




下面小编为大家整理的高考语文易错字词,希望对大家有所帮助!高考语文易错字词积累一(括号内是正确的)001.爱带(戴) 002.白晰(皙)003.爆乱(暴) 004.报筹(酬)005.暴炸(爆) 006.卑却(怯)007.辩析(辨) 008.恶耗(噩)009.材华(才) 010.喝采(彩)011.翱游(遨) 012.娘两(俩)013.更叠(迭) 014.恰商(洽)015.起迄(讫) 016.沾辱(玷)017.中裁(仲) 018.雕彻(砌)019.陷井(阱) 020.劈谣(辟)021.明片(名) 022.梦餍(魇)023.缈视(藐) 024.募然(蓦)025.蓦捐(募) 026.通辑(缉)027.杂踏(沓) 028.奕棋(弈)029.疏峻(浚) 030.吉详(祥) 031.肖象(像) 032.开消(销) 033.撕杀(厮) 034.膺品(赝) 035.贮立(伫) 036.绉纹(皱) 037.躁热(燥) 038.肿涨(胀) 039.羁靡(縻) 040.描模(摹) 041.遨翔(翱) 042.振撼(震) 043.呕气(怄) 044.亵赎(渎) 045.恢谐(诙) 046.渲泄(宣) 047.宣染(渲) 048.延申(伸) 049.奢糜(靡) 050.毗临(邻) 051.骠悍(剽) 052.永决(诀) 053.欧打(殴) 054.座落(坐) 055.幅射(辐) 056.拥带(戴) 057.煤碳(炭) 058.编篡(纂) 059.按磨(摩) 060.爆躁(暴) 061.蜇居(蛰) 062.下功夫(工) 063.显象管(像) 064.爆发户(暴) 065.造事者(肇) 066.纹身(文) 067.座标系(坐)068.照像机(相) 069.暖哄哄(烘)070.明信片(名)071.坐右铭(座)072.天然汽(气)073.煤汽机(气) 074.引伸义(申)075.雄赳赳(纠) 076.冷不妨(防)077.裨官野史(稗)078.百练成钢(炼)079.火山暴发(爆)080.和霭可亲(蔼)081.爱不失手(释)082.爱乌及屋(乌)083.安份守己(分)084.按居乐业(安)085.暗然泪下(黯)086.黯无天日(暗)087.敖敖待哺(嗷)088.飞扬拔扈(跋)089.绝不罢休(决)090.白壁微瑕(璧)091.英雄倍出(辈)092.半途而费(废)093.哀声叹气(唉)094.山洪爆发(暴)095.武装爆动(暴)096.五色斑澜(斓)097.百步串杨(穿)098.百尺杆头(竿)099.罢绌百家(黜)100.百战不贻(殆)高考语文易错字词积累二(括号外为使用正确的词)看过“高考语文易错字词积累"的还看了:。



高考指明灯:高考英语易混易错36个词组高考指明灯:高考英语易混易错36个词组高考英语易混易错36个词组1) quite 相当;quiet 安静地2) affect v. 影响,假装;effect n. 结果,影响;3) adapt 适应;adopt 采用;adept 内行;4) angel 天使;angle 角度;5) dairy 牛奶厂;diary 日记;6) contend 奋斗,斗争;content 内容,满足的;context 上下文;contest 竞争,比赛;7) principal 校长,主要的;principle 原则;8) implicit 含蓄的;explicit 明白的。

9) dessert 甜食;desert 沙漠v 放弃;dissert 写论文;10) pat 轻拍;tap 轻打;slap 掌击;rap 敲,打;11) decent 正经的;descent n 向下,血统;descend v 向下;12) sweet 甜的;sweat 汗水;13) later 后来;latter 后者;latest 最近的;lately adv 最近;14) costume 服装;custom 习惯;15) extensive 广泛的;intensive 深刻的;16) aural 耳的;oral 口头的`;17) abroad 国外;aboard 上(船,飞机);18) altar 祭坛;alter 改变;19) assent 同意;ascent 上升;accent 口;20) champion 冠军;champagne 香槟酒;campaign 战役;21) baron 男爵;barren 不毛之地的;barn 古仓;22) beam 梁,光束;bean 豆;been be的过去式;23) precede 领先;proceed 进行,继续;24) pray 祈祷;prey 猎物;25) chicken 鸡;kitchen 厨房;26) monkey 猴子;donkey 驴;27) chore 家务活;chord 和弦;cord 细绳;28) cite 引用;site 场所;sight 视觉;29) clash (金属)幢击声;crash 碰幢,坠落;crush 压;30) compliment 赞美;complement 附加物;31) confirm 确认;conform 使顺从;32) contact 接触;contract 合同;contrast 对照;33) council 议会;counsel 忠告;consul 领事;34) crow 乌鸦;crown 王冠;clown 小丑;cow 牛;35) dose 一剂药;doze 打盹;36) drawn draw 的过去分词;drown 溺水;。



类型1 设题陷阱1.“动词(短语)+介词to”类常见短语object to,be used to, stick to,pay attention to, look forward to, make contributions to等后应该接v- ing形式。

2.容易多加介词的固定搭配would rather do,had better do,make sb do,hear/see/watch sb dooffer/give/pass/send sb sthapproach sb3.不认识系动词常见系动词有keep,stay,remain,look,smell,sound,feel,become,get,grow4搭配省了介词,导致忘加ing例如:prevent sb (from)doing sth;have difficulty (in)doing sth;spend time/money (in)doing sth5.不用于被动语态的动词1:一些不能接宾语地动词短语没有被动语态例如:take place;happen;belong to;break out2:常见的系动词没有被动语态例如:look,sound,feel,smell,become,grow等6.以ly结尾的形容词被误认为副词friendly,lovely,lonely,likely,motherly7.以e或le结尾的形容词变副词大多数形容词变副词直接在后面加上ly即可,少数以e和le结尾的需要去掉e,再加y,如:true➡truly;probable➡probably;possible➡possibly;terrible➡terribly,simple➡simply;comfortable➡comfortably;gentle➡gently;horrible➡horribly8.容易多加the的情况固定词组中多加the:in public;in danger;in favor of;make progress;in hospital;名词前多加the:例如nature,society前不需要the9.混淆定语从句中选择关系副词还是关系代词①判断从句中成分是否缺失是选择关系代词或关系副词的关键,即便先行词是表示原因、地点、时间的名词,但如果在定语从句中缺少主语或宾语,那么还是要选择关系代词,不能盲目地选择why,where,when。



