



教案:韩艳玲《企业财务会计》——销售折让和退回的核算教案一、教学目标1. 让学生理解销售折让和销售退回的概念及其在会计核算中的重要性。

2. 让学生掌握销售折让和销售退回的会计分录及核算方法。

3. 培养学生分析和解决实际业务中销售折让和销售退回问题的能力。

二、教学内容1. 销售折让的概念和原因2. 销售折让的会计分录和核算方法3. 销售退回的概念和原因4. 销售退回的会计分录和核算方法5. 销售折让和销售退回的税务处理三、教学方法1. 讲授法:讲解销售折让和销售退回的概念、原因、会计分录和核算方法。

2. 案例分析法:分析实际业务中的销售折让和销售退回问题,引导学生运用所学知识解决问题。

3. 讨论法:组织学生讨论销售折让和销售退回的会计处理和税务处理,提高学生的思考和分析能力。

四、教学准备1. 教案、PPT、教材等教学资料2. 实际业务案例及相关凭证3. 会计分录和核算表格五、教学过程1. 引入新课:介绍销售折让和销售退回在企业财务会计中的重要性。

2. 讲解概念:讲解销售折让和销售退回的概念及其原因。

3. 会计分录:讲解销售折让和销售退回的会计分录和核算方法。

4. 案例分析:分析实际业务案例,引导学生运用所学知识解决问题。

5. 税务处理:讲解销售折让和销售退回的税务处理。

6. 课堂练习:布置相关练习题,让学生巩固所学知识。

7. 总结与拓展:总结本节课的主要内容,提出拓展思考问题。

六、教学评估1. 课堂问答:通过提问方式检查学生对销售折让和销售退回概念的理解程度。

2. 练习题:布置针对性的练习题,检验学生对会计分录和核算方法的掌握。

七、教学反思1. 教师自我评估:总结课堂教学过程中的优点和不足,提出改进措施。

2. 学生反馈:收集学生对课堂教学的意见和建议,以便更好地调整教学方法。

3. 教学内容调整:根据学生的学习情况和反馈,对教学内容进行适当调整。

八、课后作业1. 复习课堂内容:要求学生复习本节课所学的销售折让和销售退回的核算方法。



BIOTECHNOLOGICAL PRODUCTS AND PROCESS ENGINEERINGEffects of biotic and abiotic elicitors on cell growth and tanshinone accumulation in Salvia miltiorrhiza cell culturesJiang-Lin Zhao &Li-Gang Zhou &Jian-Yong WuReceived:7September 2009/Revised:6January 2010/Accepted:6January 2010/Published online:2March 2010#Springer-Verlag 2010Abstract This study examined the effects of biotic and abiotic elicitors on the production of diterpenoid tanshi-nones in Salvia miltiorrhiza cell culture.Four classes of elicitors were tested,heavy metal ions (Co 2+,Ag +,Cd 2+),polysaccharides (yeast extract and chitosan),plant response-signaling compounds (salicylic acid and methyl jasmonate),and hyperosmotic stress (with sorbitol).Of these,Ag (silver nitrate),Cd (cadmium chloride),and polysaccharide from yeast extract (YE)were most effective to stimulate the tanshinone production,increasing the total tanshinone content of cell by more than ten-fold (2.3mg g -1versus 0.2mg g -1in control).The stimulating effect was concentration-dependent,most significant at 25μM of Ag and Cd and 100mg l -1(carbohydrate content)of YE.Of the three tanshinones detected,cryptotanshinone was stimulat-ed most dramatically by about 30-fold and tanshinones I and IIA by no more than 5-fold.Meanwhile,most of the elicitors suppressed cell growth,decreasing the biomass yield by about 50%(5.1–5.5g l -1versus 8.9g l -1in control).The elicitors also stimulated the phenylalanine ammonia lyase activity of cells and transient increases in the medium pH and conductivity.The results suggest that the elicitor-stimulated tanshinone accumulation was a stress response of the cells.Keywords Salvia miltiorrhiza .Cell culture .Tanshinones .Elicitors .Stress responseIntroductionSalvia miltiorrhiza Bunge (Lamiaceae),called Danshen in Chinese,is a well-known and important medicinal plant because its root is an effective herb for treatment of menstrual disorders and cardiovascular diseases and for the prevention of inflammation (Tang and Eisenbrand 1992).As its Chinese name refers,Danshen root is characterized by the abundance of red pigments which are mainly ascribed to numerous diterpene quinones generally known as tanshinones,e.g.,tanshinone I (T-I),tanshinone-IIA (T-IIA),and T-IIB,isotanshinone I and II,and cryptotanshinone (CT).Tanshinones constitute a major class of bioactive compounds in S .miltiorrhiza roots with proven therapeutic effects and pharmacological activities (Wang et al.2007).Danshen in combination with a few other Chinese herbs is an effective medicine widely used for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases and used as an emergency remedy for coronary artery disease and acute ischemic stroke.According to WHO statistics,cardiovas-cular diseases are and will continue to be the number one cause of death in the world (www.who.int/cardiovascular_diseases ).It is of significance to develop more efficient means for the production of Danshen and its active constituents.Although field cultivation is currently the major produc-tion means for Danshen and most other plant herbs,plant tissue cultures provide more well-controlled and sustainable systems for efficient production of desired bioactive compounds of the herb.Plant tissue cultures are the most useful and convenient experimental systems for examiningJ.-L.Zhao :L.-G.Zhou (*)Department of Plant Pathology,China Agricultural University,Beijing 100193,China email:lgzhou@J.-Y .Wu (*)Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology,The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,Hung Hom,Kowloon,Hong Kong email:bcjywu@.hkAppl Microbiol Biotechnol (2010)87:137–144DOI 10.1007/s00253-010-2443-4various factors on the biosynthesis of desired products and for exploring effective measures to enhance their produc-tion.The importance of Danshen for traditional and modern medicines has promoted the long-lasting research interest in the development of tiorrhiza tissue cultures for production of bioactive compounds for more than two decades.In an early study,Nakanishi et al.(1983)induced several cell lines from plant seedlings and screened out a cell line capable of producing significant amounts of CT and another diterpene,ferruginol.In later studies,the group performed a fuller evaluation and optimization of the medium for cell growth and CT production and,eventually,derived an effective production medium with a simpler composition(ten components)than the original Murashige and Skoog(MS) medium(about20components),achieving a high CT yield of 110mg l-1(Miyasaka et al.1987).Many recent studies have been focused on hairy root cultures of tiorrhiza transformed by Agrobacterium rhizogenes(Hu and Alfermann1993;Chen et al.2001)and by our group (Zhang et al.2004;Ge and Wu2005;Shi et al.2007).Most of the bioactive compounds in medicinal plants belong to secondary metabolites which are usually less abundant than primary metabolites in the plants.Since the accumulation of secondary metabolites in plants is a common response of plants to biotic and abiotic stresses, their accumulation can be stimulated by biotic and abiotic elicitors.Therefore,elicitation,treatment of plant tissue cultures with elicitors,is one of the most effective strategies for improving secondary metabolite production in plant tissue cultures(Chong et al.2005;Smetanska2008).The most common and effective elicitors used in previous studies include the components of microbial cells especially poly-and oligosaccharides(biotic)and heavy metal ions, hyperosmotic stress,and UV radiation(abiotic),and the signaling compounds in plant defense responses such as salicylic acid(SA)and methyl jasmonate(MJ;Zhou and Wu2006;Smetanska2008).Some of these elicitors,yeast extract(mainly the polysaccharide fraction),silver ion Ag+, and hyperosmotic stress(by an osmoticum)have also been applied and shown effective to enhance the production of tanshinones in tiorrhiza hairy root cultures(Chen et al.2001;Zhang et al.2004;Shi et al.2007).To the best of our knowledge,only a few studies have been documented on the effects of elicitors,YE,SA,and MJ,on the secondary metabolite production in Agro-bacterium tumefaciens transformed tiorrhiza cell cultures from one research group(Chen and Chen1999, 2000)but not any study in normal cell cultures.The present study focuses on the effects of common biotic and abiotic elicitors including polysaccharides,heavy metal ions, SA and MJ,and osmotic stress(with sorbitol)on the growth and accumulation of three major tanshinones T-I, T-IIA,and CT in suspension culture of normal tior-rhiza cells.In addition to the effects of various elicitors on the total tanshinone content of cells,the study will examine the effects on different tanshinone species and the potential relationship to plant stress response.Material and methodsCallus induction and cell suspension cultureYoung stem explants of tiorrhiza Bunge were collected from the botanical garden at the Institute of Medicinal Plant Development,Chinese Academy of Med-ical Sciences,Beijing,China,in May2005.The fresh explants were washed with tap water,surface-sterilized with 75%ethanol for1min,and then soaked in0.1%mercuric chloride for10min and rinsed thoroughly with sterilized water.The clean and sterilized explants were cut into∼0.5-cm segments and placed on solid MS medium(Murashige and Skoog1962)supplemented with sucrose(30g l-1),2,4-D(2mg l-1)and6-BA(2mg l-1)to induce callus formation. The callus culture of tiorrhiza was maintained on a solid,hormone-free MS medium with8g l-1agar and 30g l-1sucrose at25°C in the dark and subcultured every 4weeks.The culture was deposited in Lab Y1210at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University with a collection number of Danshen cell-1.All experiments in this study were performed in suspension culture of tiorrhiza cells in a liquid medium of the same composition as for the solid culture but excluding agar.The cell suspension culture was maintained in shake-flasks,i.e.,125-ml Erlenmeyer flasks on an orbital shaker operated at110–120rpm,at 25°C in the dark.Each of the flasks was filled with25ml medium and inoculated with0.3g fresh cells from18–21-day-old shake–flask culture.Elicitor preparation and administrationEight elicitors were tested,each at three concentrations,in the initial elicitation experiments(Table1).These are representative of the four major classes of elicitors for the induction of plant responses and the stimulation of secondary metabolite production in plant tissue cultures (Zhou and Wu2006;Smetanska2008).All elicitors except MJ were prepared as a concentrated stock solution in water and autoclaved at121°C for15min,and stored at4°C in a refrigerator prior to use.Yeast elicitor(YE)was the polysaccharide fraction of yeast extract(Y4250,Sigma, St.Louis,MO,USA)prepared by ethanol precipitation as described previously(Hahn and Albersheim1978;Ge and Wu2005).In brief,yeast extract was dissolved in distilled water(20g/100ml)and then mixed with400ml of ethanol and allowed to precipitate for4days at4°C in arefrigerator.The precipitate was redissolved in100ml of distilled water and subjected to another round of ethanol precipitation.The final gummy precipitate was dissolved in 50ml of distilled water and stored at4°C before use.The concentration of YE was represented by total carbohydrate content which was determined by the Anthrone test using sucrose as a reference.Chitosan solution was prepared by dissolving0.5g crab shell chitosan(C3646,Sigma)in1ml glacial acetic acid at55–60°C for15min,and then the final volume was adjusted to50ml with distilled water and the pH adjusted to5.8with NaOH(Prakash and Srivastava 2008).MJ(Cat.39,270-7,Sigma-Aldrich)was dissolved in 95%ethanol and sterilized by filtering through a microfilter (0.2µm).SA(10,591-0,Sigma-Aldrich),sorbitol(S3755, Sigma),and the salts of heavy metals including cobalt chloride(C8661,Sigma-Aldrich),silver nitrate(S7276, Sigma-Aldrich),and cadmium chloride(C5081,Sigma-Aldrich)were dissolved in distilled water to the desired concentrations and adjusted to pH5.8.Elicitor treatment was administered to the shake–flask culture of tiorrhiza cell on day18,which was about 2–3days before reaching the stationary phase.This time point is usually favorable for elicitation when the biomass concentration is high(compared with earlier days of growth),and the cell metabolism is still active(compared with that during or after stationary phase;Buitelaar et al. 1992;Cheng et al.2006).Each of the elicitor solutions was added into the culture medium with a micropipette at the desired concentration.After the elicitor addition,the shake–flask culture of cells was maintained for another7days and then harvested for analysis.All treatments were performed in triplicate,and the results were averaged.After the initial experiments on the eight elicitors,the three most effective ones,Ag(25µM),Cd(25µM),and YE(100mg l-1)were applied in the following experiments on the time courses of elicitor-treated cell growth and tanshinone accumulation in the tiorrhiza cell culture.Measurement of cell weight,sucrose concentration, medium pH,and conductivityThe cells were separated from the liquid medium by filtration.The cell mass on the filter paper was rinsed thoroughly with water and filtered again,and blotted dry by paper towels and then dried at50°C in an oven to attain the dry weight.Sucrose concentration in the liquid medium was determined by the Anthrone test using sucrose as a reference(Ebell1969),and the medium pH and conduc-tivity were measured with the respective electrodes on an Orion720A+pH meter(Thermo Fisher Scientific,Inc., Beverly,MA,USA)and a CD-4303conductivity meter (Lutron,Taiwan),respectively.Measurement of PAL activityPhenylalanine ammonia lyase(PAL)was extracted from fresh tiorrhiza cells with borate buffer(pH8.8).The cells were ground in the buffer(0.15g ml-1)for2min with a pestle and mortar on ice,and then centrifuged at10,000rpm and4°C for20min to obtain a solid-free extract.The PAL activity was determined based on the conversion of L-phenylalanine to cinnamic acid as described by Wu and Lin(2002).Analysis of tanshinone contentsThe cell mass from culture was dried and ground into powder and extracted with methanol/dichloromethane(4:1, v/v,10mg ml-1)under sonication for60min.After removal of the solid,the liquid extract was evaporated to dryness and redissolved in methanol/dichloromethane(9:1,v/v). Tanshinone content was determined by high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC)on a HP1100system using C18column,acetonitrile/water(55:45,v/v)as the mobile phase,and UV detection at275nm as described previously (Shi et al.2007).Three tanshinone species CT,T-I,and T-IIA were detected and quantified with authentic standards obtained from the Institute for Identification of Pharmaceu-tical and Biological Products(Beijing,China).Total tanshinone content is the total content of the three tanshinones in the cells.Tanshinone content in the culture medium was negligible and not determined.ResultsCell growth and tanshinone accumulation in tiorrhiza cell cultureThe time course of tiorrhiza cell growth exhibited a lag phase or slow growth period in the first3–6days, a rapid,linear growth period between day9–18,and aTable1Elicitors and concentrations tested in the initial experiments Elicitors Unit ConcentrationC1C2C3Cobalt chloride(Co)µM 5.02550 Silver nitrate(Ag)µM 5.02550 Cadmium chloride(Cd)µM 5.02550 Salicylic acid(SA)µM1050100 Methyl jasmonate(MJ)µM1050100 Yeast elicitor(YE)mg l-150100200 Chitosan(CH)mg l-150100200 Sorbitol(SO)g l-152550stationary or declining phase in the later days,reaching the maximum biomass concentration (8.1g l -1)around day 21.The total tanshinone content of cells remained at a very low level from days 1–12and then increased steadily from days 12–27to a maximum of 0.16mg g -1.A significant portion (65%)of the tanshinone accumulation