Heath Ledger 英文介绍
Heath Ledger
Heath Ledger
希斯· 莱杰
• 希斯· 莱杰(Heath Ledger),1979年出生于澳大 利亚珀斯市,澳大利亚影视演员。 • 1997年,希斯· 莱杰出演电视剧《汗水》。2001 年希斯· 莱杰出演了影片《圣战骑士》,使他获得 第三届青少年选择奖 最佳电影男演员的提名。 2005年,希斯· 莱杰凭借《断背山》中的表演获得 第78届奥斯卡奖最佳男主角提名。2008年,因出 演《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士》中小丑一角获得第81届 奥斯卡金像奖最佳男配角。 • 2008年1月22日,年仅28岁的希斯· 莱吉被人发现 死于纽约的公寓内。•Βιβλιοθήκη • •••
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故事从小丑带着手下抢了一家黑道的银行开始,手下们被小丑的伎俩玩弄,开始自相残杀。当晚假的蝙蝠侠试着阻 碍黑道与稻草人之间的毒品交易。此时真的蝙蝠侠现身,而后他在战斗中因为盔甲太过笨重而受了伤,让他想重新 设计蝙蝠装。蝙蝠侠、高登队长和新的检察长哈维丹特计划将黑帮斩草除根,哈维就能当上公开的英雄。同时布鲁 斯发现瑞秋在与丹特交往。 黑帮老大开会讨论如何对付蝙蝠侠、高登和丹特,华裔的黑帮会计-刘告诉黑帮老大,他抢先在丹特所策划的扣押黑 钱计划执行前,就将黑道的钱移往香港。小丑突然现身并提议用一半的黑钱,来雇用他杀死蝙蝠侠,遭到黑帮拒绝。 当蝙蝠侠顺利抓住逃回香港的刘并转交给高登后,黑道同意雇用小丑杀死蝙蝠侠。此时小丑向全高谭市宣布,只要 蝙蝠侠一天不自首,往后每天都会有人死亡。当小丑暗杀了警长罗伯和审判黑帮的法官等公众官员后,布鲁斯决定 自首。在他自首前,丹特抢先宣称自己就是蝙蝠侠,希望借此引出小丑。小丑中计现身想杀死丹特,却被高登和蝙 蝠侠阻止并被逮捕。 蝙蝠侠开始审问小丑,他透露瑞秋和丹特已被带到城市的两端,并放置了两个遥控爆裂物,之间的距离让蝙蝠侠无 法同时救他们。蝙蝠侠立即出发去救瑞秋,同时高登和警察去救丹特。但小丑故意将瑞秋与丹特的位置说反,让两 人救的对象相反。通过炸弹的掩护,小丑和刘顺利逃出警局。蝙蝠侠即时救到丹特,但丹特被火烧掉了半个脸,被 送往医院。高登却没救到瑞秋,让她在爆炸中身亡。丹特因瑞秋的死陷入疯狂。此时小丑来到医院释放了丹特,并 说服他必须向警察、黑帮、高登和蝙蝠侠复仇,丹特成为了双面人。 当哈维一一质问并用硬币决定贪污警察和帮派份子的生死时,小丑把一半黑帮的钱和刘一起烧掉。小丑再次向众人 宣布他将会统治街道,留在高谭市的市民在夜晚来临时都将受他统治。桥和隧道因为小丑的炸弹威胁而封锁,政府 开始以渡轮撤离民众。小丑已事先在两艘渡轮上放了炸弹,一艘载着民众,另一艘载着囚犯,并告诉两边的乘客, 自救的方法就是先用他准备的引爆器,引爆另一艘船只。否则,两艘船都会在午夜时被遥控炸毁。蝙蝠侠锁定了小 丑的位置并阻止他炸毁船只。被打倒后,小丑了解蝙蝠侠是不可能堕落腐败的,丹特却不是。小丑已将丹特的狂怒 释放出来。蝙蝠侠发现丹特绑架了高登和他的家人,被带到瑞秋死亡的大楼残骸。丹特开始用掷硬币来决定他自己、 蝙蝠侠和高登儿子的生死。丹特朝蝙蝠侠的腹部开了一枪。就在丹特决定小男孩的生死前,蝙蝠侠扑倒了丹特,两 人摔落到下一层楼,丹特无意识的倒在地上。 蝙蝠侠和高登知道若哈维谋杀警察的事传出去,会让城市混乱且道德沦陷,而这就是小丑的最大目的。蝙蝠侠说服 高登,蝙蝠侠自己扛下这些罪名,以维持哈维的形象。 片尾高登发出了蝙蝠侠的追捕令,砸毁了蝙蝠信号灯,并给了蝙蝠侠黑暗骑士的称号。
1For over a century, I have lived in secret过去的一个多世纪我都秘密地活着2Hiding in the shadows,藏身暗处3Alone in the world. 独自一人4Until now. 直到现在5I am a vampire.我是个吸血鬼6And this is my story.这就是我的故事7An hour's drive to hear that crap 居然开一小时的车去听那种垃圾音乐8You know, it wasn't even a band. 根本都算不上是乐队9一人抱一把吉他A guy with a guitar.10每人一小时An hour each way.11他没你说的那么差He wasn't that bad.12风格还挺像詹姆士•布朗特He sounded like James Blunt.13那有什么不好呢What's wrong with that?14问题是已经有一个詹姆士•布朗特了We already have a James Blunt. 15一个就够了One's all we need.16那你为什么还要来So why did you come?17因为我爱你Because I love you.18答得不错Nicely done.19哪来这么大的雾What's with all the fog?20刚才还没有的It'll clear in a second.21小心 Watch out!22你没事吧 Are you ok?!23我们撞到人了上帝啊We just hit someone! Oh,my god!24快打电话叫救护车Call for help.25快接电话快啊Come on, come on!26千万别出人命啊Please be alive!27哦上帝啊Oh, my god.28这里没信号There's no signal!29达伦 Darren!30达伦 Darren?31《吸血鬼日记》第一季第一集32我不该回家来的I shouldn't have come home.33我知道这很冒险I know the risk.34但我别无选择But I had no choice.35我必须去认识她I have to know her.36亲爱的日记Dear diary,37今天将会不同以往Today will be different.38必须要It has to be.39我会微笑让别人相信I will smile, and it will bebelievable.40告诉他们"我很好谢谢关心"My smile was "I'm fine, thank you."41"是的我好多了""Yes, I feel much better."42我不再是失去双亲的悲伤女孩I will no longer be the sad littlegirl who lost her parents.43我要重新开始做不同的自己I will start fresh, be someone new.44这是我能挺过去的唯一办法It's the only way I'll make itthrough.45吐司面包怎么样我可以做Toast. I can make toast.46只要咖啡就行珍娜姑妈It's all about the coffee, AuntJenna.47有咖啡吗 Is there coffee?48你们开学第一天Your first day of school49我却毫无准备And I'm totally unprepared.50要午餐钱吗Lunch money?51我不用了I'm good.52还有什么别的吗Anything else?53一支两号铅笔我还漏了什么没A number two pencil? What am I missing?54你今天不是有个重要报告会吗Don't you have a big presentation today?55我要和论文导师见面就是现在I'm meeting with my thesis advisor at...now.56糟糕 Crap!57那走吧我们自己能行Then go. We'll be fine.58你还好吧 You ok?59别这么跟我说Don't start.60祖母说我是个灵媒So gram’s telling me I'm psychic.61我们祖先就是从耶路撒冷来的Our ancestors were from Salem, 62我知道听起来有点不靠谱Which isn't all that, I know, crazy,63但是她不停地说啊说But she's going on and on about it, 64我就在想快让我离开这儿And I'm like, put this woman in a home already!65但是我开始想But then I started thinking,66 奥巴马和希斯•莱杰我都预言到了I predicted Obama and I predictedHeath Ledger,67而且我还认为佛罗里达将有大事发生And I still think Florida willbreak off68今后就不再是度假胜地了And turn into little resortislands.69埃琳娜Elena!70注意力回到车里Back in the car.71我又犯病了是吗I did it again, didn't I?72对不起邦妮I--I'm sorry, Bonnie.73你在跟我说You were telling me that...74我是个灵媒That I'm psychic now.75对那么预言点什么Right. Ok, then predict something.76关于我的About me.77我想想 I see...78那是什么东西What was that?!79哦上帝啊Oh, my god!80埃琳娜你没事吧Elena, are you ok?81没事我很好It's ok. I'm fine.82好像是鸟之类的东西不知从哪飞出来的It was like a bird or something. Itcame out of nowhere.83说真的看来我下半辈子都不想碰车了Really, I can't be freaked out bycars for the rest of my life.84我预言今年是不得了的一年I predict this year is going to bekick ass.85我预言所有悲伤和不幸都已经结束And I predict all the sad and darktimes are over86你会过得快乐至极And you are going to be beyondhappy.87房地产行业里男性匮乏Major lack of male real estate.88快看凯丽泳滩的浴帘Look at the shower curtain on KellyBeach.89她看上去挺辣的She looks a hot90你还是以前那个"悲伤小姐"嘛Can I still say "tranny mess"?91不是都已经过去了No, that's over.92就该这样找个男人起个新绰号Ahh, find a man, coin a phrase.93又是忙碌的一年It's a busy year.94他恨我 He hates me.95那不是恨That's not hate.96是说"你甩了我我不屑于表现出来" That's "you dumped me, but I'm too cool to show it,97"但暗地里却听空气补给乐队的热门歌曲""But secretly I'm listening to Air Supply's greatest hits."98埃琳娜我的天哪Elena. Oh, my god.99你怎么样 How are you?100见到你真好Oh, it's so good to see you.101她怎么样她好吗How is she? Is she good?102卡罗琳我就站在这里Caroline, I'm right here.103而且我很好谢谢And I'm fine. Thank you.104真的吗 Really?105对好多了Yes. Much better.106我的小可怜Oh, you poor thing.107够了卡罗琳Ok, Caroline.108那么待会儿见Ok, see you guys later?109-好的 -拜拜- Ok! - Bye.110不予置评 No comment.111我什么都不想说I'm not going to say anything. 112 六个小时内最多吃2粒Don't take more than two in asix-hour window.113薇姬 Hey, Vicki.114我就知道你和这个瘾君子在一起I knew I'd find you here with thecrackheads.115皮特•温兹打电话[美国乐团Fall OutBoy主唱]Hey, Pete Wentz called.116他想要回他的指甲油He wants his nail polish back.117皮特•温兹你活在啥年代啊Pete Wentz,huh? How old schoolT.R.L of you.118不会是卡森•戴利的粉丝吧Carson Daly fan?119泰冷静点冷静点Oh, Ty, be nice. Be nice.120他是埃琳娜的弟弟That's Elena's little brother.121我知道 I know who he is.122那我也要给他好看I'll still kick his ass.123等等这人是谁Hold up. Who's this?124我只看到个背影All I see is back.125很帅的背影It's a hot back.126你的档案还不齐全Your records are incomplete.127没有免疫证You're missing immunizationrecords,128而且我们必须要看成绩单And we do insist on transcripts.129请您再看一下Please look again.130我确定您要的都在这了I'm sure everything you need isthere.131你是对的Well,you're right.132的确如此 So it is.133我感知到了西雅图还有他会弹吉他I'm sensing Seattle, and he playsthe guitar.134看来你真是把那种灵媒技能You're really going to run thiswhole psychic thing135-发挥到极致了 -差不多- Into the ground,huh? - Prettymuch.136我马上回来I'll be right back.137千万要长帅点啊Please be hot.138裤子掉啦小妞Whoa! Pants down, chick!139很好 Great.140第一天上课你就喝多了It's the first day of school andyou're stoned.141-我没有 -放哪了- No,I'm not. - Where is it?142-藏身上了吗 -别翻了- Is it on you? - Stop,all right?!143你得冷静点行不行You need to chill yourself,all right?144-我冷静点 -这算什么- Chill myself? - What is that, 145酒鬼的演讲吗 Stoner talk?146老弟算你狠Dude,you are so cool.147停我身上什么也没有你疯了吗Look,stop! I don't have anything on me. Are you crazy?148你还没见识过我发疯呢杰里米You haven't seen crazy, Jeremy! 149我一个暑假没管你I gave you a summer pass,150可我不能再看着你毁了你自己了But I am done watching you destroy yourself.151别别别知道我怎么想吗No,no,no,you know what?152你走吧爱干嘛干嘛不过记住了Go ahead. Keep it up. But just know 153只要我发现你喝酒That I am going to be there154见一次摔一次明白没To ruin your buzz every time,you got it?155杰里米我知道你是什么样的人Jeremy, I know who you are.156不是现在这样的And it's not this person.157别这样下去了So don't be this person.158 不用你来说教I don't need this.159谢谢 Thank you.160不客气 You're welcome.161对不起 Uh, pardon me.162这里是男士洗手间吗Is this the men's room?163是的我只是Yes. um, I was just,164只是... Um... I was just...165说来话长了It's a long story.166谢谢 Thank you.167我们的家乡弗吉尼亚州Once our home state of Virginia168曾于1861年加入南部的联盟国Joined confederacy in 1861,169这使得州际内部极度紧张起来It created a tremendous amount oftension within the state.170弗吉尼亚的西北派人士People in Virginia's northwestregion171与南方腹地的传统派意见相左Had different ideals than thosefrom the traditional deep south.172终于弗吉尼亚于1863年分裂Then virginia divided in 1863173西北部加入了合众国With the northwest region joiningthe union.174[帅哥在看你]175亲爱的日记 Dear diary,176我熬过了一整天I made it through the day.177我肯定至少说了37次I must have said, "I'm fine,thanks,"178"我很好谢谢"At least 37 times.179但没有一次是真心的And I didn't mean it once.180不过没人发现But no one noticed.181纪念亲爱的双亲 2009年5月23日182当有人问起"你好吗"时When someone asks, "How are you?"183他们其实并不想知道答案They really don't want an answer.184小鸟你好 Hi, bird.185没什么可怕的That's not creepy or anything.186这才是我想说的That's what I thought.187你没事吧 You ok?188你在跟踪我吗Were you following me?189没有我只是看到你跌到了No, I, uh, I just... I saw you fall.190是啊你只是碰巧Uh-huh, and you just happened to be191在墓地闲逛Hanging out in a cemetery.192我是来祭拜家人的I'm visiting. I have family here. 193太失礼了Wow. Tactless.194对不起都怪那雾气I'm sorry. It's the fog,195把我身上都弄得雾蒙蒙的It's making me foggy.196而且那边还有只鸟And then back there,there was this bird,197有一霎那一切都非常的"希区柯克" And it was all very Hitchcock for a second.198很像希区柯克的电影《鸟》对吧That is the bird movie, right, the Hitchcock?199我叫埃琳娜 I'm Elena.200我叫斯特凡 I'm Stefan.201我知道I know.202我们是一起上历史课的We have history together.203还有英语和法语课And English and French.204没错 Right.205谢谢 Thanks.206很漂亮的戒指Nice ring.207是家传的It's a family ring, yeah.208我永远不会跟它分开有点诡异对吗I'm kinda stuck with it. It's weird,huh? 209不会戒指到处都有No, no. It's just, I mean, thereare rings210这枚却是独一无二的And then there's that.211你是不是受伤了Did you hurt yourself?212刚才是不是摔伤了Did you hurt yourself?213不知道I don't know.214看啊Oh! Look at that.215这可不好看That is not pretty.216你没事吧You ok?217你该走了You should go.218好好处理下伤口Take care of that.219真的没什么Really, it's nothing.220今天我失控了I lost control today.221我已经深埋内心的一切Everything I've kept buried inside222都冲破了束缚Came rushing to the surface.223我只是无法抗拒她I'm simply not able to resist her.224我在干活Working.225谢谢薇姬Thanks,Vick.226还要续杯吗Do you need another refill?227求之不得I'd love one.228摆脱告诉我你没有勾搭我妹妹Please tell me you're not hookingup with my sister.229我没有勾搭你妹妹I'm not hooking up with yoursister.230你真是个混蛋You're such a dick.231你怎么回事Hey, what's your deal?232夏天的时候你还好好的I mean,summer you act one way233开学后看到我就那么不耐烦吗And then school starts and youcan't be bothered.234杰里米我真的很感谢你的药Look, Jeremy, I really appreciateall the pharmaceuticals,235但你也不能像条迷路的小狗一样死缠着我But you can't keep following mearound like a lost puppy.236你上次和"小狗"上床是什么时候When's the last time you had sexwith a puppy?237小声点我不想让整个世界知道Hey, keep it down. I don't want totell the whole world238我让埃琳娜的小弟失贞了I deflowered Elena's kid brother. 239没错而且是一次次的Yeah, and deflowered and deflowered.240以前几次都是药物作怪现在结束了We hooked up a few times in a drug haze. It's over.241趁你没破坏我和泰勒关系前快走吧You gotta back off before you ruin things between me and Tyler.242得了吧那家伙完全就是个傻逼Oh, come on, the guy's a total douche.243他要你只是为了想和你上床He only wants you for your ass. 244是吗 Yeah?245你要我什么呢What do you want me for?246他名叫斯特凡•塞尔瓦托His name is Stefan Salvatore. 