/DM_CC 等。 在 “ 集 群 部 分 ” 安 装 建 议 CC/SCC/DM_CC 使 用
/home_soft/soft/x86_64/mpi/impi/ 编 译 器;FC/SFC/DM_FC 使用 /home_soft/soft/x86_64/mpi/impi/ bin64/mpiifort 编译器。特别地,可以在编译选项 CFLAGS/FCFLAGS/LDFLAGS/ 中 加 入 -I/home_soft/soft/ x86_64/mpi/impi/ 以 及 -L/home_soft/soft/ x86_64/mpi/ impi/。 在 “ 胖 节 点 ” 安 装 建 议 CC/SCC/DM_CC 使 用 /opt/intel/cc/10.1.008/bin/icc 编译器;FC/SFC/DM_FC 使用 /opt/intel/fc/10.1.008/bin/ifort 编译器。特别地,可以在编译选 项 CFLAGS/FCFLAGS/LDFLAGS/中加入-lmpi 选项,以执行 MPI 并行编译。 4) 执行编译命令“./compile file_name”,根据提示选项对指定的 项目进行编译。至此,WRF 安装和配置完毕。其中 file_name 可 以 为 WRF3 软 件 包 提 供 的 测 试 例 子 ( 如 : ./compile em_quarter_ss) ; 若 运 行 真 实 数 据 , 需 要 执 行 编 译 em_real(./compile em_real)。编译完成后,生成对应的可执行 文件 wrf.exe。
附录1 WRF模式参数配置说明
附录1 WRF模式参数配置说明由wrfchina 于星期五, 2012-04-06 15:08 提交注意,参数选项名称后跟的(max_dom)是表示此参数需定义成嵌套形式。
run_minutes运行的分钟数run_seconds运行的秒数start_year(max_dom) =2001四位数字表示的起始年份。
start_month(max_dom) =04两位数字(01-12)表示的起始月份。
start_day(max_dom) =20两位数字(01-31)表示的起始天数。
start_hour(max_dom) =12两位数字(00-23)表示的起始小时数。
start_minute(max_dom) =00两位数字(00-59)表示的起始分钟数。
start_second (max_dom) =00两位数字(00-59)表示的起始秒数。
end_year(max_dom) =2001四位数字表示的终止年份。
end_month(max_dom) = 04两位数字(01-12)表示的终止月份。
end_day(max_dom) =21两位数字(01-31)表示的终止天数。
三、实习步骤1. 从提供的资料中选择一次台风过程,进行模拟2. 运行WPS要求:(1)模拟时长:模拟台风生命过程某一段的过程,具体时间段自选。
(2)双层网格,最外层网格分辨率45km3.运行WRF,得到图形四、实习参数配置1. wps的参数配置,如下图,Namelist.wps 的参数配置:五、实习结果及分析1.模拟区域地形topography2.模式模拟范围从模拟区域地形及范围图可以看出:绘图时刻为2010-10-16_00:00:00至2010-10-17_00:00:00,台风已经到达130N ︒,18N ︒附近,绘图区域选取为120~140,12~24E E N N ︒︒︒︒ 是合适的。
3.模式输出skin temperature从此图可以看出:广阔的西太平洋温度较高可以达到303K,在菲律宾吕宋岛和台湾温度较低,大约为293K。
4.模式输出Pressure从模式输出气压图可以得出:在16日00时台风位置大约在133,18E N ︒︒附近,并且强度较强,而后台风往西北方向移动,到17日时台风开始稍微往南移动,强度继续加强, 17日08时增强为超强台风。
• Real-data and idealized simulations • Various lateral boundary condition options for real-data and idealized simulations • Full physics options • Non-hydrostatic and hydrostatic (runtime option) • One-way, two-way nesting and moving nest • Three-dimensional analysis nudging • Observation nudging • Applications ranging from meters to thousands of kilometers
4.1.3. ~使用 WRFSI 的 GUI~ ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 27
4.2. ~运行 WRF_SI~ ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 28
STEP1: Localize model domain and create static files ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 28
WRF 安装运行入门指南
WRቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ 安装运行入门指南
&physicschem_opt此选项指定是否使用化学过程方案,默认值为 0。
mp_physics (max_dom)此选项设置微物理过程方案,默认值为 0。
目前的有效选择值为:= 0, 不采用微物理过程方案= 1, Kessler 方案 (暖雨方案)= 2, Lin 等的方案 (水汽、雨、雪、云水、冰、冰雹)= 3, WSM 3类简单冰方案= 4, WSM 5类方案= 5, Ferrier(new Eta)微物理方案(水汽、云水)= 6, WSM 6类冰雹方案= 8, Thompson 等方案= 98, NCEP 3类简单冰方案 (水汽、云/冰和雨/雪) (将放弃)= 99, NCEP 5类方案(水汽、雨、雪、云水和冰)(将放弃)新添参数:mp_zero_out = 0,选用微物理过程时,保证Qv .GE. 0, 以及当其他一些水汽变量小于临界值时,将其设置为0。
= 0, 表示不控制,= 1, 除了Qv外,所有的其他水汽变量当其小于临界值时,则设置为0= 2, 确保Qv .GE. 0, 并且所有的其他水汽变量当其小于临界值时,则设置为0 。
mp_zero_out_thresh = 1.e-8水汽变量(Qv除外)的临界值,低于此值时,则设置为0 (kg/kg)。
ra_lw_physics(max_dom)此选项指定长波辐射方案,默认值为 0。
有效选择值如下:= 0, 不采用长波辐射方案= 1, rrtm 方案= 99, GFDL (Eta) 长波方案 (semi-supported)ra_sw_physics (max_dom)此选项指定短波辐射方案,默认值为 0。
有效选择值如下:= 0, 不采用短波辐射方案= 1, Dudhia 方案= 2, Goddard 短波方案= 99, GFDL (Eta) 短波方案 (semi-supported)radt (max_dom)此参数指定调用辐散物理方案的时间间隔,默认值为 0, 单位为分钟。
W R F中n a m e l i s t中参数意义WPS模式参数配&sharewrf_core = 'ARW',max_dom = 2, (最大嵌套数,2层)start_date = '2006-08-16_12:00:00','2006-08-16_12:00:00',end_date = '2006-08-16_18:00:00','2006-08-16_18:00:00',interval_seconds = 21600(前处理程序的两次分析时间之间的时间间隔,以秒为单位。
)io_form_geogrid = 2,/&geogridparent_id = 1, 1, (嵌套区域的母区域的标号。
注意MOAD 本身没有母区域,因此PARENT_ID 的第一列总是设为1。
总列数必须等于NUM_DOMAINS)parent_grid_ratio = 1, 3, (嵌套时,母网格相对于嵌套网格的水平网格比例。
在真实大气方案中,此比例必须为奇数;在理想大气方案中,如果将反馈选项feedback设置为0的话,则此比例也可以为偶数)i_parent_start = 1, 31(嵌套网格的左下角(LLC)在上一级网格(母网格)中x 方向的起始位置)j_parent_start = 1, 17(嵌套网格的左下角(LLC)在上一级网格(母网格)中y 方向的起始位置)e_we = 74, 112, (x方向(西-东方向)的终止格点值 (通常为x方向的格点数))e_sn = 61, 97, (y方向(南-北方向)的终止格点值 (通常为y方向的格点数))geog_data_res = ‘10m’,‘2m’, (区域对应选择的地表面静态数据)dx = 30000, (指定x方向的格距(单位为米)。
WRF简要入门一、运行WPSGeogrid形成地形数据Ungrid解压GRIB气象数据,并且将解压后的数据转成internediate文件形式Metgrid 将气象数据水平插值到模式区域中,从metgrid中输出的数据将作为WRFV2的输入数据。
1. 运行geogrid.exe根据模拟需要修改namelist.wps中的参数,主要涉及模拟的投影系统,经、纬度范围,原始数据的位置等如果成功的装了ncarg,可以通过ncarg查看谁定的区域范围。
./util/plotgrids.exe, 执行后产生gmeta文件,Idt gmeta 查看区域图形文件执行./geogrid.exe, 屏幕显示“successful completion of geogrid”, 同时产生geo_em.d01.nc文件,通过ncdump –h geo_em.d01.nc命令查看文件内容,也可以同过图形工具查看文件2. 运行ungrib.exe 修改namelist.wps,设定模拟的起始时间,结束时间和时间间隔,将下载的GRIB1数据放在数据目录下/home/xuxiyan/space/data,数据格式为全球的GFS/AVN/GRIB2,时间从2005082800到2005083000,时间间隔为6小时。
注:每次使用数据之前最好能够检查数据并且能够熟悉数据,g1print.exe和g2print.exe是检查和熟悉数据的方便的工具通过./link_grib.csh /home/xuxiyan/space/data/avn_050828命令链接数据,产生每一时刻数据的链接文件,此处共13个文件/home/xuxiyan/WRFV2/WPS/GRIBFILE.AA-(A-M)。
再通过l n –sfungrib/Varible_Tables/Vtable.GFS Vtable链接合适的Vtable, (因为我们的数据是GFS/AVN,所以这里用提供的GFS Vtable,在ungrib/Varible_Tables目录下还有很多其他形式的Vtable)。
WRF介绍介绍WRF 前处理系统(WPS)是一个由三个程序组成的模块,这三个程序的作用是为真实数据模拟准备输入场。
三个程序的各自用途为:geogrid确定模式区域并把静态地形数据插值到格点;ungrib从GRIB 格式的数据中提取气象要素场;metgird则是把提取出的气象要素场水平插值到由geogrid确定的网格点上。
把气象要素场垂直方向插值到WRF eta层则是WRF 模块中的real程序的工作。
