轻宵夜 brinner
小峙代掛繩蓝牙音箱总长693*75mmMINISOUSER MANUAL使用貌明菩使用轰品前罚仔衄隅埭本使用泣阴害,壶馈妥兽保管。
PlfASE READ THIS MANUAI.CAAEFULLYBEFORE USING THEPROOUCT AND KEEP IT PROPERLY每页63*75mm_ Thank you for using Miniso WiMless Speaker. Pl斡睬啦d this manual ceretully before use. Using I t prope什y fur best product pertoema ce. MINISO Wireless Speaker has styl飞h appearance, true-to-life sound ond multlple扣心a s.The如Ole沁ees ha屯the pate t ot app蚐ra oe d..ign. The sy tem adopting the indust”-妇di g tech ol匀y enabl .. you lo enjoy the excellent oound e油ct,enytime at home. outdoors. duri g a trip or during沁rk.II provides pertect experience咘en you pl y mus忙o your laptops. digi切I music playe飞and other a心o-visual p oyers. !adi g you to a better l fe w lh beautiful叩s c!- 1 Stone and u貊it at room temperature 2. Do ot .叩怔•it to rain or mo如...3. Do ot throw the product to avoid damage caused by dropping4. Do ot disassemble, modifY or repair the p roduct y ourself.5. This product is equipped with an irreplaoeable built-I n I曲ium batter .Do no discard I t心oss in fins to avoid dang釭6. T o p函enl its performanoe from b..ng inlerfer&d, k 碑pIt awey from stro g mag etic objects.7. If you are ot goi g to use 11 ror a long time, charge the speal<er once every 3 mo ths to extend the lifespa of battery._.UJETOOTHC叩GING INP\11 CMAROINO PORT贼U仔IC PLAYB心T1'淝.V5.15V-1AMICRO u se Am心3HBLUETOOTH PAlRINGHAfllE BAlIUh叩N印IISSIONDISTANCE《”“叩m,..E MINISO-LTBT2219 3.7VI,,心归如~5叩吐h Aroood 10mAO25H_ 勹\....===-/I 2' I31. Power B如n2. LED I d cator L ght3. Charg ng Port- Funct;on Instruction霍P y P 叩笠Sh rt pres s pc沁N buttonNext T ra kD ub l!! pr e s power buttonP�,au , Tra k P志power butt n t h ree t e:oiL叩Ba tt ery lertpm pt咘e,lhe b叽e"村""Pa l S ng h uldT 叩eoutt u f r n h Q "� n, t h e p n •u 1 w i U t r , m 10 l ut l l n Q诅lo r n o h t 加刃r e I h t i 3t u c mm .ta na U 铲011,fu w h e 心ett i 如_ Speaker, C ha屯"9Cable, U sar Manuel_ 1. T he w ireless sp<边ker Is unable to be paired w ith the cell phone. Solution: Confirm if the wirelo...P的ker is i pairin mode, a nd if tho Bluelooth on your pho叩io tumed on. T匝n delete lho product in the list, p air I t with汗x ,r phone again a"心rding to the User Manual 2. Tho w ir•I.. •叮叩h辱r cannot lo泗tumod on.Solution: Confirm the battery level. Charge the speaker if ii� n七七d叫3. Can the battery or the w lreleu speaker心repla..d?Solu廿on:No, th心,s ithium po ymer battery,叫叱h is irrep aceab e.4. Can I use the w lreless speaker at a high volume伈r a long time? Solution: T o extend the lifespan of the wireles$$函ke r ,!is ot recom吓叹ied to play,口a high volume釭a l叩time.5. Tho link凶h“mth.wiml....puk.-1111d tho叫l pho心h..h叩dioc“”“贝回within 10n..“' .. Solution: Bluetoath I s w1rel妇•so that n I s very s ens化ve to obj的它谗妞砌the.pea尥r and the oo nnec;妇1device O记ck w there are any metal or叩r 叶hj可+slhat may志cl心m矶ction wihin the effective distance.6. Cannot妇ar audio playing w h..the .p..ker i• conn叱d to tha comp啦r or phon..Solution: Check咘ether the computer's audb output I s alraady oo ne也to wirele岱device and凶lei归the Bluetoo1h in the oo mpu心如pports A2DP protocol. Ma尥su"'the volume is up on you『phone可oo m pu的r 7. Con I ope...比如Apps ofmy phone through th..优吵”“归p霍iring tho谝巾..1...引沁R缸rwRh th.phone?Anowa,Some ap困may not support being operatoo thmugh the sp..ker due 1o theirsetting-T his device oompl邮with Part t 5 of the FCC Rulee, Operation is 叩bjec:t to the伈llowi g two conditions: This devtce may ot cause harmful I nterference, a dThis device must accept any interference received, i cluding intarf<lrenco that may cause u d..ired oparati o n.Caution: Changes or mod1f i catione ot expra..ly apprnved by the party 冗spons『ble for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.NOTE: Th s equ pment has b..n test的and found to comply w th the limits fo r a Glass B digital device, pursua t fo Pan 15 of the FCC RulesThese limHs are designed to p『ovide啦sonab e protect on against harmful interfere oe in a 戊sidential installation. This equipment扣七I从es,uses and can radi啦rado氐ue叨e ergy a d 甘not installed and u蕊din ac=元al109With Ihe in呻udion•, may cause沺rmfulint呻面ce to radio commu�calions. H<-『,then,� no guarantae that i叩erenre will not o氏ur i a四rtirular i 如lation. If this eq"ipment does cause harmful I哗心七n to radk> o氓le书记Ion re七eplon,wNch ca be &妇mi咄切印ming the equipment off and on, l he user is en oou叨ed to lryto江叮虹妇iI心1「111"心by o e or mo"'of the fo!owing m...ures: 4祜"缸I or n,locate t匡匝龙订Ing丛N田11出一Ina出lhe seperation 叫讯儿n Ille equipment a d沦ceive『. -Co ooct Ille equipn妇1l into an outlet on a circuit dllle r 印t from th a t to which the re也ver lsoonnec尽 如嘘lhe d泌er or an e 知边叫io/TV但加i心n for help_ Nous vous心m矶心1s d'e\IOir u廿lis�le haut-pa心ur sens 111 Mi 心Veuill眨1ita比nt,vement oe manuel avant rut仇迎tion.U训sez�e oom立m七nt pour 咖nir les meilleu咚阳「UlI旦l吐s du produtt_ Le haut俘r1eur笠•filMINISO吓une心d ,dlced的a心u so f>d 七le et deSm 切ons mu灼µ社r i e enti�re a le brevet de la co ception de「apparence.Le sys泊me 叫平ant la吵nologie de pc;切de l'i du劝ie VOUS pe,met de p rooter d'exoellenla ell啦双m叩3a血momen\ii le maison, ii re如eur,en 口归ge ou au lraval. Le produtt ollre u e e叩erience pa中心lo卤ue心心1ouez de a mu�que sur火巧ord nateurs portables, vos ecleur, de musique num拉ue et a叩le氓,.,.audic,,i和啦叨JS oondui..t�une vie moi,如f"OIM!Cde la归<>m氓iquel_ 1. Consorvez-le et u引lsoz-lea tern凶rature amblarrte2. tvitez de l'exp函r A la plule ou合un envioonnement humde3. Ne pas jeter le prodult pour eviter I..dommeges caus丘"汜r une chu妇4. Ne pas d�mo 忙r.modifier ou reparer le produit vous-m!me5. Ce prodult est的ulpo d'avec u o batte什o au lithium Int的飞e,叩mpl的able.Ne pas jeter le produit et心p的le je沁r dans le feu pour eviler tout danger.6 PourOVItor que ses p.rformanc.s n. SC,e t p叭urt,的s,meintenir a10,gne des objets magnetiques pui..ants.7. Lo心que vous 'utmsez pas le haut-perteur pendant une longue伐riode,chargez-la tous les 3 mois pour prolonger la du伶e de vie de la 仄如ri._ BLUETOOTH EN"伍...CHAROE鼠ENTPORTDEMCROusa CHARGEMENTDUR!E D E LECTU ..DE LA M U81QUE V5.1SV=1A0d.“', 3HNOM D 'APr合JR BLUETO叩...TTERJEDISTANCE D E TRAN叩lSSIONTEMPS D E CHARGEMENTMINISO-LTBT2219 氐如心·all t 闷um 3,7V 500m心Ee,i 心10mE的巾n 2 5H_ 丿勺1. Bouto d'Alimentation 2. Voyant L umineux LEDS. Port de Chargement_ FonCion Inst八,ction戛L ed"兀Pa u eAppu归z br 如een飞ur e加,u lon 油e祖P ste Su i v antl!!pp叩zeux f s u r le bouton 'l ent t P teP元口只允nte 如沪Im记fn ur k'! boulan 'lm e l2!.t B e 创n F e ,b Un够Sgge 吓ie r ait l rsque e batterie e t fo ble'A ti D m�g e 'S 'II c y叱1e p a s p ro u n ,如,1nt u p 心1so t q u e u . ent . V �C h 由Lu m e neu x te 心u 巾e l .『•• t u t 9,. 6 .. t e t l u 蚧o o . n 飞b h l ”口m沁n p t I B r a h 台e _ Haut-parleur, C的le de Chargeme t, Manuel d'Utilisation_ 1.Le haut-1>■11eur san• ftl no parvlent pa■金·`ppad.r aw兀lomobile.Sotuuon : Cooflrmez sl rencelnte sens fll est en mode d'appaJrage, e t si le Bluetooth de votre tel七pho爬est active. Suppnmez e suite le produit de la liste, p ui, appairez-le � nouv..u avec votre比lepho e en sulvant l..Instructio s du manual d"uHllsallon. 2. lmpo••lble d'allume, le hout-padeur ..•• fllSolution : Confinnez e niveau de a batter心Ch叩ez � haut-parteur si eoes 吁咋3. La b叩rle du haut-parleur sons fl! pout会lie ftre remplac妇?Solution : Non, ii s'agit d'u e pile au lithium pol仰虹,qui ..I 而mpla伴blo.4. Puis•j.utiliHr lo h•u�严rlour..,.fil • un volumo olevo pendant une longue p6rtode ?Solutlon. Pour p『olonger la durl>e de vie du haut-parleur sans fil, ii 'a,t pas recommanda de l'ut1liser白u volume aleva pendant una longue p,ricde.5. La liaison ontro le haul-parlour sans fil et lo mobile •妞啦connoct6e dans un rayon de 10 m杜兀..Solutlon, La technologie Bluetoolh est •a s fil. Elle eot done I志sensible aux cbjets s�ueo e叩le haut-parleur et l'appa"'ii ccnne啦V如fiez s'l y a d es objets metall qves ov au呤Qu peuvent affecter la connexion d•n• la distance effective. 6. Imp<遠芯Ible d'ontend,. la loctu.. a udio lo..qu.1.haut-parl.ur ..t connocti古l'ordinateur ou au蚀I合phone.Solutlon : VMflez SI la的rtle audio de l'ordlnateu『est d仑J a conne啦ea un沁riph七rique san$介I el si le Bluetoolh de l'ordinateur pre d en charge le pnotocole A2DP. A岱Umz.vous qu.l.叩ume es ol酌o su『VO四lelephona ou vot戊ordinateur.7. Puis-j• utilisor las applications do mon血phono via I•haut·归rteur ap啦avolr ap贮'r1610 naut-parleur sans Ill aveo le 岭liphone ?R`pon.e • II ...peut que c.心ines applic;atio心o pui•..nt pas otre util1s妇par lo haut-part印心raiso do I矶』n;param�tres.—户__玑l 少i斗己,一J,J,社i,;,.,,,丑~”“匕山l少I....JI�,匕,沪~屯llJI9严Jl 一扫I J<..,己也心l产一心-",心斗泸冲心一托片l o中心心也..WI ..一一边叩土_,.,,“J炉右S'J ·“4心尸少乒托......“'七-l 3.斗!,I 心力-勺还气心l心l扣心心心心心斗,.切i己心,,,心沁归心心山;;.J JJ也.:..J .-,.la产3....,I-尸上斗~山”扣1if I J仑一~已七斗,�.,.,也l也立心上,心J泸凸,切心切""'— 也只心P心)人}巳l “'P,立L,,,1勺心,1卢J己,.,...,.,.,..,_2匕正4u己U 上1匕&h..,;;;y 3一一贮1e 止1,IJ,心$上?心认4... -,,1产J l .,,i_,,c .J l '°'"'llJ<l,心户一心心匕少沪,心.5少干UI己,叫少五:U一己七夕11.......,"--J ,.C.少'"'---•土心叫J“以正U炉13.J<七i....JI 斗,心卢心心,也"'止立7— MINISO-LT.BT221. “心~...心IJ.500J”“卢10.JbJ卢`'尸'仕血1J心},动 5.1 J口乙夕5少.11_,.._MICRO USB吐炉,,,,...,心,�心压心心1丛心l.,2.5.,1夕“心1今|心匕3J I,,1~~一女_ 正心J l ii.l..3庄少,".o.2J.已..11�i (1)— _1..l-.I I上~斗,...上止o上已d I C也a ..,七.,.匕“'",,IJ.o,;,J �li.llj,..:.,_,JW ;l...JI.,,.,\I;J,>..ll e l.u i..-, 扎K妇lJL已.3-...,上一~J一七l l 夕心,10,-,Ji.o;I SCi>人,,,1,1J吐少已上~心l ”比1J心1....-..-丿,心1.,.,....乒户讥气产2心l心巳1L心l丘·十a个ll欠心斗,... J兑``卢Jt.,I """''-"'少."心_ ,心.JI心·口已J IJ,匕....,,_ J牡认必J少见心社~Jl1,'.J,a,..J,心一`心勺也u阳玑吵·吵汹1�,..)ocl..Jl.:....011....rb:a,团,心儿从J,人心一打儿vi夕沁o止:K,,,.心,,心IJ:,..,,._.;1,心心少l,Jlbl让i...,1.,...,"'lb,11应b 奾:"句,......