247他和叔叔住在塞尔瓦托的旧公寓He lives with uncle up at the old Salvatore boarding house.248他孩提时就离开这里了He hasn't lived here since he was a kid.249典型的军人家庭所以他们四处迁徙Military family, so they moved around a lot.250他是双子座的最喜欢的颜色是蓝色He's a gemini, and his favorite color is blue.251你一天之内就知道这些了You got all of that in one day? 252摆脱我在三四节课之间就知道了Oh, please, I got all that betweenthird and fourth period.253我们将会举行一个六月婚礼We're planning a June wedding.254我和邦妮约好去烧烤I'm meeting Bonnie at the grill.255好吧玩得愉快等等我得说Ok, have fun. Wait,I got this.256别待得太久明天还要上课Don't stay out late, it's a schoolnight.257干得不错珍娜姑妈Well done, aunt Jenna.258抱歉我正想敲门Sorry, I was about to knock.259我想为先前无故消失的行为道歉I wanted to apologize for mydisappearing act earlier.260我知道那有点...I know it was...261奇怪 strange.262别放在心上了No worries.263我懂你晕血I get it, blood makes yousqueamish.264差不多吧Um, something like that.265你的脚怎么样How's your leg?266哦没事了Oh, it's fine.267只是皮外伤Just a scratch, barely.268你怎么知道我住哪How did you know where I lived?269这可是个小镇It's a small town.270我问了遇到的第一个人I asked the first person I saw.271我觉得你应该想要回这个Um, I thought you might want thisback.272哦我一定是把它弄丢了Oh, I must have dropped it.273谢谢你 I...thank you.274别担心我没看Don't worry, I didn't...read it.275没有吗 No?276为什么不看大多数人都会的Why not? Most people would have.277正如我不想让别人看我的Well, I wouldn't want anyone toread mine.278你写日记You keep a journal?279是的如果我不写下来Yeah, if I don't write it down,280我就会忘I forget it.281记忆弥足珍贵Memories are too important.282是的 Yeah.283我得去 I'm just gonna,284你没必要站在外面Um, you don't have to stay outthere.285我没事 I'm fine.286对不起你是不是要出去Sorry, were you going somewhere? 287是的我要见个朋友Yeah, I'm meeting a friend.288一起来吗Do you want to come?289埃琳娜怎么样How's Elena doing?290她的双亲亡故了你觉得会怎么样Her mom and dad died. How do you think?291她假装满面笑容She's putting on a good face, 292但才过了4个月But it's only been four months. 293-她有提到我吗 -没有- Has she said anything about me? - Oh, no.294所以别故作姿态了So not getting in the middle. 295直接打电话给她吧You pick up the phone and call her. 296我觉得打电话怪怪的I feel weird calling her.297她和我分手了She broke up with me.298多给点时间马特Give it more time, Matt.299这就叫多给点时间吗More time, huh?300我是马特见到你很高兴Hey, I'm Matt, nice to meet you.301你好斯特凡 Hi. Stefan.302你是在神秘瀑布镇出生的吗So, you were born in Mystic Falls?303对不过我小时候就搬走了Mm-hmm, and moved when I was stillyoung.304你父母呢Parents?305我父母过世了My parents passed away.306抱歉 I'm sorry.307有兄弟姐妹吗Any siblings?308都很久不联系了None that I talk to.309我和我叔叔住一起I live with my uncle.310那么斯特凡So, Stefan,311你是新来的应该还不知道明天的聚会吧If you're new, then you don't knowabout the party tomorrow.312这是瀑布镇开学后的惯例It's a back to school thing at theFalls.313你要去吗 Are you going?314她当然去 Of course she is.315你答应过的You promised.316这是一起野兽袭击This was an animal attack.317别给我借口我知道事实Don't give me that. I know thegame.318你毁尸灭迹他们一直怀疑是野兽袭击You tear them up enough, theyalways suspect an animal attack.319你说过你抑制住自己了You said you had it under control.320我是做到了 And I do.321求你了斯特凡叔叔Please, uncle Stefan.322神秘瀑布镇现在已经今非昔比了Mystic Falls is a different placenow.323虽然这几年挺平静但还是有人记得的It's been quiet for years, butthere are people who stillremember.324而你的到来And you being here,325这只会激起往事It's just going to stir things up.326-这不是我来的本意 -那是什么- It's not my intention. - Thenwhat is?327为什么你要回来Why did you come back?328过去这么久了为什么偏偏现在After all this time, why now?329我不需要为自己作解释I don't have to explain myself.330我知道你本性难移I know that you can't change whatyou are.331但你再也不属于这里了But you don't belong here anymore. 332那我属于哪里Where do I belong?333我无法告诉你该怎么做I can't tell you what to do.334但回到这里是个错误But coming back here was a mistake. 335柳树溪战役The battle of Willow Creek336战争末期在我们took place right at the end of the war337神秘瀑布镇打响in our very own mystic falls.338这场战役有多少人员伤亡How many casualties resulted in this battle?339贝内特小姐Ms. Bennett?340很多 Um...a lot?341我不确定 I'm not sure.342就是很多Like a whole lot.343贝内特小姐可爱和傻气只有一步之遥Cute becomes dumb in an instant,Ms. Bennett.344多诺万先生Mr. Donovan.345你能否借这个机会Would you like to take this opportunity 346一改玩世不恭的形象To overcome your embedded jockstereotype?347算了泰纳老师不必了It's ok,Mr. Tanner,I'm cool withit.348埃琳娜呢 Hmm. Elena?349你一定可以给我们Surely you can enlighten us about350讲讲发生在本镇最重要的历史事件吧One of the town's mostsignificantly historical events?351抱歉我不知道I'm sorry,I... I don't know.352埃琳娜你的情况大家都很清楚I was willing to be lenient lastyear353如果是去年我完全能通融For obvious reasons,Elena,354但私人情感应该在开学前做个了结But the personal excuses endedwith summer break.355有346人遇难There were 346 casualties,356除去本地居民Unless you're counting localcivilians.357正确 That's correct.358你叫... Mister...359赛尔瓦多 Salvatore.360塞尔瓦多在神秘瀑布镇Salvatore. any relation to361有原始定居在这里的亲戚吗The original settlers here atmystic falls?362远亲 Distant.363很好Well,very good.364当然除次之外战争中没有Except,of course,there were nocivilian casualties365本地居民遇难In this battle.366其实有27名老师Actually,there were 27,sir.367联邦士兵在教堂开火Confederate soldiers,they firedon the church,368以为那里藏有武器Believing it to be housingweapons.369他们错了They were wrong.370当晚伤亡惨重It was a night of great loss.371市政厅存有发起人的档案The founder's archives are,uh,372你可以去那里温习一下Stored in civil hall if you'd liketo brush up on your facts.373泰纳老师Mr. Tanner.374什么意思你从不钓凯子What do you mean,you never hookedup?375大家都People look up to me.376我得保持形象I have to set an example.377承认吧埃琳娜Just admit it,Elena.378好吧他是挺帅的Oh,ok,so he's a little pretty. 379他的眼神很深邃He has that romance novel stare. 380斯特凡深情注视她的双眸Stefan looked deep into her eyes, 381洞悉她的灵魂Piercing her very soul.382你来啦Hey! you made it!383是的 I did.384去喝一杯吧Well,let's get you a drink.385-我 -来吧- Well,I'm... - Oh,come on.386他在哪So where is he?387我不知道I don't know.388我还问你呢你才是通灵人You tell me,you're the psychic one.389我差点忘了稍待Right,I forgot. Ok,so give me a sec.390祖母说我得集中精神Grams says I have to concentrate. 