Unit 3 Refugees
unit 3 refugees
The producer who has the smaller opportunity cost of producing a good— that is, who has to give up less of other goods to produce it— is said to have a comparative advantage in producing that good.
例题1:假设你购买了一张电影票花去了50元。这部电影给你带来 的愉快享受可以用货币度量,为80元。正当你匆匆赶到电影院门 口时,却发现电影票弄丢了。你现在应怎么办?是选择回家,还 是选择重新购买一张票进去看电影?(假设看电影的时间机会成 本为0,因为你不看电影也不知道怎么打发这段时间)。 例题2:假设你到某地上大学。大学期间学费现值总计5万元、生 活费现值5万元,再考虑读书的辛苦,心理效用损失12万元。预期 大学毕业后工资收入的现值为100万元;但若你不上大学,便可 在该大学附近找到一份工作,所得工资收入现值为80万元。你是 否会上大学呢?
回归和恢复的主要障碍是现存的毫无标记的四处掩埋的地 雷。(line 53-55) 斯里兰卡难民的迁移情况随着斯里兰卡发展状况而起伏。 (line 68) ebb and flow: a situation or state in which sth increases and decreases in a kind of pattern<I relaxed into the ebb and flow of the music.> 迁徙到公海上的海地人的苦难被解决了。(line 71) plight:(usually singular) a bad, serious or sad condition or situation<the plight of homeless children> 随着政治上的突破和总统职权的恢复,海地人在很多情况 下不情愿地被遣返。(line 71-73)
九下英文单词表第三单元中文Unit 3 Vocabulary List with Chinese Translations for Grade 9 English.1. astronomy 天文学(tiānwénxué) The study of the universe, including stars, planets, galaxies, and other celestial objects.2. telescope 望远镜(yuànwàngjìng) An optical instrument used to observe objects in the distance by collecting and focusing light.3. microscope 显微镜(xiǎnjìng) An optical instrument used to observe small objects by magnifying their image.4. satellite 卫星(wèixīng) A spacecraft orbiting a planet, moon, or other celestial body.5. rocket 火箭(huǒjiàn) A vehicle that can travel through space using thrust generated by the combustion ofpropellants.6. spaceship 宇宙飞船(yǔzhòufēichuán) A spacec raft designed to carry humans into space.7. astronaut 宇航员(yǔhángyuán) A person trained to travel in a spacecraft and perform tasks in space.8. gravity 重力(zhònglì) The force that attracts all matter towards the center of the earth.9. orbit 轨道(guǐdào) The path followed by a satellite, planet, or other celestial body around a larger object.10. constellation 星座(xīngzuò) A group of starsthat form a recognizable pattern in the night sky.11. galaxy 银河系(yínhéxì) A vast system of stars, dust, and gas that forms a spiral or irregular shape.12. solar system 太阳系(tàiyángxì) The system ofplanets, moons, asteroids, comets, and other celestial objects that orbit the sun.13. universe 宇宙(yǔzhòu) All existing matter and space considered as a whole; everything that exists, everywhere.14. astronomer 天文学家(tiānwénxuéjiā) A scientist who studies astronomy.15. celestial 天体的(tiāntǐde) Referring to objects or