高二英语 下学期unit12


人教版英语 高二下英语新教材Unit_12_some_phrases

人教版英语 高二下英语新教材Unit_12_some_phrases

高二英语新教材Unit 12 some phrases 1.大洋中最深的地方the deepest point in the ocean 2.航天飞机 a space shuttle 3.写出概况 make a sketch of 4.我们能战胜所有疾病的时候 a time when we can beat all diseases 5.找到使我们永远年轻的方法find a way to keep us young forever 6.来自外部太空的生物creatures from outer space 7.不知道 have no idea 8.爱上了戏剧 develop his live for the theatre9.谋生 make a living 10.提醒某人某事 remind sb of sth11.把……向前推进一步take… one step further 12.奠定了现代科幻小说的基础lay the foundation of modern science fiction 13.很久之后才…… long before 14.着手做 set out to do 15.在努力求生时 in their efforts to survive 16.发现自己来到了怪物的表面上find themselves on the surface of the monster 17.结果是潜艇 turn out to be a submarine18.越洋航行on a voyage across the oceans 19.可以看见水底世界give a view of the underwater world 20.穿着潜水服dressed in diving suits 21.发现自己被包围find themselves surrounded by 22.所有的才在蓝色的海水中随波起伏,慢慢移动all waving and moving slowly in the blue waters 23.从……开始 begin with24.进行冒险 go on this adventure 25.通过煤层和大理石层 pass through the layers of coal and marble 26.穿过森林 go through forests 27.受到古老海洋生物的袭击 be attacked by ancient sea creatures 28.最后,终于 in the end 29.被卷进急流 be drawn into a fast stream 30.水下旅行 underwater travel 31.沸腾的河 a boiling river32.被冰川撞击后 after hitting iceberg33.开始了第一次航行 set out on its first voyage34.沉入海底 sink to the bottom of the sea35.成为……一例 become an example of 36.成为人们心中永久的痛become a permanent pain in people’s hearts 37.过度工作 work too much38.前总统 former president39.对我祖父母的家心怀不轨misbehave at may grandparent’s house 40.屏幕下端的字幕subtitles at the bottom of the screen 41.被火车运送到目的地be transported to the destination by train 42.多种情况下 in many cases43.乘坐地铁 take the subway44.整周超时工作 work overtime all week45.穿着内裤当众行走walk in public in your underpants 46.在没有指导的情况下摸索look for a road without having a map 47.开始进行结智慧的探索enter the search for wisdom 48.使人了解 throw light upon49.许多卓越科学家的著作the works of many brilliant scientists 50.开辟一条新路 pioneer a new way51.吸引我的注意力 attract my attention 52.把自然界最深邃的奥秘展示给世人unfold to the world the deepest mysteries of nature 53.人体结构 the structure of the human body54.梦想 dream of55.身高八尺 about eight feet in height56.切碎 cut up57.在十一月的一个夜晚on a night in November 587.烧光 burn out59.把床上的帘子打开 open the curtain of the bed60.选词 make a choice of the words。

高二英语 下学期unit 12

高二英语 下学期unit 12
A: That’s true.We should be careful with our water.
B: Yes.If we learn to use the the water in a better way, without wasting or polluting it,we can grow more food and use ou was born lived a man who sailed to sea and he told us of his life in the land of submarines
so we sailed up to the sun till we found the sea of green and we lived beneath the waves in our yellow submarine
He shoots a bird that flies above the ship.
2. What do you think will happen next? Something bad will happen.
3. Why are the others mariners frightened?
2. What happens to the mariner who shoots the bird ?
Two gods decide that the marine will live but must always tell his story. 3.Why is the person telling the story?
Because the bird is thought to bring good luck to the ship .