391等等你要拿个水晶球Wait,you need a crystal ball. 392 来了 Ta da.393怎么了 What?394好奇怪 That was weird.395我一碰你就看到一只乌鸦When I touched you,I saw a crow.396什么 What?397一只乌鸦A crow.398浓雾密布There was fog,399有个人A man.400我醉了I'm drunk.401酒精作用跟通灵无关It's the drinking. There's nothingpsychic about it.402好了我得再去添点酒了Yeah? ok,I'm gonna get a refill.403好吧Ok.404邦妮Bonnie!405我又吓着你了?I did it again,didn't it?406对Yeah.407抱歉I'm sorry.408你有点不高兴啊You're upset about something.409不是邦妮她...No,it's Bonnie. she's...410知道吗You know what?411算了你来了就好Never mind. You're...here.412我来了I'm here.413知道吗你是全镇的话题人物You know,you're kind of the talk ofthe town.414-是吗 -嗯- Am I? - Mm-hmm.415神秘新人Mysterious new guy,oh,yeah.416你也挺神秘的Well,you have the mysterious thinggoing,too.417满脸哀伤Twinged in sadness.418为什么觉得我哀伤What makes you think that I'm sad?419我是在墓地遇见你的Well,we did meet in a graveyard.420对Right.421不准确来说应该是在男厕Well,no,technically we met in themen's room.422还是不说了You don't want to know,it's...423不是派对的聊天话题It's not exactly party chit-chat.424我一直都不太擅长Well,I've never really been verygood at,uh,425聊天Chit-chat.426去年春天Last spring...427我父母的车从桥上坠下My parents' car drove off of a bridge428掉进湖里Into the lake.429我当时在后座And I was in the backseat430捡回一命And I survived,but...431他们却没这么幸运They didn't.432这就是我的故事So that's my story.433埃琳娜悲伤不会永远存在的You won't be sad forever,Elena. 434不行泰No,Ty.435我不要靠着树做爱I'm not having sex against a tree. 436-别啊多性感 --Oh,come on,it would be hot. - For who?437不不行No,it's not going to happen.438不行特别是这样的时间地点It's not going to happen,not here,not like this.439不行我说不行No. I said no.440 不行好痛I said no! ow,that hurts!441放开她Hey,leave her alone.442你让我有点反感吉尔伯特You know,you're starting to get onmy nerves,Gilbert.443快滚泰勒离我远点Just go,Tyler,get the hell awayfrom me.444薇姬•多诺万居然会说不Wow. Vicki Donovan says no.445第一次见That's a first.446我不需要你帮忙I didn't need your help.447我看未必It seems like you did.448-他只是醉了 -我才醉了- He was just drunk. - I'm drunk.449但我会这样对你吗Am I throwing myself at you?450不你更坏No,you're worse.451你想跟我搭讪了解我You want to talk to me,get to knowme,452看穿我不断搞我See into my soul and screw andscrew and screw453直到厌倦我Until you're done with me.454你这么想吗Is that what you think?455我就是这样想的That's what I know.456我喜欢邦妮像是个好朋友I like Bonnie,she seems like a goodfriend.457-世上最好的朋友 -而马特- Best friend in the world. - AndMatt,458他好像不能把眼睛从我们身上移开He can't seem to,uh,take his eyesoff of us.459马特是我的青梅竹马Matt's that friend since childhood460与他拍拖That you start dating461是因为感觉欠了自己什么Because you owe it to yourselves462想看看能否往下发展To see if you can be more.463然后呢And?464然后我父母去世了And then my parents died,465一切都变了And everything changes.466不论如何马特和我Anyway, Matt and I,467在一起我不知道Together we just,I don't know,468不够It wasn't,um...469没有It wasn't...470激情Passionate.471对No.472没有一点激情No,it wasn't passionate.473你还好吗Hey,um,are you ok?474你的眼睛刚才Your eye,it just,it's--475不没事Yeah,no. It's,um,it's nothing. 476你渴了吗Um,are you thirsty?477我去拿点喝的I'm gonna get us a drink.478杰里米Jeremy?479是你吗Is that you?480杰里米Jeremy?481在找谁吗Looking for someone?482当你跟我分手的时候When you broke up with me,483你说是因为你想独自一人过一段时间You said it was because you needed some time alone.484你看上去并不是孤身一人You don't look so alone to me. 485马特你不明白的这Matt, you don't understand. It's-- 486没关系埃琳娜That's ok, Elena.487你做任何你想做的You do what you have to do.488我只想让你知道I just want to let you know that...489我依旧相信我们会相爱的I still believe in us.490我不会放弃的And I'm not giving up on that.491马特Matt.492你在这里啊Hey! There you are.493你去看过瀑布了吗Have you been down to the fallsyet?494那里的夜晚非常漂亮Because they are really cool atnight.495如果你愿意And I can show you.496我可以带你去If you want.497我觉得你喝多了I think you've had too much todrink.498那是当然的Well, of course I have.499所以卡罗琳So-- Caroline.500你和我You and me,501是不可能的It's not gonna happen.502对不起Sorry.503我还在想是谁绑架你了I was wondering who abducted you,504现在我知道了But now I know.505他对所有男生都这样吗Is she like that with,uh,all theguys?506当然不是No.507你是新的猎物You're fresh meat.508她最终会甩了你的She'll back off eventually.509天呐开玩笑的吧God, you gotta be kidding me!510怎么了What is it?511-我弟弟 -喝醉的那个吗- My brother. - The drunk one?512就是那个That would be the one.513-失陪一下 -需要帮忙吗- Excuse me. - Need some help?514相信我你不会想看这个的Trust me,you're not going to wantto witness this.515杰里米Jeremy!516杰里米Jeremy!517杰里米你要去哪儿Jeremy, where the hell are you going?518我不想听I don't want to hear it!519薇姬不Vicki? No!520天呐是薇姬上帝啊Oh, my god, it's Vicki! Oh,my god! 521不No!522谁来帮一下Somebody help!523薇姬吗薇姬这怎么回事Vicki? Vicki,what the hell?!524她怎么了What happened to her?525谁能叫下救护车Somebody,call an ambulance!526所有人后退给她点空间Everybody back up,give her some space!527看她脖子什么东西咬了她It's her neck. Something bit her. 528她正大量失血She's losing a lot of blood.529把这个盖在她脖子上Put this on her neck.530薇姬振作睁开眼睛看着我Vicki, Vicki, come on, open your eyes, look at me.531发生什么了What's going on?532有人今晚被袭击了扎克Someone else was attacked tonight, Zach,533但不是我干的And it wasn't me.534达蒙Damon.535你好弟弟Hello, brother.536周围人有点多你不觉得吗Crow's a bit much,don't you think?537看我能用迷雾做什么的时候就明白了Wait till you see what I can do withthe fog.538你什么时候到的When'd you get here?539我怎么能错过你在学校的第一天呢Well, I couldn't miss your firstday at school.540你发型变了Your hair's different.541我喜欢I like it.542已经15年了达蒙It's been 15 years, Damon.543感谢上帝Thank god.544我可不能再忍受九十年代了I couldn't take another day of theNineties.545那个可怕的蹩脚形象That horrible grunge look?546一点都不适合你Did not suit you.547记住斯特凡远离时尚很重要Remember, Stefan, it's importantto stay away from fads.548为什么你会在这儿Why are you here?549我想念我亲爱的弟弟了I miss my little brother.550你讨厌小镇的You hate small towns.551枯燥乏味无事可做It's boring. There's nothing foryou to do.552我想办法让自己忙碌起来了I've managed to keep myself busy.553你知道的你让那女孩今晚幸免于难了You know, you left that girl alivetonight.554你真是笨手笨脚的That's very clumsy of you.555对你来说这会是个大问题That can be a problem...for you.556你现在来这做什么Why are you here now?557我也可以问你相同的问题I could ask you the same question.558然而我想当确定However, I'm fairly certain559你的回答能总结为Your answer can be summed up allinto560一个词One little word...561埃琳娜Elena.562我们现在去主流咖啡厅等消息。