高考易混淆成语100组1. 目无全牛——形容技艺达到极其纯熟的地步。


2. 首鼠两端——形容迟疑不决或动摇不定。


3. 首当其冲——比喻最先受到攻击或遭遇灾难。


4. 溢美之词——表示过分赞美的言词。


5. 蓬荜生辉——谦辞,表示由于别人到自己家里来或张挂别人给自己题赠的字画等而使自己非常光荣。


6. 风马牛不相及——比喻事物彼此毫不相干。


7. 惊弓之鸟——比喻受过惊吓的人遇到一点动静就害怕。


8. 八仙过海——比喻各自拿出本领或办法,互相竞赛。


9. 拭目以待——形容殷切期望或密切关注事态的动向及结果。


10. 朝三暮四——比喻反复无常,也用来形容人善于使用手段,用假象迷惑人。


11. 不知所云——形容说话内容混乱,无法理解。


12. 危言危行——说正直的话,做正直的事。


13. 三人成虎——比喻说的人多了,就能使人们把谣言当成事实。


14. 美轮美奂——形容新屋高大美观,也形容装饰、布置等美好漂亮。


15. 首屈一指——扳指头计算,首先弯下大拇指,表示第一。



16. 侃侃而谈——形容说话理直气壮,从容不迫。


17. 空空如也——形容一无所有或空虚寂寞的样子。


18. 侧目而视——形容畏惧而又愤恨。


19. 良莠不齐——好人坏人都有,混杂在一起。


20. 明日黄花——比喻过时的事物或消息。


21. 师心自用——形容固执己见,自以为是。




半途而废(形容做事中途放弃,不坚持到底)画饼充饥(比喻空想,不能解决实际问题)主次不分(形容分辨轻重缓急的能力差,无法正确安排事务) 纸上谈兵(比喻空谈理论而没有实践的经验)双管齐下(形容同时采取两种或多种方式进行处理)牵头制约(形容扮演主导角色和制约他人行动)废寝忘食(形容全神贯注、不顾一切地投入工作或学习)选优配弱(形容把优秀的人和普通的人配对,以提高整体水平) 束手无策(形容手中没有合适的办法或措施)顺手牵羊(比喻趁机偷窃他人的财物)开源节流(既要增加收入、又要节省开支)自由自在(形容处于自由自在的状态,没有受到束缚)风生水起(形容事物繁荣、兴旺发展)壮志凌云(形容志向远大,意气风发)循规蹈矩(形容人遵守规章制度,守纪律)迫在眉睫(形容问题紧迫到了眼前,需要立即解决)一命呜呼(形容丧命)异口同声(形容众人对同一事物发表的意见完全一致)克己奉公(形容毫不私心自私,全心全意为公众服务)合情合理(形容符合情理、合乎道理)随遇而安(形容接受当前的命运,随遇而安)狼吞虎咽(形容吃东西时非常贪婪,毫不择食)盲人摸象(比喻只根据个别片面的经验,来断定事物的全貌) 喜忧参半(形容喜和忧同时存在,心情复杂)强词夺理(比喻用武断的话来压服对方,掩盖事实真相)爱莫能助(形容对别人的困难或危险感到无能为力)两全其美(形容达到两个目标,两方面都满意)偷工减料(比喻做事敷衍了事,质量不高)纷至沓来(形容事物多而密集,接连不断)百折不挠(形容坚持不懈,屡次受挫但不放弃)昙花一现(比喻事物短暂而珍贵,一闪而过)艰苦奋斗(形容以艰难困苦为前提,努力奋斗)胸有成竹(形容事先有了周密周到的计划、策略)煞费苦心(形容花费很大的心思和精力)引人注目(形容引起人们的注意,十分引人注目)不折不扣(形容彻底、完全,毫无保留)枝节横生(比喻事物繁杂复杂,纷乱不堪)望尘莫及(形容追赶的人无法赶上领先者的速度)一败涂地(形容遭到彻底的失败)锦上添花(形容在好的基础上再增加更好的东西)马到成功(指事情或计划非常顺利,迅速取得成功)一意孤行(比喻坚持己见,不听他人的劝告)推己及人(指以自己的情况推测别人的情况)兴高采烈(形容非常高兴兴奋的样子)风平浪静(形容形势平稳,没有风浪波动)艰苦卓绝(形容经历艰难困苦,最终取得卓越成就)心怀叵测(形容内心阴险、用心不明)宁可玉碎,不肯瓦全(宁可失去一切,也不愿妥协或退缩) 因循守旧(形容墨守成规,不思进取)没齿难忘(形容记忆非常深刻,时间久远也不会忘记)无懈可击(形容没有漏洞和可攻击的弱点)无所适从(形容没有明确的方向或决策的困扰)应接不暇(形容事情繁忙多样,来不及应付)一分为二(指将一个整体划分为两个互相对立的部分)循序渐进(指按照次序逐步推进,循规蹈矩)雪上加霜(比喻本来糟糕的情况变得更糟)目不转睛(形容目光专注,不分神)心领神会(形容能够心领神会,明白别人的意思)自相短裁(比喻自相矛盾,自己否定自己)全力以赴(指全身心地投入到某项工作或事情中去)友谊长存(形容朋友之间的友谊经得起时间的考验)自强不息(指不断努力,奋发向前,永不放弃)三心二意(形容心思不集中,意志不坚定)不翼而飞(形容东西突然神秘地失去或消失)改过自新(指改正错误,重新做人)默默无闻(形容在默默中奋斗,不为外界所知)事半功倍(形容付出较少的努力,但收获较大的结果)心有余而力不足(指有志向和决心,但能力不够)天衣无缝(形容工作或事情处理得无懈可击)同舟共济(形容在困难时互相帮助,共同度过难关)闭门造车(形容只凭自己的主观想象办事,不接受外界的意见和建议) 见仁见智(形容人们对同一件事情有不同的看法和评价)眼高手低(形容对事物有很高的要求,但实际能力较差)本末倒置(形容处理事情时把主次、轻重颠倒了)东施效颦(指模仿别人不合适的样子,结果变得更糟)目瞪口呆(形容惊讶到连眼睛和嘴巴都合不拢的状态)大惑不解(形容对某件事情非常困惑,不明白其中的道理)望洋兴叹(形容事与愿违,感到无能为力或失望)人浮于事(形容人太多,而工作或任务不足以分配给所有人)不屈不挠(形容坚持不懈,毫不退缩)得过且过(比喻过得马马虎虎,不求上进)手舞足蹈(形容非常高兴,跳跃欢快)投桃报李(形容以礼相待,以德回报)画地为牢(比喻用虚构的边界限制自己的行动自由)功亏一篑(形容因为点滴细节疏忽而导致整个工作失败)守口如瓶(比喻对秘密保守得极其严密)势如破竹(形容势头迅猛,像劈竹子一样容易突破)草木皆兵(比喻因过度惊慌而产生恐惧)高人一等(形容某人的水平或地位非常高)过河拆桥(比喻达到目的后,毫不顾及他人的利益)隔岸观火(比喻置身事外,只看不管)坐立不安(形容心情焦虑不安,无法平静自己)青红皂白(形容事情的真相或是非曲直)一暴十寒(形容学习或工作时断断续续,效果不好)自相残杀(比喻内部相互矛盾,互相损害)一帆风顺(形容事情顺利进行,没有任何阻碍)以毒攻毒(比喻用与对方相同的手段对付对方)桃李满天下(形容学生或门徒散布到各地,成就辈出)狡兔三窟(形容有备而来,有多个藏身之处)针锋相对(比喻双方处于敌对状态,你来我往)势不可挡(形容势力强大,无法抵挡)不堪一击(形容非常脆弱,一点即破)愚公移山(比喻意志坚强,不屈不挠)一言不发(形容不发一言,保持沉默)弄巧成拙(比喻本来机灵的手段反而引起适得其反)衣食无忧(形容生活优裕,不缺乏衣食)杯弓蛇影(比喻疑神疑鬼,猜疑过度,心里担忧)井底之蛙(比喻视野狭窄,见闻少,不开化)远水救不了近火(比喻无关痛痒地帮助,不能解决实际问题) 守株待兔(比喻坐等机会到来,不主动积极行动)对牛弹琴(形容对不懂事物的人做无谓的解释或演示)牛头不对马嘴(比喻说话或论述不通顺,前后矛盾)七上八下(形容心情焦急、不安定)画龙点睛(比喻在文章或事物的关键处加上重要的点缀或说明) 叶公好龙(比喻外表虚有其表,喜欢虚荣而没有真才实学)一蹴而就(形容事情迅速而轻松地完成)不劳而获(形容不经过努力就能得到好处)狐假虎威(比喻依靠别人的势力来欺压人)见义勇为(形容见到正义事物就毫不犹豫地勇敢行动)门可罗雀(形容门户冷落,门庭冷清)自相矛盾(形容言行或思想相互矛盾)目空一切(形容瞧不起别人,自视甚高)刻舟求剑(形容坚持过去的方法或观念,不能适应新的情况) 顾此失彼(形容在做一件事情的时候忽略了另一件事情)11.家喻户晓(形容非常有名,家家户户都知道)小题大作(形容一个小问题被夸大成了大问题)言简意赅(形容用简练的语言、形象的文字表达出深刻的意思) 事倍功半(形容付出的努力和得到的成果不成比例)喜出望外(形容事情发展得超出预期,非常高兴)出类拔萃(形容在某个方面有突出的才能或成就)举一反三(比喻通过一个例子可以推广到其他类似的情况)安居乐业(形容生活安定,工作愉快)背道而驰(形容双方理念、行动完全相反)安步当车(比喻行走步伐轻松自在,态度从容)画蛇添足(指在完美的事物上做无必要的修饰)知足常乐(形容满足于现有的状况,享受平凡的生活)推崇备至(形容对某人非常推崇敬仰)老马识途(比喻有经验的人对事物的了解和处理能力)咎由自取(形容遭受不好的结果是自己咎由自取)杀鸡取卵(比喻为了追求小利而损害大局)杞人忧天(比喻无端担心或过分担忧)名副其实(形容名字和实际情况完全相符)当局者迷(形容局中人对事情的判断或认识不够清楚)力不从心(形容自己的能力不足以应付需要的工作或任务)牵强附会(形容勉强把不相干的事物勉强联系在一起)三言两语(形容言谈简短,不多说话)勇往直前(形容勇敢向前,毫不退缩)无中生有(形容凭空捏造或无中生有)自作自受(比喻自己做错事情后自己承担后果)善于利用(形容懂得充分利用资源或机会)南辕北辙(比喻说一套做一套,言行相反)炙手可热(形容非常受欢迎或重视)以身作则(指做出榜样,以自己的行动影响他人)开门见山(比喻说话直截了当,不拐弯抹角)入木三分(形容笔力深刻,刻画逼真)明察秋毫(比喻观察敏锐,洞察事物的本质)不识时务(形容对变化中的时代潮流或事物不了解)乘风破浪(比喻勇往直前,奋发向前)按部就班(按照计划、步骤有条不紊地进行)临渴掘井(比喻事到临头才开始慌张着手准备)一网打尽(一网捕获全部的,形容一举解决问题)患得患失(形容经常担心失去已有的或将要得到的)苦口婆心(形容极为辛勤、忠恳地劝诫或规劝)心安理得(心中安定且有充分的理由)揠苗助长(比喻急于求成,反而弄巧成拙)九牛一毛(形容数量极少,跟总量相比微不足道)恍然大悟(事情突然明白过来)返璞归真(比喻回到本源,恢复本来的样子)隔靴搔痒(比喻办事方法不得要领,没有真正解决问题) 金玉良言(比喻非常宝贵的忠告或建议)窃窃私语(暗中低声议论)跳梁小丑(比喻妄图出人头地,却引人发笑)无可厚非(表示没有什么大的过错或错误,不能指摘) 讨价还价(互相还价,为了达成协议而讨论价格)井井有条(形容安排有序,井然有序)大智若愚(形容聪明人不露锋芒,装作愚笨的样子) 犬牙交错(形容纷乱无章)见利忘义(追求个人利益而忘记了道义和义务)走马观花(形容匆忙浏览、不细致)深思熟虑(指仔细思考,成熟的考虑)助纣为虐(帮助坏人做坏事)追根溯源(追寻事物的起源或来历)耳濡目染(通过长期接触而受到影响)按图索骥(按照图样,找到理想的对象)心照不宣(心里明白但口头上不说出来)死气沉沉(指事物没有生气,缺乏活力)青出于蓝(形容学生或后辈的成就超过前辈或老师)。



























































































