GMAT(VERBAL)阅读模拟试卷8(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1.Traditionally, the first firm to commercialize a new technology has benefited from the unique opportunity to shape product definitions, forcing fol- lowers to adapt to a standard or invest in an unproven alternative. Today, however, the largest payoffs may go to companies that lead in developing integrated approaches for successful mass produc- tion and distribution. Producers of the Beta format for video cassette recorders(VCR’s), for example, were first to develop the VCR commercially in 1975, but producers of the rival VHS(Video Home System)format proved to be more successful at forming strategic alliances with other producers and distributors to manufacture and market their VCR format. Seeking to maintain exclusive control over VCR distribution, Beta producers were reluctant to form such alliances and eventually lost ground to VHS in the competition for the global VCR market. Despite Beta’ s substantial technological head start and the fact that VHS was neither technically better nor cheaper than Beta, developers of VHS quickly turned a slight early lead in sales into a dominant position. Strategic alignments with producers of prerecorded tapes reinforced the VHS advantage. The perception among consumers that prere- corded tapes were more available in VHS format further expanded VHS’ s share of the market. By the end of the 1980 s, Beta was no longer in production.1.The passage is primarily concerned with which of the following?A.Evaluating two competing technologies.B.Tracing the impact of a new technology by narrating a sequence of events.C.Reinterpreting an event from contemporary business history.D.Illustrating a business strategy by means of a case history.E.Proposing an innovative approach to business planning.正确答案:D解析:主题题型:A.评价两种竞争技术。
这不,精品学习网出国频道为大家呈现了2017年GMAT考试阅读模拟试题及答案,让我们一起分享下吧~2017年GMAT考试阅读模拟试题及答案参考In contrast to traditional analyses of minority business, the sociological analysis contends that minority business ownership is a group-level phenomenon, in that it is largely dependent upon social-group resources for its development. Specifically, this analysis indicates that support networks play a critical role in starting and maintaining minority business enterprises by providing owners with a range of assistance, from the informal encouragement of family members and friends to dependable sources of la bor and clientele from the owner’s ethnic group (ethnic group: n.同种同文化之民族). Such self-help networks, which encourage and support ethnic minority entrepreneurs, consist of “primary” institutions, those closest to the individual in shaping his or her behavior and beliefs. They are characterized by the face-to-face association and cooperation of persons united by ties of mutual concern. They form an intermediate social level between the individual and larger “secondary” institutions based on impersonal relatio nships. Primary institutions comprising the support network include kinship, peer, and neighborhood or community subgroups.A major function of self-help networks is financial support. Most scholars agree that minority business owners have depended primarily on family funds and ethnic community resources for investment capital. Personal savings have been accumulated, often through frugal living habits that require sacrifices by the entire family and are thus a product of long-term family financial behavior. Additional loans and gifts from relatives, forthcoming because of group obligation rather than narrow investment calculation, have supplemented personal savings. Individual entrepreneurs do not necessarily rely on their kin because they cannot obtain financial backing from commercial resources. They may actually avoid banks because they assume that commercial institutions either cannot comprehend the special needs of minority enterprise or charge unreasonably high interest rates.Within the larger ethnic community, rotating credit associations have been used to raise capital. These associations are informal clubs of friends and other trusted members of the ethnic group who make regular contributions to a fund that is given to each contributor in rotation. One author estimates that 40 percent of New York Chinatown firms established during 1900-1950 utilized such associations as their initial source of capital. However, recent immigrants and third or fourth generations of older groups now employ rotating credit associations only occasionally to raise investment funds. Some groups, like Black Americans, found other means of financial support for their entrepreneurial efforts. The first Black-operated banks were created in the late nineteenth century as depositories (depository: n.存放处) for dues (due: n. [复]应付款) collected from fraternal or lodge groups, which themselves had sprung from Black churches. Black banks madelimited investments in other Black enterprises. Irish immigrants in American cities organized many building and loan associations to provide capital for home construction and purchase. They, in turn, provided work for many Irish home-building contractor firms. Other ethnic and minority groups followed similar practices in founding ethnic-directed financial institutions.1. Based on the information in the passage, it would be LEAST likely for which of the following persons to be part of a self-help network?(A) The entrepreneur’s childhood friend(B) The entrepreneur’s aunt(C) The entrepreneur’s religio us leader(D) The entrepreneur’s neighbor(E) The entrepreneur’s banker2. Which of the following illustrates the working of a self-help support network, as such networks are described in the passage?(A) A public high school offers courses in book-keeping and accounting as part of itsopen-enrollment adult education program.(B) The local government in a small city sets up a program that helps teen-agers find summer jobs.(C) A major commercial bank offers low-interest loans to experienced individuals who hope to establish their own businesses.(D) A neighborhood-based fraternal organization develops a program of on-the-job (on-the-job: adj.在职的) training for its members and their friends.(E) A community college offers country residents training programs that can lead to certification ina variety of technical trades.3. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about rotating credit associations?(A) They were developed exclusively by Chinese immigrants.(B) They accounted for a significant portion of the investment capital used by Chinese immigrants in New York in the early twentieth century.(C) Third-generation members of an immigrant group who started businesses in the 1920’s would have been unlikely to rely on them.(D) They were frequently joint endeavors by members of two or three different ethnic groups.(E) Recent immigrants still frequently turn to rotating credit associations instead of banks for investment capital.4. The passage best supports which of the following statements?(A) A minority entrepreneur who had no assistance from family members would not be able to start a business.(B) Self-help networks have been effective in helping entrepreneurs primarily in the last 50 years.(C) Minority groups have developed a range of alternatives to standard financing of business ventures.(D) The financial institutions founded by various ethnic groups owe their success to their unique formal organization.(E) Successful minority-owned businesses succeed primarily because of the personal strengths of their founders.5. Which of the following best describes the organization of the second paragraph?(A) An argument is delineated, followed by a counter-argument.(B) An assertion is made and several examples are provided to illustrate it.(C) A situation is described and its historical background is then outlined.(D) An example of a phenomenon is given and is then used as a basis for general conclusions.(E) A group of parallel incidents is described and the distinctions among the incidents are then clarified.6. According to the passage, once a minority-owned business is established, self-help networks contribute which of the following to that business?(A) Information regarding possible expansion of the business into nearby communities(B) Encouragement of a business climate that is nearly free of direct competition(C) Opportunities for the business owner to reinvest profits in other minority-owned businesses(D) Contact with people who are likely to be customers of the new business(E) Contact with minority entrepreneurs who are members of other ethnic groups7. It can be inferred from the passage that traditional analyses of minority business would be LEAST likely to do which of the following?(A) Examine businesses primarily in their social contexts(B) Focus on current, rather than historical, examples of business enterprises(C) Stress common experiences of individual entrepreneurs in starting businesses(D) Focus on the maintenance of businesses, rather than means of starting them(E) Focus on the role of individual entrepreneurs in starting a business8. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about the Irish building and loan associations mentioned in the last paragraph?(A) They were started by third- or fourth-generation immigrants.(B) They originated as offshoots of church-related groups.(C) They frequently helped Irish entrepreneurs to finance business not connected with construction.(D) They contributed to the employment of many Irish construction workers.(E) They provided assistance for construction businesses owned by members of other ethnic groups.参考答案:EDBC BDAD此外,为大家分享两种GMAT阅读技巧:一.TS的寻找方式1.套路结构法:A.现象解释型文章:文章开始给出现象,之后必定有解释,TS在解释给出处。
GMAT(VERBAL)阅读模拟试卷3(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1.1.Studies have shown that companies that present seminars on workplace safety to their employees actually have higher rates of workplace accidents than do companies that do not present such seminars to their employees. Despite this finding, it is still in the best interests of companies and their employees for companies to present these seminars. Which of the following, if true, provides the strongest support for the argument that the companies should continue to present these seminars?A.Companies that present workplace safety seminars to their employees are likely to be in manufacturing industries or segments of the service sector that present more opportunities for workplace accidents than the average company.B.A fast-food chain determined that the rate of workplace accidents remained the same at its franchises after all employees had viewed a 30-minute workplace safety video.C.Workers are ultimately responsible for their own safety, and no amount of workplace education can alter their behavior.D.A business research institute determined that workplace accidents reduce the productivity of manufacturing businesses by as much as 8 percent per year.E.Many companies mistakenly believe that presenting workplace safety seminars to their employees relieves the company of legal liability in the event that employees are injured on the job.正确答案:A解析:To strengthen the argument, the answer must refute the apparent connection between workplace safety seminars and higher rates of accidents; answer A provides a plausible explanation for this phenomenon.2.For hundreds of years, pearl divers have gathered pearls directly from mollusks on the seafloor. This is an extremely risky profession, exposing the divers to risks of drowning, air embolism, and shark attacks. Still, as long as society demands authentic cultured pearls, these brave divers must continue to risk their lives. Which of the following statements, if true, most seriously weakens the conclusion above?A.Shark attacks on pearl divers have decreased steadily over the last three decades because of declining shark populations.B.Cultured pearls are generally considered more beautiful than those made by artificial means.C.Robotic pearl harvesters can gather pearls faster and at less cost than human divers, although they may disturb aquatic communities.D.Part of the value of cultured pearls derives from the exotic way in which they are obtained.E.With the proper equipment and training, a diver employing scuba gear can harvest three times as many pearls per hour as can a free air diver.