Open-Heart Surgery
托福词汇之搭桥手术“bypass surgery”
资料来源:教育优选 /
托福词汇之搭桥手术“bypass surgery ”
In an era when an increasing number of patients have been choosing balloon angioplasty to avoid the trauma of open-heart surgery, Srivastava is one of a handful of pioneers who are reinventing the bypass operation by a robot. The goal is to make bypass surgery almost as patient-friendly as angioplasty.
该报道中,bypass surgery 和bypass operation 都是“搭桥手术”的意思,是open-heart surgery(心内直视手术)的一种。
balloon angioplasty 是“球囊血管成形术”的意思,是不开刀做手术,通过体外操纵导管或其他介入器械对体内的病变进行治疗的一种方式。
疗原则 ❖ 掌握风湿性心脏病的病理生理,手术指征,手术治疗
的方法 ❖ 了解冠心病的病理生理,手术指征,手术治疗的方法
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The impact of cardiovascular diseases on the human population is enormous. In our country, cardiovascular diseases affects over 80 million people and accounts for over 40%of all deaths. Approximately 100 billion yuan will be spent on the care of these patients every year.
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History of Heart Surgery
❖ Many years ago, doctors thought that heart surgery was a dream. Surgeons during World War II had learned how to operate on the heart, but they could not carry out what they had learned because it was hard to operate on a beating, moving heart. Also, the heart could not be stopped for more than a few minutes without causing brain damage.
方法96例心脏直视手术CPB中采用Baxter Bentiey OXYSAT Meter SM-0200连续监测SVO2的动态变化。
关键词:体外循环;混合静脉血氧饱和度;流量;温度;吸入氧浓度中图分类号:R654.l文献标识码:A文章编号:l000-79ll(2002)05-0369-02The measurement of mixed Venous oxygen saturation during cardiopulmonary bypassTANG Ling-feng,YANG Kang,ZHANG Yu-xia,et ai.(Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery,Southwest Hospital,the Third Military Medical Uniuersity,Chongging400038)Abstract:ObjectiVe To examine the ciinicai significance of continuous measure of mixed Venous saturation during cardiopuimonary bypass. Methods Baxter Bentiey OXYSAT Meter was used to measure continuousiy the dynamic change of mixed Venous saturation in96cases of open heart operation.The infiuences of perfusion fiow,FiO2,temperature on SVO2were anaiyzed.Results SVO2decreased during rewarming period compara-tiVe to the period of cooiing and iower temperature(P<0.05).During the period of cooiing and iower temperature perfusion fiow,FiO2decreased foiiowing decreassing temperature,whiie SVO2remained normai.Perfusion fiow,FiO2increased during the period of rewarming,but SVO2decreased as temperature increased(P<0.05).SVO2was correiated to perfusion fiow significantiy(r=0.5260,P<0.05)and FiO2is correiated to the tem-perature(r=0.9638,P<0.05).There is no reiatiVity between SVO2and MAP.Conclusion SVO2is a good guideiine to measure oxygen baiance of tissue,and continuousiy measuring SVO2during CPB is Very important to manage perfusion fiow,FiO2,Hct and rewarming.Key words:cardiopuimonary bypass;mixed Venous saturation;perfusion fiow,temperature,FiO2体外循环(CPB)目的是维持心脏直视手术期间机体的氧供,混合静脉血氧饱和度(SVO2)是衡量CPB中组织氧供需平衡的一个良好的指标[l],本文就96例心脏直视手术CPB中采用Baxter Bentiey OxysAT Meter SM-0200连续监测SVO2的动态变化,旨在探讨其在CPB管理中的价值。
英译汉练习 Open-Heart Surgery
Open-Heart SurgeryWithout a steady supply of fresh blood, without the oxygen it carries, the human brain is quickly impaired. In four minutes, brain cells, starved for oxygen, begin to die, and serious brain damage results. In another few minutes, the brain is completely destroyed.This was the crux of a stubborn problem. The heart could not be taken out of action for more than four minutes—very little time to repair a heart defect. Until a solution could be found, operating on the open heart would be impossible.The two major advances pointed the way to open-heart surgery. One was hypothermia, the artificial lowering of the body temperature. Body tissues need far less oxygen when the body is chilled. A “frozen” brain, for example, requires only half as much oxygen as one with a normal body temperature of 98.6 Fahrenheit. This means it can do without fresh blood for longer than four minutes and not suffer damage. In 1950, a Canadian professor, Wilfred G. Bigelow of the University of Toronto made this important discovery, and he immediately saw that hypothermia might give heart surgeons the chance “to operate on a bloodless heart.” With hypothermia, a surgeon could clamp off arteries leading to the heart andstop blood flowing into it. He could copen the heart, drain it of excess blood, and operate in a “dry field” for more than five minutes. Two years later Dr. Floyd John Lewis of the University of Minnesota tried open-heart surgery with hypothermia. The day after the operation his five-year-old patient was walking, and she was discharged from the hospital ten days later.The future of heart surgery looked bright. But hypothermia could not be used safely in long and intricate heart surgery. During hypothermia, the heart sometimes lost its regular pumping beat. It fibrillated, or fluttered and trembled uselessly; and this fibrillation could cause death if the beat could not be restored.Then came the second major advance for open-heart surgery: a machine to substitute for the heart and lungs. The heart-lung machine pumps blood like the heart. Like the lungs, it rids the blood of carbon dioxide and replenishes it with oxygen. It actually breathes and cirulates blood for a heart patient in surgery. Research by many doctors helped to develop this complex device, but one man stands out. He is Dr. John H. Gibbon of Philadelphia’s Jefferson Medical College. The father of the heart-lung machine, he researched and worked on its problems for nearly twenty years.In May, 1953, Gibbon decided his heart-lung machine was ready to be used. His first patient was an eighteen-year-old girl with a serious heart condition. Between her right auricle and the left was a hole the size of a half-dollar. The girl was “plugged in” to the machine for almost half an hour while Gibbon and his team sewed up the hole. For the first time in history, synthetic device had successfully substituted for the heart and lungs in surgery.。
