他山之石美国的微积分教学:1940—2004*路易斯 伏利德勒(美国) 柴 俊 张 晶译 张奠宙校美国的微积分教学在近六十年来经历了巨大的变革。
特别要指出的是,有关上世纪四、五十年代教学的评论得益于与M e lv in H en ri k sen 教授的讨论,他是一位享有盛名、在连续函数的环领域有影响的数学家,现今已经半退休。
1.美国高等院校招生和美国大学体制下面是美国近60年高等院校招生数量的变化情况(资料来源:美国人口统计署):● 1946年 1,841,000● 1955年 2,379,000● 1965年 3,840,000● 1975年 9,697,000● 1985年 10,863,000● 1995年 14,715,000● 2002年 16,497,000美国有四类高等学校:研究性大学,学艺类学院,综合性大学以及社区学院。
韩国:KFDA - Korea Food and Drug AdministrationKFDA- 韩国食品级法规KFDA 测试要求:1.Synthetic Resin(general standard) 合成树脂通用要求2.PVC聚氯乙烯3.PP, PBT, EVA, PPS, PLA/PBSA, PMP(polymethylpentene), PVA(Polyvinyl Alcohol), PB-1( Polybutene-1), Alcohol(EVOH), Polyimide(PI), BDR(Butadiene resins), Polyarylate(PAR),Hydroxybutyl(HBP), Fluoro Resins(FR), Ionomer resin, Polyethylene naphthalate(PEN)4.PS, Polyphenylene ether(PPE) 聚苯乙烯,聚苯树脂5.PVDC聚偏二氯乙烯6.PET7.PF(Phenol formaldehyde) 苯酚甲醛树脂8.MF(melamine formaldehyde) 密胺树脂9.UF(urea formaldehyde), POM脲醛树脂,聚甲醛10.Acrylic resin丙烯酸树脂11.PA聚酰胺(尼龙)12.PC聚碳酸酯13.PU14.ABS, AS聚苯乙烯聚酯,聚酯,丙烯酸塑料制品要求15.Polymethacrylstyrene(MS)16.PAN17.MABS18.Epoxy resin环氧树脂19.PCT20.PE聚乙烯21.Polyarylsulfone(PASF) 聚芳砜22.PES23.cellophane( regenerated cellulose film) 玻璃纸(再生纤维素)24.Rubber, Silicone resin, BDR (Butadiene resins) 橡胶, 硅胶树脂, 丁二烯树脂25.Paper /processed paper 纸板要求26.Metal containers, packages and apparatus 1.with coating 金属容器,包装及器具1.带涂层27.Wood木材28.glass, ceramic,enamel, pottery 玻璃,搪瓷,陶瓷,陶器29.starch淀粉日本:Ministry of Health and Welfare Ordinance No. 370日本食品卫生法No.370日本食品卫生法测试要求:1.Synthetic Resin(general standard)合成树脂通用要求2.Synthetic Resin made from formaldehyde甲醛制成的合成树脂(例如,密胺材料,脲醛树脂,EVA等)3.Polystyrene聚苯乙烯等(PS,ABS,GPPS, HIPS, AS, BS)4.EVA树脂5.PE/OP聚乙烯/聚酯树脂6.PET树脂7.PP聚丙烯树脂10.Polymethyl Pentene (PMP)聚甲基戊烯树脂12.Polyvinyl Alcohol(PVA)聚乙烯醇酯14 Polylactic acid(PLA)8.PVC聚氯乙烯树脂9.Polyvinylidene Chloride (PVDC)聚偏氯乙烯树脂10.Polymethyl Methacrylate(PMMA) 聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯11.Nylon ( PA)尼龙12.Polycarbonate (PC)13.Phenolic, melamine and urea resins酚醛树脂,密胺和尿素树脂14.Polylactic acid(PLA) 聚乳酸15.Rubber (except nursing utensils) 橡胶制品(除护理用品)16.Rubber (nursing utensils) 橡胶制品(护理用品)17.Metal cans [except those containing dried foods (except fats and oils and fatty foods)] 金属罐(包括盛放油脂和脂肪类食物的容器)18.Metal(Tin for plating)金属(镀锡)19.Metal used for manufacture or repair of apparatus and packaging containers用于制造或修理包装容器和器具的金属20.Solder used for manufacture or repair of apparatus and packaging containers用于制造或修理包装容器和器具的焊锡21.Glass, Ceramic, Enameled玻璃,陶瓷,搪瓷意大利:Italy Official Gazette GU 283 on 30 April 1962 and Ministerial Decree of 21 March 1973意大利与食品接触材料安全法规GU 283-1973/3/21测试要求:1.General plastics 普通塑料2.PC聚碳酸酯3.PVC聚氯乙烯4.Plastic Lid/O-ring/gasket塑料盖、O型圈、垫圈5.PU and PA 聚氨酯和尼龙6.Melamine 三聚氰氨树脂(美耐皿,密胺)制品的要求7.Aluminum and Aluminum alloy 铝和铝合金(Decree No. 76 of 18 April 2007 )8.stainless steel 不锈钢制品Italian Official Gazette (G.U.) DMH 21 March 19739.Wood 木材(参照DGCCRF 2004-64)10.Rubber /Silicone Rubber 橡胶/硅橡胶11.Ceramic 陶瓷Decree of the Ministry of Health of 04-4-1985 (GU no. 120) and 84/500/EC12.Glass 玻璃Italian Official Gazette (G.U.) DMH 21 March 1973法国:French DGCCRF 2004-64 and French Décret nº 92-631DGCCRF法国食品级安全法规DGCCRF 测试要求:1.General Plastic一般塑料制品2.test for plastic lid and O-ring杯盖内塑料垫片或垫圈3.Dyed PU and Nylon 染色的聚胺酯和尼龙4.PVC聚氯乙烯5.Melamine 三聚氰氨树脂(美耐皿,密胺)制品的要求6.Nylon尼龙7.PC聚碳酸酯塑料8.Silicone Rubber 硅橡胶制品要求9.Rubber 橡胶制品要求10.Wood木制品要求11.Paper and paperboard纸制品要求12.Ceramic, Glass, Crystal, vitro ceramic陶瓷,玻璃,水晶制品要求13.Enamelware搪瓷制品要求14.Stainless Steel I: with metal coating II: with organic coating不锈钢制品要求:a. 带金属镀层; b. 带有机涂层15.Aluminum and Aluminum alloy I: with organic coating铝和铝合金制品要求 1.带有机涂层16.Carbon Steel (not for food storage) I: with metal coating II: with Zn plating III: with organic coating17.非贮存食品的碳钢制品要求 1.带金属镀层2. 带锌电镀3.带有机涂层18.Steel for food storage I: with organic coating 用于食物储存的钢铁1.带有机涂层19.Cast Iron I: with metal coating II: with organic coating铸铁制品要求: 1.带金属镀层 2. 带有机涂层20.Tin锡制品要求21.Various other metals (bleached metal), zinc, tin alloy or unknown metal除上述金属制品以外的(浅色)金属,如锌,锡合金和其他金属德国:Germany LFGB (LMBG) Food and Feed Law § 30, 31德国食品级安全法规LFGB 测试要求:1.General Plastic 一般塑料制品或橡胶或有机涂层通用要求2.Test for plastic lid and O-ring 杯盖内塑料垫片或垫圈3.PVC 聚氯乙烯4.Melamine 三聚氰氨树脂(美耐皿,密胺)制品5.PE, PP 聚乙烯,聚丙烯6.PS,ABS, SAN, Acrylic, Methary 聚苯乙烯聚酯,聚酯,丙烯酸塑料制品要求7.PA 聚酰胺(尼龙)制品要求8.PC 聚碳酸酯塑料制品要求9.Poly(threphthalic acid diol esters), PET塑料制品要求10.Acetal resins POM 塑料制品要求11.Silicone rubber 硅橡胶制品要求12.Rubber, TPR, TPE 橡胶或弹性体制品要求13.Paper(not applicable for paper and board used in microwave oven)纸制品要求(不适用于微波炉使用的纸张14.Baking paper 烘焙纸15.PU and TPU 聚胺酯,聚亚胺酯制品要求16.Polymer coating for cooking purpose 有机涂层(烹饪用),例如特富龙17.Wood 木材18.Glass and Enamel ware 玻璃,搪瓷制品要求19.Ceramic 陶瓷84/500/EEC20.Metal, Metal alloy and electroplated(exclude aluminum) 金属、合金、镀层(除了铝)21.Al and Al alloy 纯铝和铝合金22.Textile material 纺织品23.Activated carbon and Charcoal 活性炭、木炭24.Vinylidene Chloride Copolymers with a Predominant Content of (PVDC)偏聚氯乙烯25.Product in contact with mouth lip or mouth cavity directly. eg. Toothbrush, drinking straw会跟嘴直接接触的产品,例如牙刷,吸管26.product in prolonged contact with skin (over 1 hour upon usage) eg. Handle of food roller产品会接触皮肤的把手(使用超过一小时)27.Metallic product in prolonged contact with skin (over 1 hour upon usage) eg. Handle of food roller会接触皮肤的金属产品把手(超过一小时)28.Dyed product in prolonged contact with skin (over 1 hour upon usage) eg. Table napkins染色产品会接触皮肤的延伸部分(使用超过一小时)例如:餐巾29.vacuum thermal bulb used in water canister or water jar真空保温瓶美国:FDA 美国食品级法规U.S.FDA CFR 21 Part 175-189 & FDA CPG 7117.05, 06, 07FDA 测试对象:1.与食品接触的容器2.用于食物储藏的陶器、餐具、锅、盘、厨房用具3.与饮用水接触的材料和零部件4.食品包装材料5.用于食品生产的机器零部件6.其他FDA 测试要求:1.U.S. FDA CFR 21 175.300 有机涂层, 金属和电镀(除了银镀层)制品要求2.U.S. FDA CFR 21 176.170 纸制品要求3.U.S. FDA CFR 21 178.3800 Wood 木材要求4.U.S. FDA CFR 21 177.1010 Acrylic丙烯酸树脂要求5.U.S. FDA CFR 21 177.1210 食品容器的密封圈,密封衬垫要求,如硅橡胶圈6.U.S. FDA CFR 21 177.1350 EVA要求7.U.S. FDA CFR 21 177.1460 for Melamine resins 三聚氰氨树脂(密胺)要求8.U.S. FDA CFR 21 177.1500尼龙塑料要求,如Nylon6, Nylon66, Nylon610, Nylon6/66, Nylon6/12,Nylon12T等(需要确定尼龙类型)9.U.S. FDA CFR 21 177.1520 PP要求10.U.S. FDA CFR 21 177.1520 PE,OP要求11.U.S. FDA CFR 21 177.1580 PC聚碳酸酯要求12.U.S. FDA CFR 21 177.1630 PET要求13.U.S. FDA CFR 21 177.1640 PS 要求14.U.S. FDA CFR 21 177.1655 Polysulfone resin 聚枫树脂要求15.U.S. FDA CFR 21 177.1680 PU聚亚氨树脂要求16.U.S. FDA CFR 21 177.1810 Styrene block polymer 苯乙烯嵌段聚合物要求17.U.S. FDA CFR 21 177.1830 MMA、MBS要求18.U.S. FDA CFR 21 177.1900 Urea-formaldehyde resin UF脲醛树脂要求19.U.S. FDA CFR 21 175.300 / 177.1975 PVC要求20.U.S. FDA CFR 21 177.2420 polyester resin, cross-linked (PETG) 交联聚脂树脂要求21.U.S. FDA CFR 21 177.2450 Polyamide-imide resin 聚酰胺-酰亚胺树脂22.U.S. FDA CFR 21 177.2600 Rubber 