The spin excitation spectrum in striped bilayer compounds
Fluorescence and Phosphorescence from Higher Excited States of Organic Molecules
Takao Itoh
Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Hiroshima University, 1-7-1 Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima City, 739-8521 Japan experimental interest. Further, it is of importance to investigate emission of this kind in conjunction with the mechanisms of intramolecular electronic relaxation processes. There have already been several partial reviews on the present subject. In 1978 Turro et al. presented a review on organic photoreactions, where they surveyed emission from upper electronic states.2 A brief review on S2 → S0 fluorescence (S2 fluorescence) is given also in standard textbooks such as the CONTENTS one by Birks first edited in 1973.3,4 In 1993 Maciejewski and 1. Introduction A Steer
傅里叶红外光谱的英文傅里叶红外光谱的英文I. IntroductionInfrared spectroscopy is a common analytical method used for studying the chemical properties of a sample. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), also known as Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) analysis, is a type of infrared spectroscopy that uses a Fourier transform to obtain the spectral information. In this article, we will discuss the English terminology used for FTIR.II. Basic Terminology1. Infrared spectrum: a representation of the absorption or transmission of infrared radiation as a function of wavelength or frequency2. Spectral range: the range of wavelengths or frequencies measured in the infrared spectrum3. Wavenumber: the reciprocal of wavelength, measured in cm-1 in the FTIR spectrum4. Absorbance: the logarithm of the ratio of the incident radiation to the transmitted radiation, measured in the FTIR spectrum5. Peak: a point on the FTIR spectrum that corresponds to a specific vibrational mode of the sample6. Baseline: the absorption background in the FTIR spectrumIII. Sample PreparationBefore performing FTIR analysis, the sample must be prepared in the formof a thin film or powder to ensure uniformity of the sample.IV. InstrumentationFTIR analysis requires a Fourier transform infrared spectrometer, which consists of a source, interferometer, and detector. The sample is placed in the path of the infrared beam generated by the source and the transmitted or absorbed radiation is measured by the detector. The interferometer is used to obtain the interferogram, which is then transformed into the FTIR spectrum.V. ApplicationsFTIR is used in various fields such as chemistry, pharmaceuticals, and material science. It is commonly used for the identification of unknown compounds, characterization of functional groups, and monitoring of chemical reactions.VI. ConclusionFTIR analysis is a powerful technique for studying the chemical properties of a sample. Understanding the basic terminology and instrumentation used in FTIR is essential for accurate interpretation of the spectral data.。
Spectrochimica Acta Part A61(2005)2861–2866A study on the sizes and concentrations of gold nanoparticlesby spectra of absorption,resonance Rayleigh scatteringand resonance non-linear scatteringYou Qiu He,Shao Pu Liu∗,Ling Kong,Zhong Fang LiuSchool of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Southwest China Normal University,Chongqing400715,PR ChinaReceived9April2004;received in revised form19October2004;accepted27October2004AbstractLiquid phase gold nanoparticles with different diameters and colors can be prepared using sodium citrate reduction method by controlling the amounts of sodium citrate.The mean diameters of gold nanoparticles are measured by transmission electron microscope(TEM).Gold nanoparticles with different sizes have specific absorption spectra.When the diameters of nanoparticles is between12and41nm,the maximum absorption peaks locate at520–530nm and there are red shifts gradually with the increase of diameters of gold nanoparticles.And when the size of gold nanoparticle is constant,the absorbance is proportional to the concentration of gold.Obvious resonance Rayleigh scattering (RRS)and the resonance non-linear scattering such as second-order scattering(SOS)and frequency-doubling scattering(FDS)appear at the same time as well,and the maximum scattering peaks are located at286nm(RRS),480nm(SOS)and310nm(FDS),respectively.When the concentration of gold is constant,absorbance and the intensities of RRS,SOS and FDS(I RRS,I SOS and I FDS)have linear relationships with the diameters of gold nanoparticles.When the diameter of gold nanoparticle is constant,the absorbance and I RRS,I SOS,I FDS are directly proportional to the concentrations of gold nanoparticles.Therefore,it is very useful for studying the liquid phase gold nanoparticles by investigating the absorption,RRS,SOS and FDS spectra.©2004Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.Keywords:Gold nanoparticle;Absorption spectrum;Resonance Rayleigh scattering;Resonance non-linear scattering1.IntroductionAt present,a study on nanoparticle is becoming a hot point owing to their novel physical and chemical attributes and their special properties in electronics[1–4],optics[1,5],electro-magnetics[6].More and more interests are drawn to the par-ticular optical characters such as surface plasmon resonance (SPR)[7],plasmon absorption(PA)[8],surface enhanced Raman scattering[9]and resonance Rayleigh scattering[10] of nanoparticles.These studies are very important not only for knowing about the new optical properties but also for study-ing the characterization and detection methods of nanopar-ticles.In recent years,gold nanoparticles as biomolecular optical probes have shown vast applied prospects because ∗Corresponding author.Tel.:+862368287940;fax:+862368287940.E-mail address:liusp@(S.P.Liu).they have been used as probes for studying and determining polynucleotide[11,12]oligonucleotide sand DNA[13,14]. Therefore,it is significant for extending the characterization methods and new applications of gold nanoparticles to further study their other optical properties.Recently,applications in the characterization of gold nanoparticles have not been reported by discovering the re-lation between the sizes and concentrations as well as the absorption,resonance Rayleigh scattering,and resonance non-linear scattering such as second-order scattering and frequency-doubling scattering.Our study show that gold nanoparticles with different diameters can be prepared by the sodium citrate reduction method[15]through controlling the amounts of sodium citrate.A serious of gold nanoparti-cles with the mean diameters of12,19,24,33and41nm can be prepared.The absorption peaks gradually shift red from 520to530nm and the colors change from orange to red and1386-1425/$–see front matter©2004Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.saa.2004.10.0352862Y.Q.He et al./Spectrochimica Acta Part A61(2005)2861–2866red to purple with the increase of diameters of gold nanopar-ticles.Simultaneously,the liquid phase gold nanoparticles with different diameters can also result in RRS,SOS and FDS with different intensities,however,the scattering peaks do not change according to the diameters and they are lo-cated at286nm(RRS),480nm(SOS)and310nm(FDS), respectively.When the concentration of gold nanoparticles is constant,the I RRS,I SOS and I FDS have linear relations with the diameters of gold nanoparticles.When the diameter is constant,the absorbance and above three scattering inten-sities are directly proportional to the concentration of gold nanoparticles.Therefore,the absorption and RRS,SOS and FDS spectra are important not only for the study of the optical properties but also for the development of the new spectral characterization method of gold nanoparticles.2.Experimental2.1.ReagentsHAuCl4solution,1%Au(III);sodium citrate solution,1%. Both of the reagents were of analytical reagent grades and doubly distilled water was used throughout.2.2.ApparatusA Hitachi F-2500spectrofluorophotometer(Hitachi Ltd., Tokyo,Japan),a UV–vis8500spectrophotometer(Tianmei Company,Shanghai,China),a DHT electro thermal constant temperature device with a stirrer Shandong Jiancheng Sci-ence Instrument Plant,China and a H-600transmission elec-tron microscopy(JEOL Ltd.,Japan)were used.2.3.General procedureThe gold nanoparticles with different diameters are pre-pared by sodium citrate reduction method[15].An amount of1ml of1%HAuCl4is added into suitable amount of wa-ter and the solution is heated to95◦C.Then the solution is stirred strongly at around120min,at the same time,5.0,4.0, 1.5,1.0and0.75ml of1%sodium citrate are added drop by drop into the solution to keep the reduction time about6min. After that,the solution is kept at95◦C for5min and trans-ferred into a100mlflask and diluted to the mark with water, and a series of100g ml−1of the gold nanoparticle with the colors of orange–red,red and red–purple gold nanoparticles are prepared.The diameters of gold nanoparticles prepared by control-ling different concentrations of sodium citrate were measured by transmission electron microscope(TEM),and the absorp-tion spectra of these gold nanoparticles are measured by spec-trophotometer.In addition,the RRS spectra are recorded with synchronous scanning atλex=λem(i.e. λ=0nm)and the scattering intensities of SOS and FDS(I SOS and I FDS)are measured successively atλex=1/2λem andλex=2λem un-der different incident lights by spectrofluorophotometer,then I SOS and I FDS were plotted against corresponding incident light wavelengths to make SOS and FDS spectra.3.Results and discussion3.1.Sizes of the gold nanoparticlesThe sizes of gold nanoparticles prepared by above general procedure were measured by TEM(as shown in Fig.1).It can be seen from Fig.1that nanoparticles are relatively same in size and are almost spherical.The lower the concentration of sodium citrate is,the more gold atoms will aggregate into a nanoparticle,which results in the increase of diameters.Par-ticle sizes were measured according to the statistical analysis of large number(50–100)of particles.When the amounts of sodium citrate are5.00,4.00,1.50,1.00and0.75ml,the average diameters of gold nanoparticles are measured as12, 19,24,33and41nm respectively by TEM.3.2.Absorption spectraThe absorption spectra of gold nanoparticles with differ-ent diameters are shown in Fig.2.It can be seen that when the diameters of particles are12,19,24,33and41nm,and the maximum absorption peaks(λmax)are located at520,522, 524,528and530nm,respectively.The absorption peaks shift red with the increase of diameters of gold nanoparticles.Brus [16]using spherical particle-in-a-box model has ever proved that when the diameter of spherical nanoparticle is below 10nm,there is a blue shift of absorption band caused by the further splitting of energy levels and the further increase of the energy gap with the decrease of the diameter because of the size effect of nanoparticle.Our experiments show that even the diameter of the gold nanoparticle is above10nm, during certain size range(at least below50nm),the same law is followed,namely,the absorption band shifts red with the increase of the diameters.In addition,the results also show that the colors of nanoparticles become gradually from orange–red to red and red–purple.However,the minor change of the absorption spectra( λis only10nm)does not corre-spond with color change.Therefore,the colors of the liquid phase nanoparticle are different from those of the common small molecular solution,and they are related not only to the absorption spectra,but also to many factors such as the quantum color effect,scattering,refraction and reflection etc. The colors of gold nanoparticles are affected by the above-mentioned factors all together.The relations between the di-ameters of gold nanoparticles(d)andλmax is shown in Fig.3. Fig.3shows that the maximum absorption peaks(λmax)shift red with the increase of the diameters of gold nanoparticles. When the concentration of gold is constant,the maximum absorption peaks(λmax)are plotted against the diameters(d) and theλmax is proportional to the diameters.The linear re-gression equation isλmax=515.04+0.3647d and correlation coefficients is0.9902.They have good linear relation.Y.Q.He et al./Spectrochimica Acta Part A 61(2005)2861–28662863Fig.1.Photos of transmission electron microscope (50,000×):(a)12nm;(b)19nm;(c)24nm;(d)33nm;(e)41nm.Fig.2.Absorption spectra of gold nanoparticles:(1)12nm;(2)19nm;(3)24nm;(4)33nm;(5)41nm.Fig.3.Relation between the maximum absorption wavelength and the di-ameter (d ).2864Y.Q.He et al./Spectrochimica Acta Part A 61(2005)2861–2866Fig.4.Resonance Rayleigh scattering spectra of gold nanoparticles:(1)12nm;(2)19nm;(3)24nm;(4)33nm;(5)41nm.3.3.RRS spectraFig.4shows the RRS spectra of gold nanoparticles with different diameters.It can be seen that there is a strong maxi-mum RRS peak (λRRS )at 286nm and a smaller RRS peak at 550nm.The RRS peaks do not change with different diame-ters of gold nanoparticles,but the relative intensities enhance with the increase of the diameters.3.4.SOS and FDS spectraThe SOS and FDS spectra of gold nanoparticles with dif-ferent diameters are shown in Fig.5(a)and (b).It can be seen that gold nanoparticles can result in obvious SOS and FDS,and the maximum SOS and FDS peaks (λSOS and λFDS )are respectively located at 480nm (the incident wavelength is 240nm)and 310nm (the incident wavelength is 620nm).The SOS and FDS are probably resonance non-linear scatter-ing [17–21]produced by RRS and their intensities are weaker than that of RRS.The intensity of SOS is stronger than that of FDS.When the concentration of gold is constant,thein-Fig.5.Spectra of the second-order scattering (a)and frequency-doubling scattering (b)of gold nanoparticles:(1)12nm;(2)19nm;(3)24nm;(4)33nm;(5)41nm.parison between absorption (...)and RRS spectra (—)of gold nanoparticle (d =12nm):(1)I SOS ;(2)I FDS ;(3)A ;(4)I RRS .tensities of SOS and FDS enhance with the increase of the diameters of gold nanoparticles and they are also proportional to the diameters of gold nanoparticle.3.5.Relations of I RRS ,I SOS and I FDS with the diameters of gold nanoparticlesThe intensities of RRS,SOS and FDS have linear relations with the diameters of gold nanoparticles.The linear equations and the correlation coefficients are I RRS =6.52+130.79d ,r =0.9984(RRS),I SOS =−6.87+6.55d ,r =0.9922(SOS)and I FDS =−16.70+12.96d ,r =0.9938(FDS).Therefore,the diameters of gold nanoparticles can be estimated through measuring the relative scattering intensities.3.6.Relation between RRS and absorption spectrum The diameters of gold nanoparticles are between 12and 41nm,and they are much less than the incident wavelength.Therefore,the scatterings of these gold nanoparticles are Rayleigh scatterings because the elastic scattering with in-Y.Q.He et al./Spectrochimica Acta Part A61(2005)2861–28662865 Table1Colors and characteristics of gold nanoparticles with different diametersNo.Mean diameter,D(nm)Colorλmax(nm)Number of Au atom ina gold nanoparticleλabλRRSλSOSλFDS112Orange–red520286480310 5.33×104 219Red522286480310 2.12×105 324Red524286480310 4.27×105 433Red528286480310 1.11×106 541Red–purple530286480310 2.13×106cident wavelength being equal to scattering wavelength is Rayleigh scattering.And the Rayleigh scattering of the gold nanoparticle is also located near the absorption band of gold nanoparticles(as shown in Fig.6),therefore,Rayleigh scat-tering resonates with absorption light to result in resonance enhanced Rayleigh scattering,namely,RRS.Although RRS peak(286nm)is somewhat away from the absorption peak (520–530nm),but the gold nanoparticles have strong absorp-tion near300nm and Rayleigh scattering in short wave region is stronger than that in long wave region,therefore,it is nor-mal to produce RRS near300nm,and there is a smaller RRS peak(550nm)near the maximum absorption wavelength at 520–530nm.In this case,the conditions being satisfied for producing the RRS are as follows:(1)the scattering wave-length is equal to the incident wavelength;(2)the sizes of scattering particles are much smaller than the incident wave-length;(3)the scattering is located near the absorption band. Therefore,the elastic scattering is resonance Rayleigh scat-tering.In fact,it is the resonance effect that results in strong RRS and the resonance non-linear scattering such as SOS and FDS.3.7.Relations of the gold concentration with A,I RRS,I SOS and I FDS of the liquid phase gold nanoparticlesWhen the diameter of gold nanoparticle is constant (for example,d=12nm),the relations of the concen-tration of gold with A,I RRS,I FDS and I SOS were in-vestigated.Under certain conditions,A and three scat-tering intensities have linear relationships with the con-centrations of gold nanoparticles.The linear regres-sion equation and correlation coefficients(r)and linear ranges are: I RRS=12.54+967.71c,r=0.9992,linear range 0.5–6.0g ml−1; I SOS=12.01+45.2c,r=0.9921,linear range0.5–6.0g ml−1; I FDS=5.3+16.67c,r=0.9906, linear range0.5–6.0g ml−1.The detection limits for gold are170.5ng ml−1(RRS),298.2ng ml−1(SOS)and 203.9ng ml−1. A=0.022+0.52c,r=0.9903,linear range 0.5–5.0g ml−1.The colors and spectral characteristics of absorption and three resonance scatterings are shown in Table1.The above-mentioned researches show that:(1)liquid phase gold nanoparticles with different diameters and col-ors can be prepared using sodium citrate reduction method by controlling the amounts of sodium citrate;(2)the absorp-tion peaks shift red with the increase of diameters of gold nanoparticles;(3)when the concentration of liquid phase gold nanoparticle is constant,the scattering intensities of RRS, SOS,and FDS have linear relationship with the diameters of gold nanoparticles.And when the diameter of gold nanoparti-cle is constant,A,I RRS,I SOS and I FDS are directly proportional to the concentrations of gold in the liquid phase gold nanopar-ticle.Therefore,according to the colors of gold nanoparticles and the relative intensities of A,RRS,SOS and FDS,the diam-eters of gold nanoparticles can be estimated approximately. When the diameter is constant,the spectrophotometry and the RRS,SOS and FDS are simple methods for determining the concentration of gold nanoparticle. AcknowledgementsThis work has been supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(no.20175018). 