



2020年秋学期五年级语文阶段性练习(测试范围:第三、四单元) 时间:90分钟 满分:100分第一部分 积累和运用一、读拼音写词语。

(10分)ch óu xi è d īng zh ǔ f ā sh ì b ēng t ā hu ǎng hu à ( ▲ ) ( ▲ ) ( ▲ ) ( ▲ ) ( ▲ ) ch í y án s ǎo zi di àn t áng xi āo hu ǐ ji àn zh ù ( ▲ ) ( ▲ ) ( ▲ ) ( ▲ ) ( ▲ )二、按课文内容填空。

(16)1.《示儿》这首诗的作者是_____代的________,其中表达诗人遗愿的诗句是: .__________________,__________________。











8.美哉,我少年中国__________!壮哉,我中国少年,__________! 9.圆明园在______________,是一座__________的皇家园林。

它由圆明园、 .________和________组成,所以也叫______________。



2022单证员考题缮制与操作试卷一、根据已知资料回答以下单选题,请在答题纸上作答(每题 2 分,共 40 分)SALES CONTRACTThe Seller: SHANGHAI YSAIR TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.Contract No. YS21536 Address: 17 KONGJIANG ROAD, SHANGHAI,CHINADate: JUL. 10 ,2021 The Buyer: BACKEN CORPORATIONAddress: 1-21-9,KAMEIDO,KUTO-KU,TOKYO,JAPANThis Sales Contract is made by and between the Seller and the Buyer, whereby the Seller agree to sell and the Buyer agree to buy the under-mentioned goods according to the terms and conditions stipulated below:Total Amount: SAY JAPANESE YEN ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY THOUSAND ONLYPac :1PC IN 1 CTN, TOTAL PACKED IN SIX EXPORT STANDARD CARTONS.Time of Shipment: Before the end of Sep. , 2021.Loading Port and Destination: FROM SHANGHAI,CHINA TO TOKYO, JAPAN.Partial Shipment: NOT ALLOWED.Transshipment: NOT ALLOWEDTerms of Payment: By L/C at sight, reaching the seller before Aug. 15,2021, and remaining valid for negotiation in China for further 15 days after the effected shipment. L/C must mention this contract number. L/C advised by BANK OF CHINA. All ban Charges outside China (the mainland of China) are for account of the Drawee. Documents:+Signed commercial invoice in triplicate.+Original Airway Bill marked “Freight paid” made out to consignee notifying the applicant.+Pac List in triplicate.+Certificate of Origin issued by China Chamber of Commerce.Signed by:THE SELLER:THE BUYER:SHANGHAI YSAIR TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.SHENWEI BACKEN CORPORATIONKARAKA1.根据合同,合理的信用证开证日期应为()。



2017-2018学年度第二学期期中考试八年级地理试卷总分:100 考试时间:60分钟一、单项选择题:下列各小题的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题意的。



1、A地的经纬度是A.东经140°,北纬80° B.西经140°,南纬80°C. 东经80°,北纬140°D.西经80°,南纬140°2、A地位于D地的A.西北方向B.东北方向C.西南方向D.东南方向3、D地处在五带中的A.北温带B.热带C.南温带D.南寒带4、有极昼极夜现象的是A.A地B.B地图1C.C地D.D地图2为“某地等高线地形图”,读图完成5~6题。

5、丙处的地形部位是A.山顶B.鞍部C.陡崖D.山谷6、乙处的海拔高度是A.460米B.470米C.480米D.490米7、绘一张学校操场平面图,适合采用的比例尺为A.1:1000B.1:10000000 图2C.0:1000D.0:10000000图3为“大洲和大洋的分布图”,读图完成8~10题。







