1. "On deck" - 指待进攻球员,一般是下一个击球手或者接下来
2. "Benchwarmer" - 指没有出场机会的后备球员
3. "Can of corn" - 指打高飞球时非常容易接的球,通常会被外
4. "Chin music" - 指投手在对方击手头部投球的情况
5. "Homerun" - 指全垒打,也就是一次打完四个垒
6. "Strikeout" - 指三振出局,即投手投出三次好球让击打方打
7. "Error" - 指守备失误,导致对方球员得分或者得到更好的位
8. "Squeeze play" - 指协调球,通常指击手用非常短的打法送
棒球的英文释义baseball 英 [ ˈbeɪsbɔ:l ] 美 [ ˈbesˌbɔl ]horsehide 英['hɔ:shaɪd]美['hɔ:sˌhaɪd]inning 英[ˈɪnɪŋ]美[ˈɪnɪŋ]棒球的英文例句星期二的棒球赛是今年最重要的棒球赛。
The baseball game on Tuesday is the most important game this year.棒球投手一直抱怨弹性好的棒球。
The pitchers keep complaining about the rabbitabll.我们在给学院的棒球队加油。
We're rooting for the college baseball team.我们打棒球如何?Suppose we play baseball.他上个月加入棒球队,现在他每天都在打棒球。
He joined the school basketball team last year.我们家乡的棒球队夺得州际棒球冠军的头衔。
Our hometown baseball team captured the state baseball championship title.他们小时候打过棒球。
They played baseball when they were children.他们正在公园里打棒球。
They are playing baseball in the garden.那里的人们非常喜欢棒球。
People there like baseball very much.棒球的英语句子带翻译1. He was the fastest thing I ever saw on a baseball field. 他是我在棒球场上见过的跑得最快的家伙。
看看下面这些“棒球术语”,你知道它们是什么意思吗?on the ball:机灵,有见识这个词组源于20世纪早期的美国棒球运动。
如果一名投手出手不凡,为对方的接球手制造了不少“麻烦”的话,我们称之为have a lot on the ball,后来逐渐演变为今天的含义:有能力应对即将出现的局面。
The new publicity manager is really on the ball. 新任宣传部经理的确精明干练。
threw a curve ball:戏弄或使人惊讶,提及出人意料的事curve 意为“曲线”,因此threw a curve ball意为“投出曲线球”。
因此“a curve ball”指“意外的难题”。
The weather threw a curve ball at their outdoor picnic and they had to eat indoors. 天气忽然变得很糟糕,他们不得不中断室外的野餐,而到室内吃。
step up to the plate:开始行动在棒球运动的大菱形内场上,人们注目的焦点在球场下端的角上。
这是个14英寸见方的木块或者橡胶,称为本垒(home plate),也可以简称为垒(plate)。
当一名棒球运动员准备击球的时候,他就拿起球棒踏上本垒,英文的说法就是:step up to the plate。
Senator Smith will be the first to step up to the plate tomorrow to ask other senators to vote in favor of the President’s Health Care Bill.参议员史密斯明天将最先发表意见,要求其他参议员对总统的医疗保险议案投赞成票。
第466讲 lots on the ball...内容:今天我们要学几个在大选年的时候新闻界常会用上的习惯用语。
今天要学的两个习惯用语都来自棒球运动,而且带有同一个词: ball。
这个习惯用语是: lots on the ball。
Lots on the ball最初出现的时候是指投手投出特别有力的球,但是随着时日的推移,这个习惯用语被人们应用到日常生活的各方各面,指工作勤奋、能力高强的人。
我们也时常会听到习惯用语lots on the ball用来指政界人士。
究竟是什么样的政界人物呢? 我们听个例子吧。
这段话描述一位能干的妇女Mary Green,尽管她身为共和党选民占多数的一个州里的民主党人,却一再当选议员。
例句-1: Mary Green is remarkable. Republicans like her as much as Democrats. She's been elected to Congress five straight terms; voters have learned she really has lo ts on the ball.他说:Mary Green可真了不起,共和党人跟民主党人都同样地爱戴她。
刚才那段话里的 has lots on the ball 用来描述勤奋并有作为的政界人士。
其实我们以前学过一个相同的习惯用语: have a lot on the ball,也用来描绘工作勤奋,能力高强的人。
例句-3:Sorry I don't know the address right off the bat. I'll have to go upstairs and look it up. Maybe I better call you back later after I find it.