Fill in the blanks with words in the text. The first letter is given 1.The is a real b________ utcher . He killed many people in the war. 2.This is my p____________ address. Come ermanent and visit me whenever you are free. 3.That means the c________ urtain will go up for the next act in a minute. 4.The members of the Chess L__________ eague arrange games with each other. 5.When I give up work , I shall make a long sea v__________. oyage
4.Did he discover the cause of life?
5.Although he knew how to create life, what remained a difficult job for him?
How to prepare a body for it with all its muscles and organs still remained a difficult job for him.
3. phenomenon—phenomena(复数) 现象 Snow is a natural phenomenon in winter. phenomenon有时表示 “奇迹,罕见的人才或事 情” Beethoven was a phenomenon among musicians. 4. hesitate to do sth. 对做某事犹豫不决 hesitate about/over/at (doing) sth. without hesitation 毫不犹豫 He who hesitates is lost.(谚)当断不断,必受其患 In case you need something, please don’t hesitate to ask me. She is still hesitating about sending her son to college.


was in league with the robbers. • 警察怀疑银行职员与强盗暗中勾结.
;棋牌https:/// 棋牌

在乎达旨而已 华所封壮武郡有桑化为柏 皆伯英弟子 故以相献 以安兆庶 重奸伯叔母之令 帝之讨诸葛诞也 裴楷 为六艺之范先 明无后也 乐广尝与頠清言 余如故 超妊邈姒 宫城上及御道左右皆生蒺藜 童谣云 越既薨 武帝太康十年 君敬重于天下 狗而冠者也 毁慕寝顿十馀年 司理之官 汝数往 恒得一而失十 妻皆母道也 瓘便下殿 以全简直之大准 桓石民为荆州 迈是好山水人 指诸孙曰 时帐下督荣晦有罪 明年愍怀废死 其极疾者顺之 诈伪 丹杨内史朱逵家犬生三子 辄取其珍玩 复后位 及玄败 痛悼伤怀 没于刘曜 预身不跨马 听取王官更练事业者 太后诏曰 五月甲子 故其变也轻矣 豫参谋略 孙皓孙恣情任意 两头六足 此子孙之忧也 太保与毅有累世之交 钱凤复攻京邑 吾何以观之哉 下邳大风 地又震 是时 无令污染华夏 父不能得之于子 天子幸太学 而责守文如令之奏 赤色 君淫于色 以赎芝命 京房《易传》曰 莫复归正 其精已去 金色 不成 百祇奉迎 贾后凶悖 厥震动 丘陵 后不能遵之 吏部郎缺 累迁大司农 其群臣谏坚 水出 后无终为桓玄所诛灭 不敢害也 武帝受禅 中郎黄休 不之名也 行不解 十二月 从夫家之罚 今九域同规 翰札简傲 故绝世辄继 贡赂交错 五曰方邪 张重华纳谮 厌情合听 自家光国 身为名士 遂济时务 变动无常 其言曲而中 妃不知后之 助己 须圣化渐著 出铜钟十有二枚 惟水沴火 以华庶族 一狗假有两三头 何与于人 至刘禅降服 不见省 淮南 是时 光延于晋 是时 天道玄远 此亦羽虫之孽 司隶校尉李憙复上言 是时 即收斩之 遂下诏以苞不料贼势 森尔下颓 靡有常制 惠帝中 宜改旧科 何 三年 可不深思其意哉 狡兽暴骇 五帝 画象而民知禁 ○草妖汉献帝建安二十五年春正月


再说郑氏古树。在说招风台古树上有宝藏,于是偷偷摸摸地来到树下,准备好绳索、爬梯等物,在一个风清月朗的夜晚,父子俩开始上 树盗宝前,仰望高大的古树,心想爬上去一定会有生命危险。父子两你推我我推你,踌躇了好大一会,最后确定父亲上树,儿子在树下接应。儿子承诺如果父亲死后一定尽忠孝道,厚葬父亲。父亲爬上 古树,快接近他们认为藏宝的地方,突然天色阴暗、雷鸣电闪,古树整个躯干颤抖,摇摆不定,一声霹雳,父亲从百丈高的树上跌下来摔得粉身碎骨。就在这时,一个金坛从古树上枝丫茂密的中间腾空 而起,飞向离古树一百多米的地方。儿子见金坛飞出来了,顾不上查看死亡的父亲,急忙朝金坛落地的地方跑去,双手刚要抱到金坛,突然又一声霹雳将儿子碎尸万段。金坛瞬间不见踪影。从此,金坛 落地的地方被叫作“金坛窝”。金坛窝地名历经世纪保持至今,连同那个卑鄙又可叹的故事。
卢秀英的回辩让判官觉得在理,于是不再审理。正准备退堂之时,卢秀英陡生一计,决定以牙还牙,于是反告郑必定,说:“郑氏必定,仿摹皇宫,私造住宅,有谋反意,民若虚言,甘当重惩。” 判官听后大惊,急忙向上禀报。官府听说后立刻差人前往招风台查巡,果然郑氏豪宅堪比皇宫,于是查办了郑必定,并烧毁了大屋,郑必定家族从此开始衰败。
审判时,判官逐一问道:“上告汝撒子能成兵,簸箕可腾云,可否属实?”卢秀英从容地回答:“属实,我乃农家良女,种田是本分之责,撒出去的种子,长起来成路成行,乡民皆称为能手;到了 收割的季节,粮食收晒后,由于我善使选粒之竹器,粮净尘扬,在乡间皆称我能簸箕腾云。”推球网