心心凸王心.2寸s匕屯J'-1.,<.,少3JI`',心l吵少一虫心出心坠.Y斗的l口王心沪尸--扛匕心l立..,心JJl4叫少印K山让少知d吐户一夕”~气"'L....JIJ,心山心吵'.斗汛J ,上七,._,,J叫10,J心4心U肛斗....Jl JLA消上卢_;安…尸l 心心!勺凶..,.比“'凶还心J t...也少心”从1:女切一心3S 夕lo也l ,I U』出JIJ谥心S I 斗匕.心心汕沪b心匕叫�IAAJI句匕心J匕心l心..,,1力妒”“$......,,心,,皿"....e.....-,.6还l 习匕,心正心心夕玉j玫I心沪》亡少1让9-心尸'SJL..产·斗习JI ,心中,少-卢心一;也一灶应D P 心心户兰丸心lIJ一心�,夕心心,,.,沁书也......,心正斗心_,上__..,.,,..,,._.,,..i,..:.占Ja .7,..,,,�1-还L...IIJ心J.a.:,.J .,I 心b.JI._,...卢上,心心心1_笠屯s por usar MINISO AJtavoz lna�bri己Lea.. tema.,.,al如呻ente antes de心a的Util�andolo OOITT戏叩en访para oble er el meJor re叫rnenlD det pl<Jdudo. AJtavoz lnalambrtco de MINISO Ile e una apar面也elegante,u 切叩llooom p acto, u n的ni心飞叭sla y m雌ipl.. 扣n改}罕Toda la..ne tie e la patente怎disel\o de apanenaa.El s1stema Que adopta la托cno切ia lider e la indus�la le戊m a .di叶utar de los O心Ion如引矶乒de sonido on 111刁IQuier mome 比en也扫,al a西l,如,dura te un �•j• o dura te al tr,也ajo.Brinda u氓切心1妇cia perfecta cua do rep1<Jdure musica en s1氐commt刁叩蕊"咽les,叩戍ucto啦de mos,笠dig回y如s阳pro d uclDI飞s audiovisuaes, l o que lo lleva a una ,;da me;,,con m的C8h臼mosa._ 1. Gu6rdelo y utilloelo a tern凶ratura ambiante.2.Eviteae,扣业i6n a la luvia o al ambi..,te humedo.3. No a叨e el pnxlucto pa..evitlrd对ios臼ll.9巾,poroaf d as.4. No d部m还modi几1-1e ni repa闯·1叩ducto usted mismo5. E啦produ心v o n .oon una扫brlado tion叩coda i心uslilu blo.No lo dE斗,ct,e ni k> arroje al fu e go pera evilac el严ig10.6. Para e,,itar Que的in 七rf氐ra en su funcionamiento, ma咄切galo alejado de ob;血mag,心icosluertes.7. Cua do no .. 的en u 的duran归mucho tiempo, cargue el altavoz cada 3 叩蕊spara p心叩尹r laWda切Id85ba妇ria._.LUETOOTH ·Nnt心ADE CARGA PUERTO D E CARGATlEMPO D EREPROOU心1心I凡d~Jde3H DE MOSICAV515V=1AMICRO USSHfl帕REDE EMPARF_,AMIFNTO BWETOOTHBATE川A DISTANC八DE TRANSMISIONTIEMPO D E CARGAMNI的LT.BT2219,.,.,.,.''"'"3,7V 500mAh 斗,趴比dor de10m ",七山士比,如2,5H_2' II I 乙1. Bo论n de Allmentacl的2.lndlcado『Lumlnoso LED3. Puerto do Carga一FuncI ..lntmcclone8Rep 中rI P u ga r P u e breve ent兮elb啦 e ent 如P飞P S g u论`eP ul e vece e b t6n e e Ien扫dOP 又a 八1”UI P ul e e b l 6n e l enla c 6n tres vece A e中eBa t erf Ba j Unm旧o ctJa le b t erle. e 啦b aieE p ,T 吧•J po e Es A 叫ra µ,h· S o h $e OO n n e x 6n ul t 点r n r t c u ducio n 沿n te 1e .0 p 叩心fe e 血lcadora e C 叩.L e Iu z ,m -,•.• 啦p 叩o g 蚊e n sp l •u ,,.,..的,O.. i U 2O p ,0. _ Alta血Cable de Ca屯a,Manual de Usuario_ 1. El altav立inal知bri0的妇puede emparejar con el吵ii.Soluci6n: Co fione si el altavo z inal�ml>ricc es泊en mode de emparajamie to y el Bluetooth de su tel七fono e函activado.L哗90elimine el e沺"'to en le lists, v uelve e vinoolerlo con su telefo o de 一寸句寸c co •I Ma ual dol usuario. 2. El Oltavoz I 心1.mbrlo no又:pued· ·nmn心r.Soluci如:Co firme el ivel de la bi妇由Cargue et alta中Z3..l巳上一心3. LS• pu心e正empr立ar l·b..eria de1al.. v oz l nal�mMco? Solucl6n: No se pu忒..u氓batorla呻pol「moro de Ii廿o,que e8 insustiluibte.4. 1,Puedo usar el altavoz i natlimbrico a un volumen alto du巾nte mucho tiompo?So1uc16n: Para prolongar ta Vida util del altavoz inal�mbnco. no se recomienda 『eprodudrlo a un v吨ume alto duranle m心ho liempo 5. El enlo...nt...l .“avomn叩叩rlco y..m如,....dooconectado on 10 motroa.Soluci6n: Bluetooth es in必mbrico,por lo quo es muy sons;blo • los objetos entre el a归voz y el dispositivo conectado. Com pruebe si hay algu me扫I u otro, objetos que puedan afectar la conex论n dentro de la 叩anda el氏加a6. No H puade oscuchor la reproduccl6n de audio cu111do el altavoz.式`”“ectado • la compu比dora o •I切1如no.Saluci6n: Compruebe si la salida de audio de la compu妇dora ya es饿conectada al dispositivo inalambnco y si el Bluetooth de la compu白dora es oompatibie con el p『otDcolo A2DP. A扫1urese de que el volumen de su telefono o oomputadora e啦alto.7. lPuodo utiliz■r I..霆plicacionH do mi totofono" ..呾del 旦ltavozd..pu妇中ompa"'jar oI ..tavozinal血mbrico con ■I tololfono?Re.PU的红Es posible que elgunes epli顷扣es no admi归el funcK>namiento a trav的del allav立debido a su confi g uraci扣_非常感谢您使用M INISO 蓝牙音箱崖品,使用前精样细团阮本饼明番,芷璋噪作使用,更好疫撑壹品倡越性枪。
流年静吧/饮品单Fleeting Time Static-it Bar / Menu甜品类 Sweets 饮品类Soft Drinks芒果西米捞18元/份炫动薄荷冰12元/杯Chilled Mango Sago Cream Ice Mint Tea椰汁水果捞18元/份夏日柠乐冰12元/杯Chilled Coconut Fruit Cream Ice Lemon Tea芒果粒粒爽18元/份菊花蜜茶12元/杯Mango Cream Chrysanthemum Nectar红豆缠绵18元/份蜂蜜柚子茶12元/杯Red Bean Cream Honey Grapefruit Nectar芒果红豆盏18元/份金桔柠檬茶12元/杯Chilled Mango Red Bean Cream Kumquat Lemon T ea芒果小丸子18元/份冰橘茶22元(大)12元(小)Mango Glue Puddings Ice Orange Tea (Larger Cup/ Smaller Cup) 黑米水果捞18元/份夏天茶22元(大)12元(小)Chilled Black Rice Fruit Cream Summer Tea (Larger Cup/ Smaller Cup) 黑米小丸子18元/份蓝色风暴12元/杯Black Rice Glue Puddings Blue Storm黑米红豆盏18元/份鸡尾酒 Cocktail Wines 小吃类Snacks 飞天蚱蜢22元 /杯花生10元/份Flying Grasshopper Peanuts水果宾治22元/杯香蕉皮10元/份Fruit Punch Bananas血腥玛丽22元/杯辣味豆10元/份Bloody Mary Chilli Beans异形接触22元/杯杏仁15元/份UFO Almonds薄荷宾治22元/杯开心果15元/份Mint Punch螺丝钉22元/杯Gimlet曼哈顿22元/杯Manhattan青草蜢22元/杯Grasshopper果盘类Mixed Fruits 蛋糕类Cakes小果盘28元/份提拉米苏22元/块Smaller Dish Tiramisu中果盘38元/份抹茶慕斯蛋糕22元/块Normal Dish Mocha Mousse大果盘48元/份卡布奇诺蛋糕22元/块Larger Dish Cappuccino黑森林22元/快Black Forest啤酒类Beers百威Budweiser 10元/支 50元/半打 100元/一打(送精美小吃2份)、¥10/bottle ¥50/half-dozen ¥100/dozen (including two kinds of snacks) 大兵Soldier 10元/支 50元/半打 100元/一打(送精美小吃2份)¥10/bottle ¥50/half-dozen ¥100/dozen (including two kinds of snacks) 大兵黑啤 Soldier Dark 10元/支 50元/半打 100元/一打(送精美小吃2份)¥10/bottle ¥50/half-dozen ¥100/dozen (including two kinds of snacks) 冰锐Ice Sharp 20元/支 100元/半打 200元/一打(送精美小吃2份)¥20/bottle ¥100/half-dozen ¥200/dozen (including two kinds of snacks) 喜力 Heineken 15元/支 80元/半打 150元/一打(送精美小吃2份)¥15/bottle ¥80/half-dozen ¥150/dozen (including two kinds of snacks) 青岛 Qingdao 10元/支 50元/半打 100元/一打(送精美小吃2份)¥10/bottle ¥50/half-dozen ¥100/dozen (including two kinds of snacks)洋酒类Imported Wines伏特加188元/支(送精美果盘一份,软饮4支)Vodka ¥188/bottle (including mixed fruits & four glasses of soft drinks )威士忌288元/支(送精美果盘一份,软饮4支)Whisky ¥288/bottle (including mixed fruits & four glasses of soft drinks )宝石蓝金酒288元/支(送精美果盘一份,软饮4支)Bombay Gin ¥188/bottle (including mixed fruits & four glasses of soft drinks )芝华士388元/支(送精美果盘一份,软饮4支,小吃2份)Chivas ¥188/bottle (including mixed fruits & 4 glasses of soft drinks & 2 snacks)杰克丹尼(送精美果盘一份,软饮4支,小吃2份)Jack Daniels ¥188/bottle(Including mixed fruits & 4 glasses of soft drinks & 2 snacks)红酒类Red WinesA 88元一支(送精美果盘,小吃两份)Type A 88/bottle (including mixed fruits & 2 snacks)B 188元一支(送精美果盘,小吃两份)Type B 188/bottle (including mixed fruits & 2 snacks)。
各种音乐类型名词解释 (1)
Disco 的风潮应归钱于电影的杰作:70年代的美国电影中大量使用了Disco舞曲,由于Disco舞曲本身节奏简单(4/4拍),旋律积极向上易被人接受,再加上崇拜明星的作为,从而在全美国乃至全世界掀起一股Disco的风潮。
柬埔寨常用语(后为汉语近似发音)你好---suosi dei,早晨好 ---a lun suosi de,i 谢谢---a gun,再见--- li hai(利海),小姐 ---ga nie,先生 ---nou ,金边--pu long ben,可以啊 ---ban da 过来---mao ni,这边---di ni,那边---di nu,今天—te ai ni,明天---si ai,后天 ---kang si a,i 大后天 ---kang si ai mu,i 晚上---bei you,明天晚上- bei you si ai,早上---bei bu leng,上午---bei bu leng,中午---te ai de lang, 下午 bende rou nie,回家 dou dia,等一下 ---jia mu di 快点 le le dei,老公 ---pa dai ,对了---de rou hai,错了---kao hai 很漂亮—si an na 漂亮- si an 干杯 ---zhuo ga mui,多少钱 ---te lai man=ang man,便宜点行吗 ---tao di ban dei(套地办得),太贵了 ---ta lai na 不知道 ---a deng(阿登)不要 a dai (阿带),mu i=1 bi=2 bai=3 bu n=4 ba lang=5 ba lang mu i=6 ba langbi=7daob=10 dao mui=11 dao muy=11 dao bi=12 mui pei=20 mu i pei mu i=21 mu i pei bi=22 mu i pei ba lang=25 mu i pei ba lang mu i=26 san mu se m=30 san mu se mmu i=31 san mu se mba lang=35 sai se m=40 ha se m=50 haosem=60 zhen sem=70 bie sem=80 gao sem=90 mu irao i=100, muI rao i gao sem=190 mu iraoi gao sem ba lang bun=199 mu i ban=1000mu i men=10000 bi men=20000市场—— pa sa忙—— lo wo很忙—— lou waona我不喜欢的—— ke you m a zhuo zhan dai 我不喜欢—— ke you m a zhuo zhan 我喜欢——ke you m zhuo zhan 老公呢?—— zha pa dai ving?买东西—— ding ei wan我不太忙的—— ke you m a sou lou wo dai 我也不太忙的—— ke you m gao a sou lou wo dai 美元---dao na,去---dou中国人 ---zhun jian zhen,柬埔寨 ---kao mai睡觉 ---gei睡觉吧 ---gei douyou hai gei dou--- 太晚了睡觉吧gei nou?= 睡觉了吗?gei hai= 睡了nou dei= 还没吃饭了吗? ---yang pai nou?吃了—nia m hai 老公正在干嘛— pa dai gang beng te ai neng? 正在— gang beng 老婆— brao ben 在干嘛呢?— te ai neng? =te ei gei?是— ba(男的说)是— jia(女的说)那老公呢?— zhuo pa dai wen? 那老公吃饭了嘛?—zhuo pa dai yang bai hai nou? 吃过了— yang bai hai 吃饱了— nia m cha ai hai 肚子饿了— hai o hai 也是肚子饿— ka lin hai 老公肚子饿了吗?— pa dai ka lin hai nou? 老公肚子饿了吗?— pa dai haohai nou? 对吗?— da rou nou?=da rou die?厉害— bu gai 真的—ben hai 真的吗? -men dei ?不是错了— adai kao hai 我厉害吗?— k youm ben jia bu gai die?我很厉害— k you m bu gai na 哭— you m念— an老公念什么— pa dai an ei gei?ban dei ?—可以吗?duo ka nie—一样的gao ban—也可以an ta mei?—怎么念o wei gei nou—瞌睡了吗?bu nia—你们nia—你k you m neng bu nia?—我想你们k you m neng bu nia na?—我很想你们pa lei hai—忘了an ei gei—不用谢 =念什么ta men=ta ei gei—怎么说k you m zhang bi bi nia— k you m neng bi bi nia—我想亲你 neng=zhang—想vai nia bu lou—打死你men hai=真的了men man dei=不是的 men ei?=真的吗?mo pi m yue=看电影ta ai sao=星期六ta ai zan=星期一ta ai ang gei=星期二ta ai bu=星期三ta ai bu hua=星期四ta ai sou=星期五ta ai a deng 星期日per sa ra=喝酒dou mu deng bi nia=我们两个人去洗澡吧bi nia=两个人mu deng hai nou?=洗澡好了吗?qiao pu= 停qiao pu sen=先停pu ling=下雨pu ling ge la ge la =大雨pu ling didi=小雨qi an=好吃bu nia bei you yang bai nou ?=你们晚上吃饭了吗?dou dao bi=到双狮gada m=螃蟹bang gei er=虾gou ga gou la=可口可乐 soupu=汤 si gao sao=白糖 che gai=狗 nia mu bao bao=吃稀饭 niunue =锤子 bu tao =斧头 xi mang=水泥 lai=钢筋 lan=车 lan tong=大车 ji lan=打车 ji mo dou =打摩托车 ji gang=坐自行车 ji yue hao= lan du=小车 lan pi ka m=皮卡车 gong bang tong m=磅同 gong bang zhan m=磅针 ang gouwo=吴哥窟 ang gou =吴哥 k you m=我wo=庙 nia =你 bu nia =你们 ba(四声)=爸爸ma(四声)=妈妈 dada=爷爷 ye ye=奶奶 zuo jie=喜欢 de du=电视机 a mian yin te lai =没有网络 men bai guo sang mu dei=别客气 kai ge lao jie=桔井 kai si deng de lai ye=上丁- ba de wang=马德望 xie mer li m=暹粒 mao de lei=河边 da er=到 vei la=别墅 ba lan du=开小车 ding mo hou=买菜 cha mo hou 炒菜 nia m mo hou 吃菜bo k you m=我们 guan=他 bo guan=他们 jia m you na=等很久 da=走 sa la bi er=啤酒 sa la sao白酒 sa la ta la mu 药酒 dei=不 en jie zuo=请进 en jie ang gui=请坐 a ei dei=没事了 ke mei bu rao=男孩 lao ao la=很好 mo pian=朋友 ka lai =怕 ke mei si lei=女孩 pa ao si lei=妹妹bang si lei=姐姐 pa ao bu rao=弟弟 bang bu rao=哥哥bang si lou lan ou=我爱你tai m si gao sao =加糖 che ma ke mao =黑猫 me lu ke mao =黑人 tai m deng gao =加冰 coffee la gou=牛奶咖啡te ga =干活 bi nia\bei nia =2 个人 \3 个人 ke mao yi =鬼请你跳舞 ---恩界聂让得让母,跳舞---得让母,唱歌洁令(加母林),喝茶 ---比沙带,喝水 ---比沙灯,抽,砍树烟 ---比沙巴累,火 ---赴论,有没有结婚 ---离不隔阿黑日 no。
