Distributed optical fiber temperature sensor using only anti-Stokes
第17卷第1期2006年3月中国计量学院学报Journal of China Jiliang UniversityVol.17No.1Mar.2006 【文章编号】 100421540(2006)0120025204【收稿日期】 2005210218【作者简介】 王剑锋(1970—),男,江苏盐城人,讲师.主要研究方向为分布式光纤传感器.分布式光纤温度传感器新测温原理的研究王剑锋1,张在宣1,徐海峰1,刘红林1,余向东1,Insoo S.KIM 2(1.中国计量学院信息工程学院,浙江杭州310018;2.韩国电气技术研究院,韩国汉城437-808)【摘 要】 介绍了分布式光纤温度传感器的工作原理和应用状况,分析了光纤中放大的自发拉曼散射现象及其时域特性.提出了一种基于光纤中放大的自发拉曼散射光脉冲信号温度效应的新温度测量原理,并将其应用于分布式光纤传感器系统,进而讨论了基于新测温原理的实验现象和实验数据.【关键词】 分布式光纤温度传感器;O TDR ;放大的自发拉曼散射;温度效应;测温原理【中图分类号】 O561.1;O437.3 【文献标识码】 AR esearch of a ne w temperature measure principle of distributedoptical f iber temperature sensorsW ANG Jian 2feng 1,ZHANG Z ai 2xuan 1,XU Hai 2feng 1,LIU Hong 2lin 1,YU X iang 2dong 1,Insoo S.KIM 2(1.Optoelectronics Technology Institute ,China Jiliang University ,Hangzhou 310018,China ;2.Optical Technology Research Group ,K orea Electrotechnology Research Institute ,Uiwang 2city ,437-808,K orea )Abstract :In this paper ,the working principle and the application status of distributed optical fiber temperature sensors are introduced briefly.The amplified spontaneous Raman scattering phenomenon in optical fiber and its time domain characteristics are analyzed.A new temperature measure principle based on the temperature effect of amplified spontaneous Raman scattering signals in optical fiber is put forward ,and the new principle is ap 2plied to distributed optical fiber temperature sensor systems.Experiment phenomenon and data derived f rom the new principle are discussed in detail.K ey w ords :distributed optical fiber temperature sensor ;O TDR ;amplified spontaneous Raman scattering ;temperature effect ;temperature measure principle 分布光纤传感器系统最早是在1981年由英国南安普敦大学提出的,1983年英国的Hartog 用液体光纤的激光拉曼光谱效应进行了分布光纤温度传感器原理性实验[1],1985年英国的Dakin 在实验室用氩离子激光器作为光源进行了用石英光纤的拉曼光谱效应的分布光纤温度传感器测温实验[2],同年Hartog 和Dakin 分别独立地用半导体激光器作为光源,研制了分布光纤温度传感器实验装置[3,4]1此后,分布光纤温度传感器得到了很大的发展,研究出了多种传感机理,有的还使用了特种光纤[5,6].分布式光纤温度传感器的应用推广也不断地推动研究水平的进步,分布式光纤温度传感器系统的发展大致经历了短程(2km系统)、中程(10km 系统)和远程(30km系统)三个阶段.在某些特殊的应用场合,如发电厂输电干线的火灾监测、大型煤矿和油井的防爆系统、高速公路和城市轨道交通系统的形变监测等,目前的远程分布式光纤温度传感器系统已经不能满足测温距离的要求,需要测温距离更长的分布式光纤温度测量系统.而新的测温原理的研究正可以达到这样的目的.1 分布式光纤传感器基本原理1.1 光纤光时域反射(OT D R)原理当激光脉冲在光纤中传输时,由于光纤中存在折射率的微观不均匀性,会产生瑞利散射,在时域里,入射光经背向散射返回到光纤入射端所需的时间为t,激光脉冲在光纤中所走过的路程为2L,2L=V3t,V为光在光纤中传播的速度,V= C/n,C为真空中的光速,n为光纤的折射率.在t 时刻测量到的是离光纤入射端距离为L处局域的背向瑞利散射光.用光时域反射技术,可以确定光纤处的损耗,光纤故障点、断点的位置,对测量点进行定位,因此也可称为光纤激光雷达.在空间域里,光纤的瑞利背向散射光子通量:<R=K R・S・v40・<e・exp(-2α0L)(1)式(1)中:<e—在光纤入射端的激光脉冲的光子通量;K R—与光纤瑞利散射截面相关的系数; v0—入射激光的频率;S—为光纤的背向散射因子;α0—为入射光子频率处光纤的损耗;L—为局域处离入射端的长度:L=C・t2n(2)1.2 分布式光纤拉曼温度传感器系统的测温原理[7] 在频域里,拉曼散射光子分为斯托克斯和反斯托克斯拉曼散射光子,斯托克斯拉曼散射光子的频率为:v s=v0-Δv(3)反斯托克斯拉曼散射光子的频率为:v a=v0+Δv(4)式(3)、(4)式,Δv为光纤声子的振动频率(Δv =1132×1013Hz).长度为L的光纤局域的斯托克斯拉曼散射光子通量,几乎与温度T无关:<s=K S・S・v4S・<e・exp[-(a0+a s)・L]・R S(T)(5)而长度为L的光纤局域的反斯托克斯拉曼散射光子通量则受到该局域的温度T调制:<a=K a・S・v4a・<e・exp[-(α0+αa)・L]・R a(T)(6)式(5)、(6)中:K S,K a—是与光纤斯托克斯和反斯托克斯拉曼散射截面有关的系数;S—为光纤的背向散射因子;νS,νa—为光纤斯托克斯和反斯托克斯拉曼散射光子频率;α0,αS,αa—分别为入射光、斯托克斯拉曼散射光、反斯托克斯拉曼散射光的光纤传输损耗;L—为光纤待测局域处的长度; R S(T),R a(T)—与光纤分子低能级和高能级上的布居数有关的系数,与光纤局域处的温度有关:R S(T)=[1-exp(-hΔv/k T)]-1(7)R a(T)=[exp(hΔv k T)-1]-1(8)式(7)、(8)中:h—为普朗克常数;k—为波耳兹曼常数.用斯托克斯拉曼散射O TDR曲线来解调反斯托克斯拉曼散射O TDR曲线,依据式(9)就可以得到距离入射端面距离为L处的光纤上某点的温度T:<a<S=K aK S・v av S4・exp(-hΔv/kT)・exp[-(αa-αS)L](9) 2 基于光纤中放大的自发拉曼散射光脉冲的新测温原理2.1 光纤中放大的自发拉曼散射现象观测光纤中放大的自发拉曼散射现象的实验装置结构如图1所示.它主要由以下几部分组成[8,9]:脉冲泵浦源:由脉冲掺饵光纤激光器组成,波长:1550nm;脉宽:10ns;前沿:5ns;重复频率: 2k Hz;峰值功率:0~100W可调.BDC:双向1X2光纤耦合器.光纤:25km G652光纤,光纤既是光的传输和放大的介质,也是光的传感介质.FWDM:1450/1660滤波器波分复用器.OPM:光纤功率计.62中 国 计 量 学 院 学 报第17卷A PD :低噪音,快速光电雪崩二极管.Amp :低噪音,宽带100M Hz 前置放大器和主放大器.DPO :5GHz 瞬态数字示波器.图1 放大的自发拉曼散射现象实验装置图脉冲铒激光器发出的1550nm 激光脉冲由BDC 的一端输入G652光纤,产生背向的1451nm 自发反斯托克斯拉曼散射和1663nm 斯托克斯拉曼散射光,则背向1451nm 自发反斯托克斯拉曼散射光和1663nm 自发斯托克斯拉曼散射光将起信号光的作用.当进入光纤的激光功率超过一个阈值泵浦功率时,两种信号光在传输过程中被放大,因为自发拉曼散射在整个拉曼增益谱内产生光子,所以所有频率分量都被放大,形成两个波段(蓝移和红移)的分布式光纤拉曼放大器.出现放大的背向自发拉曼散射现象.再经过1450/1660滤波器波分复用器FWDM ,将两束光波分成两个通道,用光纤功率计O PM 1,O PM 2分别测量背向自发反斯托克斯拉曼散射光和自发斯托克斯拉曼散射光的功率;同时,可通过低噪音,快速光电雪崩二极管A PD 1,A PD 2和低噪音,宽带100M Hz 前置放大器和主放大器Amp 1,Amp 2输入5GHz 瞬态数字示波器DPO ,得到放大的反斯托克斯和斯托克斯背向拉曼自发散射光的时域反射(O TDR )曲线.这种现象的物理本质是:在单模G652光纤中,自发的背向1451nm 反斯托克斯和1663nm 斯托克斯拉曼散射光脉冲又被1550nm 激光脉冲光源所泵浦,产生放大了的背向1451nm 反斯托克斯和1663nm 斯托克斯自发拉曼散射光信号.单模光纤既是反斯托克斯和斯托克斯自发拉曼散射源又是产生放大效应的介质.光纤的背向反斯托克斯和斯托克斯自发拉曼散射时域曲线出现放大的现象,得到放大了的背向自发拉曼散射信号的O TDR 曲线,由于这种被放大了的自发反斯托克斯拉曼散射光信号的强度受到光纤温度的调制,所以也具有温度效应.放大的背向反斯托克斯(ASR )和斯托克斯拉(SR )自发散射信号的光时域反射(O TDR )曲线如图2所示.图2 放大的SR 和ASR 信号的OT DR 曲线图2.2 产生放大的自发拉曼散射现象的阈值功率和信号增益[10] 随着激光脉冲功率的增加出现了放大的现象,存在一个阈值功率,SR 和ASR 的抽运阈值功率分别为1810W 和2514W.SR 和ASR 的增益也随抽运功率的增加线性地增加.表1给出了背向斯托克斯拉曼散射和反斯托克斯拉曼散射的阈值功率和增益,图3、图4分别给出了SR 和ASR 的增益特性曲线.