OpenDrive解析小结接触并使用高精地图和 OpenDRIVE 已有一年的时间,简要写写 Shaun 对 OpenDRIVE 的一些认知。
基础篇OpenDRIVE 目前最新的版本的 1.6,下面主要结合 1.4,1.5 和1.6 版本一起看。
在 OpenDRIVE 中主要有两种坐标系统,一种是常见的 X/Y/Z 空间坐标系统,另一种是 S/T/H 坐标系统。
其中 X/Y/Z 坐标系统常与地理信息的各种坐标系统一起使用,S/T/H 坐标系统是针对OpenDRIVE 中道路参考线设定的一种局部坐标系统,在 OpenDRIVE 中称前者为 “inertial co-ordinates”,后者为 “track co-ordinates”(1.6 中直接为 Reference Line System)。
除此之外,还有个局部坐标系 U/V/Z,该坐标系统系统是相对于 S/T/H 坐标系统平移旋转而来的。
对于旋转,以逆时针为正,heading 是指绕 z/h 轴旋转,pitch 是指绕 y/t 轴旋转,roll 是指绕 x/s 轴旋转。
在 OpenDRIVE 中对于道路和车道的描述,有以下几个重要的概念:Reference Line。
用来指示一条道路的骨架,是 S/T/H 坐标系统的依据,道路中各车道线需要参考这条线。
用来描述各车道以及各车道所属 Lane Section。
Lane Offset。
其意义在 OpenDRIVE 标准看起来很清除,但实际用起来非常模糊,offset 到底是只能偏移一个车道,或半个车道或多个车道,所属哪个 Lane Section,其意义不明,故下文解析篇将直接忽略该属性。
Lane Section。
可以简单理解为子道路,一个 lane section 中包含多条车道,一条道路包含多个lane section。
基于ADAMS软件进行K&C仿真分析(kinematic and compliance)包括6大项分析内容:1平行轮跳运动2侧倾运动3纵向力加载4侧向力加载5回正力矩加载6转向运动1平行轮跳运动Parallel Wheel TravelADAMS软件中,轮心纵向位移向后为正,轮心侧向位移向内为正。
1.1前束角随轮跳变化Toe Change前束角[toe_angle]与轮心垂向位移[wheel_travel]的关系:图Toe Change1.2车轮外倾角随轮跳变化Camber Change车轮外倾角[camber_angle]与轮心垂向位移[wheel_travel]的关系:图Camber Change1.3主销后倾角随轮跳变化Caster Change主销后倾角[caster_angle]与轮心垂向位移[wheel_travel]的关系:图Caster Change1.4轮心纵向位移随轮跳变化F/A Displacement of WC轮心纵向位移[wheel_travel_base]与轮心垂向位移[wheel_travel]的关系:图F/A Displacement of WC1.5轮心侧向位移随轮跳变化Lateral Displacement of WC轮心侧向位移[wheel_travel_track]与轮心垂向位移[wheel_travel]的关系:图Lateral Displacement of WC1.6轮心处得到的悬架刚度Wheel Rate轮心处垂向载荷[left(right)_tire_force/normal]与轮心垂向位移[wheel_travel]的关系,曲线斜率即为悬架刚度:图Wheel Rate也可以直接得到轮心处悬架刚度[wheel_rate]与轮心垂向位移[wheel_travel]的关系:图Wheel Rate1.7轮胎接地点处得到的悬架刚度Ride Rate应得到轮胎接地点处垂向载荷与轮胎接地点垂向位移的关系,轮胎接地点位移难以输出。
finaldrive 主减速器,后桥 differential 差!的;(数)微分的;差速器 horn 喇叭 starter 起动机 internalcombustionengine 内燃(发动)机 aircondition 空调 powertrain 动力传动系 transmissionsystem 传动系统 suspensionsystem 悬架系统 brakesystem 制动系统 steeringsystem 转向系统 occupantspace 承载空间 principalcomponent 主要部件 sheetmetal 金属板 gasmixture 混合气
pinion-gear 小齿轮;行星齿轮 fiberglass 玻璃纤维;玻璃丝 composite-material 复合材料 trim 装饰 upholstery 家具装饰用品业;垫衬物 luggagecompartment 行李舱;行李架;行李箱 rubbermount 橡胶衬垫;橡胶悬置元件 weldedsteel 钢筋焊接;焊接钢 stamping 冲压;冲压成型;冲压件 rollcage 翻滚护架;防滚架 race-car 赛车 spaceframe 空间极架;立体极架 subframe 副车架,副框架 equipment 设备
1.2 BasicStructureofAutomotiv
Engine Chassi
2.2 主销、磨胎半径和机械拖距 ...................................................7
2.3 瞬时中心和侧倾中心 .............................................................8
2.4 阿卡曼转向 ......................................................................... 10
4.4.4 草图和硬点 ...................................................................... 37
4.5 本章小节 ............................................................................ 39
In this paper, first design the race car suspension systems by each parameter, and establish the suspension geometry. Use Matlab software application processing raw tire test data, selected tires through comparing, figure some of the tire’s features out. Than in ADAMS / CAR software to create a virtual prototype vehicle, and analyze the suspension system parameters how effect on the overall performance of the car. Each connected node of the force in the typical operating conditions arb outputted for finite element analysis. Finally, work with the team to c design the structural of suspension, then complete the RACE CAR design, to create a Formula Lengend of HIT.
《汽车专业英语》Chapter 9 steering system
In the recirculating ball steering gear, the wormshaft is the input shaft. The wormshaft connects to the steering column in such a way that a mechanic can remove the steering gear or steering column independently of one another. The sector shaft (also called the pitman shaft) is like the output shaft of the steering gear. The main parts of the steering gear are the balls, ball nut, and the gear teeth on the ball nut.
转向横拉杆的长度同主销间的距离不相等,就可保证各前 轮以期望的角度旋转。转向横拉杆长度的设置要保证转向 横拉杆与转向节臂的连接点位于主销到后桥前端汽车中心 线上的点所形成的假想连线上。
Qu.4: List the main types of Steering Box. Qu.4: List the main types of Steering Box.
在循环球式转向器中,转向螺杆是输入轴。转向螺杆连接 着转向柱,这样修理工就可独立拆卸转向器或转向柱。齿 扇轴(也叫摇臂轴)相当于转向器的输出轴.转向器的主 要部件是钢球,球螺母和球螺母上的齿.
As the wormshaft turns, the balls move the ball nut up and down along the wormshaft. This turns the sector shaft, since the sector teeth mesh with the ball nut teeth. The sector shaft is connected through steering linkage to the front wheels.
汽车专业英语汇总一、Vehicle classification 汽车分类1.1 Car 轿车1。
2 Bus 客车1.3 Motor truck 货车1。
4 special purpose vehicle 专用汽车二、Vehicle construction 汽车构造2。
1 Main components of vehicle 汽车主要组成2。
2 Vehicle performance 汽车性能2.3 engine position 发动机布置三、Vehicle dimensions汽车尺寸四、Wheel alignment前轮定位五、Diameter of turning circle 转弯直径第二类ENGINE 发动机一、Engine construction 发动机构造二、Essential term 基本术语发动机工作原理3.1 Four—stroke gasoline engine operationprinciple3.2 Four—stroke diesel engine operationalprinciple3.3 Two—stroke gasoline engine operationprinciple3。
4 Two-stroke diesel engine operation principle二冲程柴油机工作原理四、Engine performance 发动机性能曲柄连杆机构5。
2 Piston,connecting rod 活塞连杆组5。
3 Crankshaft,flywheel 曲轴飞轮组六、Valve mechanism 配气机构6。
1 Side valve 侧置气门6。
2 Overhead valve 顶置气门6.3 Overhead valve 顶置气门6。
4 Valve-timing diagram 配气相位图七、Gasoline engine—fuel system汽油机供油泵7.1 Fuel system 供油泵7.2 Air cleaner 空气滤清器7。
数控技术常用术语中英文对照更新时间:2007-3-28 为了方便读者阅读相关数控资料和国外数控产品的相关手册,在此选择了常用的数控词汇及其英语对应单词,所选用的数控术语主要参考国际标准ISO 2806和中华人民共和国国家标准GB 8129—1987 以及近年新出现的一些数控词汇。
1)计算机数值控制(Computerized Numerical Control, CNC)用计算机控制加工功能,实现数值控制。
3)机床坐标系(Machine Coordinate Sister )固定于机床上,以机床零点为基准的笛卡尔坐标系。
4)机床坐标原点(Machine Coordinate Origin )机床坐标系的原点。
5)工件坐标系(Work piece Coordinate System )固定于工件上的笛卡尔坐标系。
6)工件坐标原点(Wrok-piexe Coordinate Origin)工件坐标系原点。
7)机床零点(Machine zero )由机床制造商规定的机床原点。
8)参考位置(Reference Position )机床启动用的沿着坐标轴上的一个固定点,它可以用机床坐标原点为参考基准。
9)绝对尺寸(Absolute Dimension)/绝对坐标值(Absolute Coordinates)距一坐标系原点的直线距离或角度。
10)增量尺寸(Incremental Dimension ) /增量坐标值(Incremental Coordinates)在一序列点的增量中,各点距前一点的距离或角度值。
CATIA 模块中英文对照[ 录入者:win | 时间:2007-05-26 19:17:06 | 作者: | 来源: | 浏览:673次 ]零件设计 PDG :Part Design装配设计 ASD :Assembly Design交互式工程绘图 IDR :Interactive Drafting创成式工程绘图GDR:Generative Drafting结构设计STD:Structure Design线架和曲面设计WSF:Wire frame and Surface钣金设计SMD:Sheet Metal Design航空钣金设计ASL:Aerospace Sheet metal Design钣金加工设计SHP:Sheet Metal Production三维功能公差与标注设计FTA:3D Functional Tolerance & Annotation 模具设计MTD:Mold Tooling Design阴阳模设计CCV:Core & Cavity Design焊接设计WDG:Weld Design自由风格曲面造型FSS:Freestyle Shaper自由风格曲面优化FSO:Freestyle Optimizer基于截面线的自由风格曲面造型FSP:Freestyle Profiler基于草图的自由风格曲面造型FSK:Freestyle Sketch Tracer创成式外形设计GSD:Generative Shape Design创成式曲面优化GSO:Generative Shape Optimizer汽车白车身接合ABF:Automotive Body In White Fastening数字化外形编辑DSE:Digitized Shape Editor汽车A级曲面造型ACA:Automotive Class A快速曲面重建QSR:Quick Surface Reconstruction创成式零件结构分析GPS :Generative Part Structural Analysis创成式装配件结构分析GAS :Generative Assembly Structural Analysis 变形装配件公差分析TAA:Tolerance Analysis of Deformable Assembly Elfin 结构分析EST:Elfin Solver Verification电路板设计CBD:Circuit Board Design电气系统功能定义EFD:Electrical System Functional Definition电气元件库管理员ELB:Electrical Library电气线束安装EHI:Electrical Harness Installation电气线束布线设计EWR:Electrical Wire Routing电气线束展平设计EHF:Electrical Harness Flattening管路和设备原理图设计PID:Piping & Instrumentation Diagrams HVAC 图表设计HVD:HVAC Diagrams电气连接原理图设计ELD:Electrical Connectivity Diagrams系统原理图设计SDI:Systems Diagrams管线原理图设计TUD:Tubing Diagrams波导设备原理图设计WVD:Waveguide Diagrams系统布线设计SRT:Systems Routing系统空间预留设计SSR:Systems Space Reservation电气缆线布线设计ECR:Electrical Cableway Routing设备布置设计EQT:Equipment Arrangement线槽与导管设计RCD:Raceway & Conduit Design波导设备设计WAV:Waveguide Design管路设计PIP:Piping Design管线设计TUB:Tubing DesignHVAC设计HVA:HVAC Design支架设计HGR:Hanger Design结构初步布置设计SPL:Structure Preliminary Layout结构功能设计SFD:Structure Functional Design设备支撑结构设计ESS:Equipment Support Structures厂房设计PLO Plant Layout数控加工审查NCG:NC Manufacturing Review数控加工验证NVG:NC Manufacturing Verification2轴半加工准备助手PMA:Prismatic Machining Preparation Assistant 2轴半加工PMG:Prismatic Machining3轴曲面加工SMG:3 Axis Surface Machining多轴曲面加工MMG:Multi-Axis Surface Machining车削加工LMG:Lathe Machining高级加工AMG:Advanced Part MachiningSTL快速成型STL:STL Rapid Prototyping知识工程顾问KWA:Knowledge Advisor知识工程专家KWE:Knowledge Expert产品工程优化PEO:Product Engineering Optimizer产品知识模板PKT:Product Knowledge Template业务流程知识模板BKT:Business Process Knowledge Template 产品功能定义PFD:Product Function Definition产品功能优化PFO:Product Function OptimizerDMU 漫游器DMN:DMNDMU NavigatorDMU 运动机构模拟KIN:DMU Kinematics SimulatorDMU 空间分析SPA:DMU Space AnalysisDMU装配模拟FIT:DMU Fitting SimulatorDMU优化器DMO:DMU OptimizerDMU工程分析审查ANR:DMU Engineering Analysis Review DMU空间工程助手SPE:DMU Space Engineering Assistant人体模型构造器HBR:Human Builder人体模型测量编辑HME:Human Measurements Editor人体姿态分析HPA:Human Posture Analysis 人体行为分析HAA:Human Activity Analysis刀具管理更新时间:2007-4-5 1.刀具管理的意义及其面临的挑战机械制造业的生产过程涉及大量的机械加工,特别是金属切削加工所加工产品的尺寸、形状、位置精度、表面形貌等都与刀具有关,刀具的性能、质量及其管理直接影响到能否顺利加工出所需要的合格产品,影响到加工节拍和生产效率,影响制造成本的控制和降低,关系到制造型企业的核心竞争力,这在汽车制造业中表现得更为突出。
Q/JLY J711 -2009整车碰撞模型测量点及三维坐标系定义流程与规范编制:校对:审核:审定:标准化:批准:浙江吉利汽车研究院有限公司二〇〇九年三月前言为了给整车碰撞模型进行测量点、三维坐标系定义和加速度传感器布置提供依据,指导CAE分析后处理操作,评价碰撞后车身位移量和侵入速度,结合本企业实际情况,制定出本规范。
1 范围本标准规定了乘用车进行CAE分析时整车测量点、三维坐标系的定义和加速度传感器的布置。
2 规范性引用文件下列文件中的条款通过本标准的引用而成为本标准的条款。
C-NCAP 管理规程GB 11551-2003 乘用车正面碰撞的乘员保护3 软硬件设施a)软件设施:主要运用的软件有HYPERMESH和HYPERVIEW、LS-PREPOST;b) 硬件设施:高性能计算机4 输入条件4.1 整车测量点位置和三维坐标系模型、加速度传感器模型碰撞仿真分析后处理所需模型a) 整车测量点位置;b) 加速度传感器模型;c) 三维坐标系模型;4.2 整车碰撞分析模型测量点、三维坐标系定义和加速度传感器布置需要在整车环境下进行,数据要求如下:a)碰撞分析模型;b)实车实验中相对应的测量点和加速度传感器位置。
5 输出物输出整车加速度传感器模型和三维坐标系模型的K文件。
6 整车碰撞建模中测量点、加速度传感器及三维坐标系布置流程7 整车测量点位置7.1 正面碰撞正面碰撞变形量测量点位置包括:a)前地板(驾驶员搁脚处);b)前地板(前排乘员搁脚处);c)中央通道;d)左右前排乘员舱框架;e)油门、制动及离合踏板中心的三个点或该三点对应在防火墙上面的三点;f)转向管柱上端面中心;g)方向盘中心对应在IP横梁上的一点,以及横向距离该点150mm处左右两点;图1 前地板、中央通道变形量测量参考点图2 左右前排乘员舱框架测量点图3 踏板、防火墙和转向管柱测量点7.2 侧面碰撞侧面碰撞变形量测量点位置包括:a)左前/后车门外板;b)左B柱;c)左上边梁;d)左下边梁(门槛);图4 左车门、上下边梁和B柱参考点图5 B柱测量点7 三维坐标系定义7.1 三维坐标系形状a)三维坐标系几何特征下图为三维坐标系的几何形状。
Steering (control)system转向系统Manual steering system 机械转向系Parallelogram steering linkage平行四边形转向传动机构Rack and pinion steering system 齿轮齿条式转向系Steering system for independent suspension 独立悬架转向系统Steering system for nonindependent suspension 非独立悬架转向系统Steering linkage转向传动机构Tie rod linkage/Ackerman geometry梯形机构Single tie rod type tie rod linkage整体式梯形机构PS system=power steering system, power-assisted steering system动力转向系统Integral PS system 整体式动力转向系统Booster type power steering system助力式动力转向系统Semi-integral power steering system半整体式动力转向系统Ackerman Jeantaud steering 阿克曼-金特式转向Steering (knuckle)arm转向节臂Tie rod(转向)横拉杆Idler arm随动臂Steering idler arm转向随动臂Relay rod, center rod 中继杆Rack 齿条Steering wheel 转向盘Steering shaft 转向轴Steering control mechanism 转向操纵机构Steering gear, steering gearbox, steering mechanism 转向器Pitman arm 转向摇臂Steering knuckle, steering (axle) swivel, steering (axle)stub, axle stub 转向节Drag link, drag rod 直拉杆PS pump=power steering pump 动力转向油泵Integral power steering gear 整体式动力转向器Power steering gear 动力转向器Power cylinder转向动力缸转向传动机构Steering Linkage(Mechanism) Parallelogram steering linkage 平行四边形转向传动机构Rack and pinion steering linkage 齿轮齿条式转向传动机构Boll joint 球节Steering (knuckle) arm 转向节臂Steering gear 转向器Pitman arm, drop arm, steering gear arm, steering lever转向节臂Inner tie rod 内横拉杆Inner tie rod end joint 横拉杆内接头Idler arm随动臂Bracket(所动臂)支架Mounting bracket 安装支架Relay rod, center link, centre link, connecting rod 中继杆Adjusting sleeve, adjusting tube(横拉杆)调节臂Outer tie rod 外横拉杆Outer tie rod end joint 横拉杆外接头Steering knuckle转向节Tie rod, tie bar, track横拉杆Steering tie rod 转向横拉杆Tie rod clamp 横拉杆夹Grease fitting 滑脂嘴Bearing 轴承Ball cup, ball socket, ball cap球碗,球头座Ball stud ,ball pivot, ball pin 球头消Full-ball stud 全球式球头销Joint housing 接头壳Compression spring 压缩弹簧Steering shock absorber 转向减振器转向操纵机构Steering Control(Mechanism) Intermediate shaft 中间轴Dust cover 防尘罩Universal joint 万向节Steering universal joint 转向万向节Steering column 转向管柱Upper column cover 管柱上罩Lower column cover 管柱下罩Combination switch 组合开关Steering wheel 转向盘4-spoke wheel 四辐条转向盘3-spoke wheel 三辐条转向盘Rim 盘缘,盘辐Spoke 辐条Ignition/starter switch 点火/起动机开关Air bag module 安全气囊组件Wheel pad with SRC airbag带安全气囊的转向盘盖Steering wheel pad, wheel pad 转向盘盖Upper bracket 上支架Key cylinder 钥匙筒 Column tube 管柱管Clamp 固定夹Bushing 衬套Main shaft 主轴Steering inner articulated shaft 转向传动轴可倾斜式转向管柱Tilt Steering Column Manual tilt手动倾斜Power tile 电动倾斜Upper column tube 上管柱管Lower column tube 下管柱管Main shaft (转向轴)主轴Pawl stopper 棘爪止动器Tilt lever retainer 倾斜度调整手柄保持板Tension spring 拉簧Tilt lever 倾斜度调整手柄Pawl wheel, ratchet wheel 棘轮Steering bolt 转向螺栓Compression spring 压紧弹簧Tilt switch 倾斜开关Tilt motor 倾斜电动机Tilt ECU 倾斜电子控制模块Unlock warning switch 锁开启警告开关Control gear assembly 控制机构总成车轮定位Wheel AlignmentSteering axis 转向轴线SAI=steering axis inclination 转向轴线内倾Kingpin inclination 主销内倾Vertical axis 垂线Central plane of the wheel 车轮中心平面Camber angle 车轮外倾角Positive camber angle 车轮正外倾角Kingpin offset, steering offset, scrub radius, swiveling offset, wheel offset 主销偏置距,转向轴线偏置距Positive scrub radius 