3.regional economic integration


1.History+of+Regional+Economic+Integration 世界经济课件

1.History+of+Regional+Economic+Integration 世界经济课件
– Europe, Americas, Asia-Pacific – Some trans-oceanic trade agreements
Recent Move to Regionalism
• Why?
– Success of European integration,demonstration effect – Reversal of US position on RTA
currency – Belgium and Luxembourg formed an
economic union in 1921 – European Union
RTAs in the Atlategrated trading bloc in the world
• Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)
– Formed in 1981, signed a PTA in 1983
and other trade distortions – Full CU: common trade policy and negotiations
Different types of RTAs
• Common Market
– Deeper integration – Free flow of factors of production in addition
Iceland, Liechtenstein
RTAs in the Atlantic
• European Economic Area
– Free trade area covering trade in goods, excluding agriculture, and most services

Globalization and Regional Economic Integration

Globalization and Regional Economic Integration
Triad Trade
Levels of Regional Economic Integration (REI)
1. Free Trade Area
No internal tariffs Each country determines its own trade
policies towards non-members e.g. NAFTA--North America Free Trade Agreement (US, Canada, Mexico)
Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
Globalization:Concept (cont.)
e.g. Lenovo ThinkPad laptop computer's global web of activities
design in U.S.
the world's best location for basic design work
The 75 existing GATT members and the European Communities
became the founding members of the WTO on 1 January 1995. The other 52 GATT members rejoined the WTO in the following two years (the last being Congo in 1997). Since the founding of the WTO, 21 new non-GATT members have joined and 29 are currently negotiating membership. There are a total of 153 member countries in the WTO.



