Fourier Analysis - Florida State University傅里叶分析-佛罗里达州立大学








: u: S4 N- \ x0 H. [9 `4 I常春藤联盟(The Ivy League)" u* R; f' D. L# m& ?在美国,"常春藤学府"一般隐喻著和高等学习院校有关,但只有一些学校被公认为"常春藤联盟"。

常春藤联盟由美国东北部之八所学校组合而成:布朗大学(Brown)、哥伦比亚大学(Columbia)、康乃尔大学(Cornell)、达特茅斯学院(Dartmouth)、哈佛大学(Harvard)、宾州大学(Pennsylvania)、普林斯顿大学(Princeton)、及耶鲁大学(Y ale)。




( h8 H! s7 `: x% E& @5 U( e8 N% ]根据一种理论,"常春藤联盟"之原名应追溯到1937年,一位纽约报作者铸造了此名词,因美国最古老及最菁英的学校建筑物均被常春藤覆盖住。

另外一个理论对此名词的解释则较为古老,来自较早称之为"四联盟"(Four Leage)的运动协会,成员包括哥伦比亚大学、哈佛大学、普林斯顿大学、和耶鲁大学。

根据第二个理论,在保持学术传统之时,"四联盟"(Four Leage)被写为罗马数字的"四联盟"(IV League)。

Fourier Transforms - University of Texas at Austin傅里叶变换-在奥斯汀的德克萨斯大学

Fourier Transforms - University of Texas at Austin傅里叶变换-在奥斯汀的德克萨斯大学

Spring 2006 Don Fussell
Fourier transform
So we have (unitary form, angular frequency)
F(f (t))F()
f (t)eitdt
F- 1(F()) f (t)
Alternatives (Laplace form, angular frequency)
Convolution theorem
F( f * g) F( f )F(g) F( fg) F( f )*F(g) F- 1(F *G) F- 1(F)F- 1(G) F- 1(FG) F- 1(F)*F- 1(G)
Proof (1)
F( f *g) f (t')g(t t') e itdtdt'
Fourier transform
Some sufficient conditions for application
Dirichlet conditions
f(t) has finite maxima and minima within any finite interval
f(t) has finite number of discontinuities within any finite interval
f(t) ancon s0t()bnsin n 0t()
To deal with the first basis vector being of length 2 instead of , rewrite as















特色专业Major type:视觉艺术与设计商科/经济类工程类专业科学/数学
托福成绩TOEFL score:80SAT成绩SAT score:1730 - 1960
雅思成绩IELTS score:6.5每年学费Annual fee:$21673
创校于1851年的佛罗里达州立大学Florida State University 简称FSU,为一所公立研究型态的高等学府,并为佛罗里达州Florida公立大学体系中的一员,校方每年获拨研究经费超过1亿3千万美元,更新校园内各项硬设备?佛罗里达州立大学Florida State University提供了17种专业的课程让学生们选读。



fourier analysis an introduction

fourier analysis an introduction

fourier analysis an introductionFourier Analysis: An IntroductionIntroduction:Fourier analysis is a mathematical tool used to analyze periodic functions and signals. It is named after Jean-Baptiste Joseph Fourier, a French mathematician, who developed the concept in the early 19th century. Fourier analysis is widely used in various fields, including physics, engineering, computer science, and signal processing. In this article, we will take a step-by-step approach to understand the basics of Fourier analysis and its applications.1. Periodic Functions:To understand Fourier analysis, let's first define periodic functions.A periodic function is a function that repeats itself after a certain period. In other words, for any value of x, f(x) = f(x + T), where T is the period. Some common examples of periodic functions include sine and cosine functions.2. Fourier Series:The Fourier series is a mathematical representation of a periodic function as an infinite sum of sinusoidal functions. It allows us todecompose a complex periodic function into simpler sinusoidal components. The formula for the trigonometric Fourier series for a periodic function f(x) with period T is given by:f(x) = a0 + Σ[an*cos(nωx) + bn*sin(nωx)]where a0 is the DC component, an and bn are the Fourier coefficients, n is an integer, and ω= 2π/T.3. Fourier Coefficients:The Fourier coefficients an and bn determine the amplitude of each component in the Fourier series. To calculate these coefficients, we can use the formulas:an = (2/T) * ∫[f(x)*cos(nωx)] dxbn = (2/T) * ∫[f(x)*sin(nωx)] dxwhere ∫represents integration over one period.4. Frequency Spectrum:The frequency spectrum is a graphical representation of the Fourier series, showing the amplitude of each sinusoidal component as afunction of frequency. The frequency spectrum helps us understand the distribution of frequency components in the original signal. The DC component (a0), representing the average value of the signal, is located at zero frequency.5. Fast Fourier Transform (FFT):Computing the Fourier coefficients directly using integrals can be computationally expensive for large data sets. The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is an algorithm used to efficiently compute discrete Fourier transforms. The FFT reduces the computational complexity from O(n^2) to O(n log n), making it practical for real-time processing of signals.6. Applications of Fourier Analysis:Fourier analysis finds numerous applications in various fields. Some of the key areas where Fourier analysis is used include:- Signal Processing: Fourier analysis is used to extract various frequency components from signals, enabling filtering, noise reduction, and compression.- Image Processing: The Fourier Transform is used to analyze and enhance images, such as in image compression algorithms.- Communication Systems: Fourier analysis helps in the modulation, demodulation, and encoding of signals in various communication systems.- Quantum Mechanics: Fourier analysis is used to describe and analyze wave functions in quantum mechanics.- Music and Audio Processing: Fourier analysis is used for audio compression, synthesis, and analysis of music signals.Conclusion:Fourier analysis is a powerful mathematical tool for analyzing periodic functions and signals. Its ability to decompose complex signals into simple sinusoidal components allows us to gain insights into the frequency content of a signal and enables various applications such as signal processing, image processing, communication systems, and more. Understanding the basics of Fourier analysis provides a solid foundation for exploring its advanced concepts and applications in different fields.。