phenomena in the sky or space.16. observation 观察(guānchá) The act of carefully watching and noting something, especially for scientific purposes.17. exploration 探索(tànsuǒ) The activity of searching for and studying new information, especially in a scientific or冒险的(màoxiǎn de) context.18. mystery 神秘(shénmì) Something that is difficultto understand or explain, often associated with a feeling of wonder or curiosity.19. universe exploration 宇宙探索(yǔzhòusuànsuǒ) The act of searching for and studying new information about the universe.20. telescope observation 望远镜观测(yuànwàngjìng guāncè) The use of a telescope to observe objects in the sky.21. microscope observation 显微镜观测(xiǎnjìngguāncè) The use of a microscope to observe small objects.22. space exploration 太空探索(tàikōng suànsuǒ) The act of searching for and studying new information about space.23. astronomical 天文学的(tiānwénxuéde) Relating to or involving astronomy.24. astronomical event 天文事件(tiānwén shìjiàn)An occurrence or phenomenon in the sky, such as an eclipseor supernova.25. astronomical discovery 天文发现(tiānwén fāxiàn) The identification of a new object or phenomenon in the sky.26. celestial map 星图(xīngtú) A map showing the positions of stars, constellations, and other celestial objects.27. astronomical instrument 天文仪器(tiānwén yíqì)A device used for observing or studying objects in the sky.28. stellar 恒星的(héngxīngde) Relating to stars.29. nebula 星云(xīngyún) A large collection of dust, gas, and stars in space.30. comet 彗星(huìxīng) A small solar system bodywith a highly elliptical orbit, composed of ice, dust, and rock.These are the vocabulary words for Unit 3 of Grade 9 English, focusing on the topic of astronomy. Each word is provided with its Chinese translation to aid in understanding and learning.。
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11.adj. 无家可归的 11.homeless 12. moustache 12.n. 小胡子 13.adj. 用旧/破烂的 13.worn 14.n. 失败(者) 14.failure 15.overcome 15.v. 战胜;克服 16.leather 16.n. 皮革 17.chew 17.v.嚼碎;咀嚼 18.convince 18.v. 使信服 19.adj. 令人信服的 19.convincing 20.v.导演,指示,指挥 20.direct
Unit 3 A taste of English humour
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1.adj. 满足的 n. 满足 1. content 2.n. 表演者/演出者 2.performer 3.astonish 3.v. 使惊诧 4.adj. 令人惊讶的 4.astonishing 5.adj. 幸运/吉利的 5.fortunate 6.unfortunately 6.adv. 不幸地 7.adj. 平常的,普通的 7. ordinary 8.bored 8.adj. 厌烦的 9.entertain 9.v. 使欢乐,款待 10. prep. 遍及;贯穿 10. throughout
• • • • • • •