高考易错的500个四字词语(1)基础试题2009-06-18 1124高考易错的500个四字词语(括号中的字为错字)A和蔼(霭)可亲唉(哀)声叹气安(按)装机器黯(暗)然销魂黯(暗)然失色道理深奥(粤) 佶屈聱(骛)牙飞扬跋(拔)扈B纵横捭(俾)阖稗(裨)官野史甘拜(败)下风坂(板)上走丸略见一斑(般)班(搬)门弄斧绊(拌)脚之石斑(班)驳陆离比分扳(板)平安邦(帮)定国气势磅(滂)礴自暴(曝)自弃英雄辈(倍)出并行不悖(背) 艰苦备(倍)尝关怀备(倍)至杯(抔)水车薪刚愎(腹)自用民生凋敝(蔽) 遮天蔽(避)日大有裨(稗)益还璧(壁)归赵白璧(壁)微瑕金碧(壁)辉煌锋芒毕(必)露比比(彼)皆是奴颜婢(卑)膝蓬荜(壁)增辉麻痹(庳)大意明(辩)辨是非辩(辨)证理论残编(篇)断简针砭(贬)时弊按部(步)就班部(布)署已定筚(毕)路蓝缕C相辅相成(承) 一张一弛(驰) 惨(残)无人道篡(窜)改政策窜(篡)改文件明察(查)秋毫酒中掺(渗)水为虎作伥(帐) 扬长(常)而去老生常(长)谈天崩地坼(折) 清澈(沏)见底诚(城)惶诚恐称(趁)心如意良辰(晨)美景城(成)下之盟计日程(成)功驰骋(聘)疆场游日骋(聘)怀瞠(嗔)目结舌故作矜持(恃) 人所不齿(耻) 嗤(斥)之以鼻一筹(愁)莫展觥筹(畴)交错忧心忡忡(重) 充(冲)耳不闻相形见绌(拙) 椎(捶)心泣血川(穿)流不息别出心裁(才) 因材(才)施教刺刺(剌)不休义不容辞(词) 义正词(辞)严含糊其辞(词) 闪烁其辞(词) 隐约其辞(词) 出类拔萃(粹) 强词(辞)夺理信口雌(词)黄编纂(篡)字典不知所措(错) 鞠躬尽瘁(粹)D披星戴(带)月感恩戴(载)德严惩不贷(待) 以逸待(代)劳责无旁贷(代)殚(惮)精竭虑肆无忌惮(殚) 虎视眈眈(耽) 腾挪跌宕(荡) 投机倒(捣)把循规蹈(韬)矩中流砥(抵)柱一语破的(地) 喋喋(谍)不休叠(迭)床架屋玷(沾)污清白掉(调)以轻心瘦骨伶仃(丁) 横渡(度)长江欢度(渡)春节连篇累牍(椟) 一刀两断(段) 堕(坠)落腐化咄咄(拙)逼人。



高考考前阅读:50个常错词语优选份高考考前阅读:50个常错词语 1一、翘首(读qiáo、不是读成qiào)二、莘莘学子(读shēn、不是读成xīng)三、吞噬(读shì、不是读成shí)四、挑剔(读tī、不是读成tì)五、字帖(读tiè、不是读成tiē)六、徇私(读xùn、不是读成xún)七、笨拙(读zhuō、不是读成zhuó)八、远见卓识(读zhuō、不是读成zhuó)九、连累(lěi)、硕果累累(léi)十、钥匙(shi)、汤匙(chǐ)十一、强迫、强词夺理、强人所难(qiǎng、不是读成qiáng)十二、炽热(读chì、不是读成zhì)十三、揣着书(读chuāi、不是读成chuǎi)十四、逮捕(读dài、不是读成dǎi)十五、掂量(读diān、不是读成diàn)十六、__(读guì、不是读成kuài)十七、友谊(读yì、不是读成yí)十八、熬菜(读āo、不是读成áo)十九、秘鲁(读bì、不是读成mì)二十、惩罚(读chéng、不是读成chěng)二十一、下载(读zài、不是读成zǎi)二十二、通缉(读jī、不是读成jí)__、渲染(读xuàn、不是读成xuān)__、投奔(读bèn、不是读成bēn)二十五、蹊跷(读qī qiāo、不是读成qī qiào)二十六、洁癖(读pǐ、不是读成pì)二十七、压轴(读zhòu、不是读成zhóu)二十八、豁出去(读huō、不是读成huò)二十九、混水摸鱼(读hún、不是读成hùn)三十、一哄而散(读hòng、不是读成hōng)三十一、诲人不倦”(读huì、不是读成huǐ)三十二、华山(读huà、不是读成huá)三十三、哈达(读hǎ、不是读成hā)三十四、嫉妒(读jí、不是读成jì)__、汗流浃背(读jiā、不是读成jiá)三十六、龟裂(读jūn、不是读成guī)三十七、倔强(读jué、不是读成juè)三十八、揩油(读kāi、不是读成kǎi)三十九、框架(读kuàng、不是读成kuāng)四十、埋怨(读mán、不是读成mái)四十一、联袂(读mèi、不是读成jué)四十二、泯灭(读mǐn、不是读成mín)四十三、拘泥(读nì、不是读成ní)四十四、昵称(读nì、不是读成ní)四十五、宁可(读nìng、不是读成níng)四十六、呕心沥血(读ǒu、不是读成ōu)四十七、奇葩(读pā、不是读成pá)四十八、创伤(读chuāng、不是读成chuàng)四十九、亲戚(读qī、不是读成qì)五十、纤夫(读qiàn、不是读成qiān)。






