找到自己想要的这里会成为书区This is going to be the bookdistrict.If they don't have it, we do.如果顾客在那里找不到书就会来找我们And vice versa.反过来也是完全正确Absolutely.When you are finished withFox Books...当你们击垮福克斯书局...The Shop Around TheCorner will be responsible...转角书店将带领世界击垮工业革命...for reversing the entirecourse of the lndustrialRevolution.你真会说话,法兰克,谢谢Well, now, that is so sweet!Thank you. That is so sweet.Although l--虽然我…怎么了What?等一下,这是什么东西这是个好东西Wait a minute. What is thatdoing here?Oh, my gosh!This is amazing.Listen.听听看这是奥林匹亚电子打字机The Olympia Report DeluxeElectric.Report.声音就像子弹一样好听这声音好像听过As in gunshot.-That sound is familiar.-Listen to this.你来听听看…What, that whirring?你叫我听这个震动声吗The gentle, soothinglullaby...这就是一个完美的机器所发出的声音...of a piece of machinery soperfect--我知道我在哪里听过这个声音I know where I've heard that before.I needed a backup.我需要一台备用不是在你的公寓里…Don't you have another one at your apartment?我需要已经有一台了吗-I might! -That you wrote a column about?是的,管他的Who cares?你到底要说什么你是说哪句话What were you going to say? -When? -Before.在讨论打字机前那句话没什么Nothing.Come on.说嘛我一直在想,我到底在做什么I'm just wondering. I'm wondering about my work. 我觉得我只是经营一家儿童书店What is it that I do, exactly?All I really do is--All you really do...你所做的事情是一件伟大的事情...is this incredibly noblething.I don't know.我不知道…凯萨琳…Really, I'm just--我只是…你在孤军奋战You are a lone reed.你在这一片商业腐败的气息中孤军奋战You are a lone......reed......standing......tall......waving boldly......in the corrupt sands......of commerce.我在孤军奋战没错I am a lone reed.I am a lone reed.我在孤军奋战有时候我在思考我的生活这家书店虽然小,但是有价值Sometimes I wonder aboutmy life.I lead a small life.Well, valuable, but small.有时候我在想我之所以做是因为我喜欢吗And sometimes I wonder...... do I do it because I likeit...还是我不够勇敢这让我想起某本书的一段情节... or because I haven 't beenbrave?So much of what I seereminds me of something ina book...书本不是应该提醒我现实生活吗... when shouldn 't it be theother way around?I don 't want an answer. I justwant...我不想知道答案我只想把这个问题丢到太空... to send this cosmic question into the void.So...晚安,亲爱的太空...good night, dear void.嘿,乔哈啰,乔嘿…你们来了…哈啰,安娜贝儿I know you!Hello, Annabel, little girl.嗨你好,还有你How are you?And you!马修,你好好Matthew, how are you?Good.准备好了没我们来跟纽泽西打招呼Ready to say hello to New Jersey?哈啰,纽泽西哈啰,纽泽西Hello, New Jersey!怎么没有人跟我说哈啰哈啰,吉莉安Don't I get a " hello"?Hello, Gillian.亲我一下我要成为你的坏继母Kiss me. I'll be your wickedstepmother.这样可以吧,这位是谁There you go.Hello. And who is this?毛琳,我之所以带她来是怕你管不住这两个小鬼Nanny Maureen. In case youcouldn't handle the kids.毛琳要离婚了我很难过Maureen's getting a divorce.I'm sorry to hear that.是我的错,不该跟个骗子结婚It's my own fault. Nevermarry a man who lies.That is so wise. Annabel,remember that.这句话很有道理安娜贝儿,要记住哦马修会念自己的名字都是她教的She taught Matt to spell hisname.Really?真的吗,念一遍给我听福一克一斯-Let's hear it. -F-O-X.Excellent!非常好…我可以处理I've got this covered. You canhave the day off.你们去忙吧我相信你们一定很忙And you must be late forsomething. Volunteering,rolling bandages...例如到亨利街的流浪之家或是援救波西尼亚难民...for Bosnian refugees.没错,我要保持精力I am. I'm having my eggsharvested.那你去吧,不要担心,再见再见And getting those eggsharvested. Don't worry!See you later.再见,毛琳,再见,吉莉安再见,妈Bye, Mom.你们准备好上船了吗不All right, you guys, are you ready to go out on the boat?你们怎么回事…What happened to you?你太差劲了再试一次,你也来Come on, one more time. Here, you can do that one.奖品是什么What do we win?Look, look, look!-How are the fish? -Very well, very happy.Are they?真的吗真的,要不要看电影You guys want to go to a movie?没什么好看的There's nothing good playing.看,是说故事女士时间到了吗,到了,进去吧Look! The storybook lady.Are we at the right time? Yeah, let's go.我一个人独自在想我想到了最伟大的老鼠计划"That it was I and I alonewho had......the idea for the great anddaring mouse plot.我们每个人都有光荣的一刻这一刻是属于我的We all have our moments ofbrilliance and glory......and this was mine.'Why don't we,' I said...我说...'slip it into one of Mrs.Pratchett's jars of sweets?“我们可以把一只老鼠放进普莱查特太太的糖果罐里”And then......when she puts her hand into grab a handful...“然后当她伸手去拿糖时她会拿起一只死老鼠”...she will grab a stinky deadmouse instead.'The other four stared at mein wonder.他们四个就这样瞪着我Then, as the sheer genius ofthe plot began to sink in......they all started grinning.They slapped me on the back,cheered and danced aroundthe classroom.拍我的背,称赞我他们开始在教室里跳舞'We will do it today!' theycried.“今天动手我们可以放学后动手”'We'll do it on the way home.You had the idea,' they saidto me.“这是你的计划,由你动手”'So you can be the one whoputs the mouse in the jar.'"-Who belongs to this fish?-That's mine.能不能帮我一下我想选些旧书Could you help me withthese books?And this is her best friendTacy, whose real name isAnastasia.这是她最好的朋友,叫泰西她真正的名字是安妮莎提夏在下一集,泰西和提柏我不想说她的真名,她叫索玛And the next book, Betsy and T acy become friends with Tib......whose real name, I am sorry to tell you, is Thelma.真难听没错这本书是手工黏的所以才会这么贵,对吧The illustrations are hand-tipped.And that's why it costs so much?That's why it's worth so much.不,应该说这本书很有价值I want all of them.我全部都要我再考虑一下I'll think about it.That's a lot for your dad to buy at one time.一次买这么多对你爸爸来说太贵了我想要什么书,爸都会买给我他真好My dad gets me all the booksI want.That's very nice of him.那不是我爸,那是我侄子我不认为他会是你的侄子That's not my dad. That's mynephew.I don't really think that hecould be your nephew.不,她说的是真的It's true.安娜贝儿是我的姑姑对不对,安娜贝儿Annabel is my aunt. Isn't thatright, Aunt Annabel?And Matt is his--而马修是他…Wait, let me guess.等一下…让我猜猜看你是他叔叔吗Are you his uncle?不是是他爷爷吗His grandfather?还是他曾爷爷我是他弟弟His great-grandfather?I'm his brother!马修是我父亲的儿子安娜贝儿是我祖父的女儿Matt is my father's son.Annabel is my grandfather'sdaughter.We are...我们是…美国家庭...an American family.Here you go.拿去擦吧这是什么-What's that? -That's ahandkerchief.这是手帕,你们不知道手帕吗Do children not know whathandkerchiefs are?手帕就像卫生纸只是可以重覆使用A handkerchief is a Kleenexyou don't throw away. See?My mother embroidered this.这是我妈妈做给我的上面有我的缩写和雏菊My initials and a daisy,because daisies are myfavorite flower.这是我最喜欢的花能不能告诉我,你是谁May I ask who you are?我叫凯萨琳凯莉这是我的店,那你呢Kathleen Kelly. I own this store. And you are?叫我乔就好了这些书我都要了Just call me Joe.We'll take these.好,你会再回来吧You're going to come back, aren't you?当然Of course.See?看,这就是我们不会关门的原因That is why we won't go under. Our customers are loyal.因为我们的顾客都很忠心They're opening a Fox Books around the corner.对面要开一家福克斯书局我爸爸…Fox Books!-My daddy-- -Likes to buydiscount.喜欢买打折的书不要说出去,这样很尴尬Don't tell! It's nothing to beproud of.F-O-X.That's amazing! You canspell fox.你真厉害可以拼出狐狸(与福克斯同义)Can you spell dog?你会不会拼狗福一克一斯F-O-X.Look at this pop-up dinosaurbook.看,这里有一本恐龙书是立体恐龙书Wouldn't you like to have adinosaur book like that?想不想要这本,你们先过来Wouldn't you like to readthat?安娜贝儿,你带马修念这本书我去处理一些事情Sit here and read Matt thebook until I take care ofthings.无论我说什么你们专心看书就对了Whatever you do, just don'tlisten to anything I say.Thank you.把那本立体恐龙书也算进去We'll take that pop-up bookas well.这个世界不是只有折扣相信我,我在这行做了很久The world is not driven bydiscounts. I've been inbusiness forever.我从六岁开始放学后就在帮我妈妈I started helping my motherwhen I was six, and Iwatched her.我看到她并不只是卖书她在帮忙人们找到内心世界She wasn't just selling books.She was helping peoplebecome what they weregoing to be.因为小时候所读的书对你的影响最大,我太激动了When you read a book as a child, it becomes part of your identity......in a way that no other reading in your whole life does.And I have gotten carried away.是,没错你让我感受到…Y eah, you have.You've made me feel....魅力,你母亲很有魅力没错Enchanting. Your mother was enchanting.Yes, she was.How will you pay?你要用什么样的付款方式现金Cash.你怎么知道那边有张照片How did you know that?From the photograph.那个小女孩是你吗你那时候在干嘛That you in the photograph?What are you doing?旋转Twirling.我妈和我常常这样做My mother and I used totwirl.She left the store to me, andI'll leave it to my daughter.她把这家店给我而我要把店传给我女儿73块钱,谢谢多少-$73, please. -How much?73块钱$73.你女儿多大了How old is your daughternow?我没有女儿,我还没结婚但是一定会有I don't have a daughter.I'm not married. Buteventually....So the big bad Fox Bookscan just go to hell.那家福克斯书局最好下地狱拿去吧谢谢,好了吗Here you go.Thank you. We're ready?好了这很可爱再见,凯萨琳This is nice.再见,安娜贝儿,再见,马修再见Goodbye, Annabel. Goodbye,Matt.马修,我再问你一个问题你会不会拼猫Matt, I have to ask youanother thing.Can you spell cat?福一克一斯狐狸很像猫,谢了F-O-X.Cat!Thanks.天啊,还好不是鱼被夹住Good thing it wasn't the fish.保重Take care!(福克斯父子书局) (开幕期间65折特价)(65折)没有示威游行,没有抗议人潮这个社区很喜欢我们No protests, no demonstrations.The neighborhood loves us.他们大概在想这几年没有我们他们是怎么过的They're wondering where we've been all these years......how they did without us.It's a hit!很成功儿童区呢How's the children's department?现在时间还早,学校还没放学而且附近有一家儿童书店It's early. School's not out.And there is that children's store nearby.就是那家转角书店那是西西莉雅的店我们以前约会过一次Cecilia's store. Cecilia Kelly. We might have had a dateonce.现在是她女儿在负责我们会逼她关门的-Her daughter owns it now.-We'll crush it!She was enchanting.她很有魅力他们开幕了六天They've been open 6 days.而这个礼拜比去年同一个礼拜少了1200块钱And we did $1 200 less......than the same week lastyear.他们只是运气好That could be a fluke, right?真的吗Or not.