表1 不同抽运功率条件下SR 和ASR 的增益 P p /W18.020.222.725.428.432.035.840.345.050.7G (SR )/dB (ASR )/dB0.00.7 1.4 2.2 3.1 4.04.9图3 背向斯托克斯拉曼(SR )散射的增益特性72第1期王剑锋,等:分布式光纤温度传感器新测温原理的研究图4 背向反斯托克斯拉曼(ASR )散射的增益特性2.3 阈值时间位置的特性从图2中见到,SR 和ASR O TDR 曲线在一开始并不出现放大的现象,在一定的抽运功率条件下,经历一段时间后才开始出现放大现象,定义这段时间为阈值时间位置T th ,ASR 的阈值时间位置比SR 的长,随着抽运功率的增加,阈值时间位置向前移.表2给出了不同抽运功率条件下,SR 和ASR O 曲线阈值时间位置T th .图5、图6分别给出了随抽运功率变化曲线.表2 不同抽运功率条件下,SR 和ASR 阈值时间位置T th Pp/W18.020.222.725.428.432.035.840.345.050.7Tt (SR )/s 40342824222120181614Tt (ASR )/s68605040342624图5 不同泵浦功率下的SR域值时间图6 不同泵浦功率下的ASR 域值时间 因为自发拉曼散射光放大效应的存在,所以在光纤的远端散射信号得到了增强,从而可以测量到更远处被温度场调制了的光纤散射信号,也就可以测量到更远处光纤上的温度值.这种新的温度测量原理延伸了系统测温光纤的长度,也提高了系统的性能.3 结 论1)单模G652光纤中,背向反斯托克斯和斯托克斯光信号产生放大现象的泵浦阈值峰值光功率分别是是25.4W 和18W.2)入射到光纤的激光抽运功率达到阈值抽运功率后,在SR 和ASR 的O TDR 时域曲线上,需要经历一段阈值时间T th 后,才能达到粒子数反转的条件,获得了光信号的放大,体现了分布式光纤拉曼放大器的特点.3)放大的背向反斯托克斯自发拉曼散射强度受到光纤所处的温度调制,具有温度效应,为分布式光纤温度传感器提供了新的测温原理.【参 考 文 献】[1] HAR TO G A H.A distributed temperature sensor based onliquid 2core optical fibers [J ].IEEE J Lightwave Technol ,1983(1):498-509.[2] HAR TO G A H.Dist ributed temperature sensor in solid 2core fibers[J ].Electron Lett ,1985(21):1061.[3] RO GERS A J.Distributed optical 2fiber sensors for t hemeasurement of pressure ,strain and temperature[J ].Phys Report ,1988,169(2):118-119.[4] DA KIN J P ,PRA T T D J.Temperature distribution meas 2urement using ram an ratio t hermometry [J ].SPIE Fiber Optic and Laser Sensors ,1985,566:249-256.[5] 黄尚廉,梁大巍,刘 龚.分布式光纤温度传感器系统的研究[J ].仪器仪表学报,1991,12(4):359-364.[6] 刘建胜,李 铮,张其善.光纤完全分布式温度传感系统研究进展[J ].电子科技导报,1999(3):10-13,18.[7] ZHAN G Zaixuan ,INSOO S KIM ,W AN G Jianfeng ,et al.10km Distributed optical fiber sensors system and application [C].Proceedings of SPIE ,2001,4540:386-390.[8] 张在宣,王剑锋,李晨霞,等.S 波段分布式光纤拉曼放大器的实验研究[J ].光电子・激光,2004,15(5):557-560.[9] GOVIND P A GRAWAL.Nonlinear Fiber Optics and Ap 2plications of Nonlinear Fiber Optics [M ].Elsevier Science USA ,2001:187-197.[10] 张在宣,INSOO S KIM ,王剑锋,等.在单模光纤中放大的反斯托克斯拉曼背向自发散射的温度效应[J ].光学学报,2004,24(5):609-613.82中 国 计 量 学 院 学 报第17卷。
分布式光纤传感器原理一、分布式光纤传感器原理分布式光纤传感器(Distributed Optical Fiber Sensor,DOFS)是一种新型传感技术,它利用光纤原理监测、测量被测目标的参数。
分布式光纤传感器主要有两种:光纤Brillouin散射传感器(Fiber Brillouin Scattering Sensor)和光纤Raman散射传感器(Fiber Raman Scattering Sensor)。
1. 光纤Brillouin散射传感器光纤Brillouin散射传感器是利用光纤内固有的acoustic-optic 效应(Brillouin散射)来测量光纤内部的物理参数,如压力、温度、拉力等。
光纤Brillouin散射是指一束光线入射至光纤材料或结构中,由于光纤材料的内部固有声子和光子的相互作用,使得光子的波长会发生微小的变化,即光子的波长会发生一个内部固有的 Brillouin 光谱线,里面包含着光纤的特征参数,例如压力、拉力、温度等。
2. 光纤Raman散射传感器光纤Raman散射传感器是基于光纤Raman散射原理,利用激光激发出的光纤中的能量状态的微小变化来测量物理参数,如温度、压力、拉力等。
光纤Raman散射(Fiber Raman Scattering)是指一束激光入射至光纤中,由于光子和光纤中的自由电子的相互作用,使得激光光子中的能量状态发生微小的变化,从而产生一条Raman光谱线。
二、分布式光纤传感器的应用分布式光纤传感器在工程和科学研究中有着广泛的应用,如用于: 1. 架构监测:可为大型结构物提供细节的分布式监测,如桥梁、建筑物等;2. 海洋和河流监测:可以实现实时的海洋流速和河流溯源的监测;3. 地质监测:可以检测地表或地下的地质变化,如地震、地质构造变化等;4. 军事和安全监控:可以检测活动的物体,如坦克、舰船等;5. 工厂设备监控:可以实现机器的实时监控,如机床、发动机等。
光纤测温发展历程The journey of optical fiber temperature measurement can be traced back to the emergence of fiber optic technology in the late 20th century. Initially, fiber optics were primarily utilized in telecommunications, revolutionizing data transmission speeds and distances. However, over time, researchers and engineers recognized the potential of fiber optics in sensing applications, including temperature measurement.光纤测温的发展历程可以追溯到20世纪末光纤技术的出现。
In the early stages of development, optical fiber temperature sensors were primarily based on the principle of optical time-domain reflectometry (OTDR). These sensors employed fiber optic cables as the sensing element, measuring temperature changes by analyzing the backscattered light within the fiber. While these early sensors were effective, they were limited by their complexity and relatively low accuracy.在早期的发展阶段,光纤温度传感器主要基于光时域反射(OTDR)原理。
一种分布式光纤光栅电缆温度传感器张燕君;康瑞雪;娄俊波;韦波;李进;陈凌军;苏玉玲【摘要】提出了一种新型分布式光纤光栅温度监测系统,可以实现电缆温度的实时在线监测.基于热传导方程和边界条件的基础上,采用有限元法对电缆温度场进行了分析,为监测电缆温度提供了理论依据.光纤光栅本身不带电,抗辐射和电磁干扰能力强,耐高压和腐蚀,非常适合用做高压电力环境中的温度传感器.通过光纤光栅的温度特性实验,在20~100 ℃的温度范围内,光纤光栅的中心波长随温度变化呈良好的线性,线性度达到99.8%.通过对标准的热电偶温度传感器与光纤光栅温度传感器的对比实验,表明该系统测量时间-温度变化曲线跟随性好,温度差均小于1 ℃,符合电力电缆温度状态在线监测的使用要求.【期刊名称】《激光与红外》【年(卷),期】2010(040)004【总页数】5页(P405-409)【关键词】电缆;温度场;光纤光栅;温度在线检测系统【作者】张燕君;康瑞雪;娄俊波;韦波;李进;陈凌军;苏玉玲【作者单位】燕山大学信息科学与工程学院,河北,秦皇岛,066004;海湾安全技术有限公司,河北,秦皇岛,066004;燕山大学信息科学与工程学院,河北,秦皇岛,066004;燕山大学信息科学与工程学院,河北,秦皇岛,066004;燕山大学信息科学与工程学院,河北,秦皇岛,066004;燕山大学信息科学与工程学院,河北,秦皇岛,066004;燕山大学信息科学与工程学院,河北,秦皇岛,066004;燕山大学信息科学与工程学院,河北,秦皇岛,066004【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP212.111 引言电缆是电力系统的重要组成部分,由于电缆常置于地下,其潜在的老化和缺陷不易被发现,随着运行时间的增加,有可能因为电缆过热或者短路而导致火灾。
分布式光纤测温分布式光纤测温技术(Distributed Fiber Optic Temperature Sensing,DTS)是一种基于光纤传感技术的温度测量方法。
在分布式光纤测温技术中,通常采用拉曼散射光谱(Raman scattering)或布里渊散射光谱(Brillouin scattering)等光学现象来实现温度测量。