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激光器laser计算calculated 薄膜films衍射diffraction 等离子体plasma波长wavelength相互作用interaction 相位phase离子ion发射emission 噪声noise系数coefficient光谱spectra色散dispersion电荷charge/electric charge 共振resonance金属metal干涉interference混沌chaotic 晶格lattice金刚石diamond缺陷defects物理实验experiment 观察到observed经典classical 位相phase掺杂doped 量子力学quantum反射reflection量子阱well染料dye碰撞collision激发态excited state孤子soliton光源Optical source光子晶体photonic激光束laser光栅grating探测器detector超导体superconductor扫描scanning冷光luminescence能带band/energy band溅射sputtering多层multilayer干涉仪interferometer展开expansion装置Installation/device 带电charged 规范gauge谐振子/振荡器oscillator电磁波electromagnetic wave 电阻率resistivity格林green光学特性optical property放大器amplifier混频 mixing 谐振腔 resonator导体 conductor 一致 agreement铁磁 ferromagnetic 载流子carrier倍频Frequency doubling 调谐tuning氧化物oxide重复频率 Repeat frequency rate滤波器filter 极化子 polaron 器 synchrotron库仑 coulomb 卡罗carlo压强pressure守恒conservation 衬底上 substrate (基底,基片)自发辐射 spontaneous radiation简并degenerate场分布 field distribution 蓝宝石 sapphire万有引力 gravitational 激光等离子体 Laser plasma受激准分子激光器 Excimer laser吸收谱 absorption spectrum 条纹Stripe/stria 共轭 conjugate ?纠缠态 entangle state组态 configuration ?振子强度 oscillator strength势垒barrier 发散divergence腔内 Intra cavity ? 频谱 Frequency spectrum粗糙度 roughness金刚石薄diamondfilm非弹性 inelastic 焦距 focal 磁化强度 magnetization (intensity )结晶 crystal的infrared多层膜multilayer film自由电子Free electron沉积(物) deposition石英quartz散射dispersion耦合器coupler分数的fractional偏振光polarized light折射refraction叠加态superposition激光光束laser中文英文场论field正电子湮positron窗口window势能函数potential激光能量energy中文英文溶胶-凝胶sol-gel环形腔ring禁带band格林函数green ' s 中文英文普通物理physics核子nucleon掺yb yb离子注入ion反射镜mirror熔体melt相位共轭conjugation 热传导heat中文英文光吸收absorption真空态vacuum场发射emission红外光谱infrared 空位vacancy钙钛矿perovskite腔场cavity偏压bias中文英文磁性能magnetic非线性效nonlinear光子数photon无限infinite有序ordered爱因斯坦einstein演示demonstration 中文英文电弧arc激光作用laser自由能energy最大值maximum误差分析 error加速器 accelerator nd :yag yag外差 heterodyne 中文英文透过率 transmission反铁磁 antiferromagnetic 分岔 bifurcation磁电阻效magnetoresistance发散角 divergence 宇宙线 cosmic法拉第 faraday 中文 英文 霍尔 hall红宝石 ruby 微扰理论 perturbation电场强度 field 时空 space-time约束 confinement 中文英文成像系统 imaging相互作用potential矩阵方法 matrix ktp 晶体 ktp胶子 gluon 激光泵浦 pumped电介质 dielectric中文 英文顺磁 paramagnetic高温超导 superconducting 穆斯堡尔 mossbauer非弹性散inelastic液态 liquid 中文英文激光波长 wavelength双原子分diatomic熔化 melting光纤通信 optical准分子激excimer衍射分析 diffraction 光谱研究spectra金刚石膜 diamond导率 conductivity 迭加 superposition 中文英文行波 wave原子力显afm反射系数 reflection 对比度contrast 表面粗糙roughness猝灭quenching规范场 gauge归一化 normalized 矩阵法 matrix 奇偶 even 中文 英文 天线antenna脉冲激光laser光电子能photoelectron势函数 potential 高温超导体 superconductors红光 red光声 photoacoustic抛物 parabolic 激光照射 laser对流convection抽运功率 pump 展开法 expansion 中文 英文狭义相对论relativity小信号增gain凝聚态 condensed 传输线 transmission本征 intrinsic 宝石激光器 sapphire曝光 exposure 波分复用 wavelength自由电子fel色散特性 dispersion光速 light荷电charged淀积 deposition近似方法 approximation 溅射法 sputtering受激喇曼raman能量损失 energy 红外吸收infrared换能器 transducer 康普顿compton皮秒 picosecond 总能量 energy基模 mode 价带 valence扫描电子scanning物理课程 physics 失配mismatchcarlo 方carlo固溶体 solid 光纤耦合couplingVibration 振动 Rotation 旋转 Translation 平动Infrared spectroscopy 红外光谱 Bending 弯曲 Dipole 偶Asymmetric 不对称 Stretch 拉伸Rocking 左右摇摆 Wagging 上下摇摆 Twisting 扭转Scissoring 剪刀式摇摆symmetric stretching 对称伸缩 Symmetric 对称Factor influencing 影响因子 Rayleigh 瑞利 Isotropy 各向同性 anisotropy 各向异性Incident electromagnetic wave 入射电磁波 Probing 探索Single molecules 单分子Single nanometer particle 单个纳米粒子Plasma 等离子体Power exhaust 功率损失Alpha particle transport 粒子输运 Excitation 激发 Ionization 电离Recombination 重组Radiant 辐射的,发光的,发热的 decay 腐烂 Impurities 杂质inelastic 非弹性的adjoint 伴随矩阵Gas doping 气体参杂。
Single-particle spectra near a stripe instability
a r X i v :c o n d -m a t /0109323v 1 [c o n d -m a t .s u p r -c o n ] 18 S e p 2001Single-particle spectra near a stripe instabilityS.Caprara,C.Di Castro,and M.GrilliIstituto Nazionale per la Fisica della Materia,UdR Roma 1and Dipartimento di Fisica,Universit`a di Roma “La Sapienza”,Piazzale Aldo Moro 2,I-00185Roma,ItalyWe analyze the single-particle spectra of a bi-layered electron system near a stripe instability and compare the results with ARPES experiments on the Bi2212cuprate superconductor near optimum doping,addressing also the issue of the puzzling absence of bonding-antibonding splitting.It was proposed that the anomalous normal-state prop-erties of the cuprate superconductors at optimum doping may result from the mixing of the doped holes with the collective charge and spin fluctuations near a stripe in-stability [1].To investigate the corresponding quasipar-ticle spectra,and to compare with experiments on the bi-layered Bi2212[2],we introduce the HamiltonianH = k ;σℓ(ξk −δµ)c +kσℓc kσℓ−t ⊥k ;σγk c +kσ1c kσ2+h.c.+k,q ;σ,ρℓig i c +k +qσℓc kρℓτi σρS i −qℓwhere ξk =−2t (c x +c y )+4t ′c x c y −µ,with c x,y =cos(k x,y a ),is the tight-binding dispersion for electrons on a square lattice with nearest and next-to-nearest neigh-bors hopping,a is the lattice spacing,µis the bare chemi-cal potential and δµis the shift in the interacting system.The planes are labelled by ℓ=1,2and t ⊥is the inter-plane matrix element modulated by γk =1πα=1,2Im1+(−1)α+ℓΣ−/˜t⊥2(Σℓ=1±Σℓ=2),˜t ⊥=(t 2⊥γ2k +Σ2−)1/2and R meansretarded.For λi =0the quasiparticle FS consistsof two branches,corresponding to the bonding and an-tibonding band (Fig.1,left panel),well separated near the M points,where γk is larger.However,a moderate coupling between the electrons and the critical fluctua-tions is sufficient to eliminate the FS splitting.Indeed,the suppression of spectral weight is stronger near the M points where the splitting is expected to be larger,and is weaker where the splitting is naturally suppressed by γk .The effect is enhanced in the case of a mismatch between the fluctuation patterns on the two different planes.The resulting FS,projected onto a single plane (e.g.ℓ=1)as it is suitable to interpret ARPES results,is essentially the same as in the absence of interlayer coupling (Fig.1,right panel).Thus the absence of the band splitting in ARPES spectra of bi-layered materials can be due to the enhancement of charge and spin fluctuations scattering the quasiparticles near a stripe instability.Acknowledgments.Part of this work was carried out with the financial support of the I.N.F.M.-P.R.A.1996.[1]C.Castellani,C.Di Castro,M.Grilli,Phys.Rev.Lett.75(1995)4650.[2]N.L.Saini et al.,Phys.Rev.Lett.79(1997)3467.[3]O.K.Andersen et al.,Phys.Rev.B49(1994)4145.[4]S.Caprara et al.,Phys.Rev.B59(1999)14980.FIG.1.Calculated FS for t=200meV,t′=50meV,t⊥=50meV,µ=−180meV,¯τ−1=200meV andλs,c=0(left),λs=0.5,λc=0.3(right).2。
10 Luminescence Properties of a Red Phosphor, CaAlSiN3_Eu2+
Luminescence Properties of a Red Phosphor,CaAlSiN3:Eu2+,for White Light-Emitting DiodesKyota Uheda,a,c Naoto Hirosaki,b Yoshinobu Yamamoto,b Atsushi Naito,aTakuya Nakajima,a and Hajime Yamamoto a,za School of Bionics,Tokyo University of Technology,Tokyo192-0982,Japanb Advanced Materials Laboratory,National Institute of Material Science,Tsukuba,Ibaragi305-0044,JapanWe developed a new red phosphor,CaAlSiN3:Eu2+,which has a broad excitation band extended from UV region to590nm.At the optimum Eu concentration of1.6mol%,quantum output is seven times higher than for a conventional red phosphor, La2O2S:Eu3+,under405nm excitation.The phosphor is also more efficient than CaSiN2:Eu2+or Ca2Si5N8:Eu2+at any excitation wavelength.One reason of the high room-temperature efficiency is small thermal quenching,which is probably related to a rigid network of͓SiN4͔and͓AlN4͔tetrahedra.The phosphor is chemically stable as well.Accordingly,it is a promising material for warm-white light-emitting diodes.©2006The Electrochemical Society.͓DOI:10.1149/1.2173192͔All rights reserved.Manuscript submitted November13,2005;revised manuscript received December24,2005.Available electronically February15,2006.The white light-emitting diode͑LED͒has attracted increasingattention as a new light source for illumination and displays withits high efficiency and long lifetime.A conventional white LEDcomposed of a blue LED and a yellow-emitting phosphor,͑Y,Gd͒3͑Al,Ga͒5O12:Ce3+,has a low color rendering index,because it lacks a red component.To develop warm-white LEDs with ahigher color rendering index,many investigations have been carriedout to develop red-emitting phosphors,which can be excited by blue ͑460nm͒or violet͑405nm͒LEDs.For example,La2O2S:Eu3+was reported to be efficient under405nm excitation.1This phosphor is, however,not efficient under blue excitation,since its excitation band due to a Eu3+charge-transfer is largely decreased with an increase in wavelength in the blue region.It is well known that alkaline-earth sulfides activated with Eu2+show red or orange luminescence of high efficiency and that they can be excited by blue light.2These materials are,however,hygroscopic and have the potential to be degraded by atmospheric moisture under operation.Alkaline-earth, silicon nitrides activated with Eu2+, e.g.,CaSiN2:Eu2+and AE2Si5N8:Eu2+with AE standing for an alkaline-earth element, were also reported to emit red or orange luminescence by blue excitation.3The present work introduces a new red phosphor, CaAlSiN3:Eu2+,which is more efficient than La2O2S:Eu3+or Ca2Si5N8:Eu2+under460and405nm excitation,and chemically stable as well.This work reports mainly on its photoluminescence properties.This phosphor has not been reported before,although the host material,CaAlSiN3,was known to be formed in the CaO-AlN-Si3N4phase diagram.4ExperimentalThe starting material of Eu,EuN,was prepared byfiring of me-tallic Eu in NH3gasflow at600°C for12h.The formed material, EuN,was intimately mixed with other starting materials,Ca3N2, AlN,and Si3N4,with the stoichiometric molar ratio in a glove box filled with N2.The mixture was charged in a BN crucible and then fired in1MPa N2atmosphere at1600°C for2h and subsequently at1800°C for2h.Thefired product was crushed,sieved,and pre-pared for measurements.Powder X-ray diffraction͑XRD͒patterns were measured with RINT2000͑Rigaku,Cu K␣=1.5418Å͒using a step scan mode with a step size of0.02°in the range of2=5–120°.Calculation of the unit cell volumes was carried out by a nonlinear,least-square cell-refinement program,UNITCELL.5Photoluminescence spectra at room temperature were measuredby an optical multichannel analyzer,Hamamatsu Photonics PMAmodel C5966-31,the spectral sensitivity of which was calibrated when shipped.The wavelength resolution is3nm.CIE color coor-dinates were calculated by multiplication of the relative lumines-cence intensity with the spectral tristimulus values at each wave-length.Excitation source was a150W Xe lamp coupled with a Spex270M monochromator.Excitation spectra were measured with thesame light source and the monochromator and calibrated by the lightoutput of a rhodamin B ethylene glycol solution.Diffuse reflectionspectra were measured by a spectrofluorometer,JASCO FP-6500.ResultsThe crystal structure of CaAlSiN3:Eu2+was analyzed in detail inthis work.The material has an orthorhombic structure with the space group Cmc21͑no.36͒as reported by Ottinger.6The lattice param-eters of the undoped crystal are as follows:a=0.98020͑4͒nm, b=0.56506͑2͒nm,and c=0.50633͑2͒nm.The unit cell volume is expanded linearly with an Eu concentration at least up to20mol%, as shown in Fig.1.Tetrahedra of͓SiN4͔and͓AlN4͔form six-membered rings by sharing the corner and the rings are combined toform a plane A illustrated in Fig.2a.Another plane,B,obtained by180°rotation of the plane A,is overlaid on A as shown in Fig.2b, forming a rigid three-dimensional framework.Ca2+ions are accom-modated in cavities in the overlaid planes and Eu2+ions substitutec Present address:Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation,MCC Group Science and Technology Research Center,Yokohama,Kanagawa227-8502,Japan.z E-mail; 1.The unit cell volume as a function of Eu concentration inCaAlSiN3:Eu2+.Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters,9͑4͒H22-H25͑2006͒1099-0062/2006/9͑4͒/H22/4/$20.00©The Electrochemical SocietyH22for Ca 2+ions.Two-thirds of the N atoms are coordinated with three Si atoms and the rest of the N atoms are coordinated with two Si atoms.In CaSiN 2:Eu 2+,however,all the N atoms are coordinated with two Si atoms.Accordingly CaAlSiN 3has a more rigid structure than CaSiN 2.The Ca site is coordinated with one N atom at a bond length of 0.2490͑5͒nm,two at about 0.2405͑3͒nm,and one at about 0.2539͑5͒nm.Another N atom is located at 0.2586͑5͒nm separa-tion.One can say,therefore,that the Ca site is four-coordinated when only the nearest-neighbor ions are taken into account,but more exactly five-coordinated.The Si and Al atoms occupy the equivalent site with disordered distribution.Under any excitation wavelength,the luminescence of CaAlSiN 3:Eu 2+shows a single band typical of a 5d-4f transition of Eu 2+.Figure 3compares a luminescence spectrum of CaAlSiN 3:Eu 2+͑1.6mol %͒with a luminescence spectrum of La 2O 2S:Eu 3+͑5atom %͒under 405nm excitation.The peak wave-length of CaAlSiN 3:Eu 2+͑1.6mol %͒is located at 660nm and the emission color looks deep red.With an increase in Eu concentration,the emission peak shifts toward longer wavelengths,as shown in Fig.4.This shift naturally causes a remarkable change of emission color as observed by the shift of CIE color coordinates in Fig.5.For comparison,the color coordinates of La 2O 2S:Eu 3+are also shown in Fig.5.The body color of the samples shifts from pale orange to deep red with a change in Eu concentration from 0.05to 20mol %͑not shown here ͒.Relative quantum output reaches the maximum at 1.6mol %Eu ͑Fig.4͒.Compared with La 2O 2S:Eu 3+,the quantumoutput for 1.6mol %Eu is about 90times higher under 460nm excitation,seven times higher under 405nm excitation,and 1.3times higher under 380nm excitation.The quantum output is about 1.5times as high as that of ͑Y,Gd ͒3͑Al,Ga ͒5O 12:Ce 3+under 460nm excitation.Excitation spectra of CaAlSiN 3:Eu 2+͑1.6mol %͒,Ca 2Si 5N 8:Eu 2+͑1.6mol %͒,and La 2O 2S:Eu 3+͑5mol %͒at room temperature are compared in Fig.6.In contrast to La 2O 2S:Eu 3+,CaAlSiN 3:Eu 2+and Ca 2Si 5N 8:Eu 2+show broad excitation bands ex-tended to the visible region.This feature is favorable for excitation by blue or violet LEDs.The result in Fig.6again shows that CaAlSiN 3:Eu 2+͑1.6mol %͒has the quantum output higher than the other two phosphors.A diffuse reflectance spectrum at room tem-perature ͑Fig.7͒indicates that the fundamental absorption of CaAlSiN 3builds up at around 320nm.In order to identify 5d energy levels of Eu 2+as clearly as pos-sible,an excitation spectrum of CaAlSiN 3doped with a low concen-tration of Eu,0.05mol %,was measured at 14K,as presented in Fig.8.The excitation spectrum shows a broad band from 300to 350nm,which can be resolved into two components over-lapping with each other;one at around 310nm and the other at parison with the reflection spectrum at room tempera-ture ͑Fig.7͒indicates that the one component peaked at 310nm can be ascribed to the absorption edge of the host crystal.Naturally the excitation bands at longer wavelengths should be assigned to the 4f-5d absorption transitions of Eu 2+.Besides the peak at 335nm and the most prominent peak at 450nm,two shoulders are found at around 500and 564nm.Figure 2.Schematic illustrations of the crystal structure of CaAlSiN 3:Eu 2+.