主销正偏置距Kingpin caster angle 主销后倾角Caster offset, castor offset 主销后倾距Positive caster offset 主销正后倾距Toe in, wheel toe, toe 前束Toe out 后束,负前束基本转向器Standard Steering GearCam and lever steering gear, cam and peg steering gear 蜗杆指销式转向器Worm and roller steering gear, Gemmer steering gear蜗杆滚轮式转向器Rack and pinion steering gear 齿轮齿条式转向器Recirculating ball steering gear, ball and nut steering gear, ball nut type steering gear循环球式转向器Recirculating ball-rack and sector steering gear循环球齿扇式转向器Steering shaft 转向轴Steering worm 转向蜗杆Sector gear 齿扇Pitman arm shaft, sector shaft 摇臂轴,齿扇轴Stud, peg 指销Lever 曲柄Sector shaft adjusting screw 摇臂轴调整螺钉Roller 滚轮Pinion 小齿轮Ball guide 钢球导管Steering nut, ball nut 转向螺母Steel ball, ball 钢球Pitman arm 转向摇臂Drop arm, steering arm 转向摇臂齿轮齿条式转向器Rack and Pinion Steering GearLock nut 锁止螺母Dust cover 防尘罩Pinion shaft 小齿轮轴Steering gear input shaft 转向器输入轴Oil seal 油封Adjusting screw 调节螺母Plug 罗塞Bearing 轴承Steering rack 转向齿条Rack guide 齿条导块Rack support, rack retainer 齿条支撑Rack slipper 齿条滑履Steering gear housing 转向器壳Rack housing 齿条衬套Tie rod 横拉杆Rack boot 齿条防尘套Inner tie rod end 横拉杆内接头outer tie rod end 横拉杆外接头Tab washer, claw washer舌片止动垫圈齿轮齿条式动力转向器Rack and Pinion Power Steering Gear O-ring O形圈Oil seal 油封Spacer 隔套Bearing guide nut 轴承导向螺母Control valve 控制阀Valve/pinion assembly 阀/小齿轮总成Union seat 接头座Turn pressure tube 转向压力油泵Pressure line 压力油管Control valve housing 控制阀体Conical spring 锥形弹簧垫Cylinder end stopper 动力缸端止动器齿轮齿条式动力转向系Power Rack and Pinion Steering System Rotary valve type control valve 转阀式转向控制阀Rotary distribution cross-section 旋转分配器横断面Oil supply unit 供油装置Vane pump 滑片泵Power cylinder 动力油缸Rack housing 齿条壳体Steering pinion 转向齿轮Steering rack 转向齿条Torsion bar 扭杆Steering spindle, steering gear input shaft 转向输入轴Control port 控制口Control valve 控制阀,转向控制阀Rotary valve type control valve转阀控制阀Rotary distributor 旋转分配器Control valve housing 控制阀体Return line 回油管Oil reservoir, reservoir tank 储油罐Pressure and flow-limiting valve 压力和流量控制阀Pressure line 压力油管Vane-type pump 滑片泵Cylinder piston 油缸活塞循环球式转向器Recirculating Ball Steering Gear Ball guide 钢球导管Adjuster bolt 调节螺栓Preload bolt 预紧调节器Worm shaft 蜗杆轴Upper worm bearing 蜗杆上轴承Lock nut 锁紧螺母Adjuster plug 调节螺塞Worm bearing adjusterPitman arm 转向摇臂Worm thrust bearing 蜗杆止推轴承Lower worm bearing 蜗杆下轴承Ball nut 转向螺母Pitman shaft 摇臂轴循环球式动力转向器(转阀式)Power Recirculating Ball Steering Gear Steering limit valve stem 转向限制阀杆Drain plug 放油螺塞Dust cover 防尘罩Steering limit valve ball 转向限制阀钢球Ball nut 转向螺母,球螺母Hole for ball return guide, hole for guide 钢球导管孔Plug 螺塞Pressure relief [limiting]valve stem 卸[限]压阀杆Valve body 阀体Dust seal 防尘密封圈Retaining ring 卡环,挡圈Seal 油封Valve nut 阀螺母Ball bearing 球轴承Rotary valve assembly 转阀总成Side cover 侧盖Steering gear housing 转向器壳体Bearing roller 轴承滚子Sector gear 齿扇,扇形齿轮Adjusting screw 调整螺钉Pin hole 销孔Left-turn outlet 左转向出油口Valve outer element 阀门外侧元件Right- turn outlet 右转向出油口Fluid under pressure inlet 压力油入口Steering stop spline 转向限制器花键Return slot 回油槽口Return to pump 流回液压泵Spline to steering shaft 接转向轴花键Valve inner element 阀门内侧元件Torsion bar 扭杆循环球式动力转向器系Power Recirculating Ball Steering System Rotary valve type control valve 转阀式转向控制阀Rotary distribution cross-section 旋转分配器横断面Oil supply unit 供油装置Vane pump 滑片泵Housing 壳体Piston 活塞Ball nut转向螺母Torsion bar 扭杆Splined to steering shaft 接转向轴的花键Control valve/ worm 控制阀/蜗杆Rotary valve 转阀Sector shaft 齿扇轴Pressure limiting valve 限[卸]压阀Replenishing valve 供油阀,补给阀Inlet slot 进油槽口Return slot 回油槽口Axial groove 回油槽口Vane-type pump叶片泵Flow-limiting valve 流量限制阀Oil reservoir 储油罐车速感应式动力转向及转向油泵怠速提升装置Speed-Sensitive Power steering and Idle-Up De vice for Power Steering PumpSpeed sensitive power steering, power steering with speed-dependent assistance, variable poIdle-up device for power steering pump 转向油泵怠速提升装置Oil pump 液压泵Solenoid(acting)valve 电磁阀Electrohydraulic converter 电液转换器Steering housing 转向器壳体ECM=electronic control module电子控制模块Electronic speedometer 电子车速表Battery 蓄电池Air flow meter 空气流量计Throttle 节气门Surge tank 稳压阀Air control valve 空气控制阀滑片式转向油[液压]泵Vane Power Steering Pump Pump cover 泵盖O-ring O 形密封圈Cam ring 凸轮盘Vane 叶片Cam case 凸轮盘外壳Pressure hose connector[fitting]压力(油)软管接头Flow control valve 流量控制阀Spring 弹簧Outlet port 出口Pump body 泵体Seal 油封Spline to rotor 接转子的花键Pulley 带轮Pulley shaft 带轮轴Piston rod 活塞杆Plunger 柱塞Insulator 绝缘垫Snap ring 卡环Fluid inlet port 油液入口Dowel pin 定位销Crossover hole 穿过孔Spline to pulley shaft 装带轮轴的花键Rotor 转子Suction hose connector[fitting]进[吸]油软管接头Fluid passage 油液通道Fluid chamber 油液腔机械式四轮转向Mechanical 4WS*systemLayout 布置图Rear steering gear 后转向器Center shaft 中间轴Front steering gear 前转向器Stroke rod 行程拉杆Steering gear housing 转向器壳体Offset pinion gear 偏心小齿轮Offset shaft 偏心轴Internal gear 内齿轮Slider 滑块Guide 导轨Steering gear cover 转向器盖电子控制四轮转向系Electronically Controlled 4WS*System Layout 布置图Rear steering actuator 后转向执行器Main rear wheel angle sensor 后轮转角主传感器Sub rear wheel angle sensor 后轮转角副传感器Vehicle speed sensor 车速传感器Front main steering angle sensor 前主转向角传感器Rear wheel sensor 后轮传感器Rear sub steering angle sensor 后转向角副传感器Rear steering actuator 后转向执行器Rear steering gear 后转向器Rear main steering angle sensor 后转向角主传感器4WS control unit 四轮转向控制模块Front sub steering angle sensor 前副转向角传感器Steering shaft screw 转向轴螺杆Stator 定子Actuator housing 执行器壳体Return spring 回位弹簧Commutator 换向器Brush 电刷Rotor 转子Recirculating ball screw 循环球螺杆Magnetic rotor 电磁转子Integrated 集成电路MR element=magneto-resistive element 磁阻元件Tapered shaft 锥形轴Rear actuator spring cover 后执行器弹簧盖电子动力转向Electronic Power Steering System Interface circuit 接口电路Pinion shaft 小齿轮轴Steering sensor 转向传感器Torque sensor 扭矩传感器Rack 齿条Recirculating ball nut 循环球螺母Ball screw 球面螺杆Helical gear 斜齿圆柱齿轮Motor 电动机Electric assist steering gear 电动转向器Control unit 控制模块Battery 蓄电池VSS= vehicle speed sensor 车速传感器Torsion bar 扭杆Spiral groove 螺旋槽Guide pin 导向槽Wing 翼板Slider 滑动套Pinion gear 小齿轮Transformer 互感器Ball screw section 球面螺杆部电动液压式齿轮齿条式转向器Electric Hydraulic Power and Pinion Steering Gear Electric oil pump assembly 电动油[液]泵总成Return line 回油管Pressure line 压力油管Wire 线束Mount bracket 安装支架。
ID CHS ENU pnFrom LEVEL 1轮胎坐标系和变量tire axis s底盘术语专业12轮胎接地中心center of t底盘术语专业13轮胎坐标系tire axis s底盘术语专业14轮胎侧偏角slip angle 底盘术语专业15滑移率slip rate底盘术语专业16自由半径free radius底盘术语专业17静负荷半径static load底盘术语专业18动负荷半径dynamic loa底盘术语专业19滚动周长rolling cir底盘术语专业110滚动半径rolling rad底盘术语专业111自由滚动车轮free rollin底盘术语专业112轮胎上的力tire forces底盘术语专业113轮胎垂直力vertical fo底盘术语专业114轮胎横向力lateral for底盘术语专业115轮胎纵向力longitudina底盘术语专业116径向刚度radial stif底盘术语专业117横向刚度lateral sti底盘术语专业118驱动力driving for底盘术语专业119滚动阻力rolling res底盘术语专业120外倾推力camber thru底盘术语专业121转弯力cornering f底盘术语专业122轮胎侧向力side force 底盘术语专业123侧偏阻力cornering d底盘术语专业124拖曳阻力resistance 底盘术语专业125牵引力tractive fo底盘术语专业126牵引阻力drag force底盘术语专业127轮胎力矩tire moment底盘术语专业128轮胎翻转力矩overturning底盘术语专业129滚动阻力矩rolling res底盘术语专业130回正力矩aligning to底盘术语专业131车轮力矩wheel torqu底盘术语专业132驱动力矩driving tor底盘术语专业133制动力矩braking tor底盘术语专业134轮胎拖矩pneumatic t底盘术语专业135力和力矩系数coefficient底盘术语专业136横向力系数lateral for底盘术语专业137驱动力系数driving for底盘术语专业138制动力系数braking for底盘术语专业139滚动阻力系数rolling res底盘术语专业140回正力矩系数aligning to底盘术语专业141侧偏刚度cornering s底盘术语专业142外倾刚度camber stif底盘术语专业143制动(驱动)刚度braking (dr底盘术语专业144回正刚度(回正力矩刚aligning st底盘术语专业145侧偏刚度系数cornering s底盘术语专业146外倾刚度系数camber stif底盘术语专业147制动(驱动)刚度系数braking (dr底盘术语专业148回正刚度系数(回正力aligning st底盘术语专业149轮胎附着系数tire adhesi底盘术语专业150工作点trim底盘术语专业151横向附着系数laternal ad底盘术语专业152驱动附着系数driving adh底盘术语专业153制动附着系数braking adh底盘术语专业154制动滑移附着系数sliping bra底盘术语专业1 55悬架几何学suspension 底盘术语专业1 56车轮中心wheel cente底盘术语专业1 57车轮定位wheel align底盘术语专业1 58前束角toe_in (ang底盘术语专业1 59主销后倾角kingpin cas底盘术语专业1 60主销后倾矩castor底盘术语专业1 61车轮外倾角camber angl底盘术语专业1 62主销内倾kingpin inc底盘术语专业1 63主销偏置距kingpin off底盘术语专业1 64横向滑移量lateral sli底盘术语专业1 65轴距wheel base底盘术语专业1 66轮距track底盘术语专业1 67悬架力学suspension 底盘术语专业1 68轮胎tyre底盘术语专业1 69新胎new tyre底盘术语专业1 70胀大轮胎grown tyre底盘术语专业1 71充气轮胎pneumatic底盘术语专业1 72有内胎轮胎tubed tyre底盘术语专业1 73无内胎轮胎tubeless ty底盘术语专业1 74外胎cover底盘术语专业1 75内胎inner tube底盘术语专业1 76垫带flap底盘术语专业1 77轮胎类型tyre type底盘术语专业1 78轮胎系列tyre series底盘术语专业1 79轮胎规格tyre size底盘术语专业1 80轮胎标志tyre markin底盘术语专业1 81速度符号speed symbo底盘术语专业1 82帘线cord底盘术语专业1 83胎面磨损标志tread wear 底盘术语专业1 84骨架材料framework m底盘术语专业1 85层数number of p底盘术语专业1 86层级ply rating 底盘术语专业1 87水胎curing bag底盘术语专业1 88硫化胶囊curing blad底盘术语专业1 89气囊air bag底盘术语专业1 90保留生产轮胎reserved ol底盘术语专业1 91载波重汽车轮胎truk tyre底盘术语专业1 92轿车轮胎passenger c底盘术语专业1 93工程机械轮胎earth-mover底盘术语专业1 94工业车辆轮胎industrial 底盘术语专业1 95农业轮胎agricultura底盘术语专业1 96林业轮胎logging tyr底盘术语专业1 97畜力车轮胎animal vehi底盘术语专业1 98航空轮胎aircraft ty底盘术语专业1 99摩托车轮胎motorcycle 底盘术语专业1 100力车轮胎cycle tyre底盘术语专业1 101自行车轮胎bicycle tyr底盘术语专业1 102普通断面轮胎conventiona底盘术语专业1 103低断面轮胎low section底盘术语专业1 104超低断面轮胎super low s底盘术语专业1 105宽基轮胎wide base t底盘术语专业1 106宽断面轮胎wide sectio底盘术语专业1 107斜交轮胎diagonal ty底盘术语专业1108子午线轮胎radial ply 底盘术语专业1 109活胎面轮胎removable t底盘术语专业1 110软边力车轮胎beaded_edge底盘术语专业1 111硬边力车轮胎wired_edge 底盘术语专业1 112直边自行车轮胎straight si底盘术语专业1 113钩边自行车轮胎hooked bead底盘术语专业1 114钩直型自行车轮胎croctchet t底盘术语专业1 115管式自行车轮胎tubular tyr底盘术语专业1 116越野轮胎cross_count底盘术语专业1 117沙漠轮胎sand tyre底盘术语专业1 118浇注轮胎cast tyre底盘术语专业1 119调压轮胎adjustable 底盘术语专业1 120海绵轮胎foam filled底盘术语专业1 121常压轮胎atmospheric底盘术语专业1 122内支撑轮胎internal su底盘术语专业1 123拱形轮胎arch tyre底盘术语专业1 124椭圆形轮胎elliptical 底盘术语专业1 125实心轮胎solide tyre底盘术语专业1 126粘结式实心轮胎cured_on so底盘术语专业1 127非粘结式实心轮胎pressed_on 底盘术语专业1 128圆柱实心轮胎cylindrical底盘术语专业1 129斜底实心轮胎conical bas底盘术语专业1 130抗静电实心轮胎anti_static底盘术语专业1 131导电实心轮胎conductive 底盘术语专业1 132耐油实心轮胎oil_resista底盘术语专业1 133高负荷实心轮胎high load c底盘术语专业1 134胎面花纹tread patte底盘术语专业1 135纵向花纹circumferen底盘术语专业1 136横向花纹transverse 底盘术语专业1 137公路花纹highway tre底盘术语专业1 138越野花纹cross_count底盘术语专业1 139混全花纹dual purpos底盘术语专业1 140定向花纹directional底盘术语专业1 141雪泥花纹mud and now底盘术语专业1 142花纹细缝pattern sip底盘术语专业1 143花纹块pattern blo底盘术语专业1 144花纹条pattern rib底盘术语专业1 145花纹沟groove底盘术语专业1 146花纹加强筋rib底盘术语专业1 147花纹角度pattern ang底盘术语专业1 148花纹深度pattern dep底盘术语专业1 149花纹展开图pattern pla底盘术语专业1 150光胎面smooth trea底盘术语专业1 151胎冠cap底盘术语专业1 152胎面tread底盘术语专业1 153胎面行驶面tread cap底盘术语专业1 154胎面基部tread base底盘术语专业1 155胎面基部胶tread slab 底盘术语专业1 156胎面过渡胶transition 底盘术语专业1 157缓冲层breaker底盘术语专业1 158带束层belt底盘术语专业1 159缓冲胶片breaker str底盘术语专业1 160包边胶tie_in stri底盘术语专业1 161冠带束cap ply底盘术语专业1162胎体carcass底盘术语专业1 163帘布层cord ply底盘术语专业1 164隔离胶insulation 底盘术语专业1 165封口胶sealing rub底盘术语专业1 166胎里tyre cavity底盘术语专业1 167内衬层inside line底盘术语专业1 168气密层innerliner底盘术语专业1 169胎肩shoulder底盘术语专业1 170胎肩区shoulder ar底盘术语专业1 171胎肩垫胶shoulder we底盘术语专业1 172胎侧sidewall底盘术语专业1 173屈挠区flexing are底盘术语专业1 174胎侧胶sidewall ru底盘术语专业1 175装饰胎侧decorative 底盘术语专业1 176装饰线decorative 底盘术语专业1 177装配线fitting lin底盘术语专业1 178防擦线kerbing rib底盘术语专业1 179胎圈bead底盘术语专业1 180钢丝圈bead ring底盘术语专业1 181钢丝包胶wire coveri底盘术语专业1 182胎圈芯bead core底盘术语专业1 183三角胶apex底盘术语专业1 184胎圈补强带bead reinfo底盘术语专业1 185胎圈包布chafer底盘术语专业1 186胎圈外护胶bead filler底盘术语专业1 187胎踵bead heel底盘术语专业1 188胎趾bead toe底盘术语专业1 189胎圈底部bead base底盘术语专业1 190内胎胎身tube body底盘术语专业1 191导水胶棱chine底盘术语专业1 192排气眼标志venting mar底盘术语专业1 193轮辋rim底盘术语专业1 194理论轮辋theoretical底盘术语专业1 195标准轮辋standard ri底盘术语专业1 196允许轮辋permitted r底盘术语专业1 197轮胎名义直径tyre nomina底盘术语专业1 198轮胎名义宽度tyre nomina底盘术语专业1 199总宽度overall wid底盘术语专业1 200断面宽度sectin widt底盘术语专业1 201断面高度section hei底盘术语专业1 202外直径overall dia底盘术语专业1 203驱动桥drive axle底盘术语专业1 204非独立悬架式驱动桥rigid drive底盘术语专业1 205独立悬架式驱动桥independent底盘术语专业1 206主减速器final drive底盘术语专业1 207单级主减速器single redu底盘术语专业1 208双级主减速器double redu底盘术语专业1 209前(后)置式双级主减front or re底盘术语专业1 210上置式双级主减速器top mounted底盘术语专业1 211行星齿轮式双级主减速planetary d底盘术语专业1 212贯通式主减速器thru-drive底盘术语专业1 213单级贯通式主减速器single redu底盘术语专业1 214双级贯通式主减速器double redu底盘术语专业1 215双速主减速器two speed f底盘术语专业1216行星齿轮式双速主减速two speed p底盘术语专业1 217双级双级主减速器two speed d底盘术语专业1 218轮边减速器wheel reduc底盘术语专业1 219行星圆柱齿轮式轮边减planetary w底盘术语专业1 220行星锥齿轮式轮边减速differentia底盘术语专业1 221外啮合圆柱齿轮式轮边spur geared底盘术语专业1 222差速器differentia底盘术语专业1 223轮间差速器inter-wheel底盘术语专业1 224桥间差速器inter-axle底盘术语专业1 225齿轮式差速器gear differ底盘术语专业1 226锥齿轮式差速器bevel gear 底盘术语专业1 227圆柱齿轮式差速器spur gear d底盘术语专业1 228防滑差速器limited-sli底盘术语专业1 229自锁式差速器self-lockin底盘术语专业1 230摩擦片式自锁差速器multi-disc 底盘术语专业1 231强制锁止式差速器locking dif底盘术语专业1 232桥壳axle housin底盘术语专业1 233整体式桥壳separable c底盘术语专业1 234可分式桥壳trumpet-typ底盘术语专业1 235组合式桥壳unitized ca底盘术语专业1 236半轴axle shaft底盘术语专业1 237全浮式半轴full-floati底盘术语专业1 238半浮式半轴semi-floati底盘术语专业1 239四分之三浮式半轴three-quart底盘术语专业1 240驱动桥最大输入扭矩drive axle 底盘术语专业1 241驱动桥的最大附着扭矩slip torgue底盘术语专业1 242驱动桥额定桥荷能力rating axle底盘术语专业1 243驱动桥额定(允许)输drive axle 底盘术语专业1 244驱动桥额定(允许)输drive axle 底盘术语专业1 245差速器锁止系数differentia底盘术语专业1 246驱动桥减速比drive axle 底盘术语专业1 247驱动桥效率(%)drive axle 底盘术语专业1 248驱动桥质量drive axle 底盘术语专业1 249转向横拉杆steering ti底盘术语专业1 250转向直拉杆steering dr底盘术语专业1 251转向节臂steering kn底盘术语专业1 252梯形臂tie rod arm底盘术语专业1 253梯形机构tie rod lin底盘术语专业1 254驱动桥drive axle底盘术语专业1 255非独立悬架式驱动桥rigid drive底盘术语专业1 256独立悬架式驱动桥independent底盘术语专业1 257主减速器final drive底盘术语专业1 258单级主减速器single redu底盘术语专业1 259双级主减速器double redu底盘术语专业1 260前(后)置式双级主减front or re底盘术语专业1 261上置式双级主减速器top mounted底盘术语专业1 262行星齿轮式双级主减速planetary d底盘术语专业1 263贯通式主减速器thru-drive底盘术语专业1 264单级贯通式主减速器single redu底盘术语专业1 265双级贯通式主减速器double redu底盘术语专业1 