这位朋友说:对不起,我不能马上记起你要的 地址。我必须到楼上去查看,也许最好还是我 找到以后再打回电给你吧。
棒球问世至今有两百来年了,如今可说是美国 的国球。举国上下不论男女老少热中棒球的都 大有人在。在许多美国人的日常生活中棒球占 了必不可少的位置。这也反映在语言里面。不 少棒球赛的行话被普遍运用,即使对棒球没兴 趣的人也用上了那些棒球语言。
运动员是用球棒击打棒球的。球棒是bat。我 们今天介绍的习惯用语都包括bat这个词。第 一个是:go to bat for。 Go to bat原来指轮到 击球的人上前去击球。如果这名球员身体or him。意思是帮他一把,代替他去击球。这 句话逐渐被广泛用在和棒球无关的种种方面。 我们听个例子吧。
首相在访问邻国首都的时候向东道主谈起他国 内投资的大好机会。他这是在帮本国企业界人 士的忙。
我们再学一个也带bat这个词的习惯用语: right off the bat。我们知道棒球和球棒都十分 坚硬,所以球棒一击中棒球,棒球就立即会以 非常高的速度弹飞出去。据说球速是每小时一 百英里,right off the bat就出自棒球一接触球 棒立即飞离而去,但是已经被广泛用在不同场 合。比方说你想打听某人的通讯地址和电话, 于是打电话问另一位朋友,但是你的朋友可能 会这样回答你:
但是习惯用语right off the bat也可以用在全然 不同的场合;可以用来开门见山地告诉对方你 不赞同他的意思。我们来听个例子。说话的人 知道他的连襟来见他的目的是开口问他借钱。 我们来听听他怎么一口回绝那位连襟的。
以下是店铺为大家整理的关于棒球的英文短语,欢迎阅读!关于棒球的英文短语精选:1. 棒球得分 run; score;2. 棒球防守 fielding;3. 棒球封杀 force out;4. 棒球滑垒 sliding;5. 棒球攻队 offensive team;6. 棒球垒垫 bag;7. 棒球内场 infield; diamond;8. 棒球内场手 infielder;9. 棒球跑垒 base running;10. 棒球跑垒员 base-runner;关于棒球的英文短语大全:1. 棒球棒 bat;2. 棒球本垒 home base;3. 棒球本垒板 home plate;4. 棒球本垒打 home run; homer;5. 棒球边线 foul line;6. 棒球不合法击球 illegally batted ball;7. 棒球不合法投球 illegal pitch;8. 棒球侧身投球法 set up position;9. 棒球场 baseball field;10. 棒球出局 out; down; away;11. 棒球传球 throwing;12. 棒球触击 swing;13. 棒球触杀 touch out;14. 棒球三击不中出局 strikeout;15. 棒球三杀 triple play; triple kill;16. 棒球守场员 fielder;17. 棒球守队 defensive team;18. 棒球守垒员 baseman;19. 棒球手套 mitt; mit;20. 棒球双杀 double play; double kill;21. 棒球四球安全上垒 base on balls;22. 棒球投手 pitcher;23. 棒球投手投球 pitching;24. 棒球偷垒 stealing;25. 棒球外场 outfield;26. 棒球外场手 outfielder;27. 棒球先攻队 visiting team;28. 棒球游击手 shortstop;29. 棒球右外野手 right fielder;30. 棒球运动 baseball;31. 棒球正面投球法 wind-up position;32. 棒球中坚手 centre fielder;33. 棒球左外野手 left fielder34. 棒球后攻队 home team;35. 棒球挥击 bunting;36. 棒球击球 batting; hitting;37. 棒球击球员 batter; hitter;38. 棒球击球区 batter's box;39. 棒球击球准备区 on deck circle;40. 棒球夹杀 run down;41. 棒球接球 catching;42. 棒球接杀 put-out;43. 棒球接手 catcher;44. 棒球接手区 catcher's box;45. 棒球界内球 fair ball;46. 棒球界外球 foul ball;。
棒球的英文用语[教學] 棒球的英文用語。
1 投手Pitcher / P2 捕手Catcher / C3 一壘手First-Base Man / 1B4 二壘手Second-Base Man / 2B5 三壘手Third-Base Man / 3B6 游擊手Shortstop/ SS7 左外野Left-Fielder / LF8 中外野Center-Fielder / CF9 右外野Right-Fielder / RF[color=Red]棒球術語代碼:[/color]術語/ 英文/ 中文解釋A/assists/助殺AB/at bats/打數AL/American League /美國聯盟1B/first baseman/一壘手/ 一壘安打2B/second baseman/二壘手/ 二壘安打3B /third baseman/三壘手/ 三壘安打B/balls/壞球數BA/batting average/打擊率BB/bases on balls/四壞球BF/batters faced/投球人次BFS/batters faced per start/投手過勞指數BK/Balks/投手犯規數BS /blown saves /救援失敗C/catcher/ 捕手CF/center fielder/中外野手CG/complete games/完投場次CS/ caught stealing/盜壘失敗DH/designated hitter/指定打擊DL/disabled list/受傷名單DP /double plays/雙殺E/errors/失誤ER/earned runs/投手責任失分ERA/ earned run average/投手防禦率FA/ free agents/自由球員FB/fly balls hit against