分布式光纤传感在海底电缆检测中的应用重点基本介绍分布式光纤传感技术(Distributed optical fiber sensing technology)是利用光纤的特殊性质,通过分布于光纤中的传感器,可以对光纤受到的物理量变化进行测量和监测。
传统的监测手段难以满足对矿井安全的严格要求,而分布式光纤传感网络(Distributed Optical Fiber Sensing Network,DOFSN)则成为了矿井安全监测中的一种领先技术。
DOFSN技术可以将光信号发射到灵敏光学水平振荡器(Fabry-Perot Interferometer,FPI)上,通过对光学信号的变化进行分析,实现对瓦斯浓度的高精度实时监测。
分布式光纤测温系统原理分布式光纤测温系统(Distributed Optical Fiber Temperature Sensing System)是一种利用光纤来实现温度测量的技术。
常用的传感光纤结构有光纤布拉格光栅(Optical Fiber Bragg Grating,FBG)和拉曼散射光纤(Raman Scattering Fiber)两种。
日照港采用分布式光纤测温预警系统对 8 个 木薯干筒仓内的温度及容积情况进行实时监控。 将探测光缆采用特殊的夹具铺设到筒仓内部,实 时监测木薯干筒仓内部的温度情况。每个筒仓采 用 4 台料位仪安装到筒仓中,实时监测筒仓内的 料位容积变化情况。DTS 系统实时监测筒仓内每 根光缆布设路径中每个点的温度数据,实时监测 筒仓内的温度变化,使工作人员实时了解筒仓内 的温度及容积的变化情况,见图 3。
田秀德 1 冯 军 2 (1.日照港集团有限公司, 山东 日照 276826; 2.威海北洋电气集团股份有限公司, 山东 威海 264209)
摘要:分布式光纤测温技术是一种用于实时测量空间温度分布的新兴技术。介绍了分布式光 纤测温预警系统的原理和技术特点。分别介绍了该系统在皮带机设备过热监测和筒仓温度监 测中的应用。该系统取得了良好效果,确保了港口生产的安全。 关键词:港口 光纤测温 皮带机 筒仓 应用
数 据 处 理
反斯托克斯 散射光
斯托克斯 散射光
图 1 原理图
2 分布式光纤测温预警系统的技术特点
2.1 分布式光纤测温预警系统能够实时监测 全长 10km 范围内光纤沿线各点的温度变化,监测 范围大,监测点连续。
2.2 光缆即传感元件,也是传输媒介。相比 传统电学传感器无需重复布线,提高了系统健壮 性,降低了维护费用。
DTS 主机 控制室
Hale Waihona Puke 探测光缆筒仓筒仓图 3 筒仓温度监测图
6 应用现状与效果
基于累加平均的分布式光纤拉曼测温系统陈瑞麟;万生鹏;贾鹏;唐晨飞【摘要】分布式光纤拉曼温度传感(DTS)系统是一套基于光纤中的拉曼散射效应来实现分布式温度监控的系统,利用光纤中拉曼散射光的强度与光纤的温度状态有关的原理对温度进行实时监测.设计了一套9 km的光纤拉曼测温系统,利用数据采集卡对斯托克斯和反斯托克斯光进行采集,在电脑端对温度进行累加平均处理,将微弱的信号从系统的噪声中提取出来,提高其信噪比.在累加平均16 000次的情况下测温精度达到了±2℃.【期刊名称】《应用光学》【年(卷),期】2018(039)004【总页数】5页(P590-594)【关键词】数据采集;DTS;温度监测;累加平均【作者】陈瑞麟;万生鹏;贾鹏;唐晨飞【作者单位】南昌航空大学省光电检测技术工程实验室,江西南昌330063;南昌航空大学省光电检测技术工程实验室,江西南昌330063;南昌航空大学省光电检测技术工程实验室,江西南昌330063;南昌航空大学省光电检测技术工程实验室,江西南昌330063【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN253;TP212引言目前,国内发生了多起平台坍塌和天然气管道泄漏事故,这些工程事故大多因为监测不及时,以及缺乏有效的监测管理系统,即使在一些平台上进行了一系列的检测,但对于内部的情况却一无所知。
近年来,随着光纤传感技术的不断发展,分布式光纤温度传感技术(distributed temperature sensor, DTS)因其测量温度时不需要光纤来回移动,确保井下温度的平衡状态不受影响,越来越多地被应用到油气井下动态温度监测。
面向矿山安全物联网的光纤传感器刘统玉;宋广东;马俊鹏;王金玉;宋成祥;张婷婷;李艳芳;王风雪;王纪强;孟祥军;李伟;金光贤;胡杰;魏玉宾;王振平;胡宾鑫【期刊名称】《工矿自动化》【年(卷),期】2018(0)3【摘要】For disadvantages of traditional electronic sensors in mine safety monitoring system such as low precision,poor reliability,a large amount of maintenance,monitoring dead-zone and so on,it was proposed that using optical fiber sensors and wireless sensor to build mine monitoring system of human,machine and environment with multi-dimension,multi-parameter and large capacity.Advantages of optical fiber sensor applications in the mine safety monitoring system were introduced.The operational principle of optical fiber sensors developed for mine applications were described,which included laser spectral analysis based gas sensors,fiber Bragg grating based physical sensors and distributed optical fiber temperature sensor.Meanwhile,typical applications of optical fiber sensors in mine safety Internet of things were introduced including laser methane sensor in coal mine safety monitoring system,optical fiber acceleration sensor in micro-seismic monitoring system and distributed optical fiber temperature sensor in goaf fire monitoring and pre-alarming system.%针对矿山安全监测系统中传统电子传感器存在的精度低、可靠性差、维护工作量大、有监控盲区等问题,提出采用光纤传感器与无线传感器构建煤矿人、机、环多维度、多参数、大容量监测系统;介绍了光纤传感器在矿山安全监测系统中的应用优势,重点介绍了激光光谱分析气体传感器、光纤光栅物理量传感器、光纤分布式温度传感器等矿用传感器的工作原理;以煤矿安全监控系统中的激光甲烷传感器、矿山微震监测系统中的光纤加速度传感器及采空区火灾监测预警系统中的光纤分布式温度传感器为例,介绍了矿用光纤传感器在矿山安全物联网中的应用情况.【总页数】7页(P1-7)【作者】刘统玉;宋广东;马俊鹏;王金玉;宋成祥;张婷婷;李艳芳;王风雪;王纪强;孟祥军;李伟;金光贤;胡杰;魏玉宾;王振平;胡宾鑫【作者单位】齐鲁工业大学(山东省科学院)激光研究所,山东济南250353;山东微感光电子有限公司,山东济南 250103;齐鲁工业大学(山东省科学院)激光研究所,山东济南250353;兖矿集团有限公司,山东邹城273500;齐鲁工业大学(山东省科学院)激光研究所,山东济南250353;山东微感光电子有限公司,山东济南 250103;齐鲁工业大学(山东省科学院)激光研究所,山东济南250353;齐鲁工业大学(山东省科学院)激光研究所,山东济南250353;山东微感光电子有限公司,山东济南 250103;齐鲁工业大学(山东省科学院)激光研究所,山东济南250353;兖矿集团有限公司,山东邹城273500;兖矿集团有限公司,山东邹城273500;山东微感光电子有限公司,山东济南250103;山东微感光电子有限公司,山东济南 250103;齐鲁工业大学(山东省科学院)激光研究所,山东济南250353;兖矿集团有限公司,山东邹城273500;齐鲁工业大学(山东省科学院)激光研究所,山东济南250353【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TD772【相关文献】1.三论数字矿山——借力物联网保障矿山安全与智能采矿 [J], 吴立新;汪云甲;丁恩杰;朱旺喜;张瑞新;张申;王植2.面向物联网的矿山综合管理系统的研究 [J], 李涛;陆博3.物联网与感知矿山专题讲座之四——感知矿山物联网与煤炭行业物联网规划建设[J], 张申;丁恩杰;徐钊;华钢4.面向矿山物联网的IPv6技术应用问题的探讨 [J], 李光5.浅析面向大数据的感知矿山物联网 [J], 刘昊因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
Shale Gas, Distributed Optical Fiber, Producing Profile Logging
王成荣1,刘春辉1,张超谟2,田建军1,张文青1,芮 昀3
1中国石油测井有限公司吐哈分公司,新疆 哈密 2长江大学,地球物理与石油资源学院,湖北 武汉 3中国石油浙江油田分公司,浙江 杭州
2.2. 布里渊散射
布里渊散射是光在不均匀介质中传播发生的一种散射现象,它的频率和强度相对入射光均会发生变 化。光通过光纤时,光子和光纤中自发的热运动产生的声子产生非弹性碰撞,发生自发布里渊散射。散 射光的频率相对入射光的频率发生变化,变化的大小与散射角和光纤的材料有关(折射率、杨氏模量、泊 松比、密度等) [5]。
Figure 1. Flow chart of distributed fiber production gas profile logging 图 1. 分布式光纤产气剖面测井技术流程图
DOI: 10.12677/ag.2019.910106
王成荣 等
Figure 2. Schematic diagram of distributed fiber production gas profile logging 图 2. 分布式光纤产气剖面测井示意图
2.3. 分布式光纤温度测量原理
本文基于此,完成了如下工作:(1) 根据光纤拉曼测温理论,构建了一套双通道分布式光纤拉曼测温系统,并对系统硬件参数进行了优化。
