hnd商务文化与策略 outcome3
An Evaluation of UK Government Policy on Mentalhealth and behavior in schoolsTable of Contents1 Introduction (1)2 Market failure (2)2.1 Merit goods (2)2.2 Public goods (2)2.3 Impertfect competition (2)2.4 Externalities (2)3 UK Governments policy (1)3.1 Introduction to the policy (2)3.2 instruments used (2)3.3 Justification of the performance of policy (2)4 Conclusion (2)References (5)Appendices (6)Appendix I: (6)Appendix II: (6)1IntroductionThis report aims to explain the‘market failure’and the role of government in relative to merit goods, public goods, imperfect composition and externalities.The policy about mental health and behavior in school will also be introduced.Then it will describe the instruments used to achieve the policy and evaluate the policy.2Market failureMarket fail, that is, they do not provide all of the goods and services needed by the government,nor by society(SQA,2013a p184).2.1Merit goodsThe government provides services that might not be provided by the private sector in sufficient quantities or of a sufficient quantity (SQA,2013a p188).For instance,medical services,education and so on.In China,the government provides the public universities and nine year education,which support children to go to school and get a better education.2.2Public goodsThese are commodities, which would not be provided by the private sector because they would find that many people, even if they benefited from them, would refuse to pay(SQA,2013b p190), for example, grills in the park and Automatic Pet Water Fountain and so on.In many countries, the government provides the Automatic Pet Water Fountain, which is convenient for passerby to drink water whenever they want.2.3Imperfect competitionA company which control their own market , and they have no rival. A monoplist can adjust prices output in the market.for example, on February 5, 1991, pierpont Morgan bought Andrew Carnegie, Rockefeller,several iron ore and all the steel business,became the largest steel company , 65% of steel production by their control.The government could establish perfect competition through the establishment of enterprise competition policy (Peter,2013)2.4ExternalitiesAn externality is an effect of a purchase or use decision by one set of parties on others who did not have a choice and whose interests were not taken into account (SQA,2013d p188).For example, the negative externalities include car exhaust, smoking, kara OK noisy,which will do harm to the environment and people’health.As far as I am concerned, the government should have odd-and-even license plate rule and provide new energy electric vehicle.The positive externalities include new technology like purify the water and restoration of historical buildings.I think the government should support the enterprise to create more new technology.3UK Governments policy3.1 Introduction to the policy--Mental health and behavior in schoolsThe purpose of this policy is to let all pupils benefit from learning and developing in a well ordered school environment that fosters and rewards good behaviour and sanctions poor and disruptive behaviour. Their behaviour and discipline in schools advice sets out the powers and duties for school staff and approaches they can adopt to manage behaviour in their schools. It also says that schools should consider whether continuing disruptive behaviour might be a result of unmet educational or other needs. Published on16 June 2014,last updated on18 March 2016(Gov,UK,16 June 2014)3.2 Instruments usedInstruments- economic variables that governments can control directly for example, tax, public spending(SQA,2013e p194).The government take actions via government spending and relevant regulation.They found the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services to deal with it.The specific services offered by CAMHS vary depending on the needs of the local area. The best way to influence those services overall is to get involved with the local health and wellbeing board.The government take actions to help them in referring pupils effectively to specialist CAMHS and otherwise working well with the service for the benefit of their vulnerable pupils. These include:1.The government hire some people documenting evidence of the symptoms or behaviour that are causing concern,encouraging the pupil and their parents/carers to speak to their GP2.The government spent some money working with local specialist CAMHS to make the referral process as quick and efficient as possible(Spence, S.H. 2003)3.1Justification of the performance of the policyI think the policy is successful, the mental health care benefits can make children to have a happier life.Thanks to the policy, children now have the ability to develop psychologically, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually.However,I think the policy also has some disadvantages.It has greatly increased government pressure.For example,Set up the CAMHS organization to support the school and some public organization。
.word 可编辑 .Index pageIndex page⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯.. Introduction⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯.Background ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯.. FindingsSection 1⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯Section 2⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯Section 3⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯Conclusion⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯Reference⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯..word 可编辑 .IntroductionBackgroundSSP plc is a company operating in the food manufacturing industry. It is engaged in food processing, supplying all the main supermarket chains with first class process meat products. During the last few years the company has been difficult because of the BSE andFoot and Mouth disease made a declining demand for meat product. The bad outstanding achievement stopped in 2004 and a partial rebound in the market produced an increase in turnover by nearly 15%. It is expected that this rebound in the market will gather momentum over the coming year and the SSP plc is planning to take even greater strides forward by opening a new processing plant in Glasgow.As requested in the chief executive s memo’ of 30 December, here is my reportsummarising and analysising the financial position of the SSP plc for the year 2003 and2004.OutlineThe main body of the report will evaluate five parts:Part 1--- Analyze the users of financial information and the purpose of using.Part 2--- State of financial source and categorize with their characteristics.Part 3---Explain the cash flow statement of SSP plc.Analyze the recent financial performance and position of the SSP plc.(Including my recommendations about how to improvement of business performance).word 可编辑 .FindingsSection ers of financial accounts.Users of financial statements are a group of people or organizations who use the information to make evaluations and decisions. Users of financial information can bedivided into two categories: internal and external users.Now, I will use a table to show you the users’ purpose and sources of information to get the statements.Section 2.Source of financesTo run a business, organizations require finance for different proposes and for varyinglengths of time. In the finance, we divide sources of capital into two categories: equitycapital and loan capital. Equity capital is the finance provided by the owner and there is nointerest to pay. Loan capital refers to money that is borrowed from a source outside thebusiness. The interest of loan capital must be paid. Sources of finances could be clarifiedinto short, medium and long term. The short-term refers to finance that are borrowed fora period of no more than one year. The medium-term refers to funds that are borrowed fora period of between two and ten years. Long-term refers to funds that are borrowed for aperiod of more than ten years.In the case study, the source of finances of SSP plc is: trade creditors, tax, bank overdraft, debentures, ordinary share capital and the retained profits from last account period..word 可编辑 .Short-term sources:1.Trade creditors:Trade creditors are produced when the purchase of raw materials or stock is delaying topay, thus, there is more cash which would be used for other uses. There is also aninterest free way of raising finance. However, the credit could lead to poor relationswith suppliers and the customers may forfeit discounts.The credit is£544,000 in 2003 and it decreased to he percentage£405,000ofin 2004. T decrease is 25.56%. The decrease of credit infers that SSP plc has a good financialsituation that it has a strong ability to pay credits back to suppliers. This could improvethe relationship with suppliers.2.Bank overdraft:Bank account holders can prearrange with the bank to draw cheques to a greater valuethan the actual balance in the account. Interest should be paid by customers and bankcharges will apply where an overdraft limit has been exceeded. Bank overdraft is flexibleand cheap. It has a low cost. Some small bank overdraft even has a free of charge.SSP plc had no overdraft but the number increased to£86,000 in 2004. The shows that the company borrowed money from bank for its expansion in Glasgow.Long-term sources:1.Debentures:Debentures are loans make to companies that carry a fixed rate of interest.Thecompany ’fixeds assets normally secure debentures. Debentures have a fixed timeperiod or an open time period. The shareholders are not debenture holders.Adebenture interest is paid as an expense not an appropriation of profit.SSP plc has a fixed debenture (£1,560,000) in the year of 2003 and 2004. It tells us the company ’ s fixed assets are steady.2.Ordinary shares:Ordinary shareholders receiving pay-outs from company after preference shareholdersare paid. Ordinary share dividends are not fixed and subject to companyperformances and decisions of management in paying dividend.In SSP Company, the ordinary share capital is£1,950,000and in2004both.It2003infers that the company has a steady operation situation.3. Retained ProfitsThe retained profit is the finance brought from the last financial period. It is not fixedand may be a negative number. It presents operational situation of last period.The retained profits decreased from 505,000£ to420,000£. The percentage change ofdecrease is 16.83%. The lower ratio shows us the company had made fewer profits in2003 then it was in 2002.Section 3. Ratio Analysis1.Major inflows is Net cash flow op erating activates of£ 1,345,000.Major outflow is Payments to acquire fixed assets, which takes£ 984, 2.Ratio AnalysisProfitability Ratios:Gross Profit Percentage=Gross profit/Turnover x 100%2003: GPP=£ 7,000,000/£ 11,674,000 x59100.96%=2004: GPP=£ 8,037,000/£ 13,382,000 x60100.06%=Trend: IncreaseAnalysis: The increase of ratio is a good sign. The positive trend can be an indicationthat stock control of meat product has improved, demand for the meat product has increased after the diseases, or purchasing policies have improved. The managers should keep the good trend and go on develop it, such as improving marketing strategy, setting better pricing policy, or improving stock control.Net Profit Percentage=Net Profit before Taxation/ Turnover x 100%2003: NPP=£ 1,182,000/£ 11,674,000 x10100.13%=2004: NPP=£ 901,000/£ 13,382,000 x 6100.73%=Trend: DecreaseAnalysis: The decrease of the ratio is a bad sign that it indicates a low profit of the company. From the P&L Account of the SSP plc, we know that although the grossprofit increased, the operation cost is much higher in 2004; it leads to a decrease innet profit. So the managers should think about how to decrease our operation cost tohelp our company earn more profit.Liquidity Ratios:Current Ratio=Total Current Assets/Total Current Liabilities.word 可编辑 .2003: CR=£ 1,195,000/£ 767,000=1.562004: CR=£ 1,248,000/£ 701,000=.78Trend: IncreaseAnalysis: the increase of ratio is a good sign. Generally speaking a healthy current ratiois at least 2:1. The 1.56 and 1.78 indicate the company is a little bit over trading andhave difficulty in meeting its short-term debts. The main reason for the increase is the increase in the total current assets and decrease in the total current liabilities.I suggest that the company may keepmore profit for the short-term debts.The Acid Test Ratio=Liquid Assets/Current Liabilities2003: (£ 1,195,000-£608,000)/£ 767,000=.772004: (£ 1,248,000-£796,000)/£ 701,000=.64Trend: DecreaseAnalysis: The decrease is a bad sign. The ratio should be 1:1. But the ratio in both of2003 and 2004 is less that 1. And unfortunately, the ratio is still decreasing. SSP plcmeets a liquidity problem that the liquid assets decrease. The company managersshould pay attention to this ratio and organizatio n ’ s development.Efficiency Ratios:Fixed Asset Turnover=Turnover/Fixed Assets2003:£ 11,674,000/£ 4,017,000=2.91 times2004:£ 13,382,000/£ 4,318,000=.10times.word 可编辑 .Trend: IncreaseAnalysis: Where this ratio gas increase, this is a good sign. It indicates that the existingfixed assets are generating more sales and maybe investment in new fixed assets gascould be been paid off. Managers of SSP plc should develop and focus on it.Debtors Collection Period=Debtors/Turnover x 3652003:£ 306,000/£11,674,000 9x.57365=days2004:£ 452,000/£13,382,000 12x365=.33daysTrend: IncreaseAnalysis: It is a bad sign that there is an increase in DCP. It indicates that SSP’ s m have a poor credit control of poor invoicing system. The bad debts may also increase.The leaders of SSP should check their invoicing and reminder system to keep the ratioa proper range.Investment Ratios:Interest Cover=Profit Before Interest & Tax/Interest Charges2003:£ 1,416,000/£ 234,000=6.052004:£ 1,135,000/£ 234,000=.85Trend: DecreaseAnalysis: This ratio shows how capable the company is of covering its interest charges.The decrease is not good because the company is less able to meet its interest payments. But the ratio is still in a reasonable range. Leaders should try to increasecompany ’ s profit to keep this ratio a high level..word 可编辑 .Debt Ratio=Total Debts/Total Assets x 100%2003: (£ 767,000+£ 1,560,0(£4,017,000+0)/ £1,195,000) x 100%=44.65%2004: (£ 701,000+£ 1,560,000)/(£4,318,000+ £1,248,000) x 100%=40.62%Trend: DecreaseAnalysis: It is a good sign that the ratio increased. However, a healthy ratio shouldkeep around 50%. It indicates that SSP has fewer liabilities or keeps more assets. Thesign should be kept by managers.3.RecommendationAfter reading and analyzing three accounts from SSP Company, I found some problemswith it and now I will present my suggestions about the future management in thesetwo parts.Operational recommendationA ratio of Net Profit Percentage shows us that SSP plc has a high expenditure inoperation cost. It also indicates that the company has a low level of cost control.Therefore, I suggest that SSP should try to decrease the costs of sales and theoperation cost, such as adopting new management system and using contractors tofind distribution channels but to find them itself.Financial recommendationFor the source of finance, SSP has a bad performance of financial operating. In the CashFlow Statement, the Financing is£0, but the company is planning expansion in Glasgo The main inflow of the company is the sales. It is a dangerous phenomenon if the.word 可编辑 .company wants to use the turnover to expanse its business because it is impossible touse the current cash to support long-term investment. So I suggest that the companymay increase the number of share capital or make more debentures to get more long-term capital for expansion.ConclusionBy analyzing the P&L Account, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement, we can infer thatSSP plc has a good operational performance. However, there are still many parts to improve and develop to help the company maximize profits.ReferenceRay H. Garrison, Managerial Accounting, Business Publications Inc., 1985, Printed inU.S.A.J.R.DYSON, Accounting for Non-accounting Students, Financial Times, 2004, Printed in Great Britain.Frank Wood & Alan Sangster, Business Accounting 2, Financial Times,Pitman Publishing, 1999, Printed in China.。
Evaluation Report1.Background information.2016 April 23 to May 14 I worked as an intern in Guiyang kempinski,, I was in the food and beverage department as a waiter, my job was standing on the edge of the table for guests at any time to served, cleared away, pour away the water and so on. My responsibility is to make the guests have a good meal.2.Objectives in the planning stages and personal development during placement. My internship objective are as follows:1) improve my oral expression ability2) improve my communication ability3) improve my ability of doing things4) improve my ability of servingIn the beginning I was more shy, I was particularly nervous when I met with difficulties. For example, I was confused when I was wrong for serving. But through the help of colleagues, I solved the thing and accumulated experience, gradually, my experience was becoming more richer, I was more handy to do things, and I proposed the goals there are a lot of promotions, especially in speaking and doing things. To this end, I was very happy and very grateful to the company and the school, which provided the opportunity to practice.My plan objectives are as follows:My first objective is improve my English, through my teachers and my classmates help. What's more, in my daily life, I read some English books, watch English movies and so on, my English has been greatly improved. I am not satisfied with my current English level, I will continue to study in the future.My second objective is to improve the ability to operate office software, I learned the office software through the teaching videos, and practical operation on my computer. Now I can finish my paper and edit graphic mix and make simple PPT byoperating office software. I am not satisfied with my operate office software, I will continue to study in the future.My third objective is obtain a driver’s license, this objective has not been achieved, because I need to learn and work, there is no time to test driver's license, but I believe I will go to this holiday to achieve this objective.My fourth objective is obtain a mandarin certificate, his objective has not been achieved, because I did not have the right to choose the topic of the last topic of the exam, I cried when I was talking about my mother, but I believe that the next time I will obtain a mandarin certificate.My fifth objective is obtain an accounting certificate, this objective has not been achieved, because I need to learn and work, there is no time to test accounting certificate, but I believe I will go to this holiday to achieve this objective.3.Recommendation and plan for future.The above goal is my small target, during the university I can complete my small target. My medium-term goal is after graduation to the hotel to go to work, through hard work, and I want to take the hospitality industry, tourism industry and television station together, so that can not only increase the hotel's income, also can promote Guizhou tourist attractions, but also can stimulate the development of the tourism industry in Guizhou.Interview record1. What’s your harvest from this work experience?My theoretical knowledge in school has been further deepened and enhanced, and the service ability and interpersonal relationship has also been improved. Here, I make friends, also learned how to get along with leadership and guests. For example, when a guest disturb others to drinking, standing beside I went over to smile said to her: hello! I can help you relieve fatigue by means of massage! Are you willing to give me this chance? She smiled and said: Thank you so much! My service on this side of the other guests, while by massage to accompany her chat until the other members packed hall, the manager let me find him. To my surprise, the manager as other waiters face said I do very well, also let other people learn my way! Through this experience, I learned to apply with my smile and skills to deal with what happened in the company. After that, there were some new staff who came to talk to me about their problems in the service process,2. What do you like to share from this work experience?In the course of practice, I think a sincere smile more, see more, ask more, watch more, think more is very important. for example, I put the dishes on the wrong table, At this time, a customer loudly scold me. I bowed and smiled to make an apology. And promised to give them a new dish. At this time, another customer said to me: It doesn’t matter, you gave us a new set of good, Seeing your smile I knew you are a trainee, we don't want to embarrass you. I apologize to them with a smile, and then I put a plate of new food on the guest's table.3. For you , what’s the most unforgettable in this work experience?My most memorable experience in work is my back rubs for the guest. Because of this matter, the manager of my impression is very deep, in the matter after the manager took care of to me, if the company have welfare treatment , he will give me,and give me a lot of exercise and improve own chances.。