夜晚到底意味着什么,白天的O L也许正襟危坐,打扮整齐;夜晚的OL却狂野奔放,造型出位,而到了只属于夜晚的夜店,每个PartyAnimal更是使尽浑身解数要成为夜店的焦点,连空气中都散发着诱惑的味道。
你还不会变身吗?赶紧跟专家学两手吧!轻松变身“夜店女王”Make 彩妆-up能滋养肌肤以及抗氧化剂保护肌肤外,还含有添加的矽粉末,创造朦胧光纤效果。
另外,全新的让肌肤能同时对抗恼人的紫外线伤害,呈现La Laque Fever燃情唇彩身披本无可抵挡的性感酒红Bordeaux Red与细腻柔美的裸米色COCO的包装还增添了一个不易察觉的秘密特征:在唇膏外而膏体本身也印有CHANEL的字样。
这是唯有它的123完美细节为你造型加分细节1 用牛奶润色很多女性在刚进入夜店时非常的光彩照人,但是在快离开时就花容失色了。
细节2 塑造独特的发型发型在夜店中能看出一个人的时代感,也能凸显一个人的气质。
细节3 发型更强调个性仅在妆容上花心思已经不够,明星们的头发也是花样百出。
面Lady Gaga那般的银光粉色假发同样是玩转夜店的法宝,如此抢眼的颜色绝对让你High翻整场,不过如果你的年龄太大,那么这样的装扮确实有点汗!如果没时间,就掌握四个打理重点:*特别注意1 为了最大限度地避免在夜店上出现尴尬,解决方法第一招先洗个头!一定要选择和使用有清爽及控油功效的纯植物洗发产品。
*特别注意2 为了增加头发的动感,可以收紧两侧头发,头顶部搓揉至蓬松状态。
Aufzug, "e
Fern sehapparat, -e
Bildschirm, e
Sca nner,
Herd, -e
Discma n
Kommode, n抽屉柜,五斗柜
Film, -e电影
Weg, e道路
Au?e nwan d, "e外墙
Halle nbad, "er室内游泳池
Tiefgarage, n地下车库
Balko n, s阳台,晒台
Haus num mer, - n门牌号
Toilette, n盥洗室,厕所
das Kleid, er女装,连衣裙
Halskette, n项链
Arm, e手臂
Fin ger,手指
Mun d, "er口,嘴
Bauch, "e肚子,腹部
Fu?, "e脚
Buse n,(女的)胸脯
Hals, "e脖子
Zah n, "e牙齿
Sau na, Sau"e桑拿浴
Wohnungstur, en房门
Esstisch, e餐桌
Platte, n平板
Schublade, -n扌由屉
sable serviette 米法
Sable Serviette 米法一、Sable Serviette 米法简介Sable Serviette 米法是一种源自法国的传统烘焙工艺,其名称源自法语中"sable"和"serviette"两个词语,分别意为"沙"和"餐巾纸"。
Sable 在这里指的是一种酥脆的饼干,而serviette则是指在烘焙过程中使用的特殊手法和工具。
二、Sable Serviette 米法的特点1. 酥脆可口:Sable Serviette 米法制作出的饼干以其酥脆、香甜的口感而著称。
2. 精致美观:Sable Serviette 米法所制作的饼干不仅口感上佳,而且在外观上也别具特色。
3. 传统工艺:Sable Serviette 米法源自法国,是一项法国烘焙传统工艺的代表之一。
三、Sable Serviette 米法的制作步骤1.准备原料:制作Sable Serviette 米法所需的原料包括面粉、黄油、砂糖等。
2 Broke Girls(破产姐妹)第一季 中英文剧本字幕
2 Broke Girls S01E011--快乐学英语2--看电影学英语看美剧学英语3--十二四十一号桌上菜Pick up! Tables 12, 4, 11.4--来了Got it.5--等你丫有空...Hey, when you get a second,6--麻烦把淫眼从我奶上移开stop looking at my boobs.7--麻烦一下Excuse me.8--服务生Waitress?9--小二Dude?10--您好请问要点什么Hi, what can I get ya?11--我们要...We need some...12--看了会不爽吗Is that annoying?13--觉得对方又欠扁又无礼吗Is that obnoxious and rude?14--你工作时有人这么弄你Would you find it distracting if someone did that to you15--你会觉得烦吗while you were working?16--哎呀忘记你没工作了抱歉Oh, you don't have a job. Sorry.17--靠伙计她完胜呀Damn, dude, she burned you.18--别搞错了小痞子No, hipster.19--别以为我跟你是一国的Do not think we're on the same team.20--咱俩到死都不是同路人We have nothing in common.21--姐戴帽子挡酷寒I wear knit hats when it's cold out.22--二货戴帽学酷玩[乐队]You wear knit hats cause of Coldplay.23--你的纹身是想气死你爹You have tattoos to piss off your dad.24--我爹压根不知他是我爹My dad doesn't know he's my dad.25--最后And finally,26--你觉得you think...27--一声穿云指我千军万马来服务this is the sound that gets you service.28--要我说I think...29--一声穿云指我如瀑下阴也干枯This is the sound that dries up my vagina.30--那位俄国服务生呢怎么不见了The other waitress disappeared, the Russian one. 31--我们想要山葵酱We need horseradish.32--拜托您了Please.33--妹妹真乖这样才有礼貌嘛That, ladies, is how you treat a waitress.34--宝莲娜Paulina!35--爽爽死了Oh, so... so good, oh...36--抱歉不知道你在休息Oh, sorry, I didn't realize you were on break.37--我要山葵酱I just need some horseradish.38---给-收到- Here. - Oh, cool.39--请问服务生去哪了Excuse me, where's my waitress?40--她马上来[高潮]She's coming.41--厄尔Earl.42--厄尔Earl!43--我做了你最爱的红丝绒蛋糕I made your favorite, red velvet.44--我的蛋蛋妹给我带来了小蛋糕My little cupcake brought me a cupcake.45--我还是把钱给你吧Let me pay you for that.46--不用我请客Oh, no, no. It's on the house.47--你生日嘛It's your birthday.48--过完生日要几岁了啊How old are you gonna be?49--七十五岁75.50--厄尔你要小个三岁咱俩就成了Oh, Earl, if you were just three years younger.51--麦克斯麦克斯大新闻Max, Max, big news.52--新老板炒了俄国妞宝莲娜The new boss fired that Russian waitress, Paulina.53--大胸金丝猫被发现其实是个死间谍Turns out chesty Kournikova was Vladimir Puttin' it out. 54--早安我带了你的工资来Hello today. I have paycheck for you.55--我有话问你你炒了宝莲娜吗阿憨I need to talk to you. You fired Paulina, Han?56--我已经不叫李憨了I am no longer Han Lee.57--我取了新的英文名字I have new American name58--好适应新时代"得"社会to go with changing neighborhood.59--是新时代"的"社会To go with the changing neighborhood.60--移民考试的时候别又说错了You need to remember this for your immigration exam.61--行好适应新时代"的"社会Correct. To go with the changing neighborhood.62--小笼Bryce?63--你改名叫李小笼啊Your name is Bryce Lee?64--等等等一下Wait, wait, um, um, um...65--别再招新人来了好吗Don't hire a new waitress, okay?66--反正活儿总是我全包I've been doing all the work anyway,67--让我多拿一份工资补贴家计吧and I really could use the extra money.68--你需要帮手You need help.69---不用-谁都需要帮手- No, I don't. - Everyone need help sometimes.70--我不用我当了一辈子的侍应I don't. I've been waiting my whole life, okay?71--在餐厅酒吧都做过侍应I've waited on tables, I've waited in bars,72--甚至在家等验孕结果I've waited on home pregnancy tests.73--[Waited: 等待侍应一词多义]74--我已经雇新人了I already hire new waitress.75--她以前在曼哈顿顶级餐厅工作过She work in all top restaurants in Manhattan.76--我都把宝莲娜的制服给她了I gave her Paulina's uniform.77--李先生有点事情想问问Mr. Lee, not to complain,78--这件制服好像有人穿过了呢but I think someone wore this uniform before me,79--而且是刚刚才穿过like right before me.80--可不可以帮我换一件全新的呀Is it possible that I could get another one?81--换件没这么湿漉漉的Maybe one that's a little less moist.82--另外我的肤色跟黄芥末色不太搭Also this mustard color doesn't really go with my skin tone,83--跟芥末渍也不搭neither do the mustard stains...84--跟这各式污渍异味更是不搭And these various other stains, and smells.85--白白的是蛤蜊浓汤渍吧...I hope that's clam chowder.86--所以So...87--为了大家I think it'd be better for everyone,88--以及我的免疫系统着想including my immune system,89--我就穿自己这身就好了if I just keep on wearing what I'm wearing,90--那件就省了我这身可是香奈儿and not the apron,'cause this is chanel.91--感谢聆听So thank you,92--本小姐要上岗啦and let's waitress.93--这娇娇女明显就是Whatever that is,94--来错地方打错工了it does not belong in this diner.95--她应该去演电视It belongs in a show on Bravo.96--她是金发妞金发闪闪But she blonde, hair so shiny,97--有助财源广进啊good for business.98--你都去哪找到这些歪瓜裂枣的啊Where do you even find these people?99--俄罗斯妓女再前一位还是吸毒妹The Russian hooker, the one before that was a meth addict.100--你去训练她我可是老板You train her, I am boss.101--老板中的老板Da boss.102--好那你先去命令她穿上制服Fine, but make her wear the uniform.103--真不能让吸毒的回来吗Are you sure we can't get the meth addict back?104--她是毁尸灭迹打扫神人呢She was really good at cleaning.105--可她吸毒到牙掉光了But her teeth fall out.106--你也太以貌取人了吧You are really judgmental, you know that?107--我就说一回仔细听I'm only gonna say this once, so pay attention.108--我是卡洛琳你叫麦克斯对吗I'm Caroline, by the way. And you're Max?109--先别建立感情Don't get attached.110--这间威廉伯格餐厅老板是李憨This is the Williamsburg diner, owned by Han Lee,111--最近刚改名叫李小笼Who just changed his name to Bryce Lee,112--他应该是患了不被当笑话会死的病because I guess he wants people to take him even less seriously.113--八个月前他向俄国黑帮顶下这餐厅Eight months ago he bought it from the Russian mob. 114--以前客源通常是东欧小流氓吸毒妓女Clientele used to be all eastern bloc criminals and crack whores,115--他顶过来之后客源就跑光了but then he took it over and ruined it.116--哟性感辣妹Hey, sexy woman.117--今儿个性感动人啊You look so pretty today.118--美得我差点忘了你是悍妇了You look so beautiful, I forgot how bad your personality is. 119--承蒙夸奖奥列格Thanks, Oleg.120--嗨芭比小妞Hey, Barbie.121--他是奥列格That's Oleg.122--他将会不停地用烂招泡你He will hit on you aggressively and relentlessly.123--他的自信多到爆棚He doesn't realize he looks like that,124--可惜我没多余的善心点醒他and I don't have the heart to tell him.125--小姐可以给份菜单吗Miss, could we have some menus?126--当然Oh, sure.127--不要微笑Don't smile.128--你拉高服务标准我就得跟上Cause it raises the bar, and then I have to smile,129--那样太累人了and I can't be doing that.130--微笑又累人又有害健康It's exhausting and I have a bad back.131--那是我的恋人厄尔That's Earl, we're in love.132--别跟他多讲话Do not talk to him,133--除非你想显得更"白"痴unless you want to feel whiter than you already are.134--还有那块污渍Oh, and that stain?135--其实是男人"精"华Not clam chowder.136--去把番茄酱连一起Go marry the ketchups.137--"联姻"起马上好Marry the ketchups. I'm on it.138--"联姻"完弄离婚吧Okay. Now divorce the ketchups.139--停停停Stop! Stop! Stop!140--让番茄酱离婚纯属我鬼扯There's no such thing as divorcing the ketchups.141--你压根就没当过服务生对吧You've never waitressed a day in your life.142--我真的做过Yes, I have.143--看完你这出You expect me to believe you144--奇葩的演出后鬼才信你after watching that whole Temple Grandin routine?145---我去跟老板检举你-别求你了- I'm telling Lee. - Okay, okay,146--我的确稍微美化了我的简历I may have enhanced my resume.147--美化你当参加巴黎时尚展啊Enhanced? What, are we in Paris?148--求你了我真的很需要这份工Please, I really need this job, okay?149--我们家一无所有了We lost all of our money.150--我的信托基金被拿去支付律师费My trust fund was taken for legal fees.151--老爸又入狱了My dad is in jail.152--干嘛难不成你是马丁·钱宁的女儿啊What? What are you, Martin Channing's daughter? 