1.桀(傲)不驯骜“骜”表示马不驯良2.良(秀)不齐莠“莠”指狗尾草3.飞扬(拔)扈跋“跋扈”指专横暴戾4.刚(腹)自用愎“愎”表示任性,且读音不同5.并行不(背)悖“悖”表示违反违背6.计日功(成)程“程”表示估量考核7.(趁)心如意称“称”意为符合,“称心”即符合心愿8.鞠躬尽(粹)瘁“瘁”表示劳累,尽瘁意为竭尽心力9.(惮)精竭虑殚“殚”表示竭尽10.翻云(复)雨覆“覆”表示覆盖11.破(斧)沉舟釜“釜”表示锅,“破釜”是指把饭锅打破12.三(笺)其口缄“缄”指封,“笺”指书信、纸张、文体名13.直(接)了当截“截”表示割断,弄断14.功亏一(匮)篑“篑”表示盛土的筐子15.陈词(烂)调滥“滥”表示空泛16.雷(历)风行厉“厉”表示猛烈,“雷厉”指像雷那样猛烈17.火中取(粟)栗“栗”指栗子,“粟”指小米,一种粮食作物,读音亦不同18.轻歌(慢)舞曼“曼”表示轻柔,不是快慢之意19.风(糜)一时靡“靡”指顺风倒下;“糜”指粉碎、捣烂、消耗20.不(明)一文名“名”指占有21.(磐)竹难书罄“罄”意为尽,“磐”表示厚而大的石头22.怙恶不(俊)悛“悛”指改过,悔改23.含辛(如)苦茹“茹”指吃,“茹苦”即吃尽苦头24.(挺)而走险铤“铤”指快跑的样子25.大相径(廷)庭“庭”指院子,“径庭”有悬殊、偏激之意26.(妄)费心机枉“枉”指白白地27.(宣)宾夺主喧“喧”指声音大28.(殉)私舞弊徇“徇”指曲从29.(偃)苗助长揠“揠”指拔起30.(揠)旗息鼓偃“偃”仰卧,引申为倒下31.(沓)无音信杳“杳”指消失,不见踪影,读音不同,注意字形的细微差别32.苦心孤(旨)诣“诣”指学问等所达到的境界33.(遗)笑大方贻“贻”指让人笑话34.相形见(拙)绌“绌”指不够、不如、不足35.宵衣(干)食旰“旰”指天已晚36.前(踞)后恭倨“倨”指傲慢,怠慢37.(插)血为盟歃“歃”古人盟会时,嘴唇涂上牲畜的血,表示诚意38.(肄)无忌惮肆“肆”表示放肆39.向(偶)而泣隅“隅”指墙角,读音为“yú”,“偶”读音为“[ǒu]”40.断壁残(恒)垣“垣”指矮墙,也泛指墙,“垣”读音为“yuán”41.改弦更(章)张“张”指给乐器上弦42.动(辙)得咎辄“辄”意为就43.仗义(直)言执“执”坚持,“执言”指说公道话44.莫(中)一是衷“衷”表示折中,断定45.真知(卓)见灼“灼”指明白,透彻46.(捉)发难数擢“擢”指拔47.(谬)以千里谬“谬”指错误荒谬48.精诚所(致)至“至”表示到,“精诚所至”意为人的诚心所到49.天网(灰灰)恢恢“恢恢”表示广大的样子50.形影相(掉)吊“吊”表示慰问51.不(恻)风云测“测” 表示推测、预料52.(望)年之交忘“忘”指忘记,“忘年”指不拘年岁、辈分53.暗(剑)伤人箭“箭”为弓箭,成语指暗中射箭杀伤别人,即放冷箭伤害人54.(搬)门弄斧班“班”指鲁班,我国春秋时期鲁国人,著名的木匠55.毕(躬)毕敬恭“恭”指恭敬56.(常)年累月长“长年”指整年57.警钟(常)鸣长“长”表示长久地,“警钟长鸣”表示警惕的钟声长久地响58.老生(长)谈常“常”表示经常,“老生常谈”指老书生经常说的话59.(城)门立雪程“程”指程颐,北宋理学家和教育家60.开(城)布公诚“诚”指诚心,“开诚布公”指以诚心待人,坦白无私61.重(倒)覆辙蹈“蹈”表示踏62.待价而(估)沽“沽”表示卖63.一言九(顶)鼎“鼎”是古代烹煮用的器物,“九鼎”,古代国家的宝器,象征九州64.东施(笑)颦效“效”表示效仿65.一饮而(进)尽“尽”表示完66.劳而无(工)功“功”表示没有功效67.再接再(励)厉“厉”磨,引申为奋勉,努力68.(篷)荜生辉蓬“蓬”表示用蓬草编的门69.开天(劈)地辟“辟”开,打开,开发70.耳(儒)目染濡“濡”表示沾湿71.水火不(溶)容“容”表示相容72.金榜(提)名题“题”表示写上,签署,“题名”表示写上名字73.生灵(途)炭涂“涂”表示泥沼74.如火如(茶)荼“荼”茅草的白花,草字头下为“余”,注意字形间细微差别75.未雨绸(谋)缪“绸缪”表示紧密缠缚76.(文)丝不动纹“纹”表示极小或很少,一点儿或极为细微的线77.(消)声匿迹销“销”同“消”,表示减少、消除78.永(保)青春葆“葆”的意思是“草木繁茂”79.竭泽而(鱼)渔“渔”表示捕鱼80.旁(证)博引征“征”表示寻求81.一见(衷)情钟“钟”表示集中,“钟情”表示爱情专注82.(咳)不容缓刻“刻”指短暂的时间83.(沤)心沥血呕“呕”指吐84.不(黯)世事谙“谙”意思为了解,懂得85.赔(理)道歉礼“赔礼”是承认自己的有错,以礼代赔86.难以(琢磨)捉摸“捉摸”表示猜测或估量87.白璧无(暇)瑕“瑕”表示玉上的杂色斑点88.百孔千(窗)疮“疮”表示伤痛痛苦89.包罗万(项)象“万象”指各方面的情况90.不枝不(漫)蔓“蔓”指的是藤蔓,引申为蔓延91.不卑不(抗)亢“亢”意为高傲92.不知所(错)措“措”表示安置,处理93.不(加)思索假“假”表示借助;假借;依靠94.不甘(势)弱示“示”表示显示,表现95.不可名(壮)状“状”表示描绘,形容96.(保)残守缺抱“抱”表示坚持不放97.(倍)受欢迎备“备”表示尽、全98.背(景)离乡井“井”表示古制八家为井,引申为乡里,家宅99.不(记)其数计“计”表示计算100.(烦)文缛节繁“繁”表示繁琐的。



1. 错字:常见的易错字包括“是”和“错”,“他”和“她”,“你”和“您”,“着”和“著”等等。


2. 近义词混淆:有些近义词容易混淆,如“朋友”和“友人”,“喜欢”和“喜爱”,“美丽”和“漂亮”等等。


3. 词性误用:有些词有多种词性,如“兴奋”可以是形容词也可


4. 用词不当:有时候使用了词义不当的词语,比如说错用了形容词代替动词或名词。


5. 简繁体字混用:有些同音字,在简体和繁体之间有细微差别,在写作时要根据所用的字体选择合适的写法。

6. 外来词拼写错误:一些外来词的拼写容易出错,比如英语的单词、日语的假名等等。


7. 写错了偏旁部首:在一些复杂的汉字中,偏旁部首是构成汉字的一个重要组成部分,容易出现写错的情况。


8. 混淆字音:有些字的读音很接近,容易混淆,如“狂”和“抗”,“尖”和“检”,“抓”和“拽”等等。


9. 字形相似:有些字的字形很相似,容易写错。



10. 偏误:有些词语常常容易误认偏旁,比如“捉”和“拘”,“盲”和“日”,“父”和“母”等等。





下面是店铺为大家整理的高考语文易错词语,希望对大家有所帮助!高考语文易错词语积累一注意:括号里面才是正确的1.哀(唉)声叹气2.按(安)装3.金壁(碧)辉煌4.针(砭)5.惨(残)忍6.璀灿(璨)7.检察(查)作业8.为人所不耻(齿)9.一愁(筹)莫展10.精萃(粹)11.看的(得)上眼12.提心掉(吊)胆13.迭(跌)宕起伏14.重迭(叠)15.渡(度)假村16.防犯(范)17.防(妨)碍18.入不付(敷)出19.扶(抚)慰20.一幅(副)对联21.重蹈复(覆)辙22.竹杆(竿)23.卑恭(躬)屈膝24.鬼斧神功(工)25.勾(沟)通信息26.悬梁刺骨(股)27.全神灌(贯)注28.贵(桂)冠29.貌和(合)神离30.迫不急(及)待31.挖墙角(脚)32.不径(胫)而走33.巨(剧)烈34.中恳(肯)35.馈(匮)乏36.兰(蓝)天37.泛烂(滥)成灾38.发楞(愣)39.变本加利(厉)40.再接再励(厉)41.鼎立(力)相助42.权利(力)斗争43.厉(利)害关系44.姐妹俩(两)个 45.了(瞭)望 46.假期邻(临)近 47.另(零)乱 48.年令(龄) 49.罗(啰)唆50.蛛丝蚂(马)迹51.揭开迷(谜)底52.神密(秘)53.观摹(摩)54.磨(摩)肩接踵55.买那(哪)个好呢56.批(披)露57.水蒸汽(气)58.欠(歉)收59.亲(青)睐60.一肚子委曲(屈)61.鸦鹊(雀)无声62.冰雪熔(融)化63.水乳交溶(融)64.垂头伤(丧)气65.善(擅)自处理66.伸(申)请67.出身(生)在晚上68.寻物启示(事)69.受(授)予奖状70.金榜提(题)名71.品位(味)老师的话72.情况相象(像)73.肖(萧)条74.歪风斜(邪)气75.模形(型)76.反醒(省)77.生活必须(需)品78.弦(旋)律79.眩(炫)耀80.报仇血(雪)恨81.循(徇)私舞弊82.天崖(涯)海角83.沿(延)伸84.流光异(溢)彩85.心心相映(印)86.反应(映)意见87.生死悠(攸)关88.记忆尤(犹)新89.怨天忧(尤)人90.始终不逾(渝)91.世外桃园(源)92.渊(源)远流长93.震(振)奋人心94.截止(至)年底95.因地治(制)宜96.置(质)疑的勇气97.德高望众(重)98.九洲(州)大地99.化妆(装)成乞丐100.乘座(坐)火车高考语文易错词语积累二第一类1.明日黄花:比喻过时的事物或消息。























































高考 一些容易混淆的词

高考 一些容易混淆的词





















中断,停顿,破裂对有争议的领土问题的谈判破裂了②瓦解,坍塌,崩溃②③(机器等)出故障,失灵,失效,出毛病,坏掉:④感情上失去控制,不能抑制感情,崩溃:⑤分解①强行进入(房屋),非法强行闯入,破门而入 :(谈话);插嘴;突然大声地讲话 :她突然插话,打断了我们的谈话。

③训练(新手);使驯服,驯:经理正在训练一名新助手①(战争、火灾、疾病、争吵等 )突然发生,爆发,突发,突然开始,突然出现一种流行病突然开始流行。

②突然逃跑, (使)脱逃,逃出(监狱), (使)逃走:他越狱逃走之前在狱中坐牢两个月。


①解散,驱散,拆散, (使)分散,散开,消散:分手,分开,破裂那对夫妻离婚了解冻,开垦① 隔绝,分离②中断…的(电话)通话;打断:我们的话还没说完,电话接线员就中断了我们的通话。