GEOGRID.TBL, METGRID.TBL,和Vtable文件将会在后文中被详细介绍。
各个程序的功能; w* C/ E. N' y" UWPS是由三个单独的程序—geogrid,ungrib和metgird组成。
起止时间 (年,月,日,分,秒) 每一列代表一层网格
输入的met资料的时间间隔, 生成的边界场的时间间隔(秒) 输出数据的时间间隔(分钟) 每个wrfout里面记录多少个时 次的数据 各种数据的IO格式 :2表示netcdf 运行WRF时输出运行记录的级别,数 值越大,输出的信息越详细
input_from_file input_from_file
= .true.,.true.,.true., = .true.,.false.,.false.,
需要断点启动时: restart=.true.
restart_interval:生成断点文件的时间间隔(分钟), 表示每多少分钟生成一个断点文件。
WRFV3 主模块的运行
real case的模拟
运行目录:WRFV3/test/em_real 2个步骤:1)将met_em*复制,或者链接到
WRFV3/test/em_real 2) 修改namelist.input 3) ./real.exe 4) ./wrf.exe
wrfinput* wrfbdy*
plotMosaic.ncl 画组合回波和850 hPa风场 plotprep.ncl 画累积降水量,扰动温度-1°
plotMosaic_hurricane.ncl 画组合回波,3km风场和等压线
WRF模式入门指南WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting)模式是一种流行的天气数值预测模式,可用于预测从小尺度到大尺度的天气过程,并广泛应用于天气预报、气候研究和空气质量模拟等领域。
- 运行配置脚本,根据需求选择编译选项,并生成Makefile。
- 编译WRF模式,执行Make命令进行编译。
- 编写并配置WRF模式所需的输入文件,如namelist.input、namelist.wps等。
- 运行WRF模式,执行wrf.exe或mpirun命令,并指定输入文件。
ANNOTATED WRF NAMELISTUpdated 8/21/08General: There are two different namelists for WRF v. 2.2: namelist.wps and namelist.input. This is namelist.input from WRF v. 2.2 and is the default version for WPS (i.e., not WRFSI) input available in /test/em_real. The options below do not include those for an ideal case, only a real case. This list also excludes 3DVar, FDDA, and moving nest options. Single column is valid for all domains and multiple columns are domain dependent (nests). Entries that are gray are not in the default namelist.Format: A comma after every number value (not number codes or interval) and forward slashes between each section and at end. Two single quotes for blank. Recommendations: Delete all namelist sections and variables that do not differ from the template.Make sure the WRF Registry has an "h" in the 8th column for the variables UST, ALBEDO, EMISS, and ZNT so that these variables appear in the WRF output for CMAQ.&time_control controls simulation times: All start and end times are used by real.exe. One may use eitherrun_days/run_hours etc. or end_year/month/day/hour etc. to control the length of model integration. Butrun_days/run_hours takes precedence over the end times. run_days = 0, run time in days(Chanh used only hours not days even though four day run). Only for domain 1.run_hours = 12, additional run time in hours. Only for domain 1.run_minutes = 0, additional run time in minutes. Only for domain 1. (default is 0)run_seconds = 0, additional run time in seconds. Only for domain 1. (default is 0)Note: if it is more than 1 day, one may use both run_days and run_hours or just run_hours. e.g., if the total run length is 36 hrs, you may set run_days = 1, and run_hours = 12, or run_days = 0, and run_hours = 36Start Time:(UTC) the start time is used to name the first wrfout file. It also controls the start time for nest domains, and the restart time. All start times are used only by real.exe.start_year = 2000, 2000, 2000, 4-digit UTC year for start timestart_month = 01, 01, 01, 2-digit UTC month for start timestart_day = 24, 24, 24, 2-digit UTC day of month for start timestart_hour = 12, 12, 12, 2-digit UTC hour for start timestart_minute = 00, 00, 00, 2-digit UTC minute of month for start time (default is 0)start_second = 00, 00, 00, 2-digit UTC second of month for start time (default is 0)End Time: (UTC) also controls when the nest domain integrations end. All end times are used only by real.exe. end_year = 2000, 2000, 2000, 4-digit UTC year for end timeend_month = 01, 01, 01, 2-digit UTC month for end timeend_day = 25, 25, 25, 2-digit UTC day of month for end timeend_hour = 12, 12, 12, 2-digit UTC hour for end timeend_minute = 00, 00, 00, 2-digit UTC minute of month for end time (default is 0)end_second = 00, 00, 00, 2-digit UTC second of month for end time (default is 0)interval_seconds = 21600 (6 hours for GFS) or 10800 (3 hours for NAM). T ime interval between incoming real data (WPS output), which will be the interval between the lateral boundary condition file (for real.exe only)input_from_file = .true.,.false.,.false., logical, whether a nest requires an input file (e.g. wrfinput_d02). This is typically an option for real data case. (default for nests is false).fine_input_stream = 0selected fields from nest input = 0, all fields from nest input are used= 2 ,only nest input specified from input stream 2are used (defined in the Registry) . This optionallows a nest to start at a later time. (default is 0)history_interval = 180, 60, 60, history output file frequency in minutes (Chanh: 360, 180, 180, 10) For CMAQ input, this must be set ≤ 60.history_interval_mo = 1history output file interval in months (integer); used as alternative to history_interval history_interval_d = 1history output file interval in days (integer); used as alternative to history_intervalhistory_interval_h = 1 history output file interval in hours(integer); used as alternative to history_intervalhistory_interval_m = 1 history output file interval in minutes (integer); used as alternative to history_interval and is equivalent to history_intervalhistory_interval_s = 1 history output file interval in seconds (integer); used as alternative to history_intervalframes_per_outfile = 1000, 1000, 1000, output times per history output file, used to split output files into smaller pieces, how many time periods inside each file (Training showed 1000 as default). This is how many output times are saved in the one file. If it is set large, all the output will be in the one file. This will mean your output files are large and contain multiple forecasts based on history_interval above.NOTE: In the tutorial, these settings, history_interval = 180 and frames_per_outfile = 1000, resulted in 5 3-hr forecast in one 12-hr wrfout (1000/180 ≈ 5).restart = .false., whether this run is a restart run (default is false). A restart run allows a user to extend a run to a longer simulation period. It is effectively a continuous run made of several shorter runs. Hence the results at the end of one or more restart runs should be identical to a single run without any restart. In order to do a restart run, one must first create restart file. This is done by setting namelist variable restart_interval (unit is in minutes) to be equal to or less than the simulation length, as specified by run_* variables or start_* and end_* times. When the model reaches the time to write a restart file, a restart file named wrfrst_<domain_id>_<date> will be written. The date string represents thetime when the restart file is valid. When one starts the restart run, edit the namelist.input file, so that your start_* time will be set to the restart time (and the time a restart file is written). The other namelist variable one must set is restart, this variable should be set to .true. for a restart run. restart_interval = 5000, restart output file interval in minutes, creates additional files to restart simulation in the middle (Chanh: 180) (default is 0). It is a good idea to set this for the end of your run so that you can extend your period with a restart (you will still need additional metgrid files). For example, to set the restart file to begin in 24 hours, set it for 1440 (24*60=1440).io_form_history = 2, netCDF (default is 2) For CMAQ input, this must be set to the default 2 for I/O API (netCDF) output.io_form_restart = 2, netCDF (default is 2)io_form_input = 2, netCDF (default is 2)io_form_boundary = 2, file format= 2, netCDF (default)= 4, PHDF5 format (no supported postprocessingsoftware)= 5, GRIB1 format (no supported postprocessingsoftware)frames_per_emissfile = 12,Number of times in each chemistry emission file.io_style_emiss = 1,Style to use for the chemistry emission files.0 = Do not read emissions from files.1 = Cycle between two 12 hour files (setframes_per_emissfile=12)2 = Dated files with length set byframes_per_emissfiledebug_level = 0, 0, 50,100,200,300 values give increasing amounts of prints (default is 0)auxinput1_inname = :"met_em.d<domain>.<date>", Input to real from WPS (default)Other output options:io_form_history = 2 format for history files: 2 = netCDF; 102 = split netCDF files one per processor (no supported post-processing software for split files)io_form_restart =2 format for restart files: 2 = netCDF; 102 = split netCDF files one per processor (must restart with the same number of processors)io_form_input = 2 format for input files: 2 = netCDFio_form_boundary = 2 format for boundary files: 2 netCDF format, 4 PHDF5 format (no supported post-processing software) , 5 GRIB1 format (no supported post- processing software) , 1 binary format (no supported post-processing software)auxhist2_outname = "rainfall" ; file name for extra output; if not specified, auxhist2_d<domain>_<date> will be used, also note that to write variables in output other than the history file, requires Registry.EM file changeauxhist2_interval = 10, interval in minutes when writing input-formatted dataio_form_auxhist2 = 2, output in netCDFauxinput11_interval = 10, interval in minutes when writing input-formatted dataauxinput11_end_h = 1, , end time in hours for auxilary input filesnocolons = .false. replace : with _ in output file names Note: I found no way to direct output to another directoryso real.exe and wrf.exe output must be copied manually orwith an additional script./&domains domain definition: dimensions, nestingparameterstime_step = 180, time step forintegration in integer seconds (Chanh: 135).Recommendation: 6*dx in km for a typical real-data case.time_step_fract_num = 0, numerator forfractional timestep (default is 0)time_step_fract_den = 1, denominator forfractional time step (default is 0)Note: You can use fractional time steps. For example, ifyou want to use 60.3 sec as your time step,set time_step = 60, time_step_fract_num = 3, and time_step_fract_den = 10max_dom = 1, number of domains - setit to > 1 if it is a nested run. For example, if youwant to have one coarse domain and one nest, set thisvariable to 2s_we = 1, 1, 1, start index in x(west-east) direction (leave as is) (default is 1)e_we = 74, 112, 94, end index in x(west-east) direction (staggered dimensions_sn = 1, 1, 1, start index in y(south-north) direction (leave as is) (default is 1)e_sn = 61, 97, 91, end index in y(south-north) direction (staggered dimension)s_vert = 1, 1, 1, start index in z(vertical) direction (leave as is) (default is 1)e_vert = 28, 28, 28, end index in z(vertical) direction, vertical dimensions need to be the samefor all nests (staggered dimension--this refers to full levelsincluding surface and top). This should be the same as thenumber of level entries below.Most variables are onunstaggered levels (unstaggered dimensions = staggereddimension - 1).num_metgrid_levels = 27, number of verticallevels of 3D meteorological fields coming from WPSmetgrid program.: number of incoming data levels (can befound by using ncdump command on met_em.d01.