



五年级上册英语期末试卷答案【篇一:人教版五年级上册英语期末试卷及答案【最好的】!】听力部分(40分)(每题读两遍)一、listen and choose.(听录音,选出你所听到的单词。

10分) ()1. a. tallb. kindc. funny ()2. a. thin b.active c.quiet() 3. a. sunday b.monday c.wednesday () 4.a.watch tv b.read books c.do homeworks() 5. a.tomatoes and fishb.tomatoes and muttonc.tomatoesand pork () 6. a.sour b.salty c.sweet() 7. a.do the dishesb.empty the trash c.wash clothes () 8.a.curtainb.closetc.mirror () 9. a.near b.underc.beside () 10.a.riverb.pathc.take二、listen and choose.(听录音,选出正确答语。

8分) () 1. a. bananas.b.brown.() 2.a.tofu and pork.b.chinese and math. () 3.a.thin and tallb.apples and oranges. () 4.a.yes,there is. b.yes,it is.() 5.a.no,there aren’t. b.no,there isn’t. () 6.a.clean the bedroom.b.yes,she can. () 7.a.yes,i do. b.watching tv () 8.a.saturdayb.read books.三、listen, match and number.(听下句,接下句,并在答案前标号。



2015-2016学年北京市海淀区四季青学区五年级(上)期末数学试卷二、选择正确答案的字母填在()里.(共24分,每题3分)1.(3分)下图中经过平移可以完全重合的是()A.B.C.D.2.(3分)淘气用12.5元,买了5支同样的铅笔,用竖式计算出了每支铅笔的价钱,竖式中画的一步表示()A.25分B.2角5分C.25角D.25元3.(3分)将一个平行四边形框架拉成长方形,这两个图形的()A.周长相等B.面积相等C.面积和周长都相等D.面积和周长都不相等4.(3分)(如图)选()包装盒正好把69个乒乓球装完,而无剩余.A.甲B.乙C.丙D.丁5.(3分)()算式的得数与N最接近.A.0.32÷4.6 B.3.2÷4.6 C.3.2÷46 D.3.2×4.66.(3分)如图中阴影部分的面积是60平方厘米,空白部分的面积是()平方厘米.A.12 B.30 C.60 D.无法判断7.(3分)下面的图中,()幅图阴影的部分不是整体的.A.B.C.D.8.(3分)小红和小丽花了同样多的钱买了一本相同的书,小红花了自己钱的,小丽花了自己钱的,两人原有的钱谁多?下面是3名同学的比较方法,思路正确的是()A.甲B.乙C.丙D.都不对三、填空.(共16分,每题2分)9.(2分)15分=时;80平方米=公顷.10.(2分)新年联欢会有一项抽签游戏,小明抽一张,最有可能抽到.11.(2分)估计如图图形的面积约为cm2.12.(2分)在横线里填上合适的质数.16=+ .13.(2分)一个数既是9的倍数,又是36的因数,这个数可能是.14.(2分)一个平行四边形的面积是18cm2,与它等底等高的三角边形的面积是cm2.15.(2分)如图中的长方形盖住了一些★,已知露出★的个数占★总个数的,那么有个★被长方形盖住了.16.(2分)根据下列点阵,如果继续画下去,第8幅图中有个点.四、计算下列各题.(共22分)17.(8分)竖式计算(1)0.95÷3.8=(2)3.6÷19≈(得数保留两位小数)18.(16分)脱式计算(1)13.4+4.6×3.5(2)0.64×7.2+0.64×2.8(3)5.6÷0.28×0.4(4)(4.8﹣3.5)÷2.5.五、按要求画图.(共4分,每题2分)19.(4分)在下面格子图中,分别画一个三角形和一个梯形,使它们的面积都与图中平行四边形的面积相等.六、解决问题.(共29分,第1题5分,第2-5小题6分)20.(5分)小明0.5时跑步2.6千米,小华骑车的速度是小明的2倍,小华骑车每小时行多少千米?21.(6分)看图列式计算.22.(6分)笑笑要去美国参加“太空冬令营”,能兑换多少美元?(得数保留整数)23.(6分)小飞和笑笑为灾区捐款,他俩的对话如下:的零花钱多.你是怎么想的?24.(6分)求下面图形面积.(单位:厘米)2015-2016学年北京市海淀区四季青学区五年级(上)期末数学试卷参考答案与试题解析二、选择正确答案的字母填在()里.(共24分,每题3分)1.(3分)下图中经过平移可以完全重合的是()A.B.C.D.【分析】把各答案中的图形进行分析,看看经过平移是否可以重合,然后选择.【解答】解:A.图中两个平行四边形经过平移不能重合,两个平行四边形放的角度不同;B.图中两个三角形经过平移能重合;C.图中两个图形经过平移不能重合,两个图形的放的角度不同;D、图中两个圆形的大小不同,经过平移不能重合;故选:B.2.(3分)淘气用12.5元,买了5支同样的铅笔,用竖式计算出了每支铅笔的价钱,竖式中画的一步表示()A.25分B.2角5分C.25角D.25元【分析】图中25,2在个位上表示2元,5在十分位上表示5角,表示25个角,25÷5=5也就是已经把25个角平均分成了5份,由此求解.【解答】解:因为25÷5=5(角)所以箭头所指的这一步结果表示25角.故选:C.3.(3分)将一个平行四边形框架拉成长方形,这两个图形的()A.周长相等B.面积相等C.面积和周长都相等D.面积和周长都不相等【分析】将平行四边形框架拉成长方形后,每条边的长度不变,但是长方形的宽大于平行四边形的高,所以长方形的面积比平行四边形的面积大,据此即可解答.【解答】解:将一个平行四边形框架拉成长方形后,周长不变,长方形的面积大于平行四边形的面积.故选:A.4.(3分)(如图)选()包装盒正好把69个乒乓球装完,而无剩余.A.甲B.乙C.丙D.丁【分析】根据题干,69能被哪种保证盒可以装下的个数整除,就可以选哪种包装,据此即可解答问题.【解答】解:甲:69÷9=6 (5)乙:69÷5=13 (4)丙:69÷3=23丁:69÷2=34 (1)答:选丙包装盒正好把69个乒乓球装完,而无剩余.故选:C.5.(3分)()算式的得数与N最接近.A.0.32÷4.6 B.3.2÷4.6 C.3.2÷46 D.3.2×4.6【分析】观察图形可知,0<N<1,根据商不变规律和小数乘法的计算法则得到算式的得数的最高位在十分位的算式,即为所求.【解答】解:因为0.32÷4.6=3.2÷46,最高位是百分位,3.2÷4.6=32÷46,最高位是十分位,3.2÷46,最高位是百分位,3.2×4.6≈3×5=15,0<N<1,所以选项B的算式的得数与N最接近.故选:B.6.(3分)如图中阴影部分的面积是60平方厘米,空白部分的面积是()平方厘米.A.12 B.30 C.60 D.无法判断【分析】先利用三角形的面积公式S=ah÷2计算出三角形的高,也就等于知道了空白部分的高,从而利用三角形的面积公式进行解答即可.【解答】解:60×2÷20=120÷20=6(厘米)10×6÷2=30(平方厘米)答:空白部分的面积是30平方厘米.故选:B.7.(3分)下面的图中,()幅图阴影的部分不是整体的.A.B.C.D.【分析】表示把单位“1”平均分成4份,表示其中的3份,通过观察以上四幅图,题中的第四幅图虽然平均分成4份,但阴影部分没有表示成3份,所以不能用表示.