21. adj.杰出的 21.outstanding 22.Switzerland 22.n. 瑞士 23.n./v. 姿态;手势 23.gesture 24.adj.特殊的 n.细节 24.particular 25.n. 时刻,场合 25.occasion 26.n. 预算,开支 26.budget 27.actress 27.n. 女演员 • 28.v.& n.滑动;幻灯片28.slide • 29.直到现在 29.up to now • 30.对…满意 30.be content with
5S咨询:/ 6S咨询服务中心7S管理咨询公司概述:5S管理来源于日本,是指整理(SEIRI)、整顿(SEITON)、清扫(SEISO)、清洁(SEIKETSU)和素养(SHITSUKE)五个项目,五个项目英语拼写的第一个字母均为S,简称5S管理。由于5S管理在塑造企业形象,降低成本,安 全生产,现场改善,创造令人心旷神怡的工作环境等方面发挥着有效作用,逐渐被管理界所认同并由此掀起了5S热潮。 将5S引进保洁管理的现场,是企业行政常用的保洁管理方式,在管好人员,物品,工具,降低保洁成本,提升塑造整体形象,形成规范等方面有显著的作用。 如何把5S应用到保洁管理中? 整理—— 区分用洁间",作为保洁人员休息和存放工具的场所。但实际情况是,"保洁间"除了被保洁人员放置工具和休息用的桌椅,还被大量的快递纸箱,饮料瓶,外卖打包盒,易拉罐等可回收废品占据了多半的空间,这就使得本来就狭小的" 保洁间"更显得脏乱差。这种现象存在于很多企业之中,也是令行政人员比较头疼的问题。 保洁间变成员工废品收购站,不仅不利于保洁工具的取用,也会有损公司形象,更重要的是存在安全隐患。 如果行政人员对这种现象仅是采取警告罚款等硬方式进行管理,不仅不会收到想要的结果,还会引起保洁人员的抵触,影响后续工作的开展。 对于多数的保洁人员来说,家庭条件一般,收集卖废品是可以补贴家用的一个途径,特别是对于一些上了年纪的保洁人员,节俭习惯了,看不得可以再利用的物品,白白丢弃掉。强行用罚款的方式一刀切多会引起他们的不解及不满。 出于人性化的考虑,可以将"警告处罚"调整为以下规定:保洁人员所捡拾的废品必须整理打包好,整齐的放在保洁间固定的角落里,并且要做到当日收集当日清,即当天收集的废品当天就要清出保洁间,如出现胡乱摆放,废品留置过夜将进行罚款处理。 通过这一"软硬"结合的管理方式,不仅使保洁间废品随意摆放,杂乱无章的现象得到了控制,现场无杂物,行道变通畅。也改变了保洁人员对待工作的态度,提高了保洁人员的情绪,维护了公司的形象。 整顿—— 定位摆放,明确标识 清洁工具定位摆放,明确标识,可以防止不同区域、不同物品表面产生的细菌、病毒、污渍等因保洁工具混放移位而成为新的细菌传播源,达到预防细菌交叉感染的目的。 多功能保洁车——保洁工作的集大成者多功能保洁车是保洁工具定位摆放的利器,它分为前、后、左、右、上、中、下等部位,在各个部位分别放置清洁专用工具、物料、药剂、物品等,专物专放,放置混乱。 保洁员在清洁工作时推着保洁车,可以及时地取到适用的工具,保证日常保洁工作有序进行。 另外,行政检查时也可根据保洁车的位置方便地找到保洁员。多功能保洁车在不使用时,要停放在规定位置。 颜色标识标识,防止混用 对于清洁的抹布、拖把、垃圾桶等都可以用颜色进行标识,方便取用,也能防止抹马桶的抹布抹洗手台,拖厕所的拖把拖办公区域等不卫生的现象。 列如: 毛巾抹布颜色标识方法: 蓝色:适用于公共区域擦拭 绿色:适用于办公物品擦拭 红色:适用于卫生间小便器、便池等物品擦拭。 黄色:适用于卫生间、面台、面盆擦拭 喷壶色彩标识分类(贴不同颜色的胶带): 绿色:中性全能清洁剂 红色:含氯清洁剂 黄色:酒精 拖把色彩标识分类(贴不同颜色的胶带): 白色——公共办公区域 黄色——茶水间 蓝色——休息室 红色——卫生间 通过颜色标识,易于分辨区域工具,保洁员只要记住了不同颜色代表的区域,按照色彩的指引去使用工具,就能正确判断,准确使用工具,防止交叉使用,减少二次污染,提升保洁质量,也能使保洁工作由繁变简,提高工作的效率,当然标识明显了也易于行政的卫生检查, 给检查监督工作带来方便。 如此的整顿,便可将保洁工具混区使用,随意摆放,杂乱无章逐渐改善为工具分区使用,定位摆放,整洁有序,从而得到员工及领导对保洁及行政管理工作的认可。 清扫—— 打扫现场,清洗工具 保洁员每次清洁完公司卫生后,所使用的清洁工具都是已经弄脏了的,如果不加清洗消毒就放回固定的位置,不仅影响美观,产生异味,影响再次使用,也不利于清洁工具的保养,易造成损坏,增加成本。 因此,清洁工具在用过之后一定要及时进行清洁消毒,比如抹布毛巾使用过后,要进行清洗消毒处理后才能再次使用,洗净的毛巾抹布集中晾晒干燥后存放于储物盒中待用。 工具的保养,是行政卫生检查中的一项重要工作,要时刻提醒并督促保洁人员清洗保养工具。 此外,对于一些大公司常有技术保洁这样的工作人员,他们一般利用夜间夜深人少时,使用专业的仪器设备对地板,墙壁,展示位等进行修复装修翻新等工作。当他们完成工作后,很容易在现场留下一些工料垃圾无人清理,清理不及时不仅影响公司形象,而且会给次日保洁 员的清洁工作增加不小的负担。针对这种现象,行政人员也要对其做规定,施工后的现场垃圾要及时清理,使这个问题得到了及时有效的解决。 清洁—— 规范流程,制定标准,形成制度 清洁是将整理、整顿、清扫实施的做法制度化、规范化,维持其成果。 1.形成流程化保洁工作 工作流程是指工作事项的活动流向顺序。科学规范的工作流程有利于提高工作效率及工作品质。 5S管理工作流程 2.做好周重点和月计划 固定时间选取一项或几项工作着重去做,有的放矢,突出重点。 3.勤于检查,及时修改 行政人员要及时做好日常巡视检查工作,发现问题要及时记录并通知相关人员限期整改。 员工自检:员工在日常工作中,要时刻自行检查,互相检查,发现问题及时马上进行整改。 素养——内外兼修 内修,提高素质:及时对保洁人员进行相关培训,加强保洁团队的建设,宣传企业文化。 外修,注意仪表:保洁人员注意个人仪容仪表,统一着装。规范的仪容仪表可以塑造良好的公司形象。
