Basic Features of Literary Works


Literary Analysis Basic Elements 文学分析

Literary Analysis Basic Elements 文学分析

Literary Analysis – Basic Elements of Literature "How can a story be analyzed, and what am I looking for in it?"The study of literature is the study of life through the eyes of an artist, and as such is an important part of a liberal arts education.Composition students in ENG 102 often engage in literary analysis. When you analyze a literary text, you will deal with basic elements of literature, like plot, theme, character, point of view, and setting. Close study of these elements will then lead to an essay focusing on one aspect of the work.Literary analysis is also known as literary criticism. In this context, "criticism" means a close reading and interpretation of a literary text, such as a poem, a short story, a play, a novel, or even a movie. The elements that make up a literary work are closely examined for their meaning and significance. Some of these elements are theme, character, and plot. Regardless of what aspect you choose to write about, your essay will focus on one controlling idea that can be stated in one direct sentence. For example: "Although most critics regard Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra as a great love tragedy, it is actually a mockery of a tragedy, for Cleopatra is incapable of love, and Antony is interested only in sex." This student then introduced evidence from the play to prove her thesis. Following are some thoughts to keep in mind when you analyze literary texts:Plot SummarySometimes, students will be assigned a plot summary as a formal essay, as prewriting which will lead to a deeper analysis, or as part of a longer analysis (such as in a research paper).climax-denouement (“falling off” orsumming up the thesis)causal events -exposition -(when things/people are first exposed to us)The above structure is called a Freytag Pyramid and is used as a basis for analyzing plot. Each of the above levels must be examined in relation to the story being read. Remember that both the causal events and the climax can be physical, mental, or emotional. In addition to the terms on the “Pyramid,” a few others must be taken into consideration. “Foreshadowing” happens when little hints are given about what might happen in thefuture, and “backflash” occurs when a character uses what most of us call “hindsight” asthe character recalls some clue given earlier that he or she might have picked up on butprobably didn’t.Character AnalysisWhat kind of person is the character being analyzed? This is an inference you makebased on the following:?What the person says (what he or she says need not be taken at face value; theperson may be hypocritical, or self-deceived, or biased)?What the person does?What others (including the narrator of the story) say about the person?What others do (their actions may help to indicate what the person could do butdoes not do)?What the person looks like - face, body, clothes (these may help to convey thepersonality, or they may in some measure help to disguise it)?Determine the character's appearance, personality, and ethical qualities.?Use descriptions of other characters sparingly (comparison/contrast) to make your point about the main character(s). Sometimes the environment (setting) evenfunctions as a character.Also, there are some terms of characterization that are important to consider:Protagonist – the lead character Antagonist – the character who operates in opposition to the lead character(Either or both of these can be human, animal, or a force of nature)Round/Complex character – interesting character, can’t be “second guessed”Flat/Simple character – not very interesting, often a stereotypical characterDynamic character – evolves as the story progressesStatic character – stays the same throughout the storySettingIn simple terms, setting is the time, place, and social reality within which a story takesplace. We have to understand where we are, in which period of time, in which societyand at which level in that society if we are to interpret correctly the other elements in thestory.In stories in which place is the important element of setting, the writer usually providesspecific, sometimes extended descriptions of the placeIn other stories, the treatment of time is more significant than place. In literature, timefunctions in three different ways: the period of time in which a story takes place, howmuch time passes during the plot of the story, and how the passage of that time is perceived by the lead character (such as, if he or she is having fun time goes quickly, but if he/she is lonely or worried time drags).Just as important as time and place, is the social context of a story, which is often a product of time and place. We must understand enough about the society—its customs, values, possibilities—to know what constraints the characters face, what they are free to chose, and what they may not do.Point of ViewPoint of view is the perspective from which the reader will view the events in a story.Each potential point of view has significant advantages and correspondinglimitations. An outside point of view provides greater flexibility and suggests agreater sense of objectivity. An inside point of view provides more intimate, often more involving, narration. Following are the main points of view used by writers:Third-person omniscient – lets the reader know all that is being said, done, thought, and felt by all characters. This gives a full over-view, yet prevents the reader from “identifying with” any particular character.Third-person limited omniscient- lets the reader know all that is being said, done, thought, and felt by only one character. This encourages emotional involvementbetween the reader and character.Objective – limits the reader exclusively to exterior reality (what can be seen orheard). The thoughts, fears, loves, feelings of no characters are available, and there is no interpretation or comment.First-person – when a character within the plot is telling the story. This point of view can allow readers to see either a very clear picture of what is going on…or to see a misleading one. How reliable is the narrator? Does he/she mean to tell the truth?Does he/she have emotional biases that make for unreliability? Does he/she have the maturity and experience to know what is truly going on?Theme?Theme should be stated in one sentence.?The theme should be stated as a generalization about life, not as reference to a specific character or action in a story (for example, if a story includes a majoraction of robbery and the results of that action, the theme might be that negativebehavior of that sort doesn’t pay off in the long run).?Theme(s) is/are the central and unifying concept(s) of the work.?Statement of theme should not be cliché.。

全国外语翻译translation of literary works

全国外语翻译translation of literary works
• 风格包括时代风格,民族风格,文体风格和作家 的作品风格。
1. 适应原文时代风格
• 不同时期的作品反映不同时期的时代风格,但并不 是说,一定要用古汉语译古英语。而是能使读者在 译文中窥见时代的风貌。
Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability. Their chief use for delight is in privateness and retiring; for ornament, is in discourse; and for ability, is the judgment and disposition of business.
Style in Literary Translation
• 风格是什么?布封说:“风格即其人。”福楼拜 说:“风格不但就是其人,而且还是一个具体的、 活生生的、有血有肉的人。”
(comprehension, appreciation, admiration)
★Theories in literary translation
➢林语堂 “译者或顾其义而忘其神,或得其神而忘其 体,绝不能把文义、文体、文神及声音之美 完全同时译出。” “译书无所谓绝对最好之译句;同一句原文, 可有各种译法,……”
3. 适应原文作家的风格
• 我们可以按这五个层次在文本整体的关照下逐 层剖析,使得原文所蕴涵的意义彰显出来,而 在这一过程中,翻译工作者也会自觉不自觉地 以自己的经验、体会、情绪、情趣溶入其中, 使得不同的译者可能会产生不尽相同的译本。