1) Fourier AnalysisFourier analysis, also known as harmonic analysis, is a branch of mathematics field. The Fourier analysis can show how a function or a signal is expressed as the superposition of the basic waveform.Fourier analysis is used to analyze non-sinusoidal periodic signals of a mathematical method.In the field of signal analysis, we can use Fourier series representation of the signal, to analyze the characteristics of periodic signals in the frequency domain, and to establish the signal spectrum.If the periodic signal f 1 (t) satisfy the Dirichlet conditions, we can make x (t) expand into triangular form of Fourier series.The Dirichlet conditions are:f(x) must have a finite number of extrema in any given interval f(x) must have a finite number of discontinuities in any given interval f(x) must be absolutely integrable over a period. f(x) must be boundeddirect current componentTπω21=fundamental frequency0c a n = direct current range22n n n b a c += harmonic amplitude)sin cos ()(11101t n b t n a a t f n n n ωω++=∑∞=⎰+=10).(110Tt t dt t f T a ∑∞=++=1101)cos()(n n n t n c c t f ϕϖnn n a b arctan-=ϕ harmonic phaseAnd in the Frequency domain analysis of the system. We can obtain the equation like this: )()()(w X w Y w H =System function)(w X Stimulus spectrum)(w Y Spectrum of response signal)(w H System functionFor instance: )()(2)(3)(22t x t q dtt dq dtt q d =++we do the fourier transform, and we obtain the )(w H :)(w H =2)(3)(12++jw jwBut the forier analysis has some limitations:The Fourier coefficients are constant and do not change with time t, which can only deal with the same spectral components of the stationary signal, on the contrary, in dealing with non-stationary signals will make a big error, even with the actual situation very different. For example: no damping and damped free vibration of single degree of freedom, playing swing, clock, chorus, etc.In the actual signal, if the high-frequency and low frequency vary greatly, at the same time interval, high frequency signal attenuation of the attenuation of low frequency signal is not, therefore, at different times, the signal spectral components are different. Insist on all the time with a Fourier transform to identify the spectral components,deliberately changing the amplitude of the change with frequency to compensate for not only high-frequency Fourier coefficients of error, low-frequency Fourier coefficients are significant errors, including the frequency obtained Of course there are errors.Seeking full-time Fourier coefficient is the weighted average domain. So it means, mutation information is the local average out, the local mutation is difficult to reflect the role of information (like eating the same big pot, egalitarianism). Very different signals, such as square wave, triangle wave, sine wave, can get the same frequency, so the processing, to capture transient signals such as the fault signal, the sensitivity is poor. Treatment should be used to capture transient signals reflect the transformation of local information.2)Wavelet AnalysisWavelet transforms are broadly divided into three classes: continuous, discrete and multiresolution-based.Continuous wavelet transforms (continuous shift and scale parameters):The subspace of scale a or frequency band is generated by the functions (sometimes called child wavelets):,where a is positive and defines the scale and b is any real number and defines the shift.The pair (a,b) defines a point in the right half-plane .The projection of a function x onto the subspace of scale a then has the form:with wavelet coefficients:.For the analysis of the signal x, one can assemble the wavelet coefficients into a scalogram of the signal.Discrete wavelet transforms (discrete shift and scale parameters):∑∑∞-∞=∞-∞=><=j k kj kj t f t f )(~,)(,,ψψ =∑∑∞-∞=∞-∞=j k kj kj t d)(,,ψ)2(,k t j kj -=ψψAmong them,)(t ψ is the wavelet function, kj d, is the wavelet coefficients, andkj d, =><kj f ,~,ψWavelet series is a double sum index of wavelet coefficients not only the frequency of the target, but also the time of the index. In other words, not only as the Fourier coefficients of the wavelet coefficients, as is varies with frequency, and for the same frequency index at different times, the wavelet coefficients are different.Because the wavelet function with compact support of nature, that is zero outside a certain range. So that the level of demand at different times of the frequency of the wavelet coefficients, only use local information near the time.An important application of wavelet analysis is using the two-dimensional wavelet analysis to do the image compression.It is characterized by high compression ratio and high compression speed. And it is can maintain essentially the same characteristics after the compression. Moreover, in the transmission process can resist interference.Here is a two-dimensional image signal, using two-dimensional wavelet analysis to do the compression of the image. After the image is decomposed by the wavelet analysis, it can obtain a series of sub-images with different resolution. Different resolutions of the sub-images correspond to different frequencies.image%imput the image figure,the image file is wbarb.matload wbarb;%show the figuresubplot(221);image(X);colormap(map)title('Original image');axis squaredisp('The size of the image before compression X:');whos('X')%use the wavelet bior3.7 to do the second layer wavelet decomposition[c,s]=wavedec2(X,2,'bior3.7');%extract coefficients of the first layer with low-frequency and high%frequency coefficients from the structure of wavelet,s,'bior3.7',1);ch1=detcoef2('h',c,s,1);cv1=detcoef2('v',c,s,1);cd1=detcoef2('d',c,s,1);%reconstruction of the various frequenciesa1=wrcoef2('a',c,s,'bior3.7',1);h1=wrcoef2('h',c,s,'bior3.7',1);v1=wrcoef2('v',c,s,'bior3.7',1);d1=wrcoef2('d',c,s,'bior3.7',1);c1=[a1,h1;v1,d1];%show the various frequencies after the decomposition.subplot(222);image(c1);axis squaretitle('Decomposition of low and high frequency information');%do the compression of the image.