Lesson l International Business1.certificate of deposit 大额存单2. management contract 管理合同3.turnkey project “交钥匙”工程4.copyright 版权5.maturity 到期日 6.价值链value chain 7.承包生产contract manufacturing 8.特许经营者franchisee 9.国内生产总值gross domestic product 10.商标trademarkLesson 2 Income Level and the World Market1.GNP 国民生产总值2.Consumerism 消费主义 3 . factors of production 生产要素 4. purchasing power 购买力5.PPP 购买力平价 6.个市场的收人分布状况6. income distribution of a market 7.人均国内生产总值per capita GDP 8.经济合作与发展组织Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development 9.四方组合Quad 10.大路货staple goodsLesson 3 Regional Economic Integration1.political entity 政治实体2.OPEC 石油输出国组织3. settlement 结算4. council of ministers 部长理事会5.territory economies 区域性经济体 6.行政(执行)机构executive body 7.欧元euro 8.欧盟委员会European Commission 9.签字国,签字人signatory 10.关税税率tariff ratesLesson 4 Economic Globalization1.economic globalization 经济全球化2. technical improvements技术进步3.Inputs投入 4.headquarters总部5.parent company 母公司6.子公司affiliate 7.日常管理day-to-day running 8.国际经济环境international economic environment 9.跨国公司(企业)multinational corporation ( enterprise ) 10.职权jurisdiction Lesson 5 International Trade (I)1.international trade 国际贸易2. the theory of absolute advantage绝对利益理论3. nd and labor 资本、土地和劳动力4. with respect to关于5.appeal吸引力6.国际生产专门化international specialization 7.劳务services 9.比较利益comparative advantageLesson 6 International Trade (II)1.reasonable costs合理的成本2. inland water vessels内河船只3. cargo compartment货仓4.tariffs 关税5.customs union 关税同盟6.数量限制quantitative restrictions 7.外汇收入foreign exchange earnings 8.配额quota 9.关税减让tariff concessions 10.移民汇款immigrant remittanceLesson 7 Incoterms 20001.EDI 电子数据交换 2.Ex Work 工厂交货3.Free Carrier货交承运人4.CIF 成本、保险费加运费5.negotiable 可转让的,可流通的6.贸易术语trade terms 7.装运港船上交货FOB( Free on Board) 8.目的地,终点destination 9.无关税区customs-free zones 10.商业发票commercial invoicesLesson 8 The Business Contract1.offeree 收盘人2. sales confirmation.销售确认书3. binding obligations 约束性责任4. cotton piece goods棉布5.trunk call 长途电话6.报价quotation 7.仲裁arbitration 8.寄售合同consignment contract 9.购货合同9.purchase contract 10.书面谈判10. written negotiationLesson 9 Modes of Trade1.buyback 回购交易2. foreign exchange 外汇3. auction拍卖4.Creditor债权人 5. Volkswagen众汽车公司6.贸易方式modes of trade 7.反向购买,互购counter purchase 8.跨国界合同cross-border contract 9.代理agency 10.补偿贸易compensation tradeLesson 10 International Payment1. open account记账交易2. drawer出票人3. D/P at sight即期付款交单4.documentary draft跟单汇票5. consigment transaction寄售交易6.外汇管制foreign exchange control 7.远期付款交单D/P aft.er sight 8.受款人payee 9.汇率波动exchange rate fluctuations 10.光票clean draftLesson 11The Letter of Credit(ll)1.amendment修改2.negotiating bank 议付行 3. credit worthiness资信 4.carrying vessel运载船只5. legal action法律行动6.单价unit price 7.转船transshipment 8.信用证letter of credit 9.申请人applicant 10.保兑行confirming bankLesson 12 The Letter of Credit (lI)1.double assurance双重保障2. deferred payment推迟付款3.mechanism机制4. the maturity of the draft 汇票到期5.clean credit 光票信用证6.无汇票信用证non-draft credit 7.不可链讣信用证non-transferable credit 8.远期信用证usance credit 9.贴现discount 10.资金周转capital turnoverLesson 13 Major Documents Required in World Trade1.take delivery of提货2. port of shipment起运港,发货港3.notify party被通知人4.packing list 装箱单5.weight list重量单6.货运收据cargo receipt 7.收货人consignee 8.承运人carrier 9.单据documents 10.合法持有人legal holderLesson 14 International Transportation1.in a broad sense从广义上讲2. per-unit每一单位3. private carrier自有承运人4. logistics物流5. cost economies 节约成本(成本节约)6.契约承运人contract carrier 7.货物运输freight transportation 8.库存,存货inventory 9.生产率productivity 10.产品自然领域natural product provincesLesson 15 Insurance (l)1.Insured被保险人,保户,投保人2. handmaiden起服务(或辅助)作用的事物3. jeopardy危险,风险4. multi- modal transportation多种方式的运输5.known premium已知的保险费6.承保人insurer 7.保证margin 8.顾客client 9.共同款项pool 10.海上保险marine insuranceLesson 16 Insurance (ll)1.forwarding charges远期费用2. free from particular average平安险3. all risks一切险4.Pro rata按比例5.terms of sale 价格条件6.水渍险with particular average 7.导致损失的直接原因proximate cause of the loss 8.分摊contribution 9.可保权益insurable interest 10.最大诚信utmost good faithLesson 17 The International Monetary System and Exchange Rate1.the international monetary system国际货币体系2. direct quote直接标价3- flexible exchange rate浮动汇率 4. gold standard金本位制 5. special drawing right特别提款权6.买入价buying rate 7.利率interest rate 8.卖出价buying rate 9.通货膨胀inflation 10.国际收支平衡international balance of paymentLesson 18 International Financial Organizations1.hard loans硬贷款2.voting power 投票权3. development strategy发展策略 4. telecommunications电信5 . population-planning人口计划 6.私营经济private sector 7.借款权borrowing power 8.优惠期grace period 9.储备份额reserve tranche 10.股权投资equity investmentLesson 19 Foreign Direct Investment1.integrated company 综合公司2.supply factors供给方面的因素 3. distribution networks销售网 4. start from scratch白手起家5.after-sale service售后服务6.投资政策investment policies 7.外国直接投资foreign direct investment 8.并购acquisition 9.贸易壁垒trade barriers 10.营销优势marketing advantageLesson 20 The International Stock Exchange1.investor 投资者2.Jobber股票买卖经纪人3.indices 指数4.Equities普通股5- market maker证券交易商6.套期保值hedge 7.事业机构投资商institutional investors 8.所得税income tax 9.长期资本long-term capital 10.证券交易所stock exchangeLesson 21 The World Trade Organization and China1.non-discriminate 非歧视的2. GATT关贸总协定3.verdict裁决,判决 4. standard of living生活水平5.enforcement power 执行权6.最惠国条款most-favored nation clause 7.贸易保护措施protectionist measures 8.敏感产业sensitive industries 9.贸易赤字trade deficit 10.充分就业full employmentLesson 22 The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development1.preference优先权2. territory领土,领地3. transfer of technology技术转让4. industrialization process工业化进程5. international monetary system 国际货币体系6.联合国大会United Nations General Assembly 7.行动纲领action program 8.殖民地colony 9.机构organ 10.豁免条款escape clause全真模拟演练(一)1.correspondent bank 往来行,关系行2.tax holiday免税期3.gold tranche黄金份韧4.hyperinflation 极度通货膨胀5.negotiable transport document可转让装运单据6.bill of exchange汇票7.grace period 优惠期,宽限期8. preferential customs tariffs特惠税9.dirty float肮脏浮动10. endowment of nature自然的赋予11.关税减让tariff concession 12.从量税specific duties 13.贴现率discount rate 14.反补贴措施counter-veiling measures 15 .空运收据airway bill 16.差别待遇differential treatment 17.非关税壁垒non-tariff barrier 18.装船通知shipping advice 19.补偿贸易compensation trade 20.借款权borrowing power全真模拟演练(二)1.common market共同市场 2. certificate of origin产地证书3.business line业务范围 4. investment returns投资回报5.idle funds游资 6. cash in advance 预付现金7.title to the goods货物所有权8.direct quote直接标价9.trade terms贸易术语10. firm offer实盘11.分阶段付款periodic payments 12.价格条款price terms 13.跟单托收documentary collection 14.实际头寸net positions 15.大路货staple goods 16.结关customs clearance 17.唛头shipping marks 18.风险转移risk transfer 19.竞争性贬值competitive devaluation 20.起运港port of shipmentLesson l International Business1.国际贸易和国内贸易在法制体系、货币、文化背景和自然条件与经济条件方面都有所不同。



4、共同市场(Common Market)

共同市场是在关税同盟基础上的进一步经济 一体化,各成员国之间除实现自由贸易、设 立共同的对外关税外,还实现资本、劳动等 生产要素的跨国界自由流动。 主要特征 Free flowing of production factors 典型: 1992年的欧洲经济共同体

