猫王,埃尔维斯·普雷斯利,(Elvis Aron Presley,1935.1.8-1977.8.16)美国摇滚乐史上影响力最大的歌手,有摇滚乐之王的誉称。20世纪50年代,猫王的音乐开始风靡世界。他的音乐超越了种族以及文化的疆界,将乡村音乐、布鲁斯音乐以及山地摇滚乐融会贯通,形成了具有鲜明个性的独特曲风,强烈的震撼了当时的流行乐坛,并让摇滚乐开始如同旋风一般横扫了世界乐坛。
在1955年11月的一次由电台音乐节目主持人参加的民意评选中,他被认为是一位最有前途的"乡村与西部"风格的歌手。这时帕克"上校"成了猫王的经理人,菲利普斯则以35,000美元的价格把他与猫王签订的合同转让给了拥有在全国范围内推销和发行唱片实力的RCA公司的分公司Victor。再加上帕克成功地安排了猫王在电视上有选择地露面,猫王马上成为了全国性的明星,他此后的每一张唱片都在排行榜上名列前茅。加盟RCA的首支单曲"Heartbreak Hotel/I Was The One为猫王缔创首支冠军曲,并于同年3月推出加盟RCA首张专辑Elvis Presley,蝉连了Billboard专辑榜10周冠军。接着第2张专辑Elvis发行后,单曲Love Me Tender就占据了全美4项排行冠军。与此同时,衬衫、围巾、牛仔裤、口红在内的二十多种猫王商品接连问世,在猫王入主RCA第一年就赚进2000万美金。
Le Chevalier et al Lung Cancer, 47, 69-80, 2005.
2007年荟萃分析—研究背景 2007年荟萃分析— 年荟萃分析
终点指标:OS 终点指标:OS或其他? OS或其他?
PD率比RR率更接近MST,可考虑为晚期NSCLC Ⅱ期临床试验的主要重点指 标 Sekine et al. Ann Oncol 1999 ORR和OS紧密相关,可作为晚期NSCLC有效的替代指标 Bruzzi et al (Abst. 7548) 第三代药物和铂两药联用可改善晚期NSCLC的ORR和OS Azim et al (Abst. 7580)
健择® /顺铂的PFS/OS显著长于顺铂单药 顺铂的PFS/OS显著长于顺铂单药
无进展生存期 (PFS) 总生存期Clin Oncol 18:122-130, 2000.
健择® /顺铂的TTP和RR显著优于依托泊苷/顺铂 顺铂的TTP和RR显著优于依托泊苷 显著优于依托泊苷/
健择® /顺铂引起的恶心和神经毒性多于健择®/卡铂 (p=0.02, 0.03) 健择® /卡铂引起的皮疹多于健择®/顺铂 (p=0.007)
Blackhall et al., JTO 2, 8 (Suppl4), 338 (Abstr. B2-06), 2007.
健择® /顺铂的缓解率显著高于顺铂单药
健择® /顺铂分次给药有效且相比健择® /卡铂 因毒性引起的住院事件更少
健择®:1250 mg/m² d1, 8 顺铂:35 mg /m² d1, 8;卡铂:AUC 5, d1 给药周期数 因毒性而住院的天数 因化疗而住院天数 因任何原因而住院天数 因非治疗相关原因而住院的天数 静脉给予抗生素的天数 需要至少1次输血患者的比例 需要至少1次输注血小板的患者比例 健择®/顺铂 n=199 603 95 49 394 250 96 35% 5% 健择®/卡铂 n=199 614 247 68 517 202 113 56% 22% 0.034 NS 0.074 NS 0.593 <0.001 <0.001 P值
歌迷:称姿迷,指至少购买过一张燕姿正版唱片的乐迷。其中,1985~1989年出生的人占一半左右。主要分布在中国大陆、港澳台、新马、以及日韩等听华语音乐的国家和地区。姿迷购买燕姿的唱片、演唱会门票、代言商品;响应燕姿做慈善,送捐款单据给燕姿做礼物;燕姿的眼睛做过镭射手术,姿迷给燕姿拍照不用闪光灯;大小奖项上为燕姿投票,为燕姿取得的成就而开心和骄傲。 称呼:五月天阿信称呼燕姿是"小姿姿",郑秀文称呼"国宝",蔡依林称呼"宝贝",歌迷称呼"老大"。孙董——燕姿是音乐工作室Make Music的老板。13 Sis(十三姐)——枪击事件曾让燕姿恐惧人群,工作人员要她学习吴君如在电影里扮演古惑女十三妹的角色来壮胆 新加坡生活举例:早上十点起床,泡制一壶新鲜的热咖啡,阅读报纸至中午,吃午餐,上画画/网球/kick boxing课,看书,看《friends》,玩 Guitar Hero(电视游戏),再看书,睡觉 宠物:吉娃娃Sonny,养在新加坡;西施犬Norman,养在台湾。燕姿说:“养狗是长期的责任,不要只看到小狗的可爱,就一时冲动买下它,因为小狗会长大的,它会需要你一直细心地呵护。”燕姿是新加坡宠物店Pet Symphony的常客,念中学时,常偷偷把流浪猫、流浪狗带回家 推荐的书籍: The Little Princess White Teeth,Zadie Smith On Beauty,Zadie Smith The Elder Gods,David & Leigh Eddings Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking,Malcolm Gladwell The Five People You Meet in Heaven,Mitch Albom Story of O,Pauline Reage Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,Roald Dahl Sightseeing,Rattawut Lapcharoensap Da Vinci Code,Dan Brown The Food of Love,Anthony Capella Archie's Double Digest,Archie Comics Glue,Irvine Welsh The Alchemist,Paulo Coelho Running with Scissors,Augusten Burroughs The Rule of Four,Ian Caldwell / Dustin Thomason Seven Types of Ambiguity,Elliot Perlman Snow,Orhan Pamuk 推荐的电影: The Sound of Music (1965) The Eighth Day (1997) America's Sweethearts (2001) Closer (2004) In her Shoes (2005) The chronicles of Narnia: the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005) Pride and Prejudice (2005) The Pursuit of Happyness (2006) 300 (2007) The Little Mermaid (1989) The Iron Ladies II (2003)
法国首席女歌手Mylene Farmer(玛莲法莫)一手打造快红新人*首发主打"Moi…Lolita"荣登8大国(法国、西班牙、意大利、德国、俄罗斯、以色列、荷兰及波兰等)销售冠军宝座。
*继V anessa Paradis(凡妮莎帕拉迪丝)后第二位攻进英国金榜TOP 10的法国歌手青春本就该自由自在的尽情发挥自我本能,法国新世代当红女歌手Alizee/艾莉婕就是一位蕴藏着艺术与歌唱潜能的女孩,自幼即对舞蹈、歌唱及演戏相当热爱,1984年8月21日出生于法国南部海港-阿亚丘Ajaccio 的她在2000年参加了法国电视台M6新秀选拔的试镜比赛,这一试,一举惊艳了在场的法国首席女歌手Mylene Farmer(玛莲法莫)及其御用制作人Laurent Boutonnat的目光,这对超级艺人/制作人组合随即与Alizee签下歌手合约,双方合作录制的处女单曲"Moi…Lolita"推出后风靡欧陆,席卷法国、西班牙、义大利、德国、俄罗斯、以色列、荷兰及波兰等8大国排行冠军宝座,单曲销量不但在法国获颁钻石唱片,包括比利时(双白金)、瑞士(金唱片)、荷兰(金唱片)及德国(金唱片)等欧陆各国都纷纷写下双白金或金唱片的纪录,这些荣耀让Alizee尝到走红的滋味,单曲"Moi…Lolita"同时在英国写下新纪录,成为继法国著名歌星V anessa Paradis(凡妮莎帕拉迪丝)后第二位打进排行榜Top10的法国女艺人。
2001年,“Gourmandises”正式在德国、荷兰、英国…等全欧以及俄罗斯、加拿大、日本发行,并在俄罗斯赢得了HIT FM AWARD。
夏复华先生说“仙乐相机的整体加图1 仙乐照相机(宁波3R堂收藏)图3 郑崇兰肖像图2 高式熊、郑德辅、郑学惠、吴曾乐在上海中华相机史料博物馆进行了追述与求证工工艺十分精细,旋钮的外缘用模具冲压成花边形,不仅有利于防滑还起到美化作用,比起同年代产品有过之而无不及,相机外饰部分还采用镀铬工艺,至今光亮如新,让人称奇。
”祖忠人说:“生产仙乐牌(S E L O )照相机的工厂,具有车、钳、冲、电镀、烤漆规模,而绝非家庭作坊。
Sede central de América Cisco Systems, Inc.170 West Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134-1706EE. UU. Tel.:+1 408 526-4000800 553-NETS (6387)Fax:+1 408 527-0883Cisco y el logotipo de Cisco son marcas comerciales de Cisco Systems, Inc. o de sus filiales en los Estados Unidos y en otros países. Podrá consultar una lista de las marcas comerciales de Cisco en /go/trademarks . Todas las marcas comerciales de terceros mencionadas en este documento pertenecen a sus respectivos propietarios. El uso de la palabra partner no implica la existencia de una asociación entre Cisco y cualquier otra empresa. (1005R)© 2011 Cisco Systems, Inc. Reservados todos los derechos.OL-24630-01Guía rápidaTeléfono SIP 3905 de Cisco Unified1Marcar 2Respuesta 3Silencio 4Buzón de voz 5Desvío incondicional 6Espera 7Conferencia 8Transferencia 9Control del volumen10Sugerencias NotaPara obtener los mejores resultados, imprímase en papel de 216 x 356 mm (8,5 x 14 pulgadas) (formato oficio).1 Marcarpulse el botón de altavozPulse el botón de rellamada 2 RespuestaAl recibir una nueva llamada, el indicador luminoso del teléfono parpadeará en rojo. Para contestar la llamada, lleve a cabo una de las siguientes acciones: •Levante el auricular.•Pulse el botón de altavoz3 Silencio4 Buzón de vozCuando se recibe un nuevo mensaje, el teléfono muestra los indicadores siguientes:•Una luz roja permanente en el indicadorluminoso.•Un indicador de mensaje de espera sonoro(si se encuentra disponible).Escuchar mensajes Paso 1En el centro de los controles de navegación, pulse el botón de función .Paso 2Seleccione Buzón de voz (utilice loscontroles de navegación para desplazarse).Paso 3Pulse el botón de función y siga lasindicaciones de voz.5 Desvío incondicionalPaso 1En el centro de los controles de navegación,pulse el botón de función .Paso 2Seleccione Desvío incondicional (utilice los controles de navegación para desplazarse) y pulse el botón de función .Paso 3Espere hasta escuchar el tono deconfirmación y, a continuación, introduzca el número de teléfono al que desviar las llamadas.Paso 4Para cancelar el desvío de llamadas, repita los pasos 1 y 2.Al levantar el auricular, escuchará un tono de confirmación hasta que cancele el desvío.6 EsperaPaso 1Pulse el botón de espera/reanudación.Paso 2Para reanudar una llamada, vuelva a pulsar el botón de espera/reanudación .7 ConferenciaPaso 1En una llamada conectada (no en espera), pulse el gancho conmutador y suéltelo para obtener un tono de marcado.Paso 2Introduzca el número de teléfono de la persona que desea agregar a la conferencia. Paso 3Vuelva a pulsar y soltar el ganchoconmutador (antes o después de que el receptor responda). Se inicia la conferencia.8 TransferenciaPaso 1Desde una llamada conectada (que no esté transferenciaPaso 2Paso 3Vuelva a pulsar el botón de transferencia o cuelgue (antes o después de que el receptor responda).Se completa la transferencia.9 Control del volumenEl botón de volumen está situado debajo de las teclas numéricas.•Para ajustar el volumen del auricular, pulse elbotón de volumen hacia arriba o hacia abajo cuando el teléfono esté descolgado.•Para ajustar el volumen del timbre de llamada,pulse el botón de volumen hacia arriba o hacia abajo cuando el teléfono esté colgado.10 Sugerencias¿Cómo se utiliza el botón de función?El botón de función le permite acceder a funciones como el desvío incondicional, responder llamada o responder llamada en grupo. Puede pulsar el botón de navegación y utilizar los controles de navegación para desplazarse por las funciones disponibles.¿Dónde se puede encontrar la guía de usuario completa?/en/US/products/ps7193/prod ucts_user_guide_list.html。
捷克艳星Sandra Russo简介如果你要问,哪一位中东欧女演员名气虽不大,但是最为我们所熟知?如果你要问,哪一位中东欧女演员入道虽很晚,但是中国观众却很喜欢?如果你要问,哪一位中东欧女演员虽然已经32岁,但是活力依然,魅力四射?毫无疑问,这就是Sandra Russo。
上点年纪的同志们都应该有印象,没错,就是这位:金发尤物绝色倾城——斯洛伐克美人Sandra Russo。
你可以想象,5英尺7英寸(170 cm)的身高和不到55公斤的体重相搭配,会是怎样令人艳羡的魔鬼身材!在这个整形、整容蔚然成风的世界里,Sandra Russo这样的纯天然美人(Natural Beauty)已经不多了。
上天是如此眷顾Sandra Russo,她天生就具备完美女人的一切!--她有"亭亭玉立"的站姿美--她有"丰盈自然"的胸部美----她有"纤细玲珑"的腰部美--她有"苗条和谐"的腹部--她有"曲线柔和"的背部形态美--她有"性感迷人"的臀部美--她有一双"勾人俏美腿此外,Sandra还有让人心动的迷人微笑,还有女神般的金发,让她看起来高贵无比,但她的表演却是如此狂野!这也许是很多人喜欢她的重要原因。
中欧好像很盛产Sandra Russo这类高贵、神秘又带些许凛然气质的女人,西方人称那里为"美女之乡",这似乎并不是言过其实的赞美之词。
Sandra Russo虽然是斯洛伐克人,但是却在捷克出生并长大。
据相关资料介绍,Sandra Russo天生是个很随意的人,她散发着一种很朴实的性感和感性,这使她在镜头内外没什么不同。
Bosch Serie 4 积分式洗衣机说明书
Serie 4, Lavastoviglie integrabile, 60 cm, acciaio inox, XXLSBI4HCS48EAccessori specialiSGZ0BI11 Kit di adattamento e fissaggio NiroSGZ0IC00 :SGZ1010 Prolunga acqua-stop sgs/gi/gv/guSMZ1051EU :SMZ2014 Cestello per bicchieri a stelo lungoSMZ5000 Set completo spazio 51SMZ5003 Cerniera ribaltabile per dimensioni alte SMZ5045 :SMZ5100 Cestello porta posateSMZ5300 Accessorio lavastoviglie da incasso Caricare facilmente le stoviglie e gestirela lavastoviglie tramite l'app Home Connect.• ExtraDry: opzione selezionabile per un'ulteriore asciugatura.