(2) 由于光纤自发拉曼散射的强度很低,导致拉曼散射信号极其微弱,而这微弱的传感信号易受到系统噪声的影响,从而限制了系统的测温精度。
(3) 在VISUAL STUDIO 2010软件平台下,本文结合实际煤矿开采测温场景设计了分布式光纤拉曼测温系统工业化图形界面,实现了将温度信号直观的显示在与实际监测地理位置对应的监测界面上。
关键词:分布式测温,拉曼散射,温度解调,软件表现ABSTRACTDistributed optical fiber Raman temperature measuring system is a kind of sensing system for real-time measurement of space temperature field. It has been widely used in coal mining, petrochemical, subway transportation and cable inspection. Combining with actual items about the coal mine temperature measurement, this thesis need to solve two aspects: one is the engineering requirements of system measurement accuracy in within1±⁰C; two is the intuitive software performance of temperature data. To solve these problems is of great significance for the completion of the coal mine temperature monitoring project. Based on this, this thesis completed the following work:(1) According to the fiber Raman temperature measurement theory, a two channel distributed fiber Raman temperature measuring system is constructed, and the system hardware parameters are optimized. At the same time in order to obtain the temperature information of the reference fiber, the electronic temperature sensor receiving circuit design, which can realize real-time calibration system of temperature measurement data; design of optical switch circuit and realizes the fast switching of the measuring channel system.(2) Because the intensity of spontaneous Raman scattering of fiber is very low, the Raman scattering signal is very weak, and the weak sensing signal is easily affected by the system noise, thus reducing the temperature measurement accuracy. This paper realizes the real-time temperature measurement signal demodulation in the LabVIEW platform, and the cumulative average denoising algorithm in real-time to reduce the noise in the data acquisition stage, further denoising algorithm of temperature signal is filtered by Calman filter, the system finally realizes the temperature measurement accuracy of 0.6±⁰C.(3) In the VISUAL STUDIO 2010 software platform, combining with the actual temperature scenarios designed DTS industrialization graphical interface, to achieve real-time display of temperature signal in the corresponding actual monitoring sites, so as to solve the problems of long distance temperature measurement is difficult to quickly locate and display real-time temperature. Further addition of abnormal temperature alarm function in the distributed temperature measurement software system design, the man-machine interface of the system interface more friendly, so as to strengthen the application of distributed optical fiber temperature measurement systemin practical engineering. At the same time, in order to facilitate the management of regional temperature information management, adding temperature data storage function and generating temperature report function, further improve the distributed temperature measurement software system.Keywords: distributed temperature, Raman scattering, temperature demodulate, software performance目录第一章绪论 (1)1.1本课题的研究背景 (1)1.2分布式光纤测温系统的发展 (1)1.3分布式光纤测温系统的典型应用 (2)1.4本论文的研究意义及主要内容 (3)1.4.1研究意义 (3)1.4.2 主要内容 (4)第二章分布式光纤测温系统理论基础 (5)2.1光纤中的光散射现象 (5)2.2 光时域反射技术 (6)2.3光纤拉曼散射理论 (7)2.3.1自发拉曼散射 (7)2.3.2 受激拉曼散射 (9)2.4 光纤拉曼散射测温原理 (10)2.5 分布式光纤测温系统的解调方法 (11)2.5.1 基于反斯托克斯光单路解调方法 (11)2.5.2 基于反斯托克斯光和斯托克斯光双路解调方法 (12)2.6 本章小结 (13)第三章基于双路解调的分布式光纤测温硬件系统设计及实现 (14)3.1 分布式光纤测温硬件系统的总体结构 (14)3.2 分布式测温系统的主要技术指标 (15)3.2.1 空间分辨率 (15)3.2.2 温度分辨率 (16)3.2.3 测温精度 (17)3.2.4 测量时间 (16)3.3 分布式光纤测温硬件系统模块的选型 (17)3.3.1 光源模块的选型 (17)3.3.2 波分复用器的选型 (18)3.3.3光电探测器的选型 (19)3.3.4 采集卡模块的选型 (20) 高速数据采集卡的选择 (20) 高速数据采集卡工作原理 (20)3.3.5 系统通道数的扩充 (21)3.4温度接收电路与控制光开关切换电路的设计 (22)3.5本章小结 (25)第四章分布式光纤测温系统信号解调系统设计及信号处理 (26)4.1基于LABVIEW平台实现温度信号解调系统的设计 (26)4.1.1信号解调系统需求分析 (26)4.1.2 原始信号采集LABVIEW程序的实现 (26)4.1.3 参考温度信号接收LABVIEW程序的实现 (28)4.1.4 测温光纤温度信号解调LABVIEW程序的实现 (29)4.2 分布式光纤测温系统噪声分析 (31)4.3 分布式光纤测温系统信号去噪处理 (32)4.3.1 累加平均算法 (32)4.3.2 卡尔曼滤波算法 (36)4.4 本章小结 (40)第五章工程应用中温度数据的软件表现 (41)5.1温度数据软件表现的需求分析 (41)5.2 温度数据的显示界面的实现 (41)5.3 利用SQL数据库实现对温度信息的长期存储 (45)5.4温度数据报表界面的实现 (46)5.5 本章小结 (48)第六章总结与展望 (49)6.1全文总结 (49)6.2工作展望 (49)致谢 (51)参考文献 (52)攻读硕士学位期间取得的成果 (56)第一章绪论第一章绪论1.1 本课题的研究背景温度传感器是工业自动化控制和火灾安全监测等领域所需的一种基础传感元件,但是传统温度传感器需要带电工作,因而在强电磁干扰或易燃易爆环境下的应用受到了很大的限制。
1 分布式光纤监测原理分布式光纤传感系统原理为利用光纤作为传感敏感原件和传输信号介质,采用先进的OTDR 技术,实现分布式测量。
光纤传感系统主要由光源、耦合器、传感光纤、探测器以及处理器组成 [1,8]。
通过对光纤系统进行温度标定,即可根据下面公式计算出环境的实际温度[3 ,6]。
永久式光纤监测技术在海上首口二氧化碳回注井的应用邓成辉1 曹波波1 党黎锋2 宣涛2 张玺亮21. 中海石油(中国)有限公司深圳分公司 深圳 5180672. 中海油能源发展股份有限公司 天津 300452摘要:近期南海东部海域恩平油田我国海上首口二氧化碳回注井正式投产,采油分离出来的二氧化碳气体被烘干压缩后回注至储层进行封存。