%keep the first layer of low-frequency information of wavelet decomposition%and do the compression of the figure.%the first layer of low-frequency information is the cal,and display the%first layer of low-frequency information.%first,do the quantization coding for the first layer i,s,'bior3.7',1);cal=wcodemat(cal,440,'mat',0);%change the figure heightcal=0.5*cal;subplot(223);image(cal);colormap(map);axis squaretitle('The first compression');disp('The size of the first compression: ');whos('cal')%reserve the second layer of low-frequency information of wavelet%decomposition,do the compression of the image,and the compression ratio %is more higher.%the second layer of low-frequency information is ca2,display the second %layer of low-frequency information.ca2=appcoef2(c,s,'bior3.7',2);%do the quantization coding for the second layer.ca2=wcodemat(ca2,440,'mat',0);%change the figure heightca2=0.25*ca2;subplot(224);image(ca2);colormap(map);axis squaretitle('The second compression');disp('The size of the second compression: ');whos('ca2')The result is:The size of the image before compression X:Name Size Bytes ClassX 256x256 524288 double array Grand total is 65536 elements using 524288 bytes The size of the first compression:Name Size Bytes Classcal 135x135 145800 double array Grand total is 18225 elements using 145800 bytes The size of the second compression:Name Size Bytes Classca2 75x75 45000 double arrayGrand total is 5625 elements using 45000 bytesOriginal image50100150200250Decomposition of low and high frequency information100200300400500The first compression20406080100120The second compression 102030405060703)Compressed SensingCompressed sensing, also known as compressive sensing, compressive sampling and sparse sampling, is a technique for finding sparse solutions to underdetermined linear systems. In engineering, it is the process of acquiring and reconstructing a signal utilizing the prior knowledge that it is sparse or compressible.The main idea behind compressed sensing is to exploit that there is some structure and redundancy in the majority of interesting signals—they are not pure noise. In particular, most signals are sparse, that is, they contain many coefficients close to or equal to zero, when represented in some domain. (This is the same insight used in many forms of lossy compression.)Compressed sensing typically starts with taking a weighted linear combination of samples also called compressive measurements in a basis different from the basis in which the signal is known to be sparse. The results found by David Donoho, Emmanuel Candès, Justin Romberg and Terence Tao showed that the number of these compressive measurements can be small and still contain all the useful information. Therefore, the task of converting the image back into the intended domain involves solving an underdetermined matrix equation since the number of compressive measurements taken is smaller than the number of pixels in the full image. However, adding the constraint that the initial signal is sparse enables one to solve this underdetermined system of linear equations.The classical solution to such problems is to minimize the L2 norm—that is, minimize the amount of energy in the system. This is usually simple mathematically (involving only a matrix multiplication by the pseudo-inverse of the basis sampled in). However, this leads to poor results for most practical applications, as the unknown coefficients seldom have zero energy.In order to enforce the sparsity constraint when solving for the underdetermined system of linear equations, one should be minimizing the L0 norm, or equivalently maximizing the number of zero coefficients in the new basis. However, searching a solution with this constraint is NP-hard (it contains the subset-sum problem), and so is computationally infeasible for all but the tiniest data sets. Following Tao et al., where it was shown that the L1 norm is equivalent the L0 norm, leads one to solve an easier problem. Findingthe candidate with the smallest L1 norm can be expressed relatively easily as a linear program, for which efficient solution methods already exist. These solution methods have been refined over the past few years yielding enormous gain.A more technical insight on the different techniques employed in sampling and decoding signals with compressive sensing can be gained in.The field of compressive sensing has direct connections to Underdetermined Linear Systems, Group Testing, Heavy-hitters, Sparse Coding, Multiplexing, Sparse Sampling, Finite Rate of Innovation. Imaging techniques having a strong affinity with compressive sensing include Coded aperture and Computational Photography. As a generic rule of thumb, any two stage techniques or indirect imaging involving the use of a computer for the reconstruction of a signal or an image is bound to find a use for compressive sensing techniques.Starting with the famous single-pixel camera from Rice University an up-to-date list of the most recent implementations of compressive sensing in hardware at different technology readiness level is listed in. Some hardware implementation like the one used in MRI or Compressed Genotyping do not require an actual physical change whereas other hardware require substantial re-engineering to perform this new type of sampling. Similarly, a number of hardware implementation already existed before 2004 but while they were acquiring signals in a compressed manner, they generally did not use compressive sensing reconstruction techniques to reconstruct the original signal. The result of these reconstruction were suboptimal and have been greatly enhanced thanks to compressive sensing. Hence there is a large disparity of implementation of compressive sensing in different areas of engineering and science.References:1, Hayes, Brian, The Best Bits, American Scientist, July 20092, Donoho, D. L., Compressed Sensing, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, V. 52(4), 1289–1306, 2006 [1]3, Candès, E.J., & Wakin, M.B., An Introduction To Compressive Sampling, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, V.21, March 2008 [2]Etc.。