hnd 经济学导论 outcome3 答案
![hnd 经济学导论 outcome3 答案](
Outcome 31. What is meant by public goods and merit goods? Give an example of each.Merit Goods: The Government provides services that might not be provided by the private sector in sufficient quantities or of a sufficient quality, for example, health services and education. These are commonly referred to as Merit Goods.For example: 1. Beijing International Studies University.Public Goods: These are commodities, which would not be provided by the private sector because they would find that many people, even if they benefited from them, would refuse the finance through taxation. The level of spending allocated to public goods varies and will depend on many things such as needs and circumstances and political philosophies.For example: 1. Street lamp.2.Explain why the Government allowed the merger of Carlton and Granada while refusing Tesco, Sainsbury and ASDA the opportunity of taking over Safeway.Because of TV isn’t maintaining products of the p eople’s living standard. And merger will be saving cost and rational use of resources. The main incomes are from enterprise income of Carlton and Granada. Customers aren’t main income of Carlton and Granada. Within this field, Government encourages merger to integration of resources. According to economic theory, we know that a scale monopoly is where at least a person or company supplies 25 percent or more of the goods or services of a particular type in UK. In this case, Tesco, Sainsbury and ASDA of the three companies in any one company merger of Safeway, after merger of company’s supplies will over 25 percent. The three companies will increase power after merger lead to monopoly. Because of monopoly will be threatened to benefits of customers. Therefore, the Government refuses Tesco, Sainsbury and ASDA the opportunity of taking over Safeway. On the other hand, Morrisons is a smaller than Tesco, Sainsbury and ASDA. Even if Morrisons merger Safeway, it supplies can’t more than 25 percent. Therefore, Government encourages Morrisons merger Safeway will be grow market share and improve competitive strength of Morrisons. And Morrisons have power participate competitive with other three companies. And customers will get benefits from monopoly between companies. On the other hand, products of supermarket are closely related with the household, they are direct impact on consumption level, decreasing competitive lead to increasing price to against benefits of customers.Therefore, Government allowed the merger of Carlton and Granada while refusing Tesco, Sainsbury and ASDA the opportunity of taking over Safeway.3. Government use taxation policy to regulate ‘negative externalities’. One of these isa tax on fuel used in transport. Explain why governments tax fuel and how it affects the transport market in the UK.The fuel cost and fuel tax are increasing must impact traffic. On the surface, thegovernment improves tax on fuel. In fact, the UK Government is improving price of fuel. According demand rules, we know that price increasing lead to lower demand. Therefore, after increasing price of fuel lead to drivers reduce. If people will drive as little as possible, it will be relieve traffic to bring good environment.。
●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●Strategy and CultureInJD WetherspoonPresent by Liu Meng5th December 2011目录Assessment task (1)Introduction (5)Discussion (5)Section A (5)a)Examples of SPETL analyze (5)b)SWOT analysis (8)c)Guidelines for management use (9)Section B (10)a)Organization culture in JDW (10)b)The type of culture in JDW (11)c)The relationship between organization culture and behavior (12)d)Management approach to different organization culture (12)Section C (13)a)Possible strategies and indicate business environment (13)b)What strategy JDW followed during 1980-1990s (14)c)Compare two strategies in terms of influence and on the behavior of theorganization (15)d)What has consider before changing its strategy (16)e)Illustrate the connection between business strategy and strategic choice.16f)Key issues to manage its business strategy (17)Section D (18)a)Why the strategy of JD Wetherspoon changed over time (18)b)One factor which may lead to change in JDW (18)c)The role that management play dealing with changes in 2000 (19)d)Advice give to the management of JDW help and analyze change situationovercome any resistance to change (19)Conclusion (21)Reference (22)IntroductionThe JD Wetherspoon plc was founded by Tim Martin who opened the first JD wetherspoon pub in the 1979. It based the model for a pub on a 1946 essay by George Orwell which referred to an imaginary pub called ‘Moon Under Water’. In the 1992, the JD Wetherspoon became a plc which time it consisted of a chain of 44 pubs and now it has over 600 pubs. In 2002, about 10 years after flotation, its share price rose to more than ten times its original value.This report has 4 sections. Section A is going to give examples of external environment which have affected the way JD behaved. Moreover, using a SWOT analysis, explain the relationship between JD and the environment it is facing during the early years of the 21st century. Section B aims at explains the organization culture and organization behavior in an organization. Moreover, the report will explain the type of culture that the organization has using a recognized model of organizational culture. Section C mainly evaluates the business strategy that JD adopted and how to manage strategy within an organization. Section D deals with the times change which affect JD Wetherspoon directly and give some recommendations for these negative changes.DiscussionSection Aa)Examples of SPETL analyze.The social factorPub suit for the traditional cultureThe UK social culture is traditional concept, so the JD Wetherspoon pubs don’t play music or show TV programs. secondly, the UK social culture is pursue the higher standard living, so that the JD Wetherspoon pubs not serving complimentary crisps with baguettes, were health conscious and almost always left the crisps, introducing a‘hotness’ rating on the curry menu.Entertainment elementAt the beginning of 80s, younger generations of customers want to enjoy music or an evening out, therefore, Wetherspoon’s need to transform from tradition to entertainment in order to remain competitive.The technological factorVentilation SystemEach of the ventilation systems cost more than 100,000 pounds. It aims to ensure that customers do not leave smelling of smoke.Security systemIt now has more than ten of these hotels, all of which have bar facilities attached to them. This is technical factor. In order to attach customer, the pubs must use high technology and equip it. JD provide ventilation system in each pubs for customers to give a clear indoor environment.The Economic factorEconomics crisisAs know that in the beginning of 21st century has a big economic crisis in the work, it cause the Economic environment of British is not prosperity. So more and more company redundancy the employees, it will be make a large number of people loss the job, m oreover it cause the income is down and the people’s buy power is decrease. Consumer behaviorBecause in the supermarket, the wine and beer is cheaper in the pubs, some more and more people like buy some wine go back home rather than go to the pubs. So that the JD Wetherspoon have to expand business areas which it has begun developing budget hotel, the JD Wetherspoon pubs now serve breakfast and have a dedicated family dining area where children and adults can eat together. It will be immediately make more profit for self-help.Political factorJoin the EuroThe UK government considers make the Pound join the Euro aim to Euro integration. It is a dispute for the British, because if the Pound joins the Euro, it causes the depreciation of sterling so that the commodity price will be increase. This point is very important for the JD Wetherspoon pubs, because it will be make the customer will pay more cash for the alcohol. So that the Martin is a noted euro-sceptic and in 2002 printed 500,000 beer mats and put up 10,000 ‘save the pound’ posters to encourage customer to think about the issue while they drink.Unemployment factorsThe Government applied monetarist policies to reduce inflation, and reduced public spending. Deflationary measures were implemented against the backdrop of the early 1980s recession, leading to 100.000 being added to the unemployment register every month, the early 1980s recession saw unemployment saw unemployment rise above three million, it directly led to pub industry economic losses.Legal factorGovernment policyIn this case, it show some legal for the pubs, for instance, the government concern about binge drinking and the consequent anti-social behavior, particularly in city centers, beer tax. It made the less of people go to the pubs. So the JD Wetherspoon pubs have to diversify operation, For example, it serve the breakfast and open earlier than licensing hours begin at 11.00 am.OpportunityJ D Wetherspoon seized the opportunity of political stability and positive economy trend to expand smoothly. Besides, J D Wetherspoon owned its outlets, therefore it can easy to control its outlets based on wide span of control. Minimum human resources waste on management caused by J D Wetherspoon is a centralized structure.ThreatAs government issued the social policy, pubs cannot be seen to be encouraging binge drinking and the consequent anti-social behavior. J D Wethspoon suffered a resistance from social policy, the market shrunk due to competitor adopts different approach to share the market, and the company has to change the strategy as a result. The cost of changing will delay the development.b)SWOT analysisStrength1JD Wetherspoon has a perfect communication in the company. As know that the JD Wetherspoon places great importance on listening to and acting on, it has two-way communication from members of staff on all aspects of the business about the feedback. Moreover, the JD Wetherspoon owned some fantastic facilities, for instance it has a ventilation system in each pubs.Strength2High degree of staff loyalty thanks to the company’s training policy. Staff is willing to work due to their advice or recommendation could be adopted by the board if it makes sense.Weakness1But JD Wetherspoon also has weakness. JD Wetherspoon follow the British traditional culture, so the JD Wetherspoon pubs don’t has any fashion facilities, for example they don’t have the TV and music, so they loss of customer. Chairman gave up day to day control in 2004 to become non executive chairman working two days week. This seriously influence JD’s marketing activity.Weakness2Government concerns about binge drinking which would result anti-social behavior.Opportunity1JD Wetherspoon reviewed it opportunity. In 2002, it acquires Lloyds pub chain consisting of 10 pubs. Since then, it has developed the Lloyds Number One Brand and greatly increased the number of outlets.Opportunity2The music based outlets with a much stronger entertainment element has been adopted in some J D Wetherspoon outlets. Younger generation would like to consume the pubs like this.Threat1But JD Wetherspoon also has threats. For example, the market now appears to be over supplied. It competes with supermarket. supermarket began selling drinks, particularly premium lager, at loss-leader prices.Threat2Supermarket began selling drinks, particularly premium lager, at loss-leader prices. Therefore, niche market and fierce competition has coming.c)Guidelines for management useOperations in communication S1-T1The company has a perfect communication in the company. As know that the JD Wetherspoon places great importance on listening to and acting on, it has two-way communication from members of staff on all aspects of the business about the feedback. As a strong competitive factor they should extend services to drinking-off period to attract more customers.Developing high degree of staff loyalty S2 to T2High degree of staff loyalty avoids J D Wetherspoon lose the number of staff in high unemployment. It helps the company pull through the risk of unemployment.Section Ba)Organization culture in JDWThe organizational culture is the basic assumptions, shared values and beliefs that guide the way organizational members behave toward each other and approach their work. (Chen Jing Handout/2011)Shared valuesThe shared values are the norms of behavior which run around the organization.(Business Culture and Strategy/2010)According to the case, the JD Wetherspoon shows the democratic leadership in the organization values. The company’s operation is ‘involvement and communication’. Staffs are kept in touch with weekly newsletters, a monthly company video and by publicizing the minutes of Board meetings. The norms and values of a culture are effectively the rules by which its members must abide.Granted assumptionTaken for granted assumption are more informal and develop over time often in the form of low profile symbols such as physical symbols, stories and common language. (Business Culture and Strategy/2010)In th is case, Wetherspoon’s ‘listening’ policy is based on a system successfully pioneered by the hi-fi retailer, Richer Sounds. Julian Richer, owner of the company, acted as a consultant to JD Wetherspoon. The Martin eventually became a regional manager. The manager can use this way to reduce positive mood move into the job and improve the loyal for the JD Wetherspoon.b) The type of culture in JDWOrganizational culture is a system that people can use to classify what a business ’spersonality and ethos is like. (Chen Jing handout/2011) according to Charles Handy“The Gods of Management ” 1985 there are 4 types of culture each based upon a Greekgod.For JDW it represents for Zeus Culture which means power culture. As figure1 showthe characteristics of the four types of culture JD Wetherspoon is typically Zeus culture.This type of culture looks to people with power but it may not always be formalpower-holder. Also obtain demonstrate sponsorship. JDW was founded by Tim Martinand based his model for pub. And all the new pubs provide the atmosphere and facilitieswhich Tim required. During the last two decades much of the success of JDW wasattributed to the funder Tim Martin. So it was centralized but informal one which TimMartin was the power man.CentralizedInformal Formal Devolved (Figure1)c)The relationship between organization culture and behaviorThe organizational culture decides the organizational behavior. According to the case, the JD Wetherspoon’s culture is Zeus culture. Power and influence emanate from the centre is the key feature for this culture. Chairman regularly travelled round the country visiting pubs come out his business plan through this kind of travel. He is a noted euro-sceptic and add his political stand into the daily business, although Union leader and others condemned his action but he justified them by using the method poll among company staff which showed 90% were support his stand and 95% customers were happy for the pubs to be used in Martin’s NO campaign. Ideas and suggestions are discussed each week in company meeting and staff are rewarded for their suggestion, staff can also discuss company issues with board members.d)Management approach to different organization cultureIf JD Wetherspoon adopt other organization culture like Athena culture individuals are expects in their jobs and come together in project or task group. This would required the management approach to be more flexible based on different project as different department in the company should have a open communication. And systems and methods are transient as the group applies its energies and commitment to the task. So the different organization culture made the different organization JDW the management and staff are surround by one person and the work decide by onethe work will have more communication between management and staffSection Ca)Possible strategies and indicate business environmentOverall Low-Cost Provider StrategyLow-cost provider strategy means low overall costs, not just low manufacturing or production costs.Price competition is vigorousProduct is standardized or readily available from many suppliersThere are few ways to achieve differentiation that have value to buyersMost buyers use product in some waysBuyers incur low switching costsBuyers are large and have significant bargaining powerEnvironment conditions:make achievement of meaningful lower costs than rivals the theme of firm’s strategy; skill in designing products for efficient manufacturing. Board Differentiation StrategyIncorporate differentiating features that cause buyers to refer firm’s product or service over brands of rivals.There are many ways to differentiate a product that ave value and please customers Buyer needs and uses are diverseFew rivals are following a similar differentiation approachTechnological change and product innovation are fast-pacedEnvironment conditions:Highly skilled and creative product development team; strong sales team with the ability