• CestelloVario - Flessibilità nel terzo livello di carico• Home Connect: elettrodomestici interconnessi di Bosch per unapiù facile gestione della quotidianità• AquaStop: protezione antiallagamento, con una garanzia a vita al 100%.Dati tecniciClasse di efficienza energetica: ........................................................D Consumo energetico del programma Eco per 100 cicli : .........85 kWh Numero massimo di coperti: .. (14)Consumo di acqua del programma eco in litri per ciclo: ..............9.5 l Durata del programma: .............................................................4:55 h Emissioni di rumore aereo: ......................................44 dB(A) re 1 pW Classe di emissioni di rumore aereo: ................................................B Da incasso / a libera installazione: .....................................Da incasso Altezza senza piano di lavoro: ....................................................0 mm Dimensioni (lxp): ................................................865 x 598 x 573 mm Dimensioni del vano per l'installazione: .......865-925 x 600 x 550 mm Profondità con porta aperta a 90 gradi: ...............................1200 mm piedini regolabili: ...................................................Yes - all from front Regolazione massima dei piedini: ............................................60 mm Zoccolo regolabile: ..........................................verticale ed orizontale Peso netto: ..............................................................................37.6 kg Peso lordo: ..............................................................................39.5 kg Potenza: ..................................................................................2400 W Corrente: .....................................................................................10 A Tensione: .............................................................................220-240 V Frequenza: ...........................................................................50; 60 Hz Lunghezza del cavo di alimentazione elettrica: .....................175.0 cm Tipo di spina: ..........................................................................Schuko Lunghezza tubo entrata: ..........................................................165 cm Lunghezza tubo uscita: ............................................................190 cm Codice EAN: (4242005184019)Installazione: ......................................................................IntegrabileSerie 4, Lavastoviglie integrabile, 60cm, acciaio inox, XXLSBI4HCS48ECaricare facilmente le stoviglie e gestire la lavastoviglie tramite l'app Home Connect.Prestazioni e consumo- Classe di efficienza energetica¹: D- Energia² / Acqua³: 85 kWh / 9.5 litri- Capacità: 14 coperti- Durata del programma⁴: 4:55 (h:min)- Livello sonoro: 44 dB(A) re 1 pW- Livello di rumore programma Silence: 41(A) re 1 pW- Classe di efficienza di rumore: BProgrammi e opzioni- 6 Programmi: Eco 50 °C, Auto 45-65°, Intensive 70 °C, Express 65°, Silence- Prelavaggio- 4 Programmi supplementari: Home Connect, Asciugatura extra, Mezzo carico, SpeedPerfect+- Home Connect-capibile via WLAN- Programma manutenzione- Silence on demand (tramite App)Tecnologia lavaggio- Scambiatore di calore.- DosageAssist- EcoSilence Drive- Automatismo di pulizia- Sistema di filtri autopulenti con ondulazione a 3 livelli- Contenitore interno: Materiale della vasca interna in acciaio inox Sistema Cestelli- Cestelli Flex- VarioCestello- Ruote con scorrimento facile nel cestello inferiore e nel terzo cestello- Cestello inferiore con blocco (rackStopper) per evitare che fuoriesca dalle guide.- Cestello superiore regolabile in altezza con Rackmatic (3 livelli)- Griglie abbattibili nel cestello superiore (2x)- Griglie abbattibili nel cestello inferiore (2x)- Ripiani per tazze nel cestello superiore (2x)- Carrello inferiore con ripiani per tazze (2x)Indicazione e funzionamento- Iscrizioni di testo in chiaro (inglese)- Indicazione tempo residuo (min.)- Programmatore inizio lavaggio (1-24 h)Sicurezza- AquaStop: una garanzia Bosch per danni causati dall'acqua - durata del dispositivo*- Sicurezza bambini (Tasti)- Tecnologia di protezione del vetro - Aiuto per il riempimento del sale (Imbuto)- Protezione contro il vaporeDimensioni- Dimensioni del prodotto (HxLxP): 86.5 x 59.8 x 57.3 cm¹ In una scala di classi di efficienza energetica da A a G² Consumo di energia in kWh per 100 cicli (nel programma Eco 50°C)³ Consumo di acqua in litiri per ciclo (nel programma Eco 50 °C)⁴ Durata del programma Eco 50 °C* Verificare i termini di garanzia al link/ch/it/condizioni-generali-di-garanziaSerie 4, Lavastoviglie integrabile, 60 cm, acciaio inox, XXLSBI4HCS48E。
EN FR ESFOR CAR USE ONLY/POUR APPLICATION AUTOMOBILE/PARA USO EN AUTOMÓVILES• OWNER’S MANUALPlease read before using this equipment.• MODE D’EMPLOIVeuillez lire avant d’utiliser cet appareil.• MANUAL DE OPERACIÓNLéalo antes de utilizar este equipo.ALPINE ELECTRONICS MARKETING, INC.1-7, Yukigaya-Otsukamachi, Ota-ku,Tokyo 145-0067, JAPANPhone: 03-5499-4531ALPINE ELECTRONICS OF AMERICA, INC.19145 Gramercy Place, Torrance,California 90501, U.S.A.Phone 1-800-ALPINE-1 (1-800-257-4631)ALPINE ELECTRONICS OF AUSTRALIA PTY. LTD.161-165 Princes Highway, HallamVictoria 3803, AustraliaPhone 03-8787-1200ALPINE ELECTRONICS GmbHWilhelm-Wagenfeld-Str. 1-3,80807 München, GermanyPhone 089-32 42 640ALPINE ELECTRONICS OF U.K. LTD.Alpine House Fletchamstead Highway, Coventry CV4 9TW, ALPINE ELECTRONICS France S.A.R.L.184 allée des Erables CS 52016 – Villepinte 95 945 Roissy CDG cedex FRANCE Phone : + 33(0)1 48 63 89 89ALPINE ITALIA S.p.A.Viale Cristoforo Colombo, 820090 Trezzano sul Naviglio MI, Italy Phone +39 02 484781ALPINE ELECTRONICS DE ESPAÑA, S.A.Portal de Gamarra 36, Pabellón, 3201013 Vitoria (Alava)-APDO 133, SpainPhone 945-283588MRV-M1200MONO POWER AMPLIFIERJEIL Moon Hwa Co.18-6, 3Ga, Pil_dong, Jung_gu, Seoul, Korea Designed by ALPINE Japan Printed in Korea 68-29530Z91-A (Y-A5)M3514596010WARNING (1)SERVICE CARE (2)ACCESSORIES (2)INSTALLATION (3)ATTACHING THE TERMINAL COVERS (3)CONNECTIONS (4)CONNECTION CHECK LIST (8)SWITCH SETTINGS (9)SYSTEM DIAGRAMS (11)SPECIFICATIONS (14)Points to Observe for Safe UsageRead this manual carefully before using the system components. They contain instructions on how to use this product in a safe and effective manner. Alpine cannot be responsible for problems resulting from failure to observe the instructions inthis manual.DO NOT OPERATE ANY FUNCTION THAT TAKES YOUR ATTENTION AWAY FROM SAFELY DRIVING YOUR VEHICLE.Any function that requires your prolonged attention should only be performed after coming to a complete stop. Always stop the vehicle in a safe location before performing these functions. Failure to do so may result in an accident.KEEP THE VOLUME AT A LEVEL WHERE YOU CAN STILL HEAR OUTSIDE NOISES WHILE DRIVING.Excessive volume levels that obscure sounds such as emergency vehicle sirens or road warning signals (train crossings, etc.) can be dangerous and may result in an accident. LISTENING AT LOUD VOLUME LEVELS IN A CAR MAY ALSO CAUSE HEARING DAMAGE.DO NOT DISASSEMBLE OR ALTER.Doing so may result in an accident, fire or electric E THIS PRODUCT FOR MOBILE 12V APPLICATIONS. Use for other than its designed application may result in fire, electric shock or other injury.USE THE CORRECT AMPERE RATING WHEN REPLACING FUSES.Failure to do so may result in fire or electric shock.DO NOT BLOCK VENTS OR RADIATOR PANELS.Doing so may cause heat to build up inside and may result in fire.MAKE THE CORRECT CONNECTIONS.Failure to make the proper connections may result in fire or product damage.USE ONLY IN CARS WITH A 12 VOLT NEGATIVE GROUND. (Check with your dealer if you are not sure.) Failure to do so may result in fire, etc.BEFORE WIRING, DISCONNECT THE CABLE FROM THE NEGATIVE BATTERY TERMINAL.Failure to do so may result in electric shock or injury due to electrical shorts.DO NOT ALLOW CABLES TO BECOME ENTANGLED IN SURROUNDING OBJECTS.Arrange wiring and cables in compliance with the manual to prevent obstructions when driving. Cables or wiring that obstruct or hang up on places such as the steering wheel, gear lever, brake pedals, etc. can be extremely hazardous.DO NOT SPLICE INTO ELECTRICAL CABLES.Never cut away cable insulation to supply power to other equipment. Doing so will exceed the current carrying capacity of the wire and result in fire or electric shock.DO NOT DAMAGE PIPE OR WIRING WHEN DRILLING HOLES.When drilling holes in the chassis for installation, take precautions so as not to contact, damage or obstruct pipes, fuel lines, tanks or electrical wiring. Failure to take such precautions may result in fire.DO NOT USE BOLTS OR NUTS IN THE BRAKE ORSTEERING SYSTEMS TO MAKE GROUND CONNECTIONS.Bolts or nuts used for the brake or steering systems (or anyother safety-related system), or tanks should NEVER beused for installations or ground connections. Using suchparts could disable control of the vehicle and cause fire etc.KEEP SMALL OBJECTS SUCH AS BATTERIES OUT OF THEREACH OF CHILDREN.Swallowing them may result in serious injury. If swallowed,consult a physician immediately.HALT USE IMMEDIATELY IF A PROBLEM APPEARS.Failure to do so may cause personal injury or damage tothe product. Return it to your authorized Alpine dealer orthe nearest Alpine Service Center for repairing.HAVE THE WIRING AND INSTALLATION DONE BYEXPERTS.The wiring and installation of this unit requires specialtechnical skill and experience. To ensure safety, alwayscontact the dealer where you purchased this product tohave the work done.USE SPECIFIED ACCESSORY PARTS AND INSTALL THEMSECURELY.Be sure to use only the specified accessory parts. Use ofother than designated parts may damage this unitinternally or may not securely install the unit in place. Thismay cause parts to become loose resulting in hazards orproduct failure.ARRANGE THE WIRING SO IT IS NOT CRIMPED ORPINCHED BY A SHARP METAL EDGE.Route the cables and wiring away from moving parts (likethe seat rails) or sharp or pointed edges. This will preventcrimping and damage to the wiring. If wiring passesthrough a hole in metal, use a rubber grommet to preventthe wire’s insulation from being cut by the metal edge ofthe hole.DO NOT INSTALL IN LOCATIONS WITH HIGH MOISTUREOR DUST.Avoid installing the unit in locations with high incidence ofmoisture or dust. Moisture or dust that penetrates into this unit may result in product failure.