, 削减,缩短,删节:他们不得不裁减办公室的职员。







③建造,盖起(房子),搭起(帐篷等);装置:许多公寓式建筑群都是 20 世纪 90 年代建的.推迟,延期:②抛弃;摆脱;脱去;脱掉 (衣、帽等);除去:你为何不脱掉外衣?③打扰;使苦恼;使心烦:我正在集中注意力,别打扰我。

高考英语冲刺 易错词组背诵

高考英语冲刺 易错词组背诵

语鹅市安置阳光实验学校高考英语冲刺易错词组背诵1. in turn一个接一个地in return 作为回报 I tried to do a good deed, but this is what I got in return.by turns=one after the othertake turn to do sth.轮流做某事turn secretary=become a secretaryturn to sb. ( for help ) turnup=appearturn out=prove to be / produceturn down 拒绝=refuse;音量调低;向下翻2. If she spent five years in Paris, how come she can't speak a word of French?她若在巴黎呆了五年,怎么一句法语都不会说呢?come across 越过某处;被理解;偶然发现, 偶然遇到come into being/existence 出现,开始形成,建立come into use/service 开始使用(无被动)come out 出来; 出发;;名列…;(总数等)达到(+ at/to)come to light 泄露(真相);被发现cf. Your statement does not throw light on the subject. (并没有说明问题)come true实现,变成现实 My dream has come true. 我的一个梦想实现了。