人教版高中英语必修四 Unit3 A tasteof English humour-词汇篇(学生版)
人教版高中英语必修四 Unit3 A tasteof English humour-词汇篇(学生版)face.他对这次竞赛中获得第二名很满意,因此脸上露出了满意的微笑。
2. break into强行进入,破门而入;撬开(汽车等);突然开始(笑、哭)break away from摆脱;脱离,背叛(政党、国家等) break down出故障;失败;垮掉break in强行闯入,打断break out爆发;突然发生break through突围;突破break up粉碎;结束;散开;(学校)期终放假break off断开;停顿;突然中止E.g. The thief broke away from the police and ran into the woods.小偷摆脱了警察跑进了树林。
E.g. Don't break in while others are speaking.别人讲话时不要插话。
E.g. The car I was in broke down, so I had to walk home.我坐的车抛锚了,所以我不得不走路回家。
E.g. A big fire broke out in the town last night.昨天晚上镇里着了大火。
E.g. The meeting broke up without a result.会议没有得出结果就结束了。
E.g. Strong will can almost break through everything.顽强的意志几乎可以战胜一切。
3. persuade/convincepersuade 着重利用督促、劝告来感动和影响听者,使其愿意相信某事或参与某种行为E.g. I persuade him to quit smokingconvince指用理论、证据等理智方面的因素使别人相信4. as/withAs (conj.)随着,常用来引导时间状语从句With(prep.)随着,后接名词或复合宾语,不引导从句E.g. He gave me so many facts that convinced me.三、要点梳理1. content(1)adj.满足的;满意的①We shouldn't be content with the achievements already gained.我们决不能满足于已取得的成绩。
综合教程IIUnit 3 课本练习参考答案
finance neighborhood
5. At the end of a hot day, she likes to go home and ___st_r_e_t_c_h_o_u_t___ in her favorite armchair in front of the fire.
6. State pensions are ___f_i_n_a_n_c_e_d_ by the contributions of those still at work.
e.g. He resolved then and there that he would find a way to help the boy. 当时他就下决心,一定要想办法帮助这个孩子。
in the midst of when 在……之中,当……的时候
e.g. She found it in the midst of sorting her suitcase. 她在整理手提箱时发现了它。
3. console
consolation n.
consolatory a.
安慰,慰藉 安慰,慰藉 慰问的,可慰藉的
e.g. 我最好的朋友试着来安慰我,但是无效。
My best friend tried to console me, but in vain. 对我而言,你的陪伴是极大的安慰。
Your company has been a great consolation for me.
4. Since the death of his wife, he ___h_a_s_u_n_d_e_r_g_o_n_e__ a profound change in his Outlook on life.
新编大学基础英语3-unit2 Lesson 3 Refugees
3 Choose the correct option (a, b or c) for each sentence.
3 How many places have the twins lived in the United States? B
a) Two
b) three
√c) leaves his / her country because of war, or other threats
or dangers.
Reading & Speaking
2 You are going to read the story of Sozana and Saranda, Kosovan refugees. Answer these questions. Then read the article below and check your answers.
c) four
4 How would you describe their feelings about living in New York? A
a) They have mixed feelings.
b) They love it there and have no regrets.
c) They miss home and want to return.
