【试题】2009-6-13/山东大学/医学院/2008级/临五/组织胚胎学/组胚一、选择题(60个,每个0.3分)《应试指南》上都有涂在卡上;二、填空题(每空0.5分,共20分)《应试指南》上都有考了三个屏障;二、填图(一空1分,共12分)第一个、骨骼肌;第二个羊膜囊;四、名词解释(每题3分,共18分,英语出题,汉语答题) 1、间皮 2、骨单位 3、粘液-碳酸氢盐屏障 4、滤过膜 5、胎膜 6、法氏四联症五、简答题(每题8分,共32分,英语出题,汉语答题)1、请描述化学性突触的结构和功能;2、请描述肝小叶的细微结构;3、请描述月经周期第20天时子宫内膜的结构特征及激素调节;4、请描述原始心室的分隔及相关的畸形。
【试题】2009-6-14/山东大学/口卫/2008级/组织胚胎学名词解释(一个3分)间皮、骨单位、粘液屏障、滤过膜、胎膜、法洛四联症简答:1.化学突触结构功能2.肝小叶的细微结构3.月经周期20天时子宫内膜结构特征和周期性变化及其激素调节4.原始心室内部飞鸽及相关屏障【试题】2009-12-26/山东大学/医学院/临七/2008级/组织学与胚胎学/组胚一、填图题:1、有髓神经纤维那一块2、子宫胎儿二、名词解析:1、isogenous group2、Purkinje fiber3、chromaffin cell4、nephron5、tetralogy of Fallot三、问答题:1、Try to compare the microstructure of skeletal and cardiac muscle.2、Describe the structure and function of gastric gland cells and small intestine.3、Describe the structural features of secondary follicle.4、Describe the developmental process of the bilaminar germ disc and three germ disc briefly.【试题】2008-06-30/山东大学/医学院/2007级/临床五年制/组织胚胎学/组胚一、选择题60个,每个0.3分(中文出题)二、填空题每个0.6分,共18分(中文出题,英文答题)三、填图题两个,第一个是胚胎及子宫的结构,第二个可能是小肠的(有待更正)四、名词解释好像是六七个的样子,分子筛,法洛四联征,突触,窦周间隙,滤过屏障(有待补充)(英文出题,中文答题)最后是简答题,第一个是骨骼肌和心肌光镜和电镜结构的区别,第二个是肺的导气部的变化规律,第三个是胃底腺的细胞和功能,第四个是室间隔的形成及其缺损的形成机制(英文题目,中文答题)【试题】2009-01-14 山东大学/口腔医学院/2007级/组织与胚胎学/组胚名词解释1.osteon2.sarcomere3.intestinal villus4.herring body5.气血屏障简答1.骨骼肌与心肌的光镜结构和超微结构的差异2.球旁复合体的结构和功能3.胚盘的结构和功能4.肝小叶和胆小管的什么结构之类的……【试题】2009-01-14/ 山东大学/医学院/2007级/七年制/组织与胚胎学名词解释:骨单位肌节小肠绒毛Herring body法洛斯四联症气血屏障大题:骨骼肌和心肌的区别肝小叶的大体结构和胆小管的精细结构球旁复合体的结构和功能胎盘的结构和功能【试题】2008-07-01/山东大学/医学院/2006级/口腔护理预防/组织胚胎学/组胚读图:肾,三个胚层(05医学院卷子上有)问答:肝的结构(肝小叶),房间隔缺损类型及原因,比较平滑肌和骨骼肌(多方面)名解:缝隙连接,致密斑,法络四联症(tetralogy of Fallot),黄体,ovulation(排卵),还有一个忘记了:)【试题】2007-12-26/山东大学/药学院/临药七/2006级/组织学与胚胎学/组胚名解:肌节(sacomere)尼氏体(Nissl body)胎盘膜(placental membrane)唇裂(cleft lip)填图:两个,肌节和三胚层的简答:1、描述化学性突触的结构和功能。
该专业在加强基础医学、临床医学专业基本理论、基本知识、基本技能的同时,发挥自然科学和 社会人文科学优势,并加大这两方面教育的比例,使学生不仅打下深厚的医学科学基础,而且获 得广博的人文社科知识和宽厚的自然科学知识,努力实现医理文结合,努力培养适应21世纪医学 科学发展的复合型创新人才。
临床医学七年制,是一种别开生面的教育模式,犹如春天般的新生,带着朝气与活力,走入了临 床医学的领域。这是一种创新的教育模式,它摒弃了传统的五年制医学教育,取而代之的是更为 高级、更为深入的七年制本硕连读。
这种教育的目的是明确的,那就是为了满足我国医药卫生事业建设的迫切需求。21世纪的今天, 人类对健康的需求如同对水的需求一样,日益增长。临床医学七年制正是为了培养出能够满Hale Waihona Puke 这 种需求的高层次医学人才而诞生的。
总的来说,临床医学七年制是一种深入浅出的教育模式,它既满足了我们对临床医学知识的追求, 又符合了我们对医疗服务的需求。它的出现,无疑为我国的医学教育开辟了一条新的道路,同时 也为我国的医药卫生事业注入了新的活力。
01 相关介绍
03 就业方向
02 主干课程
临床医学七年制教育实行“七年一贯、本硕融通、加强基础、注重素质、整体优化、面向临床” 的培养模式,通过临床七年的培养,使学生具备基础医学、临床医学的基本理论、基本知识和基 本技能,具有较强的临床分析和思维能力及一定的科学研究能力,能独立处理本学科领域内的常 见病和多发病,临床工作能力水平达到七年制临床医学硕士专业学位能力考核标准,同时具有对 实习医师进行业务指导的能力。七年制培养适应医药卫生事业发展需要的、具有较大发展潜力的、 德、智、体全面发展的、具有硕士水平的高层次医学人才。
成绩:山东大学医学院机能学实验设计题目:艾叶油对离体豚鼠气管平滑肌的影响设计人员及学号:侯毅20052303023 姜林2005230303 金自慧20052303030 孔珑2005230303 专业:临床医学七年制班级:05级3班联系电话:金自慧侯毅: 832542008年6月2日立题依据(主要说明本研究的目的、意义、国内外研究现状及主要参考文献)艾叶为菊科艾莫Art emisia argri levi. et Vant.的干燥叶,祖国医学将艾叶归类为法寒药,具温经止血,散寒除湿之功效。
" [1]。
80年代实验室曾经对艾叶泊中分离的几个主要单体α2蔽品烯醇β]、葛缕醇[4]、a2丁香烯醇[5]等进行了平喘作用及机制的研究,结果表明它们均有较强的平喘和抗过敏作用,其作用机制与升高气道平滑肌cAM P水平和降低cGMP水平,抑制过敏介质释放,拮抗过敏介质作用,抑制肥大细胞释放介质,抑制气管平滑肌细胞Ca2+内流等有关。
2001级七年制病理生理学试卷(A)一、A 型题(共26分,26题,每题1分)1、慢性消耗性疾病患者出现水肿的主要原因是:A. 毛细血管血管血压增加B. 血浆胶体渗透压下降C. 微血管通透性增加D. 淋巴回流受阻E. 以上都不对2、引起机体钠水潴留的主要机制是:A. 肾小管重吸收增强B. 钠水摄入过多C. 利钠激素分泌增多D. 激肽前列腺素系统激活E. 以上都不对3、AB>SB可能有:A. 代谢性酸中毒B. 呼吸性酸中毒C. 呼吸性碱中毒D. 高AG代谢性酸中毒E. 混合性碱中毒4、急性代谢性酸中毒时, 最重要的代偿方式是A. 细胞外液缓冲B. 细胞内液缓冲C. 呼吸代偿D. 肾脏代偿E. 骨骼代偿5、某幽门梗阻患者, 反复呕吐, 血气分析结果为pH7.49,PaCO 48mmHg(6.4kPa),HCO 36mmol/L,酸碱平衡紊乱类型为:A. 代谢性酸中毒B. 代谢性碱中毒C. 呼吸性酸中毒D. 呼吸性碱中毒E. 混合型酸碱紊乱6、某溺水窒息患者, 经抢救其血气分析结果为: pH7.15, PaCO 80mmHg(10.7kPa),HCO 27mmol/L,应诊断为A. 代谢性酸中毒B. 代谢性碱中毒C. 急性呼吸性酸中毒D. 慢性呼吸性酸中毒E. 混合性酸中毒7、再灌注损伤是指:A. 缺血后恢复血流灌注引起的后果B. 缺血后恢复血流灌注引起的组织损伤C. 无钙后再用含钙溶液灌注引起钙超载D. 缺氧后再用富含氧溶液灌流引起的组织损伤E. 以上都不是8、钙反常发生的钙超载损伤与下列哪项有关:A. 无钙期引起钙泵功能障碍B. 细胞膜通透性增高C. 复钙期钙浓度过高D. 膜外被与糖被层表面分离E. 缺氧后又给氧9、体内对缺血缺氧最敏感的器官是:A. 心B. 脑C. 肝D. 肾E. 肺10、呼吸衰竭伴发右心衰竭最主要的机制是:A. 外周血管扩张,阻力降低,静脉回流增加B. 慢性缺氧血量增多C. 血液粘滞性增高D. 肺泡气氧分压降低,引起肺血管收缩E. 肺小动脉壁增厚,管腔狭窄11、死腔样通气是指:A. 肺泡通气分布严重不均B. 部分肺泡V/Q比率增高C. 各部分肺泡的V/Q比率自上而下递减D. 