橡胶要求,如SBS,TPR,TPE,硅胶等弹性体23.U.S. FDA CPG 7117.05 Silver plated 镀银制品要求24.U.S. FDA CPG 7117.06,07 Ceramic, glass, enamel food ware 陶瓷、玻璃、搪瓷器皿要求25.U.S. FDA CFR 177.2470 /2480 POM聚甲醛共聚26.General Recognized As Safe (GRAS) US FDA stainless steel cutlery不锈钢(非烹饪用具) Cookware Manufacturer Association(CMA)Cookware (烹饪用具) FDA CFSAN PAC for collection No. 04005 & FDA CPG 7117.05 for Brassware or metal ware made ofcopper or coated with copper 黄铜制品、铜制品、镀铜产品29.U.S. FDA CFR 175.300 & CPG 7117.05 other metal product (except silver plated) 其他金属要求(除镀银制品外)欧盟:2011年1月14日欧盟最新(EU)No 10/2011 代替1935/2004,成为目前欧盟与食品接触材料最新安全法规!10/2011 测试要求:1.Plastic material 塑料-2002/72/ECtest for plastic lid and O-ring杯盖内塑料垫片或垫圈dyed PU and PA 染色的PU和尼龙PVC2.Ceramic, Glass and Enamel陶瓷,玻璃和搪瓷- 84/500/EEC (2005/31/EC)3.Silicone Rubber 硅橡胶-AP (2004)54.Melamine 三聚氰氨树脂(美耐皿,密胺)制品的要求anic coating 有机涂层-AP(2004)16.Rubber 橡胶-AP (2004) 4 & 93/11/EEC7.Paper(including baking paper) 纸张(包括烘培纸)-AP (2002)18.Wood木材9.Colourants(in plastic material) 着色剂-AP(89)1英国:UK英国与食品接触材料安全法规测试要求:1.Plastic material 塑料-2002/72/EC2.Ceramic and Glass 陶瓷玻璃-84/500/EEC (2005/31/EC)3.Silicone Rubber 硅橡胶-AP (2004)54.Melamine 三聚氰氨树脂(美耐皿)制品的要求anic coating 有机涂层-AP(2004)16.Rubber 橡胶-AP (2004) 4 & 93/11/EEC7.Paper纸张-AP (2002)18.Wood木材9.Metal, Metal alloy and electroplated 金属,合金和电镀制品。
EN 601
EN 602
DIN 55610
EN 601
EN 602
EN 14372
EN 13130
EC 食品接触法规
1935/2004/EC标准检测1935/2004/EC号规定导入强制标识, 与食品有直接或间接接触的材料和电器应遵循如下说明:- 或注明“可与食品接触”字样- 或按照器具的使用说明进行,如:咖啡机,电水壶等- 或按1935/2004/EC规定的符号说明常见材料欧洲食品级测试1935/2004/EC的项目要求:1935/2004/EC塑料 2002/72/EC 全面迁移测试1935/2004/EC陶瓷玻 2005/31/EC 铅镉溶出量测试1935/2004/EC硅橡胶 AP(2004)5 全面迁移测试1935/2004/EC三聚氰氨树脂 AP(2004)5 全面迁移测试 ,甲醛溶出量测试1935/2004/EC有机涂层 AP(2004)1 全面迁移测试1935/2004/EC橡胶AP(2004)5&93/11/EEC 全面迁移测试,亚硝胺含量测试,芳香胺迁移1935/2004/EC纸张 AP(2002)1 五氯苯酚测试,防腐效力测试,重金属测试1935/2004/EC木材 五氯苯酚测试,甲醛溶出量测试1935/2004/EC金属、合金、及电镀 重金属溶出量测试1935/2004/EC法规适用范围与针对的产品范围:1) 餐具:金属餐具、塑料餐具、木制餐具、一次性餐具等等。
2) 厨具: 砧板、调味罐、不锈钢锅、不粘锅、铁锅、搪瓷锅等等。
3) 炊具: 蒸笼、铲、勺等等4) 保温容器:不锈钢保温杯、保温壶,保温瓶等等。
5) 厨用小家电:搅拌机、打蛋机、咖啡机等等。
产品材料名称 检测项目 检测标准1. 橡胶材料或不粘镀层产品 总迁移量 EN11862. 钢材料 铸件成分分析 -3. 不锈钢材料 铸件成分分析 EN100884. 有有机涂层的钢或不锈钢材料 涂层 总迁移量 EN1186基材 铸件成分分析 EN10088成品(涂层+基材) 总迁移量CrⅥ迁移量 EN11865. 合金或金属涂层材料 成品(涂层+基材) Pb、Cd、As含量 Ni、Cr、Zn含量Ni、Cr、Zn、Cd、Pb迁移量(如果有镍、铬、锌、镉和铅涂层) EN13881:1996EN13882:19966. 无镀层铝材料 成分分析 EN 602: 20047. 有机镀层铝材料 涂层 总迁移量 EN1186基材 满足6.成分分析要求 EN 602: 2004成品(涂层+基材) 总迁移量CrⅥ迁移量 EN11868. 瓷釉部分 Pb、Cd、 CrⅥ迁移量 EN13881:1996EN13882:19969. 有机涂层的铸铁材料 涂层 总迁移量 EN1186基材 Pb含量 -成品(涂层+基材) 总迁移量Pb、Cd、 CrⅥ迁移量 EN1186EN13881:1996EN13882:199610. 钛材料 纯钛 Fe、V.、Al含量 ISO 5832-2ISO 5832-3不锈钢钛材料 Mo、Cu、Zr残留 -11. 木质材料 五氯苯酚 -12. 硅材料 挥发性有机物质总迁移量Sn迁移量过氧化物残留 -13. 有金属镀层的钢或不锈钢材料 涂层 Pb、Cd、As含量 EN1186基材 第 2.、3.中 铸件成分分析 EN10088成品(涂层+基材) Ni、Cr、Zn迁移量 EN13881:1996EN13882:19961935/2004/EC法规针对的国家:-1935/2004/EC是一个框架法规,欧盟成员国至今有:奥地利、德国、荷兰、比利时、希腊、葡萄牙、丹麦、爱尔兰、西班牙、芬兰、意大利、瑞典、法国、卢森堡、英国、塞浦路斯、立陶宛、捷克共和国、马尔它、爱沙尼亚、波兰、匈牙利、斯洛文尼亚、拉脱维亚、斯洛伐克、保加利亚、罗马尼亚27个国家,其中德国、法国、英国、意大利有自己国家当地法规,除符合欧盟食品级指令Regulation (EC) No1935/2004要求外,还需要符合德国(LFGB)、法国(DGCCRF)、英国(UK SI 898 : 2005)、意大利(ItalianDecree of the Ministry of Health (DM or DMH)当地法规。
AP physics C 2004 真题 多项选择试题题目
AP physics C 2004 真题多项选择试题题目Questions 40-4136. Three 1/2 μF capacitors are connected in series as shown in the diagram above. Thecapacitance of the combination is (A) 0.1 μF (B) 1 μF (C) 2/3 μF(D) ? μF (E) 1/6 μF37. A hair dryer is rated as 1200 W, 120 V. Its effective internal resistance is(A) 0.1 Ω (B) A particle of charge +e and mass m moves with 10 Ω (C) 12Ω speed v perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field (D) 120 Ω (E) B directed into the page. The path of the particle is 1440 Ω a circl eof radius r, as shown above. 40. Which of the following correctly gives thedirection of motion and the equationrelating v and r ?Direction Equation(A) Clockwise eBr = mv 2 (B) Clockwise eBr = mv 38. A point charge+Q is inside an uncharged (C) Counterclockwise eBr = mv conducting spherical shell that in turn is near 2(D) Counterclockwise eBr = mv several isolated point charges, as shown above. 22(E) Counterclockwise eBr = mv The electric field at point P inside the shell depends on the magnitude of 41. The period of revolution of the particle (A) Q only is (B) the charge distribution on the sphere only (A) mr/eB (B) meB/(C) Q and the charge distribution on the sphere (D) all of the point charges (C) 2πm/eB (D) 2/,meB(E) all of the point charges a nd the charge (E)2/,mreBdistribution on the sphere 42. A 20 μF parallel-plate capacitor is fully charged to 30 39. In a certain region, the electric field along V. The energy stored in the capacitor is most nearly the x-axis is given by 3-3-4(A) 9 x 10 J (B) 9 x 10 J (C) 6 x 10 J 2E = ax + b, where a = 40 V/m -4-7(D) 2 x 10 J (E) 2 x 10 J and b = 4 V/m. The potentialdifference between the origin 43. A potential difference V is maintained between and x = 0.5 m is two large, parallel conducting plates. An (A) -36 V (B) -7 V (C) -3 V (D) 10 V electron starts from rest on the surface of one (E) 16 V plate and accelerates toward the other. Its speed as it reaches the second plate isproportional to(A) 1/V(B)1VV(C)(D) V 2(E) V44. A wire of radius R has a current I uniformly 48. Two conducting cylindrical wires are made outdistributed across its cross-sectional area. of the same material. Wire X has twice theAmpere's law is used with a concentric length and twice the diameter of wire Y. Whatcircular path of radius r, with r < R, to /R of their resistances?is the ratio Rxycalculate the magnitude of the magnetic (A) 1/4 (B) ? (C) 1 (D) 2 (E) 4field B at a distance r from the center of the wire. Which of the following equationsresults from a correct application ofAmpere's law to this situation? 22(A) B(2πr) = μI (B) B(2πr) =μI(r/R) 00(C) B(2πr) = 0 (D) B(2πR) = μI (E) B(2πR) 022= μI(r/R) 0Questions 45-4649. A solid metallic sphere of radius R has chargeQ uniformly distributed on its outer surface. Agraph of electric potential V as a function ofposition r is shown above. Which of thefollowing graphs best represents the magnitudeof the electric field E as a function of position r Particles of charge Q and -4Q are located on the for this sphere? x-axis as shown in the figure above. Assumethe particles are isolated from all other charges.45. Which of the following describes the directionof the electric field at point P ?(A) +x (B) +y (C)-y(D) Components in both the -x- and+y-directions(E) Components in both the+x- and -y-directions46. At which of the labeled points on the x-axis is the electric field zero?