【解答】解:通过以上分析,A图把这些三角形看作单位“1”,平均分成4份,阴影部分占3份,表示为;B图把这个正方形看作单位“1”,平均分成4份,阴影部分占3份,表示为;C图把这个图形看作单位“1”,平均分成4份,阴影部分占3份,表示为;D图把这个图形看作单位“1”,平均分成4份,阴影的部分不是整体的,所以阴影部分不能用表示.故选:D.8.(3分)小红和小丽花了同样多的钱买了一本相同的书,小红花了自己钱的,小丽花了自己钱的,两人原有的钱谁多?下面是3名同学的比较方法,思路正确的是()A.甲B.乙C.丙D.都不对【分析】二人是花了同样多的钱买了一本相同的书,所以小红的和小丽的完全相等,据此分析三位同学的比较方法中,两个人花掉的钱数是否相同即可解答问题.【解答】解:A:小红的是2个○表示,小丽的是2个○表示,花掉的钱数相同,符合题意;B:小红的是2个长方形表示,小丽的是1个长方形表示,花掉的钱数不相同,不符合题意;C:图中小红的和小丽的所用的单位不相同,所用没法比较他们花掉的钱数是否相同,不符合题意.故选:A.三、填空.(共16分,每题2分)9.(2分)15分=0.25时;80平方米=0.008公顷.【分析】把15分换算为小时数,用15除以进率60;把80平方米换算为公顷,用80除以进率10000.【解答】解:15分=0.25时;80平方米=0.008公顷;故答案为:0.25,0.008.10.(2分)新年联欢会有一项抽签游戏,小明抽一张,最有可能抽到唱歌.【分析】根据每种游戏数量的多少,直接判断可能性的大小即可;哪种游戏的数量越多,摸到的可能性就越大,据此解答即可.【解答】解:因为8>3>1,唱歌这种游戏的数量最多,所以小明抽一张,最有可能的是唱歌.答:小明抽一张,最有可能的是唱歌.故答案为:唱歌.11.(2分)估计如图图形的面积约为19cm2.【分析】首先要看清图形所占方格的个数,然后用每个方格的面积乘个数即可.【解答】解:从上往下看,整小方格的个数为9个,半个的有20个,20×0.5=10个:9+10=19(个)所以图形的面积为:1×19=19(平方厘米)答:估计如图图形的面积约为19cm2;故答案为:19.12.(2分)在横线里填上合适的质数.16=13+ 3.【分析】在自然数中,除了1和它本身外,没有别的因数的数为质数.据此填空即可.【解答】解:16=13+3故答案为:13,3.13.(2分)一个数既是9的倍数,又是36的因数,这个数可能是9,18,36.【分析】因为9的倍数有9、18、27、36,…;36的因数有:1、2、3、4、6、9、12、18、36;由此解答即可.【解答】解:因为9的倍数有9、18、27、36,…;36的因数有:1、2、3、4、6、9、12、18、36;所以这个数可能是:9、18、36;故答案为:9,18,36.14.(2分)一个平行四边形的面积是18cm2,与它等底等高的三角边形的面积是9cm2.【分析】平行四边形的面积是和它等底等高的三角形面积的2倍,据此解答.【解答】解:18÷2=9(平方厘米)答:与它等底等高的三角形的面积是9平方厘米.故答案为:9.15.(2分)如图中的长方形盖住了一些★,已知露出★的个数占★总个数的,那么有6个★被长方形盖住了.【分析】由图可知,露出的★有4个,又已知露出★的个数占★总个数的,将总个数当作单位“1”,根据分数除法的意义,总个数有4个,然后用总个数减去露出个数,即得盖住多少个.【解答】解:4﹣4=10﹣4=6(个)答:么有6个★被长方形盖住了.故答案为:6.16.(2分)根据下列点阵,如果继续画下去,第8幅图中有43个点.【分析】根据题干中的已知的图形中点数特点,可以探索出这组图形的一般规律,并利用规律进行解答.【解答】解:观察图形可得:第一个图形有1个点,第二个图形有1+6个点,可以写作1+1×6,第三个图形有1+6+6个点,可以写作1+2×6,…则第n个图形的点数就可以写作1+(n﹣1)×6.当n=8时,点数为:1+(8﹣1)×6=43(个)答:第8个幅图中有43个点.故答案为:43.四、计算下列各题.(共22分)17.(8分)竖式计算(1)0.95÷3.8=(2)3.6÷19≈(得数保留两位小数)【分析】根据小数除法的计算法则计算即可求解.【解答】解:(1)0.95÷3.8=0.25(2)3.6÷19≈0.19(得数保留两位小数)18.(16分)脱式计算(1)13.4+4.6×3.5(2)0.64×7.2+0.64×2.8(3)5.6÷0.28×0.4(4)(4.8﹣3.5)÷2.5.【分析】(1)先算乘法,再算加法;(2)根据乘法分配律计算;(3)从左往右依次计算即可求解;(4)先算小括号里面的减法,再算括号外面的除法.【解答】解:(1)13.4+4.6×3.5=13.4+16.1=29.5(2)0.64×7.2+0.64×2.8=0.64×(7.2+2.8)=0.64×10=6.4(3)5.6÷0.28×0.4=20×0.4=8(4)(4.8﹣3.5)÷2.5=1.3÷2.5=0.52五、按要求画图.(共4分,每题2分)19.(4分)在下面格子图中,分别画一个三角形和一个梯形,使它们的面积都与图中平行四边形的面积相等.【分析】根据平行四边形面积公式“S=ah”、三角形面积公式“S=ah”、梯形面积公式“S=((a+b)h”,所画出三角形与这个平行四边形等底,高为平行四边形形高的2倍,或底为平行四边形底的2倍,与这个平行四边形等高,这样的三角形的面积就与这个平行四边形面积相等;所画出梯形上、下之和与这个平行四边形等底,高为平行四边形形高的2倍,或上、下底之和为平行四边形底的2倍,与这个平行四边形等高,这样的梯形形的面积就与这个平行四边形面积相等.据此即可画出与这个平行四边形面积相等的三角形、梯形.【解答】解:分别画一个三角形和一个梯形,使它们的面积都与图中平行四边形的面积相等:六、解决问题.(共29分,第1题5分,第2-5小题6分)20.(5分)小明0.5时跑步2.6千米,小华骑车的速度是小明的2倍,小华骑车每小时行多少千米?【分析】首先根据路程÷时间=速度,用小明0.5时跑步的路程除以0.5,求出小明的速度是多少;然后用它乘以2,求出小华骑车每小时行多少千米即可.【解答】解:2.6÷0.5×2=5.2×2=10.4(千米)答:小华骑车每小时行10.4千米.21.(6分)看图列式计算.【分析】根据题干,一共有75元,减去35.8元后,剩下的被平均分成4份,求每份是多少元,此题要先求出剩下的是75﹣35.8=39.2元,再除以4即可解答问题.【解答】解:(75﹣35.8)÷4=39.2÷4=9.8(元)答:剩下的平均分成4份,1份是9.8元.22.(6分)笑笑要去美国参加“太空冬令营”,能兑换多少美元?(得数保留整数)【分析】把6000元人民币化成美元数,用6000除以汇率6.20;即可得解.【解答】解:6000÷6.20≈967.74(美元)答:能兑换967.74美元.23.(6分)小飞和笑笑为灾区捐款,他俩的对话如下:小飞的零花钱多.你是怎么想的?【分析】由于小飞捐了12元,占他的总钱数的,将他的总钱数当作单位“1”,根据分数除法的意义,小飞的零花钱总数是12元,同理可知,笑笑原有零花钱10元.算出后比较即可.【解答】解:我可以先根据分数除法的意义先求出两人原来各有多少零花钱,比较得出.12=16(元)10=12(元)16>12答:小飞的零花钱多.故答案为:小飞.24.(6分)求下面图形面积.(单位:厘米)【分析】由图意可知:这个图形的面积就等于正方形的面积减去梯形的面积,利用S=a2和S=(a+b)h÷2,代入数据即可求解.【解答】解:8×8﹣(5+8)×3÷2=64﹣19.5=44.5(平方厘米)答:这个图形的面积是44.5平方厘米.。