听着,他们才刚开过一阵子就没了Their store is new. It's anovelty.It'll all shake out. Meanwhile,I'll put up more lights.我要多放一点圣诞灯饰这个主意不错That's a fine idea.如果我们倒了怎么办我再也找不到兼职工作What if we have to fold?I'll never find anotherpart-time job.Then I won't be able to paymy rent, and I'll have tomove.我就付不出房租我就得搬到布鲁克林去To Brooklyn!还好我住在公家套房一个月450块The joy of rent control. Sixrooms...... $450 a month.我们知道你已经说了上百次了You've told us a milliontimes.I can't believe you'rebringing this up at a time likethis.可是我不敢相信你竟然这个时候提出来你在干嘛,挖苦我吗It's like those people who brag because they're tall.我们不会关门嘿,我…We are not going to fold.This place is a tomb.这里没事可做,我要出去走走乔治I'm going to the nut shop, where it's fun.乔治玛兰达Miranda!嗨…凯萨琳,生意好不好Kathleen, are you surviving?We're excited about your new book. When should we schedule a signing?我们对你出的新书很兴奋什么时候签约It's being published in January. Will you be in business in January?一月才出版你们撑得到一月吗,我很担心I'm so worried.我们生意很好,对吧根本没受影响We're doing great.Aren't we?No difference whatsoever!太棒了我可以松一口气了Great.Thank God!You can count on me foranything. Support, rallies,picket lines.有需要的地方尽管开口我可以组团体支持你们可以找时代杂志写篇专访或是找观察杂志的那个疯子We can get the Times towrite something.Or that nut from theObserver.你在说什么-What nut in the Observer?-Frank something-or-other.就是那个叫法兰克的他对打字机有种狂爱The one who's in love withhis typewriter.It's just the sort of thing tooutrage him.那种大书局他最喜欢攻击She called me a nut?她说我是疯子这不是重点That's not the point. Shethinks my store is in trouble.她认为我的生意不好她为什么要这样说Why'd she say that? There'senough business for us all.顾客很多,足够大家分Y es, there is.是没错那就好We are fine.不只是好,是很好You're more than fine. You'reabsolutely fine.We are fine.我们很好没错你们好How are you?很好很好Fine.Vince will be so happy to seeyou.进来吧,文斯在等你们嗨。
电子情书电影经典台词电子情书电影经典台词篇一:电子情书经典对白探望Kathleen(01:35:42——01:43:4 5) Kath leen: Whois it? Joe: It's Joe Fox.Kathleen:What are o u doing he re? Joe: M a I please e up? Kat hleen: No,I don't. Kathle en: oh,You r former?Joe: We br oke up.Ka thleen: Th at's t oo bad. Yo u ere so p erfet foreah other.I don't mean t o sa thing s like tha t. No matt er hat ou'vedon e there's no exu se for m s aing anthi ng like th at. But ev er time Isee ou-- J oe: Things like that just fl o ut of ourmouth. Kat hleen: esJoe: I bro ught ou fl oers. Kath leen: Ohh, Thank ou. Joe: Wh d on't I just putthese in s ome ater?You'r e sik. You should sit don. Kath leen: Ohh Joe: I ne ed a vase? Kathleen: Above the refrigera tor. Joe:There it i s. Obvious l. Georgesas hello, b the a.He told me ou ere si k. Kathlee n: Ho is G eorge? Joe: He's great, re all great.He'srevolution izing theplae. Youan't o rk in hisdepartment unless ou have a Ph.D. in Chi ldren's Literatu re. Kathle en: I love daisies.Joe: You t old me. Th e're s o friendl. Kathleen: Don't ou thinkdaisies ar e thefrie ndliest fl oer? Joe:I do. Kath leen: When did ou br eak up? Jo e: Coupleof eeks ag o. Kathlee n: Everone is breaki ng up. You. Me. This other per son I knobroke up i th someone in anele vator.When I sa ou a t the offe e plae, Ias aitingfor him. A nd I as...ou'rejust going to tortur e ourselfabout forears to e. I hope ou feel bett er soon. I t ould bea shame to miss Ne Y ork in the spring. K athleen: T hank ou fo r the dais ies. Joe:ell, ou ta ke are. Ka thleen: Iill. Joe:Goodbe. Ka thleen:Go odbe.篇二:《电子情书》中英文台词《电子情书》中英文台词 Joe: Kathlee n Kell, he llo. Thisis a oinid ene. Would ou mind i f I sat do n?乔:凯瑟琳。
度米文库汇编之英文电影口语《电子情书》 You’ve Got Mail[1]乔带着孩子到达凯瑟林的书店买书,只管在网上俨然是一对同心合意的情侣,但生活中相互其实不认识,相反倒是买卖场上的仇敌。
单词通缉令1.discount n. 折扣2.identity n. 特征,品性3. carried away被诱惑,受影响4.enchanting a. 迷人的5.twirl v. 旋转抛棍(美国体育竞赛中,拉拉队女郎常以此为队员加油。
)6.eventually adv. 最后,最后7.fox books 书店的名称kathleen kelly: you know the world is not driven by 1)discounts.believe me. i have been in business forever. i mean i startedhelping my mother after school here when i was six years old.and i used to watch her . and it wasn ’t that she was just selling books, it was that she was helping people become whoever it was they were gonna turn out to be. because when you read abook as a child, it becomes part of your 2)identity in a way thatno other reading in your whole life does and i have gotten3)carried away.joe fox: yeah. yeah, you have. you’ ve made me feel4)enchanting. your mother was enchanting.kathleen: yes, she was.cashier: uh, how will you be paying for this?joe: cash.kathleen: how did you know that?joe: well, the photograph here.kathleen: oh.joe: is that you in the photograph, what are you doing?kathleen: 5)twirling. my mother and i used to twirl. anyway sheleft the store to me and i’ m going to leave it to my daughter.cashier: that’ s 73 dollars, leasep. joe: how much?cashier: uh 73 dollars.joe: uh, how old is your daughter now?kathleen: well, i don ’ t have a daughter. oh, no, i ’ m not married but 6)eventually. so yeah, the big bad 7)fox books can just go tojoe: yeah.kathleen: here you go.joe: you ready? we’re ready.annabel: bye, kathleen.kathleen: goodbye, annabel.matt: bye, mrs. kelly.kathleen: bye, matt.annabel: bye.kathleen: oh, matt, you know。
电子情书-中英文字幕-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1电子情书 You've GotMail 中英文剧本Amazing. This is amazing!这真是太夸张了你听听看Listen to this: The entire work force of Virginia had solitaire removed from their computers...他们将要把整个维吉尼亚州政府电脑里的接龙洗掉因为这些公务员已经六个礼拜没有在工作...because they hadn't done any work in six weeks.That's so sad.这真是悲哀你知不知道这代表什么意思不知道Do you know what this is这表示西方文明已经完了你是不是快迟到了The end of Western civilization as we know it. Aren't you late请你说出科技带给我们什么好处Name me one thing that we've gained from technology. 一个就好电力Electricity.好吧,人们以为机器是益友但是谁知道呢That's one. You think thismachine's your friend,but it's not.-I'm out of here. -See youtonight!我走了今晚吃什么Sushi!寿司寿司再见Bye!(请选择你的名字) (老板娘)欢迎Welcome.你有新邮件You've got mail.(新邮件) (名字一纽约152)(主旨) (布克林)布克林是我的狗他和我一样都喜欢纽约的街道"Brinkley is my dog. Weboth love New Yorkstreets. "Although he likes to eatpizza off the sidewalk...可是他会去人行道捡而我宁愿去买...and I prefer to buy it.Brinkley is a greatcatcher who was offereda tryout on the Mets.布克林很会接棒球纽约网队曾经请他去面试But he chose to stay withme so he could spend 18hours a day...但是他宁愿和我在一起这样他就可以一天18个小时都躺在大绿枕头上...sleeping on a largepillow the size of aninner tube.Don 't you love New Yorkin the fall你喜不喜欢纽约的秋天这让我有冲动去买学校用品Makes me want to buyschool supplies.甜心干嘛2I' m almost ready.我快准备好了I would send you a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils...如果我知道你的名字和住址打开了没那我就可以寄给你一盒新削好的铅笔...if I knew your name and address.我今天要双倍浓缩咖啡但是换个角度想不知道可以制造神秘感On the other hand, this not knowing has its charms.你有没有按下去有,我按下去了Did you push itY es, I pushed it.I' m so late.我已经迟到了蓝登出版社开除了狄克艾金斯这是个好消息Random House fired Dick Atkins. Good riddance! 摩利查尔顿死了又走了一个我讨厌的人Murray Chilton died.That's one less person l'm not speaking to.快点…Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!文斯的作品受到好评他会忙死Vince got a great review.He'll be insufferable.今晚要参加纽约诗人协会晚宴T onight, PEN dinner.Am I goingYou promised!这个太正式了能不能捐钱了事It's black-tie.Can't I just give moneyinsteadWhat is it this week FreeAlbanian writers这个礼拜又要募捐什么让阿尔巴尼亚有艺术创造自由吗I'm in favor of that.这我很赞成我去…你已经迟到了我知道…Okay, I'll go.You're late.I know, I know.早安,爱汀小姐你最快乐了…Who's a happy dog欢迎欢迎Welcome.(你有新邮件) 你有新邮件You've got mail.All right. Okay. Get down,get down.下去…(收信者:纽约152) (寄信者:老板娘)(主旨一亲爱的朋友)亲爱的朋友,我喜欢一开始假装我们已经谈到一半Dear friend: I like to startmy notes to you...3...as if we 're already in the middle of a conversation.我喜欢假装我们是老朋友了虽然事实不然I pretend that we 're the oldest and dearest friends......as opposed to what we actually are:我们连对方的名字都不知道People who don 't know each other's names...早,先生早,查理我们会客室见,说第一次来... and met in a chat room where we both claimed we 'd never been before.我在想纽约152 今天会说什么"What will NY152 say today" I wonder.我打开电脑很不耐烦的等上线I turn on my computer.I wait impatiently as it connects. 上线后,我摒住呼吸I go online......and my breath catchesin my chest until I hearthree little words:"You 've got mail. "I hear nothing, not evena sound on the streets ofNew York.我听不到纽约街头的声音我只听到我的心跳声Just the beat of my ownheart.I have mail...我收到你的来信... from you.配电承包商说昨晚他撞到一只鹿The electrical contractorhit a deer last night.所以他明天才能来So he won't be here tilltomorrow.楼上的架子现在不能装因为我们订的松木被虫蛀了And upstairs, the shelvesare late...... because the pine weordered has beetles.Very good.非常好…And we got a $50,000ticket for workers peeingoff the roof.我们还收到一张五万块钱的罚单因为工人在屋顶上尿尿太棒了…配电工今天来不来That is great. Is theelectrician hereI just told you he hit adeer. I knew you weren'tlistening to me.你说的对当然You're right. I wasn't.