2024年上海市中考数学试题+答案详解(试题部分)1.本场考试时间100分钟,试卷共4页,满分150分,答题纸共2页.2.作答前,请在答题纸指定位置填写姓名、报名号、座位号.井将核对后的条形码贴在答题纸指定位置.3.所有作答务必填涂或书写在答题纸上与试卷题号对应的区域,不得错位.在试卷上作答一律不得分.4.用2B 铅笔作答选择题,用黑色字迹钢笔、水笔或圆珠笔作答非选择题. 一、选择题(每题4分,共24分)1. 如果x y >,那么下列正确的是( )A. 55x y +<+B. 55x y −<−C. 55x y >D. 55x y −>−2. 函数2()3xf x x −=−的定义域是( ) A. 2x =B. 2x ≠C. 3x =D. 3x ≠3. 以下一元二次方程有两个相等实数根的是( ) A. 260x x −= B.290x -=C. 2660x x −+=D. 2690x x −+=4. 科学家同时培育了甲乙丙丁四种花,从甲乙丙丁选个开花时间最短的并且最平稳的.A. 甲种类B. 乙种类C. 丙种类D. 丁种类5. 四边形ABCD 为矩形,过A C 、作对角线BD 的垂线,过B D 、作对角线AC 的垂线,如果四个垂线拼成一个四边形,那这个四边形为( ) A. 菱形B. 矩形C. 直角梯形D. 等腰梯形6. 在ABC 中,3AC =,4BC =,5AB =,点P 在ABC 内,分别以A B P 、、为圆心画,圆A 半径为1,圆B 半径为2,圆P 半径为3,圆A 与圆P 内切,圆P 与圆B 的关系是( ) A. 内含B. 相交C. 外切D. 相离二、填空题(每题4分,共48分)7. 计算:()324x =___________.8. 计算()()a b b a +−=______.9.1=,则x =___________.10. 科学家研发了一种新的蓝光唱片,一张蓝光唱片的容量约为5210⨯GB ,一张普通唱片的容量约为25GB ,则蓝光唱片的容量是普通唱片的___________倍.(用科学记数法表示) 11. 若正比例函数y kx =的图像经过点(7,13)−,则y 的值随x 的增大而___________.(选填“增大”或“减小”)12. 在菱形ABCD 中,66ABC ∠=︒,则BAC ∠=___________.13. 某种商品的销售量y (万元)与广告投入x (万元)成一次函数关系,当投入10万元时销售额1000万元,当投入90万元时销售量5000万元,则投入80万元时,销售量为___________万元.14. 一个袋子中有若干个白球和绿球,它们除了颜色外都相同随机从中摸一个球,恰好摸到绿球的概率是35,则袋子中至少有___________个绿球. 15. 如图,在平行四边形ABCD 中,E 为对角线AC 上一点,设AC a =,BE b =uur r,若2AE EC =,则DC =___________(结果用含a ,b 的式子表示).16. 博物馆为展品准备了人工讲解、语音播报和AR 增强三种讲解方式,博物馆共回收有效问卷1000张,其中700人没有讲解需求,剩余300人中需求情况如图所示(一人可以选择多种),那么在总共2万人的参观中,需要AR 增强讲解的人数约有__________人.17. 在平行四边形ABCD 中,ABC ∠是锐角,将CD 沿直线l 翻折至AB 所在直线,对应点分别为C ',D ¢,若::1:3:7AC AB BC '=,则cos ABC ∠=__________.18. 对于一个二次函数2()y a x m k =−+(0a ≠)中存在一点(),P x y '',使得0x m y k '−='−≠,则称2x m '−为该抛物线的“开口大小”,那么抛物线211323y x x =−++“开口大小”为__________.三、简答题(共78分,其中第19-22题每题10分,第23、24题每题12分,第25题14分)19.计算:102|124(1+−.20. 解方程组:2234026x xy y x y ⎧−−=⎨+=⎩①②.21. 在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,反比例函数ky x=(k 为常数且0k ≠)上有一点()3,A m −,且与直线24y x =−+交于另一点(),6B n .(1)求k 与m 的值;(2)过点A 作直线l x ∥轴与直线24y x =+交于点C ,求sin OCA ∠的值.22. 同学用两幅三角板拼出了如下的平行四边形,且内部留白部分也是平行四边形(直角三角板互不重叠),直角三角形斜边上的高都为h .(1)求:①两个直角三角形的直角边(结果用h 表示); ②小平行四边形的底、高和面积(结果用h 表示); (2)请画出同学拼出的另一种符合题意的图,要求:①不与给定的图形状相同;②画出三角形的边.23. 如图所示,在矩形ABCD 中,E 为边CD 上一点,且AE BD ⊥.(1)求证:2AD DE DC =⋅;(2)F 为线段AE 延长线上一点,且满足12EF CF BD ==,求证:CE AD =. 24. 在平面直角坐标系中,已知平移抛物线213y x =后得到的新抛物线经过50,3A ⎛⎫− ⎪⎝⎭和(5,0)B .(1)求平移后新抛物线的表达式;(2)直线x m =(0m >)与新抛物线交于点P ,与原抛物线交于点Q . ①如果PQ 小于3,求m 的取值范围;②记点P 在原抛物线上的对应点为P ',如果四边形P BPQ '有一组对边平行,求点P 的坐标. 25. 在梯形ABCD 中,AD BC ∥,点E 在边AB 上,且13AE AB =.(1)如图1所示,点F 在边CD 上,且13DF CD =,联结EF ,求证:EF BC ∥;(2)已知1AD AE ==;①如图2所示,联结DE ,如果ADE V 外接圆的心恰好落在B ∠的平分线上,求ADE V 的外接圆的半径长;②如图3所示,如果点M 在边BC 上,联结EM 、DM 、EC ,DM 与EC 交于N ,如果4BC =,且2CD DM DN =⋅,DMC CEM ∠=∠,求边CD 的长.2024年上海市中考数学试题+答案详解(答案详解)1.