美加墨自由贸易区形成正式宣告北美洲的经济整合完 成,北美自由贸易区为美洲板块中最重要的部分,三国 的国内生产毛额合计超过6兆美元,人口超过3亿人,为 仅次于欧盟的经贸集团。
第十二章 区域经济一体化
பைடு நூலகம்
Asia-Pacific economic Cooperation,简称APEC)
开放性: 成员国之间达成的优惠措施也适用于非成员;
灵活性:不一味的追求统一性,具体体现在贸易和投资的自 由化的时间表上; 多层次性:次一级区域经济一体化广泛开展; 渐进性:先易后难, 先初期后高级, 渐进长期发展。
组织。其成员有发达国家、新兴工业化国家,也有发展中 国家。社会经济制度、政治趋向差异很大。
2016年9月20日星期二 第十二章 区域经济一体化 31
2011 目前,在世界区域经济一体化浪潮中,一 体化水平最高的是( ) A.欧洲联盟 B.东南亚国家联盟 C.北美自由贸易区 D.美洲共同市场
一、关税同盟理论 (一)关税同盟的静态效应
贸易创造 正效应+ 成员国之间相互取消贸易壁垒,使生产由高成 本国转向同盟内的低成本国,新的贸易得以 “创造”,贸易规模扩大。 贸易转移 负效应— 由于关税同盟对外设立统一关税,导致原本从 非成员国低成本的进口,转为从成员国高成本 的进口,发生贸易“转移”。

区域经济一体化Regional Economic Integration

区域经济一体化Regional Economic Integration
• Examples: European Union (EU)
5. Common market
• A common market has no barriers to trade between members. In addition, it has a common external trade policy.
• Examples: • European free trade area (EFTA) • North American free trade agreement • China-ASEAN
4. Customs Union
• A customs union means a union of two or more states to form a region in which there are no import or export duties between members but goods imported into region bear the same duties.
2. Preferential trade arrangement
• It is a sort of trade liberalization whereby tariff reductions are limited to participating members only.
• The best example is the British Commonwealth Preference Scheme.
Chapter 9 Regional economic integration
• Language focus (1)New vocabulary (2) trade terms

Chap08 Regional Economic Integration

Chap08 Regional Economic Integration

Levels Of Economic Integration
Figure 8.1
山东经济学院·国际贸易学院 School of International Trade, Shandong Economic University 1-7
Classroom Perfቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱrmance System
All barriers to the free flow of goods and services between member countries are removed, and a common policy toward nonmembers is established in a a) Free trade area b) Customs union c) Common market d) Economic union
Shandong Economic University
International Business 国际商务
山东经济学院·国际贸易学院 School of International Trade, Shandong Economic University
Shandong Economic University
山东经济学院·国际贸易学院 School of International Trade, Shandong Economic University 1-16
Evolution Of The European Union
The EU was formed as a result of the devastation of two world wars on Western Europe and the desire for a lasting peace, and the desire by the European nations to hold their own on the world’s political and economic stage

Lecture 7 Economic Integration

Lecture 7 Economic Integration

MERCOSUR (Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay,
and Uruguay)
What Are The Levels Of Regional Economic Integration?
An economic union has the free flow of products and factors of production between members, a common external trade policy, a common currency, a harmonized tax rate, and a common monetary and fiscal policy
The Levels Of Regional Economic Integration
A common market has no barriers to trade between member countries, a common external trade policy, and the free movement of the factors of production
Hale Waihona Puke What Is The European Union?

The devastation of two world wars on Western Europe prompted the formation of the EU The European Economic Community (1957) was formed at the Treaty of Rome with the goal of becoming a common market The Single European Act (1987)


敛”的趋势 •
• (一)欧洲联盟(European Union,EU) 2013年7月1日欧盟成员国为28个。1999年1
月1日,欧盟正式启动欧元,2002年正式流通, 为欧盟经济一体化起到了催化作用。3月1日,欧 元成为欧元区国家唯一法定货币。
• (二)北美自由贸易区
• 3 、关税同盟
的关税和数量限制,使商品在各成员国之 间可以自由流动。另外,成员国之间还规 定对来自非成员国的进口商品采取统一的 限制政策,关税同盟外的商品不论进入哪 个同盟内的成员国都将被征收相同的关税。 例如,早期的“欧洲经济共同体”和“东 非共同体”。
• 4 、共同市场
单元知识二 区域经济一体化的发展
• 一、区域经济一体化兴起的动因 新一轮区域经济一体化浪潮波澜壮阔,有其深刻的政
(一)在战后新技术条件下,各国各地区之间的分工 与依赖日益加深,生产社会化、国际化程度不断提高,使 各国的生产和流通及其经济活动进一步越出国界。
(二)世贸组织多边贸易体制本身的局限性以及近年 来多边贸易谈判所遭遇的挫折和困难,刺激了区域经济一 体化的发展
(1)完全取消各成员国间的关税; (2)对来自成员国以外的国家和地区的进口设置统一 的关税;
(3)通过协商方式在成员国之间分配关税收入。这种 自由贸易和保护贸易相结合的结构,使得关税同盟对整个 世界经济福利的影响呈现双重性,即贸易创造和贸易转移 并存。
• (一)关税同盟的静态效应
• 1、贸易创造效应( Trade Creating Effect )