♦IMPORTANT NOTICE This Amplifier has been type tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B computing device in accordance with the specifications in Subpart J of Part 15 of FCC Rules. This equipment generates and uses radio frequency energy, and it must be installed and used properly in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.SERIAL NUMBER: INSTALLATION DATE: INSTALLATION TECHNICIAN: PLACE OF PURCHASE: ♦IMPORTANT Please record the serial number of your unit in the space provided here and keep it as a permanent record. The serial number plate is located on the rear of the unit. ♦For European Customers Should you have any questions about warranty, please consult your store of purchase. ♦For Customers in other Countries IMPORTANT NOTICE Customers who purchase the product with which this notice is packaged, and who make this purchase in countries other than the United States of America and Canada, please contact your dealer for information regarding warranty coverage.ACCESSORIES • Self-Tapping Screw (M4 × 20) ......................................4• Terminal Cover ..........................................................1 SET • Speaker Input Connector ..............................................1• Hexagon Wrench ..............................................................1• Remote Bass Control Unit .....................................1 SET –Connection Cable (5 m)..............................................1 –Self-Tapping Screw (M4 × 12).. (4)Due to the high power output of the MRV-M1200 considerable heat is produced when the amplifier is in operation. For this reason, the amplifier should be mounted in a location which will allow for free circulation of air, such as inside the trunk. For alternate installation locations, please contact your authorized Alpine dealer.1. Using the amplifier as a template, mark the fourscrew locations.2. Make sure there are no objects behind thesurface that may become damaged duringdrilling.3. Drill the screw holes.4. Position the MRV-M1200 over the screw holes,and secure with four self-tapping screws. NOTE:• To securely connect the ground lead, use an already installed screw on a metal part of the vehicle (marked ()) or a clean, bare metal spot on the vehicle’s chassis. Be sure this is a good ground by checking continuity to the battery (–) terminal. Connect all equipment to the same ground point while keeping wire length as short as possible. These procedures will help eliminate noise.5. Attach the Remote Bass Control Unit.Attach the Remote Bass Control Unit under the instrument panel or side of the front console,etc., by using the four supplied Self-TappingScrews.CAUTIONDO NOT ALLOW CABLES TO BECOME ENTANGLED IN SURROUNDING OBJECTS. Cables or wiring that obstruct or hang up on places such as the steering wheel, gear lever, brake pedals, etc. can be extremely hazardous.TERMINAL COVERSAttach the terminal covers (included) after connections and confirmation of correct operation. Attaching the terminal covers will improve the appearance of the unit.How to attach the terminal covers:Attach the terminal covers to the main unit.Terminal CoversCAUTIONDo not lift or carry the unit by the attachedterminal covers.*Be sure to add an in-line fuse with the battery lead as close as possible to the battery’s positive (+) terminal.Before making connections, be sure to turn the power off to all audio components. Connect the battery lead from the amp directly to the positive (+) terminal of the vehicle’s battery with appropriate in-line vehicle’s fuse (see Battery Lead section). Do not connect this lead to the vehicle’s fuse block.To prevent external noise from entering the audio system• Locate the unit and route the leads at least 10 cm (4”) away from the vehicle’s harness.• Keep the battery power leads as far away from other leads as possible.• Connect the ground lead securely to a bare metal spot (remove any paint or grease if necessary) of the vehicle’s chassis.• If you add an optional noise suppressor, connect it as far away from the unit as possible. Your Alpine dealer carries various noise suppressors, contact them for further information.• Your Alpine dealer knows best about noise prevention measures so consult your dealer for further information.Speaker Output Terminals• The speaker terminals of this unit are insert terminal type.Be sure to observe correct speaker output connections and polarity in relation to the other speakers in the system. Connect the positive output to the positive speaker terminal and the negative to negative.About Bridged ConnectionsIn the bridged mode, connect the left positive to the positive terminal of the speaker and the right negative to the negative terminal of the speaker. Do not use the speaker (–) terminals as a common lead between the left and right channels.NOTES:• Do not connect the speaker (–) terminal to the vehicle’s chassis.• The input is stereo but the output is monaural.• Reversing subwoofer polarity (swapping positive and negative connections to the subwoofer) may be desirable in some installations for optimum bass performance.Fuse: 25A x 4USE THE CORRECT AMPERE RATING WHEN REPLACING FUSES.Failure to do so may result in fire or electric shock.Power Supply TerminalBattery Lead (Sold Separately)Be sure to add an in-line fuse with the battery lead as close as possible to the battery’s positive (+) terminal. This fuse will protect your vehicle’s electrical system in case of a short circuit. See below for appropriate fuse value and minimum wire gauge requirement:• 100 amp fuse, 4 AWG/21 mm2Ground Lead (Sold Separately)Connect this lead securely to a clean, bare metal spot on the vehicle’s chassis. Verify this point to be a true ground by checking for continuity between that point and the negative (–) terminal of the vehicle’s battery. Ground all your audio components to the same point on the chassis to prevent ground loops while keeping wire length as short as possible.Minimum required wire gauge for this connection is as follows:• 4 AWG/21 mm2 Remote Turn-On Lead (Sold Separately) Connect this lead to the remote turn-on (positive trigger, (+) 12 V only) lead of your head unit. If a remote turn-on lead is not available, see “CONNECTION CHECK LIST” section onpage 8 for alternative method.NOTE:• When connecting the speaker output leads of the head unit to this unit with a Speaker Input Connector (included), you do not need to connect the remote turn-on lead, owing to the “REMOTE SENSING” function of this unit. However, the “REMOTE SENSING” function may not work depending on the signal source connected. In such a case, connect the remote turn-on lead to an incoming power supply cord (accessory power) in the ACC position.Speaker Level Input ConnectorThese input leads are for use with head units not equipped with preamp outputs. When not using the RCA Line Input connectors, you should connect these wires to the speaker output leads of your head unit. The MRV-M1200 accepts input from high power or standard power head units. NOTE:• For the “Speaker Level Input System” setting, connecting the Remote Turn-On Lead is not required due to the “REMOTE SENSING” function of this product. However, the “REMOTE SENSING” function may not work depending on the signal source connected. In such a case, connect the Remote Turn-On Lead to an incoming power supply cord (accessorypower) in the ACC position.RCA Input JacksConnect these jacks to the line out leads on your head unit using RCA extension cables (sold separately). Be sure to observe correct channel connections; Left to Left and Right to Right.NOTE:• Use either RCA line level or speaker level inputs. Do not connect both at the same time. Pre-Out JacksThese jacks provide a line level output. This is an ideal output for driving a second subwoofer amp. This output is full-range, and is not affected by the crossover. Remote Bass Control Jack Connection CableRemote Bass Control UnitThe Remote Bass Control Unit adjusts the output level remotely. This is not to replace appropriate gain level setting between the amplifier and head unit. Speaker Input Connector Front Left Speaker (White (+)) Front Left Speaker (White/Black (–)) Front Right Speaker (Gray (+)) Front Right Speaker (Gray/Black (–)) Rear Right Speaker (Violet/Black (–)) Rear Right Speaker (Violet (+)) Rear Left Speaker (Green/Black (–)) Rear Left Speaker (Green (+))CAUTION About Power supply wires If the length of the power and ground cables exceed 1 m, or if you connect more than one amplifier, a distribution block should be used. See below for wire gauge recommendations for distribution block connection to battery and ground (depends upon wire length necessary): 2 AWG (33 mm 2) or 1/0 AWG (53 mm 2)2)1 m 2) or 2)To vehicle’s battery To vehicle’s chassis * *Connect all equipment to the same ground point while keeping wire length as short as possible.Ensure that you install a correctly-rated in-line fuse on the power cable near the battery positive post.Cautions on wire lead connections When using third-party wire cables (power supply wire), use the supplied screws to simplify the connection. Refer to the description below for the proper procedure. If you are in doubt about how to make this connection, consult your dealer.1. Check the wire size.• Required Wire Size –Battery Lead/Ground Lead ....4 AWG (21 mm 2) –Remote Turn-On Lead .............12 AWG (3 mm 2) –Speaker Output Lead ................8 AWG (8 mm 2)• If the wire gauge used is unknown, ask your dealer.2. Remove the insulation from the ends of the wireleads by about 7 – 10 mm (9/32” – 13/32”).Lead end side ofthe productwire leads7 – 10 mmNOTES:• If length of the exposed wire is too short, a poor connection may occur causing operation failure or sound interruption.• On the other hand, if the length is too long, an electrical short-circuit may occur.3. Tighten the hexagon hole screw with the hexagon wrench (included) to secure the lead.Before making this connection, use insulated shrink tubing to cover any exposed wireextending beyond the terminal.wire leadsNOTES:• Use only the screws included.• For safety reasons, connect the battery leads last.