͑a ͒Planes A and B having a ring of ͓SiN 4͔and ͓AlN 4͔tetrahedra and ͑b ͒a framework made of the planes A and B stacked on each other.For details see thetext.Figure 3.Luminescence spectra of ͑a ͒CaAlSiN 3:Eu 2+and ͑b ͒La 2O 2S:Eu 3+at room temperature by 405nm lightexcitation.Figure 4.Relative quantum output ͑a ͒and the emission peak wavelength ͑b ͒as a function of Eu concentration in CaAlSiN 3:Eu 2+under 460nmexcitation.Figure 5.CIE color coordinates for varied Eu concentration in CaAlSiN 3:Eu 2+.The figures indicate Eu concentration in mol %.H23Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters ,9͑4͒H22-H25͑2006͒Since Eu 2+is coordinated by four nitrogen atoms at the nearest-neighbor sites,it has the approximate site symmetry of T d ,which should give rise to two crystal-field components of 5d energy levels,T 2at higher energy and E g at lower energy.Actually the site sym-metry is distorted by the three different bond lengths of the three sets of nearest-neighbor N atoms and also by the fifth N atom coor-dinated at a longer separation.Therefore,degeneracy of the T 2and E g components is lifted,resulting in more than two excitation peaks.The observed excitation peaks and shoulders may arise from these crystal-field components.However,there remains another possibil-ity,which can give the broad excitation band with at least four peaks and shoulders;it is the effect of Eu 2+in strongly distorted site sym-metry caused by random distribution of Si and Al and/or N and O atoms.Oxygen atoms can be introduced as a contaminant from the starting materials.If such Eu 2+ions do exist,they will have absorp-tion and emission bands at a longer wavelength than Eu 2+ions at normal sites have.Temperature dependence of the luminescence intensity below room temperature is shown in Fig.9for CaAlSiN 3:Eu 2+and Ca 2Si 5N 8:Eu 2+.Thermal quenching is very small for CaAlSiN 3:Eu 2+.It is to be noted that thermoluminescence is ob-served for CaAlSiN 3:Eu 2+continuously from 100to 600K with glow peaks at about 180,370,and 500K.In this experiment,a sample was excited at 80K by ultraviolet light of wavelength shorter than 300nm or by the host absorption.DiscussionIn many halide or oxide hosts,luminescence of Eu 2+is found in the wavelength region of near UV to blue.Meanwhile in oxyni-trides,such as ␣-SiAlON,Eu 2+emits in green or yellow 7and in nitrides described above it emits in orange or red.It is also well-known that in sulfides,e.g.,AES or AEGa 2S 4͑AE =an alkaline earth element ͒,luminescence of Eu 2+is observed in the green to red region.This trend indicates that covalency of the Eu-anion bond shifts the luminescence to longer wavelength or the nephelauxetic effect works on Eu 2+emission.It is also to be noted that,in CaAlSiN 3,the emission peak is shifted to a considerably lower en-ergy,by 0.16eV or 8%with an increase in Eu concentration from 0.05to 20atom %.This red shift is in a contrary direction to what is expected from the increase in the unit cell volume with Eu con-centration ͑Fig.1͒,because the expansion of the unit cell will de-crease the crystal-field splitting of the 5d energy levels leading to blue shift of the 5d-4f luminescence.A large red shift of absorption and emission by Eu 2+with in-creased Eu concentration is known also for CaS:Eu and SrS:Eu.These materials,CaS and SrS,have indirect energy bandgaps and the bottom of the conduction-band at the X-point is characterized by a 3d-or 4d-electron orbital.8Exciton energies at the X-point are monotonously decreased with Eu concentration in the solid solution,͑Ca,Eu ͒S.9Based on these results,one can postulate that the X-point wavefunction is hybridized with the 5d-orbital of Eu 2+in a solid solution of ͑Ca,Eu ͒S or ͑Sr,Eu ͒S.9This assumption can explain the large and monotonous red-shift of absorption and emission of Eu 2+,since the bandgap energy of EuS is much lower than the bandgap of CaS or SrS.By analogy with ͑Ca,Eu ͒S or ͑Sr,Eu ͒S,one can assume a similar reason for the red shift in ͑Ca,Eu ͒AlSiN 3in addition to the nephelauxeticeffect.Figure 6.Excitation spectra of ͑a ͒CaAlSiN 3:Eu 2+,͑b ͒Ca 2Si 5N 8:Eu 2+,and ͑c ͒La 2O 2S:Eu 3+at room temperature by using a glass color filter with the cutoff wavelength of 540nm.Figure 7.Diffuse reflectance spectra of ͑a ͒CaAlSiN 3and ͑b ͒CaAlSiN 3:Eu 2+at roomtemperature.Figure 8.Excitation spectra of CaAlSiN 3:Eu 2+͑0.05mol %͒at 14K.Lu-minescence was monitored with an interference filter,which has the maxi-mum transmittance at 640nm.The arrows indicate supposed peaks andshoulders.Figure 9.Temperature dependence of luminescence intensity for ͑a ͒CaAlSiN 3:Eu 2+͑1.6mol %͒and ͑b ͒Ca 2Si 5N 8:Eu 2+͑1mol %͒.The lumi-nescence intensity under 460nm light excitation was measured through an interference filter with the maximum transmittance at 640nm for CaAlSiN 3:Eu 2+or the one with the maximum transmittance at 620nm for Ca 2Si 5N 8:Eu 2+.H24Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters ,9͑4͒H22-H25͑2006͒As shown in Fig.9,CaAlSiN3:Eu2+shows less thermal quench-ing than Ca2Si5N8:Eu2+.Apparently this phenomenon contributes to the higher quantum output of CaAlSiN3:Eu2+at room temperaturecompared with the other compounds.The small thermal quenching might be ascribed to the rigid network of͓SiN4͔and͓AlN4͔tetra-hedra in its crystal structure,which could give a small Stokes shiftand/or a steep curvature of the excited-state parabola in the configu-rational coordinate model.Based on the excitation spectrum in Fig.8,an estimate of theStokes shift was made in the same way as Dorenbos had performed on many Eu2+-doped materials.10The most probable inverse transi-tion of the luminescence is the lowest-energy shoulder in the exci-tation spectrum,i.e.,the shoulder at564nm.This value gives a Stokes shift of about2.0ϫ103cm−1,since the luminescence band has a peak at634nm for0.05mol%Eu.This is larger than the Stokes shift estimated for Ca2Si5N8:Eu2+10i.e.,1.31ϫ103cm−1, which was obtained with the luminescence peak of616nm and the excitation peak of570nm.The magnitude of the Stokes shift is, therefore,contradictory with the observation that thermal quenching is smaller for CaAlSiN3:Eu2+than for Ca2Si5N8:Eu2+.A possible reason,which cannot be ruled out,is that the energy parabola of the excited state in the configurational coordinate model has a large curvature by the rigid framework around Eu2+.Besides the above possibility,thermoluminescence may contrib-ute to the luminescence intensity near room temperatures,because it was observed in a wide range of temperatures from100to600K.As discussed above,CaAlSiN3:Eu2+provides a red luminescence of high efficiency under460and405nm excitation.This material is chemically stable and shows small thermal quenching above room temperature.With these properties,this material can be a promising phosphor for warm-white LEDs.AcknowledgmentsThis work was supported by the Scientific Research of Priority Areas Research Program,Panoscopic Assembling and High Ordered Functions for Rare Earth Materials of the Ministry of Education, Culture,Sports,Science and Technology of Japan.The authors are grateful to M.Itagaki and H.Katoh for measurement of the excita-tion spectra.H.Yamamoto assisted in meeting the publication costs of this 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X-Cite XYLIS LED光源说明书
Brilliance Across the SpectrumPowerful LED fluorescence illumination for both compound and stereomicroscopesBroad spectral coverage for excitation from DAPI to Cy7 Precise intensity control for sensitive specimens Convenient light guide or fiber deliveryLow maintenance and mercury-freeThe X-Cite® XYLIS LED light source provides intense output and a broad spectrum which rivals arc lamps. Finally, researchersare able to enjoy the benefits of LED technology without compromising on price, flexibility, or performance. No more hesitation, no more excuses.Brightness of an Arc LampSpecially selected LEDs built into the X-Cite XYLIS are powerful enough to replace arc lamps on both compoundand stereomicroscopes. Compared to other LED products, specimen exposure and scanning times can be reduced, improving image quality and increasing productivity. X-Cite XYLIS’ impressive output and low maintenance can help breathe new life into under-used microscopes and make better use of laboratory resources.Broad Spectral CoverageX-Cite XYLIS is designed with more LEDs than previous X-Cite models, improving and extending spectral coverage for excitation from DAPI to Cy7. Spectral highlights include: • DAPI – Two X-Cite XYLIS models are available to providea choice of UV excitation. XT720S has a 365nm LEDfor a closer match to arc lamp output and compatibilitywith the narrow 365 DAPI filter sets which come standardin most microscopes. XT720L has a 385nm LED for usewith sensitive specimens and 385 DAPI filter sets whichare becoming increasingly common.•TRITC/Tx Rd/mCherry – X-Cite XYLIS incorporatesExcelitas’ patented and award-winning LaserLED Hybrid Drive® technology, utilizing high efficiency lasers to excitea phosphor layer and generate light from 500nm to600nm. The resulting intense, broad peak ensures plentyof power in this critical part of the spectrum.• Cy7 – X-Cite XYLIS is the only broadband LED source to include a 735nm peak for Cy7 excitation. Labs no longerhave to choose between the benefits of LEDs andkeeping their spectral options open. Flexibility to Suit Application NeedsIn addition to its powerful output and broad DAPI to Cy7 spectral range, X-Cite XYLIS offers the ultimate in flexibility – options are standard. Delivering light through a light guide alone or with a choice of more than a dozen microscope adaptors, X-Cite XYLIS can be installed on just about any new imaging system or used to retrofit the microscopes labs have depended on for years. Offered in two models with a choice of UV wavelengths (365nm or 385nm), labs may choose the one that is suitable for their preferred or existing DAPI filter sets. A “UV Off” mode permits the UV LED to be disabled when not required at all, protecting sensitive specimens and extending light guide lifetimes.Exceptional Control with Built-in Options When it comes to control options, all are built-in to everyX-Cite XYLIS - each system includes manual fingertip control with speedDIAL, hands-free operation with a foot pedal, as well as USB and TTL inputs for automated applications.X-Cite XYLIS’ ergonomic speedDIAL can be placed where it is most comfortable for individual users. Designed with a large speed-sensitive intensity dial that doubles as an ON/OFF button, controlling illumination is quick and intuitive. With a simple double tap on speedDIAL, users can quickly jump to a favorite intensity setting, as well as know the current intensity setting regardless of room lighting conditions via speedDIAL’s backlit display.Take full advantage of LED instant ON/OFF capability to limit photobleaching and phototoxicity with ultra-fast PC controlor TTL triggering. X-Cite XYLIS can be driven by commercial imaging software, and an SDK is available for developingcustomized control solutions.Finally, a true arc lamp replac for making the switch toX-Cite Costs & Energy SavingsX-Cite XYLIS allows researchers to reduce the amount of hardware required by an imaging system - replace an arc lamp, separate shutter and neutral density filters all with a single device. All systems include high speed shuttering, 1% intensity adjustment, and multiple manual/automated control options. Enjoy the long-term benefits of using LED technology - long lifetimes, consistentoutput, lower maintenance, fewer consumables, reduced energy use, and zero mercury waste.With instant-on capability, X-Cite XYLIS is ready to use within seconds, giving researchers the freedom to set the schedule. Whether fluorescence is required occasionally, daily orcontinuously, X-Cite XYLIS will be ready to work.2260 Argentia Road Mississauga, Ontario L5N 6H7 CANADATelephone: +1 905 821-2600Toll Free (USA and CAN): +1 800 668-8752Fax: +1 905 821-2055 ********************For a complete listing of our global offices, visit /locations© 2018 Excelitas Technologies Corp. X-Cite LaserLED Hybrid Drive are registered trademarks of Excelitas Technologies Corp. All rights reserved. The Excelitas logo and design are registered trademarks of Excelitas Technologies Corp. All other trademarks not owned by Excelitas Technologies or its subsidiaries that are depicted herein are the property of their respective owners. Excelitas reserves the right to change this document at any time without notice and disclaims liability for editorial, pictorial or typographical errors.L-XC_BR-X-Cite XYLIS LED Illuminator,V2_2018.04X-Cite XYLIS XT720S (365)X-Cite XYLIS XT720L (385)。
质谱技术英语Mass Spectrometry TechnologyMass spectrometry is a powerful analytical technique that has become an indispensable tool in various scientific fields, including chemistry, biology, and medicine. This technology has revolutionized the way we study and understand the composition and structure of complex molecules, enabling researchers to gain unprecedented insights into the chemical and biological processes that govern our world.At its core, mass spectrometry is the process of ionizing molecules and then separating and detecting these ions based on their mass-to-charge ratio (m/z). This process begins with the introduction of a sample into the instrument where it is vaporized and ionized. The resulting ions are then accelerated through an electric or magnetic field, which causes them to separate based on their unique m/z values. The separated ions are then detected and their relative abundances are measured, providing a detailed mass spectrum that can be used to identify and quantify the components of the sample.One of the key advantages of mass spectrometry is its ability toanalyze a wide range of molecules, from small organic compounds to large biomolecules such as proteins and nucleic acids. This versatility has made mass spectrometry an indispensable tool in fields such as proteomics, metabolomics, and lipidomics, where researchers are interested in studying the complex networks of molecules that underlie biological systems.In the field of proteomics, for example, mass spectrometry has become the primary technique for the identification and quantification of proteins in complex biological samples. By analyzing the unique peptide fragments generated from the digestion of proteins, researchers can determine the amino acid sequence and post-translational modifications of individual proteins, providing valuable insights into their structure, function, and interactions within the cell.Similarly, in the field of metabolomics, mass spectrometry has become a crucial tool for the comprehensive analysis of small molecules, or metabolites, which are the products of various biochemical processes within living organisms. By profiling the metabolome, researchers can gain a deeper understanding of the metabolic pathways and regulatory mechanisms that underlie physiological and pathological states, leading to the development of new diagnostic biomarkers and therapeutic targets.Beyond its applications in the life sciences, mass spectrometry has also made significant contributions to the field of materials science. By analyzing the chemical composition and structure of materials, researchers can develop new and improved materials with enhanced properties, such as increased strength, durability, or conductivity. This has led to advancements in areas such as nanotechnology, energy storage, and environmental science.One of the most exciting developments in mass spectrometry in recent years has been the advent of imaging mass spectrometry (IMS). This technique allows for the spatial mapping of the distribution of molecules within a sample, providing a powerful tool for visualizing the chemical landscape of biological tissues, materials, and even entire organisms. IMS has been used to study the distribution of drugs and their metabolites within the body, as well as the spatial organization of lipids and proteins within cells and tissues, offering new insights into the complex interactions that underlie biological processes.Despite its many strengths, mass spectrometry is not without its challenges. The complexity of modern mass spectrometers, with their intricate hardware and sophisticated software, requires a high level of technical expertise and specialized training to operate effectively. Additionally, the interpretation of mass spectra can be a challenging task, particularly for complex samples with a large number ofcomponents.To address these challenges, researchers have been working to develop new ionization techniques, improve mass analyzer performance, and create more user-friendly software for data analysis. These efforts have led to the development of a wide range of mass spectrometry-based techniques, each with its own unique strengths and applications.For example, the introduction of electrospray ionization (ESI) and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) has revolutionized the analysis of large biomolecules, such as proteins and nucleic acids, by enabling their gentle ionization and transfer into the gas phase. Similarly, the development of tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) has provided researchers with powerful tools for the structural elucidation of complex molecules, allowing them to dissect the individual components of a sample and gain a deeper understanding of its composition.As mass spectrometry continues to evolve, its impact on scientific research and technological innovation is only expected to grow. With the ongoing development of new instrumentation, ionization techniques, and data analysis methods, mass spectrometry is poised to play an increasingly central role in the exploration of the naturalworld and the development of new technologies that will shape the future of our society.。
Effect of Stripes on Electronic States in Underdoped La_{2-x}Sr_xCuO_4
a r X i v :c o n d -m a t /9901011v 2 [c o n d -m a t .s t r -e l ] 25 M a y 1999Effect of Stripes on Electronic States in Underdoped La 2−x Sr x CuO 4T.Tohyama,S.Nagai,Y.Shibata,and S.MaekawaInstitute for Materials Research,Tohoku University,Sendai 980-8577,Japan(Received 4January 1999)We investigate the electronic states of underdoped La 2−x Sr x CuO 4(LSCO)by using a microscopic model,i.e.,t -t ′-t ′′-J model,containing vertical charge stripes.The numerically exact diagonalization calculation on small clusters shows the consistent explanation of the physical properties in the angle-resolved photoemission,neutron magnetic scattering and optical conductivity experiments such as the antiphase domain and quasi-one-dimensional charge transport.The pair correlation function of the d -channel is suppressed by the stripes.These results demonstrate a crucial role of the stripes in LSCOPACS numbers:74.20.Mn,71.10.Fd,74.25.Jb,74.72.DnSince the discovery of high T c superconductivity,La 2−x Sr x CuO 4(LSCO)has been extensively studied as a typical cuprate superconductor,because it has a sim-ple crystal structure with single CuO 2layer and the hole density in the CuO 2plane is changeable in a wide range from x =0to 0.35.Understanding of the electronic states of LSCO is,therefore,of crucial importance for the study of the superconductivity.Recently,Ino et al.