英语专业本科毕业论⽂参考题⽬美英⽂学研究⽅向选题1. A Brief Comment on Shakespeare’s’ The Merchant of Venice (浅谈莎⼠⽐亚的《威尼斯商⼈》)2. Hamlet: His Characters as a Humanist(哈姆雷特⼈物性格分析)3. Parallelism and Contrast of Shakespeare’s Dramatic Language(莎⼠⽐亚戏剧的排⽐与对照⽤语)4. The Social Significance of Dickens’s Oliver Twist(狄更斯《雾都孤⼉》的社会意义)5. On the Structure of Dickens’s Hard Times(谈狄更斯《艰难时世》的结构)6. Jane Austen’s Art of Irony and Its Rhetoric Effects(简·奥斯丁的反语及其修辞效果)7. Appreciation of Literary Language of Pride and Prejudice(《傲慢与偏见》⽂学语⾔欣赏)8. An Character Analysis of the Heroine of Emma(《爱玛》⼥主⼈公性格分析)9. The High Class as Seen in Thacheray’s Vanity Fair(从《名利场》看上流社会)10. From Pastoral Stories to Great Tragic Novels : An Analysis of Hardy’s Novels(哈代⼩说--------从⽥园故事到伟⼤的悲剧⼩说)11. Tess : A Rebellious Woman(叛逆者苔丝)12. Remarks on wrence’s Psychological Analyses(浅析劳伦斯的⼼理分析描写)13. Social Reality as Reflected in the Poetry of William Blake(布莱克诗中反映的社会现实)14. Edgar Allan Poe and the World Literature(爱伦· 坡与世界⽂学)15. An Analysis of the Heroine of The Scarlet Letter(浅谈《红字》的⼥主⼈公)16. Symbolism in Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter(《红字》的象征⼿法)17. Mark Twain: A Humorist(马克·吐温-------⼀位幽默⼤师)18. The Tragic Color of Ernest Hemingway’s Novels(海明威⼩说的悲剧⾊彩)19. Social Significance as Reflected in The Great Gatsby(《了不起的盖茨⽐》所反映的社会意义)20. O. Henry’s Artistic Animation as Seen in His Short Stories(欧·亨利短篇⼩说的艺术⼿法)21. A Critical Study of William Faulkner’s A Rose for Emily: Its Narrative Techniques and Structure(福克纳《献给艾⽶莉的⼀⽀玫瑰》的叙事技巧与结构)22. Some Features of Steinbeck’s Literary Style(斯坦贝柯⽂学风格的⼏个特点)23. Emily Dickinson and Her Unique Poetry(艾⽶莉·迪⾦森与她独特的诗歌)24. An Analysis of Several Robert Frost’s Famous Poems(浅谈佛洛斯特的⼏⾸著名诗歌)25. Symbolism in O’Neill’s Major Plays(奥尼尔主要剧作的象征主义艺术)26. The Modern American Society and The Death of the Salesman(《推销员之死》与现代美国社会)27. A Comparative Study of Empathy in English and Chinese Poetry(英汉诗歌⾥的移情⽐较研究)28. A Comparative Analysis of Sentence Structures in English and Chinese Poetry(英汉诗歌句⼦结构⽐较分析)英语语⾳研究⽅向选题1. Sexism as Reflected in the Chinese and English Languages(英语和汉语中的性别歧视)2. Lexical Items as Means of Cohesion in English Texts(英语语篇中的词汇衔接⼿段)3. Lexical Cohesion in English(英语词语的接应关系)4. On English Oration as a Variety of Language(论英语演说词 )5. The Polite Language in the English Language 英语中的礼貌⽤语)6. Reflection on the English Taboo Words(谈英语的禁忌语)7. Remarks on Modern American Slang(略论现代美国俚语)8. The Different Usage of American Folk Language and Modern American Language( 美国俗语与美国现代语⾔的区别)9. A Comparative Analysis of British and American English(英式英语与美式英语⽐较)10. An Account of Advertising Language (⼴告⽤语⼀瞥)11. Stylistic Comparison Between Broadcast News and Newspaper News(英语⼴播新闻与报纸新闻⽂体⽐较)12. News Headlines: Their Features and Style(英语新闻标题的特⾊与⽂体风格)13. Stylistic Features of News Reporting(英语新闻报道的⽂体风格)14. A Comparative Study of Chinese and English Body Languages(中英⼿势语⽐较)15. Influences of Chinese Dialectic Accents over English Pronunciation(汉语⽅⾔对英语发⾳的影响)16. A Contrastive Analysis of English and Chinese Intonation(英汉语调⽐较分析)17. 浅析英美语调的结构和功能18. 英美标调符号系统分析和对⽐19. 谈英语语调的特点及其⽤途20. 英语读⾳的弱式与速度和节奏的关系21. 母语/⽅⾔对英语语⾳学习的影响22. Note on Ambiguity of English Language(论英语中的歧义)23. A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Proverbs(英语谚语与汉语谚语⽐较)24. A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Idioms(英语习语与汉语习语⽐较)25. Cursory Examination on English Onomatopoeia(英语拟声词浅论)26. On Commonization of Proper Nouns in English(论英语专有名词普通化)27. Noun-Verb Conversion in Contemporary English(现代英语中名词转化成动词的现象)28. Syntactic Functions of Prepositional Phrases(前置词短语的句法功能)29. A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Prepositions(英汉介词⽐较)30. On the English Verbal Fillers(谈英语与填空词)31. On the English Negative Sentences(论英语否定句)32. On the English Verbless Sentences(谈英语⽆动词句)33. On Simplification of English Sentences(谈英语句⼦的简化)34. A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Existential Sentences(英汉存在句⽐较)35. Positions of Attributes and Adverbials in English and Chinese: A Comparative Study(英汉定语和状语的位置⽐较)36. Studies in English Sentences of Implied Condition(英语的含蓄条件句)37. Tentative Study of Syllepsis in English(英语拈连法浅析)38. The Way of Expressing Emphatic Ideas in English(英语中表达强调意义的语⾔⼿段)39. On the Revival of Dead Metaphor(死喻的复活)40. Tendency of Modern Linguistics(现代语⾔的发展趋势)翻译研究⽅向选题1. The Great Translator Yan Fu(伟⼤的翻译家严复)2. Gu Hongming: A Pioneer of Translating the Chinese Classics into English(汉英翻译的先驱-------辜鸿铭)3. On the Principles of Equivalence in Literary Translation(论⽂学翻译中的等值原则)4. A Brief Comment on E. A. Nida’s Concept of Translation(浅谈奈达的翻译观)5. Cultural Gaps and Untranslatability(⽂化差异与不可预性)6. Translating and the Background Information(翻译与背景知识)7. A Preliminary Study of Explanatory Translating(解释性翻译初探)8. Translating the English Articles into Chinese(英语冠词汉译)9. Translating the English Plural Nouns into Chinese(英语复数名词汉译)10. Translating the Lengthy English Sentences into Chinese(英语长句汉译)11. On Translating English Book Titles into Chinese(谈英语书名汉译)12. A Brief Comment on the Several Chinese Versions of Jane Eyre(简评《简·爱》的⼏种汉译本)13. Views on the Chinese Version of Emma(关于汉译本《爱玛》的⼏点看法)14. The Chinese Version of Jude the Obscure: An Outstanding Example of Artistic Recreation(艺术再创造的范例------《⽆名的裘德》汉译本)15. Translating the Style of Literary Works----A Preliminary Study of Wu Ningkun’s Version ofThe Great Gatsby(⽂学作品的风格翻译------巫宁坤译《了不起的盖茨⽐》初探)16. A Comparative Study of Two Chinese Versions of The Merchant of Venice( 《威尼斯商⼈》两种译本⽐较)17. A Reading of Fang Zhong’s Translation of The Canterbury Tales(读⽅重译《坎特伯雷故事集》)18. On the English Versions of Some of Du Fu’s Poems(评杜甫诗歌英译)19. Translating the Titles of Chinese Classic Poetry(中国古典诗歌标题英译)20. Common Errors in Translation: An Analysis(常见翻译错误分析)21. English Idioms and the Translation(英语习语的解释)22. How to Deal with Ellipsis in Translating(翻译中如何处理省略⽤法)23. The Importance of Comprehension in Translating(理解对于翻译的重要性)24. The Importance of Knowledge in Translating(知识对于翻译的重要性)英语教学研究⽅向选题1. The Application of Phonological/Syntactic/Semantic Theory to ELT in Chinese Middle Schools(⾳位词/句法学/语⾳学理论在中国中学教学中的应⽤)2. The Application of Traditional/Structural/Transformational Linguistics to ELT in Chinese Middle Schools(传统语⾔学/结构语⾔学/转换语⾔学在中国中学英语教学中的应⽤)3. The Application of Theory of Behaviorism/ Cognitive Psychology to ELT in Chinese Middle Schools(⾏为主义/认知⼼理学理论在中国中学教学法中的应⽤)4. The Application of the Theory of Pragmatics/Discourse Analysis(语⽤学/话语分析理论应⽤)5. Teaching Grammar within a Communicative Framework(⽤交际法教语法)6. A Study on the Direct-Spelling Method(直接拼写法研究)7. 男⼥英语学习差异的研究8. 英语教学测试与素质教育9. 现⾏⾼校英语测试中的问题分析10. 外语优化实践教学模式的实验研究11. ⼤、中、⼩学英语衔接教学实验研究12. 互动、知会、情感三维模式实验研究13. 英能“板块、分层、合作”教学模式研究14. “多维组合”英语教学法探索研究15. ⼩学“双语”同步教改实验16. 张思中外语教学法的试验与推⼴研究17. 从⼀份问卷调查展望新世纪⼤学(中学、⼩学、幼⼉园)英语教学18. 汉语语⾔环境对学⽣英语学习过程的影响19. ⼤学⽣(中学⽣、)英语学习动机调查报告。


❖ The first colony founded at:
Jamestown, Virginia, in 1607
❖ Many of the people who settled in the New World came
to escape religious persecution.
Two Important New England Settlements
1948: T. S. Eliot 艾略特(USA/UK)
❖ 1980: Czeslaw Milosz
❖ 1987: Joseph Brodsky
❖ Basic common qualities of American Writers: Independent,独立精神 Individualistic,个性意识 Critical,批判精神 Innovative,革新意识 Humorous,幽默风格
How to use the textbook?
❖ 1. the authors ❖ 2. the works ❖ 3. the new words ❖ 4. the related questions
The relationship between English & American Literatures?
❖ Within such a short period, American literature
swiftly developed well matured began to receive international recognition has exercised an impactful effect upon world

Style is an essential part of literary works

Style is an essential part of literary works

Style is an essential part of literary works. It is the most important embodiment of the original text’s artistic life. Literary translation cannot go without the research of style. Is style translatable? This question, being in a long time argumentation in the translation field, has already found out its answer in a great deal of translation practice. A great many of scholars hold that style is not only translatable, but also has to be translated. The translation of literary works should be laid equal stress on the original style and contents. Those that don't reflect the original style are not real or faithful translations. In the domain of literary translation, there are many translated versions that are not only faithful to the original text in terms of content but also skillfully reproduce the original artistic style. These translations are the best exemplifications.风格是文学作品中不可或缺的一部分,是原著艺术生命最重要的体现。





一、授课内容1.主题:第一章:古代中国概况The basic national conditions ofancient Chinaa) 地理环境和经济结构The geographical surroundings and the economicstructure of the Chinese cultureb) 中国文化的历史发展The historical development of the Chinese culturec) 中国人的传统世界观、价值观和思维模式The traditional worldview, values and mode ofthinking of the Chinese peopled) 以儒、道两家为基干的古代思想文化The ancient Chinese thought第二章:Chinese Historical tales, myths, fables and legendsa) 历史故事Chinese historical talesb) 神话Mythsc) 寓言Fablesd)民间传说Folklores第三章:中国文化名人Eminent personnel in the history of the Chinese culturea) 古代文化名人Eminent personnel in the ancient timesb)近现代文化名人Eminent personnel in the modern times第四章:中国名篇名著famous Chinese literary worksa) 中国文化名著Masterpiecesb)中国文化名篇Well-known literary pieces第五章:中国文化瑰宝Gems of the Chinese Culturea)四书五经The Four Books and The Five Classicsb)京剧与地方戏曲Beijing Opera and local operasc)中国书画Chinese painting and calligraphyd)生活中的文化符号Cultural tokens in daily life第六章:中国民间艺术与竞技Folk arts and sportsa)民间工艺Folk handicraftb)民间游艺Folk performance and Entertainmentc)民间竞技Folk sports第七章:中国风土人情Chinese folk culturesa) 饮食文化The dietetic cultureb) 酒文化The wine culturec) 茶文化The tea cultured) 姓氏文化The name culturee) 节日文化The festival culture第八章:中国地理文化Chinese geographical culturea) 古城古迹Ancient cities and historical sitesb) 景点景观Famous scenic spotsc) 名山Famous Mountainsd)河流湖泊Famous rivers and lakes第九章:中国建筑与园林Chinese architecture and gardeninga) 传统建筑风格Ancient architectural stylesb)著名传统建筑Famous ancient constructionsc) 园林及其特色Chinese gardeningI. Translate the following terms or expressions:1.四大发明2. 儒家文化3.春联4.针灸5. 草书6.贵妃醉酒7. 兵马俑8. 四大古典名著9. 四大菜系10. 脸谱1. The compass, the gunpowder, the art of paper-making and the movable type printing2.Confucianism3. Chinese (spring) couplets4. acupuncture 5 cursive script 6.The Drunken Concubine 7. The terra cotta armies and horses 8.《西游记》Pilgrimage to the West; Journey to the West 《三国演义》The Romance of the Three Kingdoms 《红楼梦》A Dream in Red Mansions (The Story of the Stone) 《水浒传》Heroes of the Marshes; Water Margins 9. Four major groups (styles)of Chinese Cuisine (homework) 10. Facial paintings (facial masks?)II. When Shakespeare was busy producing his works, one of his contemporaries in China was also writing his later well-known work, who was he? What work was it? (ppt sy)III. Confucius has been a unique symbolic figure of Chinese culture, do you know much about him, e.g. the years (dates) of his birth and death? Why do Chinese people believe that 73 84 are ominous(esp. for old people)?中国文化通览中国文化是一个历史的范畴,它经历了五千年的发展才形成了今天的面貌,底蕴厚重,博大精深。