• To prevent disconnection of the leads ordropping of the unit, do not use the cabling to carry the unit.Please check your head unit for the conditions listed below:Remote Turn-On Leada. The head unit does not have a remote turn-onor power antenna lead.b. The head unit’s power antenna lead is activatedonly when the radio is on (turns off in the tape or CD Mode).c. The head unit’s power antenna lead is logic leveloutput (+) 5V, negative trigger (grounding type), or cannot sustain (+) 12V when connected toother equipment in addition to the vehicle’spower antenna.If any of the above conditions exist, the remote turn-on lead of your MRV-M1200 must beconnected to a switched power source (ignition) in the vehicle. Be sure to use a 3A fuse as closeas possible to this ignition tap. Using thisconnection method, the MRV-M1200 will turnon and stay on as long as the ignition switch is on.If this is objectionable, a SPST (Single Pole,Single Throw) switch, in addition to the 3A fuse mentioned above, may be installed in-line onthe MRV-M1200 turn-on lead. This switch willthen be used to turn on (and off) theMRV-M1200. Therefore, the switch should bemounted so that is accessible by the driver.Make sure the switch is turned off when thevehicle is not running. Otherwise, the amplifier will remain on and drain the battery.Blue/WhitePower AntennaRemote Turn-On LeadTo other Alpine component’s Remote Turn-OnLeadsSPST Switch (optional)Fuse (3A)As close as possible to the vehicle’s ignition tapIgnition SourceInput Gain Adjustment ControlSet the MRV-M1200 input gain to the minimum position. Using a dynamic CD as a source, increase the head unit volume until the output distorts. Then, reduce the volume 1 step (or until the output is no longer distorted). Now, increase the amplifier gain until the sound from the speakers becomes distorted. Reduce the gain slightly so the sound is no longer distorted to achieve the optimum gain setting.Crossover Frequency Adjustment Knob (LP FILTER)Use this control to adjust the crossover frequency between 50 to 400 Hz.Bass EQ Adjustment KnobAdd a 50 Hz bass boost up to +12 dB to tune your bass response.About Power IndicatorLights up when power is on.Is off when power is off.Indication color StatusSolutionBlue Amplifier circuit is normal.Red(blinking)Operating temperature is high.Decrease the vehicle’s interior temperature to a normal level.The indicator color changes to blue.RedAmplifier circuit is abnormal. An electrical short hasoccurred, or supply current is too high.Turn off the power supply and eliminate the cause.Then turn on the unit and verify that the indicator color has changed to blue.If it remains red, turn off the unit and consult your dealer.Operating temperature is too high.Decrease the vehicle’s interior temperature to a normal level.The indicator color changes to blue.Power supply voltage is too high.Use the correct power supply voltage.The indicator color changes to blue.When you connect one or multiple subwoofers, please take care to configure the correct total impedance before connecting to subwoofer(s) to the amplifier. Subwoofer Head Unit, etc. Subwoofer OutputRCA Extension Cable (Sold Separately) Y-Adapter (Sold Separately)TYPICAL SYSTEM CONNECTIONSConnecting to the Speaker Level Input System 1 For the “Speaker Level Input System” setting, connecting the Remote Turn-On Lead is notrequired due to the “REMOTE SENSING” function of this product. However, the “REMOTE SENSING” function may not work depending on the signal source connected. In such a case, connect the Remote Turn-On Lead to an incoming powersupply cord (accessory power) in the ACC position.2 If connecting both Speaker Input Leads and RCA Inputs at the same time, do not connect both signals to the same input channel of the amplifier. Instead, be sure to connect each pair of inputs to a different Input channel pair. example; Speaker Input Leads: FL/FR to CH1/CH2, RL/RR to CH3/CH4 RCA Inputs:SUBWL/SUBWR to SUBWL/SUBWR2 Subwoofer System (MONO)Connecting to the Speaker Level Input SystemNOTE:• Specifications and design are subject to change without notice.。
W ARNING: Amber lens versions not to be used as a visual public mode alarm notification appliance.NOTICE: This manual shall be left with the owner/user of this equipment.BEFORE INSTALLINGPlease read the System Sensor Audible Visible Application Reference Guide, which provides detailed information on notification devices, wiring and spe-cial applications. Copies of this manual are available from System Sensor. NFPA 72 and NEMA guidelines should be observed.I mportant: The notification appliance used must be tested and maintained following NFPA 72 requirements.GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe L-Series Dual Strobe and Dual Strobe with Speaker Expander Plates for emergency communications use a single device plate to perform the functions of two to three devices on a back box. This combination of multiple devices on a single plate and back box lowers the overall cost of the installation and improves aesthetics by requiring fewer devices on the wall.The expander plate provides fast and easy installation: Mount the expander plate to a junction box and connect its field wiring to the terminals. Attach the mounting plate of a strobe or speaker strobe device and connect its field wiring. Then, hinge and attach the strobe or speaker strobe device with a captured mounting screw to complete the installation. This product is compa-rable to existing L-Series mounting plate installations.Dual Strobe and Dual Strobe with Speaker Expander Plates are designed to be used in 12 or 24 volt, DC or FWR (full wave rectified) systems. Clear lens ver-sion is listed to UL 1971 Listed and CAN/ULC S526-07 (Signaling Device for Hearing Impaired) for Public Mode Evacuation Signaling. Amber lens strobes are UL1638 Listed (Visual Signaling Appliances) for Private Mode General Utility Signaling. All L-Series products are suitable for use in synchronized systems. The System Sensor MDL3 module may be used to provide synchro-nization.The Dual Strobe and Dual Strobe wi th Speaker Expander Plates are designed for use in wall applications.LOOP DESIGN AND WIRINGThe system designer must make sure that the total current drawn by the de-vices on the loop does not exceed the current capability of the panel supply, and that the last device on the circuit is operated within its rated voltage. The current draw information for making these calculations can be found in the tables within this manual. For convenience and accuracy, use the voltage drop calculator on the System Sensor website (). See Figures 1-4 for wiring diagrams and shorting spring information.When calculating the voltage available to the last device, it is necessary to consider the voltage drop due to the resistance of the wire. The thicker the wire, the smaller the voltage drop. Wire resistance tables can be obtained from electrical handbooks. Note that if Class A wiring is installed, the wire length may be up to twice as long as it would be for circuits that are not fault tolerant.CANDELA SELECTIONThe product will be set at 15 candela from the factory. T o change the candela first remove the lower appliance from the expander plate by loosening the screw at the bottom of the appliance.Adjust the slide switch on the rear of the product to position the desired can-dela setting in the small window on the front of the unit. All products meet the light output profiles specified in the appropriate UL Standards. For amber lensed strobes used for full profile measurement, listed candela ratings must be reduced in accordance with T able 2. Use Table 1 to determine the current draw for each candela setting.NOTE: L-Series products set at 15 and 30 candela work on either 12V or 24V power supplies. The products are not listed for 12V operating voltages when set to any other candela settings.INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSDual Strobe andDual Strobe with SpeakerExpander Plates for Emergency CommunicationsFor use with the following models:SEP-SPWL, SEP-SPSWL-P – Strobe Expander Plate models and SPSEP-BBSWL Back Box Skirt model are compatible with SWL, SWL-P, SPSWL, SPSW-P, P2WL.PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONSSEP-SPSWL: Universal Expander Plate, Amber Lens, White, ALERT SEP-SPSWL-P: Universal Expander Plate, White, PlainSPSEP-BBSWL: Universal Expander Plate Back Box Skirt, WhiteOperating T emperature:Standard Products 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C)Humidity Range:Standard Products 10 to 93% Non-condensing Strobe Flash Rate: 1 flash per secondNominal Voltage:Regulated 12VDC/FWR or regulated 24DC/FWROperating Voltage Range (includes fire alarm panels with built in sync):8 to 17.5V (12V nominal) or 16 to 33V (24V nominal)Operating Voltage with MDL3 Sync Module:8.5 to 17.5V (12V nominal) or 16.5 to 33V (24V nominal)Input terminal wire gauge:12 to 18 A WGNOTE : Strobes will operate at 12V nominal for 15 & 30 candela settings only. Switching between ranges is automatic.DIMENSIONS FOR PRODUCTS AND ACCESSORIESSEP-SPSWL (-P)SPSEP-BBSWLLength Width Depth Length Width Depth 13.05" (331.5 mm)5.39" (136.9 mm)2.41" (61.2 mm)13.75" (349.3 mm)6.10" (154.9 mm)2.5" (63.5 mm)MOUNTING BOX OPTIONSSEP-SPSWL, SEP-SPSWL-P: 4" x 4" x 21/8" or deeper SPSEP-BBSWL: 4" x 4" x 21/8"3825 Ohio Avenue, St. Charles, Illinois 60174800/736-7672, FAX: 630/377-6495I56-6569-000FIGURE 4. WIRING SEP-SPWL(-P): ATTACHING A HORN STROBE AS THE UPPER DEVICEINPUT FROM FACP OR PRIOR STROBE (-)(+)OUTPUT TO NEXT STROBE OR EOL(-)(+) A0564-00FIGURE 5. SHORTING SPRING ON HORN STROBE MOUNTING PLATE, STANDARD CANDELA, WHITEA0560-00NOTE: A shorting spring is provided between terminals 2 and 3 of the mount-ing plate to enable wiring checks after the system has been wired, but prior to installation of the final product. This spring will automatically disengage when the product is installed, to enable supervision of the final system.TABLE 1. STROBE CURRENT DRAW (mA) FOR SEP-SPWL (-P), SEP-SPSWL (-P)Candela Switch Setting 8-17.5 V olts 16-33 V olts DC DC FWR 15884360NOTE: Products set at 15 and 30 candela automatically work on ei-ther 12V or 24V power supplies. The products are not listed for 12V DC operation when set to any other candela settings.30143638375-10713695-121155110-148179135-172209185-222257TABLE 2: CANDELA DERATING FOR SEP-SPWL AND SEP-SPSWL AMBER LENS STROBE Cd Switch SettingPrivate ModeEmergency Warning15151230302475756095957511011085135135105185185145IMPORTANT: For more information on current draw, light output and sound output data, reference Speaker Strobe installation manuals I56-0002 and I56-0003 and Strobe only installation manual I56-5845 and I56-5847.FIGURE 1. WIRING SEP-SPWL(-P): CONNECTING THE UNIVERSAL EXPANDER PLATE'S LOWER STROBE OUTPUT TO NEXT STROBE OR EOL INPUT FROM POWER SUPPLY FOR STROBE OR PRIOR STROBE(+)(-)(+)(-)A0562-00FIGURE 2. WIRING SEP-SPWL(-P): ATTACHING A SPEAKER STROBE AS THE UPPER DEVICEINPUT FROM FACP OR PRIOR STROBE INPUT FROM AMPLIFIEROR PRIOR SPEAKER (-)(+)(-)(+)OUTPUT TO NEXT STROBE OR EOL OUTPUT TO NEXT SPEAKER OR EOL(-)(+)(-)(+)A0563-00NOTE: Loop resistance on a single NAC should not exceed 120 ohms for 24 volt and 30 ohms for 12 volt systems.FIGURE 3. SHORTING SPRING ON SPEAKER STROBE MOUNTING PLATE, STANDARD CANDELA,WHITEShorting SpringA0559-00NOTE: Shorting springs are provided between terminals 2 and 3 and terminals 5 and 6 of the mounting plate to enable wiring checks after the system has been wired, but prior to installation of the final product. These springs will automatically disengage when the product is installed, to enable supervision of the final system.MOUNTING THE UNIVERSAL EXPANDER PLATE AND SECOND DEVICE Junction Box Compatibility: The expander plate and back box skirt are com-patible with a 4" x 4" x 21/8" junction box.1a. F or flush mount appl i cat i ons: Attach the expander plate to a 4" x 4" x 21/8" junction box using the two screws provided with the expander plate.