第三课地区经济一体化REGIONAL ECONOMIC INTEGRATION The past decades witnessed growing importance of regional economic integration. To better enjoy the benefit of tree flow of goods, services, capital, labour and other resources, countries have signed various agreements to liberalize trade among themselves while possibly putting up barriers to economic activities with non-members.过去几十年,地区经济一体化的作用越来越重要。



Regional economic integration falls under four types given below in the order from least to most integrative:按照一体化程度的高低,地区经济一体化有以下四种形式The first and loosest form is the free trade area. Members of a free trade area removes barriers to the flow of goods and services among themselves while each member still adopts its own policy as regards to trade with outsiders (non-members). In other words different members may have different tariff rates or quota restrictions. Consequently, non-member countries may take advantage of this situation and try to enter the market of the area from the member country with the lowest barrier before selling the goods to a member with a higher barrier. The most notable free trade area is the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the largest free market formed by the United States, Canada and Mexico in 1991 with over 360 million consumers and a total GDP of more than 6 trillion US dollars.第一种形式是自由贸易区,一体化程度最低。

3 regional economic integration

3 regional economic integration

Lesson 3 Regional Economic IntegrationI.教学目的了解地区经济一体化的目的,掌握自由贸易区、关税同盟、共同市场、经济同盟等四种不同层次的地区经济一体化的基本特点,熟悉欧盟、亚太经合组织和石油输出国组织的主要情况。

II.教学重难点1Major objectives of regional integration.2Four levels of regional economic integration.A. free trade areaB. customs unionC. common marketIII. 教学方法讲解(传授新知识[口授法])和课堂练习(巩固知识技能[探讨研究法)相结合。


IV.教学学时:4学时V. 教学步骤1. New vocabulary•1) liberalize […libərəlaiz] vt. 使自由化;宽大•Liberal adj. 慷慨的;不拘泥的;宽大的;自由主义的statue of liberty自由女神•2)put up barriers against 对…设置障碍•3)fall under: fall into分成•4)detour n. 绕道;便道•Make a detour to doing sth.•5)autonomy: financial autonomy tariff autonomy•6)veto, vote区别• 2. Trade Terms:•1)Economic integration经济一体化:•Economic integration is a term used to describe how different aspects between economies are integrated .•2)Free trade area自由贸易区: The members remove barriers to trade among themselves while still adopts each own external policy•3)Customs union关税同盟: The members remove barriers to trade among themselves and adopt the same external policy•4)Common market共同市场: The members remove barriers not only to trade but also to factors of production and adopt the same external policy.•5)Economic Union (EU)经济同盟: The members remove barriers not only to trade but also to factors of production, adopt the sameexternal policy and harmonize their taxation, governmentexpenditure, industry policies and use the same currency•6)Council of ministers部长理事会:council of the EU, branch of the governing body of the EU that has the final vote on legislation proposed by the European Commission and deliberated by the European Parliament. •7)Dual-Ministerial Meeting双部长会议:the second layer in the structure of APEC, attended by foreign ministers and ministers in charge of foreign trade.•8)Cartel卡塔尔:a combination of independent business organizations formed to regulate production, pricing, and marketing of goods by themembers.•9)OPEC石油输出国组织: Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries•成立于1960年9月14日,1962年11月6日欧佩克在联合国秘书处备案,成为正式的国际组织。

商务英语阅读unit 8

商务英语阅读unit 8
Up to the present, the most influential economic zones all over the world are the European Union (EU), the North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), and the AsiaPacific Economic Cooperation (APEC).
In addition, three countries that are in the European Economic Area (EEA) but not the EU — Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein — also apply many EU regulations, however, having no vote in EU decision-making processes. Switzerland has agreements with the EU governing many aspects of product North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is one of the most powerful and wide-reaching treaties in the world. It governs the entire spectrum of North American trade and has hemispheric cooperation on a scale never before seen.
NAFTA is a treaty between Canada, Mexico, and the United States that was designed to foster greater trade between the three countries. NAFTA has been in effect since 1 January 1994. It has since been updated with two major additions, the North American Agreement for Economic Cooperation (NAAEC) and the North American Agreement for Labor Cooperation (NAALC). A very recent addition was the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, designed to foster cooperation on issues of national security.

regional economic integration7

regional economic integration7

CM:共同市场是指共同市场成员国间除 完全废除关税与数量限制,建立非成员 国的共同关税外,成员国间的生产要素 也实现自由移动。
自由贸易区 关税同盟
共同市场 经济同盟
(Free Trade (Customs Area) Union)
(Common (Economic Market) Union)
EU:经济同盟指成员国间除实现商品与生产要 素完全自由移动,对非成员国建立共同关税壁 垒外,而且要求成员国制订和执行某些共同经 济政策和社会政策,逐步废除政策方面的差异, 使一体化的范围从商品交换扩展到生产、分配 乃至整个资源配置。
(regional economic integration) “区域经济一体化”是指通过拆除阻 碍商品和要素流动的各种障碍,地理 位置相邻近的两个或两个以上国家 (地区)的经济在体制上组合为更大 规模的经济集团。
Levels of economic integration