正确答案:C解析:This answer provides an alternative means by which society can obtain cultured pearls without exposing divers to risk.3.An electronics company’s two divisions showed consistent performance over the last two years. In each year, the audiovisual department accounted for roughly 30 percent of the company’s sales and 70 percent of the company’s profits over the period, while the home appliance division accounted for the balance. Which of the following statements regarding the last two years can be inferred from the statement above?A.The audiovisual market is growing faster than is the home appliance division.B.The home appliance division has realized lower profits per dollar of sales than has the audiovisual division.C.Total dollar sales for each division has remained roughly constant for the last five years.D.The company has devoted more money to research and development efforts in the audiovisual division than in the home appliance division.E.To maximize profitability, the company should focus its resources on the home appliance division.正确答案:B解析:If the home appliance division accounted for 70 percent of sales but only 30 percent of profits, it is clearly generating less profit per dollar of sales than is the audiovisual division.4.Gastric bypass surgery has been shown to be effective at helping extremely obese people lose weight. Some patients have lost as much as 300 pounds after undergoing the surgery, thereby substantially prolonging their lives. Despite the success of the treatment, most doctors have not embraced the surgery as a weight loss option. Which of the following statements, if true, best accounts for the lukewarm reaction of the medical community to gastric bypass surgery?A.Gastric bypass surgery carries a high risk of serious complications, including death.B.Obesity is one of the leading contributors to heart disease and hypertension, two leading causes of death.C.Obesity rates among the American population have been increasing consistently for the last three decades.D.Many patients report that losing weight through diets is ineffective, since they usually gain the weight back within six months.E.Most health insurance plans will cover the cost of gastric bypass surgery for morbidly obese patients at high risk of heart disease.正确答案:A解析:This answer provides a substantial reason--the operation’s risk of serious complications and death--for doctors to refrain from recommending the gastric bypass surgery.The questions in this group are based on the content of a passage. After reading the passage, choose the best answer to each question. Answer all questions following the passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in the passage. While most people agree that the Golden Age of comic books began with the introduction of Superman in 1938 in Action Comics #1, there is less agreement about when exactly the Golden Age ended. There is a general consensus, however, about the factors that brought the Golden Age to a close: the rise of the horror comic book in the late 1940s, and the resulting backlash against comic books in the early 1950s. Superhero comic books reached their peak of popularity in the early 1940s because of all the GIs in Europe and Japan who eagerly read about Superman, Batman, and The Spirit. When these soldiers came home, they still wanted to read comic books, but they sought out more adult content. William Gaines of EC Comics was happy to meet the market demand with such grim and gritty titles as Weird Fantasy and The Crypt of Terror. The creators of superhero comic books, not wanting to be left behind, responded by matching their protagonists against darker criminals in more violent encounters. These darker comic books aroused the anger of child psychologist Fredric Wertham, who believed that comic books were leading the nation’s youth into crime, violence, and drug abuse. Wertham’s book, The Seduction of the Innocent, was a national best-seller that helped bring about congressional investigations into the corrupting influence of comic books. The Senate committee that reviewed Wertham’s charges decided to create the Comics Code Authority, a regulatory body that prohibited comic books from mentioning sexuality, alcohol, drugs, criminal behavior, or any themes related to the horror genre. These regulations had a numbing effect on the industry. EC Comics was nearly driven out of the comics business, and the other major players canceled many of their most prominent titles. The comics business did not recover until the Marvel revolution of the early 1960s ushered in the Silver Age.5.This passage is primarily interested in which of the following?A.Investigating the factors that brought about the Marvel revolution and the Silver Age of comic booksB.Reviewing the factors that brought about the end of the Golden Age of comic booksC.Comparing and contrasting two eras in the history of comic booksD.Condemning the horror comic book for its corrupting influence on the nation’s youthE.Evaluating the historical legacy of William Gaines’s EC Comics正确答案:B解析:The introductory paragraph brings up the subject of the factors that brought the Golden Age to an end, and the next three paragraphs discuss these factors.6.According to the passage, which of the following was true of the creators of superhero comic books in the postwar years?A.They sought to head off the censorship of the Comics Code Authority by voluntarily prohibiting stories dealing with sexuality, drugs, or criminal behavior.B.They introduced characters such as Superman and The Spirit.C.They unintentionally laid the groundwork for the transition from the Golden Age of comic books to the Silver Age.D.They focused increasingly on flashy artwork and less on well-developed stories.E.They responded to the competitive pressure from horror comic books by increasing the amount of violence in their stories.正确答案:E解析:The passage states, “The creators of superhero comic books, not wanting to be left behind, responded by matching their protagonists against darker criminals in more violent encounters.”7.According to the passage, what can we infer to be the central message of Fredric Wertham’s The Seduction of the Innocent?A.Adults reading violent comic books were as likely to be corrupted by them as young people were.B.The horror comic books of the late 1940s were inferior to the superhero comic books that gained popularity during World War Ⅱ.C.Comic books were leading the nation’s youth into crime, violence, and drug abuse.D.Creating a regulatory board to censor the comic book industry would drive the worst offenders out of the business.E.Comic books would never be able to convey stories of any serious literary merit.正确答案:C解析:The sentence preceding the mention of Wertham’s book states that he believed that comic books “were leading the nation’s youth into crime, violence, and drug abuse.”8.According to the final paragraph of the passage, what may we infer about the comic book companies of the Silver Age?A.They were able to create popular comic books despite the regulations of the Comics Code Authority.B.They achieved commercial success because of the popularity of characters such as Spider-Man, the Hulk, and the Fantastic Four.C.They repeated the same mistakes as the comic book companies of the GoldenAge.D.They failed to succeed because of the numbing effect of the Comics Code Authority regulations.E.Marvel Comics was the only major comic book company to survive from the Golden Age into the Silver Age.正确答案:A解析:The last paragraph states that the CCA regulations had a numbing effect on comic book publishers, but it concludes with the statement that the industry recovered in the Silver Age. Since the passage did not state that the CCA regulations were repealed, we can infer that the companies succeeded despite the regulations.9.In what light does the passage depict the efforts by Fredric Wertham to bring about regulation of the comic book industry?A.As a fanatical crusade brought about by Wertham’s inner demonsB.As a witch-hunt roughly analogous to the concurrent anti-Communist hearings by the House Committee on Un-American ActivitiesC.As a reasonable response to an industry that had gone too farD.As an angry response to a trend in the subject matter of the comic book industryE.As an inappropriate response to a phenomenon that was not actually hurting anyone正确答案:D解析:The passage describes the trend toward horror comics in neutral terms, and it states that horror comics “aroused the anger” of Wertham.10.According to the passage, which of the following statements can be made about the content of Weird Fantasy and The Crypt of Terror?A.Their adult-oriented content was not suitable for young readers.B.Their grim and gritty content was a market response to the demands of soldiers home from World War Ⅱ.C.They frequently depicted violence and criminal behavior, but shied away from sexuality or drug abuse.D.Their sales surpassed those of previous best-selling titles such as Superman or Batman.E.The publication of Weird Fantasy #1 coincided with the end of the Golden Age of comic books.正确答案:B解析:The second paragraph states: “When these soldiers came home, they still wanted to read comic books, but they sought out more adult content. William Gaines of EC Comics was happy to meet the market demand with such grim and gritty titles as Weird Fantasy and The Crypt of Terror.”The following questions present a sentence, part of which or all of which is underlined. Beneath the sentence, you will find five ways of phrasing the underlinedpart. The first of these repeats the original; the other four are different. If you think the original is best, choose the first answer; otherwise choose one of the others. These questions test correctness and effectiveness of expression. In choosing your answer, follow the requirements of standard written English; that is, pay attention to grammar, choice of words, and sentence construction. Choose the answer that produces the most effective sentence; this answer should be clear and exact, without awkwardness, ambiguity, redundancy, or grammatical error.11.The way in which the mighty blue whale and the other baleen whales--the flnback, gray, humpback, and right whales--eats was discovered by careful observation by biologists.A.eats was discovered was discovered throughC.eats were discovered by means were discovered was discovered resulting from正确答案:B解析:The two subject-verb phrases in question here are “The way.., was discovered” and “whales... eat;” only B and E present these verb forms properly. The construction “discovered resulting from” in E is awkward and unidiomatic; B is the best answer.12.The eighteenth-century author Jonathan Swift once suggested in a satiric essay Irish farmers could eat their children to address the twin problems of overpopulation and lack of food.A.Irish farmers could eat their children to address the twin problems of overpopulation and lack of foodB.that the twin problems of overpopulation and lacking food could be addressed by the eating of children by Irish farmersC.of the twin problems of Irish farmers, overpopulation and a lack of food, could be addressed by the eating of their childrenD.that Irish farmers could address the twin problems of overpopulation and lack of food by eating their childrenE.that Irish farmers, facing overpopulation and lacking food, could address the twin problems through eating their children正确答案:D解析:A and C fail to conform to the idiomatic construction “{subject} suggested that...;”B is awkward and is weakened by its use of the passive voice. In E, it is unclear that “twin problems” necessarily refers to overpopulation and lack of food. D is the clearest statement.13.The stock market collapse of 1929 had far-reaching consequences for the national economy, causing a nationwide collapse in home values, putting millions outof work, and by erasing the investment savings of one-fifth of the population.A.and by erasingB.and erasingC.and having erasedD.and erasing正确答案:B解析:To maintain a parallel structure with “causing” and “putting,” the verb in the final clause should be “erasing” without “by;” the presence of “by” in the phrase does not make sense with the rest of the sentence. B is the clearest and most idiomatic choice.14.No less remarkable than the invention of nuclear power has been the way the technology has prompted governments to reevaluate the nature of international relations.A.No less remarkable than the invention of nuclear powerB.What was as remarkable as the invention of nuclear powerC.Inventing nuclear power has been none the less remarkable thanD.The invention of nuclear power has been no less remarkable asE.The thing that was as remarkable as inventing nuclear power正确答案:A解析:A is grammatically correct and idiomatic, and it is stylistically preferable to the other choices.15.Unlike the recognition of ethical lapses in others, many people are disinclined to perceive the same flaws in themselves.A.Unlike the recognition of ethical lapses in others, many people are disinclined to perceive the same flaws in themselves.B.Unlike the perception of ethical flaws in themselves, many people are willing to recognize these same flaws in others.C.Many people, willing to recognize ethical lapses in others, are disinclined to perceive the same flaws in themselves.D.Many people are disinclined to perceive the same flaws in themselves, but are willing to perceive ethical lapses in othersE.Although willing to recognize ethical lapses in others, many people in themselves are disinclined to perceive the same flaws.