关键词:BMS分布式光纤测温系统;超温报警;预防性维护;人工智能算法中图分类号:TN253;TP277 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2023)24-0166-05Fault Analysis of Enclosed Busbar Over-temperature Alarm Based on BMS Distributed Optical Fiber Temperature Measurement SystemAN Zijuan, ZHAO Jun, MAO Jun(Beijing Benz Automotive Co., Ltd., Beijing 100176, China)Abstract: The BMS distributed optical fiber temperature measurement system has been successfully applied in production workshop of BBAC and has played an important role in enclosed busbar temperature measurement. This paper analyzes an over-temperature alarm fault and continuously tracks for three quarters. It is found that the busbar temperature is closely related to the ambient temperature and exhibits certain regularity. Finally, the next research direction is proposed, which is to establish a busbar temperature prediction model based on Artificial Intelligence algorithms using Big Data information such as busbar temperature, ambient temperature and busbar current, to guide actual operations.Keywords: BMS distributed optical fiber temperature measurement system; over-temperature alarm; preventive maintenance; Artificial Intelligence algorithm0 引言電力封闭母线接头连接处一直是母线故障的敏感位置。
关键字:光纤传感;光纤测温;拉曼散射Optical fiber distributed temperatureYU HANG(College of information and communication Engineering, Harbin Engineering University,Harbin, Heilongjiang 150001, China)Abstract:Temperature has been engaged in various activities of human to grasp the important information,temperature information acquired more and more scientific techniques and methods,increasingly urgent need to master the human living environment of their temperature.Today, the modern industrial,temperature information has a more practical significance for.Distributed optical fiber temperature sensing technology in the late 20th century, 70 have been proposed,at present this technique has become fiber-optic sensor technology in one of the most promising pared with other sensors, fiber optic sensors as a new piece has its unique advantages.It is anti-magnetic, high temperature, temperature, strain sensitive to the outside world, but also inexpensive, easy to access, can form a distributed measurement and even the field measurement line.This article will introduce a variety of distributed temperature sensor, and the focus of Raman scattering based distributed fibertemperature sensing principles and systems of the.Key words:Optical Fiber Sensor;Fiber Optic Temperature Measurement;Raman scattering1.引言:光纤传感是伴随着半导体技术和光通信技术的发展而兴起的一门新的传感技术。
光路设计包括:在嵌入式主机的控制下利用激光源和脉冲调整器形成固定周期的脉冲光,作为光纤传感器的激励信号;使用3dB耦合器对激励光进行分束,传入光纤传感器,散射拉曼光回传经过耦合器进入分光系统,只有固定频率的Stokes光和Anti .Stokes光透过分光系统;两束光分别进入光电探测器( PD) ,完成光电转换过程。
0M AP5912对FPG A模块发出采集控制信号,FPG 巩负责控制与脉冲调制器间的同步,计时,同时触发AD采集。
采集结束,FPG A发出中断,通知采集过程结束。
O M AP5912发出传输数据指令,将外接RAM 中的数据读入DSP进行数据处理。
基于分布式光纤测温的水管泄漏检测与定位赵亚;王强;宋俊俊;范昕炜;谷小红【摘要】利用基于拉曼散射和光时域反射技术相结合的分布式光纤测温系统,对自来水管道进行泄漏检测和定位实验研究.分析了系统的温度分辨率和水管道泄漏时泄漏点处的温差情况.选取长200 m和700 m的传感光纤对水管道进行泄漏定位实验,并对检测信号进行小波变换分析处理,最后统计对比了检测系统的漏警率.实验结果表明,该系统运行稳定且能够准确识别管道泄漏情况并进行泄漏定位,定位误差≤1 m.【期刊名称】《激光与红外》【年(卷),期】2018(048)007【总页数】5页(P891-895)【关键词】分布式光纤测温;泄漏检测;温度分辨率;小波变换;漏警率【作者】赵亚;王强;宋俊俊;范昕炜;谷小红【作者单位】中国计量大学质量与安全工程学院,浙江杭州310018;中国计量大学质量与安全工程学院,浙江杭州310018;中国计量大学质量与安全工程学院,浙江杭州310018;中国计量大学质量与安全工程学院,浙江杭州310018;中国计量大学机电工程学院,浙江杭州310018【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN2471 引言自来水管道在城市管网系统中占有极其重要的地位,一旦管道发生泄漏,不仅造成水资源的浪费,还严重影响城市交通、卫生以及居民的生活等。
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Distributed optical fiber temperature sensor using only anti-Stokes Raman scattering light in a loop configurationMarcelo A. Soto, Alessandro Signorini, Tiziano Nannipieri, Stefano Faralli, Gabriele Bolognini*,and Fabrizio Di PasqualeScuola Superiore Sant’Anna, via G. Moruzzi 1, 56124 Pisa, Italy.*E-mail: g.bolognini@sssup.itABSTRACTIn this paper we demonstrate distributed Raman temperature sensing (RDTS) in a loop scheme employing anti-Stokes light intensity only. Using a single-channel receiver and anti-Stokes traces measured in loop configuration, we implement RDTS with inherent compensation of fiber wavelength-dependent losses, as well as local external perturbations. Experimental results show a signal-to-noise ratio enhancement with respect to a standard RDTS in loop configuration, providing a robust and reliable high-performance sensor for long sensing ranges.Keywords: Raman scattering, fiber optic sensors, temperature sensing.1.INTRODUCTIONRaman-based distributed temperature fiber sensors (RDTS) have been studied for many years [1,2] and, owing to the well-known advantages over their electrical counterparts, they have found successful applications in many different areas, such as fire detection, power cable monitoring and leakage detection. Most of developed Raman temperature sensors are