Background information Photos: 1 The dry desert climate of Kenya, where more than 100 000 Somali refugees have lived since the early 1990s. 2 Tropical Thailand, where Karen refugees from Burma have lived since 1985. 3 Kurds fleeing civil conflict in Iraq sought refuge in mountainous terrain on Iraq’s borders with Turkey and Iran in 1991.
Unit 3 Refugee
表示缓慢,逐渐的形容词 gradual / steady / gentle /slow 表示小幅度的形容词 modest / moderate /slight 表示波动的动词 fluctuate ,不及物动词,名词fluctuation 表示稳定在一个水平上的动词 level off at / level out at / hover at / stabilize at / reached a plateau at
对当前全球经济复苏的主要障碍是油价的飞 涨. 3the repatriation ebbed and flowed along with development 在美国总统的受欢迎度会随着其应对国内外 问题的能力而起伏.
The make –up of refugees 1 refugees displaced-person across border 2 internally-displaced persons: those who have a refuge status but don’t cross an international border 3 asylum-seekers asking protection from the government of host country
3该表格提供了有关美国离婚率的数据。 3 The table provides some data concerning the divorce rate in America. 4 坐飞机的人数上升了30%。 The number of people taking airplanes increased by 30%.
人教版九年级英语Unit 3词汇讲解
Can you suggest a good dictionary?你能推荐本好字典吗?
※(3)表明;暗示(=indicate) suggest+(that)从句
Her expression suggested (that) she was angry.
29.direction (n.)方向;方位(参见32)
30.correct (adj.)正确的;恰当的
(1)正确的;无误的(=right) Everyone gives a different answer, but everyone is correct.
It's not correct to speak like that.那样说话不妥。
correct v.改正;纠正;校正;矫正correctthe mistakes改正错误
One learns a language by making mistakes andcorrecting them.
The new glasses will correct your sight.这副新眼镜会矫正你的视力。
31.polite (adj.)有礼貌的;客气的→politely(adv.)有礼貌的;客气地→impolitely(adv.)不礼貌的be polite to对...有礼貌
32.direct(adj.)直接的;直率的→directly(adv.)直接的;直率地→direction(n.)方向→director(n.)导演sense of direction方向感in all directions四面八方
大学英语unit 3 words and expressions
Jane is going to take care of the flowers while we’re away. The association’s responsibility is to take care of the safety of the students. The reporters proceeded to ask more questions.
confirmation n. Confirmative a. Confirmed a. 习惯的,根深蹄固的
Suspect sb’s motives Suspect it to be a lie Suspect sb. of sth. Suspicion n. Suspicious a. Hesitate to do sth. Hesitate about/ over (doing) sth. Hesitate in doing sth. Hesitation n.
New words and expressions
New words and expressions
Nature, trait, personality, individuality, temperament, temper, disposition
Reach a compromise Make a compromise with … Work out a compromise Compromise with sb. on sth.
Subtle difference in sth. A subtle observer
=enmity, hostility
Cherish/entertain/ harbor/ have/ hold an illusion/illusions about sth. 对某事抱有幻想 Cast away illusions Create/produce an illusion An optical illusion A shattered/sweet illusion