cf. realize one’s dream reach one’sgoal turn sth. into realitycome up 升起;走进;种子生长发育;被提出come up with an idea(突然)想出办法3. go all out to do sth. 全力以赴去做某事=try one’ best to…=do what / all one can to…go beyond 超出;超出…的能力go beyond one’s ability / imagination / controlgo in for参与,参与(竞赛等);从事(某项工作);爱好,酷爱go out (火)熄灭,过时了cf. put out the fire(灭火) put off 推迟, 延期 ( put off the meeting );put down the rebellion(镇压)go with 相配(同义词match / go along with)4. keep in touch with与…保持联系(指状态)get in touch with (指动作)keep up your courage保持勇气,别泄气keep up with 跟上 catch up with 赶上5. look down upon/ on sb 轻视某人;鄙视某人/某物look on /upon sb./sth. as 把...看作.(近义词组:regard…as; treat…as; consider…as/to be)look over 对…审阅;粗略地看;翻阅look up a word in a dictionary查阅…look through 透过…看(尤指空隙或透明物体等);(从头到尾)初略地翻阅look up to sb. 尊敬某人look sb. in the eye 盯着6. make oneself at home(如同在家一般)随便些,不必客气make arrangements for为…做安排make a been line for取捷径前往make room for让出地方,腾出空间make the best of 充分利用,尽量利用make the most of尽量利用,善于利用make up for lost time/ground加紧努力补回失去或落后的时间make oneself heard / understood使自己被别人听到/听懂理解make good /no sense有意义/没意义make tea/coffee 泡茶/咖啡make for有助于,使成为 Cultural exchanges make for mutual understanding.7. put away 放好;收起来;把…放在原位;储藏放弃put aside放在一边;抛弃;暂时不做;留出(时间),省出(钱)put sth. in order(使)整齐put on weight增加体重(lose weight减肥,减少体重)put on your clothes穿衣 take off your clothes脱衣put an end/stop to制止,使停止,结束cf. come to an end(某事)结束 end up with failure 以失败而告终put up with和某人住在一起;忍受,忍耐=bear / standput through 做成,完成;接通电话使通过考试;使经历(难受的事)8. take sb. by surprise (出人意料地)攻占;撞见take A for B 把A误认为是Btake sb./sth. for granted认为…是必然情况,视为当然take sth. into account/consideration加以考虑;予以重视take advantage of 利用;占…的便宜take the opportunity of抓住机会;利用(机会)take charge of开始负…的责;看管;控制take it easy=Don’t be nervoustake your time 从容 Take your time. There is still half an hour left.take the place of代替 cf. stand for代表take on a new look 呈现新面貌 take off脱下,起飞take on sb. 雇用 =employ sb.=hire sb.take in fresh air=absorbtake up 占据(时间,地方);从事于 take up space / muchtime take up a city攻占城市take up arms (against)拿起武器反对…,武装起来与…作对take over接管,接替9. turn down 拒绝;音量调低;向下翻;turn out制造出,生产出,培养出;结局是,结果是;原来是It turns out that知道是…,结果证明是It is one's turn to do sth. 轮到某人做某事turn over a new leaf重新生活,改过自新turn in sth. to sb. 上交10. not a little=much not a bit=not at all=not in the least---Are you hungry?---Not a little. I could eat a horse.11. break away from(the Union )脱离(联邦)get rid of bad habit 去掉 do away with废除12. drop in at a place drop in onsb. 顺便拜访13. due to=caused by The accident was due to careless driving.owing to=because of Owing to the rain they couldcome.thanks to=as a result of Thanks to your help we were successful.14. feel like doing=would like to do…15. figure out=imagine=work out make out 辨认,拼凑16. have a gift for=be talented at17. in short简言之 in a word 一句话18. knock into sb.=happen to meet sb. cf. knock sb. down 撞倒19. let out a cry of surprise= cry out20. It is no wonder that …There is no doubt that …21. on show在展出 cf. show off one new clothes 炫耀22. out of order=in a mess / sth. goes wrong in (good) order23. pick up sb. 开车去接 pick out=choose24. run short of run out of=use upOur supplies have run short(不用被动语态)=We have run short of supplies25. run for 竞选 call for=needsend for a doctor=ask sb. to go to fetch a doctorapply for the position 申请run into sb.=(suddenly) see sb. 撞上/碰到26. set about to do sth.=set out to do sth.27. burst out laughing carry out a plan执行The war broke out in late autumn.His shoes were worn out. wear out 穿破28. cut down the price 削减 cut off electricity 切断29. call off a meeting=not hold …取消 see sb. off at the airport 送行set off for the first destination30. break in 打断/插入 be engaged in 从事31. reply to sb.=answer sb. stick to sth. / to doing sth.see to sb.=take care of sb.take to开始, 喜欢, 沉溺于, 走向, 照料, 求助于, 适应take to gardening when one retires take to drinkingget down to some solid work认真开始… object to sth./ doing …反对32. tear up a letter 撕…keep up one’s courage保持…bring up a child 抚养… break up a family 拆散…stay up late at night=do not go to sleep until very late33. pass away=die die away= (sound ) gradually disappear34. cut through=take a shortcut see through one’s trickI co uldn’t get through; the line was busy.35. in charge of负责 in the charge of,意味着在…管理下36. add up to总计 add to=increase增加/添加37. all at once=all of a sudden=suddenly38. give out散发,分发,用完 give away背弃,泄露,赠送39. keep … safeto remain safe : cf: remaining food(剩菜剩饭)=leftoverto stay safe40. What do you think of your new job?How do you like your new job?How do you find your new job? 你认为你的新工作怎么样?高考英语冲刺易错词组强化训练 (1)l. —I am sorry to have __ too much of your time. —That's OK, and I am glad to help you. A. taken up B. takenon C. taken off D. taken in2. My son John asked me to ___ him off at school on my way to work because it was raining. A. take B. drop C. put D. cut3. The young woman walking on the street looked nice, so Vince ___ hera lift.A. sharedB. tookC.gave D. put4. We need to ____ our active vocabulary step by step.A. growB. addC.develop D. raise5. In the past ten years, Government has ____ the price of certain drugs for some 11 times.A. droppedB. reducedC. lowedD. decreased6. Some companies provided special benefits when employees agree to ____a ride to work.A. shareB. takeC.carry D. get7. Every day we ____ more than 40 000 passengers to over 100 destinations around the world. A. carry B. fly C. pick up D. bring8. Don't forget to ____ the ice cream on the way home.A. hold upB. come upC. turnup D. pick up9. Could you please ____ one of your sandwiches for the hungry boy?A. saveB. shareC.give D. spare10. Children under five are not ____to this primary school except those of extraordinary intelligence. A. accepted B. received C. admitted D. permitted11. Mr. Johnson is a man of good temper, and his good temper never ____ him.A. failsB. disappointsC.controls D. worries12. In our school the women teachers ____ 56 percent of the staff.A. turn upB. stand forC. makeup D. send up13. The mail was ___ for two days because of the heavy snows.A. held outB. held upC. held backD. held off14. —How did you find your sister in such a big and strange city? —I____ her in the railway station when I was just going back home.A. came aboutB. came outC. cameup D. came across15. After a successful operation, Ronaldo has begun to do some exercise to ____ strength.A. improveB. decreaseC. increaseD. raise16. If you are working even harder, you ____ to be promoted to be a manager soon.A. promiseB. wishC. turnout D. prove17. I have visited a lot of countries and stayed in many different five-star hotels, but none of them ____ this one.A. matchesB. beatsC. comparesD. contrast18. —-How much is your sweater ____? —$25.A. costB. paidC.worth D. worthy19. Never ____my secret!A. give upB. give inC. give awayD. give off20. —Did you enjoy his speech? —Sure, what he said really ____.A. makes senseB. makes a differenceC. makessure D. makes it21. He tried to join the Army but was ____ because of poor health.A. turned downB. turned backC. turnedover D. turned against22. —Oh, my God, the room is in such a mess.—It must be caused by the cat, I'll ____ all the things _____.A. put/ outB. put/ awayC.put/off D. put/ through23. The short play put on last night did ____ large audiences.A. takeB. allowC. drawD. admit 24. He ____ to help me with my math, but I refused his help, for I decided to do it on my own. A. prepared B.ready C. insisted D. offered25. The boy's bad behavior ____ his mother lots of sleepless nights.A. costB. tookC. spentD. paid26. We need to wear sunglasses to ____ our eyes from the sun.A. stopB. preventC. saveD. protect27. Actually, Miss Zhang is not at all serious as she _____.A. showsB. performsC.appears D. behaves28. If the children are badly ____ they behave badly.A. brought inB. brought upC. brought aboutD. brought back答案:1—5 ABCDB 6—10 ABDDC 11—15ACBDC 16—20 AACCA21—28 ABCDADCB高考英语冲刺易错词组强化训练 (2)1. My grandfather often told me what he had ___ in the expedition.A. gone againstB. gone intoC. gone throughD. gone over2. The company ___ three factories and a coal mine.Which of the following answer can NOT be filled in the blank?A. runsB. operatesC. managesD. organizes3. You can't ___ English poetry unless you understand the rhythm.A. likeB. takeC. appreciateD. study4.I don't remember how many strangers my mother ___food with during the Depression days.A. offeredB. providedC. sharedD. gave5. I called the airline to ___ my flight reservation a week before I left for Canada.A. expandB. attachC. confirmD. strengthen6. In order to write a report on stars, we decided to ___ the stars in the sky every night.A. designB. seizeC.quote D. observe7. Julie wants to buy a ___ computer so that she can carry it around when she travels.A. memorableB. portableC.predictable D. readable8. My grandmother likes to surprise people. She never calls ___ to inform us of her visits.A. beforehandB. anyhowC. originallyD. consequently 9. Many scholars and experts from all over the world will be invited to attend this yearly ___ on drug control.A. referenceB. intentionC. conferenceD. interaction10. The week-long rainfall has ___ landslides and flooding in the mountain areas.A. set aboutB. brought aboutC. come aboutD. put about11. The ground is slippery. Hold onto the rope and don’t ____.A. put offB. turn upC. let goD. take apart12. ____ the weather, the athletic meetings will be held on time.A. Instead ofB. In relation toC. On behalf ofD. Regardless of13. If people keep polluting the rivers, no fish there will survive ___.A. at all costB. for a long whileC. in the long runD. by no means14. The gentleman does not ____the argument but watches the other guests.A. drop inB. fill inC. put inD. join in15. Do you mind if I ____with my work while you are getting tea ready?A. carry outB. come onC. carry onD. go over16. Old memories are often ____ when you hear a particular song or a piece of music.A. called inB. called onC. called outD. called up17. —That’s a lovely dress.—Do you think so? My aunt gave it to me for my birthday, but I don’t ____the color.A. interest inB. care forC. pleasewith D. fond of18. The folk song concert was so well ____that all the tickets had been sold out on the first day.A. acceptedB. recognizedC.received D. promised19. The college is planning to offer more English courses to ____the needs of beginners of English.A. meet withB. meetC. supplyD. satisfy with20. Some eighty years ago three-quarters of American production____family farms or from business employing fewer than six people.A. made fromB. kept fromC. got fromD. came from21. The period ____dance classes increases gradually from two or three hours a day to five or six.A. referred toB. kept toC. got toD. given to22. If you do not feel well, you should not ____going to see the doctor?A. pick outB. give offC. put offD. make out 答案:1—5 CACCC 6—10 DBACB 11—15 CDCDC 16—22 DBCBDDC高考英语冲刺易错词组强化训练 (3)1. Teaching a pronunciation class to a mixed group of learners can____a teacher with many challenging problems.A. provideB. produceC. presentD. offer2. We want our children to know that hard work____.A. comes offB. gives offC. pays offD. sees off3. We can’t wait. We have to____the direction and the distance before we take action.A. make outB. figure outC. think outD. turn out4. It____to look after these naughty grandchildren of mine for a whole day.A. put me downB. drove me outC. wore me outD. pulled me through5. We’ d better try to____the plan again, I think, before w e____withit.A. go through/ go onB. go on/ go overC. go over/ go throughD. go on/ go through6. The host stood at the door and____every guest a welcome.A. noddedB. dropped offC. shookD. moved7. No one knows when XO was first discovered, or how it____to be sucha popular drink.A. wentB. cameC. gotD. became8. We always____we have said.A. lead to whatB. see to whatC. get to whatD. hold to what9. The actor was so interesting that he us laughing all the time when we were chatting.A. madeB. keepC. hadD. let10. All of us still remember the terrible earthquake that____Tangshan twenty years ago.A. attackedB. struckC. knockedD. exploded11. As director of the company, I can’ t____three weeks away from work.A. carryB. costC. affordD. pay12. When I entered his room, I found him____an armchair, deep in thought.A. sitting onB. sit inC. seat onD. seated in13. The good service at the hotel the poor food to some degree. A. made up for B. saved up for C. took the place of D. turn out14. His strength had almost when they found him in the desert.A. given outB. given inC. given upD. given off15. It takes a long time to____a good fame, but this name is quickly lost but just one crime or piece of bad behavior.A. build upB. put upC. turn upD. set up16. —I’m____too much weight, doctor?— I think you ought to go on a diet.A. putting onB. getting onC. carrying onD. living on17. His pale face____a reluctant smile when he heard the news.A. came onB. was taken onC. tookon D. turned into18. Although the working mother is very busy, she still____a lot of time to children.A. devotesB. spendsC. offersD. provides答案:1—5 DCBCA 6—10 ABDCB 11—15 CDAAA 16—18 ACA高考英语冲刺易错词组强化训练 (4)1. The old woman at the street corner must be lost. She is lookingaround____for someone to help her.A. sociallyB. accidentallyC.tremendously D. desperately2. A variety of preventive measures are now____in order to minimize the potential damage caused by the deadly disease.A. by birthB. at willC. in placeD. on call3. With over fifty teams competing in the tournament, all the games will be played____.A. eye to eyeB. head to toeC. hand to mouthD. back to back4. My grandmother takes a walk at six every morning. It is one of her____activities.A. likelyB. routineC. extremeD. urgent5. The heroic story that he had saved a boy’s life hit the____in the local newspapers.A. headlinesB. effortsC. resultsD. awards6. I don't care about the good salary offered by the company. What I need is a(n) ____post.A. creatingB. awardingC.challenging D. competing 7. Encouraged by the coach, the basketball players went____to win the game.A. above allB. all outC. at bestD. inside out8. Thousands of workers will be____if the automobile factory shuts down.A. turned downB. put backC. laid offD. locked away9. ____how much they pay, I am not interested in this kind of job.A. In spite ofB. No matterC. No soonerD. Even though10. The man____a brave face and accepted the challenge.A. took outB. pulled upC. shut inD. put on11. Julie can stay with us____until she finds a place of her own to settle down.A. at the same timeB. ahead of timeC. for the time beingD. in good time12. The postal special____service is very efficient.A package sent can be received in a couple of hours.A. deliveryB. directoryC. discoveryD. dormitory13. ____to what you think, our TV program has been enjoyed by a large audience.A. IntensiveB. ContraryC. FortunateD. Objective14. There is a____to one’s capacity; one should not make oneself overtired.A. relaxationB. contributionC. hesitationD. limitation15. This story, ____, is very fascinating: there are many interesting characters in it.A. on the wholeB. under no circumstancesC. in no timeD. out of the question16. Most of our classmates are____taking a trip to Kenting National Park.A. in honor ofB. in favor ofC. in search ofD. in place of17. We haven’t seen John for a long time. As a matter of fact, we have____him.A. made up forB. run out ofC. come to passD. lost track of18. Recently in Taiwan, the manufacturing industry has____the information industry.A. found a way ofB. changed the way ofC. given way toD. had a way of19. His behavior at the party last night seemed rather____. Many of us were quite surprised.A. out of practiceB. out of placeC. out of politenessD. out of pity20. Do you have any____of what life would be like if we lived on other planets?A. planB. ideaC. impressionD. imagination 答案:1—5 DCDBA 6—10 CBCBC 11—15 CABDA 16—20 BDCBB。