英语文体学English stylistics, also known as the study of English literary styles, is an important branch of modern linguistics. It focuses on the description and analysis of literary language and its various features. It helps to interpret the meaning of literary works and convey the aesthetic effects of language art.English stylistics mainly deals with the principles ofthe formation of literary language and its aesthetic features. It tries to explore the relationship between language expression and artistic conception, and analyze therelationship between object references and emotion inliterary works. It studies the inspiration of literature, the characteristics of the characters in the works, theexpression of literary themes and the use of rhetorical devices. All these elements are used to study the stylistic features of literary works.In addition, English stylistics also looks at theinfluence of culture on language. It is closely related to traditional culture, philosophy and education, and it also includes the principles of language culture. It looks closely at the nuances of literary language, the structure oflanguage and the logic of language. In other words, thisfield of study is designed to help readers better understand and interpret the works of literature.English stylistics has made great contributions to the understanding of literary works, grammar, semantics, pragmatics, discourse analysis and textual analysis. It provides a systematic foundation for the study of languages,and helps to cultivate the appreciation of literature. It also provides a useful platform for exploring the development of literary language.。




Literature appreciation is an aesthetic activity in which people get spiritual satisfaction and emotional pleasure by grasping artistic images and experiencing the thoughts and feelings implied in the works while reading literary works.2 .文学鉴赏的性质包括以下几个方面第一,文学鉴赏是一种审美享受。



The nature of literary appreciation includes the following aspectsFirst, literary appreciation is a kind of aesthetic enjoyment. The so-called aesthetic enjoyment refers to a kind of spiritual satisfaction and emotional pleasure. In the process of reading literary works, if the reader is immersed in the world depicted by the works, his whole mind is mobilized by the images in the works, and is in a state of free and harmonious excitement, thus getting spiritual satisfaction and emotional pleasure, then he has gained aesthetic enjoyment.第二,文学鉴赏是读者的一种再创造活动。









Part 1 English LiteratureAn Introduction to Old and Medieval English Literature一.重点:有关这部分的文学史内容1.古代英国文学和中世纪英国文学的起始阶段2.英国文学史上的第一部民族史诗----Beowulf3.中世纪文学的主要文学形式-----Romance4.Geoffrey Chaucer 的文学贡献二.练习:1. Choose the best answer for each blank.1). The period of ______ English literature begins from about 450 to 1066, theyear of ______.A. Old----RenaissanceB. Middle---- the Norman Conquest of EnglandC. Middle ---- RenaissanceD. Old---- the Norman Conquest of England2).. The Medieval period in English literature extends from 1066 up to the______ century.A. mid-13thB. mid-14thC. mid-15thD.mid-16th3). Beowulf, a typical example of Old English poetry, is regarded today as thenational ______ of the Anglo-Saxons.A. sonnetB. essayC. epicD. novel4). In The Canterbury Tales, ______ presented to us a comprehensive realistic picture of the English society of his time and created a whole gallery of vivid characters from all walks of life.A. Geoffrey ChaucerB. William ShakespeareC. Francis BaconD. William Langland5). For the Renaissance, ______ was regarded as the English Homer. His reputation has been securely established as one of the best English poets for his wisdom, humor and ______.A. Geoffrey Chaucer----witsB. William Shakespeare----witsC. Geoffrey Chaucer----humanityD. WilliamShakespeare----humanity6). After the conquest of 1066, three languages co-existed in England. They are ______, ______ and ______.A. Old English, Greek, LatinB. Old English, French, LatinC. Old English, Greek, FrenchD. English, Greek, French7). Geoffrey Chaucer is the greatest writer of the Medieval period in English literature. In “The Legend of Good Women”, he used for the first time in English the rhymed couplet of iambic pentameter which is to be called later the ______.A. coupletB. blank verseC. heroic coupletD. epic8). Thematically the poem “Beowulf” presents a vivid picture of how the primitive people wage heroic struggle against the hostile forces of the ______ world under a wise and mighty ______.A. spiritual----heroB. natural----leaderC. spiritual----godD. natural----monster9). It can be said that though essentially still a medieval writer, Geoffrey Chaucer bore marks of humanism and anticipated a new ______ to come.A. manB. theoryC. doctrineD. era10). Geoffrey Chaucer introduced from France the rhymed stanzas of various types to English poetry to replace the Old English ______ verse.A. rhymedB. alliterativeC. socialD. visionary2. Explain the following literal terms.1). Romance2). Heroic Couplet3). Epic3. Answer the following questions.1). How many groups do the Old English poetry divided into? What are they? Which group does Beowulf belong to? Why?2). What is the contribution of Geoffrey Chaucer to English literature?Chapter1. The Renaissance Period一.重点前言部分1.文艺复兴的起源,起始时间,内容及特征2.人文主义的有关主张及对文学的影响3.文艺复兴时期的主要文学形式及其特征练习:Renaissance Period1. Choose the best answer for each blank.1). The Renaissance, in essence, is a historical period in which the European______ thinkers and scholars made attempts to get rid of those old feudalist ideas in medieval Europe, to introduce new ideas that expressed the interests of the rising bourgeoisie, and to recover the purity of the early church form the corruption of the Roman Catholic Church.A. Greek and RomanB. humanistC. religiousD. loyal2). Generally, the ______ refers to the period between the 14th and mid-17th centuries. It first started in Italy, with the flowering of painting, sculpture and literature. From Italy the movement went to embrace the rest of Europe.A. Medieval PeriodB. RenaissanceC. Old English PeriodD. Romantic Period3). ______ is the essence of the Renaissance. Thomas More, Christopher Marlowe and _______ are the best representatives of the English humanists.A. Humanity---- William ShakespeareB. Humanism-----Francis BaconC. Humanity---- Geoffrey ChaucerD. Humanism----William Shakespeare4). The Elizabethan ______ is the real mainstream of the English Renaissance. The most famous dramatists in the Renaissance England are Christopher Marlowe, William Shakespeare, and ______.A. novel--- Geoffrey ChaucerB. poetry----Francis BaconC. drama----Ben JonsonD. drama----Geoffrey Chaucer5). Humanism sprang from the endeavor to restore a medieval reverence for the antique authors and is frequently taken as the beginning of the Renaissance on its conscious, intellectual side, for the Greek and ______ civilization was based on such a conception that ______ is the measure of all things.A. Roman ---- moralB. French---- reasonC. Roman---- manD. French---- God6).One of the major result of the Reformation in England was the fact that the Bible in English was placed in every church and services were held in English instead of ______ so that people could understand.A. LatinB. FrenchC. GreekD. Anglo-Saxon7). Wyatt, in the Renaissance period, introduced the Petrarchan ______ into England, while Surrey brought in ______ verse.A. drama----freeB. sonnet----blankC. terzarima----blankD. couplet----free8). In the early stage of the English Renaissance, poetry and ______ were the most outstanding forms and they were carried on especially by William Shakespeare and Ben Jonson.A. fictionB. dramatic fictionC. poetic dramaD. novel9). By emphasizing the dignity of human beings and the importance of the present life, ______ voiced their beliefs that man did not only have the right to enjoy the beauty of this life, but had the ability to perfect himself and to perform wonders.A. humanistsB. ProtestantsC. CatholicsD. playwrights10). ______ was the first important English essayist. He was also the founder of modern science inEngland.A. Edmund SpenserB. Christopher MarloweC. Francis BaconD. Ben Jonson2. Explain the following literal terms.1). the Renaissance Period2). blank verse3). Humanism3. Answer the following questions.1). Make a comment on the influence of Italian literary works upon the literature in the Renaissance England.2). Make a comment on humanism3). What are the typical characteristics of literary works produced in Renaissance England?文艺复兴时期的主要作家。