153--报纸在哪Where's the paper?154--马丁·钱宁Martin Channing?155--骗光整座城的人是你老爸The guy who ripped off the entire city is your father.156--他只跟我们说今年生意挺好He told us we were having a good year.157--你是卡洛琳·钱宁You're Caroline Channing.158--你可是亿万富翁You're like a billionaire.159--曾是曾是亿万富翁Was. Was a billionaire.160--所有资产都被冻结了全没了They froze all our assets, everything's gone.161--我只能拿几样东西走I only have what I could grab,162--可我全拿了没用的东西and I grabbed all the wrong things.163---你认识总统吧-见过- So do you know the president? - I've met him.164---他很性感吧-他就是个总统- He's hot. - He's the president.165---你去过瑞士吧-去过- Have you been to Switzerland? - Yes.166---你有马吗-有- Do you have a horse? - Yes.167---认识帕丽斯·希尔顿吗-不认识她太老了- Do you know Paris Hilton? - No, she's a hundred.168--麻烦一下两杯热巧克力Excuse me, uh, two hot chocolate, please.169--马上好Comin' up.170--让我来吧Let me do that, please.171--我学东西可快了I'm a really fast learner.172--沃顿商学院毕业I went to Wharton business school.173--SAT考了两千三百分I got 2,300 on my SAT.174--那你做得出热巧克力吗Can you make a hot chocolate, or not?175--搞定Nailed it.176--小费均分把你的拿来We split the tips. Give me yours.177--比我预计的好多了You did better than I thought you would.178--我刚想到了一个Listen, tonight I thought of a way179--赚外快的办法we could make some extra money.180--那些红丝绒蛋糕They've totally underestimated the price181--定价实在低的离谱point on those red velvet cupcakes.182--在曼哈顿这至少卖七块In Manhattan the asking price is at least seven,183--我们就卖七块赚价差中饱私囊so we could sell them for seven, and then pocket the difference.184--难道你不觉得有什么不对吗Nothing about that sounds wrong to you?185--做蛋糕的傻子定价这么低It's not our fault that the idiot who makes the cupcakes186--又不是我们的错doesn't know their worth.187--我就是做蛋糕的那傻子I'm the idiot who makes the cupcakes.188--我才知道嘛New information.189--这肯定不行That's stupid.190--谁会花七块买我的蛋糕啊No one would pay $7 for one of my cupcakes.191--你确定吗看这...Really? 'Cause...192--果然有遗传你爸弄钱的基因啊Well, at least we know you're not adopted.193--你怎么会沦落到来布鲁克林打工So how'd you even end up in Brooklyn?194--我去招工网站Oh, I went on .195--输入上东区的人[富人区]Typed in "place where nobody196--这辈子绝对不会去的地方from the Upper East Side would ever go, ever,"197--就出现这家店了and this diner came up.198--这里治安差穿高级皮衣You can't wear a fancy leather jacket outside199--铁定会被抢in this neighborhood.200--反着穿露出丑的那面You have to turn it inside out.201--皮草算了再翻回来吧Fur. Cool. Turn it back.202--你住哪儿呀So where do you live?203--我家大宅被银行没收查封了Our townhouse was taken and bolted up by the bank, so... 204--我需要表达一下同情吗Is this where I'm supposed to feel sorry for you?205--我是不想逼你啦I mean, I don't want you to,206--不过正常的好人都会同情的but just so you know, a well-adjusted person would.207--我是没同情心的坏人I'm dead inside.208--是人都看得出来You make that pretty obvious.209--好吧我要去市中心的朋友家了Anyway, I'm just gonna stay in the city with a friend. 210--我就住附近I live a couple of blocks that way.211--我照理该陪你走去地铁站的I'd walk you to the subway,212--不过我真的没这么好心it's just that I don't want to.213--完全理解Got it.214--就这样吧Okay.215--罗比Robbie!216--放这么大声干嘛呢Why is the music so loud?217--现在都凌晨三点了It's 3:00 in the morning.218--对不起嘛I'm sorry.219--原谅你吧你们在干嘛呢It's cool. So what are you doin'?220--乐队在练习呢The band's practicing.221--怎么没看到乐器呢But you're not playing any instruments.222--这是我们独门秘技Yeah, that's how we practice.223--听着别人的音乐We, like, listen to other good music,224--然后在自己脑海演练and play it in our head.225--这好比不能弹的秘密It's like the secret.226--是吗我也有个秘密要跟你们说Well, I have a secret for you guys.227--给我滚出去Get out!228---伙计们先走吧-好的- Uh, you guys better go. - We should go.229--抱歉了我还得做小蛋糕呢Sorry guys, I still have to make the cupcakes.230--干嘛自己做去店里买一个不就得了Cupcakes? For why? You can just buy 'em at the store.231--起来再做吧宝贝现在是滚床单时间You can do that in the morning, babe, come to bed.232--不行我明早十点要到市中心No, I can't. I have to be in the city by 10:00.233--好吧给你三分钟Fine. You can have three minutes.234--好吧看在八块腹肌的份上给你八分钟Fine, you can have eight, one for each ab. 235--关门请注意Stand clear of the closing doors.236--太好了死前心愿又完成了一样Well, I can cross that off my bucket list.237--我有电击棒I have a taser!238--天啊Oh, my God.239--真是万分抱歉I am so sorry.240--我以为这只是粉红小电棒I didn't think it would hurt so much. It's pink.241--我都要被电成炭粉了It didn't feel pink.242--我刚真不知道是你I didn't know it was you.243--我还以为自己被人强奸了呢I thought I was being raped.244--摸你的手算个屁强奸啊That's not what rape feels like.245--昨晚...你是在地铁上睡的吗Did you... did you sleep on the subway?246--我没地可去I had nowhere else to go,247--又不敢睡大街上and I'm too afraid to sleep outside on the street.248--天啊还真是娇生惯养God, you're spoiled.249--下一站格林中心Next stop, Greenpoint.250--快拿好你的行李Ugh, get your stuff, come on!251--我带你去我家吧快点I'll take you to my place, but hurry.252--我要三十分钟内赶回市中心Cause I have to be in the city in 30 minutes.253--要打给我哦Call me.254--天啊你家进贼啦Oh, my god, you've been robbed!255--我家本来就这样This is how it always looks.256--天啊你家真不错Oh, my God, totally cute!257--好了我四点回来All right, I'll be back at 4:00,258--然后我们一起上班and we can go to work together.259--卫生间卧室Bathroom, bedroom,260--睡到四点才醒的男友院子boyfriend sleeps till 4:00, yard.261--你还有个院子Oh, you have a yard.262--感觉是放松吸毒两相宜的好地方Looks like a really nice place to relax and do crack.263--那可不It is.264--我得走了不然我打工要迟到了I gotta go, I'm gonna be late for my other job in the city. 265--你打两份工吗You have two jobs?266--对还给一个曼哈顿社交女王看孩子Yes, I babysit for a Manhattan socialite diva.267--现在又多了一个Now I have a set.268--抱歉来晚了Sorry I'm late.269--谢天谢地你终于来了Oh, thank God you're here,270--宝宝身上有一股地下臭水沟的味儿there is a bridge and tunnel smell over by the babies 271--快把我熏死了that's stressing me out.272--应该是要换尿布了Their diapers probably need to be changed.273--又要换啊我肯定上午保姆才换了Again? I swear, the morning nanny just did that.274--当妈可真不容易Motherhood is for reals.275--麦克斯我的推特密码是什么Max, remind me, what's my Twitter password?276--"推特密码"Twitter password.277--对啦Yes!278--嗨布莱德安洁莉娜Hi, Brad. Hi, Angelina.279--麦克斯你也是家人我有话想跟你说Max, I need to tell you something because we're family.280--先给我拿瓶常温的水Now get me room temperature water and come over here.281--我们是钱宁骗局的受害者We are victims of the Channing Ponzi scheme.282--我大卫还有布莱洁莉娜Me, David, and Brangelina.283--你们损失了多少How much money did you lose?284--握紧我的手Hold my hands.285--分毫未损Nothing.286--不过吓死人家了But it really scared me.287--帮我打开吧Open that?288--你认识卡洛琳·钱宁吗So do you know Caroline Channing?289--不认识她什么都没有了No, but she lost everything.290--她一分钱都没有了She has no money.291--你能想像没钱的滋味吗Can you imagine having no money?292--我是指穷的连钱都没有了I mean, you wouldn't even have any money.293--金句快发推特啊You should twit that.294--树倒猴孙散墙倒众人推And no one will even talk to her.295--据说她为了找安身之地I heard she went to six different friends' houses296--去敲了六个朋友的家门for a place to stay,297--可他们都假装不在家and they all had to pretend they weren't home.298---这太过分了-对啊- That's not cool. - Yeah.299---真是不幸-对啊- That's really sad. - So sad.300--听的都心碎了Breaks my heart.301--当妈带孩子人都多愁善感了I guess motherhood has really opened me up emotionally. 302--麦克斯我想抱抱我的宝宝Max, I need to hold one of the babies,303--帮我抱个过来bring me one.304--我要另一个这个是次品No, the other one. That's not the good one.305---你好-你好- Hello. - Oh, hi.306--抱歉吵醒你了Oh, I'm so sorry if I woke you up.307---你是谁啊-麦克斯的朋友- Who are you? - I'm Max's friend.308--这话你可别跟她说Uh, don't tell her I said that.309--她要知道我自称是她的朋友I have a feeling if she heard me call her my friend,310--她会冲过来杀我she'd stab me.311--你在这干嘛呢What are you doin' over there?312--洗我的制服Just washing my uniform,313--让它变美美trying to make it a little more cute314--洗去那层污垢and a little less crusty.315--小心Oh, watch out!316--抱歉我的错Oh! Sorry, oh, my...317--你有毛巾或抹布Do you have a towel or a rag?318---之类的吗-没关系我来搞定-Or something? - No, I... I got it.319--好吧Oh, okay.320--在下罗比I'm Robbie.321--在下不舒服I'm uncomfortable.322--你害人家都湿了You're getting me wet.323--正有此意That's the point.324--你是麦克斯的男友You're Max's boyfriend.325--没关系的It's cool.326--不有关系No, it's not.327--走开卖肉男Back up, Jersey shore.328--你真可悲You're pathetic,329--而且还是被一个无家可归and that's coming from someone who's homeless330--无衣可换的人说and wearing white after a labor day.331--姐见过身材更好的And I've seen better.332--才怪你骗人No, you haven't.333--你怎么没等我Hey. Why didn't you wait for me?334--不是说好一起过来的吗I thought we were coming over together.335--我想早点来把番茄酱"联姻"起Oh. Um, I wanted to get here early to marry the ketchups. 336--今天我听说了你的惨况Listen, I heard something really upsetting about you today.337--他怎么说的说我投怀送抱吗What did he say, that I came on to him?338--"他"是指...Him who?339--没啥Nothing.340--你是说罗比对吧Him, Robbie?341--这事与我无关It's none of my business,342--但我觉得那家伙跟你配不上but you deserve better than that guy.343--对这事的确与你无关Yeah, it is none of your business.344--唉我刚刚对你起了一丝怜悯之情Ooh, I was just starting to feel sorry for you.345--我是说你可以找个更好的I'm just saying, you're worth more than that.346--是吗我该相信你的话吗What, I'm supposed to believe you about this?347--你连简历都作假The person who lied on their resume,348--还用蛋糕赚差价你就是个大骗子and lied about the cupcakes... you're a liar.349---我是想帮你啊-那好吧- I'm just trying to help. - You know what?350--既然你什么都懂Since you seem to know so much about everything,351--干嘛不带着你的沃顿学位why don't you take your wharton degree,352--跟可笑的外套找一个能收留你的地方and your ridiculous coat, and figure this all out yourself.353---麦克斯等等-瞧- Max.Max, wait. - Oh, look,354--对街的拱廊之火乐队演唱会刚结束The Arcade Fire concert just let out across the street, 355--祝你好运good luck with that.356--她会回来的吧She's coming back, right?357--这满屋子的顾客She's not gonna leave me here alone358--她不会丢下我一个人的对吧with a restaurant full of people?359--我就这么跟你说吧Let me put it to you this way.360--你就跟晚上在施瓦辛格家You might as well be a night maid361--落单的女佣一样at the Schwarzenegger house.362--要被狠操一顿了You got screwed.363---爽-太爽了- Oh. - Oh, yeah.364--爽死我了That feels so good.365--把铃鼓换来这个位置Now put your tambourine around it.366--亲爱的我回来了Hi, honey, I'm home.367--在我下班前滚蛋I want you gone by the time I get back.368--宝贝宝贝听我解释Babe! Babe, I can explain.369--你回家太早了嘛You weren't supposed to be home.370--人家说你配不上我People say I deserve better than you.371--谁那个金发妞吗Who? That blonde girl?372--她懂个屁就会瞎说She doesn't know what she's talkin' about.373--人家是沃顿毕业的She went to Wharton374--还去过瑞士呢and Switzerland.375--快看快看Yo, yo. Look at that.376--那妞儿干起活来比史蒂芬·霍金That girl is workin' harder than Stephen Hawking377--扣袖口还努力呢tryin' to put in a pair of cufflinks.378--史蒂芬·霍金有肌肉萎缩症全身只有几根手指能动379--来我来帮你Here, let me help you with that.380--我不要人帮I don't need any help.381--每个人都有需要帮忙的时候Everyone needs help sometimes.382--你们上错菜了This isn't what I ordered.383--她叫卡洛琳This is Caroline.384--她可能会下错单She may have gotten your order wrong,385--但她起码有些事情没做错but she does get some things right.386--谢谢Thank you.387--不是我要谢谢你No, thank you.388--你到底看上那家伙哪点What'd you see in that guy, anyway?389--他这里的肌肉不错He had these muscle thingies.390---那里呀-是啊- Oh,those things? - Yeah.391--我不知道那里怎么叫I don't know what those are called,392--但是好女孩看了就会意乱情迷but they make smart girls stupid.393--麦克斯Max!394--还以为今晚见不到你的小翘臀呢I thought your tight ass wasn't coming in tonight,395--我的心都快碎了and my heart broke in half.396--奥列格You know what, Oleg?397--这话我爱听I needed that.398--如果So I...399--你要找地方住的话咱俩可以当室友I need a roommate, if you wanna crash.400--真不是我说地铁都比你家干净Not gonna lie, the subway's cleaner than your couch. 