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I. Opening Remarks开场:1、Others 细节,如确认话筒音量Can you hear me all right?Is my voice too loud?2、Forms of Address and Greetings对听众的称呼Distinguished colleagues, Ladies and gentleman, Good morning!Members of the conference!3、Expressing thanks to the Chairperson 向主持人致谢Mr. Chairman, thank you for your introduction.First, I would like to thank Mr. Chairman for his gracious introduction.Thank you very much, Prof. Fawcett, for your very kind introduction.I would like to thank Dr. Huang (主持人或推荐你来发言的上司)for permitting me the privilege to speak to this audience.4、Reference to the Audience 与听众呼应I can see many of you are from …department.I know many of you are familiar with this topic.You all look as though you’ve heard this before.I understand that you’ve all traveled a long way./ After hours of conference, you must feel a little tired. Now I’d like you to see an interesting topic…5、Expressing Pleasure and Honor 向听众致意I am very happy/glad/pleased to be here in Hong Kong.I am honored/privileged to be here (with you this afternoon).I am proud to be here on this special occasion.I t’s a very great pleasure for me to be able to attend this conference.I consider it a great honor to be asked to speak about …on this session of our symposium/ at this conference..It is a great pleasure to be given the honor of first speaker on this important topic.6、Sample Opening Remarks 开场白范例1) Thank you very much, Prof. Fawcett, for your very kind introduction. Mr. Chairman, Ladies and gentleman, Good morning! I consider it a great honor to be asked to speak about …on this session of our symposium.2) Ladies and gentleman. It’s an honor to have the opportunity to address such a distinguished audience.3) Good morning. Let me start by saying just a few words about my own background.4) Mr. Chairman, thank you very much for your kind introduction. President, Distinguished colleagues, Ladies and gentleman, Good morning! Is my voice loud enough?5) Good morning, everyone. I appreciate the opportunity to be with you today. I am here to talk to you about…6) Good morning, everyone. I am very happy to have this chance to give my presentation. Before I start my speech, let me ask you a question. By a show of hands, how many of you own a car?II. Introducing the Subject and the outline of the Presentation 引入话题Background InformationI would like to start by briefly reviewing the history of open heart surgery.Let us start with the theoretical basis of this new technique.To begin with, we have to consider the principle.I think it would be best to start out by looking at a few slides.I should like to preface my remarks with a description of the basic idea.May I begin with a general outline of this project?The first thing I would like to talk about is the definition of the terms I shall use in my lecture.The first point I’d like to make is the historical backgr ound of the invention.First, I shall explain to you why this new program is correct and feasible.TopicI would like to concentrate on theproblem Of antibiotic abuse in hospitals.I shall devote my talk to the surgical treatment of coronary disease.I want to confine my talk to the latest developments in civil engineering.Today, I am going to give a talk on the application of computers in medicine.My topic today will deal with the observation of supernova.In today’s talk, I’ 11 restrict myself to the etiology of 15-epa~i;s.In my presentation this morning, I’ 11 limit myself to three major points only.I take the liberty of restricting my discussion mainly to highway bridge construction.Now, I would like to address myself to the most important aspect of this problem.Among the many languages, I shall mention only BASIC.What I am going to present today is the methodology and the data analysis.I’m not going to say much about that except to discuss the literature on that topic.OutliningMy talk today consists of two parts. One is... and the other is...I’ve divided my presentation into four parts.I shall first talk about ... and then touch on... and finally discuss ...The subject can be looked at under the following headings: ... (Pointing to the PowerPoint display)I would like to divide my talk into two parts. The first part deals with…, the second part concerns ...My presentation will be given in four parts. The first part deals with ... The second part relates to... The third part concerns ... An d the last part discusses…Purpose/ObjectiveThe purpose of this presentation is to...This talk is designed to…。
基本设备Basic equipment
1, 人工心(血泵)artificial heart (blood pump) 2,人工肺(氧合器)artificial lung (oxygenator) 3, 温度交换器temperature exchanger 4,滤器filter 5,管道和插管tubes or cannulas
In this way, cardiopulmonary bypass can provide the desired bloodless, motionless operative field and still supply all the other organs of the body with oxygen and nutrient-rich blood.