正确答案:C解析:A and B incorrectly compare “people”with “recognition”and “perception,”respectively. In D, it is unclear what “the same flaws” is referring to. The construction “many people in themselves”in E is unidiomatic. C is the best answer.16.The Elk City garbage dumps are so full that Elk City has been forced to pay a large sum to Caribou City to accept much of Elk City’s garbage. The Elk City mayor has proposed paying for this garbage relocation by imposing a tax on manufacturing businesses in ELk City. MegaCorp, the largest manufacturing business in the area, protests that this tax is unfair because businesses should not have to pay for a garbage problem that has been created by homeowners. Which of the following, if true, most weakens MegaCorp’s argument?A.MegaCorp already pays more than $10,000 per year in taxes and fees to Elk City.B.MegaCorp employs more than 60 percent of the employed residents of Elk City.C.A recycling program would address the garbage problem more effectively by reducing the overall quantity of waste.D.MegaCorp’s manufacturing processes produce more than 90 percent of the total waste that goes into Elk City’s garbage dumps.E.Caribou City is happy to receive the extra garbage because the fees it collects from Elk City have helped to address a shortfall in education funding.正确答案:D解析:If MegaCorp produces the majority of the waste that goes into the overfull garbage dumps, the company cannot validly claim that the problem was “created by homeowners.”17.There are Congressmen who say that the development of a space-based missile defense system will provide economic benefits only to military contractors. This claim is not true. A space-based missile defense system, even if it has no current applications for civilian businesses, will still benefit civilian businesses because those businesses will be able to find profitable uses for the government-developed technology in the future. Which of the following statements, if true, provides the most support for the argument that a space-based missile defense system could provide future economic benefits for civilian businesses?A.Several new materials developed for the Apollo space program were later adapted to provide basic components of the modem computer and electronics industries.B.The missile defense system in question will not require the development of any new technologies.C.Space-based missile defense programs may be the only way to defend civilian populations against preemptive nuclear attacks.D.Space-based missile defense programs, although more expensive than traditional land-based systems, are theoretically more effective than traditional land-based systems.E.The scientists employed on the project could make extraordinary advances in the capabilities of intercontinental ballistic missiles used by the army.正确答案:A解析:The example given demonstrates that a past technology developed by the government that did not have immediate civilian economic applications was later adapted to provide important economic benefits.18.The commissioner of a professional sports league dictated that teams could not put players on the field who had a greater than 20 percent chance of suffering a career-ending spinal injury during competition. The commissioner justified this decision as a way to protect players from injury while protecting the league from lawsuits. Which of the following, if true, would most undermine the effectiveness of the commissioner’s new policy?A.Spinal injuries can result in paralysis, loss of fine motor skills, and even death.B.The previous year, more than seven players in the league suffered career-ending spinal injuries.C.The players’ union agrees that the risk of injury is an inevitable part of playing the game at a professional level.D.There is no scientifically valid method for determining the likelihood of any player suffering a career-ending spinal injury at any given time.E.Players barred from playing because of this new regulation will be entitled to compensation for lost wages at a level determined by the commissioner’s office.正确答案:D解析:If there is no valid way to determine which players have a 20 percent chance of suffering such an injury, there will be no way to enforce the commissioner’s new policy.19.There are few things worse for a new parent than listening to a baby scream in hunger while a bottle of formula slowly warms up in a bowl of hot water. So why not just pop the bottle in the microwave and zap it in 20 seconds? Because microwaves heat fluids unevenly, and a hot pocket in the formula could seriously injure the baby. Which of the following is presupposed in the argument against heating formula in the microwave?A.Babies generally refuse to eat formula that has been heated in a microwave.B.Microwave radiation might break down some of the proteins in formula that are vital to a baby’s health.C.Different microwaves use different amounts of power, and consequently some models could heat a bottle to scalding temperature faster than others.D.Parents cannot be expected to consistently even out the temperature of a microwaved bottle by shaking it vigorously before giving it to the baby.E.Once formula has been heated, any leftover formula should be discarded, because otherwise the formula could spoil between feedings and make the baby sick.正确答案:D解析:If parents could be expected to consistently even out the temperature of microwaved bottles, then the concern about hot pockets in the bottle would be unfounded.20.Charlie’s Chainsaw Company has reason to believe that one of its models of saw is defective. A recall of all of the saws would cost more than $5 million, and would probably result in a loss in market share over the next quarter because of bad publicity. Still, a recall is the right economic decision. Which of the following, if true, most supports the conclusion above?A.Defective chainsaws can seriously injure or even kill the people who use them.B.Charlie’s chief rival has recalled two of its products within the past year.C.Product recalls often result in a perception by customers that a given product is permanently defective, even after the defect has been remedied.D.The stocks of publicly traded companies that announce product recalls often drop upon the announcement, but they generally return to the pre-announcement level within 12 months.E.Three years ago a rival company went out of business because of large punitive damages awarded to a plaintiff who had been injured by a defective chainsaw.正确答案:E解析:Answer E suggests that the company has a justifiable concern that ff the product is not recalled, the company could be involved in a damaging lawsuit that could even lead the company into bankruptcy; this concern provides a strong economic incentive to recall the chainsaws. Answer A could be correct if the passage referred to a “moral decision”or just “the right decision,”but since the passage specifically refers to an “economic decision,” answer E is the best choice.21.A dog enthusiast took home two puppies from the dog shelter. He fed one of the puppies super-premium canned dog food, while he fed the other a generic brand from the grocery store. The dog fed on the generic brand gained weight twice as fast as the dog fed the super-premium brand. Because of the difference in these results, the dog enthusiast concluded that the generic brand actually provided nutrition superior to that of the super-premium brand. Each of the following, if true, would weaken the evidence for the dog enthusiast’s conclusion except for which of the following?A.A dog will sometimes gain more weight when eating inferior-quality food because he must eat more of it to obtain the nutrients he needs.B.The dogs were of mixed breeds and appeared to be descended from dogs of different sizes.C.Both dogs ate all of the food given to them at each serving.D.The dog enthusiast did not give the two dogs equal amounts of their respective foods.E.The dog who received the super-premium dog food suffered from a digestive system disorder that hindered his growth.正确答案:C解析:All of the other answers provide alternative reasons that the dogs might show different growth rates, but C offers no explanation for the observed difference in growth.The following questions present a sentence, part of which or all of which is underlined. Beneath the sentence, you will find five ways of phrasing the underlined part. The first of these repeats the original; the other four are different. If you think the original is best, choose the first answer; otherwise choose one of the others. These questions test correctness and effectiveness of expression. In choosing your answer, follow the requirements of standard written English; that is, pay attention to grammar, choice of words, and sentence construction. Choose the answer that produces the most effective sentence; this answer should be clear and exact, without awkwardness, ambiguity, redundancy, or grammatical error.22.A council of ecologists in Hawaii have concluded that much of the currently uncontrolled invasive species on the island chain were arriving in the holds of cargo ships.A.have concluded that much of the currently uncontrolled invasive species on the island chain were arrivingB.has concluded that many of the currently uncontrolled invasive species on the island chain arrivedC.have concluded that many of the currently uncontrolled invasive species on the island chain have arrivedD.concluded that many of the currently uncontrolled invasive species on the island chain would arriveE.has concluded that much of the currently uncontrolled invasive species on the island chain had arrived正确答案:B解析:The subject of the sentence is “council,”so the plural verb “have concluded”in A and C is incorrect. The use of the conditional “would arrive”to describe species that are already “currently” on the island is illogical, so D is incorrect.E incorrectly uses “much” to describe the countable noun “species;” countable nouns require “many” instead of “much.”23.Some people say that the answer to crime is to build more prisons, but more sensitive observers argue that instead we should address the sources of crime through reduced poverty, a cut off supply of illicit drugs, and by focusing on keeping kids in school.A.through reduced poverty, a cut off supply of illicit drugs, and by focusing on keeping kids in the reduction of poverty, cutting off the supply of illicit drugs, and to focus on keeping kids in reducing poverty, cutting off the supply of illicit drugs, and focusing on keeping kids in means of reducing poverty, cutting off the supply of illicit drugs, and through focusing on keeping kids in reduce poverty, cut off the supply of illicit drugs, and to focus on keeping kids in school正确答案:C解析:The best answer should present each of the three points in the same grammatical construction, if possible. C presents each point as a gerund modified by a single adverb, which is grammatically correct and stylistically superior to the other options.24.As automobiles replaced horses as the primary means of transportation, it was widely anticipated that the time spent in transit by the average traveler would decrease.A.As automobiles replaced horses as the primary means of transportation, it was widely anticipated thatB.Insofar as automobiles replaced horses as the primary means of transportation, it was anticipated widelyC.With horses being replaced by automobiles as the primary means of transportation, there was wide anticipation thatD.As the primary means of transportation replaced horses with automobiles, many anticipated thatE.Automobiles replacing horses as the primary means of transportation produced anticipation widely that正确答案:A解析:The underlined passage is grammatically correct and stylistically superior to the other choices.25.Intrigued by the new rules that favored quickness over strength, the decision of the coach was to give more playing time to the team’s smaller athletes.A.the decision of the coach was to give more playing time to the team’s smaller athletesB.the coach decided to give the team’s smaller athletes more playing was decided by the coach to give the team’s smaller athletes more playing timeD.the team’s smaller athletes were given more playing time by the coachE.more playing time was given to the team’s smaller athletes by the coach正确答案:B解析:The introductory phrase “Intrigued by the new rules” makes sense only when it is applied to the coach, so B is the best answer.26.At ground level, nitrous oxides are bad enough, but when up high,。