or content increase occurred during the stationary phase from days 21–27(Fig.1a ),which is characteristic of secondary metabolite production in a batch culture process.The time course of sugar (sucrose)concentration (Fig.1b )was nearly sym-metrical to that of cell growth,indicating a direct correlation of the cell growth (or biomass production)to sugar consumption.As the major carbon source,sugar was required for the S .miltiorrhiza cell growth,and when it was depleted (around day 21),the cell growth stopped,and the biomass concentration began to drop.As seen from Fig.1b ,the medium pH showed a notable drop in the first 3days (due to consumption of NH 4+and release of protons)and a gradual increase after day 6(due to consumption of nitrate NO 3-)(Morard et al.1998).Effects of various elicitors on cell growth and tanshinone productionFigure 2shows the effects of elicitor treatments on the cell growth and tanshinone accumulation in S .miltiorrhiza cell cultures,which were dependent both on the elicitor species and elicitor dose.As seen from Fig.2a ,most of the elicitor treatments except Co 2+and sorbitol at lower concentrations suppressed the cell growth to a lower biomass concentra-tion than that of the untreated control culture,and the growth suppression was more severe at a high elicitor dose.On the other hand,most of the elicitor treatments except Co 2+,sorbitol,SA,and MJ at lower concentrations increased the total tanshinone content of cell to a higher level than in the control (Fig.2b ).Overall the results indicated that the enhancement of tanshinone accumulation by an elicitor treatment concurred with a notable suppres-sion of cell growth or biomass production.Nevertheless,some of the elicitors had a much stronger stimulating effect on the tanshinone accumulation than the suppressing effect on the cell growth.In particular,Ag and Cd both at 25μM,and YE at 100mg l -1increased the total tanshinone content to 2.30mg g -1,about 11.5-fold versus that of the control (0.20mg g -1),but decreased the biomass production by no more than 50%(5.1–5.5g l -1versus 8.9g l -1).Another three elicitors,SA,MJ (both at 50μM),and sorbitol (50g l -1)increased the total tanshinone content by 2–3-fold but decreased the biomass by 30–45%compared with the control.The stimulating effect of chitosan on tanshinone accumulation (about 6-fold)was stronger than SA,MJ,and sorbitol but much weaker than Ag,Cd,and YE,while its suppressing effect on the cell growth was as severe as Ag,Cd,and YE.In summary,the results indicate that Ag,Cd,YE are the most favorable elicitors for the tanshinone production in S .miltiorrhiza cell culture and were used in the following experiments.Figure 3shows the time courses of cell growth and tanshinone production after treatment with the three most effective elicitors Ag (25μM),Cd (25μM),and YE (100mg l -1)and the control culture.All three elicitor treatments caused a steady decline of biomass concentration from initially 8.5g l -1to 5.3g l -1on day 6while biomass in00. content (mg g -1)C e l l b i o m a s s (g d w l -1)dw TTa4.85.1 HS u c r o s e (g l -1)Culture time (d)bSucrosepHFig.1Time courses of biomass and total tanshinone content (a ),residue sugar (sucrose)and medium pH (b )in S .miltiorrhiza cell cultures (error bars for standard deviations,n =3)246810C e l l b i o m a s s (g l -1) AgCdSAMJYECH SOT T c o n t e n t (m g g -1)Elicitor treatmentCo Fig.2Effects of various elicitors on biomass growth (a )andtanshinone production (b )in S .miltiorrhiza cell cultures (elicitors added to cultures on day 18at three concentrations C1,C2,and C3as shown in Table 1,and cultures harvested on day 25;error bars for standard deviations,n =3)the control culture was increased during this period (Fig.3a ).In the meantime,the tanshinone content of cells in the three elicitor-treated cultures increased sharply and most rapidly by Ag (from 0.14to 1.98mg g -1),while that of control increased slightly (from 0.14to 0.21mg g -1;Fig.3b ).The volumetric total tanshinone yields (the products of total tanshinone content and cell dry weight)were 1.9mg l -1in the control,and 9.2mg l -1,10.7mg l -1and 11.7mg l -1in cultures treated with 100mg l -1YE,25μM Cd,and Ag,respectively (on day 6).Another test was performed on the effects of two and three elicitors in combinations in the S .miltiorrhiza cell culture.As shown in Fig.4,the tanshinone content was increased about 20%with either two elicitors and about 40%with all three elicitors in combination compared with that with a single elicitor.The results suggest an additive or synergistic effect of these elicitors on the tanshinone accumulation in the cells.However,the combined use of two or three elicitors also suppressed the cell growth (biomass)more severely than with a single elicitor.Effects of elicitor treatments on different tanshinone species Of the three tanshinone species detected,CT was stimulated most significantly by all elicitors without exception;T-IIA was stimulated by most elicitors,and T-I was stimulated significantly only by chitosan but slightly stimulated or suppressed by other elicitors (Table 2).The highest CT content was about 2mg g -1(1,854–2,011μg g -1)in cellcultures treated with 25μM Ag and Cd,and 100mg l -1YE,about 31–34fold of the control level (60μg g -1),the highest T-I content 0.27mg g -1with 100mg l -1chitosan (3.4-fold of the control 80μg g -1)and the highest T-IIA content 0.37mg g -1with 25μM Cd (6-fold of the control 60μg g -1).As seen from the HPLC chromatograms (Fig.5),the cultures treated with the three different elicitors exhibited a similar profile with virtually identical major peaks.The experimental results do not suggest any specificity of particular tanshinone species to the type of elicitors,YE and chitosan as biotic polysaccharides,Cd and Ag as abiotic heavy metals,or SA and MJ as plant stress signaling pared with that of control,the HPLC profiles of elicitor-treated cultures also had three new unknown peaks appearing before the CT peak,between 10.0–11.5min and a high peak at 11.1min,which0. T c o n t e n t (m g g -1)Time after treatment (d)b4681012C e l l b i o m a s s (g l -1)Control Ag 25Cd 25YE 100aFig.3Time courses of biomass (a )and total tanshinone content (b )in S .miltiorrhiza cell cultures after treatment with Ag (25µM),Cd (25µM),and YE (100mg l -1;error bars for standard deviations,n =3)24681012345Cell dry weight (g l -1)T T c o n t e n t (m g g -1)Elicitor treatmentTTdwFig.4Effects of single and combined elicitors on S .miltiorrhiza cell growth and tanshinone accumulation (elicitors added to cell cultures on day 18at the same concentrations as in Fig.3,and cultures harvested on day 25;error bars for standard deviations,n =3)Table 2Effects of various elicitors on the accumulation of three tanshinones in S .miltiorrhiza cells Treatment aContent,μg/g (fold of content control)CTT-IT-IIA Control 59.9(1)81.6(1)57.6(1)Co-50263.7(4.4)67.5(0.83)55.5(0.96)Ag-251,817.5(30)71.0(0.87)225.8(3.9)Cd-251,854.0(31)80.3(0.98)369.0(6.4)SA-100390.0(6.5)78.5(0.96)72.8(1.3)MJ-100299.8(5.0)109.5(1.3)82.6(1.4)YE-1002,011.4(34)90.3(1.1)190.3(3.3)CH-100597.2(10)276.0(3.4)98.8(1.7)SO-50584.6(9.8)56.9(0.70)83.0(1.4)CT cryptotanshinone,T-I tanshinone I,T-IIA tanshinone-IIAaNumber after each elicitor symbol represents the elicitor concentra-tion as shown in Table 1may be ascribed to tanshinone relatives of higher polarity than CT induced by the elicitors.PAL activity,pH,and conductivity changes induced by elicitorsFigure 6shows the changes of intracellular PAL activity and medium pH and conductivity in the S .miltiorrhiza cell culture after the treatment by Ag (25μM),Cd (25μM),and YE (100mg l -1).The PAL activity of cells was stimulated by all three elicitors to the similar level,from 1.4-to 1.9-fold of the control level over 6days (Fig.6a ).PAL is a key enzyme at the entrance step in the phenylpropanoid pathway in plants,and its activity increase stimulated by the elicitors is suggestive of an enhanced secondary metabolism in the plant cells (Taiz and Zeiger 2006).The pH and conductivity of culture medium were also increased (to higher levels than those of the control)by all three elicitors but more significantly by YE (Fig.6b,c ).Most significant increases (differences from the control level)in the medium pH and conductivity were shown in the very early period from day 0–1.The increase in medium conductivity in the early period was most probably attributed to the release of potassium K +ion from the cells or K +efflux across the cell membrane (Zhang et al.2004).Transient medium pH increase (alkalinization)and K +efflux across the cell membrane are early and important events in the elicitation of plant responses and phytoalexin production (Ebel and Mithöer 1994;Roos et al.1998).The conductivity decline in the later period after day 1of Ag +and Cd 2+-treated cultures and the control cultures can be attributed to the consumption of inorganic and mineral nutrients in the culture medium (Kinooka et al.1991).Overall,the results here provide further evidence forthe01234R e l a t i v e P A L a c t i v i t yControl Ag CdYEa5. e d i u m p H b2. e d i u m c o n d u c t i v i t y (m S )Time after treatment (d)cFig.6Time courses of PAL activity (a ),medium pH (b ),and conductivity (c )of S .miltiorrhiza cell cultures after elicitor treatments in comparison with the control (error bars for standard deviation,n =3)elicitor activities of Ag,Cd,and YE in stimulating the stress responses and secondary metabolism of the S. miltiorrhiza cells.DiscussionThe effects of various elicitors on tanshinone accumulation found here in the normal tiorrhiza cell cultures are in general agreement with those found in transformed cell and hairy root cultures of tiorrhiza.In transformed cell cultures(Chen and Chen1999),the CT accumulation was also stimulated significantly by YE but not by SA or MJ alone,and YE also inhibited the cell growth.The tanshinone(mainly CT)production in hairy root cultures was also enhanced significantly(3–4fold)by Ag(Zhang et al.2004)and YE(Shi et al.2007).In all these culture systems,CT was the major tanshinone species stimulated by various elicitor treatments.CT has been identified as a phytoalexin in tiorrhiza plant which plays a defense role against pathogen invasion of the plant(Chen and Chen 2000).In this connection,the stimulated CT accumulation by the elicitors may be a defense or stress response of the cells.CT was also the major diterpenoid produced by a normal tiorrhiza cell line which was initially grown in the MS medium and then transferred to a production medium containing only about half of the nutrient compo-nents of the MS medium(Miyasaka et al.1987).It is very possible that the improvement of CT yield in this production medium was also attributed,at least partially, to the stress imposed by the nutrient deficiency which suppressed growth but stimulated secondary metabolite accumulation.MJ or its relative jasmonic acid has been shown effective for stimulating a variety of secondary metab-olites in plant tissue cultures such as hypericin in Hypericum perforatum L.(St.John’s Wort)cell cultures (Walker et al.2002),paclitaxol(diterpenoid)and related taxanes in various Taxus spp.and ginsenosides in Panax spp.(Zhong and Yue2005),and bilobalide and ginkgo-lides in Ginkgo biloba cell cultures(Kang et al.2006). However,MJ showed only a moderate or insignificant stimulating effect on tanshinone accumulation in normal and transformed tiorrhiza cell cultures.The discrep-ancy suggests that the effects of various elicitors on secondary metabolite production in plant tissue cultures are dependent on the specific secondary metabolites.This argument is also supported by the much stronger stimu-lation of CT than T-I and T-IIA by most elicitors found in our tiorrhiza cell cultures.In addition,the hairy roots appeared more tolerant to the elicitor stress,and the growth was less inhibited by the elicitors or even enhanced in some cases,e.g.,by YE(Chen et al.2001)and sorbitol(Shi et al.2007).Moreover,sorbitol as an osmotic agent significantly stimulated the tanshinone accumulation(3–4folds)in tiorrhiza hairy root cultures,but not so significantly in the cell cultures.This shows that the elicitor activities for the same metabolites can vary with the tissue culture systems.In conclusion,the polysaccharide fraction of yeast extract and two heavy metal ions Ag+and Cd2+were potent elicitors for stimulating the tanshinone production in tiorrhiza cell culture.The stimulated tanshinone production by most elicitors was associated with notable growth suppression.CT was more responsive to the elicitors and enhanced more dramatically than another two tanshinones,T-I and IIA.The results from this study in the tiorrhiza cell cultures and from previous studies in hairy root cultures suggest that the cell and hairy root cultures may be effective systems for CT production, provided with the elicitors.As most of the elicitor chemicals are commercially available or can be readily prepared in the laboratory and easily administered to the cell and root cultures,they are suitable for practical applications in the laboratory or large-scale production. Acknowledgements This work was supported by grants from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University(G-U502and1-BB80)and the China Hi-Tech Research and Development Program(2006AA10A209).ReferencesBuitelaar RM,Cesário MT,Tramper J(1992)Elicitation of thiophene production by hairy roots of Tagetes patula.Enzyme Microb Technol14:2–7Chen H,Chen F(1999)Effects of methyl jasmonate and salicylic acid on cell growth and cryptotanshinone formation in Ti transformed Salvia miltiorrhiza cell suspension cultures.Biotechnol Lett 21:803–807Chen H,Chen F(2000)Effect of yeast elicitor on the secondary metabolism of Ti-transformed Salvia miltiorrhiza cell suspension cultures.Plant Cell Rep19:710–717Chen H,Chen F,Chiu FCK,Lo CMY(2001)The effect of yeast elicitor on the growth and secondary metabolism of hairy root cultures of Salvia miltiorrhiza.Enzyme Microb Technol28:100–105Cheng XY,Zhou HY,Cui X,Ni W,Liu CZ(2006)Improvement of phenylethanoid glycosides biosynthesis in Cistanche deserticola cell suspension cultures by chitosan elicitor.J Biotechnol 121:253–260Chong TM,Abdullah MA,Lai QM,Nor’Aini FM,Lajis NH(2005) Effective elicitation factors in Morinda elliptica cell suspension culture.Process Biochem40:3397–3405Ebel J,Mithöer A(1994)Early events in the elicitation of plant defence.Planta206:335–348Ebell LF(1969)Variation in total soluble sugars of conifer tissues with method of analysis.Phytochemistry8:227–233Ge XC,Wu JY(2005)Tanshinone production and isoprenoid pathways in Salvia miltiorrhiza hairy roots induced by Ag+and yeast elicitor.Plant Sci168:487–491。