自由贸易区 关税同盟 共同市场
完全经济一 体化
(Free Trade (Customs (Common (Economic(Complete Area) Market) Union) Economic Union) Integration)
CEI:完全经济一体化是经济一体化的最后阶 段。在此阶段,各成员国间在完全消除商品、 资本、劳动力等自由流通的人为障碍的基础上, 实现区域内和国内经济、金融、财政等政策方 面差异的完全消除,实现统一化。欧洲统一大 市场的建立就是在朝着这一目标前进。
The EU is run by five institutions
• European Parliament 1957

regional economic integration

regional economic integration

Why Nations Pursue Economic Integration?1. Expand market size⋅Regional integration greatly increases the scale of the marketplace for firms inside the economic bloc.⋅Example- Belgium has a population of just 10 million; the EU gives Belgian firms easier access to a total market of roughly 490 million.⋅Consumers also gain access to a greater selection of products and services.2. Achieve scale economies and enhanced productivity⋅Expansion of market size within an economic bloc gives member country firms the opportunity to gain economies of scale in production and marketing. ⋅Internationalization inside the bloc helps firms learn to compete more effectively outside the bloc as well.⋅Labor and other inputs are allocated more efficiently among the member countries - leading to lower prices for consumers.3. Attract direct investment from outside the bloc⋅Compared to investing in stand-alone countries, foreign firms prefer to invest in countries that are part of an economic bloc as they receive preferential treatment for exports to other member countries.⋅Examples- General Mills, Samsung, and Tata- have invested heavily in the EU to take advantage of Europe's economic integration.⋅By establishing operations in a single EU country, these firms gain free trade access to the entire EU market.4. Acquire stronger defensive and political posture⋅Provide member countries with a stronger defensive posture relative to other nations and world regions- this was one of the motives for the initial creation of the European Community (precursor to the EU).What Factors Contribute to the Success of Regional Integration 1. Economic similarity⋅The more similar the economies of the member countries, the more likely the economic bloc will succeed.⋅Significant wage rate differences means that workers in lower-wage countries will migrate to higher wage countries.⋅Significant economic instability in one member can quickly spread and harm the economies of the other members.⋅Compatibility of economic characteristics is so important that the EU requires its current and prospective members to meet strict membership conditions, ideally low inflation, low unemployment, reasonable wages, and stable economic conditions.2. Political similarity⋅Similarity in political systems enhances prospects for a successful bloc.⋅Countries that seek to integrate regionally should share similar aspirations and a willingness to surrender national autonomy for the broader goals of the proposed union.⋅Example- Sweden has attempted to lower its corporate income tax rate and other taxes to improve the country’s attrac tiveness as a place to do business in the larger EU marketplace.3. Similarity of culture and language⋅Cultural and linguistic similarity among the countries in an economic bloc provides the basis for mutual understanding and cooperation.⋅This partially explains the success of the MERCOSUR bloc in Latin America, whose members share many cultural and linguistic similarities.4. Geographic proximity⋅Most economic blocs are formed by countries within the same geographic region. i.e. regional integration.⋅Close geographic proximity of member countries facilitates transportation of products, labor, and other factors.⋅Neighboring countries tend to be similar in terms of culture and language. While the four types of similarities enhance the potential for successful regional integration, economic interests are often the most important factor. This was demonstrated in the EU, whose member countries, despite strong cultural and linguistic differences, are able to achieve common goals based on pure economic interests.Drawbacks of Regional Integration:Country-level Drawbacks of Regional Integration1. Trade DiversionRegional integration gives rise to both trade creation and trade diversion:⋅Trade creation - trade is generated among the countries inside the economic bloc. This occurs because, as trade barriers fall within the bloc, each member country tends to favor trade with countries inside the bloc over trade with countries outside the bloc.⋅Trade diversion - once the bloc is in place, member countries will discontinue some trade with nonmember countries.⋅Aggregate effect - national patterns of trade are altered - more trade takes place inside the bloc and less trade takes place with countries outside the bloc.⋅Policymakers worry that the EU, NAFTA, and other economic blocs could turn into economic fortresses resulting in a decline in between bloc trading that exceeds the gains from within bloc trading.2. Reduced Global Free TradeAn economic bloc that imposes external trade barriers is moving away from worldwide free trade.⋅Tariffs apply to non-member nations shield sellers inside the economic bloc from competitors outside the bloc.⋅However, buyers inside the bloc are worse off because they must pay higher prices for the products they buy.⋅Tariffs counteract comparative advantages and interfere with trade flows that should be dictated by national resources.⋅Foreign firms sell less into a bloc that imposes restrictions.⋅Overall - external trade barriers imposed by economic blocs result in a net loss to all bloc members3. Loss of National Identity⋅Homogenizing effect – increased cross-border contact - the members become more similar to each other and national cultural identity is diluted.⋅Member countries typically retain the right to protect certain industries vital to national heritage or security.⋅Example –Canada has restricted the ability of U.S. movie and TV producers to invest in the Canadian film market - Canada sees its film industry as a critical part of its national heritage and fears the dilution of its indigenous culture from an invasion of U.S. movie and TV entertainment programming.4. Sacrifice of Autonomy⋅Establishment of a central authority to manage the bloc’s affairs is required at later stages of regional integration.⋅Members must sacrifice some autonomy to the central authority, such as control over its own economy- loss of national sovereignty.⋅In Britain, critics see the passage of many new laws and regulations by centralized EU authorities as a direct threat to British self- governance. The British have resisted joining the European Monetary Union because such a move would reduce the power that they currently hold over their own currency and economy.Firm-level Drawbacks of Regional Integration1. Transfer of Power to Advantaged Firms⋅Regional integration can concentrate economic power in the hands of fewer, more advantaged firms.