pitcher/投手被擊出飛球FPCT/fielding percentage /守備率G/games/出賽次數GF/grounders to flies ratio/滾地球對飛球之比率GB/games behind ; groundballs/球隊勝差; 投手被擊出滾地球GDP/times grounded into double plays/擊出雙殺打的次數GM/general manager/球隊總教練GS/ games started /投手先發場次H/hits ; holds/安打/ 投手被安打; 中繼成功HBP/hit by pitch/觸身球HP/times hit by pitch/觸身球次數HR /home runs/全壘打; 投手被全壘打IBB/intentional bases on balls/故意四壞球IF/infielder/ 內野手IP/innings pitched/投球局數IR/inherited runners//救援投手上場時已在壘上的跑者INT/Interference/妨礙IS/ inherited runners who scored/救援投手讓IR 得分的數量K /killed 三振/ 打擊手被三振L/loses/敗投/ 敗場LF/left fielder/左外野手LOB/ left on bases /殘壘數MLB/Major League Baseball/美國職棒大聯盟MVP/ most valuable player/最有價值球員NL/ National League/ 國家聯盟OB/妨礙跑壘OBP/on base percentage/上壘率/ 投手被上壘率OF/ outfielder /外野手PA/plate appearances/打席PO/put outs/使出局數PPO/pitcher pickoffs/投手牽制成功數PSS/ probability of a successful steal/盜壘成功率R/runs//得分/ 投手失分RBI/runs batted in/ 打者打點/ 投手被打點RF/right fielder/右外野手ROY/Rookie Of the Year/年度新人王RPA/ run production average/攻分率SB/stolen bases/盜壘成功/ 投手被盜壘數SF/sacrifice flies/高飛犧牲打數/ 投手被高飛犧牲打數SH/sacrifice hits/犧牲觸擊/ 投手被犧牲觸擊數SHO/shoutouts/投手完封場數SLG/slugging percentage/長打率/ 投手被長打率SO/strike outs/三振/ 打擊手被三振SP/save points/救援點SS/shortstop/游擊手SV/saves/救援成功SVOP/ save opportunities /救援成功率TA/total average/ 攻擊率TB/total bases/壘打數TBF/total batters faced/投球人次TC/ total chances/守備機會W/wins ; walks/勝投/ 勝場; 保送/ 打擊手被保送WP/wildpitches/暴投WS /World Series/美國大聯盟冠軍賽(世界大賽) [color=Red]MLB 名詞解釋:[/color]Umpire = 裁判Head Coach = 總教練Line Up = 先發陣容Rosters = 球隊陣容Head Coach = 總教練Pitching Coach = 投手教練Bating Coach = 打擊教練Rotatino = 先發投手輪替序SP/ Starting Pitcher = 先發投手RP/ Relief Pitcher = 中繼投手CP/ Closer (Closer Pitcher) = 救援投手INF/ Infielder = 內野手OF/ Outfielder = 外野手Bench Player = 替補選手Utility Player = 非先發選手C/ Catcher = 捕手1B/ First Baseman = 一壘手2B/ Second Baseman = 二壘手3B/ Third Baseman = 三壘手SS/ Short Stop = 游擊手LF/ Left Fielder = 左外野手CF/ Center Fielder = 中外野手RF/ Right Fielder = 右外野手DH/ Designated Hitter = 指定打者PH/ Pinch Hitter = 代打PR/ Pinch Runner = 代跑Switch Hitter = 左右開弓打者Lefty (美俚語) = 左投手Lead Off Man (美俚語) = 一棒打者Slugger (美俚語) = 指長打力很強的打者Clean Up Batter (美俚語) = 指具有高打點能力的打者Batting Up = 站上打擊區Cy Young Award = 年度最佳投手Rolaids Relief Award = 年度最佳後援投手[color=Red]統計篇:[/color]打擊及防守部分:AB/ At Bat = 上場打擊次數H/ Hit = 安打數DB/ Double/ 2 Base Hit = 二壘安打TB/ Tripple/ 3 Base Hit = 三壘安打HR/ HomeRun = 全壘打R/ Run = 得分RBI/ Runner Batted In = 打點G/ Game/ GP/ Game Played = 出賽場數SH/ Sacrifice Hi = 犧牲打SF/ Sacrifice Fly = 高飛犧牲打FO/ Fly Out = 飛球GO/ Ground Out = 滾地球SB/ Steal Base = 盜壘DPB/ Double Play Bat = 雙殺打SLG/ Sluggling Percentage= 長打率AVG/ Batting Average = 打擊率OBP/ On Base Percentage = 上壘率GWH/ Game Wining Hit = 勝利打點E/ Error = 失誤DP/ Double Play = 雙殺TP/ Tripple Play = 三殺CS/ Caught Stealing = 阻殺A/ Assist = 助殺FLD/ Fielding