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7. The missing boy was last seen
____ near the river .
A .to playing B .playing C .to be playing D .to have played
8. All I did was _____ him a little
push . I didn’t mean to harm
A . To make B . Made
C . Making
D . To have made
翻走文学 www.fanzou.com 翻走文学
笙这种人,不关心别人,只在乎自己。可不就该如此取舍吗?明蕙谨慎的向韩毓笙表示了同情,劝她回房躺着,并且说,这移树的活也许 半天就能完吧?如果宝音不诉苦,那两棵树,确然是半天也移得走。宝音一诉苦,好么!咯噔咯噔的声音,持续了整整一天,到下午才收 工,一棵树都没移走。一棵杵在土里,一棵挖在土外,都剪了些枝子,据说没剪完,明天还得继续折腾。第二十二章移树杀雏惹鬼啼(4) 为什么这么慢?人家也有理由——到中午的时候,又下起雨来了,不大,可也影响工作嘛!移树是露天活,不得不受天气影响,主子要容 量啊!“这会儿么,表姐就在‘苦苦容量’哪!”明蕙得意的向娘炫耀。刘四姨娘喜道:“她身体更坏了?”“可不是怎的!”明蕙眉开 眼笑,“我看哪,再折磨她一会儿,她说不定就直接死了!”“死”这个字,有点刺耳,不过用在韩毓笙身上,顿时的又顺耳了。刘四姨 娘还有点儿不太相信这个喜讯:“她病了这么多年,老也没死,这会儿怎么就能死了?”“就是拖了这么多年,油尽灯枯了吧。”明蕙道, “娘,前两天不还说她差点儿坏了吗?大夫说不用狠药都不行了。那个于大夫,是个什么东西,外头医死了多少人哪,咱们还不知道?他 那药,当时表姐喝了是活过来,但谁知是不是回光返照?就我今儿见的,她整个模样、精神气儿,都变了!这要还能活,我跟着你 姓!”“这赌的什么誓!”刘四姨娘啐她一口,“拖了一天,够不够?”“明儿把声音再拖过一天去。”明蕙眉目阴森森的,“真要死, 也就这两天了。两天还不死,那算她命大。总之是好是歹,明早该有数了吧。”“明早去看她的尸!”刘四姨娘忿忿,“谁叫我们对付六 丫头时,她插在当中作梗,叫六丫头当心我们,我让她当心哟——晚上那茬,好用么?”“效果应该会不错。”明蕙答道,“她说听到砍 树声就头疼得受不了?那么今晚的声音,才真正推她进鬼门关呢!”半夜那阵鬼哭,几乎是挨着韩毓笙病室窗子发出来的。幸好宝音不在 这房间里。这排屋子分两翼,每翼三重房间。六 住在左翼,第一重是厅间,于大夫开药时就坐在那里,第二重是起居间,本不睡人,只供 日常活动用,但六 缠绵病榻,起居不易,就在那里下了病榻,常年累月在那里,把那房间当了卧房,最里面一重真正的卧房、拔步床,反 而闲置了。说起这拔步床,是锦城每位千金 都要拥有的正规床铺,木料选得贵重,一般是红木,或者也有楠木的,先起一个台架子,总要 有六丈长、六丈宽、上头安放木架,不但有床板,更有门板、窗板、飞檐、立柱、围廊、踏阶、简直就是个小阁子。起个床,就等于要出 个阁间,难怪病中的六 嫌它用起来麻烦,再说,那木头也硬!还不如棕床板的简床。宝音养了大半
10 . This book is said ____ into many foreign languages .
A .to have been translated B .to have translated C .to be translated D .having been translated
can’t help , can’t choose
4. She’ll tell us why she feels so strongly that each of us has a role ___ in making the earth a better place . A .to have played B .to play C .to be played 定语 D .to be playing
6. Robert is said _______ abroad, but I don’t know what country he studied in . A .to have studied B .to study C .to be studying D .to have been studying
1. I would love ____ to the party
last night but I had to work extra
hours to finish a report . A .to go B .to have gone
C .going
D .to have been gone
2. Do let your mother know all the truth . She appears _____
him . A .give C .giving
Байду номын сангаас
B .given D .to giving
9. _____ is easier than to do . A . Saying B . To say C . Said D . To having said
10. Paul doesn’t have to be made ___ . He always works hard . A .learn B .to learn C .learned D .learning
He spoke loudly (so as /in order) to be heard . 目的 I’m too tired to walk any further this afternoon . 结果 They jumped with joy to hear the 原因 news . He raised his hand as if to take off 方式 his hat . I’m very glad to see you again. 修饰
5. In order to gain a better share in the international market , many state run companies are striving ___ their products more competitive . A .to make B .making C .to have made D .having made 状语
everything . A .to tell B .to be told C .to be telling D .to have been told
3. Sandy could do nothing but ___
to his teacher that he was wrong .
A .admit C .admitting B .admitted D .to admit
11 . Are you going to attend the meeting _____ next Saturday ?
A .holding B .hold C .will be hold D .to be held
12. _____ a living , he had to work day and night .