Summary for CPB: 1,目的purpose: A, 提供无血安静的手术野to provide a bloodless,
motionless field for heart surgery; B, 在心肺停止工作期间保持机体有良好的血液灌注
rest of body perfused while heart and lung stopped 2,方法methods: A, 把静脉血引出体外drain out venous blood B, 通过人工肺进行氧合oxygenated by artificial lung C, 含氧血通过人工心再灌注回机体oxygen-rich blood
cannulation; 4) 建立体外循环connect patient to cardiopulmonary
bypass machine—the bypass system
南昌市2021高考英语阅读明白得二轮限时训练精品题(4)及答案【深圳市2021高考英语综合能力测试题(6)】CMichael DeBakey performed more than sixty thousand operations during his long career as a heart surgeon. His patients included American presidents John Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon. They also included Russian president Boris Yeltsin and the Shah of Iran.Doctor DeBakey died on July 11, 2020 in Houston, Texas, two months' short of his one hundredth birthday.As a medical student, he invented the roller pump in 1931. Years later it was used for blood transfusions during heart operations. The roller pump became a major part of the heart-lung machine. The machine pumps oxygen-rich blood to the brain and other organs so that doctors can operate on the heart. Michael DeBakey was a pioneer of open-heart surgery, who had saved countless lives. Open-heart surgery means that the chest is open and surgery is performed on the heart. Doctors may or may not open the heart itself as well.Michael DeBakey was born in Lake Charles, Louisiana, on September 7, 1908. His parents were Lebanese immigrants. When he was a child, his mother taught him to sew. Later he sewedpolyester tubes (多元酯管) for patients to perform heart bypass operations(搭桥手术).He developed a way to replace or repair .a blood vessel with Dacron, a man-made material and he continued to improve it in the process. Today this technology is used around the world. He was also a pioneer in artificial hearts, heart transplants and recording surgery on film. He brought a revolution to medicine in the 1950s and 1960s.During World War II, he helped develop the Mobile Army Surgical Hospital. Michael DeBakey earned his medical degree in 1932 from Tulane University in New Orleans. For years he led the Baylor College of Medicine in, Houston. He joined the college in 1948 when the school was still part of Baylor University. He became president of the medical college in 1969.Over the years, he received many awards. In April, 2020, he received Congress' highest civilian honor, the Congressional Gold Medal.36. What can we know about Michael Debakey?A. He was a very experienced heart surgeon.B. He died two months later after his100th birthday.C. He invented the roller pump after becoming a doctor.D. His patients included American president Boris Yeltsin.37. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the roller pump?A. It pumps oxygen to the brain.B. It is a part of the heart-lung machine.C. It can be used for blood transfusions.D. It enables doctors to operate on the heart.38. Which of the following contributed to DeBakey's heart bypass operations?A. That he learned to sew from his mother.B. That his parents moved to America from Lebanon.C. That he developed the Mobile Army Surgical Hospital.D. That he led the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston.39. The underlined word "it" in Paragraph 4 probably refers to"_______ ".A. a heartB. a blood vesselC. a heart bypass operationD. a way to replace or repair a blood vessel40. This passage is mainly about ________.A. the roller pumpB. open-heart surgeryC. Michael DeBakey' lifeD. heart bypass operations【参考答案】36-40 AAADC本文要紧介绍世界闻名的医学家Michael DeBakey取得的成绩和对人类的奉献。
CS是Cardiovascular Surgery(心血管外科)的缩写,是一种对心脏、血管系统进行手术治疗的医学专业。
2. 心房颤动消融术(AF ablation)- 使用能够产生高温或低温的能
3. 瓣膜置换术(Valve replacement)- 通过手术将病变的心脏瓣膜
4. 心脏移植(Heart transplantation)- 将捐赠者心脏移植到患者
5. 血管外科手术(Vascular surgery)- 用于治疗动脉和静脉疾病
开胸手术 医学英语
开胸手术医学英语Thoracotomy: A Medical Procedure.Thoracotomy, also known as open-chest surgery, is a surgical procedure that involves cutting through the chest wall to access the thoracic cavity and its contents. This cavity houses vital organs such as the heart, lungs, and major blood vessels. Thoracotomy is typically performed to diagnose, treat, or repair conditions affecting these organs.Indications for Thoracotomy.Thoracotomy may be indicated in a variety of medical conditions, including:1. Lung Cancer: To remove cancerous lung tissue or a lung entirely.2. Heart Disease: To repair or replace heart valves,correct congenital heart defects, or perform other cardiac surgeries.3. Trauma: To control bleeding or repair damage caused by trauma to the chest.4. Infection: To drain fluid or remove infected tissue from the thoracic cavity.5. Aneurysm: To repair or replace an aneurysm, a weakened area of a blood vessel that can rupture.6. Other Conditions: Thoracotomy may also be performed to biopsy suspicious masses, remove foreign bodies, or treat other rare conditions affecting the thoracic cavity.Procedure.Thoracotomy is typically performed under general anesthesia, meaning the patient is unconscious during the surgery. The surgeon makes an incision in the chest wall, usually between the ribs, to access the thoracic cavity.The incision may be made either vertically or horizontally, depending on the surgical approach and the condition being treated.Once the incision is made, the surgeon retracts theribs to gain access to the thoracic cavity. They may also use a device called a retractor to hold the ribs apart during the procedure. This allows the surgeon to visualize and operate on the organs within the chest.During the surgery, the surgeon may use various instruments and techniques to diagnose or treat the underlying condition. For example, they may perform a biopsy to determine if a lung nodule is cancerous, repair a damaged lung or heart valve, or remove a foreign body.After the surgical procedure is completed, the surgeon closes the incision with sutures or staples. They may also place a chest tube to drain any excess fluid or air from the thoracic cavity. The chest tube is typically removed once the lung has re-expanded and there is minimal fluid drainage.Recovery.Recovery from thoracotomy varies depending on the individual patient and the extent of the surgery. Patients may experience pain and discomfort after the procedure, which can be managed with medication and physical therapy. It is important for patients to follow their surgeon's instructions regarding activity restrictions and wound care to promote healing and prevent complications.Most patients require several weeks to recover from thoracotomy. During this time, they may gradually resume normal activities as tolerated. It is important to notethat recovery may be slower and more challenging for patients with pre-existing health conditions or those who have undergone more extensive surgical procedures.Risks and Complications.Thoracotomy is a major surgical procedure with associated risks