汉英翻译教程 备忘录

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面对经济全球化、金融开放化的国际竞争环境和加入世贸组织的重大战略 选择,国家不得不“破釜沉舟”,把国有商业银行推向国际金融市场,促 使其在“好银行”的角逐中竞得一席之地,以稳固中国金融的阵脚。 In the face of globalization, financial liberalization, and WTO accession, the government has no other choice but make a tough decision: pushing the state-owned commercial bank onto the international financial market to secure a place for them through improved competitiveness. 公司奉行“人才为本”战略,将之列为企业发展的第一战略。他们早就废
3. 翻译原则与技巧
简洁性:简洁地传达有效信息(尤用于内部文稿) 准确性:正确理解原文,准确传达原文的信息、语气和态度 完整性:信息完整;有语篇意识,确保译文是连贯、流畅的完整语篇 礼貌性:译文必须尽量体现公关文稿的礼貌语气 数据表明,二月份售房情况势头不错,市场愈来愈看好。我们共 售出121套住房,比一月份增长20%,比去年同期增长30%。 Statistics are in for housing sales in February and the market looks to be strengthening. We sold 121 units, a 20% increase from last month and 30% higher than the figures for the previous February.
发件人:董事长 收件人:人事部经理 发件日期:2007年3月18日 要求: 办理 评论 信息 讨论 阅后: 张贴 存档 退回 转递:________
事由:安装咖啡机 董事会正考虑在各部门办公室安装自动咖啡机。实施之前欲知如下情况: 1. 自动咖啡机的利用率将有多高; 2. 需购进多少台; 3. 会否节省目前所用煮咖啡的时间。 请提供对下列问题的看法: 1. 员工们将对此有何反应; 2. 可以如何与工会讨论此事。 如有可能,请在4月1日董事会前呈报。


解释政策、程序和指示; 发布通知,提出信息和行动要求; 答复要求;帮助人们提醒事物等。

备忘录 ×××: 接×××公司来电,谈判人员 于明天上午10时30分到达。请 做接机及相关接待工作。 经理:××× 备忘录 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2008年5月12日
因此,我们决定为所有的全职员工开办一个为期两个月的计算机 课程,于每周一晚上7点到9点之间在公司的会议室A和B举行。 As a result, it has been decided that all full-time employees are to attend a computer course—which will take place every Monday night from 7pm to 9pm in the company meeting room A and B— for the duration of two months. 请于5月15日之前到公司接待处报名。欢迎提出更好的意见和建 议,使我们的这个项目更加富有成果。 Please register for the course at the company reception desk before May 15th. Further suggestions will be appreciated so that the program can be more fruitful.
The Board of Directors of Moffet Publishing is pleased to announce that a new insurance policy offering comprehensive health coverage for
employs all staff on a contractual basis and through open competition.
发至:所有专职带新员工 发自:董事会主席——XX 关于:新健康保险 日期:XX年XX月XX日
开始实时生效,为所有专职带新员工及其直系教书提供全面健康保险。 全美健康保险公司将承保此项较为完善的险别。该公司代表将于3 月来我公司解释该保险情况并未我公司职员及其家人登记入险。 我很高兴董事会已同意签署合同,投保此项优秀的险别。我相信这 项政策在为我们的员工及其家人提供尽可能最好的保障的同时,也能确 保我公司的经济活力。 (签名)
1. 基本概念

信息式备忘录 (Informative Memo)

建议式备忘录 (Persuasive Memo)

征询式备忘录 (Enquiry Memo)
1. 基本概念
• 呈交(Heading)
Memos & Letters
• used within an rganization
A New Coursebook on Chinese-English Translation
杨 雨
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
1. 基本概念

PR document—Memorandum (Memo) 在办公事务或商务活动中,以书面形式记录、交换内部
2. 语言特征

Memo To: All full-time employees From: HR Manager, Li Ming Date: May 9th, 2007 Subject: Computer course
语气庄重、谦恭 被动语态、祈使句等
人力资源部上个月进行的一项调查显示,公司的许多人不会使用电 脑导致了工作效率的低下。 An investigation conducted by the HR Department last month reveals the fact that a high rate of computer illiteracy contributes to a severe inefficiency of our company.
• 发自(Salutation)
• 事由/关于(Subject) • 日期(Date) • 正文(Body/Message) • 署名(Signature)
• unceremonious in style
• short and to-the-point • with a direct style • with no salutation or complimentary closing
TO: All full-time, salaried employees
FROM: XX, Chairman of the Board SUBJECT: New health-insurance coverage DATE: XX XX XX
all full-time, salaried employees and their immediate families will go into
effect on April 1.
全美健康保险公司将承保此项较为完善的险别。该公司代表将 于3月来我公司解释该保险情况并未我公司职员及其家人登记入险。 Transmerica Health will underwrite this much-improved policy. Representatives from Transmerica will be visiting us in March to explain the policy and to enroll employees and their families. 我很高兴董事会已同意签署合同,投保此项优秀的险别。我相 信这项政策在为我们的员工及其家人提供尽可能最好的保障的同时, 也能确保我公司的经济活力。 I am pleased that the Board has agreed to contract for this excellent coverage. We believe that this policy will ensure the
人才。 The company gives priority to human resource development. It has long
abolished the no-dismissal, no-demotion, and fixed-wage system. Instead, it
economic vitality of our company while giving our employees and
their families the best protection possible.