新编商务英语基础教程Unit 6

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Unit 6 The Quality and Quantity

I Teaching Aim

1. Cognitive Information(认知信息): Quality and Quantity of Customers

2. Language Focus(内容重点):

1)Word Study: A. cast, complex, relatively, critical, matter, conversely, specific, seminar, initially; B. income, budget, straightforward, cost, beneficial, individual, prospective, overall

2)Phrases: A. in the hopes of, depend on, result in, instead of, be exposed to;B. seek to

3)Key Words: A. spread;B. Specify

3. Grammar: There be 结构

4. Writing (写作技巧): 英语写作的语气

5. Translation (翻译技巧): 句子主语的翻译

III Background Information

The Marketing Plan营销计划







IV language and Culture Focus (语言文化要点)

Text A

1 .W ord study

1)cast v.

to throw (sth.),esp deliberately or with force 扔,投,掷,抛

e.g. cast a stone 扔石头

The angler cast his line (into the water). 钓鱼的人把鱼线抛入水中。

2)complex a.

difficult to understand or explain because there are many different parts 复杂的,难懂的

e.g. a complex argument, theory, subject 复杂的论证、理论、学科

3)relatively ad.

in relation or proportion to sb./sth. else;comparatively 相对地;比较而言

e.g. Considering the smallness of the car,it is relatively roomy inside. 别看这辆汽车小,里面还比较宽敞。

Relatively speaking,this matter is unimportant.相对来说,这事并不重要。

4)critical a.

of decisive importance with respect to the outcome 决定性的;关键性的

e.g. We are at a critical time in our history. 我们正处于历史的紧要关头。

Her help was critical (i.e., of great importance) during the emergency. 在紧急情况下,她的援助至为重要。

5)matter v.

~ (to sb.)to be important 要紧,有关系

e.g. What does it matter (whether he comes or goes)? (他来也好去好,)那有什么关系?

Some things matter more than others. 有些事情更重要。

6)conversely ad. contrarily 相反地

e.g. Y ou can add the fluid to the powder or,conversely,the powder to the fluid. 可以将液体加到粉末里,或者相反,将粉末加到液体里。

7)specific a.

①specified, precise or exact 精确的;确切的;具体的

e.g. specific instructions 明确的指示

What are your specific aims? 你有确切的目标吗?

②relating to one particular thing, etc.; not general 特定的;具体的

e.g. The money is to be used for one specific purpose: the building of the new theatre. 这笔钱有专门用途:就是建造新剧院。

8)seminar n.

(of small group of students at a university, etc.) a meeting to discuss or study a particular topic with a teacher 研讨会

e.g. a seminar on Shakespeare’s works 一个关于莎士比亚作品的研讨会

9)initially ad.

at the beginning; at first 最初;开头;首先

e.g. She came initially to spend a few days, but in the end she stayed for a whole month. 起先她只打算来待几天,但后来却住了整整一个月。

2. Phrase

1)in the hope of/in hopes of

because of the wish for sth./that ... 怀着……的希望

e.g. I called in the hope of finding her at home. 我希望她能在家才给她打的电话。

2)depend on sth. to be decided by sth. 视……而定;取决于

e.g. A lot will depend on how she responds to the challenge. 这在很大程度上将取决于她对这一难题的反应。

How much is produced depends on how hard we work. 产量的大小在于我们努力的程度。

3)result in sth.

to have a specified effect or consequence 结果是,导致