Current challenges and future directions in biomedical signal processing
Standardization and interoperability of medical devices
Big data analysis and machine learning in biomedicine
• The course teaching slides are available in English for students to review and follow up. The slides cover all the important topics in the course, including basic knowledge, signal processing techniques, and practical applications in biomedicine. The slides are designed to help students better understand the course content and prepare for exams.
Contact Information for Questions and Assistance
• The course provides contact information for students to ask questions or seek assistance when they encounter difficulties or problems during the course. Students can contact the teacher through email or other contact methods provided to obtain hctrocardiogram (ECG) signal and its processing methods













Fourier Analysis - Florida State University傅里叶分析-佛罗里达州立大学

Fourier Analysis - Florida State University傅里叶分析-佛罗里达州立大学

The Fourier series is the sum of the trigonometric terms:
a0 a1 cos( x ) b1 sin( x ) a2 cos(2 x ) b2 sin(2 x ) ... or

a0 [an cos(nx ) bn sin(nx )]
b n

1 p
f ( x ) sin(nx )dx, n 1, 2
C hapter 10.2 in textbook (pp. 529-537)

p cos(nx)cos(mx)dx bn
sin(nx) cos(mx)dx]
All cos(nx)cos(mx) terms All sin(nx)cos(mx) terms vanish Vanish except when n=m
cos(mx) cos(nx) 1 [cos(n m )x cos(n m )x] 2
with the real function f(x) as n .
Read pp. 534-536 in text for proof of convergence.
Euler Formulas
Represent a periodic function f(x) of period 2p by the Fourier
A periodic function f(x) has a period of p is f(x)=f(x+p), that is, the function repeats itself every interval of length p


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2021年QS商科硕士排名中,金融学硕士位列全球第30名,全日制MBA位居全球第63名,其中Value for Money投资回报率排名全球第一。



美国南佛罗⾥达⼤学有哪些专业?学校名称:所在位置:美国,201 Criser Hall-PO Box 114000 Gainesville, FL 32611 (352) 392-3261创建时间:1853QS排名:95USNEWS排名:42录取率:0.43学校中⽂⽹址: 南佛罗⾥达⼤学是全美顶级公⽴研究型⼤学之⼀,也是美国仅有的40所公⽴研究型⼤学之⼀,具有很⾼的研究活动。