我是没在听“我听不到纽约街头的声音我只听到我的心跳声”"l hear nothing.Not a sound on the citystreets, just the beat ofmy own heart. "I think that's how it goes.Something like that.4差不多是这个意思You and Patricia got engaged, didn't you You can tell me.你和派崔莎已经订婚了不是吗,你可以跟我说实话Engaged订婚说吧你疯了吗我以为你喜欢派崔莎Are you crazyI thought you liked Patricia.是没错…我爱死派崔莎了I do.I love Patricia.她真厉害,她精力充沛连咖啡都怕她Patricia's amazing. She makes coffee nervous.你知道吗,我们应该先和邻居打好关系We should announce ourselves to the neighborhood: "Here we come. " 让他们知道我们即将开幕This is the Upper WestSide.我不知道,这里是西区干脆告诉他们,我们在贩毒他们会恨死我们We might as well tellthem we're opening acrack house.They're going to hate us.They'll be lining up topicket the big bad chainstore...一旦他们听到消息他们会排队…会群起抗议会群起抗议...that's out to destroy--没错,就是这样这是他们的生活方式Everything they holddear.We're going to seducethem with our squarefootage...你知道吗,我们要诱惑他们我们用大量的产品,折扣舒服的沙发以及…...and our discounts andour deep armchairs......and our cappuccino.我们的卡布奇诺我们的卡布奇诺They're going to hate usat the beginning...没错,他们一开始会讨厌我们但是…...but we'll get them inthe end.我们终究会获胜我们终究会获胜你知道原因吗不知道And you know whyWhy因为我们卖的书很便宜而且又卖廉价兴奋剂Because we'll sell cheapbooks and legal addictivestimulants.从现在开始我们要放个招牌In the meantime, we'lljust put up a big sign:“即将开幕,福克斯超级书局文明的灭亡”5"Coming Soon, a Fox Books Superstore. TheEnd of Civilization......As You Know It!"早安,克莉丝汀娜早安,凯萨琳Good morning, Christina.Morning, Kathleen.今天天气真棒你说是不是很棒Isn't it just the most beautiful dayI guess. Yeah, sure.我想是吧你会不会开车你才会不会开车,我是绿灯-ldiot, what are you doing -I got the green light!Don't you love New York in the fall纽约的秋天真是迷人Perfect.这闻起来真不错你在闻胶带,你到底怎么了Can't beat that.Scotch tape What is going on with you 没事你一定谈恋爱了Nothing.-You're in love. -ln loveNo.没这回事,等一下,你说的对Yes, that's right! I'm inlove with Frank.我爱上了法兰克我还和法兰克同居I'm practically living withFrank.你能不能在这个礼拜完成圣诞节邮购目录Could you get ourChristmas mailers outthis weekBy Monday, I promise. Ihave this paper dueFriday.好…我答应你礼拜一完成因为我礼拜五要交份报告到底发生了什么好事没什么…What is going onNothing at all.You know, I am justgoing to stand here untilyou tell me.我会一直站在这里直到你说实话网友算不算朋友你们有做爱吗All right.Is it infidelity if you'reinvolved with someoneon e-mailHave you had sex当然没有,我们根本没见过面我是说网路性爱No, I don't even knowhim.I mean cybersex.没有Don't do it. The minuteyou do, they lose allrespect for you.绝对不要有网路性爱一旦做了,他们就会失去兴趣It's not like that.We just e-mail. It's reallynothing.6On top of which, I'm thinking of stopping because it's getting....而且我想要中止这段关系因为真的…Out of hand失控吗是迷惑,算了,反正没什么Confusing.But not.Because it's nothing.你在哪里遇到他的我不记得了Where'd you meet himListen, I can't even remember.好吧,我生日那天我去30岁以上会客室On my birthday, I wandered into the "over 30" room for a joke, sort of.他在那里,然后我们开始聊天And he was there. And we started chatting. About what聊些什么书和音乐以及我们对纽约的热爱Books and music, howmuch we both love NewYork....Harmless, harmless.只是在闲聊…Meaningless.一盒削好的铅笔什么Bouquets of sharpenedpencils.Excuse me算了,我们没有谈到私人问题Forget it.We don't talk aboutanything personal, so Idon't know his name...所以我不知道他的名字他的职业以及他的住处...or what he does orwhere he lives exactly......so it'll be easy for meto stop seeing him,because I'm not.和他分手很容易因为根本没见过He could be the nextperson to walk into thestore.天啊,他可能是下一个走进书店的人我知道他可能…I know.He could be......George.乔治早安Morning.你有没有上网Are you online就我看来,上网只会增加被女人拒绝的机会As far as I'm concerned......the lnternet is justanother way of beingrejected by a woman.早安早安,柏蒂Good morning, Birdie.等一下再说你们刚刚在说什么网路性爱What are you girlstalking aboutCybersex.7我很想试网路性爱但是网路经常塞车I tried once, but I kept getting a busy signal.我知道有个礼拜六晚上…I know.I was really depressed one Saturday night about 9:00--Time to open up!开门了我想没问题,我可以上网看看洁西卡和麦雅,你们好跟凯萨琳打招呼啊Jessica and Maya, how are you today-Want to say hi to Kathleen -Hi, Kathleen. 嗨,凯萨琳嗨早安嗨,凯萨琳转角书店,我是乔治我能为你效劳吗May I help you进度没有落后我们应该可以如期开张Construction's going well. We should open on time. Although Kevin and I areconcerned about theneighborhood response.但是凯文和我有点担心附近居民的反应这张沙发的布料叫什么名字钱This fabric on the couch,what is itMoney.什么叫钱Its name is money.是吉莉安选的猜对了-Gillian selected it. -Goodguess.你老爸又要结婚了真的吗-Your father's gettingmarried again. -Really是的恭喜了Congratulations!谢谢为什么Why谁知道呢是爱情吗Who knowsLove可能吧我认为你是个笨蛋Possible.You're a damn fool!爸,马修才四岁大如果我们结婚这会对他好Pops, Matthew is fouryears old, okayIt'd be nice if his parentswere married.听着,我有一个坏消息要宣布Listen, I have a sadannouncement to make.City Books...在23街上的城市书局要关门了...on 23rd Street.It's going under.又一家小书店倒了再搞下一个吧Another independentbites the dust.On to the next!我要买下他们所有的建筑书籍以及纽约历史书籍放进新书店8Going to buy out their inventory of architecture......and New Y ork history for the new store.儿子,你要付多少钱How much you paying, son不计任何代价最起码都比这张沙发便宜It won't be as much as that uncomfortable mohair episode there... ...which is now all over my suit.Here you go.拿去吧We'll also have a section dedicated to writers from the West Side.这是在讨社区的欢心As a sop to the neighborhood.Keep those West Side, liberal nuts, pseudo-intellectual--太棒了,可以让那些西区的解放份子和知识份子…Readers, Dad. They' recalled readers.爸,那是叫读者Don't romanticize them.It'll keep them...儿子,不要给他们取这么好听的名字...from jumping downyour throat.不然他们会群起攻击你What's the competition还有哪些竞争对手One mystery store,Sleuth, at 78th andAmsterdam...有一间神秘的店,在78街上叫悬疑书局...and a children'sbookstore, Shop AroundThe Corner.以及一家儿童书局叫转角书店-It's been there forever. -Cecilia's store.这家好像历史悠久Who's that她叫西西莉雅凯莉很棒的女人Cecilia Kelly.Lovely woman. I think wemight have had a dateonce.我想我们有约会过一次应该说是互相写过信…Or maybe we justexchanged letters.You wrote her letters你有写信给她过Mail. It was called mail.应该叫信件要加邮票和信封的-Stamps, envelopes-- -I've heard of it.我听说了Cecilia had beautifulpenmanship.西西莉雅的字很漂亮她对我来说太年轻了She was too young forme...但是她很有魅力...but she was......enchanting.Enchanting魅力现在是她女儿在管9Her daughter owns it now.那太可惜了Too bad for her.对不起,福克斯先生进来吧Excuse me, Mr. Fox.My father is getting married again.我父亲又要结婚了他和一个叫吉莉安的女人同居了五年For 5 years, he 's been living with Gillian...... who studied decorating at Caesar's Palace.她在凯撒宫学装横这是瓷器吗是橡胶Is it porcelainRubber.我以前读过一个关于蝴蝶进地铁的故事Once I read a story about a butterfly in the subway, and today...而我今天看到了...I saw one.他在41街上车然后在59街下车It got on at 42nd and offat 59th...我假设他要到布鲁明代尔书局去买一顶他根本不会戴的帽子... where, I assume itwent to Bloomingdale 's...... to buy a hat that willturn out to be a mistake.As almost all hats are.听听这个,有一辆卡车每天晚上都会到附近的贝果店Listen to this:Every night a truck pullsup to my neighborhoodbagel place...然后把上吨的面粉倒进地下槽...and pumps a ton offlour into undergroundtanks.然后空中到处都是面粉久久不散,为什么The air is filled withwhite dust which neverseems to land.Why is that(傲慢与偏见)Confession: I've readPride and Prejudiceabout 200 times.我承认傲慢与偏见这本书我读过二百多次我深深的被书中的文字吸引I get lost in the language.Words like...... "thither. "例如“向彼处”,“不幸”“幸福”"Mischance. ""Felicity. "I'm always in agony overwhether Elizabeth andMr. Darcy...我总是期盼伊莉莎白和达西先生能在一起...are really going to gettogether.读读看,你会喜欢的Read it.I know you 'll love it.10之所以有连锁咖啡店The purpose of places like Starbucks......is for people with no decision-making ability...就是让那些三心二意的人做六个选择买一杯咖啡... to make six decisions just to buy one cup of coffee.Short, tall, lite, dark... ... caf, decaf...... Iow-fat, nonfat...低热量,无热量,诸此之类... et cetera.摩卡研磨咖啡摩卡研磨咖啡Mocha frappucci no g rande.So people who don 't know what the hell they're doing...只花2块9毛5 就可以让这些无所适从的人... or who on earth they are can, for only $... 或是没有自信的人不只买到咖啡,还能买到自信...get not just a cup ofcoffee...... but an absolutelydefining sense of self.大杯的脱脂马奇亚多咖啡Tall!大杯,低咖啡因,卡布奇诺大杯低咖啡因的卡布奇诺Decaf!Cappuccino!T all decaf cappuccino.Bummer!该死A Fox Books Superstore.福克斯超级书局这是恶梦Quel nightmare.我们不会受到影响It has nothing to do withus. It's big...他们虽然大但是只是一些生意人...impersonal......overstocked and full ofignorant salespeople.可是他们会打折扣But they discount.But they don't provideany service.但是他们不提供服务而我们却不一样We do.So, really...这是个好现象就像花区有许多花店...it's a gooddevelopment.You know how in theflower district there areall those shops......so you can findwhatever you want人们可以找到自己想要的这里会成为书区This is going to be thebook district.If they don't have it, wedo.如果顾客在那里找不到书就会来找我们And vice versa.反过来也是完全正确Absolutely.When you are finished with Fox Books...当你们击垮福克斯书局...The Shop Around The Corner will be responsible...转角书店将带领世界击垮工业革命...for reversing the entire course of the lndustrial Revolution.你真会说话,法兰克,谢谢Well, now, that is so sweet!Thank you. That is so sweet.Although l--虽然我…怎么了What等一下,这是什么东西这是个好东西Wait a minute. What is that doing hereOh, my gosh! This is amazing.Listen.听听看这是奥林匹亚电子打字机The Olympia ReportDeluxe Electric.Report.声音就像子弹一样好听这声音好像听过As in gunshot.-That sound is familiar. -Listen to this.你来听听看…What, that whirring你叫我听这个震动声吗The gentle, soothinglullaby...