绝密★启用前2015-2016年北京课改版五年级上英语期末卷试卷副标题考试范围:xxx ;考试时间:40分钟;命题人:xxx学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________注意事项.1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息 2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上第I 卷(选择题)一、选择题(题型注释)1、( )There is a map of the world____ the wall. A. in B. on C. behind2、( )How many_____ are there in the street? A. bus B. buss C. buses3、( ) There _____a pear and some grapes on the table. A. is B. are C. have4、( )----________are they? ---They are twenty yuan. A. What B. How much C. How many5、( )______any storybooks in the reading room? A. Have B. Are there C. Is there6、找出下列不同类的单词,将其编号写在前面的括号里。

( )(1)A.housework B. homework C. apple( )(2)A.meat B. monkey C. bread( )(3)A.bring B. interesting C. difficult( )(4)A.food B. fruit C. cars( )(5)A.tennis B. hamburger C. baseball第II 卷(非选择题)二、填空题(题型注释)7、看图写短语。


(1)can(否定形式) ______________ (2)do not(缩写形式) _____________ (3)here(反义词) ______________ (4)let’s(完整形式) ______________ (5)I(宾格) ______________9、把无序的字母组成正确的单词并译成汉语。







get up D。

summer E。

do an experiment二。



usually B。

best C。

often D。



February C。

Sunday D。


second B。





(10分)1.September (缩写形式) __________2.third (简写形式) __________3.one (序数词) __________4.run (现在分词) __________5.leaf (复数) __________6.butterfly (复数) __________7.aren't (缩写形式) __________8.write (动词原形) __________9.November (缩写形式) __________10.spring (同类词) __________五。