本场考试时间100分钟,试卷共4页,满分150分,答题纸共2页.2.作答前,请在答题纸指定位置填写姓名、报名号、座位号.井将核对后的条形码贴在答题纸指定位置.3.所有作答务必填涂或书写在答题纸上与试卷题号对应的区域,不得错位.在试卷上作答一律不得分.4.用2B 铅笔作答选择题,用黑色字迹钢笔、水笔或圆珠笔作答非选择题. 一、选择题(每题4分,共24分)1. 如果x y >,那么下列正确的是( )A. 55x y +<+B. 55x y −<−C. 55x y >D. 55x y −>−【答案】C 【解析】【分析】本题主要考查了不等式的基本性质,根据不等式两边加(或减)同一个数(或式子),不等号的方向不变.不等式两边乘(或除以)同一个正数,不等号的方向不变.不等式两边乘(或除以)同一个负数,不等号的方向改变.【详解】解:A .两边都加上5,不等号的方向不改变,故错误,不符合题意; B .两边都加上5−,不等号的方向不改变,故错误,不符合题意; C .两边同时乘上大于零的数,不等号的方向不改变,故正确,符合题意; D .两边同时乘上小于零的数,不等号的方向改变,故错误,不符合题意; 故选:C . 2. 函数2()3xf x x −=−的定义域是( ) A. 2x = B. 2x ≠C. 3x =D. 3x ≠【答案】D 【解析】【分析】本题考查求函数定义域,涉及分式有意义的条件:分式分母不为0,解不等式即可得到答案,熟练掌握求函数定义域的方法是解决问题的关键. 【详解】解:函数2()3xf x x −=−的定义域是30x −≠,解得3x ≠, 故选:D .3. 以下一元二次方程有两个相等实数根的是( ) A. 260x x −= B.290x -=C. 2660x x −+=D. 2690x x −+=【答案】D 【解析】【分析】本题考查了一元二次方程判别式判断根的情况,解答本题的关键是熟练掌握一元二次方程()200ax bx c a ++=≠,当240b ac ∆=−>时,方程有两个不相等实数根;当240b ac ∆=−=时,方程的两个相等的实数根;当24<0b ac ∆=−时,方程没有实数根.分别计算出各选项中的根的判别式的值,即可判断.【详解】解:A .()2Δ6410360=−−⨯⨯=> ,该方程有两个不相等实数根,故A 选项不符合题意; B .()2Δ0419360=−⨯⨯−=> ,该方程有两个不相等实数根,故B 选项不符合题意;C .()2Δ6416120=−−⨯⨯=> ,该方程有两个不相等实数根,故C 选项不符合题意; D .()2Δ64190=−−⨯⨯= ,该方程有两个相等实数根,故D 选项不符合题意; 故选:D .4. 科学家同时培育了甲乙丙丁四种花,从甲乙丙丁选个开花时间最短的并且最平稳的.A. 甲种类B. 乙种类C. 丙种类D. 丁种类【答案】B 【解析】【分析】本题主要考查了用平均数和方差做决策,根据平均数的定义以及方差的定义做决策即可. 解题的关键是掌握方差的意义:方差是反映一组数据的波动大小的一个量.方差越大,则平均值的离散程度越大,稳定性也越小;反之,则它与其平均值的离散程度越小,稳定性越好. 【详解】解:∵由表格可知四种花开花时间最短的为甲种类和乙种类, 四种花的方差最小的为乙种类和丁种类,方差越小越稳定, ∴乙种类开花时间最短的并且最平稳的,故选:B .5. 四边形ABCD 为矩形,过A C 、作对角线BD 的垂线,过B D 、作对角线AC 的垂线,如果四个垂线拼成一个四边形,那这个四边形为( ) A. 菱形 B. 矩形 C. 直角梯形 D. 等腰梯形【答案】A 【解析】【分析】本题考查矩形性质、等面积法、菱形的判定等知识,熟练掌握矩形性质及菱形的判定是解决问题的关键.由矩形性质得到OBCOADSS=,OC OB OA OD ===,进而由等面积法确定CH BF AE DG ===,再由菱形的判定即可得到答案.【详解】解:如图所示:四边形ABCD 为矩形,OBCOAD SS∴=,OC OB OA OD ===,过A C 、作对角线BD 的垂线,过B D 、作对角线AC 的垂线,11112222OBCOADSSOC BF OB CH OD AE OA DG ∴==⋅=⋅=⋅=⋅ ∴CH BF AE DG ===,如果四个垂线拼成一个四边形,那这个四边形为菱形, 故选:A .6. 在ABC 中,3AC =,4BC =,5AB =,点P 在ABC 内,分别以A B P 、、为圆心画,圆A 半径为1,圆B 半径为2,圆P 半径为3,圆A 与圆P 内切,圆P 与圆B 的关系是( ) A. 内含 B. 相交C. 外切D. 相离【答案】B 【解析】【分析】本题考查圆的位置关系,涉及勾股定理,根据题意,作出图形,数形结合,即可得到答案,熟记圆的位置关系是解决问题的关键.【详解】解:圆A 半径为1,圆P 半径为3,圆A 与圆P 内切,∴圆A 含在圆P 内,即312PA =−=,P ∴在以A 为圆心、2为半径的圆与ABC 边相交形成的弧上运动,如图所示:∴当到P '位置时,圆P 与圆B 圆心距离PB =325<+=,∴圆P 与圆B 相交,故选:B .二、填空题(每题4分,共48分)7. 计算:()324x =___________.【答案】664x 【解析】【分析】本题考查了积的乘方以及幂的乘方,掌握相关运算法则是解题关键.先将因式分别乘方,再结合幂的乘方计算即可. 【详解】解:()326464xx =,故答案为:664x .8. 计算()()a b b a +−=______. 【答案】22b a − 【解析】【分析】根据平方差公式进行计算即可. 【详解】解:()()a b b a +−()()b a b a =+−22b a =−,故答案为:22b a −.【点睛】本题考查平方差公式,此为基础且重要知识点,必须熟练掌握.9.1=,则x =___________. 【答案】1 【解析】【分析】本题主要考查了二次根式有意义的条件,掌握二次根式中的被开方数是非负数是解题的关键.由二次根式被开方数大于0可知210x −>,则可得出211x −=,求出x 即可. 