1语言类syllable 音节 alphabet 字母ambiguity 语言中的歧异现象pronunciation 发音Cantonese 广东话 vowel 元音consonant 辅音 tone 声调tone language 声调语言 rhyme 韵律rhyme 押韵 rhythm 节奏intonation 语调 speech of sound 语音lexicon 词汇 grammar 语法word-building/-formation 构词法 morphological change 形态变化 morpheme 语素 vocal cords 声带organs of s p e e ch 发音器官 respiratory organs 呼吸器官 phonetic alphabet 音标Chinese Phonetic Alphabet 汉语拼音phoneme 音位 attribute 属性articulation oracle 发音 bone inscriptions 甲骨文stroke 笔画 character component 部首ideograph 表意文字pictograph 象形文字notional word 实词 noun 名词verb 动词 adjective 形容词adverb 副词 pronoun 代词function word 虚词 conjunction 连词mood word 语气词 preposition 介词interjection 叹词 auxiliary word 助词modal verb 情态动词 subject 主语object 宾语attribute 定语complement 补语predicate 谓语predicative 表语adverbial 状语modifier 修饰语 synonym 同义词antonym 反义词 word g roup 词组tense 时态 proper noun 专有名词register 专业术语 context 语境ending 词尾 suffix 后缀infix 前缀original meaning 本义basic meaning 基本义 extended meaning 引申义set phrase / idiom 成语 dialect 方言Syntax 句法学 Semantics 语义学Pragmatics 语用学 Applied linguistics 应用语言学arbitrary / arbitrariness 任意性 productivit 能产性duality 二重性 displacement 移位性creativity 创造性 soft palate 软腭hard p alate 硬腭teeth ridge 齿龈air stream 气流stre s s重音annotate 注音v r o o t 词根stem 词干 word o rder 词序Saussure 索绪尔 language 言语活动parole 言语 langue 语言competence 语言能力 performance 言语行为isolating language 孤立语a g g lutinative language 黏着语 inflectional language 屈折语folklore 民俗学character 字 word 词sentence 句子 note 注释exercise 练习 assignment 作业the rule of writing 书写规则 passage 短文speech tempo 语速 courseware 课件teaching objective教学目标 teaching procedure 教学步骤 placement test分班考试interlanguage 中介语contrastive analysis 对比分析 Error analysis 偏误分析positive transfe 正迁移 r negative transfer 负迁移Language Acquisition 语言习得 Target L a nguage 目的语Second Language 第二语言 Structuralism 结构主义Behaviorism 行为主义speech act theory 言语行为理论principle of conversation 会话原则 maxim 准则conversational implication 会话含义widening of meaning 意义扩大narrowing of meaning 意义缩小meaning shift 意义改变LAD=Language acquisition device 语言习得装置2文学类method of creation 创作方法essential features 基本特征world outlook 世界观 literary style 文学风格emotional feeling 思想感情 Realism 现实主义Romanticism 浪漫主义 Classicism 古典主义literary appreciation appreciation of literature 文学鉴赏literary criticism 文学批评 literary theory文学理论schools of literature 文学流派 linguistic arts 语言艺术literary works 文学作品 narrative poetry 叙事诗lyric poetry抒情诗 essay 杂文fiction 小说 novel 长篇小说medium-length novel 中篇小说 short story短篇小说poetry 诗歌 prose 散文drama 戏剧 tragedy 悲剧comedy 喜剧 solemn drama 正剧严肃剧stage play 话剧 literary script 文学剧本montage 蒙太奇 contemporary 当代文学literary heritage 文化遗产 publication 出版regulation 调节intellectual 知识分子educational background 学历definition 定义corresponding 对应的creative consciousness 创新意识literary circle 文学界literary trend 文学潮流individual value 个人价值 Renai s s ance 文艺复兴Enlightenment 启蒙运动 humanism 人本主义heroism 英雄主义 sense of life 生命意识literary achievement 文学成就legend 传说imagination 想象力 human right 人权literary flavor 文学色彩technique of expression 表现手法supernatural power 超自然的力量epic 史诗strong will 坚强的意志keynote 基调historical play 历史剧plot 情节time 时间 site 地点theme 主题distinctive image 鲜明的形象 character 性格characteristic 特征aesthetic value 美学价值exaggeration 夸张contrast 对比 folk literature 民间文学social status 社会地位Sinology 汉学religion 宗教信仰 worship 崇拜Taoism 道教 Confucius 孔子Confucian 儒家的 superstition 迷信mythology 神话emperor 皇帝Y ellow Empero 黄帝 r hierarchy 等级制度taboo 禁忌 filial duty 孝顺annals 编年史 dynastic history 断代史dynasty 朝代 title 片名original version 原著National Day 国庆节Mid-Autumn Day/Festival 中秋节Spring Festival 春节 Lantern Festival 元宵节Children ’s Day 儿童节 Dragon Boat Festival 端午节5 中国独特的传统饮食wonton 馄饨 guotie fried jiaozi 锅贴steamed twisted rolls 花卷set meal 套餐box lunch; Chinese take-away 盒饭 dialogue 对白subtitle 字幕 take 镜头clip 片段 picture 画面speciality / major 专业 calligraphy 书法vbe in rhyme 押韵 category范畴3名著Outlaws of the Marsh 〈水浒传〉The Dream o f Red C hamber 〈红楼梦〉Three Kingdoms 〈三国演义〉 The Journey theWest 〈西游记〉Zhao’s Orphan 元曲〈赵氏孤儿〉Chinese Orphan 〈中国孤儿〉伏尔泰The Analects of Confucius 〈论语〉The Book of Songs 〈诗经〉 Mencius 〈孟子〉4中华民族的喜庆节日Wo m e n’s Day妇女节Wate r-Sp lashing Day泼水节Te ach e rs’Day教师节Y o u th Day 五四青年节rice tofu 米豆腐konjak tofu 魔芋豆腐 rice noodles 米粉a stick of sugar-coated haws or apples,etc. 冰糖葫芦6 中国新兴事物China Telecom 中国电信 China Mobile 中国移动the 10th Five-Y ear Plan 十五计划Chinanet 中国电脑联网the Three G orges Project 三峡工程Project Hope 希望工程fried rice noodles 炒米粉Fish ball soup 鱼丸汤 egg & vegetable soup 蛋花汤 0yster soup 牡蛎汤seaweed soup 紫菜汤sweet & sour soup 酸辣汤wonton soup 馄饨汤pork thick soup 肉羹汤 squid soup 鱿鱼汤tomatoes on sticks 糖葫芦longevity Peaches 长寿桃glutinous rice sesame balls 芝麻球hemp flowers 麻花plum j ui c e 酸梅汁 stinky tofu (Smelly tofu)臭豆腐 spicy hot bean curd 麻辣豆腐prawn cracker 虾片sh7 特有的一些汉语词汇Zen Buddhism 禅宗 dhyana; dhgaya 禅chaos 混沌Daosim, the way and its power 道 Four N oble Truth 四谛 Eightfold Path 八正道anity 无常Theory of Five Elements 五行说anatman 无我 metta or transcendental meditation 坐禅sunyata 空 nothingness 虚无8 国家机关名称National People' s Congre s s NPC 全国人民代表大会Presidium 主席团Standing C ommi t t ee 常务委员会General Office 办公厅Secretariat 秘书处Credentials Committee 代表资格审查委员会Motions Examination Committee 提案审查委员会Ethnic Affairs Committee 民族委员会Law Committee 法律委员会Finance and Economy Committee 财政经济委员会rimp balls 虾球 spring rolls 春卷paper 宣纸 yamen 衙门kowtow 叩头 Confucius 孔子pailou ;pai-loo 牌楼 wushuChinese Martial Arts 武术 kungfu ;kung fu 功夫the way of medium cf. Golden Means 中庸harmony zhonghe中和to show filial obedience 孝顺 dutiful son 孝子 family head 家长three cardinal :三纲 five constant virtues: 五常guides: ruler guides subject, father guides son husband guides wife 君为臣纲,父为子纲,夫为妻纲benevolence humanity , righteousness, propriety,wisdom and fidelity仁、义、理、智、信 eight-legged e ssays 八股文raising sons to support one in one ’s养儿防老The m ore sons/children, the more 多子多福Longxu Ditch 龙须沟 model opera 样板戏The Mine Warfare 地雷战Drunkened Concubine 贵妃醉酒State Administration for Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine under the General Administration of Customs 国家出入境检验检疫局海关总署9 中国传统文化事物Farewell to M y Concubine 霸王别姬Tears of Huangshan 荒山泪Gathering of Heroes 群英会East Wind 借东风General and P remier Make Up 将相和The Story o f Pipa 琵琶记Women General of Y ang F amily 杨门女将Flower DrumDance 凤阳花鼓 Home in t he Sea 大海啊,故乡My Chinese Heart 我的中国心Night at the Naval Port 军港之夜Winter Fire 冬天里的一把火Peony Pavilion 牡丹亭Ambush from All Sides 十面埋伏(古曲)Goddess Marriage 天仙配Moon and Flower in the Spring River 春江花月夜Lasting W ords to Awaken the World 醒世恒言Butterfly Love 梁祝(小提琴协奏曲) Ordinary Words to W arn the W orld 警世通言Clear Words to Illustrate the World 喻世明言T h ree V olumes of Words ,Two V olumes of Slapping “三言”、“二拍”Surprise Stories to Make One Slapthe Desk 拍案惊奇A Dream of Red Mansion/Chamber 红楼梦Water Margin 水浒Journey to the West 西游记Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三国演义Strange Tles from a Scholar's Studio 聊斋志异Palace of Eternal Life长生殿 The Peach Blossom Fan桃花扇 The Scholars儒林外史 Celebrating Mother's Birthday 五女拜寿Riverside Scene at Q ingming Festival 清明上河图Peking O pera 京剧Y u e Opera 越剧Chuan Opera 川剧The S hopof L in Family 林家铺子Garden of Respose 憩园(巴金作品集)Wild G ra s s野草(鲁迅作品集)Wandering 彷徨(鲁迅作品集) Chinese d escent 炎黄子孙 Old T ales Retold 故事新编(鲁迅作品集)five elements 五行Avalokitesvara 观音菩萨 Boddhisattva 菩萨mosque 清真寺 Taoist 道士monk 和尚 nun 尼姑arhat 罗汉the God o f Wealth 财神爷Door Gods 门神 the Jade Emperor 玉皇大帝King of Hell 阎王爷 Dragon King 龙王the Fire God 炉火神 the King of Medicine 药王 the Queen Mother of the West 王母娘娘Water Curtain Cave 水帘洞 the Great Sage Equalling Heaven 齐天大圣Buddhist scriptures 佛经Mountain of Flowers and Fruits 花果山 Handsome Monkey King 美猴王 golden cudgel 金箍棒seventy-two d ifferent forms 七十二般变化Patriarch Subhut 孙悟空的师父the Protector of t he Horses 弼马温Great White Planet 太白金星Mighty Miracle God 巨灵神Prince Ne Zha 哪吒三太子 the Immortality Peach Garden 蕃桃园Jade Pool 瑶池 Barefoot Immortal 赤脚大仙TrueL o rd E rlangzhenjun 二郎真君Eight Trigrams Furnace 八卦炉 Lord Lao Z i of the Great Monad 太上老君 metal 金Hall of Miraculous Mis灵t霄宝殿Four Heavenly Kings四大天王Five Elements Mountain 五行山 wood 木water 水第 10/14 页fire 火earth 土Heavenly King with a Pagoda in Hand 托塔李天王Dujiang Weir 都江堰the Eight Immortals 八仙Iron Crutch Li 铁拐李Han Zhongli 汉钟离Zhang Guolao 张果老 He Xiangu 何仙姑Lan Caihe 蓝采和 Han Xiangzi 韩湘子Cao Guojiu 曹国舅 Lu Dongbin 吕洞宾River Uncle 河伯 the Thunder God 雷公Chang'e 嫦娥Local God of the Land 土地神Granting Titles to Gods 封神榜 the Kitchen God 灶王爷China Telecom 中国电信 China Mobile 中国移动the 10th Five-Y ear Plan 十五计划Chinanet 中国电脑联网the Three Gorges Project 三峡工程Project Hope 希望工程Beijing CKowloon Railway 京九铁路Anti-Poverty Project 扶贫工程VegetableBasket Project 菜篮子工程Decent-L i fe Project 温饱工程Economy Housing Project 安居工程Porn-Purging C ampaign 扫黄Go-West Campaign 西部大开发trigram 八卦yin, yang 阴、阳 Dao(cf. logo) 道the jianghu World (the traits ’world) 江湖(世界) Daoism(Taoism) 道excessive internal heat 上火 Confucianism 儒学redology 红学(《红楼梦》研究 ) Shangri-la or Arcadia 世外桃源kaifang (Chinese openness to the outside world) 开放getting an equal share regardless of the work done 大锅饭scar literature or the literature of the wounded 伤痕文学no imposing uniformity on 不搞一刀切to shake off poverty; anti-poverty 脱贫to conform with the national conditions and the will of the people 合乎国情,顺乎民意imposition of arbitrary quotas and s ervice charge 乱摊派,乱收费 iron (lifetime) post’s; guaranteed leading post 铁交椅Order leads to prosperity and chaos to decline 治则兴,乱则衰第 11/14 页mural壁画Chinese traditional painting 国画ink and w ash painting 水墨画silk painting 绢画wooden graving 木刻画engraving 版画shell carving painting 贝雕画 new year picture 年画 pottery ware 陶器 jade article 玉器 china ware 瓷器 celadon 青瓷bronze ware 青铜器 cloisonn é enamel 景泰蓝lacquer ware 漆器 painted pottery 彩陶trio-colored glazed pottery of t he T ang Dynasty 唐三彩 ice carving 冰雕 jadecarving 玉雕 stone carving 石雕 bones carving 骨雕shell carving 贝雕 w o o d carving 木雕tr e e root carving 根雕porcelain carving 瓷器雕 ivory carving象牙雕painted sculpture 彩塑 dough figurine 画塑clay figure 泥人儿silk fan 绢扇sandal wood fan 檀香扇folding fan 折扇 pearl 珍珠 agate 玛瑙 coral 珊瑚green jade 翡翠 amber 琥珀 jade 玉embroidery 刺绣two-sided embroidery 双面秀 tapestry挂毯 batik 蜡染wickerwork 藤条制品pure silk 真丝cigarette holder 烟嘴 snuff bottle 鼻烟壶seal 图章po t ed l andscape 盆景 scr e e n 屏风 edans s 轿子 pinwheel 风车acrobatics 杂技magic 魔术shaking drum 拨浪鼓bamboo flute 竹苗 shadow puppet 皮影 sugar-molded 糖人courtyard homes 四合院 stilt walk 踩高跷 martial arts 武术rickshaw 人力车palace lantern 宫灯 finger-gue s s ing game 猜拳 monologue story-telling 说书time-honored 老字号 cross talk 相声pay a n ew year call 拜年firecracker 爆竹a s tring of small fire crackers 鞭炮 year-end household 大扫除 lantern riddles灯谜第 12/14 页temple fair 庙会new year ’s picture 年画to hang out new year ’s picture 挂年画family reunion dinner on lunar new year 年夜饭to stay awake a ll night 守岁glutinous cake for new year 年糕the first day of the first lunar month 大年初一eight-treasure rice p u d d ing 八宝饭 poetic couplets 对联to put up antithetical couplets 贴春联to p ut up w indow paper-cuts 糊窗花money given to children as a lunar new year gift 压岁钱 local opera 地方戏theatrical mask 戏剧脸谱male characters 生female characters 旦painted face characters 净 mi d d le-aged m ale characters 末 clown 丑 gunpowder 火药 compass 指南针paper-making techniques 造纸术 paper-printing techniques 印刷术 martial arts 武术 Qigong 气功to fight a challenge fight in an arena 打擂台to listen to historical or traditionalstoriesto play Chinese chess 下象棋to make special studies of calligraphy 练习书法to do traditional C hinese painting 画国画听评书to inscribe a poem 题诗to match an antithetical couplet 求对第 13/14 页近一季度见诸报端的中国现代特色词汇翻译grass-roots supervision 基层监督 base tariff level 基础税率 matrimonial agency 婚介所extramarital love 婚外恋 bride photo 婚纱摄 sho d d y co t on 黑心棉 machine scoring 机器阅卷scratch-open ticket/lottery 即开型奖券go all out for economic development 集中精力把经济建设搞上去public price hearings 价格听证会temporarily transfer 借调 Division A Soccer Team 甲 A 球队 household management service 家政服务ensure the correct orientation is maintained in public opinion 加强舆论监督accounting fraud 假帐challenge; pick a quarrel 叫板 use l ame arguments 矫情gradual Taiwan independence 渐进式台独Raise the proportion of the middle-income group. 扩大中等收入者比重expand domestic demand a nd consumption 扩大内需,刺激消费。