401--我好像对你有些好感了I just felt myself starting to like you.402--真的吗我真觉得我们可...Really? Because I really feel like we could...403--我就知道纯属错觉I knew that wouldn't last.404--走吧Come on.405--明天我们去市里Tomorrow we can go into the city406--把你剩下的东西搬回来and get the rest of your stuff.407--全部都锁起来了Everything's locked up.408--没有一样你喜欢的东西是可以拿回来的吗What, you have nothing that you care about that we can get?409--好像还真有一样Well, there is one thing.410--居然没人拦我们真是奇了怪了The weirdest thing is that nobody stopped us.411--把它养在这里I'm gonna save a fortune,412--比养在马厩里省钱多了keeping him here instead of in the stables.413--什么时候想到这养马大计的When did you put this whole horse-in-my-yard thing together?414--这就是我I can't help it.415--只要有机可乘我绝不让它溜走I see an opportunity, and I make it happen,416--比如你的纸杯蛋糕like with your cupcakes.417--关我的小蛋糕啥事Like what with my cupcakes?418--听好了开一家蛋糕店Ready? To open a bake shop,419--只需要二十五万启动资金来all we need is 250 grand start-up money,420--租店面和买一些基本设备for the real estate, and the basic equipment...421--是嘛Yeah. Oh.422---二十五万就够了吗-对- 250 grand,that's all? - Yeah.423--我去星巴克的时候Did freakin' Chestnut here kick you in the head424--你的脑子让栗宝给踢了吗while I was in Starbucks?425--听我说完Hear me out.426--要是我们两人同时打两份工If we both worked two jobs427--一周进账两千块and made $2,000 a week,428--我们就可以在一年后开蛋糕店了we could open a cupcake business in a little over a year. 429--过去两天我们赚了三百八十七块In the past two days, we've made $387,430--这是个不错的开始and that's a good start.431--我们还能兼职别的工作赚外快呀We can make extra money at other jobs,432--比如做公关广告行政like publicists, advertising executives...433--看门运毒janitors, drug mules.434--看来得先提升你的自尊We really need to work on your self-esteem.435--所以说So...436--你的美味小蛋糕加上我的商科背景You, cupcakes, me, business background,437--我们就等于成功怎样us, success. What do you think?438--你还有匹马I think you have a horse.439--是我们有匹马I think we have a horse.440--不要爱上我Don't get attached.441--开店基金:2 Broke Girls S01E021--快乐学英语2--看电影学英语看美剧学英语3--准备好点餐了吗Hi, ready to order?4--你们有什么特色[菜]说来听听Do you have anything that's really special?5--我高中辅导员说我没有特色Not according to my high school guidance counselor.6--那我要个蔬菜拼盘I'll have the veggie plate.7--不要甜菜换甘蓝But instead of beets, I want kale.8--不要花椰菜再放点甘蓝And instead of broccoli, more kale.9--蔬菜要用蒸的I want the veggies steamed.10--色拉调料改用柠檬代替And instead of dressing, I want lemons.11--你怎么还不动笔记下来啊Don't you need to write this down?12--现在只有心情写遗书I'm afraid if I start writing that down,13--因为要被烦死了it'll turn into a suicide note.14--我猜你们都会这么点餐吧I'm assuming this table's gonna have a lot more of those requests. 15--没错看你们那帽就知道是事儿精Yes, I could tell by the hats.16--厄尔我有新东西想你尝尝Earl, I have something new I want you to try.17--正是因为这句话That's the exact same sentence18--我才会在几十年前染上吸毒的恶习that got me hooked on cocaine in the '80s.19--我说的是蛋糕的新口味啦It's my new cupcake flavor.20--女人无法抗拒的美味黑巧克力口味Delicious dark chocolate the ladies can't help but love. 21--我把它称为"黑伯爵厄尔"I'm calling it "The Earl."22--说得好I know you got that right.23--我来了Hi, I'm here.24--本来我以为要迟到了想说打个的吧I was running late so I decided to hail a cab.25--然后才想起我没带钱And then I remembered I didn't have any money on me.26--接着意识到我现在是两袖清风的穷光蛋And then I remembered I didn't have any money at all.27--所以我不辞辛苦地走来上班So I walked the whole way here.28--我家到这里才隔三条街The apartment's three blocks away.29--我知道Yes, I know.30--三条街外加十五声"哟呵妹子"那么远Three blocks and 15 "hola chicas" away.31--你不能再迟到了Well, you can't be late again.32--我够烦我每个月迟到的...I'm already worried about me being late...33--大姨妈了every month.34--在我来的路上一位无家可归的流浪汉向我讨钱On my way here, a homeless man asked me for money.35--我跟他说通常我都会慷慨解囊And I told him that I usually always give,36--但我的父亲因为非法敛财而被起诉了but that my father was indicted in a Ponzi scandal37--我们家产没了曼哈顿豪宅也没了and I've lost my family fortune and my Manhattan townhouse,38--还得在布鲁克林区朋友家的沙发过夜so I've been sleeping on a couch in Brooklyn, but,39--尽管世事无常但我还是对于in spite of it all, I'm still optimistic40--开小蛋糕店持乐观态度that you and I will achieve success41--并坚信未来将会取得成功in our exciting new cupcake business venture.42--瞧看他给了我啥And look what he gave me!43--你连流浪汉的钱都拐啊You took money from a homeless man?44--应该说是桥边的鲍勃入股投资才对I prefer to think of Bob near the bridge as our first investor.45--上菜特制三明治Pickup! Special sandwich.46--我还想到一种更妙的三明治I can think of even more special sandwich.47--你我金发长颈鹿夹一起You, me and the hot blonde giraffe.48--她破产后尊严全没了Well, she recently lost her dignity,49--搞不好她会愿意屈就so you might have a shot.50--今天好啊Hello today!51--我给你做了个名牌I have nametag for you.52--你才来第二天我就给你备好名牌了Only your second day and look, nametag already.53--这新东家当的太牛逼了As new owner, I am killing it.54--谢谢Thank you.55--上面写的是"卡洛淋"Oh, it says "Carolin."56--我叫卡洛"琳" 是"王"字旁It's Caroline. With an "E".57--我叫卡洛琳I'm Caroline.58--这新东家当的太二逼了As new owner, I am sucking it.59--你就挂着就是了Just put it on.60--不能告诉亚洲人他犯了错误You can't tell an Asian he made a mistake.61--不然等会他就去拔剑自刎了He'll go in the back and throw himself on a sword.62--谢谢你李老板Thank you, Mr. Lee.63--你可以叫我憨You may call me Han.64--勇"敢"的"心"H-a-n.65--好记不会错No trap in my name.66--我在想我们可以迈出I'm thinking we should take67--我们蛋糕事业的第一步了the first step in our new cupcake business68--就在优惠餐板上by writing "Max's Homemade Cupcakes"69--写上"麦克斯自制蛋糕"吧up on the specials board.70--不行姐的大名不能张扬No, I can't have my name up there.71--我的债主们都以为我住在西雅图呢Everyone I owe money to thinks I live in Seattle.72--哎以前西雅图是我家的呢Oh, we used to own Seattle.73--麦克斯你的名字一定得亮相Max, we've got to get the name out there.74--制造名气嘛Create a buzz.75--好棒好棒Ooh, good idea!76--赶紧开始名气大作战Let's create a buzz.77--没错要想打开市场Exactly, in order to launch--78--我是在模仿你那傻样儿I'm mocking you.79--以后别怀疑我向来都是在嘲笑你When in doubt, I'm always mocking you.80--说真的麦克斯Seriously, Max.81--这个蛋糕事业是我们的救生索This new cupcake business is our lifeline.82--能助我们走上脱贫致富的道路呀A way out for both of us.83--我还想再次感谢你让我搬进你家住And I wanna thank you again for letting me move in. 84--如果有任何事我能帮得上忙的If there's anything I can do to help you--85--是指除了招待客人以外的忙吗You mean besides starting to wait on tables?86--我是说任何能帮你平复I meant, anything I can do to help you87--和罗比分手的难过心情的事through your breakup with Robbie.88--谢了我没事Oh. Thanks, but I'm fine.89--而且现在是我们工作时间And we're working.90--你不干活我还干呢Well, one of us is.91--你确定你没事吗Are you sure you're fine?92--昨晚我听见你在哭'Cause I heard you crying last night.93--我才不哭I don't cry.94--早在两年前我就把泪腺拿去器官银行卖钱了I sold my tear ducts to an organ bank for cash two years ago.95--当时我躺在沙发上I was on the couch.96--听到你在卧室里独自啜泣And I heard you crying alone in your bedroom.97--真的吗那哭声听起来像啥样Really? What did the crying sound like?98--像这样...Like...99--我不是在哭I wasn't crying.100--那你是在干嘛...Well, then what were you d--101--哎哟那事我管不着Oh! So none of my business.102--正确That's right.103---麻烦记住这点-收到- And remember that.- Got it.104--事实上任何有关于In fact, let's just say that anything having to do105--我卧室我桌子或我生活的事with my bedroom, my tables, or my life--106--你最好都别多管闲事you should stay away from.107--界限明白Boundaries. Got it.108--而且千万不要告诉任何同事And please don't tell anyone at work。
低度酒市场蓬勃发展, 潜力巨大• 年轻消费者成为 “轻酒精饮料”社交网络热门声量的主要推动力• 作为品类的颠覆力量, 低度酒用各种各样的产品来满足消费时刻中消费者未被满足的需求, 从而改变了行业竞争格局• 从营销策略的角度而言, 品牌或者专注于传递“美味”信息, 来突出功能享受和鼓励尝试; 或者强调情感场景, 与观 众产生共鸣并培养亲和力• 从社交媒体策略的角度而言, 低度酒利用年轻人分享日常生活的社区/社交平台, 与拥有大量忠实粉丝和拥护者的偶 像合作, 推升社交热度和购买力, 实现病毒式传播饮料和酒精之间的界限越来越模糊, 在消费场景、 口味和目标受众方面尤为明显• 消费场景: 睡前小酌、露营/野营、便利店酒饮、 日咖夜酒成为新兴的消费场景 。品牌可以考虑利用这些场景刺激消 费。• 风味: 带气泡、果味、奶味的酒类流行开来, 更醇厚、更愉悦的口感成功地架起了酒类和饮料品类之间的桥梁, 进而 推动这个前景广阔的小众市场增长。• 目标受众:随着90后、年轻白领和女性消费者的购买力不断增强, 低酒精品牌传播策略的基调和风格逐渐向这些消费 者靠拢, 从大胆明快的色彩、激烈劲爆的内容, 向更加轻松和舒缓方向转型, 对较低的酒精度相呼应。低糖/低脂/低 卡的特征也帮助消费者能够同时兼顾对健康和享受的追求。
从江小白+雪碧的新品, 到四种口味的果立方,这些都是 在投入生产之前,在社交媒体上经过消费者检验和认可的。佐餐成为白酒“品味”策略的新方向。
依托果味白酒成功经验, 江小白推出了真正的水果酒品牌梅见,酒精度更低,目标人群是无法饮用高 度白酒的消费者群体。
为使白酒更加适口,江小白不断推出DIY调酒配方 ,在各种社媒渠道上吸引消费者。江小白开启了白酒低度化之路。
“颜值高”、“聚会饮料”是消费者对RIO的印象。独处已经为年轻人的常态。 RIO推出RIO微醺系列, 通过赞助电视剧、电商推广、跨界合作等方式, 创造“独处的美妙时刻”。
【正文】:夜幕低垂,华灯初上,你是否也感受到了那股让人无法抗拒的“深夜魔力”?是的,我说的就是那个时刻——宵夜时间!1. “大家好,我是夜宵小能手,今天给大家带来一场‘笑出腹肌’的宵夜盛宴!”2. “宵夜,顾名思义,就是晚上吃的饭,但在我这里,它可是‘深夜食堂’的代名词!”3. “深夜,是吃货们的天堂,也是搞笑达人的战场!今天,让我们一起走进这个奇妙的世界,感受宵夜的魅力吧!”4. “吃货们,你们的胃准备好了吗?让我们一起开启这场美食与欢笑的狂欢之旅!”5. “别告诉我你还没吃过烧烤!这可是宵夜界的‘明星’,没有它,你的宵夜就像是没有灵魂的躯壳!”6. “‘夜宵小分队’正式集结!这里有烤串、有烧烤、有火锅、有麻辣烫,还有那让人垂涎三尺的油炸食品!”7. “吃货们,注意啦!宵夜界的‘网红’——小龙虾,已经上线!让我们一起‘吃虾’大战,看谁吃得最快、最狠!”8. “深夜,是零食的天堂!薯片、爆米花、巧克力……这些美味的零食,是不是让你忍不住流口水呢?”9. “吃宵夜,怎么能少得了饮料呢?啤酒、可乐、奶茶、果汁……总有一款是你的菜!”10. “‘深夜食堂’里,不仅有美食,还有搞笑!让我们一起看看,那些搞笑的宵夜故事吧!”11. “‘吃货’的定义,就是‘吃’和‘货’的完美结合!今天,让我们一起‘吃’出风格、‘货’出水平!”12. “宵夜,是一种态度,一种生活!它告诉我们,不管多晚,都要享受生活,吃出快乐!”13. “深夜,是吃货们的狂欢,也是搞笑达人的舞台!让我们一起‘笑’出腹肌,‘吃’出幸福!”14. “‘深夜食堂’里,不仅有美食,还有友情!让我们一起分享美食,分享快乐,分享生活中的点点滴滴!”15. “宵夜,是一场与时间的赛跑!我们要在深夜,抓住每一个美食的瞬间,让生活充满欢笑!”16. “‘吃货’的世界,没有极限!今天,让我们一起挑战宵夜界的‘吉尼斯’,看看谁能吃出‘最’字!”17. “深夜,是吃货们的天堂,也是搞笑达人的战场!在这里,我们不仅能‘吃’出快乐,还能‘笑’出幸福!”18. “宵夜,是一种生活态度,一种对美食的热爱!让我们一起,用美食和欢笑,点亮这个美好的夜晚!”19. “‘深夜食堂’里,每一道美食都是一首歌,每一个故事都是一首诗!让我们一起,用美食和欢笑,书写属于自己的‘夜宵传奇’!”20. “深夜,是吃货们的狂欢,也是搞笑达人的舞台!让我们在这个美好的夜晚,尽情享受美食与欢笑的盛宴!”【结尾】:夜已深,笑未停。