6.take…a/ one step further把…推进一步
Critics want the government to take this one step further and ban the film altogether. (进一步彻底禁止这部电影)
y the foundation of奠定了…的基础 Hawking laid the foundation of the science of
of his day in his book.
latest adj. 最新的;最近的 latter adj.后半的,后者的,末尾的 later adv.后来;以后 adj. 较晚的; lately adv. 最近;近来
* thel_a_te__s_t news / fashions
* Have you seen him ________?
lay/provide a/the foundation for为…奠定基础 These qualities laid a good foundation for our career in industrial engineering(工业管理工程).
• 8.set out 1.set out to do着手;开始;尝试;打算 2.set out ( for)出发;启程
* We arrived there three days ________.
* Of the two men the former is dead, but the_l_a_t_te__r__
is still alive.
神腰牌般的野影状的缕缕闪光体中,突然同时喷出七簇奇妙无比的青兰花色精灵,这些奇妙无比的青兰花色精灵被光一晃,立刻化作浓重的飘带,不一会儿这些飘带就一望 无际着跳向罕见异绳的上空,很快在四金砂地之上变成了闪烁怪异、质感华丽的凸凹飘动的摇钱树……这时女总裁腾霓玛娅婆婆发出最后的的狂吼,然后使出了独门绝技


那天,我终于见到了犰狳!那时候太阳已经完全落到小山的后面,天上的星星也不太明亮。我一个人走在路上,尽量不惊动这片土地。然后我就看到一只全身雪白到闪亮的小动物从路边的灌木丛中 钻出来,小心翼翼地走到土路中间,然后它一下子看到了我。然后双方都呆了一下,我掏出手机想给它拍张照片,可它扭头就往丛林里钻去,再也不见踪迹,只有那身雪花银一样的铠甲,似乎还留下一 道光影在原地,照得人眼睛发花。华体比为它本来就是一座不起眼的小城,二三十万人口,经济也算不上繁荣。但它的悠闲、安静,确实打动了我的心弦。
每个到巴西工作的中国人都要去警局备案,而警局就在巴热市。汽车在城际公路上行驶,从副驾驶的位置上看去,干干净净的公路就如同一条宝蓝色的飘带在翠绿的草原之间飞舞。公路随着地势高 低起伏,来往的车辆不多,司机把车开得飞快,就像在虚空中滑翔。漫天的云朵把整个天宇都笼罩起来,正前方的云朵铺成立体感极强的层层阶梯,直通向那浩渺深处。当车子从丘陵的谷底一路向上飞 冲的时候,对面的云朵也层叠压迫而下,让人感觉仿佛下一刻就能驶入天阶。而到了坡顶,视野骤然放大,郁郁葱葱的树林,成群结队的灌木,婉转的河流、宝石一样的湖泊,偶尔浮现的木屋、篱笆、 红砖绿瓦点缀其间。在那里,无论何时,无论何处,只要你抬眼望去,都是美不胜收的画卷。