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4.7KΩ (4701) ±1%_PDF_C17673_2014-02-13

4.7KΩ (4701) ±1%_PDF_C17673_2014-02-13

Specification for Approval21 XIAJIA NORTH ROAD, ECONOMIC AND TECHNICALDEVELOPMENT ZONE, KUNSHAN CITY , JIANGSU, CHINA 215334 TEL: 86 512 57631411 / 22 / 33 FAX: 86 512 57631431E-mail: globalsales@ localsales@Customer : 深圳市嘉立創科技發展有限公司Product Name: LEAD-FREE THICK FILM CHIP RESISTORS Part Name : CHIP SERIES ±0.5%, ±1%, ±2%, ±5% & 0ΩContentsIntroduction ...................................................................................................Page 1.0 Scope ......................................................................................................4 2.0 Ratings & Dimension ...................................................................................4~5 3.0 Structure...................................................................................................5 4.0 Marking.................................................... ................................ ...............6~8 5.0 Derating Curve ................................................ ...........................................8 6.0 Performance Specification ..............................................................................9~10 7.0 Explanation of Part No. System .....................................................................10~11 8.0 Ordering Procedure ....................................................................................11 9.0 Standard Packing .......................................................................................12~13 10.0 Note Matter. (14)1.0 Scope:This specification for approve relates to the Lead-Free Thick Film Chip Resistors manufactured byUNIOHM.3.0 Structure:4.0 Marking:(1) For 01005、0201 and 0402 size. Due to the very small size of the resistor’s body, there is no marking on thebody.Example:01005、0201、0402(2)±2%,±5%Tolerance:The first two digits are significant figures of resistance and the third denotes number of zeros followingExample:33000 → 33K Ω(3) ±2%、±5%Tolerance: Below 10Ω show as following, read alphabet ”R” as decimal point.Example:2R2 → 2.2Ω(4) ±0.5%、±1% Tolerance: 4 digits, first three digits are significant; forth digit is number of zeros. Letter r is decimal point.2701 → 2.7K Ω10R0 → 10Ω(5) standard E-24 and not belong to E-96 series values(in ±0.5%、±1%tolerance)of 0603 size the marking is the same as 5% tolerance but marking as underline333=33000→33K Ω680→68Ω(6) Product below 1Ω,show as following, the first digit is “R ”which as decimal point.R30→0.3Ω(7) Standard E-96 series values (±0.5%、±1% tolerance) of 0603 size. Due the small size of the resistor’s body, 3 digits marking will be used to indicate the accurate resistance value by using the following multiplier & resistance code.Multiplier code:First two digits------------Resistance code Third digit-------------------Multiplier codeEXAMPLE: 1.96K Ω=196⨯101Ω------29B 12.4Ω=124⨯10-1Ω-----10XSTANDARD E-96 VALUES AND 0603 RESISTANCE CODE(8) 0ΩMarking:Normally for 01005、0201 and 0402 size, no marking on the body:Normally, the making of 0Ω 0603, 0Ω 0805, 0Ω 1206, 0Ω 1210, 0Ω 1812, 0Ω 2010, 0Ω 2512 resistors as following5.0 Derating Curve:Resistors shall have a power rating based on continuous load operation at an ambient temperature from-55℃ to 70℃. For temperature in excess of 70℃, the load shall be derate as shown in figure 1Figure 15.1 Voltage rating:Resistors shall have a rated direct-current (DC) continuous workingVoltage or an approximate sine-wave root-mean-square (RMS) alternating-current (AC) continuous working voltage at commercial-line frequency and waveform corresponding to the power rating, as determined from the following formula:RCWV =R P ⨯Where: RCWV commercial-line frequency and waveform (Volt.)P = power rating (WATT.) R = nominal resistance (OHM)In no case shall the rated DC or RMS AC continuous working voltage be greater than the applicablemaximum value.The overload voltage is 2.5 times RCWV or Max. Overload voltage whichever is less.4.19Resistance change after continuous five cycles for duty cycle specified below:Step Temperature 1 -55℃±2 Room temp.7.0 Explanation of Part No. System:The standard Part No. includes 14 digits with the following explanation: 7.1 1st ~4th digitsThis is to indicate the Chip Resistor.Example: 01005, 0201, 0402, 0603,0805,1206,1210,2010,1812,2512 7.2 5th~6th digits:7.2.1 This is to indicate the wattage or power rating. To dieting the size and the numbers, The following codes are used; and please refer to the following chart for detail:W=Normal Size; S=Small Size; U= Ultra Small Size; “1”~“G ”to denotes “1”~“16”as Hexadecimal:7.2.2 For power rating less or equal to 1 watt, the 5th digit will be the letters W or S to represent thesize required & the 6th digit will be a number or a letter code.Example: WA=1/10W; S4=1/4W-S7.3 The 7th digit is to denote the Resistance Tolerance. The following letter code is to be used for indicating the standard Resistance Tolerance.D=±0.5% F=±1% G=±2% J=±5% K= ±10%7.4 The 8th to 11th digits is to denote the Resistance Value.7.4.1 For the standard resistance values of 5%&10% series, the 8th digit is “0”,the 9th & 10th digits are to denote the significant figures of the resistance and the 11th digit is the number of zeros following;For the standard resistance values of ≤2% series in, the 8th digit to the 10th digits is to denotethe significant figures of the resistance and the 11th digit is the zeros following.7.4.2 The following number s and the letter codes are to be used to indicate the number of zeros in the 11th digit:0=100 1=101 2=102 3=103 4=104 5=105 6=106 J=10-1 K=10-2 L=10-3 M=10-4 7.4.3 The 12th, 13th & 14th digits.The 12th digit is to denote the Packaging Type with the following codes:C=Bulk in (Chip Product) T=Tape/Reel7.4.4 The 13th digit is normally to indicate the Packing Quantity of Tape/Reel packaging types. The following letter code is to be used for some packing quantities:4=4000pcs 5=5000pcs C=10000pcs D=20000pcs E=15000pcsChip Product: BD=B/B-20000pcs TC=T/R-10000pcs7.4.5 For some items, the 14th digit alone can use to denote special features of additional information with the following codes:"*" = the internal series general character (usually shown with A, B, C etc.)8.0 Ordering Procedure: ( Example: 1210 1/2W ±1% 22Ω T/R-5000 )1 2 1 0 W 2 F 2 2 0 J T 5*9.0 Packaging:9.1 Tapping Dimension:10.0: Note Matter :10.1 UNIOHM recommend the storage condition temperature: 15℃~35℃, humidity :25%~75%.(Put condition for individual product).Even under UNIOHM recommended storage condition, solderability of products over 1 year old. (Put condition for each product) may be degraded.10.2 Store / transport cartons in the correct direction, which is indicated on a carton as a symbol.Otherwise bent leads may occur due to excessive stress applied when dropping of a carton. 10.3 Product performance and soldered connections may deteriorate if the products are stored in thefollowing places:a. Storage in high Electrostatic.b. Storage in direct sunshine 、rain and snow or condensation.c. Where the products are exposed to sea winds or corrosive gases, including Cl 2, H 2S 3 NH 3, SO 2, NO 2.10.4 The products are used in circuit board thickness greater than 1.6mm. If customers use less thanthe thickness of the circuit board that you should confirm with the company, in order to recommend a more suitable product.。