(15分)1.----What's your favourite season?A。

I like fall best。


XXX.2.My parents usually get up ________ 6:40.A。

on B。

in C。

at3.----What's the date today?A。

It's Tuesday。


It's cool。


It's April 1st.4.----Is Amy answering the phone?No。



2015-2016学年度第二学期五年级英语期末复习(四)单项选择(共12页)_________Unit One( ) 1. Wele to _________ school.A. weB. ourC. us( ) 2. We’ll show _________ around our school.A. youB. yourC. him( ) 3. This _______ our school.A. amB. isC. are( ) 4. We’ll _______ a meeting.A. haveB. hasC. having( ) 5. We’ll borrow books from the library _______ afternoon.A. in thisB. thisC. /( ) 6. –This way, please. ---_________A. Thank you!B. Hello!C. You are wele.( ) 7. We often have meetings _________.A. hereB. in hereC. at here( ) 8. 我想向客人介绍学校的图书馆,应该说:_________A. Wele to our school.B. This is our library.C. We often e to the meeting room.( ) 9. How many ________ do you have in a week?A. science lessonB. sciences lessonsC. science lessons( )10. This is _________ language lab.A. usB. ourC. ours( )11. We _______ Chinese very much.A. like allB. are both likeC. all like( )12. Peter can ________ English very well.A. sayB. speakC. reads( )13. Gao Wei often _______ his English lessons in the language lab.A. haveB. hasC. is( )14. 你想对来校参观的客人说“这边请”,可以说____________A. This way, please.B. Wele to our school.C. This is our school.( )15. We _______ two _______ ________ in a week.A. have, arts lessonsB. has, art lessonC. have, art lessons ( )16. How many _______ ________ do you have in a week?A. music lessonB. music lessonsC. music club ( )17. Li Yan ______ ________ very much.A. like singsB. likes singC. likes singing ( )18. Do you like _________?A. dancingB. dancingC. dance( )19.Can you sing and dance__________ us?A. toB. forC. in( )20. We often _______ in the music club.A. play pianoB. play the pianoC. play an piano ( )21. We can draw and paint in the _______.A. art clubB. music clubC. science lab ( )22. How _______ English lessons do you have in a week?A. muchB. manyC. old( )23. There are many ________ in our school.A. visitorsB. visitersC. visitor( )24. Can you draw pictures ________ me?A. forB. toC. at( )25. We can have English lessons in the ________.A. music clubB. language labC. library( )26. The students wele the visitors ________ their school.A. toB. forC. inUnit Two( )1. Can I help you? ________ .A.No. I want some juice.B. You can help me.C. Yes. I want some lychees. ( )2. Can I ________ some water, please?A. haveB. havingC. has( )3. I ________ carry the big box. Can you help ________ ?A. can, IB. can’t , youC. can’t, me( )4. Here you are. _________ .A. Thank you.B. All right.C.You are right.( )5. My ruler is short, _______ my brother’s is _______.A. and, longB. but, shortC. but, long( )6. ________ one do you like? The blue one.A.WhichB. WhereC. Whose( )7. The girl ________ long hair is my good friend, Mary.A. andB. wearC. with( )8. How much ________ the dictionary? ________ fifty-five yuan.A. is, They’reB. is, It’sC. are, They’re( )9. Do you want_________ ?A. something elseB. anything elseC. else anything( )10. We’ll take it. 画线部分的同义词__________ .A. bringB. wantC. buy( )11. Please pass me________ .A. some toy boatB. some toy boatsC. some toys boats( )12. Can you help_________ ?A.sheB. herC. he( )13. What do you want to do? I want ________ .A. go swimmingB. go to swimC. to go swimming( )14. Wele_______ our shop .A. inB. toC. at( )15. Can I help you? Yes, _________ .A. I want a toy ship.B. I don’t like the ship.C. Here you are.( )16. __________ is it? It’s fifty yuan.A. HowB. How manyC. How much( )17. What can I do ________ you?A. toB. forC. of( )18. Jim has three _________ .A. motorbikeB. a motorbikeC. motorbikes( )19. Can I have a bike? __________ .A. OK. Choose one you like. B, No. Thanks. C. I don’t like it.( )20. I want _________ with my mum.A. to go shoppingB. to go shopC. go to shop( )21. What can I do for you ? _________A. Yes. I want a toy car.B. I like motorbikesC. I want to buy a toy jeep. ( )22. This shirt _________ nice. _______ I don’t like the colour.A. look, AndB. looks, ButC. looks, And( )23. What can I do for you? ___________ .A. Yes, I want a bus.B. I want to buy a car.C. Can I help you? ( )24. How much ________ the motorbike? It’s sixty______ .A. is, yuanB.are, yuansC. is, yuan( )25. Jack’s parents _________ teachers.A. are bothB. both areC.are all( )26. Ann and Mary are _________ .A. policemenB. policewomansC. policewomen ( )27. How much _________ the bikes? They are _________ yuan.A. are, seventyB. is, eightyC. are, fourty ( )28. What can I do for you? I want _______ .A. a short pantsB. a pair of short pantsC. this short pants ( )29. Those shoes are very nice. Can I ________ ?A. try it onB. try on themC. try them on ( )30. This sweater is ________ big ________ me.A. to, forB. too; toC. too; for( )31. Would you show ________ that pair of shoes?A. heB. sheC. me( )32. I have ________ to buy a new pair of shoes.A. four hundred yuan B four hundreds yuan C. four hundred yuans ( )33. We can buy some school things _________ eighty yuan.A. forB. withC. in( )34. Ann will ________ next week.A. go to the parkB. goes to the parkC. to go to the park ( )35. I can buy a new pair of pants ________ a _______ shop.A. in, cakeB. from, clothesC. at, shoe( )36. They’re too small __________ me.A. for .B. toC. atUnit Three( ) 1.Don’t be late _______ school.A. forB. inC. to( ) 2. Listen _____ and talk ____ .A. careful, activeB. carefully, activeC. carefully, actively ( ) 3. My sister sometimes ______ to school early.A. goesB. goC. going( ) 4. Don’t _____ noise, please.A. makeB. makesC. making ( ) 5. The students should _______ some housework at home.A. doesB. doC. doing ( ) 6.Everyone should keep the room ______A. cleanB. to cleanC. cleaning ( ) 7. Hand _____ your homework ____ time.A. in, onB. in, atC. on, in ( ) 8. What ____ his classmates ____ now?A. is, doingB. are, doC. are, doing ( ) 9. Please make a list _____ rules _____ the class.A. of, ofB. in, ofC. of, for ( ) 10. He never makes ______ in class.A. noiseB. noisyC. noises ( ) 11. He ______ school.A. late forB. is lateC. is late for( ) 12. _____ active in class.A.Please areB. Please beC. Please am( ) 13. You mustn’t play _____ a busy street.A. withB. onC. for( ) 14. The sigh says“______ ”.A. No litterB. No litteringC. Not litters ( ) 15. We should be ______ when we cross the street.A. careB. carefulC. carefullyUnit Four( ) 1. What can I do _________ you ?A atB toC for( ) 2. Don’t worry _________ your studies.A aboutB toC for ( ) 3. May I speak _________ Miss Liu ?A atB forC to ( ) 4. How __________ are the oranges ?A manyB muchC about ( ) 5. Hello, _________ Yang Ming speaking.A I’mB this isC that is( ) 6 .__________ music classes do you have a week ?A HowB How manyC How much( ) 7. I’m ill today. So I can’t _________.A go to schoolB stay in bedC go to see a doctor ( ) 8. You have a bad cold. So you have to _________.A go to a concertB go to schoolC take some medicine ( ) 9. Kate ________ today, she can’t go to school.A don’t feelB feels wellC doesn’t feel well( ) 10. I’m ill today. My mum will _________.A go to see my teacherB take me to the hospitalC take me to my school ( ) 11. Doctor: May I have your name ? Lisa : ______________A This is Peter.B This is Lisa speakingC My name is Lisa.( ) 12. Miss Lin : ____________ . Kate : I have a bad fever.A Don’t worry about your lessons.B What’s wrong with you ?C How are you feeling today ?( ) 13. Bill : Mum, can you show me the blue shirt ? Mum : ______________A I’ll take it.B Here is the moneyC Sure, here you are. ( ) 14. Lucy : How are you feeling today ? Lily : ___________.A I have a coldB I feel much betterC I can’t go to school ( ) 15. Kate : May I speak to Mr Lin, please ? Mr Lin : ___________.A Yes, you can speak.B Yes, I’m Mr Lin.C Yes, This is Mr Lin speaking ( ) 16. Betty : ____________. Mum : No, you must take a rest.A Can I have a toy ?B Can I go to school tomorrowC What’s wrong with you ? ( ) 17. Mr Lee : What’s wrong with you ? Tony : ______________.A I have a cough,B My sister is in a hospital.C I sing and dance ( )18. Miss Liu : Do you have a fever ? Lisa : _____________A Yes, I have a bad fever.B Yes, I have a bad cold.C No, I have a bad cough.( ) 19. Mike : _____________________. Salesman : They are thirty-five yuan.A How much is the storybook ?B How much is the CD ?C How much are the CDs ?( ) 20. Miss Li : What’s wrong with you ? Lisa : ___________.A I have a cough and I have a headache.B My mum will take me to the hospital.C I have a get-well card.( ) 21. Amy : Can I have a look at this one ? Susan : _______________.A We’ll take it.B How about this one ?C All right.( ) 22 .Li Yan : Can you play volleyball with me ? Gao Wei : ______________.A. Sure, here you are. B .Sorry. I have a fever. C. OK, I’ll take it.( ) 23. Peter : What do you do in language lab ? Yang Ming : ___________A. We do listening and speaking.B. We sing and dance here.C. We study trees and flowers.( ) 24. Bill : ___________. Tom : Yes, we often study plants and animals here.A. Do you often have art classes here ? B Are you interested in science ?C. Do you often e to the science club ?