《吸血鬼日记》第一季剧本(中英文对照)1-5集Vampire Diary 第一季 01-Stefan: For over a century, I have lived in secret;century: 世纪 secret: 秘密一个多世纪以来,我都秘密地生活。
Hiding in the shadows, alone in the world.hiding: 隐匿 shadows: 有阴影的藏身暗处,独自一人。
Until now, I am a vampire.vampire: 吸血鬼直到现在,我是一个吸血鬼。
And this is my story.这是我的故事。
-Darren: An hour's drive to hear that crap.crap: 屎;垃圾一小时的车程都听这种垃圾。
You know, it wasn't even a band. A guy with a guitar.连乐队都称不上,只是一个家伙抱了把吉他。
An hour each way.还有回来的一个小时。
-Darren’ wife: He wasn't that bad.没你说的那么糟。
-Darren: He sounded like James Blunt.听着像James Blunt。
-Darren’ wife: What's wrong with that?不是很好么?-Darren: We already have a James Blunt. One's all we need.我们已经有一个James Blunt,一个就够了。
-Darren’ wife: So why did you come?那你为什么要来?-Darren: Because I love you.因为我爱你。
-Darren’ wife: Nicely done.nicely: 漂亮的嘴真甜。
片名:又译:狗镇之王/狗镇议员英文名:LordsofDogtown导演:凯瑟琳哈德威克CatherineHardwicke 主演:埃米尔赫斯基EmileHirsch维克托拉苏克VictorRasuk约翰罗宾逊JohnRobinson希斯莱吉尔HeathLedger尼基里德NikkiReed剧情简介:滑板上的精灵加州,威尼斯海滩,狗镇,粗犷干燥的街头,对于上世纪70年代生活在其中的人们来说,这是再熟悉不过的日常景致,由于遭遇史上最严重的干旱,公园中所有的泳池变成了旱池,但正是这些枯涸的泳池为一群酷爱冲浪的男孩们带来了灵感,让冲浪的技术进化到泳池壁上,给滑板加上了更为安全可靠的聚氨酯滑轮,从此极限运动的重要组成项目U台滑板诞生了,男孩们自称为西风少年从扑天的巨浪到废弃的码头再到城市中的水泥荒地,他们成为职业冲浪选手的梦想也渐变为职业滑板选手的梦想,但唯一未变的却是蔑视危险与死亡的态度,生活的贫苦磨砺出他们坚韧的生存态度,小小的聚氨酯滑轮渐渐涌动成为一波自由随意的运动美学,传统的滑冰选手不知该如何去理解他们,但女孩们尖叫声却毫不吝啬地献与了他们,嗅觉灵敏的开发商蜂拥而至,少年玩伴之间的消遣摇身成为了取之不尽的商业资源。
英雄电影英文介绍作文英文:I love watching hero movies, they always have a great storyline and amazing action scenes. One of my favorite hero movies is The Dark Knight. This movie has amazing performances by the actors, especially Heath Ledger who played the Joker. The way he portrayed the character was so realistic and haunting. The movie also has a great score that adds to the overall atmosphere of the film.Another hero movie that I love is Avengers: Endgame. This movie is the culmination of 10 years of Marvel Cinematic Universe films and it did not disappoint. The action scenes were epic and the storyline was emotional and satisfying. It was great to see all of the characters come together to save the world.Overall, hero movies are a great way to escape reality and enjoy some thrilling action and adventure.中文:我喜欢看英雄电影,它们总是有着精彩的故事情节和惊人的动作场景。
他的秘密身份,蝙蝠侠布鲁斯· 韦恩,是一个住在高谭 市的富有的商人。
小时候目睹他的父母被谋杀,布鲁斯发誓报复犯罪, 起誓维护正义的更大的理想。
• In vigorously with the director Gordon, Batman is no longer lonely hero, Gotham City is returned to the atmosphere the tomb of the safe city from the edge of darkness. This time is called a "clown" madman. He doesn't care about the money, do not seek fame and wealth, he bombings and killings, the clown has to do is tore do the consideration of human nature, he would force never kill Batman blood on their hands.
America Korea
Classic Lines
Madness, as you know, is like gravity, all it takes is a little push. 你看,疯狂就像地心引力,有时候需要做的 不过是轻轻一推。
Batman & More Then A Hero
• 大部分时间,韦恩老爷都是哥潭市的花花公子和家族企业CEO,但当 这座城市面临危机的时候,当欺诈、暴力、犯罪企图玷污这座城市的 时候,他就是正义之神蝙蝠侠。幼小时他目睹了自己的父母死在罪犯 手下,从此抛弃了优渥的生活,走南闯北,接受“影武者”联盟的特 训,并为自己配备了高科技武器,在夜晚独自维护哥潭市的安宁。
用英语介绍电影人物作文Title: The Enigmatic Persona of Heath Ledger's JokerIn the realm of unforgettable cinematic characters, few have left as indelible a mark as the Joker portrayed by the late Heath Ledger in Christopher Nolan's "The Dark Knight." This character study delves into the psyche and persona of this iconic villain, exploring the nuances that Ledger brought to the role.At the heart of the Joker's allure is his unpredictability. Ledger's interpretation of the character eschews the traditionally clownish antics often associated with the comic book antagonist, instead presenting a menacing force of chaos and anarchy. The Joker's laughter, usually a sign of mirth, becomes a disquieting cackle that echoes through the dark streets of Gotham, embodying the madness that he wishes to unleash upon the world.Ledger's performance is a masterclass in physicality and subtlety. His Joker is not simply a maniacal clown but a complex entity questioning the nature of reality itself. His gestures are both erratic and calculated, conveying a sense of danger lurking beneath the facade of a harmless prankster. The makeup,though whitened like a traditional clown's, is more sinister—the red lips painted into an eternal sneer, the eyes shadowed with black, hinting at the malevolence within.One of the most striking aspects of Ledger's portrayal is the Joker's relationship with identity. He seems to delight in assuming different guises, from a simple street thug to a respected businessman, each transformation underlining his capacity for deception and his challenge to Batman's ability to discern truth from illusion. This fluidity of identity adds layers to the character, making him more than just a one-dimensional villain.The Joker's dialogue, too, is a testament to Ledger's skill. His voice modulates between high-pitched mockery and menacing whispers, each tone a different facet of his madness. His famous line, "I'm only going to say this once," has become emblematic of his character's chilling charisma.Ledger's Joker is a study in contradictions—a criminal mastermind who relishes in petty chaos, a creature of darkness who finds humor in the direst of circumstances. It is this very complexity that makes him such a compelling and haunting presence on screen.In conclusion, Ledger's portrayal of the Joker transcends the typical archetype of a villain. It is a performance that demands repeated viewings, each time revealing new depths to a character that has become an icon in the pantheon of film history. Through his nuanced interpretation, Ledger not only brought to life a memorable movie character but also left an indelible mark on the craft of acting itself.。