【详解】解:根据题意可知:210x −>, ∴211x −=, 解得:1x =, 故答案为:1.10. 科学家研发了一种新的蓝光唱片,一张蓝光唱片的容量约为5210⨯GB ,一张普通唱片的容量约为25GB ,则蓝光唱片的容量是普通唱片的___________倍.(用科学记数法表示)【答案】3810⨯ 【解析】【分析】本题考查科学记数法,按照定义,用科学记数法表示较大的数时,一般形式为10n a ⨯,其中110a ≤<,n 为整数,按要求表示即可得到答案,确定a 与n 的值是解决问题的关键.【详解】解:蓝光唱片的容量是普通唱片的53210800081025⨯==⨯倍,故答案为:3810⨯.11. 若正比例函数y kx =的图像经过点(7,13)−,则y 的值随x 的增大而___________.(选填“增大”或“减小”) 【答案】减小 【解析】【分析】本题考查了一次函数图象上点的坐标特征以及正比例函数的性质,牢记“当0k >时,y 随x 的增大而增大;当0k <时,y 随x 的增大而减小”是解题的关键.利用一次函数图象上点的坐标特征,可求出137k =−,结合正比例函数的性质,即可得出y 的值随x 的增大而减小. 【详解】解:正比例函数y kx =的图象经过点(7,13)−, 137k ∴−=,解得:137k =−,又1307k =−<, y ∴的值随x 的增大而减小.故答案为:减小.12. 在菱形ABCD 中,66ABC ∠=︒,则BAC ∠=___________.【答案】57︒##57度【解析】【分析】本题考查了菱形的性质,等腰三角形的性质以及三角形内角和定理,利用菱形性质得出AB BC =,利用等边对等角得出BAC ACB ∠=∠,然后结合三角形内角和定理求解即可.【详解】解:∵四边形ABCD 是菱形, ∴AB BC =,∴()()11180180665722BAC ACB ABC ∠=∠=︒−∠=︒−︒=︒, 故答案为:57︒.13. 某种商品的销售量y (万元)与广告投入x (万元)成一次函数关系,当投入10万元时销售额1000万元,当投入90万元时销售量5000万元,则投入80万元时,销售量为___________万元.【答案】4500【解析】【分析】本题考查求一次函数解析式及求函数值,设y kx b =+,根据题意找出点代入求出解析式,然后把80x =代入求解即可.【详解】解:设y kx b =+,把()10,1000,()90,5000代入,得101000905000k b k b +=⎧⎨+=⎩, 解得50500k b =⎧⎨=⎩, ∴50500y x =+,当80x =时,50805004500y =⨯+=,即投入80万元时,销售量为4500万元,故答案为:4500.14. 一个袋子中有若干个白球和绿球,它们除了颜色外都相同随机从中摸一个球,恰好摸到绿球的概率是35,则袋子中至少有___________个绿球.【答案】3【解析】【分析】本题主要考查了已知概率求数量,一元一次不等式的应用,设袋子中绿球有3x 个,则根据概率计算公式得到球的总数为5x 个,则白球的数量为2x 个,再由每种球的个数为正整数,列出不等式求解即可.【详解】解:设袋子中绿球有3x 个, ∵摸到绿球的概率是35, ∴球的总数为3355x x ÷=个, ∴白球的数量为532x x x −=个,∵每种球的个数为正整数,∴20x >,且x 为正整数,∴0x >,且x 为正整数,∴x 的最小值为1,∴绿球的个数的最小值为3,∴袋子中至少有3个绿球,故答案为:3.15. 如图,在平行四边形ABCD 中,E 为对角线AC 上一点,设AC a =,BE b =uur r ,若2AE EC =,则DC =___________(结果用含a ,b 的式子表示).【答案】23a b − 【解析】 【分析】本题考查了平面向量的知识,解答本题的关键是先确定各线段之间的关系.先求出23AE AC =,从而可得AB AE EB =+. 【详解】解:四边形ABCD 是平行四边形,DC AB ∴∥,DC AB =.E 是AC 上一点,2AE EC =,23AE AC ∴=, 23AB AE EB AE BE a b =+=−=−, ∴23DC a b =−, 故答案为:23a b −. 16. 博物馆为展品准备了人工讲解、语音播报和AR 增强三种讲解方式,博物馆共回收有效问卷1000张,其中700人没有讲解需求,剩余300人中需求情况如图所示(一人可以选择多种),那么在总共2万人的参观中,需要AR 增强讲解的人数约有__________人.【答案】2000【解析】【分析】本题考查条形统计图及用样本的某种“率”估计总体的某种“率”,正确得出需要AR 增强讲解的人数占有需求讲解的人数的百分比是解题关键.先求出需求讲解的人数占有效问卷的百分比,再根据条形统计图求出需要AR 增强讲解的人数占有需求讲解的人数的百分比,进而可得答案.【详解】解:∵共回收有效问卷1000张,其中700人没有讲解需求,剩余300人有需求讲解, ∴需求讲解的人数占有效问卷的百分比为300100%30%1000⨯=, 由条形统计图可知:需要AR 增强讲解的人数为100人,∴需要AR 增强讲解的人数占有需求讲解的人数的百分比为10013003=, ∴在总共2万人的参观中,需要AR 增强讲解的人数约有12000030%20003⨯⨯=(人), 故答案为:200017. 在平行四边形ABCD 中,ABC ∠是锐角,将CD 沿直线l 翻折至AB 所在直线,对应点分别为C ',D ¢,若::1:3:7AC AB BC '=,则cos ABC ∠=__________.【答案】27或47##47或27【解析】 【分析】本题考查了平行四边形的翻折,求余弦值,等腰三角形的判定及性质,解题的关键是利用分类讨论的思想进行求解.【详解】解:当C '在AB 之间时,作下图,根据::1:3:7AC AB BC '=,不妨设1,3,7AC AB BC '===,由翻折的性质知:FCD FC D ''∠=∠, CD 沿直线l 翻折至AB 所在直线,BC F FC D FCD FBA '''∴∠+∠=∠+∠,BC F FBA '∴∠=∠。