肯德基麦当劳实用英语大全汉堡包:Hamburger鸡肉卷:ChickenLoaf原味鸡:OriginalRecipe烤鸡翅:RoastChickenWings上校鸡块:Colonel’sCrispyChickenStripswithHo mestyleSides鸡米花:ChickenPopcorn大鸡腿:FreshGradeLegs小鸡腿:ChickenDrumsticks鸡胸肉:FreshGradeBreast鸡翅膀:ChickenWings鳕鱼:ling炸薯条:FrenchFries土豆泥:MashedPotatoes玉米沙拉:cornsalad汤:soup面包:bread甜点:Pastries蛋挞:EggTart/EggCake圣代:Sundae甜筒:Ice-creamcone巧克力:Chocolate草莓:Strawberry蓝莓:Blueberry饮料:Beverage红茶:BlackTea咖啡:Coffee果汁:syrup橙汁:OrangeJuice百事:Pepsi-Cola七喜:7-Up美年达:MirindaOrange番茄酱:TomatoKetchup/TomatoSauce辣椒粉:cayennepowder生菜:Lettuce黄瓜:cuke大葱:scallion 胡萝卜:carrot青豆:stringbean玩具:toy马克杯:Mug优惠券:Saverticket纸巾:Papertower手套:glove吸管:Straw搅拌棒:muddler勺子:scoop奥尔良:Orleans肯德基英语服务菜单Menu经济豪华餐MealRoastedchickenburgercombo黄金烤鸡腿堡套餐Miniburgercombo田园脆鸡堡餐Extratastycrispyburgercombo劲脆鸡腿堡餐Zingerburgercombo香辣鸡腿堡餐MexicanTwistercombo墨西哥鸡肉卷餐DragonTwistercombo老北京鸡肉卷餐NewOrleansroastwingscombo新奥尔良烤翅餐Hotwingcombo香辣鸡翅餐Bucketmeal外带全家桶快乐儿童餐Kid’smealAset:Nugget+MashedPotato+Mirinda Bset:OriginalRecipe+FrenchFries+MirindaCset:MiniBurger+FrenchFries+Mirinda鸡类产品ChickenProductsOriginalRecipe吮指原味鸡HotWings香辣鸡翅NewOrleansroastwings新奥尔良烤翅Zingerburger香辣鸡腿堡Extratastycrispy劲脆鸡腿堡MiniBurger田园脆鸡堡MexicanTwister墨西哥鸡肉卷DragonTwister老北京鸡肉卷PopcornChicken劲爆鸡米花Nuggets上校鸡块Roastedchickenburger黄金烤鸡腿堡早餐BreakfastEgg&PorkCongee皮蛋瘦肉粥Chicken&MushroomCongee香菇鸡肉粥Seafood&EggCongee海鲜蛋花粥Egg&PorkFlossTwister鸡蛋肉松卷Egg&PorkSausageTwister鸡蛋猪柳卷早餐优惠组合BraekfastComboCheese&EggBurgerCombo芝士蛋堡餐Miniburgercombo田园脆鸡堡餐MiniburgerwithEggcombo田园脆鸡堡加蛋Pork&EggBurgercombo猪柳蛋堡餐Congee&PotatoStixCombo花式粥餐Egg&PorkFlossTwisterCombo鸡蛋肉松卷餐Egg&PorkSausageTwisterCombo鸡蛋猪柳卷餐早餐饮料及配餐Drinks&SideItems OrangeJuice都乐鲜橙汁FreshMilk/HotMilk鲜牛奶/热牛奶MilkTea奶茶PotatoStix香脆薯棒FrenchFries薯条MashedPotato土豆泥Cornonthecob香甜粟米棒Egg&VegetableSoup芙蓉鲜蔬汤DinnerRoll胡萝卜餐包CornSalad玉米沙拉SeasonalVegetable四季鲜蔬Dessert甜点IceCreamCone脆皮甜筒Chocolate/Blueberry巧克力/蓝莓Sundae圣代Chocolate/Strawberry巧克力/草莓EggTart葡式蛋挞Drinks饮料PepsiCola百事可乐Seven-up七喜Mirinda美年达IceTea雀巢冰爽茶IceTang雀巢橙C Coffee咖啡Tea红茶Milo美禄Tang橙汁Milk牛奶NineLivesJuice九珍果汁GoodBalanceTea清衡茶调味品和日常用品Condiments&CommonRestaurantItemsKetchup番茄酱Coffeemate奶精Sugar糖Sweet&SourSauce糖醋酱SweetChiliSauce甜辣酱Napkin/Tissue餐巾纸Stirrer搅拌棒Straw吸管Toothpick牙签Spoon勺子Tray托盘Cup杯子虽然麦当劳、肯德基这类快餐店在国内外都受到不同程度的质疑,但就餐时间拥挤的人群还是充分说明了人们对他们的依赖。
SOLIDWORKS Composer 3D 技术文档说明书
OBIETTIVISOLIDWORKS® Composer è uno strumento 3D che consente di riutilizzare i dati tecnici 3D per creare contenuti grafici in grado di spiegare processi e procedure all'interno delle comunicazioni tecniche. Questi contenuti includono istruzioni di assemblaggio per la produzione, manuali dei prodotti, istruzioni di installazione, manuali di assistenza, manuali per la formazione, brochure di marketing e offerte per le vendite.PANORAMICASOLIDWORKS Composer è uno strumento per la crea-zione di supporti per la comunicazione, quali istruzioni di assemblaggio, elenchi di parti e supporti di presen-tazione, che possono essere costituiti da pagine HTML interattive, animazioni, immagini rasterizzate o grafica vettoriale. I dati di SOLIDWORKS o di altre applicazioni CAD possono essere importati in SOLIDWORKS Composer e organizzati in viste costituite da istantanee dei dati dell'assieme con orientamenti e stati diversi, in cui le parti vengono mostrate e nascoste in base alle esigenze. Poiché SOLIDWORKS Composer è un software associa-tivo, è possibile aggiornare automaticamente i materiali di comunicazione tecnica con le modifiche apportate ai modelli CAD. Per la prima volta, potrete ridurre i tempi di realizzazione dei prodotti con la garanzia di avere sempre una documentazione accurata e di alta qualità. Gli ele-menti grafici e le animazioni di SOLIDWORKS Composer sono particolarmente utili nella semplificazione delle istruzioni di assemblaggio e degli ordini di lavoro. Potete visualizzare direttamente in 3D le modalità di assemblag-gio o riparazione del prodotto, riducendo la probabilità di errori in officina, eliminando le barriere linguistiche e riducendo notevolmente i costi di localizzazione. VANTAGGIRiduzione dei ritardi nel time-to-market. SOLIDWORKS Composer consente di ridurre gli errori nella documenta-zione e garantire la commercializzazione di tutti i materiali più rapidamente grazie ai seguenti vantaggi:• Creazione anticipata della documentazione durante il processo di progettazione e aggiornamenti più rapidi in caso di modifiche al progetto.• Creazione di contenuti 3D interattivi che chiunque potrà visualizzare con il software gratuito SOLIDWORKS Composer Player.• Aggiunta di elementi grafici interattivi ai materialidi formazione.• Creazione di rendering ombreggiati ad alta risoluzione e con effetti 3D per presentazioni e brochure.• Pubblicazione rapida online di dettagli dei prodotti complessi tramite modelli Web.Maggiore soddisfazione dei clienti. Una grafica di prodotto azzeccata può fare la differenza fra raggiungere l'obiettivo di vendita prefissato o mancarlo. Con SOLIDWORKS Composer è possibile:• Creare immagini più realistiche, eliminando la necessità di prototipi fisici durante la realizzazione dei materiali di marketing per il prodotto.• Illustrare in modo efficace i prodotti constoryboard interattive.• Evidenziare i principali elementi distintivi chiave con viste dettagliate, effetti di luce e componenti trasparenti.• Stupire i prospect visualizzando velocemente gli aggiornamenti dei progetti.• Creare animazioni interattive per rappresentare in modo efficace i dettagli più complessi del prodotto. Maggiore chiarezza nelle comunicazioni. Non è più necessario scendere a compromessi nella comunicazione, acconten-tandosi di disegni poco dettagliati per illustrare il concept o aspettando la fine del progetto per iniziare a creare i materiali di comunicazione del prodotto. Con SOLIDWORKS Composer, sarà possibile creare in maniera semplice:• Viste dettagliate• Viste esplose• Immagini ad alta risoluzione• Illustrazioni tecniche• Animazioni interattive• Distinte di materiali ed elenchi di parti interattivi3D EXPERIENCE platform migliora le applicazioni del marchio al servizio di 12 settori industriali ed offre un'ampia gamma di esperienze di soluzioni industriali.Dassault Systèmes, the 3D EXPERIENCE ® Company, mette a disposizione di aziende e persone universi virtuali in cui immaginare innovazioni per un mondo sostenibile. Le sue soluzioni leader a livello mondiale trasformano il modo in cui i prodotti vengono progettati, realizzati e gestiti. Le soluzioni collaborative di Dassault Systèmes promuovono l'innovazione sociale, aumentando le possibilità che il mondo virtuale migliori il mondo reale. Il gruppo offre valore a oltre 220.000 aziende di tutte le dimensioni e di tutti i settori industriali in oltre 140 Paesi. Per ulteriori informazioni, visitare il sito web /it .AmericheDassault Systèmes 175 Wyman Street Waltham, MA 02451 USAEuropa/Medio Oriente/Africa Dassault Systèmes10, rue Marcel Dassault CS 4050178946 Vélizy-Villacoublay Cedex FranciaDassault Systèmes Italia s.r.l.+39-049-8176400 ************************©2018 D a s s a u l t S y s t èm e s . T u t t i i d i r i t t i r i s e r v a t i . 3D E X P E R I E N C E , l 'i c o n a C o m p a s s , i l l o g o 3D S , C A T I A , S O L I D W O R K S , E N O V I A , D E L M I A , S I M U L I A , G E O V I A , E X A L E A D , 3D V I A , 3D S W Y M , B I O V I A , N E T V I B E S , I F W E e 3D E X C I T E s o n o m a r c h i c o m m e r c i a l i o m a r c h i r e g i s t r a t i d i D a s s a u l t S y s t èm e s , u n a "s o c i ét é e u r o p ée n n e " f r a n c e s e (r e g i s t r o d e l c o m m e r c i o d i V e r s a i l l e s n r . B 322 306 440), o d e l l e s u e c o n s o c i a t e n e g l i S t a t i U n i t i e /o i n a l t r i P a e s i . T u t t i g l i a l t r i m a r c h i s o n o d i p r o p r i e t à d e i r i s p e t t i v i p r o p r i e t a r i . L 'u s o d e i m a r c h i d i D a s s a u l t S y s t èm e s o d e l l e s u e c o n s o c i a t e è s o g g e t t o a l l a l o r o a p p r o v a z i o n e e s p l i c i t a p e r i s c r i t t o .FUNZIONALITÀSOLIDWORKS Composer• Le istruzioni di assemblaggio contengono informazioni aggiornate derivanti dagli ordini di modifica emantengono le informazioni di progettazione, riducendo i dubbi nell'officina e le incomprensioni dovute alle barriere linguistiche.• I manuali dei prodotti, le guide all'assistenza eall'installazione hanno sempre un aspetto professionale e vengono aggiornati a ogni modifica dei prodotti. Il risultato: riduzione delle chiamate all'assistenza ed elenchi parti sempre aggiornati.• I materiali di formazione vengono sviluppati in modo intelligente, su misura per gli utenti finali a cui sono destinati, consentendo di ridurre una curva di apprendimento altrimenti elevata.• I materiali di vendita e di marketing spiccano su quelli della concorrenza e rimangono sempre aggiornati a ogni modifica dei prodotti.• Le presentazioni di revisione dei progetti vengonorealizzate in modo semplice, per ridurre le incomprensioni e ottenere maggiore consenso.SOLIDWORKS Composer PlayerPiù che un semplice visualizzatore, SOLIDWORKS Composer Player consente:• Agli utenti finali di accedere ai contenuti grazie a questa utility gratuita.• Agli utenti dell'officina, ai clienti e ai partner di osservare il funzionamento del prodotto, le possibilità che offre e il modo in cui utilizzarlo con contenuti 3D interattivi.