(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D (E) E47. When the switch S is open in the circuitshown above, the reading on the ammeter Ais 2.0 A. When the switch is closed, thereading on the ammeter is(A) doubled(B) increased slightly but not doubled(C) the same(D) decreased slightly but not halved (E) halved50. Two parallel wires, each carrying a current I, repel each other with a force F. If bothcurrents are doubled, the force of repulsion is (A) 2F (B) F (C) 4F22(D) F (E) 8F 4251. A circular current-carrying loop lies so that the plane of the loop is perpendicular to a constant 54. A conducting loop of wire that is initially magnetic field of strength B. Suppose that the around a magnet is pulled away from the radius R of the loop could be made to increase magnet to the right, as indicated in the figure with time t so that R = at, where a is a constant. above, inducing a current in the loop. What is What is the magnitude of the emf that would be the direction of the force on the magnet and generated around the loop as a function of t ? 2the direction of the magnetic field at the (A) 2πBat(B) 2πBat (C) 2πBt 223center of the loop due to the (D) πBat (E) (π/3)Bat induced current? Direction ofMagnetic Field atDirection of Center of Loop dueForce on the Magnet to Induced Current(A) To the right To the right(B) To the right To the left(C) To the left To the right 52. The figures above show parts of two circuits, (D) To the left To the left(E) No direction; To the left each containing a battery of emf ε and internal the force is zero. resistance r. The current in each battery is 1 A, but the direction of the current in one battery is opposite to that in the other. If the potential differences across the batteries' terminals are 10 V and 20 V as shown, what are the valuesof ε and r ? 55. A square loop of wire carrying a current I is (A) ε = 5 V, r = 15 Ω initially in the plane of the page and is located in a uniform magnetic field B that points (B) ε =IOV, r=100 Ω toward the bottom of the page, as shown above. (C) ε = 15 V, r = 5 Ω Which of the following shows the correct initialrotati on of the loop due to the force exerted on (D) ε = 20 V, r = 10 Ωit by the magnetic field? (E) The values cannot be computed unless the complete circuits are shown.53. A charged particle can move withconstant velocity through a regioncontaining both an electric field and amagnetic field only if the(A) electric field is parallel to the magnetic field(B) electric field is perpendicular to the magnetic field(C) electric field is parallel to the velocity vector(D) magnetic field is parallel to the velocity vector(E) magnetic field is perpendicular to the velocity vectorQuestions 59-6156. In the circuit shown above, the equivalent The diagram above shows equipotential lines resistance of the three resistors is produced by an unknown charge distribution. A, (A) 10.5 Ω (B) 15Ω (C) 20 ΩB, C, D, and E are points in the plane. (D) 50 Ω (E) 115 Ω59. Which vector below best describes the direction Questions 57-58of the electric field at point A ?(A) (B) (C) (D)(E) None of these; the field is zero.60. At which point does the electric field havethe greatest magnitude? (A) A As shown in the figure above, six particles, each (B) B with charge +Q, are held fixed and ate equally(C) C spaced around the circumference of a circle of(D) D radius R.(E) E57. What is the magnitude of the resultantelectric field at the center of the circle? 61. How much net work must be done by anexternal force to move a -1 μC point charge 6Q(A) 0 (B) (C) from rest at point C to rest at point E ? 24,,R0(A) -20 μJ(B) -10 μJ 23Q32Q (D) 22(C) 10 μJ ,,,,4R4R00(D) 20 μJ 3Q(E) 30μJ (E) 2,,2R 058. With the six particles held fixed, how muchwork would be required to bring a seventhparticle of charge + Q from very far awayand place it at the center of the circle?23Q6Q(A) 0 (B) (C) 2,,,,24RR00229Q3Q(D) (E) ,,,,2R00R62. One of Maxwell's equations can be written 65. A physics problem starts: "A solid sphere hascharge distributed uniformly throughout. . . " d,as. This equation expresses ,,,Eds,It may be correctly concluded that the dt(A) electric field is zero everywhere inside the the fact that sphere (A) a changingmagnetic field produces (B) electric field inside the sphere is the same an electric field as the electric field outside (B) a changing electric field produces a (C) electric potential on the surface of the magnetic field sphere is not constant (C) the net magnetic flux through a (D) electric potential in the center of the sphere closed surface depends on the is zero current inside (E) sphere is not made of metal (D) the net electric flux through a closed surface depends on the charge inside Questions 66-67 relate to the circuit represented (E) electric charge is conserved below. The switch S, after being open for a long time, is then closed., ,12 V4 HS63. The plates of a parallel-plate capacitor of cross 66. What isthe current in the circuit after the sectional area A are separated by a distance d, switch has been closed a long time? as shown above. Between the plates is a (A) 0 A dielectric material of constant K. The plates are (B) 1.2 A connected in series with a variable resistance R (C) 2 A and a power supply of potential difference V. (D) 3 A The capacitance C of this capacitor will (E) 12 A increase if which of the following isdecreased? (A) A (B) R (C) K 67. What is the potential difference across the (D) d (E) V resistor immediately after the switch is closed? (A) 0 V(B) 2 V(C) 7.2 V(D) 8 V(E) 12 V68. A uniform spherical charge distribution hasradius R.. Which of the following is true of the electric field strength due to this charge 64. The currents in three parallel wires, X, Y, and Z, distribution at a distance r from the center of each have magnitude l and are in the directions the charge? shown above. Wire Y is closer to wire X than to (A) It is greatest when r = 0. wire Z. The magnetic force on wire Y is (B) It is greatest when r = R/2. (A) zero (B) into the page (C) out of the page (C) It is directly proportional to r when r > (D) toward the bottom of the page R. (E) toward the left (D) It is directly proportional to r when r < R. 2(E) It is directlyproportional to r.69. When a negatively charged rod is brought near, but does not touch, the initially uncharged electroscope shown above, the leaves spring apart (I). When the electroscope is then touched with a finger, the leaves collapse (II). When next the finger and finally the rod are removed, the leaves spring apart a second time (III). The charge on the leaves is(A) positive in both I and III(B) negative in both I and III(C) positive in I, negative in III(D) negative in I, positive in III(E) impossible to determine in either I or III70. A sheet of copper in the plane of the page is connected to a battery as shown above, causing electrons to drift through the copper toward the bottom of the page. The copper sheet is in a magnetic field B directed intothe page. P and P are points at the edges of 12the strip. Which of the following statements is true?(A) P is at a higher potential than P. 12(B) P is at a higher potential than P. 21(C) P and P are at equal positive potential. 12(D) P and P are at equal negative potential. 12(E) Current will cease to flow in the copper sheet.。