肺泡通气与血流比例低于0.8E. 肺动-静脉短路开放12、阻塞性通气不足是由于A. 肺顺应性降低B. 肺泡通气与血流比例失调C. 非弹性阻力增加D. 肺泡扩张受限E. 肺循环短路增加13、对热限概念哪项正确:A. 体温升高持续时间受限制B. 体温升高的高度受限制C. 发热激活物的强度受限制D. 内生致热原产生的量受限制E. 内生致热原的作用受限制14、发热的共同信息物质很可能是:A. 内生性致热原B. 淋巴因子C. 类固醇D. cAMPE. 前列腺素15、下列哪种物质属内生致热原:A. 外毒素B. 内毒素C. 抗原抗体复合物D. 肾上腺皮质激素代谢产物本胆烷醇酮E. 吞噬细胞被激活后释放的致热原16、发生难治性休克最主要的原因是A. 酸碱平衡紊乱B. 严重的肾功能衰竭C. 心功能不全D. DICE. 肺水肿17、心力衰竭时失代偿的表现为A. 心率加快〈160次/分B. 心肌肥大C. 正性肌力作用D. 心脏肌源性扩张E. 心脏紧张源性扩张18、下列哪种疾病伴有左心室后负荷加重A. 甲状腺机能亢进B. 高血压病C. 肺动脉高压D. 心室间隔缺损E. 心肌炎19、心脏离心性肥大的本质是:A. 心肌细胞增生B. 心肌纤维变粗C. 肌节串联性增生D. 肌节并联性增生E. 以上都不是20、动脉血氧含量的高低主要取决于:A. 动脉血二氧化碳分压的高低B. 动脉血氧分压的高低及Hb的质和量C. 动脉血的pH及动脉血氧分压D. 2,3-DPG的含量E. 血氧容量21、下列关于低张性低氧血症的叙述哪项是错误的:A. 血氧容量可正常B. 动脉血氧分压和血氧含量降低C. 动━静脉血氧含量差大于正常D. 静脉血分流入动脉是病因之一E. 可出现呼吸性碱中毒22、某患者血氧容量12ml%,动脉血氧含量11.4ml%,氧分压 100mm (13.3kPa), 动━静脉氧含量差3.5ml%,最可能是:A. 慢性支气管炎B. 肺气肿C. 慢性充血性心力衰竭D. 慢性贫血E. 严重维生素B缺乏23、最能反映组织中毒性缺氧的指标是:A. 血氧容量降低B. 动脉血氧分压降低C. 动脉血氧含量降低D. 静脉血氧含量增加E. 动━静脉血氧含量差增加24、下列哪项关于DIC 的叙述是正确的:A. DIC是一种急性全身性的病理过程B. DIC是一种慢性全身性的病理过程C. DIC是一种急性局部性的病理过程D. DIC是一种慢性局部性的病理过程E. 以上都不是25、下列哪项是导致DIC 发病的共同关键环节:A. 凝血因子Ⅻ的激活B. 组织因子大量入血C. 凝血酶生成增加D. 纤溶酶原激活物的生成E. 凝血因子Ⅴ的激活26、下列哪项不是引起DIC 的直接原因:A. 血管内皮细胞受损B. 组织因子入血C. 血液高凝状态D. 红细胞大量破坏E. 异物颗粒入血二、K 型题(共26分,26题,每题1分)1、促进抗利尿激素分泌增多的因素有:① 血压升高② 血浆渗透压升高③ 血管紧张素II降低④ 有效循环血量下降2、PaCO2高于正常,可能是:① 代谢性酸中毒② 呼吸性酸中毒③ 呼吸性碱中毒④ 代谢性碱中毒3、BE负值增加见于:① 代谢性酸中毒② 呼吸性酸中毒③ 呼吸性碱中毒④ 代谢性碱中毒4、代谢性酸中毒常见的表现为:① 呼吸深快② 碳酸氢根减少③ 尿液一般呈酸性④ 腱反射减退5、引起呼吸性酸中毒合并代谢性酸中毒的原因可以是:① 慢性阻塞性肺气肿合并休克② 慢性阻塞性肺气肿大量利尿③ 慢性阻塞性肺气肿引起心脏病④ 慢性阻塞性肺气肿大量使用NaHCO3治疗6、严重呕吐引起代谢性碱中毒的机理是:① 丢失氢离子② 丢失氯离子③ 丢失钾离子④ 丢失细胞外液,继发醛固酮增多7、肺水肿时发生呼吸困难一般是由于:① 肺的顺应性降低② 肺血管感受器受刺激减弱③ 支气管粘膜肿胀④ PaCO2降低8、CO2增高造成二氧化碳麻醉的可能作用机制是:① 脑血流量增加② 脑毛细血管通透性增高③ 脑细胞内渗透压增高④ 颅内压增高9、大汗后可能发生的水、电解质代谢紊乱有:① 等渗性脱水② 低钾血症③ 高镁血症④ 高渗性脱水10、氧反常损伤细胞的程度与下列哪种因素有关:① 缺氧时间② 灌流液温度③ 灌流液pH值④ 灌流液氧分压11、再灌注损伤时钙超载的机制可能是:① 细胞内钠负荷过度引起钙超载② 细胞膜通透性增高③ 线粒体受损④ 细胞内钾负荷过度引起钙超载12、心肌缺血后腺苷酸代谢障碍表现为:①ATP/ADP降低②总腺苷酸池不变③次黄嘌呤, 黄嘌呤增加④次黄嘌呤, 黄嘌呤减少13、血液性缺氧时,血氧变化的特点:① 动脉血氧分压降低② 动脉血氧含量降低③ 动脉血氧容量不变④ 动 -静脉氧含量差降低14、一氧化碳中毒和亚硝酸盐中毒的相同之处有:① 典型紫绀② 氧合血红蛋白减少③ 呼吸兴奋剂疗效好④ 氧离曲线左移15、严重贫血患者, 支气管哮喘发作时, 血氧指标的变化应为:① 动脉血氧分压下降② 静脉血氧分压下降③ 血氧容量下降④ 动-静脉氧含量差减小16、左心衰竭伴咳泡沫样痰可能存在的缺氧类型有:① 低张性缺氧② 血液性缺氧③ 循环性缺氧④ 组织中毒性缺氧17、发热时应及时解热的情况有① 体温超过40℃ ② 心肌劳损③ 恶性肿瘤④ 心肌梗塞18、体温上升期的临床特点是:① 竖毛肌收缩② 皮肤苍白③ 寒战④ 畏寒19、休克时酸中毒对机体的影响① 促使DIC发生② 使血钾升高③ 降低心肌收缩性④ 使氧离曲线左移20、酸中毒影响心肌兴奋━收缩偶联的机制是:① H与Ca竞争结合肌钙蛋白② 肌质网释放Ca 减少③ 细胞外液Ca内流减慢④ H与K互相竞争21、心脏肌源性扩张的特点① 心室舒张末期容积增大② 心输出量增加③ 心肌收缩力降低④ 肌节长度未超过2.2um22、高输出量性心力衰竭的血流动力学变化是① 血流速度加快② 回心血量增多③ 心输出量靠可高于正常水平④ 组织供氧比较充足23、夜间阵发性呼吸困难的发生机理是① 熟睡时呼吸中枢的敏感性降低② 迷走神经紧张性增高③ 熟睡时滑向平卧位④ 呼吸肌无力24、严重肝功能障碍时容易发生DIC的原因是:① 肝脏合成凝血物质减少② 损伤肝功能的某些病因激活凝血因子③ 肝细胞大量坏死释出组织凝血活酶样物质④ 肝脏处理乳酸能力降低25、DIC的病因包括:① 网状内皮细胞系统功能受损② 血管内皮受损③ 血液中凝血因子增加④ 大量组织因子入血26、在 DIC 病理过程中:① 有广泛微血栓形成② 有纤溶活性增高③ 有红细胞的破坏④ 可有多器官功能衰竭三、问答题(共20分,2题,每题10分)1、比较三种类型脱水出现血压下降的严重性, 并阐明其发生机理.2、休克细胞的概念。
山东大学医学院(2002——2003学年第2学期)1999级 临床医学7年制 断层解剖学试题(A 卷)一.填图经内囊的横断面10425 6839 7经子宫颈的横断面经腰椎间盘的横断面1112131415 16171819 20 2122 23242526 2728 29 30经胰腺的横断面491424344454647 48 495032 31 34363735 38334039经足部关节的冠状面二.名词解释1.帆间池2.(Rosenthal环)3.颈动脉鞘4.胸骨角5.肝正中裂6.尿生殖膈7.坐骨肛门窝8.侧隐窝 9. 腱袖 10.股三角三.问答题1.何谓半卵圆中心?简述其纤维组成、CT与MRI表现和临床意义。
2. 椎动脉的分段名称,走行及分支分布。
3. 颈部的筋膜层次及延续关系。
4. 何谓纵隔淋巴结的分区图(ATS)?5. 肝门静脉的主要分支名称与分布。
断层解剖学试卷答案一.填图1.上矢状窦2. 尾状核3. 壳4. 背侧丘脑5. 侧脑室三角区和脉络丛6. 小脑蚓7. 胼胝体压部8. 内囊后肢9. 岛叶10. 胼胝体膝11. 子宫颈12. 闭孔神经13. 股骨头14. 臀大肌15. 坐骨神经16. 子宫颈管17. 直肠18. 闭孔内肌19. 右髂外动脉20. 膀胱21. 脊神经前根22. 脊神经鞘23. 脊神经后根24. 椎内静脉丛25. 软脊膜26. 脊神经节27. 后纵韧带28. 髓核29. 纤维环30. 前纵韧带31. 肠系膜上动脉32. 脾动脉33. 左肾动脉34. 胃体35. 脾36. 胰尾37. 左肾38. 腹主动脉和左、右肾动脉39. 下腔静脉40. 肝门静脉右后下支41. 胫骨42. 距骨43. 内侧楔骨44. 第一跖骨45. 趾骨46. 第五跖骨47. 跖骨间关节48. 骰骨49. 跟骨50. 腓骨二.名词解释1. 帆间池:位于第三脑室顶的上方、穹窿体和穹窿连合的下方。
它是一尖向前的三角区,两前外侧界为穹窿的内侧缘,后界为胼胝体压部2. Rosenthal 环:脑基底静脉前环,环的构成包括:前方的前交通静脉连接左、右大脑前静脉;后方的后交通静脉连接左、右大脑脚静脉;两侧连接基底静脉。
Trichuris trichiura
Introduction to helminthology
Ascaris Lumbricoides
Trichuris trichiura
Enterobius vermicularis
Entamoeba histolytica
Entamoeba histolytica
Plasmodium spp.