Percentage = 守備率Hit a Cycle: 完全打擊Back to Back Homerun = 連續兩棒擊出全壘打Grand Slam = 滿壘全壘打Solo Homerun/ Solo Shot (美俚語) = 陽春全壘打3 Run Blast (美俚語) = 三分全壘打Go Ahead Run = 超前分Go Ahead Homerun = 超前分全壘打Tied Run = 追平分Scoring Pisition = 得點圈Runner = 跑者Ground Rule Double = 場外二壘打Infield Hit = 內野安打Line Drive = 平飛打Infield Fly = 內野高飛球Base Hit = 一壘安打Off the Wall = 擊中全壘打強的球DP/ Double Play = 雙殺TP/ Tripple Play = 三殺CS/ Caught Stealing = 阻殺A/ Assist = 助殺FLD/ Fielding Percentage = 守備率Hit a Cycle: 完全打擊Bunt = 觸擊短打Squeeze Play = 以犧牲短打來使三壘跑者回本壘得分Hit and Run = 打帶跑Short Hop = 很近防守員的低彈跳球Charge = 趨前防守Diving Catch = 飛撲防守Frozen Hit (美俚語) = 指非常強勁的穿越安打Hit to Another Zip Code (美俚語) = 指場外全壘打Fair = 界內Foul = 界外[color=Red]投手部分:[/color]ERA/ Earned Run Average = 投手防禦率IP/ Inning Pitched = 投球局數CG/ Complete Game = 完投SHO/ Shout Out = 完封GS/ Game Started = 先發場數DB/ Dead Ball/ HIP/ Hit by Pitch = 死球BB/ Base Balled/ Walk/ = 四壞球B/ Bulk = 投手犯規R/ Run = 失分ER/ Earned Run = 自責分SV/ Save = 救援成功H/ 被安打(如此項統計數字在投手)W/ Win = 勝場L/ Lose = 敗場Wild Pitch = 暴投Perfect Game = 完全比賽Heater (美俚語) = 指快速直球Off Speed (美俚語) = 指慢速球Breaking Ball (美俚語) = 指變化球Chin Music (美俚語) = 指非常近打者頸部以上的球Pitch Out = 牽制出局。
棒球的英文作文范文初中英文:Baseball is one of my favorite sports. It is a popular sport in America and Japan, and it is also played in many other countries. I love the thrill of hitting the ball and running around the bases. It is a team sport, but eachplayer has their own role to play.One of the things I love about baseball is the strategy involved. The coach and players need to work together to come up with a plan to outsmart the other team. For example, the pitcher might throw a curveball to catch the batter off guard, or the infielders might shift positions to better defend against a certain player.Another aspect of baseball that I enjoy is thetradition. From the singing of the national anthem to the seventh-inning stretch, there are many rituals and customs that make the game unique. It is also a sport with a richhistory, with legends like Babe Ruth and Jackie Robinson.Overall, baseball is a sport that requires skill, strategy, and teamwork. It is a sport that I will always love and enjoy playing.中文:棒球是我最喜欢的运动之一。
以下是一些与baseball 相关的英语谚语:
1、It's not whether you win or lose that counts, it's how you play the game. (结果并不重要,重要的是你如何进行比赛。
2、Three strikes and you're out. (三击不中,你就出局。
3、Home run! (本垒打!)
4、The pitcher's mound is a lonely place when you're walking back with the bases loaded. (当你带着满垒的球走回投手丘时,那里会显得很孤独。
5、A good hitter is always safe at home. (好的击球员总是安全地在家中。
6、Keep your eye on the ball. (盯着球看。
7、The catcher is the “eyes”of the infield. (捕手是内场的“眼睛”。
8、Mind your own business and let the pitcher mind his. (管好自己的事,让投手去操心他的事。
9、He who risks nothing, gains nothing. (不冒险,不得奖。