and complications. These may include:1. Bleeding: Excessive bleeding can occur during or after the surgery.2. Infection: Any surgical procedure carries a risk of infection, which can be serious if it affects the lungs or heart.3. Air Leak: Air can leak into the pleural space, causing a condition called a pneumothorax.4. Pain: Patients may experience significant pain and discomfort after the surgery.5. Wound Healing Issues: Complications such as wound infection, delayed healing, or the formation of scars can occur.6. Heart Arrhythmia: Surgery near the heart can affect its electrical activity, leading to arrhythmias.7. Respiratory Issues: Thoracotomy can affect lungfunction and may require patients to use a respirator or perform breathing exercises.To minimize these risks and complications, it is important for patients to follow their surgeon's instructions closely, seek regular follow-up care, and report any concerns or symptoms promptly.In conclusion, thoracotomy is a complex surgical procedure that requires meticulous planning and execution. It is performed to diagnose and treat conditions affecting the thoracic cavity and its organs. Although it carries some risks and complications, thoracotomy can be a lifesaving procedure for many patients. With appropriate care and follow-up, most patients recover well from this surgery and return to their normal activities.。
心脏复苏手术的英语作文### English Answer:Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a life-saving procedure that is performed when a person's heart stops beating and they are not breathing. The goal of CPR is to keep oxygenated blood flowing to the brain and other vital organs until emergency medical services arrive.CPR consists of two main steps: chest compressions and rescue breathing. Chest compressions are performed byplacing the heel of one hand on the center of the person's chest, and the heel of the other hand on top. The hands should be interlaced, and the elbows kept straight. Compressions should be rapid and forceful, and should be performed at a rate of 100-120 per minute.Rescue breathing involves giving artificial breaths to the person. To do this, the person's head should be tilted back and their chin lifted. The nose should be pinched shut,and a slow, gentle breath should be given into the person's mouth.CPR should be continued until emergency medicalservices arrive, or until the person starts breathing on their own.### 中文回答:心肺复苏术(CPR)是一种当患者心脏停止跳动且无法呼吸时进行的急救程序。
Open Journal of Thoracic Surgery, 2012, 2, 10-12doi:10.4236/ojts.2012.21003 Published Online March 2012 (/journal/ojts)Surgeries for the Heart and Abdominal Aorta in a Patient with Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia: Manifestations Following Initial Heart SurgeryShoh Tatebe1, Makoto Taoka2, Imun Tei2, Shuko Nakamura2, Ei-ichi Tei21Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Mito Saiseikai General Hospital, Mito City, Japan; 2Department of Cardio-vascular Surgery, Ayase Heart Hospital, Tokyo, Japan.Received December 4th, 2011; revised January 24th, 2012; accepted February 6th, 2012ABSTRACTA 72-year-old man with abdominal aortic aneurysm and angina pectoris underwent coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) prior to abdominal aortic surgery. Perioperatively, he developed thrombocytopenia (29,000 mm3), which was suggested as heparin-induced thrombocytopenia. Cardiac status was also aggravated at the same time, suggestive of bypass graft thrombosis. The results of platelet factor 4 (pf4) antibody test were negative, but platelet aggregation test was positive for heparin. Heparin was immediately discontinued, and replaced by argatroban; the patient’s cardiac status improved. One month later, he underwent abdominal aortic surgery using argatroban without issues related to anticoagulation and hemostasis. Autologous donated fresh blood prepared by the “switch-back method” was also used in this case, and its value was confirmed.Keywords: Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia1. IntroductionHeparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) is an immune- mediated clotting disorder caused by frequent and exten-sive heparin exposure. The clinical manifestations of HIT are thrombocytopenia and thrombosis, usually with dev-astating consequences, such as limb ischemia, stroke, pulmonary embolism, or death [1]. The clinical picture of HIT after cardiac surgery is complicated, and may result in fetal thrombotic events, such as myocardial infarction. Here, we report a case of HIT revealed after cardiac sur-gery, which was treated successfully without sequelae, and the patient subsequently underwent abdominal aortic surgery without HIT-related adverse events.2. Case PresentationA 72-year-old man was referred by a local general hos-pital for surgical treatment of an abdominal aortic aneu-rysm (AAA). His medical history included myocardial infarction on posterior and lateral walls over 20 years previously, for which conservative treatment was per-formed because catheter intervention for the coronary artery was not available. He was diagnosed as diabetic 1 month prior to presentation at a local general hospital, where he had been hospitalized. Treatment for diabetes was initiated and systemic workup was performed. An AAA 5 cm in diameter was found during systemic workup, but he was asymptomatic. However, coronary angiography (CAG) revealed multiple stenoses on the coronary arteries, including 75% stenosis of the left main trunk. Due to concerns regarding life-threatening pe-rioperative complications, he was scheduled for coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) prior to surgery for AAA. The patient underwent CABG (three vessels) with car-diopulmonary bypass (CPB). An intraaortic balloon pump-ing (IABP) catheter was introduced after induction of general anesthesia to avoid critical intraoperative myo-cardial infarction. The initial postoperative course was uneventful, and IABP was discontinued on postoperative day 1 (POD1). However, platelet count decreased sud-denly to 29,000/mm3 on POD2 and 30,000/mm3 on POD3. Although platelet factor 4 (pf4) antibody test was nega-tive, heparin was discontinued immediately and replaced with argatroban due to suspected heparin-induced thro- mbocytopenia (HIT). Cardiac status became aggravated, and intravenous argatroban was started at 20 mg/day due to concerns regarding graft occlusion. Platelet counts normalized and heart failure improved. Postoperative CAG indicated that all grafts were tolerated and patent. Platelet aggregation test (PAT) was positive at 10 mi-cromol heparin, confirming diagnosis of HIT type I.The patient underwent abdominal aortic surgery oneSurgeries for the Heart and Abdominal Aorta in a Patient with Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia:Manifestations Following Initial Heart Surgery11month after CABG. Preoperatively, 