当然了,还有今天的主角EAP600 AP。
下部有5个指示灯,从左到右依次是WPS,5G WIFI,2.4G WIFI,LAN,和电源。
Power Management IC , PLD 、 VFD Driver IC 、 Diode IC推广应用范围如;Hall Sensor 、Power Management IC EEPROM 、 PLD 、 VFD Driver IC 、 Diode一、电源管理类1.PORTABLE DVD:AP2004S﹑AP2001S﹑AP1117E/33A/18A﹑AP1513﹑AP1522﹑AP1501-K5LA﹑AP1501-50K5(12v->5v/3A)﹑AP1521﹑AP1509-50SLA(12v->5v/2A)﹑AP1507-50D5﹑2.硬盘:AP1509-50S(12v->5v/1A)3. DVB(机顶盒):AP1506-50K5﹑AP1506-33K5﹑AP1510S ﹑AP1513S4. ADSL MODEM:AP1609S﹑ AP16055. CAR DVD/VCD:AP1513S﹑AP1186K5-25(8v->700MA)﹑AP1509-50S(12v->5v/2A)﹑AP1509SLA﹑AP1507-D5﹑AF1624+AF4410﹑>500MA)﹑AP1506-50K5(12v->5v/3A)﹑AP1501-50K5LA6. CAR TV/CAR DVB:AP1513S ﹑AP1522﹑AP1509-50S7.充电器:AP1624+AF9410(12v->24v/1A)﹑AP1624+AF4362/AP1513S(9-15V升16V / 再降8. PDA、GPS充电:AP1609S(5V->10V/300MA﹑5V->12V/200MA)9.LCD TV:AP1509-50/33S﹑AP1501A-50K5LA﹑AP1513SLA﹑AP1501-50K5﹑AP1501-33K5﹑AP1084K33﹑AP1084D18A﹑AP1084DA10.LCDM:AP1506-50K5LA(12v->5v/3A)﹐AP1506-33K5LA(15"17")﹑AP1507-D5(12V->5V/﹑AP2001S(VO1=12V V02=5V)﹑CP1117EA﹑AP2004S11.便携音响:AP160912. Audio:AP1501-50T5(12v->5v/3A)﹑AD6315﹑AP160213. MP3:AP1521(WLED)﹑AP1522(OLED)﹑AF2301﹑AF2302﹑AP1117Y33L14. LCD Drive board(15"17"):AP1513S(12v->5v/3A)﹑AP1506-50K5(LCDM驱动板) 15.网络产品(Modem/LAN/ADSL/WLAN AP):AF9435﹑AP1609 ﹑AP1604 ﹑AP138﹑AP1515﹑AP1117E33/18﹑AP34063SA﹑16.VOIP:AP1509-33S(12v->2A﹑12v->5v/1A)﹑AP1501-33T5﹑AP1513﹑AP1521﹑AP170117.数码相机:AP131-33WLA﹑AP131-25WLA﹑AF2301P﹑AF2302N﹑AP1603 ;AP180 18.CD-ROM:AP1115A-Y33LA﹑AP1117E25 ﹑AP1701BW ﹑AP1084K18A19.无线网卡:AP1506-50K5LA 20.网卡﹕CP1117E33A20.移动硬盘:AP1509-50SLA(12v->5v/2A)21.DVD:CP1117EA(5V->ADJ/1A)﹑CP1117E33A(5V->1A)22.读卡器:AP1117E33LA23.路由器:AP1509S ﹑AP1509-50S ﹑AP1509-30S24.计算机周边:CP1117E33A(5V->1A)25.显示器:AP1501-50K5(12v->5v/3A)26.电源产品:AF4825P﹑AP2001S﹑AP1509S27.锂电池:AP1624转5V/28.LCM:AP1521WLA(天马/信利)29.DataBank:AP1602AYLA﹑AF2301PLA﹑AP1521WLA﹑AP1601M8LA二、直流风扇类IC用于直流无刷风扇、电机IC有如下几种:ATS277:用于无刷直流马达和散热风扇.ES277: 互补输出带锁存霍尔电路,用于无刷直流马达和散热风扇.可兼容替代ATS277、ATS276.ES211: 互补输出带锁存霍尔电路(带FG输出),用于无刷直流马达和风扇、速度测量.可兼容替代FTC211.ES3503:线性霍尔电路,用于电动车调速转把,测速仪,位置传感,磁场测量等.可兼容替代UGN3503.ES1881:CMOS低功耗、带锁存霍尔电路,特别适合无刷电机的换向应用、Solid state switch、Speed sensing、Linear position sensing、Angular position sensing、Current sensing.可兼容替代US1881AH281、AH283、AH284:用于无刷直流马达和散热风扇.ATS177:用于无刷直流马达和散热风扇.US79、US76A:用于无刷直流马达和散热风扇.EST248:低功耗全极性霍尔电路,用于手机、小灵通、无绳电话、Notebook、PDA翻盖电路,智能水表、智能气表.可兼容替代MLX90248.三、接口电路ICES232:双信道RS232线性驱动/接收器,用于PC主板,电池供电系统,计算机外设,Modems.兼容MAX232CPE,SP232.四、霍尔开关A180:用于手机、数码相机等的传感开关上.。
AP2004皮拉尼真空计AP2004模拟输出:2个设置点 + 模拟输出2个设置点 + RS485ADIXEN在使用这个真空计之前,请仔细阅读此文件。
4.即使在保质期内,如遇以下损坏需付费维修:ⅰ) 因不正确使用或非法维修及修改造成的损坏。
ⅱ) 在交货之后, 机械撞击造成的损坏。
ⅲ) 连接装置导致故障或损坏。
ⅳ) 因颗粒或外部物体进入传感器造成的损坏。
ⅴ) 因自然灾害造成的损坏例如火灾、地震、洪水或雷击。
ⅵ) 其它不在我们的责任范围之内的损坏。
3、技术参数3-1.详述测量压力范围:5E-2~1E5 (Pa)测量精确性 :5E-2~1E-1 (Pa):±50%:1E-1~1E4(Pa):±15%:1E4~1E5 (Pa):±50%重复性 :1E-1~1E4:2% / 环境温度25℃输入电压 :+14~30VDC(标准 24VDC) / 允许脉动:在2Vp-p下面消耗功率 :2W (消耗电流<150mA)模拟输出:0~10V (查阅 4-1)真空计辨识阻抗:13kΩ (D-sub 5-9pins)设置点:2 个接点输出 (1A30V, DC) ∕ SP・485 version only界面:RS485∕485 version onlyI∕O接口 :D-sub 9 pin(4-40)最大线长:200 m (0.34mm2)工作温度范围:5~60℃贮藏温度范围:-20~70℃匹配皮拉尼传感器:MP-1 (NW16,NW25,φ34ICF ,1/8NPT ,φ15adapter)3-2.尺寸 (下图为NN25接口的传感器)80×40×23mm3-3.零件名称 (下图为NN25接口的传感器M-350 PG-485)3-4.I/O接口的插头分配D-sub 9 Pin (公接头) M-350PG-STDM-350PG-SP M-350PG-4851 模拟输出(+) RS485(+)2 不使用 设置点 COM (继电器触点)3 不使用(N.C.)4 DC 电源输入(+):24VDC5 真空计辨识 (13kΩ)6 不使用 设置点1 (继电器触点)7 不使用设置点2 (继电器触点)8 模拟输出(-) RS485(-) 9DC 电源输入(-):0VDCADIXEN皮拉尼真空计传感器 皮拉尼真空计 控制器 I/O 接口 (D-sub 9P) 设置面板注意不要连接不使用的插脚。
1935 2004 EC
1935/2004/EC标准检测1935/2004/EC号规定导入强制标识, 与食品有直接或间接接触的材料和电器应遵循如下说明:- 或注明“可与食品接触”字样- 或按照器具的使用说明进行,如:咖啡机,电水壶等- 或按1935/2004/EC规定的符号说明常见材料欧洲食品级测试1935/2004/EC的项目要求:1935/2004/EC塑料2002/72/EC 全面迁移测试1935/2004/EC陶瓷玻2005/31/EC 铅镉溶出量测试1935/2004/EC硅橡胶AP(2004)5 全面迁移测试1935/2004/EC三聚氰氨树脂AP(2004)5 全面迁移测试,甲醛溶出量测试1935/2004/EC有机涂层AP(2004)1 全面迁移测试1935/2004/EC橡胶AP(2004)5&93/11/EEC 全面迁移测试,亚硝胺含量测试,芳香胺迁移1935/2004/EC纸张AP(2002)1 五氯苯酚测试,防腐效力测试,重金属测试1935/2004/EC木材五氯苯酚测试,甲醛溶出量测试1935/2004/EC金属、合金、及电镀重金属溶出量测试1935/2004/EC法规适用范围与针对的产品范围:1) 餐具:金属餐具、塑料餐具、木制餐具、一次性餐具等等。
2) 厨具:砧板、调味罐、不锈钢锅、不粘锅、铁锅、搪瓷锅等等。
3) 炊具:蒸笼、铲、勺等等4) 保温容器:不锈钢保温杯、保温壶,保温瓶等等。
5) 厨用小家电:搅拌机、打蛋机、咖啡机等等。
产品材料名称检测项目检测标准1. 橡胶材料或不粘镀层产品总迁移量EN11862. 钢材料铸件成分分析-3. 不锈钢材料铸件成分分析EN100884. 有有机涂层的钢或不锈钢材料涂层总迁移量EN1186 基材铸件成分分析EN10088成品(涂层+基材) 总迁移量CrⅥ迁移量EN11865. 合金或金属涂层材料成品(涂层+基材) Pb、Cd、As含量Ni、Cr、Zn含量Ni、Cr、Zn、Cd、Pb迁移量(如果有镍、铬、锌、镉和铅涂层) EN13881:1996EN13882:19966. 无镀层铝材料成分分析EN 602: 20047. 有机镀层铝材料涂层总迁移量EN1186基材满足6.成分分析要求EN 602: 2004成品(涂层+基材) 总迁移量CrⅥ迁移量EN11868. 瓷釉部分Pb、Cd、CrⅥ迁移量EN13881:1996EN13882:19969. 有机涂层的铸铁材料涂层总迁移量EN1186基材Pb含量-成品(涂层+基材) 总迁移量Pb、Cd、CrⅥ迁移量EN1186EN13881:1996EN13882:199610. 钛材料纯钛Fe、V.、Al含量ISO 5832-2ISO 5832-3不锈钢钛材料Mo、Cu、Zr残留-11. 木质材料五氯苯酚-12.硅材料挥发性有机物质总迁移量Sn迁移量过氧化物残留-13. 有金属镀层的钢或不锈钢材料涂层Pb、Cd、As含量EN1186基材第 2.、3.中铸件成分分析EN10088成品(涂层+基材) Ni、Cr、Zn迁移量EN13881:1996EN13882:19961935/2004/EC法规针对的国家:-1935/2004/EC是一个框架法规,欧盟成员国至今有:奥地利、德国、荷兰、比利时、希腊、葡萄牙、丹麦、爱尔兰、西班牙、芬兰、意大利、瑞典、法国、卢森堡、英国、塞浦路斯、立陶宛、捷克共和国、马尔它、爱沙尼亚、波兰、匈牙利、斯洛文尼亚、拉脱维亚、斯洛伐克、保加利亚、罗马尼亚27个国家,其中德国、法国、英国、意大利有自己国家当地法规,除符合欧盟食品级指令Regulation (EC) No1935/2004要求外,还需要符合德国(LFGB)、法国(DGCCRF)、英国(UK SI 898 : 2005)、意大利(ItalianDecree of the Ministry of Health (DM or DMH)当地法规。
Spend about 65 minutes on this part of the exam.
(b) In this setting, explain how bias may have been introduced based on the way the question was worded and suggest how it could have been worded differently to avoid that bias.
3 Trains carry bauxite ore from a mine in Canada to an aluminum processing plant in northern New York state in hopper cars. Filling equipment is used to load ore into the hopper cars. When functioning properly, the actual weights of ore loaded into each car by the filling equipment at the mine are approximately normally distributed with a mean of 70 tons and a standard deviation of 0.9 ton. If the mean is greater than 70 tons, the loading mechanism is overfilliling equipment is functioning properly, what is the probability that the weight of the ore in a randomly selected car will be 70.7 tons or more? Show your work.