译林版英语七年级下册期中测试笔试部分(90分)一.单词辩音(5分,每小题0.5分)()1. A. check B. center C. bedroom D. zero()2. A. stay B. says C. may D. day()3. A. college B. office C. post D. job()4. A. knife B. fix C. will D. visit()5. A. fork B. pork C. world D. for()6. A. Russia B. cup C. study D. computer()7. A. France B. flat C. capital D. manager()8. A. buses B. classes C. houses D. glasses()9. A. also B. always C. salt D. all()10. A. town B. shower C. own D. how二、单项选择(15分,每小题1分)( )1. There is ____r and _____s and _____t in the English word “画家”.A. an, an, doubleB. double, an, aC. a, double, anD. a , an ,double ( )2. I’ m sure you know the difference _____”look for “ and “find”.A. fromB. forC. toD. between ( )3. My father is an _______doctor in the hospital.A. elderB. olderC. eldD. old ( )4. Listen, the music __________ beautiful.A. sounds likeB. soundsC. is sounding likeD. is sounding ( )5. It’s too cold. How about ____________?A. making fireB. make a fireC. making a fireD. make fire ( )6. Which of the following can you visit in Canada?A. Mount FujiB. the Eiffel TowerC. Big BenD. the CN Tower ( )7. He ___________ here this evening.A. will be atB. is atC. will beD. is( )8.---How long is the new bridge? Do you know?----Yes, it’s about_________.A. one thousand one hundred and eighty metersB. one thousand and one hundred fifty metersC. two thousands one hundred forty metersD. two thousands seventy and three meters( )9. John likes to sit here and _________the beach and the sea.A. look outB. look out atC. look at outD. looks out ( )10. Your parents hope you _______ hard every day.A. to studyB. studyC. studiesD. will study( )11.Of all the subjects, I like English________.A. betterB. goodC. wellD. best ( )12. --_______time can you stay at the museum? --About two hours.A. How longB. How manyC. How muchD. How often ( )13.He asks me to wait for him because he has ________ to tell me.A. some informationB. some informationsC. many newsD. a few news ( )14. -- ____there ______ matches on TV tonight?-- Yes, there are.A. Will, beB. Is, going to beC. Are, going toD. Are, going to be ( )15. --Hello, may I speak to Sandy, please?--________.A. Who are you?B. This is Sandy speaking.C. I'm Sandy.D. What's your name?三、完形填空(10分,每小题1分)Jim Green is an announcer(播音员)for the program. Most of the girls___1____ boys like the program. They ___2___like Jim Green. Some of them often make phone calls to him and thank him ___3___ his work. There are lots of ___4___ to him every day, too.Jim Green gets up at 6:00 every morning. He has bread and a glass of milk ___5___ breakfast. He leaves home at 6:30 and ___6___ his office at 7:15.The program ___7____ at 7:30.He plays the new records (唱片)of the pop songs and modern music for his listeners. At 8:00 it's time ____8____ the news.Jim finishes work at 10:30. He goes home ____9____ his car. He ___10___ newspapers and listens to music after supper.He thinks his life is very interesting.( ) 1.A and B with C but D about( ) 2.A too B to C also D so( ) 3.A to B for C at D and( ) 4.A letter B letters C friends D words( ) 5.A at B with C for D to( ) 6.A goes B gets C gets to D gets up( ) 7.A begins B finishes C over D start( ) 8.A to B for C of D in( ) 9.A by B in C on D takes( ) 10.A look B reads C sees D watches四.阅读理解(15分,每小题1分)(A)People all like holidays. Some holidays are always the same in some countries,but some are not. For example, New Year is on January 1st. Christmas is on December 25th. Mother’s Day is on the second Sunday of May. The national birthday of the PRC is on the first day of October. However, the one of the USA is on July 4th.Different countries have different holidays. Different holidays are important for different countries. Americans and Canadians have Thanksgiving Day. They have it on the fourth Thursday of November. In Taiwan, Father’s Day is on August 8th, but Father’s Day is on the third Sunday of June in America. People celebrate Teachers’Day on September 28th in many countries, which is also callded Confucius’s Birthday.Each holiday has a story. Surf the Net, and you’ll find you are interested in every story.1. New Year is on the _______________ of January.A. fourth dayB. twenty-eighth dayC. tenth dayD. first day2. _______________ is on the twenty-fifth day of December.A. Thanksgiving DayB. Confucius’s BirthdayC. ChristmasD.Teachers’ Day3. What date is the national birthday of the USA?A. October 10th.B. January 21st.C. September 28th.D. July 4th.4. Which of the following is TRUE?A. Teachers’ Day is also Confucius’s Birthday in many countries.B. Not every holiday has a story.C. The national birthday of the PRC is on July 4th.D. Thanksgiving Day is on the third Sunday of June.5. What day is Thanksgiving Day?A. Sunday.B. Thursday.C. Friday.D. Saturday.(B)Americans with small families own a small car or a large one. If both parents are working, they usually have two cars. Whenthe family is large, one of the cars is sold and theywill buy a van(房车).A small car can hold(容纳) four persons anda large car can hold six persons but it is verycrowded(拥挤). A van hold seven persons easily,so three children can ask their grandparents to goon a holiday travel. They can all travel together.Mr. Hagen and his wife had a third child last year. This made them sell their second car and buy a van. The sixth and seventh seat are used to put other things, fora family of five must carry many suitcases(衣箱) when they travel. When they arrive at their grandparents’ home, the two seats can then carry the grandparents, Americans call vans motor homes. A motor home is always used for holidays. When a family are traveling to the mountains or to the seaside, they can live in their motor home for a few days or weeks. All the members of a big family can enjoy a happier life when they are traveling together. This is why motor homes have become very popular. In American there are many parks for motor homes.1. From the passage, a van is also called ___________________.A. a motor carB. a motor homeC. a motor bikeD. a big truck2. Before Mr Hagen and his wife bought a van, they __________________.A. sold their old houseB. moved to their grandparents’ houseC. built a new place for a vanD. sold their second car3. A motor home is usually owned by a family with ______________________.A. babyB. much moneyC. more than two childrenD. interest in vans4. American usually use motor homes ______________________.A. to travel with all the family members on holidayB. to do some shopping with all the family membersC. to visit their grandparents at weekendsD. to drive their children to school everyday5. Motor homes have become popular because ________________.A. they can take people to another city when people are freeB. they can let families have a happier life when they go out together for theirholidayC. some people think motor homes are cheapD. big families can put more things in motor homes(C)In America, people change jobs ten times during their lives. They change their homes eleven times. Americans like change because they think it improves their lives.In China, some people, of course, don’t like change. They want life to be predictable(可预见的). They want to do the same things every day and to see the same people every day. When something changes, it makes them feel uncomfortable, like a child who can’t go to sleep unless(除非) all his toys are in their proper places. But can’t you see there are many changes in China? People are healthier and they are living longer. People have more money, more food and they are better educated(受教育).Without change our lives would be very boring. It would be like listening to the same song over and over again. Change is a big part of life and we all change insmall ways every day ——the young get stronger, the old get weaker; we meet new friends; we find new interests. Change is good for China and it will be good for you, too.1. How many times do people in American change their jobs during their lives?A. Nine.B. Ten.C. Eleven.D. Twelve.2. Some Chinese people don’t like change because it makes them feel _________________.A. boringB. comfortableC. interestingD. uncomfortable3. What is NOT China’s change?A. People are healthier and they are living longer.B. People have more money and more foodC. People are better educatedD. People change their homes eleven times4. What is the meaning of the underlined word “improve”?A. 改善B. 增强C. 利用D. 增加5. The best title(标题) for the passage is _______________.A. Change Is GoodB. Americans Like ChangeC. Chinese Like ChangeD. Chinese Dislike Change五、词汇(15分)A)写单词(每小题1分)1. We know a lot about the ________(宫殿).2. _________(百万) of people in this country are very poor.3. Read the _______(布告) carefully. They are helpful to you.4.How many of you want to be________(技师) in the future?5. Thanks for ________(邀请) me to the party.B)用单词的适当形式填空(每小题1分)1. Alice doesn’t like _____ (share) a computer with others.2. There isn’t ________ (something) wrong with my TV..3. Daniel’s birthday is on the_______ (nine) of March.4. - Do you know your___________ (neighbour) names? - Yes, I do.5. Some (visit) from the UK will visit our school next month.6. The college student often (fix) the computers for us. He’s so kind.7.--There are so many American ____ (company) in Wuxi?-- Oh ! Really?8. It’s (luck) to live in a community like that.9. My flat is on the (twelve) floor in that tall building.10. Jim enjoys watching_______ (video) very much .六、完成句子。