• Ai team di produzione di visualizzare come è assemblato il prodotto.• Ai rappresentanti del servizio clienti di seguire il processo di riparazione.• Ai clienti di osservare il prodotto in azione, ancora prima che venga realizzato.SOLIDWORKS Composer Player Pro• Creazione di demo personalizzate dei prodotti, contenuti interattivi e istruzioni di assemblaggio per consentire di comprendere rapidamente qualsiasi processo.• Varie funzioni, tra cui rotazione, zoom, animazioni e misurazioni, nonché la capacità di visualizzare le distinte materiali, in un ambiente in cui i diritti sono controllati dall'autore.• Visualizzazione di istruzioni interattive dettagliate senza alcuna interfaccia utente aggiuntiva.• Creazione di applicazioni personalizzate da distribuire internamente o sul sito Web mediante API (Application Programming Interface).SOLIDWORKS Composer Sync• Aggiornamento dei metadati, della geometria, delle distinte materiali e delle informazioni di produzione.• Automazione batch per gli output, conversione batch e aggiornamento.• Presenta un grande insieme di modelli.SOLIDWORKS Enterprise Composer Sync• Personalizzazione e integrazione con sistemi PLM (Product Lifecycle Management).• Importazione automatica in modalità batch di file 3D e pubblicazione del contenuto.• Automazione della creazione dei documenti in sistemi di flusso di lavoro esistenti.• Automazione della conversione dei documenti mediante un programma XML personalizzato.SOLIDWORKS Composer Check• Utilizzo del rilevamento delle interferenze statiche e dinamiche.• Funzioni di Controllo ingombro: test delle interferenze, test della distanza minima e controllo dell'ingombro.• Rilevamento delle collisioni interattivo per individuare le collisioni durante le animazioni.• Convalida delle procedure di assistenza e assemblaggio prima della commercializzazione dei prodotti.。
Executive chef ⾏政总厨
Chef 厨师长
Sous chef 厨房主管
Saucier 调味品厨师领班
Poissionier 鱼菜厨师领班
Entremetier 蔬菜厨师领班
Rotisseur 烤⾁厨师领班
Grillardin 烧烤厨师领班
Garde manager 冷房厨师领班
Patissier 饼房厨师领班
Tournant 替班厨师
Working chef 作业厨师长
Short-order cook 散点厨师
Executive chef ⾏政总厨师长
Assistant chef ⾏政总厨师长助理
Sous-chef 副厨师长,指具体负责并⼲活的厨师长
Larder chef 负责烹饪各种⾁类的厨师长
Grill cook 负责在烤架上烤炙⾁类的厨师
Roast cook 负责在烤箱内烧烤⾁类的厨师
Night cook 晚上上班的厨师
Staff cook 负责烹饪员⼯伙⾷的厨师
Relief cook 替班厨师,后补厨师。
此⼈是个多⾯⼿,任何部门的厨师因休假或病假不能上班,替班厨师就以补上Aboyeur 跑堂喊菜的服务员,他忙于餐厅和厨房之间,把客⼈的点菜单送给厨师们
Kitchen clerk 厨房会计,负责厨房的⼀切⽂书⼯作
Pantry-man 负责管理配膳室(⾷品⼩贮藏室),不是厨师,不烹饪
Pot-man 负责擦洗⼤深锅的⼈。
蓝蛙100个短饮 blue frog 100 shots
1. After 82. Cairo3. Wrong Step4. Kamikaze5. Blue Lightning6. The Fire7. Rainbow8. Brownie9. White House10. Red Square11. Lily Pad12. Hong Kong13. Great Wall14. Chairman Mao15. John Howard16. Yangtze River17. The Rodger18. Madrid Madness19. Delhi Delight20. B5221. Bali22. T adpole23. Xiao Bai T ou24. Inferno25. Baby An!26. T ango27. Mao Ming Road28. Berliner29. Rocketship30. T ony Blair31. Bilbao32. Big Ben33. Miss Sissi34. Nelson Mandela 35. Last Waltz36. 00737. Dennis38. Nile39. Central Park40. Getting Late41. Mexican42. Icelandic43. Metro44. Leaning T ower45. Caribbean46. The Aaron47. Oriental Pearl48. Grand Canyon49. Aqi50. 11451. Amazon52. Ken53. Kremlin54. Eiffel T ower55. Wild Frog56. Xiao Guang T ou57. Frog F*%!er58. Angel59. Dancer in the Dark60. Funky Monkey61. River Seine62. 192063. Thomas64. Vancouver65. Down Under66. Pudong67. Lee Kwan Yew68. Mississippi Mud69. Hero70. T okyo71. Cherry Blossom72. Beat Me73. Kangaroo74. Echo75. Sahara76. Oslo77. Bangkok Beauty78. Xi'an79. Bombay Blast80. Sparkplug81. T aiwan Strait82. Zanzibar83. Mr. Bean84. Athena85. Stars & Stripes86. Cuba87. Panda88. Yellow Dragon89. Great Barrier Reef90. Pyramids91. Frog Jump92. Fiji Fantasy93. Burmese Ruby94. Shanghai Baby95. No.196. River Kwai97. Soho98. Big Apple99. California100. Mr. Jones蓝蛙100个短饮blue frog 100 shots留下您的姓名在我们的名人墙上... 在每个蓝蛙内我们都有写满客人名字的名人墙, 这是纪念那些曾经在蓝蛙饮用过酒单上的100杯小杯烈酒的客人. 详情请询问店员.Get your name on the wall of fame…With one in every frog, the wall of fame commemoratesthose who have made it through our list of 100 shots.Ask your server for more details!每个短饮料30元Shots are 30 rmb each蓝蛙饮品blue frog beverages果汁Juice橙汁Orange 苹果汁Apple 菠萝汁Pineapple西柚汁Grapefruit 番茄汁Tomato 蔓越莓汁Cranberry软饮料Soft Drinks健怡可乐Diet Coke 可口可乐Coca Cola 零度可乐Coke Zero雪碧Sprite 干姜水Dry Ginger Ale青柠, 柠檬, 橙汁, 西柚或黑加仑子汽水Lime, Lemon, Orange, Grapefruit, or Blackcurrant Spritzer红牛Red Bull纯净水Water斐泉Fiji圣培露San Pellegrino苏打水Soda Water 矿泉水Mineral Water汤力水T onic Water咖啡Coffee我们提供有机阿拉比卡咖啡We serve Arabica Roasters Organic Coffee美式咖啡Regular Coffee with 1 refill 可续杯1次意式浓咖啡Espresso双份意式浓咖啡Double Espresso卡布基诺Cappuccino 拿铁咖啡Café Latte摩卡咖啡Mocha 玛奇朵Macchiato热巧克力Hot Chocolate茶Tea冰红茶Iced T ea with 1 refill 可续杯1次精选有机红或绿茶Organic Black or Green蓝莓芙蓉花茶Fruit & Hibiscus 伯爵茶Earl Grey英式早餐茶English Breakfast 玫瑰柠檬草茶Rose & Lemongrass甘菊桂花茶Chamomile & Osmanthus 波斯红花茶Rooibos & Saffron甘草薄荷茶Peppermint & Verbena冰红茶Flavored Iced Tea桃子, 苹果, 激情水果, 或草莓冰红茶Peach, Apple, Passion Fruit, or Strawberry Iced Tea奶昔 Milkshakes摩卡, 香蕉, 巧克力, 草莓, 或香草奶昔Mocha, Banana, Chocolate, Strawberry, or V anilla Milkshake雪泥Smoothies香蕉雪泥香蕉, 牛奶, 蜂蜜, 麦芽和冰Banana Smoothie banana, milk, honey, wheat germ, and ice健康特饮 橙汁, 菠萝汁, 香蕉和冰Healthy Frog orange juice, pineapple juice, banana, and ice利娇酒Liqueurs杏仁酒Amaretto百利甜酒Baileys Irish Cream君度Cointreau杜林标 Drambuie金万利Grand Marnier圣鹿茴香利口Jagermeister甘露咖啡利娇酒Kahlua潘诺 Pernod飘仙一号Pimm's No.1理查德酒Richard圣布卡Sambuca南方康复 Southern Comfort蜜多丽 Midori干邑Cognac马爹利名仕 Martell Nobige豪达 V.S.O.P. Otard V.S.O.P.人头马 V.S.O.P. Rémy Martin V.S.O.P.轩尼诗 XO Hennessy XO马爹利 XO Martell XO甜酒 Port葡萄牙泰来钵酒10年Taylor's Port 10 Year*星号代表店基酒denotes house pour瓶装酒可配任意四小扎可口可乐, 雪碧, 苏打水, 橙汁, 苹果汁或绿茶.蓝蛙葡萄酒blue frog wine杯装葡萄酒 Wine by the Glass香槟及汽泡酒 Sparkling Wine 菲斯奈特黑牌, 西班牙Freixenet Cordon Negro Brut, Spain白葡萄酒 White Wine好望角莎当妮, 南非Fleur du Cap Chardonnay, South Africa桑塔丽塔白苏维翁特酿, 智利Santa Rita Reserva Sauvignon Blanc, Chile红葡萄酒 Red Wine花都加本力苏维翁干红葡萄酒, 法国Fortant Cabernet Sauvignon, France诺顿庄园梅洛-橡木桶陈酿, 阿根廷Norton Barrel Select Merlot, Argentina禾富酒园神雕设拉子 "斯蒂文瓶封", 澳大利亚Wolf Blass Bilyara Shiraz "Stelvin Seal," Australia蓝蛙啤酒blue frog beer扎啤 Draft Beer喜力 Heineken 虎牌 Tiger 仙蒂 Shandy健力士 Guinness瓶装啤酒 Bottled Beer喜力 Heineken 虎牌 Tiger 青岛 Tsingtao 百威 Budweiser 嘉士伯 Carlsberg 科罗娜 Corona 时代啤酒 Stella Artois 维多利亚苦啤 Victoria Bitter 健力士 Guinness 福佳白啤酒 Hoegaarden****蓝蛙葡萄酒blue frog wine瓶装葡萄酒 Wine by the Bottle香槟及汽泡酒 Champagne and Sparkling Wine菲斯奈特黑牌, 西班牙Freixenet Cordon Negro Brut, Spain酩悦香槟, 法国Moët & Chandon BINV , France白葡萄酒 White Wine尼德堡柏尔薏丝琳白葡萄酒, 南非, 西开普Nederburg Classic Paarl Riesling Western Cape, South Africa鲁芬诺奥维亚图经典, 意大利 Ruffino Orvieto Classico DOC, Italy 龙阁罗醍清风灰比诺, 意大利Lungarotti Brezza IGT Pinot Grigio, Italy 瑞格尔侯爵酒园卢埃达, 西班牙 Marqués de Riscal Rueda, Spain桑塔丽塔白苏维翁特酿, 智利 Santa Rita Reserva Sauvignon Blanc, Chile 站台之路白苏维翁, 新西兰Station Road Sauvignon Blanc, New Zealand好望角莎当妮, 南非Fleur du Cap Chardonnay, South Africa哥伦比亚山峰双藤莎当妮, 美国Columbia Crest Two Vines Chardonnay, USA路易斯亚都世家马孔, 勃艮第, 法国Louis Jadot Mâcon Blanc Villages AOC, Burgundy, France红葡萄酒 Red Wine金凯富马博罗黑皮诺, 新西兰Kim Crawford Pinot Noir , Marlborough, New Zealand 鲁芬诺基昂蒂, 意大利Ruffi no Chianti DOCG, Italy诺顿庄园梅洛-橡木桶陈酿, 阿根廷Norton Barrel Select Merlot, Argentina克拉克城堡里斯塔克美铎法定产区干红, 法国波尔多Chateau Clarke, Baron E.de Rothschild Cru Bourgeois Superieur , Medoc, France瑞格尔侯爵酒园1860精选天帕尼洛, 西班牙 Marqués de Riscal 1860 Tempranillo, Spain花都加本力苏维翁干红葡萄酒, 法国Fortant Cabernet Sauvignon, France桑塔丽塔古园加本力干红, 智利Santa Rita Gran Hacienda Cabernet Sauvignon, Chile 吉娜斯波尔多, 法国Ginestet Bordeaux Rouge AOC, France哥伦比亚山峰双藤加本力苏维翁, 美国 Columbia Crest Two Vines Cabernet Sauvignon, USA 褒莱夫人宝拉系列设拉子, 阿根廷Doña Paula Syrah, Argentina露纹酒园兄妹情设拉子, 澳大利亚Leewin Estate Siblings Shiraz, Australia禾富酒园神雕设拉子 "斯蒂文瓶封", 澳大利亚**蓝蛙威士忌blue frog whiskey威士忌 Whiskey占边 Jim Beam杰克丹尼 Jack Daniel's野火鸡 Wild Turkey 尊美醇 Jameson加拿大俱乐部威士忌 Canadian Club 皇冠威士忌 Crown Royal 早时肯塔基威士忌 Early Times Kentucky Bourbon 活福珍藏威士忌Woodford Reserved Whisky苏格兰威士忌 Scotch Whiskey帝王白牌苏格兰威士忌 Dewar's White Label尊尼获加红方 Johnnie Walker Red 尊尼获加黑方 Johnnie Walker Black 尊尼获加蓝方 Johnnie Walker Blue 帝王12年苏格兰威士忌Dewar's 12 Years帝王15年苏格兰威士忌Dewar's 15 Years帝王18年苏格兰威士忌Dewar's 18 Years珍宝威士忌 J & B 威雀 F amous Grouse 芝华士12年Chivas Regal 12 Years芝华士18年Chivas Regal 18 Years纯麦芽威士忌 Single Malt格兰威特12年 Glenlivet 12 Years 格兰菲迪12年 Glenfiddich 12 Y ears 麦卡伦12年 Macallan 12 Y ears 三得利纯麦牙12年威士忌Suntory Single MaltWhiskey Yamazaki 12 Years***星号代表店基酒 denotes house pour瓶装酒可配任意四小扎可口可乐, 雪碧, 苏打水, 橙汁, 苹果汁或绿茶.蓝蛙烈酒blue frog spirits伏特加 Vodka斯米诺(红)伏特加 Smirnoff Red斯米诺风味伏特加柑桔味 Smirnoff T wist Citrus 斯米诺风味伏特加青苹果味 Smirnoff T wist Apple 斯米诺风味伏特加橙味 Smirnoff T wist Orange 绝对伏特加 Absolut42纬之下伏特加原味 42 Below Pure 第一伏特加 Ketel One 法国灰雁伏特加 Grey Goose 法国灰雁伏特加 Grey Goose (375ML)金酒 Gin钻石金酒 Gilbey's哥顿金酒 Gordon's 施格兰金酒 Seagram's 妲可莉 Tanqueray 必富达金酒 Beefeater孟买蓝宝石金酒 Bombay Sapphire 汉地利金酒 Hendrick's龙舌兰酒 Tequila奥美加 金 Olmeca Gold奥美加 银 Olmeca Silver 豪帅龙舌兰 Jose Cuervo Gold朗姆酒 Rum百加得超级朗姆 Bacardi Superior哈瓦那 白 Havana Club White 哈瓦那 3年 金 Havana Club 3Y Gold百加得8年 Bacardi 8 Anos 摩根船长 Captain Morgan 马利宝椰子朗姆酒 Malibu 美而斯朗姆酒 Myer’s 百加得151OBacardi 151O*****星号代表店基酒 denotes house pour瓶装酒可配任意四小扎可口可乐, 雪碧, 苏打水, 橙汁, 苹果汁或绿茶.另加20元, 可得到额外的一扎或别的混合软饮.蓝蛙鸡尾酒blue frog cocktails蓝蛙特饮Signature Cocktails蓝蛙梦奇多 白朗姆, 薄荷叶, 糖, 青柠, 苏打水blue frog Mojito light rum, mint leaves, sugar, lime juice, soda water蓝蛙长岛冰茶 像长岛冰茶, 但是口感加倍!blue frog Iced Tea like a long island, but double the fun!