1、(EC)No 1935/2004 法令通用安全规范要求(EC)No 1935/2004 法令《关于拟与食品接触的材料和制品暨废除80/590/EEC 和89/109/EEC 指令》于2004 年底取代早期实施的框架性指令89/109/EEC 及80/590/EEC 而成为欧盟新的食品接触材料框架性条例,由于法规是以法令(Regulation)形式颁布,意味着各成员国无需进行任何转换,而必须直接完整地接受和遵守执行。
(1)适用范围和对象No 1935/2004 条例适用范围包括所有预期或可能与食品接触的材料及制品(其中包括:打印油墨、胶标签)。
(2)通用要求作为框架性的条例,它规定了适用于所有食品接触材料的总原则和规定,内容包括适用范围、通用安全要求,活性、职能包装,新物质授权的申请,标签,符合性声明,可追溯性,安全措施等28 个条款。
条例的核心条款是规定了所有食品接触材料必须满足的通用要求:A 食品接触材料和制品,包括活性和智能材料和制品,其生产应符合良好生产规范,从而在正常或可预见的使用条件,其成分向食品的迁移总量不致造成:●危害人体健康;●导致食品成分发生不能接受的变化;●降低食品所特有的感官特性(使食品的味道,气味,颜色等改变);B 食品接触材料和制品的标签、广告以及说明不应误导消费者。
AP美国历史学习大纲和以往考过的题目总结 (北京王府学校 傅莹)
AP美国历史学习大纲和以往考过的题目总结(北京王府学校傅莹)2015年AP美国历史新大纲特别重视DBQ和Long essay的题目,DBQ和Long essay的题目的分数对于AP美国历史的总成绩至关重要。
下面列出了美国历史新大纲5分和4分要求达到的标准以及新大纲对于DBQ和Long essay的题目分数要求。
DBQ 1道题目,满分为7分。
The primary textbook for this course are:(1)American Pageant 16 th version Cengage(2)A people and A nation (9th Edition) by Norton, Sheriff, Blight,chudacoff, logevall and bailey. Wadsworth Cengage Learning(3)The American People (Creating Nation and A Society) (6TH edition) byNash, Jeffrey, Howe, Frederick, Davis, Winkler, Mires, Pestana Pearson and Peking University PressSince these two books are available in China with soft copy of lower price, students can save money on the imported edition of textbooks.The reference textbook for this course is1.Out of Many - a history of The American People(5th edition) by JohnMack Faragher, Mari Jo Buhle, Daniel Czitrom, Susan H. ArMitage, Pearson Press2.The other reference book for this course is AP U.S. History by Kaplan(any edition of this book is O.K. because since 2009 the contents have never changed.3.The Routledge atlas of American History (Routledge, Taylor & FrancisGroup) Martin Gilbert simplified Chinese Translation Copyright 2009 by China Youth PressUnit 1: Introduction to U.S. history ( 0.5 weeks)Topic:(1)the format and scoring guide of AP U.S.History test(2)Persia Chart (Political ,Economic, Religious, Social, Intellectualand Arts)(3)SOAPS method for explaining primary source document (Subject,Occasion, Audience, Purpose and Subject )(4)Study plan(5)General clues about stages of U.S.History (the new world discovery,American revolution, the building of new nation and sprits among the early presidents and leaders, Civil War, reconstruction and development of industry, the first world war, the great depression, the second world war, the cold war, changes in post-cold war America) Reading:(1) Kaplan AP U.S. history 2009E Chap 1-2 P4-P7, P11-13, P16-21(2) Nash, Brief Contents and PrefaceExercise and Assessment: Writing your study plan for this courseUnit 2: Discovering the New World ( 1 weeks)Topic:(1)The culture of Native American(2)The culture of African(3)The early exploration of Spanish, English and French(4)The slave trade(5)The religious reform in Europe and its influenceReading:(1)Norton Chap 1 “ Three Old Worlds Create A New, 1492-1600(2)Kaplan AP U.S. history 2009E Chap 3 P47-51Exercise and Assessment:(1)Out of Many P26-29 AP DBQ and FRQ(2) AP 2008 FRQ (2) the American Indians and European colonies shaped relationships in New England, Chesapeake, Spanish Southwest, New York and New FranceUnit 3: Early Colonization( 1 weeks)Topic:(1)The colonizing efforts of Spanish, French and Dutch(2)The English setters in New English, Middle Colonies, Chespeake andthe Southern Colonies(3)The resistance to Colonial AuthorityReading:Norton Chap 2 “Europeans Colonize North American, 1600-1650Kaplan AP U.S. history 2009E Chap 4 P53-60Exercise and Assessment:Out of Many P53-55 AP DBQ and FRQComparing the ways that the early settlers of Spain, France and NetherlandAP 2010 DBQ 2011 FRQ Form B(2) goals of colonizing efforts of Spanish, French and Dutch.AP 2005 FRQ Form B(2)Geography was the factor of shaping British ColoniesUnit 4: Life in the colonies( 2 weeks)Topic:(1)The characteristics of English colonies and other colonies(2)The slave trade(3)The English civil War and its effect on American Colonies(4)The conflict between European colonies and Native American(5)Religious and Great awakeningReading:(1)Norton Chap 3 “ North American in the Atlantic World, 1650-1720Norton Chap 4” American Society Transformed, 1720-1770(2)Kaplan AP U.S. history 2009E Chap 5 P63-66Exercise and Assessment:Out of Many P122-124 AP DBQ and FRQComparing the major economic development in different part of Colonies To what extent did the tolerance increase in the colonies from 1630 to 1770?2010 FRQ Form B (2) 2011 FRQ (2)2005 FRQ (2) economic development from 1607 to 17502006 FRQ (2) politics, religion and economic development difference between Spanish settlements and the English colonies2008 FRQ Form B (3) African Americans created a distinctive culture in slavery2009 FRQ (2) British imperial policies intensified colonials’resistance to British rule2000 FRQ (2) Cultural and economic responses of British, French and Spanish to Indians of North AmericaUnit 5 The American Revolution (2 weeks)Topic:(1)The French and Indian War and its effect on colonies(2)The new laws issued by British government and the responses fromcolonies(3)The impact of Enlightenment and its comparation with Renaissance(4)The fights with British army during the war(5)The paper made during two continental congresses(6)The Declaration of Independence and its background(7)The Treaty of Paris(8)The articles of ConfederationReading:(1)Norton Chap 5 “ Severing the Bonds of Empire, 1754-1774Norton Chap 6 “ A Revolution Indeed, 1774-1783”Declaration of Independence(2)Kaplan AP U.S. history 2009E Chap 6-7 P69-84Exercise and Assessment:Out of Many P194-196, 230-232 AP DBQ and FRQWhat are the real causes of American Revolution behind the taxes? AP 2005 DBQ American Revolution change the American societyAP 2010 FRQ (2) the political, diplomatic and military reasons for U.S. victory in Revolutionary WarAP 2004 FRQ (2) American Revolution on slavery and status of women AP 2007 Form B FRQ (2) the change of land acquisition, politics and Economics relationship between Britain and North American from 1763 to 1775.AP 1999 DBQ Colonists develop sense of identity and unity by Revolution Unit 6 The founding of New Nation (2 weeks)Topic:(1)The Constitution vs. The Articles of Confederation(2)The Constitution Convention ( Three cornerstones: the power ofcentral government, the separation of powers, the precautions of “factions”)(3)The Great Compromise(4)The right of election and the process of president election(5)Federalists and Anti-federalist and Bill of Rights(6)the political, economical, foreign policies of the GeorgeWashington’s presidency(7)Women’s role(8)The fate of African American(9)The America’s relationship with Native AmericanReading:Norton Chap 6 “ A Revolution Indeed, 1774-1783”Norton Chap 7 “ Forging a National Republic 1776-1789”Kaplan AP U.S. history 2009E Chap 8 P92-98Exercise and Assessment:Show the difference of the U.S. Constitution and the Article of ConfederationWhat is great compromise? What’s its impact on the development of U.S.A?What are the Hamilton’s economic policies?AP 2011 Form B (3) The reasons of creating U.S. constitutionsAP 2005 Form B FRQ (3) American departure from the Article of ConfederationAP 2006 FRQ (3) the change of role of Federal governmentAP 2006 Form B FRQ the United States Constitution of 1787 AP 2007 FRQ (2) Violent protest in 18th centuryAP 2008 Form B FRQ (2) Anti-Federalists opposition to ratifying the constitutionAP 2009 Form B FRQ (2) the influences of revolutionary era in the Article of ConfederationUnit 7 Early Nation Period (2 weeks)Topic:(1)John Adam’s presidency(2)Thomas Jefferson’s presidency and Judicial Review(3)Madison’s presidency and the War of 1812(4)Economic growth and Economic crisis(5)Henry Clay’s Missouri Compromise(6)Monroe DoctrineReading:Norton Chap 8 “the Early Republic: Conflicts at home and Abroad 1789-1800 ”Norton Chap 9 “ Define a National 1801-1823”Norton Chap 11 “the restless North, 1815-1860Kaplan AP U.S. history 2009E Chap 8-10 P99-119Exercise and Assessment:Out of Many P302-304 AP DBQ and FRQAP 2002 DBQ (Form B) War of 1812 the “Era of Good Feelings. Emergence of nationalism and sectionalismAP 2004 FORM B(2)Election of 1800 aptly named the “Revolution of 1800”AP 2005 DBQ American Revolution