《餐饮服务与管理》测试试卷4 带答题纸 附答案 格式标准

《餐饮服务与管理》测试试卷4 带答题纸 附答案  格式标准

《餐饮服务与管理》试卷一、单项选择题(每题1分,共10分)1、中国最早的番菜馆是()A. 北京的醉琼林 B .上海福州路的“一品香”C. 北京六国饭店D.上海李查饭店2、高级西餐厅餐台上一般有三层布草,由下到上的顺序是()A. 台布、法兰绒垫布、装饰布B. 装饰布、法兰绒垫布、台布C. 法兰绒垫布、装饰布、台布D. 法兰绒垫布、台布、装饰布3、宴会席间如有宾客感到不适,服务员哪些做法错误的是()。


A. 红茶B. 绿茶C. 乌龙茶D. 花茶5、中餐零点餐厅服务比较灵活,服务员应注意观察,以不打扰客人为原则,严禁从()之间上菜。

A. 译陪人员B. 主宾与译陪人员C. 副主人与第三主宾D. 主人与主宾6、法国勃艮地出产的(),清冽爽口,被誉为“葡萄酒之王”。

A. 红葡萄酒B. 白葡萄酒C.玫瑰红葡萄酒D. 香槟酒7、世界各地都有威士忌生产,其中以()最为有名。

A. 苏格兰威士忌B. 爱尔兰威士忌C. 美国威士忌D. 加拿大威士忌8、荷兰出品的世界著名啤酒是()A. 百威 B .嘉士伯 C. 喜力 D. 贝克9、托盘的操作方法中,装盘要求放里档,先上桌的物品。

()A.重物、高物在下、在后B.重物、高物在上、在前C.轻物、低物在上、在前D.轻物、低物在下、在后10、世界上咖啡产量居世界第一的是()国家A. 古巴B. 哥伦比亚C. 巴西D. 美国二、多项选择题(每题1分,共10分)1、下列有关美式菜的说法不正确的有()A .讲究营养搭配,油腻,要求少而精。