( ) 25. Lisa : _________. Lucy : We often sing and dance here.A. Do you often have music classes here ?B. What do you do in the music club ?C. How many music classes do you have a week ?( ) 26. Gao Wei: ______________. Mary : We play football on the field.A. Do you play football on the field ?B. When do you play football ?C. Where do you play football ?( ) 27. Lucy : Are you interested in music ? Jim : __________A .Yes, I’m good at playing the violin.B. Yes, I often paint and draw.C. Sure, here you are. ( ) 28. Tom : _________. Li Yan : Yes, we have a library.A. Is it a library ?B. Is there a library in your school?C. Do you like the library ?( ) 29. Peter : __________ . Salesman : Certainly, here you are.A. What can I do for you ?B. Can you show me those jeans ?C. Do you like these trousers ? ( ) 30. Salesman : Can I help you ? Li Yan : ____________.A. Sure, here you are.B. Yes, I want to buy a toy taxi.C. I want some juice( ) 31. Miss Liu : Do you often do your homework in the library ?Lisa : ________________.A. No, we often read storybooks in the library.B. Yes, we often read story books in the library.C. Thank you. We often read story books in the library.( ) 32. Li Yan : _________________ Coco : Certainly!A. Can I try them on ?B. What can I do for you ?C. Yes, here you are .( ) 33. John : How are you feeling today ? Mr Li : _____________.A. I am good.B. I am OK.C. I feel much better. ( ) 34. Peter : Can you tell me something about your school ?Lisa : ________________.A .There are many projects to do. B. Our school is famous for its musicC. We often go on field trip.( ) 35. Linda : ____________________. Lucy : I like them very much.A. Do you like field trips ?B. How do you like field trips ?C. How about you ?( ) 36. Cathy : _____________________. Nancy : Yes, I want a toy train.A. Can I look at this one ?B. What can I do ?C. Can I help you ? ( ) 37. Kate : __________. John : It’s eighty yuan.A. How much is it ?B. How much are they ?C. How are you feeling today ?( ) 38. Bob : ____________. Peter: Yes, here you are.A. What can I do for you ?B. Can you show me those trousers?C. Can you help me with my lessons?( ) 39. Peter : _________________. Linda : No, you should take a rest.A. Can you play football ?B. What can I do for you ?C. Can I go to the music club ?( ) 40. Amy : ______________. Nancy : This is Miss Chen speaking.A. Is that Miss Chen ?B. Who is speaking ?C. May I speak to Miss Chen , please?( ) 41 David : What’s the matter with you ? Jill : _______________A . I have a fever. B. I’ll do maths problems. C.I want to go to a concert. ( ) 42. Lucy: _____________. Lily : Thank you.A . I’ll help you with your lessons.B . I’m ill.C .Don’t worry about yourlessons.( ) 43. Lisa : What do you do in the library ? Judy : ___________A .We read stories. B. We play the violin. C .We have performances. ( ) 44. Bob : How much is it ? Judy : __________________A. They are fifty-five yuan.B. It’s fifty-five yuanC. I’m fifteen.( ) 45 Lucy : Can you show me the yellow one ? Lily : _____________A. Yes, I want a tape.B. Sure! Here you are.C. I want a tape. ( ) 46 Linda : _______________. Bill : I have a headache.A. What can I do for you ?B. What do you do in English classes ?C. What’s wrong with you ?( ) 47 Nancy : _______________. Bob : Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.A .I want some grapes.B. I’m going on a field tripC .I have a bad cold.( ) 48 Peter : Do you have a cold ? Jim : _________________A. Yes, I have a bad cold.B. I have a fever C .I have a coughUnit Five( ) 1. Peter, look __________ those flowers. They are so nice !A toB atC in( ) 2. Can I ___________ some water, please ?A haveB havingC take( ) 3. I __________ carry the big box. Can you help __________ ?A can, IB can’t, youC can’t, me ( ) 4. It’s Saturday morning . Lily ___________ Mary at home .A callB is callingC calls( ) 5. I go to see my grandpa __________ my parents.A andB withC for( ) 6. -Shall we go to the park ?-________________. I’m very busy today.A YesB SureC Sorry( ) 7. -May I speak to Miss Liu, please ?- ______________________.A Hold on, pleaseB I’m not Miss Liu.C Yes, it is.( ) 8.- Here you are. - _______________________.A Thank you.B All rightC You are right. ( ) 9. My mother is ________ a cake _________.A make, to IB making, for IC making, for me ( ) 10. – What do you like doing ? I like ________________.A playing the pianoB play the pianoC playing piano ( ) 11. I want ___________ with my mum.A to go shoppingB to go shopC go to shop ( ) 12 ._____________ nice flowers they are !A HowB WhatC What a ( ) 13. This shirt ___________ nice. _____________ I don’t like the colour.A look, AndB looks, ButC looks. And ( ) 14. Don’t worry ___________ your little brother.A onB aboutC for( ) 15. What’s wrong _________ your sister ?A withB inC at( ) 16.- What’s he doing ? - He ________ a call.A makesB is makingC makingUnit Six( ) 1. My brother likes playing ___________ football.A. theB. /C. an( ) 2 .We often watch the games _________ the playground.A. onB. inC. to( ) 3. We all like __________ games.A. playB. playsC. playing ( ) 4. What are you doing here ? We are __________ here.A. sing and danceB. singing and dancingC. sing or dance ( ) 5. --You’re good basketball player, Bill!--- _______________A. That’s OK.B. Thank youC. You’re wele.( ) 6. Look __________ Zhou Pei and Kate! They are so happy.A. atB. outC. /( ) 7 .– Are you watching TV with your parents now ?-___________________A. Yes, I do.B. Yes, I am.C. No, I don’t. ( ) 8. – Peter, let’s play badminton together.________________A. Hello !B. OK. Let’s go ! C .Thank you.( ) 9. Mr Liu and Miss Qi ____________ tennis there.A. is playingB. playingC. are playing( ) 10. – What are you doing there, Amy ?- ________________________A. I read a book hereB. I am doing my homework.C. I like playing tennis. ( ) 11. __________ Smith is an English teacher. He works very hard.A. MissB. MrC. Mrs( ) 12. Look, what ________ they ________ there ?A. are ; doB. do ; doC. are ; doing ( ) 13. Let’s _________ and play basketball together.A. goingB. to goC. go( ) 14. _______ Zhou Pei and Kate _________ ping-pong now ?A. Are; playingB. Do; playingC. Are; play( ) 15. – Wow ! You’re a good tennis player.______________A. Thank youB. You’re wele.C. That’s right.( ) 16. What are you doing ________ here ?A. inB. atC. /( ) 17. Let’s ________ those girls.A. look atB. looking atC. to look at( ) 18. I like volleyball very much. How about ________, Kate ?A. youB. yourC. yours( ) 19. Peter, can I play ping-pong _________ you ?A. andB. withC. to( ) 20. Look, Gao Wei and Yang Ming ________ there.A. runningB. runC. are running( ) 21. Hooray ! They _______ good runners.A. all areB. are allC. is all( ) 22. --- Are you watching the game ?--- _______________A. Yes, we do.B. No, we don’t.C. Yes, we are.( ) 23. -- ___________________ ? --- They are doing the long jump.A. What do the boys do ?B. What are the teachers doing ?C. What are your parents?专项训练( ) 1.Nice to meet you. We’ll show you __________ our school.A.aroundB. overC. abov( ) 2. We often borrow books _____________ the library.A.toB. fromC. of( ) 3. –How many _______ do you have in a week?—We hav three.A.English lessonB.an English lessonC. English lessons( ) 4. Can you _________ a song for us?A.singB. singingC. to sing( ) 5. ---_________ one do you like?—I like the blue one.A.WhereB. WhichC. What( ) 6. --_____________ ---It’s eighty-five yuan.A.How much is it?B. How much are they?C. How are you?( ) 7. ---Can I have a toy train?----___________________.A.We’ll take it.B. Goodbye!C. Sure. Here( ) 8. Would you please show me that __________ of short pants?A.pairB. glassC. cup( ) 9. This coat is too big ____________me.A of B. from C for( ) 10. Don’t be late _____________ class.A in B. for C. on( ) 11. His group is _____________ a list of class rules.A makingB makeC makes( ) 12. You mustn’t cross the street _________ the light is red.A whatB whenC which( ) 13. No littering!的同义句是____________________.A Don’t litter!B No litter!C Don’t littering! ( ) 14. I’m ________ I can’t go to school today.A happyB quietC afraid( ) 15. Don’t worry ___________ your lessons.A aboutB ofC at( ) 16. Take _______________ care of yourself.A happyB activeC good( ) 17. ---How are you feeling today?--______________________.A I feel much better. B. I have some apples C Thank you( ) 18. I’ll help you ______________ your maths.A aboutB ofC with( ) 19. Here ________ a get-well card for you.A isB areC am( ) 20. How do you ________________ today?A feelingB feelC feels ( ) 21. Dad is writing an email _____________ the puter.A toB ofC on ( ) 22. –She is singing a very famous English song.---Wow! _______________ beautiful song!A What aB HowC What( ) 23. Look ___________ the man in the picture. He’s playing the piano.A atB inC of( ) 24. Are they ______________ the high jump?A jumpingB goingC doing ( ) 25. Peter, Bob and Ben are running. They are _____ good runners.A both B. and C all( ) 26. The seals are ____________ fast.A swimB swimmingC swims ( ) 27. We often have English lessons in ___________________.A art clubB music clubC language lab ( ) 28. Mary likes playing _________piano.A theB an C/。