Plasmodium spp.
Introduction to trematoda
Clonorchis sinensis
论述题 1 蛋白质(酶)的活性怎样进行快速调节?
胞不同的时期有不用的作用和意义 2原核生物与真核生物DNA复制的异同点 2009山大考博分子生物学试题(基础) 刚考完的,有一道没记住。 一、 名词解释:1、顺式作用元件;2、模序与结构域;3、岗崎片段;4、Southern Blotting;5、 遗传密码的简并性和摇摆性 二、 简答:1、基因治疗中常用病毒载体类型及特点?2、IP3-PKB介导的受体信号转导途径?3、蛋 白质(酶)活性的快速调节方法有哪些?举三例说明磷酸/脱磷酸化是酶活性快速调节的重要方式。 4、细胞死亡受体蛋白的分类,组成成员的作用?5、细胞周期Cdk的调控作用。6、原核生物DNA复制 后随链合成中参与的酶和蛋白质及作用?7、8、举出5种类型RNA并简述其作用。 三、 论述:1、原核生物和真核生物表达调控的层次有哪些?调控机制。2、原核生物和真核生物DNA 复制的起始、延长和终止有哪些不同点?复制过程参与的因子及功能?
[考博解释:每词2分 1、perimenopause 2、hyperprolactinemia 3、culdocentesis 4、HELLP syndrome 5、FGR 二、简答题:每题10分 1、人性激素的合成过程 2、受精和着床的过程 3、羊水栓塞的病理生理和治疗原则 4、子宫内膜异位症的处理原则 5、恶性卵巢肿瘤的治疗原则 6、女性不孕症的治疗原则
山东大学医学院2005年病理学(博士) 一、名词解释 1、新月体 2、副肿瘤综合症 3、粒细胞肉瘤 4、软化灶 5、早期胃癌 6、嗜酸小体 7、毛玻璃细胞 二、简答 1、肾小球肾炎免疫复合物的沉积部位及特点 2、非毒性甲状腺炎的病理改变 3、结节性肝硬化肝内血管的改变 4、引起肺心病的疾病有哪些?它们共同的病理特点?肺心病的病理诊断标准? 5、乳腺外上方有一2cm大小的肿块,请你说出三种病理特点截然不同的病变,并说出它们的病理改 变
2006年度山东大学先进班集体名单公示经各学院申报,学校学生评奖推优小组审核和评选,决定拟授予哲学与社会发展学院2004级文史哲基地班等67个班级为2006年度“山东大学先进班集体”荣誉称号,现予以公示,具体名单如下:学院班级哲学与社会发展学院2004级文史哲基地班经济学院经济2004级1班经济2005级4班经济2005级2班政治学与公共管理学院2003级政治与行政学专业班法学院法学专业2004级2班文学与新闻传播学院2004级新闻3班2005级新闻1班艺术学院2003级音乐学专业班外国语学院2004级商务英语班2003级英语3班2005级英语1班2004级英语1班2005级英语法律双学位班历史文化学院2004级文化产业管理班数学院2004级数学2班2004级数学1班2005级数学基地班物理与微电子学院2004级物理学基地班化学与化工学院2004级化学2班2005级化学一班2005级化工2班信息科学与工程学院2004级电子信息6班2004级电子信息2班2005级电信4班2005级电信1班计算机科学与技术学院2004级计算机3班2003级计算机4班生命科学学院2004级生命科学基地班2005级生物科学4班材料科学与工程学院2003级材料基地班2004级材料基地班2005级材料5班机械工程学院2004级机械1班2004级机械2班2005级机械1班2005级机械5班控制科学与工程学院2003级物流专业班2004级测控1班2005级生物医学1班能源与动力工程学院2004级热工4班2005级热工4班电气工程学院2004级电气6班2005级电气3班土建与水利学院2005级水利水电班2004级土木工程2班2003建筑学班环境科学与工程学院2005级环境工程班2004级环境工程班公共卫生学院2003级预防2班医学院2003级临床医学七年制3班2004级临床医学七年制1班2002级临床医学七年制3班2003级临床医学六年制2班2004级临床六年制一班口腔医学院2004级口腔5年制班护理学院2004级英语护理班2003级护理2班药学院2004级药学1班管理学院2005级工商管理1班2004级工商管理6班2003级信息管理与信息系统1班2005级工商管理4班2005级管理科学与工程2班2005级管路科学与工程3班体育学院2004级新闻传播班齐鲁软件学院2004级软件工程4班公示时间:2006年11月24日——27日公示电话:(883)64230 (883)64780办公室:东区新校办公楼135房间学生工作部二00六年十一月二十四日。
山医历年考题记忆版·药理学分册来源:啄木论坛汇总:小鹏8号排版:小鹏8号试题更新至09年9月,后续请登陆论坛VIP资料区查阅:/bbs/thread.php?fid-120.html目录【试题】2009-01-09/山东大学/医学院/2005、2006级/06级五年制、临床六年制、口腔七年制/药理学 (1)【试题】2009-01-09/山东大学/医学院/2006级/五年制/药理 1【试题】2008-12-16/山东大学/药学院/2006级/临药七/药理学 (1)【试题】2008-07-04/山东大学/药学院/05临药七/临床药理学 (1)【试题】2008-6-27/山东大学/医学院/2005级/临七/药理学.. 1【试题】2008-04-25/山东大学/医学院/2003级1345班、2002级4/临床药理学试题 (1)【试题】2008-01-18/山东大学/医学院/04级/六年制/药理 (2)【试题】2007-01-26/山东大学/医学院/2003级/临床六年/药理学 (2)【试题】2007-07-01/山东大学/医学院/2004级/临床七年/药理学 (2)【试题】2006-06-25/山东大学/医学院/2003级/七年制/药理题 (2)【试题】2006-06-23/山东大学/医学院/2003级/七年制/药理考题 (2)【试题】山东大学/医学院/2005级/口腔医学、卫生管理、护理五年制/药理学试题(中文完整版) (2)【试题】山东大学/医学院/2005级/临床医学七年制/药理学试题(英文完整版) (7)【试题】山东大学/医学院/2004级/临床医学六年制/药理学试题(英文完整版) (12)【试题】2009-7-2/山东大学/医学院/2006级/临七/药理学 (17)【试题】2009-01-09/山东大学/医学院/2005、2006级/06级五年制、临床六年制、口腔七年制/药理学名解 5*2副反应耐受性首过消除抗菌谱治疗指数问答 8*5毛果芸香碱眼科的作用机制和临床应用氯丙嗪的中枢作用及其机制ACEI抗高血压的机制肝素和双香豆素抗凝血机制的比较四代头孢菌素的比较【试题】2009-01-09/山东大学/医学院/2006级/五年制/药理名词解释副作用、首过消除、耐受性、抗菌谱、化疗指数、简答毛果芸香碱的药理作用和在眼科的应用氯丙嗪对中枢的药理作用和作用机制ACEI在治疗高血压中的作用肝素和双香豆素抗凝血的机制和特点四代头孢的比较选择治疗厌氧菌的抗生素红人综合症是()的副作用【试题】2008-12-16/山东大学/药学院/2006级/临药七/药理学简答(4*5‘):1.ACEI类抗高血压的机制;2.新斯的明的临床应用;3.肝素的药理作用;4.防止及治疗青霉素过敏的措施;论述(2*10’):1.地西泮的临床应用及作用机制;2.阿托品的临床应用。
Chapter19Detection and Quantitative Analysis of Small RNAs by PCR Seungil Ro and Wei YanAbstractIncreasing lines of evidence indicate that small non-coding RNAs including miRNAs,piRNAs,rasiRNAs, 21U endo-siRNAs,and snoRNAs are involved in many critical biological processes.Functional studies of these small RNAs require a simple,sensitive,and reliable method for detecting and quantifying levels of small RNAs.Here,we describe such a method that has been widely used for the validation of cloned small RNAs and also for quantitative analyses of small RNAs in both tissues and cells.Key words:Small RNAs,miRNAs,piRNAs,expression,PCR.1.IntroductionThe past several years have witnessed the surprising discovery ofnumerous non-coding small RNAs species encoded by genomesof virtually all species(1–6),which include microRNAs(miR-NAs)(7–10),piwi-interacting RNAs(piRNAs)(11–14),repeat-associated siRNAs(rasiRNAs)(15–18),21U endo-siRNAs(19),and small nucleolar RNAs(snoRNAs)(20).These small RNAsare involved in all aspects of cellular functions through direct orindirect interactions with genomic DNAs,RNAs,and proteins.Functional studies on these small RNAs are just beginning,andsome preliminaryfindings have suggested that they are involvedin regulating genome stability,epigenetic marking,transcription,translation,and protein functions(5,21–23).An easy and sensi-tive method to detect and quantify levels of these small RNAs inorgans or cells during developmental courses,or under different M.Sioud(ed.),RNA Therapeutics,Methods in Molecular Biology629,DOI10.1007/978-1-60761-657-3_19,©Springer Science+Business Media,LLC2010295296Ro and Yanphysiological and pathophysiological conditions,is essential forfunctional studies.Quantitative analyses of small RNAs appear tobe challenging because of their small sizes[∼20nucleotides(nt)for miRNAs,∼30nt for piRNAs,and60–200nt for snoRNAs].Northern blot analysis has been the standard method for detec-tion and quantitative analyses of RNAs.But it requires a relativelylarge amount of starting material(10–20μg of total RNA or>5μg of small RNA fraction).It is also a labor-intensive pro-cedure involving the use of polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis,electrotransfer,radioisotope-labeled probes,and autoradiogra-phy.We have developed a simple and reliable PCR-based methodfor detection and quantification of all types of small non-codingRNAs.In this method,small RNA fractions are isolated and polyAtails are added to the3 ends by polyadenylation(Fig.19.1).Small RNA cDNAs(srcDNAs)are then generated by reverseFig.19.1.Overview of small RNA complementary DNA(srcDNA)library construction forPCR or qPCR analysis.Small RNAs are polyadenylated using a polyA polymerase.ThepolyA-tailed RNAs are reverse-transcribed using a primer miRTQ containing oligo dTsflanked by an adaptor sequence.RNAs are removed by RNase H from the srcDNA.ThesrcDNA is ready for PCR or qPCR to be carried out using a small RNA-specific primer(srSP)and a universal reverse primer,RTQ-UNIr.Quantitative Analysis of Small RNAs297transcription using a primer consisting of adaptor sequences atthe5 end and polyT at the3 end(miRTQ).Using the srcD-NAs,non-quantitative or quantitative PCR can then be per-formed using a small RNA-specific primer and the RTQ-UNIrprimer.This method has been utilized by investigators in numer-ous studies(18,24–38).Two recent technologies,454sequenc-ing and microarray(39,40)for high-throughput analyses of miR-NAs and other small RNAs,also need an independent method forvalidation.454sequencing,the next-generation sequencing tech-nology,allows virtually exhaustive sequencing of all small RNAspecies within a small RNA library.However,each of the clonednovel small RNAs needs to be validated by examining its expres-sion in organs or in cells.Microarray assays of miRNAs have beenavailable but only known or bioinformatically predicted miR-NAs are covered.Similar to mRNA microarray analyses,the up-or down-regulation of miRNA levels under different conditionsneeds to be further validated using conventional Northern blotanalyses or PCR-based methods like the one that we are describ-ing here.2.Materials2.1.Isolation of Small RNAs, Polyadenylation,and Purification 1.mirVana miRNA Isolation Kit(Ambion).2.Phosphate-buffered saline(PBS)buffer.3.Poly(A)polymerase.4.mirVana Probe and Marker Kit(Ambion).2.2.Reverse Transcription,PCR, and Quantitative PCR 1.Superscript III First-Strand Synthesis System for RT-PCR(Invitrogen).2.miRTQ primers(Table19.1).3.AmpliTaq Gold PCR Master Mix for PCR.4.SYBR Green PCR Master Mix for qPCR.5.A miRNA-specific primer(e.g.,let-7a)and RTQ-UNIr(Table19.1).6.Agarose and100bp DNA ladder.3.Methods3.1.Isolation of