–Speaker Strobe as upper device: Figure 6.–Strobe as upper device: Figure 8.1b. F or surface-mount appli cati ons wi th a back box ski rt: Snap the ex-pander plate onto the skirt, and then attach the entire assembly to a 4" x 4" x 21/8" junction box using the two screws provided with the expander plate.–Speaker Strobe as upper device: Figure 7.–Strobe as upper device: Figure 9.2. C onnect the lower strobe's field wiring to the expander plate terminals.(See Figure 1.)3. A ttach the device mounting plate with the four screws provided with theexpander plate.4. C onnect the upper device's field wiring to the device mounting plateterminals. (See Figure 4.)5. A ttach upper device:a. H ook tabs at the top of the product housing into the grooves on devicemounting plate.b. S wing the device down into position to engage the terminals on thedevice with the terminals on the device mounting plate.c. M ake sure that the tabs on the back of the product housing fully en-gage with the device mounting plate.d. S ecure the device by tightening the single mounting screw in the frontof the device housing. For tamper resistance, the standard captivemounting screw may be replaced with the enclosed T orx screw. (Seeinstallation manual for upper device.)to flex.FIGURE 6. UNIVERSAL EXPANDER PLATE WITH SPEAKER STROBE FORFLUSH MOUNT APPLICATIONSA0568-00 Note: SEP-SPSWL expander plate shown.FIGURE 7. UNIVERSAL EXPANDER PLATE WITH SPEAKER STROBE SURFACE MOUNT APPLICATIONSA0565-00Note: SEP-SPSWL expander plate shown.Only mount on a wall and in the orientation shown.System Sensor ® is a registered trademark of Honeywell International, Inc.FIGURE 8. UNIVERSAL EXPANDER PLATE WITH HORN STROBE FORFLUSH MOUNT APPLICATIONS A0567-00Note: SEP-SPWL expander plate shown.FIGURE 9. UNIVERSAL EXPANDER PLATE WITH HORN STROBE FORSURFACE MOUNT APPLICATIONSA0566-00Note: SEP-SPWL expander plate shown.Only mount on a wall and in the orientation shown.The horn and/or strobe will not work without power. The horn/strobe gets its power from the fire/security panel monitoring the alarm system. If power is cut off for any rea-son, the horn/strobe will not provide the desired audio or visual warning.The horn may not be heard. The loudness of the horn meets (or exceeds) current Underwriters Laboratories’ standards. However, the horn may not alert a sound sleeper or one who has recently used drugs or has been drinking alcoholic beverages. The horn may not be heard if it is placed on a different floor from the person in hazard or if placed too far away to be heard over the ambient noise such as traffic, air conditioners, machinery or music appliances that may prevent alert persons from hearing the alarm. The horn may not be heard by persons who are hearing impaired.NOTE: Strobes must be powered continuously for horn operation.The signal strobe may not be seen. The electronic visual warning signal uses an ex-tremely reliable xenon flash tube. It flashes at least once every second. The strobe must not be installed in direct sunlight or areas of high light intensity (over 60 foot candles) where the visual flash might be disregarded or not seen. The strobe may not be seen by the visually impaired.The signal strobe may cause seizures. Individuals who have positive photoic response to visual stimuli with seizures, such as persons with epilepsy, should avoid prolonged exposure to environments in which strobe signals, including this strobe, are activated.The signal strobe cannot operate from coded power supplies. Coded power supplies produce interrupted power. The strobe must have an uninterrupted source of power in or-der to operate correctly. System Sensor recommends that the horn and signal strobe always be used in combination so that the risks from any of the above limitations are minimized.THREE-YEAR LIMITED WARRANTYSystem Sensor warrants its enclosed product to be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use and service for a period of three years from date of manufacture. System Sensor makes no other express warranty for this product. No agent, representative, dealer, or employee of the Company has the authority to increase or alter the obligations or limitations of this Warranty. The Company’s obligation of this Warranty shall be limited to the replacement of any part of the product which is found to be defective in materials or workmanship under normal use and service during the three year period commencing with the date of manufacture. After phoning System Sensor’s toll free number 800-SENSOR2 (736-7672) for a Return Authorization number, send defective units postage prepaid to: Honeywell, 12220 Rojas Drive, Suite 700, El Paso TX 79936, USA for US returns and 6581 Kitimat Road, Unit 6 Mississauga, ON L5N 3T5 forCanadian returns. Please include a note describing the malfunction and suspected cause of failure. The Company shall not be obligated to replace units which are found to be defective because of damage, unreasonable use, modifications, or alterations occurring after the date of manufacture. In no case shall the Company be liable for any consequen-tial or incidental damages for breach of this or any other Warranty, expressed or implied whatsoever, even if the loss or damage is caused by the Company’s negligence or fault. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential dam-ages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. This Warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.FCC STATEMENTL-series Strobes and Horn/Strobes have been tested and found to comply with the lim-its for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equip-ment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with theinstruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operationof this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense. This ClassB digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.Please refer to insert for the Limitations of Fire Alarm SystemsTHE LIMITATIONS OF STROBE AND SPEAKER STROBE EXPANDER PLATE。
Tube-Tech CL 1B压力器说明书
TUBE-TECH CL1BCompressorDESCRIPTION.The TUBE-TECH compressor CL1B differs from many other compressors,in that the gain-reduction element is made from a non-semiconductor element,which in itself has a very low harmonic distortion and none of the non-linearity problems involved when using most semiconductor elements.Furthermore there is no long-term degradation of the element thus giving it almost infinite life.This element is placed after the input-transformer of the compressor and followed by an all tube-based amplifier with a gain of-∞dB to+30dB.Thus the signal is not fed through any semiconductor circuitry on its way to the output.The amplifier consists of two tubes(valves)in push-pull configuration(one ECC83as thepre-amp and phase splitter,and one ECC82as the output stage),and an output transformer. The power supply for the pre-amp and phase splitter are stabilized and the heaters of both tubes(valves)are fed with a stabilized DC voltage.The whole amplifier(including input and output transformer)and the power supplies are placed on one PC-board.Both input and output are balanced(600Ω)and fully floating.The in/out key switches the compressor in and out without clicks.THE SIDECHAIN:The side chain is the only part of the compressor that contains semiconductors.They are used for three reasons:First they do not affect the sound reproduction,second they have a high slew rate,which is of importance for the performance of the compressor and third they don't take up much room.It contains two J-FET quad op-amps,one npn-transistor and one FET-transistor,which handles the signal for the gain-reduction element.The compressor contains two time constants circuits:1.Fixed attack and release times2.Variable attack and release timesThe attack/release select switch makes it possible to use these two circuits separately or combine their functions.This gives a feature not normally obtained in other compressors:In the combined(fix./man.)state the attack-and release controls makes it possible toobtain a complex release-time slope.(See page4)(980112)COMPRESSOR INTERCONNECTION:The side chain sockets for interconnection of several compressors are located on the rear panel.A switch(BUS SELECT)on the front selects which compressors are interconnected,and on which bus they are connected.If you e.g.have10compressors in a rack,you can select compressor1,5,7and8on bus1,and compressor2,3,6and9on bus2,leaving compressor4 and6in the off position.Compressors1,5,7,8are now interconnected and all four will perform the exact same compression.This applies to compressor2,3,6and9as pressor4and6are independent.The interconnection implies,that the unit,which performs the most compression,is controlling the others.To choose which one you want to control,select the attack/release time,the threshold and the ratio on that unit,and turn the threshold fully counter clockwise on the reminding compressors. It is of course possible to have all the interconnected compressors control each other simultaneously.NB:Remember to set the ratio control and the gain control in the same position on the "slaves".Otherwise the stereo image could be shifted during compression.Theattack/release-control on the slaves will have no effect.The input/output capability of the side chain-circuit allows up to ten compressors to be linked together.They are connected in parallel with a standard1/4"stereo jack/-jack cord(tip:bus1,ring:bus 2).The two jack socket on the rear panel is connected in parallel and both are input/output.