二千零二十一高考英语易出错短语概述(1)1)quite相当quiet安静地2)结果,效果3)adapt适应adopt采用adept内行4)天使的角度5)dairy牛奶厂diary日记6)内容斗争,斗争,内容,内容背景,内容竞争,竞争7)principal校长,主要的principle原则8)隐式显式9)dessert甜食desert沙漠v放弃dissert写论文10)拍打拍打拍打手掌拍打拍打11)decent正经的descentn向下,血统descendv向下12)甜蜜的汗水13)later后来latter后者latest最近的latelyadv最近14)服装习俗15)extensive广泛的intensive深刻的16)耳-口17)abroad国外aboard上(船,飞机)18)改变改变改变改变改变改变改变改变改变改变改变改变改变改变改变改变改变改变改变改变改变改变改变改变改变改变改变改变改变改变改变改变改变改变改变改变改变改变改变改变改变改变改变改变改变改变改变改变改变改变改变改变改变改变改变改变改变改变改变改变改变改变改变改变改变改变改变改变改变改变19)assent同意ascent上升accent口音20)冠军香槟运动21)baron男爵barren不毛之地的barn古仓22)beam bean有过去时23)precede领先proceed进行,继续24)祈祷猎物25)chicken鸡kitchen厨房26)猴子驴子27)chore家务活chord和弦cord细绳28)引用现场视野29)clash(金属)幢击声crash碰幢,坠落crush压坏。

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高考英语最后冲刺易错词组背诵1. in turn一个接一个地in return 作为回报I tried to do a good deed, but this is what I got in return,by turns=one after the othertake turn to do sth.轮流做某事turn secretary=become a secretaryturn to sb ( for help ) turn up=appearturn out=prove to be / produceturn down 拒绝=refuse;音量调低;向下翻;2. If she spent five years in Paris, how come she can't speak a word of French?她假若在巴黎呆了五年,怎麽一句法语都不会说呢?come across 越过某处;被理解;偶然发现,偶然遇到come into being/existence出现,开始形成,建立come into use/service 开始使用(无被动)come out 出来; 出发;出版;名列…;(总数等)达到(+ at/to)come to light 泄露(真相);被发现cf. Your statement does not throw light on the subject. 并没有说明问题come true实现,变成现实My dream has come true. 我的一个梦想实现了。