⋅Larger, foreign competitors that have stronger brands, or enjoy other advantages can overwhelm local firms in their home markets.⋅Regional integration encourages mergers and acquisitions within the bloc, leading to the creation of larger rivals.⋅Economic power gravitates toward the most advantaged firms in the bloc.2. Failure of Small or Weak Firms⋅With the decline of trade and investment barriers, protections are eliminated that previously shielded smaller or weaker firms from foreign competition.⋅The risk can be substantial for companies in smaller bloc countries, or in industries that lack comparative advantages.3. Corporate Restructuring and Job Loss⋅Increased competitive pressures and corporate restructuring may lead to worker layoffs or re-assigning employees to distant locations- disrupting worker lives and entire communities.⋅Centralization of control to regional or international headquarters- national managers may need to surrender some of their autonomy and power.⋅Example- Following EU unification, Ford reassigned some decision-making power from country heads to its European headquarters in Dagenham, England. The company centralized product design responsibilities, brought together pan-European design teams in Dagenham, and transferred financial controls and reporting to headquarters in the U.S. Restructuring can prove difficult to managers, such as the head of Ford’s subsidiary in Cologne, who resigned rather than loseImplications of Integration:1. Internationalization by Firms Inside the Economic Bloc⋅Regional integration pressures firms to internationalize into neighboring countries within the bloc.⋅The elimination of trade and investment barriers presents new opportunities to source input goods from foreign suppliers within the bloc.⋅Competitive advantages gained from internationalizing within the bloc may be leveraged to internationalizing outside the bloc.⋅Example- following NAFT A, many U.S. companies entered Canada and gained valuable international experience that inspired them to launch ventures into Asia and Europe.2. Rationalization of Operations⋅Managers develop strategies and value-chain activities suited to the region as a whole, not individual countries.⋅Rationalization is the process of restructuring and consolidating company operations that managers often undertake following regional integration.⋅Goal - reduce costs and redundancy; increase the efficiency through scale economies.⋅Rationalization becomes an attractive option because, as trade and investment barriers decline, the firm that formerly operated factories in each of several countries reaps advantages by consolidating production in one or two central locations inside the economic bloc.An Example of Rationalization⋅Caterpillar, the U.S. manufacturer of earth-moving equipment, undertook a massive program of modernization and rationalization at its EU plants to streamline production, reduce inventories, increase economies of scale, and lower operating costs.⋅Rationalization may be applied to value chain-functions such as manufacturing, distribution, logistics, purchasing, and R&D.⋅Example- creation of the economic bloc eliminates the need to devise separate distribution strategies for individual countries. Instead, firms are able to employa more global approach for the larger marketplace, generating economies ofscale in distribution.3. Mergers and Acquisitions⋅Economic blocs lead to mergers and acquisitions (M&A)- the tendency of one firm to buy another, or of two or more firms to merge and form a larger company.⋅M&S are related to rationalization- the merger of two or more firms creates a new company that produces a product on a much larger scale.⋅Example-pharmaceutical industry- Britain’s Zenec a purchased Sweden's Astra to form AstraZeneca. The acquisition led to the development of blockbusters such as the ulcer drug Nexium and helped transform the new company into a leader in the gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, and respiratory areas.4. Regional Products and Marketing Strategy⋅Standardization of products and services- firms prefer standardized merchandise in their various markets- easier and much less costly.⋅In more advanced stages of regional integration, member countries tend to harmonize product standards and commercial regulations, and eliminate trade barriers and transportation bottlenecks.⋅As conditions in member countries become similar to each other, companies can standardize their products and marketing.⋅Example- Case, a manufacturer of agricultural machinery once produced 17 versions of the Magnum; harmonization of EU product standards allowed the firm to standardize its tractor, allowing it to produce only a handful of models for the entire EU market.5. Internationalization by Firms outside the Bloc⋅Regional integration and large multi-country markets are attractive to firms from outside the bloc.⋅Foreign firms tend to avoid exporting as an entry strategy because economic blocs erect trade barriers against imports from outside the bloc.⋅The most effective way for a foreign firm to enter an economic bloc is to establish a physical presence via FDI.⋅Examples- with the EU formation, Britain has become the largest recipient of FDI from the United States. U.S. firms choose Britain as the beachhead to gain access to the massive EU market. In a similar way, European firms have established factories in Mexico to access countries in the NAFTA bloc.6. Collaborative VenturesRegional integration facilitates cooperation:⋅Firms from France, Germany, Spain, and the United Kingdom collaborated to establish Airbus Industries, the giant commercial aircraft manufacturer- under the EU.⋅The elimination of trade and investment barriers in the EU allowed Airbus to move aircraft parts, capital, and labor among the member countries.⋅Outsiders ease their entry into the bloc by entering joint ventures and other collaborative arrangements with companies inside the bloc.Regional Economic Integration: Future Prospects⋅1990- there were approximately 50 regional economic integration agreements worldwide. Today there are some 200, in various stages of development.⋅Governments continue to liberalize trade policies, encourage imports, and restructure regulatory regimes, largely via regional cooperation.⋅Many nations belong to several free trade agreements.⋅More nations are clamoring to join the EU, which has signed trade agreements with other economic blocs worldwide.⋅The evidence suggests that regional economic integration is gradually giving way to a system of worldwide free trade.。