本科课程会计学政府与国际事务⼴告历史⾮洲研究酒店与餐饮管理美国研究与⼈⽂科学⼯业与管理系统⼯程⼈类学信息技术应⽤科学跨学科经典⽂明建筑跨学科⾃然科学艺术⼯作室与艺术历史跨学科社会科学运动训练/运动医学国际商务⽣物学与微⽣物学⽣物国际研究医学科学管理化学⼯程管理信息系统化学市场营销⼟⽊与环境⼯程⼤众传播经典数学通信机械⼯程通信科学与失调医学技术计算机科学与⼯程微⽣物学和⽣物学犯罪学⾳乐舞蹈⾳乐教育舞蹈研究⾳乐研究早期⼉童教育护理经济学哲学经济学体育电⼦⼯程物理⼩学教育政治科学英语预科环境科学与政策医学,⽛科前和兽医前⾦融⼼理学外语公共卫⽣⼀般商业宗教研究地理中等教育地质学社会⼯作⽼年学社会学剧院特殊教育妇⼥研究研究⽣课程学术⾓⾊(护理)沿⾰(⼤学教学)加速健康教育(公共卫⽣)⼈⼒资源开发(成⼈教育)会计⼈⽂科学(⼈⽂科学)急症护理(护理)⼯业⼯程成瘾和药物滥⽤咨询(康复和⼼理健康咨询(5年))⼯业卫⽣(公共卫⽣)成瘾和药物滥⽤咨询(康复和⼼理健康咨询(后学⼠学位))⼯业组织⼼理学(⼼理学)成⼈教育⽆机化学(化学)成⼈教育(课程和教学)跨学科(海洋科学)成⼈健康护理(护理)跨学科教育(课程与教学)成⼈健康护理和职业健康护理(护理)跨学科医学科学(医学科学)⾮洲研究(⼈⽂科学)跨学科交通(⼟⽊⼯程)⽼龄化和神经科学(医学科学)爵⼠乐作曲(⾳乐)美国历史(历史)爵⼠乐表演(⾳乐)美国研究语⾔艺术(基础教育)分析化学(化学)激光物理(物理)解剖学(医学科学)拉丁美洲历史(历史)古代历史(历史)拉丁美洲,加勒⽐和拉丁裔研究应⽤⼈类学领先的可持续企业(管理)应⽤⾏为分析⽂科建筑通识教育(⼈⽂科学)艺术图书情报学艺术历史语⾔学运动训练(医学科学)语⾔学:英语作为第⼆语⾔⼤⽓物理学(物理学)⽂献(英语)原⼦与分⼦物理学(物理学)管理听⼒学(后学⼠学位)管理信息系统听⼒学(重新)适应能⼒(后学⼠学位)海洋资源评估(海洋科学)⾃闭症谱系障碍&严重智障⼈⼠海洋科学⾏为健康(公共卫⽣)营销⽣物⽂化医学⼈类学(应⽤⼈类学)婚姻和家庭治疗(康复和⼼理健康咨询(5年))⽣物化学与分⼦⽣物学(医学科学)婚姻和家庭治疗(康复和⼼理健康咨询(后学⼠学位))⽣物化学(化学)⼤众传播⽣物伦理与医学⼈⽂材料(⼟⽊⼯程)⽣物信息学(公共卫⽣)材料物理(物理)⽣物信息学与计算⽣物学材料科学和⼯程学⽣物海洋学(海洋科学)母婴健康(公共卫⽣)⽣物学数学⽣物学(⼤学教学)数学(5年制)⽣物学(科学教育)数学(⼤学教学)⽣物医学与⽣物技术(化学⼯程)数学教育⽣物医学⼯程数学教育(6-12)⽣物统计学(公共卫⽣)测量与评估(课程与教学)⽣物技术机械⼯程业务(⼤学教学)媒体研究(⼤众传播)⼯商管理/ MBA医学微⽣物学与免疫学(医学科学)职业和技术教育医学物理学(物理学)职业咨询(辅导员教育)医学科学细胞⽣物学,微⽣物学和分⼦⽣物学(⽣物学)中世纪史(历史)室内乐(⾳乐)代谢与营养医学(医学科学)化学⼯程微⽣物化学海洋学(海洋科学)学微电⼦学(电⼦⼯程)化学中学数学化学(⼤学教学)中学教育(综合)(课程与教学)化学(⾮论⽂选项)中学教育,英语(课程与教学)化学(科学教育)初中教育,数学(课程与教学)电路,控制和系统(电⽓⼯程)初中教育,科学(课程与教学)⼟⽊⼯程中学教育,社会研究(课程与教学)经典:拉丁/希腊分⼦医学(医学科学)临床和转化研究(医学科学)多媒体新闻(⼤众传播)临床⼼理健康咨询(辅导员教育)⾳乐临床护⼠领导(护理)⾳乐教育临床⼼理学(⼼理学)⾃然/技术危害和环境司法(地理)认知,神经科学与社会⼼理学(⼼理学)护⼠⿇醉(护理)⼤学⽣事务(课程与教学)护理⼤学教学护理教育(护理)通信职业健康(公共卫⽣)通信与信号处理(电⼦⼯程)职业健康护理(护理)作⽂(⾳乐)职业医学住院(公共卫⽣)计算化学(化学)职业安全(公共卫⽣)计算机⼯程肿瘤学护理(护理)计算机科学指导光学物理(物理)(⾳乐)有机化学(化学)辅导员教育⼉科保健护理(护理)创意写作表演(⾳乐)刑事司法⾏政哲学犯罪学哲学和宗教(哲学)重症监护护理(护理)物理化学(化学)⽂化资源管理(应⽤⼈类学)体育课程与教学物理海洋学(海洋科学)数字建筑与设计(电⼦⼯程)物理戏剧写作物理(⼤学教学)幼⼉期(初等教育)物理(科学教育)幼⼉教育⽣理学和形态学(⽣物学)幼⼉教育(课程与教学)钢琴教学(⾳乐)⽣态与进化(⽣物学)诗(创作)城市环境中的经济,社会与规划问题(地理)政治学经济学政治学(本科教学)教育领导⾼分⼦化学(化学)电⼒系统(电⽓⼯程)精神科,⼼理健康护理(护理)电⽓⼯程⼼理学电声⾳乐(⾳乐)公共管理⼩学课程(基础教育)公共健康基础教育卫⽣⾏政部门(公众卫⽣)基础教育(课程与教学)公共健康教育(公众卫⽣)⼯程(⼤学教学)公共卫⽣实践(公共卫⽣)⼯程管理公共卫⽣实践计划(公共卫⽣)⼯程管理(⼯业⼯程)纯和应⽤(数学)⼯程科学(5年制)定量分析(⼯业⼯程)英语阅读教育英语(⼤学教学)阅读教育(课程与教学)英语教育房地产应⽤技术创业康复与⼼理健康咨询(5年制课程)环境与⽣态微⽣物学(⽣物学)康复与⼼理健康咨询(后学⼠学位)环境化学(化学)宗教研究环境⼯程修辞与写作(英语)环境健康(公共卫⽣)安全管理(公共卫⽣)环境科学与政策学校咨询(辅导员教育)流⾏病学(公共卫⽣)学校⼼理学流⾏病学和⽣物统计学(公共卫⽣)科学与数学(基础教育)流⾏病学和全球传染病(公共卫⽣)科学教育流⾏病学和全球卫⽣(公共