Stylistics we are discussing here is general stylistics, which studies the stylistic features of the main varieties of language covering the functional varieties from the dimension of fields of discourse (different social activities) Formal vs. informal varieties from the dimension of tenors of discourse (different addresseraddressee relationships) Spoken vs. written varieties from the dimension of modes of discourse (different mediums) Covering the various genres of literature
Ways out 1. Preview 2. Review 3. Memorizing 4. Thinking
A.Daily Performance 30%
1. Attendance 30% 2. Classroom Performance 25% 3. Homework 25% 4. Course Paper 20%
0.5 The Needs for Stylistics
Stylistic study helps cultivate a sense of appropriateness Stylistic study sharpens the understanding and appreciation of literary works Stylistic study helps achieve adaptation in translation



英美文学名词解释1.The characteristic features in romanticperiod:①subjectivism主观主义: The spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings.强烈情感的自然流露②spontaneity自然性: The role of instinct, intuition is stressed in this period.③singularity奇特性: Poets in this period have a favor in describing unusual things④worship of nature对自然的崇拜: a main feature in this period⑤ simplicity质朴性: Common people gradually become the center of attention in this period.⑥ melan choly feelings deeply entrenched in this period.愁思的情绪充斥着这个时期。

⑦poets show their favor to outpour their feelings through their lines. 作家较喜欢通过诗句抒发情感。

2.literary points in the lyrical ballads:1.It mainly talked about Common people.2. Use vivid imaginationto constitute their poems.3.they respect Laws of humanity 4.Use Simple language 5. Focus on Morale principl e.3. Lake poets and their works:①William wordsworth: Lyrical ballads, the solitary reaper ②Samuel Taylor Coleridge :lyrical ballads, kubla khan ③Ro bert southey: a vision of trail, the doctor.4. The common features of Victorian novels:①the plot is unfolded against background which is broader than what it had been in previous novels.②the course-effect sequence is much more striking than in previous novels.围绕主人公经历而形成的原因与其影响比以往小说更显精彩。



词性和语态之间的转换 Shift between parts of speech and voices
• v.- n. 他喜欢在晚饭后静静地抽支烟。 He likes a quiet smoke after supper. 他在讲话中特别强调提高产品质量。 In his speech he laid special stress on raising
(转引自陈福康《中国译学理论史稿》) • 严复: 信、达、雅 • 刘重德:信、达、切 • 鲁迅: 求其易解,保存原作丰姿 • 傅雷: 神似 similarity in spirit • 钱钟书:化境 sublimation • Tytler: 3原则 p5
Tytler’s 3 principles
• A translation should give a complete transcript of the original work.
• The style and manner of writing should be of the same character as that of the original.
第一章 绪论
“洪荒造塔语言殊,从此人间要象胥”。 Babel Tower
Old Testament of Holy Bible Genesis 11
• To translate is therefore to let go of your (English) writing in a way, to hold it at arm’s length, open it to scrutiny, allow it to float in the ether (universe) for a while, and to let others, pivot you toward relative truth.