这就是一个完美的机器所发出的声音...of a piece of machineryso perfect--我知道我在哪里听过这个声音I know where I've heardthat before.I needed a backup.我需要一台备用不是在你的公寓里…Don't you have anotherone at your apartment我需要已经有一台了吗-I might! -That you wrotea column about是的,管他的Who cares你到底要说什么你是说哪句话What were you going tosay-When -Before.在讨论打字机前那句话没什么Nothing.Come on.说嘛我一直在想,我到底在做什么I'm just wondering. I'mwondering about mywork.我觉得我只是经营一家儿童书店What is it that I do,exactly All I really do is--All you really do...你所做的事情是一件伟大的事情...is this incredibly noble thing.I don't know.我不知道…凯萨琳…Really, I'm just--我只是…你在孤军奋战You are a lone reed.你在这一片商业腐败的气息中孤军奋战You are a lone......reed......standing......tall......waving boldly......in the corrupt sands......of commerce.我在孤军奋战没错I am a lone reed.I am a lone reed.我在孤军奋战有时候我在思考我的生活这家书店虽然小,但是有价值Sometimes I wonderabout my life.I lead a small life.Well, valuable, but small.有时候我在想我之所以做是因为我喜欢吗And sometimes Iwonder...... do I do it because I likeit...还是我不够勇敢这让我想起某本书的一段情节... or because I haven 'tbeen braveSo much of what I seereminds me ofsomething in a book...书本不是应该提醒我现实生活吗... when shouldn 't it bethe other way aroundI don 't want an answer. Ijust want...我不想知道答案我只想把这个问题丢到太空... to send this cosmicquestion into the void.So...晚安,亲爱的太空...good night, dear void.嘿,乔哈啰,乔嘿…你们来了…哈啰,安娜贝儿I know you!Hello, Annabel, little girl.嗨你好,还有你How are youAnd you!马修,你好好Matthew, how are youGood.准备好了没我们来跟纽泽西打招呼Ready to say hello toNew Jersey哈啰,纽泽西哈啰,纽泽西Hello, New Jersey!怎么没有人跟我说哈啰哈啰,吉莉安Don't I get a " hello"Hello, Gillian.亲我一下我要成为你的坏继母Kiss me. I'll be your wicked stepmother.这样可以吧,这位是谁There you go.Hello. And who is this毛琳,我之所以带她来是怕你管不住这两个小鬼Nanny Maureen. In case you couldn't handle the kids.毛琳要离婚了我很难过Maureen's getting a divorce.I'm sorry to hear that.是我的错,不该跟个骗子结婚It's my own fault. Never marry a man who lies. That is so wise. Annabel, remember that.这句话很有道理安娜贝儿,要记住哦马修会念自己的名字都是她教的She taught Matt to spellhis name.Really真的吗,念一遍给我听福一克一斯-Let's hear it. -F-O-X.Excellent!非常好…我可以处理I've got this covered. Youcan have the day off.你们去忙吧我相信你们一定很忙And you must be late forsomething. Volunteering,rolling bandages...例如到亨利街的流浪之家或是援救波西尼亚难民...for Bosnian refugees.没错,我要保持精力I am. I'm having my eggsharvested.那你去吧,不要担心,再见再见And getting those eggsharvested. Don't worry!See you later.再见,毛琳,再见,吉莉安再见,妈Bye, Mom.你们准备好上船了吗不All right, you guys, areyou ready to go out onthe boat你们怎么回事…What happened to you你太差劲了再试一次,你也来Come on, one more time.Here, you can do thatone.奖品是什么What do we winLook, look, look!-How are the fish -Verywell, very happy.Are they真的吗真的,要不要看电影You guys want to go to amovie没什么好看的There's nothing goodplaying.看,是说故事女士时间到了吗,到了,进去吧Look! The storybook lady.Are we at the right time Y eah, let's go.我一个人独自在想我想到了最伟大的老鼠计划"That it was I and I alone who had......the idea for the great and daring mouse plot.我们每个人都有光荣的一刻这一刻是属于我的We all have our moments of brilliance and glory......and this was mine.'Why don't we,' I said...我说...'slip it into one of Mrs. Pratchett's jars of sweets“我们可以把一只老鼠放进普莱查特太太的糖果罐里”And then......when she puts her hand in to grab a handful... “然后当她伸手去拿糖时她会拿起一只死老鼠”...she will grab a stinkydead mouse instead.'The other four stared atme in wonder.他们四个就这样瞪着我Then, as the sheer geniusof the plot began to sinkin......they all startedgrinning.They slapped me on theback, cheered anddanced around theclassroom.拍我的背,称赞我他们开始在教室里跳舞'We will do it today!'they cried.“今天动手我们可以放学后动手”'We'll do it on the wayhome. You had the idea,'they said to me.“这是你的计划,由你动手”'So you can be the onewho puts the mouse inthe jar.'"-Who belongs to this fish-That's mine.能不能帮我一下我想选些旧书Could you help me withthese booksAnd this is her bestfriend Tacy, whose realname is Anastasia.这是她最好的朋友,叫泰西她真正的名字是安妮莎提夏在下一集,泰西和提柏我不想说她的真名,她叫索玛And the next book, Betsyand T acy becomefriends with Tib......whose real name, I amsorry to tell you, isThelma.真难听没错这本书是手工黏的所以才会这么贵,对吧The illustrations arehand-tipped.And that's why it costs somuchThat's why it's worth somuch.不,应该说这本书很有价值I want all of them.我全部都要我再考虑一下I'll think about it.That's a lot for your dad to buy at one time.一次买这么多对你爸爸来说太贵了我想要什么书,爸都会买给我他真好My dad gets me all the books I want.That's very nice of him.那不是我爸,那是我侄子我不认为他会是你的侄子That's not my dad. That's my nephew.I don't really think that he could be your nephew. 不,她说的是真的It's true.安娜贝儿是我的姑姑对不对,安娜贝儿Annabel is my aunt. Isn't that right, Aunt Annabel And Matt is his--而马修是他…Wait, let me guess.等一下…让我猜猜看你是他叔叔吗Are you his uncle不是是他爷爷吗His grandfather还是他曾爷爷我是他弟弟His great-grandfatherI'm his brother!马修是我父亲的儿子安娜贝儿是我祖父的女儿Matt is my father's son.Annabel is mygrandfather's daughter.We are...我们是…美国家庭...an American family.Here you go.拿去擦吧这是什么-What's that -That's ahandkerchief.这是手帕,你们不知道手帕吗Do children not knowwhat handkerchiefs are手帕就像卫生纸只是可以重覆使用A handkerchief is aKleenex you don't throwaway. SeeMy mother embroideredthis.这是我妈妈做给我的上面有我的缩写和雏菊My initials and a daisy,because daisies are myfavorite flower.这是我最喜欢的花能不能告诉我,你是谁May I ask who you are我叫凯萨琳凯莉这是我的店,那你呢Kathleen Kelly. I own thisstore. And you are叫我乔就好了这些书我都要了Just call me Joe.We'll take these.好,你会再回来吧You're going to comeback, aren't you当然Of course.See看,这就是我们不会关门的原因That is why we won't go under. Our customers are loyal.因为我们的顾客都很忠心They're opening a Fox Books around the corner.对面要开一家福克斯书局我爸爸…Fox Books!-My daddy-- -Likes to buy discount.喜欢买打折的书不要说出去,这样很尴尬Don't tell! It's nothing to be proud of.F-O-X.That's amazing! You can spell fox.你真厉害可以拼出狐狸 (与福克斯同义) Can you spell dog你会不会拼狗福一克一斯F-O-X.Look at this pop-updinosaur book.看,这里有一本恐龙书是立体恐龙书Wouldn't you like tohave a dinosaur book likethat想不想要这本,你们先过来Wouldn't you like to readthat安娜贝儿,你带马修念这本书我去处理一些事情Sit here and read Mattthe book until I take careof things.无论我说什么你们专心看书就对了Whatever you do, justdon't listen to anything Isay. Thank you.把那本立体恐龙书也算进去We'll take that pop-upbook as well.这个世界不是只有折扣相信我,我在这行做了很久The world is not drivenby discounts. I've been inbusiness forever.我从六岁开始放学后就在帮我妈妈I started helping mymother when I was six,and I watched her.我看到她并不只是卖书她在帮忙人们找到内心世界She wasn't just sellingbooks.She was helping peoplebecome what they weregoing to be.因为小时候所读的书对你的影响最大,我太激动了When you read a book asa child, it becomes partof your identity......in a way that no otherreading in your whole lifedoes.And I have gotten carriedaway.是,没错你让我感受到…Y eah, you have.You've made me feel....魅力,你母亲很有魅力没错Enchanting. Your mother was enchanting.Yes, she was.How will you pay你要用什么样的付款方式现金Cash.你怎么知道那边有张照片How did you know thatFrom the photograph.那个小女孩是你吗你那时候在干嘛That you in the photograph What are you doing旋转Twirling.我妈和我常常这样做My mother and I used to twirl. She left the store to me,and I'll leave it to mydaughter.她把这家店给我而我要把店传给我女儿73块钱,谢谢多少-$73, please. -How much73块钱$73.你女儿多大了How old is your daughternow我没有女儿,我还没结婚但是一定会有I don't have a daughter.I'm not married. Buteventually....So the big bad Fox Bookscan just go to hell.那家福克斯书局最好下地狱拿去吧谢谢,好了吗Here you go.Thank you. We're ready好了这很可爱再见,凯萨琳This is nice.再见,安娜贝儿,再见,马修再见Goodbye, Annabel.Goodbye, Matt.马修,我再问你一个问题你会不会拼猫Matt, I have to ask youanother thing.Can you spell cat福一克一斯狐狸很像猫,谢了F-O-X.Cat!Thanks.天啊,还好不是鱼被夹住Good thing it wasn't thefish.保重Take care!(福克斯父子书局) (开幕期间65折特价)(65折)没有示威游行,没有抗议人潮这个社区很喜欢我们No protests, nodemonstrations.The neighborhood loves us.他们大概在想这几年没有我们他们是怎么过的They're wondering where we've been all these years......how they did without us.It's a hit!很成功儿童区呢How's the children's department现在时间还早,学校还没放学而且附近有一家儿童书店It's early. School's not out.And there is that children's store nearby. 就是那家转角书店那是西西莉雅的店我们以前约会过一次Cecilia's store. Cecilia Kelly.We might have had a date once. 现在是她女儿在负责我们会逼她关门的-Her daughter owns itnow. -We'll crush it!She was enchanting.她很有魅力他们开幕了六天They've been open 6days.而这个礼拜比去年同一个礼拜少了1200块钱And we did $1 200 less......than the same weeklast year.他们只是运气好That could be a fluke,right真的吗Or not.听着,他们才刚开过一阵子就没了Their store is new. It's anovelty.It'll all shake out.Meanwhile, I'll put upmore lights.我要多放一点圣诞灯饰这个主意不错That's a fine idea.如果我们倒了怎么办我再也找不到兼职工作What if we have to foldI'll never find anotherpart-time job.Then I won't be able topay my rent, and I'll haveto move.我就付不出房租我就得搬到布鲁克林去To Brooklyn!还好我住在公家套房一个月450块The joy of rent control.Six rooms...... $450 a month.我们知道你已经说了上百次了You've told us a milliontimes.I can't believe you'rebringing this up at a timelike this.可是我不敢相信你竟然这个时候提出来你在干嘛,挖苦我吗It's like those peoplewho brag becausethey're tall.我们不会关门嘿,我…We are not going to fold. This place is a tomb.这里没事可做,我要出去走走乔治I'm going to the nut shop, where it's fun.乔治玛兰达Miranda!嗨…凯萨琳,生意好不好Kathleen, are you survivingWe're excited about your new book. When should we schedule a signing我们对你出的新书很兴奋什么时候签约It's being published in January. Will you be in business in January一月才出版你们撑得到一月吗,我很担心I'm so worried. 我们生意很好,对吧根本没受影响We're doing great.Aren't weNo differencewhatsoever!太棒了我可以松一口气了Great.Thank God!You can count on me foranything. Support, rallies,picket lines.有需要的地方尽管开口我可以组团体支持你们可以找时代杂志写篇专访或是找观察杂志的那个疯子We can get the Times towrite something.Or that nut from theObserver.你在说什么-What nut in theObserver -Franksomething-or-other.就是那个叫法兰克的他对打字机有种狂爱The one who's in lovewith his typewriter.It's just the sort of thingto outrage him.那种大书局他最喜欢攻击She called me a nut她说我是疯子这不是重点That's not the point. Shethinks my store is introuble.她认为我的生意不好她为什么要这样说Why'd she say thatThere's enough businessfor us all.顾客很多,足够大家分Y es, there is.是没错那就好We are fine.不只是好,是很好You're more than fine.You're absolutely fine.We are fine.我们很好没错你们好。