GMAT(VERBAL)阅读模拟试卷9(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1.Coral reefs are one of the most fragile, biologically complex, and diverse marine ecosystem on Earth. This ecosystem is one of the fascinating para- doxes of the biosphere: how do clear, and thus nutrient-poor waters support such prolific and productive communities? Part of the answer lies within the tissues of the corals themselves. Symbi- otic cells of algae known as zooxanthel-lae carry out photosynthesis using the metabolic wastes of the coral thereby producing food tor themselves, for their corals, hosts, and even for other mem- bers of the reef community. This symbiotic process allows organisms in the reef community to use sparse nutrient resources efficiently. Unfortunately for coral reefs, how- ever, a variety of human activities are causing worldwide degradation of shallow marine habitats by adding nutrients to the water. Agriculture, slash-and-burn land clearing, sewage disposal and manufacturing that creates waste byproducts all increase nutrient loads in these waters. Typical symptoms of reef decline are destabilized herbivore populations and an increasing abundance of algae and filter-feeding animals. Declines in reef communities are consistent with observations that nutrient input is increasing in direct proportion to growing human populations, thereby threat- ening reef communities sensitive to subtle changes in nutrient input to their waters.1.The passage is primarily concerned withA.describing the effects of human activities on algae in coral reefs.B.explaining how human activities are posing a threat to coral reef communities.C.discussing the process by which coral reefs deteriorate in nutrient-poor waters.D.explaining how coral reefs produce food for themselves.E.describing the abundance of algae and filter-feeding animals in coral reef areas.正确答案:B解析:主题题型:A.人类活动描述。
GMAT(VERBAL)阅读练习试卷10(题后含答案及解析)GMAT(VERBAL)阅读练习试卷10(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1.A recent study has provided clues to predator-prey dynamics in the late Pleistocene era.Researchers compared the number of tooth fractures in present-day carnivores with tooth fracturesin carnivores that lived 36,000 to 10,000 years ago and that were preserved in the Rancho La Breatar pits in Los Angeles. The breakage frequencies in the extinct species were strikingly higher thanthose in the present-day species. In considering possible explanations for this finding, the researchers dismissed demographic biasbecause older individuals were not overrepresented in the fossil samples. They rejectedpreservational bias because a total absence of breakage in two extinct species demonstrated thatthe fractures were not the result of abrasion within the pits. They ruled out local bias becausebreakage data obtained from other Pleistocene sites were similar to the La Brea data. Theexplanation they consider most plausible is behavioral differences between extinct and present-daycarnivores-in particular, more contact between the teeth of predators and the bones of prey due tomore thorough consumption of carcasses by the extinct species. Such thorough carcassconsumption implies to the researchers either that prey availability was low, at least seasonally, orthat there was intense competition over kills and a high rate of carcass theft due to relatively highpredator densities.1.The primary purpose of the passage is to______A.present several explanations for a well-known factB.suggest alternative method of resolving a debateC.argue in favor of a controversial theoryD.question the methodology used in a studyE.discuss the implications of a research finding正确答案:E解析:This question asks you to identify the primary purpose of the passage. Choice E is the best answer. The first paragraph of the passage mentions evidence discovered at the Rancho La Brea tar pits and suggests that his evidence provides information about predator-prey dynamics in the late Pleistocene era. After dismissing possible alternative explanations, the second paragraph describes what is considered to be the most likely explanation for the findings. Choice A is incorrect because the passage discusses several explanations for the findings but only in order to eliminate them as rivals of the explanation that credits behavioral difference. In addition, there is no indication of how well known the evidence regarding tooth fractures is. Choice B is incorrect because no alternative methods for resolving a debate are mentioned. Choice C is incorrect because there is no suggestion in the passage that the preferred explanation for the tooth factures is controversial. Choice D is incorrect: there is nothing in the passage to suggest that the evidence discussed in the passage or the。
gmat模拟考试题及答案GMAT(Graduate Management Admission Test)模拟考试题及答案问题一:数学部分 - 算术题目:如果一个公司在第一季度的销售额是120万美元,第二季度的销售额比第一季度增长了20%,那么第二季度的销售额是多少?答案:第二季度的销售额是第一季度的120%,即120万美元 * 1.20 = 144万美元。
问题二:数学部分 - 代数题目:如果一个线性方程的斜率是2,且经过点(3, 6),求这个方程的表达式。
答案:根据点斜式方程 y - y1 = m(x - x1),代入点(3, 6)和斜率2,得到 y - 6 = 2(x - 3),简化后得到 y = 2x。
以下哪项如果为真,最能支持上述论述?A. 成功的企业家通常具有很高的智商。
B. 优秀的领导者通常具有高度的责任感。
C. 优秀的领导者通常能够激励他们的团队。
D. 所有优秀的领导者都是成功的企业家。
答案:C. 优秀的领导者通常能够激励他们的团队。
问题五:语法部分题目:下面哪个句子在语法上是正确的?A. She is one of the most talented musicians who has ever played the violin.B. She is one of the most talented musicians who have ever played the violin.C. She is the most talented musician who has ever played the violin.D. She is the most talented musician who have ever played the violin.答案:B. She is one of the most talented musicians who have ever played the violin. 这个句子正确地使用了复数形式,因为“musicians”是复数。
gmat模拟试题题目一:1. Verbal Section (语文部分)Reading Comprehension (阅读理解)Directions: For each question in this section, select the best answer from the given choices.Questions 1-4 are based on the following passage.Passage 1:In recent years, there has been a growing concern about the detrimental effects of excessive smartphone use on mental health. Studies have shown that individuals who spend long hours on their smartphones are more prone to anxiety, depression, and sleep disorders. Researchers argue that the constant exposure to social media and digital distractions can negatively impact cognitive abilities and emotional well-being. Moreover, excessive smartphone use has been linked to a decrease in face-to-face social interactions and a rise in social isolation.Question 1: What is the main concern of the passage?a) The impact of smartphone use on mental health.b) The benefits of face-to-face social interactions.c) The increase in cognitive abilities due to smartphone use.d) The positive effects of digital distractions on emotional well-being.Question 2: According to the passage, excessive smartphone use can lead to which of the following?a) Increased cognitive abilities.b) Enhanced emotional well-being.c) Decreased face-to-face social interactions.d) Improved sleep patterns.Question 3: Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a potential effect of excessive smartphone use?a) Anxiety.b) Depression.c) Improved cognitive abilities.d) Sleep disorders.Question 4: What does the author imply about the impact of social media and digital distractions?a) They have a positive influence on individuals' well-being.b) They have no effect on cognitive abilities.c) They can negatively affect individuals' emotional health.d) They improve face-to-face social interactions.题目二:2. Quantitative Section (数学部分)Problem Solving (问题解决)Directions: For each question in this section, select the best answer from the given choices.Question 5: A rectangular garden is 10 meters long and 6 meters wide. If a path of uniform width is built around the garden, increasing the total area to 150 square meters, what is the width of the path in meters?a) 2b) 3c) 4d) 5Question 6: A company has a total of 120 employees. If 25% of the employees are managers and the remaining employees are non-managerial staff, how many non-managerial staff does the company have?a) 30b) 45c) 60d) 75Question 7: In a certain classroom, the ratio of boys to girls is 3:4. If there are 27 boys in the classroom, how many girls are there?a) 25b) 27c) 36d) 48Question 8: A bookstore sells used books for 25% off the original price. If a book originally costs $40, how much will it cost after the discount?a) $10b) $25c) $30d) $35题目三:3. Integrated Reasoning Section (综合推理部分)Table Analysis (表格分析)Directions: For each question in this section, select the best answer from the given choices.Question 9: Study the following table, which shows the distribution of students by gender and grade level in a university. Then answer the question below.Table: Distribution of Students by Gender and Grade LevelMale FemaleFreshman 120 100Sophomore 95 85Junior 75 90Senior 90 80What is the total number of students in the university?a) 470b) 440c) 390d) 375题目四:4. Analytical Writing Assessment (分析写作评估)Directions: In this section, you will be presented with an argument and asked to analyze it. You should consider the logical soundness of the argument as well as the support provided for the claims and assumptions. Your response should be well-structured and demonstrate clear, concise writing.Question 10:The following is an excerpt from a memorandum issued by the CEO of a software company."Recent statistics indicate that our company has experienced a decline in customer satisfaction over the past year. To address this issue, I propose implementing a customer loyalty program, offering discounts and rewards tofrequent customers. This program has been successful for our competitors and can help improve customer retention and satisfaction."Write a response in which you analyze the argument presented above. In your analysis, consider any flaws in the reasoning and the evidence provided. Also, discuss what additional evidence, if any, would strengthen the argument and explain how it would impact the logical soundness of the argument.长度不够的时候可以增加例子、分析步骤、证据等内容来达到所需字数。
"The rise of the internet has transformed the way we gather information. With the click of a button, we have access to a vast amount of knowledge that was once difficult to obtain. However, this easy access to information also brings challenges, such as the overload of data and the difficulty in distinguishing between accurate and inaccurate information."1. What is the main idea of the passage?2. According to the passage, what are the benefits of the internet?3. What challenges does the easy access to information bring?题目2阅读以下段落,回答问题。