Small RNAs 1.Harvest tissue(≤250mg)or cells in a1.7-mL tube with500μL of cold PBS.T a b l e 19.1O l i g o n u c l e o t i d e s u s e dN a m eS e q u e n c e (5 –3 )N o t eU s a g em i R T QC G A A T T C T A G A G C T C G A G G C A G G C G A C A T G G C T G G C T A G T T A A G C T T G G T A C C G A G C T A G T C C T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T V N ∗R N a s e f r e e ,H P L CR e v e r s e t r a n s c r i p t i o nR T Q -U N I r C G A A T T C T A G A G C T C G A G G C A G GR e g u l a r d e s a l t i n gP C R /q P C Rl e t -7a T G A G G T A G T A G G T T G T A T A G R e g u l a r d e s a l t i n gP C R /q P C R∗V =A ,C ,o r G ;N =A ,C ,G ,o r TQuantitative Analysis of Small RNAs299 2.Centrifuge at∼5,000rpm for2min at room temperature(RT).3.Remove PBS as much as possible.For cells,remove PBScarefully without breaking the pellet,leave∼100μL of PBS,and resuspend cells by tapping gently.4.Add300–600μL of lysis/binding buffer(10volumes pertissue mass)on ice.When you start with frozen tissue or cells,immediately add lysis/binding buffer(10volumes per tissue mass)on ice.5.Cut tissue into small pieces using scissors and grind it usinga homogenizer.For cells,skip this step.6.Vortex for40s to mix.7.Add one-tenth volume of miRNA homogenate additive onice and mix well by vortexing.8.Leave the mixture on ice for10min.For tissue,mix it every2min.9.Add an equal volume(330–660μL)of acid-phenol:chloroform.Be sure to withdraw from the bottom phase(the upper phase is an aqueous buffer).10.Mix thoroughly by inverting the tubes several times.11.Centrifuge at10,000rpm for5min at RT.12.Recover the aqueous phase carefully without disrupting thelower phase and transfer it to a fresh tube.13.Measure the volume using a scale(1g=∼1mL)andnote it.14.Add one-third volume of100%ethanol at RT to the recov-ered aqueous phase.15.Mix thoroughly by inverting the tubes several times.16.Transfer up to700μL of the mixture into afilter cartridgewithin a collection bel thefilter as total RNA.When you have>700μL of the mixture,apply it in suc-cessive application to the samefilter.17.Centrifuge at10,000rpm for15s at RT.18.Collect thefiltrate(theflow-through).Save the cartridgefor total RNA isolation(go to Step24).19.Add two-third volume of100%ethanol at RT to theflow-through.20.Mix thoroughly by inverting the tubes several times.21.Transfer up to700μL of the mixture into a newfilterbel thefilter as small RNA.When you have >700μL of thefiltrate mixture,apply it in successive appli-cation to the samefilter.300Ro and Yan22.Centrifuge at10,000rpm for15s at RT.23.Discard theflow-through and repeat until all of thefiltratemixture is passed through thefilter.Reuse the collectiontube for the following washing steps.24.Apply700μL of miRNA wash solution1(working solu-tion mixed with ethanol)to thefilter.25.Centrifuge at10,000rpm for15s at RT.26.Discard theflow-through.27.Apply500μL of miRNA wash solution2/3(working solu-tion mixed with ethanol)to thefilter.28.Centrifuge at10,000rpm for15s at RT.29.Discard theflow-through and repeat Step27.30.Centrifuge at12,000rpm for1min at RT.31.Transfer thefilter cartridge to a new collection tube.32.Apply100μL of pre-heated(95◦C)elution solution orRNase-free water to the center of thefilter and close thecap.Aliquot a desired amount of elution solution intoa1.7-mL tube and heat it on a heat block at95◦C for∼15min.Open the cap carefully because it might splashdue to pressure buildup.33.Leave thefilter tube alone for1min at RT.34.Centrifuge at12,000rpm for1min at RT.35.Measure total RNA and small RNA concentrations usingNanoDrop or another spectrophotometer.36.Store it at–80◦C until used.3.2.Polyadenylation1.Set up a reaction mixture with a total volume of50μL in a0.5-mL tube containing0.1–2μg of small RNAs,10μL of5×E-PAP buffer,5μL of25mM MnCl2,5μL of10mMATP,1μL(2U)of Escherichia coli poly(A)polymerase I,and RNase-free water(up to50μL).When you have a lowconcentration of small RNAs,increase the total volume;5×E-PAP buffer,25mM MnCl2,and10mM ATP should beincreased accordingly.2.Mix well and spin the tube briefly.3.Incubate for1h at37◦C.3.3.Purification 1.Add an equal volume(50μL)of acid-phenol:chloroformto the polyadenylation reaction mixture.When you have>50μL of the mixture,increase acid-phenol:chloroformaccordingly.2.Mix thoroughly by tapping the tube.Quantitative Analysis of Small RNAs3013.Centrifuge at10,000rpm for5min at RT.4.Recover the aqueous phase carefully without disrupting thelower phase and transfer it to a fresh tube.5.Add12volumes(600μL)of binding/washing buffer tothe aqueous phase.When you have>50μL of the aqueous phase,increase binding/washing buffer accordingly.6.Transfer up to460μL of the mixture into a purificationcartridge within a collection tube.7.Centrifuge at10,000rpm for15s at RT.8.Discard thefiltrate(theflow-through)and repeat until allof the mixture is passed through the cartridge.Reuse the collection tube.9.Apply300μL of binding/washing buffer to the cartridge.10.Centrifuge at12,000rpm for1min at RT.11.Transfer the cartridge to a new collection tube.12.Apply25μL of pre-heated(95◦C)elution solution to thecenter of thefilter and close the cap.Aliquot a desired amount of elution solution into a1.7-mL tube and heat it on a heat block at95◦C for∼15min.Open the cap care-fully because it might be splash due to pressure buildup.13.Let thefilter tube stand for1min at RT.14.Centrifuge at12,000rpm for1min at RT.15.Repeat Steps12–14with a second aliquot of25μL ofpre-heated(95◦C)elution solution.16.Measure polyadenylated(tailed)RNA concentration usingNanoDrop or another spectrophotometer.17.Store it at–80◦C until used.After polyadenylation,RNAconcentration should increase up to5–10times of the start-ing concentration.3.4.Reverse Transcription 1.Mix2μg of tailed RNAs,1μL(1μg)of miRTQ,andRNase-free water(up to21μL)in a PCR tube.2.Incubate for10min at65◦C and for5min at4◦C.3.Add1μL of10mM dNTP mix,1μL of RNaseOUT,4μLof10×RT buffer,4μL of0.1M DTT,8μL of25mM MgCl2,and1μL of SuperScript III reverse transcriptase to the mixture.When you have a low concentration of lig-ated RNAs,increase the total volume;10×RT buffer,0.1M DTT,and25mM MgCl2should be increased accordingly.4.Mix well and spin the tube briefly.5.Incubate for60min at50◦C and for5min at85◦C toinactivate the reaction.302Ro and Yan6.Add1μL of RNase H to the mixture.7.Incubate for20min at37◦C.8.Add60μL of nuclease-free water.3.5.PCR and qPCR 1.Set up a reaction mixture with a total volume of25μL ina PCR tube containing1μL of small RNA cDNAs(srcD-NAs),1μL(5pmol of a miRNA-specific primer(srSP),1μL(5pmol)of RTQ-UNIr,12.5μL of AmpliTaq GoldPCR Master Mix,and9.5μL of nuclease-free water.ForqPCR,use SYBR Green PCR Master Mix instead of Ampli-Taq Gold PCR Master Mix.2.Mix well and spin the tube briefly.3.Start PCR or qPCR with the conditions:95◦C for10minand then40cycles at95◦C for15s,at48◦C for30s and at60◦C for1min.4.Adjust annealing Tm according to the Tm of your primer5.Run2μL of the PCR or qPCR products along with a100bpDNA ladder on a2%agarose gel.∼PCR products should be∼120–200bp depending on the small RNA species(e.g.,∼120–130bp for miRNAs and piRNAs).4.Notes1.This PCR method can be used for quantitative PCR(qPCR)or semi-quantitative PCR(semi-qPCR)on small RNAs suchas miRNAs,piRNAs,snoRNAs,small interfering RNAs(siRNAs),transfer RNAs(tRNAs),and ribosomal RNAs(rRNAs)(18,24–38).2.Design miRNA-specific primers to contain only the“coresequence”since our cloning method uses two degeneratenucleotides(VN)at the3 end to make small RNA cDNAs(srcDNAs)(see let-7a,Table19.1).3.For qPCR analysis,two miRNAs and a piRNA were quan-titated using the SYBR Green PCR Master Mix(41).Cyclethreshold(Ct)is the cycle number at which thefluorescencesignal reaches the threshold level above the background.ACt value for each miRNA tested was automatically calculatedby setting the threshold level to be0.1–0.3with auto base-line.All Ct values depend on the abundance of target miR-NAs.For example,average Ct values for let-7isoforms rangefrom17to20when25ng of each srcDNA sample from themultiple tissues was used(see(41).Quantitative Analysis of Small RNAs3034.This method amplifies over a broad dynamic range up to10orders of magnitude and has excellent sensitivity capable ofdetecting as little as0.001ng of the srcDNA in qPCR assays.5.For qPCR,each small RNA-specific primer should be testedalong with a known control primer(e.g.,let-7a)for PCRefficiency.Good efficiencies range from90%to110%calcu-lated from slopes between–3.1and–3.6.6.On an agarose gel,mature miRNAs and precursor miRNAs(pre-miRNAs)can be differentiated by their size.PCR prod-ucts containing miRNAs will be∼120bp long in size whileproducts containing pre-miRNAs will be∼170bp long.However,our PCR method preferentially amplifies maturemiRNAs(see Results and Discussion in(41)).We testedour PCR method to quantify over100miRNAs,but neverdetected pre-miRNAs(18,29–31,38). 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Pharmaceutical Molecular Biology 《药学分子生物学》