希斯莱杰英文作文英文:When I think of Heath Ledger, the first thing that comes to mind is his incredible performance as the Joker in The Dark Knight. He brought a level of intensity and unpredictability to the character that was both captivating and terrifying. His portrayal of the Joker is widely regarded as one of the greatest performances in film history.However, Heath Ledger was much more than just the Joker. He was a versatile actor who could play a wide range of roles. In Brokeback Mountain, he played a gay cowboy in a deeply emotional and nuanced performance. In A Knight's Tale, he showed off his comedic chops as a charming andwitty medieval knight.What I admire most about Heath Ledger is his dedication to his craft. He put so much time and effort into his roles,immersing himself in the characters and bringing them to life in a way that few actors can. His commitment to his work was truly inspiring.中文:说到希斯莱杰,我首先想到的是他在《蝙蝠侠,黑暗骑士》中出色的表演。
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做好配角争当主角的英语作文英文回答:In the dramatic realm, the distinction between leading and supporting roles is often a matter of perspective. While it is true that protagonists typically command the limelight and drive the narrative forward, thecontributions of secondary characters can be equallycrucial to the success of a production. In fact, there are countless examples of supporting roles that have stolen the show, leaving an unforgettable mark on audiences andcritics alike.One such example is that of Heath Ledger's portrayal of the Joker in Christopher Nolan's "The Dark Knight."Initially perceived as a secondary antagonist to Christian Bale's Batman, Ledger's tour-de-force performance overshadowed the titular character, earning him a posthumous Academy Award for his captivating portrayal of chaotic evil. The Joker's haunting presence and anarchicphilosophy became the defining elements of the film, showcasing the transformative power of a well-crafted supporting role.Another notable example is that of Aaron Paul'sportrayal of Jesse Pinkman in Vince Gilligan's "Breaking Bad." Although initially introduced as Walter White's hapless sidekick, Paul's portrayal evolved into a nuanced and complex character that captivated audiences with his vulnerability, loyalty, and tragic demise. The relationship between White and Pinkman became the emotional core of the series, demonstrating how a supporting role can elevate the narrative and provide depth to the protagonist's journey.The phenomenon of supporting roles eclipsingprotagonists is not solely confined to recent times. In Shakespeare's iconic tragedy "Hamlet," the role of Polonius, the pompous and verbose Lord Chamberlain, has often been hailed as one of the most memorable in the play. Despitehis limited stage time, Polonius's absurd logic andquotable lines have cemented his place in literary history, showcasing the enduring impact that even minor characterscan have on a masterpiece.In the realm of cinema, the likes of Peter Sellers, Gene Wilder, and Danny DeVito have carved out illustrious careers by specializing in scene-stealing supporting roles. These actors possess a unique ability to create unforgettable characters that resonate with audiences, even if their screen time is relatively limited. Their performances serve as a testament to the notion that true artistry can transcend the boundaries of lead and supporting roles.Ultimately, the dichotomy between主角 and 配角 is an artificial construct that undermines the collaborative nature of storytelling. Every character, regardless oftheir prominence, contributes to the tapestry of a narrative. It is in the interplay between leading and supporting roles that truly great stories are born. By embracing the potential of supporting characters, writers, directors, and actors can unlock a wealth of storytelling possibilities and create works that resonate with audiences on a profound level.中文回答:做好配角争当主角。