(980112)CONTROLS:GAIN:The gain control is used to"make up"for the gain loss,which takes place when the unit is compressing.It is placed after the gain-reduction circuitand therefore has no influence on the threshold setting.The gain-control iscontinuously variable from off to+30dB.RATIO:The ratio control varies the ratio by which the input signal is compressed.If the ratio selected is to2:1,and the input signal increases10dB,theoutput signal is only increased by5db.The ratio control is continuouslyvariable from2:1to10:1.THRESHOLD:The threshold is the point where the compressor begins its action.It isdefined as the point where the gain is reduced by1dB.The threshold is continuously variable from+20dBU to-40dBU. METER:The VU-meter switch has three positions:1.Input The meter is reading the level at the input socket.pressionThe VU-meter is reading gain reduction.Its rest position is"0VU",and the amount ofcompression is shown as a decreasing deflection indB.3.Output The VU-meter is reading the level at the output socket."0VU"is equivalent to+4dBU.NB:Leave the meter switch in position compression as it mightintroduce distortion if left in the input or output position.IN/OUT:This leverswitch switches the compressor in and out of the signal path.The out position bypasses the entire compressor.ATTACK:The attack control chooses how fast/slow the compressor responds to an increase in the input signal.The attack control is continuously variable from0.5to300milliseconds. RELEASE:The release control chooses how fast/slow the compressor responds to a decrease in the input signal.The release control is continuously variable from0,05to10seconds.(980112)ATTACK/RELEASE SELECT:This switch selects how the compressor reacts to an increase(attack)ordecrease(release)of the input signal.There are three settings of the switch:1.Fixed.Attack time:1msecRelease time:50msec2.Manual.Attack time:from0.5msec to300msecRelease time:from0.05sec to10sec3.Fix/man.This setting combines the release times of fixed and manualmode.The attack time is as in the fixed mode.The fix/man mode always has a fast attack,but it is possible to obtain a release time depending on the input signal,e.g.get a fast release when the peak disappears,then superseded shortly thereafter by the release time selected by the release control.From the time the peak disappears,until the selected release time takes over,is dependent upon the setting of the attack control.That is,the attack control changes function from a pure attack control,to a control of delay with the same time range.The more CW the attack control is turned,the longer time before the release controltakes over.The more CCW the attack control is turned,the shorter time before the release control takes over.This function is valid only if the time of the peak is shorter than the setting of the attack control. If the peak of the program is longer than the setting of the attack control,or if the attack control has reached the full CCW position,it will respond as in the manual mode.The fix/man mode acts as an automatic release function with a constant fast attack time and fast release time for short peaks and a longer release times for longer peaks.This setting is mainly intended for use on program material(overall compression).BUS SELECT:Interconnects several compressors on bus1or bus2.If the compressor is left in the off position,it works entirely independently.(980112)SUGGESTED APPLICATIONSOFTUBE-TECH COMPRESSOR CL1BIn the following,you will find suggestions on various applications of the TUBE-TECH compressorCL1B.They are given as a convenient guide to enable you to familiarise yourself with the different aspects of using the compressor.We have not mentioned specific settings of gain and threshold as they are dependent upon input levels.Instead we have specified how much compression in dB,we feel,is needed for the various examples.OVERALL COMPRESSION:FINAL MIXCOMPRESSION NEEDED:3-4dBAttack/release select:Fix/manAttack:2o'clockRelease:10o'clockRatio:9o'clockSTANDARD COMPRESSION:BASS,PIANO,GUITAR,KEYBOARDS AND VOCALSCOMPRESSION NEEDED:4-5dBAttack/release select:ManualAttack:2o'clockRelease:10o'clockRatio:10-2o'clockHEAVY COMPRESSION ON INSTRUMENTS:LINE GUITAR AND PIANOCOMPRESSION NEEDED:10dBAttack/release select:ManualAttack:7o'clockRelease:1o'clockRatio:3o'clockCOMPRESSION OF DRUMS:SNARE AND BASS DRUMCOMPRESSION NEEDED:2-3dBAttack/release select:FixedRatio:9-12o'clock(980112)ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE:CAUTION:Before making any adjustment let the unit heat-up at least15min.Observe that the offset-voltage measured at the side chain jack socket,when the THRESHOLD is off,is not greater than+/-15mV DC in both position"fixed"and "manual".(tip is bus1and ring is bus2).If the voltage exceeds this value,replace either IC1or IC2.THE GRE SHALL BE MARKED BETWEEN1.225-1.285ADJUSTMENT OF BASIC GAIN:1)Apply a signal of1kHz,-30,0dBU into the input of the compressor.2)Turn the GAIN-control fully clockwise.3)Set the RATIO-control at2:14)Adjust the pre-set GAIN(located on amp/psu PCB)to an output-reading of0,0dBU.ADJUSTMENT OF COMPRESSION TRACKING:1)Turn the THRESHOLD-control fully counter-clockwise.2)Set the RATIO-control at2:1.3)Set the BUS-select-switch at1.4)Apply a signal of1kHz,0,0dBU into the input of the compressor.5)Adjust the GAIN-control to an output-reading of0,0dBU.6)Apply a DC-voltage of+250,0mV into the side chain jack socket(tip)and observe thatthe output level has dropped to-10,0dB.7)If this is not the case,adjust the level with P2(P1)*,to obtain a drop of exactly-10,0dB. *The trimpots in parenthesis refers to PCB870316-0,1,2(980810)ADJUSTMENT OF THE VU METER READING"COMPRESSION":1)Turn the THRESHOLD-control fully counter-clockwise.2)Switch the METER-selector to Compression.3)Set the RATIO-control at2:14)Apply a signal of1kHz,0,0dBU into the input of the compressor.5)Adjust the GAIN-control to an output-reading of0,0dBU.6)Adjust P4(P2)*until the meter is reading0VU.7)Apply a DC-voltage of+250,0mV into the side chain jack socket and observe that theoutput level has dropped to-10,0dBU.If this is not the case,adjust the compressiontracking(see above)8Adjust P3until the meter is reading-10,0VU.9)Remove the DC-voltage from the side chain jack socket.10)Repeat step6-9.NB:The VU-meter accuracy should be within+/-0,5dB when reading compression. ADJUSTMENT OF THE RELEASE CONTROL:1)Set the METER switch in position compression.2)Set the attack/release SELECT switch in position manual.3)Apply a signal of1kHz,0,0dBU into the input of the compressor.4)Adjust the THRESHOLD-control to a reading of-10VU of the VU-meter5)Set the ATTACK-control at fast.6)Set the RELEASE-control at slow.7)Switch off the1kHz and observe that the VU meter moves to0VU in approx.10sec.8)If this is not the case,adjust P1(P5)*,to obtain a release time of approximately10sec. *The trimpots in parenthesis refers to PCB870316-0,1,2(950119)Over view of the sidechain PCBPCB870316-0,1,2P2P3P1P50VU-10VU-10dB Rel.10Sec.PCB870316-3P4P3P2P10VU-10VU-10dB Rel10Sec.101115TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS CL1B:Input impedance:600OhmsOutput impedance:<60OhmsFrequency-response:5Hz-25kHz+0.5/-3dB Distortion THD@40Hz:0dBU:<0,15%10dBU:<0,15%maximum output(1%THD):+26,0dBUmaximum input(1%THD):+21,0dBUNoise Rg=200Ohm:Output Gain0dB+30dB Unweighted-85,0dBU-75,0dBUCCIR468-3-75,0dBU-65,0dBUCMRR@10KHz<-60dBGain:off to+30dBCompressorRatio:2:1to10:1Threshold:off to-40dBUAttack:0,5mS to300mSRelease:0,05S to10STracking between interconnected compressors:(0to30dB compression):<+/-1dBTubesECC821ECC831DimensionsHeight:3units132m m/5,2”Width:483m m/19”Depth:170m m/6,7”WeightNet:4,1Kg/9,0lbsShipping:5,9Kg/13,0lbsPower requirements@115V/230V AC,50-60Hz30-40WAll specifications at RL=600Lydkraft reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice(051018jgp)。
People人物People人物All Rights Reserved.5051俗生活的种种不屑和疏离感。
碧梨的成长环境注定了她非电子产品盛行的年代,音乐和游戏随时随地都可以陪伴左右,苹果公司就看准了受众的使用习惯和喜好倾向,通过Apple Music的编辑团队评估以及平台用户数据双重考量,在线上推出了自家旗下的首个音乐盛典Apple Music Awards,其中分量最重的“年度全球艺人”奖颁给了被中国歌迷称为“碧梨”的美国“00后”女歌手比莉·艾利什 (Billie Eilish) ,不仅如此,她还包揽了“最佳歌曲作者奖”以及“年度专辑奖”,称为盛典上的最大赢家。
艾丽 坎伯尔
艾丽·坎伯尔,1980年5月2日出生于美国密苏里州堪萨斯城。在圣路易斯保罗中学上学,她的前校友乔·哈 姆是她的舞蹈老师。1999年,她成为美国普林斯顿大学一员,大一时是曲棍球队一员并且参加了全国冠军联赛, 但是她本人基本未获得上场时间,随后退出球队专注于学校社团的戏剧表演。2002年,她获得英语专业学位毕业, 随后在牛津大学进修英语 。她还是是报纸《The Onion》的特约撰稿人,在文学杂志《McSweeney's》上发表 过文章 。
2010年,在由索菲亚·科波拉执导,斯蒂芬·多尔夫和艾丽·范宁领衔主演的电影《在某处》中饰演了一个 小配角Claire 。
2011年,她在克里斯汀·韦格主演的电影《伴娘》中饰演了Becca ,她凭借此片中集体表演提名美国演员 工会奖和广播影评人协会奖的最佳演员群戏 。
2012年,她和电影《伴娘》的演员克里斯汀·韦格、玛娅·鲁道夫、梅丽莎·麦卡西、萝丝·拜恩和温 迪·麦克伦敦-考薇一起成为了奥斯卡颁奖嘉宾 。
2012年7月7日,她和编剧Michael Koman结婚 。
艾丽·坎伯尔因为美剧《办公室》走进观众视野,开始了自己的演艺之路,随后开始尔登上大荧幕,但是她 依然很喜爱拍摄电视剧,可谓是美剧中的黄金配角 。(时光网评)
Hale Waihona Puke 艾丽·坎伯尔美国女演员
01 早年经历
03 个人生活
02 演艺经历 04 人物评价
艾丽·坎伯尔(Ellie Kemper),1980年5月2日出生于美国密苏里州堪萨斯城,演员。
2006年出道,在电视短片《Sexual Intercourse: American Style》客串演出 。2009年开始在NBC的美剧 《办公室》中饰演常驻角色Erin Hannon并凭借此剧4次获得美国演员工会奖最佳演员群戏的提名 。2011年在克 里斯汀·韦格主演的电影《伴娘》中饰演了Becca 。2014年在卡梅隆·迪亚茨和杰森·席格尔主演的电影《性爱 录像带》中饰演Tess 。