to successfully communicate the perceived strengths of the product; Need to value and please customers when buyer needs and uses arediverse.Focus Low Cost StrategyThe focus strategy concentrates on a narrow segment and within that segment attempts to achieve either a cost advantage or differentiation.A narrow price of the total marketThe appropriate environment includes where buyers have distinctive preferences, special requirements, or unique needsFocused Differentiation StrategyIn differentiation focus a firm seeks a cost advantage in its target segment. It focus exploits the special need of buyers in certain segmentsBest-Cost Provider StrategyDeliver superior value by meeting or exceeding buyer expectations on product attributes and beating their price expectations. Be the low-cost provider of a product with good-to-excellent product attrivutes, then use cost advantage to underprice comparable brands.Environment Conditions:Where buyer diversity makes product differentiation the norm. Where many buyers are also sensitive to price and valueb)What strategy JDW followed during 1980-1990sDuring the 1980s and 1990s, J D Wetherspoon adopted the board differentiation. They provided the differentiated goods and services to meet the needs of customers in a wide market. For example, they sell a wide range of real ale beers at relatively low price; good quality wine is available; they do not play music or TV programmes; at least a quarter of the space in each establishment is non-smoking; each has a ventilation system which aims to ensure that customers do not leave smelling of smoke; particular attention is paid to the toilets, including the provision of specially adopted toilets for customers with disabilities.There are four benefits of using this strategy on J D Wetherspoon plc:1)The pubs expanded on average at the rate of about one new pub each week.2)It opened over 90 new pubs and over 50% of the finance for the newdevelopments came from cash generated by the business.3)In 2002, about 10 years after flotation, its share price rose to more than ten timesits original value.4)The good services and goods attracting more and more customers.c)Compare two strategies in terms of influence and on the behaviorof the organizationDuring the 1980s and 1990s the company relied on organic growth by acquiring suitable sites and converting them into J D Wetherspoon plc, rather than buying the other pubs.In the twenty first century, market challenger compete its market statues, and the market appears to be over-supplied. So JD Wetherspoon adopted strategy in focused differentiation strategy. It serves breakfast and open earlier in the morning, support the family dining area, show televised football and so on. The company also join other industry like the hotel.J D Wetherspoon is going on different businesses, the previous management style is not fit now.d)What has consider before changing its strategyExternal environment: by the start of the twenty first century, because of the retail licensing market had adapt to the changes in the “tied house”system and other competitor had been adapted it and developing their business. So J D Wetherspoon was facing much more competition. Many other competitors run the pub and receive the pay rent, this situation lead to saturation of the pub market. So J D Wetherspoon needs to change its business strategy.Policy: during 2002-2004, government allows the supermarket began selling drinks, particularly premium larger, at loss-leader prices. This means that the pub can not compare with supermarket in price. On the other hand, government concern about binge drinking and the consequent ant special behaviors, particularly in city centers. This lead the decrease of new pub number and shares of case form. They must to change to save their company.e)Illustrate the connection between business strategy and strategicchoice.Strategy is the direction and scope of an organization over the long-term which achieves advantage for the organization through its configuration of resource within a challenging environment to meet the needs of markets and fulfill stakeholder expectation.(Johnson and Scholes)Organizations can choose to be the low-cost provider and differentiation strategy or specialization and so on. In the case, we can know that: at first, it supplies special environment quiet, clean, cheap beer to others. During the development of pubs, they all became to do special environment and provide different services and hardware like the ventilation. Then J D W began to serve breakfast, show World Cup football and so on, it also develop new brand like Lloyds, and begun developing budget hotel as “Wetherlodges” to change its strategy, all these process of strategy from differentiation to focus on difference strategy choosing is its strategic choice.f)Key issues to manage its business strategyThe key point below offers a summary of the issues that the senior management of an organization must be aware:Market/industry knowledgeSufficiency of resources and capabilitiesOffering consumers ’a unique value ’ perceived or realEstablishing a key ’differentiator’Consistent communication consistentlyManagement must keep change feasibleStructureRecognize the principal causes of strategic change(Business Culture & Strategy /2010)In my opinion the JD Weherspoon need to concern about the:1) consistent communication consistently as the company operation is “involvement and communication” which build a two-way communication, this management method greatly help the company and employees with their exchanging ideas and suggestions.2) Structure could also be an important issue because it always maintain the appropriate structure to suit the strategy being followed. 20%of the senior managers began as bar staff or cleaners. This kind of structure builds sense of loyalty in the organization.3) Offer ing consumers ’a unique value’ perceived or real. For example, it provided at least a quarter of the space in each establishment is non-smoking; each has a ventilation system which aims to ensure that customers do not leave smelling of smoke; particular attention is paid to the toilets, including the provision of specially adopted toilets for customers with disabilities.Section Da)Why the strategy of JD Wetherspoon changed over timeIn order to promote the right conditions for change, individuals have to identify the driving and restraining forces. For JDW the external environment continually changes. We had done the PESTEL analysis which may help the organization to define the situation and where the organization is. In the 21 century many factors in PESTEL have changed this force JDW to adopted their strategy into better use with the new environment.1.Driving forces: The increase competition, many competitors run pubs to rent the money.Government takes many police like concern about binge drinking, and thought it is anti-social behaviors.2.Restraining forces: Inertia (habit) of the J D Wetherspoon, like their staff, they have habit to their ruler and management. They want the steady environment of work.The original organization structure decide the relationship in company and how they behave in workplace.b)One factor which may lead to change in JDWThe bad influence on J D Wetherspoon about profit and shares and sales. Tim Martin now as an executive, he had give up his power through daily time. So the business ethics is very important factors for J D Wetherspoon.The ethics of human resource management covers those ethical issues arising around the employer and employee relationship, such as the rights and duties owed between employer and employee.() With the increase concern of employee’s right, managers have to pay more attention to protect the workers in JDW.c)The role that management play dealing with changes in 2000The role of management of J D Wetherspoon are as follows:Entrepreneur role: the manager initiates change and new projects, spot opportunities, identify area of business development. (LiShi handout <The Role of Manager>) In the company Tim Martin who opened the first JD Wetherspoon pub in 1979, based on his model the pub was developed into a concatenate pub and become a plc in 1992 at which time it has over 600 pubs.Resource allocator: decides who get who get resources, schedule, budget, set priorities. In the resource allocator role, the manager choose where the organization will direct its efforts. (LiShi handout <The Role of Manager>)in the company it has a flexible training policy which enables people from all kinds of different backgrounds to join the company. Tim Martin required JDW needed to be fairly large. The company enter the market as a retailer after the CEO dicided.Disseminator role: that transmit special information into the organization. Superior receives more information than subordinate form outside the organization. The JDW company had the policy that want more involvement and communication with employees. They keep in touch with weekly newsletters and monthly company video and by publicizing the minutes of board meetings.Motivating and inspiring: nergizing people to overcome major political, bureaucratic and resource barriers to change by satisfying basic, but often unfulfilled, human needs. (/2011) The leader should fide out the difference between J D Wetherspoon and others. It always needs to communication with people, know their needs and solve them, help them to adapt the changes in the company.d)Advice give to the management of JDW help and analyze changesituation overcome any resistance to changeThe resistance of change can be summed up in two factors, organizational factor and human factor. But not every organization is flexible to suitable for the change. Lacking of well trained staff is one of the main factors which could limit company’s changingability. For the management of JD Wetherspoon, there are several advices list as following.ConclusionAs a summary, the report firstly analyzed JD Wetherspoon both internal and external environment. Then its organizational culture and business strategy are discussed. At last the changes in strategy that JD Wetherspoon should take to meet the new requirements are demonstrated.Through the PEST analysis, the external environment of JD Wetherspoon in 1980s is clearly identified. The strengths and weakness of JD Wetherspoon are found through SWOT analysis. After that, elements which could influence these strengths and weakness would bring to the JD Wetherspoon. Its organizational culture became from power to task during 1980s-1990s. JD Wetherspoon approached brand differentiation strategy. But to fit for the changes in 21st century, it changed business strategy into focus differentiation strategy.ReferenceChen Jing 2011 <Business Culture and Strategy Student Guide> Outcome2 organizational culture and behaviour p25-27 Outcome 3 business strategy p32-36Li Shi 2011 < Behavioural Skills forBusiness Student Guide> Outcome1 management role p3-6。
商务沟通技巧报告outcomeCommunication: Analysing and PresentingComplex CommunicationUnit Student GuideDE3N 34Outcome 2Contents1.0Introduction 32.0Procedure 33.0Customer service 33.1 What is customer service? 34.0Daily life 3 4.1Dormitory 4 4.2Canteen 44.3 The university hospital 55.0Teaching and studying 55.1 Facility 55.2 Teachers strength 6 5.3Professional curriculm 65.4Career Prospects 76.0 Extracurricular activity 8 6.1Student activity center 86.2 Sports activity 87.0 Conclusion 98.0Bibilgraphy 109.0 Appendices 111.0 IntroductionThis report is for assessment in the Communications unit of the Higher National Certificate in customer service. The aim of this report is to investigate the way in which customer services of Nankai University. The objectives of the report are to define what customer service is and to look at how customer services provided in Nankai University.2.0 ProcedureTo source this report:a) A number of books on customer surveys were consulted.b) Information on customer surveys was taken from internet websites.c) Information was gathered from an interview with the Nankai University students.3.0 Customer surveys3.1 what is customer surveys?Customer service is a customer oriented values, its integration and management in the pre-set the optimal cost - service portfolio of all the ingredients of a customer interface. Broadly speaking, any can improve customer satisfaction contents belong to customer service scope.4.0Daily life4.1 DormitaryAs for the specific accommodation, Nankai there are two places to stay, a district in the South Park Xiangyu, a hospital in the north campus of Nankai. Undergraduate: RuXi dormitory building 5 and earth, spread the bed, bunk bed desk. One floor has a bathroom. The second floor 6 beds, bunk. 4 Building IV Room, capped a bed, bunk bed is the desk, every house with a separate pit. Campus dormitory 6 beds, bunk beds.To the headquarters, 21 residential apartments and the Western better conditions, a large unit in sets of 4-5 4 earth, above the bed below the desk, plus a separate desk cabinet. Conditions quite other quarters.4.2 CanteenNorth School cafeteria prices were relatively cheap. Most people buy lunch at noon, to wait about 15 minutes, but you can also come from the classroom to avoid late peak. South Park canteen individual contract so the price because it is relatively high, do not look too tasty, very few go.A canteen, two canteens, canteen internshipA cafeteria breakfast good, the other is light-based, more girls to go;Two cafeteria on the first floor is the brother hodgepodge, not good but also expensive. On the second floor is not ye. The middle of the dumpling shop that Korean food and good; floor Xin Hong Park restaurant food is equivalent to a child, but also lacks delicious;Three first floor cafeteria breakfast is very cheap, on the second floor of the pasta well.Canteen frequented freshman, is relatively inexpensive;Triangle restaurant food good, prices are also authentic;Jinnan is known as a place with cooking waste oil, something very authentic unpalatable!90 is a place to drink, eat expensive and not good;Park is the foreign students should often go to restaurants where food is more expensive number, but foreigners seemingly wealthy, actually said to me very cheap. .4.3 The university hospitalNankai University Hospital, 35 existing employees in preparing it into medicine, surgery, radiology, and dental and Traditional Chinese Medicine and other departments.Two north of the main building to the university hospital the most commonly encountered situation is to give you a referral certificate. Boring, but the chargeswill be cheaper, or do a number of minor5.0 Teaching and Studying5.1 FacilitiesClassroom and laboratory:There are many buildings for students to learn, like the administration building, the comprehensive test building, Chinese language teaching center, the new stadium, the first mathematical sciences such as building provides students with a good learning environment. They have advanced laboratory. The experiment teaching in chemistry, biology and physics, electrical and electronic four fundamental teaching center, they brought in the life science instrument platform and the polymer of large-scale instrument and equipment.The school laboratory:Schools to make full use of equipment, equipment management approach is very strict, very important to go through a number of regulatory constraints. Include: purchase, inspection and claims, use and management, assessment and punish, repair, scrap.The filing of the instrument also has an important archive requirements.5.2 Teachers strengthCurrently, Nankai University has a neat line, reasonable structure, academic exquisite, innovative teachers. In 2052 full-time teachers have doctoral instructor in 619, 723 professors, 787 associate professor, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering 11, 5 Academy of Sciences in developing countries, "973" and "863" Chief Expert 9, the State Council degree Committee Subject 12, 12 state-level experts with outstanding contributions, distinguishedProfessor of Cheung Kong Scholars Program 31, 14 Changjiang scholar Chair Professor, National outstanding Youth Fund, 29 winners , selected countriestalents Project 20, program for New Century excellent Talents in University (including the former Ministry of Education, cross-century talents fund) selected were 120 people, the national teacher of college teaching 8, Tianjin, "131" Talent Project first level 25.Not only do they have a wealth of knowledge but also have their only teaching style. They will be based on the character of the different students with different educational. Students in this university will have a well development.5.3 Professional curriculumNankai university is the famous medical arts with comprehensive university, the liberal arts subjects, such as finance, international finance, financial engineering, insurance study, insurance actuarial science, finance, international economic trade and applied economics, western economics, macroeconomics, microeconomics, political economics theory of economics, modern international logistics, industry and commerce administration, administrative management, political science, management science, history, tourism, Chinese literature and other professional subject in the leading position. Science subjects, such as science subject in the national life categories is the best. Such as mathematics and applied mathematics, physics and mathematics theory, optical and optical technology, intelligent robot technology, electronic information technology and software science, chemical materials, energy chemical, biological chemistry, biology, medicine, biology gene microbial science technique research ability and ranked the academic level. So, there are various profession options for students.5.4 Career prospectsIn domestic and foreign, Nankai university employment is possible, the college alumni is also widely to every corner of the world, in addition to the learning environment of a school superior outside, the school also open network platform, through the Nankai university employment nets to provide a good platform for the students to better understand the employment information. After a few years of construction, the website whether from the function development, column setup to technical service level are achieved certain level. With your current site employment trends, employment guidance, employment policy, professional introduction, civil service examinations, laws and regulations, professional evaluation, recruitment, employment information, students and information service columns recommendation. In addition, the site also creative developed individualized service and management way, for every registered users and units provide users graduates of an independent virtual space for student online recruitment information, delivering customized electronic resume and employers recruitment information, receiving students released resume to provide a broad network space.Nankai university employment information can not only through the network information get understanding, school every year also holds a recruitment conference, each enterprise company came to select the