266双速主减速器two speed f底盘术语专业1 267行星齿轮式双速主减速two speed p底盘术语专业1 268双级双级主减速器two speed d底盘术语专业1 269轮边减速器wheel reduc底盘术语专业1270行星圆柱齿轮式轮边减planetary w底盘术语专业1 271行星锥齿轮式轮边减速differentia底盘术语专业1 272外啮合圆柱齿轮式轮边spur geared底盘术语专业1 273差速器differentia底盘术语专业1 274轮间差速器inter-wheel底盘术语专业1 275桥间差速器inter-axle底盘术语专业1 276齿轮式差速器gear differ底盘术语专业1 277锥齿轮式差速器bevel gear 底盘术语专业1 278圆柱齿轮式差速器spur gear d底盘术语专业1 279防滑差速器limited-sli底盘术语专业1 280自锁式差速器self-lockin底盘术语专业1 281摩擦片式自锁差速器multi-disc 底盘术语专业1 282凸轮滑块式自锁差速器self-lockin底盘术语专业1 283自动离合式自锁差速器self-lockin底盘术语专业1 284强制锁止式差速器locking dif底盘术语专业1 285桥壳axle housin底盘术语专业1 286整体式桥壳separable c底盘术语专业1 287可分式桥壳trumpet-typ底盘术语专业1 288组合式桥壳unitized ca底盘术语专业1 289半轴axle shaft底盘术语专业1 290全浮式半轴full-floati底盘术语专业1 291半浮式半轴semi-floati底盘术语专业1 292四分之三浮式半轴three-quart底盘术语专业1 293驱动桥最大输入扭矩drive axle 底盘术语专业1 294驱动桥的最大附着扭矩slip torgue底盘术语专业1 295驱动桥额定桥荷能力rating axle底盘术语专业1 296驱动桥额定(允许)输drive axle 底盘术语专业1 297驱动桥额定(允许)输drive axle 底盘术语专业1 298差速器锁止系数differentia底盘术语专业1 299驱动桥减速比drive axle 底盘术语专业1 300驱动桥效率(%)drive axle 底盘术语专业1 301驱动桥质量drive axle 底盘术语专业1 302转向横拉杆steering ti底盘术语专业1 303转向直拉杆steering dr底盘术语专业1 304转向节臂steering kn底盘术语专业1 305梯形臂tie rod arm底盘术语专业1 306梯形机构tie rod lin底盘术语专业1 307转向系steering sy底盘术语专业1 308机械转向系manual stee底盘术语专业1 309动力转向系power steer底盘术语专业1 310转向操纵机构steering co底盘术语专业1 311转向万向节steering un底盘术语专业1 312转向传动轴steering in底盘术语专业1 313转向管柱steering co底盘术语专业1 314转向轴steering sh底盘术语专业1 315机械转向器manual stee底盘术语专业1 316涡杆滚轮式转向器worm and ro底盘术语专业1 317转向器盖cover of st底盘术语专业1 318壳体housing底盘术语专业1 319转向蜗杆steering wo底盘术语专业1 320滚轮roller底盘术语专业1 321滚轮轴roller shaf底盘术语专业1 322侧盖side cover底盘术语专业1 323循环球式转向器recirculati底盘术语专业1324转向螺母steering nu底盘术语专业1 325钢球ball底盘术语专业1 326转向螺杆steering sc底盘术语专业1 327指销stud ,peg底盘术语专业1 328蜗杆指销式转向器worm and pe底盘术语专业1 329齿轮齿条式转向器rack and pi底盘术语专业1 330转向齿轮steering pi底盘术语专业1 331转向齿条steering ra底盘术语专业1 332动力转向器power steer底盘术语专业1 333整体式动力转向器integral po底盘术语专业1 334半整体式动力转向器semi-integr底盘术语专业1 335常压式液压动力转向器constant pr底盘术语专业1 336常流式液压动力转向器constant fl底盘术语专业1 337转向控制阀control val底盘术语专业1 338滑阀式转向控制阀spool valve底盘术语专业1 339阀体valve housi底盘术语专业1 340滑阀valve spool底盘术语专业1 341转阀式转向控制阀rotary valv底盘术语专业1 342转阀rotary valv底盘术语专业1 343扭杆torsion bar底盘术语专业1 344转向动力缸power cylin底盘术语专业1 345转向油泵power steer底盘术语专业1 346转向油罐oil reservo底盘术语专业1 347转向传动机构steering li底盘术语专业1 348转向摇臂pitman arm底盘术语专业1 349转向直拉杆steering dr底盘术语专业1 350端部螺塞end plug底盘术语专业1 351球头销ball stud底盘术语专业1 352球头座ball cup底盘术语专业1 353压缩弹簧compression底盘术语专业1 354直拉杆drag link底盘术语专业1 355转向节臂steering kn底盘术语专业1 356梯形机构tie rod lin底盘术语专业1 357整体式梯形机构single tie 底盘术语专业1 358梯形臂tie rod arm底盘术语专业1 359转向横拉杆steering ti底盘术语专业1 360接头socker底盘术语专业1 361横拉杆tie tod底盘术语专业1 362分段式梯形机构split tie t底盘术语专业1 363摇臂swing arm底盘术语专业1 364转向系角传动比steering sy底盘术语专业1 365转向器角传动比steering ge底盘术语专业1 366转向传动机构角传动比steering li底盘术语专业1 367转向器传动效率steering ge底盘术语专业1 368正效率forward eff底盘术语专业1 369逆效率reverse eff底盘术语专业1 370转向系刚度steering sy底盘术语专业1 371转向盘总圈数total numbe底盘术语专业1 372转向器扭转刚度torsional s底盘术语专业1 373转向器总圈数total turns底盘术语专业1 374转向盘自由行程free play o底盘术语专业1 375转向器传动间隙steering ge底盘术语专业1 376摇臂轴最大转角max.rotatin底盘术语专业1 377转向摇臂最大摆角max.swing a底盘术语专业1378转向器转动力矩rotating to底盘术语专业1 379转向器反驱动力矩reverse rot底盘术语专业1 380转向力矩steering mo底盘术语专业1 381转向阻力矩steering re底盘术语专业1 382转向器最大输出扭矩steering ge底盘术语专业1 383最大工作压力max.working底盘术语专业1 384额定工作压力rated worki底盘术语专业1 385转向油泵理论排量theoretical底盘术语专业1 386限制流量limited flo底盘术语专业1 387转向控制阀预开隙pre-opened 底盘术语专业1 388转向控制阀全开隙totally-ope底盘术语专业1 389转向控制阀内泄漏量internal le底盘术语专业1 390转向控制阀压力降pressure lo底盘术语专业1 391转向器角传动比特性steering ge底盘术语专业1 392转向器传动间隙特性steering ge底盘术语专业1 393转向器传动效率特性steering ge底盘术语专业1 394转向力特性steering fo底盘术语专业1 395动力转向系灵敏度特性power steer底盘术语专业1 396转向控制阀压力降特性steering co底盘术语专业1 397转向控制阀灵敏度特性steering co底盘术语专业1 398汽车和挂车制动名词术the terms a底盘术语专业1 399制动装备braking equ底盘术语专业1 400制动系braking sys底盘术语专业1 401行车制动系(常用制动service bra底盘术语专业1 402应急制动系emergency b底盘术语专业1 403驻车制动系parking bra底盘术语专业1 404辅助制动系auxiliary b底盘术语专业1 405自动制动系automatic b底盘术语专业1 406人力制动系muscular en底盘术语专业1 407动力制动系non-muscula底盘术语专业1 408伺服制动系servo braki底盘术语专业1 409助力制动系energy assi底盘术语专业1 410惯性制动系inertia bra底盘术语专业1 411重力制动系gravity bra底盘术语专业1 412气压制动系(气制动系air braking底盘术语专业1 413液压制动系hydraulic b底盘术语专业1 414电磁制动系electromagn底盘术语专业1 415机械制动系mechanical 底盘术语专业1 416组合制动系combination底盘术语专业1 417单回路制动系single-circ底盘术语专业1 418双回路制动系dual-circui底盘术语专业1 419多回路制动系multi-circu底盘术语专业1 420单管(线)路制动系single-line底盘术语专业1 421双管(线)路制动系dual-line b底盘术语专业1 422多管(线)路制动系multi-line 底盘术语专业1 423连续制动系continuous 底盘术语专业1 424半连续制动系semi-contin底盘术语专业1 425非连续制动系non-continu底盘术语专业1 426渐进制动gradual bra底盘术语专业1 427组成部分constituent底盘术语专业1 428供能装置energy supp底盘术语专业1 429制动能源braking ene底盘术语专业1 430控制装置control dev底盘术语专业1 431传能装置transmissio底盘术语专业1432制动器brake底盘术语专业1 433摩擦式制动器friction br底盘术语专业1 434鼓式制动器drum brake底盘术语专业1 435内张型鼓式制动器internal ex底盘术语专业1 436双领蹄式制动器(2L式two leading底盘术语专业1 437双从蹄式制动器(2T式two trailin底盘术语专业1 438双向双领蹄式制动器(duo two lea底盘术语专业1 439双向双从蹄式制动器(duo two tra底盘术语专业1 440领从蹄式制动器(LT式leading tra底盘术语专业1 441单向伺服式制动器(US uni-servo b底盘术语专业1 442双向伺服式制动器(DS duo-servo b底盘术语专业1 443外收缩型鼓式制动器external co底盘术语专业1 444带式制动器band brake底盘术语专业1 445盘式制动器disc brake底盘术语专业1 446钳盘式制动器caliper dis底盘术语专业1 447定钳盘式制动器disc brake 底盘术语专业1 448浮钳盘式制动器disc brake 底盘术语专业1 449浮盘式制动器floating di底盘术语专业1 450全盘式制动器complete di底盘术语专业1 451凸轮张开式制动器cam brake底盘术语专业1 452楔式制动器wedge brake底盘术语专业1 453轮缸(柱塞)式制动器wheel cylin底盘术语专业1 454刚性接合式制动器(锁positive en底盘术语专业1 455缓速装置(缓速器)retarder底盘术语专业1 456发动机缓速装置retarder by底盘术语专业1 457电机缓速装置retarder by底盘术语专业1 458液力缓速器hydro-dynam底盘术语专业1 459空气动力缓速装置aerodynamic底盘术语专业1 460电磁缓速器electromagn底盘术语专业1 461制动管(线)路braking lin底盘术语专业1 462供能管(线)路feed line底盘术语专业1 463促动管(线)路actuating l底盘术语专业1 464操纵管(线)路pilot line底盘术语专业1 465供给管(线)路supply line底盘术语专业1 466控制管(线)路control lin底盘术语专业1 467共用管(线)路common line底盘术语专业1 468应急管(线)路emergency l底盘术语专业1 469附加装置additional 底盘术语专业1 470辅助装置auxiliary d底盘术语专业1 471报警装置alarm devic底盘术语专业1 472报警压力alarm press底盘术语专业1 473保护压力装置protection 底盘术语专业1 474保护压力protection 底盘术语专业1 475制动蹄作用压力application底盘术语专业1 476制动蹄放松压力release pre底盘术语专业1 477制动力调节装置device to a底盘术语专业1 478车轮防抱死装置anti-lock d底盘术语专业1 479传感器sensor底盘术语专业1 480控制器controller底盘术语专业1 481调节器modulator底盘术语专业1 482单轮控制individual 底盘术语专业1 483多轮控制multi wheel底盘术语专业1 484轴控制axle contro底盘术语专业1 485边控制side contro底盘术语专业1486对角控制diagonal co底盘术语专业1 487组合多轴控制combined mu底盘术语专业1 488可变选择variable se底盘术语专业1 489低选择select-low底盘术语专业1 490高选择select-high底盘术语专业1 491预定选择predetermin底盘术语专业1 492车轮选择selection b底盘术语专业1 493平均选择average sel底盘术语专业1 494最低控制速度minimum con底盘术语专业1 495传感器信号sensor sign底盘术语专业1 496分辨率(脉冲式车轮速resolution 底盘术语专业1 497控制周期control cyc底盘术语专业1 498控制频率control fre底盘术语专业1 499制动力学braking mec底盘术语专业1 500控制力control for底盘术语专业1 501作用力application底盘术语专业1 502制动力矩braking tor底盘术语专业1 503总制动力total braki底盘术语专业1 504干扰后效制动力矩disturbing 底盘术语专业1 505制动力分配率braking for底盘术语专业1 506制动因数braking eff底盘术语专业1 507制动器效能因数brake effic底盘术语专业1 508制动蹄效能因数brake shoe 底盘术语专业1 509制动系的滞后braking sys底盘术语专业1 510制动器的滞后brake hyste底盘术语专业1 511控制装置开始作用时刻instant at 底盘术语专业1 512减速度开始产生的时刻instant at 底盘术语专业1 513减速度接近于稳定的开instant at 底盘术语专业1 514减速度开始急剧下降时instant at 底盘术语专业1 515减速度终止时刻instant at 底盘术语专业1 516驾驶员反应时间reaction ti底盘术语专业1 517促动时间actuating t底盘术语专业1 518机构滞后时间mechanism h底盘术语专业1 519增长时间build-up ti底盘术语专业1 520有效制动时间active brak底盘术语专业1 521放松时间release tim底盘术语专业1 522主制动时间main brakin底盘术语专业1 523总制动时间total braki底盘术语专业1 524停车时间stopping ti底盘术语专业1 525停车距离stopping di底盘术语专业1 526总制动距离total braki底盘术语专业1 527有效制动距离active brak底盘术语专业1 528踏板行程pedal trave底盘术语专业1 529踏板自由行程free pedal 底盘术语专业1 530踏板最大行程maximum ped底盘术语专业1 531制动功braking wor底盘术语专业1 532瞬时制动功率instantaneo底盘术语专业1 533制动初速度initial spe底盘术语专业1 534制动终速度final speed底盘术语专业1 535制动减速度braking dec底盘术语专业1 536瞬时制动减速度 a instantan底盘术语专业1 537平均制动减速度am mean bra底盘术语专业1 538最大制动减速度amax maximu底盘术语专业1 539制动过程中的现象phenomenon 底盘术语专业1540热衰退heat fade底盘术语专业1 541水衰退water fade底盘术语专业1 542恢复recovery底盘术语专业1 543过恢复over recove底盘术语专业1 544增强(突升)build up底盘术语专业1 545制动气阻braking vap底盘术语专业1 546龟裂cracks底盘术语专业1 547热龟裂heat cracks底盘术语专业1 548制动拖滞braking dra底盘术语专业1 549冷制动痹病cold brakin底盘术语专业1 550制动颤振brake chatt底盘术语专业1 551制动噪声brake noise底盘术语专业1 552车轮抱死wheel lock底盘术语专业1 553制动跑偏braking dev底盘术语专业1 554制动甩尾braking swe底盘术语专业1 555制动折叠braking jac底盘术语专业1 556制动跳动braking hop底盘术语专业1 557制动失效braking fai底盘术语专业1 558制动滑移braking ski底盘术语专业1 559制动点头braking nos底盘术语专业1 560汽车和挂车制动名词术The terms a底盘术语专业1 561真空泵vacuum pump底盘术语专业1 562喷射器ejector底盘术语专业1 563真空罐(真空筒)vacuum tank底盘术语专业1 564空压机(压气机)air compres底盘术语专业1 565气缸盖cylinder he底盘术语专业1 566气缸体cylinder bl底盘术语专业1 567活塞piston底盘术语专业1 568活塞环piston ring底盘术语专业1 569连杆connecting 底盘术语专业1 570活塞销piston pin底盘术语专业1 571曲轴crank shaft底盘术语专业1 572进气阀intake valv底盘术语专业1 573排气阀exhaust val底盘术语专业1 574储气罐(储气筒)air storage底盘术语专业1 575调压阀pressure re底盘术语专业1 576单向阀(止回阀)single chec底盘术语专业1 577滤清器filter底盘术语专业1 578进气滤清器air intake 底盘术语专业1 579排气滤清器air exhaust底盘术语专业1 580管路滤清器line filter底盘术语专业1 581滤网(芯)strainer底盘术语专业1 582油水分离器oil and wat底盘术语专业1 583防冻器anti-freeze底盘术语专业1 584空气干燥器air dryer底盘术语专业1 585排放阀drain valve底盘术语专业1 586压力保护阀pressure pr底盘术语专业1 587常用行车制动踏板装置service bra底盘术语专业1 588制动踏板braking ped底盘术语专业1 589踏板护套pedal pad底盘术语专业1 590踏板支架pedal brack底盘术语专业1 591衬套bushing底盘术语专业1 592套管collar底盘术语专业1 593销轴axis pin底盘术语专业1594回位弹簧return spri底盘术语专业1 595驻车制动操纵装置parking bra底盘术语专业1 596操纵杆control lev底盘术语专业1 597操纵杆支架control lev底盘术语专业1 598操纵杆导套control lev底盘术语专业1 599齿杆(棘轮)rod rack (r底盘术语专业1 600棘爪ratchet paw底盘术语专业1 601操纵缆绳control cab底盘术语专业1 602平衡臂equalizer底盘术语专业1 603拉杆(拉绳)pull rod (p底盘术语专业1 604拉杆导套(拉杆绳导套pull rod gu底盘术语专业1 605气制动阀air brake v底盘术语专业1 606单腔气制动阀single-cham底盘术语专业1 607推杆plunger底盘术语专业1 608气阀air valve底盘术语专业1 609平衡弹簧equalizing 底盘术语专业1 610膜片diaphragm底盘术语专业1 611双腔气制动阀dual-chambe底盘术语专业1 612串列式双腔气制动阀series dual底盘术语专业1 613并列式双腔气制动阀parallel du底盘术语专业1 614三腔气制动阀triple-cham底盘术语专业1 615三通路控制阀three way c底盘术语专业1 616双向止回阀(双通换向dual way ch底盘术语专业1 617继动阀relay valve底盘术语专业1 618快放阀quick relea底盘术语专业1 619继动快放阀relay and q底盘术语专业1 620挂车制动阀trailer bra底盘术语专业1 621挂车制动应急继动阀trailer bra底盘术语专业1 622挂车制动保护阀trailer bra底盘术语专业1 623挂车制动放松阀trailer bra底盘术语专业1 624手控制动阀hand brakin底盘术语专业1 625制动主缸brake maste底盘术语专业1 626有补尝孔式制动主缸compensatin底盘术语专业1 627主缸缸体master cyli底盘术语专业1 628皮碗防护垫cup protect底盘术语专业1 629主皮碗primary cup底盘术语专业1 630皮圈(副皮碗)ring cup (s底盘术语专业1 631弹簧座spring seat底盘术语专业1 632活塞挡圈piston stop底盘术语专业1 633卡环snap ring底盘术语专业1 634主缸推杆master cyli底盘术语专业1 635连接叉clevis底盘术语专业1 636防尘罩(套)boot底盘术语专业1 637残留阀residual va底盘术语专业1 638储液室fluid reser底盘术语专业1 639储液室盖fluid reser底盘术语专业1 640无补偿孔式制动主缸pertless br底盘术语专业1 641进油阀inlet valve底盘术语专业1 642串列双腔式制动主缸series dual底盘术语专业1 643第一活塞first pisto底盘术语专业1 644第二活塞secondary p底盘术语专业1 645轮缸wheel cylin底盘术语专业1 646伺服机构(助力器)servo mecha底盘术语专业1 647真空助力器vacuum boos底盘术语专业1。
Decompose 将复杂曲面重构成由三角形,四边形曲面组成的简单曲面
Extract 提取实体表面,或按一定参数提取实体内某一面
平面曲线产生:都须输入“Construction Plane List”,即曲线所在平面
2d Normal
2d Circle
2d Arc Angles
将曲面沿矢量方向拉伸成实体 注::Trimmed Surface不能拉伸成-Rep实体
由基准曲面(Base Surface)沿1或2条路径(Director Curve)滑动, 产生一个实体。注:Trimmed Surface不能作为基准曲面。
延长曲线 把多条曲线(边)合成一条;新曲线在指定公差内与原曲线一致 将曲线转换成相互连续的分段三次曲线 改变曲线参数方向 修剪曲线到指定位置
■Show /Curve
方式 Attribute Arc Angles Length Range Node
机械英语 机械英语渐开线花键 involute spline未注公差 undeclared tolerance未注倒⾓ undeclared chamfer调质 thermal refining端⼝ port chamfer模数 modulus齿形⾓ tooth profile angle变位系数 stand-off error齿圈径向跳动 geared ring radial runout公法线长度及偏差 common normal跨齿数 spanned tooth count⾼频淬⽕ high-frequency quenching配对齿轮 mating gear螺旋⾓ spiral angle压⼒⾓ pressure angle螺旋升⾓ lead angle齿厚 tooth thickness螺旋线 helix蜗杆 worm齿轴 gear shaft转⼦轴 rotor shaft精度等级 precision class汽车构造词汇铁路机车 locomotive有轨电车 tram⽆轨电车 trolley军⽤车辆 military vehicle蒸汽机 steam engine煤⽓机 gas engine汽油机 gasoline engine国民经济 national economy国内⽣产总值 (GDP) Gross Domestic Production全拆散 (CKD) Completely Knock Down半拆散 (SKD) Semi-Knock Down改⾰开放 reform and opening技术引进 technical import国产化 localization⽀柱产业 pillar estate货车 truck, lorry公路⽤车 road vehicle⾮公路⽤车 off-road vehicle机体 engine body曲柄连杆机构 crank-connecting rod mechanism配⽓机构 valve timing mechanism供给系 fuel supply system冷却系 cooling system润滑系 lubricating system点⽕系 ignition system起动系 starting system底盘 chassis传动系 power train离合器 clutch变速器 gear box传动轴 propeller shaft驱动桥 drive axle⾏驶系 running gear车架 frame悬架 suspension前轴 front axle桥壳 axle housing转向系 steering system转向盘 steering wheel转向器 steering gear转向传动装置 steering linkage助⼒装置 power assisting device制动系 braking system控制装置 control device供能装置 power supply device传动装置 transfer device制动器 brake车前板制件 front end panels车⾝壳体 body shell附属装置 auxiliary device货箱 carrying platform发动机前置后轮驱动 (FR) front engine rear drive发动机前置前轮驱动 (FF) front engine front drive发动机后置后轮驱动 (RR) rear engine rear drive发动机中置后轮驱动 (MR) midship engine rear drive 全轮驱动 (nWD) all wheel drive驱动⼒ tractive force阻⼒ resistance滚动阻⼒ rolling resistance空⽓阻⼒ air resistance, drag上坡阻⼒ gradient resistance附着作⽤ adhesion附着⼒ adhesive force附着系数 coefficient of adhesion第⼀章发动机⼯作原理⼆冲程发动机 two stroke engine四冲程发动机 four stroke engine⽔冷发动机 water cooled engine风冷发动机 air cooled engine上⽌点 (UDP) upper dead point下⽌点 (LDP) lower dead point活塞⾏程 stroke汽缸直径 bore⼯作容积 working volume排量 swept volume, displacement进⽓⾏程 