卫⽣)中等教育(课程与教学)流⾏病学和母婴健康(公共卫⽣)中等教育:⽣物学(课程与教学)欧洲历史(历史)中等教育:化学(课程与教学)特殊学⽣教育中等教育:英语(课程与教学)执⾏MBA中等教育:外语(课程与教学)执⾏医学硕⼠中等教育:教育技术(课程与教学)课程卫⽣专业⼈员(公共卫⽣)中等教育:数学(课程与教学)执⾏课程MBA医师执⾏课程(公共卫⽣)中等教育:物理(课程与教学)运动科学(体育)中等教育:社会科学(课程与教学)家庭健康护理(护理)中等教育:Tesol(课程与教学)⼩说(创意写作)半导体物理(物理)电影研究(⼈⽂科学)社会与政治思想(⼈⽂科学)⾦融社会科学教育佛罗⾥达研究(⼈⽂科学)社会⼯作外语教育社会健康科学(公共卫⽣)法语社会学法语(⼤学教学)社会学(⼤学教学)法语(外语教育)固态物理(物理)地理信息系统和空间分析(地理)西班⽛语地理西班⽛语(⼤学教学)地理(⼤学教学)西班⽛语(外语教育)地质海洋学(海洋科学)特殊教育,⾏为障碍地质特殊教育,⾏为障碍(课程和教学)地质学(⼤学教学)特别教育,资优岩⼟⼯程(⼟⽊⼯程)特殊教育,资优(课程与教学)德语(外语教育)特殊教育,智障⼈⼠⽼年护理(护理)特殊教育,智⼒落后(课程与教学)⽼年学特殊教育,运动障碍全球传染病(公共卫⽣)特殊教育,运动障碍(课程与教学)全球灾害管理和⼈道主义救济(公共卫⽣)特殊教育,特殊学习障碍全球卫⽣信息学(公共卫⽣)特殊教育,特定学习障碍(课程与教学)全球卫⽣实践(公共卫⽣)语⾔交流(⼤学教学)全球可持续发展语⾔病理学(研究⽣学位)卫⽣管理统计卫⽣保健组织和管理(公共卫⽣)战略传播管理(⼤众传播)卫⽣政策和计划(公共卫⽣)结构(⼟⽊⼯程)卫⽣政策和管理(公共卫⽣)理论(⾳乐)卫⽣科学(医学科学)卫⽣毒理学和风险评估(公共卫⽣)系统信息学(护理)交通(⼟⽊⼯程)遗产研究(应⽤⼈类学)城市和社区设计历史城市和区域规划会计(⼯商管理/博⼠)⽔资源(⼟⽊⼯程)妇⼥健康(医学科学)⽆线电路和系统(电⽓⼯程)妇⼥研究博⼠课程⾼等教育,⾏政(课程与教学)特殊教育管理(教育计划发展)⾼等教育,社区⼤学教学(课程与教学)成⼈教育(课程和教学)历史成⼈教育(教育计划发展)⼯业⼯程⽼龄化研究⼯业卫⽣(公共卫⽣)过敏,免疫学和传染病(医学科学)⼯业组织⼼理学(⼼理学)分析化学(化学)信息系统(⼯商管理/博⼠)解剖学(医学科学)⽆机化学(化学)应⽤⼈类学教学技术(课程与教学)听⼒学跨学科(海洋科学)⾏为健康(公共卫⽣)跨学科教育(课程与教学)⽣物⽂化医学⼈类学(应⽤⼈类学)跨学科交通(⼟⽊⼯程)⽣物化学与分⼦⽣物学(医学科学)国际健康管理(公共卫⽣)⽣物化学(化学)⽂学(英语)⽣物海洋学(海洋科学)制造业(化学⼯程)⽣物学制造业(机械⼯程)⽣物医学与⽣物技术(化学⼯程)制造系统(⼯业⼯程)⽣物医学⼯程海洋资源评估(海洋科学)⽣物统计学(公共卫⽣)海洋科学⼯商管理/博⼠营销(⼯商管理/博⼠)癌症⽣物学材料(⼟⽊⼯程)职业和劳动⼒教育(课程和教学)母婴健康(公共卫⽣)细胞⽣物学,微⽣物学和分⼦⽣物学(⽣物学)数学化学⼯程测量与评估(课程与教学)化学海洋学(海洋科学)机械⼯程化学医学科学电路,控制和系统(电⽓⼯程)微⽣物学与免疫学(医学科学)⼟⽊⼯程微电⼦学(电⼦⼯程)临床和转化研究(医学科学)分⼦医学(医学科学)临床⼼理学(⼼理学)分⼦药理学与⽣理学(医学)科学)认知,神经科学和社会⼼理学(⼼理学)⾳乐学院领导(教育领导)⾳乐教育(⾳乐)沟通神经通信科学(通信科学与疾病)神经科学(医学科学)交流科学与疾病护理实践通信与信号处理(电⽓⼯程)护理科学社区与家庭健康(公共卫⽣)卫⽣专业⼈员职业健康(公共卫⽣)计算化学(化学)有机化学(化学)计算机科学与⼯程病理学和细胞⽣物学(医学科学)辅导员教育(课程与教学)病理学和检验医学(医学科学)犯罪学药理学和治疗学(医学科学)⽂化资源管理(应⽤⼈类学)哲学课程与教学哲学和宗教(哲学)数字建筑与设计(电⽓⼯程)物理化学(化学)幼⼉教育(课程与教学)物理海洋学(海洋科学)⽣态与进化(⽣物学)物理学(⼯程科学)经济学物理学,应⽤教育领导⽣理学和形态学(⽣物学)教育课程开发⾼分⼦化学(化学)电⼒系统(电⽓⼯程)⼼理学电⽓⼯程公共卫⽣公共卫⽣基础教育(课程与教学)教育(公共卫⽣)基础教育(教育程序开发)纯粹与应⽤(数学)⼯程管理(⼯业⼯程)定量分析(⼯业⼯程)⼯程科学阅读与语⾔艺术教育(课程与教学)英语修辞与写作(英语)环境与⽣态微⽣物学(⽣物学)学校⼼理学环境与职业健康(公共卫⽣)第⼆语⾔习得与教学技术环境化学(化学)中等教育(课程与教学)环境健康(公共卫⽣)社会⼯作流⾏病学(公共卫⽣)社会健康科学(公共卫⽣)流⾏病学与⽣物统计学(公共卫⽣)社会学⾦融(⼯商管理/博⼠)特殊教育(课程与教学)地理与环境科学与政策语⾔科学(通信科学与疾病)地质海洋学(海洋科学)统计学(数学)地质学结构(⼟⽊⼯程)岩⼟⼯程(⼟⽊⼯程)学⽣事务管理(课程与教学)全球传染病(公共卫⽣)英语教学(课程与教学)政府数学教学(课程与教学)卫⽣政策与管理(公共卫⽣)科学教与学(课程与教学)听⼒科学与听⼒学(传播科学与疾病)教学与学习社会科学(课程与教学)遗产研究(应⽤⼈类学)内容领域的教学与学习:通识教育(课程与教学)⽔资源(⼟⽊⼯程)毒理学与风险评估(公共卫⽣)⽆线电路与系统(电⽓⼯程)交通(⼟⽊⼯程)职业教育(教育计划发展)。