西南大学《英语文体学引论》复习思考题及答案(0099) 《英语文体学引论》复习思考题I. Explain in brief the following terms. (10 points; in test it contains 10 terms)1. stylistics2. style3. dialect4. morpheme5. phoneme6. language7. register 8. acoustic phonetics 9. auditory phonetics10. syllable 11. general stylistics 12. literary stylistics13. form 14. content 15. phonological analysis16. lexical analysis 17. syntactical analysis 18. discoursal analysis19. paralinguistic features 20. social dialect 21. taboo22. whispery voice 23. breathy voice 24. creaky voice25. falsetto 26. common core words 27. technical words28. standard words 29. non- standard words 30. spoken words31. literary words 32. extension 33. specialization34. elevation 35. degradation 36. metaphor37. litotes 38. irony 39. compound sentence40. periodic sentence 41. loose sentence 42. elliptical sentence43. inverted sentence 44. antithesis 45. parallelism46. repetition 47. deviation 48. cataphora49. progressive conjunction 50. field of discourseII. Answer the following questions. (50 points; in test itcontains 5 questions)1. What is the relationship between form and content?2. What are the differences between language and speech?3. What is the methodology of stylistic analysis? What are the levels of stylistic analysis?4. Define paralinguistic features. What are they?5. What are the three ways of studying the sound of language?6. What are the four typical meters in English poetry?7. What is the relationship between sound and meaning?8. What is the relationship between style and the choice of words, according to thestylisticians?9. How many kinds of word meanings may be classified? And what are they?10. What are the three basic components of the English vocabulary?11. Functionally speaking, what are the four types of English sentences?12. What are the conjunctions used in combining English sentences?13. What are the gestures may be used in a casual conversation?14. What are the three types of substitution? Can you give some examples?15. What is the relationship between dialect and register?16. Name at least five kinds of figures of speech in English.17. Can you give some examples of rhetorical questions?18. What are the stylistic features of the Bible?19. What are the five kinds of reference in the English language?20. What are the three factors of register?21. Give examples to illustrate power relationship and solidarity relationship.22. What are the non-linguistic features of casual conversation?23. What are the linguistic features of the language of news reporting?24 .What are the linguistic features of the language of advertisement?25. What is the relationship between literary language and ordinary language?III. Stylistic analysis (20 points):1. Explain the connotative meaning of the italicized words or expressions in the followingsentences (12 points; in test it may or may not appear; it contains 3 words or expressions):.1) Don’t trust her; she is a snake i n the grass.2) The enemy will attack us tomorrow morning, but we are still not well prepared. TheDa mocles’ sword is hanging over us.3) We have to consult him, you know, he is the real Titan in our class.4) News from Pentagon today says …5) She knows nothing about the cruelty of the world. She isa lily.6) Hamlet, according to some psycho-analysis theory, is a character who has theOedipus complex.7) He is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Don’t believe what he says.8) The doctor told him it is not cancer, however, it is only a white lie.9) He is always ready to help people when they are in need. He’s a real Robin Hood.10) Their policy is all sticks and no carrots.11) 0China never stands on the side of Chauvinism.12) Children are flowers of our country.2. What possible social relationships exist between the participants in the followingsentences? (12 points; in test it may or may not appear)1) Excuse me, could you tell me the right time, please?2) What time is it, please?3) What’ the time?3. Indicate what kind of figures of speech is used in the following examples? (8 points; intest it may or may not appear; it contains 2 items)The young hunter was as strong as a lion.Life is but a brief candle.from the cradle to the graveMany hands make light work.She’s as old as a mountain.A victorious defeatHe is a fool. He never knows where his personal interest lies. His whole heart is concerned about the interest of other people.Belinda smiled, and all the world was gay.The drunkard loves his bottle better than his wife.My love is a red, red rose.4. Try to analyze the following sentence and point out its stylistic value (12 points; it mayor may not appear in test; if it appears, it contains onesentence)1) It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a fortunemust be in want of a wife. (J. Austin. Pride and Prejudice)2) I came, I saw, I conquered. (Julius Caesar)3) O, my luve is like a red, red roseThat’s newly sprung in June;O, my luve is like the melodieTha t’s sweetly play’d in tune.(Robert Burns, A Red, Red Rose)4) A grief ago (Dylan Thomas)5) “Don’t be such a harsh parent, father!”“Don’t father me!”(0099) 《英语文体学引论》复习思考题答案I. Explain in brief the following terms (10 points; in test it contains 10 terms):1. stylistics: the study or the investigation of style.2. style: the linguistic habit of a particular person(s) or characteristic of typical situations.3. dialect: a subtype of language which may be determined by geographical locality orparticular social groupings.4. morpheme: the smallest unit in a language that carries meaning.5. phoneme: the smallest sound unit in a specific language capable of semantic distinction.6. language: a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.7. register: language determined by situation.8. acoustic phonetics: a branch of phonetics dealing with thephysical properties of thespeech sounds of a language.9. auditory phonetics: the study of how the sound of speech is received by the hearer.10. syllable: a vowel sound either with or without a consonant or consonants in clusters.11. general stylistics:the investigation of the linguistic features of all kinds of language use.12. literary stylistics: the study of the linguistic features of literature in particular, such asthose of poetry, novels and dramas.13. form: the particular way of expressing the message.14. content: the message or information or the communicative value that is encoded orloaded in a linguistic expression.15. phonological analysis: it is chiefly concerned about the sound patterns of a piece ofliterature, especially those of poetry.16. lexical analysis: it is chiefly concerned about the internal structure and the stylisticcoloring and the semantic relationship of the words in the text.17. syntactical analysis: it is chiefly concerned about how the words in a text are puttogether to produce meaning and other kinds of message.18. discoursal analysis: it is concerned about how sentences are joined together to produce acohesive and coherent text.19. paralinguistic features: the vocal effects caused by different shaping of the vocal cordsand openings20. social dialect: it is determined by the social groupings that a person belongs to.21. taboo: words forbidden to be used in public because of their being dirty or offensive22. whispery voice: utterance without any vocal cord vibration at all. Emphasizing contrast.23. breathy voice: utterance where there is too much breath for the needs of the articulation.24. creaky voice: a slow crackle of vocal cord vibrations at a low pitch, like a stick being runalong a fence.25. falsetto: a switch of the voice from one vocal register toa higher one; usually found onlyin males.26. common core words: refer to those words used in everyday life.27. technical words: refer to those words used in special professions.28. standard words: words that are used in the standard dialect.29. non-standard words: words labeled as slangs, vulgarisms and colloquialisms in thedictionary. the cultural and social implications of a word simile: a comparison between two things with emphasis on the similarity or likeness between them30. spoken words: words that most often used in face-to- face, casual and everydayconversations.31. literary words: words used in formal writings or literature.32. extension: a specific word comes to mean a general idea.33. specialization: the change of the word meaning may move in the opposite direction, aword with general reference is narrowed to a specific reference.34. elevation: words of derogatory association become words of favorable association.35. degradation: neutral words or words of favorable association degenerated intoderogatory words.36. metaphor: a covert comparison37. litotes: understatement38. irony: a figure of speech that takes the form of saying or implying the opposite of whatone feels to be the case39. compound sentence: a sentence made up of two or more simple sentences, joinedtogether by conjunctions or punctuations40. periodic sentence: one that is not grammatically complete until the end is reached41. loose sentence: one that may be brought to a grammatical close before the end is reached42. elliptical sentence: one in which either the subject or the predicate or part of thepredicate is missing43. inverted sentence: one in which the subject position is filled by other sentence elements44. antithesis: a figure of speech in the formula of X conj. Y with a contrast between them45. parallelism: a rhetorical device in which two or more thantwo similar syntacticstructures with different words are placed side by side46. repetition: a rhetorical device in which identical words are used but not necessarily inidentical position47. deviation: violation of standard use of the language48. cataphora: If the referred item comes after the referring item in a text, then it is a case ofcataphora.49. progressive conjunction: one sentence that joined by the use of conjunctive words ofaddition or progression50. field of discourse: the topic under discussion or the nature of the activity in whichlanguage is involvedII. Answer the following questions (50 points; in test it contains 5 questions):1. What is the relationship between form and content?One way of talking about style is to make a distinction between form and content.Content is the message or information or the communicative value that is encoded or loaded in a linguistic expression. Form is the particular way of expressing the message.The form is the style which may be different from case to case although the meaning may remain the same. For example, the Chinese term 开始may be expressed indifferent English words, such as start, begin and commence, but each suggests a different style.2. What are the differences between language and speech?Another way of talking about style is to make a distinctionbetween language and speech, which may be translated in Chinese as 语言and 言语. This distinction was first proposed by Saussure, the founder of the modern linguistics. According to Saussure, there are four major differences between language and speech.A. Language is abstract whereas speech is concrete. Language is abstract in the sensethat it has only psychological instead of physical existence. Language is notsomething that you can bring to the classroom and examine under the microscope,not something you can hear, see, smell , touch or taste. Speech is concrete in thesense that it has physical properties. Either can be heard in the spoken form or seenin the written form.B. Language is potential whereas speech is actual. Language is potential in the sensethat it is a kind of can-mean system, while speech is something that has an actualmeaning.C. Language is code whereas speech is message(语言是一个代码系统,言语才是信息). Language is a set of symbols that can be used to transmit information. Speechis the actual use of the language in an act of communication in a particular situationfor a particular purpose. It carries a real message.D. Language is stable and systematic whereas speech is subject to personal andsituational constraint. For example, the word book in the English language alwaysrefers to some printed matter. But in speech it may be used to refer to anything thatthe speaker wants to refer to by the use of it as long as it is understandable. Thecommon example is the sentence: He is a walking dictionary(a kind of book)meaning that he is very knowledgeable.3. What is the methodology of stylistic analysis? What are the levels of stylistic analysis?The major methodology for stylistic analysis is linguistic analysis. It tries to be objective or scientific in its analysis. According to the advocates of this methodology, anyone using this methodology to analyze a given text of literature will reach roughly the same conclusion.Levels of analysisSince stylistic analysis is a kind of linguistic analysis, naturally, how many levels of structure we have in a language correspondingly how many levels of structure at which we may do stylistic analysis.1) PhonologicalPhonological analysis is chiefly concerned about the sound patterns of a piece of literature, especially those of poetry.2) LexicalLexical analysis is chiefly concerned about the internal structure and the stylistic coloring and the semantic relationship of the words in the text.3) SyntacticalSyntactical analysis is chiefly concerned about how the wordsin a text are put together to produce meaning and other kinds of message.4) DiscoursalDiscoursal analysis is concerned about how sentences are joined together to producea cohesive and coherent text.4. Define paralinguistic features. What are they?Definition: the vocal effects caused by different shaping of the vocal cords and openings.Kinds and the corresponding stylistic effects.1) Whispery