intake stroke压缩⾏程 compression stroke压缩⽐ compression ratio做功⾏程 working stroke爆燃,敲缸 detonation, knock排⽓⾏程 exhaust stroke⽰功图 indicating diagram汽缸体 cylinder block汽缸盖 cylinder head油底壳 oil sump活塞 piston连杆 connecting rod曲轴 crankshaft飞轮 flywheel进⽓门 intake valve排⽓门 exhaust valve挺柱 tappet推杆 push rod摇臂 rocker凸轮轴 camshaft正时齿轮 timing gear燃油箱 fuel tank燃油泵 fuel pump汽油滤清器 gasoline filter化油器 carburetor空⽓滤清器 air cleaner进⽓管 intake manifold排⽓管 exhaust manifold⽕花塞 spark plug点⽕线圈 ignition coil断电器 breaker蓄电池 storage battery发电机 generator⽔泵 water pump散热器 radiator风扇 fan放⽔阀 drain valve⽔套 water jacket分⽔管 distributive pipe机油泵 oil pump集滤器 suction filter限压阀 relief valve润滑油道 oil passage机油滤清器 oil filter机油冷却器 oil cooler起动机 starting motor有效功率 effective power有效转矩 effective torque燃油消耗率 specific fuel consumption发动机转速特性 engine speed characteristic节⽓门开度 throttle percentage部分特性 partial characteristic外特性 outer characteristic第⼆章曲柄连杆机构汽缸套 cylinder sleeve, cylinder liner发动机⽀承 engine mounting活塞顶 piston top活塞头部 piston head活塞裙 piston skirt开槽 slot活塞环 piston ring⽓环 compression ring油环 oil ring环槽 groove活塞销 piston pin主轴承 main bearing主轴承盖 main bearing cap主轴⽡ main shell连杆轴承 big end bearing连杆盖 big end cap起动⽖ cranking claw带轮 pulley平衡重 counter weight发⽕顺序 firing order扭振减振器 torsional vibration damper第三章配⽓机构顶置⽓门 (OHV) Over Head Valve顶置凸轮轴 (OHC) Over Head Camshaft单顶置凸轮轴 (SOHC) Single Over Head Camshaft 双顶置凸轮轴 (DOHC) Dual Over Head Camshaft 多⽓门发动机 multi-valve engine⽓门间隙 valve clearance配⽓相位 timing phase⽓门杆 valve stem⽓门座 valve seat⽓门导管 valve guide⽓门弹簧 valve spring第四章汽油机供给系可燃混合⽓ combustion mixture消声器 silencer, muffler汽油 gasoline, petrol分馏 distil蒸发性 evaporating property热值 heat value抗爆性 anti-knock property⾟烷值 (RON) Research Octane Number 过量空⽓系数 coefficient of excessive air 理论混合⽓ theoretical mixture稀混合⽓ thin mixture浓混合⽓ thick mixture主供油系统 main supply system怠速系统 idle system加浓系统 thickening system加速系统 accelerating system浮⼦ float浮⼦室 float chamber针阀 needle valve量孔 metering jet阻风门 choke滤芯 filter cartridge沉淀杯 sediment cup泵膜 pump diaphragm油浴式 oil bath type⽯棉垫 a**estos pad预热 pre-heating汽油直接喷射 gasoline direct injection电控 electronic control多点喷射 muti-point injection单点喷射 single point injection电路控制 circuit control分电器信号 distributor signal空⽓流量信号 airflow signal冷却⽔温信号 water temperature signal 第五章柴油机供给系输油泵 transfer pump喷油泵 fuel injection pump⾼压油管 high pressure fuel pipe发⽕性 ignition property黏度 viscosity凝点 condensing point备燃期 pri-combustion period速燃期 rapid combustion period缓燃期 slow combustion period燃烧室 combustion chamber统⼀燃烧室 united chamber球形燃烧室 ball shape chamber涡流室 turbulence chamber预燃室 pri-combustion chamber喷油器 injector精密偶件 precise couple柱塞 plunger出油阀 delivery valve调速器 governor两速调速器 two speed governor全速调速器 full speed governor定速调速器 fixed speed governor综合调速器 combined governor⽓动调速器 pneumatic governor机械离⼼式调速器 mechanical centrifugal governor 复合式调速器 complex governor喷油提前⾓调节装置 advancer飞块 flyweight联轴节 coupling粗滤清器 primary filter细滤清器 secondary filter涡轮增压器 turbocharger中间冷却器 intermediate cooler第七章冷却系节温器 thermostat防冻液 anti-freezing liquid补偿⽔桶 compensation reservoirV-带 V belt百叶窗 shutter⼤循环 big circulation⼩循环 small circulation散热翅⽚ fins第⼋章润滑系润滑剂 lubricant压⼒润滑 pressure lubrication飞溅润滑 splash lubrication润滑脂 grease机油压⼒传感器 oil pressure sensor油封 oil seal旁通阀 bypass valve机油散热器 oil cooler机油尺 dip stick加机油⼝ oil filler曲轴箱通风 crankcase ventilation第九章点⽕系⼀次绕组 primary winding⼆次绕组 secondary winding热敏电阻 heat sensitive resistance点⽕提前 ignition advance分电器 distributor活动触点 moving contact固定触点 fixed contact分⽕头 distributor rotor arm电容器 condenser点⽕提前装置 ignition advancer离⼼式点⽕提前装置 centrifugal ignition advancer 真空式点⽕提前装置 vacuum ignition advancer⾟烷值校正器 octane number rectifier中⼼电极 central electrode侧电极 side electrode瓷绝缘体 ceramic insulator跳⽕间隙 spark gap半导体点⽕系 semi-conductor ignition system晶体管 transistor⼆极管 diode三极管 triode⽆触点点⽕系 non-contact ignition system霍尔效应 Hall effect正极板 anode负极板 cathode隔板 separator电解液 electrolyte蓄电池格 battery cell接线柱 terminal电缆 cable硅整流交流发电机silicon rectified A.C. motor转⼦ rotor定⼦ stator电刷 brush风扇叶轮 fan blade电压调节器 voltage regulator第⼗章起动系⼿摇起动 cranking电热塞 electric heater plug串激直流发电机 serial wound D.C. motor起动齿圈 starter ring电磁操纵机构 electro-magnetic control第⼗⼀章新型发动机三⾓活塞 triangular piston转⼦发动机 rotary engine⾃转 rotary motion, rotation公转 orbit motion轨迹 trajectory齿轮 gear齿圈 ring gear往复零件 reciprocal parts动平衡 dynamic balance燃⽓涡轮发动机 gas turbine第⼗⼆章汽车传动系机械式传动系 mechanical transmission液⼒机械式传动系 hydro-mechanical transmission静液式传动系 static-hydraulic transmission电⼒式传动系 electrical transmission⾃动式传动系 automatic transmission减速 reduction可变速⽐ variable ratios有级变速 definite ratios⽆级变速 indefinite ratios⽆级变速器(CVT) Continuously Variable Transmission ⼀般布置 general layout发动机横置 lateral engine positioning分动器 transfer case, transfer box第⼗三章离合器接合柔和 smooth engagement分离彻底 thorough separation过载 overload摩擦表⾯ friction surface摩擦衬⽚ friction liner毂 hub主动部分 driving part从动部分 driven part花键 spline压盘 pressure plate离合器盖 cover plate分离杠杆 release lever分离套筒 release sleeve分离轴承 release bearing主缸 master cylinder⼯作缸 working cylinder分离* release fork间隙调整 clearance adjustment打滑 slip踏板 pedal踏板⾃由⾏程 pedal free stroke踏板⼯作⾏程 pedal working stroke铆钉,铆接 rivet双⽚离合器 dual disc clutch中央弹簧离合器 central spring clutch膜⽚弹簧离合器 diaphragm spring clutch ⾮线性 non-linear第⼗四章变速器与分动器输⼊轴(第⼀轴)input shaft, drive shaft 输出轴(第⼆轴)output shaft, main shaft 中间轴 counter shaft倒挡轴 reverse gear shaft常啮合 constant mesh低速挡 low gear⾼速挡 high gear最⾼速挡 top gear空挡 neutral gear⼀挡 the first gear⼆挡 the second gear三挡 the third gear倒挡 reverse gear直接挡 direct gear超速挡 overdrive动⼒输出 power take-off换挡 shift啮合套 sliding sleeve同步器 synchronizer同步锥⾯ synchro cone变速杆 shifting lever⼿柄 handle球铰链 ball joint换挡拨* shifting fork⾃锁 self-lock互锁 inter-lock变速驱动桥 transaxle加⼒挡 low gear第⼗五章液⼒机械传动液⼒偶合器 hydraulic coupling泵轮 impeller涡轮 turbine叶⽚ blade液⼒变矩器 torque converter导轮 stator⾏星齿轮系 planetary gear system太阳轮 sun gear⾏星轮 planet pinion⾏星架 planet carrier齿圈 ring gear第⼗六章传动轴万向节 universal joint, U-joint⼗字轴式万向节Cardan type U-joint*⼦ yoke, fork⼗字轴 spider, center cross滚针轴承 needle bearing滑脂嘴(油嘴)lubricating fitting, nipple 等⾓速 constant angular velocity双联式万向节 dual Cardan type U-joint球*式万向节 Weiss type U-joint球笼式万向节 Rzeppa type U-joint星形套 inner race housing球形壳 outer race shell保持架,球笼 retainer, ball cage挠性万向节 flexible U-joint⽆缝钢管 seamless steel tube第⼗七章驱动桥主减速器 final drive主动(⼩)齿轮 drive pinion从动(⼤)齿轮 ring gear伞齿轮 bevel gear双曲⾯齿轮 hypoid gear单级减速 single reduction双级减速 double reduction贯通式主减速器 penetrable final drive双速主减速器 double gear (speed) final drive 轮边减速器 wheel reduction差速器 differential半轴齿轮 differential side gear差速锁 differential lock轴间差速器 inter-axle differential lock托森差速器 torque sensitive differential半轴 axle shaft全浮式半轴 float type axle shaft半浮式半轴 semi-float type axle shaft桥壳 axle housing桥壳后盖 final drive rear cover第⼗⼋章⾏驶系⾏驶系 running gear车架 frame车桥,车轴 axle悬架 suspension半履带式汽车 semi-caterpillar vehicle第⼗九章车架边梁式车架 ladder type frame纵梁 side rail横梁 cross member保险杠 bumper托架 bracket⽀承 support拖钩 tow hook中梁式车架 backbone type frame桁架式车架 lattice type frame第⼆⼗章车桥和车轮转向桥 steering axle桥梁 axle beam⼯字形断⾯ I-section转向节 knuckle主销 king pin轮毂 wheel hub转向轮定位 steering wheel alignment主销后倾 caster主销内倾 king pin inclination前轮外倾 camber前轮前束 toe-in转向驱动桥 steering and driving axle⽀持桥 support axle轮辋 rim轮辐 spoke车轮装饰罩 hub cap轮胎 tyre, tire胎冠 crown, tread花纹 pattern胎侧 side wall帘布层 cord, ply尼龙,锦纶 nylon带束层 belted layer内胎 tube垫带 protector胎圈 bead⽓门嘴 bleed valve⽓门芯 valve core⼦午线轮胎 radial tire⽆内胎轮胎 tubeless tire刺穿 puncture备胎 spare tire第⼆⼗⼀章悬架弹性元件 spring, elastic element减振器 sock absorber导向机构 control device横向稳定器(杆)stabilizer, anti-roll bar悬架刚度 suspension stiffness簧载质量 sprung mass⾮簧载质量 unsprung mass静挠度 static deformation独⽴悬架 independent suspension车轮上跳(减振器压缩⾏程) jounce车轮回跳(减振器伸张⾏程) rebound双向作⽤减振器 double action shock absorber单向作⽤减振器 single action shock absorber筒式减振器 telescopic shock absorber吊环 link ring⼯作缸 working cylinder贮油缸 reservoir流通阀(进液阀)intake valve伸张阀 rebound valve压缩阀 compression valve补偿阀 compensation valve充⽓减振器 gas filled shock absorber压⼒可调减振器 pressure adjustable shock absorber 钢板弹簧 leaf spring中⼼螺栓 central bolt弹簧夹 clip螺旋弹簧 coil spring扭杆弹簧 torsional bar囊式空⽓弹簧 bellow type air spring膜式空⽓弹簧 diaphragm type air spring橡胶弹簧 rubber spring卷⽿ spring eye吊⽿ shackleU形螺栓 U-bolt弹簧盖板 spring plate副簧 auxiliary spring主簧 main spring横臂式悬架 transversal type suspension双横臂式悬架 double wishbone suspension转向轴线 steering axis纵摆臂式 trailing arm type滑柱式 strut type麦弗逊式 McPhaeson type平衡悬架 tandem axle suspension第⼆⼗⼆章转向系机械(⼿动)转向系 manual steering system转向盘 steering wheel转向轴 steering shaft转向柱 steering column转向传动轴 steering drive shaft转向器 steering gear直拉杆 drag link转向节 knuckle转向节臂 knuckle arm梯形臂 steering arm横拉杆 tie rod转向轮偏转⾓关系 steering geometry转弯半径 turning radius循环球式转向器 recirculating ball steering gear转向螺杆 steering screw转向螺母 steering nut齿扇 sector齿轮齿条式转向器 rack and pinion steering gear蜗杆曲柄指销式转向器 worm and crankpin steering gear动⼒转向 power steering转向油罐 steering reservoir转向油泵 steering oil pump第⼆⼗三章制动系⿎式制动器 drum brake制动蹄 brake shoe轮缸 wheel cylinder制动底板 brake base plate调整凸轮 adjustable cam制动蹄回位弹簧 retainer spring领蹄 leading shoe从蹄 trailing shoe盘式制动器 disc brake制动钳 brake calipers制动盘 brake disc液压制动系 fluid braking system制动液 brake fluid制动主缸 master cylinder⽓压制动系 pneumatic braking system空⽓压缩机 air compressor制动⽓室 brake chamber贮⽓筒 reservoir制动阀 brake valve⽓压调节阀 air pressure governor伺服制动系 servo braking system真空助⼒器 vacuum booster防抱死制动系 (ABS) Anti-lock Braking System辅助制动器 auxiliary brake缓速器 retarder排⽓制动 exhaust braking第⼆⼗四章车⾝车⾝壳体 body shell⾮承载式车⾝ separate frame construction承载式车⾝ unitary construction, integral body发动机舱 engine compartment客厢,乘客室 passenger compartment⾏李箱 trunk发动机罩 hood, bonnet前翼板 front fender, front wing前挡泥板 front fender apron前围板 dash board, fire wall前风窗 windscreen, windshield前围 cowl, shroud顶盖 roof地板 floor panel⾏李箱盖 trunk lid, deck lid后围板 rear end panel前柱 front pillar, “A” pillar中柱 center pillar, “B” pillar后柱 rear pillar, “C” pillar上边梁 roof rail门槛 rocker panel仪表板 instrument panel遮阳板 sun visor刮⽔器 wiper后视镜 rear view mirror门锁 door lock玻璃升降器 window regulator密封条 weather strip暖⽓装置 heater空调装置 air conditioner座椅 seat头枕 head restraint安全带 safety seat belt钢化玻璃 toughened glass夹层玻璃 laminated glass货箱 carrying platform边板 side board后板 tail board前板 head board地板,底板 floor board栓杆 tightening latch第⼆⼗五章附属设备车速表 speedometer⾥程表 mileage recorder机油压⼒表 oil pressure gauge燃油表 fuel gauge⽔温表 water temperature gauge电流表 ammeter前⼤灯 head lamp转向指⽰灯 turning indicator制动信号灯 braking signal light报警信号装置 warning signal附表⼀般⼯程词汇长度 length宽度 width⾼度 height深度 depth距离 distance间隙 clearance位移 displacement⾯积 area体积 volume重量 weight质量 mass⽐重 specific gravity密度 density时间 time周期 period加速度 velocity, speed重⼒加速度 acceleration of gravity ⼒ force合⼒ resultant分⼒ component⼒矩 moment转矩 torque, twisting moment弯矩 bending moment压强 pressure⼤⽓压 atmospheric pressure声压级 (SPL) Sound Pressure Level应⼒ stress应变 strain变形 deformation拉伸 stretching压缩 compressing弯曲 bending扭转 twisting强度 strength刚度 stiffness硬度 hardness黏度 viscosity运动黏度 kinematic viscosity能量 energy动能 kinetic energy位能 potential energy功 work功率 power温度 temperature热 heat热容量 thermal capacity⽐热 specific heat热功当量 Joule’s equivalent传热系数 coefficient of heat transfer 加热 heating冷却 cooling膨胀 expansion固体 solid液体 liquid⽓体 gas蒸发 evaporation溶解 dissolve融化 melt凝结 condensation凝固 solidification电路 electric circuit串联 serial connection并联 parallel connection电荷 electric charge电压 voltage电位 potential电流 current直流 (D.C.) Direct Current交流 (A.C.) Alternative Current电阻 resistance电容量 capacity电容器 condenser电感 inductance电极 electrode正极 anode负极 cathode电离 ionization电解 electrolysis电镀 electroplating电泳 electrophoresis磁场强度 magnetic field intensity磁通量 magnetic flux光通量 luminous flux光照度 photometric quantity发光强度 luminous intensity⼯程图 technical drawing图板 drawing board图纸 drawing paper描图纸 tracing paper投影 projection前视图 front end view侧视图 side view左视图 left end view右视图 right end view俯视图 plan view剖⾯ section剖视 section view实线 full line虚线 broken line, dotted line 点划线 chain line尺⼨线 dimension line⽅形 square长⽅形 rectangle三⾓形 triangle圆形 circle内接圆 inscribed circle外切圆 circumscribed circle 直尺 ruler三棱尺 triangular scale三⾓板 set square丁字尺 tee square, T square 圆规 compasses分规 divider曲线板 curve鸭嘴笔 drawing pen锤⼦ hammer斧⼦ ax, axe螺丝⼑ screw driver扳⼿ wrench, spanner活动扳⼿ adjustable wrench 扳⼿套筒 socket钳⼦ pliers⽕钳⼦ tongs虎钳 vice⼑⼦ knife刮⼑ scraper剪⼦ scissors镊⼦ tweezers夹⼦ clip夹紧器 clamp锉⼑ file凿⼦,錾⼦ chisel冲⼦ punch锥⼦ awl锯⼦ saw刨⼦ plane钻 drill砧铁 anvil直⾓尺 square内卡规 inside calipers外卡规 outside calipers游标卡尺 vernier calipers千分卡尺 micrometer guage ⾼度尺 height gauge千分表 dial indicator⽔平(泡)尺 water level画针盘 marking gauge螺纹 threads螺栓 bolt双头螺柱 stud⼗字槽螺钉 cross recessed screw 螺母 nut开槽螺母 castle nut蝶形螺母 fly nut, wing nut垫圈 washer弹簧垫圈 lock washer开⼝销 split pin, cotter pin键 key花键 spline直齿齿轮 spur gear斜齿齿轮 helical gear伞齿轮 bevel gear球轴承 ball bearing滚⼦轴承 roller bearing滚针轴承 needle roller bearing轴承外圈 outer race轴承内圈 inner race隔离罩,保持架 cage, retainer铸造,铸件 casting锻造,锻件 