蓝蛙幻觉蜜多丽, 白香橙酒, 伏特加, 柠檬汁, 菠萝汁blue frog Illusion midori, triple sec, vodka, lemon juice , pineapple juice蓝蛙芒果玛格丽特奥美加金, 白香橙酒, 柠檬浓汁, 新鲜芒果泥blue frog Mango Margarita Olmeca Gold, triple sec, lemon syrup, mango purée血腥玛莉 用3盎司的伏特加, 番茄汁, 李派林汁, 辣椒仔, 辣根汁,盐和黑胡椒来自制你自己的血腥玛丽Bloody Mary Kit mix your own bloody mary with 3 ounces of vodka, tomato juice, Worcestershire sauce, horseradish, Tabasco sauce, salt & black pepper蓝蛙特制香槟 气泡酒, 黑加仑子酱blue frog Kir sparkling wine, blackcurrant syrup荔枝马天尼 伏特加, 荔枝果酒, 荔枝汁, 荔枝Lychee Martini vodka, lychee fruit liqueur, lychee juice, lychee热情沙滩伏特加, 桃子味的甜酒, 菠萝汁, 橙汁, 蔓越莓汁, 红石榴糖浆Sex on the Beach vodka, peach schnapps, pineapple juice,orange juice, cranberry juice, grenadine上海姑娘 白朗姆, 黑加仑子酱, 白香橙酒, 柠檬调汁和苏打水的诱人混合Ms. Shanghai an alluring blend of light rum, blackcurrant syrup,triple sec, sweet & sour mix, and soda中国蓝蓝蛙特色玛格丽特, 有伏特加, 蓝香橙, 西柚汁和苏打水China Blue a blue frog speciality margarita with vodka,blue cacao, grapefruit juice, and soda电力柠檬 一款新鲜的混饮, 有伏特加, 蓝香橙, 柠檬调汁和苏打水 Electric Lemonade a refreshing mixture of vodka,blue cacao, sweet & sour mix, and soda精选系列Classic Cocktails四海为家 伏特加, 白香橙酒, 蔓越莓汁, 青柠汁Cosmopolitan vodka, triple sec, cranberry juice, lime juice海湾风情 伏特加, 菠萝汁, 蔓越莓汁Bay Breeze vodka, pineapple juice, cranberry juice黑俄罗斯 甘露咖啡利娇酒, 伏特加Black Russian Kahlua, vodka长岛冰茶 伏特加, 朗姆酒, 龙舌兰酒, 金酒, 白香橙酒,柠檬调汁, 加可乐Long Island Iced Tea vodka, rum, tequila, gin, triple sec,sweet & sour mix, topped with coke马德拉斯 伏特加, 蔓越莓汁, 橙汁Madras vodka, cranberry juice, orange juice唛苔 黑白朗姆, 白香橙酒, 柠檬汁, 红石榴糖浆, 菠萝汁Mai Tai dark & light rum, triple sec, lemon syrup, grenadine, pineapple juice蜜瓜球 伏特加, 蜜多丽, 菠萝汁Melon Ball vodka, Midori, pineapple juice含羞草 气泡酒, 橙汁Mimosa sparkling wine, orange juice澳干臣 杏仁酒, 黑可可酒, 白香橙酒, 伏特加, 重奶油Orgasm amaretto, dark cacao, triple sec, vodka, heavy cream开心一刻 黑白朗姆, 柠檬汁, 白香橙酒, 红石榴糖浆, 苏打水Planter’s Punch dark & light rum, lemon syrup, triple sec, grenadine, soda water盐狗 伏特加, 西柚汁Salty Dog vodka, grapefruit juice海之风情 伏特加, 蔓越莓汁, 西柚汁Sea Breeze vodka, cranberry juice, grapefruit juice新加坡司令 金酒, 樱桃白兰地, 白香橙酒, 柠檬调汁, 苏打水, 红石榴糖浆Singapore Sling gin, cherry brandy, triple sec, sweet & sour mix, soda water, grenadine雪球 蛋黄酒, 雪碧Snow Ball advocaat, sprite斯巴克林科儿 气泡酒, 黑加仑子利娇酒Sparkling Kir sparkling wine, crème de cassis日出龙舌兰 龙舌兰, 橙汁, 红石榴糖浆Tequila Sunrise tequila, orange juice, grenadine汤姆克琳丝 金酒, 柠檬调汁, 苏打水Tom Collins gin, sweet & sour mix, soda water伏特加红牛 伏特加, 红牛Vodka Red Bull vodka, Red Bull威士忌酸 威士忌, 柠檬调汁Whiskey Sour whiskey, sweet & sour mix白俄罗斯 甘露咖啡利娇酒, 伏特加, 牛奶White Russian Kahlua, vodka, milk卡帕瑞尼 青柠角, 青柠汁, 朗姆酒Caipirinha lime wedge, lime juice, rum马天尼Martinis干马天尼 金酒, 干味美思, 橄榄Dry Martini gin, dry vermouth, olives浑马天尼 金酒, 干味美思, 橄榄水, 橄榄Dirty Martini gin, dry vermouth, olive juice, olives大都市 白兰地, 甜味美思, 糖浆, 苦精Metropolitan brandy, sweet vermouth, sugar syrup, bitters咖啡马天尼 伏特加, 甘露咖啡利娇酒, 浓缩咖啡, 咖啡豆 Espresso Martini vodka, Kahlua, espresso, coffee beans柠檬马天尼 伏特加, 白香橙酒, 柠檬调汁Lemon Drop Martini vodka, triple sec, sweet & sour mix巧克力马天尼 伏特加, 巧克力酱, 百利甜酒Chocolate Martini vodka, chocolate syrup, Baileys曼哈顿波本威士忌, 干味美思, 苦精Manhattan bourbon, dry vermouth, bitters苹果酸马天尼 伏特加, 酸苹果酒, 青柠汁Sour Apple Martini vodka, sour apple liqueur, lime juice玛格丽特特饮Margarita Madness奥美加金玛格丽特奥美加金龙舌兰酒, 白香橙酒, 柠檬浓汁Olmeca Gold Margarita Olmeca Gold tequila,triple sec, lemon syrup蓝色玛格丽特龙舌兰, 蓝橙酒, 柠檬浓汁Blue Frogarita tequila, blue curacao, lemon syrup柑曼怡玛格丽特龙舌兰, 金万利, 柠檬浓汁Grand Margarita tequila, Grand Marnier, lemon syrup桃子玛格丽特龙舌兰, 白香橙酒, 桃子酱, 桃子, 柠檬浓汁Peach Margarita tequila, triple sec, peach syrup,peach, lemon syrup绝色玛格丽特龙舌兰, 金万利酒, 甘露咖啡利娇酒, 柠檬浓汁Mama Mia Margarita tequila, Grand Marnier,Kahlua, lemon syrup冰镇饮料Frozen Drinks蓝色夏威夷白朗姆, 蓝橙酒, 椰汁, 菠萝汁, 糖浆Blue Hawaiian light rum, blue curacao, coconut milk,pineapple juice, sugar syrup特娇丽白朗姆, 白香橙酒, 柠檬浓汁Daiquiri light rum, triple sec, lemon syrup香蕉特娇丽白朗姆, 白香橙酒, 柠檬浓汁, 新鲜香蕉Banana Daiquiri light rum, triple sec, lemon syrup, fresh banana椰林飘香椰汁朗姆酒, 白朗姆酒, 糖浆, 椰奶, 菠萝汁Piña Colada malibu rum, white rum, sugar syrup,coconut milk, pineapple juice蓝蛙无酒精鸡尾酒Mocktails冰镇玛格丽特由新鲜柠檬汁, 柠檬浓汁制成冰沙Virgin Frozon Margarita fresh lemon juice, lemon syrup blended with ice 纯情玛莉 番茄汁, 李派林汁, 辣椒仔, 辣根汁, 盐和黑胡椒Virgin Bloody Mary mix your own tomato juice withWorcestershire sauce, horseradish, Tabasco sauce, salt & black pepper梦奇多 薄荷叶, 糖, 青柠, 苏打水Virgin Mojito mint leaves, sugar, lime juice, soda water蔓越莓冰冻 蔓越莓汁, 薄荷叶, 雪碧, 红石榴糖浆Cranberry Cooler cranberry juice, mint leaves, sprite, grenadine日出 橙汁, 菠萝汁, 红石榴糖浆Sunrise orange juice, pineapple juice, grenadine变迁 蔓越莓汁, 苹果汁, 青柠汁和雪碧Revolution cranberry juice, apple juice, lime juice and sprite什果宾治 蔓越莓, 苹果汁, 橙汁, 菠萝汁, 红石榴糖浆Fruit Punch cranberry juice, apple juice,orange juice, pinapple juice, grenadine芒果马天尼 新鲜芒果泥, 新鲜柠檬汁, 苹果汁Mangotini mango puree, fresh lemon juice, apple juice苹果幻觉苹果酱, 苹果汁, 新鲜柠檬汁,Apple Illusion apple syrup, apple juice, fresh lemon juice巧克力泡沫 草莓酱, 巧克力酱, 牛奶Bubble Chocolate strawberry syrup, chocolate syrup, milk。
柬埔寨常用语(后为汉语近似发音)你好---suosi dei,早晨好---a lun suosi dei,谢谢---a gun,再见--- li hai(利海),小姐---ga nie,先生---nou ,金边--pu long ben,可以啊---ban da过来---mao ni,这边---di ni,那边---di nu,今天—te ai ni,明天---si ai,后天---kang si ai,大后天---kang si ai mui,晚上---bei you,明天晚上-bei you si ai,早上---bei bu leng,上午---bei bu leng,中午---te ai de lang,下午----ben de rou nie,回家----dou dia,等一下---jia mu di快点----le le dei,老公---pa dai ,对了---de rou hai,错了---kao hai很漂亮—si an na漂亮- si an干杯---zhuo ga mui,多少钱---te lai man=ang man,便宜点行吗---tao di ban dei(套地办得),太贵了---ta lai na不知道---a deng(阿登)不要----a dai (阿带),mu i=1bi=2bai=3bu n=4ba lang=5ba lang mu i=6ba lang bi=7daob=10dao mui=11dao muy=11dao bi=12mu i pei=20mu i pei mu i=21mu i pei bi=22mu i pei ba lang=25mu i pei ba lang mu i=26 san mu se m=30san mu se m mu i=31san mu se m ba lang=35sai se m=40ha se m=50hao sem=60zhen sem=70bie sem=80gao sem=90mu irao i=100,muI rao i gao sem=190mu irao i gao sem ba lang bun=199 mu i ban=1000mu i men=10000bi men=20000市场——pa sa忙——lo wo很忙——lou waona我不喜欢的——ke you m a zhuo zhan dai我不喜欢——ke you m a zhuo zhan我喜欢——ke you m zhuo zhan老公呢?——zha pa dai ving?买东西——ding ei wan我不太忙的——ke you m a sou lou wo dai我也不太忙的——ke you m gao a sou lou wo dai 美元---dao na,去---dou中国人---zhun jian zhen,柬埔寨---kao mai睡觉---gei睡觉吧---gei douyou hai gei dou---太晚了睡觉吧gei nou?=睡觉了吗?gei hai=睡了nou dei=还没吃饭了吗?---yang pai nou?吃了—nia m hai老公正在干嘛—pa dai gang beng te ai neng?正在—gang beng老婆—brao ben在干嘛呢?—te ai neng? =te ei gei?是—ba(男的说)是—jia(女的说)那老公呢?—zhuo pa dai wen?那老公吃饭了嘛?—zhuo pa dai yang bai hai nou? 吃过了—yang bai hai吃饱了—nia m cha ai hai肚子饿了—hai o hai也是肚子饿—ka lin hai老公肚子饿了吗?—pa dai ka lin hai nou?老公肚子饿了吗?—pa dai haohai nou?对吗?—da rou nou?=da rou die?厉害—bu gai真的—ben hai真的吗?-men dei ?不是错了—adai kao hai我厉害吗?—k you m ben jia bu gai die?我很厉害—k you m bu gai na哭—you m念—an老公念什么—pa dai an ei gei?ban dei ?—可以吗?duo ka nie—一样的gao ban—也可以an ta mei?—怎么念o wei gei nou—瞌睡了吗?bu nia—你们nia—你k you m neng bu nia?—我想你们k you m neng bu nia na?—我很想你们pa lei hai—忘了an ei gei—不用谢=念什么ta men=ta ei gei—怎么说k you m zhang bi bi nia—k you m neng bi bi nia—我想亲你neng=zhang—想vai nia bu lou—打死你men hai=真的了men man dei=不是的men ei?=真的吗?mo pi m yue=看电影ta ai sao=星期六ta ai zan=星期一ta ai ang gei=星期二ta ai bu=星期三ta ai bu hua=星期四ta ai sou=星期五ta ai a deng星期日per sa ra=喝酒dou mu deng bi nia=我们两个人去洗澡吧bi nia=两个人mu deng hai nou?=洗澡好了吗?qiao pu= 停qiao pu sen=先停pu ling=下雨pu ling ge la ge la =大雨pu ling didi=小雨qi an=好吃bu nia bei you yang bai nou ?=你们晚上吃饭了吗?dou dao bi=到双狮gada m=螃蟹bang gei er=虾gou ga gou la=可口可乐soupu=汤si gao sao=白糖che gai=狗nia mu bao bao=吃稀饭niu nue =锤子bu tao =斧头xi mang=水泥lai=钢筋lan=车lan tong=大车ji lan=打车ji mo dou =打摩托车ji gang=坐自行车ji yue hao=lan du=小车lan pi ka m=皮卡车gong bang tong m=磅同gong bang zhan m=磅针ang gou wo=吴哥窟ang gou =吴哥k you m=我wo=庙nia =你bu nia =你们ba(四声)=爸爸ma(四声)=妈妈dada=爷爷ye ye=奶奶zuo jie=喜欢de du=电视机a mian yin te lai =没有网络men bai guo sang mu dei=别客气kai ge lao jie=桔井kai si deng de lai ye=上丁-ba de wang=马德望xie mer li m=暹粒mao de lei=河边da er=到vei la=别墅ba lan du=开小车ding mo hou=买菜cha mo hou炒菜nia m mo hou吃菜bo k you m=我们guan=他bo guan=他们jia m you na=等很久da=走sa la bi er=啤酒sa la sao白酒sa la ta la mu药酒dei=不en jie zuo=请进en jie ang gui=请坐a ei dei=没事了ke mei bu rao=男孩lao ao la=很好mo pian=朋友ka lai =怕ke mei si lei=女孩pa ao si lei=妹妹bang si lei=姐姐pa ao bu rao=弟弟bang bu rao=哥哥bang si lou lan ou=我爱你tai m si gao sao =加糖che ma ke mao =黑猫me lu ke mao =黑人tai m deng gao =加冰coffee la gou=牛奶咖啡te ga =干活bi nia\bei nia =2个人\3个人ke mao yi =鬼请你跳舞---恩界聂让得让母,跳舞---得让母,唱歌----洁令(加母林),喝茶---比沙带,喝水---比沙灯,抽,砍树烟---比沙巴累,火---赴论,有没有结婚---离不隔阿黑日no。
如果最近你去伦敦,应该能在塔桥前的草地上看见一个很大的横倒的咖啡杯。这其实 是伦敦烘焙连锁店 Greggs 在伦敦街头做的一个户外营销,路过的客人会被请到这个 名叫“小睡奇诺“( nappuccino)的大型咖啡杯里喝一杯咖啡,然后躺一会儿。
听起来还挺有趣的。Greggs 称,他们自己的调研显示在喝过咖啡之后睡上 20 分钟, 能够让人恢复体力,提高工作效率(确定喝完咖啡能立马睡着?)。因此他们就在这 个大大的咖啡杯里设置了一个床铺,过往的行人在喝过 Greggs 的咖啡之后,就能够 进入到这个咖啡杯里躺一躺。 当然,这其实是为了宣传 Greggs 最近推出的新品咖啡——Flat White 咖啡。“英国人 都是咖啡爱好者,”Greggs 的市场负责人 Malcolm Copland 表示,“我们一方面希望来 测试一下喝杯咖啡睡二十分钟是否能够如调研所说,让人更有效率,另一方面也是想
Greggs 成立于 1939 年,目前是英国最大的连锁饼店,专门售卖三明治、牛角包、蛋 糕、甜点以及咖啡等。到 2012 年,Greggs 已经拥有超过 1,600 个销售点,比英国的 麦当劳还要多。 Flat White 这种源于澳洲的咖啡,也日渐成为连锁咖啡店的新品,在 Greggs 之前,星 巴克、Costa 等也推出了这样的 Flat White 咖啡。关于这种咖啡到底是什么,以及如何 流行起来的,你可以在文后延伸阅读部分读到。 题图来自
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Brinner is a fusion of breakfast and dinner. It’s the idea of eating breakfast foods when you finish a day’s work in the wee hours of night.
Since it’s too late to enjoy a full meal before bed, night munchies are served. This usually consists of foods traditionally eaten at breakfast such as eggs, pancakes, waffles and cereal.