交通同 网 市场统 一 产业同 布
资源同 享
信息公 用
2009年7月,国务院正式批复米东区划,撤销米泉市 和东山区,成立米东区。 2010年,米东区前三个季度完成地区生产总值 101.83亿元,增长18%;完成地方财政收入9.36亿元; 完成全社会固定资产投资64.35亿元,招商引资到位资 金33.92亿元。 今天的米东新区,新楼盘如雨后春笋般出现。现已 开发的近50万平方米房产中,90%的房屋已售出。
新疆处于一个相对封闭的自然格局,城市经济带 分布相对 离散。 作为首府的乌鲁木齐,虽然在很多方面优于其他城市,但个 体的力量总是有限的,在其优势占主导的情况下,乌鲁木齐同 样存在很多问题制约着它的发展(例如,乌鲁木齐土地资源有 限,环境污染正在加剧)。 乌鲁木齐是这样,其他地州的问题就更加明显了(例如,资 金不足、人力资源薄弱),解决这些问题的关键就是要发挥各 地区的优势,采取优势互补,那么一条可行的道路就是走乌昌 经济一体化的发展道路。
2005年,乌昌实现地区生产总值819亿元,同比增 长12.7%,实现地方财政收入70亿元,同比增长14 %;2007年,乌昌地区生产总值突破千亿元,地方 财政收入首次突破百亿元大关,约占自治区的36.18 %。2009年,乌昌预计完成地区生产总值1545亿元, 实现地方财政收入136.4亿元。5年间,乌昌经济总 量与地方财政收入都增长了将近一倍。乌昌地区生 产总值占全疆地区生产总值的比重达到36.18%。
昌吉是距离乌鲁木齐最近的一个大城市,昌吉州现管辖 的四市两县实力较强,特色各异,它们能有效的解决乌鲁木 齐存在的这些问题,缓解它的压力。 乌鲁木齐同样可以向昌吉提供资金、人才、科技的支持, 乌鲁木齐和昌吉发展起来了,就可以带动天山北坡一带经济 的发展。 同时我们要兼顾其他各地州的发展,减少产业雷同重叠, 真正做到优势互补,带动整个新疆经济的发展。

Chapter 9 Regional Economic Intergration

Chapter 9 Regional Economic Intergration

since its establishment January 1, 1999, the euro has had a volatile trading history with the U.S. dollar
Members wanted lasting peace and to hold their own on the world’s political and economic stage
Forerunner was the European Coal and Steel Community (1951) The European Economic Community (1957) was formed at the Treaty of Rome with the goal of becoming a common market
What Are The Levels Of Regional Economic Integration?
2. A customs union eliminates trade barriers between member countries and adopts a common external trade policy
What Is The European Union?
The Single European Act (1987)
committed the EC countries to work toward establishment of a single market by December 31, 1992 was born out of frustration among EC members that the community was not living up to its promise provided the impetus for the restructuring of substantial sections of European industry allowing for faster economic growth than would otherwise have been the case




一、欧洲联盟(EU) 二、北美自由贸易区(NAFTA) 三、亚太经济合作组织(APEC) 四、东南亚国家联盟(ASEAN) 五、其他区域一体化组织

成员国之间取消关税后,出口市场得到扩 大。厂商由此可充分利用其生产能力、 扩大生产规模,从而降低单位产品的平 均成本,提高经济效益

多个适度规模的企业生存下来,这样就降低了 某个企业在行业中的垄断程度,提高了市场的 竞争性。市场从垄断性向竞争性转化,使市场 结构趋于完善。
贸易转移效应是指由于关税同盟对内取 消关税,对外实行统一的保护关税,关 税同盟国把原来从同盟外非成员国低成 本生产的产品进口,转换为从同盟内成 员国高成本生产的产品进口,从而发生 了贸易转移。
3、贸易扩大效应 (Trade Expansion Effect)
4、社会福利效应 (Social Welfare Effect)
5、贸易条件效应 (Effect on Terms of Trade)
2、关税同盟成员国的供给与需求弹性越大,贸易创造效应 越大。 3、关税同盟成员国与非成员国产品成本差异愈小,贸易转 移的损失愈小。 4、关税同盟成员国的生产效率越高,贸易创造效应越大, 关税同盟后社会福利水平越有可能提高。 5、关税同盟成员国对非成员国出口商品的进口需求弹性越 低,非成员国对关税同盟成员国进口商品的出口供给弹性 越低,则贸易转移的可能性越小。

regional integration

regional integration
supranational institutional structures or through intergovernmental decision-making, or a combination of both.
Regional integration is a worldwide phenomenon of territorial systems that increases the interactions between their components and creates new forms of organisation, co-existing with traditional forms of stateled organization at the national level. in short, regional integration is the joining of individual states within a region into a larger whole. Past efforts at regional integration have often focused on removing barriers to free trade in the region, increasing the free movement of people, labour, goods, and capital across national borders, reducing the possibility of regional armed conflict , and adopting cohesive regional stances on policy issues, such as the environment, climate change and migration.