forging轧制,轧制件 rolling冲压,冲压件 stamping焊接,焊缝 welding电弧焊 arc welding⽓焊 oxyacetylene welding点焊 spot welding铆接,铆钉 rivet机械加⼯ machine work切削 cutting车削 turning刨削 planing铣削 milling钻削 drilling绞孔 fraising磨削 grinding镗削 boring拉削 broaching抛光 polishing热处理 heat treatment淬⽕ hardening, quenching退⽕ annealing回⽕ tempering正⽕ normalizing车床 lathe龙门刨床 planer⽜头刨床 shaper插床 vertical shaper铣床 milling machine钻床 drilling machine磨床 grinder, grinding machine外圆磨床 external grinder内圆磨床 internal grinder平⾯磨床 surface grinder镗床 boring machine拉床 broacher床头箱 head stock (gear box)卡盘,夹盘 chuck尾座 tail stock⾛⼑箱 tool carrier模具 die, mold⽓锤 pneumatic hammer⼑具 cutter车⼑,刨⼑ bite铣⼑,绞⼑ fraise钻头 bite磨轮,砂轮 grinding wheel夹具 fixture, jig汽车 automobile拖拉机 tractor铁路机车 locomotive有轨电车 tram⽆轨电车 trolley军⽤车辆 military vehicle蒸汽机 steam engine煤⽓机 gas engine汽油机 gasoline engine国民经济 national economy国内⽣产总值 (GDP) Gross Domestic Production 全拆散 (CKD) Completely Knock Down半拆散 (SKD) Semi-Knock Down改⾰开放 reform and opening技术引进 technical import国产化 localization⽀柱产业 pillar estate轿车 car客车 bus, coach货车 truck, lorry公路⽤车 road vehicle⾮公路⽤车 off-road vehicle发动机 engine机体 engine body曲柄连杆机构 crank-connecting rod mechanism 配⽓机构 valve timing mechanism供给系 fuel supply system冷却系 cooling system润滑系 lubricating system点⽕系 ignition system起动系 starting system底盘 chassis传动系 power train离合器 clutch变速器 gear box传动轴 propeller shaft驱动桥 drive axle⾏驶系 running gear车架 frame悬架 suspension前轴 front axle桥壳 axle housing车轮 wheel转向系 steering system转向盘 steering wheel转向器 steering gear转向传动装置 steering linkage助⼒装置 power assisting device制动系 braking system控制装置 control device供能装置 power supply device传动装置 transfer device制动器 brake车⾝ body车前板制件 front end panels车⾝壳体 body shell车门 door车窗 window附属装置 auxiliary device货箱 carrying platform发动机前置后轮驱动 (FR) front engine rear drive发动机前置前轮驱动 (FF) front engine front drive发动机后置后轮驱动 (RR) rear engine rear drive发动机中置后轮驱动 (MR) midship engine rear drive 全轮驱动 (nWD) all wheel drive驱动⼒ tractive force阻⼒ resistance滚动阻⼒ rolling resistance空⽓阻⼒ air resistance, drag上坡阻⼒ gradient resistance附着作⽤ adhesion附着⼒ adhesive force附着系数 coefficient of adhesion第⼀章发动机⼯作原理⼆冲程发动机 two stroke engine四冲程发动机 four stroke engine⽔冷发动机 water cooled engine风冷发动机 air cooled engine上⽌点 (UDP) upper dead point下⽌点 (LDP) lower dead point活塞⾏程 stroke汽缸直径 bore⼯作容积 working volume排量 swept volume, displacement进⽓⾏程 intake stroke压缩⾏程 compression stroke压缩⽐ compression ratio做功⾏程 working stroke爆燃,敲缸 detonation, knock排⽓⾏程 exhaust stroke⽰功图 indicating diagram汽缸体 cylinder block汽缸盖 cylinder head油底壳 oil sump活塞 piston连杆 connecting rod曲轴 crankshaft飞轮 flywheel进⽓门 intake valve排⽓门 exhaust valve挺柱 tappet推杆 push rod摇臂 rocker凸轮轴 camshaft正时齿轮 timing gear燃油箱 fuel tank燃油泵 fuel pump汽油滤清器 gasoline filter化油器 carburetor空⽓滤清器 air cleaner进⽓管 intake manifold排⽓管 exhaust manifold⽕花塞 spark plug点⽕线圈 ignition coil断电器 breaker蓄电池 storage battery发电机 generator⽔泵 water pump散热器 radiator风扇 fan放⽔阀 drain valve⽔套 water jacket分⽔管 distributive pipe机油泵 oil pump集滤器 suction filter限压阀 relief valve润滑油道 oil passage机油滤清器 oil filter机油冷却器 oil cooler起动机 starting motor有效功率 effective power有效转矩 effective torque燃油消耗率 specific fuel consumption发动机转速特性 engine speed characteristic节⽓门开度 throttle percentage部分特性 partial characteristic外特性 outer characteristic第⼆章曲柄连杆机构汽缸套 cylinder sleeve, cylinder liner发动机⽀承 engine mounting活塞顶 piston top活塞头部 piston head活塞裙 piston skirt开槽 slot活塞环 piston ring⽓环 compression ring油环 oil ring环槽 groove活塞销 piston pin主轴承 main bearing主轴承盖 main bearing cap主轴⽡ main shell连杆轴承 big end bearing连杆盖 big end cap起动⽖ cranking claw带轮 pulley平衡重 counter weight发⽕顺序 firing order扭振减振器 torsional vibration damper第三章配⽓机构顶置⽓门 (OHV) Over Head Valve顶置凸轮轴 (OHC) Over Head Camshaft单顶置凸轮轴 (SOHC) Single Over Head Camshaft 双顶置凸轮轴 (DOHC) Dual Over Head Camshaft 多⽓门发动机 multi-valve engine⽓门间隙 valve clearance配⽓相位 timing phase⽓门杆 valve stem⽓门座 valve seat⽓门导管 valve guide⽓门弹簧 valve spring第四章汽油机供给系可燃混合⽓ combustion mixture消声器 silencer, muffler汽油 gasoline, petrol分馏 distil蒸发性 evaporating property热值 heat value抗爆性 anti-knock property⾟烷值 (RON) Research Octane Number过量空⽓系数 coefficient of excessive air理论混合⽓ theoretical mixture稀混合⽓ thin mixture浓混合⽓ thick mixture主供油系统 main supply system怠速系统 idle system加浓系统 thickening system加速系统 accelerating system浮⼦ float浮⼦室 float chamber针阀 needle valve量孔 metering jet阻风门 choke滤芯 filter cartridge沉淀杯 sediment cup泵膜 pump diaphragm油浴式 oil bath type⽯棉垫 a**estos pad预热 pre-heating汽油直接喷射 gasoline direct injection电控 electronic control多点喷射 muti-point injection单点喷射 single point injection电路控制 circuit control分电器信号 distributor signal空⽓流量信号 airflow signal冷却⽔温信号 water temperature signal第五章柴油机供给系输油泵 transfer pump喷油泵 fuel injection pump⾼压油管 high pressure fuel pipe发⽕性 ignition property黏度 viscosity凝点 condensing point备燃期 pri-combustion period速燃期 rapid combustion period缓燃期 slow combustion period燃烧室 combustion chamber统⼀燃烧室 united chamber球形燃烧室 ball shape chamber涡流室 turbulence chamber预燃室 pri-combustion chamber喷油器 injector精密偶件 precise couple柱塞 plunger出油阀 delivery valve调速器 governor两速调速器 two speed governor全速调速器 full speed governor定速调速器 fixed speed governor综合调速器 combined governor⽓动调速器 pneumatic governor机械离⼼式调速器 mechanical centrifugal governor 复合式调速器 complex governor喷油提前⾓调节装置 advancer飞块 flyweight联轴节 coupling粗滤清器 primary filter细滤清器 secondary filter涡轮增压器 turbocharger中间冷却器 intermediate cooler第七章冷却系节温器 thermostat防冻液 anti-freezing liquid补偿⽔桶 compensation reservoirV-带 V belt百叶窗 shutter⼤循环 big circulation⼩循环 small circulation散热翅⽚ fins第⼋章润滑系润滑剂 lubricant压⼒润滑 pressure lubrication飞溅润滑 splash lubrication润滑脂 grease机油压⼒传感器 oil pressure sensor油封 oil seal旁通阀 bypass valve机油散热器 oil cooler机油尺 dip stick加机油⼝ oil filler曲轴箱通风 crankcase ventilation第九章点⽕系⼀次绕组 primary winding⼆次绕组 secondary winding热敏电阻 heat sensitive resistance点⽕提前 ignition advance分电器 distributor活动触点 moving contact固定触点 fixed contact分⽕头 distributor rotor arm电容器 condenser点⽕提前装置 ignition advancer离⼼式点⽕提前装置 centrifugal ignition advancer 真空式点⽕提前装置 vacuum ignition advancer⾟烷值校正器 octane number rectifier中⼼电极 central electrode侧电极 side electrode瓷绝缘体 ceramic insulator跳⽕间隙 spark gap半导体点⽕系 semi-conductor ignition system晶体管 transistor⼆极管 diode三极管 triode⽆触点点⽕系 non-contact ignition system霍尔效应 Hall effect正极板 anode负极板 cathode隔板 separator电解液 electrolyte蓄电池格 battery cell接线柱 terminal电缆 cable硅整流交流发电机silicon rectified A.C. motor转⼦ rotor定⼦ stator电刷 brush风扇叶轮 fan blade电压调节器 voltage regulator第⼗章起动系⼿摇起动 cranking电热塞 electric heater plug串激直流发电机 serial wound D.C. motor起动齿圈 starter ring电磁操纵机构 electro-magnetic control第⼗⼀章新型发动机三⾓活塞 triangular piston转⼦发动机 rotary engine⾃转 rotary motion, rotation公转 orbit motion轨迹 trajectory齿轮 gear齿圈 ring gear往复零件 reciprocal parts动平衡 dynamic balance燃⽓涡轮发动机 gas turbine第⼗⼆章汽车传动系机械式传动系 mechanical transmission液⼒机械式传动系 hydro-mechanical transmission静液式传动系 static-hydraulic transmission电⼒式传动系 electrical transmission⾃动式传动系 automatic transmission减速 reduction可变速⽐ variable ratios有级变速 definite ratios⽆级变速 indefinite ratios⽆级变速器(CVT) Continuously Variable Transmission ⼀般布置 general layout发动机横置 lateral engine positioning分动器 transfer case, transfer box第⼗三章离合器接合柔和 smooth engagement分离彻底 thorough separation过载 overload摩擦表⾯ friction surface摩擦衬⽚ friction liner毂 hub主动部分 driving part从动部分 driven part花键 spline压盘 pressure plate离合器盖 cover plate分离杠杆 release lever分离套筒 release sleeve分离轴承 release bearing主缸 master cylinder⼯作缸 working cylinder分离叉 release fork间隙调整 clearance adjustment打滑 slip踏板 pedal踏板⾃由⾏程 pedal free stroke踏板⼯作⾏程 pedal working stroke铆钉,铆接 rivet双⽚离合器 dual disc clutch中央弹簧离合器 central spring clutch膜⽚弹簧离合器 diaphragm spring clutch⾮线性 non-linear第⼗四章变速器与分动器输⼊轴(第⼀轴)input shaft, drive shaft输出轴(第⼆轴)output shaft, main shaft中间轴 counter shaft倒挡轴 reverse gear shaft常啮合 constant mesh低速挡 low gear⾼速挡 high gear最⾼速挡 top gear空挡 neutral gear⼀挡 the first gear⼆挡 the second gear三挡 the third gear倒挡 reverse gear直接挡 direct gear超速挡 overdrive动⼒输出 power take-off换挡 shift啮合套 sliding sleeve同步器 synchronizer同步锥⾯ synchro cone变速杆 shifting lever⼿柄 handle球铰链 ball joint换挡拨叉 shifting fork⾃锁 self-lock互锁 inter-lock变速驱动桥 transaxle加⼒挡 low gear第⼗五章液⼒机械传动液⼒偶合器 hydraulic coupling泵轮 impeller涡轮 turbine叶⽚ blade液⼒变矩器 torque converter导轮 stator⾏星齿轮系 planetary gear system太阳轮 sun gear⾏星轮 planet pinion⾏星架 planet carrier齿圈 ring gear第⼗六章传动轴万向节 universal joint, U-joint⼗字轴式万向节Cardan type U-joint叉⼦ yoke, fork⼗字轴 spider, center cross滚针轴承 needle bearing滑脂嘴(油嘴)lubricating fitting, nipple等⾓速 constant angular velocity双联式万向节 dual Cardan type U-joint球叉式万向节 Weiss type U-joint球笼式万向节 Rzeppa type U-joint星形套 inner race housing球形壳 outer race shell保持架,球笼 retainer, ball cage挠性万向节 flexible U-joint⽆缝钢管 seamless steel tube第⼗七章驱动桥主减速器 final drive主动(⼩)齿轮 drive pinion从动(⼤)齿轮 ring gear伞齿轮 bevel gear双曲⾯齿轮 hypoid gear单级减速 single reduction双级减速 double reduction贯通式主减速器 penetrable final drive双速主减速器 double gear (speed) final drive 轮边减速器 wheel reduction。
汽车英语Steering System
This motion applies steering torque to the swivel pin ball joints that replaced previously used kingpins of the stub axle of the steered wheels via tie rods and a short lever arm called the steering arm 这个运动将转向扭矩应用到旋转球铰销 这个运动 通过转向横拉杆和转向臂 从而替代了先前使用的转向轴立轴。 将转向扭矩应用到旋转球铰销 从而替代了先前使用的转向轴立轴。 通过转向横拉杆和转向臂
3.2 Steering System
Automobile suspension and steering are the two paramount parts of an automobile, which are directly related to each other. Suspension n.暂停;中止;悬挂 Suspend v. n.暂停;中止;悬挂 Suspense n.悬疑;焦虑;悬挂 Suspicion n.猜疑;怀疑 I think her suspension from the team was a very harsh punishment. 我认为她被暂停参加队的比赛是很严厉的处罚。 As the workers went on strike, the company was obliged to suspend its operations. 由于工人罢工,该公司被迫暂停营运。 The movie kept the audience in suspense until the end. 那部电影让观众一直在悬疑之中直到最后。 We regard her behaviour with suspicion. 我们对她的行为有怀疑。
Car Sim®使用培训(8)Steering System金凌鸽slide 1Topics¾The Kinematics of Steering Systemz The Nominal Road Wheel Anglez The Ackerman Steering Geometry¾The Compliances of Steering Systemz The Kingpin Geometryz The Moments in the Steering System¾Four Wheel Steer(4WS)slide 2The Nominal Road Wheel Angle车轮名义转角=方向盘转角/转向系传动比转向传动比:运动型轿车:16—18家用轿车:18—21轻型卡车:20--24slide 5The Ackerman Steering Geometryslide 6slide 7Does Ackerman Matter?Steering Torquez Ackerman increaseswith steer anglez Parallel decreases athigh angles, and maygo negativeTire Wearz Ackerman minimizes wearslide 8Compliance转向系存在变形主要是由作用于主销上的力矩引起¾轮胎的回正力矩¾由主销的定位参数引起的力矩对于左右车轮来说,转向系的刚度是相同的,因此左右车轮的变形转向效应相同。
slide 9悬架系统弹性转向拉杆弹性转向机构弹性Kingpin Geometryslide 11slide 13Inclination AngleCaster Angle正的主销后倾角表示主销轴线向后倾斜主销后倾角的存在,产生了机械拖臂(Mechanical Trail),与轮胎的回正力臂(Pneumatic trail)一起形成轮胎的回正力矩 主销后倾角的范围一般为0-8deg正的主销内倾角表示主销轴线向内倾斜主销内倾角的作用是使车辆受到干扰后自动回正 主销内倾角的范围一般为5-15degLateral Offset为了安装制动器的部件让轮胎的接地印迹中心尽量接近主销接地点,减小制动力产生的力矩侧向偏移一般为0-20mmX Coordinate of KP Center与Caster配合产生Mechanical Trail正值代表主销向前偏移slide 14Example from Car Simslide 15slide 16slide 17Steer Wheel Torque通常用作用在方向盘上的力矩及主销上的力矩之间的比值来表示。
tire axis system and variables 轮胎坐标系和变量center of tire contact 轮胎接地中心tire axis system 轮胎坐标系slip angle of tire 轮胎侧偏角slip rate 滑移率free radius 自由半径static loaded radius 静负荷半径dynamic loaded radius 动负荷半径rolling circumference 滚动周长rolling radius 滚动半径free rolling wheel 自由滚动车轮tire forces 轮胎上的力vertical force of tire 轮胎垂直力lateral force of tire 轮胎横向力longitudinal force of tire 轮胎纵向力radial stiffness 径向刚度lateral stiffness 横向刚度driving force 驱动力rolling resistance滚动阻力camber thrust 外倾推力cornering force 转弯力side force of tire 轮胎侧向力cornering drag 侧偏阻力resistance force of drag 拖曳阻力tractive force 牵引力drag force 牵引阻力tire moments 轮胎力矩overturning moment of tire 轮胎翻转力矩rolling resistance moment 滚动阻力矩aligning torque 回正力矩wheel torque 车轮力矩driving torque 驱动力矩braking torque 制动力矩pneumatic trail 轮胎拖矩coefficients of force and moment 力和力矩系数lateral force coefficient 横向力系数driving force coefficient 驱动力系数braking force coefficient 制动力系数rolling resistance coefficient 滚动阻力系数aligning torque coefficient 回正力矩系数cornering stiffness 侧偏刚度camber stiffness 外倾刚度braking (driving) stiffness 制动(驱动)刚度aligning stiffness (aligning torque stiffness) 回正刚度(回正力矩刚度)cornering stiffness coefficient 侧偏刚度系数camber stiffness coefficient 外倾刚度系数braking (driving) stiffness coefficient 制动(驱动)刚度系数aligning stiffness coefficient (aligning torque stiffness coefficient)回正刚度系数(回正力矩刚度系数)tire adhesion coefficient轮胎附着系数trim 工作点laternal adhesion coefficient 横向附着系数driving adhesion coefficient 驱动附着系数braking adhesion coefficient 制动附着系数sliping braking adhesion coefficient 制动滑移附着系数suspension geometry 悬架几何学wheel center 车轮中心wheel alignment车轮定位toe –in (length)前束toe_in (angle)前束角kingpin castor angle 主销后倾角castor 主销后倾矩camber angle 车轮外倾角kingpin inclination 主销内倾kingpin offset 主销偏置距lateral slip 横向滑移量wheel base 轴距track 轮距suspension system mechanics 悬架力学tyre 轮胎new tyre 新胎grown tyre 胀大轮胎pneumatic 充气轮胎tubed tyre 有内胎轮胎tubeless tyre 无内胎轮胎cover 外胎inner tube 内胎flap 垫带tyre type 轮胎类型tyre series 轮胎系列tyre size 轮胎规格tyre marking 轮胎标志speed symbol 速度符号cord 帘线tread wear indicator 胎面磨损标志framework material 