6 units of autologous blood were obtained using erythropoietin. In the operat-ing room, 6 units of autologous fresh blood were taken by the “switch-back method”. All pressure lines and the circuit of the autologous blood transfusion device were replaced with saline containing argatroban or acid-cit-rate-dextrose solution. Prior to clamping the arteries, 8.5 mg (0.1 mg/kg) of argatroban was administered as a bo-lus, and maintained at 10 - 15 mg/h to achieve activated coagulation time (ACT) >200 s. The AAA was success-fully replaced by a vascular prosthesis. Argatroban was discontinued after reperfusion, and autologous fresh blood was given. No bleeding was noted, but as there is no an-tidote to argatroban, it was necessary to wait for over 90 min until ACT had normalized. Postoperatively, argatro-ban was resumed and then switched to oral warfarin. The postoperative course was uneventful and the patient was discharged on POD14. PAT were repeated and remained positive with heparin for 3 years.3. DiscussionIn the present case with postoperative manifestations of HIT after CABG, the patient underwent abdominal aortic surgery using argatroban instead of heparin. This case raised the issue of the time between onset of HIT and treatment. Perioperatively, platelet count may be lower than 100,000/mm3 after cardiac surgery. Therefore, it is quite difficult to make a definite diagnosis in patients with initial manifestations of HIT. IABP may have been responsible for thrombocytopenia in this case. Therefore, another day was required for suspicion of HIT, and the initiation of treatment was delayed. Most patients under-going cardiovascular surgery have been exposed to hepa-rin during treatment or examination by the cardiology service. Postoperative manifestations of HIT tend to oc-cur in patients referred from institutes other than cardi-ology services or requiring emergent surgery. In the 3 years since treating this patient, three other patients have presented with HIT postoperatively in our department; two of these patients underwent emergent surgery due to acute mitral regurgitation and dissecting aortic aneurysm. Based on these cases, we have implemented preoperative PAT using heparin in patients without heparin exposure. The pf4 antibody test is a simple means of identifying HIT type II, but does not provide information to exclude a diagnosis of HIT type I. Even by ELISA, the presence of pf4 antibodies can be confirmed only with a delay of 2 days or more in approximately 50% of patients in whom HIT develops [2]. At present, PAT using heparin is much faster even in cases with HIT type I in our institution, but no HIT patients have been encountered to date.Another issue is the initial treatment for HIT. The cur-rent recommendation is to discontinue heparin in cases of suspected HIT and begin treatment with direct thrombin inhibitors, such as hirudin/bivalrudin, danaparoid, and argatroban [3]. Danaparoid and argatroban are available in Japan. Argatroban is a derivative of l-arginine, which binds reversibly to the active site of thrombin, and is ap-proved for treating HIT by the FDA as well as recombi-nant hirudin (lepirudin). We chose argatroban because it has a number of advantages, including specific rapid onset, and is safe in patients with renal impairment. Periopera-tively, when HIT was suspected, hemodynamic status was aggravated in this case. As coronary angiography was not performed, there was no actual evidence of graft occlusion. However, it was suspected that bypass would have a risk of thrombotic occlusion. In this patient, car-diac status settled down after initiation of argatroban treatment, suggesting thrombolysis in the native coronary arteries and/or bypass grafts. Argatroban would be effec-tive for HIT not only in this case, but also in the three HIT patients we encountered previously.The other issue is the treatment strategy for the AAA. Over the past decade methods for endovascular repair (EVAR) of aortic aneurysms have been developed, and the indications have been expanded from the descending aorta to other branched aortae, such as the aortic arch, thoracoabdominal aorta, and abdominal aorta. At the time of surgery for AAA in the present case, approval for EVAR in Japan was strictly limited to elderly patients or those with difficulties in conventional surgical repair, such as previous abdominal surgery. Therefore, this pa-tient underwent conventional surgical repair of AAA with argatroban treatment. There have been no previous reports of EVAR in patients known to have HIT, but two cases of HIT manifestations following EVAR by graft occlusion were reported [4,5]. There have been a small number of reports and reviews regarding EVAR in pa-tients with preoperatively diagnosed HIT, but many re-views regarding cardiovascular surgery the principles of which can be summarized as: 1) wait until pf4 antibody level subsides, then use heparin; 2) use alternative anti-coagulation, such as danaproid or hirudin/bivalrudin to replace heparin. Warkentin and Greinacher included use of heparin with epoprostenol/tirofiban as an option [1]. As mentioned above, not all cases of HIT are diagnosed by pf4 antibody, and therefore there are HIT type II pa-tients negative for pf4 antibody. We encountered a pa-tient on hemodialysis who underwent surgery to create an internal shunt when he was found to have HIT. Al-though pf4 antibody was negative, he developed severe thrombosis with a trace amount of heparin. In this case, although pf4 antibody was negative, PAT remained posi-tive for heparin for at least 3 years. The PAT results suggested high risk in this case, and we were hesitant to use heparin. We again chose argatroban bolus and con-Surgeries for the Heart and Abdominal Aorta in a Patient with Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia:Manifestations Following Initial Heart Surgery12tinuous infusion on abdominal aortic surgery. There were no difficulties in monitoring clotting activities by ACT or changing the dose accordingly. Questions have been raised regarding whether argatroban is well tolerated in CPB during cardiac surgery [1,3]. However, argatroban was effective for vascular surgery not only in our patient but also in many previously reported cases [6,7]. There is no antidote for argatroban, such as protamine for heparin. In this case, after reperfusion, it was necessary to wait more than 90 min until ACT normalized. During this time, autologous fresh blood was returned and no bleed-ing issues occurred. The so-called “switch-back method” involves transfusion of homologous/autologous blood before injection of anticoagulant, storage of fresh blood, and return after CPB or reperfusion. This method has been recognized as effective in normalizing clotting ac-tivities after CPB in cardiac surgery. We also use this method in cases of vascular disease and it was beneficial in