Aircraft Assignments, SeattleAEGPrimary/Secondary/Tertiary December 29, 2015Aircraft Operations Chairs –FSB & FOEB ChairsAvionics –SpecialistsMRB Chairs -MaintenanceAirbus A300/A310 Bissonnette/Young Bayles /Algeo Patzke/VenturaAirbus A318-321 CEO Bissonnette/Hayward /Culet Watkins /Algeo Skoglund/Matzen Airbus A318-321 NEO Bissonnette/Culet /Hayward Watkins /Algeo Skoglund/NantzAirbus A330 CEO/NEO Culet/Robinson/Bissonnette Bayles/Flores Kelley/Moreno Airbus A340 Culet/Robinson/Bissonnette Bayles/Flores Kelley/Moreno Airbus A-350-800 Robinson/Culet/Vogt Bayles /Algeo Johnson/NantzAirbus A-350-900 Robinson/Culet/Vogt Bayles /Algeo Johnson/Nantz Airbus A-350-1000 Robinson/Culet/Vogt Bayles/Watkins Johnson/NantzAirbus A-380-800/800F Bissonnette/Robinson/Culet Flores /Algeo Patzke/ GonzalezATR-42/42C Hayward/Watson Algeo /Watkins Hunter/PatzkeATR-72 Hayward/Watson Algeo /Watkins Hunter/Patzke Boeing 737CL (100-500) Bosselmann/Perkins/Shackford Algeo/Watkins Dove/Matzen/HunterBoeing B-737-600 (NG) Perkins/Klein/Bosselmann Algeo /Watkins Matzen/Kelley/Dove Boeing B-737-700/700C (NG) Perkins/Klein/Bosselmann Algeo /Watkins Matzen/Kelley/Dove Boeing B-737-800 (NG) Perkins/Klein/Bosselmann Algeo /Watkins Matzen/Kelley/Dove Boeing B-737-900/900ER (NG) Perkins/Klein/Bosselmann Algeo /Watkins Matzen/Kelley/DoveBoeing B-737-BBJ (NG) Klein/Perkins/Bosselmann Algeo /Watkins Matzen/Kelley/Dove Boeing B-737-MIL (NG) Klein/Perkins/Bosselmann Algeo /Watkins Matzen/Kelley/Dove Boeing B-737-MAX (NG) Klein/Perkins/Bosselmann Algeo /Bayles Nantz/Matzen/Dove Boeing B-747 Classic Jackson/Young Watkins/Bayles Moreno/Evans Boeing B-747-400/D/ MIL (E-6) Hayward/Jackson/Eitel Algeo/Watkins Moreno/Ventura Boeing B-747-400F Hayward/Jackson/Eitel Algeo/Watkins Moreno/MatzenBoeing B-747-8/8F Jackson/Klein/Hayward Watkins/Bayles Moreno/Matzen Boeing B-757 (All series) Bosselmann/Young/Vogt Flores/Algeo White/KelleyBoeing B-767-200 Young/Vogt/Bosselmann Flores/Algeo White/Kelley Boeing B-767-300/300F Vogt/Bosselmann/Young Flores/Algeo White/KelleyBoeing B-767-400ER Vogt/Bosselmann/Young Flores/Algeo White/Kelley Boeing B-767-2C Tanker Vogt/Bosselmann Flores/Algeo Kelley/ White Boeing B-767 KC-46A Vogt/Bosselmann Flores/Algeo Kelley/ WhiteB-777-200/200LR Eitel/Pinnow/Vogt Flores/Bayles Gonzalez/Dove B777-300/300ER Eitel/Pinnow/Vogt Flores/Bayles Gonzalez/Dove B-777F Pinnow/Eitel/Vogt Flores/Bayles Gonzalez/DoveB-777-9 Pinnow/Eitel/Watson Watkins/Flores Gonzalez/DoveBoeing B-787-8 Eitel/Watson/Pinnow Flores/Algeo Hunter/Evans Boeing B-787-9 Eitel/Watson/Pinnow Algeo/Bayles Evans/Hunter Boeing B-787-10 Watson/Pinnow/Eitel Bayles /Algeo Evans/HunterDA 10/100 Shackford/Vogt/Pinnow Watkins/Algeo Pritchett /White DA-20 Fanjet Series C,D,E,F Shackford/Vogt/Pinnow Watkins/Algeo Pritchett /White DA-200/20GF Shackford/Vogt/Pinnow Watkins/Algeo Pritchett /White DA-50 Shackford/Vogt/Pinnow Algeo/Bayles Pritchett /WhiteDA-50EX Shackford/Vogt/Pinnow Algeo/Bayles Pritchett /WhiteDA-900EX Shackford/Vogt/Pinnow Algeo/Bayles Pritchett /White MF900,900B,900C Shackford/Vogt/Pinnow Algeo/Bayles Pritchett /White DA-EASy Pinnow/Vogt/Shackford Bayles/Algeo Pritchett /WhiteDA-2000 Shackford/Pinnow/ Vogt Bayles/Algeo Pritchett/Ventura DA-2000EX Shackford/Pinnow/Vogt Bayles/Algeo Pritchett/VenturaDA-2EASy Shackford/Pinnow/Vogt Bayles/Algeo Pritchett/VenturaDA-7X Vogt/Shackford/Pinnow Algeo/Bayles Pritchett/GonzalezDA-5X Vogt/Shackford/Pinnow Bayles/Watkins Pritchett/GonzalezDA-8X Vogt/Shackford/Pinnow Algeo/Bayles Pritchett/Gonzalez EMB-120/120C Hayward/Watson Flores/Algeo Matzen/Ventura EMB-135, 145 Hayward/Bissonnette Flores/Algeo Ventura/Matzen Legacy 600/650 Hayward/Bissonnette Flores/Algeo Ventura/Matzen EMB-545 Watson/Bissonnette Watkins/Algeo Ventura/JohnsonEMB-550 Watson/Bissonnette Watkins/Algeo Ventura/Johnson ERJ-170 E Series Perkins/Klein/Watson Flores/Algeo Ventura/Johnson ERJ-190 E Series Klein/Perkins/Watson Flores/Watkins Ventura/Johnson Lineage 1000 Watson/Perkins Algeo/Watkins Ventura/Johnson ERJ-175 E-2 Series Watson/Perkins/Hayward Algeo/Watkins Johnson/Ventura ERJ-190 E-2 Series Watson/Perkins/Hayward Algeo/Watkins Johnson/Ventura ERJ-195 E-2 Series Watson/Perkins/Hayward Algeo/Watkins Johnson/Ventura Low Activity AircraftBAe-146-100 200/300/ Perkins /Robinson Bayles/Algeo Patzke / White BAe AVRO-(146) RJ 70/85/100 Perkins /Robinson Bayles/Algeo Patzke / White BAe-4100/4101 Eitel/Robinson Bayles/Algeo Patzke / White BAe-ATP Robinson/Eitel Bayles/Algeo Patzke / White CASA-C-212C/D Watson/Eitel Watkins/Flores Dove/Skoglund CASA-CN-235-100/200/300 Watson/Eitel Watkins/Flores Dove/SkoglundEADS CASA-C-295 Watson/Eitel Bayles/Flores Dove/Skoglund CASA-C-295 Cargo Watson/Eitel Bayles/Flores Dove/Skoglund Dornier DO-328-100 Pinnow/Shackford Algeo/Watkins Nantz/Kelley Dornier DO-328-300 Shackford/Pinnow Algeo/Watkins Nantz/Kelley SAAB/SF340A Eitel/Watson Flores/Bayles Pritchett/Johnson SAAB 340B Eitel/Watson Flores/Bayles Pritchett/Johnson SAAB SF-340-Cargo Eitel/Watson Watkins/Flores Pritchett/Johnson SAAB 2000 Eitel/Watson Watkins/ Flores Pritchett/JohnsonOther AircraftBAC-1-11-200, 400 Eitel/Watson Bayles Kelley DHC-4, -114 Young/Eitel Flores WhiteNORD-262 Eitel/Watson Flores SkoglundSN-601 Eitel/Watson Algeo HunterVK-745 VISCOUNT Eitel/Watson Flores Dove YS-11 Eitel/Watson Watkins Hunter。
01 演艺经历
03 人物评价
02 个人生活
李英雅(Lee Young A),1984年10月23日出生于韩国首尔,毕业于汉阳大学舞蹈系,韩国女演员。
2003年,参加姜虎东主持的《天生缘分》节目,开始正式出道涉足演艺界。2005年,以电视剧《我爱你,仇 人》出道。同年,出演《结婚》。2007年,凭借婚恋伦理剧《黄金新娘》获得SBS演技大赏10大明星赏 。2010年, 凭借家庭幽默喜剧《面包王金卓求》获得第18届韩国文化娱乐大赏女演员奖 。2011年,主演悬疑片《吸血鬼检 察官2》 。2013年,主演爱情片《失业救助罗曼史》 。
《爱情谁也挡不住》剧照(23张)2003年,参加姜虎东主持的《天生缘分》节目,开始正式出道涉足演艺界。 2005年,以电视剧《我爱你,仇人》出道。同年,出演《结婚》。 2006年,主演《黄金苹果》,获得第42届百想艺术大赏新人演技赏 。同年,出演《爱情谁也挡不住》。 2007年,主演了由白秀灿执导的婚恋伦理剧《黄金新娘》,该剧讲述了嫁到韩国首尔的越南新娘发生的波折 万丈的爱情故事,李英雅获得SBS演技大赏10大明星赏 。 2008年,出演了由高羽荣的漫画《侠盗一枝梅》改编的动作片《一枝梅》,讲述朝鲜中期的侠盗“一枝梅” 与当权者和腐朽的社会制度进行抗争的故事 。 吸血鬼检察官2(28张)2010年,出演家庭幽默喜剧《面包王金卓求》,该剧以20世纪70年代的首尔为舞台, 讲述了主人公金卓求从一无所有的穷小子成长为韩国面包行业第一人的故事,获得第18届韩国文化娱乐大赏女演 员奖 。 2011年,李英雅主演了由金秉洙执导的悬疑片《吸血鬼检察官2》,饰演特搜部 1年龄女检察官 。 2012年,李英雅与温朱万主演了由朴光春执导的恐怖爱情片《树木葬》。
CELINE发展史No Comments. Posted in Celine by admin on 03-30-2009.优雅与休闲对话瑟琳C E L I N E瑟琳Celine,一个浪漫的女人名字,同时也流露了同名品牌优雅与细腻的特征再加上瑟琳的出生地——法国,有着与众不同的特殊氛围,更赋予了该品牌与生俱来的浪漫性情与艺术品位。
服装批发网,找常熟外贸服装批发资讯,深圳外贸服装批发资讯,沈阳外贸服装批发资讯、北京外贸服装批发信息,郑州外贸服装批发信息AGNES B在第二次世界大战后期,一个女人创建了那个时代第~个奢侈的时髦品牌——瑟琳。
而创始人魅力由重心而起celine Vipiana也成为了将自身动力与能量传达到自己品牌中的一位传奇性的成功女人。
1945年,Celine Vipiana与其丈夫在巴黎的共和广场52号丌了他们的第一家店:CELINE,当时瑟琳专注十儿童制鞋,只出售为孩了制作的精品鞋具,凭借创始人对十儿童的关爱之心和女性化特有的细腻设计,瑟琳凭借舒适的质地与超凡的品质而很快声名鹊起。
2012年6月3日,组合发行第二张EP《Wonder Party》;7月25日,发行首张日文单曲《Nobody For Everybody》,在日本正式出道 。
03 个人生活 05 人物评价
02 演艺经历 04 主要作品
禹惠林(우혜림 / Woo Hye-rim),1992年9月1日出生于中国香港,韩国女歌手、演员,前女子演唱组合 Wonder Girls成员。
2007年通过选秀进入JYP娱乐开始练习生涯,2010年3月,加入Wonder Girls组合出道。2014年11月28日, 出演的电影《坏姐姐之拆婚联盟》首映 ;2015年8月3日,Wonder Girls以乐队形式发行正规三辑 《REBOOT》,惠林担任吉他手 。2017年1月26日,JYP娱乐公司宣布Wonder Girls正式解散。 2020年3月, 禹惠林与前队友金婑斌创立的rrr娱乐公司签约。
2014年11月28日,出演的电影《坏姐姐之拆婚联盟》正式首映 。
2015年7月8日,禹惠林担任首尔Boccia公开赛宣传大使;8月3日,Wonder Girls以乐队形式发行第三张正 规专辑《REBOOT》,惠林担任吉他手 。
2020年5月,禹惠林的rrr娱乐公司宣布禹惠林将与恋爱7年的跆拳道运动员申敏哲在同年7月5日结婚。 2021年10月8日,禹惠林在社交平台发布视频,和老公申敏哲一起宣布怀孕的消息。 2022年2月26日,前韩国女团Wonder Girls成员禹惠林宣布产子喜讯,并晒出宝宝的小脚照,配文称:“我 们的宝宝平安健康出生了,一见钟情是真的,2022年2月23日”。 禹惠林申敏哲
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Phase Frequency Detectors for Fast Frequency Acquisition in Zero-dead-zone CPPLLs for Mobile Communication Systems Kun-Seok Lee*, Byeong-Ha Park, Han-il Lee, and Min Jong YohRF P/J, SYSTEM-LSI DIVISION, SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS, YONGIN, KYOUNGGI-DO, 449-711, KOREA* leeks01@samsung.co.krABSTRACTThis paper introduces a new-type phase-frequency-detector(PFD) for charge-pump phase-looked-loops(CPPLLs). As the PFD is configured to separate the reset part and the delay part independently, the input signal edge data, which arrive during an added delay to remove dead-zone, are not lost and do not output the wrong information, resulting in faster locking property. The experimental results of the proposed PFD show the reduced frequency acquisition time by about 30% compared with the conventional PFD in the case of 70MHz voltage-controlled-oscillator(VCO) frequency hopping for PCS mobile applications. The PFD is designed and simulated by SPECTRE and the prototype, together with a frequency synthesizer, has been fabricated in a 0.5um BiCMOS technology.I. I NTRODUCTIONPLLs are widely used in microprocessors and digital signal processors for clock generation circuits, and as a reference signal for wireless communication systems[1]. In all of these applications, this work concentrates on the PFD used in the CPPLLs for personal mobile communication systems. The PFD, one of the critical building blocks, monitors the input reference signal and the divided VCO output signal, and produces an output signal proportional to the phase and frequency difference between them[3]. There are several design issues related to the PFD, such as faster operating frequency, dead-zone problems, and locking time of the PLLs. The PFD used in the CPPLLs for personal mobile communication systems has following characteristics.1.Even though the output frequency of the VCO is 900MHz ~2.1GHz, the operating frequency of the PFD is just 10MHz ~ 20MHz with a large frequency multiplication. The proportion of the reset time to the period of the reference signal is less than 1%, and the PFD reset time is not a bottleneck, determining the maximum operating frequency, as is in the case with the high speed PFD[1][2].2.As the dead-zone phenomenon seriously degrades the phase noise property, which is one of the key specifications in PLLs, it is very important to remove the dead-zone. Adding an additional delay is enough to resolve the dead-zone problem but the loading charge to activate the charge-pump switches is considerable. Therefore, the proportion of the added delay time to the period of the reference signal is 5%~10% or so.The fast locking time, along with the fine channel spacing, causes a fractional-N PLL to be a popular architecture, but the demands for faster locking time are still increasing. As the settling time is almost constant and the acquisition time is in proportion to the frequency hopping range, it is essential to minimize the acquisition time for faster locking in case the frequency hops from the first channel to the last channel at the worst case[3]. We describe a faster frequency acquisition PFD, which is configured to separate the reset part and the delay part independently and corrects the clock transition overrides occurring during an added delay to prevent the dead-zone in conventional PFD. The PFD doesn’t generate wrong information and reduces the acquisition time drastically without fast locking skill.This paper is organized as follows. In Section II, we describe the conventional PFD architecture and its incorrect output generations. The proposed PFD is introduced in Section III. In Section IV, we report simulation and measurement results base on the posed PFD compared with the conventional PFD. A brief summary of this paper is included in Section V.LoopFilter C K RC K VFig. 1. Conventional PFD and charge-pump.II. C ONVENTIONAL PFD C IRCUITSA schematic circuit diagram of a conventional PFD and a charge-pump is shown in Fig. 1. The PFD circuit includes two D-type flip-flops, a delay element, and an AND gate. The D inputs of the flip-flops are tied to logic high. One flip-flop is clocked by a reference