骨架材料number of piles 层数ply rating (pr) 层级curing bag 水胎curing bladder 硫化胶囊air bag 气囊reserved old series of tyre 保留生产轮胎truk tyre 载波重汽车轮胎passenger car tyre 轿车轮胎earth-movere tyre 工程机械轮胎industrial tyre 工业车辆轮胎agricultural tyre 农业轮胎logging tyre 林业轮胎animal vehicle tyre 畜力车轮胎aircraft tyre 航空轮胎motorcycle tyre 摩托车轮胎cycle tyre 力车轮胎bicycle tyre 自行车轮胎conventional section tyre 普通断面轮胎low section tyre 低断面轮胎super low section tyre超低断面轮胎wide base tyre 宽基轮胎wide section tyre宽断面轮胎diagonal tyre斜交轮胎radial ply tyre子午线轮胎removable tread tyre活胎面轮胎beaded_edge cycle tyre(b/e)软边力车轮胎wired_edge cycle tyre (w/e)硬边力车轮胎straight side of bicycle tyre (ss)直边自行车轮胎hooked bead of bicycle tyre (hb)钩边自行车轮胎croctchet type of hooked bead or straight side bicycle tyre (ct)钩直型自行车轮胎tubular tyre for bicycle管式自行车轮胎cross_country tyre 越野轮胎sand tyre 沙漠轮胎cast tyre浇注轮胎adjustable inflation pressure tyre调压轮胎foam filled tyre海绵轮胎atmospheric pressure tyre 常压轮胎internal supporter tyre内支撑轮胎arch tyre拱形轮胎elliptical tyre椭圆形轮胎solide tyre 实心轮胎cured_on solid tyre 粘结式实心轮胎pressed_on solid tyre非粘结式实心轮胎cylindrical base solid tyre圆柱实心轮胎conical base solid tyre 斜底实心轮胎anti_static solid tyre抗静电实心轮胎conductive solid tyre导电实心轮胎oil_resistance solid tyre耐油实心轮胎high load capacity solid tyre高负荷实心轮胎tread pattern胎面花纹circumferential pattern纵向花纹transverse pattern横向花纹highway tread pattern公路花纹cross_country tread pattern越野花纹dual purpose tread pattern 混全花纹directional tread pattern定向花纹mud and now pattern雪泥花纹pattern sipe花纹细缝pattern block花纹块pattern rib 花纹条groove花纹沟rib 花纹加强筋pattern angle花纹角度pattern depth花纹深度pattern plan 花纹展开图smooth tread 光胎面cap 胎冠tread胎面tread cap胎面行驶面tread base胎面基部tread slab base胎面基部胶transition rubber of tread 胎面过渡胶breaker缓冲层belt 带束层breaker strip缓冲胶片tie_in strips包边胶cap ply 冠带束carcass胎体cord ply帘布层insulation rubber隔离胶sealing rubber封口胶tyre cavity胎里inside liner内衬层innerliner气密层shoulder 胎肩shoulder area胎肩区shoulder wedge胎肩垫胶sidewall胎侧flexing area屈挠区sidewall rubber胎侧胶decorative sidewall装饰胎侧decorative rib 装饰线fitting line装配线kerbing rib防擦线bead 胎圈bead ring 钢丝圈wire covering钢丝包胶bead core胎圈芯apex三角胶bead reinforcing strip胎圈补强带chafer胎圈包布bead filler rubber胎圈外护胶bead heel胎踵bead toe 胎趾bead base胎圈底部tube body内胎胎身chine导水胶棱venting mark排气眼标志rim轮辋theoretical rim理论轮辋standard rim标准轮辋permitted rim允许轮辋tyre nominal diameter轮胎名义直径tyre nominal width轮胎名义宽度overall width(w)总宽度sectin width(s)断面宽度section height (h)断面高度overall diameter外直径drive axle 驱动桥rigid drive axle 非独立悬架式驱动桥independent suspension drive axle 独立悬架式驱动桥final drive 主减速器single reduction final drive 单级主减速器double reduction final drive 双级主减速器front or rear mounted double reduction final drive 前(后)置式双级主减速器top mounted double reduction final drive 上置式双级主减速器planetary double reduction final drive 行星齿轮式双级主减速器thru-drive 贯通式主减速器single reduction thru-drive 单级贯通式主减速器double reduction thru-drive 双级贯通式主减速器two speed final drive 双速主减速器two speed planetary final drive 行星齿轮式双速主减速器two speed double reduction final drive 双级双级主减速器wheel reductor or hub reductor 轮边减速器planetary wheel reductor 行星圆柱齿轮式轮边减速器differential geared wheel reductor or bevel epicyclic hub reductor行星锥齿轮式轮边减速器spur geared wheel reductor 外啮合圆柱齿轮式轮边减速器differential 差速器inter-wheel 轮间差速器inter-axle 桥间差速器gear differential 齿轮式差速器bevel gear differential 锥齿轮式差速器spur gear differential 圆柱齿轮式差速器limited-slip differential 防滑差速器self-locking type differential 自锁式差速器multi-disc self-locking differential 摩擦片式自锁差速器self-locking differential with side ring and radial cam plate 凸轮滑块式自锁差速器self-locking differential with dog clutch or automotive positive locking differential 自动离合式自锁差速器locking differential 强制锁止式差速器axle housing 桥壳separable carrier-type axle housing or banjo axle housing 整体式桥壳trumpet-type axle housing 可分式桥壳unitized carrier-type axle housing 组合式桥壳axle shaft 半轴full-floating axle shaft 全浮式半轴semi-floating axle shaft 半浮式半轴three-quarter floating axle shaft 四分之三浮式半轴drive axle maximum input torgue 驱动桥最大输入扭矩slip torgue 驱动桥的最大附着扭矩rating axle capacity 驱动桥额定桥荷能力drive axle allowable input torgue 驱动桥额定(允许)输入扭矩drive axle allowable output torgue 驱动桥额定(允许)输出扭矩differential locking factor or bias ratio 差速器锁止系数drive axle ratio 驱动桥减速比drive axle efficiency 驱动桥效率(%)drive axle mass 驱动桥质量steering tie rod 转向横拉杆steering drag link 转向直拉杆steering knuckle arm 转向节臂tie rod arm 梯形臂tie rod linkage or ackermann geometry 梯形机构drive axle 驱动桥rigid drive axle 非独立悬架式驱动桥independent suspension drive axle 独立悬架式驱动桥final drive 主减速器single reduction final drive 单级主减速器double reduction final drive 双级主减速器front or rear mounted double reduction final drive 前(后)置式双级主减速器top mounted double reduction final drive 上置式双级主减速器planetary double reduction final drive 行星齿轮式双级主减速器thru-drive 贯通式主减速器single reduction thru-drive 单级贯通式主减速器double reduction thru-drive 双级贯通式主减速器two speed final drive 双速主减速器two speed planetary final drive 行星齿轮式双速主减速器two speed double reduction final drive 双级双级主减速器wheel reductor or hub reductor 轮边减速器planetary wheel reductor 行星圆柱齿轮式轮边减速器differential geared wheel reductor or bevel epicyclic hub reductor行星锥齿轮式轮边减速器spur geared wheel reductor 外啮合圆柱齿轮式轮边减速器differential 差速器inter-wheel 轮间差速器inter-axle 桥间差速器gear differential 齿轮式差速器bevel gear differential 锥齿轮式差速器spur gear differential 圆柱齿轮式差速器limited-slip differential 防滑差速器self-locking type differential 自锁式差速器multi-disc self-locking differential 摩擦片式自锁差速器self-locking differential with side ring and radial cam plate 凸轮滑块式自锁差速器self-locking differential with dog clutch or automotive positive locking differential 自动离合式自锁差速器locking differential 强制锁止式差速器axle housing 桥壳separable carrier-type axle housing or banjo axle housing 整体式桥壳trumpet-type axle housing 可分式桥壳unitized carrier-type axle housing 组合式桥壳axle shaft 半轴full-floating axle shaft 全浮式半轴semi-floating axle shaft 半浮式半轴three-quarter floating axle shaft 四分之三浮式半轴drive axle maximum input torgue 驱动桥最大输入扭矩slip torgue 驱动桥的最大附着扭矩rating axle capacity 驱动桥额定桥荷能力drive axle allowable input torgue 驱动桥额定(允许)输入扭矩drive axle allowable output torgue 驱动桥额定(允许)输出扭矩differential locking factor or bias ratio 差速器锁止系数drive axle ratio 驱动桥减速比drive axle efficiency 驱动桥效率(%)drive axle mass 驱动桥质量steering tie rod 转向横拉杆steering drag link 转向直拉杆steering knuckle arm 转向节臂tie rod arm 梯形臂tie rod linkage or ackermann geometry 梯形机构steering system 转向系manual steering system 机械转向系power steering system 动力转向系steering control mechanism 转向操纵机构steering universal joint 转向万向节steering inner articulated shaft 转向传动轴steering column 转向管柱steering shaft 转向轴steering wheel 转向盘(方向盘)manual steering gear 机械转向器worm and roller steering gear 涡杆滚轮式转向器cover of steering gear 转向器盖housing 壳体steering worm 转向蜗杆roller 滚轮roller shaft 滚轮轴side cover 侧盖pitman arm shaft ,sector shaft 摇臂轴(齿扇轴)recirculating ball steering gear 循环球式转向器recirculating ball-rack and sector steering gear 循环球-齿条齿扇式转向器steering nut 转向螺母ball 钢球steering screw 转向螺杆recirculating ball-lever and peg steering gear 循环球-曲柄销式转向器stud ,peg 指销worm and peg steering gear 蜗杆指销式转向器rack and pinion steering gear 齿轮齿条式转向器steering pinion 转向齿轮steering rack 转向齿条power steering gear 动力转向器integral power steering gear 整体式动力转向器semi-integral power steering gear 半整体式动力转向器“constant pressure”hydraulic power steering gear 常压式液压动力转向器“constant flow”hydraulic power steering gear 常流式液压动力转向器control value 转向控制阀spool valvetype 滑阀式转向控制阀valve housing 阀体valve spool 滑阀rotary valve type 转阀式转向控制阀rotary valve 转阀torsion bar 扭杆power cylinder 转向动力缸power steering pump 转向油泵oil reservoir 转向油罐steering linkage 转向传动机构pitman arm 转向摇臂steering drag link 转向直拉杆end plug 端部螺塞ball stud 球头销ball cup 球头座compression spring 压缩弹簧drag link 直拉杆steering knuckle arm,steering arm 转向节臂tie rod linkage,ackermann geometry 梯形机构single tie rod type tie tod linkage 整体式梯形机构tie rod arm 梯形臂steering tie tod 转向横拉杆socker 接头tie tod 横拉杆split tie tod type tie tod linkage 分段式梯形机构swing arm 摇臂steering system angle ratio 转向系角传动比steering gear angle ratio 转向器角传动比steering linkage angle ratio 转向传动机构角传动比steering gear efficiency 转向器传动效率forward efficiency 正效率reverse efficiency 逆效率steering system stiffness 转向系刚度total number of steering wheel turns 转向盘总圈数torsional stiffness of steering gear 转向器扭转刚度total turns of steering gear 转向器总圈数free play of steering wheel 转向盘自由行程steering gear clearance 转向器传动间隙max.rotating angle of pitman arm shaft 摇臂轴最大转角max.swing angle of steering pitman arm 转向摇臂最大摆角rotating torque of steering gear 转向器转动力矩reverse rotating torque of steering gear 转向器反驱动力矩steering moment 转向力矩steering resisting torque 转向阻力矩steering gear max.output torque 转向器最大输出扭矩max.working pressure 最大工作压力rated working pressure 额定工作压力theoretical displacement of pump 转向油泵理论排量limited flow 限制流量pre-opened play of steering control valve 转向控制阀预开隙totally-opened play of steering control valve 转向控制阀全开隙internal leakage in steering control valve 转向控制阀内泄漏量pressure lossess in steering control valve 转向控制阀压力降steering gear angle ratio characteristic 转向器角传动比特性steering gear clearance characteristic 转向器传动间隙特性steering gear efficiency characteristic 转向器传动效率特性steering force characteristic 转向力特性power steering system response characteristic 动力转向系灵敏度特性steering control valve pressure losses characteristic 转向控制阀压力降特性steering control valve response characteristic 转向控制阀灵敏度特性the terms and definitions of braking of automotive vehicles and their trailers—types, constituent elements, braking mechanics and phenomenon of barking system 汽车和挂车制动名词术语及其定义制动系种类、组成、力学及现象braking equipment制动装备braking system制动系service braking system行车制动系(常用制动系)emergency braking system应急制动系parking braking system驻车制动系auxiliary braking system辅助制动系automatic braking system自动制动系muscular energy braking system人力制动系non-muscular energy braking system动力制动系servo braking system伺服制动系energy assisted braking system助力制动系inertia braking system惯性制动系gravity braking system重力制动系air braking system气压制动系(气制动系)hydraulic braking system液压制动系electromagnetic braking system电磁制动系mechanical braking system机械制动系combination braking system组合制动系single-circuit braking system单回路制动系dual-circuit braking system双回路制动系multi-circuit braking system多回路制动系single-line braking system单管(线)路制动系dual-line braking system双管(线)路制动系multi-line braking system多管(线)路制动系continuous braking system连续制动系semi-continuous braking system半连续制动系non-continuous braking system非连续制动系gradual braking渐进制动constituent elements组成部分energy supplying device供能装置braking energy source制动能源control device控制装置transmission device传能装置brake制动器friction brake摩擦式制动器drum brake鼓式制动器internal expanding drum brake内张型鼓式制动器two leading shoe brake双领蹄式制动器(2L式制动器)two trailing shoe brake双从蹄式制动器(2T式制动器)duo two leading shoe brake双向双领蹄式制动器(D2L式制动器)duo two trailing shoe brake双向双从蹄式制动器(D2T式制动器)leading trailing shoe brake领从蹄式制动器(LT式制动器)uni-servo brake单向伺服式制动器(US式制动器)duo-servo brake双向伺服式制动器(DS式制动器)external contracting drum brake外收缩型鼓式制动器band brake带式制动器disc brake盘式制动器caliper disc brake钳盘式制动器disc brake with fixed caliper定钳盘式制动器disc brake with floating caliper浮钳盘式制动器floating disc brake浮盘式制动器complete disc brake全盘式制动器cam brake凸轮张开式制动器wedge brake楔式制动器wheel cylinder brake轮缸(柱塞)式制动器positive engagement brake刚性接合式制动器(锁止式制动器)retarder缓速装置(缓速器)retarder by combustion engine发动机缓速装置retarder by electric traction motor电机缓速装置hydro-dynamic retarder液力缓速器aerodynamic retarder空气动力缓速装置electromagnetic retarder电磁缓速器braking line制动管(线)路feed line供能管(线)路actuating line促动管(线)路pilot line操纵管(线)路supply line供给管(线)路control line控制管(线)路common line共用管(线)路emergency line应急管(线)路additional device附加装置auxiliary device辅助装置alarm device报警装置alarm pressure报警压力protection pressure device保护压力装置protection pressure保护压力application pressure of brake shoe assembly制动蹄作用压力release pressure of brake shoe assembly制动蹄放松压力device to apply correction to braking force制动力调节装置anti-lock device车轮防抱死装置sensor传感器controller控制器modulator调节器individual wheel control单轮控制multi wheel control多轮控制axle control轴控制side control边控制diagonal control对角控制combined multi-axle control组合多轴控制variable selection可变选择select-low低选择select-high高选择predetermined selection预定选择selection by wheel车轮选择average selection平均选择minimum control speed最低控制速度sensor signal传感器信号resolution rare (of an impulse wheel speed sensor分辨率(脉冲式车轮速度传感器的分辨率)control cycle控制周期control frequency控制频率braking mechanics制动力学control force控制力Fcapplication force作用力Fsbraking torque制动力矩Mftotal braking force总制动力Ffdisturbing residual braking torque干扰后效制动力矩braking force distribution rate制动力分配率braking efficiency factor制动因数Zbrake efficiency factor制动器效能因数brake shoe efficiency factor制动蹄效能因数Cbraking system hysteresis制动系的滞后brake hysteresis制动器的滞后instant at which the movement of the control device begins控制装置开始作用时刻t0instant at which the deceleration begins减速度开始产生的时刻t1instant at which the deceleration begins to be approximately stable减速度接近于稳定的开始时刻t2instant at which the deceleration begins to decrease rapidly减速度开始急剧下降时刻t3instant at which the deceleration ceases减速度终止时刻t4reaction time of driver驾驶员反应时间actuating time促动时间mechanism hysteresis time机构滞后时间build-up time增长时间active braking time有效制动时间release time放松时间main braking