voice: utterance without any vocal cord vibration at all. Emphasizingcontrast.2) Breathy voice: utterance where there is too much breath for the needs of thearticulation, the effect being one of mild ‘puffing and blowing’. Expressing surprise and astonishment.3) Creaky voice: a slow crackle of vocal cord vibrations at a low pitch, like a stickbeing run along a fence.4) Falsetto: a switch of the voice from one vocal register to a higher one; usually foundonly in males.5. What are the three ways of studying the sound of language?A. articulatory phoneticsThe study of the sounds of a language with special attention to the speaker: the movement of the lungs, vocal cords, tongue, the lips and other organs which produce and control the noisy outward breathing.B. acoustic phoneticsThe study of the physical properties of the sound waves in the air when being transmitted from the speaker to the hearer.C. auditory phoneticsThe study of how the sound of speech is received by the hearer6. What are the four typical meters in English poetry?In English poetry, stress is usually used in the realization of meter. The followings arethe four most typical meters.1) Iamb: Iamb is a metric foot consisting of an unstressed syllable followed by astressed syllable.2) Trochee: Trochee is a metric foot consisting of a stressed syllable followed by anunstressed syllable.3) Anapest: Anapest is a metric foot composed of two unstressed syllables followed byone stressed one.4) Dactyl: Dactyl is a metric foot composed of one stressed syllable followed by twounstressed ones7. What is the relationship between sound and meaning?According to Saussure, the relationship between sound and meaning is arbitrary in the sense that why a certain meaning takes a particular sound has no reason and it is completely accident. But in literature, the writers always try to arrange the words in sucha way as to make the patterns of sound to directly suggest the meaning.8. What is the relationship between style and the choice ofwords, according to thestylisticians?The stylisticians’ attitude: they lay emphasis on the adaptability to the sit uation.Standard, non-standard, black, dialectal, slang, archaisms are equally good in their expressiveness. There is no distinction of one being superior and other being inferior.9. How many kinds of word meanings may be classified? And what are they?According to the linguists, a word has various kinds of meaning. The first kind of meaning is denotative meaning.1) Denotative (概念意义)The kind of meaning we can get from the dictionary. It can also be termed as dictionary meaning, conceptual meaning, logical meaning and referential meaning.This is the most basic meaning that we understand a word has.2) Stylistic = social (社会意义)The kind of meaning associated with a particular social situation in which a particular word is often used. e.g begin, start, commence3) Affective meaning(情感意义)It is the emotional, attitudinal and evaluative coloring of a word. e.g. cunning and clever. Both mean the skillful handling of a delicate or difficult situation. But they reveal different attitudes and evaluation of the speaker.4) Collocative (搭配意义)Some words may have the same dictionary meaning, but they collocate withdifferent words, as shown by the pair or synonyms of prettyand handsome.5) Connotative (内涵意义)the cultural and social implications of a word.10. What are the three basic components of the English vocabulary?The three basic components of the English vocabularyA Anglo-Saxona. Members of the familyb. Parts of the bodyc. Natured. Timee. One-syllabled verbsB Frencha. Government and Lawb. Army and military activitiesc. Religiond. CostumesC Latina. Medicineb. Lawc. Theologyd. Sciencee. Literature11. Functionally speaking, what are the four types of English sentences?1) Declarative 2) Interrogative3) Exclamatory 4) Imperative12. What are the conjunctions used in combining English sentences?1) Progressive conjunction (推进性连接): by the use ofconjunctive words of additionor progression, such as and, furthermore, moreover, etc.2) Contrastive conjunction (对照性连接): by the use of conjunctive words of contrastor transition, such as but, whereas, while, on the contrary, on the other hand, etc.3) Temporal conjunction (时间性连接): by the use of conjunctive words of temporalsequence, such as then, later, afterwards, at last, or finally, etc13. What are the gestures may be used in a casual conversation?Facial expressions, eye-contact, body positions, distance, physical touch, soundmodification, clothing, and environment14. What are the three types of substitution? Can you give some examples?A. Nominal substitution (名词性替代)1) The meaning of one/ones e.g. You bought a red pencil, I’d like a blue one.2) The use of the “same”Example:A: I want a cup of teaB: The same.3) T he use of “kind, sort”. e.g. American food is not t he same as the English kind.B. Verbal substitution (动词性替代)Do you like Chinese food?Yes, I do.He likes Chinese food. So do I.C. Clausal substitution (分句性替代)1) The use of “so” “not”Example: A: Do you think he will come tomorrow?B: Yes, I think so./ No, I think not.2) LimitationClausal substitution applies only to sentences, where the predicate verb of amain clause is one of the following verbs:believe, be afraid, expect, fear, hope, imagine, say, tell, think, suppose.15. What is the relationship between dialect and register?Another way of talking about style, is to make a distinction between dialects and registers.A: Speaker orientedDialects are speaker oriented. What kind of speaker speaks what kind of dialect.Dialects may be regional or social. Regional dialect (地域方言)is determined by the geographical locality the speaker lives in. The social dialect is determined by the social groupings that a person belongs to.B: Situation orientedRegister is situational oriented. Register is the language determined by situation, and because of this we have such registers as formal English, informal English, classroom English, legal English, etc.16. Name at least five kinds of figures of speech in English.Simile, metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche, irony, overstatement, etc.17. Can you give some examples of rhetorical questions?Idea: a rhetorical question is one which does not really need an answer, or the answer is obviousExamples:Is that a reason for despair?Can any one doubt the wisdom of this action?Is no one going to defend me?What difference does it make then?18. What are the stylistic features of the Bible?1. 1. Biblical simplicity2. Full of balanced sentences3. The use of concrete words4. Short paragraphs5. Heavy use of and to begin a new paragraph6. Syntactical features1) simple and complete sentences2) the use of old forms of personal pronouns3) the second personal pronoun take the verb of –est as in shouldest,gavest,etc.,and the third person doth and hath which are absent in other styles of writing4) negation takes the form of“verb+not” without the use of auxiliaries19. What are the five kinds of reference in the English language?According to relative positions of the referring item and the referred item, reference may be classified into the following kinds.1) Anaphora(后照应)In a case of reference, if the referred item (a word or a phrase) come before the referring item in a text, then it is a case of anaphora.Example: Mr. Wang is an engineer, he graduated from Beijing University.2) Cataphora(前照应)On the other hand, if the referred item comes after the referring item in a text, then it is a case of cataphora. As in the example:I was introduced to them; it was John Leathwall and his wife.3) Exophora(外照应)If the interpretation of an item in a text depends on something in the immediate environment, then it is a case of exophora.Example: Did the gardener water those plants?4) Paraphora(平行照应)An item which refers to something in another text.Example: He is the Shylock Holmes in our class.5) Homophora(自照应)When the class is composed of only one member, then any mention of it is a case of homophora.Example: The moon moves around the earth.20. What are the three factors of register?1) Field of discourse —the topic under discussion or the nature of the activity inwhich language is involved.2) Tenor of discourse —the kind of social relationships between the participants in aconversation.3) Mode of discourse —the medium along which the message is being transmitted.21. Give examples to illustrate power relationship and solidarity relationship.Power relationship is a kind of vertical relationship in the sense that the two participants in the conversation hold unequalauthority. For example, the relations between boss and employee, or between parents and children, or between teacher and students.Solidarity relationship is a horizontal relationship in that participants in a conversation hold equal authority. For example, the relations between playmates, classmates, friends, etc.22. What are the non-linguistic features of casual conversation?1) Unpreparedness or low degree of preparedness2) Frequent change of roles3) Monitoring4) Simultaneity in space and time5) Topic drifting6) Channel limitation7) Gestures23. What are the linguistic features of the language of news reporting?In news reporting one can find some characteristics in syntax, lexis, and textual structure.A. SyntaxThere is a heavy use of complex sentences and a heavy use of non-finite verb phrases. The subjects of sentences are usually very complicated. Compared with the verb phrases in the previous discussed varieties, the composition of the verb phrases in newspaper reporting is even simpler, mainly simple present or past tense. The structure of the noun phrases in news reporting is very complicated. There is a remarkable increase in the number of modifiers for an average sentence in the variety of newspaper reporting. And the modifiers themselves tend to be more complicatedly structured.B. LexisThere is rare use of pronouns, but by contrast, there is a remarkable increase of the use of proper nouns. The degree of complication in the aspect of word structure is about the same as that in public speech. Both in terms of the number of letters in an average word and the number of morphemes in an average word. Although the word structure in the style of newspaper reporting tends to be complicated, it is ever ready to use short instead of big word wherever possible, especially in headlines.Compound words are used frequently. Moreover, non phrases which actually express actions or state and heavily used, and they are derived from verb phrases in order to make the sentences more compact and save space without lowering the amount of information conveyed.C. Textual structureIn textual structure, one of the most outstanding characteristic is straightforwardness.24. What are the linguistic features of the language of advertisement?A. Syntax:In terms of syntax, the language of advertisement is simple in structure for easy understanding, and colloquial in style for familiarity, intimacy and solidarity. There is a higher frequency of imperative and interrogatives. As to structure, according to statistics, we have the lowest rate of occurrence of passive in comedies, the second lowest is in ads. There is also a heavy use of pre-modifiers, possessive’s, comparative and superlative adjectivesB. Lexis:There is a heavy use of compounds. Simple, short, innerstructure and a high percentage of active, affirmative, commendatory and large quantities of proper names could be found in the vocabulary of advertisement.C. Rhetorical devices:One can easily find a lot of parallelism, reiteration and alliteration.25. What is the relationship between literary language and ordinary language?1) The kind of language people use in daily conversation is the ultimate source of thelanguage of literature.2) Ordinary language follows the norm of convention, and the purpose is to beunderstood fully.3) Literary language is not the mechanical copy of ordinary language, but refined andprocessed.4) Literary language has some linguistic deviation.III. Stylistic analysis (20 points):1. Explain the connotative meaning of the italicized words or expressions in the followingsentences (12 points; in test it may or may not appear; it contains 3 words or expressions):1) Don’t trust her; she is a snake in the grass.Snake is a kind of animal, because of prejudice and cultural conventions now oftenused to refer to a person who is cunning and untrustworthy2) The enemy will attack us tomorrow morning, but we are still not well prepared. TheDamocles’ sword is hanging over us.Damocles’ sword is an allusion to Greek mythology. Damocles was invited to abanquet in the court. In the midst of the entertainment, Damocles looked up and sawsuspended above his head by a single thread a naked sword. By extension, it comesto mean an immediate danger.3) We have to consult him, you know, he is the real Titan in our class.Titan is a name used to refer to a class of gods huge in physical size. By extension,it comes to mean a person of great strength or influence.4) News from Pentagon today says …Pentagon is a huge building in Washington in which the U.S. Department ofDefense exercises its functions, now often used to refer to the ministry itself5) She knows nothing about the cruelty of the world. She isa lily.Lily is a flower and by cultural conventions a symbol of purity and innocence in thewest.6) Hamlet, according to some psycho-analysis theory, is a character who has theOedipus complex.According to psycho-analysis theory, Oedipus complex refers to the sexual love ofan infant for the parent of the opposite sex, with jealousy of the other parent, oftenin an unconscious way. In this play, Hamlet is believed to have。