change American society 1775-1800AP 2009 DBQ the freedom and expansion of slavery from 1775-1830AP 2009 FORM B (3) Tensions between immigrant Roman Catholics and native-born Protestants from 1830s to 1850sUnit 8 the Growth of Sectionalism (2 weeks)Topic:(1)The economic development in the North(2)The growth of cotton kingdom and life in the South(3)Westward expansion(4)Jackson’s presidency(5)Sectionalism(6)The forming of two partiesReading:Norton Chap 12 “ Reform and Polities,1824-1845Norton Chap 13 “ The contested West, 1815-1860Kaplan AP U.S. history 2009E Chap 11-12 P123-135Exercise and Assessment:Out of Many P376-377 AP DBQ and FRQAP DBQ 20022011 FRQ(3) political partiesAP 2011 DBQ political electionsAP 2005(3)Mexican War and its effectsUnit 9 the Antebellum Renaissance and the years before the civil wars (2 weeks)Topic:(1)The position of woman(2)Manifest Destiny(3)Compromise of 1850(4)Kansas-Nebraska Act(5)The rise of Lincoln(6)Lincoln-Douglas Debates(7)Secession of the SouthReading:Norton Chap 14 “Slavery and America’s Future: The Road to War, 1845-1861 Kaplan AP U.S. history 2009E Chap 13-15 P137-162Exercise and Assessment:Out of Many P485-487,522-524 AP DBQ and FRQAP 2004 (3) effectiveness of political compromise in reducing sectional tensions in the period from 1820 to 1861AP 2010 FORM B DBQ territorial expansion from 1800-1855AP 2004 FORM B(3)the role of women change from 1790-1860AP 2005 FORM B DBQ political compromise of 1820 to 1860AP 2006 FORM B (3) the industrial development from 1800 to 1860AP 2002 DBQ expansion of democratic ideals from 1825 to 1850AP 2007 FRQ (3) Second Great Awakening of Abolitionism, Temperance, Cult of domesticity and Utopian communitiesAP 2007 FORM B FRQ(3) Experiences of English, Irish and German Immigrants during 1830-1860AP 2008 FRQ (3) Impact of the market revolution 1815-1860AP 2009 FRQ (3) the social, political and economic forces of 1840s and early 1850s on the emergence of the Republican PartyAP 1999 FRQ (2) Major political personalities, States’rights and Economic issues contribute to the reemergence of two party 1820-1840 AP 2000 FRQ (3) Missouri Compromise, Mexican War, Compromise of 1850 and Kansas-Nebraska Act to opposed to the spread of Slavery.Unit 10 the Civil Wars (1.5 weeks)Topic:(1)Slavery and Economic interest are major causes of Civil War(2)Election of 1860(3)The big victories by both parties during the War(4)The end of slavery(5)Emancipation(6)Social, political and Economic consequence of the WarReading:Norton Chap 15 “ Transforming Fire: the Civil War, 1861-1865Kaplan AP U.S. history 2009E Chap 16 P165-173Exercise and Assessment:Out of Many P561-563 AP DBQ and FRQthe reasons leading to the Civil WarSocial, political and Economic consequence of the War2010 FRQ (3) extension of slavery into western territories to Civil War 1845-18612006 DBQ American Womenhood changesUnit 11 Reconstruction to 1877 (1.5 weeks)Topic:(1)Presidential and congressional pan(2)13th -15th amendments to the constitution(3)The trouble with Johnson(4)The reconstruction in the south(5)The rise of Ku Klux Klan(6)The compromise of 1877Reading:Nash, Chap 16 “ the Union Reconstructed”Kaplan AP U.S. history 2009E Chap 17 P179-187The Gettysburg AddressExercise and Assessment:Out of Many P599-P601 AP DBQ and FRQAP 2009 FORM B DBQ African American shape the course from 1861 to 1870 AP 2000 FRQ DBQ organized labor in improving the position of workers 1875-1900Unit 12 West movement and the New South(1.5 weeks)Topic:(1)Expansion and development of railroads in the West(2)Rivalry in the West between ranchers, homesteaders, miners and NativeAmericans(3)The policy for Native American(4)The New southReading:(1)Nash, Chap 17 “ the realities of Rural America ”(2)Kaplan AP U.S. history 2009E Chap 18 P189-195Exercise and Assessment:Out of Many P640-P641 AP DBQ and FRQ2010 FRQ Form B (3) experience of slaves on tobacco plantations 2006 FRQ Form B (4) American West land 1865-18902008 FRQ (4) “ New South “ by the time of First World War1999 FRQ (3) Life of Plains Indians by technologyUnit 13 The Rise of Industry (1.5 weeks)Topic:(1)Industry consolidation and Monopolization(2)Government policy towards the capitalism(3)Railroad expansion and the development of a national market(4)Change in the life of citizensReading:(1)Nash, Chap 18 “ the Rise of Smokestack America ”(2)Kaplan AP U.S. history 2009E Chap 19 P199-206Exercise and Assessment:Out of Many P677-P680 AP DBQ and FRQUnit 14 From a Rural to an Urban America(2 weeks)Topic:(1)A second wave to reform(2)The effect of Gilded Age(3)The improvement of women’s rights and civil rights(4)The presidency from Grant to Mckinley(5)Expansion(6)Foreign policy of Roosevelt’s, Taft and WilsonReading:(1)Nash, Chap 19 “ Politics and Reform ” Chap 20 “Becoming a world power”(2)Kaplan AP U.S. history 2009E Chap 20 P209-214Exercise and Assessment:Out of Many P715-P717 AP DBQ and FRQAP 2007 DBQ Technology, government policy and economic conditions changed American agriculture in 1865-1900Unit 15 Populists and Progressives(2 weeks)Topic:(1)The social and religious origins and progress of Progressive(2)The Progressive presidency: Roosevelt’s, Taft and Wilson(3)Women’s role: family, work, Education and suffrage(4)African American at the turn of the century(5)The birth of populistsReading:(1) Nash, Chap 21 “ The Progressive Confront Industrial Capitalism ”(2) Kaplan AP U.S. history 2009E Chap 21 P217-228Exercise and Assessment:Out of Many P755-P757 AP DBQ and FRQ2010 FRQ(4)2011 FRQ (4) American’s opposition on immigrants2010 FRQ Form B (4) effectiveness of Progressive Era2011 Form B (4) Foreign policies of TD Roosevelt and Wilson2004 Form B(4)Population shift2005 Form B (4) Progressive reforms to industrial conditions, urban life and politics2006 FRQ (4) Progressive reform lost momentum?2006 Form B FRQ (5) Advertising, Entertainment and Mass production shape the American national culture in the 1920’s2007 FRQ (4) the change in labor, trusts, conservation and world affairs under President TD Roosevelt?2007 Form B FRQ (4) Jane Addams, Andrew Carnegie, Samuel Compers and Upton Sinclair respond to to the economic and social problems of industrializationAP 2009 Form B (4) the impact of third partiesAP 1999 (4) 1920 Roaring TwentiesUnit 16 World War I (1 weeks)Topic:(1)New Imperialism(2)Spanish- American War(1898)(3)Global causes of World War I(4)From American neutrality to be involved in the WWI(5)Impact of War at home(6)Treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations(7)Post-War American Society and EconomyReading:(1) Nash, Chap 22 “ The Great War”(2) Kaplan AP U.S. history 2009E Chap 22 P231-245Exercise and Assessment:Out of Many P795-P797 AP DBQ and FRQAP 2007 FRQ Form B (5) Federal government sought support on the home front for the war effortAP 2008 FRQ Form B (4) Spanish- American WarAP 2008 FRQ (4) New South formed by WWIAP 2000 FRQ (4) Reasons of involving in WWIUnit 17 America Between the Wars (2 weeks)Topic:(1)Postwar Problem(2)American Business and Consumerism(3)Birth of modern culture(4)The conservative Harding(5)Harlem Renaissance and the life of Negro(6)Woman’s roles and continued effort for equalityReading:(1) Nash, Chap 23 “ Affluence and Anxiety ”(2) Kaplan AP U.S. history 2009E Chap 23 P251-259Exercise and Assessment:Out of Many P838-841 AP DBQ and FRQ2011 FRQ (4) American’s opposition on immigrants2005 FRQ (4) Americans to immigrations2008 Form B DBQ tensions of immigration from 1880 to 19252009 FRQ (4) Some Organizations on advancing the interests of workers from 1875 to 1925Unit 18 The Great Depression and New Deal (2 weeks)Topic:(1)The causes of Great Depression(2)Hoover’s reaction(3)FD Roosevelt and The New Deal(4)FD Roosevelt’s second term(5)The American Culture during the Great Depression(6)The Minorities in the DepressionReading:(1) Nash, Chap 24 “ the Great Depression and the New Deal ”(2) Kaplan AP U.S. history 2009E Chap 24 P263-272Exercise and Assessment:Out of Many P881-883 AP DBQ and FRQAP 2004 FRQ (4) Programs and Policies designed in Progressive era to those in New Deal PeriodUnit 19 The Road to the World War II (2 weeks)Topic:(1)World problems and American Neutrality(2)Aggression of Germany, Japan and Italy and