B. 咸中带甜,微辣,略微酸甜。

C. 爱吃水果和甜食,尤其是冰激凌。

D. 不吃动物内脏和头尾全形的菜肴,比较喜欢吃海参、鱿鱼等有营养的食物。

2、法式菜的特点有()A. 选料广泛,品种繁多 B .讲究烹饪,注重调味C. 用料新鲜,讲究搭配D. 大多以人名、地名、物名来命名3、不经储存直接装瓶出售的酒有()A. 金酒B. 威士忌C. 伏特加D. 白兰地4、下列有关茶水服务的说法正确的是()A. 绿茶往往采用瓷质茶杯冲泡,这样便于保温,也可得到较浓郁的茶汤。






















她宛如一位窈窕的少女,恬静内敛.,面带红晕,脉脉含情;又似一位妙手丹青,挥舞彩笔,将大地 ( 描绘/描摹 )得绚丽缤纷。











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2-附件二 本科通识选修课程 答题纸模板

文山学院 2015—2016学年第二学期通识选修课程人文社科类课程
《基础泰语》期末考试试卷A 答题纸
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泰语和越南语选修课程,一级题目要求双语言(外语+汉语,分值只用外语),泰语用Angsana New, 小二号,加粗,汉语用黑体,四号;英语和越南语用Times New Roman 四号,加粗。

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)๑. จงเขียนค ำตอบลงในช่องว่ำงโดยใช้ภำษำจีน(ช่องละ1คะแนน 10 คะแนน)填空题
《基础泰语》试卷A 答题纸第1页共1页。




11、ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ)()
1、[A][B] [C] [D]2、[A][B] [C][D]3、[A][B] [C] [D]
4、[A][B] [C][D]5、[A][B] [C] [D]