10、Baseball is a game of inches. (棒球是英寸的运动。
棒球作文素材文案英文英文:Baseball is a sport that I really enjoy playing and watching. It requires a lot of skill and strategy, which makes it very exciting to watch. I also love the sense of camaraderie that comes with playing on a team.One of the things I love about baseball is the different positions on the field. Each position requires different skills and responsibilities, which makes it a very diverse sport. For example, the pitcher needs to have good aim and be able to throw the ball with a lot of speed and accuracy. The catcher needs to be able to catch the ball and communicate with the pitcher effectively. The infielders need to have good reflexes and be able to make quick decisions, while the outfielders need to have a lot of speed and be able to cover a lot of ground.Another thing I love about baseball is the strategyinvolved. There are so many different plays and situations that can arise during a game, and it's up to the coach and players to come up with a plan to handle them. For example, if there are runners on base, the defense needs to decide whether to try to get the out at first base or throw theball to second base to try to get the lead runner out.There are also different types of pitches that can be thrown, such as a fastball, curveball, or changeup, which can be used to fool the batter.Overall, baseball is a sport that requires a lot of skill, strategy, and teamwork. It's a great way to stay active and have fun with friends.中文:棒球是我非常喜欢打和观看的运动。
棒球英文作文文案简短英文:Baseball is one of my favorite sports. I love the excitement of watching a pitcher throw a perfect pitch and the thrill of seeing a batter hit a home run. It's a sport that requires both physical and mental skills, and it's always a challenge to outsmart the opposing team.One of the things I love about baseball is the strategy involved. There's so much more to the game than justhitting and catching. Coaches and players are constantly analyzing the situation and making decisions based on the score, the number of outs, and the players on base. It'slike a game of chess, but with a ball and bat.Another aspect of baseball that I enjoy is the camaraderie among the players. They spend so much time together during the season, and they develop a bond that is hard to break. They support each other on and off the field,and they celebrate each other's successes.Overall, baseball is a sport that requires skill, strategy, and teamwork. It's a game that I will always love.中文:棒球是我最喜欢的运动之一。