people, so that students will have more opportunities to understand social employment situation.6.0 Extracurricular activities6.1 Student Activity CenterNew student activity center investment of 100 million yuan, cover an area of about 13000 square meters, from the grey, black and brown rust 3 kinds of color aluminum panel is built, the contour novel chic, strong contemporary feeling, like a piano. Thereare more than 1150 square meters of floor open hall, multi-function hall of more than 500 square meters and more than 1000 square meters of theatre, also have student service center, PaiLianTing symphony, make up, Musical Instruments, the classroom, activity room, library exhibition hall, the engine room and piano room, etc.6.2 Sports activitySchool to support the development of student sports organization, encourage and support them conducting various forms of student sports activities. School for student sports organization equipped with professional guidance teachers, most of the students in the exercise of the body while improving the skills. At present, the school has set up taijiquan, table tennis room, chess &cards room, tennis, football, martial arts, bicycle, badminton 16 student sports organization. Student sports organization is active with other colleges and universities jointly carrying out the sports communication, and other forms of sports activities and in communication enhance friendship, to broaden their horizons, improve level. Such as badminton association of tianjin university of successive hold more badminton team competition, and Beijing university badminton association exchange ", strengthen the two schools students of badminton sport cooperation and exchanges. Student sports organization also take an active part in tianjin game, won a very good performance, won the honor for the school. Badminton club won the 2007 "alpha cup" tianjin university badminton team competition champion.7.0 ConclusionThis report on field surveys, questionnaires and hands-on way to an interview survey of each customer's situation,Nankai University, and discover the pros and cons of these customer services. Generally speaking, most customers have some drawbacks, and most of the students reflect the same situation, we need to improve theseproblems.The problem of most students: the high price of dining, you could not use cash, part of the construction is too old school, teaching facilities incomplete, and some accommodation is no separate bathroom floor, easily lost in the campus bike. These are the schools need improvement, such as: canteen price adjustment, and allows the use of cash; old school relocation, new building construction equipment; for each dormitory building be equipped with separate toilet, to strengthen the management of the campus to combat theft .8.0 BibliographyThe websites visited included:The book is‘Communication: Analysing and Presenting Complex Communication Unit Student Guide’10.0 Appendices。
Assessment task 1Outcome coveredAll outcomes (1-5)Section 1:(a).The PESTEL analysis heading are a framework in which environmental influence are categorized into six main types: political, economic, socio-cultural, technological, environmental and legal.1.P: political forces, as the political arena has a huge influence uponthe regulation of business and the spending of consumers and other businesses. The political is including government stability, taxation policy, social welfare policies and the trade regulations.In our case of J D Wetherspoon plc, the Monopolies and Mergers Commission take a ruling about broken the ‘tied house’ system, this ruling limited the brewer selling the beer and brewing the beer at same time. And the government pays attention for the disadvantage.2. E: economic forces, as the state of a trading economy in the short-termand long-term influence the wealth of a population. The economic is including interest rates, inflation, and disposable income and product seasonality and so on.About the J D Wetherspoon plc, in the start of twenty first century, J D Wetherspoon was facing much more competition. The retail licensing marking had adapted to the changes in the ‘tied house’ system and other retail pub chains like Regent Inns and Punch Taverns had been developing their businesses. And the supermarket began selling drinks also have influence on the company.3.S: socio-cultural forces. Such as religion and demographics impactupon product design and spending by consumers. It includes lifestyle trends, education level, population demographics and social responsbilityIn the case, people more and more carefully to take attention on their health, so they began to reduce the wine drinking. Then J D Wetherspon plc develops a kind of low ethanol wine.4.T: technological forces, such as information technology influencesproduction methods, and transportation influences market penetration and product costs. It will include speed of introduction of new technologies, innovations/developments and consumer buying options and so on.In the case, with the technological develop; the beer can be bottled and selling in the market. Because of this, people aren’t need to drink beeronly in the pubs. This can decrease the sell share of the J D Wetherspoon.5.L: legal forces, such as product safety influences design, and tradingpractices influence how businesses conduct themselves in the market.It may include like employment law, healthy and safety, company law and consumer protection and so on.In the case, the government issued policies to limit the wine drinking, and the Monopolies and Mergers Commission take a ruling about broken the ‘tied house’ system, this ruling limited the brewer selling the beer and brewing the beer at same time. All of this legal force could have influence on J D Wetherspoon.(b).The analysis of the organization’s internal and external strategic environment is referred to as a SWOT analysis. SWOT is an acronym for strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats. The SWOT analysis is a20% of senior managers began as bar staff or cleaners. The company provide lifelong training and adopt he staff suggestion, and communicate with them, J D Wetherspoon provide quiet environment and the service are always satisfied the consumer demand, all of these can protect the company develop well.W: the food in pubs of J D Wetherspoon, it supports complimentary crisps with baguettes, this kind is bad for customers’ health and it didn’t distinguish the hot degree, this might cause customer’s discontented for the J D Wetherspoon. It also doesn’t have children’s meals. This will let the customers of adult unconvenient, and it may because the children are hurt. All of these can loss the customers.O:J D Wetherspoon is managing he pub style as ‘quiet’. But now, it acquired the Lloyds pub chain, J D Wetherspoon develop it as another style. This kind of pub’s music dazed outlets with a much stronger entertainment element and show TV programs, this can attract much more customers. The company also begun developing budget hotel, this candevelop another market and increase the profit of J D Wetherspoon. T: J D Wetherspoon faced many computers, like Regent Inns, Punch Taverns and the supermarket. They will strive the share of market and the customer. The government policy also influences it. Like the limit of brewing and drink beer in the century of the city, this also can decrease the share of J D Wetherspoon.(c).Through a SWOT analysis an organization can assess its current position and make comparisons with competitors in order to plan activities and resources appropriately. It is the first stage of planning and helps managers to focus on key issues. It is important remember when carrying out a SWOT analysis that it is not absolute.Simple rules for successful SWOT analysis like next:Be realistic about the strengths and weaknesses of the organization. Analysis should distinguish between where your organization is today, and where be in the future.Be specific. Avoid grey areas.Always analysis in relation to the competition.Keep your SWOT short and simple. Avoid complexity and over-analysis. SWOT analysis is a kind of subjective and short term in its nature, so it can’t use to analysis long-term situation.For example, when you analysis the opportunities, you can think about: where are the good opportunities available to our organization?Section 2:(a).1. Organizational culture is difficult to define precisely. A simple description is that it is a system of shared meaning between members of an organization or ‘the way we do things here’. It acts as the social glue which holds the organization together. Research shows that the culture of an organization can significantly affect the way in which the company operates, particularly in terms of its effectiveness. Shared values become embodied in the organization’s ideology or philosophy and act as a quite to behavior and ways of dealing with anxiety.In J D Wetherspoon pubs, it says that people are its best asset. The company is satisfied the staff, so this is its organizational culture. It has a flexible training policy which enables people from all kinds of different backgrounds to join the company. It is committed to lifelong training and it provides staff with opportunities to gain relevant qualifications such as those offered by the British Institute of Innkeeping, 20% of senior managers began as bar staff or cleaners.2. Basic assumptions at a very fundamental, almost subconscious, level tell employees how to perceive, think and feel about things. These are the elements of culture are unseen and not openly identified in theday-to-day interactions of the members of the organization. Culture elements at this level exist as ‘unspoken rules’ and are rarely discussed within the organization. They direct the way events and actions are perceived and interpreted by the organization.In the case, J D Wetherspoon create a quarter of the space in each establishment is non-smoking.(b).A kind of recognized model of organizational culture is Terrence Deal and Allan Kennedy. It is based on how quickly organizations receive or strategies and the level of risk that they take. Deal and Kennedy stated that these two factors gave rise to four generic types of cultures, which they called tough guy/macho culture, work hard/play hard culture, bet-the-company culture and process culture. Through the case, we can know Tim Martin is a ‘big man’ in his company; he manages the company with his mind and idea, it company is include by the food industry, all the staff work hard every day, and then they will have a holiday for several days. So J D Wetherspoon is suit the tough work hard/pay hard culture. The work hard/pay hard culture’s core value is keeping good customer service. In the case, the company has a ‘lifestyle guarantee’ which aims to give managers time for a life outside work. Another key aspect of the company’s operation is ‘involvement and communication’. Staffs are kept in touch with weekly newsletters, a monthly company video and by publicizing the minutes of Board meetings. The company always pays highly attention to the staff and the customers, and the information’s high-speed recreation, and the company also does these suggestions quickly.(c).Culture is something every organization has, but it is not a concrete entity. The culture of an organization impacts upon how that organization reacts to change and it also explains what an organizations stands for. Organizational culture is difficult to define precisely. A simple description is that it is a system of shared meaning between members of an organization or ‘the way we do things here’. The founders of the organization have t raditionally had a major impact on the organization’s early culture.Through the culture and the behaviors, in the company, the company built the pubs environment very quiet and let its staff work hard in several days and have a holiday in several days.So, a kind of culture will have a kind of behavior.(d).The other type of Terrence Deal and Allan Kennedy of recognized model of organizational culture is process culture; it is focus on details and process excellence. However, the stress may come from internal politics and stupidity of the system. This kind of culture has slow feedback/rewardand low risk. As a food industry, it pays attention on the result about the customers satisfied. So it isn’t paying much attention on the details and process. If the company becomes the process culture, it will bog down with how things are done and not with what is to be achieved.Section 3:(a)In the Generic-Strategies---Michael Porter (1990), there are three strategies: cost leadership, differentiation and segmentation, niche or focus strategy.1.Cost leadership is a low cost leader---gain competitive advantage frombeing able to produce at the lowest cost---‘cost advantage is the focuses’, the low cost doesn’t mean low price---gain the benefits.It in a broad market scope environment where it has a kind of substitute products and power competition.2.Differentiation is differentiated goods and services satisfy theneeds of customers, and the companies can de-sensitize prices and focuses on value-higher price and a better margin. So it needs to incur additional costs in creating its competitive advantage. It in a broad market scope environment is in that the customers’ loyalty can help the company limited and reduce new entrants and competitors.3.The segmentation, niche or focus strategy is included cost focus andfocus differentiation.The cost focus is a form aims at being the lows cost producer in that niche or segment, it in a narrow market scope environment like low cost than the differentiation in a niche.The focus differentiation is a firm creates competitive advantage through differentiation within the niche or segment. Its potential problems are small, specialist niches could disappear in the long term. Its associated environment is in the narrow market scope, you can use a special product from the major developed marketcompetitors who have different purposes.(b)In the case, during the1980s and 1990S the company relied on organic growth by acquiring suitable sites and converting them into J D Wetherspoon pubs. And it is developing a style that is quiet, healthy and satisfied environment. In the case, we can see that it build non-smoking and provide health food to the customers. To its staff, the company thinks that people are its best asset. This style is more different with others. In our case, all of these we have said, during the 1980s and 1990s, J D Wetherspoon is a pub chain, it has many pubs, the company’s aim is to manage the pub to satisfied with the customer, and it is always make its strategy in the pub chain, its all of actions like provide cheap beer andnon-smoking area and so on, which are all of set the main point to its pub manage style.So I advise that the company’s situation is suit Generic-Strategies---Michael Porter (1990), differentiation.From the strategy, J D Wetherspoon gets more benefits; here I only identify four about it: the company builds its own style and brand, it has its own customer group, the expansion about share and scope is growing quickly, and the benefits are more than before.(c)During the 21st century, J D Weterspoon was facing much mire competition, and through the government’s policy limited, its develop was decrease and slowly, then it begain to change its style and acquired others, it serve breakfast and open earlier in the morning, support the family dining area, show televised football and so on. The company also began to manage other area like the hotel.So it suit Generic-Strategies---Michael Porter (1990), segmentation, niche or focus strategy.During the1980s and 1990s, the company relied on organic growth by acquiring suitable sites and converting them into J D Wetherspoon pubs. In the case, we can see that it build non-smoking and provide health food to the customers. To its staff, the company thinks that people are its best asset. It is Generic-Strategies---Michael Porter (1990), differentiation.During the 21st century, it also pays attention to the staff, but it try to change its style, manage motel, and the food what has provided. (d)when a company was changing business strategy, it must be considering the factors, so as J D Wetherspoon .Exterior environment: by the start of the twenty first century, because of the retail licensing market had adapt to the changesin the “tied house”system and other competitor had been adaptedit and developing their business. So J D Wetherspoon was facingmuch more competition. Many other competitors run the pub andreceive the pay rent, this situation lead to saturation of the pubmarket. So J D Wetherspoon needs to change its business strategy.Policy: during 2002-2004, government allows the supermarket began selling drinks, particularly premium larger, at loss-leader prices.This means that the pub can not compare with supermarket in price.On the other hand, government concern about binge drinking and theconsequent ant special behaviors, particularly in city centers.This lead the decrease of new pub number and shares of J DWetherspoon. They must to change to save their company.(e)(f)Key issues in the management of a business strategy like next:Market/industry knowledgeSufficiency of resources and capabilitiesOffering consumers ’a unique value ’ perceived or realEstablishing a key ’differentiator’Consistent communication consistentlyManagement must keep change feasibleStructureRecognize the principal causes of strategic change.About the J D Wetherspoon, I will talk about two points:Consistent communication consistently. In the J D Wetherspoon, ‘movement and communication’, staffs are keeping in touch withweekly newsletters, a monthly company video and by publicizing theminutes of broad meeting. And J D Wetherspoon attend to listen tothe staff voice, like their suggestions wetherspoon’s‘listening’ policy is based on a system successfully pioneeredby the hi-foreteller, richer sounds.Establishing a key ‘differentiator’. During the development and growth of the company, the company provide real ale beers atrelatively low prices and care about child and disable, it buildnon-smoking area to keep health for the customers.Section 4:(a)Because of the two powers about restraining forces and driving forces takeeffect. The strategy of J D Wetherspoon changed over time. Through twoforces of restraining is the force working against desired changes. Andthe other force of diving is the force of working for desired changes.If the diving force is stronger than restraining force, then the firm willbe changing. The leader could compare the two forces, and consider thecompany need to change or not.Next we will talk about J D Wetherspoon’s driving force and restrainingforces.1.Driving forces: The increase competition, many competitors run pubsto rentthe money.Government takes many police like concern about bingedrinking, and thought it is anti-social behaviors.The changing market, the market appears to beover-supplied.2.Restraining forces: Inertia (habit) of the J D Wetherspoon, like theirstaff, they have habit to their ruler and management.They want the steady environment of work.Strength of culture in the J D Wetherspoon is verystrong, the culture has a strong effect on J DWetherspoon and its staff and its structure.(b)The big changes from business ethics is a mainly factor in the J D Wetherspoon.In the case, the government concern about binge drinking and think it is an anti-social behaviors, and it is particularly in the city canters. The situation of pub wasn’t been saw to be encouraging brings them bad policing. The event causes a bad effect on J D Wetherspoon.The bad influence on J D Wetherspoon about profit and shares and sales. Tim Martin now as an executive, he had give up his power through daily time. So the business ethics is very important factors for J D Wetherspoon.(c)The role of management of J D Wetherspoon dealing with the changes is like next:Establishing directions: developing a vision of the future often in the distant future, and strategies for producing the changes needed to achieve that vision. During the J D Wetherspoon’s development and grows, the firm sale bear in cheap price, take non-smoking area, provide television program and so on. All of these means J D Wetherspoon adopt the above behavior to reply change.Aligning people: communicating direction in words and deeds to all whose cooperation may be need so as to influence the creation of teams and coalitions that understand the vision and strategies and accept their validity. About the J D Wetherspoon, it communicates and knows about customers needs, then changes its business, like breakfast serving in the morning before normal time at 11:00 a.m.Motivating and inspiring: energizing people to overcome major political, bureaucratic and resource barriers to change by satisfying basic, but often unfulfilled, human needs. Monitoring organizing and results, through find the careless to solve the problems. The leader should fide out the difference between J D Wetherspoon and others.It always needs to communication with people, know their needs and solve them, help them to adapt the changes in the company.。