<date>file) (27 is number of vertical levels from WPS that usedGFS and NAM data). Must be in namelist (no defaultvalue).Note: Users may explicitly define full eta levels. Given are two distributions for 28 and 35 levels. The number of levels must agree with the number of eta surfaces allocated(e_vert). Users may alternatively request only the number of levels (with e_vert), and the real program will compute values. The computation assumes a known first several layers, then generates equi-height spaced levels up to the top of the model. Model eta levels from 1 to 0, if you choose to do so. If not, real willcompute a nice set of eta levels for you. For WPS input only.eta_levels = 1.000, 0.990, 0.978, 0.964, 0.946, 0.922, 0.894, 0.860, 0.817, 0.766, 0.707, 0.644, 0.576, 0.507, 0.444, 0.380, 0.324, 0.273, 0.228, 0.188, 0.152, 0.121, 0.093, 0.069, 0.048, 0.029, 0.014, 0.000,eta_levels = 1.000, 0.993, 0.983, 0.970, 0.954, 0.934, 0.909, 0.880, 0.845, 0.807, 0.765, 0.719, 0.672, 0.622, 0.571, 0.520, 0.468, 0.420, 0.376, 0.335, 0.298, 0.263, 0.231, 0.202, 0.175, 0.150, 0.127, 0.106, 0.088, 0.070, 0.055, 0.040, 0.026, 0.013, 0.000 force_sfc_in_vinterp = 1, vertical interpolation to use surface data:= 1, use the surface level as the lower boundarywhen interpolating through this many eta levels(default)= 0, perform traditional trapping interpolation= n, first n eta levels directly use surface levelp_top_requested = 5000, pressure top to use in the model, units Pa (default is 5000)interp_type = 1, vertical interpolation:= 1, linear in pressure (default) = 2, linear in log(pressure)lagrange_order = 1, vertical interpolation order:= 1, linear (default)= 2, quadraticlowest_lev_from_sfc = .false., where to place the surface value= T, use surface value as lowest eta (u,v,t,q)—recommended.= F, use traditional interpolation (default).dx = 30000, 10000, 3333, grid length in x, unit in metersdy = 30000, 10000, 3333, grid length in y, unit in metersNOTE: dx = dy required.grid_id = 1, 2, 3, domain identifier (leave as is), domain identifier will be used in the wrfout naming convention (default is 1)parent_id = 0, 1, 2, use the grid_id to define the parent_id number for a nest. (default is 0)i_parent_start = 0, 31, 30, starting lower left corner I-indices from the parent domain (note that the default is “1” in first entry for namelist.wps) (default is 1) (unclear whether first entry is 0 or 1--may be ignored if there is no nest--test data ran either way)j_parent_start = 0, 17, 30, starting lower left corner J-indices from the parent domain. (note that the default is “1” in first entry for namelist.wps) (default is 1) (unclear whether first entry is 0 or 1--may be ignored if there is no nest--test data ran either way)parent_grid_ratio = 1, 3, 3, parent-to-nest domain grid size ratio: for real-data cases the ratio has to be odd; for idealized cases, the ratio can be even if feedback is set to 0. (default is 1)parent_time_step_ratio = 1, 3, 3, parent-to-nest time step ratio; it can be different from theparent_grid_ratio (default is 1)feedback = 1, feedback from nest toits parent domain; this option takes the values of prognostic variables in the nest and overwrites the values in the coarse domain at the coincident points. This is the reason currently that it requires odd parent_grid_ratio with this option, 0 = no feedback (default is 1)smooth_option = 0, smoothing option for parent domain, used only with feedback option on= 0, no smoothing (Chanh: 0)= 1, 1-2-1 smoothing (2 directions)= 2, smoothing-desmoothing. (default is 2) zap_close_levels = 500, ignore isobaric level above surface if ∆p (Pa) < zap_close_levels. allow surface data to be used if it is close to a constant pressurelevel (For WPS input only). (default is 500)sfcp_to_sfcp = .false. [no information available] default is false.adjust_heights = .false. [no information available] default is false.Miscelleneous:tile_sz_x = 0, number of points in tile x direction (default is 0)tile_sz_y = 0,number of points in tile y direction (default is 0)Note: can be determined automaticallynumtiles = 1, number of tiles per patch (alternative to above two items) (default is 1)nproc_x = -1,number of processors in x for decomposition (default is -1)nproc_y = -1, number of processors in y for decomposition-1: code will do automatic decomposition (default) >1: for both: will be used for decomposition/&physics even the physics options can be different in different nest domains, caution must be used as what options are sensible to usechem._opt = 0,not yet available (default is 0) mp_physics = 3, 3, 3, microphysics option= 0, no microphysics= 1, Kessler scheme= 2, Lin et al. scheme= 3, WSM 3-class simple icescheme= 4, WSM 5-class scheme= 5, Ferrier (new Eta) microphysicsThis option cannot be used forCMAQ input because it groups toomany precipitation categoriestogether.