Unit3 Oslp1.I remember on my first trip to Europe going alone to a movie in Copenhagen. In Denmark you are given a ticket for an assigned seat. I went into the cinema and discovered that my ticket directed me to sit beside the only other people in the place,a young couple locked in the sort of passionate embrace associated with dockside reunions at the end of long wars. I could no more have sat beside them than I could have asked to join in-it would have come to much the same thing- so I took a place a few discreet seats away.1记得我第一次去欧洲旅行的时候,我在哥本哈根独自一人去看电影。
2. People came into the cinema, consulted their tickets and filled the seats around us. By the time the film started there were about 30 of us sitting together in a tight pack in the middle of a vast and otherwise empty auditorium. Two minutes into the movie, a woman laden with shopping made her way with difficulty down my row, stopped beside my seat and told me in a stern voice, full of glottal stops and indignation, that I was in her place. This caused much play of flashlights among the usherettes and fretful re-examining of tickets by everyone in the vicinity until word got around that I was an American tourist and therefore unable to follow simple seating instructions and. I was escorted in some shame back to my assigned place.2人们陆续地走进影院,参照电影票找到位子,在我们周围坐了下来。
U3 知识清单Section A1.restroom n. (美)洗手间;公共厕所2.stamp n. 邮票;印章3.beside prep.在……旁边;在……附近4.postcard n. 明信片5.pardon v.原谅interj.请再说一遍6.bathroom n. 浴室;洗手间7.rush v.&n. 仓促;急促8.suggest v. 建议;提议9.grape n. 葡萄10.central adj. 中心的;中央的11.mail v. 邮寄;发电子邮件n. 邮件;信件12.east adj. 东方的;东部的adv. 向东;朝东n. 东;东方单词变形1.normal—normally (adv.)2.suggest—suggestion (n.)3.center—central (adj.)4.east—eastern (adj.)短语1.get some money取一些钱2.get/buy some magazines买一些杂志3.get some information about the town 获取一些有关小镇的信息4.get/buy a pair of shoes买一双鞋5.how to get to…怎样到达……6.go along/down沿着7.beside the bank在银行旁边8.on the right/left在右/左边9.go to the third floor去三楼10.turn left/right向左/右转11.between…and…在……和……之间12.be excited to do sth.做某事激动13.start/begin with从/以……开始14.no problem没问题15.pardon me抱歉,对不起;什么,请再说一遍16.at that time在那时17 e a little earlier来得更早一点18.pass by路过;经过句子1.“打扰一下,请问你能告诉我怎样到达书店吗?”“当然可以。
九年级Unit 3单词讲解1.restroom n.(美)洗手间;公共厕所Rest (休息)+room (房间)= (洗手间)Can i?我能去洗手间吗?2.stamp n.邮票;印章v.跺脚__________________ 集邮My husband is a.我的丈夫是一个集邮者。
She on the and killed it. 她踩死了一只虫子。
3.Bookstore n.书店n.书本+n.商店=________________________ , i have bought two maps.我买了两本小说,另外还买了两本地图册。
a father she has a younger brother to support.除了父亲外,她还有一个弟弟要供养。
We have to play because it is raining.因为天下雨,我们不得不在屋里玩。
He me a from the United Nations.他从联合国给我寄来一张明信片。