a. Strategy is getting it right and doing it right. It is very important to organizations. Choosing strategy is direct effect organization’s development and future. And every strategy have advantages and disadvantages, so in the different complex situation, we can adopt different strategies to solve problems. Now I will choose four possible strategies which the organizations may adopt.The first is cost leadership strategy. Cost leadership is the low-cost leader in any market gains competitive advantage from being able to produce at the lowest cost. Company can use low cost strategy defeat the competitors among the marketing environment.The second is differentiation. A competitive strategy that allows a company to sell its products for a premium price. This emphasizes creating superior products, products with unique or more desirable features or design.The third is focus strategy. The generic strategy of focus rests on the choice of a narrow competitive scope within an industry. The focuser selects a segment or group of segments in the industry and tailors its strategy to serving them to theexclusion of others. The focus strategy has two variants. One is in cost focus a firm seeks a cost advantage in its target segment, the other is in differentiation focus a firm seeks differentiation in its target segment.The fourth is diversification. This is where we market completely new products to new customers. There are two types of diversification, namely related and unrelated diversification. Related diversification means that we remain in a market or industry with which we are familiar.b. During the 1980s and 1990s, JD Wetherspoon used broad differentiation strategy. Compare other pubs; JD Wetherspoon is special and different. They sell a wide range of real ale beers at relatively low price; good quality wine is available; they don’t play music or TV programmers; especially the non-smoking and toilet design.Because its clean comfortable atmosphere and low price high quality products, it bring some benefits to JD Wetherspoon. They provide good services, such as cheap beer, good conversation and solid architecture with 24-hours. It is notonly attracting more new customers, but also improves the customers’ loyalty. Then the purchases will increase.Their employees have high loyalty and good quality, it is easy to manage and control. Then it will steadily develop the company’s future.Their delicious food and thoughtful service can build a good reputation and good brand image, and maybe the company will become a trend.JD Wetherspoon can expend to help the company increase market share, make more profits.c. In 1980-1990s, business strategy is broad differentiation strategy. While in the 21st century, business strategy is focus differentiation strategy.In 1980-1990s, they don’t play music or watch TV. But in the 21st century, they have plasma screens and it can watch football.In 1980-1990s, the pub just has only one business. But in the 21st century, the pub serve breakfast and begun developingbudget hotel accommodation.In 21st century, JD Wetherspoon Removed price incentives to drink larger measures of spirits and reduced the amount of alcohol. But In 1980-1990s, they just sold real ale beers and good quality wine.d. J D Wetherspoon need to consider some factors when change its business strategy. The first is policy. From the case, we can see during 2002-2004, government concern about binge drinking and the consequent ant special behaviors, particularly in city centers. Before changing a policy, they need to concern about whether the new policy could make more profits.The second is internal environment. Because the customers demand increases, J D Wetherspoon should improve employee’s quality, make the service more thoughtful. Before changing a policy, they need to concern about whether the new policy is suits different customers.The third is social. In this case, the supermarket began selling drinks, encourages drinking at home and increase in the numberof bars. It increased more competitors. So before changing policy, they need to consider about whether the policy can bring more customers and whether could reduce competition with other companies.e. Business strategy is the plans choices and decisions used to guide a company to greater profitability and success. It should be designed to bring success and avoid failure. Strategy choice is described of deciding which strategies can benefits organization’s future. This strategy decision is very important to company. From the case, in 21st century, J D Wetherspoon adopts the differentiation business strategy. There are some new products like provide a dedicated family dining area and serve the breakfast. The new market was begun developing budget hotel accommodation known as ‘Wetherlodges’. In a competitive pub s market, J D Wetherspoon is different from other pubs by using this way, it had already open the new market for increasing the competitiveness. It is an attractive pubs for customers. Then this strategy brings more profit for JD Wetherspoon.f. JD Wetherspoon is operating well now, but it still needs to consider some key issues: The one is need to enhance communication between managers and employees. This management method can help managers and employees exchanging their ideas and suggestions. It also can help company deeply develop, improve service and products. For some problems, they can solve these problems at once. The other is needed to consider whether the business strategy is flexible. When the environment changes, the strategy can quickly respond and find a way to constant changes.。
—Index pageIndex page………………………………………..…. Introduction…………………………………………. Background………………………………………..…Findings》Section 1…………………………………………Section 2…………………………………………Section 3…………………………………………Conclusion………………………………………….. Reference…………………………………………….IntroductionBackgroundSSP plc is a company operating in the food manufacturing industry. It is engaged in food processing, supplying all the main supermarket chains with first class process meat products. During the last few years the company has been difficult because of the BSE and Foot and Mouth disease made a declining demand for meat product. The bad outstanding achievement stopped in 2004 and a partial rebound in the market produced an increase in turnover by nearly 15%. It is expected that this rebound in the market will gather momentum over the coming year and the SSP plc is planning to take even greater strides forward by opening a new processing plant in Glasgow.,As requested in the chief executive’s memo of 30 December, here is my report summarising and analysising the financial position of the SSP plc for the year 2003 and 2004.OutlineThe main body of the report will evaluate five parts:Part 1--- Analyze the users of financial information and the purpose of using. Part 2--- State of financial source and categorize with their characteristics. Part 3---Explain the cash flow statement of SSP plc.Analyze the recent financial performance and position of the SSP plc.(Including my recommendations about how to improvement of business performance)FindingsSection 1. Users of financial accounts.Users of financial statements are a group of people or organizations who use the information to make evaluations and decisions. Users of financial information can bedivided into two categories: internal and external users.Now, I will use a table to show you the users’ purpose and sources of information they use to get the statements.…Section 2. Source of financesTo run a business, organizations require finance for different proposes and for varying lengths of time. In the finance, we divide sources of capital into two categories: equity capital and loan capital. Equity capital is the finance provided by the owner and there is no interest to pay. Loan capital refers to money that is borrowed from a source outside the business. The interest of loan capital must be paid. Sources of finances could be clarified into short, medium and long term. The short-term refers to finance that are borrowed for a period of no more than one year. The medium-term refers to funds that are borrowed for a period of between two and ten years. Long-term refers to funds that are borrowed for a period of more than ten years.In the case study, the source of finances of SSP plc is: trade creditors, tax, bank overdraft, debentures, ordinary share capital and the retained profits from last account period.Short-term sources:1.Trade creditors:Trade creditors are produced when the purchase of raw materials or stock is delaying to pay, thus, there is more cash which would be used for other uses. There is also an interest free way of raising finance. However, the credit could lead to poor relations with suppliers and the customers may forfeit discounts.)The credit is £544,000 in 2003 and it decreased to £405,000 in 2004. The percentage of decrease is %. The decrease of credit infers that SSP plc has a good financial situation that it has a strong ability to pay credits back to suppliers. This could improve the relationship with suppliers.2.Bank overdraft:Bank account holders can prearrange with the bank to draw cheques to a greater value than the actual balance in the account. Interest should be paid by customers and bank charges will apply where an overdraft limit has been exceeded. Bank overdraft is flexible and cheap. It has a low cost. Some small bank overdraft even has a free of charge.SSP plc had no overdraft but the number increased to £86,000 in 2004. The increase shows that the company borrowed money from bank for its expansion in Glasgow.Long-term sources:1.Debentures:Debentures are loans make to companies that carry a fixed rate of interest. The company’s fixed assets normally secure debentures. Debentures have a fixed time period or an open time period. The shareholders are not debenture holders. A debenture interest is paid as an expense not an appropriation of profit.SSP plc has a fixed debenture (£1,560,000) in the year of 2003 and 2004. It tells us the company’s fixed assets are steady.2.Ordinary shares:Ordinary shareholders receiving pay-outs from company after preference shareholders are paid. Ordinary share dividends are not fixed and subject to company’s periodical performances and decisions of management in paying dividend. In SSP Company, the ordinary share capital is £1,950,000 in both 2003 and 2004.It infers that the company has a steady operation situation.3.Retained ProfitsThe retained profit is the finance brought from the last financial period. It is not fixed and may be a negative number. It presents operational situation of last period.The retained profits decreased from £505,000 to £420,000. The percentage change of decrease is %. The lower ratio shows us the company had made fewer profits in2003 then it was in 2002.【Section 3. Ratio Analysis1.Major inflows is Net cash flow operating activates of £1,345,000.Major outflow is Payments to acquire fixed assets, which takes £984,000.2.Ratio AnalysisProfitability Ratios:Gross Profit Percentage=Gross profit/Turnover x 100%¥2003: GPP=£7,000,000/£11,674,000 x 100%=%2004: GPP=£8,037,000/£13,382,000 x 100%=%Trend: IncreaseAnalysis: The increase of ratio is a good sign. The positive trend can be an indication that stock control of meat product has improved, demand for the meat product has increased after the diseases, or purchasing policies have improved.The managers should keep the good trend and go on develop it, such as improving marketing strategy, setting better pricing policy, or improving stock control.Net Profit Percentage=Net Profit before Taxation/ Turnover x 100% 2003: NPP=£1,182,000/£11,674,000 x 100%=%2004: NPP=£901,000/£13,382,000 x 100%=%%Trend: DecreaseAnalysis: The decrease of the ratio is a bad sign that it indicates a low profit of the company. From the P&L Account of the SSP plc, we know that although the gross profit increased, the operation cost is much higher in 2004; it leads toa decrease in net profit. So the managers should think about how to decrease ouroperation cost to help our company earn more profit.Liquidity Ratios:Current Ratio=Total Current Assets/Total Current Liabilities 2003: CR=£1,195,000/£767,000=2004: CR=£1,248,000/£701,000=Trend: Increase…Analysis: the increase of ratio is a good sign. Generally speaking a healthy current ratio is at least 2:1. The and indicate the company is a little bit over trading and have difficulty in meeting its short-term debts. The main reason for the increase is the increase in the total current assets and decrease in the total current liabilities. I suggest that the company may keepmore profit for the short-term debts.The Acid Test Ratio=Liquid Assets/Current Liabilities 2003: (£1,195,000-£608,000)/£767,000=2004: (£1,248,000-£796,000)/£701,000=Trend: DecreaseAnalysis: The decrease is a bad sign. The ratio should be 1:1. But the ratio in both of 2003 and 2004 is less that 1. And unfortunately, the ratio is still decreasing. SSP plc meets a liquidity problem that the liquid assets decrease.The company managers should pay attention to this ratio and organization’s development.;Efficiency Ratios:Fixed Asset Turnover=Turnover/Fixed Assets2003: £11,674,000/£4,017,000= times2004: £13,382,000/£4,318,000= timesTrend: IncreaseAnalysis: Where this ratio gas increase, this is a good sign. It indicates that the existing fixed assets are generating more sales and maybe investment in newfixed assets gas could be been paid off. Managers of SSP plc should develop and focus on it.@Debtors Collection Period=Debtors/Turnover x 365 2003: £306,000/£11,674,000 x 365= days2004: £452,000/£13,382,000 x 365= daysTrend: IncreaseAnalysis: It is a bad sign that there is an increase in DCP. It indicates that SSP’s may have a poor credit control of poor invoicing system. The bad debts may also increase. The leaders of SSP should check their invoicing and reminder system to keep the ratio a proper range.Investment Ratios:Interest Cover=Profit Before Interest & Tax/Interest Charges&2003: £1,416,000/£234,000=2004: £1,135,000/£234,000=Trend: DecreaseAnalysis: This ratio shows how capable the company is of covering its interest charges. The decrease is not good because the company is less able to meet its interest payments. But the ratio is still in a reasonable range. Leaders should try to increase company’s profit to keep this ratio a high level.Debt Ratio=Total Debts/Total Assets x 100%2003: (£767,000+£1,560,000)/(£4,017,000+£1,195,000) x 100%=%~2004: (£701,000+£1,560,000)/(£4,318,000+£1,248,000) x 100%=%Trend: DecreaseAnalysis: It is a good sign that the ratio increased. However, a healthy ratio should keep around 50%. It indicates that SSP has fewer liabilities or keeps more assets. The sign should be kept by managers.3.RecommendationAfter reading and analyzing three accounts from SSP Company, I found some problems with it and now I will present my suggestions about the future management in these two parts.Operational recommendationA ratio of Net Profit Percentage shows us that SSP plc has a high expenditure inoperation cost. It also indicates that the company has a low level of cost control.Therefore, I suggest that SSP should try to decrease the costs of sales and the operation cost, such as adopting new management system and using contractors to find distribution channels but to find them itself.Financial recommendationFor the source of finance, SSP has a bad performance of financial operating. In the Cash Flow Statement, the Financing is £0, but the company is planning expansion in Glasgow. The main inflow of the company is the sales. It is a dangerous phenomenon if the company wants to use the turnover to expanse its business because it is impossible to use the current cash to support long-term investment. So I suggest that the company may increase the number of share capital or make more debentures to get more long-term capital for expansion.ConclusionBy analyzing the P&L Account, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement, we can infer that SSP plc has a good operational performance. However, there are still many parts to improve and develop to help the company maximize profits.ReferenceRay H. Garrison, Managerial Accounting, Business Publications Inc., 1985, Printed in Accounting for Non-accounting Students, Financial Times, 2004, Printed in Great Britain.Frank Wood & Alan Sangster, Business Accounting 2, Financial Times, Pitman Publishing, 1999, Printed in China.。