= 6, WSM 6-class graupel scheme= 8, new Thompson et al. graupelscheme= 98, NCEP 3-class simple ice scheme (to be removed)= 99, NCEP 5-class scheme (to be removed)ra_lw_physics = 1, 1, 1, longwave radiation option= 0, no longwave radiation= 1, RRTM scheme= 3, CAM scheme (also must setlevsiz, paerlev, cam_abs_dim1/2below)= 99, GFDL (Eta) longwave(semi-supported) also must use co2tf = 1for ARWra_sw_physics = 1, 1, 1, shortwave radiation option= 0, no shortwave radiation= 1, Dudhia scheme= 2, Goddard short wave (Chanh)= 3, CAM scheme (also must setlevsiz, paerlev, cam_abs_dim1/2below)= 99, GFDL (Eta) longwave (semi-supported) also must use co2tf = 1for ARWradt = 30, 30, 30, Radiation time step recommendation: minutes between radiation physics calls (radiation is too expensive to call at each time step) reduce it if grid distance is finer (Chanh: 36, 12, 10, 10) Recommendation: 1 minute per km of dx (e.g. 10 for 10 km grid): Frequency, should resolve cloud-cover changes with time.co2tf = 1,CO2 transmission function flag only for GFDL radiation= 0, read CO2 function data from pre-generated file(default)= 1, generate CO2 functions internally in theforecast. Recommendation: set it to 1 for ARWra_call_offset = 0, radiation call is-1 (old) means usually just before output,0 afterjust after output.cam_abs_freq_s = 21600,CAM clears ky longwave absorption calculation frequency (recommended minimum value to speed scheme up) (default is 21600). levsiz = 59,for CAM radiation input ozone levels (default is 1)paerlev = 29,for CAM radiation input aerosol levels (default is 1)cam_abs_dim1 = 4,for CAM absorption save array (default is 1)cam_abs_dim2 = 27, must set at e_vert for CAM 2nd absorption save array (default is 1)sf_sfclay_physics = 1, 1, 1, surface-layer option (old bl_sfclay_physics option)= 0, no surface-layer= 1, Monin-Obukhov scheme= 2, Monin-Obukhov (Janjic Eta)= 3, NCEP GFS schemesf_surface_physics = 1, 1, 1, land-surface option (old bl_surface_physics option); need to match with number of soil layers (num_soil_layers variable)= 0, no surface temperature prediction = 1, thermal diffusion scheme= 2, Noah land-surface model (Chanh) = 3, RUC land-surface modelbl_pbl_physics = 1, 1, 1, boundary-layer option= 0, no boundary-layer= 1, YSU scheme= 2, Mellor-Yamada-Janjic (Eta)TKE scheme= 3, NCEP GFS scheme= 99, MRF scheme (to be removed) bldt = 0, 0, 0, minutes between boundarylayer/land surface model physics calls, typical value is 0 (use PBL every step), rarely used because PBL scheme is cheap (< 5%).cu_physics = 1, 1, 0, cumulus option (Chanh: 1, 1, 0, 0)= 0, no cumulus= 1, Kain-Fritsch (new Eta) scheme = 2, Betts-Miller-Janjic scheme= 3, Grell-Devenyi ensemble scheme= 99, previous Kain-Fritschschemecudt = 5, 5, 5, minutes between cumulus physics calls, typical value is 5 minutes, but 2 minutes is recommended (Chanh 5, 5, 0, 0)isfflx = 1, sensitivity test,heat and moisture fluxes from the surface (only works forsf_sfclay_physics = 1)= 1, with fluxes from the surface= 0, no flux from the surfaceifsnow = 0, ; snow-cover effects (only works for sf_surface_physics = 1)= 1, with snow-cover effect= 0, without snow-cover effect (Chanh)icloud = 1, sensitivity test,cloud effect to the optical depth in radiation (only works forra_sw_physics= 1 and ra_lw_physics = 1)= 1, with cloud effect= 0, without cloud effectswrat_scat = 1., scattering tuning parameter (default 1. is 1.e-5 m2/kg) (default is 1)surface_input_ source =1, where land use and soil category data come from:= 1, SI/gridgen (default)= 2, GRIB data from anothermodel (only possible ifVEGCAT/SOILCAT are inwrf_real_input_em files fromSI)num_soil_layers = 5, number of soil layers in land surface model, needs to match LSM selection(sf_surface_physics above)= 5: thermal diffusion scheme= 4: Noah lands surface model (Chanh) = 6: RUC land surface modelucmcall = 0, activate urban canopy model (in Noah LSM only)= 0, no (default)= 1, yesmp_zero_out = 0, Option to zero out very small and negative microphysics cloud and precipitation variables, and zero out negative water vapor field if they fall below a critical value. For non-zero mp_physics options, to keep Qv .GE. 0, and to set the other moisture fields .LT. a critical value to zero= 0: no action taken, no adjustment to anymoist field (conservation maintained)(default)= 1: except for Q v all other moist arrays areset to zero if they fall below a critical value(no conservation);= 2: Q v is .GE. 0, all other moist arrays areset to zero if they fall below a critical