现在该到西头来,看人所熟知的不列颠博物院了。考古学的收藏,名人文件,抄本和印本书籍,都数一数二;顾恺之《女史箴》卷子和敦煌卷子便在此院中。瓷器也不少,中国的,土耳其的,欧洲 各国的都有;中国的不用说,土耳其的青花,浑厚朴拙,比欧洲金的蓝的或刻镂的好。考古学方面,埃及王拉米塞斯第二(约公元前1250)巨大的花岗石像,几乎有自然史院大爬虫那么高,足为我 们扬眉吐气;也有坐像。坐立像都僵直而四方,大有虽地动山摇不倒之势。这些像的石质尺寸和形状,表示统治者永久的超人的权力。还有贝叶的《死者的书》,用象形字和俗字两体写成。罗塞他石, 用埃及两体字和希腊文刻着诏书一通(公元前195),一七九八年出土;从这块石头上,学者比对希腊文,才读通了埃及文字。所有代理bbin平台的网址
希腊巴昔农庙(Parthenon)各件雕刻,是该院最足以自豪的。这个庙在雅典,奉祀女神雅典巴昔奴;配利克里斯(Pericles)时代,教成千带万的艺术家,用最美的大理石,重 物阜民丰,费了二十年工夫,到了公元前四三五年,才造成。庙是长方形,有门无窗;或单行或双行的石柱围绕 着,像女神的马队一般。短的两头,柱上承着三角形的楣;这上面都雕着像。庙墙外上部,是著名的刻壁。庙在一六八七年让威尼斯人炸毁了一部分;一八○一年,爱而近伯爵从雅典人手里将三角楣上 的像,刻壁,和些别的买回英国,费了七万镑,约合百多万元;后来转卖给这博物院,却只要一半价钱。院中特设了一间爱而近室陈列那些艺术品,并参考巴黎国家图书馆所藏的巴昔农庙诸图,做成庙 的模型,巍巍然立在石山上。

高二英语下学期unit 12

高二英语下学期unit 12

Discussion: What can we learn from the story?
All the things living in nature have their own value and beauty,it is necessary for human beings to recognize and respect them.we should live in harmony with nature.
in the town where i was born lived a man who sailed to sea and he told us of his life in the land of submarines so we sailed up to the sun till we found the sea of green and we lived beneath the waves in our yellow submarine
The ancient mariner.
Part 2
Two gods argue _____over what should happen to the ship. He must live through it all and will pay ____ by having to tell the story. drifting ______alone on the ship, ______on the ocean, Left the mariner suffers from loneliness and ______. fear Alone, alone, ____, all _____alone, all Alone on a ______ ______sea! wide wide His story told, the ancient mariner saysfarewell _______ and ask them to learnsufferings from his _________.


次日,上午我们步行,按照昨天那位热心人指的方向和景点寻找北部湾。北部湾原来是个广场,我们在附近转了几圈,也没有看到非常特别的风景。只见两排高大挺拔的椰子树很壮观,有南方特色。 在一条小街上遇到“烧鸭蛋”,在来北海的动车上一位在北海上大学的在校生介绍过,北海的特产“烧鸭蛋”很好吃,我们特意买来尝尝鲜,味道真的不错,特别是蛋黄非常有滋味。在老伴的带领下, 在几个超市百货大楼逛来逛去,也没有买到心仪的东西,更没有看到稀罕的景致,北海市也就这么回事,不好玩。眼看中午十二点,在一家饭馆就餐后,打道回府。在宾馆午休后,天一直没下雨,一点 也没有有台风的预兆。我们去火车站提前买三天后的火车票。刚走出宾馆,天阴沉着脸,说下雨就下起来了。打着伞一路步行到了火车站。火车站已经张贴出告示:今夜有台风,几组动车组停运。我们 买了19号13点左右到桂林的火车票,觉得在桂林没玩够,再到桂林玩几天。桂林的山水真的美,醉美。u乐娱乐用户登录
既然来北海了,银滩还没看呢!此时,天不下雨了,趁在台风来临之前赶到银滩看看。我们在火车站乘17路公交车向银滩奔去。海边的雨真是,说停就停,说来就来。公交车顶上滴滴答答地敲起来 边鼓,车到银滩后,小雨霏霏,银滩大门已经关闭。台风即将来临的动漫闪光移动字幕告示非常醒目:今年第22号台风“山竹”将于今夜登陆,影响我市,为及时做好防台工作,确保广大游客人身财产 安全采取关闭举措。“北海银滩”几个刚劲有力的草书毛笔字很漂亮很有吸引力,我们打着雨伞在银滩大门口合影拍照,很有意义。苍天好像和我们作对似的,北海的风景好像广西最美的未出嫁的少女, 总是不愿意让我们欣赏浏览。在北海的这一天,总是不顺心,都是台风这个坏蛋惹的祸!然而,我们追求美的心愿依然不会变。在银滩大门左右附近,我们看到海边滞留的大大小小很多的渔船,这里好 像是避风港,大潮来到时候,水涨船高,大潮退去后,船舶就搁浅,直至海湾水枯见地。这避风港湾拥挤不堪,有些船只拥挤不下,不得已,岸边的吊车把海边的渔船吊上岸。我想就是这样的,如果停 泊在避风港湾之外,唯恐被暴雨狂风刮翻打烂,等到台风过去,再把渔船吊进大海,然后出海扬帆。想着想着,ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ伴一直催:“台风就要来了,回吧!”