Assessment task 1Outcome coveredAll outcomes (1-5)Section 1:(a).The PESTEL analysis heading are a framework in which environmental influenceare categorized into six main types: political, economic, socio-cultural, technological, environmental and legal.1.P: political forces, as the political arena has a huge influence upon the regulationof business and the spending of consumers and other businesses. The politicalis including government stability, taxation policy, social welfare policies and thetrade regulations.In our case of J D Wetherspoon plc, the Monopolies and Mergers Commission take aruling about broken the ‘ tied house ’ system, this ruling limited the brewer selling the beer and brewing the beer at same time. And the government pays attention for the disadvantage.2.E: economic forces, as the state of a trading economy in the short-term and long-term influence the wealth of a population. The economic is including interestrates, inflation, and disposable income and product seasonality and so on.About the J D Wetherspoon plc, in the start of twenty first century, J D Wetherspoonwas facing much more competition. The retail licensing marking had adapted to the changes in the ‘ tied house ’ system and other retail pub chains likeInnsRegeandtPunch Taverns had been developing their businesses.And the supermarket beganselling drinks also have influence on the company.3.S: socio-cultural forces. Such as religion and demographics impact uponproduct design and spending by consumers. It includes lifestyle trends,education level, population demographics and social responsbilityIn the case, people more and more carefully to take attention on their health, sothey began to reduce the wine drinking. Then J D Wetherspon plc develops a kindof low ethanol wine.4.T: technological forces, such as information technology influences productionmethods, and transportation influences market penetration and product costs. Itwill include speed of introduction of new technologies,innovations/developments and consumer buying options and so on.In the case, with the technological develop; the beer can be bottled and selling inthe market. Because of this, people aren need’t to drink beer only in the pubs. Thiscan decrease the sell share of the J D Wetherspoon.5.L: legal forces, such as product safety influences design, and trading practicesinfluence how businesses conduct themselves in the market. It may include likeemployment law, healthy and safety, company law and consumer protectionand so on.In the case, the government issued policies to limit the wine drinking, and theMonopolies and Mergers Commission take a ruling about broken the ‘ tiedhouse’system, this ruling limited the brewer selling the beer and brewing the beer at sametime. All of this legal force could have influence on J D Wetherspoon.(b).The analysis of the organization internal’s and external strategic environment isreferred to as a SWOT analysis. SWOT is an acronym for strengths, weakness,opportunities and threats. The SWOT analysis is a very popular tool with managersbecause it is quick and easy to learn.SWOT analysis for J D WethersponInternal Strength:Weaknesses:1.Staff. 1.Food.2.Good service and 2.Service for children.environment.External Opportunities:Threats:1.Different pub brand. 1.Other pubs compete.2.Developing budget hotel. ernment policy.S: in the case, J D Wetherspoon claimed that people are its best asset. 20% of senior managers began as bar staff or cleaners. The company provide lifelong training andadopt he staff suggestion, and communicate with them, J D Wetherspoon providequiet environment and the service are always satisfied the consumer demand, all ofthese can protect the company develop well.W: the food in pubs of J D Wetherspoon, it supports complimentary crisps withbaguettes, this kind is bad for customers’ health and it didn’ t distinguish the h degree, this might cause customer’ s discontented for the J D Wetherspoon. It alsodoesn’ t have children ’ s meals. This will let the customers ofunconvenient,adultand it may because the children are hurt. All of these can loss the customers.O:J D Wetherspoon is managing he pub style as ‘ quiet But’. now, it acquired the Lloyds pub chain, J D Wetherspoon develop it as another style. This kind of pubmusic dazed outlets with a much stronger entertainment element and show TVprograms, this can attract much more customers. The company also begundeveloping budget hotel, this can develop another market and increase the profitof J D Wetherspoon.T:J D Wetherspoon faced many computers, like Regent Inns, Punch Taverns and the supermarket. They will strive the share of market and the customer. Thegovernment policy also influences it. Like the limit of brewing and drink beer inthe century of the city, this also can decrease the share of J D Wetherspoon.(c).Through a SWOT analysis an organization can assess its current position and makecomparisons with competitors in order to plan activities and resources appropriately.It is the first stage of planning and helps managers to focus on key issues. It isimportant remember when carrying out a SWOT analysis that it is not absolute.Simple rules for successful SWOT analysis like next:Be realistic about the strengths and weaknesses of the organization.Analysis should distinguish between where your organization is today, andwhere be in the future.Be specific. Avoid grey areas.Always analysis in relation to the competition.Keep your SWOT short and simple. Avoid complexity and over-analysis.SWOT analysis is a kind of subjective and short term in its nature, so it can ’ t use analysis long-term situation.For example, when you analysis the opportunities, you can think about: where arethe good opportunities available to our organization?Section 2:(a).1. Organizational culture is difficult to define precisely. A simple description is that itis a system of shared meaning between members of an organization or ‘ the way we d things here ’ . It acts as the social glue which holds the organization togetherResearch.shows that the culture of an organization can significantly affect the way in which thecompany operates, particularly in terms of its effectiveness. Shared values becomeembodied in the organization ’ s ideology or philosophy and act as a quite tor behavi andways of dealing with anxiety.In J D Wetherspoon pubs, it says that people are its best asset. The company issatisfied the staff, so this is its organizational culture. It has a flexible training policywhich enables people from all kinds of different backgrounds to join the company. Itis committed to lifelong training and it provides staff with opportunities to gainrelevant qualifications such as those offered by the British Institute of Innkeeping,20% of senior managers began as bar staff or cleaners.2.Basic assumptions at a very fundamental, almost subconscious, level tellemployees how to perceive, think and feel about things. These are the elements ofculture are unseen and not openly identified in the day-to-day interactions of themembers of the organization. Culture elements at this level exist as‘ unspokenrules ’and are rarely discussed within the organization. They direct theway events and actions are perceived and interpreted by the organization.In the case, J D Wetherspoon create a quarter of the space in each establishmentis non-smoking.(b).A kind of recognized model of organizational culture is Terrence Deal and AllanKennedy. It is based on how quickly organizations receive or strategies and the level ofrisk that they take. Deal and Kennedy stated that these two factors gave rise to fourgeneric types of cultures, which they called tough guy/macho culture, work hard/playhard culture, bet-the-company culture and process culture. Through the case, we canknow Tim Martin is a ‘ big man ’ in his company; he manages the company with his mindand idea, it company is include by the food industry, all the staff work hard every day, andthen they will have a holiday for several days. So J D Wetherspoon issuit the tough work hard/pay hard culture.The work hard/pay hard culture ’ s core valuekeepingis good customer service. In thecase,the company has a‘ lifestyle guarantee’ which aims to give managers time for alife outside work. Another key aspect of the company’ s operation is vement‘involand communication ’Staffs. are kept in touch with weekly newsletters, a monthlycompany video and by publicizing the minutes of Board meetings. The companyalways pays highly attention to the staff and the customers, and the information ’ s high-speed recreation, and the company also does these suggestions quickly. (c).Culture is something every organization has, but it is not a concrete entity. The cultureof an organization impacts upon how that organization reacts to change and it alsoexplains what an organizations stands for. Organizational culture is difficult to defineprecisely. A simple description is that it is a system of shared meaning betweenmembers of an organization or ‘ theway we do things here ’The. founders of theorganization have raditionally had a major impact on the organization’ s early culture. Through the culture and the behaviors, in the company, the company built the pubsenvironment very quiet and let its staff work hard in several days and have a holidayin several days.So, a kind of culture will have a kind of behavior.(d).The other type of Terrence Deal and Allan Kennedy of recognized model oforganizational culture is process culture; it is focus on details and process excellence.However, the stress may come from internal politics and stupidity of the system. Thiskind of culture has slow feedback/reward and low risk. As a food industry, it paysattention on the result about the customers satisfied. So it isn’ t paying much atte on the details and process. If the company becomes the process culture, it will bogdown with how things are done and not with what is to be achieved.Section 3:(a)In the Generic-Strategies---Michael Porter (1990), there are three strategies: costleadership, differentiation and segmentation, niche or focus strategy.1.Cost leadership is a low cost leader---gain competitive advantage from beingable to produce at the lowest cost---‘ costadvantage is the focuses ’the, low costdoesn’meant low price---gain the benefits. It in a broad market scopeenvironment where it has a kind of substitute products and power competition.2.Differentiation is differentiated goods and services satisfy the needs of customers,and the companies can de-sensitize prices and focuses on value-higher price anda better margin. So it needs to incur additional costs in creating its competitiveadvantage. It in a broad market scope environment is in that the customers ’loyalty can help the company limited and reduce new entrants and competitors.3.The segmentation, niche or focus strategy is included cost focus and focusdifferentiation.The cost focus is a form aims at being the lows cost producer in that nicheor segment, it in a narrow market scope environment like low cost than thedifferentiation in a niche.The focus differentiation is a firm creates competitive advantage throughdifferentiation within the niche or segment. Its potential problems are small,specialist niches could disappear in the long term. Its associated environmentis in the narrow market scope, you can use a special product from themajor developed market competitors who have different purposes.(b)In the case, during the1980s and 1990S the company relied on organic growth byacquiring suitable sites and converting them into J D Wetherspoon pubs. And it is developing a style that is quiet, healthy and satisfied environment. In the case, wecan see that it build non-smoking and provide health food to the customers. To itsstaff, the company thinks that people are its best asset. This style is more differentwith others.In our case, all of these we have said, during the 1980s and 1990s, J D Wetherspoon isa pub chain, it has many pubs, the company ’ s aim is to manage the pub to satisfied with the customer, and it is always make its strategy in the pub chain, its all of actionslike provide cheap beer and non-smoking area and so on, which are all of set themain point to its pub manage style.So I advise that the company’ situation is suit Generic-Strategies---Michael Porter (1990), differentiation.From the strategy, J D Wetherspoon gets more benefits; here I only identify four aboutit: the company builds its own style and brand, it has its own customer group, theexpansion about share and scope is growing quickly, and the benefits are more than before.(c)During the 21st century, J D Weterspoon was facing much mire competition, andthrough the government s’policy limited, its develop was decrease and slowly, thenit begain to change its style and acquired others, it serve breakfast and open earlierin the morning, support the family dining area, show televised football and so on.The company also began to manage other area like the hotel.So it suit Generic-Strategies---Michael Porter (1990), segmentation, niche or focus strategy.During the1980s and 1990s, the company relied on organic growth by acquiringsuitable sites and converting them into J D Wetherspoon pubs. In the case, we cansee that it build non-smoking and provide health food to the customers. To its staff, the company thinks that people are its best asset. It is Generic-Strategies---Michael Porter (1990), differentiation.During the 21st century, it also pays attention to the staff, but it try to change its style, manage motel, and the food what has provided.(d)when a company was changing business strategy, it must be considering the factors, so as J D Wetherspoon .Exterior environment: by the start of the twenty first century, because of theretail licensing market had adapt to the changes in the “tied house〞systemand other competitor had been adapted it and developing their business. SoJ D Wetherspoon was facing much more competition. Many othercompetitors run the pub and receive the pay rent, this situation lead tosaturation of the pub market. So J D Wetherspoon needs to change itsbusiness strategy. Policy: during 2002-2004, government allows thesupermarket began selling drinks, particularly premium larger, at loss-leaderprices. This means that the pub can not compare with supermarket in price.On the other hand, government concern about binge drinking and theconsequent ant special behaviors, particularly in city centers. This lead thedecrease of new pub number and shares of J D Wetherspoon. They must tochange to save their company.(e)(f)Key issues in the management of a business strategy like next:Market/industry knowledgeSufficiency of resources and capabilitiesOffering consumers ’a unique value’perceived or realEstablishing a key ’differentiator ’Consistent communication consistentlyManagement must keep change feasibleStructureRecognize the principal causes of strategic change.About the J D Wetherspoon, I will talk about two points:Consistent communication consistently. In the J D Wetherspoon, ‘movement and communication’,staffs are keeping in touch with weekly newsletters, a monthly company video and by publicizing the minutes of broad meeting.And J D Wetherspoon attend to listen to the staff voice, like their suggestions wetherspoon’s ‘listening’policy is based on a system successfully pioneered by the hi-foreteller, richer sounds.Establishing a key ‘differentiator ’.During the development and growth of thecompany, the company provide real ale beers at relatively low prices andcare about child and disable, it build non-smoking area to keep health for thecustomers.Section 4:(a)Because of the two powers about restraining forces and driving forces take effect. The strategy of J D Wetherspoon changed over time. Through two forces of restraining is the force working against desired changes. And the other force of diving is the force of working for desired changes.If the diving force is stronger than restraining force, then the firm will be changing. The leader could compare the two forces, and consider the company need to change or not.Next we will talk about J D Wetherspoon’s driving force and restraining forces.1.Driving forces: The increase competition, many competitors run pubs to rent themoney.Government takes many police like concern about bingedrinking, and thought it is anti-social behaviors.The changing market, the market appears to be over-supplied. 2. Restraining forces: Inertia (habit) of the J D Wetherspoon, like their staff, theyhave habit to their ruler and management. They want thesteady environment of work.Strength of culture in the J D Wetherspoon is very strong, theculture has a strong effect on J D Wetherspoon and its staffand its structure.(b)The big changes from business ethics is a mainly factor in the J D Wetherspoon.In the case, the government concern about binge drinking and think it is an anti-social behaviors, and it is particularly in the city canters. The situation of pub wasn ’tbeen saw to be encouraging brings them bad policing. The event causes a bad effect on J D Wetherspoon.The bad influence on J D Wetherspoon about profit and shares and sales. Tim Martin now as an executive, he had give up his power through daily time. So the business ethics is very important factors for J D Wetherspoon.(c)The role of management of J D Wetherspoon dealing with the changes is like next: Establishing directions: developing a vision of the future often in the distant future, and strategies for producing the changes needed to achieve that vision. During the J D Wetherspoon’s development and grows, the firm sale bear in cheap price, take non-smoking area, provide television program and so on. All of these means J D Wetherspoon adopt the above behavior to reply change. Aligning people:communicating direction in words and deeds to all whose cooperation may be need so as to influence the creation of teams and coalitions that understand the vision and strategies and accept their validity. About the J D Wetherspoon, itcommunicates and knows about customers needs, then changes its business, like breakfast serving in the morning before normal time at 11:00 a.m.Motivating and inspiring: energizing people to overcome major political, bureaucratic and resource barriers to change by satisfying basic, but often unfulfilled, human needs. Monitoring organizing and results, through find the careless to solve the problems. The leader should fide out the difference between J D Wetherspoon and others. It always needs to communication with people, know their needs and solve them, help them to adapt the changes in the company.。