value(no conservation).For CMAQ input, negative mixing ratios cannot be processed so this term must be included and set to 2.mp_zero_out_thresh = 1.e-8,critical value below which values are reset to zero (kg/kg)(default is 9.999E-9). For CMAQ input, negative mixing ratios cannot be processed so this term must be included and set to ≥ 0.maxiens = 1, Grell-Devenyi only (default)maxens = 3, Grell-Devenyi only (default)maxens2 = 3, Grell-Devenyi only (default)maxens3 = 16, Grell-Devenyi only (default)ensdim = 144, Grell-Devenyi only (default)Note: The five fields above are ensemble member dimensions for multiple closure and multiple parameter controls for Grell-Devenyi.. These are recommended numbers. If you would like to use any other number, consult the code, know what you are doing. Otherwise, leave them alone.seaice_threshold = 271.,Grid changed to sea ice when temperature falls below this value;tsk < seaice_threshold, if water point and 5-layer slab scheme, set to land point and permanent ice; if water point and Noah scheme, set to land point, permanent ice, set temps from 3 m to surface, and set smois and sh2o (default is 271.)sst_update = 0,whether to use time-varying SST during a model simulation= 0, no SST update, fixed with time (default)= 1, reads the lower boundary file periodically toupdate the sea surface temperature. real.exe willcreate wrflowinput_d01 file at the same timeinterval as the available input data. To use it inwrf.exe, add auxinput_inname = "wrflowinp_d01",auxinput5_interval, and auxinput_end_h in namelistsection &time_controlRecommendations: use 1 for long-periodsimulations (1 week or more). Cannot update seaice yet--include in SST as just cold water. Caninclude vegetation fraction update, too./&fdda for grid and observation nudginggrid_fdda (max_dom) = 1,grid-nudging fdda for each domain= 0, off (default)= 1, onobs_nudge_opt (max_dom) = 1,observation-nudging fdda for each domain= 0, off (default)= 1, on/&dynamics diffusion, damping options,advection optionsdyn_opt = 2,dynamical core option: advanced research WRF core (Eulerian mass EM) (default is 2) For CMAQ input, this must be set to the default 2 (ARW not NMM).rk_ord = 3,time-integration scheme option:2 = Runge-Kutta 2nd order3 = Runge-Kutta 3rd order(recommended) (default) w_damping = 0,vertical velocity damping flag (for operational use)0 without damping (Chanh: 0)1 with damping (This is the recommended optionfor real cases.It detects the locations where thevertical velocity is approaching the Courant numberfor stability and applies a Raleigh damping term tostabilize the vertical momentum. The model outputsthe location when it is active.)diff_opt = 1, turbulence and mixing option:0 = no turbulence or explicit spatial numericalfilters (km_opt IS IGNORED).1 = old diffusion scheme, used with constantvertical diffusion coefficient or a PBL scheme;evaluates 2nd order diffusion term on coordinatesurfaces; uses kvdif for vertical diff unless PBLoption is used. may be used with km_opt = 1 and 4.Recommendation: = 1 for real-data case2 = new diffusion scheme, used for large eddyresolving without a PBL scheme; evaluates mixingterms in physical space (stress form) (x,y,z);turbulence parameterization is chosen by specifyingkm_opt.km_opt = 4, eddy coefficient option1 = constant (use khdif kvdif)2 = 1.5 order TKE closure (3D)3 = Smagorinsky first order closure4 = horizontal Smagorinsky first order closureRecommendation: = 4 for real-data casesOption 2 and 3 are not recommended for dx > 2 km diff_6th_opt = 0, 6th-order numerical diffusion: 6th-order horizontal hyperdiffusion (del^6) on allvariables to act as a selective short-wave numerical noise filter. Can be used in conjunction with diff_opt.0 = no 6th-order diffusion (default)1 = 6th-order numerical diffusion2 = 6th-order numerical diffusion but prohibit up-gradient diffusiondiff_6th_factor = 0.12, 6th-order numerical diffusion non-dimensional rate (max value 1.0 corresponds to complete removal of 2dx wave in one timestep) (default is 0.12)damp_opt = 0, upper level damping flag, may now be used in real-data runs= 0, without damping (default)= 1, with diffusive damping(dampcoef nondimensional ~ 0.01 - 0.1) = 2 with Rayleigh damping (dampcoef inversetime scale [1/s], e.g. 0.003)base_temp = 290., Sets base-state sea-level temperature in K (real cases only). Note that it ends in a period then a comma.There is little model sensitivity to base values.base_pres = 10^5Sets base-state sea-level pressure in Pa (real cases only) DO NOT CHANGE (default is 100000)base_lapse = 50.,Sets base-state lapse rate in K (real cases only) DO NOT CHANGE (default is 50)zdamp = 5000., 5000., 5000., damping depth (m) from model top (default is 5000)dampcoef = 0.01, 0.01, 0.10 damping coefficient (dampcoef<= 0.25) may set it <= 0.15 for real data if needed (default is 0)khdif = 0, 0, 0, horizontal diffusion constant (m^2/s) (default is 0)kvdif = 0, 0, 0, vertical diffusion constant (m^2/s) (default is 0)smdiv = 0.1, 0.1, 0.1,divergence damping (0.1 is default)emdiv = 0.01, 0.01, 0.01,external-mode