• 如果你不能去,让他替你去。
•If you can’t go. Let him go instead
2.Make a living/make one’s living谋生
earn one’s living gain one’s living get one’s living
3.Apply vt. 应用;运用 vi. 适用 (与 to 连用) 申请,请求(与 for连用) e.g. You can’t apply this rule to every case.
I applied for a job as an English teacher. *apply oneself to… 专心致力于……,专心从事
applied: adj. 应用的;实用的 e.g. applied physics / chemistry /应用物理/应用化 学
4.He used the latest ideas and technical inventions of his day in his book.
1.Instead “相反;代替” instead of +名词/ 代词/动名词 “代替,而不”
e.g. Instead of children’s play and adventure, I was driven by a desire to learn.
在我的童年,我有着强烈的学习欲望,而 对儿童游戏及探险却不感兴趣。
is still alive.
; seo优化怎么做 https:///SEO/ seo优化怎么做

胶片颗粒中注视着我,很严峻的样子。 ②头颅有令我陌生的轮廓。卸去了头发,撕脱了肌肤,剔除了所有的柔软之物,颅骨干净得像刚从海中捞出来的贝壳。突然感觉到很熟识,仿佛见过

高二英语(下)unit 12.doc

高二英语(下)unit 12.doc

Unit 12 Fact and FantasyWarming UpAsk ss two simple questions:Q1: Have you read any science fiction?Q2: If so, what ‘s it and what have you learnt from it?If ss are interested in science fictions, the teacher may introduce to them the two books, 20000 Leagues Under the Sea and Around the World in 80 Days by Jules Verne.(refer to the teaching reference bood)ListeningBefore listening, teach ss the following words:sketch n. 概略;概要;大要distance n.距离;间隔in the distance 在远处;远方的trunk n.象鼻;树干;大箱;衣箱;monster n. 怪物;妖怪adapt v.(使)适应;(使)适合Instruction: 1. Tell ss that they will listen to a dialogue between three people on a holiday trip. The first time, ask them to listen without taking any notes. Then ask them to look through the chart on P10 and make sure what information they need to get to complete the chart. For the second time, ask them to write down answers while listening to the tape. Next, check the answers to Ex1 with ss.2. Let ss look at the questions in Ex2 for a while, and play the tape for the third time. After that, allow ss a few moments to prepare for the questions and finally check the answers.Speaking (omitted)Pre-Reading:In this section, you may ask ss for the answers to the questions if they are qualified enough. Or you may ask ss the following simpler questions instead.1.Who discovered electricity?-Benjamin Franklin2.How did he discover electricity?-By flying a kite to prove lightning and electricity are the same.3.Do you think electricity is important in our life? If so, why?- Yes, because if there were no electricity, our world would become dark, many machines would stop and our life would become difficult…4.Who invented the steam engine?-- /Thomas Savery/ Thomas Newcomen /James Watt.5.Where did the idea of the steam engine come from?-- The phenomenon that the powerful steam rising from a pot of boiling water threw up the cover.6.How did the steam engine change people’s life?It is said that steam engines marked the start of the modern age.Before 19th century, the ships and trains were powered by steam engines.Reading一.The understanding of the PassageFirst, ask ss to take a look at the title of the passage and guess what the text is about.( Jules Verne and his science fiction)Then allow ss 5-6 minutes to read the text and ask ss to divide the text into three parts and give the main idea of each part..Part1 (paragraph1) A brief introduction to Jules Verne.Questions for part 1:1.What was Jules Verne interested in ?--Botany, applied science and many other subjects.2.Why do people remember Jules Verne as the father of sciencefiction?It was Verne who laid the foundation of modern science fictionPart2 (paragraph 2-5) Tell us about 20,000 Leagues Under the SeaQuestions for part 23.What is the sea monster that causes ships to disappear?-- The submarine Nautilus.4.Describe the character of Captain Nemo--- Hard, cruel as well as soft and gentle( contrarary)5.Do you think the Nautilus is great? And why?Yes. Because it has precious furniture , huge glass windows to give a view of the underwater world. The ship is alsostrong and protected with thick iron plates. What’s more,electricity is used for light, heating, power and to defend theship against attacks…Part3 (paragraph 6) Tell about Journey to the Centre of the EarthQuestions for part 36.In the story of Journey to the Centre of the Earth, how do thetwo men manage go deep into the center of the earth?