HIT.REFERENCES[1]T. E. Warkentin and A. Greinacher, “Heparin-InducedThrombocytopenia and Cardiac Surgery,” Annals of Tho-racic Surgery, Vol. 76, No. 6, 2003, pp. 2121-2131.doi:10.1016/j.athoracsur.2003.09.034[2]H. Gulbins, T. Chavez and J. Ennker, “Postoperative Ma-nifestation of Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia with Intracavitary Thrombosis: Diagnostic Pitfalls and Con- servative Therapy,” Jounal of Thoracic and Cardiovas-cular Surgery, Vol. 133, No. 3, 2007, pp. 809-810.doi:10.1016/j.jtcvs.2006.11.004[3]G. S. Murphy and J. H. Marymont, “Alternative Antico-agulation Management Strategies for the Patient with Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia Undergoing Cardiac Surgery,” Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anes-thesia, Vol. 21, No. 1, 2007, pp. 113-126.doi:10.1053/j.jvca.2006.08.011[4]T. A. M. Chuter, L. K. Pak, R. L. Gordon, L. M. Reillyand L. M. Messina, “Heparin-Induced Thrombocytepenia and Graft Thrombosis Following Endovascular AneurysmRepair,” Journal of Endovascular Therapy, Vol. 10, No.6, 2003, pp. 1087-1090.doi:10.1583/1545-1550(2003)010<1087:HTAGTF>2.0.CO;2[5]R. Kolluri, K. Rocha-Singh, T. Sarac and J. R. Bartholo-mew, “Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia with Throm-bosis after Endovascular Anerysm Repair,” Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, Vol. 43, No. 1, 2009, pp. 89-92.doi:10.1177/1538574408322660[6]J. T. Edwards, J. K. Hamby and N. K. Worrall, “Success-ful Use of Argatroban as a Heparin Substitute during Car-diopulmonary Bypass: Heparin-Induced Thrombocyto-penia in a High-Risk Cardiac Surgical Patient,” Annals ofThoracic Surgery, Vol. 75, No. 5, 2003, pp. 1622-1624.doi:10.1016/S0003-4975(02)04782-3[7]S. E. Hallman, L. Hebbar, J. Robison and W. E. Uber,“The Use of Argatoroban for Carotid Endarterectomy in Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia,” Anesthesia and An-algesia, Vol. 100, No. 4, 2005, pp. 946-948.doi:10.1213/01.ANE.0000146940.47989.5F。
Cardiac surgery
Cardiac surgeryTranslation1.现如今心脏手术已经变得相当自动化了:手术造成的心脏切口已经缩减到相当小的地步,并且病人的恢复时间也从六个月缩减到几周时间。
6.另一个例子,Edward Daunheimer,他在1997年他65岁时接受了心脏手术,迄今已经在他新心脏的帮助下活过了12年,从而通过极大的误差否定了统计学上的可能性。
SummaryThe cardiac surgery is one of the greatest achievements in medical science.It takes more than one hundred years to develop so that it can save thousands of people’s lives.The development of cardiac surgery can be divided into three steps.The first step is the closed-heart surgery.It was accomplishes by passing either a finger or a knife into the mitral valve through an incision in the left atrium in order to remove tissue.The technique was invented by Dr.Harken who was a US army medic serving during World War 2.The second step of the cardiac surgery is open-heart surgery.To realize the open-heart surgery,doctors had to solve the poor oxygen situation in order to avoid the brain damage when the blood circulation is stopped.At last ,the ‘hypothenic approach’gives doctors more time to accomplish thesurgery.The last step is the heart transplant surgery.Because lots of people’s hearts have been so bad that the normal surgery is useless.For the immunosuppressor,the patients who receive the transplant surgery can live a long time.However,the heart donators are much less than the patients.So there are many people left desperate for alternative.。
AFirst Year Learning Communities in University of Toronto Scarborough Campus (UTSC)First Year Learning Communities, also known as "FLCs” , are groups of students from similar programs of study. FLCs focus on building community and working together to build skills for success.Why Join?First Year Learning Communities help first - year students to make connections within their program of study while developing academic, career and personal skills. Each year, past participants tell us how the program helped them to get to know their classmates, faculty, staff, and alumni. Students also tell us that the program helped them be familiar with university and enhance their university experience.About the ProgramFLCs meet every two weeks for FLC Meetings, facilitated by their upper-year FLC Leaders. FLCs are divided by program of study, with a maximum of 40 students in each FLC. There is no cost for participating in this program.The program will begin in early September and will run until April 30. FLC Meetings will take place on campus and in-person. FLC programming may include off-campus trips, special events, and virtual events. Application Dates & DeadlinesThe formal application period will run from June 1 to September 1. Applicants will be notified of their status by September 3.You can apply at https ://www. first - year - learning - communities - program - flip. Applying After the DeadlineStudents may continue to apply after the application deadline and throughout the school year. Should you apply outside of this period, you will be added to our waiting list and notified if spaces come available.EligibilityTo participate in this program, you must be an undergraduate, UTSC student in your first year at UTSC. Transfer students and students with transfer credits are welcome and encouraged to apply.The First Year Learning Communities Program is open to the following programs of study :Arts ( Humanities, Social Sciences and Visual & Performing Arts)Computer Science, Mathematics & StatisticsPhysical & Environmental SciencesPsychological & Health Sciences21.What can the FLCs help first-year students do in UTSC?A. Adjust to college life.B. Change programs of study.C. Raise money for universities.D. Learn college courses in advance.22.What is the formal submission closing date for the program?A. June 1.B. September 1.C. September 3.D. April 30.23.Where is this text probably taken from?A. A textbook.B. A course plan.C. An academic report.D. A program application.BHuron, Ohio, was where I’d spent my twenties, working on a steamer out on the Great Lakes. My wife and I started our family there, and later we came back to Huron to retire. Then, during the final stage of construction on our new home, I had difficulty breathing. The doctor determined I needed open-heart surgery. I was admitted to a hospital in Sandusky.The night before my surgery, I was so worried that I couldn't sleep. I lay in my hospital bed praying and thinking about the events in my life that had led me to this point. I remembered how I had fallen in love with Huron and its people. I remembered a Chris tmas many years ago…The shipping season had been good to me, so that winter I decided to buy some Christmas gifts and help out a family in town. "I know a family that would appreciate a visit from Santa Claus, “ the owner of the store said. "A woman with six children just lost her husband.The store owner helped me wrap some presents and gave me the family's address. That evening I delivered the packages. A little girl with brown eyes and the sweetest smile answered the door. " Santa asked me to bring thes e gifts to you and your family,“ I said.The girl's eyes lit up even more. "Tell Santa thank you from Dorothy,“ she said. I never saw her or her family again, but all in town helped give Huron a permanent place in my heart. A heart now needed fixing badly.A nurse came in to check on me. "Where are you from?” the nurse asked. "I'm from Huron, I told her proudly.She smiled. "I grew up there,“ she said. "I loved it, even though life wasn't easy. You see, I lost my father when I was just a child.”I looked i nto her brown eyes and knew I’d seen them before, " Do you recall a sailor bringing presents to your door one ChristmasShe stared. "That was you!”