6.pardon interj.请再说一遍;抱歉,对不起v.原谅1)v.原谅,宽恕Pardon sb. /sth.原谅某人/某事Pardon sb. For doing 原谅某人做了某事Pardon sb. For not doing 原谅某人没做某事Please.请原谅我没有按时到达。
My teacher me .我的老师原谅了我。
Please your letter.没有给你回信,请原谅。
2)N.原谅;宽恕句型:i beg your pardon.用于以下几种情况1.做错事道歉2.谈话中提出异议之前3.没听清对方的话,希望他重复一遍时(可说beg pardon?或pardon?可用问好,说时用升调。
)4.(以不友好的语气说)不相信对方的话是真实的I beg your pardon for coming late.请原谅我来迟了。
I beg your pardon. Is this your bag.打扰了,请问这是你的包吗?I beg your pardon that my coat.对不起,那可是我的上衣啊。
新视野大学英语第三册Unit 3--Vocabulary for Text A
Unit 3 Life StoriesText A Audrey HepburnNew Words:◆noteworthy: adj. 值得注意的;显著的Related words:airworthy: adj. 适航的seaworthy: adj. 适宜航海的roadworthy: adj. 适合行驶的creditworthy: adj. 信誉好的;可信赖偿还借贷的newsworthy: adj. 有新闻价值的trustworthy: adj. 值得信赖的praiseworthy: adj. 值得称赞的◆domain: n. (知识、活动的)领域,范围,范畴;(尤指旧时个人、国家等拥有或统治的)领土,领地,势力范围;(计)域,定义域e.g. The care of older people is being placed firmly within the domain of the family.照顾老人仍然被确认为是家庭范围的事。
public domain: (sing.) (用于不受版权保护的财产)公有领域,公有事业e.g. The information has been placed in the public domain. 这资料不受版权保护。
public domain software 无版权软件◆portray: v. 描绘,描画;描写(=depict);将…描写成,给人以某种印象,表现(=represent);扮演(=play)e.g. Her father will be portrayed by Sean Connery. 肖恩·康纳利将饰演她的父亲。
Related Words:1)portrayal: n. 描绘,描述,描写,展现方式2)portrait: n. 肖像,半身画像,半身照;详细的描述,描绘e.g. a full-length portrait 全身画像self-portrait 自画像3) portraiture: n. 画像技法,人像摄影法,肖像,画像◆exemplary: adj. 典范的,可作榜样的,可作楷模的;严厉的,儆戒性的,惩戒性的e.g. a man of exemplary character 一个具有模范品德的人Related Words:1)exemplar: n. 模范,榜样,典型,范例2)exemplify: v. 是…的典型(或典范、榜样);举例说明,例证,例示e.g. His food exemplifies Italian cooking at its best. 他的菜肴代表了意大利烹饪的最高峰。
Refugee—Home Is Where the Hurt Is
Section C
Home Is Where the Hurt Is
—Tribal Ink
在恐惧中溺水 正如我的心不 断冲击 罢工的步骤 守住还 剩下些什么 等一下,以现实 的字符串 我的弹跳繁荣脚跟 从我离开了我的眼睛闪耀细 胞 看着这一切洗,看着它死 其所以很难看出这一切告吹 但为时已晚没有什么可以做 难民,我是你的信仰的敌人 不要恨我,因为我不同意 释 放我的世界刻薄 在这个世界 里的盲导盲 这是极为不公平, 我不能随意 我必须是你要我 在过去的阴影刺伤我的背部 保持 提醒我,当我出下滑轨 道 他们浪费时间的早晨曙光 和不安的时候,不断加入 难 民,我是你的信仰的敌人 不 要恨我,因为我不同意 难民, 我是你的信仰的敌人 不要恨 我,因为我不同意 难民,我 是你的信仰的敌人 不要恨我, 因为我不同意 难民,我是你 的信仰的敌人 不要恨我,因 为我不同意
Nations High Commissioner for Refugees ► 生日:December 14, 1950 ► 总部:Geneva(日内瓦),Switzerland(瑞士) ► 成就:Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1954 and 1981 ► 工作范围:It protects and supports refugees at the request of a government or the United Nations and assists in their return or resettlement(重新定居). ► 服务对象:All refugees in the world are under the UNHCR mandate(指令)except Palestinian Arabs(巴 勒斯坦阿拉伯人).
英语泛读教程四 UNIT3 Refugees
the ebb and flow跌宕起伏
See Ebb And Flow看潮起潮落 ebb and flow accordingly随之涨落
• World history can, with a little wriggling, be viewed as
the ebb and flow of empires.
But clearly the Rwanda genocide was the result of
more than Hutu-Tutsi ethnic hatred.