time主制动时间total braking time总制动时间stopping time停车时间stopping distance停车距离total braking distance总制动距离active braking distance有效制动距离pedal travel踏板行程free pedal travel踏板自由行程maximum pedal travel踏板最大行程braking work制动功Winstantaneous braking power瞬时制动功率Pinitial speed of braking制动初速度v1final speed of braking制动终速度v2braking deceleration制动减速度a instantaneous braking deceleration瞬时制动减速度am mean braking deceleration平均制动减速度amax maximum braking deceleration最大制动减速度phenomenon on braking course制动过程中的现象heat fade热衰退water fade水衰退recovery恢复over recovery过恢复build up增强(突升)braking vapour lock制动气阻cracks龟裂heat cracks热龟裂braking drag制动拖滞cold braking sickness冷制动痹病brake chatter制动颤振brake noise制动噪声wheel lock车轮抱死braking deviation from制动跑偏braking swerve制动甩尾braking jack-knifing制动折叠braking hop制动跳动braking failure制动失效braking skid制动滑移braking nose dive制动点头The terms and definitions of braking of automotive vehicles and their trailers —The parts and components of braking equipment汽车和挂车制动名词术语及其定义零部件vacuum pump真空泵ejector喷射器vacuum tank真空罐(真空筒)air compressor空压机(压气机)cylinder head气缸盖cylinder block气缸体piston活塞piston ring活塞环connecting rod连杆piston pin活塞销crank shaft曲轴intake valve进气阀exhaust valve排气阀air storage reservoir储气罐(储气筒)pressure regulating valve调压阀single check valve (check valve) 单向阀(止回阀)filter滤清器air intake filter进气滤清器air exhaust filter排气滤清器line filter管路滤清器strainer滤网(芯)oil and water separator油水分离器anti-freezer防冻器air dryer空气干燥器drain valve排放阀pressure protection valve压力保护阀service braking pedal device常用行车制动踏板装置braking pedal制动踏板pedal pad踏板护套pedal bracket踏板支架bushing衬套collar套管axis pin销轴return spring回位弹簧parking braking control device驻车制动操纵装置control lever操纵杆control lever bracket操纵杆支架control lever guide collar操纵杆导套rod rack (rat chet) 齿杆(棘轮)ratchet pawl棘爪control cable操纵缆绳equalizer平衡臂pull rod (pull wire) 拉杆(拉绳)pull rod guide collar (pull wire guide collar) 拉杆导套(拉杆绳导套)air brake valve气制动阀single-chamber air brake valve单腔气制动阀plunger推杆air valve气阀equalizing spring平衡弹簧diaphragm膜片dual-chamber air brake valve双腔气制动阀series dual-chamber air brake valve串列式双腔气制动阀parallel dual-chamber air brake valve并列式双腔气制动阀triple-chamber air brake valve三腔气制动阀three way control valve三通路控制阀dual way check valve双向止回阀(双通换向阀)relay valve继动阀quick release valve快放阀relay and quick release valve继动快放阀trailer braking valve挂车制动阀trailer braking relay emergency valve挂车制动应急继动阀trailer braking protection valve挂车制动保护阀trailer braking relax valve挂车制动放松阀hand braking valve手控制动阀brake master cylinder制动主缸compensating brake master cylinder有补尝孔式制动主缸master cylinder body主缸缸体cup protector皮碗防护垫primary cup主皮碗ring cup (secondary cup) 皮圈(副皮碗)spring seat弹簧座piston stopper活塞挡圈snap ring卡环master cylinder push rod主缸推杆clevis连接叉boot防尘罩(套)residual valve残留阀fluid reservoir储液室fluid reservoir cap储液室盖pertless brake master cylinder无补偿孔式制动主缸inlet valve进油阀series dual-chamber brake master cylinder串列双腔式制动主缸first piston第一活塞secondary piston第二活塞wheel cylinder轮缸servo mechanism (booster) 伺服机构(助力器)vacuum booster真空助力器reaction lever反馈杠杆reaction plate反馈盘servo valve伺服阀reaction plunge反馈柱塞 rservo piston (boosting piston) 伺服活塞(助力活塞)servo diaphragm (boosting diaphragm) 伺服膜片(助力膜片)vacuum intensifier真空增压器control valve body控制阀体valve spring阀门弹簧control diaphragm return spring控制膜片回位弹簧control diaphragm控制膜片control piston控制活塞control piston cup控制活塞皮碗auxiliary cylinder body辅助缸缸体hydraulic piston液压活塞hydraulic valve液压阀end plate端盖air booster气压助力器air over hydraulic intensifier (air over hydraulic booster) 气压—液压增压器(气顶油助力器)brake line制动管(线)路wire (cable of wire) 导线(电缆)pipe unit (brake pipe unit) 管件(制动管组件)rigid pipe刚性管semi-rigid pipe半刚性管hose (brake hose) 软管(制动软管)hydraulic hose液压软管hose protector软管保护管hose clip软管卡子air brake hose气制动软管jumper hose跨接软管bridge pipe桥式管pipe fittings管接头(管连接件)compression fittings压力接头fittings body接头体sealing ring密封圈pressure ring压力环pipe seat (sealing pipe seat) 管座(密封管座)pipe nut管螺母thrust fittings推力接头fitting body with inner conical seat内锥座接头体quick fittings快速接头jumper hose connections (pneumatic braking connections跨接软管连接器(气制动管连接器)brake chamber制动气室diaphragm brake chamber膜片式制动气室piston brake chamber活塞式制动气室energy storage spring brake chamber储能弹簧制动气室energy storage spring chamber储能弹簧室energy storage spring储能弹簧energy storage spring release machanism储能弹簧放松机构follower随动件pusher推杆lock brake chamber锁止式制动气室lock chamber锁止腔lock spring锁止弹簧wedge ring楔环brake shoe actuator制动蹄促动器brake camshaft制动凸轮轴drum brake鼓式制动器brake drum制动鼓brake bottom plate 制动底板friction lining制动衬片(摩擦片)brake shoe制动蹄brake shoe assembly制动蹄总成lash adjusting device间隙调整装置adjusting arm调整臂adjusting arm assembly调整臂总成brake shoe hold down spring制动蹄限位弹簧brake shoe return spring制动蹄回位弹簧fixed brake shoe abutment制动蹄支承轴brake shoe abutment.制动蹄支承座(架)anchor pin.支承销anchor plate支承块brake shoe link制动蹄导板parking brake lever驻车制动杠杆parking brake push-rod驻车制动推杆disk brake盘式制动器brake disk制动盘brake caliper制动钳brake caliper plate yoke制动钳板臂brake caliper mounting bracket制动钳安装架brake pad assembly制动块总成brake pad制动衬块(摩擦块)brake pad back plate制动衬块(摩擦块)背板exhaust retarder排气缓速器exhaust shutter valve排气节流阀intake silencer进气消声器control cylinder控制缸electromagnetic valve.电磁阀electromagnetic retarder电磁缓速器discal rotor.盘形转子stationary electromagnets定子电磁铁组stationary torus环形定子electromagnet core电磁铁芯field winding (field coil) .激磁线圈hydrodynamic retarder液力缓速器double runner rotor双叶片转子drain pipe排液管pressure limiting valve限压阀proportioning valve.比例阀different diameter piston异径活塞(组)valve body.阀体pressure control spring.压力控制弹簧valve spring阀弹簧valve.阀inertia proportioning valve惯性比例阀inertia ball惯性球ball valve seat球阀座oading sensing proportioning valve感载比例阀loading sensing pressure limiting valve.感载限压阀inertia anti-lock device惯性防抱死装置electro anti-lock device电子防抱死装置warning device报警装置vacuum warning switch.真空报警开关low pressure warning switch低压报警开关level warning switch液面报警开关safety cylinder安全缸check bolt.抑止螺栓check nut.抑止螺母air bleed valve空气溢流阀safety valve安全阀pressure-gradient control valve压差控制阀(优先阀)pider single check valve十字单向阀sever switch.换通开关braking light switch.制动灯开关shut-off switch分离开关air gauge气压表Spring 弹簧Helical spring 螺旋弹簧Cylindrically helical spring 圆柱螺旋弹簧Cylindrically helical compression spring 圆柱螺旋压缩弹簧Cylindrically helical torsion spring 圆柱螺旋扭转弹簧Stranded helical wire spring 多股螺旋弹簧Non-cylinder helical spring 非圆柱弹簧圈螺旋弹簧Non-linder feature helical spring 非线形特性螺旋弹簧Variable pitch Cylindrically helical spring 不等节距圆柱螺旋弹簧Barrel shaped helical spring 中凸形螺旋弹簧Hourglass shaped helical spring 中凹形螺旋弹簧Leaf spring 板弹簧Semi-elliptic spring 弓形板弹簧Constant rate semi-elliptic spring 变刚度弓形板弹簧Variable across leaf spring 变截面弓形板弹簧Full elliptic spring 椭圆形板弹簧Constant rate full elliptic leaf spring 等刚度椭圆形板弹簧Variable rate full elliptic leaf spring 变刚度椭圆形板弹簧Cantilever leaf spring 悬臂板弹簧Disc spring(Belleville spring) 碟形弹簧Single piece disc spring 单片碟形弹簧Combined disc spring 组合碟形弹簧Diaphragm spring 膜片弹簧Spiral spring 涡卷弹簧Flat spiral spring 平面涡卷弹簧Non-contact flat spiral spring 非接触形平面涡卷弹簧Contact flat spiral spring接触形平面涡卷弹簧Constant-force spring 恒力弹簧Valute spiral spring 截锥涡卷弹簧Flake spring 片弹簧Non-linearity flake spring 非线性片弹簧Linearity flake spring 线性片弹簧Serpentine spring 蛇形弹簧Rubber spring 橡胶弹簧Compression rubber spring 压缩式橡胶弹簧Shear rubber spring 减切式橡胶弹簧Retortion rubber spring 扭转式橡胶弹簧Combined rubber spring 组合式橡胶弹簧Laminated rubber spring 层状橡胶弹簧Sleeved rubber spring 衬套式橡胶弹簧Air spring 空气弹簧Bellows type air spring 囊式空气弹簧Single convolution bellows type air spring 单曲囊式空气弹簧Double convolution bellows type air spring 双曲囊式空气弹簧Three convolution bellows type air spring 三曲囊式空气弹簧Diaphragm air type spring膜式空气弹簧Constrained diaphragm air type spring约束膜式空气弹簧Free diaphragm air type spring自由膜式空气弹簧Combined type air spring 混合式空气弹簧Telescopic air spring 套筒式空气弹簧Pneumo-hydraulic spring 液力空气弹簧Gas spring 气弹簧Compression gas spring 压缩气弹簧Locking gas spring 可锁定式气弹簧Gas spring with gas source 带气源气弹簧Ring type spring 环形弹簧Torsion bar spring 扭杆弹簧Stabilizer bar 稳定杆Line spring 线弹簧Oil seal spring 油封弹簧Rubber-metal spring 橡胶-金属弹簧弹簧设计和工艺的术语specified load 工作负荷ultimate load 极限负荷test load 试验负荷load at solid position 压并负荷stress at solid position 压并应力deflection 挠度deflection at ultimate load 极限负荷下的变形量deflection at test load 试验负荷下的变形量spring characteristic 弹簧特性spring rate 弹簧刚度dynamic spring rate 弹簧动刚度spring flexibility 弹簧柔度initial tension load 初拉力working torsion angle 工作扭转角ultimate torsion angle 极限扭转角test torsion angle 试验扭转角free height(length) 自由高度(长度)free angle 自由角度working height(lengh) 工作高度(长度)height at test load 试验负荷下的高度solid height 压并高度total number of coil 总圈数number of active coils 有效圈数number of end coils 支承圈数mean diameter of coil 弹簧中径outer diameter of coil 弹簧外径inside diameter of coil 弹簧内径diameter of line 线径space 间距pitch 节距direction of coils 旋向spring index旋向比slenderness ratio 高径比active length 作用长度camber 弧高camber of a leaf 单片弧高camber under static leaf 静载弧高free camber 自由弧高span 弦长free span自由弦长Span under load 负荷弦长flat span 伸直长main leaf主片auxiliary leaf 副片def1ectioll 弹性变形setting load预压负荷eye parallelism 吊耳平行度eye perpendicularity 吊耳垂直度diameter of eye 吊耳孔径width 0f eye吊耳宽度assembly clamp breadth总成夹紧宽度stress 应力stress rate 比应力bush 衬套Center bolt 中心螺栓spring bucket 弹簧卡箍diameter of wire cord 索径pitch of wire cord 索距twist ang1e of strands 索拧角width of contact surface 支承面宽度free height or disc spring 碟簧自由高度thickness of disc spring 碟簧厚度inner diameter of disc spring 碟簧内径0Uter diameter of disc spring 碟簧外径free height of combined disc spring 组合碟簧自由高度coefficient for width or contact surface 支承面宽度系数radial pitch 径向节距axial pitch 轴向节距deflection of first bottoming 初始触合变形量load at first bottoming 初始触合负荷curvature cowection factor 曲度系数internal air pressure 内压working pressure 工作压力effective area 有效面积effective diameter 有效直径design height 设计高度basic spring volume 附加容积total volume 总容积auxiliary air reservoir 附加空气室changing behavior of effective area 有效面积变化特性equivalent deflection 当量挠度cord bias angle 帘线角load area 承载面积free area 自由面积elasticity modulus 弹性模量modulus at compression 压缩摸量modulus in shear 切变摸量rubber hardness 橡胶硬度relief stress 消除应力relaxation 松弛permanent deformation 永久变形temporary deformation 暂时变形setting 立定处理hot-setting 加温立定处理prestressing 强压(拉、扭)处理hot-prestressing 加温强压(拉、扭)spring safe factor 弹簧安全系数fatigue test 疲劳试验impact test 冲击试验model test 模拟试验fast shelve test(pluck torsion) 速压(拉、扭)试验shot blast 喷丸liquid shot blast 液体喷九A1men test spring 阿尔曼试片everoment test 环境试验x ray stress measurement x线应力测定。
blender建模常见英文单词属性Attribute属性统计Attribute Statistic域大小Domain Size模糊属性Blur Attribute捕捉属性Capture Attribute删除已命名属性Remove Named Attribute 存储已命名属性Store- Named Attribute 输入>Constant I nput>Constant布尔Boolean颜色Color图像Image整数Integer材质Material字符串型String值(明度)Value矢量Vector输入>群组Input>Group组输入Group Input输入>场景Input>Scene集合信息Collection Info图像信息Image Info是否视图Is Viewport物体信息Object Info自身物体Self Object场景时间Scene Time输出Output组输出Group Output预览器Viewer几何数据>读取Geometry>ReadID ID编号Index已命名属性Named Attribute法向Normal位置Position半径Radius几何数据>采样Geometry>Sample 几何接近Geometry Proximity光线投射Raycast采样编号Sample Index采样最近Sample Nearest 几何数据>写入Geometry>Write设置ID Set ID设置位置Set Position几何数据>操作Geometry>Operations 边界框Bounding Box凸壳Convex Hull删除几何体Delete Geometry复制元素Duplicate Elements按距离合并Merge by Distance变换几何体Transform Geometry分离元素Separate Components分离几何体Separate Geometry几何数据Geometry合并几何Join Geometry几何到实例Geometry to Instance曲线>读取Curve>Read曲线控制柄位置Curve Handle Positions 曲线长度Curve Length曲线切向Curve Tangent曲线倾斜Curve Tilt端点选择Endpoint Selection控制柄类型选择Handle Type Selection 是否闭合样条线Is Spline Cyclic样条线长度Spline Length样条线参数Spline Parameter样条线精度Spline Resolution曲线>采样Curve>Sample采样曲线Sample Curve曲线>写入Curve>Write设置曲线法向Set Curve Normal设置曲线半径Set Curve Radius平滑曲线倾斜Set Curve Tilt设置控制柄位置Set Handle Positions设置控制柄类型Set Handle Type设置样条线闭合Set Spline Cyclic设置样条线精度Set Spline Resolution 设置样条线类型Set Spline Type曲线>操作Curve>Operations曲线->网格C urve to Mesh曲线->点Curve to Points在表面上变形曲面Deform Curves on Surface填充曲线Fill Curve圆角曲线Fillet Curve插值曲线Interpolate Curves曲线重采样Resample Curve反转曲线Reverse Curve细分曲线Subdivide Curve修剪曲线Trim Curve曲线>基本体Curve>Primitives圆弧Arc贝塞尔线段Bezier Segment曲线圆环Curve Circle曲线直线Curve Line曲线螺旋Curve Spiral二次型贝塞尔Quadratic Bezier四边形Quadrilateral星形Star曲线>拓扑Curve>Topology偏移曲线中的点Offset Point in Curve点所属曲线Curve of Point曲线点Points of Curve实例Instances实例化于点上Instance on Points实例到点Instances to Points实现实例Realize Instances旋转实例Rotate Instances缩放实例Scale Instances平移实例Translate Instances实例旋转Instance Rotation实例缩放Instance Scale网格>读取Mesh>Read边夹角Edge Angle边的邻面Edge Neighbors边的顶点Edge Vertices边到面组Edges to Face Groups面的面积Face Area面的邻项Face Neighbors 面组边界Face Group Boundaries面是否平直Is Face Planar是否平滑着色Is Shade Smooth网格孤岛Mesh Island最短边路径Shortest Edge Paths顶点的邻项Vertex Neighbors网格>采样Mesh>Sample采样最近的表面Sample Nearest Surface 采样UV表面Sample UV Surface网格>写入Mesh>Write设置着色平滑Set Shade Smooth网格>操作Mesh>Operations对偶网格Dual Mesh边路径到曲线Edge Paths to Curves边路径到选中项Edge Paths to Selection 挤出网格Extrude Mesh翻转面Flip Faces网格布尔Mesh Boolean网格->曲线M esh to Curve网格->点Mesh to Points网格到体积Mesh to Volume缩放元素Scale Elements拆分边Split Edges细分网格Subdivide Mesh表面细分Subdivision Surface三角化Triangulate网格>基本体Mesh>Primitives锥形Cone立方体Cube柱体Cylinder栅格Grid棱角球Ico Sphere网格圆Mesh Circle网格直线Mesh Line经纬球UV Sphere网格>拓扑Mesh>Topology面拐Corners of Face顶点的角Corners of Vertex拐角边Edges of Corner顶点的边Edges of Vertex拐角面Face of Comer面内拐角偏移Offset Corner in Face 拐角的顶点Vertex of Corner网格>UV Mesh>UV拼排UV孤岛Pack UV IslandsUV展开UV Unwrap点Point分布点于体积内Distribute Points in Volume 分布点于面上Distribute Points on Faces点Points点->顶点Points to Vertices点到体积Points to Volume设置点半径Set Point Radius体积(音量)Volume体积立方体Volume Cube体积->网格V olume to Mesh材质Material替换材质Replace Material材质编号Material Index材质选择Material Selection设置材质Set Material设置材质编号Set Material Index纹理Texture砖墙纹理Brick Texture棋盘格纹理Checker Texture渐变纹理Gradient Texture图像纹理Image Texture迷幻纹理Magic Texture马氏分形纹理Musgrave Texture噪波纹理Noise Texture沃罗诺伊纹理Voronoi Texture波浪纹理Wave Texture白噪波纹理White Noise Texture 实用工具>颜色Utilities>Color 颜色渐变ColorRampRGB曲线RGB Curves合并颜色Combine Color混合颜色Mix Color分离颜色Separate Color实用工具>文本Utilities>Text 合并字符串Join Strings替换字符串Replace String字符串切片Slice String字符串长度String Length字符串>曲线String to Curves 数值>字符串Value to String 特殊字符Special Characters 实用工具>矢量Utilities>Vector 矢量曲线Vector Curves矢量运算Vector Math矢量旋转Vector Rotate合并XYZ Combine XYZ混合矢量Mix Vector分离XYZ Separate XYZ实用工具>场Utilities>Field累积场Accumulate Field在编号处评估Evaluate at Index 在域上评估Evaluate on Domain实用工具>运算Utilities>Math 布尔运算Boolean Math钳制Clamp比较Compare浮点曲线Float Curve小数(浮点型)转整数Float to Integer 映射范围Map Range运算Math混合Mix实用工具>旋转Utilities>Rotation 对齐欧拉至矢量Align Euler to Vector 欧拉旋转Rotate Euler实用工具Utilities随机值Random Value切換Switch群组Group建立组Make Group解散组Ungroup组输入Group Input组输出Group Output布局Layout框Frame转接点Reroute。