棒球的英文作文开头结尾"English:"Growing up, I never truly appreciated the beauty of baseball. It seemed like just another sport to me, one that dragged on for hours and didn't have the same intensity as basketball or football. But as I got older, I started to see it differently. Baseball isn't just a game; it's a dance between pitcher and batter, a strategic battle where every move counts.The crack of the bat, the smell of freshly cut grass, the roar of the crowd when a home run is hit these are all things that make baseball special. And it's not just about the action on the field; it's also about the traditions and rituals that come with it. From singing "Take Me Out to the Ball Game" during the seventh-inning stretch to enjoying a hot dog and a cold beer in the stands, there's something magical about the atmosphere at a baseball game.But what really makes baseball stand out to me is its sense of history. When you step into a stadium like Fenway Park or Wrigley Field, you can feel the weight of all the games that have been played there over the years. It's like stepping back in time and being part of something bigger than yourself.So, while baseball may not have the same fast-paced action as other sports, it has a charm and a nostalgia that are unmatched. It's a sport that brings people together, whether they're rooting for the same team or cheering for rivalries. And for me, that's what makes it truly special."中文,"小时候,我从未真正欣赏过棒球的魅力。
棒球在中国的发展可以追溯到 19 世纪末。
高中英语 VOA习惯用语 第296讲 have a ball素材
第296讲 have a ball; ball of fire; ball up内容:我们上次讲了几个和棒球赛有关的习惯用语。
美国人喜欢棒球,同时也喜爱其它球类运动,所以不仅围绕棒球产生了不少习惯用语,还有更多的习惯用语是以ball - 球,这个词为中心的。
第一个习惯用语是:have a ball。
根据一些专家的看法,have a ball这个习惯用语来自足球赛或者篮球赛。
但是另一些专家却认为have a ball来自ball这个词的另一种意思,也就是通常备有丰盛饮食的"大型舞会"。
不论have a ball这个习惯用语的出典是什么,反正它都有"得其所哉、乐在其中"的意思。
注意话里用到的had a ball: 例句-1: Well, you sure had a ball atthe party, didn't you! Dancing and talking and drinking with all these peopleI didn't know. Too bad you didn't have any time to spend with me! 他说: 哼,你在宴会上可真够得意的,和所有那些我不认识的人跳舞、聊天、喝酒。
从这段话我们可以体会have a ball有"尽情作乐"的意思。
****** 我们还要学一个有ball这个词的习惯用语,ball of fire。
Ball of fire指的是像火球一般耀眼的彗星。
棒球介绍英文简介English introduction ofbaseball
On average a game last two and a half hours, with the longest recorded game lasting eleven hours and twenty five minutes of 32 innings between the Pawtucket Red Sox and the Rochester Red Wings played in April of 1931.
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Baseball is a test of will between players.
Run very fast against the ball at high speed. React sensitively because the ball can run everywhere and to every direction. Sufficient physical strength to fight against rivals for it may take long time to end a game. Baseball needs highly solidarity, which may challenge the extent of team’s unity. Flexible tactics which come from collective intelligence and individual efforts.