n. an alliance made up of states that had been Soviet
person "The Africans do not have problems of political asylum, " Qaddafi . • “非洲人没有政治庇护的问题”卡扎菲谈到。 • They continue to flee their homes and nations and seek asylum because they are persecuted for being who they are. • 他们因为自己生就的天性而被迫害,继续逃离他们的家园 和国家寻求庇护。
the act of returning to the country of origin
• humanitarian [hju:,mæni'tεəriən] • n. • someone devoted to the promotion of human welfare
冀教版九年级英语上册 Unit 3 Safety 全单元教案
Unit 3 SafetyLesson 13: Be Careful, Danny!I. Learning aims:Master the new words:careful, safety, hang, ceiling, serious, ambulance, necessaryII. Learning important and difficult points:1) I think I’m tall enough.2) I tried to catch you, but you landed on top of me.3) I don’t think my arm is broken.4) Tell her we are taking Brian to the hospital.Language Points:1. careful【用法】作形容词,意为“小心的、仔细的”,在句中作定语或表语。
【举例】①Li Hong is a careful girl. She does everything carefully. 李红是个认真的女孩。
②Please be careful when you cross the street. 当您横过街道时要当心。
2. I tried to catch you, but you landed on top of me. 我尽力要抓住你,但你落在了我头上。
【用法】句式try to do something 意为“尽力做某事”;类似句式try doing something 则表示“尝试做某事”。
【举例】①I’ll try to do everything well. 我将尽力做好每件事情。
②Li Ming istrying to skate on the real ice. 李明正在尝试着在真正的冰上滑冰呢。
小学英语九年级上册人教版教案 Unit 3 第4课时
第4课时Section B(2a~3b)【教学目标】1.学会礼貌地提出要求和寻求帮助的表达法。
【课堂导学案】Step 1复习(1分钟)回答:What do you say if you want to go to the bank and don't know the way?Step 2情景导入(2分钟)T:When we ask for help,we must be polite.How do we ask for information politely?Look at the two sentences,which do you think is more polite?A:Where are the restrooms?B:Could you tell me where the restrooms are?环节说明:通过比较两种句式复习新课,直接明了。
Step 3完成教材2a~2d教学任务1.要求学生快速默读2b短文,熟知大意,然后邀请几位同学给出2a自己的答案,全班一起检查讨论。
(4分钟) Asking for information or help is a very (1)common and (2)necessary activity, especially when we visit a foreign(外国的) country. Learning to use (3)correct language is not enough, we need to learn how to be (4)polite when we make requests. So knowing how to ask for information (5)politely is important. In English, just like in Chinese, we change the way we speak when talking with (6)different people. The(7) expressions you use might (8)depend__on whom you are speaking to or how well you know them. Usually in English (9)polite questions are longer and (10)include extra words. Sometimes we might even need to spend some time leading into a question or (11)request. It might seem that speaking (12)politely is more (13)difficult than being direct. However, doing this will also help you become better at English, or any other(14) language you wish to speak.4.让学生细读短文,从短文中找出所有的直接提问和礼貌请求的句子填入2c的表格中。
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• Refugees International
• • • • • Type: Non-profit, NGO Founded:1979 by Sue Morton in Washington, DC. Headquarters:Washington, DC.,New York City, London Key people:Dr. Michel Gabaudan, President Area served:Central African Republic, Colombia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Mali, Myanmar, Somalia, South Sudan, Syria • Method(s):Media attention,advocating,research through missions to locations of displacement • Motto:Advocating for lifesaving assistance and protection for displaced people and promotes solutions to displacement crises. •
Unit 3 Refugees
• Section A: Word Pretest • Answer: C C C C ,A A B C
• Pre-reading questions • 1. Can you define refugees? Why some people become refugees?
Any person who: owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group, or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality, and is unable to or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country".
• 3. Do you think the refugee issue in the world has improved or not? Why?
• Read the text and then answer the following questions: • 1. Tell what you know from the passage. • 2. What is the present situation of the refugee problem in the world? • 3. What the UNHCR has done f. Who can do something to help the refugees? What they can do? • Example: • Refugees International • Refugees International is an independent humanitarian organization that advocates for better support for displaced people (including refugees and internally displaced people) and stateless people. It does not accept any United Nations or government funding. Refugees International's advocacy addresses needs in resources and policy changes by government and UN agencies that improve conditions for refugees and displaced people.
1-5 C D D A D 6-9 D A C BC
Answer to Analogies: ABBC, DCCD
Further questions:
4. Who do you think can help the refugees most? 5. What do you think might be the final soluation to the refugee problem?
Answer to reading comprehension questions:
Detailed study of the text 1. Tell the difference between: refugees, displaced persons,asylum seekers , people of humanitarian concern • A refugee is someone seeking land because of their
sexuality, religion and ethnicity, or because they are fleeing a war or if the government was overthrown. Such a person may be called an 'asylum seeker' until recognized by the state where they make a claim.
•A refugee can be someone in an escape or forced to leave by an event. Although similar and frequently confused with refugees, internally displaced persons have a different legal definition and are essentially refugees who have not crossed any international border
2. List all the countries or regions (mentioned in the text) that (1) have refugees and (2) those who are host to refugees.
What information you get from your list?