“Yes, Dorothy,”I said, suddenly confident about my surgery. "That was me.”24.What was the author worried about the night before his surgery?A. Huron and its people.B. The uncompleted house.C. His rough life experience.D. His poor physical condition.25. How did Dorothy respond to the author*s question?A. She kept silent with smile.B. She totally ignored it.C. She answered it amazedly.D. She hesitated about it.26. What brought the author confidence in the surgery?A. The love of people in the town Huron.B. The reward of a kind action years ago.C. The encouragement of the young nurse.D. The high quality service of the hospital.27. What is the best tide of the text?A. An Unforgettable Open-heart SurgeryB. A Young Girl Finds Her Way Back Home AC. Huron Holds A Special Place in My HeartD. Precious Gift I Received Before SurgeryCThe rhino census(犀牛普查)is out, bearing good news for the greater one-homed rhinos! In September, 2022, the International Rhino Foundation (IRF) documented in a report that there is a baby boom in this population, representing an increase of 167 percent.According to the report, there are a total of 4,014 greater one-horned rhinos living in India, Nepal, and Bhutan. Although this is positive news, their IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) status still remains vulnerable.In India alone, the home to 70 percent of the world's greater one-homed rhinos, there was an increase of 274 rhinos since the last biannual census, according to the organization Rhino Review.An important reason for this baby boom is the fact that Assam, India, has enlarged Kaziringo National Park, home to the world's largest one-homed rhino population. The park went from 430 square kilometers to 1,040 square kilometers. This gives more breeding areas for the rhinos, and they are closed to visitors during breeding season.India and Nepal are also protecting the rhinos by enforcing wildlife crime laws. To reduce rhino death by poaching (偷猎),the IRF donates vehicles and equipment, plus education including guard training and crime investigation.The IRF data for other rhino species is not as promising, although the greater one-homed rhino numbers are encouraging for future conservation. According to the report, there is a decline in Sumatran rhinos, Africa's white rhinos, while the Javan rhino population is stable and threatened by loss of habitat.The State of the Rhino report offers hope for these other species. Given that the greater one -- homed rhinos were once close to extinction, with fewer than 100 living in the world, their recovery is incredible. This demonstrates that there are solutions when organizations and people work together. Let us hope that this successful rhino baby boom will affect other endangered wildlife species around the globe.28.What contributes to the baby boom of one-homed rhinos in Assam, India?A.Extending the protected areas for rhinos.B.Raising fund to set up more reserves for rhinos.C.Leaving the one-homed rhinos alone in the wild.D.Keeping visitors away from the Kaziringo National Park.29.How does IRF help protect the one-homed rhinos?A. By cooperating with other organizations.B. By enhancing anti-poaching efforts.C. By transferring the rhinos to other habitats.D. By guarding the rhinos with new equipment.30.What can we learn from the rhino report?A.Rhinos are no longer a vulnerable species.B.Rhinos will affect other wildlife in the world.C.Everyone can play a role in protecting nature.D.It is possible to protect other endangered species.31. What is the purpose of this text?A.To inform good news on the greater one-homed rhinos.B.To show the measures taken to protect the one-homed rhinos.C.To introduce an endangered species-the greater one-homed rhinos.D.To indicate the decline of other species of rhino population.DTo the delight of bookworms, anyone who has ever told you burying your head in a book means you're being unsociable will have to eat their words. A new study suggests those who regularly read, especially fiction, are actually nicer and more empathetic(善解人意)people.The study, carried out by Kingston University London, and presented at the British Psychological Society conference in Brighton, UK, last week, also found that those who just watched television seemed to be less kind and understanding of other people.For the study, the researchers questioned 123 people on their preferences for books, TV shows, and plays. They were also quizzed about the type of entertainment they preferred from comedy or romance to drama. Then they were tested on their interpersonal skills. The researchers asked them about their behavior towards others, whether they understood and respected others’ points of view, and whether they actively helped other people.Drawing on these responses sheet, the researchers found some mind — boggling results. They discovered that those who read more showed greater positive social behavior and a better ability to empathize with others, while those who preferred watching TV didn't show the same ability to empathize and were more likely to show unsociable behavior.They also found the forms of fiction people preferred were linked to their interpersonal skills and behavior. Those who preferred fiction displayed the most positive social skills. Romance and drama lovers showed the ability to see others9 points of view, while comedy fans were particularly, able to relate to others the most.The researchers concluded that those who read fiction regularly are more well - adapted to see things from other people's points of view, which makes them better at understanding people. However, they do acknowledge that their study didn't conclude if the effects are causal-does reading make you nicer and more empathetic, or domore empathetic people tend to read fiction? Even so, picking up a book can't hurt, and might just make the world a nicer place.32. How did the researchers conduct the research?A. By making questionnaire surveys.B. By comparing experiment statistics.C. By observing participants ’ behaviors.D. By referring to previous study reports. 33. What does the underlined word “ mind-boggling “ mean in paragraph 4?A. Embarrassing.B. Satisfying.C. Amazing.D. Disappointing. 34. What can improve people's empathetic abilities the most according to the study?根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。