Analysis of cleaner technologies based on waxes and surfactant additives in road constructionMiguel Pérez-Martínez a,Fernando Moreno-Navarro a,Jesús Martín-Marín a,Carolina Ríos-Losada b,M a Carmen Rubio-Gámez a,*a Laboratorio de Ingeniería de la Construcción,University of Granada(LabIC.UGR),E.T.S.Ingenieros de Caminos,Canales y Puertos,Ed.Politécnico,Avda. Severo Ochoa,s/n,C.P.18071Granada,Spainb ServiàCantó,Spaina r t i c l e i n f oArticle history:Received11April2013 Received in revised form4September2013Accepted10September2013 Available online7October2013Keywords:Warm mix asphaltCleaner productionTriaxial testFour point bending testControl emissionsFuel consumption a b s t r a c tThe manufacture of hot mix asphalt for road construction is associated with a high consumption of fossil fuels and a high level of emissions.The use of temperature reduction technologies in the manufacture of warm mix asphalts favors a cleaner production of such materials,and therefore its use has become a major objective in thefield of road engineering.Thus,during the last few years different types of techniques are appearing in order to achieve this objective.This article presents the comparison established in terms of mechanical performance of three processes of temperature reduction technol-ogies in order to select one of them for its manufacture in plant,where control of emissions and fuel consumption have been collected.The results showed that the use of warm mix asphalt technologies with waxes or surfactant additives may not incur in a detrimental effect on the mechanical properties of the pavement.The use of surfactant bitumen in plant is possible to produce warm mix asphalts,reducing the consumption of fuel in the process.Ó2013Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionRoad construction is one of the principal works in thefield of civil engineering,and in turn is a major consumer of fossil fuels for the production of asphalt mixtures.The need to adapt this type of production to cleaner processes leads to a search for reducing manufacturing temperature,trying to make it more sustainable and healthy,reducing at the same time the greenhouse gases emissions rates(Rubio et al.,2012)that are so harmful to the environment.Traditionally the asphalt mixtures used in road construction are manufactured at170 C(HMA)(D’Angelo et al.,2008),and are characterized by developing the mechanical properties that guar-antee an appropriate behavior during its life of service(General Management of Roads,2008).On the contrary,during its produc-tion process,the emissions of gases generated,and the fuel con-sumption required are important(Kristjansdottir,2006).As an alternative to HMA’s,during the last few years new processes have been appearing in order to reduce the manufacture temperature.Within these temperature reduction technologies,three types of mixtures can be distinguished by the temperature range of manufacture,warm mix asphalt WMA(100 C e140 C),half warm mix asphalt HWMA(60 C e100 C)and cold mixtures(0 C e40 C) (EAPA,2010).Discarding cold mixtures due to their lack of use out of surface patches rehabilitation,the reduction is achieved by the application of different processes and technologies,mainly dis-tinguishing between three for the WMA,the foaming process and the use of organic or chemical additives(Zaumanis,2010),and two for the production of HWMA,the use of emulsions and eventually foamed bitumens(Rubio et al.,2013).In the case of HWMA’s,not only has been proved that the reduction of emissions and fuel consumption is a fact(Rubio et al., 2013),but also that the mechanical performance achieved by this type of mixtures is not as satisfactory as it was desired(Punith et al., 2013).On the other hand,WMA’s have shown a better mechanical performance than HWMA and comparable to HMA(Reyes-Ortiz et al.,2009),reducing at the same time the consumption of fuel and greenhouse emissions in the manufacturing process(Hamzah et al.,2010).*Corresponding author.E-mail addresses:fmoreno@ugr.es(F.Moreno-Navarro),crioslo@fcc.es(C.Ríos-Losada),mcrubio@ugr.es(M a C.Rubio-Gámez).Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Journal of Cleaner Productionjournal homep age:www.elsevi/locate/jclepro0959-6526/$e see front matterÓ2013Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved./10.1016/j.jclepro.2013.09.012Journal of Cleaner Production65(2014)374e379Based on the number of advantages associated to WMA mix-tures(D’Angelo et al.,2008),which result in environmental(lower emissions),economical(cost savings and lower energy consump-tion)and constructional benefits(better workability and larger compaction window,greater hauling distances and less opening time to traffic)this research compare three WMA technologies for reducing the manufacture temperature of conventional hot mix asphalts.Thefirst is one of the most common additives used for this purpose,the organic waxes,which are aliphatic hydrocarbons of long-chain produced by the Fischer e Tropsch process(Wax,2005). Meanwhile as growing alternative,surfactant additives are an en-ergetic reducing agent allowing the manufacture of WMA to a reduced temperature while maintaining their mechanical proper-ties,the addition was considered in two different ways,mixing the bitumen and the surfactant in plant before adding to the mixture (dry process),and a surfactant modified bitumen(wet process) blended in refinery to compare their influence.This paper shows a laboratory level characterization of an asphalt concrete AC16S mixture for the surface course(EN13108-1,2008)under three temperature reduction technologies.Based on the results obtained,one of the mixtures was chosen to adapt a HMA plant for the production of WMA mixtures and measure the emissions and fuel consumption during the manufacturing boratory works on the mixtures was based on Marshall test,water sensitivity test,triaxial test and four point bending test established the parameters to select the most appropriate mixture for being produced at bigger scale.During the manufacturing process in plant measurement of the emis-sions and fuel consumption of a HMA and the WMA were taken. Finally,the main the conclusions obtained from the analysis of results are exposed.2.Materials and methods2.1.Materials2.1.1.AggregatesAn AC16S(EN13108-1)mixture,which is found in roads and highways all over the world,was used to carry out the study.The aggregates were porphyry for the coarse fraction(12/18and6/12),and a combination of porphyry(0/6)and limestone(0/4)for the fine fraction.Moreover,thefiller employed was calcium carbonate. Table1lists the aggregate properties.The aggregates combination by percentage is shown in Table2, where the gradation of the mixture(Fig.1)was kept constant for all the mixtures developed at lower temperature and with different additives.2.1.2.BitumensFour different binders have been used for the attainment of the objectives of the investigation.Thefirst binder used was conven-tional50/70,and besides being used alone,it was the base for the other three bitumens.50/70bitumen,modified with an organic surfactant additive was used as second binder in order to improve its workability at lower temperatures.The bitumen modification was made in labo-ratory and the percentage of additive used was chosen following the manufacturer recommendations(1%over bitumen weight).The third one was modified50/70bitumen with surfactant products to improve the wettability of the binder as an alterna-tive to the conventional for the reduction of temperature.The last binder used was50/70bitumen modified with microcrys-talline waxes produced by the Fischer e Tropsch process as addi-tive.In both cases,the bitumen was modified in refinery.Table3 describes all the mixtures designed and the additives used,as well as the temperature reduction applied on their manufacture process.2.2.MethodologyThe methodology followed is composed of two phases,labora-tory works and the manufacturing industrial process in plant,being thefirst one divided in three steps and focused on the analysis of the working formula for its adaptation to the manufacture process under different temperature reduction technologies.And the sec-ond one based on the adaptation of a hot mix asphalt plant for the production of a warm asphalt mixture.In laboratory,firstly the optimum bitumen content needs to be determined for the conventional mixture of reference without additives.Based on the values of air voids(%),deformation(mm) and stability(kN)of the Marshall test(NLT-159,2000)the optimumTable1Reference values of the aggregates and mineral dust.Test/aggregate type Coarse aggregate Fine aggregate FillerGrain size(EN933-1)/(EN933-10)Sieves(mm)12/18Porphyry6/12Porphyry0/6Porphyry0/4Limestone Carbonate(CaCO3)24.4100100100100e1684100100100e8162100100e4158792e21160681000.51129301000.251121201000.125e e e e970.0630.50.911.81187Sand equivalent(EN933-8)(>50)4554Bulk density(EN-1097-3)(0.5e0.8Mg/m3)0.7Percentage of fractured face(EN933-5)(100%)100100Flakiness index(EN933-3)(25)1625Resistance to fragmentation(EN1097-2)(20)1515Cleaning(organic impurity content)(UNE146130,Annex C)(0.5%)0.50.5Particle density andabsorption(EN1097-6)r a(Mg/m3) 2.73 2.73 2.77 2.71r SSD*(Mg/m3) 2.70 2.71 2.72 2.67r RD(Mg/m3)2.69 2.70 2.70 2.65Water absorption after immersion(%)0.600.400.910.77M.Pérez-Martínez et al./Journal of Cleaner Production65(2014)374e379375content of binder was set,using the same in all the WMA ’s mix-tures.Furthermore,several test were carried out to assess the mechanical behavior of the conventional mix:water sensitivity test (EN 12697-12,2009),cyclic triaxial compression test (EN 12697-25,2006,method B)in order to study the plastic deformations,and the four point bending fatigue cracking test (EN 12697-24,2013,annex D)to assess the long term response of the mixture.In the second stage the Marshall test,with the optimum bitumen content determined,is undertaken for the three mixtures with temperature reduction technology at 140 C to study their Marshall stability (kN),voids content (%)and deformation (mm).The mechanical performance was also evaluated in the WMA mixtures applying the same test procedures and conditions as in the first stage for the Reference Mix.Finally,a comparative analysis of the four mixtures is developed.With this purpose their stability (kN),retained strength against water (%),creep modulus (MPa)and fatigue life parameters are compared.Based on this analysis,the warm mix asphalt technology with the best overall performance will be selected for its adaptation to the plant production and to construct a road section test.In plant works are centered on the adaptation of a HMA plant for the manufacture of a WMA mixture.For this purpose a HMA and WMA mixtures are produced,measuring during the process the emission of pollutants,as well as the consumption of fuel required.In the case of the control of emissions,the methodology was similar to the one followed by Rubio et al.in (2013).In-point source emissions were measured (Fig.2);humidity,wind,and temperature data were also collected to assure the spreading in similar atmospheric conditions for HMA and WMA gases to compare the results.The parameters evaluated were the Combustion Gases (CO,NO x ,O 2,CO 2)measured by a multi-parameter analyzer (TESTO MXL),the Total Organic Carbon (TOC)through a flame ionization detector (FID,M&A PT)and the emission of Particles (collected in a 47mm filter and subsequently calculated in the laboratory by gravimetry).To complete the investigation,the consumption of fuel used is also measured.3.Analysis of results 3.1.Marshall testThe Marshall test results in regards to the optimum bitumen content is shown in Table 4.As can be seen,the values of me-chanical resistance developed by the mixtures in terms of stability and deformation are slightly lower in the case of warm mix as-phalts produced at lower temperature.Furthermore,in the case of surfactants additives (both dry and wet process)a decrease in terms of density is attained by the mixtures as well as an increased in the air voids content.This is due to this type of additives,which produce an improvement in the adhesiveness aggregate/binder and a better wetting of the aggregate,but no change in the viscosity of the bitumen,and therefore it may have certain dif ficulties associ-ated to perform the compaction of the mixture at lower tempera-ture.In the case of wax bitumen,this fact does not occur as waxes modi fied binder viscosity and consequently the values of density and air voids are not affected by reducing the temperature of manufacture and compaction.3.2.Water sensitivity testA new set of 6specimens per mixture using the optimum bitumen content were produced to perform the water sensitivityTable 3Studied mixtures and bitumens used.DenominationBitumenAdditive natureAddition processMixturemanufacture temperature ( C)Reference Mix 50/70Nonee 160Dry Surfactant Mix50/70þ1%additive Surfactant Dry 140Wet Surfactant MixSurfactantmodi fied 50/70Surfactant Wet 140Wet Wax MixWax modi fied 50/70Microcrystalline waxesWet140Fig.1.Aggregate gradation for asphalt mix type AC-16S.Table 2Aggregates combination by percentage.Aggregate fraction PercentagePorphyry 12/1815Porphyry 6/1244Porphyry 0/620Limestone 0/415Calcium carbonate filler6Fig.2.Simpli fied HMA plant distribution and in-point source.Table 4Marshall results and optimum bitumen content.ParameterReference Mix Drysurfactant Mix WetSurfactant Mix Wet Wax Mix Optimum bitumen content (%) 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8Bulk density (kg/m 3)2423236423772437Marshall stability (kN)10.7079.4788.2049.053Marshall def.