Therefore, it is a challenge of strength and persistence plus speed and reaction.
on the ball该习语源于棒球运动,用来形容球员机警地,全神贯注地注意着球,随时准备击球。
此外,其变异短语为:keep one's eyes on the ball。
例句:Her typing is on the ball.她打字的效率很高(她字打得很熟练) 。
The new publicity manager is really on the ball.新的宣传部主任确实很内行。
Stanley had more on the ball than Brown.史坦利的脑筋要比布朗灵得多了。
He'd better get on the ball if he expects to advance in this type of work.如果要在这一行有进展,他最好多留心。
Ball and ChainBall and chain在英语中指栓犯人用的枷锁,而在俚语中,它还有一层只可意会的解释:A heavy restraint; A wife:强烈的束缚、妻子例句:[外星邻居 S02E06]The Ball and Chain is out managing her Burrito Joint, earning some benjamins buttons to make it rain on my family.为了给家里增添点额外收入,我家妻子出去卖玉米煎饼了。
[下一站歌后 S02E22]A: And I don't mind telling you, sincewe're all just friends here... ...I truly, truly love her.B: I love you, too, Luke.A: And I was hoping that you would do methe great honor of allowing me to become your ball and chain.A: 我可以大方地告诉你们,毕竟来这儿的都是朋友,我是真心爱她。
亚特兰大勇士 (Atlanta Braves 纽约洋基队(New York Yankees)
辛辛纳提红人队(Cincinnati Reds)
圣路易斯红雀队(St. Louis Cardinals)
ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ National sport: Baseball
• 棒球是美国最具普遍性的体育项目之一,被称作 美国的“国球”。在美国人心目中,棒球不仅是 一项体育运动,而且是一种全国性的高尚娱乐,每 年春夏两季,全国至少有5000万人亲临球场观看 比赛,从电视、广播里收看、收听比赛转播的人 就更多了。实际上,棒球的影响已在美国形成了 独特的“棒球文化”,更是美国精神的一部分。
• After World War 2, great changes in the game took place. First, there was the demolition of the color barrier, staring slowly with the hiring of the superb athlete, African –American Jackie Robinson. The Brooklyn Dodgers accepted him to their team in nineteen forty-seven. Soon, other black players began to join major league teams.
顺便一提的是,国内对NBA的报道比较多,所以大 多以为篮球才是美国最热门的运动,其实光以现场 观众总数论,棒球还是美国的第一运动。 历史是个很重要的原因,棒球在美国的走红比篮球 要早得多。早在还没有NBA的时代,巴比•鲁思就已 经红得一塌糊涂,据说美国人和日本人在太平洋的 小岛上打仗那会儿,后者在拉手榴弹跟美国兵同归 于尽之前,都会大喊一声“跟鲁思一起见鬼去 吧”——在他们看来,这就是对美国人最大的侮辱。
第⼀个是: have a lot on the ball。
Have a lot on the ball这个习惯⽤语可能来⾃棒球赛或者球赛。
好,我们来听听这段话,体会⼀下其中have a lot on the ball含义是什么。
例句-1:True, Susan hasn't published a book for ten years. But I believe she still has a lot on the ball as a writer. And I'm sure the critics will see that when her new book comes out this winter.他说: Susan确实近⼗年来没有出版过⼀本书,但是我认为她仍然⾝⼿不凡;我确信当她的新作今年冬天问世的时候,那些批评家会看出她的功⼒来的。
这段话⾥的has a lot on the ball含义是机敏、⼲练、有才华,精通胜任某⼀⼯作,总⽽⾔之是“⾝⼿不凡”的意思。
******我们还要学⼀个有ball这个词的习惯⽤语,keep the ball rolling。
其实还有⼀个习惯⽤语和keep the ball rolling⼗分相似。
它就是: start the ball rolling。
这也不难理解, start the ball rolling让球开始滚动。
打棒球文化英文作文英文:Baseball culture is deeply ingrained in American society. It is not just a sport, but a way of life. Growing up, I played baseball with my friends and family. We would spend hours practicing our swings, throwing the ball, and perfecting our fielding skills. Baseball taught me the importance of teamwork and perseverance. It also taught me the value of hard work and dedication.One of the most unique aspects of baseball culture is the language. There are many phrases and idioms that are specific to baseball. For example, "going yard" means hitting a home run, "knocking in a run" means driving in a teammate, and "stealing a base" means successfully advancing to the next base without being tagged out by the defense. These phrases are not just used on the field, but also in everyday conversation. It's common to hear someone say "that was a homerun" or "I'm going to knock it out ofthe park" when talking about a successful project or accomplishment.Another important aspect of baseball culture is the sense of community. Baseball games bring people together, whether it's a little league game or a major league game. Fans come together to cheer on their favorite team and players. It's a time to bond with friends and family over a shared love of the game. Even if you don't know the person sitting next to you, you can strike up a conversation about the game and instantly have something in common.中文:棒球文化深深地植根于美国社会中。
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Baseball is America's national sport. So it is not unusual that many popular expressions come from baseball. But first, let me explain a little about the game.