"Climate change is one of the most pressing global issues of our time. The Earth's climate is changing rapidly, and this is largely due to human activities, such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation. These activities release large amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, which trap heat and cause the Earth's temperature to rise. This phenomenon, known as global warming, has serious consequences for our planet, including rising sea levels, extreme weather events, and the loss of biodiversity."1. What is the main idea of the passage?2. According to the passage, what are the causes of climate change?3. What are the consequences of global warming?二、阅读理解练习题目解析解析11. main idea: The main idea of the passage is to discuss the impact of the internet on the way we gather information, highlighting both the benefits and the challenges it brings.2. benefits of the internet: The passage mentions that the easy access to information is one of the benefits of the internet.3. challenges of easy access to information: The passage states that the easy access to information brings challenges such as data overload and the difficulty in distinguishing between accurate and inaccurate information.解析21. main idea: The main idea of the passage is to discuss the issue of climate change and its consequences, emphasizing the role of human activities in causing global warming.2. causes of climate change: The passage mentions that burning fossil fuels and deforestation are two of the main causes of climate change.3. consequences of global warming: The passage lists several consequences of global warming, including rising sea levels, extreme weather events, and the loss of biodiversity.通过以上练习题目及解析,可以帮助考生提高GMAT考试的阅读理解能力。
GMAT(VERBAL)阅读模拟试卷10(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1.In 1896 a Georgia couple suing for damages in the accidental death of their two year old was told that since the child had made no real economic contri- bution to the family, there was no liability for damages. In contrast, less than a century later, in 1979, the parents of a three year old sued in New York for accidental-death damages and won an award of $ 750,000. The transformation in social values implicit in juxtaposing these two incidents is the subject of Viviana Zelizer’s excellent book, Pricing the Priceless Child. During the nineteenth century, she argues, the concept of the “useful” child who contributed to the family economy gave way gradually to the present-day notion of the “useless” child who, though producing no income for, and indeed extremely costly to, its parents, is yet considered emotionally “priceless.”Well established among segments of the middle and upper classes by the mid-1800’ s, this new view of childhood spread throughout society in the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries as reformers introduced child-labor regulations and compulsory educa- tion laws predicated in part on the assumption that a child’s emotional value made child labor taboo. For Zelizer the origins of this transformation were many and complex. The gradual erosion of children’s productive value in a maturing industrial economy, the decline in birth and death rates, especially in child mortality, and the development of the companionate family (a family in which members were united by explicit bonds of love rather than duty)were all factors critical in changing the assessment of children’s worth. Yet “expulsion of children from the ‘cash nexus’.. . although clearly shaped by profound changes in the economic, occupational, and family structures,” Zelizer maintains, “was also part of a cultural process ‘ of sacralization’ of children’ s lives.” Protecting children from the crass business world became enormously important for late-nineteenth-century middle-class Americans, she suggests; this sacralization was a way of resisting what they perceived as the relentless corruption of human values by the marketplace. In stressing the cultural determinants of a child’s worth, Zelizer takes issue with practitioners of the new “sociological economics,”who have analyzed such traditionally sociological topics as crime, marriage, education, and health solely in terms of their economic determinants. Allowing only a small role for cultural forces in the form of individual “preferences,”these sociologists tend to view all human behavior as directed primarily by the principle of maximizing economic gain. Zelizer is highly critical of this approach, and emphasizes instead the opposite phenomenon: the power of social values to transform price. As children became more valuable in emotional terms, she argues, their “exchange” or “surrender” value on the market, that is, the conversion of their intangible worth into cash terms, became much greater.1.It can be inferred from the passage that accidental-death damage awards in America during the nineteenth century tended to be based principally on the A.earnings of the person at time of death.B.wealth of the party causing the of culpability of the party causing the death.D.amount of money that had been spent on the person killed.E.amount of suffering endured by the family of the person killed.正确答案:A解析:从文中推断,19世纪时,意外死亡保险在美国一般建立在什么基础上?原文未提这种说法,但原文提到一个反例L1一6,这个例子中一个小孩未被赔偿,因为他不能给家里挣钱,取非得:A.正确。
GMAT(VERBAL)阅读模拟试卷30(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1.Determining whether a given population of animals constitutes a distinct species can be difficult because no single accepted definition of the term exists. One approach, called the biological species concept, bases the definition on reproductive compatibility. According to this view, a species is a group of animals that can mate with one another to produce fertile offspring but cannot mate successfully with members of a different group. Yet this idea can be too restrictive. First, mating between groups labeled as different species (hybridization), as often occurs in the canine family, is quite common in nature. Second, sometimes the differences between two populations might not prevent them from interbreeding, even though they are dissimilar in traits unrelated to reproduction; some biologists question whether such disparate groups should be considered a single species. A third problem with the biological species concept is that investigators cannot always determine whether two groups that live in different places are capable of interbreeding.When the biological species concept is difficult to apply, some investigators use phenotype, an organism’s observable characteristics, instead. Two groups that have evolved separately are likely to display measurable differences in many of their traits, such as skull size or width of teeth. If the distribution of measurements from one group does not overlap with those of another, the two groups might reasonably be considered distinct species.1.The passage is primarily concerned withA.describing the development of the biologica species conceptB.responding to a critique of reproductive compatibility as a criterion for defining a speciesC.considering two different approaches to identifying biological speciesD.pointing out the advantage of one method of distinguishing related speciesE.identifying an obstacle to the classification of biological species正确答案:C解析:Main ideaThis question depends on understanding the passage as a whole. The passage begins by explaining that identifying a species can be difficult, because there are different ways of defining the term. The biological species concept is one approach, but it has problems. Phenotype is another approach that can be used when the biological species concept proves difficult.A The first paragraph defines the biological species concept and identifies some problems with its application, but it does not explain how that concept developed.B The passage presents some critiques of reproductive compatibility as a way of identifying a biological species; it does not concern itself with responding to those critiques.C Correct. The passage considers thebiological species concept and the idea of phenotype as ways of identifying biological species.D While the passage identifies two ways of distinguishing species and states that some investigators use one of those methods- -the phenotype method—when the biological method is difficult to apply, the passage is not primarily concerned with pointing out that either one is better than the other.E The passage does discuss certain obstacles to the classification of species. First, it points out that there is no single accepted definition of distinct species. Second, it points out obstacles related to one particular approach to the classificatior of species. However, the passage consider: these obstacles in service of its primary concern, namely considering two different approaches to identifying biological species.The correct answer is C. 知识模块:阅读理解2.The author of the passage mentions “groups that ive in different places” (line 21) most probably in ordef toA.point out a theoretical inconsistency in the biological species conceptB.offer evidence in support of the biological species conceptC.identify an obstacle to the application of the biological species conceptD.note an instance in which phenotype classification is customarily usedE.describe an alternative to the biological species concept正确答案:C解析:EvaluationThe author’s mention of groups that live in different places comes at the end of the first paragraph, in the context of discussing a third problem with the biological species concept: that investigators may not know whether animals in such groups are able to interbreed.A The author does not address theoretical inconsistencies in the biological species concept.B The author mentions groups that live in different places in order to address a problem with the biological species concept, not to support it.C Correct. One obstacle to applying the biological species concept is that those attempting to distinguish among species may not be able to determine whether geographically separated groups of animals can interbreed.D The passage does mention that some investigators use phenotype classification when the biological species concept is difficult to apply, but it does not mention specifically that a situation in which groups live in different places is an instance in which phenotype classification is customarily used.E Animal groups that live in different places pose a problem for the application of the biological species concept, according to the author. The author does not mention these groups in order to describe an alternative to that concept.The correct answer is C. 知识模块:阅读理解3.With which of the following statements regarding the classification of individual species would the author most likely agree?A.Phenotype comparison may help to classify species when application of the biological species concept proves inconclusive.B.Because no standard definition exists for what constitutes a species, the classification of animal populations is inevitably an arbitrary process.C.The criteria used by biologists to classify species have not been based on adequate research.D.The existence of hybrids in wild animal species is the chief factor casting doubt on the usefulness of research into reproductive compatibility as a way of classifying species.E.Phenotype overlap should be used as the basic criterion for standardizing species classification.正确答案:A解析:InferenceThis question depends on understanding the general points the author makes with regard to classification of individual species. The author explains that there is no single definition of species and then describes the biological species concept, which depends on reproductive compatibility. This approach has several problems, however, and the author goes on to say that phenotype may be used when the biological species concept is difficult to apply.A Correct. The author states at the beginning of the second paragraph that some investigators use phenotype when they find it difficult to apply the biological species concept, and the passage provides no reason to believe that the author would disagree with the idea that phenotype comparison can be helpful in these situations.B The author would most likely not agree that classification of animal populations is arbitrary. Investigators use clearly defined approaches, such as the biological species concept and phenotype classification, to make such classifications. That there may be problems with an approach does not make it arbitrary.C The author states that the biological species concept can be too restrictive, but there is no suggestion that the author finds this approach, or phenotype classification, to be inadequately researched.D The author mentions hybridization first as a factor casting doubt on the usefulness of the biological species concept, but nothing in the passage suggests that the author thinks that it is more significant than the other reasons offered for finding the biological species concept too restrictive.E Phenotype overlap does not receive the author’s endorsement as the best, or most basic, way of classifying species; instead, the author states merely that some investigators rely on this approach when they cannot apply the biological species concept.The correct answer is A. 