(mm) 2.3 2.9 3.5 3.7Vm (%) 4.0 5.1 4.6 3.1VMA (%)15.316.115.614.5M.Pérez-Martínez et al./Journal of Cleaner Production 65(2014)374e 379376test(EN12697-12,2009).Table5resumes the values of strength obtained in the test.Once again the resistance values,in this case indirect tensile strength,shown by warm mix asphalts are slightly lower than those of the Reference Mix,perhaps indicating that may be inter-esting to increase the energy of compaction when using this type of mixtures,but higher than the ones obtained by Oliveira et al.(2013) with and without rubber.However,the retained strength(ITSR) shown by warm mix asphalts is higher,and therefore can be considered that such materials will be less affected by the action of water.This is because,in the case of surfactant additived mixtures to the improvement of adhesiveness that they generate(not only improving the coating of the aggregate,but also acting as its stimulator).Meanwhile,in the Wet Wax Mix may be related to its compaction improvement and its lower void content.3.3.Cyclic triaxial compression testPlastic deformations were evaluated by the cyclic triaxial compression test(EN12697-25,2006,method B),taking at the same time the service stresses and strains into account by means of a confining load.The conditions selected involved the com-bined application at a constant temperature of40 C of a confining load of120kPa and another cyclic sinusoidal out-of-phase axial loading of300kPa at a frequency of3Hz during12,000load cycles.The creep modulus and permanent deformation parame-ters for each mix were calculated.Table6shows the triaxial test results.The values obtained for the creep modulus indicate that the most resistant mix against plastic deformations is the Wet Wax Mix.The Wet Surfactant Mix behaves similar to the Reference Mix, even manufactured at lower temperature and the permanent deformation experienced only varies in0.03%.In the case of the Dry Surfactant Mix,results showed an increase in plastic deformation, probably due to a lack of mix compaction(as it is showed in its void content).3.4.Four point bending testTo perform the test,specimens of408Â50Â50mm with sawn faces were manufactured,and a sinusoidal waveform load was applied.The tests were carried out at20 C,in strain control mode and at a frequency of10Hz.The mixtures were tested in six different strain amplitude levels,250m m/m;200m m/m;175m m/m; 150m m/m;125m m/m and100m m/m Fig.3shows the potential fatigue laws derived from the four-point bending test performed in the4types of mixtures tested.As can be observed,independently of the warm mix technology used,the fatigue behavior of the mixtures evaluated is very similar, which coincides with thefindings of other researchers(Jones et al., 2010).On the other hand,the correlation coefficients of the fatigue laws obtained are high,indicating a uniform mechanical behavior of the warm mix asphalts.This aspect agrees with the results ob-tained by Johnston et al.(2006),which showed that additive did not affect the homogeneity of its long-term mechanical behavior.Moreover,the fatigue behavior of the Dry and Wet Surfactant Mixes is very similar,regardless of the method used to add the additive.Meanwhile,it should be noted that the fatigue behavior of the Wet Wax Mix is slightly different.At higher strain amplitudes fatigue life is smaller,while for lower strain amplitudes it increases in relation to the other mixtures evaluated.This behavior is typical of more rigid materials,aspect which is supported by the results obtained in the triaxial test,where the Wet Wax Mix showed a low rate of permanent deformation(which means that is a more rigid material).Table6Triaxial test results.Parameter ReferenceMix DrySurfactantMixWetSurfactantMixWet WaxMixCreep modulus(MPa)178.57153.45175.95202.70Permanentdeformation(%)1.68 1.96 1.71 1.48Table5Water sensitivity test results.Parameter ReferenceMix Dry SurfactantMixWet SurfactantMixWet Wax MixITSR(kPa)dry group2030.01469.01749.71464.3ITSR(kPa)wet group1741.71281.01575.71357.3ITSR(%)85.587.290.192.7Fig.3.Fatigue behavior of the studied mixtures at strain controlled test(T¼20 C,f¼10Hz).M.Pérez-Martínez et al./Journal of Cleaner Production65(2014)374e3793773.5.Control of emissionsData collection for controlling emissions took place during the process of manufacturing the conventional HMA at 176 C and the mixture Wet Surfactant Mix selected as WMA at 140 C.Table 7resumes the results obtained.Fig.4shows the emissions results obtained from the manufacturing of WMA and HMA mixtures.They have been compared with the HMA and HWMA results from Rubio et al.(2013).In terms of CO 2and NO x WMA slightly reduces the emis-sions,while in TOC and CO the values obtained have been increased,which was not expected.It can be appreciated how HMWA reduce the emissions in comparison with the hot asphalt mix while no reduction is appreciated between the WMA and the hot asphalt mix.3.6.Fuel consumptionTable 8indicates the results from the measure of the fuel needed for the manufacture of HMA and WMA mixtures.According to the values obtained in plant,the consumption of fuel for the manufacture of WMA is 35%lower.Decreasing the flame modulator by 60%would save fuel.The increase of the time of mixing by 5s is to guarantee the good cover of the aggregates;it induces to a decrease in production but the savings on fuel consumption balances it.4.ConclusionsIn this paper,mechanical performance testing on three asphalts mixtures modi fied under different temperature reduction tech-nologies was conducted.The aim of the research was to select one of the processes to adapt a HMA plant into the manufacture of WMA mixes,and measure the emissions and consumption of fuel during the process.The results obtained during the investigation led to the following conclusions:e The use of both,surfactants and waxes,as additives can reduce the manufacture temperature of asphalt mixtures to 140 C,providing materials with similar mechanical behavior than the hot mix asphalt.e In the case of surfactant additived mixtures,its incorporation into the mixture directly through the bitumen modi fied intheFig.4.Gases emissions of HMA,WMA and HWMA (Rubio et al.,2013).Table 7Emissions data collected.ParameterHMA WMA Manufacture temperature 176 C 140 C CO (ppm)616.8635.5NO x (NO 2)(ppm)55.653.2TOC (mgC/Nm 3)33.553.2Oxygen (%)16.516.5CO 2(%)2.5 2.6Speed (m/s)15.414.6Humidity (%)5.85.7Table 8Fuel consumption.ParameterHMA WMA Manufacture temperature 176 C 140 C Flame modulator 95%33%Time of mixing (s)3540Production (tn/h)200180Fuel consume (l/tn)5.83.8M.Pérez-Martínez et al./Journal of Cleaner Production 65(2014)374e 379378refinery plant(wet process),seems to offer further guarantee of success than incorporating it directly on the mixture(dry pro-cess).Although not offering an improvement in the compaction process of the mixture,the improvement of adhesiveness in the mixing offered by this additive allows manufacturing such materials at lower temperatures while maintaining their me-chanical properties.Thus,retained resistance values are pre-served against the action of water,plastic deformation,and fatigue behavior,showing how the use of this type of additived bitumens may offer bituminous mixtures with similar charac-teristics to HMA,assuming an environmentally cleaner alter-native to road construction.e In turn,wax modified bitumens let ensure acceptable compac-tion of the mixes at lower temperatures,offering a good response to the action of water and plastic deformation,as well as good fatigue life.Based on the results obtained in this research,this technology presents itself as an interesting alter-native for the environmental improvement in the production of asphalt mixtures.e Among the temperature reduction technologies studied,thebest results provided,in terms of mechanical performance is the Wet Wax Mix.Nevertheless,the Wet Surfactant Mix has also shown good overall mechanical response.So,when deciding which technology could be used for the next phase of the investigation,surfactant modified bitumen in refinery could be considered if it results economically and more competitive than using waxes.e In relation to the pollutant emissions,data collected do notshow a decrease as expected.On the other hand,other studies where a higher decrease of temperature takes places(as HWMA manufacturing process)provide a more significant reduction of emissions.In this sense,to achieve a better knowledge and significant conclusion more research needs to be develop about emissions during the manufacturing process of asphalt mixes with reduction of temperature(evaluating other asphalt plants and WMA technologies).e Fuel consumption can be decreased by35%respect to the pro-duction of HMA due to the reduction of theflame to dry the aggregates.When reducing this temperature of drying the time of mixing may be increased,but the savings in fuel can be considerable.AcknowledgmentsAuthors would like to acknowledge the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad for its assistance in the project:INMBERS:Investigación de nuevas mezclas de baja energía para rehabilitación superficial.IPT-420000-2010-12.ReferencesD’Angelo,J.,Harm, E.,Bartoszek,J.,Baumgardner,G.,Corrigan,M.,Cowsert,J., Harman,T.,Jamshidi,M.,Jones,W.,Newcomb, D.,Prowell, B.,Sines,R., Yeaton,B.,2008.Warm-mix Asphalt:European Practice.Report FHWA-PL-08e 007.Office of International Programs,U.S.Department of Transportation, Washington DC,USA.EAPA,European Asphalt Pavement Association,January2010.The Use of Warm Mix Asphalt.EAPA position paper (accessed09.10.12.).EN12697e12,2009.Bituminous Mixtures.Test Methods for Hot Mix Asphalt.Part 12:Determination of Water Sensitivity of Bituminous Specimens.European Committee for Standardization,Bruxelles,Belgium.EN12697e24,2013.Bituminous Mixtures.Test Methods for Hot Mix Asphalt.Part 24:Resistance to Fatigue;Annex 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General Management of Roads,2008.General Technical Specification for Road and Bridge Works PG-3.Articles542and543(in Spanish),Madrid,Spain. Hamzah,M.O.,Jamshidi, A.,Shahadan,Z.,2010.Evaluation of the potential of SasobitÒto reduce required heat energy and CO2emission in the asphalt in-dustry.J.Clean.Prod.18,1859e1865.Johnston, A.,Yeung,K.,Bird,J.,Forflyow, B.,2006.Initial Canadian experience with warm-mix asphalt in Calgary,Alberta.In:Proc.51st Annual Conference of the CTAA,Charlotte-town,Prince Edward Island,Canada,pp.369e386. Jones,D.,Barros,C.,Harvey,J.T.,Tsai,B.W.,Wu,R.,2010.Preliminary results from California warm-mix asphalt study.In:Transportation Research Board89th Annual Meeting,Washington DC,USA.Kristjansdottir,O.,2006.Warm Mix Asphalt for Cold Weather Paving(PhD thesis).University of Washington,Seattle,WA,USA.NLT-159,2000.Marshall Test.Road Tests of the Road Study Center(in Spanish), Madrid,Spain.Oliveira,J.R.M.,Silva,H.M.R.D.,Abreu,L.P.F.,Fernandes,S.R.M.,e of a warm mix asphalt additive to reduce the production temperatures and to improve the performance of asphalt rubber mixtures.J.Clean.Prod.41,15e22.Punith,V.,Xiao, F.,Wingard, D.,2013.Performance characterization of half warm mix asphalt using foaming technology.J.Mater.Civ.Eng.25,382e 392.Reyes-Ortiz,O.,Pérez,F.,Miró,R.,Amorós,J.,Gil,S.,2009.The Phoenix Project at UPC.Warm mix asphalt mixtures.In:XV Ibero-Latin American Congress of Asphalt.Lisbon23-27November2009,Portugal(in Spanish).Rubio,M.C.,Martínez,G.,Baena,L.,Moreno,F.,2012.Warm mix asphalt:an over-view.J.Clean.Prod.24,76e84.Rubio,M.C.,Moreno,F.,Martínez-Echevarría,M.J.,Martínez,G.,Vázquez,J.M.,2013.Comparative analysis of emissions from the manufacture and use of hot and half-warm mix asphalt.J.Clean.Prod.41,1e6.Wax,Sasol,2005.Roads and Trials with / sasolwaxmedia/Downloads/Bitumen_Modification-p-409/Roads_and_trials.pdf (accessed17.09.12.).Zaumanis,M.,2010.Warm Mix Asphalt Investigation(PhD thesis).Technical Uni-versity of Denmark,Kongens Lyngby,Denmark.M.Pérez-Martínez et al./Journal of Cleaner Production65(2014)374e379379。