clock CKREF and the other is clocked by a voltage-controlled-oscillator clock CKVCO, divided down from the VCO output signal. The outputs of the flip-flops, UP and DN, are ANDed, and the results are delayed in the delay element, then used to reset both flip-flops. The UP and DN signals are simultaneously logic high for durationgiven by the delay element. The UP and DN signals are reset to logic low by a reset signal RST . The delay element whose duration is τ seconds is used to prevent dead zone. The charge-pump provides a positive or negative currents to the low pass filter(LPF) to correct an instantaneous phase and frequency mismatch between two input clock signals. If the phase of the CKREF leads the phase of the CKVCO , net charge is added to the output, and if the phase of the CKREF lags the phase of the CKVCO , net charge is subtracted from theoutput[1][3].CKREF CKVCO UP DNRST(a)CKREF CKVCOUP DNRST (b)Fig. 2. (a) Incorrect output generation due to delay. (b) Incorrect output generation due to the resetsignal RST . Fig. 2 is a timing diagram illustrating operation of the PFD circuit of Fig. 1. The circuit operates as follows.Initially, the flip-flops are in the reset condition, and the UP and DN signals are logic low. A first leading rising-edge of the CKREF causes the UP signal to go logic high and this state is held until the rising-edge of the CKVCO arrives. When the both the UP and DN signals are logic high, the output of the AND gate is activated.However, the activated output of the AND gate is delayed by τ seconds, maintaining the UP and DN signals logic high. If the next leading rising-edge of the CKREF arrives within this duration τ(Fig. 2(a)), the new rising-edge of the CKREF has no effect on the UP signal resulting in a missing edge, because the UP signal already has been activated. After the duration τ, both the UP and DN signals are reset. If the next leading rising-edge of the CKREF arrives when the RST signal is logic high(Fig. 2(b)), the new rising-edge is also not reflected in the UP signal because the reset overrides the new rising-edge. In both cases, the subsequent rising-edge of the CKVCO causes the DN signal to lead the UP signal.The effect appears as a negative output increasing thephase and frequency difference between the CKREF and the CKVCO for phase differences higher than 2π – 2∆,where ∆ = 2π·τ / T CKREF , which depends on the added delay τ and the reference clock period TCKREF [1]. These kinds of malfunctions seriously degrade the locking property in PLLs. For instance, if the PFD frequency is 20MHz and a 5 nano-seconds delay is used, the on time fraction of the charge-pump in the range of incorrect behavior is 20%. The frequency acquisition slows by how often the wrong information occurs, which depends on the ratio of the delay time to the reference clock period. Recently, as the tendency is toward increasing the PFD operating frequency of the fractional-N frequency synthesizers, the error occurring range is on the increase.(a) (b)Fig. 3. (a) Characteristic of the ideal PFD. (b) Characteristic of the nonideal PFD.Fig. 3 shows the ideal and real characteristic of the conventional PFD. The ideal PFD's characteristic is linear for the entire range of input phase differences (Fig.3(a)). In real PFD, on the other hands, there is an offset around the zero phase difference, and a gain inversion region takes place for phase differences higher than 2π –2∆ (Fig. 3(b)). In this gain inversion region, the PFD outputs the wrong control signals increasing the phase and frequency differences between the inputs, and the lock time takes a sudden turn for the worse.III. P ROPOSED PFD C IRCUITSThe proposed PFD consists of four main parts; flip-flop part, reset part, delay part, and output part(Fig. 4).The flip-flop part is the same as in the case with conventional PFD. In the reset part, a NOR gate combines the inverted flip-flop output signals Q1B and Q2B to produce a reset signal RST , activating the delay part. As there is no delay element in feedback path, if we ignore the reset time of the flip-flop, the both UP and DN signals are not allowed to be logic high simultaneously. The delay part includes a delay element operating to delay the RST signal by a predetermined amount τ seconds to remove dead-zone, an inverter M1producing a reset information signal RIS , another inverter M2 inverting the RIS signal after τ seconds from the point of time activating the RST signal, and a back-to-back latch maintaining the RIS signal logic low for τseconds. The output part consists of two two-input NAND gates. Each NAND gate receives the invertedsignal from the flip-flop and the RIS signal, and logically combines to form the UP or DN signal. The UP and DN signals are selectively chosen depending on the RIS signal. While the RIS signal is logic low, the UP and DN signals are unconditionally logic high, otherwise follow the outputs of the flip-flops.CKREF CKVCOUP DNRISQ1Q2RST high rangehigh rangeFig. 5. Error correction effect of the proposed PFD.Fig. 5 is a timing diagram illustrating operation of the proposed PFD circuit of Fig. 4. When both Q1 and Q2signals are logic high, the two flip-flops are reset simultaneously with zero delay, and the pulse widths of the Q2 and RST signals, negatively activating the RIS signal, are very narrow and equal to the reset time of the PFD. The RIS signal with a low logic level cause the UP and DN signals to go logic high, which remain until the RIS signal return to logic high by M2. During this unconditionally high range, initialized flip-flips can accept the new incoming rising-edge data. As can be seen in Fig. 5, the second leading rising-edge of the CKREF is reflected in the Q1 signal and propagates to the UP signal. At the end of this range, the DN signal becomes logic low, and the UP signal remains logic high because the Q1 signal is logic high. In this manner, asthe new PFD is configured to separate the reset part and the delay part independently, the PFD no longer loses the rising-edge data of the inputs, which arrives during an added delay to remove dead-zone, and does not output the wrong information. The rising-edgeoverriding phenomenon(Fig. 2(b)) due to RST signal in the conventional PFD also has been disappeared because of the reduced active range of the RST signal. Since the corrected edge information propagates to PFD output at the end of the unconditionally high range, there would be a flat region in the characteristic, of which value is 2πbecause the leading input signal does not return to logic low, for phase differences grater than 2π – ∆.Fig. 6. Characteristic of the proposed PFD.Fig. 6 shows the characteristic of the proposed PFD.There is no gain inversion region for the entire range of input phase differences, and the flat region for the phase differences higher than 2π – ∆ is observed.IV. S IMULATION AND M EASUREMENT R ESULTSFig. 7 shows simulated characteristics of the conventional and the proposed PFDs. If we compare these results with those of the Fig. 3 and Fig. 6, the results are about the same. The gain inversion region in Fig. 7(a) and the flat gain region in Fig. 7(b) are observed as is expected. Fig. 8 illustrates the charge variation in the charge-pump output during the frequency acquisition. The output node of the charge pump is coupled to a capacitor instead of low pass filter(LPF). The upper line indicating the output voltage of the proposed PFD shows faster locking property.Charge reduction ranges shown in lower line are due to the gain inversion region. Simulated frequency acquisition time is depicted in Fig. 9. The output of the charge pump is coupled to the LPF, and a 40-kHz bandwidth PLL loop, 40-MHz PFD comparison frequency, 2GHz VCO frequency, and 14.5MHz VCO frequency hopping were used. The frequency acquisitionC K R CK V C Loop FilterFig. 4. Proposed PFD and charge-pump.time of the upper line has been reduced by more than 50% compared with the lower line. To verify the performance of the proposed PFD, a FNPLL[4] with both the proposed PFD and the conventional PFD has been implemented in a 0.5-µm BiCMOS technology. The microphotograph is shown in Fig. 10. Fig. 11 shows the measurement results of the proposed and the conventional PFDs. To demonstrate the performance of the new PFD, a 15-kHz bandwidth PLL loop, 19.2-MHz PFD comparison frequency, 2.1GHz VCO frequency,and 70MHz VCO frequency hopping were used.Measured locking time was 520-µs in new PFD and 730-µs in conventional PFD respectively. The slop of the proposed PFD is more sharply rising, implying faster locking time. The results show that the frequency acquisition time of the new PFD has been reduced by about 30% compared with the conventional PFD.V. C ONCLUSIONIn this paper, we demonstrated the incorrect output generation in the conventional PFD due to the delay element in the feedback path and introduced a new-type PFD, which corrected the wrong information and reduced the locking time. The PFD consists of the reset part generating reset signal and the delay part providing an additional delay to remove dead-zone problem independently. The simulation results from the proposed PFD design and the measurement results from prototype fabrication were presented.R EFERENCES[1] M. Mansuri, D. Liu, and C. K. Yang, "Fast Frequency Acquisition Phase-Frequency Detectors for Gsamples/s Phase-Locked Loops", IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits , vol. 37, pp. 1331-4, Oct. 2002.[2] S. Joen, T. Cheung, and W. Choi, "Phase/frequency detector for high-speed PLL applications", IEEE Electronics Letters , vol. 34, pp. 2120-1, Oct. 1998.[3] B. Razavi, ed., Monolithic Phase-Locked Loops and Clock Recover Circuits, NJ: IEEE Press, 1996.[4] K. Lee, J. Lee, M. J. Yoh, and B. Park, "A Fractional-N Frequency Synthesizer with a 3-bit 4th order Σ-∆ Modulator", IEEE ESSCIRC Digest, 2002,pp. 803- 806.(a) (b)Fig. 7. Simulated characteristics ofthe conventional (a) and the proposed PFDs (b).Fig. 8. Charge variation in the charge-pump outputduring the frequency acquisition.Fig. 9. Simulated frequency acquisition.Fig. 10. Chip photograph of the proposed andconventional PFDs.Fig. 11. Measured locking time.。