口语模仿秀《电子情书》LoveandFeelings电影口语模仿秀:《电子情书》Love and FeelingsYou’ve Got Mail《电子情书》■ 凯瑟琳在群里邂逅一男子,而后开始了情书之旅。
也许中文更为已经写过比较多次了,但英文呢?单词通缉令1. notes n.对某人的称呼2. as opposed to 相对,对比3. claim vt. 声称;主张4. impatiently ad.无耐性地5. on line 上线Kathleen Kelly: Dear Friend, I like to start my 1)notes to you as if we are already in the middle of a conversation.I pretend that we are the oldest and dearest friends 2)as opposed to what we actually are—people who don’t know each other’s names and met in a chat room where we both 3)claimed we’ve never been before. What will NY152 say today I wonder.I turn on my computer. I wait 4)impatiently as it connects. I go 5)online and my breath catches in my chest until I hear three little words, “You’ve got mail.” I hear nothing, noteven a sound on the streets of New York, just the beat of my own heart. I have mail, from you.凯瑟琳?凯丽:亲爱的朋友,我愿意这样代指你,就好像我们已经在谈话中。
电子情书的经典台词电子情书的经典台词Joe: I bet you read that book every year. I bet you just love that Mr. Darcy and your 2)sentimental heart just beats wildly at the thought that he and, well, you know whatever her name is, are truly honestly going to 3)end up together.乔:我敢说这本书你每年都要读。
Waiter: Can I get you something? 侍者:你要点什么吗?Kathleen: No, no, he’s not staying. 凯瑟琳:不,不,他马上走。
Joe: 4)Mochachino, decaf, 5)non-fat. 乔:穆哈咖啡,无,脱脂。
Kathleen: No, you are not staying. 凯瑟琳:不,你不能呆在这。
Joe: I’ll just stay here until your friend gets here. 6)Gee, is he late?乔:你朋友来了我就走。
Kathleen: The heroine of Pride and Prejudice is Elizabeth Ben.She is one of the greatest and most 7)plex8)characters ever written, not that you would know.凯瑟琳:《傲慢与偏见》的女主人翁是伊丽莎白-贝纳特,她是小说作品中最伟大、最复杂的角色之一,你不会知道的。
探望Kathleen(01:35:42——01:43:45)Kathleen: Who is it?Joe: It's Joe Fox.Kathleen: What are you doing here?Joe: May I please come up?Kathleen: No, I don't.... No, I don't really think that is a good idea,because I have a......I have a terrible......cold. Can you hear that? I'msniffling, and I'm not really awake and I'm taking echinacea......and vitamin C and sleeping practically 24 hours a day. I have atemperature. And I think I'm contagious. So I would I would really appreciate it if you would just go away.Joe: Kathleen?Kathleen: Just a second! Yes, just a second. What are you doing here? Joe: I heard you were sick and I was worried. And I wanted to make-- Is there somebody here?Kathleen: It's the Home Shopping Network.Joe: You buy any of those little porcelain dolls?Kathleen: I was thinking about it. You put me out of business. Joe: Yes, I did.Kathleen: Did you come to gloat? To offer me a job?Joe: I would never—Kathleen: I have plans. I have plenty of offers. You know, I got offereda job by--Joe: By my former....Kathleen: oh,Your former?Joe: We broke up.Kathleen: That's too bad. You were so perfect for each other. I don't mean to say things like that. No matter what you've done there's no excuse for my saying anything like that. But every time I see you-- Joe: Things like that just fly out of your mouth.Kathleen: yesJoe: I brought you flowers.Kathleen: Ohh, Thank you.Joe: Why don't I just put these in some water? You're sick. Youshould sit down.Kathleen: OhhJoe: I need a vase?Kathleen: Above the refrigerator.Joe: There it is. Obviously. George says hello, by the way. He told me you were sick.Kathleen: How is George?Joe: He's great, really great. He's revolutionizing the place. You can't work in his department unless you have a Ph.D. in Children's Literature.Kathleen: I love daisies.Joe: You told me. They're so friendly.Kathleen: Don't you think daisies are the friendliest flower?Joe: I do.Kathleen: When did you break up?Joe: Couple of weeks ago.Kathleen: Everyone is breaking up. You. Me. This other person I know broke up with someone in an elevator......or after it, or just outside it, or.... It got stuck....When I saw you at the coffee place, I was waiting for him. And I was....Joe: Charming.Kathleen: I was not charming.Joe: You looked charming. Tea?Kathleen: Yes. I was upset and horrible.Joe: Honey? I was the horrible one.Kathleen: Well, that's true. But I have no excuse.Joe: Oh, I see what you're saying. That's interesting. Whereas I am a horrible person therefore I have no choice but to be horrible. That's what you're saying. But that's all right. That's all right. I put you out of business, so you're entitled to hate me.Kathleen: I don't hate you.Joe: But you'll never forgive me. Just like Elizabeth.Kathleen: Who?Joe: Elizabeth Bennet in Pride and Prejudice. She was too proud.Kathleen: I thought you hated Pride and PrejudiceJoe:Or was she too prejudiced and Mr. Darcy is too proud? Well, I can't remember. It wasn't personal.Kathleen: What is that supposed to mean? I'm so sick of that. All that means is that it wasn't personal to you. But it was personal to me. It's personal to a lot of people. What is so wrong with being personal anyway?Joe: Nothing.Kathleen: Whatever else anything is, it ought to begin by being personal. My head is starting to get fuzzy. Why did you stop by again?I forget.Joe: I wanted to be your friend. I knew it wasn't possible. What can I say? Sometimes a guy just wants the impossible. Can I ask you a question?Kathleen: What?Joe:What happened with that guy at the cafe?Kathleen: Nothing.Joe: But you're crazy about him?Kathleen: Yes Iam.Joe: Why don't you run off with him? What are you waiting for? Kathleen: I don't actually know him. Really? I only know him through the.... You're not going to believe this.Joe: Let me guess. Through the lnternet?Kathleen: Yes.Joe:hmm, you’ve got mail.Kathleen: Yes.Joe: Those are very powerful words.Kathleen: Yes.Joe: I'm happy for him. Although.... Could I just make a little suggestion?Kathleen: What?Joe: I think you should meet him. No, wait, I take that back. Why would you meet somebody you're crazy about?Kathleen: I hardly think I need to take advice from a person who-- Joe: Now I can see that I bring out the worst in you. But let me justhelp you to not say something......you're just going to torture yourself about for years to come. I hope you feel better soon. It would be a shame to miss New York in the spring.Kathleen: Thank you for the daisies.Joe: well, you take care.Kathleen: I will.Joe: Goodbye.Kathleen: Goodbye.。
电子情书 纯英对白剧本
You’ve got mail《电子情书》英文剧本1--Amazing. This is amazing2--Listen to this: The entire work force of the state of Virginia...3--...had to have solitaire removed from their computers...4--That's so sad.5--Do you know what this is?6--Aren't you late?7--Technology. Name me one thing that we've gained from technology.8--Electricity.9--That's one. You think this machine's your friend, but it's not.10--I'm out of here.11--See you tonight!12--Sushi!13--Bye!14--Welcome.15--You've got mail.16--''Brinkley is my dog. He loves New York streets as much as I do.''17--Although he likes to eat bits of pizza and bagel off the sidewalk...18--...and I prefer to buy them.19--Brinkley is a great catcher who was offered a tryout on the Mets.20--But he chose to stay with me so he could spend 1 8 hours a day...21--...sleeping on a large green pillow the size of an inner tube.22--Don't you love New York in the fall?23--Makes me want to buy school supplies.24--I'm almost ready.25--I would send you a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils...26--...if I knew your name and address.27--On the other hand, this not knowing has its charms.28--Did you push it?29--Yes, I pushed it.30--I'm so late.31--Random House fired Dick Atkins. Good riddance.32--Murray Chilton died, which makes one less person I'm not speaking to. 33--Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!34--Vince got a great review. He'll be insufferable.35--Tonight, PEN dinner.36--Am I going?37--Joe Fox, you promised.38--It's black-tie.39--Can't I just give money instead?40--What is it this week? Free Albanian writers?41--I'm in favor of that.42--Okay, I'll go.43--I'll go. You're late.44--I know. I know.45--Who's a happy dog?46--Who's a happy dog?47--Welcome.48--You've got mail.49--All right. Okay. Get down, get down.50--Dear friend, I like to start my notes to you...51--...as if we're already in the middle of a conversation.52--I pretend that we're the oldest and dearest friends...53--...as opposed to what we actually are:54--People who don't know each other's names...55--...and met in a chat room where we both claimed we'd never been before. 