American response(3)The two-front War(4)The War time Mobilization(5)The War’s impact on American Society and the citizens(6)Wartime diplomacy and big Conferences(7)The founding of United Nations(8)Society in Postwar AmericanReading:(1)Nash, Chap 25 “ World War II” Chap 26” Postwar Growth and SocialChanges”(2)Kaplan AP U.S. history 2009E Chap 25 P275-286Exercise and Assessment:Out of Many P922-925 AP DBQ and FRQAP 2004 FORM B DBQ U.S foreign policy between 1920-1941AP 2008 FRQ (5) President Election of 1928-1948AP 2009 FRQ (5) African, Japanese, Jewish and Mexican Americans home-front experiences during the Second World WarUnit 20 The Cold War (2 weeks)Topic:(1)Origins of the Cold War(2)The policy of Truman’s containment(3)Cold war in Asia in 1950’s(4)Eisenhower the nuclear arms race(5)The rise and fall of McCarthyism(6)Kennedy, Johnson and the Crises of 1960s(7)Nixon, Kissinger,détente with China and Russia(8)Jimmy Carter and the Cold War(9)The end of Cold War(10)The Vietnam WarReading:(1) Nash, Chap 27 “ Chills and Fever During the Cold War(2) Kaplan AP U.S. history 2009E Chap 26-27 P293-312Exercise and Assessment:Out of Many P961-964 AP DBQ and FRQAP 2006 FORM B DBQ tension between U.S. and Soviet Union AP FRQ 2004(5)Success and failure of United States Cold War policy of containment in Asia, Europe, Latin America and Middle East.AP 2007 FORM B DBQ Lyndon B.Johnson respond to the political, economic and social problems of U.SAP 2008 DBQ the effects of Vietnam WarUnit 21 Postwar Growth and Social change (2 weeks)Topic:(1)The presidency of Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon,(2)The election of 1960 AND 1968(3)“The affluent society”(4)The change of social status for African American and women’s rights(5)The revolutions in science, technology and medicine(6)The Watergate scandal(7)Carter’s presidencyReading:(1)Nash, Chap 28 “Reform and Rebellion in the Turbulent sixties,1960-1969”, Chap 29 “Disorder and Discontent, 1969-1980”(3) Kaplan AP U.S. history 2009E Chap 28-29 P315-334Exercise and Assessment:Out of Many P1087-1089 AP DBQ and FRQAP FRQ 2010 (5) Consequences of Suburbanization, Sun Belt and Immigration from 1945-1985AP 2011 DBQ changes between 1968 to 1974AP 2010 Form B (5) effects of Vietnam War on presidency, population and Cold War diplomacy from 1961 to 1975AP 2011 FRQ(5) Strategy of African American leadersAP 2011 FRQ Form B (5) Women’s rights movementAP 2004 Form B(5)The change of Social status for different groups of citizensAP 2005 FRQ (5) Civil Rights movement, antiwar movement and women’s movement to transform American societyAP 2005 Form B (5) Wars, culture and technological advance to the change of Woman’s lifeAP 2008 Form B (5) Impact of technology, intolerant attitudes and literary development similarity of 1920s and 1950sAP 2009 Form B (5) events and trends of 1970s diminished the nation’s economic power and international influenceAP 2009 Form B (4) the impact of third partiesAP 1999 (5) Containment in Asia 1945-1975Unit 22 The United States since 1974 (0.5 weeks)Topic:(1)The conservative agenda(2)Ford’s caretaker presidency(3)Regan’s presidency including his economic policy(4)The postindustrial economy(5)The change of American society after 1980sReading:(1)Nash, Chap 30 “the Revival of Conservatism,1980-1992”, Chap 31 “thePost-Cold War World, 1992-2006”(2)Kaplan AP U.S. history 2009E Chap 30 P337-345Exercise and Assessment:Out of Many P1128-1131,1171-1173 AP DBQ and FRQAP FRQ 2009 Form B (5) 1970’s events diminish the national’s economic power and international influenceAP 2005 FRQ (4) Americans to immigrationsAP 2006 FRQ (5) the critiques of United States society made by Youth, Civil Rights Activists and IntellectualsAP 2007 FRQ(5) landslide presidential victories for FD Roosevelt, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon and Ronald ReaganAP 2000 FRQ (5) Culture change of 1960s in Education, Gender roles, Music and Race Relations。
常见的各国食品接触材料测试法规:1.Federal Regulation-FDA 21 CFR 175-181(Plastic)美国塑料 GRAS Evaluation(Metal) 美国金属3.California Proposition 65 美国加利福尼亚65号提案4.General Europe Market 欧洲市场Regulation(EC) No 1935/20045.Plastic –EU No. 10/2011 塑料6.Metal –Council of Europe Resolution Cm/Res (2013) 9 金属7.AP(2004)1 涂层8.AP(2004)4/5 橡胶硅胶9.AP(2002)1纸张10.Ceramic -84/500/EEC & 2005/31/EC 陶瓷11.LFGB Section 30 and 31 德国12.French Decree 2007-766;DGCCRF 法国13.Italy DMH 21-3-1973 意大利14.GB中国标准:GB 4806.2-2016 奶嘴Nipple、GB 4806.3-2016搪瓷Enamel、GB 4806.4-2016陶瓷Ceramic、GB 4806.6-2016塑料树脂Plastic Resin、GB 4806.7-2016 塑料成品Plastic Products、GB 4806.8-2016纸和纸板Paper & Paperboard、GB 4806.9-2016金属Metal and Metal alloy、GB 4806.10-2016涂层Painting and Coating、GB 4806.11-2016橡胶及硅橡胶Rubber and Silicone食品接触材料包括:1.塑料、树脂2.橡胶、硅胶3.金属、合金4.纸张、纸板5.玻璃、陶瓷、瓷釉6.着色剂、印刷油墨等常见的食品接触材料产品:1.食物容器(例如:杯,瓶,盘)、烹调器具(例如:锅);2.处理食物的工具(例如:菜刀,砧板);3.运送食物的用具(例如:汤匙,筷子,搅拌器);4.食品包装(例如:聚乙烯包装,铝箔)欧洲食品接触材料测试项目要求:1935/2004/EC塑料(EU)No10/2011 全面迁移测试1935/2004/EC陶瓷玻2005/31/EC 铅镉溶出量测试1935/2004/EC硅橡胶AP(2004)5 全面迁移测试1935/2004/EC三聚氰胺树脂AP(2004)5 全面迁移测试,甲醛溶出量测试1935/2004/EC有机涂层AP(2004)1 全面迁移测试1935/2004/EC橡胶AP(2004)5&93/11/EEC 全面迁移测试,亚硝胺含量测试,芳香胺迁移1935/2004/EC纸张AP(2002)1 **测试,防腐效力测试,重金属测试1935/2004/EC木材**测试,甲醛溶出量测试1935/2004/EC金属、合金、及电镀重金属溶出量测试美国食品接触材料FDA认证测试项目:1. U.S. FDA CFR 21 175.300 有机涂层, 金属和电镀制品要求2. U.S. FDA CFR 21 176.170纸制品要求3. U.S. FDA CFR 21 178.3800 木材要求4. U.S. FDA CFR 21 181.32 or 180.22. ABS要求5. U.S. FDA CFR 21 177.1010 丙烯酸树脂(Acrylic)要求6. U.S. FDA CFR 21 177.1210食品容器的密封圈,密封衬垫要求,如硅橡胶圈7. U.S. FDA CFR 21 177.1350 EVA要求8. U.S. FDA CFR 21 177.1460三聚氰氨树脂(密胺)要求9. U.S. FDA CFR 21 177.1500尼龙塑料要求10. U.S. FDA CFR 21 177.1520 PP要求11. U.S. FDA CFR 21 177.1520 PE,OP要求各国对食品接触材料的管控不仅仅反映在法规当中,也体现在政府的实际行动当中,各国都有相关的政府机构对产品进行抽查和追踪,一旦发现不合格产品,将公开通报不合格产品,并采取召回、退关等强制行动。
CAD快捷键一览创建三维阵列3A创建三维面3F在三维空间创建由直线段组成的多段线3P在二维和三维空间中将某对象与其他对象对齐AL加载AutoLISP、ADS 和ARX 应用程序AP创建圆弧A计算对象或定义区域的面积和周长AA创建按指定方式排列的多重对象拷贝AR执行外部数据库命令的管理功能AAD输出选择对象的链接信息AEX管理对象和外部数据库之间的链接ALI显示并编辑表数据并创建链接和选择集ARO从链接到文字选择集和图形选择集的行中创建选择集ASE 执行结构查询语言(SQL) 语句ASQ创建属性定义-AT改变不依赖于块定义的属性信息-ATE用图案填充封闭区域H或BH根据选定对象创建块定义-B用对话框定义块B用封闭区域创建面域或多段线BO(使用命令行)用封闭区域创建面域或多段线-BO部分删除对象或把对象分解为两部分BR给对象加倒角CHA修改现有对象的特性-CH根据圆心和直径或半径绘制圆C复制对象CO或CP创建属性定义AT编辑单个块的可变属性ATE修改对象的颜色、图层、线型和厚度CH设置新对象的颜色COL编辑文字和属性定义ED显示夹点并设置颜色GR创建并修改标注样式D插入块或另一图形I控制现有对象的特性MO修改对象名称REN设置绘图辅助工具RM设置对象选择模式SE管理已定义的用户坐标系UC选择预置用户坐标系UCP控制坐标和角度的显示格式及精度UN创建和恢复视图V设置三维观察方向VP创建对齐线性标注DAL或DIMALI创建角度标注DAN或DIMANG从前一个或选择的标注的第一尺寸界线处连续标注DBA或DIMBASE 创建圆和圆弧的圆心标记或中心线DCE从前一个或选择的标注的第二尺寸界线处连续标注DCO或DIMCONT 创建圆和圆弧的直径标注DDI或DIMDIA编辑标注DED或DIMED创建线性尺寸标注DLI或DIMLIN创建坐标点标注DOR或DIMORD替换标注系统变量DOV或DIMOVER创建圆和圆弧的半径尺寸标注DRA或DIMRAD在命令行创建和修改标注样式DST或DIMSTY移动和旋转标注文字DIMTED测量两点之间的距离和角度DI将点对象或块沿对象的长度或周长等间隔排列DIV绘制填充的圆和环DO修改图像和其他对象的显示顺序DR打开鸟瞰视图窗口AV输入文字时在屏幕上显示DT定义平行投影或透视视图DV创建椭圆或椭圆弧EL从图形删除对象E将组合对象分解为对象组件X以其他文件格式保存对象EXP延伸对象到另一对象EX通过拉伸现有二维对象来创建三维实体EXT给对象加圆角F创建根据特性选择有关对象时用到的过滤器列表FI创建对象的命名选择集G使用命令行创建选择集-G用图案填充一块指定边界的区域-H修改现有的图案填充对象HE重生成三维模型时不显示隐藏线HI以多种格式向AutoCAD 图形文件中插入图像IM使用命令行插入图像-IM控制选定图像的亮度、对比度和褪色度IAD向当前图形中定义并附着新的图像对象IAT为单个图像对象创建新剪切边界ICL向AutoCAD 输入3DS/DXF/EPS /SAT/WMF等文件IMP将命名块或图形插入到当前图形中-I插入链接或嵌入对象IO找出两个或多个三维实体的干涉区并用公用部分创建三维组合实体INF 从两个或多个实体或面域的交集创建组合实体或面域IN管理图层LA在命令行上执行LAYER 命令-LA创建一条引出线将注释与一个几何特征相连LE或LEAD拉长对象L创建、加载和设置线型LT使用命令行创建、加载和设置线型-LT显示选定对象的数据库信息LI或LS设置线型比例因子LTS把某一对象的特性复制到其他若干对象MA将点对象或块按指定的间距放置ME创建对象的镜像副本MI创建多线ML在指定方向上按指定距离移动对象M从图纸空间切换到模型空间视口MS创建多行文字T或MT使用命令行创建多行文字-T创建浮动视口和打开现有的浮动视口MV创建对象的等距线,如同心圆、平行线和平行曲线O设置运行对象捕捉模式并修改靶框大小OS使用命令行设置运行对象捕捉模式并修改靶框大小-OS移动显示在当前视口的图形P使用命令行移动视口-P插入剪贴板数据并控制数据格式PA编辑多段线和三维多边形网格PE创建二维多段线PL将图形打印到绘图仪、打印机或文件PLOT创建点对象PO创建用多段线表示的正多边形POL自定义AutoCAD 系统参数的设置PR显示打印图形的效果PRE从模型空间视口切换到图纸空间PS删除数据库中未用的命名对象,例如块或图层PU退出AutoCAD EXIT绘制矩形多段线REC刷新显示当前视口R刷新显示所有视口RA重生成图形并刷新显示当前视口RE重新生成图形并刷新所有视口REA从选择的一组现有对象中创建面域对象REG修改对象名-REN创建三维线框或实体模型的具有真实感的渲染图像RR沿轴旋转二维对象以创建实体REV绕基点旋转对象RO设置渲染系统配置RPR在X、Y 和Z 方向等比例放大或缩小对象SC从脚本文件执行一系列命令SCR用剖切平面和实体截交创建面域SEC列出系统变量并修改变量值SET显示当前视口图形的着色图像SHA用平面剖切一组实体SL规定光标按指定的间距移动SN创建二维填充多边形SO检查图形中文字的拼写SP创建二次或三次样条曲线SPL编辑样条曲线对象SPE移动或拉伸对象S创建命名样式ST用差集创建组合面域或实体SU校准、配置、打开和关闭已安装的数字化仪TA设置当前三维实体的厚度TH控制对图纸空间的访问以及控制视口的行为TI创建形位公差标注TOL显示、隐藏和自定义工具栏TO创建圆环形实体TOR用其他对象定义的剪切边修剪对象TR通过并运算创建组合面域或实体UNI设置坐标和角度的显示格式和精度-UN保存和恢复已命名的视图-V设置图形的三维直观图的查看方向-VP将块对象写入新图形文件W创建三维实体使其倾斜面尖端沿X 轴正向WE将一个外部参照附加到当前图形中XA将外部参照依赖符号绑定到图形XB使用命令行执行XBINDW命令-XB定义外部参照或块剪裁边界,并且设置前剪裁面和后剪裁面XC 