[1]have performed the angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES)experi-ment on LSCO and have reported that the spectrum near (π/2,π/2)along the (0,0)-(π,π)direction is very broad and weak in underdoped samples.The feature is different from the case of underdoped Bi 2Sr 2CaCu 2O 8+δ(Bi2212)where a sharp peak appears near (π/2,π/2)[2].The dif-ference between the two typical families may provide a clue of high T c superconductivity.Other experimental data in LSCO have also revealed anomalous behaviors of structural [3,4],electronic [5,6]and magnetic prop-erties [7].In particular,at x =0.12,an incomplete phase transition from the low temperature orthorhombic (LTO)phase to the low temperature tetragonal (LTT)phase (approximately 10%in volume)has been observed [8].At the same hole density,the incommensurate antiferro-magnetic (AF)long-range order has been reported [9].It is interesting that the LTT phase of Nd-doped LSCO with x =0.12,La 1.48Nd 0.4Sr 0.12CuO 4,has shown similar long-range order accompanied by charge order,which is interpreted as charge/spin stripe order that consists of vertical charge stripes and antiphase spin domains [10].Therefore,such stripes are expected to play an important role in the family of LSCO.From the theoretical side,dis-order or fluctuation of the stripe phases has been argued as essential physics of high T c superconductors [11–13].A phenomenological description of the excitation spectrum has also been shown [14].In this Letter,the electronic states of LSCO are ex-amined in terms of the effect of the stripes on various excitation spectra.We employ a microscopic model with realistic parameters for LSCO (the t -J model with thelong-range hoppings)under the presence of a potential which stabilizes the vertical stripes,simulating the ef-fect of the LTT fluctuation considered to be favorable for the stripes [3,4].The numerically exact diagonaliza-tion (ED)method is used for small clusters.We find that the vertical stripe formation causes the suppression of the single-particle excitation A (k ,ω),consistent with the ARPES data in underdoped LSCO [1].This is a di-rect demonstration that the vertical stripes actually exist in LSCO.The effects of the stripes on other quantities (spin correlation,optical conductivity,and pair correla-tion)are investigated and the implication of the results is discussed.The t -J Hamiltonian with long-range hoppings,termed the t -t ′-t ′′-J model,isH =J i,j 1stS i ·S j −ti,j 1st σc †iσc jσ−t ′i,j 2nd σc †iσc jσ−t′′i,j 3rd σc †iσc jσ+H .c .,(1)where the summations i,j 1st , i,j 2nd and i,j 3rd runover first,second and third nearest-neighbor pairs,re-spectively.No double occupancy is allowed,and the rest of the notation is standard.Recent analysis of ARPES data has shown that t ′and t ′′are necessary for under-standing not only the dispersion but also the line shape of the spectral function [2].In LSCO,we estimated the ratio t ′/t and t ′′/t to be −0.12and 0.08,respectively,by fitting the tight-binding (TB)Fermi surface (FS)to the experimental one in the overdoped sample [1]on the as-sumption that in the overdoped region the FS shape of the TB band is the same as that of the t -t ′-t ′′-J model.These numbers are slightly smaller than those for Bi2212,t ′/t =−0.34and t ′′/t =0.23(t =0.35eV)[2].The contri-bution of apex oxygen to the band dispersion may be the origin of the difference as discussed by Feiner et al.[15].By performing an ED calculation of A (k ,ω)for a 20-site square lattice in the t -t ′-t ′′-J model,we have confirmed that the quasiparticle (QP)at k =(π,0)and (0,π)existsabove the Fermi level in the overdoped region,being con-sistent with the observed electronlike FS in the highly overdoped sample[1].In the underdoped region,however,the t-t′-t′′-J results show sharp peaks along the(0,0)-(π,π)direction,being inconsistent with the ARPES data[1].This implies the presence of an additional effect,which may be a stripe formation.It is controversial whether the t-J model(also t-t′-t′′-J model)itself has the stripe-type ground state (GS)[16–19].A possible origin of the appearance of sta-ble stripe phase is due to the presence of the long-range part of the Coulomb interaction[20,21]and/or the cou-pling to lattice distortions.In LSCO,the LTTfluctua-tion seems to help the latter mechanism[3,4].In fact, the LTT structure makes Cu-O bonds along x and y di-rections inequivalent,leading to directional distribution of carriers through the anisotropy of the Madelung po-tential at in-plane oxygen sites and that of the hopping amplitude between Cu-O.To model the directional hole distribution and the tendency toward the stripe instabil-ity as simple as possible,we introduce a configuration-dependent“stripe”potential V s.The magnitude of V s is assumed to depend on the number of holes n h in each column along the y direction of the lattice.In the fol-lowing,we use a√18cluster with two holes as an underdoped system.The maximum number of holes to be considered here amounts to three for thefinal states of electron removal A(k,ω).Noting that the18-site clus-ter forms three columns under the periodic boundary condition(BC),V s(n h)in each column is assumed that V s(0)=V s(1)=0,V s(2)=−2V,and V s(3)=−3V,be-ing V>0.Examples for two configurations are shown in Fig.1(a).V s(n h)behaves like an attractive potential for holes independent of distance between holes.When the three columns are treated as equivalent,the translationalsymmetry is preserved and thus the size of the Hilbert space can be reduced.The symmetry with respect to 90◦rotation is,however,broken as expected.We note that the present form of V s(n h)is available only for the small cluster with up to three holes[22].When we treat systems with more than three holes,we need to modify the form of V s(n h)in order to distinguish,for example, between the configurations with a single columnfilled by four holes and with two columnsfilled by two holes each. Let us start on the GS properties of the18-site cluster with two holes as functions of the potential parameter V.The total momentum of the GS is always(0,0),and a level crossing occurs at V/t=0.6[23].For0≤V/t<0.6 the two holes dominantly form a diagonally bounded pair, while for V/t>0.6both holes are mainly on a single col-umn with two-lattice spacing.The latter corresponds to the charge stripes expected in LSCO.Spin correlation around holes in the GS,C s(α,α′)≡ i<GS|n h i S i+α·S i+α′|GS>/N h,is shown in Fig.1(c). Hereαandα′denote two sites around a hole following the labeling convention shown in Fig.1(b).n h i is the hole-tion perpendicular to the stripes is suppressed.However, the correlation is still AF for V/t<0.8.When V/t>0.8, it becomes weak ferromagnetic(FM).This FM correla-tion is,however,due to the periodic BC imposed on the cluster that makes the same spin orientation favorable in the a configuration.In fact,if we use a5×4cluster with open BC along the x direction,the spin correlation across the stripes is always AF with small magnitude (∼−0.05for V/t=1.0).Such AF correlation is consistent with the experimental observation of the antiphase spin domains[10].Figure2shows the optical conductivityσ||(ω)and σ⊥(ω)(parallel and perpendicular to the stripes,respec-tively)on the18-site cluster with two holes.When V/t=1,σ||(ω)shows large Drude weight indicating one-dimensional(1D)behavior,whereas the Drude part in σ⊥(ω)is strongly suppressed.In contrast to ideal1D systems[24],the sizable incoherent weight remains in σ||(ω)because the charge carriers in the stripes are not completely free from the spin configuration in the spintThus,the integratedσ||(ω)decreases.Holes introduced into the spin domains,however,increase the integrated value.Therefore,competition between these two effects causes the saturated behavior above x>0.12seen in the experiments.The inset of Fig.2(c)shows the total Drude weight D and the integrated conductivity K averaged over both the directions.Wefind that the difference K−D,which rep-resents the magnitude of the incoherent conductivity,for V/t=1is larger than that for V/t=0.The large peak at ω/t∼0.6in Fig.2(b),whose energy position is sensitive to J,is the origin of the difference.These results are consis-tent with the fact that midinfrared absorption at around ω∼0.27eV(∼0.7t)in LSCO is enhanced in comparison with the spectra of YBa2CU3O6.6and Bi2212[25].With further increasing V/t,the difference K−D decreases. This behavior may correspond to the suppression ofσ(ω) observed in Nd-doped LSCO[25].Figure3shows A(k,ω)for selected momenta.When there is no potential[Fig.3(a)],the large QP peaks are clearly seen below and above the Fermi level at(π/3,π/3) and(2π/3,2π/3),respectively.For V/t=1[Fig.3(b)], however,there is no distinct QP peak and the spectra become more incoherent.At(π/3,π/3),a peak is seen above the Fermi level.This may be due to the fact that defined as the middle point between thefirst ionization and affinity states.the stripe potential behaves like an attractive force be-tween holes.Here,we note that the reduction of QP weight originating from the charge stripes is more or less seen at all momenta.In the presence of the potential, the coupling between charge carriers in the stripes and neighboring spin domains becomes weak(see Fig.2),and the spin correlation across the stripes is also small[see Fig.1(c)].The implication of the two results is an in-crease of the number of configurations that participate in the GS.According to the configuration interaction picture,such an increase results in the suppression of the QP weight and the increase of incoherent structures. Therefore,the stripe has a general tendency to make the spectrum broad.For V/t=2[Fig.3(c)],split-offstates from incoherent structures are clearly seen atω/t=0.7 for(π/3,π/3)and(2π/3,0).This is due to the localiza-tion of carriers along the direction perpendicular to the stripes[14].For V/t=1,the tendency to the localization may be involved in the low-energy peaks at(2π/3,0), but can not be recognized at(π/3,π/3).The broadness of the spectrum at(π/3,π/3),i.e.,along the(0,0)-(π,π) direction,is thus emphasized in contrast to the spectralstate[27],where the hole-pair creation operator is defined by N−1/2 i,ǫ∆l(ǫ)c i,↑c i+ǫ,↓(ǫ’s are vectors connecting nearest-neighbor sites)and∆l(ǫ)(=±1)depends on s-or d x2−y2-wave symmetry(l=s or d).For V/t=0,the low-energy pairfluctuation is dominated by d-wave sym-metry[27]as shown in Fig.4(a).With increasing V,the low-energy weight of P d(ω)decreases,while P s(ω)shows enhancement of low-energyfluctuation.This implies that the stripes suppress the d-wave pairing accompanied by slight enhancement of s-wave channel[11].In summary,we have investigated the electronic states of LSCO by using a microscopic model containing the vertical stripes.The tendency toward the formation of vertical charge stripes due to the LTTfluctuation was modeled by the stripe potential,which was added to the t-t′-t′′-J model.The realistic values of t′and t′′that are smaller than those for Bi2212were used in the exact diag-onalization calculation on small clusters.Here,we com-ment that the smallness of t′and t′′also works favorably for the stripe formation[19]as compared with Bi2212. We found that the model explains the ARPES data with suppressed weight along the(0,0)-(π,π)direction.Mag-netic properties and charge dynamics are consistent with experimental data.The consistent results suggest that the vertical stripe is an essential ingredient for the ex-of the physical properties of LSCO.The pairfunction of the d-wave channel is suppressed the stripes,implying the d-wave superconductivity is favorable under the presence of the stripes.This may why T c in LSCO is so low,as compared with,forBi2212.Our results thus clearly demonstrate interesting features of the electronic states caused by stripes,and the uniqueness of LSCO among high T c We thank A.Ino,A.Fujimori,S.Uchida and Z.-X.for enlightening discussions.This work was sup-by CREST and NEDO.The numerical calculation performed in the supercomputing facilities in ISSP, of Tokyo,and IMR,Tohoku Univ.。
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in physics Research
Structural and elemental X-ray microanalysis with synchrotron radiation in confocal geometryCarlos M.Sosa a ,H.Jorge Sánchez a ,c ,Carlos A.Pérez b ,Roberto D.Perez a ,c ,⇑aIFEG-CONICET,(X5016LAE)Ciudad Universitaria,Córdoba,ArgentinabLaboratório Nacional de Luz Síncrotron –LNLS,POB 6192,13084-971Campinas,SP,Brazil cFAMAF,Universidad Nacional de Córdoba,(X5016LAE)Ciudad Universitaria,Córdoba,Argentinaa r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 26June 2013Received in revised form 27September 2013Available online xxxx Keywords:3D X-ray microanalysis Polycapillary optics EDXRF EDXRDa b s t r a c tA spectrometer for 3D structural and multielemental X-ray microanalysis with synchrotron radiation is presented in this work.It is based on the combination of the energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence and diffraction with polycapillary optics.The 3D spatial resolution was achieved by the superposition of the foci of two lenses arranged in confocal geometry.The parameters that affect the performance of the spectrometer were study in detail giving rise to a simplified calibration method for depth profile anal-ysis.Two specific examples were included to illustrate the use of the spectrometer in order to identify their possible application fields.Ó2013Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionA recent development in X-ray microanalysis is the expansion of spatial resolution into the depth with the help of a confocal set-up using X-ray optics.The foci of two lenses,one in the excitation channel and other in the detection channel,define a micro-volume for probing the sample.Fluorescence and scattered radiation,ide-ally,are detected only from this volume.During the last years,experiments with confocally aligned X-ray lenses have been per-formed at various laboratories around the world [1–5].This setup proved to be capable to supply three-dimensional or depth-sensi-tive information on the elemental composition of a sample with a minimum spatial resolution of 10l m.The usefulness of the new 3D micro-XRF method has already been shown at several applications [1–5].The confocal setup implemented with polycapillary optics and polychromatic sources allows expanding its applications not only for elemental analysis but also for structural analysis.Effectively,the X-ray scattering produced by a continuous excitation spectrum in the probing volume can be used to obtain a diffraction pattern of the sample by means of Micro X-ray Diffraction Analysis (micro-XRD)in the Energy Dispersive (ED)configuration [6,7].The contin-uous spectrum of the polychromatic source creates Laue diffraction peaks that originate from different crystallographic planes according to Bragg’s condition.Then,the X-ray optics in the detec-tion channel has to collect X-rays photons with a wide energy range.Polycapillary lenses are the ideal candidate to successfully satisfy this requirement,since they allow a broad energy bandpass.In the energy dispersive X-ray diffraction the dispersion angle is fixed and the detected energy is scanning through the range source.It can be electronically done by an energy dispersive X-ray detector.Thus,it is possible to implement simultaneously the 3D micro-XRD and the 3D micro-XRF without the inclusion of any other additional component as an expensive goniometer or monochromator.It is a modern concept in X-ray spectrometry developed in the last few years which could be very useful for elemental and structural analysis with spatial resolution [8].In this work confocal three-dimensional energy-dispersive mi-cro XRD and micro-XRF was implemented using polycapillary op-tic.We used half lenses manufactured in our laboratory which were characterized using an experimental process described in a previous paper [9].The lenses have low divergence in the order of milliradians allowing obtaining a good angular resolution and can efficiently focus the synchrotron beam.A characterization of the spectrometer which includes the determination of the sensitiv-ity of the confocal setup and the lattice spatial resolution of the diffractometer is presented in this work.2.Materials and methodsThe experiment was carried out in the D09B-XRF beamline of the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Source (LNLS)using white beam.A silicon drift X-ray detector with 150eV of resolution at 5.9keV0168-583X/$-see front matter Ó2013Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved./10.1016/j.nimb.2013.10.021⇑Corresponding author at:IFEG-CONICET,(X5016LAE)Ciudad Universitaria,Córdoba,Argentina.E-mail (R.D.Perez).was positioned at 44°to the photon beam on the horizontal plane.This system was mounted on a motorized XYZ stage with manual goniometers to tilt the detector.Suspended from the snout of the silicon drift detector,a fixed holder holds a half monolythic poly-capillary with its optical axes centered and normal to the window of the detector.In the excitation channel a similar glass polycapil-lary was mounted in a special motorized gimbal.Both lenses had a focal distance of 20mm with a focal dimension of 75l m,a diver-gence of 2mrad and a transmission efficiency of 20%for the mean energy of the excitation spectrum [9].Samples were mounted ver-tically at 22°of the incident direction on a motorized XYZ sample stage with spatial resolution of 0.6l m.Aligned ionising chambers at the entrance of the first polycapillary and behind the sample holder were used to align efficiently the excitation channel.In addition,a CCD camera was placed behind the sample holder to determine the position of the incident beam.A digital optical microscope focused on the sample was employed to distinguish details on the area excited by the incident beam.The experimental arrangement with the relevant geometrical parameters is shown in Fig.1.Once the polycapillary of the excitation channel was aligned,we oriented the axis of the polycapillary of the detection channel at 44°from the incident direction on the horizontal plane.Then,a sil-icon wafer (111)was placed in the sample ing the motorized XYZ stage on the detector holder,we positioned the end of the polycapillary at 20mm from the excitation point of the sample.Once a preliminary alignment of the setup was found,several linear scans of the probing volume through the normal direction of the foil were performed to improve the position of the polycapillary of the detection channel.For all scans,the count-ing live-time for each point was 10s/step and the step size was 10l m.The maximum of the diffraction peaks were recorded for each linear scan.They were considered as a test parameters of the quality alignment of the polycapillary.The greatest value reg-istered for these intensities corresponds to the optimal alignment of the polycapillary.In this way the incident and emergent angles could be defined with high precision.To determine the sensitivity of the spectrometer,we performed linear scans through the normal direction of pure foils.We used standard ultra thin foils (Micromatter)of Ti,V,Fe,Cu.ZnTe and Au with high purity (99.9%)and thickness in the order of the micrometer.For all scans,the counting live-time for each pointwas a dried rat liver analyzed in a previous work [10].They were scanned in depth with a counting live-time for each point of 60s/step and a step size of 10l m.3.Theory3.1.Confocal micro-XRFAssuming a homogeneous film of thickness D ,the intensity of a specific X-ray fluorescence line of an element i excited by a poly-chromatic source as a function of the normal coordinate x can be written as [11]:Ip i ðx Þ¼ZE mq i I 0ðE Þs F ;i ðE ÞZDg i ðE ;x 0Àx Þexp ðÀ~li ðE Þx 0Þdx 0dE ð1Þwhere E m is the maximum energy of the incoming photons,I 0(E )isthe incoming photon flux of energy E ,q i is the density (in g/cm 3)of the i -element in the sample,s F,i is the production cross section (in cm 2/g)for the measured X-ray line of the i -element at energy E ,g i (E,x )is the sensitivity profile of the spectrometer for the i -elementat position x ,and ~li is the effective linear mass attenuation coeffi-cient at energy E for the i -element defined as follows:~li ¼Xr j ¼1q jl j ðE Þsin ðh 0Þþl j ðE i Þsin ðh 1Þð2Þwhere q j is the density of the j -element,l j ðE Þis the mass attenua-tion coefficient of the j -element at energy E ,E i is the energy of the X-ray line of the i -element,h 0and h 1are the medium angle of the impinging beam and detected beam respectively.The formula shown in Eq.