56--''What will NY1 52 say today?'' I wonder.57--I turn on my computer.58--I wait impatiently as it connects.59--I go online...60--...and my breath catches in my chest until I hear 3 little words:61--''You've got mail. ''62--I hear nothing, not even a sound on the streets of New York.63--Just the beat of my own heart.64--I have mail...65--...from you.66--The electrical contractor called. His truck hit a deer last night.67--So he won't be here till tomorrow.68--And upstairs the shelves are late...69--...because the pine we ordered has beetles.70--Very good.71--And we got a $50,000 ticket for workers peeing off the roof.72--Great.73--That is great.74--Is the electrician here today?75--I just told you he hit a deer. I knew you weren't listening to me.76--You're right.77--I wasn't.78--I hear nothing. Nothing.79--Not a sound on the city streets, just the beat of my own heart.80--I think that's how it goes. Something like that.81--You and Patricia got engaged.82--You can tell me.83--Are you crazy?84--I thought you liked Patricia.85--I do. I do.86--I love Patricia. I love Patricia.87--We should announce ourselves to the neighborhood. ''Here we come.'' 88--I don't know, this is the Upper West Side.89--We might as well tell them we're opening a crack house.90--They're going to hate us.91--Soon as they hear, they'll be lining up...92--...to picket the big bad chain store.93--That's out to destroy--94--Everything they hold dear.95--We're going to seduce them with our square footage...96--...and our discounts, and our deep armchairs...97--...and our cappuccino.98--That's right. They're going to hate us at the beginning...99--...but we'll get them in the end.100--And you know why?101--Why?102--Because we'll sell them cheap books and legal addictive stimulants. 103--In the meantime, we'll just put up a big sign:104--''Coming soon, a Fox Books Superstore. The End of Civilization... 105--...As You Know It!''106--Good morning, Christina.107--Good morning, I<athleen.108--It's a beautiful day. lsn't it just the most beautiful day?109--I guess. Yeah, sure.110--Where you going? I got the green light!111--Don't you just love New York in the fall?112--Perfect.113--Can't beat that.114--Scotch tape? What is going on with you?115--Nothing.116--You're in love.117--In love? No.118--I'm practically living with Frank.119--Could you get our Christmas mailers out this week?120--Yeah, by Monday. I promise.121--I have this paper due Friday.122--What is going on?123--Nothing. Nothing at all.124--You know, I am just going to stand here until you tell me.125--All right.126--Is it infidelity if you're involved with someone on e-mail?127--Have you had sex?128--No, of course not. I don't even know him.129--I mean cybersex.130--Don't do it. The minute you do, they lose all respect for you.131--It's not like that.132--We just e-mail. It's really nothing.133--On top of which, I'm thinking of stopping, because it's getting.... 134--Out of hand?135--Confusing.136--But not.137--Because it's nothing.138--Where'd you meet him?139--Listen, I can't even remember.140--On my birthday, I wandered into the ''over 30'' room...141--...for a joke, sort of.142--And he was there. And we started chatting.143--About what?144--Books and music, how much we both love New York....145--Harmless, harmless.146--Meaningless.147--Bouquets of sharpened pencils.148--Excuse me?149--Forget it.150--We don't talk about anything personal, so I don't know his name... 151--...or what he does or where he lives exactly...152--...so it'll be easy for me to stop seeing him, because I'm not.153--God. He could be the next person to walk into the store.154--I know.155--He could be...156--...George.157--Morning.158--As far as I'm concerned...159--...the lnternet is just another way of being rejected by a woman. 160--Good morning, Birdie.161--What are you girls talking about?162--Cybersex.163--I tried to have cybersex once, but I kept getting a busy signal. 164--I know.165--I know. I was really depressed one Saturday night about 9:00-- 166--Time to open up.167--Jessica and Maya, how are you today?168---Want to say hi to I<athleen? -Hi, I<athleen.169--May I help you?170--Construction's going well. We should open on time.171--Although I< evin and I are both a little concerned...172--...about the neighborhood response.173--Money.174--lts name is money.175--Gillian selected it.176--Good guess.177--Your father's getting married again.178--Really?179---Congratulations. -Thank you.180--Why?181--Who knows?182--Love?183--Possible.184--I think you're a damn fool.185--Pops, Matthew is four years old, okay?186--It'd be nice for him if he knew his parents were married.187--Listen, I have a sad announcement to make.188--City Books...189--...on 23rd Street?190--It's going under.191--Another independent bites the dust.192--On to the next!193--Going to buy out their entire inventory of architecture...194--...and New York history for the new store.195--How much, son? How much you paying?196--Whatever it costs, it won't be as much...197--...as that exquisitely uncomfortable mohair episode there. 198--Which is now all over my suit.199--Here you go.200--We're also going to have a section...201--...dedicated just to writers who've lived on the West Side. 202--As a shot to the neighborhood.203--Perfect. I< eep those West Side liberalnuts, pseudo-intellectual-- 204--Readers, Dad. They're called readers.205--Don't romanticize them. It'll keep them...206--...from jumping down your throat.207--What's the competition?208--One mystery store, Sleuth, at 78th and Amsterdam...209--...and a children's bookstore, Shop Around The Corner.210--Been there forever.211--Cecilia's store.212--Who's that?213--Cecilia I< elly.214--Lovely woman. I think we might have had a date once.215--Or maybe we just exchanged letters.216--You wrote her letters?217--Mail. It was called mail.218--Stamps, envelopes--219--You know, I've heard of it.220--Cecilia had beautiful penmanship.221--She was too young for me...222--...but she was...223--...enchanting.224--Enchanting?225--Her daughter owns it now.226--Too bad for her.227--Excuse me, Mr. Fox.228--My father is getting married again.229--For 5 years, he's been living with a woman named Gillian... 230--...who studied decorating at Caesar's Palace.231--Is it porcelain?232--Rubber.233--Once I read a story about a butterfly in the subway, and today... 234--...I saw one.235--...and off at 59th...236--...where I assume it went to Bloomingdale's...237--...to buy a hat that will turn out to be a mistake.238--As almost all hats are.239--Listen to this:240--Every night a truck pulls up to my neighborhood bagel place... 241--...and pumps about a ton of flour into underground tanks. 242--Then the air is filled...243--...with white dust which never seems to land.244--Why is that?245--Confession: I have read Pride and Prejudice about 200 times. 246--I get lost in the language. Words like...247--... ''thither. ''248--''Mischance. ''249--''Felicity. ''250--I'm always in agony over whether Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy... 251--...are really going to get together.252--Read it.253--I know you'll love it.254--The whole purpose of places like Starbucks...255--...is for people with no decision-making ability whatsoever... 256--...to make six decisions just to buy one cup of coffee.257--...caf, decaf...258--...low-fat, nonfat...259--...et cetera.260--Mocha frappuccino grande.261--So people who don't know what the hell they're doing...262--...or who on earth they are can, for only $ 2.95...263--...get not just a cup of coffee...264--...but an absolutely defining sense of self.265--Tall.266--Cappuccino.267--Tall decaf cappuccino.268--Bummer.269--A Fox Books Superstore.270--Quel nightmare.271--It has nothing to do with us. It's big...272--...impersonal...273--...overstocked and full of ignorant salespeople.274--But they discount.275--But they don't provide any service.276--We do.277--So really...278--...it's a good development.279--You know how in the flower district there are all those flower shops... 