佛罗里达大学的计算机怎么样学校名称:美国佛罗里达大学(盖恩斯维尔) University of Florida (Gainesville)所在位置:美国,201 Criser Hall-PO Box 114000 Gainesville, FL 32611 (352) 392-3261创建时间:1853QS排名:95USNEWS排名:42录取率:0.43随着申请人数逐年增加,到美国留学的学生越来越多,佛罗里达大学是美国的一所著名大学,佛罗里达大学的计算机专业是很多学生想申请的热门专业,来看看的介绍吧!运算速度快。














解析几何与微积分(MAC 2311 & MAC 2312 Analytic Geometry and Calculus 1 & 2);统计学(STA 2023 or STA 3032 Statistics);编程基础一(COP 3502 Programming Fundamentals 1);编程基础二(COP 3503 Programming Fundamentals 2);离散结构应用(COT 3100 Applications of Discrete Structures);计算机组织概论(CDA 3101 Introduction to Computer Organization);数据与算法结构(COP 3530 Data and Algorithm Structures);操作系统(COP 4600 Operating Systems);此外,该系开设的研究实验室和中心包括:生物信息实验室(Bioinformatics Lab);生物识别技术与模式识别实验室(BPRL)(Biometrics and Pattern Recognition Lab (BPRL));计算科学与智能实验室(Computational Science and Intelligence Lab);视觉、图形与医学成像研究中心(Center for Vision, Graphics and Medical Imaging(CVGMI));数据库系统研究与开发中心(Database Systems Research & Development Center);数据科学研究小组(Data Science Research Group);图形、成像与光测量实验室(Graphics,Imaging & Light Measurement Lab (GILMLab));人为经验研究实验室(Human-Experience Research Lab (HXRL));移动与普适计算机实验室(Mobile and Pervasive Computing Laboratory);企业与基础设施东南安全研究中心(Southeastern Security forEnterprise and Infrastructure (SENSEI) Center)。