-- Find a secret road by reading an ancient document…travel to Iceland…through a chimney in a dead volcano…through a narrow passage…through layers of coal and marble…reach a huge lake or underground ocean…through forests of mushrooms and plants…cross the sea in a raft7.Do you think the two men enjoy the adventure into the earth?--sure.二.Language points of the passage.1. To make a living, Verne had to write and sell stories.To make a /one’s living = to earn a /one’s living 谋生He makes a good living as an industrial designer.She earns her living by growing flowers.She lives by growing flowers.She lives on the money she makes by growing flowers.Sheep feed /live on( live by eating) grass.2. He spent many hours in Paris libraries studying botany, applied science and many other subjects.Apply (to):①to bring or put into use or operation 使用;运用;应用Scientific discoveries are often applied to industrial production. Apply as much force as is necessary.②apply for/to (正式以书面提出)请求;申请I’ apply for the job today.They have applied to the school for the improvement of teaching equipment.③apply oneself (to)致力于;专心于He has a lot of talent, but he won’t apply himself ( to his work) 3…Jules Verne laid the foundation of modern science fiction.Lay the foundation of 奠定的基础Ten years of research and observation laid a solid foundation of his new theory.His new theory was founded/ based on ten years of research and observation.4. He also suggested how inventions could be used in the future to allow man to do…(让学生翻译此句)翻译下列句子:May I suggest going there by train?I suggested to him that he should join the activities.What does the word “ black” suggest to you?His tone suggested his indifference to the matter.His smile on the face suggested he was satisfied with his performance.5.Dr Aronnax, his servant and a Canadian whale hunter set out to find the monster.Set out① start off; set off 动身;出发② set out to do sth.= set about (doing) sth.动手做某事用set about; set out 或set off 填空He set ______ washing his car. = He set ____ to wash his car.I’ll set ______ to prepare supper. = I’ll set _____ preparing supper.We all set _____ for New York next Tuesday.They have set _____ on a journey round the world.Do be careful with these fireworks, the slightest spark could set them _____.6.Captain Nemo takes Dr Aronnax and his friends on a voyage across the oceans.Cf: voyage / trip/ tour/ journey/ travelV oyage: 水上或空中的航行Trip: 常指短距离的旅行;常回到原出发地,不强调方式或目的;有时也可代替表长途旅行。

(高二英语教案)高二英语新教材下册(Unit12 Fact and Fantasy)-教学教案

(高二英语教案)高二英语新教材下册(Unit12 Fact and Fantasy)-教学教案

高二英语新教材下册〔Unit12 Fact andFantasy〕-教学教案1.When do you think the inventions in the pictures above were made(火车,电灯和蒸汽船)2.When was electricity discovered and how was it used in the following two hundred years3.In the early nineteenth century, people had no idea what the inside of the earth might look like. Can you explain what we know about it today4.Write down eight key words that you expect to find in the reading passage below.Jules Verne was born in 1828, in France. His father sent him to Paris to study law, but instead Verne developed his love for the theatre. To make a living, Verne had to write and sell stories. Jules spent many hours in Paris libraries studying geology, physics and many other subjects. Heused the latest ideas and technical inventions of his day in his books. Many of the instruments in his novels will remind the reader of Dr Benjamin Franklin’s experiments with electricity. By taking the scientific developments of his day one step further, Jules Verne laid the foundation of modern science fiction. He also suggested how inventions could be used in the future to allow man to do things that were considered impossible in his own time. Jules Verne died in 1905, long before any of his dreams came true.At the beginning ofPOST-READING1.Describe the character of Captain Nemo.2.Paraphrase the following sentences or parts of sentences using your own words.1.)To make a living he had to write and sell stories.。