创建无限长的直线,称为参照线XL控制图形中的外部参照XR使用命令行执行XREF命令-XR放大或缩小当前视口对象的外观尺寸Z===============================cad快捷键快捷键注释快捷键注释A ARC(画弧) IN INTERSECT(求交)AA AREA(测量面积) L LINE(画线)AR ARRAY(阵列) LA LAYER(建立图层)ATT ATTDEF(定义属性) LE QLEADER(快速导引线标注) ATE ATTEDIT(编辑属性) LEN LENGTHEN(加长)B BLOCK(定义图块) LI LIST(列表)BH(H) BHATCH(图案填充) LT LINETYPE(设置线型)BR BREAK(打断) LTS LTSCALE(设置线型比例)C CIRCLE(画圆) M MOVE(移动)CH(Alt+1) PROPERTIES(特性修改) MA MATCHPROP(格式刷)CHA CHAMFER(倒斜角) ME MEASURE(测量)COL COLOR(改变物体颜色) MI MIRROR(镜像)CO COPY(复制) ML MLINE(画多线)D DIMSTYLE(设置标柱样式) MT MTEXT(多行文字)DAL DIMALIGNED(对齐标注) O OFFSET(偏移)DAN DIMANGULAR(角度标注) OP OPTIONS(系统设置)DBA DIMBASELINE(基线标料) OS OSNAP(物体捕捉)DCE DIMCENTER(圆心标注) P PAN(视图平移)DCO DIMCONTINUE(连续标注) PE PEDIT(复和线编辑)DDI DIMDIAMETER(直径标注) PL PLINE(复合线)DED DIMEDIT(标注编辑) PO POINT(画点)DI DIST(测量距离) POL POLYGON(画正多边形)DIV DIVIDE(等分) PRE PREVIEW(视图预览)DLI DIMLINEAR(线性标注) PRINT PLOT(打印)DO DONUT(圆环) R REDRAW(重画)DOR DIMORDINATE(坐标标注) RE REGEN(重新生成)DOV DIMOVERRIDE(尺寸更新) REC RECTANGLE(画矩形)DR DRAWORDER() REN RENAME(改名)DRA DIMRADIUS(半径标注) RO ROTATE(旋转)DS DSETTINGS(草图设置) S STRETCH(伸展)DT DTEXT(动态文本) SC SCALE(比例缩放)E ERASE(删除) SN SNAP(栅格点捕捉)ED DDEDIT(标注编辑) SPL SPLINE(画样条曲线)EL ELLIPSE(画椭圆) SPE SPLINEKIT(编辑样条曲线) EX EXTEND(延伸到) ST STYLE(设置文字样式) EXIT QUIT(退出) T MTEXT(多行文字)EXP(X)EXPORT(炸开) TO TOOLBAR(调用工具条)F FILLET(倒圆角) TR TRIM(修剪)G GROUP(成组) UN UNITS(设置单位)HE HATCHEDIT(图案填充编辑) W WBLOCK(块存盘)I INSERT(插入块) Z ZOOM(视图缩放)IMP IMPORT(导入)(二)常用CTRL快捷键【CTRL】+1 *PROPERTIES(修改特性)【CTRL】+2 *ADCENTER(设计中心)【CTRL】+O *OPEN(打开文件)【CTRL】+N、M *NEW(新建文件)【CTRL】+P *PRINT(打印文件)【CTRL】+S *SAVE(保存文件)【CTRL】+Z *UNDO(放弃)【CTRL】+X *CUTCLIP(剪切)【CTRL】+C *COPYCLIP(复制)【CTRL】+V *PASTECLIP(粘贴)【CTRL】+B *SNAP(栅格捕捉)【CTRL】+F *OSNAP(对象捕捉)【CTRL】+G *GRID(栅格)【CTRL】+L *ORTHO(正交)【CTRL】+W *(对象追踪)【CTRL】+U *(极轴)(三)常用功能键【F1】*HELP(帮助)【F2】*(文本窗口)【F3】*OSNAP(对象捕捉)【F7】*GRIP(栅格)【F8】*ORTHO(正交)。
Food Grade material
General items 常规项目
1. Overall migration 全迁移 2. Specific migration 特定迁移
Migration :The transfer of constituents from food contact materials into food 迁移 :从食品接触材料向食品中迁移成分
EU 1935/2004/EC French Décret nº92-631 and DGCCRF 2004-64
Specialty 特性
Strict requirement of metal material: coating and matrix all tested 对金属材料有严格要求:coating 和基材都要测试
Ceramic 陶瓷 84/500/EEC
Regenerated Cellulose Film 2007/42/EC
Colourant 着色剂 AP(89)1
New EU Plastic Regulation EU Regulation 10/2011
Paper 纸张 AP (2002)1
Rubber 橡胶 AP (2004) 4
Food grade material standard 食品级材料标准
French Dé nº cret 92-631
French- 法国
Ceramic, glass, crystal 陶瓷,玻璃,水晶
DGCCRF 2004-64
Rubber 橡胶
Arrêté du 9(1994.11)
Wood 木材
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PWM Buck ControllerFeatures- PWM Buck Control Circuitry- Operating voltage can be up to 27V- Under voltage Lockout (UVLO) Protection - Short Circuit Protection (SCP) - Soft-start circuit- Variable Oscillator Frequency -- 300Khz Max - 1.25V voltage reference Output - 8-pin PDIP and SOP packagesApplications- Backlight inverter - LCD Monitor- XDROM, XDSL Product- DC/DC converters in computers, etc.General DescriptionThe AP2004 integrates Pulse-Width-Modulation (PWM) control circuit into a single chip, mainly designs for power-supply regulator. All the functions include an on-chip 1.25V reference output, an error amplifier, an adjustable oscillator, a soft-start, UVLO, SCP circuitry, and a push-pull output circuit. Switching frequency is adjustable by trimming CT. During low VCC situation, the UVLO makes sure that the outputs are off until the internal circuit operates normally.Pin AssignmentOUT GND SCPSS FBVCC CT COMP( Top View )PDIP/SOPPin DescriptionsNameDescriptionCT TimingCapacitor FB Voltage Feedback SS Soft-Start. COMPFeedback Loop CompensationOUT PWM OutputGND Ground VCC Supply Voltage SCP Short Circuit ProtectionOrdering InformationS: SOP-8LA : TapingL : Lead Free PackagePWM Buck ControllerBlock DiagramOUTFBVCCSCP CTCOMPGNDSSAbsolute Maximum RatingsSymbol ParameterRating Unit V CC Supply voltage 28 V V I Amplifier input voltage 20 V V O Collector output voltage V CC -1.0VVI SOURCE Source current 200 mA I SINK Sink current200 mA T OP Operating temperature range -20 to +85 o C T ST Storage temperature range-65 to +150o C T LEAD Lead temperature 1.6 mm(1/16 inch) from case for 10 seconds260oCPWM Buck ControllerRecommended Operating ConditionsSymbolParameterMin. Max. Unit V CC Supply voltage 3.6 27V V I Amplifier input voltage 1.05 1.45V V O Collector output voltage Vcc-1.5 VI FBCurrent into feedback terminal45 µA R F Feedback resistor 100 k Ω C T Timing capacitor 100 6800pF F OSC Oscillator frequency 10 300 KHz T OPOperating free-air temperature-2085ºCElectrical Characteristics (T A=25ºC, VCC=6V, f=200 Khz)Reference (REF) Symbol Parameter Conditions Min.Typ. Max.UnitComp connect to FB 1.225 1.25 1.275VT A = -20ºC ~ 25ºC -0.1 ±1 % V REF Output voltage change withtemperature T A = 25ºC ~ 85ºC -0.2 ±1 %Under voltage lockout (UVLO) Symbol Parameter Conditions Min.Typ. Max.Unit V UT Upper threshold voltage (V CC ) 2.9 VV LWT Lower threshold voltage (V CC ) 2.4 VV HT Hysteresis (V CC ) I O(REF) = 0.1mAT A = 25ºC500 mV Short-circuit protection (SCP) control Symbol Parameter Conditions Min.Typ. Max.Unit V IT Input threshold voltage T A = 25ºC 0.600.67 0.75V V STB Standby voltage No pull up 100 130 160 mV V LT Latched input voltage No pull up 50 100 mV I SCP Input (source) current V I = 0.7V, T A = 25ºC -10 -15 -20 µAV CT Comparator threshold voltage(COMP)1.5 VOscillator (OSC) Symbol Parameter Conditions Min.Typ. Max.Unit F OSC Frequency C T =270 pF 200 KHzStandard deviation of frequency C T =270 pF 10∆F OSC Frequency change with voltage V CC =3.6V ~ 20V 1%PWM Buck ControllerElectrical Characteristics (Continued) (T A=25ºC, VCC=6V, f=200 Khz)Error-amplifierSymbol Parameter ConditionsMin.Typ. Max. Unit V IO Input offset voltage V O (FB)=1.25V ±6 mV I IO Input offset current V O (FB)=1.25V ±100 nA I IB Input bias currentV O (FB)=1.25V 160 500 nA V CMCommon-mode input voltagerangeV CC =3.6V ~ 20V1.051.45VAVOpen-loop voltageamplificationR F =200 k Ω 70 80 dBGBW Unity-gain bandwidth1.5 MHz CMRR Common-mode rejection ratio 60 80 dB V OH Max. output voltage V ref -0.1 VV OL Min. output voltage1 V I OI Output (sink) current (COMP)V ID = -0.1V, V O = 1.25V 0.5 1.6 mA I OOOutput (source) current(COMP)V ID = 0.1V, V O = 1.25V-45 -70 µA Output sectionSymbol ParameterConditions Min.Typ. Max. Unit I LEAK Leakage current V O = 25V 10 µA Sink current V IN = 20V 200 mA I DRV Source currentV IN = 20V 200 mA V SATOutput saturation voltageI O = 10 mA 1.0 1.5 V I SC Short-circuit output currentV O = 6V120 mA PWM comparatorSymbol ParameterConditionsMin.Typ.Max.UnitV T0 CT 0.6 0.7 V V T100 Input threshold voltage at f =10 KHz (COMP) Maximum duty cycle 1.2 1.3 V Total deviceSymbolParameterConditionsMin.Typ. Max. Unit I CCA Average supply current C T = 270pF6 10 mA Soft StartSymbol Parameter ConditionsMin.Typ. Max. Unit V SS Soft-start Voltage 2.3 VI SSConstant Charge Current20µAPWM Buck ControllerTypical Application CircuitC3Step-Down DC/DC converterTypical CharacteristicsPWM Buck ControllerTypical Characteristics (Continued)Marking Information(Top View)PDIP/SOPLogo ID codeYear: "01" =2001 "02" =2002Xth week: 01~52~PWM Buck ControllerPackage Information(1) PDIP-8L (Plastic Dual-in-line Package )E-PIN O0.118 inchDimensions in millimeters Dimensions in inchesSymbolMin. Nom. Max. Min. Nom. Max.A - - 5.33 - - 0.210A1 0.38 - - 0.015 - - A2 3.1 3.30 3.5 0.122 0.130 0.138B 0.36 0.46 0.56 0.014 0.018 0.022B1 1.4 1.52 1.65 0.055 0.060 0.065 B2 0.81 0.99 1.14 0.032 0.039 0.045C 0.20 0.25 0.36 0.008 0.010 0.014D 9.02 9.27 9.53 0.355 0.365 0.375E 7.62 7.94 8.26 0.300 0.313 0.325E1 6.15 6.35 6.55 0.242 0.250 0.258e - 2.54 - - 0.100 -L 2.92 3.3 3.81 0.115 0.130 0.150 eB 8.38 8.89 9.40 0.330 0.350 0.370 S 0.71 0.84 0.97 0.028 0.033 0.038PWM Buck ControllerPackage Information (Continued)(2) SOP- 8L(JEDEC Small Outline Package)Dimensions In Millimeters Dimensions In InchesSymbolMin. Nom. Max. Min. Nom. Max.A 1.40 1.60 1.75 0.055 0.063 0.0690.040 - 0.100A1 0.10 - 0.25A2 1.30 1.45 1.50 0.051 0.057 0.059B 0.33 0.41 0.51 0.013 0.016 0.020C 0.19 0.20 0.25 0.0075 0.008 0.010D 4.80 5.05 5.30 0.189 0.199 0.209E 3.70 3.90 4.10 0.146 0.154 0.161e - 1.27 - - 0.050 -H 5.79 5.99 6.20 0.228 0.236 0.244L 0.38 0.71 1.27 0.015 0.028 0.050y - - 0.10 - - 0.004θ0O - 8O0O - 8O。