美国南佛罗里达大学开设专业汇集学校名称:美国佛罗里达大学(盖恩斯维尔) University of Florida (Gainesville)所在位置:美国,201 Criser Hall-PO Box 114000 Gainesville, FL 32611 (352) 392-3261创建时间:1853QS排名:95USNEWS排名:42录取率:0.43南佛罗里达大学有本科专业134个,硕士专业138个,博士专业90个。







美国密西根大学著名国际贸易学家Deardorff 搞了一张国际贸易学者的家谱(Family Tree of Trade Economists),有兴趣的读者可以在他的网页上查看。

该家谱上溯到19 世纪的马歇尔和陶西格,但1950 年(获博士年份)前所列者不过15 人,个个大名鼎鼎,包括获得诺贝尔奖的萨谬尔逊、里昂惕夫、俄林、米德。

1970 年后人数增加,但每年也不过10 几个人。

从名单上看,美国最大的国际贸易学者“产地”是Columbia, Harvard, MIT, Michingan,Princeton,Rochester,Stanford,Wisconsin,和Yale。



八十年代麻省理工学院的两位国际贸易学大师范Bhagwati 和Findlay 双双来到哥伦比亚大学,造就了哥大培养国际贸易学者的传统。

在1995年为Bhagwati 和2001 年为Findlay 所办学术庆典上,聚集了他们在不同学校培养出的学生。


顺便说一句,Bhagwati 是印度裔,Findlay是缅甸裔。



国际贸易研究如何搞?最近在读诺奖得主Shtgler 的自传《一位不受管制的经济学家》。

Stigler 的父母是没有多少文化的欧洲移民。

Stigler 谈到由于缺少父母指点,所以在大学里选了很多愚蠢的课程,起了弯路。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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They are extremely useful to be used to represent functions of phenomena that are periodic in nature.
Fourier Integral & Transform: Similar to Fourier series but extend its application to both periodic and non-periodic functions and phenomena.
a period of 2p .
To determine the coefficients, we need to multiply the equation by either cos(mx) or sin(mx) and recognize that cos(mx) cos(nx) 1 [cos(n m )x cos(n m )x]
First developed by the French mathematician Joseph Fourier (1768-1830)
Fourier Series
Why using Fourier analysis? Analyze the phenomena from timebasis to a frequency-basis analysis. It is simpler to describe a periodic function using Fourier description. Ex: a periodic time series can always be described by using its frequency and amplitude.
b m
1 p
f ( x ) sin(m x )dx, m 1, 2
In sum m ary, the E uler coefficients of a periodic function are:
a 0
1 2p
f (x)dx,
a n
1 p
f ( x ) cos(nx )dx, n 1, 2
n 1
To represent a function f(x) by the Fourier series, we need
to find the Fourier coefficients a0 , a1, b1, a2... and make sure that the sum of the series converges
b n
1 p
f ( x ) sin(nx )dx, n 1, 2
C hapter 10.2 in textbook (pp. 529-537)
a m
1 p
f(x)cos(m x)dx , m 1, 2,
E x :
1 p
Sim ilar practice can be used to determ in e the E uler coefficients
for the sine term s such that:
p {a0
[an cos(nx ) bn sin(nx )]}dx
n 1
p f ( x )d x a 0 p d x a 0 ( 2p ),
a 0
1 2p
f (x)dx
A ll higher order terms vanish since they are all periodic with
Fourier Analysis
Fourier Series: A Fourier series is a representation of a function using a series of sinusoidal functions of different “frequencies”. (Recall: Taylor & other power series expansions in Calculus II)
2 cos(m x) sin(nx) 1 [sin(n m ) x sin(n m ) x]
The new functions are still periodic with a period of 2p ,
except when n=m. Therefore, integrating these terms
with the real function f(x) as n .
Read pp. 534-536 in text for proof of convergence.
Euler Formulas
Represent a periodic function f(x) of period 2p by the Fourier
p cos(nx)cos(mx)dx bn
sin(nx) cos(mx)dx]
All cos(nx)cos(mx) terms All sin(nx)cos(mx) terms vanish Vanish except when n=m
cos(mx) cos(nx) 1 [cos(n m )x cos(n m )x] 2
1 [cos(2mx) cos(0)] 1 1 cos(2mx)
The latter term will vanish when integrating between -p and p .
T herefore,
p f(x )c os(m x )d x 1
p amdx p am
between -p to p will lead to the disppearance of all
terms except the cosine termsdic, vanishes
f(x)cos(mx)dx= -p
p a0 cos(mx)dx
f ( x ) a0 [an cos(nx ) bn sin(nx )]
n 1
Determine the Euler coefficients by integrating both sides from
-p to p , taking advantage of the fact that a periodic function with a 2p period will vanish when integrated within this range.
A periodic function f(x) has a period of p is f(x)=f(x+p), that is, the function repeats itself every interval of length p
Trigonometric series: 1, cos(x), sin(x), cos(2x), sin(2x), … These functions all have the period of 2p
The Fourier series is the sum of the trigonometric terms:
a0 a1 cos( x ) b1 sin( x ) a2 cos(2 x ) b2 sin(2 x ) ... or
a0 [an cos(nx ) bn sin(nx )]