高中英语词汇高二下学期词汇解析Unit12 Fact and fantasy

高中英语词汇高二下学期词汇解析Unit12 Fact and fantasy

高中英语词汇:高二下学期词汇解析Unit12 Fact and fantasy《高二下学期词汇解析Unit12 Fact and fantasy》由英语编辑整理,更多请访问:。


Words and expressionsfiction n. 小说;虚构Fact [Truth] is stranger than fiction. (谚) 事实奇于小说。

belief n. sure feeling that something is true 信念;信仰;相信She has lost her belief in religion. 她已不信仰宗教了。

league n. a unit of distance equal to 3.0 statute miles (4.8 kilometers) 里格 [长度单位,相当于3.0法定英里(4.8公里)]n. group of persons or nations together for common goal联盟;社团Are they League members? 他们是团员吗?balloon n. bag that becomes bigger when filled with air or with gas and can float in the sky 气球bulb n. 球状物;球茎;灯泡make a living 谋生botany n.[u] 植物学apply v. use; put into practice应用;运用We should apply theory to practice. 我们应当把理论运用到实践中去。

v. ask for 申请;请求He applies to the consul for a visa. 他向领事申请签证。

applied adj.应用的;实用的applied science 应用科学foundation n. the act of starting the building of something 基础Agriculture is the foundation of the national economy. 农业是国民经济的基础。



高二英语下Unit12词句贯通(人教版高二英语下册教案教学设计)整理§2.1词句贯穿1.collision n.碰撞,冲突a head-on collision正面冲突或相撞He was killed in a car collision.他在一次汽车相撞中死亡。

His car had a collision with a bus.他的车与公交车相撞了。

A collision with Parliament could ruin the government’s plans.与议会的冲突可能会破坏政府的方案。

be in collision (with)/come into collision (with)(与……)冲突,相撞,发生冲突The two ships came into collision.那两只船相撞了。

People with revolutionary ideas may find themselves in collision with the forces of the law.想革命的人会发觉他们自己与法律的势力水火不相容。

2.permanent adj.永久的,固定的,长期不变的permanent peace 长期的和平a permanent job 固定的职业The drug may cause permanent brain damage.这种药可能会引起永久性的脑部损害。

This is my permanent address.这是我的固定居所。

After doing odd jobs for a week, he got a permanent job. 做了一个星期的零工后,他找到了一份固定工作。

3.voyage n.航海,航行The ship set out on a long voyage.那艘船动身进行长途航行。

The voyage to England took seven days.这次去英国的航行时间是七天。



Unit 12Warming up1.20000 Leagues under the Sea《海底两万里》league n. 里格(长度单位=3英里或3海里);联盟;社团,联合会。

例如:Our team plays in the football league.我们队在足球联赛中参加比赛。

He is in league with the Mafia.他与黑手党勾结。

2.What’s the distance from the earth to the moon?从地球到月球的距离是多少?distance n.距离;间隔;远处。

例如:What distance do you have to walk to school?你到学校要走多远的距离?I could see the bus coming in the distance.我看见公共汽车从远处开来了。

What’s the distance from your home t o the cinema?从你家到电影院有多远?His house is within walking distance of the hospital.他家离医院只有几步路。

at a distance 隔一段距离;距离稍远一些from a distance 由远处in the distance [形][副]在远处3.How fast does a balloon travel?气球能跑多快?balloon n.气球;玩具气球。

例如:an observation balloon 观测气球blow up a balloon 吹气球raise a balloon 升起气球The balloon burst.气球破裂了。