Case Study 1◆Questions:1. List the main business organizations recognized by Scots Law.2. Given the fact that Lisa will be running the business herself and, for the time being, she is unlikely to be employing anyone, how would you classify her b usiness?3. Identify two advantages and two disadvantages of the type of business organization run by Lisa.◆KeyQuestion 1The main business organizations recognized by Scots Law are:Sole trader, Partnership, Limited partnerships, Limited liability partnerships, Private companies, Public companies.Question 2①Lisa is running a very small business, so the most appropriate form oforganization is sole trader.②According to the Companies Regulation 1992, Lisa’s organization form does notfit for the condition of private company; such a private company is limited by shares or by guarantee and need only have on member.③As a result, we can judge that the organization form of Lisa’s company is soletrader.Question 3Advantages:①very basic legal requirements to comply with②Total control over his/her business and does not have to take into account the opinions of any shareholders.③It is the simplest form of business organization recognized by Scots Law④ A sole trader is to all intents and purposes to be regarded as a self-employed person.Disadvantages:① A sole trader may find it difficult to fund an expansion of the business because she/he can not offer shares to other parties in order to raise funds.(筹集资金)②If the business fail, the sole trader is said to have unlimited liability for any debts or obligations owed to third parties.③The inclusion of new partners would force a change in the nature of business, operation by converting it into a partnership or some other form of corporate body.④(in any case), A business expansion requiring a major injection of capital might entail a loss of control over the business because new members who are a source of new finance will almost certainly demand a say in the running of the business.以上优、缺点各选两个答即可Case Study 2Question 1What are the main differences between a traditional partnership and a limited liability partnership (LLP)?PartnershipUnincorporated bodyPartners have unlimited liability in respect of partnership debtsNo need to be registered with registrar of companies and no need to supply formal documentsRegulated by Partnership Act 1890LLPCorporate bodyMembers enjoy limited liability in respect of LLP debtsMust be registered with the registrar of companies and certain documents must be suppliedRegulated by LLP Act 2000Question 2◆What are the main advantages for an existing partnership when it changes to alimited liability partnership?①The reason why many traditional partnerships try to translate to LLP is that the members can enjoy the limited responsibilities.②Further more, under the conditions of losing of privacy and greatering external regulation for the members, lots of traditional partnerships definitely hope to translate to LLP.(because of LLP…)Question 3◆What is the nature of the legal relationship between partners in firm and membersof a LLP?①There exist a fiduciary relationship in law relationship between company and partners.②举例说明公司与成员之间的忠实关系Pillans Brothers v Pillans [1908]③According to Limited Liability Partnerships Act 2000, section 6 regulations, there should be recognized to an agent’s relationship between members and LLP.④The general rule of the law agency that an agent (member) must always act in the best interest of his principal (LLP).⑤ A member is not an agent of his fellow members.Case Study 3Question 1◆What is a company’s objects clause?①Object clause 是存在于Memorandum of Association 之中的。
Introduction.SSP plc is engaged in food processing, supplying all the main supermarket chains with first class processed meat products. SSP plc will open a new processing plant in Glasgow over the coming year. This report will analyze the information contained in the financial accounting statements of the company. In addition, it will consider the users of this accounting information, the sources of finance an analysis of the company’s financial performance and position.Section 1: Users of financial information.Section2: Source of finance.2.1 Short term sources.Trade creditor:Trade credit by delaying payment ,the cash is made available for other use .it also an interest free way of raising finance .the trade creditors is low .the reason of the poor relation with supplier.Tax due:Tax due is according to the profit ,the company have decrease to last year ,that is the net profit is low.Bank overdraft: Bank overdraft is a greater value drawn by bank account holder than the actual balance in the account, and customers are charge interest. it is fairly cheap and flexibility. The bank overdraft 2004 was increase 86. The reason of that expenses high,lead to the net profit decrease.2.2 Long term sorces.Debenture:Debenture have no taxation and reserves .but it need the repayment the principal .it is the best choice ,it have no change between 2003 and 2004 it have no issue bond and new investment . Share capital: Share capital is the most important source,it included preference capital and ordinary capital it is authorized share capital , share capital without principal .but this is please to the shareholders ,in the company it have not use it in 2003 and 2004. Retained profit:Retained profit is the best financing . It can used at anytime and have not the cost ,but the retained profit have contradiction with reserves . The ordinary shareholder may unsatisfied .it is the main method of financing. Company haveincrease by 40%,the reason of the good police.Section3: Analysis to financial performance3.1 Ratio analysis3.1.1 profitability ratiosGross Profit percentage:Year 2003: Gross Profit/Sales = 7000/11674=59.96%Year 2004: Gross Profit/Sales = 8037/13382=60.06%The Gross Profit percentage has increased for 59.96% to 60.06% between 2003 to 2004. This is a good sign. The positive trend can be an indication that purchasing policies will improve demand for the product. This may be lead to more efficient buying.Net Profit percentage:Year 2003: Operating Profit/Sales=1416/11674=12.13%Year 2004: Operating Profit/Sales =1135/13382=8.48%The Net Profit percentage has decreased from 12.13% to 8.48%., which is a bad trend. It compares the net profit figure with sales revenue. This indicates that the fall in profitability is due to a disproportionate rise in expenses in relation to turnover. The company should investigate this increase in expenses and take corrective action where appropriate.3.1.2 liquidity ratiosCurrent ratio:Year 2003: Current assets/Current liabilities = 1195:767=1.56:1Year 2004: Current assets/Current liabilities=1248:701=1.78:1SSP’s current ratio has increased from 1.56:1 to 1.78:1. However, the acid test ratio has fallen. It is not the absolute value of this ratio which might cause concern but the fact that it has fallen over the year. Generally, this is not healthy as the ratio is currently well below the ideal of 2:1. This may be indicates the company may be over trading and have difficulty in meeting its short-term debts. The Acid Test Ratio:Year 2003: (Current assets-Stock)/Current liabilities = (1195-608)/767=0.77:1Year 2004: (Current assets-Stock)/Current liabilities = (1248-796)/701=0.64:1The Acid Test Ratio has dropped from 0.77:1 to 0.64:1. However, the overall situation is serious. They have insufficient current assets to meet their current liabilities and are unable to pay their creditors who may ask for cash on delivery and new fixed assets without any new long term resources.3.1.3 Efficiency ratioStock turnover:Year 2003: Stock/Cost of sales*365= 608/4674*365=47.48 daysYear 2004: Stock/Cost of sales*365= 796/5345*365=54.36 daysThe stock turnover has increased from 47.48 to 54.36 days. As with all ratios, this is not a scale, which may be measured. Different departments have different standards, but in the wrong direction, higher inventory turnover rate is a healthy sign, because it shows that the company is buying more shares, as the most likely result of the sale.Debtors collection period:Year 2003: Debtors/Sales *365= (452/13382)*365=12.3 daysThe debtors collection period has increased form 9.57 to 12.3 days; it has rises by 2.73 days. Therefore a higher Debtors collection period is a bad sign. The debtors should be encouraged and cash discount offered.3.1.4 investment or capital structureGearing ratio2003Fixed return capital/ordinary share capital*100=1560*100/1950=80% 2004Fixed return capital/ordinary share capital*100=1560*100/1950=80% The gearing ratio have not change ,because it have no financing the level is stable ,so the liabilities decrease ,that is the current liabilities decrease the company should make full use of the financing for debtors.Interest cover:Year 2003: Operating Profit/Interest Payable =1416/234=6.05 timesYear 2004: Operating Profit/Interest Payable =1135/234=4.85 times Interest cover has decreased from 6.05 to 4.85, which is a fairly safe level. This increase is a good sign as is show the company is more able to meet its interest paid. But the company has a decline from the 2003 to 2004. Factors negatively affecting this ratio are as following: a decrease in net profit; an increase in debentures; and an increase in interest rate.3.2 Cash flow analysisCash flow decreased to £367000. The cash and bank overdraft are series flow positon. The company made a profit of £1355000, however the cash inflow from operating activities is £1345000. This is a heath inflow of cash.There was an inflow of £1345000 from operating activities, the net return on investments would have been even grater if not for the increase in interest paid . Interest payments could be reduce in future by issuing ordinary shares instead of debentures.There was an outflow of £234000 for tax. This is unavoidable outflow as it is based on profit . The next outflow on the cash flow statement was £984000 paid for purchase of fixed assets.this was a significate outflow and is the main factor contributing to the overall decrease in cash the company embarkes on a major stadium expansion and renovation programme that is hoped to generate more cash in the future .The company of cash flow is not good .the main reason of bought a lot of assets ,the expenses is too much , company should control the cash flow to maintain the normal operation of the company.ConclusionAccording to the proportion of case studies, reports that the company's short-term debt can not continue, but the present long-term stable capital structure. In addition, the company's expansion plans will require new fixed assets; it should be to find new funding long-term financing.Should the companies’ cash flow position continue to improve it is advised to invest the cash in short term investments or additional fixed assets. this will improve interest received, allowthe company to reduce fixed return capitals and improve theinvestment ratios.5.0 recommendation1. There are some suggestions for SSP:If the company can enlarge the sales revenue from businessactivities, therefore, the net cash flow from operating activitiescan be more.Directors can decide the amount of dividends paid equity. Accordingly, the Directors may reduce the cash, or even abolish the "pay if the company does not have enough money.Lease or use of some fixed assets, division of payment to pay for fixed assets, reduce expenditure and make the cost will reduce the company.The company should also look for other sources of resources. Such as money borrowed from the bank. Also proposed issue of new shares (if possible) and bonds.The company's long-term funding should be used to purchase new fixed assets.2.Give full play to the capital markets the company serves the role of the private economy, the optimal allocation of resources.Expand financing bonds and notes. Screening a number of sustained profitability, risk management, solvency strong small and mediumenterprises, to explore a collection of bonds issued to meet the funding requirements of which long-term development.Actively promote the development of equity markets. Vigorously promote the venture capital, venture capital, private equity and other equity investment funds, multi-channel solution business financial needs of different stages of development.。
1:(1) Market PenetrationHere we market our existing products to our existing customer groups. This means increasing our revenue by, promoting the product, repositioning the brand, and so on。
However, the product is not altered and we do not seek any new types of customers. It involves an increase in sales of existing products to existing markets-selling more of the same to the same people. It has two methods; the first one is using the existing product break new market to penetrated, the other is offer new products to existing market to penetrate。
This strategy has the lower risk and don't need more investment。
It is suitable for the product being in the growth process, when the market is not saturated the business would growth in the market and increased volumes lead to economies of scale, especially for some business which not have some clearly goals and development strategies。
a. Strategy is getting it right and doing it right。
It is very important to organizations. Choosing strategy is direct effect organization’s development and future. And every strategy have advantages and disadvantages,so in the different complex situation, we can adopt different strategies to solve problems。
Now I will choose four possible strategies which the organizations may adopt。
The first is cost leadership strategy. Cost leadership is the low—cost leader in any market gains competitive advantage from being able to produce at the lowest cost。
Company can use low cost strategy defeat the competitors among the marketing environment.The second is differentiation. A competitive strategy that allows a company to sell its products for a premium price. This emphasizes creating superior products, products with unique or more desirable features or design。
HND商务会计高级outcome 3 4 5报告答案
![HND商务会计高级outcome 3 4 5报告答案](
Index pageIndex page………………………………………..…. Introduction…………………………………………. Background………………………………………..…FindingsSection 1…………………………………………Section 2…………………………………………Section 3…………………………………………Conclusion………………………………………….. Reference…………………………………………….IntroductionBackgroundSSP plc is a company operating in the food manufacturing industry. It is engaged in food processing, supplying all the main supermarket chains with first class process meat products. During the last few years the company has been difficult because of the BSE and Foot and Mouth disease made a declining demand for meat product. The bad outstanding achievement stopped in 2004 and a partial rebound in the market produced an increase in turnover by nearly 15%. It is expected that this rebound in the market will gather momentum over the coming year and the SSP plc is planning to take even greater strides forward by opening a new processing plant in Glasgow.As requested in the chief executive’s memo of 30 December, here is my report summarising and analysising the financial position of the SSP plc for the year 2003 and 2004.OutlineThe main body of the report will evaluate five parts:Part 1--- Analyze the users of financial information and the purpose of using.Part 2--- State of financial source and categorize with their characteristics.Part 3---Explain the cash flow statement of SSP plc.Analyze the recent financial performance and position of the SSP plc.(Including my recommendations about how to improvement of business performance) FindingsSection 1. Users of financial accounts.Users of financial statements are a group of people or organizations who use the information to make evaluations and decisions. Users of financial information can be divided into two categories: internal and external users.Now, I will use a table to show you the users’ purpose and sources of information they use to get the statements.Section 2. Source of financesTo run a business, organizations require finance for different proposes and for varying lengths of time. In the finance, we divide sources of capital into two categories: equity capital and loan capital. Equity capital is the finance provided by the owner and there is no interest to pay. Loan capital refers to money that is borrowed from a source outside the business. The interest of loan capital must be paid. Sources of finances could be clarified into short, medium and long term. The short-term refers to finance that are borrowed for a period of no more than one year. The medium-term refers to funds that are borrowed for a period of between two and ten years. Long-term refers to funds that are borrowed for a period of more than ten years.In the case study, the source of finances of SSP plc is: trade creditors, tax, bank overdraft, debentures, ordinary share capital and the retained profits from last account period.Short-term sources:1.Trade creditors:Trade creditors are produced when the purchase of raw materials or stock is delaying to pay, thus, there is more cash which would be used for other uses. There is also an interest free way of raising finance. However, the credit could lead to poor relations with suppliers and the customers may forfeit discounts.The credit is £544,000 in 2003 and it decreased to £405,000 in 2004. The percentage of decrease is 25.56%. The decrease of credit infers that SSP plc has a good financial situation that it has a strong ability to pay credits back to suppliers. This could improve the relationship with suppliers.2.Bank overdraft:Bank account holders can prearrange with the bank to draw cheques to a greater value than the actual balance in the account. Interest should be paid by customers and bank charges will apply where an overdraft limit has been exceeded. Bank overdraft is flexible and cheap. It has a low cost. Some small bank overdraft even has a free of charge.SSP plc had no overdraft but the number increased to £86,000 in 2004. The increase shows that the company borrowed money from bank for its expansion in Glasgow.Long-term sources:1.Debentures:Debentures are loans make to companies that carry a fixed rate of interest. The company’s fixed assets normally secure debentures. Debentures have a fixed time period or an open time period.The shareholders are not debenture holders. A debenture interest is paid as an expense not an appropriation of profit.SSP plc has a fixed debenture (£1,560,000) in the year of 2003 and 2004. It tells us the company’s fixed assets are steady.2.Ordinary shares:Ordinary shareholders receiving pay-outs from company after preference shareholders are paid.Ordinary share dividends are not fixed and subject to company’s periodical performances and decisions of management in paying dividend.In SSP Company, the ordinary share capital is £1,950,000 in both 2003 and 2004. It infers that the company has a steady operation situation.3.Retained ProfitsThe retained profit is the finance brought from the last financial period. It is not fixed and may be a negative number. It presents operational situation of last period.The retained profits decreased from £505,000 to £420,000. The percentage change of decrease is16.83%. The lower ratio shows us the company had made fewer profits in 2003 then it was in2002.Section 3. Ratio Analysis1.Major inflows is Net cash flow operating activates of £1,345,000.Major outflow is Payments to acquire fixed assets, which takes £984,000.2.Ratio AnalysisProfitability Ratios:Gross Profit Percentage=Gross profit/Turnover x 100% 2003: GPP=£7,000,000/£11,674,000 x 100%=59.96%2004: GPP=£8,037,000/£13,382,000 x 100%=60.06%Trend: IncreaseAnalysis: The increase of ratio is a good sign. The positive trend can be an indication that stock control of meat product has improved, demand for the meat product has increased after the diseases, or purchasing policies have improved. The managers should keep the good trend and go on develop it, such as improving marketing strategy, setting better pricing policy, or improving stock control.