filter coefficient for mass coordinate model (0.01 is default)epssm = 0.1, 0.1, 0.1,time off-centering for vertical sound waves (0.1 is default)non_hydrostatic = .true., .true., .true., whether running the model in hydrostatic (F) or non-hydrostatic (T) mode. Using hydrostatic does not save much time. ForCMAQ input, only the non-hydrostatic default option can be used (= .true.).pert_coriolis (max_dom) = .false.,Coriolis only acts on wind perturbation (idealized) (default is false)mix_full_fields(max_dom) = .true.,used withdiff_opt = 2; value of ".true." is recommended, except for highly idealized numerical tests; damp_opt must not be 1 if ".true." is chosen. .false. means subtract 1-d base-state profile before mixing (default is false).tke_drag_coefficient (max_dom) = 0.,surface drag coefficient (C d, dimensionless) for diff_opt=2 onlytke_heat_flux (max_dom) = 0.,surface thermal flux (H/(rho*cp), K m/s) for diff_opt=2 onlyh_mom_adv_order = 5, 5, 5,horizontal momentum advection order (5=5th, etc.) (default is 5)v_mom_adv_order = 3, 3, 3, vertical momentum advection order (default is 3)h_sca_adv_order = 5, 5, 5,horizontal scalar advection order (default is 5)v_sca_adv_order = 3, 3, 3,vertical scalar advection order (default is 3)pd_moist = .false., .false., .false., positive definite advection of moisture; set to .true. to turn it on (default is false). WRF Forum recommendation for summer precipitation: please turn on option pd_moist, so that you are using positive definite advection scheme.pd_scalar = .false., .false., .false.,, positive definite advection of scalars (default is false)pd_chem = .false., .false., .false.,positive definite advection of chem variables (default is false)pd_tke = .false., .false., .false.,positive definite advection of tke (default is false)time_step_sound = 4, 4, 4,number of sound steps per time-step (0=set automatically). If using a time_step much larger than 6*dx (in km), increase number of sound steps. Cannot be changed for real./&bdy_control boundary condition control; four choices: open, symmetric, periodic or specified (must use specified for real cases).spec_bdy_width = 5, total number of rows for specified boundary value nudgingspec_zone = 1, number of points in specified zone (specified boundary condition option)。
fortran namelist 语法
以下是NAMELIST的基本语法:fortran复制代码NAMELIST /namelist_group_name/ variable1, variable2, ..., variableN其中:namelist_group_name是您为这组变量定义的名称,它在输入/输出文件中用作标识符。
variable1, variable2, ..., variableN是您希望读写的Fortran变量。
例如:fortran复制代码PROGRAM namelist_exampleIMPLICIT NONEINTEGER :: a, bREAL :: x, yCHARACTER(LEN=20) :: strNAMELIST /my_group/ a, b, x, y, stra = 10b = 20x = 3.14y = 2.72str = "Hello, Fortran!"OPEN(UNIT=10, FILE="output.txt", STATUS="REPLACE")WRITE(10, my_group)CLOSE(10)END PROGRAM namelist_example在这个例子中,我们首先定义了一个NAMELIST组my_group,它包含了五个变量:a, b, x, y,和 str。
WRF模式运行指南WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting)模式是一种先进的大气数值模式,被广泛应用于天气预报、气候研究和环境模拟等领域。
WRF 模式生成的结果文件包括模拟时间序列的各种物理变量,如温度、湿度、风场等。
WRF简要入门一、运行WPSGeogrid形成地形数据Ungrid解压GRIB气象数据,并且将解压后的数据转成internediate文件形式Metgrid 将气象数据水平插值到模式区域中,从metgrid中输出的数据将作为WRFV2的输入数据。
./util/plotgrids.exe, 执行后产生gmeta文件,Idt gmeta 查看区域图形文件执行./geogrid.exe, 屏幕显示“successful completion of geogrid”,同时产生geo_em.d01.nc文件,通过ncdump –h geo_em.d01.nc命令查看文件内容,也可以同过图形工具查看文件2. 运行ungrib.exe 修改namelist.wps,设定模拟的起始时间,结束时间和时间间隔,将下载的GRIB1数据放在数据目录下/home/xuxiyan/space/data,数据格式为全球的GFS/AVN/GRIB2,时间从2005082800到2005083000,时间间隔为6小时。
注:每次使用数据之前最好能够检查数据并且能够熟悉数据,g1print.exe和g2print.exe是检查和熟悉数据的方便的工具通过./link_grib.csh /home/xuxiyan/space/data/avn_050828命令链接数据,产生每一时刻数据的链接文件,此处共13个文件/home/xuxiyan/WRFV2/WPS/GRIBFILE.AA-(A-M)。
再通过ln –sfungrib/Varible_Tables/Vtable.GFS Vtable链接合适的Vtable, (因为我们的数据是GFS/AVN,所以这里用提供的GFS Vtable,在ungrib/Varible_Tables目录下还有很多其他形式的Vtable)。
关于WRF namelist的说明ynkm_mzm(2014年5月)1、namelist.WPS&sharewrf_core = 'ARW',(选内核,ARW用于科学研究,NMM用于业务预报) max_dom = 2,(模拟区域总数,包括母区域,1无嵌套,2-4表示嵌套区域及母区域的总数)start_date = '2006-08-16_12:00:00','2006-08-16_12:00:00',(输入资料的起始时间)end_date = '2006-08-16_18:00:00','2006-08-16_18:00:00',(输入资料的终止时间,同上)注:对于模拟起止时间,亦可用变量START_YEAR(四位数年)、START_MONTH (两位数月)、START_DAY(两位数日)、START_HOUR(两位数小时)以及END_YEAR、END_MONTH、END_DAY、END_HOUR来表示,若两种时间均指定,则start_date优先被采用,且均为UTC时间。
interval_seconds = 21600(前处理程序的两次分析时间之间的时间间隔,以秒为单位,即模式的实时输入数据的时间间隔,一般为输入初始场文件的时间间隔。
)io_form_geogrid = 2(存数据的格式:1 for binary; 2 for NetCDF;3 for GRIB1。
缺省通常为2,ARWUserGuide上表述为geogrid产生的数据文件格式)OPT_OUTPUT_FORM_GEODRID_PATH=’./’(geogrid输出的数据文件存储路径,通常不需指定,即用当前路径’./’)/&geogrid(建立“静态的”地面数据,定义模式域)parent_id= 1, 1(嵌套区域的母区域的标号。
注意MOAD 本身没有母区域,因此PARENT_ID 的第一列总是设为1。
rf 列表参数
rf 列表参数
"rf" 在这里可能指的是随机森林(Random Forest),这是一种非常流行的机器学习算法,主要用于分类和回归问题。
在随机森林中,参数列表(parameter list)是一个关键概念,它决定了模型的行为和性能。
1. n_estimators:树的数量。
2. max_depth:树的最大深度。
3. min_samples_split:内部节点再划分所需的最小样本数。
4. min_samples_leaf:叶节点所需的最小样本数。
5. max_features:用于节点分裂的特征数量。
可以是 'auto', 'sqrt', 'log2' 或一个整数。
6. bootstrap:是否从原始数据中重采样来创建新的数据集。
7. oob_score:是否使用out-of-bag (OOB) 样本进行模型评估。
8. random_state:随机种子,用于确保结果的可重复性。
9. verbose:控制日志输出的详细程度。