中级经济基础(韩莉版)_第三十二章 物权法律制度(2)_2011年版

中级经济基础(韩莉版)_第三十二章 物权法律制度(2)_2011年版

1、1.下列不属于物权的是()A:A.所有权B:B. 用益物权C:C.担保物权D:D.人格权E:答案:D解析:物权包括所有权、用益物权和担保物权。





4、4. 下列不属于他物权的是()。

A:A.所有权B:B.抵押权C:C.土地承包经营权D:D.地役权E:答案:A解析:所有权就是自物权5、5. 下列属于无期限物权的是()。


6、6. 关于担保物权的说法,不正确的是()。

A:A.担保物权以确保债务清偿为目的B:B.担保物权以取得标的物的使用价值为实质内容C:C.担保物权以取得标的物的交换价值为实质内容D:D.担保物权具有物上代位性E:答案:B解析:担保物权以取得标的物的交换价值为实质内容7、1.市场经济社会最基本的财产权利()A:物权B:人权C: 债权D:诉讼权E:复议权答案:A,C解析:物权和债权构成了市场经济社会的最基本的财产权利。



Received Revised Accepted

Received Revised Accepted

STRUCTURE DISCOVERY IN SEQUENTIALLY-CONNECTEDDATA STREAMSJEFFREY COBLE, DIANE J. COOK AND LAWRENCE B. HOLDERDepartment of Computer Science and EngineeringThe University of Texas at ArlingtonBox 19015, Arlington, TX 76019, USA{coble,cook,holder}@ReceivedRevisedAcceptedMuch of current data mining research is focused on discovering sets of attributes that discriminatedata entities into classes, such as shopping trends for a particular demographic group. In contrast,we are working to develop data mining techniques to discover patterns consisting of complexrelationships between entities. Our research is particularly applicable to domains in which thedata is event driven, such as counter-terrorism intelligence analysis. In this paper we describe analgorithm designed to operate over relational data received from a continuous stream. Ourapproach includes a mechanism for summarizing discoveries from previous data increments sothat the globally best patterns can be computed by examining only the new data increment. Wethen describe a method by which relational dependencies that span across temporal incrementboundaries can be efficiently resolved so that additional pattern instances, which do not resideentirely in a single data increment, can be discovered. We also describe a method for changedetection using a measure of central tendency designed for graph data. We contrast twoformulations of the change detection process and demonstrate the ability to identify salientchanges along meaningful dimensions and recognize trends in a relational data stream.Keywords: Relational Data Mining; Stream Mining, Change Detection1. IntroductionMuch of current data mining research is focused on algorithms that can discover sets of attributes that discriminate data entities into classes, such as shopping or banking trends for a particular demographic group. In contrast, our work is focused on data mining techniques to discover relationships between entities. Our work is particularly applicable to problems where the data is event driven, such as the types of intelligence analysis performed by counter-terrorism organizations. Such problems require discovery of relational patterns between the events in the environment so that these patterns can be exploited for the purposes of prediction and action.Also common to these domains is the continuous nature of the discovery problems. For example, Intelligence Analysts often monitor particular regions of the world or focus on long-term problems like Nuclear Proliferation over the course of many years. To assist in such tasks, we are developing data mining techniques that can operate with data that is received incrementally.In this paper we present Incremental Subdue (ISubdue), which is the result of our efforts to develop an incremental discovery algorithm capable of evaluating data received incrementally. ISubdue iteratively discovers and refines a set of canonical patterns, considered to be most representative of the accumulated data. We also describe an approach for change detection in relational data streams and contrast two approaches to the problem formulation.2. Structure DiscoveryThe work we describe in this paper is based upon Subdue 1, which is a graph-based data mining system designed to discover common structures from relational data. Subdue represents data in graph form and can support either directed or undirected edges. Subdue operates by evaluating potential substructures for their ability to compress the entire graph, as illustrated in Figure 1. The better a particular substructure describes a graph, the more the graph will be compressed by replacing that substructure with a placeholder. Repeated iterations will discover additional substructures, potentially those that are hierarchical, containing previously compressed substructures.Subdue uses the Minimum Description Length Principle 2 as the metric by which graph compression is evaluated. Subdue is also capable of using an inexact graph match parameter to evaluate substructure matches so that slight deviations between two patterns can be considered as the same pattern.Fig. 1. Subdue discovers common substructures within relational data by evaluating their ability to compress the graph.Compressed Graph3. Incremental DiscoveryFor our work on ISubdue, we assume that data is received in incremental blocks. Repeatedly reprocessing the accumulated graph after receiving each new increment would be intractable because of the combinatoric nature of substructure evaluation, so instead we wish to develop methods to incrementally refine the substructure discoveries with a minimal amount of reexamination of old data.3.1. Independent dataIn our previous work 3, we developed a method for incrementally determining the best substructures within sequential data where each new increment is a distinct graph structure independent of previous increments. The accumulation of these increments is viewed as one large but disconnected graph.We often encounter a situation where local applications of Subdue to the individual data increments will yield a set of locally-best substructures that are not the globally best substructures that would be found if the data could be evaluated as one aggregate block. To overcome this problem, we introduced a summarization metric, maintained from each incremental application of Subdue, that allows us to derive the globally best substructure without reapplying Subdue to the accumulated data.To accomplish this goal, we rely on a few artifacts of Subdue’s discovery algorithm. First, Subdue creates a list of the n best substructures discovered from any dataset, where n is configurable by the user.Second, we use the value metric Subdue maintains for each substructure. Subdue measures graph compression with the Minimum Description Length principle as illustrated in Equation 1, where DL(S) is the description length of the substructure being evaluated, DL(G|S) is the description length of the graph as compressed by the substructure, and DL(G) is the description length of the original graph. The better our substructure performs, the smaller the compression ratio will be. For the purposes of our research, we have used a simple description length measure for graphs (and substructures) consisting of the number of vertices plus the number of edges. C.f. Cook and Holder 1994 for a full discussion of Subdue’s MDL graph encoding algorithm 4.Subdue’s evaluation algorithm ranks the best substructure by measuring the inverse of the compression value in Equation 1. Favoring larger values serves to pick a substructure )G (DL )S |G (DL )S (DL n Compressio +=(1)that minimizes DL(S) + DL(G|S), which means we have found the most descriptive substructure.For ISubdue, we must use a modified version of the compression metric to find the globally best substructure, illustrated in Equation 2.With Equation 2 we calculate the compression achieved by a particular substructure, S i , up through and including the current data increment m . The DL(S i ) term is the description length of the substructure, S i , under consideration. The termrepresents the description length of the accumulated graph after it is compressed by the substructure S i .Finally, the termrepresents the full description length of the accumulated graph.At any point we can then reevaluate the substructures using Equation 3 (inverse of Equation 2), choosing the one with the highest value as globally best.After running the discovery algorithm over each newly acquired increment, we store the description length metrics for the top n local subs in that increment. By applying our algorithm over all of the stored metrics for each increment, we can then calculate the global top n substructures.(2) ==+=m j j m j i j i i m )G (DL )S |G (DL )S (DL )S (Compress 11 + ==m j i j i m j j )S |G (DL )S (DL )G (DL )i max(arg 11(3) =m j i j )S |G (DL 1 =m j j )G (DL 14. Sequentially Connected DataWe now turn our attention to the challenge of incrementally modifying our knowledge of the most representative patterns when dependencies exist across sequentially received data increments. As each new data increment is received, it may contain new edges that extend from vertices in the new data increment to vertices in previous increments.Figure 2 illustrates an example where two data increments are introduced over successive time steps. Common substructures have been identified and two instances extend across the increment boundary. Referring back to our counterterrorism example, it is easy to see how analysts would continually receive new information regarding previously identified groups, people, targets, or organizations.Common Increment T 0T 1Fig. 2. Sequentially connected data Fig. 3 Flowchart illustrates the high-level steps of the discovery algorithm for sequentially-connected relational data4.1. AlgorithmOur only prerequisite for the algorithm is that any pattern spanning the increment boundary that is prominent enough to be of interest is also present in the local increments. As long as we have seen the pattern previously and above some threshold of support, then we can recover all instances that span the increment boundary. Figure 3 illustrates the basic steps of the discovery algorithm at a high level. We discuss the details of the algorithm in the following sections.4.1.1. ApproachLet•G n = set of top-n globally-best substructures•I s = set of pattern instances associated with a substructure s∈ G n•V b = set of vertices with an edge spanning the increment boundary and that are potential members of a top-n substructure•S b = 2-vertex pairs of seed substructure instances with an edge spanning the increment boundary•C i = set of candidate substructure instances that span the increment boundary and that have the potential of growing into an instance of a top-n substructure. The first step in the discovery process is to apply the algorithm we developed for the independent increments discussed above. This involves running Subdue discovery on the data contained exclusively within the new increment, ignoring the edges that extend to previous increments. We then update the statistics stored with the increment and compute the set of globally best substructures G n. This process is illustrated in Figure 4.process is to evaluate the local data in the newincrementWe perform this step to take advantage of all available data in forming our knowledge about the set of patterns that are most representative of the system generating the data. Although the set of top-n substructures computed at this point in the algorithm does not consider substructure instances spanning the increment boundary and therefore will not be accurate in terms of the respective strength of the best substructures, it will be more accurate than if we were to ignore the new data entirely prior to addressing the increment boundary.vertices that could possibly be part of an instance ofa top n pattern. The third step is to create 2-vertexsubstructure instances by joining the vertices thatspan the increment boundary.The second step of our algorithm is to identify the set of boundary vertices, V b, where each vertex has a spanning edge that extends to a previous increment and is potentially a member of one of the top-n best substructures in G n. We can identify all boundary vertices, V b, in O(m), where m is the number of edges in the new increment. Where p = |V b| <<m, then for each boundary vertex in V b we can identify those that are potential members of a top-n substructure in O(k), where k is the number of vertices in the set of substructures G n, for a total complexity of O(pk). Figure 5 illustrates this process.extension, we create a reference graph,which we keep extended one step aheadof the instances it represents.new candidate instances for evaluation against the top-nsubstructures. Failed extensions are propagated back into thereference graph with marked edges and vertices, to guidefuture extensions.For the third step we create a set of 2-vertex substructure seed instances by connecting each vertex in V b with the spanning edge to its corresponding vertex in a previous increment. We immediately discard any instance where the second vertex is not a member of a top-n substructure (all elements of V b are already members of a top-n substructure), which again can be done in O(pk). A copy of each seed instance is associated with each top-n substructure, s i∈ G n, for which it is a subset.To facilitate an efficient process for growing the seed instances into potential instances of a top-n substructure, we now create a set of reference graphs. We create one reference graph for each copy of a seed instance, which is in turn associated with one top-n substructure. Figure 6 illustrates this process.the set of seed instances until they are either growninto a substructure from S t or discarded.We create the initial reference graph by extending the seed instance by one edge and vertex in all possible directions. We can then extend the seed instance with respect to the reference graph to create a set of candidate instances C i, for each top-n substructure s i∈G n, illustrated in Figure 7. The candidate instances represent an extension by a single edge and a single vertex, with one candidate instance being generated for each possible extension beyond the seed instance. We then evaluate each candidate instance, c ij∈C i and keep only those where c ij is still a subgraph of s i. This evaluation requires a subgraph isomorphism test, which is an NP-complete algorithm, but since most patterns discovered by Subdue are relatively small in size, the cost is negligible in practice. For each candidate instance that is found to not be a subgraph of a top-n substructure, we mark the reference graph to indicate the failed edge and possibly a vertex that is a dead end. This prevents