✧Net Profit Percentage=Net Profit before Taxation/ Turnover x 100%2003: NPP=£1,182,000/£11,674,000 x 100%=10.13%2004: NPP=£901,000/£13,382,000 x 100%=6.73%Trend: DecreaseAnalysis: The decrease of the ratio is a bad sign that it indicates a low profit of the company. From the P&L Account of the SSP plc, we know that although the gross profit increased, the operation cost is much higher in 2004; it leads to a decrease in net profit. So the managers should think about how to decrease our operation cost to help our company earn more profit.Liquidity Ratios:✧Current Ratio=Total Current Assets/Total Current Liabilities2003: CR=£1,195,000/£767,000=1.562004: CR=£1,248,000/£701,000=1.78Trend: IncreaseAnalysis: the increase of ratio is a good sign. Generally speaking a healthy current ratio is at least 2:1. The 1.56 and 1.78 indicate the company is a little bit over trading and have difficulty in meeting its short-term debts. The main reason for the increase is the increase in the total current assets and decrease in the total current liabilities. I suggest that the company may keep more profit for the short-term debts.✧The Acid Test Ratio=Liquid Assets/Current Liabilities2003: (£1,195,000-£608,000)/£767,000=0.772004: (£1,248,000-£796,000)/£701,000=0.64Trend: DecreaseAnalysis: The decrease is a bad sign. The ratio should be 1:1. But the ratio in both of 2003 and2004 is less that 1. And unfortunately, the ratio is still decreasing. SSP plc meets a liquidity problem that the liquid assets decrease. The company managers should pay attention to this ratio and organization’s development.Efficiency Ratios:✧Fixed Asset Turnover=Turnover/Fixed Assets2003: £11,674,000/£4,017,000=2.91 times2004: £13,382,000/£4,318,000=3.10 timesTrend: IncreaseAnalysis: Where this ratio gas increase, this is a good sign. It indicates that the existing fixed assets are generating more sales and maybe investment in new fixed assets gas could be been paid off. Managers of SSP plc should develop and focus on it.✧Debtors Collection Period=Debtors/Turnover x 3652003: £306,000/£11,674,000 x 365=9.57 days2004: £452,000/£13,382,000 x 365=12.33 daysTrend: IncreaseAnalysis: It is a bad sign that there is an increase in DCP. It indicates that SSP’s may have a poor credit control of poor invoicing system. The bad debts may also increase. The leaders of SSP should check their invoicing and reminder system to keep the ratio a proper range.Investment Ratios:✧Interest Cover=Profit Before Interest & Tax/Interest Charges2003: £1,416,000/£234,000=6.052004: £1,135,000/£234,000=4.85Trend: DecreaseAnalysis: This ratio shows how capable the company is of covering its interest charges. The decrease is not good because the company is less able to meet its interest payments. But the ratio is still in a reasonable range. Leaders should try to increase company’s profit to keep this ratio a high level.Debt Ratio=Total Debts/Total Assets x 100%2003: (£767,000+£1,560,000)/(£4,017,000+£1,195,000) x 100%=44.65%2004: (£701,000+£1,560,000)/(£4,318,000+£1,248,000) x 100%=40.62%Trend: DecreaseAnalysis: It is a good sign that the ratio increased. However, a healthy ratio should keep around 50%. It indicates that SSP has fewer liabilities or keeps more assets. The sign should be kept by managers.3.RecommendationAfter reading and analyzing three accounts from SSP Company, I found some problems with it and now I will present my suggestions about the future management in these two parts.Operational recommendationA ratio of Net Profit Percentage shows us that SSP plc has a high expenditure in operation cost. Italso indicates that the company has a low level of cost control. Therefore, I suggest that SSP should try to decrease the costs of sales and the operation cost, such as adopting new management system and using contractors to find distribution channels but to find them itself.Financial recommendationFor the source of finance, SSP has a bad performance of financial operating. In the Cash Flow Statement, the Financing is £0, but the company is planning expansion in Glasgow. The main inflow of the company is the sales. It is a dangerous phenomenon if the company wants to use the turnover to expanse its business because it is impossible to use the current cash to support long-term investment. So I suggest that the company may increase the number of share capital or make more debentures to get more long-term capital for expansion.ConclusionBy analyzing the P&L Account, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement, we can infer that SSP plc has a good operational performance. However, there are still many parts to improve and develop to help the company maximize profits.Reference●Ray H. Garrison, Managerial Accounting, Business Publications Inc., 1985, Printed in U.S.A.●J.R.DYSON, Accounting for Non-accounting Students, Financial Times, 2004, Printed in GreatBritain.●Frank Wood & Alan Sangster, Business Accounting 2, Financial Times, Pitman Publishing, 1999,Printed in China.。
HND商务信息与通信技术-Outcome31.The main tasks and the subtasks for ICT’s survey project Task Name1 Survey Planning1.1 Identify the objective1.2 Drafts the questionnaire1.3 To pre-test the questionnaire1.4 Produce the final questionnaire2 Survey the cities2.1 Survey in Edinburgh2.2 Survey in Glasgow2.3 Survey in Paisley2.4 Survey in Stirling2.5 Return Questionnaires to Headquarters3 Analyze the questionnaires3.1 Analyze the Survey from Edinburgh3.2 Analyze the Survey from Glasgow3.3 Analyze the Survey from Paisley3.4 Analyze the Survey from Stirling3.5 Compare Survey Result3.6 Identify the Key Trend4 Produce a survey report4.1 Draft the report4.2 Edit The Report4.3 Produce The Final Report4.4 Executive Summary4.5 Completed Report5 Produce a presentation of the survey report5.1 Create Presentation5.2 Review Presentation6 Present Presentation5.3 To present to senior managers5.4 To present to branch managers5.5 To present to team leaders5.6 Presentation Complete2. The duration of each of the subtasksTask Name1 Survey Planning1.1 Identify the objective 1 day1.2 Drafts the questionnaire 5 days1.3 To pre-test the questionnaire 6 days1.4 Produce the final questionnaire 2 days2 Survey the cities 34 days2.1 Survey in Edinburgh 10 days2.2 Survey in Glasgow 102.3 Survey in Paisley 92.4 Survey in Stirling 52.5 Return Questionnaires to Headquarters3 0 Analyze the questionnaires 38 days3.1 Analyze the Survey from Edinburgh 93.2 Analyze the Survey from Glasgow 83.3 Analyze the Survey from Paisley 73.4 Analyze the Survey from Stirling 43.5 Compare Survey Result 53.6 Identify the Key Trend 54 Produce a survey report 25 days4.1 Draft the report 114.2 Edit The Report 54.3 Produce The Final Report 64.4 Executive Summary 14.5 Completed Report 05 Produce a presentation of the survey report 65.1 Create Presentation 55.2 Review Presentation 16 Present Presentation 35.3 To present to senior managers 15.4 To present to branch managers 15.5 To present to team leaders 15.6 Presentation Complete 03. The project milestonesMilestones are: Important events during the duration of the project when reviews of time, cost and quality are carried out. Milestones are activities that must take place by a certain date. Milestones are set so you can measure your performance against your objective.4. The milestones in ICT’s survey projectThe milestones in ICT’s survey project are that:2.5 Return Questionnaires to Headquarters34.5 Completed Report5.6 Presentation Complete5. The dependencies between tasksID Task Name Predecessor1 Market Survey2 Survey Planning3 Determine Survey Objectives4 Draft Questionnaire 35 Pre-test Questionnaire 46 Produce Final Questionnaire 57 Complete the Survey 28 Survey in Edinburgh 69 Survey in Glasgow 810 Survey in Paisley 611 Survey in Stirling 1012 Return Questionnaires to Headquarters 9,1113 Analysis of Questionnaires 714 Analyze the Survey from Edinburgh 1215 Analyze the Survey from Glasgow 1416 Analyze the Survey from Paisley 1517 Analyze the Survey from Stirling 1618 Compare Survey Result 1719 Identify the Key Trend 1820 Production of The Survey Report 1321 Draft The Report 1922 Edit The Report 2123 Produce The Final Report 2224 Executive Summary 2325 Completed Report 2426 Produce The Presentation 2027 Create Presentation 2528 Review Presentation 2729 Present Presentation 2630 Presentation to Senior Managers 2831 Presentation to Brunch Managers 3032 Presentation to Team Leader 3133 Complete Presentation 326. The resources of each of the subtasksTask Name Resource Names1 1. Survey Planning1.1 Identify the objective Harry Callan, Amy, Alice1.2 Drafts the questionnaire Harry Callan, Lucy1.3 To pre-test the questionnaire Amy, Alice1.4 Produce the final questionnaire Callan, Amy, Alice2 2. Survey the cities2.1 Survey on Scottish cities (Edinburgh and Glasgow) Harry Callan2.2 Survey on a small city (Paisley) Amy, Alice2.3 Survey on a medium sized town (Stirling) Amy, Alice3 3. Analyze the questionnaires3.1 To analyze the first main city Jim Thompson3.2 To analyze the second main city Jim Thompson3.3 To analyze the medium sized city Jim Thompson3.4 To analyze the small city Jim Thompson3.5 To analyze the survey results and key trends Jim Thompson3.6 Analyze Questionnaires Complete4 4. Produce a survey report4.1 Draft the report Henry Mancini4.2 Work on editing Lucy4.3 Work on final version Lucy4.4 Work on executive summary Lucy4.5 Report Complete5 5. Produce a presentation of the survey report5.1 To produce the presentation Clive Calvert, Lucy5.2 To review the presentation Clive Calvert5.3 To present to senior managers Clive Calvert5.4 To present to branch managers Clive Calvert5.5 To present to team leaders Clive Calvert5.6 Presentation Complete。
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Case Study 11List the main business organizations recognized by Scots Law.知识点:商务组织的分类思路:先说出商务组织分为三大类:sole trader, partnership, company然后partnership具体说有三种:Ordinary/traditional/unlimited partnership 最后说company 具体分为private limited company 和public limited company来源:B5小本资料P272~2732Given the fact that Lisa will be running the business herself and, for the time being, she is unlikely to be employing anyone, how would you classify her business?知识点:sole trader的特点思路:回答问题说Lisa应该建立sole trader,然后解释原因:建立sole trader不需要double taxation、启动资金少、不需要政府相关部门审批等原因打乱写3Identify two advantages and two disadvantages of the type of business organization run by Lisa.知识点:Sole trader的优点和缺点最好是四个优点加四个缺点来源:B5小本资料P272或者A4材料1 P1〜P3推荐用这个材料答案更清晰一下每个优缺点下面有三句解释随机选择一个来写解释上面的小标题Case Study 21What are the main differences between a traditional partnership and a limited liability partnership?知识点:无限合伙人(Unlimited partnership UP & limited liability partnership LLP)和有限责任合伙人之间的区别思路:1,法案不同UP: the Partnership Act 1890 (在A4 材料 1 P287) LLP: The limited liability partnership Act 20002.责任不同UP: Unlimited liability LLP: limited liability3.合伙人名称不同UP: Partners LLP: members4.设立条件不同:UP: there are no formal legal requirements for setting up a partnership LLP: forming an LLP is more expensive and complicated than setting up a unlimited partnership (书上原话记得更改语序等)5.UP: partnership agreement is no necessary to have. LLP: LLP agreement is necessary/must.6.UP: not necessary to reveal LLP: have to/must reveal financial information来源:2版书P198〜P201、3版书P209〜P213;再加上课堂笔记;B5小本资料P290以上6个不同点,随机选四个去答打乱顺序改变语序2What is the main advantage for an existing partnership when it changes to a limited liability partnership?知识点:从无限责任更改成有限责任的最主要的好处是责任的改变思路:回答问题说明最主要的好处是责任的不同然后具体说明两个partnership的责任上有什么不同之处UP:责任是unlimited liability并且是无限连带责任(2版书P199第二段第四行到第六行;3版书P210倒数第三行到P211第一行)LLP:责任是limited liability是因投资额为限(2版书P200倒数第四段全部;3版书P212 第三段全部)3What is the nature of the legal relationship between partners in a firm and members of a limited liability partnership?知识点:法律关系是诚心关系fiduciary relationship思路:回答问题the nature of the legal relationship is fiduciary relationship,然后说partner 代表的是公司和合伙人member代表的是只是公司先例:(A4 资料1P9 中间部分)Law v Law [1905] 1 Ch 140来源:A4资料1P9Case Study 31What is a company9s objects clause?知识点:公司备忘思objects clause的概念(A4资料2 P2总共有两个概念2选1或者写书上的2版P229 倒数第三段3版P241倒数第四段)然后写ultra vires (和公司备忘的概念在同一处)来源:A4资料2 P2、2版书P229倒数第三段3版P241倒数第四段2Does MacGregor have the right to withdraw from the project with Construct it?知识点:Ultra vires rule思路:回答问题:没有权利取消;在现代条款,在不违反法律的前提下,公司经营范围是无限制的;法案是the Company Act 1989&2006; ultra vires rule没意义没有权限限制;Macgregor很难胜诉协议继续履行在历史上有一个old ultra vires rule越权无效原则;写出这个的概念(A4资料2 P3或2版P229 3版P241);如果法官参照这个原则那么这个project可以被withdraw;但是这是案例法成文法优先于案例法所以法官需要参照成文法MacGregor很难诉赢先例:A4 资料 2 P3-----------------------------------Ashbury Railway Carriage & Iron Co. V. Riche (1875)来源:A4资料2P3; 2版P229、3版P2413Will the legal action by MacGregor shareholders be successful so that the company will be forced to pay out the expected bonuses?知识点:公司章程思路:回答问题:股东不能要求公司进行分红;根据公司章程,股东没有绝对的权利分红; 公司章程的性质是合同,是公司和股东之间&股东和股东之间的合同;股东没有绝对权利要求分红,公司可以不分红,并没有违约先例:Wood v Odessa Waterworks Co (1889)或者Hickman v Kent or Romney Marsh Sheep Breeders Association [1915]二选一(2 版P237> 3 版P250)来源:2版P237、3版P250Case Study 41List three differences between a private company and a public company知识点:两种公司的区别思路:最好列出4个区别至少3个随机选择来源:A4资料2 P1~P2; B5小本资料P309-P3102Can people simply decide to set up any kind of company and begin to trade immediately?知识点:公司设立的条件思路:回答问题:不能自己决定成立公司并且立刻交易;公司不能自己成立,公司成立需要进行注册;公司成立的5步骤;来源:2版P226, 3版P2383What kind of legal status is a company said to have?知识点:公司的法律地位思路:公司的法律地位是legal entity加上legal personality;公司是一个与其股东相分离的独立的法人;先例:Salomon v A Salomon & Co Ltd 1897 (2 版P217~P218、3 版P229-P230)(判决部分从第二段的第六行“However,^后面写到这段结束)来源:2 版P216~P218、3 版P228-P2304What management body is responsible for the day-to-day running of a company?知识点:公司谁responsible思路:Ltd 是所有股东responsible; Pic 是all employee responsible; employee 其中分为managers 和directors5What is the most common type of liability for company members?知识点:公司股东的责任思路:普遍的责任类型是有限责任;限于股东的出资额和股数;来源:2 版P200+P230, 3 版P212+P242注:1. 2版书和3版书得区别在封皮右上角2.A4材料1指材料开头有四行加粗的标题3.A4 材料2 指材料开头为Private limited company vs. Public limited company。
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a. Strategy is getting it right and doing it right. It is very important to organizations. Choosing strategy is direct effect organization’s development and future. And every strategy have advantages and disadvantages, so in the different complex situation, we can adopt different strategies to solve problems. Now I will choose four possible strategies which the organizations may adopt.The first is cost leadership strategy. Cost leadership is the low-cost leader in any market gains competitive advantage from being able to produce at the lowest cost. Company can use low cost strategy defeat the competitors among the marketing environment.The second is differentiation. A competitive strategy that allows a company to sell its products for a premium price. This emphasizes creating superior products, products with unique or more desirable features or design.The third is focus strategy. The generic strategy of focus rests on the choice of a narrow competitive scope within an industry. The focuser selects a segment or group of segments in the industry and tailors its strategy to serving them to the exclusion of others. The focus strategy has two variants. One is in cost focus a firm seeks a cost advantage in its target segment, the other is in differentiation focus a firm seeks differentiation in its target segment.The fourth is diversification. This is where we market completely new products to new customers. There are two types of diversification, namely related and unrelated diversification. Related diversification means that we remain in a market or industry with which we are familiar.b. During the 1980s and 1990s, JD Wetherspoon used broad differentiation strategy. Compare other pubs; JD Wetherspoon is special and different. They sell a wide range o f real ale beers at relatively low price; good quality wine is available; they don’t play music or TV programmers; especially the non-smoking and toilet design.Because its clean comfortable atmosphere and low price high quality products, it bring some benefits to JD Wetherspoon.They provide good services, such as cheap beer, good conversation and solidarchitecture with 24-hours. It is not only attracting more new customers, but also improves the customers’ loyalty. Then the purchases will increase.Their employees have high loyalty and good quality, it is easy to manage and control. Then it will steadily develop the company’s future.Their delicious food and thoughtful service can build a good reputation and good brand image, and maybe the company will become a trend.JD Wetherspoon can expend to help the company increase market share, make more profits.c. In 1980-1990s, business strategy is broad differentiation strategy. While in the 21st century, business strategy is focus differentiation strategy.In 1980-1990s, they don’t play music or watch TV. But in the 21st century, they have plasma screens and it can watch football.In 1980-1990s, the pub just has only one business. But in the 21st century, the pub serve breakfast and begun developing budget hotel accommodation.In 21st century, JD Wetherspoon Removed price incentives to drink larger measures of spirits and reduced the amount of alcohol. But In 1980-1990s, they just sold real ale beers and good quality wine.d. J D Wetherspoon need to consider some factors when change its business strategy. The first is policy. From the case, we can see during 2002-2004, government concern about binge drinking and the consequent ant special behaviors, particularly in city centers. Before changing a policy, they need to concern about whether the new policy could make more profits.The second is internal environment. Because the customers demand increases, J D Wetherspoon should improve employee’s quality, make the service more thoughtful. Before changing a policy, they need to concern about whether the new policy is suits different customers.The third is social. In this case, the supermarket began selling drinks, encourages drinking at home and increase in the number of bars. It increased more competitors.So before changing policy, they need to consider about whether the policy can bring more customers and whether could reduce competition with other companies.e. Business strategy is the plans choices and decisions used to guide a company to greater profitability and success. It should be designed to bring success and avoid failure. Strategy choice is described of deciding which strategies can benefits organization’s future. This strategy decision is very important to company. From the case, in 21st century, J D Wetherspoon adopts the differentiation business strategy. There are some new products like provide a dedicated family dining area and serve the breakfast. The new market was begun developing budget hotel accommodation known as ‘Wetherlodges’. In a compet itive pubs market, J D Wetherspoon is different from other pubs by using this way, it had already open the new market for increasing the competitiveness. It is an attractive pubs for customers. Then this strategy brings more profit for JD Wetherspoon.f. JD Wetherspoon is operating well now, but it still needs to consider some key issues: The one is need to enhance communication between managers and employees. This management method can help managers and employees exchanging their ideas and suggestions. It also can help company deeply develop, improve service and products. For some problems, they can solve these problems at once. The other is needed to consider whether the business strategy is flexible. When the environment changes, the strategy can quickly respond and find a way to constant changes.文案编辑词条B 添加义项?文案,原指放书的桌子,后来指在桌子上写字的人。