战后科学技术的飞速发展提供了物质前提。 国际分工的深化和经济生活国际化程度的不断
提高提供了经济基础。 经济发展不平衡是重要推动力。 广大发展中国家发展经济和提倡建立国际经济
新秩序也是重要原因。 国际经济一体化趋势的“自我加速效应”也是
(2)关税同盟的动态经济效应 关税同盟除了具有上述的静态效应外,还具有动态
的经济效应,即刺激各成员国的经济增长,并带来国 民收入的持续增长。动态效应主要表现在以下几个方 面: ①规模经济效益。 ②竞争和技术进步效应。 ③刺激投资效应。 ④扩大和深化效应。
一步实现为保证市场一体化顺利运行的政策方面的协调。 如现在的欧盟
6.完全经济一体化(complete economic integration)
又称政治同盟,即不仅要求成员国实行统 一财政、货币、金融、福利、农业等所有重 大的经济政策,区域内商品、资本、劳动、 技术等完全自由流动,使用共同货币,而且 要建立超国家的权威机构,该机构实际上支 配着各成员国的对外经济主权,它的决定对 所有的成员国都有约束力。完全经济一体化 是经济一体化的最高级形式。
协议性分工理论是由日本一桥大学教授小岛清 (Kiyoshi Kojima)于20世纪70年代在其代表作《对外贸易 论》提出来的。小岛清的理论建立在长期成本递减理论的基 础上,其核心是自由贸易有时会损害两国利益,而通过两国 间协议这种制度性安排进行的专业化国际分工在彼此放弃一 些利益的同时却获得了规模经济基础上更大的好处。
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The Common Market

A common market is a group of countries that agree to remove all barriers to trade among members, to establish a common trade policy with respect to nonmembers, and also to allow mobility for factors of production---labor, capital, and technology. Members of a common market must be prepared to cooperate closely in monetary, fiscal, and employment policies. While a common market enhances the productivity of members in the aggregate, it is not clear that individual member countries always benefit.
Regional Economic Integration
What is Regional Economic Integration?
Regional economic integration refers to agreements among countries in a geographic region to reduce, and ultimately remove, tariff and nontariff barriers to the free flow of goods, services, and factors of production between each other.
Why integrate?

Main motive

Economic benefits: competitiveness and growth Regional Integration is a step towards free trade Integrated countries don’t start wars RI cements ”positive” policies, both at home and abroad

A free trade area allows for free trade among members. However, each member sets its own trade policies with nonmembers. The customs union, on the other hand, establishes a common trade policy with regard to nonmembers. Many argue that economic integration is much more likely to be viable among countries at common levels of economic development. In fact, most successful integrative efforts have taken place among the industrialized countries. Although the North American Common Market has been discussed at various levels for the last 30 years, its implications of free movement of things beyond goods is not meeting with interest in the potential member countries. This is especially in reference to free movement of people. Also, the significant size (physical and economic) in favor of the United States makes Canada and Mexico hesitate.
The Free Trade Area

A free trade area removes all barriers to trade among member countries are removed, although sometimes only for certain goods or services. A free trade area is the least restrictive form of economic integration among countries; each country sets its own policies in relation to nonmembers.

Trade Creation and Diversion
Trade Creation
The benefit to a particular country when a group of countries trade a product freely among themselves but maintain common barriers to trade with nonmembers.
The Customs Union

A customs union is a collaboration among trading countries in which members dismantle barriers to trade in goods and services and establish a common trade policy with respect to nonmembers. Typically, there is a common external tariff for nonmembers, and tariff revenues are shared among members according to a prespecified formula.
Forms of Economic Integration in Regional Markets
Trading Bloc Agreements among countries to establish links through movement of goods, services, capital, and labor across borders.

Offensive arguments

Defensive arguments

RI is necessary because GATT/WTO doesn’t work We must practice RI because others do
Levels of Economic Integration
illustration of trade creation and diversion.doc
In 1986, Spain formally entered EU. Prior to membership, Spain’s trade with EU countries was restricted by the common external tariff, imposed on all nonmembers, including the US, Canada and Japan. A 20% tariff was applied to exports of agricultural products to the EU. This meant the low cost US wheat at $3.00 a bushel and Spanish wheat at $3.20, were both hurt by the tariff, boosting their costs to $3.60 and $3.84 respectively. When Spain joined the EU, tariffs were lifted, allowing Spain to win out on price over US wheat producers by $.40 a bushel. As a result, trade flows changed. The increased export of wheat and other products by Spain to the EU as a result of this membership is termed trade creation. The elimination of the tariff literally created more trade between Spain and the EU. At the same time, because the US is outside the EU, its products suffered the higher price as a result of tariff application. US exports to the EU fell. When the source of trading competitiveness is shifted in this manner from one country to another, it is termed trade diversion.ຫໍສະໝຸດ Trade Diversion