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关键词:分子生物学;七校联合班;双语教学一、“分子生物学”教学内容“分子生物学”(Molecular Biology)是从分子水平研究生命现象、生命本质、生命活动及其规律的科学。
因此,2002年采用全英文教学法来讲授“分子生物学”本科课程,选用了英国利物浦大学的英文教材Instant Notes in Molecular Biology(Turner etal.)《分子生物学》精要速览。
第五章蛋白质的生物合成(翻译)一、选择题1.仅有一个密码子的氨基酸是A.色氨酸、赖氨酸B.苏氨酸、甘氨酸C.甲硫氨酸、甘氨酸D.亮氨酸、丙氨酸E.色氨酸、甲硫氨酸2.密码与反密码配对时,不遵从碱基配对规律,称为A.密码的简并性B.密码的偏爱性C.密码的连续性D.密码的摆动性E.密码的通用性3.真核生物核蛋白体中没有的rRNA是A.18SB.23SC.5SD.28SE.5.8S4.反密码存在于A.DNAB.tRNAC.mRNAD.rRNAE.cDNA5.不符合密码的通用性的细胞器是A.细胞核B.微粒体C.线粒体D.内质网E.高尔基体6.氨基酰-tRNA合成酶的校正活性是A.水解酯键B.水解3’,5’磷酸二酯键C.水解磷酸酯键D.形成酸酐键E.形成磷酸酯键7.关于核蛋白体,错误的是A.由rRNA和多种蛋白质组成B.分为大小亚基C.是翻译的场所D.在细胞核内起作用E.一个mRNA上可附着多个核蛋白体8.能促使大小亚基解离的因子是A.IF1B.IF2C.IF3D.EF-TsE.IF1与IF39.EF-Tu的功能是A.协助氨基酰-tRNA进入A位B.促进核糖体亚基聚合C.促进核糖体解聚D.促进mRNA与核糖体分离E.促进肽酰-tRNA移位10.延长因子EFG具有哪种酶的活性A.转肽酶B.酯酶C.转位酶D.转甲酰酶E.转氨酶11.肽链延长过程的叙述,错误的是A.又称为核蛋白体循环B.每循环一次延长一个氨基酸C.分为进位,成肽和转位三步D.需要EFT、EFGE.需要ATP供能12. 翻译终止时激活转肽酶为酯酶活性的是A.RF-1B.RF-2C.RF-3D.RF-4E.RR13. 蛋白质合成中不消耗能量的阶段是A.氨基酸活化B.翻译起始C.进位D.成肽E.转位14. 关于多肽链一级结构的翻译后修饰,描述错误的是A.蛋白质合成过程中N端总是甲酰甲硫氨酸B.天然蛋白质N端多数不是甲酰甲硫氨酸C.脱甲酰基酶可除去N端甲酰基D.氨基肽酶可除去N端氨基酸E.翻译终止才能除去N端甲酰基15. 鸦片促黑皮质素原水解加工生成的是A.胰岛素B.糖蛋白C.脂蛋白D.ACTHE.TSH16. 可被信号肽酶裂解的部位是A.加工区B.疏水核心区C.碱性氨基末端区D.酸性羧基末端区E.亲水区17.关于信号肽识别粒子(SRP)的描述,错误的是A.由蛋白质与RNA组成的复合体B.能特异识别结合信号肽C.具有暂停蛋白质合成的作用D.可将正在合成蛋白质的核蛋白体带至膜外E.SRP需与对接蛋白结合18. 白喉毒素可共价修饰的因子是A.EF3B.eEF1C.EF1D.eEF2E.EF219. 干扰素通过何种方式使eIF2失活A.甲基化B.ADP核糖基化C.羧化D.磷酸化E.乙酰化20. 可辨认结合分泌蛋白新生肽链N端的是A.转肽酶B.信号肽识别颗粒C.GTP酶D.RNA酶E.对接蛋白二、名词解释1. 多聚核蛋白体(polyribosome)2. 信号肽(signal peptide)3.开放阅读框架(open reading frame, ORF)三、问答题1.三种RNA在蛋白质合成中各起何作用?2.原核与真核生物翻译起始阶段各有何异同?3.细胞核蛋白合成后如何靶向输送到细胞核?4.举例说明抗生素在翻译水平抑菌的作用机理。
职攻读高一级学位的学习, 逐步加强双语教学能力 。 同时 , 课教 师还 积极 参与 科研 , 过科 研促 进教学 授 通 内容 的改革 , 不断提高 自 的专业素质和教学水平 。 身 分 子生 物学是 一 门新 兴 的发 展 迅 速 的学 科 , 由科 研
的内容相对陈旧, 即使是最新 翻译过来 的教材也无
摘要 : 为 了使 生物科 学专业 的学生更好 的与国际接轨 , 实行 了分子 生物 学的双语 教 学, 采取 切 实措 施 , 培养合 格的 师资 , 编
制适 宜的外文教 材 , 用现代化 的教 学手段 , 采 建立完善 的考核制度 , 并总结 了一些改革 的心得体会 。
关键 词 : 分子生物学 ; 双语 教学 ; 教学模式
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山西 医科大学学报 : 基础医学教育版 ,0 7年 6月 ,( 20 93
分 子 生 物 学双 语 教 学初 探
陈昌杰, 杨清玲 , 连超群, 章 尧 ( 蚌埠医 学院生 化与分子生物学教研室, 蚌 埠 23 3 30 ) 0
大 的挑 战 , 也必 将 促 进 教学 改革 。为 了 给生 物 科 学
教 学水 平提 高 的关键 。遴 选具 有 良好 的英语 听 、 、 说
专业 的学生提供掌握专业外语 词汇的机会 , 使他们 在专业的学习和研究实践 中提高运用外语能力 , 积 极主动地利用各种学 习资源获取专业新知识、 新信
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分 子生 物学是 一 门新 兴 的 前 沿 学科 , 已成 为现
山东大学/医学院/英文原版/生理试题A/B真题卷(考前必做版)(含答案)Terminal Examination of Physiology (A)I. Select the Correct Answer (1 mark each, 40 in total)1.Extracellular fluid was termed ― Internal Environment‖ of the human body byA.Claude BernardB. HarveyC. PavlovD. HodgkinE. Cannon2. Inactivation of the sodium-potassium pump will causeA.An increase in intracellular volumeB.An increase in intracellular K+ concentrationC.Hyperpolarization of membrane potentialD.Increase in the excitability of nerve cellE.An increase in flow of sodium out of cell3. Depolarization of an axon is produced byA.Inward diffusion of Na+B. Active extrusion of K+C. Outward diffusion of K+D. Inward active transport of Na+E. Inward diffusion of Ca2+4. Which one of the following processes is not included in a cross bridge cycle?A. Myosin head is energizedB. B. Attachment of cross bridge to actinC. Power stroke causes contractionD. Detachments of heads from actinE. Excitation causes filament sliding5. Which one of the following is not the effect of preload on muscle contraction?A. In a limited range, tension caused by isometric contraction increases with the length.B. At optimal initial length a maximum tension is developedC. Tension declines when the length is shorter than optimal initial lengthD. Tension increases when the length is longer than optimal initial lengthE. Maximal active tension developed at length 2~2.2 μm of sarcomere6. Which of the following would cause a decrease in stroke volume:A.block the conduction of the vagus nerveB.stimulation of the sympathetic nerves to the heartC.decrease of the pressure in the carotid sinusD.an increase in the end-diastolic pressureE.from lying position to upright position7. If a person has an arterial pressure of 125/75 mmHg,A. The pulse pressure is 40 mmHgB. The mean arterial pressure is 92 mmHgC. Diastolic pressure is 80 mmHgD. Systolic pressure is 120 mmHgE. The mean arterial pressure is 100 mmHg8. Of the following substances, which has an effect on vascular resistance that is opposite to the effect of the others?A. vasopressinB. bradykininB. norepinephrineD. angiotensionE. none of the above9. The membrane potential of a ventricular myocardium is closest to equilibrium potential of K+ duringA. Phase 0 of the action potentialB. Phase 2 of the action potentialC. Phase 3 of the action potentialD. Phase 4 of the action potentialE. The effective refractory period10. Which of the following agents or changes has a negative inotropic effect on the heartA. Increased heart rateB. Sympathetic stimulationC. NorepinephrineD. AcetylcholineE. Cardiac glycosides11. Minimum aortic pressure during the cardiac cycle is attainedA. immediately after closure of the aortic semilunar valveB. immediately before opening of the aortic semilunar valveC. immediately before opening of the atrioventricular valvesD.in mid-diastoleE. none of the above12. If you know the stroke volume, the only other thing you need to know to be able to determine the cardiac output isA. heart rateB. afterloadC. preloadD. ventricular contractilityE. end-systolic volume13. The main reason of the formation of intrapleural negative pressure isA. Elastic recoil force of the lungB. Surface tensionC. Airway resistanceD. Contraction of the inspiratory musclesE. Intrapulmonary pressure14. Which of the following in arterial blood exerts the most important control on ventilation under normal conditions?A. PO2,B. PCO2,C. pHD. 2,3-DPGE. PCO15. A lack of normal surfactant will result inA. Increased lung complianceB. Stabilization of alveolar volumeC. Increased retractive force of the lungsD. Reduced alveolar-arterial O2 tension differenceE. Increased partial pressure of O2 in blood16. Which of the following shift the oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve to the right?A. Reduction in temperatureB. Reduction in pHC. Reduction in PCO2D. Reduction in 2,3-diphosphoglycerate in the red blood cellE. Reduction in PCO17. When surrounding temperature is greater than the skin temperature the only means by which the body can loses heat isA. RadiationB. ConductionC. ConvectionD. EvaporationE. Brown fat tissue18. Which of the following is not a significant function of the stomach?A. short term storage of ingested foodB. release of chyme into the small intestineC. mixing and liquefaction of foodD. initiation of protein digestionE. absorption of amino