(1)is the key for the quantitative mul-tielemental analysis by fundamental parameters method.Besides of the input of emission and absorption probabilities,the calcula-tions require the precise knowledge of the sensitivity profile of the spectrometer.3.2.Confocal micro-XRDThe confocal micro-XRD combines the Energy Dispersive X-ray Diffractometry (EDXRD)with the 3D spatial resolution of the con-focal setup.EDXRD is a well known method which can be imple-mented without complex mechanical motions of the detector or source since the diffraction angle is fixed.It takes advantage of the semiconductor X-ray detectors technology to electronically scan the scattered intensity for energy,looking for Laue diffraction peaks.These peaks originate from constructive interference in the different crystallographic planes according to Bragg’s condition:d ¼6:199E sin hð3Þwhere d is the interplanar spacing of the lattice planes in ÅA 0ngstroms,2h is the diffraction angle and E is the scattered energy in keV.The full with at half maximum of a diffraction peak D E FWHM can be taken as the minimum energy separation between two re-solved diffraction peaks.Considering that the diffraction angle at the maximum of the diffraction peaks is h ,then,the lattice spacing resolution of the spectrometer is related with D E FWHM by means of the following Eq.(12):D d ¼À6:199D E FWHMð4ÞEvaluating the width of different diffraction peaks of a mono-crystalline sample,it is possible to obtain directly the lattice spacing resolution of the spectrometer for different energies.Fur-1.Experimental setup of the spectrometer.The contribution to the angular resolution of the divergence of both lenses is shown.2 C.M.Sosa et al./Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B xxx (2013)xxx–xxxthermore,it can be related with the precision of E and h by means of statistical error propagation defined by the Bragg equation:D d d 2¼ðD h ctg h Þ2þD E D E2:ð5ÞThe first term in the right hand side of this equation corre-sponds to the widening of the diffraction peaks due to angular divergence of the diffractometer,which depends on the polycapil-lary lenses in the excitation and detection channel.Since the size of the confocal volume is a function of energy,it follows that the term D h also depends on E .The second term in the previous equation represents the inherent resolution of the detection system which is given by [12]:D E DE 2¼D E amp ÀÁ2þ2:355ðF e E Þ1 2E ð6Þwhere D E amp is due to noise in the solid state detector and pream-plifier,F is the Fano factor and e is the energy necessary to create an electron–hole bining the last three equations it is possible to deduce the energy dependence for the relative resolution of the diffractometer:D d d ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiA 1þA 2E þE 2ðA 3þA 4E þA 5E 2Þ2q Eð7Þwhere A i are constants.For D h a second order polynomial depen-dence with energy was assumed according to the experimental re-sults observed in our own measurements as well as for other authors [7,13].The fitting of Eq.(7)to the relative lattice spacing resolution calculated for a monocrystalline sample by Eq.(4)allows obtaining the calibration of the diffractometer.3.3.Sensitivity of the confocal setupThe sensitivity profile is the theoretical ing volume of the confocal setup.For depth be written as [11]:g i ðE ;x Þ¼A i ðE Þexp ðÀx 2=2r i ðE Þ2Þ;where:A i ðE Þ¼X e ðE i Þr 2D ðE i ÞT AðE ÞT D ðE i Þ2pr i ðE Þr2i ðE Þ¼r A ðE Þ22þr D ðE i Þ22X is the solid angle accepted by the lens nel,e is the detector efficiency,T A and T D the lenses in the excitation and detection and r A and r D are the focal sizes of the and detection channel respectively.g i (E,x )is file that multiplied by s F,i (E )and q i gives emission of element i from a thin film of the sition.A i (E )is the maximum value of the ergy E and r i (E )is the size of the confocal the normal direction of the sample.In film of thickness d we have that the X-ray of i element is given by:Ip i ðx Þ¼ZE mq i I 0ðE Þs F ;i ðE Þg i ðE ;x ÞdThus,through a vertical scan of a thin film reference standardsample of knowledge thickness and composition,it is possible to determine the sensitivity of the spectrometer for depth profile analysis.The use of a set of thin films increases the accuracy of the determination.4.Results and discussionFig.2shows the energy dependence of the sensitivity parame-ters A i (E )and r i (E )of titanium for the confocal setup implemented in the XRF beamline of the LNLS.The sensitivities were obtained by an iterative process where Eq.(9)is fit on the experimental XRF intensity-depth profiles.The fits are based on a simplified process employing piecewise linear functions for T A (E )and r 2A (E )whose breakpoints are the absorption edges of the elemental components present in the set of thin films.As first approximation the foci of both lenses were assumed equal,since both of them have been manufactured by the same process.The order of the elements in the iterative process is defined by the value of their absorption edges which is chosen as gradually decreasing in each step.For the scanning curve of the i -element ,the method fits the sensitivity function of i in the partition between absorption edges of the ele-ments i and (i +1).The contribution on the XRF intensity coming from the partitions of higher energies is evaluated using the sensi-tivity calculated with the parameters T A (E )and r 2A obtained in pre-vious fits.In this way the information extracted from each scan is used to overcome instabilities in the fitting process on the remain-der scans.The size of the confocal volume r i (E )is a decreasing function of incident energy.It is a consequence of the lower divergence of the X-ray lenses at higher energies caused by smaller values of the to-tal reflection angle of glass.The proportional factor A i (E )of the sen-sitivity shows a wide asymmetric maximum as a function of incident energy with a strong decrease for lower energies and a soft decrease for higher energies.The behavior is similar to the transmission function of half polycapillaries showing that the main Fig.2.Parameters of the sensitivity profile for titanium as a function of the incident energy.The first curve is the maximum A i (E )of the sensitivity profile and the second curve is the size of the probing volume.C.M.Sosa et al./Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B xxx (2013)xxx–xxx 3depth scan of the standards were employed to calculate the detec-tion limit.It has a minimum for Cu in agreement with the energy dependence of the sensitivity profile obtained previously.It interesting to highlight that the calculation of the detection limit means of the approximation of Eq.(1)for low concentrations expressed in [g/cm 3].However the Table 1includes the detection limits as weight fractions in order to compare with traditional val-ues.An estimation of the detection limit for structural microanal-ysis is possible to obtain assuming a linear dependence of the XRD intensity with the volumetric density of the material a good approximation in our spectrometer because the XRD peaks are comparable to the background signal.Then it is possiblettice spacing resolution of the spectrometer versus incident energy compare to the energy resolution of the detection system.The insert shows angular divergence of the confocal setup calculated by Eq.(4).4.Spectra for three different species of copper with an acquisition time of 150showing X-ray fluorescence and diffraction relate the registered XRD intensity with the detection limit by the formula:DL¼3q affiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiN BkgpN XRDwhere q a is the volumetric density of the phase a,N XRD is the number of counts in the XRD peak and N Bkg is the number of counts in the background of the XRD peak.Thus the detection limit of the Cu2O phase in a Cu matrix is0.30g/cm3(5%w/w)with150s of acquisition time.In this calculation we used the higher diffraction peak obtained at the position of higher scattering in the depth scan. For mica in a matrix of silicate rock we obtained a detection limit of 0.12g/cm3(4.3%w/w).It is important to highlight that the pre-sented values are useful to illustrate the behavior of the spectrom-eter but they are not for a general use since the detection limit depends on the sample matrix.The results obtained in the simplified calibration procedure show that the structural microanalysis with the proposed spec-trometer has limitations in resolution and detection limit.These limitations can be successfully minimized by modern arrange-ments with X-ray area detectors in Angular Dispersive(AD)config-uration[14,15].In this case the acquisition times are similar than ED configuration but with more reliable peaks intensities and bet-ter momentum resolution.However,the energy resolution of these detectors still is not as good as the energy dispersive semiconduc-tor detectors even for the most advanced devices[14].Thus,a com-bined spectrometer for micro XRF/XRD in AD configuration improves micro-XRD analysis but declines micro-XRF perfor-mance.Since the opposite is valid for the ED configuration with semiconductor detectors,it is clear that the setup proposed in this paper is recommended for those studies where micro-XRF analysis is of priority interest and/or micro-XRD analysis not demand high momentum resolution or low detection limits.Favorable conditions for the spectrometer are founded,for example,in archeometry or analysis of amorphous materials.In archeometry val[5keV;10keV].For structural analysis it should contain the diffraction peaks under study by means of a convenient selection of the reflection angle with the Bragg equation.The performance of the spectrometer was illustrated with the analysis of two specific artificial samples.They showed that the setup successfully combines the spatial resolution with short acquisition times for elemental and structural microanalysis.The main limitation of the spectrometer lies in the high detection limit and modest resolution for structural microanalysis.Taking this in consideration it is possible to identify possible applicationfields of the spectrometer as archeometry or amorphous materials studies.AcknowledgmentsThis work was partially supported by the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Source(Under Scientific Project LNLS D09B-XRF-4229)and CONICET from Argentina.We are also grateful to the LNLS team for perfect running conditions.References[1]E.Bulska,I.A.Wysocka,M.H.Wierzbicka,K.Proost,K.Janssens,G.Falkenberg,In vivo investigation of the distribution and the local speciation of Selenium in Allium cepa means of microscopic X-ray absorption near-edge structure spectroscopy and confocal microscopic X-rayfluorescence analysis,Anal.Chem.78(2006)7616–7624.[2]B.Kanngie b er,W.Malzer,I.Reiche,A new3D micro X-rayfluorescenceanalysis setup-first archaeometric applications,Nucl.Instr.Meth.Phys.Res.B211(2003)259–264.[3]B.Vekemans,L.Vincze,F.E.Brenker,F.Adams,Processing of three-dimensionalmicroscopic 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近红外光谱法英文Near-Infrared SpectroscopyNear-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is a powerful analytical technique that has gained widespread recognition in various scientific and industrial fields. This non-invasive method utilizes the near-infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum, typically ranging from 700 to 2500 nanometers (nm), to obtain valuable information about the chemical and physical properties of materials. The versatility of NIRS has led to its application in a diverse array of industries, including agriculture, pharmaceuticals, food processing, and environmental monitoring.One of the primary advantages of NIRS is its ability to provide rapid and accurate analysis without the need for extensive sample preparation. Unlike traditional analytical methods, which often require complex sample extraction and processing, NIRS can analyze samples in their natural state, allowing for real-time monitoring and decision-making. This efficiency and non-destructive nature make NIRS an attractive choice for applications where speed and preservation of sample integrity are crucial.In the field of agriculture, NIRS has become an invaluable tool for the assessment of crop quality and the optimization of farming practices. By analyzing the near-infrared spectra of plant materials, researchers can determine the content of various nutrients, such as protein, carbohydrates, and moisture, as well as the presence of contaminants or adulterants. This information can be used to guide precision farming techniques, optimize fertilizer application, and ensure the quality and safety of agricultural products.The pharmaceutical industry has also embraced the use of NIRS for a wide range of applications. In drug development, NIRS can be used to monitor the manufacturing process, ensuring the consistent quality and purity of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and finished products. Additionally, NIRS can be employed in the analysis of tablet coatings, the detection of counterfeit drugs, and the evaluation of drug stability during storage.The food processing industry has been another significant beneficiary of NIRS technology. By analyzing the near-infrared spectra of food samples, manufacturers can assess parameters such as fat, protein, and moisture content, as well as the presence of adulterants or contaminants. This information is crucial for ensuring product quality, optimizing production processes, and meeting regulatory standards. NIRS has been particularly useful in the analysis of dairy products, grains, and meat, where rapid and non-destructive testing is highly desirable.In the field of environmental monitoring, NIRS has found applications in the analysis of soil and water samples. By examining the near-infrared spectra of these materials, researchers can obtain information about the presence and concentration of various organic and inorganic compounds, including pollutants, nutrients, and heavy metals. This knowledge can be used to inform decision-making in areas such as soil management, water treatment, and environmental remediation.The success of NIRS in these diverse applications can be attributed to several key factors. Firstly, the near-infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum is sensitive to a wide range of molecular vibrations, allowing for the detection and quantification of a variety of chemical compounds. Additionally, the ability of NIRS to analyze samples non-destructively and with minimal sample preparation has made it an attractive choice for in-situ and real-time monitoring applications.Furthermore, the development of advanced data analysis techniques, such as multivariate analysis and chemometrics, has significantly enhanced the capabilities of NIRS. These methods enable the extraction of meaningful information from the complex near-infrared spectra, allowing for the accurate prediction of sample propertiesand the identification of subtle chemical and physical changes.As technology continues to evolve, the future of NIRS looks increasingly promising. Advancements in sensor design, data processing algorithms, and portable instrumentation are expected to expand the reach of this analytical technique, making it more accessible and applicable across a wider range of industries and research fields.In conclusion, near-infrared spectroscopy is a versatile and powerful analytical tool that has transformed the way we approach various scientific and industrial challenges. Its ability to provide rapid, non-invasive, and accurate analysis has made it an indispensable technology in fields ranging from agriculture and pharmaceuticals to food processing and environmental monitoring. As the field of NIRS continues to evolve, it is poised to play an increasingly crucial role in driving innovation and advancing our understanding of the world around us.。
次氯酸双光子荧光探针的英语The English term for "次氯酸双光子荧光探针" is "chlorine dioxide dual-photon fluorescent probe."Usage: This probe is used to detect and monitor the presence of chlorine dioxide in a sample. It utilizes a dual-photon fluorescent approach, where the probe emits fluorescence when excited by the absorption of two photons. This allows for highly sensitive and selective detection of chlorine dioxide.Bilingual example sentences:1. The chlorine dioxide dual-photon fluorescent probe exhibited excellent stability and high sensitivity in detecting chlorine dioxide in water samples.这种次氯酸双光子荧光探针在水样中检测次氯酸盐表现出良好的稳定性和高灵敏度。
2. The new dual-photon fluorescent probe effectively detected the presence of chlorine dioxide in industrial wastewater.这款新设计的双光子荧光探针能够有效检测工业废水中的次氯酸盐。
3. Compared to traditional methods, the chlorine dioxide dual-photon fluorescent probe offers enhanced accuracy and specificity.与传统方法相比,次氯酸双光子荧光探针具备更高的准确性和特异性。
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2 Fluorescence Advanced Application_FRET-xinke——【蔡司高级应用】
Dr. Xianke SHI, Zeiss Microscopy
Prerequesites for FRET:
A suitable FRET Pair
The Acceptor´s excitation spectrum must overlap with the Donor´s emmission spectrum
Dr. Xianke SHI, Zeiss Microscopy
Slide 2
Dr. Xianke SHI, Zeiss Microscopy
Slide 3
What is FRET?
Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer
Slide 10
FRET Biosensors and their applications
Dr. Xianke SHI, Zeiss Microscopy
Slide 11
Dr. Xianke SHI, Zeiss Microscopy
Förster Resonance Energy Transfer
To measure molecular binding 用于测量分子之间作用
Dr. Xianke SHI, Zeiss Microscopy
Fluorochrome Absorption and Emission SpectraHere we present the absorption and emission spectra of the fluorochromes BD Biosciences Pharmingen conjugates to monoclonal antibodies and other proteins. Four of these fluorochromes, fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC), R-phycoerythrin (R-PE), BD Cy-Chrome™, and PerCP, can be used with single-laser flow cytometers equipped with an argon-ion laser emitting light at 488 nm for three-color flow cytometric analysis (Fig. 1).BD Biosciences Pharmingen also offers monoclonal antibodies and proteins conjugated to allophycocyanin (APC) and avidin conjugated to Texas Red™. Both of these dyes are useful in experiments where multi-color analysis is desired using flow cytometers with dual laser capabilities (Fig 1). APC can b e excited by a helium-neon (HeNe) laser emitting light at 633 nm, by a krypton laser emitting light at 647 nm, or by a dye laser which can be conveniently tuned to emit light in the 550-650 nm range. (In a dye laser, the lasing medium is a solution of fluo rescent dye excited by a pump laser, usually an ion laser.) Texas Red ™ , available conjugated to avidin, can be excited by an argon-krypton mixed-gas laser at 568 nm, or with a dye laser, where both APC and Texas Red ™ can be used simultaneously. Because many combinations of lasers, detectors, filters and fluorochromes are possible for multi-color analysis, proper precautions need to be taken (i.e.,bandpass filters, dichroic mirrors, longpass filters, etc.) by the operator to ensure each fluorochrome is being detected by only one detector (Fig. 1). In the following descriptions, we give our recommendations for the ideal instrument set-up for use with our reagents.(summarized in Table1) Allophycocyanin (APC) is an accessory photosynthetic pigment found in bluegreen algae. Its molecular weight is approximately 105 kDa. APC has 6 phycocyanobilin chromophores per molecule, which are similar in structure to phycoerythrobilin, the chromophore in R-PE. It has a 650-nm wavelength absorption maximum (Fig. 2) and a 660-nm fluorescence emission maximum (Fig. 2). Using a 660 ± 10 nm BP filter will give optimum detection for this fluorochrome. APC can be used in flow cytometers equipped with dual lasers for multi-color analysis (Fig. 2). It can be excited by laser light between 600-640 nm. For this, we recommend a He-Ne laser at 633 nm, or a tunable dye laser tund between 600-640 nm.BD Cy-Chrome™ is a tandem conjugate system, with an absorption maximum of approximately 650 nm (Fig. 2), which combines R-phycoerythrin and a cyanine dye (MW 1.5 kDa). When excited by 488-nm light, the excited fluorochrome (R-PE) is able to transfer its fluorescent energy to the cyanine molecule, which then fluoresces at a longer wavelength. The resulting fluorescent maximum is approximately 670 nm (Fig. 2). Using a 650-nm longpass filter will give optimum detection for this fluorochrome. The efficiency of the light energy transfer between the two fluorochromes can be seen in Fig. 2F where less than 5% of the absorbed light is lost as fluorescence at 575 nm by R-PE. Compared to other fluorescence energy-transfer systems used in flow cytometry (e.g., RED613™ , EDC, PerCP), BD Cy-Chrome™ is a superior fluorochrome for third color analysis because of its high emission intensity and broad spectrum. As with our R-PE conjugates, an average of one BD Cy-Chrome™ molecule is coupled per antibody or protein. Because of its broad absorption range (Fig. 2), BD Cy-Chrome™ is not recommended for use with du al-laser flow cytometers where excitation by both lasers is possible.Fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) is a fluorochrome with a molecular weight of 389 daltons and an absorption maximum at 495 nm (Fig. 2). Its excitation by 488-nm light leads to a fluorescence emission maximum around 520 nm (Fig. 2). Using a 530 ± 15 nm bandpass (BP) filter will give optimum detection for this fluorochrome. The isothiocyanate derivative (FITC) is the most widely used form for conjugation to antibodies and proteins, but other derivatives are available. FITC has a high quantum yield (efficiency of energy transfer from absorption to emission fluorescence) and approximately half of the absorbed photons are emitted as fluorescent light. The number of FITC molecules per conjugate partner (antibody, Avidin, Streptavidin, etc.) is usually in the range of three to five molecules.R-phycoerythrin (R-PE) is an accessory photosynthetic pigment found in red algae. In vivo, it functions to transfer light energy to chlorophyll during photosynthesis. In vitro, it is a 240-kDa protein with 34 phycoerythrobilin fluorochromes per molecule. The large number of fluorochromes per PE molecule makeR-phycoerythrin an ideal pigment for flow cytometry applications. Its absorption maximum is 564 nm (Fi g. 2). When excited by 488-nm light, its fluorescence emission maximum is approximately 575 nm (Fig. 2). For single-laser flow cytometer use, we recommend using a 585 ± 21 nm BP filter for optimal detection (Fig. 1). When performing multi-color analysis with a dual-laser system, a tighter window of detection is required to compensate for the other conjugates being used (e.g.,Texas Red ™ ). For this, we recommend using a 575 ± 13-nm BP filter (Fig.1). Our conjugation chemistry yields an average of one R-PE molecule per antibody orprotein. The emitted light is collected in the fluorescence-2 (FL2) channel.PE-Texas Red™ is a tandem conjugate system which combines R-PE and Texas Red™ and has an absorption maximum of approximately 564 nm. When excited by 488-nm light, the excited fluorochrome (PE) is able to transfer its fluorescent energy to the Texas Red™ molecule, which then fluoresces at a longer wavelength. The resulting fluorescent emission maximum is approximately 615 nm. Special care must be taken when using PE-Texas Red™ conjugates in conjunction with R-PE as there is considerable spectral overlap in the emission profiles of both fluorochromes.Peridinin chlorophyll protein (PerCP) is a component of the photosynthetic apparatus found in the dinoflagellate,Glenodinium . PerCP is a protein complex with a molecular weight of approximately 35 kDa. When excited by light at 488 nm from an argon-ion laser, PerCP has a excitation maximum around 490 nm, with an emission spectrum which peaks at 675 nm. The emitted light is collected in the fluorescence-3 (FL3) channel. Due to its photobleaching characteristics, PerCP conjugates are not recommended for use on stream-in-air flow cytometers.PerCP-Cy5.5 is a tandem conjugate system than combines PerCP with a cyanine d ye (Cy5.5™) and has an absorption maximum of approximately 490 nm. When excited by 488-nm light, the excited fluorochrome (PerCP) is able to transfer its fluorescent energy to the cyanine molecule, which then fluoresces at a longer wavelength. The resulting fluorescent emission maximum is approximately 694 nm. Using a 650 nm longpass filter will give optimum detection for this fluorochrome. The emitted light is collected in the fluorescence-3 (FL3) channel. PerCP-Cy5.5 is recommended for use with stream-in-air flow cytometers. APC-Cy7is a tandem conjugate system that combines APC and a cyanine dye (Cy7™) and has an absorption maximum of approximately 650 nm. When excited by light from a dye or HeNe laser, the excited fluorochrome (APC) is able to transfer its fluorescent energy to the cyanine molecule, which then fluoresces at a longer wavelength. The resulting fluorescent emission maximum is approximately 767 nm. It is recommended that a 750-nm longpass filter be used along with a red-sensitive detector such as the Hammatsu R3896 PMT for this fluorochrome. Special filters are required when using APC-Cy7ª in conjunction with APC. It is recommended that special precautions be taken with PharRed conjugates, and cells stained with them, to protect the fluorochrome from long-term exposure to visible light.Texas Red™ is a sulfonyl chloride derivative of sulforhodamine 101 with a molecular weight of 625 daltons. BD Biosciences Pharmingen offers Texas Red ™ , conjugated to avidin, as a useful second step for multi-color analysis. Because it em its in the long wavelengths of the deep red region (Fig 2), Texas Red ™ has little spectral overlap with FITC. When performing multi-color analysis involving both Texas Red™ and R-PE, BD Biosciences Pharmingen recommends excitation of Texas Red ™ using a d ual-laser flow cytometer equipped with a tunable dye laser to avoid "leaking" into the PE detector. If a krypton laser, emitting light at 568 nm, is used, the laser light will "leak" into the R-PE channel. Texas Red ™ can be used in conjunction with APC for multi-color analysis when both dyes are excited in the 595-605 nm range with a dye laser. Texas Red ™ has an absorption maximum of 596 nm (Fig. 2). Its emission maximum, when excited by 595-600-nm laser light, is 615 nm (Fig. 2). Using a 620 ± 10-nm bandpass filter will give optimum detection for this fluorochrome (Fig. 1).Comparative staining using a monoclonal antibody (RA3-6B2; anti-B220; Cat. No. 557390/553084**) conjugated to different fluorochromes and analyzed on either BD FACSVantage™ (upper panels) or BDFACSCalibur™ (lower panels). The numbers indicate the ratio of the median fluorescence intensity of positive cells to the negative cells (signal to noise ratio). These plots demonstrate how choices in A) fluorochrome-conjugates or B) instrumentation can affect the fluorescence intensity observed for a given population.A. The differences observed between individual fluorochrome-conjugates can be affected by the mAbconjugated. Thus while in the example above the PE-conjugate is brighter than the BD Cy-Chrome™ -conjugate, when analyzed on the BD FACSCalibur™ , for many mAbs the Cy-Chrome ™ -conjugate results in a brighter stain. Contact BD Biosciences Pharmingen Technical Services for more information on specific reagents.B. Similarly different flow cytometers utilize different lasers and different fluorescence filter sets whichcan result in differences in signal to noise ratios when using the same reagent. Note that PEreagents tend to be brighter when used on a BD FACSCalibur™ while APC reagents are brighter on a BD FACSVantage™. Note changes of the signal to noise ratio depending on fluorchrome and instrument used.Enlarge imageFigure 1."Top schematic." A single laser flow cytometer with five parameters of detection. Two detectors detect the light scatter, and three photo-multiplier tubes (PMTs) detect the fluorescent signals. The bandpass filters are set up for optimal detection with BD Biosciences Pharmingen's fluorochromes: FITC, PE, BD Cy-Chrome ™ and Becton Dickinson's PerCP."Bottom schematic." A dual laser flow cytometer with six parameters of detection. Two detectors detect the light scatter, and four PMTs detect the fluorescent signals. The bandpass filters are set up forop timal detection with BD Biosciences Pharmingen's fluorochromes FITC, PE, APC, and Texas Red ™ . The second (orange) laser light is emitted from a tunable dye head using rhodamine 6 G as the fluorescent dye for excitation. Forward light scatter (FSC), side scatter (SSC), FITC, and PE signals are all produced by the primary 488-nm argon-ion laser. APC and Texas Red ™ signals are produced by the second laser (dye head with a 488-nm argon-ion laser).Figure 2. Absorption spectra of Fluorochromes. Individual fluorochrome excitation spectra are found in gray and the corresponding emission spectra in black. Typical band pass filters are given for eachflu orochrome as used on a FACSVantage™ except for BD Cy-Chrome™ and PerCP which are shown for FACSCalibur™ configurations.TABLE 1. Comparison of individual fluorochromes with single and dual laser flow cytometry.*PerCP is highly sensitive to photobleaching and must be used with laser power <150mW++Can only be used with a dye laser#Not recommended (dull)$BD Cy-Chrome and APC cannot be simultaneously used on instruments lacking cross-beam compensation. References:Loken, M.R., 1990. Immunofluorescence Techniques in Flow Cytometry and Sorting, 2nd Ed., Wiley. pp341-353.Parks, D., L. Herzenberg, and L. Herzenberg. 1989. Flow cytometry and fluorescence-activated cell sorting. Fundamental Immunology, Second Edition. William Paul, Ed.Raven Press, Ltd, New York.Zola, H. 1995. Detection of cytokine receptors by flow cytometry. In Current Protocols in Immunology (J. Coligan, A. Kruisbeek, D. Margulies, E. Shevach, W. Strober, eds.) John Wiley and Sons, New York. Unit 6.21.Immunofluorescence and cell sorting. In Current Protocols in Immunology. (J. Coligan, A. Kruisbeek, D. Margulies, E. Shevach, W. Strober, eds) John Wiley and Sons, New York. Unit 5.1 - 5.6.5. Shapiro, H.M. 1988. Practical Flow Cytometry, 2nd Ed. Wiley-Liss, New York.。
廖明君,张自然,惠森,等. 蚕蛹源肽锌纳米粒子的制备及其结构表征[J]. 食品工业科技,2023,44(22):84−91. doi:10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023020230LIAO Mingjun, ZHANG Ziran, HUI Sen, et al. Preparation and Characterization of Silkworm Pupa SourcePeptide-zinc Nanoparticles[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2023, 44(22): 84−91. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi:10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023020230· 研究与探讨 ·蚕蛹源肽锌纳米粒子的制备及其结构表征廖明君1,张自然1, *,惠 森2,陈璐雯1,杨春媛1,张宗凯1,牛改改1(1.北部湾大学食品工程学院,广西高校北部湾海产品高值化利用与预制食品重点实验室,广西钦州 535011;2.广西大学轻工与食品工程学院,广西南宁 535000)摘 要:为开发安全易吸收的补锌制剂,提升蚕蛹的利用价值,通过酶解蚕蛹蛋白制备蚕蛹肽,并将其与锌螯合生成肽锌螯合物。
结果表明,酶解制备蚕蛹肽的条件为碱性蛋白酶加酶量为1%、pH8.0、温度50 ℃、酶解时间6 h ,该条件下的螯合率达58.05%;肽锌纳米粒的最佳制备条件为肽锌质量比1:0.5、pH6.5,温度55 ℃,时间20 min ,此时螯合率达72.63%;添加硫酸锌后,紫外光谱与荧光光谱强度的减弱显示Zn 2+与蚕蛹肽成功的发生了结合,所得蚕蛹肽-锌螯合物为粒径71.99 nm 的纳米粒子,表面呈均匀的颗粒状结构,锌相对含量达37.46%,肽链中的-COOH 、-NH 2和-C=O 是锌离子与蚕蛹肽的主要结合位点。
Lise-Meitner-Straße 6, D-89081 Ulm, Germany Tel. +49 (0) 731 140 700, Fax. +49 (0) 731 140,*************Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (TERS) for Chemical Imaging at the NanoscaleSNOM Resolution and Surface Enhanced Raman SpectroscopyThe modular design and flexible setup of the WITec alpha 300 S allows diffraction-limited Raman imaging as well as Scanning Near-field Optical Microscopy (SNOM) to beintegrated in one instrument. According to Abbe’s theory of diffraction and Rayleigh's definition of the diffraction limit, a spatialresolution of approx. 200 nm can be achieved with confocal Raman imaging. In SNOM the resolution is limited only by the aperture size of the cantilever SNOM probe which is in the range of 60 – 90 nm. Due to the low light levels, combining Raman and SNOM for the acquisition of Raman images through a SNOM tip is only suitable for extremely strong Raman scatterers or surface enhanced Ramanspectroscopy (SERS) experiments. The SERS technique is based on the fact that if amolecule is brought into close proximity with a metal (Au, Ag) nano-structure ornanoparticle plasmonic resonance results in a significant increase in the intensity of the Raman spectra.Fig. 1: Working principle of TERSFig. 2: WITec alpha300 TERS configurations: Excitation from the side, above or below; detection from the side, above or below.Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (TERS)As an alternative approach to achieve lateral resolution far below the diffraction limit Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy can be applied. In a typical TERS experiment a Au-or Ag-coated AFM tip is used as ananostructure to produce Raman signal enhancement on a sample surface once the excitation laser is focused on the apex of a tip (Fig. 1) with the tip brought into close proximity with the surface. The tip radius,which defines the lateral resolution of an AFM measurement, is typically in the range of 10 – 20 nm. In a TERS experiment the lateral resolution depends on the size of the hot-spot therefore one can expect resolution in the range of 20-50 nm for Raman spectroscopy and imaging measurements. The TERS tip-apex must be illuminated with the excitation laser from either above, below or the side. The alpha300 SR SNOM Confocal Ramancombination provides the beam path geometry for all of these excitation approaches (Fig. 2).In the following study, a carbon nanowire wasinvestigated with an alpha300 SR in order to demonstrate the TERS capabilities of the system. Fig. 3 shows the shape anddimension of the nanowire as measured in AFM AC-Mode.For TERS measurements the tip was brought into contact with the nanowire from above. Excitation (532 nm) as well as detection was performed from below. The Raman signal was collected with a cover glass corrected 60x, 0.8 NA objective.Excitation LaserUHTS 300Raman SpectrometerLise-Meitner-Straße 6, D-89081 Ulm, Germany Tel. +49 (0) 731 140 700, Fax. +49 (0) 731 140,*************ResultsIn the first experiment the influence ofgeneral tip-induced effects was examined in order to properly qualify the results obtained with the given TERS geometry. A Si/Al-coated AFM Tip was brought into close proximity of the nanowire with no significantenhancement of the Raman signal expected.Fig. 4 shows the two spectra: The redspectrum shows the intensity with the tip retracted and the blue spectrum shows the intensity of the Raman spectrum with the tip in close proximity, indicating an enhancement of a factor of two. Aluminum does not typically trigger enhancement, therefore this effect might be a result of mirror-like reflections (Pseudo-TERS). In a second experiment a Ag-coated Si AFM tip was brought into close proximity with the nanowire while measuring the spectral intensity. The result of thisexperiment is shown in Fig. 5 with the blue spectrum showing the spectral intensity with the tip retracted and the red spectrum indicting the intensity with the tipapproached. An enhancement of up to a factor of 12 can be observed, which clearly indicates that the enhancement at the tip occurred while it was in close proximity with the nanowire.Fig. 4: Pseudo-TERS effect. Raman Spectra acquired on the carbon nanowire with a Si/Al-coated AFM tip.Fig. 3: a) AFM topography image of the carbon nanowire used for the TERS experiments in this study. b) Data of the cross sections at the indicated lines.83 cts7 ctsx 1235 cts150 ctsx 4.2x 6.8122 cts18 cts2nd order Si from tip1st order Si from tip(a)(b)135 nm140 nm280 nm(a)(b)tip approachedtip retractedTip-enhanced Raman Imaging of Carbon NanotubesThe Paper of Weber-Biagoni et. al (Weber-Bargioni et. al., (2011) Hyperspectral Nanoscale Imaging on Dielectric Substrates with Coaxial Optical Antenna Scan Probes.Nano Letters,11, 1201-1207.) reports on a new nano-imaging method using specialized coaxial optical antenna scan probes for TERS. The group was able to image carbon nanotubes with a lateral resolution of ca. 20 nm.Lise-Meitner-Straße 6, D-89081 Ulm, Germany Tel. +49 (0) 731 140 700, Fax. +49 (0) 731 140,*************DiscussionThe results presented in this study clearly demonstrate that the alpha300 SR is a TERS-ready system capable of performing various tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopyexperiments. The possibilities range from the acquisition of single Raman spectra in TERS-mode to nano-scale Raman imaging. Such results also prove that this technique is suitable for chemical imaging at a resolution beyond the diffraction limit. In order to establish this method as a standard and routine analysis technique various challenges must be taken into consideration: Pseudo-TERS effects should be clearly distinguishable from true TERS enhancements and the experimenter should take special care to minimize or eliminate such unwanted effects.Another challenge to date is the problematic availability of TERS-probes. The literature suggests that virtually all successful TERS experiments so far have been performed with non-commercially available AFM- TERS probes.Thus, knowledge of the process of evaporating an active gold or silver coating as well as the sample preparation are key components of the experiments. Quite often TERSexperiments are also performed using gold-nanowires. In this setup the distance control is mostly realized using the shear-forcedetection principle making the experimental setup even more demanding. The results presented in this application note have all been acquired with functionalized AFM-TERS probes using the beam-deflection principle for distance control.In summary, further research in the field of TERS imaging and tip-functionalization must be made in order to establish the technique as a standard and routine experimental method for the various relevant fields of application. The TERS-capabilities of the WITec alpha300 microscope series easily facilitate such experiments.Further ReadingJ. Wessel, Surface-enhanced optical microscopy,JOSA B, Vol. 2, Issue 9, pp. 1538-1541 (1985)E. Bailo, V. Deckert, Tip-enhanced Raman scattering, Chem. Soc. Rev., 37, 921-930, (2008)A. Hartschuh, E.J. Sánchez, X. S. Xie, L. Novotny,High-Resolution Near-Field Raman Microscopy of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes, Phys. Rev.Lett. 90, 095503 (2003)。
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a r X i v :c o n d -m a t /0401354v 1 [c o n d -m a t .s u p r -c o n ] 20 J a n 2004The spin excitation spectrum in striped bilayer compoundsFrank Kr¨u ger and Stefan ScheidlInstitut f¨u r Theoretische Physik,Universit¨a t zu K¨o ln,Z¨u lpicher Str.77,D-50937K¨o ln,Germany(Dated:February 2,2008)The spin dynamics of bilayer cuprate compounds are studied in a basic model.The magnetic spectral properties are calculated in linear spin-wave theory for several stripe configurations which differ by the relative location of the stripes in the layers.We focus on the bilayer splitting of the magnon bands near the incommensurate low energy peaks as well as near the πresonance,distinguishing between the odd and even channel.We find that a x-shaped dispersion near the πresonance is generic for stripes.By comparison of our results to neutron scattering data for YBa 2Cu 3O 6+x we conclude that the stripe model is consistent with characteristic features of bilayer high-T c compounds.PACS numbers:75.10.Jm,74.72.-h,75.30.Ds,76.50.+gI.INTRODUCTIONSubsequent to predictions of stripe formation,1,2,3characteristic signatures of spin-and charge order have been found in a variety of high-T c cuprate superconductors,including La 2−x Sr x CuO 4(LSCO)and YBa 2Cu 3O 6+x (YBCO).Neutron scattering experiments 4,5have provided evidence for spin order at low energies through a pattern of incommensurate peaks around the antiferromagnetic wave vector.Although more difficult to detect,charge order has been observed in LSCO co-doped with Nd 6as well as in YBCO without codoping.7Since LSCO and YBCO are paradigmatic for mono-layer and bilayer compounds,stripe-like “low”-energy response is characteristic for both classes of materi-als.On the other hand,at “high”energies spin fluc-tuations appeared to be qualitatively different since a commensurate π-resonance had been observed only in bilayer compounds,notably in YBa 2Cu 3O 6+x 8,9and Bi 2Sr 2CaCu 2O 8+x ,10whereas it seemed to be absent in monolayer compounds.This apparent distinction be-tween mono-and bilayer compounds lost its justification only recently,when the π-resonance was discovered in Tl 2Ba 2CuO 6+x 11as the first monolayer compound.The fact that the π-resonant mode has not been detected in LSCO so far can possibly be ascribed to a larger effective strength of disorder,since the Sr-dopants are randomly distributed whereas in the oxygen doped compounds the access oxygen orders in chains.Thus,one may believe that,in principle,mono-and bilayer compounds have qualitatively similar features also at higher energies.This universality of low-and high-energy features calls for an even more unifying framework.12In a recent article 13we have analyzed an elementary monolayer model assuming that charges form a perfectly ordered site-centered stripe array which imposes a static spatial modulation of spin-exchange couplings.The re-sulting spin dynamics was studied using linear spin-wave theory.As a result,we found that the incommensu-rability and the π-resonance appear as complementary features of the band structure at different energy scales.Furthermore,the doping dependence of the resonance fre-quency was found in good agreement with experimental observations.In this work we extend this model to bilayer systems in order to predict the corresponding features of the magnon band structure and the magnetic structure fac-tor.Within each layer,holes are assumed to form unidi-rectional site-centered stripes.We consider several possi-bilities (parallel and perpendicular relative orientations)of the charge order in the antiferromagnetically coupled neighboring layers.The band structure and the T =0inelastic structure factor for even and odd excitations are calculated in linear spin-wave theory.Particular atten-tion is paid to the band-splitting in the vicinity of the antiferromagnetic wave vector and to the influence of the interlayer coupling on the π-resonance energy.The outline of this paper is as follows.In Sec.II the spin-only model for a bilayer system is introduced and motivated.Classical ground states and the result-ing phase diagrams for competing types of magnetic or-der are obtained.They are needed as starting point for the linear spin-wave theory.A customized formulation thereof is outlined in Sec.III.The results,namely the spin-wave band structure,the zero-temperature structure factor for even and odd excitations,and the dependence of the band splitting at the antiferromagnetic wave-vector on the strength of the interlayer coupling are presented in Sec.IV and compared to experiments in Sec.V.II.MODELStripes are a combined charge-and spin-density wave.If the charge period pa is a multiple of the Cu spacing a with integer p ,lock-in effects tend to suppress phason-like fluctuations of the density modulation.In a reductionist real-space picture,one may think of the holes forming parallel site-centered rivers of width a ,which act as an-tiphase domain boundaries for the antiferromagnetic spin domains in between.6This implies that the period of the spin modulation is twice that of the charge modulation.To implement that the charge stripes act like antiphase2 boundaries we follow our previous work13and choose thesimplest possible implementation of exchange couplingswithin the layers stabilizing this magnetic structure:an-tiferromagnetic exchange couplings J between neighbor-ing spins within the domains and antiferromagnetic cou-plingsλJ between closest spins across a stripe.In our previous work13we have studied this model fora single layer allowing for diagonal and vertical stripe ori-entations.Here we focus on vertical stripes as observedin the superconducting cuprates and restrict our analysisto the representative case p=4.This corresponds to adoping of one hole per8Cu sites since the rivers havea line charge of only half a hole per lattice constant.Inaddition to the in-plane couplings we consider an antifer-romagnetic exchangeµJ between two layers(cf.Fig.1).The Hamiltonian of this bilayer model is given byH= α=1,2Hα+H1,2,(1a)1Hα=3ρ(0)αcos(kαr)where the planes separated by d are per-pendicular to the z-direction.For simplicity,only thefirst harmonic of the charge modulation is retained.Par-allel stripes are described by k1=k2=k e x andρ(0)1=ρ(0)2=¯ρ,shifted parallel stripes are realized fork1=k2=k e x andρ(0)1=−ρ(0)2=¯ρ,and perpendicularstripes for k1=k e x,k2=k e y andρ(0)1=ρ(0)2=¯ρ.For astripe spacing pa the charge-modulation wave vectors aregiven by k=2π/(pa),the amplitude by¯ρ=e/(2pa2).Calculating the Coulomb coupling energy per square lat-tice siteE C=1A d3rd3r′ρ1(r)ρ2(r′)32πǫ0paexp −2πd2and for a stripe spacingp=4we obtain∆E C≈29meV.For antiferromagnetic YBCO the magnetic interlayer superexchange is reported to beµ≈0.08.14For paral-lel stripes,spins are not frustrated and,in a classical picture,antiparallel in different layers,S1(r)=−S2(r). Thus,the exchange coupling roughly leads to an energy gain of orderµJS2≈3meV,whereas the energy gain will be smaller for the other two configurations due to frustration.Thus,within our rough estimate,the Coulomb energy appears to be up to one order of magnitude larger than the exchange energy,such that one might expect the par-allel shifted configuration to be the only physical one.On the other hand the actual Coulomb energy may be sig-nificantly smaller than the result of our estimate since we have completely neglected screening.For almost un-doped YBCO a relative large value ofǫ≈15for the static dielectric constant at T=4K is reported.15There-fore the Coulomb energy might be of the same order of magnitude as the magnetic exchange energy.Due to the crudeness of our estimate no stripe configuration can be strictly ruled out.B.Classical ground statesDue to frustration effects,the ground-state structure is nontrivial for shifted parallel and perpendicular stripes. We now determine these ground states treating spins as classical.These ground states will be a necessary prereq-uisite for the subsequent spin-wave analysis.We continue to focus on the representative case p=4.Depending on the values of the couplingsλandµwe find two different types of ground states.For a nearest neighbor exchange across a stripe in the range0<λ<λc (λc≈0.59for shifted parallel andλc≈0.35for per-pendicular stripes)the ground state has a canted planar topologyup to a valueµc(λ)of the interlayer exchange (cf.Fig.2).Forµ>µc(λ)spins lock into a collinear texture.FIG.2:Classical ground-state phase diagrams for shifted par-allel and perpendicular stripes.Forµ<µc(λ)the ground states show a canted planar spin pattern illustrated in Fig.1. Forµ>µc(λ)the topology of the ground states changes into a collinear pattern where spins lying on top of each other are strictly antiparallel and nearest neighbors across a stripe are parallel.Forλ→λc(λc≈0.59for shifted parallel and λc≈0.35for perpendicular stripes)µc goes to infinity.Above λc the ground states are always planar.To characterize these different phases,we start with the planar one.As already indicated above,the frustra-tion can lead to a canting of spins.The origin of the canting is easily understood.Forµ=0the layers are decoupled and the sublattice magnetization in both lay-ers can have an arbitrary relative orientation.For small interlayer couplingµthe spins start to cant starting from a configuration where spins lying on top of each other are perpendicular.Only in this case the interlayer couplings lead to an energy gain proportional to small canting an-gles while the intralayer couplings lead to an energy costs of second order in the canting angles.Such canted pla-nar ground states are illustrated in Fig.1.In Fig.3the corresponding tilting angles are plotted forλ=0.1as a function ofµ.The tilting angles increase monotonously in a way that spins lying on top of each other become increasingly antiparallel with increasingµ.In the other phase,forµ>µc(λ),the interlayer couplingµdominates the couplingλacross the stripes and the topology of the ground state changes into a collinear configuration where the spins lying on top of each other are strictly antiparallel and nearest neighbor spins across a stripe are strictly parallel although they are antiferromagnetically coupled.This configuration is stable against a canting of the spins because for smallλthe energy gain forλ-bonds and the energy costs forµ-bonds as well as the couplings within the domains would be quadratic in the tilting angles.Since this ground state has lost the antiphase-boundary character of the charge stripes it resembles a diluted antiferromagnet.4FIG.3:Upper row:Energy per lattice site in units of JS2as a function ofµforλ=0.1.For both stripe configurations the energies of the canted planar and the collinear spin pattern are plotted.The curves intersect atµ=µc where the topology of the ground states changes.Lower row:Relative values of the tilting angles of the spins in the planar configuration as a function of the interlayer couplingµforλ=0.1.This would lead to a static magnetic response at the an-tiferromagnetic wave vector in disagreement with exper-imental observations.Therefore,these collinear phases probably are not relevant for the magnetic properties of the cuprate compounds.For small values ofλthe phase boundary is approx-imately given byµc(λ)≈2λfor both stripe configura-tions(cf.Fig.2).In the limitλ→λc the critical value µc goes to infinity.Aboveλc the ground states remain canted planar for all values of the interlayer couplingµ. Comparing the classical magnetic ground-state ener-gies for the two frustrated configurations,wefind that–in contrast to the Coulomb energy–the exchange cou-pling favors perpendicular stripes over shifted parallel