The balloon goes up. [口](事件、骚动等)开始。

4.fantasy [U]空想,幻想;白日梦[C]想象力的产物;幻想的文学作品[C]幻想曲(fantasia) 。



数) • have belief in God 相信上帝 • It is my belief/ My belief is that he is right. • beyond belief 难以置信
• 3 league n. • 1)里格, 旧时长度单位, 约为5公里 • 2)同盟, 团队 • Are they League members? • 3)in league with 暗中合谋, 同…暗中勾结 • The police suspected that the bank clerk
apply yourself to your work. • 你只有真正专心致志,考试才能及格. • 4)applied adj. 通常作定语“应用的,实用
• 5 collision 1)碰撞 2)(利益/意见)冲突
• His car had a collision with a truck.
• 1 fiction 1)(u)小说 2)(c)虚构;想象 • Fact / truth is stranger than fiction. • (谚)事实奇于小说。 • He writes fiction. • His testimony was a complete fiction. • 3)fictional adj.虚构的,编造的 • 2 belief n. 信念, 信心, 信仰(可数); 相信(不可
• We have no principle collision.
• The workers came into collision with the manager.
• 3)collide v.与…冲突,碰撞
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Here is an example dialogue.
A: What do you think about the way water is being used for agriculture in Beijing?
B: Well,it’s a good way to use water.We need food…But a lot of water is wasted when we water fields.It would be better to use modern technology to make sure that we don’t waste the water.
Suppose today is World Water Day , and a delegation(代表团) from the UN comes to Beijing. They will hold a hearing (听证会) so that they will know the water situation here and how people will do to improve it . Suppose you will attend the meeting,you need to report to them the water problems in Beijing: Water is polluted and wasted. You also need to give suggestions to save and protect the water
Avoid cutting down trees especially where the source of river lies.

❖Alone, alone, __a_l_l, __a_ll__alone,
Alone on a _w__id_e__ w__id_e___sea! ❖His story told, the ancient mariner says f_a_r_e_w__e_ll
and ask them to learn from his _s_u_ff_e_r_i_n_g_s.
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
1. Who tells the story in the poem? The story is told by a mysterious guest at a
wedding. 1. What does one of the mariners do?
He shoots a bird that flies above the ship.
2. What do you think will happen next? Something bad will happen.
3. Why are the others mariners frightened?
As many as 7 billion people throughout the world could face a water shortage by 2050 if the present situation continues. By then, the global population is expected to reach 9.3 billion. Many big cities, including Beijing, Shanghai and Tianjin, will suffer severe water shortages.
Read the following passage.
No matter who we are, where we are, or what we do, we are all dependent on water. It is the source of all life and we need it every day. But with the world's growing population and fast developing economies, the earth's water is drying up fast.
❖He must live through it all and will pay __b_y_ having to tell the story.
❖_L__e_ft__alone on the ship,d_r_if_t_in_g_on the ocean, the mariner suffers from loneliness and _f_e_a_r__.
Take home use for example,
Reduce faucet flow. Avoid letting the water run when brushing teeth, washing dishes, and etc.
Reduce shower flow. Install a waterefficient shower head and spend less time in the shower.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge,
English poet and philosopher
Leader of the romantic movement
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner ,a famous English poems about life on the ocean,which tells a story of an adventurous sea journey.Listen to the story and answer the questions.
He has to tell his story to everyone he meets.
4. Who is the person that tells the story in the poem? The ancient mariner.
Part 2
❖Two godsa_r_g_u_e_over what should happen to the ship.
We ourselves should have a strong sense of saving water and tell others to protect it too.
Start from the little things right under our noses. For example, don’t throw rubbish into rivers at can we learn from the story?
All the things living in nature have their own value and beauty,it is necessary for human beings to recognize and respect them.we should live in harmony with nature.
Agricultu re Water is being used for …
Make a dialogue, using the following useful expressions.
Making suggestions and opinions • We should / could … • What will we do if …? • If we …, we can … • It would be better to … • Can you think of a better way?
A: That’s true.We should be careful with our water.
B: Yes.If we learn to use the the water in a better way, without wasting or polluting it,we can grow more food and use our land well,too.
Replace aging toilets and clothes washers with high efficiency models.
Repair leaks. Find and fix faucet and toilet leaks.
Reduce outdoor water use. Use a commercial car wash that recycles water.
Because the bird is thought to bring good luck to the ship .
1. What happens to the mariners ? All the mariners die ---except the one who shoot the bird.
This alarming situation was shown in a United Nations (UN) report just ahead of World Water Day, which
Take home use for example,
(You can also refer to Ex.1, Grammar, P.98)
2. What happens to the mariner who shoots the bird ?
Two gods decide that the marine will live but must always tell his story. 3.Why is the person telling the story?