知识模块:阅读理解4.Which of the following best describes the function of lines 10-13?A.It elaborates the definition of the biological species concept given in a previous sentence.B.It develops a point about the biological species concept made in the previous sentence.C.It states the author’s central point about the biological species concept.D.It identifies a central assumption underlying the biological species concept.E.It demonstrates why the biological species concept is invalid.正确答案:B解析:EvaluationThe sentence in question discusses hybridization as a first factor complicating the applicability of the biological species concept. Thus its function is tohelp explain why, as the previous sentence states, that concept is too restrictive.A The sentence in question brings up a problem with the biological species concept; it does not elaborate the definition of that concept.B Correct. According to the sentence that precedes the sentence in question, the biological species concept can be too restrictive. The author offers three reasons to develop this point, and the first reason is given in the sentence in question.C The sentence in question could be said to support the author’s central point about the biological species concept—that it is one (flawed) way of determining whether a population is a species—but it does not state that central point.D The sentence in question expresses a problem with the biological species concept, not a central assumption of it.E The sentence in question serves to indicate a problem with the biological species concept, but it does not go so far as to demonstrate that it is invalid.The correct answer is B. 知识模块:阅读理解Researchers studying how genes control animal behavior have had to deal with many uncertainties. In the first place, most behaviors are governed by more than one gene, and until recently geneticists had no method for identifying the multiple genes involved. In addition, even when a single gene is found to control a behavior, researchers in different fields do not necessarily agree that it is a “behavioral gene.”Neuroscientists, whose interest in genetic research is to understand the nervous system (which generates behavior), define the term broadly. But ethologists—specialists in animal behavior—are interested in evolution, so they define the term narrowly. They insist that mutations in a behavioral gene must alter a specific normal behavior and not merely make the organism ill, so that the genetically induced behavioral change will provide variation that natural selection can act upon, possibly leading to the evolution of a new species. For example, in the fruit fly, researchers have identified the gene Shaker, mutations in which cause flies to shake violently under anesthesia. Since shaking is not healthy, ethologists do not consider Shaker a behavioral gene. In contrast, ethologists do consider the gene period (per), which controls the fruit fly’s circadian (24-hour) rhythm, a behavioral gene because flies with mutated per genes are healthy; they simply have different rhythms.5.The primary purpose of the passage is toA.summarize findings in an area of researchB.discuss different perspectives on a scientific questionC.outline the major questions in a scientific disciplineD.illustrate the usefulness of investigating a research topicE.reconcile differences between two definitior’s of a term正确答案:B解析:Main ideaThe passage discusses two problems confronting researchers studying the genetic bases of animal behavior: the complexity of the control of most behaviors by multiple genes, and divergence between research fields in what counts as a behavioral gene. The passage focuses mainly on the latter issue, discussing howethologists define “behavioral gene” in a narrower manner than neuroscientists, who define the term broadly.To elucidate the ethologists’approach, two genes are discussed, one a behavioral gene, the other not.A The passage primarily aims to explain how researchers in two different research are is define “behavioral gene.” It does not try to summarize the research findings of either area.B Correct. The primary purpose of the passage is to identify differing perspectives on the scientific question of how genes control animal behavior.C The scientific disciplines of genetics, neuroscience, and ethology—all subdisciplines of biology—contain many different “major questions,”and the passage does not try to outline the great variety of such questions in any one of those subdisciplines.D The topic of the utility of doing research is not part of the passage discussion.E An important purpose of the passage is to illustrate divergence among scientific fields in how a key term is defined, but the point is to show how the definitions differ rather than to “reconcile”the difference.The correct answer is B. 知识模块:阅读理解6.The passage suggests that neuroscientists would most likely consider Shaker to be which of the following ?A.An example of a behavioral geneB.One of multiple genes that control a single behaviorC.A gene that, when mutated, causes an alteration in a specific normal behavior without making the organism illD.A gene of interest to ethologists but of no interest to neuroscientistsE.A poor source of information about the nenous system正确答案:A解析:ApplicationThe passage asserts that ethologists do not regard Shaker as a behavioral gene because it merely makes fruit flies exhibit unhealthy behavior (shaking under anesthesia). But neuroscientists, according to the passage, are mainly interested in how genes, via the nervous system, contribute to behavior. The passage suggests that neuroscientists, unlike ethologists, have no reservation about using the term behavioral gene to apply to any gene that contributes to behavior. The implication is that neuroscientists would probably regard Shaker as a behavioral gene.A Correct. The passage suggests that neuroscientists would probably regard Shaker as a behavioral gene.B The passage indicates that research shows Shaker is a sufficient cause, in fruit flies, of shaking under anesthesia. Although some organism might display a behavior controlled by Shaker in concert with other genes, the passage is silent on any such possibility.C The passage lacks information as to whether there is any alteration—one that neuroscientists would likely consider healthy —in a normal behavior if the alteration is caused by a mutation in Shaker.D The passage indicates that neuroscientists’interest in genetics is part of their effort to understand the nervous system. This seems to imply that neuroscientists might be interested in Shaker.E The passage is silent on how neuroscientists would evaluate the potential for Shaker to contribute to understanding of the nervous system.The correct answer is A. 知识模块:阅读理解7.It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following, if true, would be most likely to influence ethologists’ opinions about whether a particular gene in a species is a behavioral gene?A.The gene is found only in that species.B.The gene is extremely difficult to identify.C.The only effect of mutations in the gene is o make the organism ill.D.Neuroscientists consider the gene to be a behavioral gene.E.Geneticists consider the gene to be a behavioral gene.正确答案:C解析:ApplicationThe passage identifies two criteria that ethologists use in deciding whether a gene should count as a behavioral gene: a mutation in the gene alters a specific normal behavior and the mutation does not merely make the organism ill.A The passage is silent on whether either of two genes identified by ethologists in fruit flies are to be found only in fruit flies. The two criteria mentioned used by ethologists carry no implication as to whether any gene unique to a given species would count as a behavioral gene.B The difficulty of identifying a gene can obviously be due to many factors, such as limitations in existing scientific techniques, and the passage does not imply that such difficulty increases the likelihood that a gene would count as a behavioral gene for ethologists.C Correct. The passage implies that if this were found to be true, ethologists would regard it as sufficient reason for not counting the gene as a behavioral gene.D A central theme of the passage is that whether ethologists would count a gene as a behavioral gene is largely unaffected by whether neuroscientists do so, given the divergent perspectives of the scientists’respective disciplines.E The main contrast in the passage with respect to definitions of the term behavioral gene is between ethologists and neuroscientists, and no specific definitional criteria for this term are explicitly attributed to geneticists. However, there is a slight suggestion that since geneticists find that most behaviors are governed by multiple genes, geneticists might regard any gene involved in the governance of a behavior as a behavioral gene. This approach, however, would be unlikely to influence the opinions of ethologists concerning definition.The correct answer is C. 知识模块:阅读理解For most species of animals, the number of individuals in the species is inversely proportional to the average body size for members of the species: the smaller the body size, the larger the number of individual animals. The tamarin, a small South American monkey, breaks this rule. Of the ten primate species studied in Peru’s Manu National Park, for example, the two species of tamarins, saddle-backed and emperor, are the eighth and ninth least abundant, respectively. Only the pygmy marmoset, which is even smaller, is less abundant. The tamarin’s scarcity is not easily explained; it cannot be dismissed as a consequence of diet, because tamarins feed on the same mixture of fruit, nectar, and small prey as do several of their more numerous larger counterparts, including the two capuchins known as the squirrel monkey and the nightmonkey. Although the relative proportions of fruits consumed varies somewhat among species, it is hard to imagine that such subtle differences are crucial to understanding the relative rarity of tamarins.To emphasize just how anomalously rare tamarins are, we can compare them to the other omnivorous primates in the community. In terms of numbers of individuals per square kilometer, they rank well below the two capuchins, the squirrel monkey and the night monkey. And in terms of biomass, or the total weight of the individuals that occupy a unit area of habitat, each tamarin species is present at only one-twentieth the mass of brown capuchins or one-tenth that of squirrel monkeys. To gain another perspective, consider the spatial requirements of tamarins. Tamarins are rigidly territorial, vigorously expelling any intruders that may stray within the sharply defined boundaries of their domains. Groups invest an appreciable part of their time and energy in patrolling their territorial boundaries, announcing their presence to their neighbors with shrill, sweeping cries. Such concerted territoriality is rather exceptional among primates, though the gibbons and siamangs of Asia show it, as do a few other New World species such as the titi and night monkeys. What is most surprising about tamarin territories is their size.Titi monkeys routinely live within territories of 6 to 8 hectares, and night monkeys seldom defend more than 10 hectares, but tamarin groups routinely occupy areas of 30 to 120 hectares. Contrast this with the 1 to 2 hectares needed by the common North American gray squirrel, a nonterritorial mammal of about the same size. A group of tamarins uses about as much space as a troop of brown capuchins, though the latter weighs 15 times as much. Thus, in addition to being rare, tamarins require an amount of space that seems completely out of proportion to their size.8.The author indicates that tamarin territories areA.surprisingly largeB.poorly situatedC.unusually abundant in food resourcesD.incapable of supporting large troops of tamarinsE.larger in Peru than in other parts of South America正确答案:A解析:Supporting ideaThis question depends on understanding what the passage says about tamarin territories. In the second paragraph, the passage claims that the most surprising thing about tamarins is the size of their territories, and it indicates how large these territories are by comparing them to the territories of certain other animals.A Correct. The passage indicates that the size of tamarins’territories—large in comparison to the territories of several other species—is surprising.B The passage gives no indication as to whether tamarin territories are poorly situated.C Although the passage does discuss the tamarin diet, it does not indicate how abundant in food sources tamarin territories are.D The passage does indicate that relatively few tamarins live per square kilometer, but it does not claim that this is so because the territories are incapable of supporting a larger number of tamarins. In fact, there issome suggestion that the territories would seem to be capable of supporting more, which is one reason the size of the territories is so surprising.E The passage does not compare the size of tamarin territories in Peru to tamarin territories elsewhere in South America.The correct answer is A. 