(每小题1分,共10分)1.23. 4.5.( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )6. ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二、听对话,根据问题选择正确信息,将标号写在提前括号内。


(每小题2分,共10分)请听Tiantian 与Meimei的对话,回答11、12小题( )11. What is Meimei’s birthday gift ?A. It is a mini plant.B. It is a doll.C. It’s a book.( )12. What will Meimei do ?A. To water itB. To take it out and put it in the sun.C. A and B请听Mike 与Lily的对话,回答13、14、15小题( ) 13. Where will Mike go this summer vacation?A. HangzhouB. Chengdu( ) 14. How will Mike go there?A. By plane.B. By train.C. By car.( ) 15. What is Chengdu famous for ?A.It’s famous for its West Lake.B. It’s famous for its pandas.三、听短文,根据问题选择正确的信息,将其字母标号填写在题前的括号内。



(每小题2分,共10分)()16. How many people are there in the family?A.FiveB. FourC. Three( ) 17. The members of this family work with________.A.peopleB. animalsC. birds( ) 18. What’s her mothe r’s job?A.a dog groomerB. a special vetC. train dolphin( ) 19. Where do dolphins live?A.In the forestB. On the land.C. In the water.( ) 20. What’s the story’s title?A.My father is a vet.B.I want to be a farmer.C.What will I be when I grow up?第二部分 基础运用 (20分)四、将单词和句子匹配,将其标号写在提前括号内。






(每小题2分,共10分)( ) 1.A.ticket B.taxi C.tonight( ) 2.A.paper B.parent C.passport( ) 3.A.worry B.wore C.woman( ) 4.A.evening B.morning C.afternoon( ) 5.A.dragon B.drew C.drankII.听录音,判断。




(每小题2分,共10分)1. ( )2.( )3.( )4.( )5.( ) III.听问句,选答语。



(每小题2分,共10分)( )1. A.At home. B.In July. C.At school.( )2. A.Yes,I did. B.Yes,I do. C.Yes,I will.( )3. A.He is a policeman.B.She is my aunt.C.She is a teacher..( )4. A.She went to Beijing with her parents.B.She went to Beijing by plane.C.She went to Beijing in June.( )5. A.Lucy is learning Chinese.B.Lucy ate some sweets.C.Lucy went to the library.IV.听短文,用1-5给下列图片排顺序。



2015 — 2016学年度第二学期小学《英语》五年级下册(译林版)期末考试试题听力部分(30分)一、听句选词(每小题1分,共5分)听录音,选出你所听到的句子中含有的选项,并将其序号填在题前的括号内。



A. leave B。

live C。

love ()2. A. walk B. work C。

word ( )3. A。

take B。

make C. cake( ) 4。


meat B。

meet C。

eat ( )5. A。

7th, June。

B. 11th, July。

C. 7th,July。



A. B。

C. D。


( )( )() ( ) ()三、听句判断(每小题1分,共5分)听录音,判断你所听到的内容与图意是否相符,相符的写“T", 不相符的写“F”。


1. 2。

3. 4. 5.()()( ) () ()四、听选应答(每小题1分,共5分)听录音,根据你所听到的内容,选出最佳答语,并将其序号填在题前的括号内。




On foot。

B. By train。

C. By plane。


A. In November. B. In October。

C. In December。


A. I play games. B. I'm reading a book. C。

I am busy. ( ) 4。


Because his foot hurts.B. Because he gets many toys.C. Because he has a cold。

()5. A. She is cleaning the car.B. She often washes dishes。


She likes watching TV。




(10分)()1.A.big B.short C.small ()2.A.tomato B.potato C.carrot ()3.A.have B.has C.hungry()4.A.coke B.cool C.chicken()5.A.breakfast B.lunch C.dinner 二.听录音,给下列图片排序。

(10分)( ) ( ) ( )五.选出每组中不同类的单词。

(10分)()1.A.short B.tall C. beef D.old()2.A.water B.soup C.tea D.food( )3.A.hair B.see C.think D.go( )4.A.supper B.breakfast C.lunch D. fish( )5.A.apple B.orange C.sandwich D.pear六、按要求做题。

(10分)1.chicken(汉语意思)___________2.tomato(汉语意思)___________3.I(宾格)4.I’d(完全形式)( ) ( )5.have(现在分词)6.lunch(译成英语)三.听问句,选答句。

(10分)7.have(三单)8.noodle(复数) ( )1.A.He’s tall and young. B.She’s young and beautiful9.let’s(完整形式)10.young(汉语意思) ( )2.A.I’d like some fish,please. B.I like fish.七.单项选择。

(10分)( )3.A.Yes,I am. B.Yes,please.( ) 1.--Can I help you?--I’d___ a cold drink.( )4.A.Yes,he is. B.Yes,she is.A.haveB.likeC.want( )5.A.I’m10. B.It’s ten yuan.( )2.—Do you want___soup?笔试部分A.anyB.someC.a四、根据图片,写出正确的单词。



2015-2016学年度上海牛津英语五年级下册期末测试卷及答案2015-2016学年度五年级第二学期英语期末试卷Part 1 Listening 30%I。

Listen and choose(选出听到的音标、单词、词组和句子)10%1.A。

/mæθ/ B。

/mes/ C。


/fu:d/ B。

/fut/ C。


Who B。

Who's C。


shadow B。

shape C。


a black cocoon B。

a brown cocoon C。

a brown coat6.A。

two carrots B。

four potatoes C。

five tomatoes7.A。

Here's a school bag。

Whose is it?8.A。

The silkworms are eating leaves.9.A。

We have Chinese。

Maths and PE.10.A。

Healthy children eat a lot of fruit.Part 2 Reading and Writing 70%II。

Choose the best answer。

(选择最佳答案) 10% 1.The boy is _____________a kite.A。

flying B。

flying in C。

flying on2.The girl is _____________ a bike.A。

riding B。

riding on C。

riding in3.The boy is _____________ a book.A。

reading B。

reading on C。

reading in4.The girl is _____________ a picture.A。

drawing B。

drawing on C。

drawing in5.The boy is _____________ a song.A。





1. F2. F3.T4.F5.T6.F7.T8. F二、看图听A、B、C、D四段对话,选择与对话内容一致的图片,用字母标出顺序。

B D A C三、听问句,选择相应的答语。

1.B 2.A 3.A 4. B四、听对话,选择信息在方框里画“√”。


1. D2. H3. B 4 .F 5.A 6.C 7.G 8. E六、选词填空。

doing watching cleaning driving cooking七、选择相应的答语,将对话补充完整。

1. B2.D3. A 4 .C八、读故事,根据故事发展的顺序,用1---5给图片排序。

5 2 3 1 4九、阅读短文,选择正确内容将序号填在括号里。

1. C2. B3. B4. A5. C十、读一读,回答问题。

1. She is reading newspaper.2. She is Mike’s sister.3. She likes music.4. He will be a pilot in the future.第二单元一、看图听句子,判断所听内容是否与图片一致,用“T”,“F”表示。