Each baseball team has nine players. The pitcher of one team throws the ball to a batter from the other team. The batter attempts to hit the ball. If he misses, it is called a strike. If a batter gets three strikes, he loses his turn at bat and is called out. The batter also is out if he hits the ball in the air and an opposing player catches it. But if the batter hits the ball and it is not caught, the batter tries to run to one or more of the four bases on the field. The batter can run to all four bases if he hits the ball over the fence or out of the ballpark. Such a hit is called a home run.
Now, here are some common expressions from baseball. Someone who is on the ball is intelligent and able to do a good job. But a person who threw a curve ball did something unexpected. Someone who steps up to the plate is ready to do his or her job. A pinch hitter takes the place of someone else at a job or activity.
Someone who is on the ball是指他聪明,能做好工作。
a person who threw a curve ball是指他做出了让人意想不到的事情。
Someone who steps up to the plate指他准备好了做他(她)的工作。
pinch hitter是指某项工作或活动中的替代者。
A person who strikes out or goes down swinging attempted something but failed. We also might tell the person that three strikes and you are out. But someone who hit a home run or hit it out of the park did something extremely well.
A person who strikes out or goes down swinging是指他尝试做某事但未能成功。
这个人three strikes and you are out(三振出局)。
但someone who hit a home run or hit it out of the park意味着他做得非常好。
Sometimes I have to give information quickly, without time to think it over. Then I would say something right off the bat. If someone is doing an extremely good job and is very successful, you might say he or she is batting one thousand.
有时候我必须不经思考很快提供信息,这样I would say something right off the bat(立刻)。
如果某人工作非常出色,你可能会说he or she is batting one thousand。
If I say I want to touch base with you, I will talk to you from time to time about something we plan to do. I might say I touched all the bases if I did what is necessary to complete a job or activity. And if I covered my bases I was well prepared. However, someone who is way off base did something wrong or maybe even dishonest or immoral. A person with strange ideas might be described as out in left field.
如果我说I want to touch base with you,意思是我会就我们计划做的一些事情不时和你交谈。
如果我完成了某项工作或活动所必须完成的所有事情,我可能会说I touched all the bases。
如果I covered my bases,意思是指做好了准备。
然而,someone who is way off base是指他做错了事,甚至做了不诚实或不正派的事。
拥有奇怪想法的人被称为out in left field。
Let us say I want to sell my car but I do not know exactly how much it is worth. If someone asks me the price, I might give a ballpark figure or a ballpark estimate.
如果有人问我这车的售价,我就会给出一个大概的数字(a ballpark figure or a ballpark estimate)。
If someone offers me an amount that is close to my selling price, I might say the amount is in the ballpark. However, if I say we are not in the same ballpark, I mean we cannot agree because my ideas are too different from yours.
如果某人给出的报价,跟我的售价接近,我会说the amount is in the ballpark(差不多)。
然而,如果我说we are not in the same ballpark,我的意思是说我们无法达成协议,因为我们的想法差得太远。
Finally, when a situation changes completely, we say that is a whole new ballgame.
最后,当局面完全改变时,我们会说that is a whole new ballgame(现在的情况与以前完全不一样)。