文学作品要有的特点的英文作文英文回答:Characteristics of Literary Works.Literary works are characterized by a number of distinctive features that set them apart from other types of writing. These characteristics include:Creativity: Literary works are typically the product of the author's imagination, and they often explore new and original ideas.Artistic merit: Literary works are often considered to be works of art, and they are often valued for their beauty and craftsmanship.Complexity: Literary works can be complex and multifaceted, and they often require multiple readings to fully understand their meaning.Subjectivity: Literary works are often subjective, and they can be interpreted in many different ways.Universality: Literary works can appeal to a widerange of readers, regardless of their background or culture.中文回答:文学作品的特点。



文学文本的百科全书英语The Encyclopedia of Literary Texts.The Encyclopedia of Literary Texts is a comprehensive compilation of literary works from across the globe, spanning various genres, time periods, and cultural backgrounds. It serves as a comprehensive resource for students, researchers, and literary enthusiasts seeking to explore and understand the rich and diverse landscape of literature.1. Genres and Categories.The encyclopedia covers a wide range of literary genres, including poetry, fiction, drama, essay, non-fiction, and more. Each genre is further subdivided into specific categories, such as poetry can be categorized into lyric, epic, ode, sonnet, and other forms. Fiction can be divided into novels, short stories, novellas, and other narrative forms.2. Geographical Scope.The encyclopedia is global in scope, encompassing literary works from every corner of the world. It includes classic literary texts from Europe, Asia, Africa, South America, and other regions, as well as contemporary works reflecting the global literary landscape.3. Chronological Arrangement.The encyclopedia organizes literary texts chronologically, from ancient times to the present day. This allows readers to trace the evolution of literary forms and themes across history, understanding how they have been influenced by social, political, and cultural changes.4. Authors and Contributors.The encyclopedia features biographical information on notable authors and contributors to literature. Thisincludes their life histories, significant works, and contributions to the field of literature. It also provides insights into their literary styles, themes, and influences.5. Critical Analysis and Interpretation.Each entry in the encyclopedia includes criticalanalysis and interpretation of the literary text. This analysis covers themes, motifs, symbols, characters, and other literary elements, providing readers with a deeper understanding of the work's meaning and significance. Italso includes critical evaluations of the text's reception and impact on subsequent literature.6. Illustrations and Visual Elements.The encyclopedia is enriched with illustrations and visual elements that bring the literary texts to life. These include historical images, portraits of authors, sketches and illustrations from literary works, and other relevant visual material. These visual aids help readers visualize scenes, characters, and settings described in thetexts.7. Interactive Features.The encyclopedia is designed with interactive features that enhance the reading experience. These features include hyperlinks to external resources, such as online libraries, museums, and archives, where readers can delve deeper into the literary works and their historical and cultural contexts. There are also interactive maps that show the geographical locations referenced in the texts.In conclusion, the Encyclopedia of Literary Texts is a comprehensive and invaluable resource for anyone interested in exploring the rich and diverse world of literature. It offers a comprehensive overview of literary genres, geographical regions, historical periods, and authors, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of the beauty and power of literary expression.。

高中英语 什么是文学作(What is Literary Writing)作文素材

高中英语 什么是文学作(What is Literary Writing)作文素材

word什么是文学创作?(What is Literary Writing?)If you e to an American university from another country, you will find that your instructors’ writing expectations c If you e to an American university from another country, you will find that your instructors’ writing e xpectations can often be difficult to understand. Many instructors are unaware of the differences in the approach to writing that other nationalities and cultures have, and even if they were aware, ESL students would still be expected to write academic essays in an "American" fashion. This handout touches on some of the basic qualities of an academic essay written in the United States.State Your ThesisAmerican academic essays are usually "thesis-driven." This means that you as the writer must explain the main point of your essay at the start. A thesis statement is a sentence or two that(1) shows the purpose of the essay(2) indicates the basic ponents of the essay(3) offers the unique perspective of the writerThe thesis-driven essay may be different from non-American writing forms, in which the thesis is often implied, delayed, or delivered at the end of the essay. Consider the thesis statement a concise version of the entire essay, which usually appears in the introductory section of an essay.1 / 1。

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B a s i c F e a t u r e s o f L i t e r a r y W o r k sWe experience stories much as we experience life—as it washes over us.Yet when we come to describe our experience of reading stories and share our interpretations,we refer to such things as character and theme.That is,we analyze the story,discussing its constituent elements in order to see how it works as a whole.The more carefully we examine these elements,the better we understand how the story comes to have meaning for us.Although there are also many extrinsic approaches to literature that relate the literary text to such topics as society,myth,history,the human psyche,the relations between men and women,generic expectations,and other texts,all of these approaches benefit from consideration of the following intrinsic features of a literary work: plot,characterization,point of view,setting,language,and theme.●PLOT.Plot is a narrative of events arranged in a time sequence.However,it is more than just a story line("The king died,and then the queen died,"to use E.M.Forster's famous example).Plot has causality("The king died,and then the queen died of grief),which means that a plot can be explained as well as described.A critical reader,therefore,does not simply recount the plot,telling what happens in it,but also analyzes the plot,conjecturing about why things happen as they do and interpreting what they mean.Thus,every plot detail carries significance for the active reader.●CHARACTERIZATION.Characterization,the creation of a fictional person,lies at the heart of realistic fiction(though it may be only a secondary element in romance or fantasy).Characters are revealed by their actions,speech,thoughts,physical appearance,the setting,and what we learn from the narrator or other characters.Not only does character generate plot and plot result from character,but character is the center of meaning and interest for the reader.Conflict takes place within a character or between characters.Whereas"flat characters"have but a single dimension,"rounded characters" are complex,contradictory,and capable of growth—much as real people are.What motivates characters and causes them to change gives us insight into human nature.In realistic fiction,a character's change of heart or increase in understanding can be a momentous event.●POINT OF VIEW.A story's point of view is the narrative voice in which the events are related.There are many variations,but two basic points of view predominate:first-person and third-person.In first-person narration,the author creates a character(who may be the central protagonist or just a bystander) and uses that character's voice to tell the story.Readers may be privy to the character's stream of consciousness or may know only what the character chooses to reveal.First-person narrators are often reliable,but not always;they are sometimes stupid or naive,and occasionally they even lie. It is up to the reader to decide into which category a narrator falls.When a story is told in the third person,the narrator does not participate in the action,and the narrative voice is not that of any of the characters.This voice may be omniscient—all-knowing,with free access to the motives,thoughts,and feelings of the characters—or it may be limited—with access to only one character's mind.It may also be journalistically objective,limiting itself to descriptions of external actions and events.●SETTING.The locale and period in which the action of a story takes place is its setting.The setting can make the story seem real or interesting,and it can also add to our understanding of the story's meaning.The setting may influence a character's behavior or reflect his or her state of mind.It may foreshadow events yet to happen or reinforce events that have already occurred.Often the language of the setting is highly evocative and even symbolic.●LANGUAGE.The language of literature,the words chosen to create a fictional world,is richly connotative or suggestive.Connotative words have an intricate texture of associations and implications.The various shadings of implications often make the meaning of a particular word ambiguous or uncertain.Some literary critics view ambiguous words as having multiple meanings that ultimately work together to reinforce a single,unified pattern of meaning;others see ambiguous words as wedges that reveal conflicting meanings within a text and expose the indeterminacy of its meaning.Literary language tends also to be highly ing language figuratively—as in metaphor and simile—involves departing from normal usage in order to extend or change aword's meaning.Here is a brief list of literary terms to describe some common figurative uses of language:—An image(a red rose)evokes sensory impressions to suggest a resemblance between the fictional and the phenomenal world.—Metaphor(my love is a red rose)and simile(my love is like a red rose)both use images to compare or transfer meaning from one object to another.—Metonymy(the rose that my love picked in the garden wilted in the heat)names one object(the literal rose)to throw light on another(the lover)with which it isassociated.—Symbols are more general terms used to extend the range of meaning of a word beyond its immediate,literal meaning.In the following poem by William Blake,forexample,the rose is used symbolically to refer to the destructions of love byhyprocrisy and deceit(among other possible meanings):0Rose,thou art sick!The invisible wormThat flies in the night,In the howling storm,Has found out thy bedOf crimson joy,And his dark secret loveDoes thy life destroy.THEME.Theme refers to the general ideas conveyed by the story through its language,plot, characterization,point of view,and setting.Themes may concern such abstractions or universals as life and death,illusion and reality,alienation and communion,money and greed,heroism and egotism,fate and free will.To find a story's themes or other kind of literary genre is to be analytical and creative at the same time.As we read,we infer a story's meanings;we read between the lines,making connections and drawing out implications.As we find our critical,interpretive voices,we approach conversation with the text;in that dialogue,meaning is forged and we discover what the story is about.。