1. T2. T3.T4.F5.F6.T7.T8. F二、看图听对话,给图片排序并将序号A—E填入括号内。

B C A E D三、听问句,选择相应的答语。

1. A2. B3. B四、听,补全对话。

Meg: Spring is coming. The leaves and grass will come out.Mike: Yes. Everything will be green again.Meg: What’s the English for the different parts of a plant?Mike: They are the roots, the stem, the leaves, the flowers, and the seeds.Meg: They must have different jobs.Mike: Yes. You’re right.五、请写出植物各部分名称。




)( )1. A.square B. triangle C. rectangle D. diamond( )2. A.hill B. near C.year D. dear( )3. A.show B. know C. how D. now( )4. A.camping trip B.camping site C. go camping e in( )5. A.make a kite B.fly a kite C.make a model plane D. ride a bike三、听音选择:听问题,根据所听问句,选择正确的答句。

(听两遍)(2’×5=10’)( )1. A.Yes, there are . B.No, there isn’t . C.Yes, there isn’t .( )2. A.Yes, she is . B.No, she does . C. Yes, she does .( )3. A.He has a twel . B.Yes, he is . C. He is walking in the garden .( )4. A.I’d like a mask . B.I like masks . C. Yes, you can .( )5. A.Thank you . B. Not at all . C. I’m sorry .笔试部分(60分)四、单词辩音:判断下列每组词中的画线部分的读音是否一致,用“T”或“F”表示正误。

(1’×4=4’)1、home do ( )2、towel know ( )3、great cake ( )4、children child ( )五、英汉互译:在横线上写出相应的英语或汉语。

(1’×8=8’)1、新年2、追赶3、太阳和月亮4、画五个五角星5、this morning 、how to open the tin 7、a mapof the world 8、help me do housework六、选择填空:选出能填入句子空白处的最佳答案,并将其序号填入题前括号内。






(听三遍,共5空,每空1分,计5分)arms, give, After, second, Sometimes六、单项选择。

(共15题,每小题1分,计15分)ACABC ABCCABCBBC七、会话匹配,将序号写在前面的括号内。


(共5空,每空1分,计5分)1.Its2. skating3. cooks, cooking4. studies九、根据中文提示,将句子补充完整。

(共10空,每空1分,计10分)puter, third2. doctor,helps3. Stop, front4.always, emails5. early, tomorrow十、按要求改写句子。

(共10空,每空1分,计10分)1.does n’t do2. Is any3. Wherelive4. good time5.They often go to the farm with their parents.十一、完形填空。





小学英语(北京版)五年级下册单元测试Unit 2 WHAT DO FLOWERS DO?Listening(30分)Ⅰ. Listen and number.(10分)()()()()()Ⅱ. Listen and choose.(10分)()1. What do flowers do?A. hold the trees above the groundB. grow up to be plantsC. make seedsD. make people angry ()2. What’s Mike’s father doing?A. reading newspaperB. watching TVC. playing chessD. flying a kite()3. What does Guoguo need to hold a party?A. books and applesB. drinks and carsC. cakes, candies and toys D . candies, drinks and toys ()4. Is Maomao making a model ship?A. No, he isn’t.B. Yes, he is.C. Yes, he does.D. No, he can’t.()5. What will happen in autumn?A. Everything will be green.B. Leaves will turn yellow.C. It will be snowy. D . It will be hot.Ⅲ. Listen and write.(10分)1. —What’s the English for the different parts of a plant?—They are , the stem, , the flowers, and .2. —What do do?—They make seeds. Little seeds grow up to be .3. —What do do?—They ______the trees above the ground.4. —Nothing on the can live the sun.5. —Leaves are like little . They make food for themselves.Reading & Writing(70分)Ⅳ. Look, read and write.(8分)1. They in the ground.2. They to the leaves.3. They for the plants.4. They to be plants.Ⅴ. Read and choose the odd one.(8分)()1. A. trunk B. plantC. leafD. stem()2. A. the face B. the long handC. clockD. the short hand()3. A. computer B. the screenC. the keyboardD. the mouse()4. A. swim B. singingC. dancingD. practicingⅥ. Write down the plural form of the given words.(12分)1. trunk2. potato3. tomato4. foot5. leaf6. plantⅦRead and choose.(10分)()1. What’s the English the different parts of a plant?A. toB. ofC. forD. off()2. The leaves and the grass come out in spring.A. mayB. isC. willD. won’t()3. hold the plant in the ground.A. TrunksB. SeedsC. RootsD. Leaves()4. What do flowers do?They seeds.A. makeB. makingC. makesD. made()5. on the earth can live without the sun.A. EverythingB. NothingC. SomethingD. EverybodyⅧ. Read, choose and write.(8分)make food will water factories spring air come out sunlightWhen comes, everything be green again. The leaves will . Green leaves are like little . They can for trees. They need the , andto make food.ⅨWrite down the Chinese or English meaning of the following words.(18分)1. 长大_______________2. 生产养分_______________3. 发芽_______________4. 不同的部分______________5. carry books _______________6. 没有;无______________7. Stems carry food and water to the leaves.8. What do we need to hold the party?Ⅹ. Read and answer.(6分)Plants are very important living things. Life could not go on if there were no plants. This is because plants can make food from air, sunlight and water. Man and animals cannot make food from air, sunlight and water. Animals get their food by eating plants and other animals. Therefore animals and man need plants in order to live.There are two kinds of plants: flowering plants and non-flowering plants. Flowering plants can make seeds. The seeds are protected by the fruits. Some fruits have one seed, some have two, three or four, and some have many seeds. But a few fruits have no seeds at all. An example of (例子) a fruit without seeds is the banana fruit. Most non-flowering plants do not grow from seeds. They grow from spores (胚芽).1. Why the plants are so important to animals?2. How many kinds of plants can we find around us?3. Can you give an example (例子) of non-flowering plants?听力文字:Ⅰ. Listen and number.1. the flowers2. the stem3. the seeds4. the roots5. the leaves Ⅱ. Listen and choose.1. —What do flowers do, Lingling?—They make seeds.2. —What is your father doing, Mike?—He is playing chess.3. —What do you need to hold the party, Guoguo?—I need candies, drinks and toys.4. —Are you making a model ship, Maomao?—No, I am not.5. —What will happen in autumn?—Leaves will turn yellow and fall down from the trees.Ⅲ. Listen and write.1. —What’s the English for the different parts of a plant?—They are the roots, the stem, the leaves, the flowers, and the seeds.2. —What do flowers do?—They make seeds. Little seeds grow up to be plants.3. —What do trunks do?—They hold the trees above the ground.4. —Nothing on the earth can live without the sun.5. Leaves are like little factories. They make food for themselves.参考答案:Ⅰ. 2 1 5 4 3Ⅱ. 1. C 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. BⅢ. 1. the roots the leaves the seeds2. flowers plants3. trunks hold4. earth without5. factoriesⅣ. 1. hold the plants2. carry food and water3. make food4. grow upⅤ. 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. AⅥ. 1. trunks 2. potatoes 3. tomatoes4. feet5. leaves6. plantsⅦ. C C A A BⅧ. spring will come out factories make food sunlight air water Ⅸ. 1. grow up 2. make food 3. come out4. different parts5.携带书本6. without7. 茎为叶子输送养分和水分。