WRF安装运行入门指南WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting Model)是一种广泛用于天气和气候数值模拟的软件平台,它可以帮助使用者进行气象预报、气候研究以及其他相关领域的模拟和预测工作。
2. 运行"./configure"命令以配置WRF。
运行"./configure -help"命令可以查看所有可用选项的详细说明。
4. 进入WPS的目录,并运行"./configure"命令以配置WPS。
三、准备WRF模拟运行所需的输入数据1. 打开WPS目录,并修改namelist.wps文件中的配置参数,以便指定你所需要的输入数据集(例如,地形数据、气象观测数据等)。
2. 运行"./geogrid.exe"命令以生成地理网格。
3. 运行"./ungrib.exe"命令以解压和转换气象观测数据。
4. 运行"./metgrid.exe"命令以进行水平插值,生成模型输入文件。
四、设置WRF模拟运行参数五、运行WRF模型1. 运行"./real.exe"命令进行模拟的初始化。
2. 运行"./wrf.exe"命令以开始模拟运行。
1. 输入文件准备
2. 运行arwpost
./arwpost.exe < namelist.input
3. 配置输出格式
4. 配置输出变量
5. 运行结果保存
WRF 模拟理想台风@by冬日的阳光2017.11.19这段时间刚刚开始学习WRF,花了几天的时间,终于基本学会了如何安装、模拟天气个例了。
在学习WRF 模式过程中发现,WRF 原来是有两类模拟,一类是大多数人较为常用的手段,即基于真实天气过程的模拟,给定真实的初始场,这里我就不赘述了;另外一类WRF 模式自带的理想天气过程的模拟,理想模拟不需要输入真实初始场,模式会构建一个理想初始场,方便我们进行分类研究。
作为一个新手,近来在做台风模拟试验,从前人的研究中了解到原来WRF 提供了多种idealized case 的模拟。
因此,想利用WRF 模式模拟一个理想的台风过程。
下面我主要写写新手入门如何做一次理想台风模拟(idealized case)。
首先,下面是WRF 安装步骤的基本过程如下:1. 安装WRF,理想模拟只需要安装WRF 即可,此处安装的是WRFV3.6.TAR.gz 版本。
# tar -zxvf WRFV3.6.TAR.gz !!!!!解压# cd WRFV3# ./configure此时,(1)会出现一系列的环境类型,你可以选择自己服务器的环境类型,我选infort 并行运算,即15(每个大机器有区别)。
(2)如果选对了,就会出现一个嵌套选择:一般选默认1 (basic)温馨提示:前面提到理想模拟只需要安装WRF 即可,不需要WPS。
所以,要是你之前安装过WRF,此时只需要新建一个新的文件夹,在新的文件夹下执行上述三个步骤你安装WRF 就可以了。
例如,我就是在解压文件之前新建一个ideal 文件夹(# mkdir ideal)。
2. 接着安装配置台风模拟的那部分# ./ compile em_tropical_cyclone温馨提示:配置错了,可以清除上一步配置的操作:# clean –a3. 安装成功,进入目录:~/WRFV3/test/em_tropical_cyclone# cd ~/WRFV3/test/em_tropical_cyclone# ls# ll注意,如果安装成功了,执行ls or ll 命令,在当前文件夹下可以看到:ideal.exe; wrf.exe;input_sounding; namelist.input; list; README.tropical_cyclone;run_me_first.csh完成上述动作,恭喜你WRF 理想模拟安装完成了。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
WPS模式参数配&sharewrf_core = 'ARW',max_dom = 2, (最大嵌套数,2层)start_date = '2006-08-16_12:00:00','2006-08-16_12:00:00',end_date = '2006-08-16_18:00:00','2006-08-16_18:00:00',interval_seconds = 21600(前处理程序的两次分析时间之间的时间间隔,以秒为单位。
)io_form_geogrid = 2,/&geogridparent_id = 1, 1, (嵌套区域的母区域的标号。
注意MOAD 本身没有母区域,因此PARENT_ID 的第一列总是设为1。
总列数必须等于NUM_DOMAINS)parent_grid_ratio = 1, 3, (嵌套时,母网格相对于嵌套网格的水平网格比例。
在真实大气方案中,此比例必须为奇数;在理想大气方案中,如果将反馈选项feedback设置为0的话,则此比例也可以为偶数)i_parent_start = 1, 31(嵌套网格的左下角(LLC)在上一级网格(母网格)中x 方向的起始位置)j_parent_start = 1, 17(嵌套网格的左下角(LLC)在上一级网格(母网格)中y 方向的起始位置)e_we = 74, 112, (x方向(西-东方向)的终止格点值(通常为x方向的格点数))e_sn = 61, 97, (y方向(南-北方向)的终止格点值(通常为y方向的格点数))geog_data_res = ‘10m’,‘2m’, (区域对应选择的地表面静态数据)dx = 30000, (指定x方向的格距(单位为米)。
在真实大气方案中,此参数值必须与输入数据中的x方向格距一致)dy = 30000, (指定y方向的格距(单位为米)。
在真实大气方案中,此参数值必须与输入数据中的y方向格距一致)map_proj = ‘lambert’, (地图投影)"polar" -> 极射投影"lambert" -> 兰伯托等角投影(正割和正切)"mercator" -> 麦卡托ref_lat = 30.0, (中心纬度)ref_lon = 115.0, (中心经度)truelat1 = 30.0, (真实纬度)truelat2 = 60.0,stand_lon = 115.0, (标准经度)geog_data_path = ‘/home/user/cuit/geog‘ (放置地表面静态数据路径) /&ungribout_format = 'WPS',prefix = 'FILE',/&metgrid fg_name = 'FILE'io_form_metgrid = 2,/OBSGRID模式参数配置说明WRF模式参数配置说明注意,参数选项名称后跟的(max_dom)是表示此参数需定义成嵌套形式。
run_minutes运行的分钟数run_seconds运行的秒数start_year(max_dom) =2001四位数字表示的起始年份。
start_month(max_dom) =04两位数字(01-12)表示的起始月份。
start_day(max_dom) =20两位数字(01-31)表示的起始天数。
start_hour(max_dom) =12两位数字(00-23)表示的起始小时数。
start_minute(max_dom) =00两位数字(00-59)表示的起始分钟数。
start_second (max_dom) =00两位数字(00-59)表示的起始秒数。
end_year(max_dom) =2001四位数字表示的终止年份。
end_month(max_dom) = 04两位数字(01-12)表示的终止月份。
end_day(max_dom) =21两位数字(01-31)表示的终止天数。
end_hour =00两位数字(00-23)表示的终止小时数。
end_minute =00两位数字(00-59)表示的终止分钟数。
end_second =00两位数字(00-59)表示的终止秒数。
interval_seconds =43200前处理程序的两次分析时间之间的时间间隔,以秒为单位。
input_from_file (max_dom)= T嵌套初始场输入选项。
history_interval (max_dom)= 60此参数指定模式结果输出的时间间隔,以分钟为单位。
frames_per_outfile (max_dom) = 1此参数指定每一个结果文件中保存输出结果的次数,因此可以将模式结果分成多个文件保存,默认值为10。
restart = F指定模式运行是否为断点重启方式。
restart_interval= 1440此参数指定模式断点重启输出的时间间隔,以分钟为单位。
io_form_history = 2指定模式结果输出的格式, 2为netCDF格式io_form_restart = 2指定模式断点重启输出的格式, 2为netCDF格式io_form_initial = 2指定模式初始场数据的格式, 2为netCDF格式io_form_boundary = 2指定模式边界条件数据的格式, 2为netCDF格式,4为PHD5格式,5为GRIB1格式(目前没有后处理程序),1为二进制格式(目前没有后处理程序)。
debug_level =0此选项指定模式运行时的调试信息输出等级。
取值可为0,50,100,200,300 ,数值越大,调试信息输出就越多,默认值为0。
参数配置第二部分&domainstime_step = 60积分的时间步长,为整型数,单位为秒。
time_step_fract_num = 0实数型时间步长的分子部分。
time_step_fract_den = 1实数型时间步长的分母部分。
其中time_step 对应与时间步长的整数部分,time_step_fract_num/time_step_fract_den对应于时间步长的小数部分。
s_we(max_dom) =1x方向(西-东方向)的起始格点值(通常为1).e_we(max_dom) =32x方向(西-东方向)的终止格点值(通常为x方向的格点范围)。
s_sn (max_dom) =1y方向(南-北方向)的起始格点值(通常为1).e_sn (max_dom) =32y方向(南-北方向)的终止格点值(通常为y方向的格点范围)。
s_vert (max_dom) =1z方向(垂直方向)的起始格点值。
e_vert (max_dom) =31z方向(垂直方向)的终止格点值,即全垂直eta层的总层数。
num_metgrid_levels =18来自WPS的metgrid的输入数据的垂直层次数。
dx (max_dom) =10000 (单位为米)指定x方向的格距。
在真实大气方案中,此参数值必须与输入数据中的x 方向格距一致。
dy (max_dom) =10000 (单位为米)指定y方向的格距。
grid_id (max_dom) =1计算区域的编号。
parent_id (max_dom) = 0嵌套网格的上一级网格(母网格)的编号。
i_parent_start (max_dom) = 0嵌套网格的左下角(LLC)在上一级网格(母网格)中x方向的起始位置。
j_parent_start (max_dom) = 0嵌套网格的左下角(LLC)在上一级网格(母网格)中y方向的起始位置。
parent_grid_ratio(max_dom)= 1嵌套时,母网格相对于嵌套网格的水平网格比例。
parent_time_step_ratio (max_dom)= 1嵌套时,母网格相对于嵌套网格的时间步长比例。
feedback = 1嵌套时,嵌套网格向母网格得反馈作用。
smooth_option = 0向上一级网格(母网格)反馈的平滑选项,只有设置了反馈选项为1时才起作用的。
0: 不平滑; 1: 1-2-1 平滑; 2: smoothing-desmoothing参数配置第三部分虽然不同的嵌套网格可以使用不同的物理方案,但必须注意每种方案的使用条件和范围。