based on simultaneous measurements of Raman anti-Stokes (AS) and Stokes (S) (or Rayleigh) backscattered components in a single-ended fiber configuration [2,3]. Although they represent the most common solution in long range applications due to their extended sensing distance, sensors based on single-ended fiber configuration are intrinsically affected by variations of the wavelength-dependent losses (WDL) (also known as differential losses) of the fiber. In practical RDTS systems, both WDL and local losses must be cancelled out; this can be effectively achieved by employing a loop configuration technique, based on a double-ended scheme, in which AS and S traces are acquired in both forward and backward directions and then properly averaged [4]. For single-ended schemes, the use of AS light only has been proposed in [5], together with a suitable reflective mirror at the far fiber-end. However, the four-fold optical path undergone by the light pulse and its scattering makes this technique not suitable for long-range sensing due to very high experienced losses. Moreover, the use of a strongly reflective mirror would make the system sensitive to multiple optical reflections (ghosts) with unknown connector conditions.In this paper we perform long-range Raman temperature sensing based on a loop-scheme, with inherent WDL correction, using AS-backscattered light only, and employing a simple, single-channel receiver. Experimental results also point out an enhanced temperature resolution, compared to standard RDTS, due to the noise reduction in temperature derivation based on AS light only. Such a technique can allow for simpler and cost-effective long-range RDTS systems characterized by WDL-independent and ghost-insensitive temperature measurements.2.THEORYRDTS systems are based on the temperature dependence of the spontaneous Raman anti-Stokes backscattered light, where the spatial information is obtained from a short pulse of light that is launched into the optical fiber. While the optical pulse propagates along the fiber, it generates two Raman backscattered components (Stokes and anti-Stokes lights), which are measured as a function of time at the receiver by using optical time-domain reflectometry (OTDR) techniques [1,3]. In order to distinguish temperature variations in the AS trace from fiber attenuation and local losses (such as splices, connectors and bending losses), the AS intensity must be normalized by a temperature-independent signal, such as the Raman Stokes [1] or Rayleigh intensity [3]. Since this normalization has to be done at every fiber position, a correction of the differential group velocity is also required. Thus, for instance, the relationship between the fiber temperature (T) and the ratio R(z,T) of anti-Stokes (I AS) over Stokes (I S) intensities can be expressed as: 21st International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors, edited by Wojtek J. Bock, Jacques Albert, Xiaoyi Bao, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 7753, 77539U · © 2011 SPIE · CCC code: 0277-786X/11/$18 · doi: 10.1117/12.886031(){}40,exp exp ()()()λναξαξξλ⎛⎞⎛⎞−Δ=−−⎡⎤⎜⎟⎜⎟⎣⎦⎝⎠⎝⎠∫z S AS S AS h R z T d kT z , (1)where λS and λAS are the Stokes and anti-Stokes wavelengths; αS and αAS are the fiber attenuation coefficients at λS andλAS respectively; Δν is the frequency separation between AS and pump signal, h is the Planck constant and k is the Boltzmann constant [4]. If the differential WDL (αAS -αS ) is characterized as a function of the distance, the corresponding exponential factor of Eq. (1) can be corrected. However, in most harsh environments the optical fiber is exposed to conditions that can spectrally change the fiber attenuation properties. In such cases, the WDL (differential loss) is not constant in time, making single-ended RDTS inappropriate for such applications. In fact, it has been shown that the fiber loss can be significantly modified by external hydrogen-rich, hot or humid environments inducing wavelength-dependent fiber properties degradation. This is also the case e.g. of nuclear applications, where the presence of ionizing radiation increases the optical fiber attenuation with time. Hence, the ratio anti-Stokes/Stokes or anti-Stokes/Rayleigh is expected to change (more or less rapidly) during the sensor lifetime due to the ageing, leading to significant errors in temperature estimation when no further calibration is performed [4]. This actually appears as a gradual deviation of the detected temperature traces with respect to the real values, an effect that increases with the sensing distance turning out to be critical especially at long sensing ranges.In order to compensate