280--...so you can find whatever you want?281--Well...282--...this is going to be the book district.283--lf they don't have it, we do.284--And vice versa.285--Absolutely.286--When you are finished with Fox Books...287--...The Shop Around The Corner is going to be responsible...288--...for reversing the entire course of the lndustrial Revolution.289--Well, now, that is so sweet.290--Thank you. That is so sweet.291--Although I--292--What?293--Wait a minute. What is that doing here?294--Oh, my gosh...295--...this is amazing.296--Listen.297--The Olympia Report Deluxe Electric.298--Report.299--As in gunshot.300---That sound is familiar. -Listen to this.301--What, that whirring?302--The gentle, soothing lullaby...303--...of a piece of machinery so perfect--304--I know where I've heard that before.305--I needed a backup.306--Don't you have another one of these at your apartment?307---I might! -That you wrote a column about?308--Who cares?309--What were you going to say?310---When? -Before.311--Nothing.312--Come on.313--I'm just wondering. I'm wondering about my work.314--I mean, what is it that I do, exactly?315--All I really do is--316--All you really do...317--...is this incredibly noble thing.318--I don't know.319--Really, I'm just--320--You are a lone reed.321--You are a lone...322--...reed...323--...standing...324--...tall...325--...waving boldly...326--...in the corrupt sands...327--...of commerce.328--I am a lone reed.329--I am a lone reed.330--Sometimes I wonder about my life.331--I lead a small life.332--Well, valuable, but small.333--And sometimes I wonder...334--...do I do it because I like it?335--Or because I haven't been brave?336--So much of what I see reminds me of something I read in a book... 337--...when, shouldn't it be the other way around?338--I don't really want an answer.339--I just want to send this cosmic question out into the void.340--So...341--...good night, dear void.342--I know you!343--I know you.344--Hello, Annabel, little girl.345--And you.346--Matthew, how are you?347--Good.348--Ready to say hello to New Jersey?349--Hello, New Jersey!350--Don't I get a ''hello''?351--Hello, Gillian.352--I<iss me. I'm going to be your wicked stepmother.353--There you go.354--Hello. And who is this?355--Nanny Maureen. I brought her in case you couldn't handle the kids. 356--Maureen's getting a divorce.357--I'm sorry to hear that.358--It's my own fault.359--Never marry a man who lies.360--That is so wise. Yes. Annabel, remember that.361--She taught Matt how to spell his name.362--Really?363---Let's hear it. -F-O-X.364--Excellent.365--Excellent. I've got this covered. You can have the day off.366--And you must be late for something. Volunteering, rolling bandages... 367--...for Bosnian refugees.368--I am. I'm having my eggs harvested.369--And getting those eggs harvested. Don't worry about a thing.370--See you later.371--Bye, Mom.372--All right, you guys, are you ready to go out on the boat?373--What happened to you? What happened?374--Come on. You stink. One more time.375--Here, you can do that one.376--What do we win?377--Look, look, look!378---How are the fish? -They're very well. Very happy.379--Are they?380--You guys want to go to a movie?381--There's nothing good playing.382--Look, the storybook lady.383--Are we at the right time? Yeah, let's go.384--...who had the idea for the great and daring mouse plot.385--We all have our moments of brilliance and glory...386--...and this was mine.387--'Why don't we,' I said...388--...'slip it into one of Mrs. Pratchett's jars of sweets?389--And then...390--...when she puts her dirty hand in to grab a handful...391--...she will grab a stinky, dead mouse instead.'392--The other four stared at me in wonder.393--Then, as the sheer genius of the plot began to sink in...394--...they all started grinning.395--They slapped me on the back. They cheered me.396--They danced around the classroom.397--'We will do it today!' they cried.398--'We'll do it on the way home. You had the idea,' they said to me. 399--'So you can be the one who puts the mouse in the jar.' ''400--Who belongs to this fish?401--That's mine.402--Could you give me a hand with these used books?403--And this is her best friend Tacy...404--...whose real name is Anastasia.405--And the next book, Betsy and Tacy become friends with Tib... 406--...whose real name, I am sorry to tell you, is Thelma.407--The illustrations are hand-tipped.408--And that's why it costs so much?409--No, that's why it's worth so much.410--I want all of them.411--I'll think about it.412--That's a lot for your dad to buy at one time.413--My dad gets me all the books I want.414--That's very nice of him.415--That's not my dad. That's my nephew.416--I don't really think that he could be your nephew.417--It's true.418--Annabel is my aunt. lsn't that right, Aunt Annabel?419--And Matt is his--420--Wait, wait, let me guess.421--Are you his uncle?422--No.423--His grandfather?424--His great-grandfather?425--I'm his brother.426--Matt is my father's son.427--Annabel is my grandfather's daughter.428--We are...429--...an American family.430--Here you go, young lady.431--What's that?432--That's a handkerchief.433--Do children not even know what handkerchiefs are?434--My mother embroidered this for me.435--My initials and a daisy, because daisies are my favorite flower. 436--May I ask who you are?437--I<athleen I< elly. I own this store.438--And you are?439--Joe. Just call me Joe.440--We'll take these books.441--You're going to come back, aren't you?442--Of course.443--See?444--That is why we won't go under.445--Our customers are loyal.446--They're opening a Fox Books around the corner.447--Fox Books!448---My daddy-- -Likes to buy discount.449--Don't tell anybody. It's nothing to be proud of.450--F-O-X.451--That's amazing. You can spell fox.452--Can you spell dog?453--F-O-X.454--Look at this dinosaur book. It's a pop-up dinosaur book.455--Wouldn't you like to have a dinosaur book like that?456--Wouldn't you like to read that?457--Sit here and read Matt the book until I take care of things.458--Whatever you do, just don't listen to anything I say. Thank you.459--We'll take that pop-up book as well. The dinosaur one.460--The world is not driven by discounts, believe me.461--I have been in business forever.462--I started helping my mother after school here when I was six...463--...and I used to watch her.464--It wasn't that she was just selling books. It was that she was...465--...helping people become whoever they were going to turn out to be. 466--When you read a book as a child, it becomes part of your identity... 467--...in a way that no other reading in your whole life does.468--And I have gotten carried away.469--Yeah, you have.470--You've made me feel....471--Enchanting. Your mother was enchanting.472--Yes, she was.473--How will you pay for this?474--Cash.475--How did you know that?476--From the photograph.477--That you in the photograph? What are you doing?478--Twirling.479--My mother and I used to twirl.480--Anyway, she left the store to me, and I'll leave it to my daughter. 481---$ 7 3, please. -How much?482--$ 7 3.483--How old is your daughter now?484--I don't have a daughter.485--I'm not married.486--But eventually....487--So the big bad Fox Books can just go to hell.488--Here you go.489--This is nice.490--Matt, you know what? I have to ask you another thing.491--Can you spell cat?492--F-O-X.493--F-O-X.494--Cat. Thanks.495--Good thing it wasn't the fish.496--Take care!497--No protests. No demonstrations.498--The neighborhood loves us.499--They're wondering where we've been all these years.500--Wondering how they did without us.501--It's a hit!502--How's the children's department?503--It's early yet. School's not out.504--And there is that children's store nearby. Shop Around The Corner. 505--Cecilia's store. Cecilia I< elly.506--I think we might have had a date once.507--Her daughter owns it now.508--We'll crush it!509--She was enchanting.510--They've been open 6 days. And we did...511--...