stripes.For this reason we retain perpendicular stripes in our consideration.III.SPIN-W A VE THEORYIn this analytic part we derive general expressions for the magnon band structure and the spectral weight at zero temperature in a framework of linear spin-wave the-ory(for a review in the context of cuprates,see e.g.Ref.16).These expressions are evaluated numerically later on in Sec.IV for parallel,shifted parallel and perpendicular stripes andfixed stripe spacing p=4.A.Holstein-PrimakoffrepresentationThe ground-state analysis of the preceding section hasmade clear that spin waves now have to be introduced as excitation of a non-collinear ground state.However,ournumerical calculation of the classical ground states haveshown planar spin textures(here,a collinear texture is considered as a special subcase of a planar texture).In the following we consider a general planar ground state which can be captured by a vectorfield Sα(r)={cosφα(r),sinφα(r),0},where the tilting angles of the spins obey the translational symmetryφα(r)=φα(r+A)for an arbitrary magnetic lattice vector A=m1A(1)+ m2A(2).For the spin textures displayed in Fig.1,corre-sponding magnetic unit cells are given by A(1)=(4,1) and A(2)=(0,2)for parallel stripes and for shifted par-allel stripes,and by A(1)=(8,0)and A(2)=(0,8)for perpendicular stripes.To study the quantumfluctuation around the classical ground state we rotate all spins by their planar angles φα(r)according toS xα(r)=˜S xα(r)cosφα(r)−˜S yα(r)sinφα(r),(4a)S yα(r)=˜S xα(r)sinφα(r)+˜S yα(r)cosφα(r),(4b)S zα(r)=˜S zα(r),(4c) such that˜S(r)has a classical ferromagnetic ground state ˜S(r)=S{1,0,0}.In the transformed spin basis we in-troduce Holstein-Primakoff(HP)bosons in the standard way(using˜S±=˜S y±i˜S z),˜S+α(r)= 2S−ˆn r,α,(5b)˜S xα(r)=−ˆn r,α+S,(5c) and obtain the spin-wave HamiltonianH=S2[Jα(r,r′)δα,α′+µJδr,r′(1−δα,α′)]×[∆α,α′(r,r′)+1]−δr,r′δα,α′ r′Jα(r,r′)∆α,α′(r,r′)−µJδr,r′δα,α′ α′(1−δα,α′)∆α,α′(r,r′)(7a) gα,α′(r,r′)=15 To diagonalize the Hamiltonian,we Fourier transform thebosonic operators via bα(r)= k exp(i kr)bα(k),wherek=(2π)−2 d2k and the k integrals run over the Bril-louin zone of the square lattice with an area(2π/a)2.Following our calculations for the monolayer system13we decompose a square lattice vector r into a magneticlattice vector A and a decoration vector a(r=A+a).The number of vectors a is denoted by n(the area of themagnetic unit cell).In momentum space,the reciprocalmagnetic basis Q(i),i=1,2,spans the correspondingmagnetic Brillouin zone(BZ).Wave vectors k can beuniquely decomposed into k=Q+q with q∈BZ andQ=m1Q(1)+m2Q(2).Within the Brillouin zone of thesquare lattice there are n vectors Q which we denote byQν.Using these decompositions we rewrite the spin-waveHamiltonian asH=12 q ν,ν′ α,α′Gνα,ν′α′(q)[b†α,q+Qνb†α′,−q−Qν′+bα,−q−Qνbα′,q+Qν′],(8)whereFνα,ν′α′(q)=Snfα,α′(Qν+q,Qν′+q′)=δ(q+q′)Fνα,ν′α′(q).(10) Analogous expressions relate G to g.The Hamiltonian (8)has exactly the same structure as in the monolayer case[compare Eq.8in Ref.13]and can be diagonal-ized by a Bogoliubov transformation in an analogous way. Thefinal diagonal form is given byH=2nγ=1 qωγ(q) b†γ(q)bγ(q)+12X=C,S,ω−1γKν,±|XM−1/2|γ×12)[|ν,1 ±|ν,2 ]and introduced the matrices S and C according tosνα,ν′α′=1nδαα′∗a cosφα(a)e i(Qν−Qν′)a.(14b)IV.RESULTSWe now evaluate the the magnon dispersion and theinelastic structure factor for even and odd excitationsnumerically.From a comparison of ourfindings for themonolayer system to neutron scattering data for thecuprate compounds we found13the couplingλJ acrossa stripe to be about one order of magnitude smaller thanthe nearest neighbor coupling J within the domains.Forthe couplingµJ between the layers a valueµ≈0.08isreported14for antiferromagnetic YBCO in the absence ofstripes.Therefore in the stripe system the couplingsλandµcan be assumed to be of the same order.In thefollowing we keep the value ofλfixed and discuss the ef-fects of increasingµstarting from the case of decoupledlayers(µ=0)where the band structure of the mono-layer system13should be recovered.In this parameterregime the classical ground states for shifted parallel andperpendicular charge stripes show the canted planar tex-ture and the antiphase domain boundary character of thecharge stripe is weakened by the interlayer coupling but6still pronounced.Finally we shortly present the excita-tion spectra for shifted parallel and perpendicular stripes for parameters belonging to the collinear ground state regime.In the case of decoupled layers(µ=0)the results of the monolayer system are trivially recovered.Since the two layers are uncorrelated,the structure factor does not depend on the L component of the wave vector.For parallel stripes(with or without a relative shift of the stripes)where the charge modulation is unidirectional with Q ch1=Q ch2=(1/4,0)we just obtain an additional twofold degeneracy of each of the three bands due to the equivalence of the two layers.Therefore the degenera-tion of the bands is fourfold since in the monolayer case each band is twofold degenerated due to the equivalence of the two sublattices.13The lowest,acoustical band has zeros at the magnetic superstructure vectors which are located at(j/4,0)and(j/4+1/8,1/2),j=0, (3)within the Brillouin zone of the square lattice(we choose 0≤H,K<1).The spectral weight is concentrated near the lowest harmonic incommensurate wave vectors Q=(1/2±1/8,1/2).With increasing energy the incom-mensurability decreases and the branches of the acoustic magnon band close at the antiferromagnetic wave vector (1/2,1/2)and an energyωπwhich we associate with the π-resonance.Along the(H,1/2)direction the acoustic band is gapped to theoverlying optical magnon band(see upper left panels in Figs.4and5).Along the orthogonal direction(1/2,K),one optical band has vanishing spec-tral weight and only two bands are visible(see middle-left panels in Figs.4and5).In twinned samples with stripe domains oriented or-thogonal to each other,a scan along the(H,1/2)di-rection results in the superposition of the signals ob-tained from scans in directions(H,1/2)and(1/2,H)of a single-domain sample.For domains of equal size,one thus obtains an apparent symmetry(H,K)↔(K,H) and a fourfold pattern of the static incommensurate wave vectors located at Q=(1/2±1/8,1/2)and Q= (1/2,1/2±1/8)also for(shifted)parallel stripes.In Figs.4and5,the panels in the third row are just obtained by superimposing the panels of thefirst and second row. Since the acoustic band of the monolayer system has a saddle point at the antiferromagnetic wave vector,the re-sulting band structure is x-shaped in the vicinity of the π-resonance energy.The configuration of hole stripes lying perpendicular to each other corresponds to charge modulation wave vec-tors Q ch1=(1/4,0)and Q ch2=(0,1/4).For decoupled layers,the resulting band structure contains the bands of the monolayer system and the same bands rotated by 90degrees leading to the symmetryω(H,K)=ω(K,H) and therefore to a fourfold pattern of the static incom-mensurate wave vectors located at Q=(1/2±1/8,1/2) and Q=(1/2,1/2±1/8).Thus,forµ=0,the structure factor is identical for perpendicular stripes and twinned parallel stripes(left lower panel in Figs.4and5).With increasing interlayer couplingµthe bands start FIG.4:Band structure and spectral weight along the (H,0.5,L±)and(0.5,H,L±)directions for parallel stripes ly-ing on top of each other and couplingsλ=0.15andµ=0, 0.08.The last row shows the band structure of a twinned sample(see text).L+corresponds to even,L−to odd excita-tions.Darker and larger points correspond to a larger weight of the inelastic structure split with different distributions of the spectral weights in the odd and even channel(cf.Figs.4,5,and6).For parallel and shifted parallel stripes the Hamiltonian is invariant under the reflection z→−z combined with a translation.This implies that the magnon states–mod-ulo a phase factor which does not enter the structure factor–have a well defined parity with respect to an exchange of both layers.As a consequence,nondegener-ate bands are visible only either in the even or the odd channel.Nevertheless the excitation spectra of the two parallel stripe configurations deviate significantly,e.g.the even excitations are gapped for parallel stripes whereas for shifted parallel stripes the intensity of even excitations is only reduced at low energies(cf.middle columns of Figs.4,5).For stripes on top of each other each band–which is fourfold degenerate atµ=0–splits up into twofold degenerate bands which have identical parity. For shifted stripes each band splits up into three bands. One of them is twofold degenerate and both subbands are of opposite parity.Therefore this degenerated band is visible in both channels(cf.Fig.5).For perpendicular stripes the symmetry is more com-plicated.The Hamiltonian is invariant under a reflec-tion z→−z in combination with a90◦-rotation along the z axis.Since this rotation mixes different wave vec-tors,almost all eigenstates do not have a well defined parity and will be partially visible in the odd and even7FIG.5:Band structure and spectral weight along the (H,0.5,L±)and(0.5,H,L±)directions for shifted parallel stripes and couplingsλ=0.15andµ=0,0.08.The last row shows the resulting band structure of a twinned sample. channel.The exception are modes at particular wave vectors such as the antiferromagnetic wave vector which are mapped onto themselves(modulo a reciprocal lattice vector).Only there the excitations can be classified due to their symmetry.Like for the shifted parallel stripes theexcitations are not gapped in the even channel(cf. Fig.6).We now focus on the band splitting and the distribu-tion of the spectral weights of even and odd excitations at the antiferromagnetic wave-vector(1/2,1/2).With increasing interlayer couplingµ,the resonance energy ωπsplits up into two different energiesω−πandω+πfor centered-parallel stripes and into three energiesω−π,ω0πandω+πfor the other stripe configurations as schemat-ically illustrated in Fig.7.It is common to all stripe configurations thatω−πhas afinite spectral weight only in the odd channel,whereasω+πhas afinite weight only in the even channel.For shifted parallel and perpendic-ular stripes,in both channels afinite intensity is found at the intermediate energyω0π.This intensity is however smaller than atω±π.The splitting of the resonance energy for shifted par-allel and perpendicular stripes looks quite similar.ω−πandω+πare almost equidistant to the intermediate en-ergyω0πwhich increases only slightly withµ(cf.Fig.8). For small couplings the splitting is quadratic inµ.For centered-parallel stripes the splitting looks different,ω+πincreases almost linearly withµwhereasω−πis almost independent of the interlayer coupling.Finally,we calculate the band structures for shifted parallel and perpendicular stripes for couplingsλ<λc FIG.6:Band structure and spectral weight for even(left panel)and odd(right panel)excitations along(H,0.5,L±) direction for perpendicular stripes with couplingsλ=0.15 across the stripes and interlayer couplingsµ=0.04(upper row)andµ=0.08(lower row).ωHk=(H,0.5)ωπ+ωπ+ωπ+ωπ0ωπ0ωπ−ωπ−ωπ−parallel shifted parallel perpendicularFIG.7:Schematic illustration of the band splitting in the vicinity of the antiferromagnetic wave vector(1/2,1/2)along the(H,1/2)direction.In the cases of parallel stripes the band structures for twinned samples are shown.Even and odd bands are gathered together.andµ>µc(λ)where the ground-states are collinear and the charge stripes lose their anti-phase domain boundary character.We implicitly assume thatµis not too large, otherwise spins on top of each other dimerize and lose their magnetization.In this regime the magneticfluctu-ations are drastically changed.For both stripe orienta-tions,the odd channel now has a static signal at the an-tiferromagnetic wave vector,whereas in the even channel the spectral weight is concentrated at incommensurate positions(1/2±1/4,1/2)(cf.Fig.9).For perpendicu-lar stripes we alsofind small intensity at this positions in the odd channel.The incommensurability is doubled compared to the regime of canted planar ground-states reflecting that the charge stripes do not act like anti-phase domain boundaries in the regime of strongly cou-pled layers.In the even channel the intensity at the an-80.8 1.21.6 0.8 1.21.6 =(0.5,0.5,L +)k =(0.5,0.5,L −)parallelshifted parallelperpendicularωπ / (J S )µFIG.8:Splitting of the resonance energy as a function of the interlayer coupling µfor λ=0.15.In the odd channel(L =L −)the spectral weight is concentrated at ω−πand nointensity is found at ω+π,in the even channel (L =L +)noexcitations at ω−πare observable and the spectral weight isconcentrated at ω+π.For shifted and perpendicular stripes in both channels a small intensity is found at the intermediateenergy ω0π.tiferromagnetic wave-vector is peaked at an energy ωπwhich increases with the interlayer coupling µand is ap-proximately the same for both stripe configurations.FIG.9:Band structure in the collinear regime µ>µc (λ)along the direction (H,1/2,L ±)for shifted parallel and per-pendicular stripes with λ=0.07and µ=0.50.V.DISCUSSIONIn this section we compare our results to neu-tron scattering data for the bilayer high-T c compound YBa 2Cu 3O 6+x .We wish to stress that –because of the simplifications assumed in our model –it is not our goal to obtain a quantitative agreement.Rather we wish to draw a qualitative comparison in order to fortify the hy-pothesis that the stripe picture is a suitable approach to describe spin fluctuations.Furthermore,we hope that a comparison of future experimental data with our calcu-lations will help to identify the realized stripe configura-tion.Since a spin gap with an energy ωgap – e.g.due to Cooper-pair formation –is not incorporated in our model,the results apply only to energies above ωgap where the magnon dispersion is not masked by the super-conducting condensate.In particular in the underdoped regime where ωgap decreases with the doping level,the calculated spectral features become visible over an in-creasing energy range.Our calculations are restricted to zero temperature.Therefore,a comparison can also be made only to experiments performed at temperatures well below the superconducting transition temperature.Experiments 17,18,19in (partially)detwinned YBCO provide evidence for unidirectional order,i.e.,that a four-fold pattern of incommensurate peaks near the antifer-romagnetic wave vector k AF =(1/2,1/2)results only from the twinning.The stripes seem to be parallel and oriented along the direction of the oxygen chains in the adjacent planes.This immediately speaks against the scenario of perpendicular stripes for which detwinning would not affect the fourfold symmetry.We briefly recall some neutron scattering measure-ments on YBa 2Cu 3O 6+x which provide insight into the incommensurability and the πresonance over a wide dop-ing and temperature range.It was controversial for quite some time whether both phenomena would exist above T c until in underdoped materials the incommensurability was found also above T c .20Likewise,the appearance of the magnetic resonance was found above T c ,occurring together with the pseudogap at a temperature T ∗>T c determined from transport and nuclear resonance.21Al-though the π-resonance persists as a well defined feature also in the normal state above T c ,its intensity can be reduced significantly at T c .19For near optimally doped compounds,the resonance is not detectable in the normal phase 22since T ∗almost coincides with T c .Dai et al.23concluded that the resonance exists above T c for x ≤0.8and that incommensurate spin fluctuations appear in the normal state for x ≤0.6.Arai et al.24also observed incommensurate fluctuations in the normal state for a sample with an oxygen concentration of x =0.7.Thus,superconductivity is not a prerequisite for incommensu-rability and πresonance in bilayer compounds as well as in monolayer compounds.For underdoped YBCO with various oxygen concentra-tions,the experimentally observed spin dynamics data (see Table I)look qualitatively very similar.There is a systematic increase of the incommensurability and of the πresonance frequency with doping,which is consis-tent with our model.We have shown this recently for a monolayer model.13The bilayer stripe model shares this feature and therefore we focus in this paper exclusively on specific bilayer features.Experimentally,constant energy scans slightly above。