Cf. realize one’s dream reach one’s goal turn sth into realitycome up 升起;走进;种子生长发育;被提出come up with an idea(突然)想出办法3. go all out to do sth 全力以赴去做某事=try one’best to…=do what / all one can to…go beyond 超出;超出…的能力go beyond one’s ability / imagination / controlgo in for参与,参与(竞赛等);从事(某项工作);爱好,酷爱go out (火)熄灭,过时了cf. put out the fire(灭火)put off 推迟, 延期( put off the meeting );put down the rebellion(镇压)go with 相配(同义词match / go along with)4. keep in touch with与…保持联系(指状态)get in touch with (指动作)keep up your courage保持勇气,别泄气keep up with 跟上catch up with 赶上5. look down upon/ on sb 轻视某人;鄙视某人/某物look on /upon sb./sth. as 把...看作.(近义词组:regard…as; treat…as; consider…as/to be)look over 对…审阅;粗略地看;翻阅look up a word in a dictionary查阅…look through 透过…看(尤指空隙或透明物体等);(从头到尾)初略地翻阅look up to sb 尊敬某人look sb. in the eye 盯着6. make oneself at home(如同在家一般)随便些,不必客气make arrangements for为…做安排make a been line for取捷径前往make room for让出地方,腾出空间make the best of 充分利用,尽量利用make the most of尽量利用,善于利用make up for lost time/ground加紧努力补回失去或落后的时间make oneself heard / understood使自己被别人听到/听懂理解make good /no sense有意义/没意义make tea/coffee 泡茶/咖啡make for有助于,使成为Cultural exchanges make for mutual understanding.7. put away 放好;收起来;把…放在原位;储藏放弃put aside放在一边;抛弃;暂时不做;留出(时间),省出(钱)put sth. in order(使)整齐put on weight增加体重(lose weight减肥,减少体重)put on your clothes穿衣take off your clothes脱衣put an end/stop to制止,使停止,结束cf. come to an end(某事)结束end up with failure以失败而告终put up with和某人住在一起;忍受,忍耐=bear / standput through 做成,完成;接通电话使通过考试;使经历(难受的事)8. take sb. by surprise (出人意料地)攻占;撞见take A for B 把A误认为是Btake sb./sth. for granted认为…是必然情况,视为当然take sth. into account/consideration加以考虑;予以重视take advantage of 利用;占…的便宜take the opportunity of抓住机会;利用(机会)take charge of开始负…的责;看管;控制take it easy=Don’t be nervoustake your time 从容Take your time. There is still half an hour left.take the place of代替cf. stand for代表take on a new look 呈现新面貌take off脱下,起飞take on sb 雇用=employ sb=hire sbtake in fresh air=absorbtake up 占据(时间,地方);从事于take up space / much time take up a city攻占城市take up arms (against)拿起武器反对…,武装起来与…作对take over接管,接替9. turn down 拒绝;音量调低;向下翻;turn out制造出,生产出,培养出;结局是,结果是;原来是It turns out that知道是…,结果证明是It is one's turn to do sth 轮到某人做某事turn over a new leaf重新生活,改过自新turn in sth to sb 上交10. not a little=much not a bit=not at all=not in the least---Are you hungry?---Not a little. I could eat a horse.11. break away from(the Union )脱离(联邦)get rid of bad habit 去掉do away with废除12. drop in at a place drop in on ab 顺便拜访13. due to=caused by The accident was due to careless driving.owing to=because of Owing to the rain they could come.thanks to=as a result of Thanks to your help we were successful.14. feel like doing=would like to do…15. figure out=imagine=work out make out 辩认,拼凑16. have a gift for=be talented at17. in short简言之in a word 一句话18. knock into sb=happen to meet sb cf. knock sb down 撞倒19. let out a cry of surprise= cry out20. It is no wonder that …There is no doubt that …21. on show在展出cf. show off one new clothes 炫耀22. out of order=in a mess / sth goes wrong in (good) order23. pick up sb 开车去接pick out=choose24. run short of run out of=use upOur supplies have run short(不用被动语态)=We have run short of supplies.25. run for 竞选call for=needsend for a doctor=ask sb to go to fetch a doctorapply for the position 申请run into sb=(suddenly) see sb撞上/碰到26. set about to do sth=set out to do sth27. burst out laughing carry out a plan执行The war broke out in late autumn.His shoes were worn out. wear out 穿破28. cut down the price 削减cut off electricity 切断29. call off a meeting=not hold …取消see sb off at the airport 送行set off for the first destination30. break in 打断/插入be engaged in 从事31. reply to sb=answer sb stick to sth / to doing sthsee to sb=take care of sbtake to开始, 喜欢, 沉溺于, 走向, 照料, 求助于, 适应take to gardening when one retires take to drinkingget down to some solid work认真开始…object to sth/ doing …反对32. tear up a letter 撕…keep up one’s courage保持…bring up a child 抚养…break up a family 拆散…stay up late at night=do not go to sleep until very late33. pass away=die die away= (sound ) gradually disappear34. cut through=take a shortcut see through one’s trickI couldn’t get through; the line was busy.35. in charge of负责in the charge of,意味着在…管理下36. add up to总计add to=increase增加/添加37. all at once=all of a sudden=suddenly38. give out散发,分发,用完give away背弃,泄露,赠送39. keep … safeto remain safe : cf: remaining food(剩菜剩饭)=leftoverto stay safe40. What do you think of your new job?How do you like your new job ?How do you find your new job? 你认为你的新工作怎么样?英语词组精选101. —I am sorry to have __ too much of your time. —That's OK, and I am glad to help you.A. taken upB. taken onC. taken offD. taken in02. My son John asked me to ___ him off at school on my way to work because it was raining.A. takeB. dropC. putD. cut03. The young woman walking on the street looked nice, so Vince ___ her a lift.A. sharedB. tookC. gaveD. put04. We need to ____ our active vocabulary step by step.A. growB. addC. developD. raise05. In the past ten years, Government has ____ the price of certain drugs for some 11times.A. droppedB. reducedC. lowedD. decreased06. Some companies provided special benefits when employees agree to ____ a ride to work.A. shareB. takeC. carryD. get07. Every day we ____ more than 40 000 passengers to over 100 destinations around the world.A. carryB. flyC. pick upD. bring08. Don't forget to ____ the ice cream on the way home.A. hold upB. come upC. turn upD. pick up09. Could you please ____ one of your sandwiches for the hungry boy?A. saveB. shareC. giveD. spare10. Children under five are not ____to this primary school except those of extraordinary intelligence.A. acceptedB. receivedC. admittedD. permitted11. Mr. Johnson is a man of good temper, and his good temper never ____ him.A. failsB. disappointsC. controlsD. worries12. In our school the women teachers ____ 56 percent of the staff.A. turn upB. stand forC. make upD. send up13. The mail was ___ for two days because of the heavy snows.A. held outB. held upC. held backD. held off14. —How did you find your sister in such a big and strange city?—I____ her in the railway station when I was just going back home.A. came aboutB. came outC. came upD. came across15. After a successful operation, Ronaldo has begun to do some exercise to ____ strength.A. improveB. decreaseC. increaseD. raise16. If you are working even harder, you ____ to be promoted to be a manager soon.A. promiseB. wishC. turn outD. prove17. I have visited a lot of countries and stayed in many different five-star hotels, but noneof them ____ this one.A. matchesB. beatsC. comparesD. contrast18. —-How much is your sweater ____? —$25.A. costB. paidC. worthD. worthy19. Never ____my secret!A. give upB. give inC. give awayD. give off20. —Did you enjoy his speech? —Sure, what he said really ____.A. makes senseB. makes a differenceC. makes sureD. makes it21. He tried to join the Army but was ____ because of poor health.A. turned downB. turned backC. turned overD. turnedagainst22. —Oh, my God, the room is in such a mess.—It must be caused by the cat, I'll ____ all the things _____.A. put/ outB. put/ awayC. put/offD. put/ through23. The short play put on last night did ____ large audiences.A. takeB. allowC. drawD. admit24. He ____ to help me with my math, but I refused his help, for I decided to do it on my own.A. preparedB. readyC. insistedD. offered25. The boy's bad behavior ____ his mother lots of sleepless nights.A. costB. tookC. spentD. paid26. We need to wear sunglasses to ____ our eyes from the sun.A. stopB. preventC. saveD. protect27. Actually, Miss Zhang is not at all serious as she _____.A. showsB. performsC. appearsD. behaves28. If the children are badly ____ they behave badly.A. brought inB. brought upC. brought aboutD. brought back1—5 ABCDB 6—10 ABDDC 11—15ACBDC 16—20 AACCA21—28 ABCDADCB英语词组精选201. My grandfather often told me what he had ___ in the expedition.A. gone againstB. gone intoC. gone throughD. gone over02. The company ___ three factories and a coal mine.Which of the following answer can NOT be filled in the blank?A. runsB. operatesC. managesD. organizes03. You can't ___ English poetry unless you understand the rhythm.A. likeB. takeC. appreciateD. study04.I don't remember how many strangers my mother ___food with during the Depression days.A. offeredB. providedC. sharedD. gave05 I called the airline to ___ my flight reservation a week before I left for Canada.A. expandB. attachC. confirmD. strengthen06. In order to write a report on stars, we decided to ___ the stars in the sky every night.A. designB. seizeC. quoteD. observe07. Julie wants to buy a ___ computer so that she can carry it around when she travels.A. memorableB. portableC. predictableD. readable08. My grandmother likes to surprise people. She never calls ___ to inform us of her visits.A. beforehandB. anyhowC. originallyD. consequently09. Many scholars and experts from all over the world will be invited to attend this yearly ___ on drug control.A. referenceB. intentionC. conferenceD. interaction10. The week-long rainfall has ___ landslides and flooding in the mountain areas.A. set aboutB. brought aboutC. come aboutD. putabout11. The ground is slippery. Hold onto the rope and don’t ____.A. put offB. turn upC. let goD. take apart12. ____ the weather, the athletic meetings will be held on time.A. Instead ofB. In relation toC. On behalf ofD. Regardless of13. If people keep polluting the rivers, no fish there will survive ___.A. at all costB. for a long whileC. in the long runD. by no means14. The gentleman does not ____the argument but watches the other guests.A. drop inB. fill inC. put inD. join in15. Do you mind if I ____with my work while you are getting tea ready?A. carry outB. come onC. carry onD. go over16. Old memories are often ____ when you hear a particular song or a piece of music.A. called inB. called onC. called outD. called up17. —That’s a lovely dress.— Do you think so? My aunt gave it to me for my bir thday, but I don’t ____the color.A. interest inB. care forC. please withD. fond of18. The folk song concert was so well ____that all the tickets had been sold out on the first day.A. acceptedB. recognizedC. receivedD. promised19. The college is planning to offer more English courses to ____the needs of beginners of English.A. meet withB. meetC. supplyD. satisfy with20. Some eighty years ago three-quarters of American production ____family farms or from business employing fewer than six people.A. made fromB. kept fromC. got fromD. came from21. The period ____dance classes increases gradually from two or three hours a day to five or six.A. referred toB. kept toC. got toD. given to22. If you do not feel well, you should not ____going to see the doctor. ?A. pick outB. give offC. put offD. make out1—5 CACCC 6—10 DBACB 11—15 CDCDC 16—22 DBCBDDC英语词组精选301. Teaching a pronunciation class to a mixed group of learners can a teacher with many challenging problems.A. provideB. produceC. presentD. offer02. We want our children to know that hard work .A. comes offB. gives offC. pays offD. sees off03. We can’t wait. We have to the direction and the distance before we take action.A. make outB. figure outC. think outD. turn out04. It to look after these naughty grandchildren of mine for a whole day.A. put me downB. drove me outC. wore me outD. pulled methrough05. We’ d better try to the plan again, I think, before we with it.A. go through/ go onB. go on/ go overC. go over/ go throughD. go on/ go through06. The host stood at the door and every guest a welcome.A. noddedB. dropped offC. shookD. moved07. No one knows when XO was first discovered, or how it to be such a popular drink.A. wentB. cameC. gotD. became08. We always we have said.A. lead to whatB. see to whatC. get to whatD. hold to what09. The actor was so interesting that he us laughing all the time when we were chatting.A. madeB. keepC. hadD. let10. All of us still remember the terrible earthquake that Tangshan twenty years ago.A. attackedB. struckC. knockedD. exploded11. As director of the company, I can’ t three weeks away from work.A. carryB. costC. affordD. pay12. When I entered his room, I found him an armchair, deep in thought.A. sitting onB. sit inC. seat onD. seated in13. The good service at the hotel the poor food to some degree.A. made up forB. saved up forC. took the place ofD. turnout14. His strength had almost when they found him in the desert.A. given outB. given inC. given upD. given off15. It takes a long time to a good fame, but this name is quickly lost but just one crime or piece of bad behavior. A. build up B. put up C. turn up D. set up16. —I’m too much weight, doctor? — I think you ought to go on a diet.A. putting onB. getting onC. carrying onD.living on17. His pale face a reluctant smile when he heard the news.A. came onB. was taken onC. took onD. turned into18. Although the working mother is very busy, she still a lot of time to children.A. devotesB. spendsC. offersD. provides1—5 DCBCA 6—10 ABDCB 11—15 CDAAA 16—18 ACA英语词组精选401. The old woman at the street corner must be lost. She is looking around forsomeone to help her. A. socially B. accidentally C. tremendouslyD. desperately02. A variety of preventive measures are now in order to minimize the potential damage caused by the deadly disease.A. by birthB. at willC. in placeD. on call03. With over fifty teams competing in the tournament, all the games will be played .A. eye to eyeB. head to toeC. hand to mouthD. back to back04.My grandmother takes a walk at six every morning. It is one of her activities.A. likelyB. routineC. extremeD. urgent05. The heroic story that he had saved a boy’s life hit the in the local newspapers.A. headlinesB. effortsC. resultsD. awards06. I don't care about the good salary offered by the company. What I need is a(n)post.A. creatingB. awardingC. challengingD. competing07. Encouraged by the coach, the basketball players went to win the game.A. above allB. all outC. at bestD. inside out08. Thousands of workers will be if the automobile factory shuts down.A. turned downB. put backC. laid offD. lockedaway09. how much they pay, I am not interested in this kind of job.A. In spite ofB. No matterC. No soonerD. Even though10. The man a brave face and accepted the challenge.A. took outB. pulled upC. shut inD. put on11. Julie can stay with us until she finds a place of her own to settle down.A. at the same timeB. ahead of timeC. for the time beingD. in good time12. The postal special service is very efficient. A package sent can be received in acouple of hours. A. delivery B. directory C. discovery D.dormitory13. to what you think, our TV program has been enjoyed by a large audience.A. IntensiveB. ContraryC. FortunateD. Objective14. There is a to one’s capacity; one should not make oneself overtired.A. relaxationB. contributionC. hesitationD. limitation15. This story, , is very fascinating: there are many interesting characters in it.A. on the wholeB. under no circumstancesC. in no timeD. out of thequestion16. Most of our classmates are taking a trip to Kenting National Park.A. in honor ofB. in favor ofC. in search ofD. in place of17. We haven’t seen John for a long time. As a matter of fact, we have him.A. made up forB. run out ofC. come to passD. lost track of18. Recently in Taiwan, the manufacturing industry has the information industry.A. found a way ofB. changed the way ofC. given way toD. had a way of19. His behavior at the party last night seemed rather . Many of us were quitesurprised.A. out of practiceB. out of placeC. out of politenessD. out of pity20. Do you have any of what life would be like if we lived on other planets?A. planB. ideaC. impressionD. imagination1—5 DCDBA 6—10 CBCBC 11—15 CABDA 16—20 BDCBB。