$ 1 200 less than the same week...st year.513--That could be a fluke, right?514--Or not.515--Listen, their store is new. It's a novelty.516--It'll all shake out. Meanwhile, I'm putting up more twinkle lights. 517--That's a fine idea.518--What if we have to fold?519--I'm never going to find another part-time job.520--Then I won't be able to pay my rent, and I'll have to move.521--To Brooklyn.522--The joy of rent control. Six rooms...523--...$450 a month.524--We know. You've told us a million times.525--I can't believe you're bringing this up at a time like this.526--It's like those people who brag because they're tall.527--Guys, we are not going to fold.528--This place is a tomb.529--I'm going to the nut shop, where's it's fun.530--Miranda!531--I<athleen, are you surviving?532--We're excited about your new book. When should we schedule a signing? 533--It's being published in January.534--Will you be in business in January?535--I'm so worried.536--We're doing great.537--Aren't we?538--No difference whatsoever!539--Great.540--Thank God.541--You can count on me for anything.542--Support. Rallies. Picket lines.543--We can get the Times to write something.544--Or that nut from the Observer.545--What nut in the Observer ?546--Frank something-or-other.547--The one who's so in love with his typewriter.548--This is just the sort of thing that would outrage him.549--A nut? She called me a nut?550--That's not the point. She thinks my store is in trouble.551--Why would she say that? There's enough business for us all.552--Yes, there is. No question.553--You're more than fine. You're absolutely fine.554--We are fine.555--How are you?556--Fine.557--Come in. Vince will be so happy to see you.558--Congratulations. Guess who I saw on the subway today?559--William Spungeon.560--I don't know him.561--This is amazing. He said:562--''You should go to a retreat.563--You really should go to a retreat.''564--Honey, will you get me another drink? I'm out.565--''Because it's a really great place...566--...to calm down.''567--He said that to me. lsn't that hilarious?568--Champagne, please.569--Stoli on the rocks. But a fresh glass, please.570--White wine, please.571--Here you go.572--Remember me from the bookstore?573--Of course I remember you.574--How's your aunt?575--She's great. Thanks.576--I'd better go deliver this.577--I have a very thirsty date. She's part camel.578--Joe, right? Joe, isn't it?579--And you are I<athleen.580--I<athleen I< elly.581--Two white wine, please.582--I cannot believe that you were speaking to Joe Fox.583--Joe Fox?584--As in--585--As in, he's going to take over everything.586--Fox? Your last name is Fox.587--F-O-X.588--God...589--...I didn't realize--590--I didn't know--591--Who you were with? I didn't know who you were with.592--Excuse me?593--It's from The Godfather.594--Sorry, it's from The Godfather.595--It's when...596--...the movie producer realizes that Tom Hagen...597--...is an emissary of Vito Corleone.598--Just before the horse's head ends up in the bed...599--...with all the bloody sheets. Wakes up and it's--600--Never mind.601--You were spying on me, weren't you?602--You probably rented those children.603--Because I am your competition, which you know perfectly well... 604--...or you wouldn't have put up the sign: ''Just around the corner.'' 605--The entrance to our store is around the corner.606--There's no other way to say it.607--It's not the name of our store. It's where it is.608--And you do not own...609--...the phrase ''around the corner.''610--What is that?611--What are you doing?612--What is that? What are you doing?613--You're taking all the caviar? That caviar is a garnish.614--Look...615--...the reason I came into your store is because...616--...I was spending the day with Annabel and Matt.617--I was buying them presents.618--I'm the type of guy who buys his way...619--...into the hearts of children who are relatives.620--There was only one place to find a children's book in the neighborhood. 621--That will not always be the case.622--And it was yours. And it is...623--...a charming little bookstore.624--You probably sell, what, $350,000 worth of books in a year?625--How did you know that?626--I'm in the book business.627--I am in the book business.628--I see.629--And we are the Price Club.630--Only instead of a ten-gallon vat of olive oil for $3.99...631--...that won't even fit under your kitchen cabinet, we sell cheap books. 632--Me, a spy? Absolutely.633--I have in my possession...634--...the super-duper, secret printout of the sales figures...635--...of a bookstore so inconsequential, yet full of its own virtue...636--...that I was compelled to rush over...637--...for fear that it will put me out of business.638--What? What?639--How you doing? Frank Navasky.640--Joe Fox.641--The inventor of the superstore, of course.642--The enemy of the mid-list novel.643--The destroyer of City Books.644--Tell me something. How do you sleep at night?645--I use a wonderful...646--...over-the-counter drug.647--''Ultra-dorm.''648--Don't take the whole thing. Just half.649--You'll wake up without even the tiniest hangover.650--You're Frank Navasky, aren't you?651--Your last piece in the Observer...652--...about Anthony Powell was brilliant.653--Brilliant. Yes.654--I'm Patricia Eden.655--Eden Books.656--This man is the greatest living expert...657--...on Julius and Ethel Rosenberg.658--You really liked--659--This is I<athleen I< elly.660--My piece? I'm sorry. I just-- You know? I'm flattered.661--You write these things. You think somebody'll mention them.662--The phone doesn't ring for a week and you think:663--''I'm a fraud. I'm a failure or something.''664--You know what fascinated me...665--...about Julius and Ethel Rosenberg?666--Is how old they looked when they were really just...667--...our age.668--You know?669--I'm so happy to have finally met you.670--We'll talk. Have you ever thought about doing a book?671--It's crossed my mind, something relevant for today...672--...like the Luddite movement in 1 9th century England. We should talk. 673--Call me.674--Have you ever had a caviar garnish?675--I had no idea Frank Navasky...676--...was going to be so down-to-earth.677--You know, you read his stuff...678--...you think he's going to be so obscure and abstruse.679--He's always talking about Heidegger...680--...and Foucault.681--And I have no idea what any of it's about really.682--Where you going?683--I'm not tired. I'm not.684--Do you ever feel you've become the worst version of yourself?685--That a Pandora's box...686--...of all the secret, hateful parts, your arrogance, your spite...687--...your condescension...688--...has sprung open?689--Someone provokes you, and instead of just smiling...690--...and moving on, you zing them?691--''Hello, it's Mr. Nasty. ''692--I'm sure you have no idea what I'm talking about.693--No, I know what you mean, and I'm completely jealous.694--What happens to me when I'm provoked is I get tongue-tied.695--My mind goes...696--...blank.697--Then I toss and turn all night...698--...trying to figure out what I should have said.699--What should I have said, for example, to the...700--...bottom-dweller...701--...who recently belittled my existence?702--Nothing.。
电子情书1影片对白SchuylerFox:Yourfathersgettingmarriedagain.Joe:Really?SchuylerFo x:Yep.Joe:Congratulations!NelsonFox:Thankyou.Joe:Why?NelsonF ox:Whoknows?Joe:Love?NelsonFox:Possible.SchuylerFox:Ithinkyo ureadamnfool!NelsonFox:Pop,Matthewisfouryearsold,okay?Itdbenic eifheknewhisparentsweremarried.Joe:Listen,Ihaveasadannouncemen ttomake.CityBookson23rdStreet.Itsgoingunder.NelsonFox:Anotherin dependentbitesthedust.SchuylerFox:Ontothenext!Joe:Goingtobuyout theirinventoryofarchitectureandNewYorkhistoryforthenewstore.Nels onFox:Howmuch,son,howmuchareyoupaying?Joe:Whateveritcosts,it wontbeasmuchasthatexquisitelyuncomfortablemohairepisodetherewh ichisnowallovermysuit.NelsonFox:Hereyougo.Joe:Thanks.Werealso goinghaveasectiondedicatedjusttowriterswho’velivedontheWestSide.SchuylerFox:Asashottotheneighborhood.Nels onFox:Perfect.KeepthoseWestSideliberalnuts,pseudo-intellectual--Jo e:Readers,Dad.Theyrecalledreaders.NelsonFox:Dontdothat,son,don’tromanticizethem.Itllkeepthemfromjumpingdownyourthroat.Schuyle rFox:Whatsthecompetition?Joe:Onemysterystore,Sleuth,at78thandA msterdamandachildrensbookstore,ShopAroundTheCorner.Itsbeenthe reforever.SchuylerFox:Ceciliasstore.Joe:Whosthat?SchuylerFox:Cec iliaKelly.妙语佳句,活学活用1.Pop这里的pop是papa的另一种叫法,感觉上相当于我们说的“老爸”。
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