acids19. Which of the following enzymes would you expect to be most active in an environment where the pH was 2.0 ? What is the substrate for this enzyme?A. pepsin, starchB. trypsin, proteinC. amylase, starchD. pepsin, proteinE. enterokinase, neutral fat20. During digestion, the small intestine is flooded with proteolytic enzymes such as trypsin. What is the source of trypsin (actually secreted as trypsinogen) ?A. salivary glands and gastric epitheliumB. hepatocytesC. gastric epithelial cellsD. bile duct epithelial cellsE. pancreatic exocrine cells21. Which of the following statements about the enteric nervous system is true?A. it functions both autonomously and by communication with the central nervous systemB. it's neurons are embedded in the tunica mucosaC. it controls secretion, but has no effect on motility in the intestineD. it innervates the esophagus and stomach, but not the intestinesE. it’s not communicated with the central nervous22. The main difference between primary urine and blood plasma is:A. Glucose concentration.B. Crystal osmotic pressure.C. NaCl concentration.D. Plasma protein concentration.E. pH value.23. Proximal tubule of kidneys reabsorbsA. 85% of filtrated water.B. 85% of filtrated Na+C. 65~70% of filtrated Na+ and water.D. 65~70% of filtrated glucose.E. 65~70% of filtrated HCO3-.24. Which type receptor is the naked peripheral end of an afferent neuron?A. nociceptorsB. mechanoreceptorsC. photoreceptorsD. opiate receptorsE. vitreous receptors25. Sensory receptors convert carious forms of energy into electrical energy. What is the conversion process called?A. depolarizationB. hyperpolarizationC. frequency modulationD. somesthetic propagationE. transduction26. Which receptors do not adapt at all or adapt slowly?A. tactileB. nociceptorsC. phasicD. tonicE. taste27. An increase in the action potential frequency in a sensory nerve usually signifiesA. increased intensity of the stimulusB. cessation of the stimulusC. adaptation of the receptorD. constant and maintained stimulusE. An increase in the action potential28. Why is the blind spot on the retina not usually perceived?A. it is very small, below the ability of the sensory cells to detectB. It is present only in very young childrenC. Its location in the visual field is different in each eyeD. constant eye motion prevent the spot of spot from remaining stillE. lateral input from adjacent cells fills in the missing information29. The condition known as presbyopia is due toA. change in the shape of the eyeball as a result of ageB. an age-related loss of cells in the retinaC. change in the elasticity of the lens as a result of ageD. a loss of transparency in the lensE. increased opacity of the vitreous humor30. Which of the following is the principal function of the ossicles of the middle ear?A. they provide mechanical support for the flexible membranes to which they are attached (i.e., the eardrum and the oval window)B. they reduce the amplitude of the vibrations reaching the oval window, protecting it from mechanical damageC. they increase the efficiency of vibration transfer through the middle earD. they control the opening of the Eustachian tubes and allow pressure to be equalizedE. they have little effect on the process of hearing in humans, since they are essentially passive structures.31. The most important role of the gamma motoneurons is toA. Stimulate skeletal muscle fibers to contractafferent activity during B. Maintain I contraction of muscleC. Detect the length of resting skeletal muscleD. Prevent muscles from producing too much forceE. Above-mentioned are wrong.32. Which one of the following is not the cholinergic neuronA. All preganglionic neurons of the autonomic nervous systemB. The neurons in the caudate nucleus, putaman, globus pallidusC. Motor neurons in the spinal cordD. The postganglionic neurons of parasympatietic nervous systemE. Most of postganglionic neurons of sympathetic nervous system33. The reason of decerebrate rigidity isA. Overactivity of the spinocerebellumB. Overactivity of the medullary reticular inhibitor systemC. Non-functional of the medullary reticular inhibitor systemD. Non-functional of the pontine excitatory systemE. Non-functional of the spinocerebellum34. Which one is not belong to the feature of visceral painA. The highly localized types of damage to the viscera cause severe pain.B. Ischemia, chemical damage, and stretching of the ligaments cause severely pain.C. Localization of visceral pain is frequently difficult.D. Often followed by the referred pain and referred hyperalgesia.E. The signals are transmitted by Ad fibers GABA(a gammaaminobutyric acid)35. Which of the following statements is correct regarding the fast wave sleep?A. It is the first state of sleep entered when a person falls asleepB. It is accompanied by the vivid dreamingC. It is characterized by a slow but steady heart rateD. It occurs more often in adults than in childrenE. It lasts longer than periods of slow-wave sleep36. During a voluntary movement, the muscle spindle provide the central nervous system with information aboutA. The blood flow to the muscle being movedB. The velocity of the movementC. The length of the muscle being movedD. The tension developed by the muscle being movedE. The change in joint angle produced by the movement37. The specific neurotransmitter pathway from the substantia nigra to striatum isA.Dopamine,B.Acetylcholine,C.Gammaaminobutyric acid (GABA)D.NoradrenalineE.Glutamate38. Which of the following hormones is associated with acromegaly?A. growth hormoneB. thyroid hormoneC. thyroid stimulating hormoneD. adrenocorticotropic hormoneE. thyrotropin releasing hormone39. Which of the following hormones is associated with cretinism?A. growth hormoneB. thyroid hormoneC. prolactinD. adrenocorticotropic hormoneE. melanophore stimulating hormone40. Which of the following hormones is not secreted from adenohypophysis?A. growth hormoneB. thyroid stimulating hormoneC. prolactinD. luteinizing hormoneE. corticotropin releasing hormone.II Define the Concepts (2 marks each, 20 marks in total)1. Voltage gated channel2. Threshold potential3. Ejection fraction4. Glomerular filtration rate (GFR)5. Hemostasis6. Basic electrical rhythm7. Visual Accommodation8. Food specific dynamic effect9. Forced expiratory volume10. Axoplasmic transportIII Answers the following questions (8 marks each, 40 marks in total)1.Describe the possible mechanisms of glucose transport across cell membrane.2. What factors determine the arterial blood pressure?3. Describe the factors that determine the glomerular filtration rate.4. Describe the regulation of glucocorticoids secretion.5. Describe the detail of the neuronal circuit and function of the skeletal muscle stretch reflex. Examination of Physiology(B)Class_____ Name_____________ Numbers_____ Scores_____I .Choose the best answer for each of the following ( 1 point for each, total 40 points)1.The most important mechanism to maintain the homeostasis isA.Negative feedbackB.Positive feedbackC.Nervous regulationD.Humoral regulationE.Autoregulation2. Which of the following is not an example of cotransport?A.Movement of glucose and Na+ through the epithelial membrane in the intestinal epitheliumB.Movement of Na+ and K+ through the action of the Na+ pumpC.Movement of Na+ and glucose across the kidney tubulesD.Movement of Na+ into a cell while Ca2+ moves outE.Exchange between Na+ and H+ ions3. What would happen if the threshold potential were increased?A.Amplitude of AP will be higher than normalB.Propagation velocity of AP will be increasedC.Sodium channels will be more activatedD.Excitability of cells will be increasedE.Excitability of cells will be decreased4.Ca2+ triggers contraction by binding toA.TropomyosinB.ActinC.Cross bridgeD.TtroponinE.Myosin5. In resting muscle, tropomyosinA. Inhibits Ca2+ release