知识模块:阅读理解9.The author mentions the spatial requirements of the gray squirrel in order to A.explain why they are so commonB.demonstrate the consequences of their nonterritorialityC.emphasize the unusual territorial requirements of the tamarinD.provide an example of a major difference between squirrels and monkeysE.provide an example of an animal with requirements similar to those of the tamarin正确答案:C解析:EvaluationThe passage mentions the spatial requirements of the gray squirrel as part of its discussion of the surprising size of tamarin territories. Gray squirrel territories are mentioned for the specific purpose of highlighting how much more space tamarins require compared to another animal of roughly equal size.A The passage does refer to “the common gray squirrel,” but it does not explain why they are so common.B The passage does not say anything about the consequences of the gray squirrel’s nonterritoriality.C Correct. The spatial requirements of gray squirrels are mentioned to highlight, by contrast, how expansive the spatial requirements of tamarins are.D Although the passage mentions the spatial requirements of the gray squirrel to highlight how different the spatial requirements of one particular type of monkey, the tamarin, are from those of other animals, the passage does not mention the squirrels’spatial requirements to provide an example of a difference between squirrels and monkeys in general.E The passage actually does the opposite of this—it mentions the gray squirrel’s spatial requirements to provide an example of an animal with requirements vastly different from those of the tamarin.The correct answer is C. 知识模块:阅读理解10.The author regards the differences between the diets of the tamarins and several larger species asA.generally explicable in terms of territory sizeB.apparently too small to explain the rarity of tamarinsC.wholly predictable on the basis of differences in body sizeD.a result of the rigid territoriality of tamarinsE.a significant factor in determining behavioral differences正确答案:B解析:Supporting IdeaThis question depends on recognizing that the passage rejects the idea that any differences between the diets of tamarins and those of certain larger animals are large enough to explain tamarins’ relative rarity. The passage points out that these animals feed on the same fruits, nectar, and small prey, and claims thatthough the proportions of the fruits consumed varies somewhat, this variation is not sufficient to explain the tamarins rarity.A The author does not seek to explain why these differences in diet—which the passage indicates are minimal—exist. Given that the author indicates that differences in territory size are large and differences in diet are small, it is unlikely, in any case, that the author would regard the former as explaining the latter.B Correct. The passage indicates that the differences in diet among these animals are too small to explain the rarity of tamarins.C The author does not give any indication that the differences in the diets of these animals are predictable based on differences in body size.D The author does indicate that tamarins are rather unusual among primates in their rigid territoriality, but there is no indication that this rigid territoriality explains the small differences in diet among tamarins and certain larger animals.E The author mentions differences in diet merely to rule out that these differences are large enough to explain tamarins’ rarity; these differences are not mentioned as a factor in determining behavioral differences.The correct answer is B. 知识模块:阅读理解11.Which of the following would most probably be regarded by the author as anomalous?A.A large primate species that eats mostly plantsB.A species of small mammals that is fiercely territorialC.Two species of small primates that share the same territoriesD.A species of small birds that is more abundant than many species of larger birdsE.A species of small rodents that requires more living space per individual than most species of larger rodents正确答案:E解析:ApplicationThis question requires you to understand an underlying principle of the passage and to apply that principle to an instance that is not specifically discussed in the passage. The passage is concerned with how anomalous tamarins are: they are exceptions to the general rule that in general the number of animals in a species is proportional to the average body size of individuals within the species. The author also points out that tamarins are unusual in that the amount of space they require is out of proportion to their body size, suggesting the principle that an animal’s spatial requirement is generally proportional to the animal’s body size. And, though the passage is generally concerned with comparing tamarins to other primates, the author also compares tamarins’spatial requirements to those of gray squirrels, a type of rodent.A The author does not give any indication whether it would be anomalous for a species of large primates to eat mostly plants. The author does not present a general principle about the diets of primates, and says nothing specific about species of large primates.B Although the author indicates that the “rigid” territoriality of tamarins is “rather exceptional among primates,”the author lists several other primate species that are also territorial. The author does not indicate whether such territoriality is rare among small mammals in general.C The author indicates that most primates do not have “such concerted territoriality” as tamarins do, suggesting that theauthor may not think that two other species of small primates sharing territories would be anomalous.D Given that the author indicates that generally the number of individuals within a species is inversely proportional to the average body size of the members of the species, the author would probably expect that a species of small birds would be more abundant than most species of larger birds and would not regard this as anomalousE Correct. The author would generally expect that smaller animals would require less living space than larger animals.The correct answer is E. 知识模块:阅读理解12.The author most probably regards the tamarins studied in Manu National Park endangered speciesB.typical tamarinsC.unusually docileD.the most unusual primates anywhereE.too small a sample to be significant正确答案:B解析:InferenceThis question requires you to make an inference from what the author says about the tamarins studied in Manu National Park to a claim about how the author most likely regards these tamarins. The author considers certain information that has been gathered about the two tamarin species studied in the park, and on the basis of that, makes claims about tamarins in general (note that the author elsewhere in the passage simply refers to “tamarins”without qualification, i.e., without referring specifically to “the tamarins studied in Manu National Park’’). This suggests that the author would regard the tamarins studied in the park as being typical of tamarins generally, at least in the ways discussed.A It is possible that the two tamarin species studied in the park are endangered, but apart from noting the surprisingly small number of individuals belonging to the species, there is no information that would suggest that they are endangered, and the mere fact that the number of members is relatively small compared to the number of members in other species is not sufficient to indicate that they are endangered, as that number could nonetheless be stable or even growing.B Correct. The author does not specifically mention anything that would indicate that these tamarins are atypical of tamarins in general, and appears to make inferences about tamarins in general on the basis of the two species studied in the park. The author would not be justified in making such inferences if the author believed that the tamarins observed in the park were not in fact typical.C The author does not give any indication that these species are unusually docile, and in fact suggests the opposite by indicating that tamarins vigorously expel any intruders from their territories.D The author does note some ways in which these tamarin species are unusual among primates, but does not indicate that they are “the most unusual primates anywhere.”The author, in fact, indicates that in one of the ways that these species are unusual—their relative scarcity despite their small body size—another primate species, the pygmy marmoset, is even more unusual.E Because the author appears to make some inferences from information about the tamarins studied。
GMAT(VERBAL)阅读模拟试卷24(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1.As the economic role of multinational, global corporations expands, the international economic environment will be shaped increasingly not by govern- ments or international institutions, but by the interaction between governments and global corporations, especially in the United States, Europe, and Japan. A significant factor in this shifting world economy is the trend toward regional trading blocs of nations, which has a potentially large effect on the evolution of the world trading system. Two examples of this trend are the United States- Canada Free Trade Agreement(FTA)and Europe 1992, the move by the European Community(EC)to dismantle impediments to the free flow of goods, services, capital, and labor among member states by the end of 1992. However, although numerous political and economic factors were operative in launching the move to integrate the EC’s markets, concern about pro- tectionism within the EC does not appear to have been a major consideration. This is in sharp contrast to the FTA, the overwhelming reason for that bilateral initiative was fear of increasing United States protectionism. Nonetheless, although markedly different in origin and nature, both regional developments are highly significant in that they will foster integration in the two largest and richest markets of the world, as well as provoke questions about the future direction of the world trading system.1.The primary purpose of the passage as a whole is toA.describe an initiative and propose its continuance.B.chronicle a development and illustrate its inconsistencies.C.identify a trend and suggest its importance.D.summarize a process and question its a phenomenon and outline its probable future.正确答案:C解析:主题类型:A.“propose its continuance”从原文看不出。
GMAT 阅读模拟试题及答案解析Biologists have advanced two theories to explain why schooling of fish occurs in so many fish species. Because schooling is particularly wide spread among species of small fish, both theories assume that schooling offers the advantage of some protection from predators.Proponents of theory A dispute the assumption that a school of thousands of fish is highly visible. Experiments have shown that any fish can be seen, even in very clear water, only within a sphere of 200 meters in diameter. When fish are in a compact group, the sphere of visibility overlap. Thus, the chance of a predator finding the school is only slightly greater than the chance of the predator finding a single fish swimming alone. Schooling is advantageous to the individual fish because a predator’s chance of finding any particular fish swimming in the school is much smaller than its chance of finding at least one of the same group of fish if the fish were dispersed throughout an area.However, critics of theory A point out that some fish form schools even in areas where predators are abundant and thus little possibility fo excaping detection exists. They argue that the school continues to be of value to its members even after detection. They advocate theory B, the “confusion effect,” which can be explained in two different ways.Sometimes, proponents argue, predators simply cannot decide which fish to attack. This indecision supposedly results from a predator’s preference for striking prey that is distinct from the rest of the school in appearance. In many schools the fish are almost indentical in appearance, making it difficult for a predator to select one. The second explanation for the。