redundant exploration in future extensions and significantly prunes the search space.In the fifth step (Figure 8), we repeatedly extend each instance, c ij∈C i, in all possible directions by one edge and one vertex. When we reach a point where candidate instances remain but all edges and vertices in the reference graph have already been explored, then we again extend the reference graph frontier by one edge and one vertex. After each instance extension we discard any instance in C i that is no longer a subgraph of asubstructure in G n. Any instance in C i that is an exact match to a substructure in G n is added to the instance list for that substructure, I s, and removed from C i.Once we have exhausted the set of instances in C i so that they have either been added to a substructure’s instance list or discarded, we update the increment statistics to reflect the new instances and then we can recalculate the top-n set, G n, for the sake of accuracy, or wait until the next increment.4.2. Discovery EvaluationTo validate our approach to discovery from relational streams, we have conducted two sets of experiments, one on synthetic data and another on data simulated for the counterterrorism domain.substructure embedded insynthetic data.4.2.1 Synthetic dataOur synthetic data consists of a randomly generated graph segment with vertex labels drawn uniformly from the 26 letters of the alphabet. Vertices have between one and three outgoing edges where the target vertex is selected at random and may reside in a previous data increment, causing the edge to span the increment boundary. In addition to the random segments, we intersperse multiple instances of a predefined substructure. For the experiments described here, the predefined substructure we used is depicted in Figure 9. We embed this substructure internal to the increments and also insert instances that span the increment boundary to test that these instances are detected by our discovery algorithm.Figure 10 illustrates the results for a progression of five experiments. The x-axis indicates the number of increments that were processed and the respective size in termsof vertices and edges. To illustrate the experiment methodology, consider the 15-increment experiment. We provided ISubdue with the 15 increments in sequential order as fast as the algorithm could process them. The time (38 seconds) depicted is for processing all 15 increments. We then aggregated all 15 increments and processed them with Subdue for the comparison. The five results shown in Figure 10 are not cumulative, meaning that each experiment includes a new set of increments. It is reasonable to suggest then that adding five new increments – from 15 to 20 – would require approximately three additional seconds of processing time for ISubdue, whereas Subdue would require the full 1130 seconds because of the need to reprocess all of the accumulated data. Figure 11 depicts a similar set of experimentsFig. 10. Comparison of ISubdue and Subue on on increasingnumber of increments for synthetic data.In addition to the speedup achieved by virtue of the fact that ISubdue need only process the new increment, additional speedup is achieved because of a sampling effect. This is illustrated in Figure 10 where each independent experiment produces a significant run-time improvement for ISubdue even when processing an identical amount of data as standard Subdue. The sampling effect is an artifact of the way in which patterns are grown from the data. Since ISubdue is operating from smaller samples of data, there are fewer possible pattern instances to evaluate. There are limiting conditions to the speedup achievable with the sampling effect but a full discussion is beyond the scope of this paper.Fig. 11. A section of the graph representation of the counterterrorism data used for our evaluation. 4.2.2. Counterterrorism DataThe counterterrorism data was generated by a simulator created as part of the Evidence Assessment, Grouping, Linking, and Evaluation (EAGLE) program, sponsored by the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory. The simulator was created by a program participant after extensive interviews with Intelligence Analysts and several studies with respect to appropriate ratios of noise and clutter. The data we use for discovery represents the activities of terrorist organizations as they attempt to exploit vulnerable targets, represented by the execution of five different event types. They are:Two-way-Communication: Involves one initiating person and one responding person. N-way-Communication: Involves one initiating person and multiple respondents. Generalized-Transfer: One person transfers a resource.Applying-Capability: One person applies a capability to a targetApplying-Resource: One person applies a resource to a targetFig. 12. Comparison of run-times for ISubdue and Subdue onincreasing numbers of increments for counterterrorism data.Fig. 13. The top 3 substructures discovered by both ISubdueand Subdue for the counterterrorism data.The data also involves targets and groups, groups being comprised of member agents who are the participants in the aforementioned events. All data is generalized so that no specific names are used. Figure 11 illustrates a small cross-section of the data used in our experiments.The intent of this experiment was to evaluate the performance of our research on ISubdue against the performance of the original Subdue algorithm. We are interested inmeasuring performance along two dimensions, run-time and the best reported substructures.Figure 12 illustrates the comparative run-time performance of ISubdue and Subdue on the same data. As for the synthetic data, ISubdue processes all increments successively whereas Subdue batch processes an aggregation of the increments for the comparative result. Each experiment was independent as it was for the synthetic data.Figure 13 depicts the top three substructures consistently discovered by both ISubdue and Subdue for all five experiments introduced in Figure 12.4.3 Qualitative AnalysisIn this paper we have described an algorithm to facilitate complete discovery in connected graph data to ensure that we can accurately evaluate the prevalence of specific patterns, even when those patterns are connected across temporal increment boundaries. The basis for using Subdue is that the prevalence of patterns is important, with the prevalence being derived from the number of instances present in the data. If we did not fully evaluate the increment boundaries, we would lose pattern instances and therefore patterns could not be accurately evaluated for their prevalence.To illustrate this process, we conducted an experiment using synthetic data similar to that described in section 4.2.1, where the increments were processed both with and without boundary evaluation. The synthetic data consisted of 50 increments, each with 560 vertices and approximately 1175 edges. Interspersed within the random graph data are instances of two different patterns, illustrated in Figure 14, shown with the total number of instances each. The difference is that most of the instances for the first patternFig. 14 Two patterns embedded in the random graphs in each data increment and spanning the increment boundary 625 instances250 instances gspan the increment boundaries, where all of the instances of the second pattern fall completely within single increments.We ran three separate tests on this data. The first is a benchmark test with the original Subdue algorithm run over the aggregate data, which totals 53,500 vertices and 108,666 edges. As expected, the most prevalent pattern (g1) is reported by Subdue as the most prevalent with 625 instances discovered.The second test was run with ISubdue with boundary evaluation enabled. Again, the most prevalent pattern (g1) was found with 624 instances discovered (occasionally the order of instance growth will result in the loss of an instance and happens for both Subdue and ISubdue).The last test was run with ISubdue with boundary evaluation disabled. In this case, the second pattern (g2) is returned as the most prevalent with 250 instances discovered. The first pattern (g1) was reported as the fourth best with 125 instances discovered. The second-best pattern was a subset of pattern g1and the third-best pattern was a small subset of pattern g2.Clearly this experiment illustrates the importance of including our boundary evaluation algorithm into the full ISubdue capability. Without the ability to recover pattern instances that do not reside entirely within a single increment we sacrifice the ability to provide accurate discovery results.5. Detecting ChangeResearchers from several fields, such as Machine Learning and Econometrics, have developed methods to address the challenges of a continuous system, like the sliding window approach5, where only the last n data points are used to learn a model. Many of these approaches have been used with success in attribute-based data mining. Other attribute-based methods, such as those involving Ensemble Classifiers6 and continuously updated Decision Trees7, have also been successfully demonstrated. However, these methods do not easily translate into relational discovery because of the complex, interconnected nature of the data. Since the data is relationally structured, it can be difficult to quantify the ways in which it may change over time. For example, an attribute vector can be changed by altering the probability distribution of the discrete set of attributes. Conversely, a relational data set may contain a collection of entities and relationship types that can be configured in a large number of different permutations. For a diverse relational dataset, the number of unique patterns may be intractably large. This makes it difficult to quantify the nature of change and so it is not straightforward to apply methods that rely on sampling, such as the sliding window approach.The remainder of this paper is devoted to describing a process by which we are able to compute a representative point in graph space for sequential sets of patterns discovered by ISubdue from successive data increments received from a continuous stream. We can use these representative points in the graph space, along with a distance calculation, to iteratively measure the evolving set of discoveries to detect and assess change. The objective of this work is to enable a method for measuring pattern drift in relational data streams, where the salient patterns may change in prevalence or structure over time. With a measure of central tendency for graph data, along with a method for calculating graph distance, we can begin to adapt time-series techniques to relational data streams. As part of our evaluation we have experimented with two different formulations for computing the median graphs – by aggregating sequential sets of local discoveries and by considering the evolving sets of globally-ranked discoveries. Each is discussed below.5.1. Error-correcting graph isomorphismThe ability to compute the distance between two graphs is essential to our approach for detecting and measure change in incremental discoveries. To compute this distance we rely on the error-correcting graph isomorphism (ecgi)8. An ecgi is a bijective function, f , that maps a graph g 1 to a graph g 2, such that:where V 1 and V 2 are the vertices from graphs g 1 and g 2, respectively. The ecgi function, f(v) = u , provides vertex mappings such that 1V v ′∈ and 2V u ′∈, where 1V ′ and 2V ′ are the sets of vertices for which a mapping from g 1 to g 2 can be found. The vertices 11V - V ′ in g 1 are deleted and the vertices 22V - V ′ in g 2 are inserted. A cost is assigned for each deletion and insertion operation. Depending on the formulation, a direct substitution may not incur cost, which is intuitive if we are looking to minimize cost based on the difference between the graphs. It should be noted that the substitution of a vertex from g 1 to g 2 may not be an identical substitution. For instance, if the vertices have different labels, then the substitution would be indirect and a cost would be incurred for the label transformation. The edit operations for edges are similar to those for vertices. We again have the situation where the edge mappings may not be identical substitutions. The edges may differ in their labeling as well as their direction.Figure 15 illustrates the mapping of vertices from graph g 1 to g 2. Vertex substitutions are illustrated with dashed lines in Figure 15.b, along with the label transformation. Figure 15.c depicts the edge substitution, deletion and insertion operations.221121V V V V V V :f ⊆′⊆′′→′ ; ;The ecgi returns the optimal graph isomorphism, where optimality is determined by the least-cost set of edit operations that transform g 1 to g 2. The costs of edit operations can be determined to suit the needs of a particular application or unit costs can be assigned. The optimal ecgi solution is known to be NP-complete and is intractable for even relatively small graphs. In the following sections we discuss an approximation method for the ecgi calculation.5.2. Graph metricsThe objective of this work is to develop methods for applying metrics to relational data so that we can quantify change over time. At the heart of almost all statistical analysis techniques is a measure of central tendency for the data sample being evaluated. The most prevalent of such measures is the mean. By definition, a mean is the point where the sum of all distances from the mean to the sample data points equals zero, such that:where ∆x i is the distance from the mean to data point x i . This definition can be rephrased to say that an equal amount of variance lies on each side of the number line from the mean. Unfortunately there is no straightforward translation of this definition into the space of graphs, since there is no concept of positive and negative that can be applied systematically. A mean graph was defined in Bunke and Guenter 20019, but only for a single pair of input graphs. This is possible because a mean graph can be found that is equidistant from the two input graphs, which causes it to satisfy the form of a statistical1=∆=n i i x Fig. 15. Example of error-correcting graphisomorphism function mapping g 1 to g 2.label transformation (c)。