现在谁才是小丑英语作文英文:Who is the real Joker now? This is a question that has been asked repeatedly since the release of the movie "Joker" in 2019. Some people believe that the character portrayed by Joaquin Phoenix is the true Joker, while others argue that Heath Ledger's version in "The Dark Knight" is the definitive one. In my opinion, both actors brought their own unique interpretations to the role, and neither can be considered the one true Joker.Joaquin Phoenix's Joker is a sympathetic character who is pushed to the brink of insanity by a cruel and uncaring society. He is a victim of circumstance, and his descent into madness is portrayed in a way that makes the audience understand and even empathize with his actions. On the other hand, Heath Ledger's Joker is a chaotic force of nature who revels in destruction and chaos. He has no backstory or motivation, and his actions are purely drivenby his desire to cause chaos and prove a point.Ultimately, the true Joker is a combination of both of these interpretations. He is a complex character who is both sympathetic and terrifying, and his motivations are both understandable and completely insane. The Joker is a symbol of chaos and anarchy, and his true identity is defined by the chaos he creates.中文:现在谁才是真正的小丑?自2019年电影《小丑》上映以来,这个问题一直被反复提出。
电影推荐的英文作文模板1. I recently watched a movie called "Parasite" and it totally blew my mind. The plot twists and turns had me on the edge of my seat the whole time.2. Another film that I really enjoyed was "The Shawshank Redemption". The characters were so well-developed and the story was incredibly moving.3. "Inception" is a movie that I can watch over and over again. The special effects are mind-blowing and the concept of dreams within dreams is so intriguing.4. One of my all-time favorite films is "The Dark Knight". Heath Ledger's performance as the Joker was absolutely chilling and unforgettable.5. "La La Land" is a movie that never fails to put a smile on my face. The music, the dancing, and the chemistry between Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone are just magical.6. "The Godfather" is a classic that everyone should see at least once. The performances, the dialogue, and the cinematography are all top-notch.7. If you're in the mood for a good laugh, I highly recommend "Superbad". The humor is raunchy but hilarious, and the friendship between the main characters is heartwarming.8. "Black Panther" is a superhero movie unlike any other. The world-building, the costumes, and the message of empowerment make it a must-see.9. For a dose of nostalgia, check out "Back to the Future". The time-traveling adventure and the iconic DeLorean car never get old.10. Lastly, "The Social Network" is a riveting look at the rise of Facebook and the drama behind its creation. The performances and the script are both top-notch.。
介绍英文电影的英文作文英文:When it comes to English movies, there are so many great options to choose from. Personally, I love watching action movies, but I also enjoy comedies and dramas. One of my all-time favorite movies is The Dark Knight, which is a superhero action film. The acting is incredible, especially Heath Ledger's portrayal of the Joker. The storyline is also very well-written and keeps you on the edge of your seat until the very end.Another movie that I really enjoyed is The Shawshank Redemption, which is a drama film. It tells the story of a man who is wrongly convicted of murder and sent to prison. The movie is very emotional and has a powerful message about hope and redemption. The acting is also fantastic, with Morgan Freeman and Tim Robbins delivering standout performances.For a comedy, I would recommend Bridesmaids. It's a hilarious movie about a group of bridesmaids who are trying to plan a wedding. The cast is amazing, with Kristen Wiig and Melissa McCarthy stealing the show with their comedic timing and wit.Overall, there are so many great English movies out there, and it really depends on what you're in the mood for. Whether you want action, drama, or comedy, there's something for everyone.中文:说到英语电影,有很多很棒的选择。
小作文英文推荐电影1. "Inception" is a mind-bending movie that will leave you questioning reality. The visual effects are absolutely stunning and the plot is full of twists and turns that will keep you on the edge of your seat.2. "The Shawshank Redemption" is a classic film that tells the story of hope and friendship in the most unlikely of places. The performances are top-notch and the ending will leave you feeling inspired.3. "Pulp Fiction" is a Quentin Tarantino masterpiece that is full of dark humor, memorable dialogue, and unforgettable characters. The non-linear storytelling keeps you engaged from start to finish.4. "The Dark Knight" is a superhero movie that transcends the genre with its complex characters and moral dilemmas. Heath Ledger's performance as the Joker is iconic and will send chills down your spine.5. "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" is a unique love story that explores the complexities of relationships and memory. The performances by Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet are heartfelt and emotional.6. "The Grand Budapest Hotel" is a quirky and stylish film that is a visual feast for the eyes. The ensemble cast is fantastic and the humor is both witty and absurd.7. "Get Out" is a horror film that tackles important social issues in a clever and thought-provoking way. The tension builds steadily throughout the movie and the ending will leave you shocked.。