from sarcoplasmic reticulumB. Prevents Ca2+ from binding to troponinC. Excites the binding of heavy meromyosion globular heads to actin subunits.D. Prevents the formation of cross-bridgesE. Promots Ca2+ transport from plasma to sarcoplasmic reticulum6. An increase of intracellular Na+ concentration would expected toA.Stimulate Ca2+ pumpB. Stimulate Na+ pumpC.Low excitability of the cellD.Increase intracellular level of amino acidE.Decrease intracellular Ca2+ concentration7. The transmission at neuromuscular junction is characterized byA.Two way directional propagationB. No time delayC. Affected uneasy by drugs and changes of environmentD. One to one transportE. All above are false8. A hematocrit of 45% means that in the sample of blood analyzedA.45% of the hemoglobin is in the plasmaB.45% of the total blood volume is made of blood plasmaC.45% of the total blood volume is made of platelets and red and white blood cellsD.45% of the hemoglobin is in the red blood cellsE.45% of the formed elements in blood are red blood cells9.When the radius of the resistance vesseles is increased, which one of the following is increased?A. Systolic blood pressureB. Diastolic blood pressureC.Viscosity of the bloodD.HematocritE.Capillary blood now10.Stroke volume is increased byA.Decrease in venous complianceB.Increase in afterloadC.Increase in contractilityD.Increase in heart rateE.Decrease in coronary blood now11. When a person moves from a supine position to a standing position, which of the following compensatory changes occurs?A.Decreased heart rateB.Increased contractilityC.Decreased total peripherad resistanceD.Decreased cardiac outputE.Increased phase 0 of the action potential12.The membrane potential of a ventricular myocardium is closest to equilibrium potentialof K+ duringA.Phase 0 of the action potentialB.Phase 2 of the action potentialC.Phase 3 of the action potentialD.Pphase 4 of the action potentialE.The effective refractory period13.If systolic pressure is 120 mmHg, diastolic pressure is 80mmHg, the mean blood pressure isA.100mmHgB.93.3mmHgC.95.3mmHgD.90mmHgE.80mmHg14.If the ejection fraction increases, there will be a decrease inA.Cardiac outputB.End-diastolic volumeC.Heart rateD.Pulse pressureE.Stroke volume15.Which of the following agents or changes has a negative inotropiceffect on the heart?A.Increased heart rateB.Sympathetic stimulationC.Norepinephrine (NE)D.Acetylcholine(ACh)E.Cardiac glycosides16.Total lung capacity is the sum ofA.Residual volume + Functional residual volumeB.Residual volume + Vital capacityC.Residual volume + Expiratory volume + Tidal volumeD.Residual volume + Inspiratory reserve volumeE.Functional residual volume + Tidal volume17.A lack of normal surfactant will result inA.Increased lung complianceB.Stabilization of alveolar volumeC.Increased retractive force of the lungsD.Reduced alveolar-arterial O2 tension differenceE.Increased partial pressure of O2 in blood18.Hypoxemia (low partial pressure of PO2 in blood) produces hyperventilation by adirest effect on theA.Phrenic nerveB.J receptorsC.Lung stretch receptorsD.Medullary chemoreceptorsE.Arotid and aortic body chemoreceptors19.If an area of the lung is not ventilated because of bronchial obstruction, the pulmonary capillary blood serving that area will have a Po2 that isA.Equal to atmospheric PO2B.Equal to mixed pulmonary venous PO2C.Equal to normal systemic arterial Po2D.Lower than mixed pulmonary venous PO2E.Higher than the mixed pulmonary venous PO220.The most versatile and important digestive juice isA.Gastric juiceB.Small intestinal juiceC.Pancreatic juiceD.BileE.Saliva21.Which of the following factors inhibits the gastric emptying?A.Gastric tonic contractionB.The enterogastric reflexC.The distention of foods on gastric wallD.AcetylcholineE.Gastric peristalsis22. When surrounding temperature is greater than the skin temperature the only means by which the body can loses heat isA.RadiationB.ConductionC.ConvectionD.EvaporationE.Brown fat tissue23.Which one of the following is not the important factor that determines the rate of heat production ?A.BMR of all the cellsB.Extra metabolism caused by muscle activityC.Extra metabolism caused by the effect of hormoneD.Shivering thermogenesis and non-shivering thermogenesisE.Decreasing of the skin vascular tone24.The force opposing glomerular filtration isA. Arterial blood pressureB. Glomerular capillary hydrostatic pressureC. Plasma colloid osmotic pressureD. Blood pressure of afferent arterioleE. Blood pressure of efferent arteriole25.Which of followings can increase glomerular filtratioon rate ?A. Arterial blood pressure increases from 80 mmHg to 180 mmHgB. Arterial blood pressure decreases from 80 mmHg to 60 mmHgC. Increased action of renal sympathetic nerveD. Intravenously infusing a large volume of normal saline ?E. Intravenously infusing hyperosmotic glucose solution ?26. When reabsorption of water filtrated by glomerulus decrease 1%, how much the quantityof urine will increase ?A.1%B.10%C.50%D.70%E.100%27. The location reabsorbing glucose isA.proximal tubuleB. Henle’s loopC.distal convoluted tubuleD. collecting ductE. proximal tubule and distal tubule28. The location regulated by antidiuretic hormone isA. Proximal convoluted tubleB. Thick segment of descending limbC. Thick segment of ascending limbD. Thi n segment of Henle’ loopE. Distal convoluted tubule and collecting duct(Test Paper B)29. When sound wave is transmitted by tympanic membrane and ossicular chain to oval window, which of followings is correctA. Both amplitude and pressure intensity of sound wave increaseB. Both amplitude and pressure intensity of sound wave decreaseC. Amplitude of sound wave decreases and pressure intensity of sound wave increasesD. Frequency of sound wave increasesE Frequency of sound wave decreases30.which of the following is related to after discharge?A.DivergenceB.ConvergenceC.Chain circuitD.Recurrent circuitE.Synaptic sensitization31.All of the following are true for neuromodulator, exceptA.Often synthesized by presynaptic cellB.Involved in rapid communicationC.Co-released with neurotranmitterD.Amplifying or dampening the effectiveness of ongoing synaptic activityE.Change the presynaptic cell’s metabolism of a transmitter32. Which of the following is not important in saltatory conduction of the action potential along the axonA.The myelin sheath surrounding the axonB. The node of ranvierC. Loading neurotransmitter in the synaptic vesicleD.Passive current flow along the length of the membraneE.Voltage-sensitive Na+ gates33. Which one is not the feature of visceral pain ?A.The highly localized types of damage to the viscera cause severe painB.Ischemia, chemical damage, and stretching of the ligaments cause severely painC.Localization of visceral pain is frequently difficultD Often followed by the referred pain and referred hyperalgesiafibers GABA (a E.The signals are transmitted by A gamma-aminobutyric acid)34.Which one of following is wrong about tendon reflexA.It is caused by rapid stretch of the muscleB.An instantaneous, strong reflex contraction of the same muscleC.A dynamic stretch reflexD.Multiple synaptic pathway, continues for a prolonged periodE.Transmitted to spinal cord from the IA sensory ending of the muscle spindle35. The most importment output pathway from the motor cortex isA.The rubrospinal tractB.The reticulospinal and vestibulospinal tractsC.The corticospinal tractD.The pontocerebellar fibersE.The olivocerebellar fibers36. The specific neurotransmitter pathway from the substantia nigra to striatum isA.DopamineB.AcetylcholineC.Gammaaminobutyric acid (GABA)D.NoradrenalineE.Glutamate37.The cause of the acromegaly isA.High concentration of growth hormone in adultB.Low concentration of growth hormone in adultC.Low concentration of growth hormone in childhoodD.High concentration of thyroid hormones