opendrive格式 geometry 计算公式
二、直线计算公式在opendrive格式中,直线是一种最简单的几何形状,其方程可以表示为:```mathy = kx + b```其中,k为直线的斜率,b为直线的截距。
通常我们可以通过两个点的坐标计算直线的斜率和截距,公式如下:```mathk = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)b = y1 - kx1```其中,(x1, y1)和(x2, y2)为直线上的两个点的坐标。
三、圆弧计算公式在opendrive格式中,圆弧是另一种常见的几何形状,其方程可以表示为:```math(x - a)^2 + (y - b)^2 = r^2```其中,(a, b)为圆弧的圆心坐标,r为圆弧的半径。
计算圆弧的长度和弧度需要使用一些特定的公式,包括:- 圆弧长度公式:```mathL = r * θ```其中,L为圆弧的长度,r为圆弧的半径,θ为圆弧的弧度。
- 圆弧弧度公式:```mathθ = L / r```其中,θ为圆弧的弧度,L为圆弧的长度,r为圆弧的半径。
四、螺旋线计算公式在opendrive格式中,螺旋线是一种复杂的几何形状,其方程可以表示为:```mathx = r * cos(θ)``````mathy = r * sin(θ)```其中,r为螺旋线的半径,θ为螺旋线的旋转角度。
计算螺旋线的长度和弧度需要使用一些特定的公式,包括:- 螺旋线长度公式:```mathL = r * θ```其中,L为螺旋线的长度,r为螺旋线的半径,θ为螺旋线的旋转角度。
- 螺旋线弧度公式:```mathθ = L / r```其中,θ为螺旋线的旋转角度,L为螺旋线的长度,r为螺旋线的半径。
KC仿真分析基于ADAMS软件进行K&C仿真分析包括6大项分析内容:1平行轮跳运动2侧倾运动3纵向力加载4侧向力加载5回正力矩加载6转向运动1平行轮跳运动Parallel Wheel TravelADAMS软件中,轮心纵向位移向后为正,轮心侧向位移向内为正。
1.1前束角随轮跳变化Toe Change前束角[toe_angle]与轮心垂向位移[wheel_travel]的关系:图Toe Change1.2车轮外倾角随轮跳变化Camber Change车轮外倾角[camber_angle]与轮心垂向位移[wheel_travel]的关系:图Camber Change1.3主销后倾角随轮跳变化Caster Change主销后倾角[caster_angle]与轮心垂向位移[wheel_travel]的关系:图Wheel Rate也可以直接得到轮心处悬架刚度[wheel_rate]与轮心垂向位移[wheel_travel]的关系:图Wheel Rate1.7轮胎接地点处得到的悬架刚度Ride Rate应得到轮胎接地点处垂向载荷与轮胎接地点垂向位移的关系,轮胎接地点位移难以输出。
可以直接得到轮胎接地点处悬架刚度[ride_rate]与轮心垂向位移[wheel_travel]的关系:图Ride Rate2侧倾运动Opposite Wheel TravelADAMS软件中,左轮下跳右轮上跳时,侧倾角为正,侧倾力矩也为正;车轮转角向右转为正。
2.1前束角随轮跳变化Toe Change前束角[toe_angle]与轮心垂向位移[wheel_travel]的关系:图Toe Change2.2车轮外倾角随侧倾角变化Camber Change车轮外倾角[camber_angle]与接地点侧倾角[roll_angle/at_contact_patches]的关系:图Camber Change2.3轮心处得到的悬架刚度Wheel Rate轮心处垂向载荷[left(right)_tire_force/normal]与轮心垂向位移[wheel_travel]的关系,曲线斜率即为悬架刚度:图Wheel Rate2.4轮胎接地点得到的侧倾刚度Total Roll Rate接地点处的侧倾力矩(由侧倾刚度[total_roll_rate]与侧倾角[roll_angle]相乘得到)与接地点处的侧倾角[roll_angle/at_contact_patches]的关系,曲线斜率即为侧倾刚度:图Total Roll Rate2.5轮胎接地点得到的侧倾刚度(断开稳定杆)Total Roll Rate Without ARB移除稳定杆后,接地点处的侧倾力矩(由侧倾刚度[total_roll_rate]与侧倾角[roll_angle]相乘得到)与接地点处的侧倾角[roll_angle/at_contact_patches]的关系,曲线斜率即为侧倾刚度:图Total Roll Rate Without ARB2.6侧倾转向量Roll Steer左右轮转角均值(左轮转角[steer_angle/left]与右轮转角[steer_angle/right]取均值)与接地点处的侧倾角[roll_angle/at_contact_patches]的关系,曲线斜率即为侧倾转向量:图Roll Steer2.7轮心处得到的侧倾刚度应为轮心处的侧倾力矩与轮心处的侧倾角的关系,轮心处的侧倾力矩难以输出。
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Designing Steering GeometryWhen you’re designing steering kinematics,the goal is to orient the tire to the road in the optimal orienta-tion.But,how do you know the optimal orientation?Tire data,of course!One of the basic decisions when designing a steer-ing system is how much Ackermann you want.The answer to this is determined directly by the tire char-acteristics,and you can answer this question by us-ing OptimumT in a clever way.So,let’s try it!We will design the steering geom-etry for a small autocross car (210kg )as an example.The data that we’ll use was collected at Calspan by the FSAE TTC (Tire Testing Consortium).Since we’re using a race car for the example,our goal is to generate the maximum lateral force from the tires.We’ll start by taking raw tire data that was collected on a tire testing machine and import it into Opti-mumT.Next we’ll fit a Pacejka 2002tire model to this data using the OptimumT Model Fitting Tool.For more information about this process,please re-fer to the OptimumT documentation.What we end up with is shown in Figure1.Once we have a tire model,we can use Opti-mumT’s visualization tools to look at some derived quantities.We can also use the OptimumT Add-In to directly incorporate the tire model into Excel or Matlab.We’ll look at the slip angle at which the peak lateral force occurs at different loads and cam-ber angles.This will allow us to design the steering geometry to suit the tire.Before we get to that,how-ever,we need to find the vertical load and camber of each of the front wheels.We’ll do this in two steps:first using a simple method,then a more accurate way.Simplified Steering GeometryIf,for a moment,we ignore the camber of the front tires,we can find the desired Ackermann angle very easily.We need to estimate the maximum lateral ac-celeration that the car can achieve.We can do this by constructing a simple weight transfer spreadsheet and by using OptimumT.We need to know the mass of the car (for now we’ll ignore the non-suspendedFigure 1:Tire data and modelweight transfer),the CG height,the weight distribu-tion,the front and rear roll stiffnesses and the track.For this example,the vehicle configuration used is shown in Table 1.Mass (m )210kg Weight Distribution (ρ)45%front CG Height (h )140mm Front Track (t f )1300mm Front Roll Stiffness (K f )220Nm/o Rear Roll Stiffness (F r )200Nm/oTable 1:Basic vehicle parametersTo calculate the lateral weight transfer,we’ll use the following formulas:M roll =A y mh(1)θroll =M rollK f +Kr (2)F zr =0.5ρmg +θroll K ft f (3)F zl =0.5ρmg −θroll K ft f(4)A y =(F yr +F yl )ρm(5)•A y is the lateral acceleration •M roll is the roll moment •θroll is the roll angleFigure 2:Maximum lateral force versus load •F z r and F z l are the right and left tire vertical loads•F y r and F y l are the right and left tire lateral forces•g is the acceleration due to gravityWe’ll perform an iterative calculation to find the maximum lateral acceleration using the equations ing Figure2,we will also use them to find the vertical load on the two front tires.This vertical load will be used to find the ideal slip angle.We find that the right tire has a vertical load of 686N and the left tire has a load of 241N .In these calcula-tions,we implicitly assume that the front axle is the limiting axle;thus the car has terminal understeer.We can use OptimumT to plot Ideal Slip Angle versus Normal Load (Figure 3).By picking out the slip angle at the two vertical loads that we calculated earlier,we find that the outside tire should operate at 4.38o slip angle and the inside tire should operate at 4.11o .This can be used to find the appropriate steering geometry,and indicates that that the car needs positive Ackermann.More Advanced Steering GeometryWe can improve the calculations by including the camber.We could do this by using graphs created in Figure 3:Ideal slip angle versus loadFigure 4:Example of OptimumT Add-In use in Ex-celOptimumT,but an easier way is by using the Opti-mumT Add-In.This allows you to make calculations with OptimumT inside Excel or Matlab.For exam-ple,if you want to find the lateral force calculated by a tire model that you created in OptimumT,you can easily do this with the OptimumT Add-In.This is shown in Figure 4.To find the desired steering geometry,we can cre-ate a new spreadsheet in Excel that calculates the lateral weight transfer when both front tires are gen-erating the peak lateral force.The finished spread-sheet is show in figure 5.The same formulas used in the simplified calcula-tions for the weight transfer are used here.In these calculations,we can use the OptimumT Add-In tofind the maximum lateral force that the tire can gen-erate.We use the OptimumT Add-In function:CalculateFyPeakNegative()Figure5:Ackermann design spreadsheetBy using this function in the Excel spreadsheet, we can automate the process offinding the maximumlateral acceleration.We create a"circular reference" in the spreadsheet and Excel will automatically per-form an iterative calculation.To complete the rest of the calculation,we need a little bit more information about the vehicle.For this example,we use the following vehicle parame-ters.The parameters given earlier still apply.Wheelbase(l)1650mmCamber Coefficient(C)−0.6o/oStatic Camber(γ0)−2oCaster(ϑ)6oKPI(λ)2oTable2:Vehicle parameters required for advanced analysisOnce we have these values,we can expand the calculations preformed earlier by taking into account the camber of the two steered wheels.Including camber in the calculations increases the accuracy be-cause we include the camber thrust whenfinding the peak lateral forces.We calculate the inclination an-gles as follows:γr=γr0+λ(1−cosδr)−ϑsinδr+θroll C(6)γl=−γr0−λ(1−cosδl)−ϑsinδl−θroll C(7)•γr andγl are the right and left inclination an-gles•δr andδl are the right and left steered angles(found later)The slip angles at which the peak lateral force oc-curs can be calculated using the OptimumT Add-In. It is dependent on vertical load and the inclination angle.The function used is:CalculateSAPeakNegative()We use geometric relationships tofind the slip angles of the front wheels when they are not steered. This is used to calculate the required steered angle of the two front wheels.The geometric slip angle of the two front wheels can be closely approximated with the following expression:αG r=lR+t2+β(8)αG l=lR−t2+β(9)•αG r andαG l are the right and left geometric slipangles•R is the turn radius•βis the body slip angleWefind the ideal steered angle of the two steered wheels using the following formula:δr=αG r−αi r(10)δl=αG l−αi l(11)•αi r andαi l are the ideal right and left slip angles •δr andδl are the required right and left steeredanglesWhere the ideal slip angle is calculated with the OptimumT Add-In.Since these equations depend on the turn radius, we repeat them for multiple steer angles.Since we’re designing the steering geometry,we’re interested in the difference in steered angle between the inside and outside wheel.When we take the difference in left and right steered angle,the body slip angle will can-cel out.We now have the difference in left and right steered angles versus turn radius.We’re trying to design steering geometry,though,so we would prefer to plot this versus some steering angle.We’ll assume that the car will be close to neutral steer,so the Acker-mann steering angle relationship holds(δack=l/R). The difference in left and right steered angle plot-ted against the Ackermann steering angle is shown in Figure6.This gives us a target curve when we design the steering geometry.When we read this graph,wefind that these tires,fitted on this particular car,need positive Acker-mann.The graph also suggests adding about0.15oFigure6:Ideal steering geometryof static toe in(indicated by the offset at zero steer-ing angle).However,the toe will have a large effect on the on-center directional stability of the car.It is best to set the toe angle for handing and stability, rather than for achieving the ideal slip angle during mid-corner.This tech-tip gives a brief outline of what can be done with OptimumT to assist in designing a steer-ing system.OptimumT and the OptimumT Add-In can be useful tools when evaluating the compromises involved in steering design.You can easily expand this spreadsheet to give a much better picture of reality.For example,you can include the rear axle in the calculations,you can include the weight transfer due to steering,the non-suspended weight transfer and a multitude of other factors(including the effect on longitudinal forces). You can even create a simple vehicle simulation in Excel or Matlab.This is all made possible through the OptimumT Add-In.If you have any questions about OptimumT or any of OptimumG’s other products and services,please email engineering@.Also,don’t for-get to visit 。