手术英语说法operationsurgery手术的相关短语手术室 operation room ; operating room ; Operating theater ;整形手术plastic surgery ; Plastic operation ; orthopedic operation ; Cosmetics Surgery手术刀片 surgical blade ; scalpel blade ; operating knife blade ; knife blade开腹手术 Laparotomy ; Open surgery ; Laparotomy operation ; Open ecphyadectom手术镊forceps ; surgical forceps ; surgical pliers ; Forceps Pickup冷冻手术 cryosurgery ; operation deep freeze ; Cryosurgery 手术的英语例句1. He has received extensive corrective surgery to his skull.他的头骨做过大面积的矫形手术。
2. A stiff knee following surgery forced her to walk with a limp.手术后她的膝盖活动不便,走路时被迫跛行。
3. The operation is carried out under a general anaesthetic.该手术是在全身麻醉情况下实施的。
4. He is recovering from an operation to reset his arm.他做了一个手臂复位手术,正在恢复。
英语口语:紧急情况突发1.He had a sudden heart attack.他心脏病突发。
2.I think I sprained my ankle.我好像把脚给扭了。
3.The boiling water burned his skin.开水烫伤了他。
4.The boy was bleeding badly.这个男孩流了很多血。
5.She's not breathing, and there's no pulse.她呼吸没有了,脉搏也停了。
6.If she gets any worse, we must phone for an ambulance.要是她情况恶化,我们就得打电话叫救护车了。
7.It is so hot that the girl has a heat stroke.天太热了,这个女孩中署了。
8.She looks faint.她看来快要晕倒了。
9.I’ve cut my finger and it hurts so much.我的手指割破了,痛的厉害。
10.It seemed that she got a sudden food poisoning.她似乎突然食物中毒了。
11.Poor man, he is nearly killed by a car accident.可怜的人啊,他几乎要在车祸中死去了。
12.He had an accident at work and had to be sent to hospital.她工作时出了点意外,必须被送往医院。
13.As if scalding his arm wasn’t enough, he went and brokehis ankle the next day.他烫伤了手臂还不算,竟然在第二天出去摔伤了脚踝。
定时膨肺吸痰对心脏直视术后机械通气患者肺不张的影响秦丹;汪大祝;杨玉辉;唐丽玲;张大发【期刊名称】《皖南医学院学报》【年(卷),期】2015(34)3【摘要】Objective:To observe the effects of timing manual lung hyperinflation and suction on the atelectasis in mechanically ventilated patients under-going open-heart surgery.Methods:107 mechanically ventilated patients undergoing open-heart surgery were randomly assigned to experimental group(n=47) and control group(n=60).The patients in experimental group were treated with manual lung hyperinflation and suction once every 8 hours,those in control group,with conventional suction.Changes of the indicators were compared 30 min after the suction concerning PaO2 ,PaCO2 and SaO2 in the two groups,who received chest radiography or lung CT examination after one week of treatment for comparison of the incidence ofatelectasis .Results:The pa-tients in the experimental group had significant improvement in hyoxemia and lower incidence of atelectasis after suctioning(P<0.05).Conclusion:Tim-ing manual lung hyperinflation and suction can improve the hyoxemia and reduce the incidence of atelectasis in mechanically ventilated patients undergoing open-heartsurgery,suggesting that this management is worthy of wider clinical recommendation .%目的:初步探讨定时膨肺吸痰法对心脏直视手术后机械通气患者肺不张的影响。
中国组织工程研究与临床康复第15卷第21期 2011–05–21出版Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research May 21, 2011 Vol.15, No.21 ISSN 1673-8225 CN 21-1539/R CODEN: Z LKHAH3905 Department of Cardiac Surgery, the First AffiliatedHospital of China Medical University, Shenyang 110001, Liaoning Province, ChinaWang Chun☆, Doctor, Attending physician, Department of Cardiac Surgery, the First AffiliatedHospital of China Medical University, Shenyang 110001, Liaoning Province, Chinadoctorchun@ Correspondence to: Gu Tian-xiang, Doctor, Professor, Department of Cardiac Surgery, the First AffiliatedHospital of China Medical University, Shenyang 110001, Liaoning Province, Chinacmugtx@ Supported by: the Funding Program of Liaoning Educational Committee, No.2004C050*; Science and Technology Planof Liaonign Province, No.2006401013-2* Received: 2011-02-18 Accepted: 2011-04-23中国医科大学附属第一医院心脏外科,辽宁省沈阳市 110001王春☆,男,1979年生,山东省陵县人,汉族,2007年中国医科大学毕业,博士,主治医师,主要从事成人心血管疾病的外科治疗研究。
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Open-Heart Surgery
Without a steady supply of fresh blood, without the oxygen it carries, the human brain is quickly impaired. In four minutes, brain cells, starved for oxygen, begin to die, and serious brain damage results. In another few minutes, the brain is completely destroyed.
This was the crux of a stubborn problem. The heart could not be taken out of action for more than four minutes—very little time to repair a heart defect. Until a solution could be found, operating on the open heart would be impossible.
The two major advances pointed the way to open-heart surgery. One was hypothermia, the artificial lowering of the body temperature. Body tissues need far less oxygen when the body is chilled. A “frozen” brain, for example, requires only half as much oxygen as one with a normal body temperature of 98.6 Fahrenheit. This means it can do without fresh blood for longer than four minutes and not suffer damage. In 1950, a
Canadian professor, Wilfred G. Bigelow of the University of Toronto made this important discovery, and he immediately saw that hypothermia might give heart surgeons the chance “to operate on a bloodless heart.” With hypothermia, a surgeon could clamp off arteries leading to the heart and stop blood flowing into it. He could open the heart, drain it of excess blood, and operate in a “dry field” for more than five minutes. Two yea rs later Dr. Floyd John Lewis of the University of Minnesota tried open-heart surgery with hypothermia. The day after the operation his five-year-old patient was walking, and she was discharged from the hospital ten days later.
The future of heart surgery looked bright. But hypothermia could not be used safely in long and intricate heart surgery. During hypothermia, the heart sometimes lost its regular pumping beat. It fibrillated, or fluttered and trembled uselessly; and this fibrillation could cause death if the beat could not be restored.
Then came the second major advance for open-heart surgery: a machine to substitute for the heart and lungs. The heart-lung machine pumps blood like the heart. Like the lungs, it rids the blood of carbon dioxide and replenishes it with oxygen. It actually breathes and circulates blood for a heart patient in surgery. Research by many doctors helped to develop this complex device, but one man stands out. He is Dr. John H. Gibbon of Philadelphia’s Jefferson Medical College. The father of the heart-lung machine, he researched and worked on its problems for nearly twenty years.
In May, 1953, Gibbon decided his heart-lung machine was ready to be used. His first patient was an eighteen-year-old girl with a serious heart condition. Between her right auricle and the left was a hole the size of a half-dollar. The girl was “plugged in” to the machine for almost half an hour while Gibbon and his team sewed up the hole. For the first time in history, synthetic device had successfully substituted for the heart and lungs in surgery.