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vi.联盟; 陪伴同事 He was accused of associating with known criminals. 他与众人皆知的罪犯们交往而受到谴责。 n.合伙人; 伴侣,同志; 非正式会员 adj.联合的; 合伙的; 非正式的; (性质上)有密切联系的 associate professor
If she is poor, at least she is honest. 她虽贫穷,但诚实。
[英][əˈsə ʊʃieɪt][美][əˈso ʊʃieɪt]
vt.(使)发生联系; (使)联合; 结交; 联想 She associates herself with good company. 她和良友结交。
1. (表示条件)如果,引导条件状语从句
If you ask him, he will help you.
b、如果从句用过去时,表示不可能实现,此时主 句用虚拟语气
If I were a boy, I could turn off my phone.
c、如果从句用过去完成时,表示过去为实现的条 件,主句也用虚拟语气
According to ethicists, the most forgivable and acceptable lies are based on princaple of caring and love instead of trust.
Tooth Fairy
故事是说,5岁左右小孩子,开始要换第一颗牙了,掉的牙都要用手帕 包好,睡觉前放到枕头下,在梦中牙仙就会到来,取走牙齿,放上零花 钱。掉了乳牙的孩子醒了,好高兴啊?有了自己可以支配的钱了,换牙 的痛苦和丑小鸭式的牙齿也不会关注了,也不会在乎别的小朋友对自己 豁牙的讥笑了。小孩子喜欢牙仙,最起码减少了许多他们对牙齿脱落的 恐惧啊?现实生活中的牙仙当然是妈妈啦,妈妈会把钱准备好,把牙齿 收集起来等所有的乳牙都收集齐了。小孩子也快12岁了,这个时候,妈 妈就真的变成牙仙了,也就在这个时候,孩子的牙齿也从丑小鸭式变成 白天鹅样了,一个真的白天鹅来了。
(Paragraph 16)
Are all white lies to be avoided at all costs? Not necessarily. The most understandable and forgivable lies are an exchange of what ethicists refer to as the principle of trust for the principle of caring, "like telling children about the tooth fairy, or deceiving someone to set them up for a surprise party," Josephson says. "Still, we must ask ourselves if we are willing to give our friends and associates the authority to lie to us whenever they think it is for our own good."
If they had startied earlier, they would have arrived.
2. 是否 = whether ,引导宾语从句
I wonder if she is ill. 我在想她是否生病了。
3. 虽然,纵然;引导让步状语从句,译成“”,“即使” 等中文词语,在意义上相当于although,even though,或even if。
The most understandable and forgivable lies are an exchange of what ethicists refer to as the principle of trust for the principle of caring.
ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu