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job in 1835, at 27, married his 13 year-old cousin,
Virginia Clemm, drifted for several years as
editors in different magazines but remained poor
all his life
Edgar Allan Poe
• Poe’s literary contribution
– Aestheticism
• Principle of beauty • Principle of unity and concentration • Careful choice of diction for desired effect (the
musical effect of words themselves) • Negligence of so-called truth and social, political and
This daguerreotype of Poe was taken in 1848 when he was 39, a year before his death
Life Experience
• A miserable childhood: born in Boston, both parents died within two years after his birth, taken into the home of John Allan in Virginia, had an unhappy relationship with his foster father
• An unhappy youth: at 17 went to the University of Virginia but did not finish, an appointment to West Point but was dismissed less than a year later
was adopted by John Allan
an unhappy
her death in 1847 left him a bitterer life
died in mysterious circumstances, in 1849
Part II. Poe’s literary position
His position
Poe’s position in world literature is secure. His influence is world-wide in modern literature. His aesthetics and conscious craftsmanship, his attack on “the heresy of the didactic” and his call for “the rhythmical creation of beauty” have influenced French symbolism and the devotees of “art for art’s sake”. Poe is father of many things, one of which is psychoanalytic criticism, the other being the detective story.
Life Experience
a miserable childhood
entered the University but didn’t finish went to West Point but was dismissed
at 27 he married his 13-year-old cousin
Edgar Allan Poe 坡
E.A. Poe (1809—1849)
Poe’s mother
Edgar Allan Poe
• Part I. Life Experience • Part II Literary Position • Part III. Major Works • Part IV. Point of View • Part V. Style • Part VI. Appreciation
Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849)
“我经常沉湎杯中物,但喝 酒并没使我感到半点儿乐 趣。我不惜生命和名声, 不顾理智,一味喝酒,并 非追求乐趣,而是竭力逃 避令人痛苦的回忆,逃避 无法忍受的孤寂,逃避迫 在眼前的大限。”
• A bitter and mysterious death: in 1847, wife died of tuberculosis, in 1849, died in mysterious circumstanห้องสมุดไป่ตู้es
• A struggling life: in 1833, became an editor of
Southern Literary Messenger in Richmond, lost
the position because of excessive drinking and an
inability to meet deadlines, managed to regain the
– Forerunner of western decadent literature – Forerunner of aesthetic literature – Explorer of abnormal psychology – Father of psychoanalytic criticism – Path-breaker of American detective novel – Father of modern short story