八年级英语上册Unit2单元检测题考试时间:90分钟满分:100分一.选择题(共15小题,每题1分,共15分)1.﹣Does Antony always finish his homework on time?﹣Yes,of course.He_____ leaves today's work until tomorrow.()A.also B.never C.only D.usually2._____ it was very cold,_____ my friend still went swimming in Jialing River this morning.()A.Although;but B.Although;/ C.But;although D./;although 3.﹣______ do you read English books?﹣About three times a week.()A.How often B.How far C.How long D.How much4.Eighty percent of the visitors _______ from London and the others are from New York.()A.is B.are C.was D.were5.﹣_______ does Linda watch English movies?﹣Once a week.()A.How often B.How many C.How far D.How long6.﹣do you exercise?﹣Hardly ever.()A.How many times B.How often C.When D.How7.Did you find the answer_____ the question about _____ TV very interesting?()A.to,watching B.of,watching C.to,watched D.of,watched8.Peter is my best friend.He often helps science.()A.me with B.my with C.me on D.me of9.Jane stay up late because she didn't finish his homework.()A.had to B.must C.should D.must to10.﹣How often do you drink milk?﹣I don't like it,so I _______drink it.()A.always B.Usually C.hardly ever D.often11.I could _______ control my feelings at the moment.The movie reminds me of my childhood.()A.really B.nearly C.hardly D.hardly ever12.﹣Why do you like running so much,Mr.Green?﹣Well,it's good for my_______.()A.diary B.time C.idea D.health13.I enjoy playing computer games,but I can't _____ too much time _____ that.()A.take;doing B.spend;doing C.spend;for doing D.pay;for14.﹣Miss Gao is very popular with her students.﹣Yes.Her classes are _____ lively and interesting.()A.seldom B.never C.sometimes D.always15.It is important for everyone _______ breakfast every morning.()A.has B.having C.to have D.had二.完形填空(共10小题,每题1分,共10分)Ted is my brother.He had a 16. lifestyle before.For example,he hardly ever 17. up before seven o'clock in the morning.After supper,he always played computer games 18. doing his homework.He didn't like drinking milk and he ate a lot of 19. every day.Then one day,he got ill.He had to be in hospital 20. .Then he knows that he must 21. himself well.Now Ted 22. early every morning.Usually he runs before breakfast.He only plays computer games 23. Saturdays or Sundays.He has good 24. habits,too.He drinks milk every day.25. he likes junk food very much,he only eats it once a week.A good lifestyle helps him keep healthy.16.A.good B.healthy C.bad D.fine17.A.get B.gets C.got D.getting18.A.before B.or C.and D.when19.A.fruit B.junk food C.vegetables D.rice20.A.once a week B.two weeks ago C.for three weeks D.twice a week21.A.look after B.look for C.look at D.look up22.A.exercises B.gets up C.sleeps D.goes to bed23.A.in B.on C.at D.for24.A.eat B.eats C.eating D.ate25.A.And B.But C.Although D.Because三.阅读理解(共20小题,每题2分,共40分)A篇Do you love fast food?Why?How often do you eat it?200 people joined our survey.And here is the result.Chart 1:How often do you eat fast food?26.of the people eat fast food once a week.A.14% B.28% C.8% D.44%27.6% of the people eat fast food .A.twice a week B.three times a week C.more than three times a week D.every day28. 44% people love fast food because it's .A.Cheap B.delicious C.healthy D.convenient29. of the people like fast food because they can take it away.A.12% B.14% C.22% D.24%30.What can we learn from the result?A.All people love fast food.B.Fast food makes people fat.C.People eat fast food on weekends.D.Some people don't know what food is healthier.B篇There is an old saying:Early to bed,early to rise,makes a man healthy,wealthy and wise.It means that we should go to bed early and get up early the next morning.By doing this,we will be in good health.And we'll also be rich and clever.It's true that our bodies need to have enough sleep to be healthy.Children should have a ten﹣hour sleep every night.Those who do not have enough sleep can't do their work very well.They will not be clever and they may not get wealthy in the future.The body needs exercise as well.Walking,running,jumping,riding bikes and playing games are all exercise.Exercise helps to keep the body strong and fit.It also helps the blood(血液)to move around inside the body.The head needs blood too.So exercise helps people think better.31.What does the word "rise" mean?A.To do exercise.B.To get up.C.To stand up.D.To put up.32. If children don't sleep for 10 hours every night they may.A.not be late for school B.become wise C.do badly in their work D.become rich33. A person needs exercise because.A.it makes him healthy B.he has lots of work to do C.he is strong D.he does exercise34. Which of the following is NOT true?A.Exercise is good for people.B.It's good for you to get up early and go to bed early.C.If you have enough blood,you will be wise.D.A student should have 10 hours' sleep every night.35. What's the meaning of "Early to bed,early to rise"?A.The sun rises in the morning and sets in the evening.B.You should get up early and go to bed late.C.The sun rises early and sets late.D.You should get up early and go to bed early.C篇An exhausted (筋疲力尽的)looking woman came into the doctor's office.She said,"Doctor,there are dogs all over my neighborhood.They bark (犬吠)all day and all night,and I can't get a good sleep.""I have good news for you," the doctor said,taking out a small bottle. "Here are some new sleeping pills (药片)that work like a dream.A few of these and your trouble will be over .""Great,thank you." the woman was very glad to go back home with the pills.A few weeks later,the woman came again,looked worse than ever .She said,"Doctor,your pills are not good at all.I'm more tired than before.""I don't understand how that could be," said the doctor,shaking his head,"Those are the strongest pills on the market.""That may be true," answered the woman,"but I'm still up all night running after those dogs and when I finally catch one,it's hard to get him to eat the pills."36.The woman came to see the doctor because .A.her dog was illB.she was bitten (被咬)by dogsC.she couldn't sleep wellD.her son was ill37. The doctor gave some pills to the woman for .A.the dogsB.herselfC.her sonD.her neighbors38. The woman got in a few weeks.A.betterB.healthyC.worseD.well39. Which of the following is RIGHT?A.The doctor gave the woman wrong pills.B.The woman liked to run with the dogs.C.The woman took the pills but the pills didn't work at all.D.The woman might feel better if she took the pills.40. When he heard what the woman said,the doctor might think that .A.he gave the woman the right pillsB.the woman was a very clever personC.the woman was not cleverD.he should give the woman the pills againD篇(七选五)A large number of people in the world eat fast food.Whenever you go into a fast﹣food restaurant,you can see lots of people enjoying their meals there. 41.The English people like fast food best,42.according to the survey(调查)done last year.The survey of thirteen countries shows 45% of the English people say 43.And 44% of Americans and 37% of Canadians say the same.The French,proud of their delicious and high﹣class cuisine(菜肴),44.81% of them think it is unhealthy,followed by 75% of the Japanese.How about the Chinese?How often do you have hamburgers or fried chicken?It doesn't matter whether you like Western fast food or Chinese food.45.A.The most important thing is to keep a balanced diet.B.while the French are the least interested in quick meals,C.The Chinese like fast food very much.D.don't like fast food.E.they can't give up(放弃)fast food because it's delicious.F.although it is delicious,G.But do you know in which country people like fast food best?四.语法填空(共10小题,每题1分,共10分)TV is very interesting.Most children like 46. (watch)TV.On TV they can learn a lot,and they can see and know many things about 47. (they)countries and the world. 48. course,they can hear on the radio,but they can learn better and 49. (much)easily on TV.Why?50. they can hear and see at the same time.But they can't see 51. (something)over the radio.Many children watch TV 52. Saturday evening.They are very busy with their lessons on 53. (weekday).But a few children watch TV every night.They go to bed very 54. (late).So they can't have 55. good night.How about you,my young friend?五.完成句子(共5小题,每题2分,共10分)56. 他几乎从不生病的母亲死于新冠肺炎,真是令人遗憾.It's such a pity that his mother who fell ill died of COVID﹣19.57.我国已和一百多个国家建立了外交关系.Our country has established diplomatic relations with100 countries.58.你至少要花半个小时才能到达那里.It will take you half an hour to get there.59.他说那对我的健康有好处。

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2015年春学期九年级英语第一次月度检测试题答题纸2 (考试时间:120分钟满分:150分)

71. 72. 73. 74. 75.

76. 77. 78. 79. 80.
81. 82. 83. 84. 85.
86. 87. 88. 89. 90.
91. 92. 93. 94. 95.
96.What is this passage about?
_____________________________________________________________________________ 97.What did the writer use to think?
_____________________________________________________________________________ 98. How old is the Leaning Tower of Pisa?
_____________________________________________________________________________ 99.Where is the Leaning Tower of Pisa?
_____________________________________________________________________________ 100.Why does the writer like the Leaning Tower of Pisa?
101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109 110.