differential WDL several methods have been recently proposed, most commonly employing: i) the AS signal reflected from a mirror at the far fiber-end (providing a suitable solution for short-to-medium sensing ranges only, due to 4-fold loss increase in the optical path) [5], ii) using two light sources with different wavelengths [6], and, most notably, iii) using a sensing fiber in loop configuration (requiring the access to both fiber ends). The latter technique provides a robust and reliable method to compensate differential WDL, through the calculation of geometric means associated to AS and S lights measured in both forward and backward directions. In such a way, the effects of fiber attenuation and local losses are inherently cancelled out in temperature estimation through the AS/S ratio, leading to auto-calibrated measurements that do not depend on optical fiber loss variations during the sensor lifetime.The technique proposed in this paper allows for RDTS loop schemes based on AS light detection only. The anti-Stokes intensity traces are measured in both forward (I For ) and backward (I Back ) directions, and their relation to the fiber temperature can be expressed as:()1_0exp ()()exp 1()ναξαξξ−⎡⎤⎛⎞Δ⎛⎞=−+−⎡⎤⎜⎟⎢⎥⎜⎟⎣⎦⎝⎠⎢⎥⎝⎠⎣⎦∫zFor ASAS For AS P h Iz C d kT z , (2) ()1_exp ()()exp 1()ναξαξξ−⎡⎤⎛⎞Δ⎛⎞=−+−⎡⎤⎜⎟⎢⎥⎜⎟⎣⎦⎝⎠⎢⎥⎝⎠⎣⎦∫LBackAS AS Back AS P zh I z C d kT z , (3) where αP is the fiber attenuation at the pump wavelength, and C AS_For (forward direction) and C AS_Back (backwarddirection) are constant parameters accounting for the input pump power, the receiver response and the Raman cross-section at λAS wavelength. Note that a suitable normalization is necessary when dealing with time-dependent laser power fluctuations, since this issue cannot be neglected when using the AS light only in the temperature estimation (differently from the AS/S ratio case, which is inherently insensitive to laser fluctuations). In the AS-only approach several effective normalization schemes can be implemented to simply address this issue, namely i) the use of a temperature-controlled reference fiber [4], ii) by measuring the launched optical pulse power through an optical tap coupler or, iii) by using a laser current monitor. In our experiments, we used a built-in current monitor in the pulsed laser source for AS trace normalization, providing a simple and cost-effective solution for trace calibration.The AS intensity in loop configuration I AS_Loop (z ) can then be obtained from the geometric mean of the normalized single-ended AS traces I AS_n (z ) in both forward and backward directions according to()1__01exp 1exp ()()()2ναξαξξ−⎡⎤⎛⎞Δ⎛⎞=−−+⎡⎤⎢⎥⎜⎟⎜⎣⎦⎟⎝⎠⎢⎥⎝⎠⎣⎦∫LAS Loop AS Loop AS P h I z C d kT z (4)where C AS_Loop ∝ [C AS_For ⋅C AS_Back ]1/2 is a constant factor that depends on the Raman cross-section of the fiber and is normalized, as mentioned before, to take into account fluctuations of laser peak power. Note that the exponential factor in Eq. (4), expressing the effects of WDL, is a constant parameter that does not depend on the fiber position, contrarily to the z -dependent exponential term in Eq. (1). Moreover, to take into account the effects of Raman scattering cross-sections, a calibration is performed for different fiber spools employing a known reference temperature (T ref ), similarly toF (AS B ) directions for different TCC temperatures. (Top) Full normalized trace. (Bottom) Fiber spool inside TCC.standard RDTS systems [4-6]. Finally, the WDL-corrected temperature profile T (z ) can be derived from previous equations leading to the following expression:()()1__,()ln exp 11,νν−⎧⎫⎡⎤⎡⎤⎛⎞Δ⎪⎪⎢⎥⎢⎥=−+⎜⎟⎨⎬⎜⎟Δ⎢⎥⎢⎥⎪⎪⎝⎠⎣⎦⎣⎦⎩⎭AS Loop ref AS Loop refI z T k h T z h I z T kT . (5) Based on Eq. (5), a self-calibrated temperature sensor for long sensing distances can then be implemented using AS lightonly, without employing the Stokes light (and hence, avoiding the use of both double receiver and Stokes optical filter). Additional advantages of the proposed scheme are related to the fact that group velocity correction, required in the AS/S ratio approach, can now be avoided, and to the better achievable temperature resolution, with respect to standard loop-RDTS systems with same measurement time, due to use of AS light only.3. EXPERIMENTAL SETUPThe schematic diagram for the implemented long-range RDTS, based on a single channel receiver, is shown in Fig. 1. The pump light is provided by a pulsed fiber laser operating at 1550 nm, with a pulse peak power of 50 W, a pulse duration of 10 ns and arepetition rate of 5 kHz. By using a variable optical attenuator (VOA), the average optical power at thefiber input has been adjusted