以下是4S服务顾问的主要职责:1. 客户接待与咨询:服务顾问需要热情接待客户,并了解客户的需求和问题。


2. 维修保养服务:服务顾问负责安排客户的汽车维修和保养工作。


3. 故障排查与解决:当客户的汽车出现故障时,服务顾问需要与技术人员合作进行故障排查,并提供解决方案。


4. 客户关系管理:服务顾问需要与客户建立良好的关系,维护客户满意度。



5. 销售支持:服务顾问在客户服务的过程中也起到了销售的支持作用。


6. 售后服务跟进:服务顾问需要跟进售后服务工作,确保客户对服务满意。




以下是对此事件的详细说明:一、背景1. 我方与贵方于XX年XX月XX日签订了独占授权书,授权贵方在我国境内独家享有某项产品的生产、销售、推广等权利。

2. 在授权期间,双方在产品研发、市场推广等方面取得了良好的合作成果,为我国市场注入了新的活力。

二、撤回原因1. 市场竞争加剧:近年来,同类产品市场竞争日益激烈,为了保持市场竞争力,我方决定调整授权策略,优化产品线。

2. 法律法规变化:我国相关法律法规在授权领域发生了一些变化,为了确保双方权益,我方决定重新审视授权合同。

3. 合作伙伴变更:我方在授权期间发现,部分合作伙伴与贵方存在利益冲突,为避免潜在风险,我方决定撤回授权。

4. 贵方经营状况:在授权期间,我方发现贵方在经营过程中存在一些问题,如产品质量、售后服务等方面不尽如人意,为维护消费者权益,我方决定撤回授权。

三、后续处理1. 我方将尽快与贵方协商,妥善处理授权期间产生的债权债务问题。

2. 双方将共同维护市场秩序,避免因授权撤回给消费者带来的不便。

3. 我方将积极寻求新的合作伙伴,共同推动产品在我国市场的健康发展。

四、声明1. 本声明自发布之日起生效,授权合同自即日起终止。

2. 本声明不代表我方对贵方任何形式的赔偿或补偿。

3. 我方保留依法追究贵方因授权撤回所造成损失的权利。







一、授权内容1. 授权方同意将《_______》的海外推广权授予受权方,包括但不限于以下权利:(1)在授权方指定的平台、网站、社交媒体等渠道发布关于《_______》的宣传、推广内容;(2)制作并发布《_______》的简介、章节、节选等宣传材料;(3)组织线上线下活动,提高《_______》的知名度和影响力;(4)与其他海外出版机构、媒体合作,扩大《_______》的海外发行渠道;(5)授权方认为必要的其他推广行为。

2. 受权方在行使上述权利时,应遵守我国法律法规及国际惯例,不得侵犯第三方的合法权益。

二、授权期限1. 本授权书自双方签字盖章之日起生效,有效期为_______年。

2. 本授权书期满后,如双方无异议,可另行签订补充协议,延长授权期限。

三、费用及支付1. 授权方同意按照以下方式支付受权方推广费用:(1)按季度支付,每次支付金额为_______元;(2)实际推广效果显著时,授权方可另行给予奖励。

2. 推广费用支付方式:银行转账或现金支付。

四、保密条款1. 双方对本授权书内容负有保密义务,未经对方同意,不得向任何第三方泄露。

2. 本保密条款在本授权书终止后仍具有约束力。

五、违约责任1. 若受权方违反本授权书约定,未经授权方同意擅自使用授权内容,授权方有权要求受权方停止侵权行为,并赔偿因此给授权方造成的损失。



授权人(以下简称“授权方”):名称:____________________地址:____________________法定代表人:____________________联系电话:____________________被授权人(以下简称“被授权方”):名称:____________________地址:____________________法定代表人:____________________联系电话:____________________鉴于授权方在其从事护理学相关研究过程中,创作了题为《____________________》(以下简称“作品”)的学术论文,该作品已由被授权方编辑出版的《护理学杂志》(以下简称“本杂志”)采用,现授权方同意将作品著作权的相关权利授予被授权方,具体授权事项如下:一、授权范围1. 授权方同意将被授权方作为《护理学杂志》的独家出版单位,负责作品《____________________》的出版、发行、推广等一切事宜。

2. 授权方同意被授权方拥有作品《____________________》的著作权中的下列权利:(1)复制权:包括以印刷、复印、拓印、录音、录像、翻录、翻拍、数字化等方式复制作品的权利;(2)发行权:包括以出售或者赠与的方式向公众提供作品的原件或者复制件的权利;(3)出租权:包括通过有偿许可他人临时使用作品原件或者复制件的权利;(4)展览权:包括公开陈列作品的原件或者复制件的权利;(5)表演权:包括公开表演作品,以及用各种手段公开播送作品的表演的权利;(6)放映权:包括通过放映机、幻灯机等技术设备公开再现美术、摄影、电影和以类似摄制电影的方法创作的作品等的权利;(7)广播权:包括通过无线方式公开传播或者转播作品,以及通过有线传播或者转播的方式向公众传播广播的作品的权利;(8)信息网络传播权:包括以有线或者无线方式向公众提供作品,使公众可以在其个人选定的时间和地点获得作品的权利;(9)改编权:包括在原有作品的基础上,创作出具有独创性的新作品的权利;(10)翻译权:包括将作品从一种语言文字转换成另一种语言文字的权利;(11)汇编权:包括将作品或者作品的片段通过选择或者编排,汇集成新作品的权利;(12)应当由著作权人享有的其他权利。



【摘要】@@ 数据与事实有时是相互矛盾的,纵观2000年英国书商与出版商的表现,旁观者不得不得出这样的结论:他们是在两个完全不同的市场上运作.图书销售可以划分为两种不同的方式:一种是由出版商出售给国内外的书商、图书俱乐部以及相关的机构,另外一种则是由零售商直接卖给最终消费者,销售方式不同,市场措施也自然迥异.
1.明末纸价急降与大众图书市场的繁荣 [J], 许军
2.繁荣背后的角逐——文图联哈尔滨剖析文学图书市场 [J], 张倩影
3.繁荣背后的角逐——文图联哈尔滨剖析文学图书市场 [J], 张倩影
4.试析英国文学奖在英国文学图书市场中的作用——以"布克奖"为例 [J], 陈凤兰
5.试论繁荣我国的图书市场——学习“一手抓整顿,一手抓繁荣”方针的体会 [J], 陈锡礼










作者: 韩玫丽
出版物刊名: 北京第二外国语学院学报
页码: 16-19页
主题词: 中介地位;商业部门;社会分工;社会再生产;流通时间;商品交换;消费需求;再生产过程;马克思恩格斯;国民经济
摘要: 商业是专门组织商品交换的经济部门。





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表和Course 表的全部权限授予用户U2和U3.
3.把对表SC 的查询权限授予u1、u2、u3用户
4.把查询Student 表和修改学生学号的权限授给用户U4.
SC 的INSERT 权限授予U5用户,并允许他再将此权
6.执行例5后,U5不仅拥有了对表SC 的INSERT 权限,