英文电影作文开头结尾英文:As a movie lover, I have watched countless English movies. Each movie has its own unique story and message, which makes it an unforgettable experience for me. In this essay, I will share my thoughts on English movies and why I love them.Firstly, English movies have a wide range of genres, from action to romance, from comedy to horror. This variety ensures that there is always a movie for everyone. For example, if I want to watch a movie to relax, I will choose a comedy like "The Hangover". If I want to watch a movie to feel inspired, I will choose a drama like "The Pursuit of Happyness". The different genres offer different emotions and experiences, making English movies versatile and enjoyable.Secondly, English movies have great actors andactresses who bring the characters to life. They make the audience feel like they are a part of the story. For example, in "The Dark Knight", Heath Ledger's portrayal of the Joker was so convincing that it sent chills down my spine. In "The Notebook", Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams' chemistry was so strong that it made me believe in true love. The actors and actresses make the movies more relatable and memorable.Finally, English movies have powerful messages that can inspire and motivate the audience. For example, in "Dead Poets Society", Robin Williams' character teaches his students to seize the day and make the most of their lives. In "The Shawshank Redemption", the main character teaches us that hope is a powerful thing that can help us overcome any obstacle. These messages can stay with us long after we finish watching the movie and can even change our lives.In conclusion, English movies are a great source of entertainment and inspiration. They offer a variety of genres, great actors and actresses, and powerful messages.I will continue to watch and enjoy English movies, and Ihope that more people can discover the joy of watching them.中文:作为一个电影爱好者,我看过无数部英文电影。
初中英语作文《介绍我最喜欢的电影》My Favorite MovieThere are many movies that I have watched and enjoyed, but if I had to choose my favorite, it would be 'The Dark Knight.' This movie is a masterpiece that I could watch over and over again.'The Dark Knight' is a superhero movie based on the DC Comics character Batman.It was released in 2008 and directed by Christopher Nolan.The movie stars Christian Bale as Batman, Heath Ledger as Joker, and Aaron Eckhart as District Attorney Harvey Dent.The story of 'The Dark Knight' is captivating and thrilling.It follows Batman as he battles the chaos and destruction caused by the psychotic supervillain, Joker.The Joker is a criminal mastermind who has no boundaries and will stop at nothing to cause mayhem.Batman, along with his loyal butler Alfred and police lieutenant James Gordon, must work together to bring the Joker to justice and save Gotham City from total destruction.What I love most about this movie is the brilliant performances from the cast.Christian Bale delivers an outstanding performance as the iconic Batman, balancing the character's complexity and intensity.Heath Ledger's portrayal of the Joker is nothing short of legendary.He brings a level of unpredictability and chaos to the role that is both chilling and captivating.Aaron Eckhart also does a fantastic job as Harvey Dent, acharacter who is faced with difficult moral choices throughout the movie.Another thing that makes 'The Dark Knight' my favorite movie is its stunning visual effects and action sequences.The chase scenes and fight scenes are perfectly executed and keep the audience on the edge of their seats.The movie also has a fantastic score composed by Hans Zimmer and James Newton Howard, which adds to the overall intensity and atmosphere of the film.In conclusion, 'The Dark Knight' is my favorite movie because of its captivating story, brilliant performances, and stunning visual effects.It is a movie that I can watch time and time again and still find it exciting and entertaining.If you haven't seen it yet, I highly recommend that you watch it as soon as possible.。
介绍加热器的英语作文An electric heater is an electrical appliance that uses electrical energy to achieve a heating effect. It is small in size, has high heating power and is very widely used. It adopts an intelligent control mode with high precision in temperature control and can be networked with a computer. It has a wide range of applications, long life and high reliability. The core of the heater principle is energy conversion, the most widespread is the conversion of electrical energy into heat energy.The heater is a commonly used electric heating device. People are increasingly inseparable from it.For example, electric heaters, the use of metal in an alternating magnetic field to generate eddy currents and make itself heat absorption, is the conversion of electrical energy into light energy; for example, solar water heaters, the absorption of sunlight radiation heat and sunlight light energy (photoelectric effect) into heat both; bioenergy is a carrier of biological solar energy in the form of chemical energy storage of a kind of energy, it is directly or indirectly from the photosynthesis of plants. In addition, there are also nuclear and wind energy conversion modes, but theygenerally need to be converted into electrical energy for use.。
片名:又译:狗镇之王/狗镇议员英文名:LordsofDogtown导演:凯瑟琳哈德威克CatherineHardwicke 主演:埃米尔赫斯基EmileHirsch维克托拉苏克VictorRasuk约翰罗宾逊JohnRobinson希斯莱吉尔HeathLedger尼基里德NikkiReed剧情简介:滑板上的精灵加州,威尼斯海滩,狗镇,粗犷干燥的街头,对于上世纪70年代生活在其中的人们来说,这是再熟悉不过的日常景致,由于遭遇史上最严重的干旱,公园中所有的泳池变成了旱池,但正是这些枯涸的泳池为一群酷爱冲浪的男孩们带来了灵感,让冲浪的技术进化到泳池壁上,给滑板加上了更为安全可靠的聚氨酯滑轮,从此极限运动的重要组成项目U台滑板诞生了,男孩们自称为西风少年从扑天的巨浪到废弃的码头再到城市中的水泥荒地,他们成为职业冲浪选手的梦想也渐变为职业滑板选手的梦想,但唯一未变的却是蔑视危险与死亡的态度,生活的贫苦磨砺出他们坚韧的生存态度,小小的聚氨酯滑轮渐渐涌动成为一波自由随意的运动美学,传统的滑冰选手不知该如何去理解他们,但女孩们尖叫声却毫不吝啬地献与了他们,嗅觉灵敏的开发商蜂拥而至,少年玩伴之间的消遣摇身成为了取之不尽的商业资源。