in adultE.High concentration of growth hormone in childhood38.About the humoral regulation of protein metabolism, which is right?A.GH increases the breakdown of proteinsB.Thyroid hormones decreases the synthesis of the protein in normal levelC.In patients with hyperthyroidism, high level of T3/T4 always promote the catabolismD.Cortisol increases the breakdown of proteins in liverE.Cortisol inhibits the breakdown of proteins in muscle39.Which one of the following is not the hormone that increases the glucose of blood?A.CortisolB.EpinephrineC..NorepinephrineD.Growth hormoneE.Somatostatin (SS)40.Which one of the following is right?A.ACTH increases the release of CRHB.Wolf-Chaikoff effect is caused by the increase of T3/T4C.Stimulation of parasympathetic nerve inhibits the release of T3/T4D.Cortisol increases the release of ACTHE.Cortisol decreases the number of red blood cellII. Define the terms (2 points for each term,total 20 points)1.Optimal length2.Oxygen capacity3.Forced expiratory volume4.Effective refratory period5.Basic electrical rhythm6.Hypothalamic regulatory peptide7.Filtration fraction8.Dark adaptation9.The specific dynamic action of protein(food specific dynamic effect)10.Afferent collateral inhibitionIII.Answer the questions (10 points for each question,total 40 points )1.Describe the types of glucose transport across epithelial cell.2.To describe the mechanism of production of an action potential in ventricular muscle cell.3. Describe the composition and function of gastric juice.4.Describe the function of the muscle spindle.Answer Points for the Terminal Examination of Physiologyfor English Medicine Student(A)Answer sheetI. Select the Correct Answer (1 mark each, 40 in total)1 A2 A3 A4 E5 D6 E7 B8 B9 D 10 D 11 B 12 A 13 A 14 B 15 C16 B 17 D 18 E 19 D 20 E 21 A 22 D 23 C 24 A 25 E 26 D 27 A 28 D29 C 30 C 31 B 32 E 33 B 34 A 35 B 36 C 37 A 38 39 B 40 DII Define the Concepts (2 marks each, 20 marks in total)1. Voltage gated channelIt is a type of ionic channel which gate is controlled by changes in the membrane potential.2. Threshold potentialIt is a critical membrane potential level at which an action potential can occur. The value of threshold potential of most excitable cell membrane is about 15 to 20 mV less negative than the resting potential.3. Ejection fraction55-65%stroke volume/ end-diastolic volume4. Glomerular filtration rate (GFR)The quantity of ultrafiltrate formed by both kidneys per unit time (each minute) is called GFR5. HemostasisProcess to stop bleeding automatically of small vessel.6. Basic electrical rhythmThe smooth muscle membrane automatically and slowly, depolarizes and repolarizes in a cyclic fashion, this electric activity is called the slow wave or basic electric rhythm.7. Visual AccommodationThe process whereby near objects are brought to a sharp focus on the retina is called accommodation of eye or visual accommodation8. Food specific dynamic effectAfter a meal that contains a large quantity of carbohydrates or fats, the metabolic rate usually increases only about 4 per cent. However, after a meal that contains large quantities of protein, the metabolic rate usually begins rising within 1 hour, reaching a maximum about 30 per cent above normal, and this lasts for 3 to 12 hours. This effect of food on the metabolic rate is called the specific dynamic action of food 9. Forced expiratory volumeThe volume of air expelled during the first second of forced expiration is called the forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1). It is normally in excess of 83% of the FVC.10. Axoplasmic transportVarious organelles and materials must be moved from the cell body, where they are made, to the axon and its terminals in order to maintain the structure and function of the cell axonIII Answers the following questions (8 marks each, 40 marks in total)1. Describe the possible mechanisms of glucose transport across cell membrane.(1) Facilitated diffusion via carrierFacilitated Diffusion means the diffusion of lipid insoluble or water soluble substances across the membrane down their concentration gradients by aid of membrane proteins. Facilitated diffusion via carrier is the diffusion carried out by carrie r protein. Mechanism is a ―ferry ‖ or ―shuttling ‖ process carried out by carrier protein in the cell membrane.(2) Secondary Active TransportSecondary Active Transport is a type of active transport in which process the expending energy is supplied indirectly from ATP.Mechanism is a Na+ -glucose co-transport mechanism, a process carried out by Na+ - glucose transporter or symporter.Process: ①Na+ ions diffuse from higher to lower concentration because the intracellular concentration of Na+ is kept low by the primary active transport of Na+ out of the cell across the basolateral membrane, where all of the Na+ pumps are located. In other words, Na+ moves downhill into the epithelial cell and then uphill out of it to the blood. ②The transporter (symporter) on the lumen membrane has 2 binding sites on its exterior side, one for Na+ ion and one for glucose molecule. Once both Na+ and glucose bind to these two sites, a conformational change of the transporter occurs automatically, and this allows both Na+ and glucose to be transported together into the inside of the cell at same time. Therefore, glucose moves from a lower concentration in the lumen fluid to a higher concentration in the epithelial cell, and the intracellular concentration of glucose becomes higher than lumen fluid. ③Glucose in the epithelial cell is then transported by carrier mediated facilitated diffusion across the basement membrane of the epithelial cell into blood.2. What factors determine the arterial blood pressure?(1) Stroke volume—systolic .pulse pressure increase(2) HR –diastolic,(3) Peripheral resistence—diastolic(4) Electic property of the aortic ---pulse pressure(5) Rate of the circulatory volume and vessel system volume3. Describe the factors that determine the glomerular filtration rate.(1) Glomerular capillary hydrostatic pressure: It is the force driving filtration, it promotes the filtration ,GFR is is in direct proportion to (positive related to) it. The higher the Glomerular capillary hydrostatic pressure, the more the GFR(2) Pplasma colloid osmotic pressure: It is force opposing filtration, GFR is in negative proportion to it(3) Bowman’s capsular hydrostatic pressure: It is force opposing filtration, GFR is in negative proportion to it(4) Renal plasma flow(RPF): GFR is in direct proportion to RPF.(5) Filtration coefficient ( KF): GFR is in direct proportion to both the fluid permeability and surface area of filtration membrane..4. Describe the regulation of glucocorticoids secretion.Hypothalamus – Anterior Pituitary – Adrenocortical Axis(1) Action of ACTH: Cortisol secretion is almost entirely controlled by ACTH (adrenocorticotropin。
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简答 1.What is asymmetry of transcription? Please describe the prokaryotic and eukaryotic RNA polymerase that require for making mRNA , tRNA ,rRNA respectively. (8')
2.Please illustrate how the extracellular signal is transduced into by G-protein cAMP-PKA pathway ,and explain the activation of PKA. (7')
3.What means DNA damage? Pleaase list four prokayotic repairing system that are esstional for correcting yhe damage occurring on DNA molecules.(including main protein and enzyme that are used in repairing systems) (8')
4.Please discuss the structure and function of wild type P53 gene ? How does the mutant P53 induce tumor? (7')
5. DNA can be synthesized eitheir in vitro or in vivo . Please give two DNA synthesis methods and brifely explain functions of proteins and enzymes that are invovled in the sythesis process. (10')
名词 1. inton and exon 2.DNA denaturation 3. secondary messenger 4.polyribosome 5.semiconservative replication