to 1.5 mW, avoiding insurgence of fiber nonlinearities. The AS Ramanreceiver consists of a low-noise avalanche photodiode (APD) followed by a transimpedance amplifier (TIA), a proper variable gain amplification stage (VGA) and a customized high-resolution analog-to-digital converter (ADC). The sensing fiber actually is composed of 5 spools of graded-index multimode fiber (50/125 μm core/cladding diameter), for a total distance of 19 km. One section of the fiber (~500 m) at ~9-km distance has been placed in a temperature-controlled chamber (TCC), allowing for an accurate sensor characterization. Measurements in loop configuration are performed by using a 1x2 optical switch, which is connected to both fiber ends allowing pulses to be alternately sent in both forward and backward directions. The whole system is monitored by a computer; thus, all control signals (laser trigger, switch position, receiver gain and offset) are provided by a proper communication bus connected to the different components. Input signals (i.e. laser current monitor and AS traces) are acquired and processed in real-time. 4. RESULTSUsing the experimental setup shown in Fig. 1, anti-Stokes traces have been measured in both forward and backward directions. An averaging of 100k traces has been carried out with a measurement time of ~40 s. Fig. 2 shows the measured forward- and backward-AS traces (after normalization of laser fluctuations) for different temperatures of the TCC (varied within the range -10°C to 50°C), with the rest of the sensing fiber kept at room temperature (26.5°C). The corresponding geometric means in forward and backward directions is then reported in Fig. 3, showing the inherent cancelation of loss (and obviously WDL) effects; in the figure, however, the impact of different Raman anti-Stokes cross sections in different fiber spools is still evident. In order to address this issue (relevant when using different fiber spools), a reference trace at a known temperature (room temperature, 25°C) has been employed, as from Eq. (5), similarly to standard RDTS, leading to a calibrated temperature profile along the fiber, as shown in Fig. 4. In this figure we can note that the proposedconfiguration for different TCC temperaturesbased on anti-Stokes measurements only (red line) and standard AS/S ratio (black line)technique provides the same robustness and repeatability as in standard RDTS systems in loop configuration, cancelling out both local losses and fiber attenuation effects, also avoiding the differential group-velocity corrections which are required in AS/S approach.In order to evaluate the benefits of using the AS-only loop-approach,the temperature resolution (rms ) has been calculated. Fig. 5 shows the corresponding resolution versus fiber distance, indicating a worse resolution in proximity of both fiber ends, compared to the midway fiber region, due to single-end AS traces decrease with distance. Notethat the worst temperature resolution actually occurs at the fiber input(z =0), giving rise to a slightly asymmetric behaviour along the fiber dueto a small insertion-loss imbalance between the two optical switch ports. Fig. 5 also compares the temperature resolution achieved by the proposed technique with the one obtained with a standard RDTS in loop configuration. We can see that measurements based on AS-only loop-approach provide an enhanced temperature resolution with respect to the standard loop configuration (~1.4 times better). This is because the temperature estimation is based on AS-intensity only, and is not affected by the additional noise introduced by Stokes intensity traces, thus allowing for an enhanced SNR (~1.3 dB improvement) in the final traces. The worst temperature resolution (~1.5°C) achieved using standard loop RDTS (occurring at the fiber input) is now improved down to ~1.1°C with the use of AS-only loop-configuration.In conclusion, we have demonstrated the possibility of using an AS-only approach to perform long-range distributed temperature sensing based on RDTS in loop configuration. The proposed scheme allows for the cancellation of spurious, local and wavelength-dependent loss effects employing a simple single-receiver configuration. Experimental results point out an enhanced temperature resolution (~1.4 times improvement) compared to standard RDTS loop-schemes, thus providing a simple, cost-effective and reliable RDTS system for improved-performance long-range sensing.5. REFERENCES[1] Culshaw, B. and Kersey, A., “Fiber-Optic Sensing: A Historical Perspective,” J. Lightwave Technol. 26(9), 1064-1078 (2008).[2] Dakin, J. P. and Pratt, D. 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