Uncle Li is a teacher. He likes students very much。


my B. your C。

his D. her2。

Father’s Day is the third Sunday in June in the US.A。

in B。

at C. on D. to3. My mother wants me to be a doctor, I’m not sure about that。


and B。

or C。

so D。

but4. The environment of Beijing is much than before.A. good B。

better C. best D。

the best5。

—-— you go to a movie with me this evening?-—— Sure. I am free tonight.A. CanB. May C。

Must D. Should6. ——- bananas do you need to make the milk shake?---- Three。


How long B. How much C. How often D。

How many7。

There a concert in Hong Kong last month。

A. is B。

was C. are D. were8. Kelly tells us nice clothes to her party this weekend.A。

wear B. wearing C。

to wear D. wore9。

If the teenagers too late, their parents will worry about them.A. stay outB. are staying outC。



北京版五年级英语2016~2017试卷听力Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear three news reports.At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions.Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked(A),(B),(C)and (D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard.1.(A) Her friend Erika.(C) Her grandfather.(B) Her little brother.(D) Her grandmother.2.(A) By taking pictures for passers-by.(C) By selling lemonade and pictures.(B) By working part time at a hospital.(D) By asking for help on social media.Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard.3.(A) Finding cheaper ways of highway construction.(B) Generating electric power for passing vehicles.(C) Providing clean energy to five million people.(D) Testing the efficiency of the new solar panel.4.(A) They can stand the wear and tear of natural elements.(B) They can be laid right on top of existing highways.(C) They are only about half an inch thick.(D) They are made from cheap materials.Questions 5 to 7 are based on the news report you have just heard.5.(A) Endless fighting in the region.(C) Inadequate funding for research.(B) The hazards from the desert.(D) The lack of clues about the species.6.(A) To observe the wildlife in the two national parks.(B) To identify the reasons for the lions’ disappearance.C) To study the habitat of lions in Sudan and Ethiopia.D) To find evidence of the existence of the “lost lions”.7.(A) Lions walking.(C) Some camping facilities.(B) Lions’ tracks.(D) Traps set by local huntersSection BDirections:In this section, you will hear two long conversations.At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions.Both the conversation and the questions will bespoken only once.After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked(A),(B),(C),and (D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.8.(A) Her ‘lucky birthday’.(C) Her wedding anniversary.(B) A call from her dad.(D) A special gift from the man.9.(A) Gave her a big model plane.(C) Took her on a trip overseas.(B) Bought her a good necklace.(D) Threw her a surprise party.10.(A) The gift her husband has bought.(B) The trip her husband has planned.(C) What has been troubling her husband.(D) What her husband and the man are up to.11.(A) He will be glad to be a guide for the couple’s holiday trip.(B) He will tell the women the secret if her husband agrees.(C) He is eager to learn how the couple’s holiday turns out.(D) He wants to find out about the couple’s holiday plan.Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.12.(A) They are sensitive to the dynamics of a negotiation.(B) They see the importance of making compromises.(C) They know when to adopt a tough attitude.(D) They take the rival’s attitude into account.13.(A) They know how to adapt.(C) They know when to make compromises.(B) They know when to stop.(D) They know how to control their emotion.14.(A) They are patient.(C) They learn quickly.(B) They are good at expression.(D) They uphold their principles.15.(A) Make clear one's intentions.(C) Formulate one's strategy.(B) Clarify items of negotiation.(D) Get to know the other side.Section CDirections: In this section, you will hear three passages.At the end of each passage, you willhear three or four questions.Both the passage and the questions will be spoken onlyonce.After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the fourchoices marked(A),(B),(C),(D).Then mark the corresponding letter on AnswerSheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.16.(A) When America's earliest space program started.(B) When the International Space Station was built.(C) How many space shuttle missions there will be.(D) How space research benefits people on Earth.17.(A) They accurately calculated the speed of the orbiting shuttles.(B) They developed objects for astronauts to use in outer space.(C) They tried to meet astronauts' specific requirements.(D) They tried to make best use of the latest technology.18.(A) They are extremely accurate.(C) They were first made in space.(B) They are expensive to make.(D) They were invented in the 1970s.Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.19.(A) It was when her ancestors came to America.(B) People had plenty of land to cultivate then.(C) It marked the beginning of something new.(D) Everything was natural and genuine then.20.(A) They believed in working for goals.(C) They had all kinds of entertainment.(B) They enjoyed living a living a life of ease.(D) They were known to be creative.21.(A) Chatting with her ancestors.(C) Polishing all the silver work.(B) Furnishing her country house.(D) Doing needlework by the fire.Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.22.(A) Use a map to identify your location.(C) Sit down and try to calm yourself.(B) Call your family or friends for help.(D) Try to follow your footprints back.23.(A) You may find a way out without your knowing it.(B) You may expose yourself to unexpected dangers.(C) You may get drowned in a sudden flood.(D) You may end up entering a wonderland.24.(A) Look for food.(C) Start a fire.(B) Wait patiently.(D) Walk uphill.25.(A) Inform somebody of your plan.(C) Check the local weather.(B) Prepare enough food and drink.(D) Find a map and a compass.。



2015(北京版)五年级英语下册期末试卷五年级英语下册期末试卷姓名班级听力部分一、选择你听到的单词,将序号写在括号内:( )1. A. good B. god C. girl D. goose ( )2. A. coat B. told C. cold D.gold ( )3. A. work B. wait C. way D. late ( )4. A. land B. king C. kind D.knife ( )5. A. will B. wall C. well D. wheel ( )6. A. skating B. skate C.sky D. skiing ( )7. A. Saturday B. Sunday C. Sun D. Sunny)8. A. class B. glass C. grass D. bus (( )9. A. big B. small C. smile D. smoke ( )10. A. horse B. hair C.house D. here二、听录音,标出下边五幅图的次序,将序号写在图下方的方框内:比如 : 录音 ,,Shall we have a picnic next weekend? ---That ’s a good idea.三、依据听到的句子选择适合的答语,将序号写在括号内:’s all right.( )1. A. Thanks a lot. B. You ’re welcome. C. That ( )2. A.Yes, I am. B. Yes, I was. C. Yes, I did.’m feeing tired. B. I ’m eleven. C. I ’m from China. ( )4.A. Yes, please.B. Sorry, I can ’t.C. Yes. Why? ( )5. A. I am watching afootball match.B. I watched a football match.C. I watch a football match every Saturday.笔试部分一、判断每组单词中的划线部散发音能否同样,同样打“?”不一样打“×”。


( )52. How was Tony’s weekend? A.It was boring. B.It is fun.
( )53. When did you learn to swim? A.I was born in May. B.When I was 4.
( )54. Where did Coco go last vacation? A.She went to Shanghai. B.She went swimming.
B.She has a toothache. ( )18. A.Yes, I do.
B.No, I didn’t. ( )19. A.When I was 7.
B.I am 7 years old. ( )20. A.I want to eat ice cream.
B.I went to the Stone Forest.
第 1 页,共 7 页
2019-2020 学年度第二学期五年级英语
形成性评价 (20% )
总计 100%
1. w_ _ ther A.ee B.ea
A.bought some gifts D.do exercises G.cleaned the window J.learned to ride a bike
Word Box B.started to speak E.drank cold drinks H.make a poster
C.make a video call F.write a letter I.played chess
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