GMAT(VERBAL)阅读模拟试卷18(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1.Caffeine, the stimulant in coffee, has been called “the most widely used psychoactive substance on Earth. “ Syn-der, Daly and Bruns have recently pro- posed that caffeine affects behavior by countering the activity in the human brain of a naturally occurring chemical called adenosine. Adenosine normally depresses neuron firing in many areas of the brain. It apparently does this by inhibiting the release of neurotransmitters, chemicals that carry nerve impulses from one neuron to the next. Like many other agents that affect neuron firing, adenosine must first bind to specific receptors on neuronal membranes. There are at least two classes of these receptors, which have been designated Al and A2. Snyder et al propose that caffeine, which is structurally similar to adenosine, is able to bind to both types of receptors, which prevents adenosine from attaching there and allows the neurons to fire more readily than they oth- erwise would. For many years, caffeine’s effects have been attributed to its inhibition of the production of phosphodiesterase, an enzyme that breaks down the chemical called cyclic AMP. A number of neurotransmitters exert their effects by first increasing cyclic AMP concentrations in target neurons. Therefore, prolonged periods at the elevated concentrations, as might be brought about by a phosphodiesterase inhibitor, could lead to a greater amount of neuron firing and, consequently, to behavioral stimulation. But Snyder et al point out that the caf- feine concentrations needed to inhibit the production of phosphodiesterase in the brain are much higher than those that produce stimulation. Moreover, other compounds that block phosphodi- esterase’s activity are not stimulants. To buttress their case that caffeine acts instead by preventing adenosine binding, Snyder et al compared the stimulatory effects of a series of caffeine derivatives with their ability to dislodge adenosine from its receptors in the brains of mice. “In general,”they reported, “the ability of the compounds to compete at the receptors correlates with their ability to stimulate locomotion in the mouse; i. e., the higher their capacity to bind at the receptors, the higher their ability to stimulate locomotion. “ Theophylline, a close structural relative of caffeine and the major stimulant in tea, was one of the most effective compounds in both regards. There were some apparent exceptions to the general correlation observed between adenosine-receptor binding and stimulation. One of these was a compound called 3-isobutyl-l-methylxan-thine(IBMX), which bound very well but actually depressed mouse locomo- tion. Snyder et al suggest that this is not a major stumbling block to their hypothesis. The problem is that the compound has mixed effects in the brain, a not unusual occurrence with psychoac- tive drugs. Even caffeine, which is generally known only for its stimulatory effects, displays this property, depressing mouse locomotion at very low concentrations and stimulating it at higher ones.1.The primary purpose of the passage is toA.discuss a plan for investigation of a phenomenon that is not yet fully understood.B.present two explanations of a phenomenon and reconcile the differences between them.C.summarize two theories and suggest a third theory that overcomes the problems encountered in the first two.D.describe an alternative hypothesis and provide evidence and arguments that support it.E.challenge the validity of a theory by exposing the inconsistencies and contradictions in it.正确答案:D解析:主题题型:A.讨论一个考察现在还未被完全理解的现象的计划。
GMAT(VERBAL)阅读模拟试卷16(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1.Between the eighth and eleventh centuries A. D. , the Byzantine Empire staged an almost unparalleled economic and cultural revival, a recovery that is all the more striking because it followed a long period of severe internal decline. By the early eighth century, the empire had lost roughly two-thirds of the territory it had possessed in the year 600, and its remaining area was being raided by Arabs and Bulgarians, who at times threatened to take Constantinople and extinguished the empire altogether. The wealth of the state and its subjects was greatly diminished, and artistic and literary production had virtually ceased. By the early eleventh century, however, the empire had regained almost half of its lost possessions, its new frontiers were secure, and its influence extended far beyond its borders. The economy had recovered, the treasury was full, and art and scholarship had advanced. To consider the Byzantine military, cultural, and economic advances as differentiated aspects of a single phenomenon is reasonable. After all, these three forms of progress have gone together in a number of states and civiliza- tions. Rome under Augustus and fifth-century Athens provide the most obvious examples in antiquity. Moreover, an examination of the apparent sequential connections among military, eco- nomic, and cultural forms of progress might help explain the dynamics of historical change. The common explanation of these apparent connections in the case of Byzantium would run like this: when the empire had turned back enemy raids on its own territory and had begun to raid and conquer enemy territory, Byzantine resources naturally expanded and more money became available to patronize art and literature. Therefore, Byzantine military achievements led to economic advances, which in turn led to cultural revival. No doubt this hypothetical pattern did apply at times during the course of the recovery. Yet it is not clear that military advances invariably came first, economic advances second, and intellec- tual advances third. In the 860’s the Byzantine Empire began to recover from Arab incursions so that by 872 the military balance with the Abbasid Caliphate had been permanently altered in the em- pire’s favor. The beginning of the empire’s economic revival, however, can be placed between 810 and 830. Finally, the Byzantine revival of learning appears to have begun even earlier. A number of notable scholars and writers appeared by 788 and, by the last decade of the eighth century, a cultural revival was in full bloom, a revival that lasted until the fall of Constantinople in 1453. Thus the commonly expected order of military revival followed by economic and then by cultural recovery was reversed in Byzantium. In fact,the revival of Byzantine learning may itself have in- fluenced the subsequent economic and military expansion.1.Which of the following best states the central idea of the passage?A.The Byzantine Empire was a unique case in which the usual order of military and economic revival preceding cultural revival was reversed.B.The economic, cultural, and military revival in the Byzantine Empire between the eighth and eleventh centuries was similar in its order to the sequence of revivals in Augustan Rome and fifth-century Athens.C.After 810 Byzantine economic recovery spurred a military and, later, cultural expansion that lasted until 1453.D.The eighth-century revival of Byzantine learning is an inexplicable phenomenon, and its economic and military precursors have yet to be discovered.E.The revival of the Byzantine Empire between the eighth and eleventh centuries shows cultural rebirth preceding economic and military revival, the reverse of the commonly accepted order of progress.正确答案:E解析:本文中心思想主题题型:A.拜占庭帝国是军事、经济、文化复兴逆序出现的惟一例子。
GMAT(VERBAL)阅读模拟试卷7(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1.In an attempt to improve the overall performance of clerical workers, many companies have introduced computerized performance monitoring and control systems(CPMCS)that record and report a worker’s computer-driven activities. However, at least one study has shown that such monitoring may not be having the desired effect. In the study, researchers asked monitored clerical workers and their supervisors how assessments of productivity affected supervisors ‘ ratings of workers’performance. In contrast to unmonitored workers doing the same work, who without exception identified the most important element in their jobs as customer service, the monitored workers and their supervisors all responded that productivity was the critical factor in assigning ratings. This finding suggested that there should have been a strong correlation between a monitored worker’s productivity and the overall rating the worker received. However, measures of the relationship between overall rating and individual elements of performance clearly supported the conclusion that supervisors gave considerable weight to criteria such as attendance,accuracy, and indications of customer satisfaction. It is possible that productivity may be a “hygiene factor, “that is, if it is too low, it will hurt the overall rating. But the evidence suggests that beyond the point at which productivity becomes “good enough” higher productivity perhaps is unlikely to improve a rating.1.According to the passage, before the final results of the study were known, which of the following seemed likely?A.That workers with the highest productivity would also be the most accurate.B.That workers who initially achieved high productivity ratings would continue to do so consistently.C.That the highest performance ratings would be achieved by workers with the highest productivity.D.That the most productive workers would be those whose supervisors claimed to value productivity.E.That supervisors who claimed to value productivity would place equal value on customer satisfaction.正确答案:C解析:从文中推出,在研究最终结果知晓以前,哪一点看起来正确?研究的最终结果在文章最后,即:生产能力若不足,会影响整体评价;但超过“足够”水平后,不能再提高评定级别。
GMAT(VERBAL)阅读模拟试卷17(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1.Seeking a competitive advantage, some professional service firms(for example, firms providing advertising, accounting, or health care services)have considered offering unconditional guarantees of satisfaction. Such guarantees specify what clients can expect and what the firm will do if it fails to fulfill these expectations. Particularly with first- time clients, an unconditional guarantee can be an effective marketing tool if the client is very cautious, the firm’s fees are high, the negative consequences of bad service are grave, or business is dif- ficult to obtain through referrals and word-of-mouth. However, an unconditional guarantee can sometimes hinder marketing efforts. With its implication that failure is possible, the guarantee may, paradoxically, cause clients to doubt the service firm’s ability to deliver the promised level of service. It may conflict with a firm’s desire to appear sophisticated, or may even suggest that a firm is begging for business. In legal and health care services, it may mislead clients by suggesting that law suits or medical procedures will have guaranteed outcomes. Indeed, professional service firms with outstanding reputations and performance to match have little to gain from offering unconditional guarantees. And any firm that implements an unconditional guarantee without undertaking a commensurate commitment to quality of service is merely employing a potentially costly marketing gimmick.1.The primary function of the passage as a whole is toA.account for the popularity of a practice.B.evaluate the utility of a practice.C.demonstrate how to institute a practice.D.weigh the ethics of using a strategy.E.explain the reasons for pursuing a strategy.正确答案:B解析:主题题型:A.说反了。
2023年GMAT阅读模拟试题及答案2023年GMAT阅读模拟试题及答案Recent years have brought minority-owned businesses in the United States unprecedented opportunitiesas well as new and significant risks. Civil rights activists have long argued that one of the principal reasons why Blacks, Hispanics, and other minority groups have difficulty establishing themselves in business is that they lack access to the sizable orders and subcontracts that are generated by large panies. Now Congress, in apparent agreement, has required by law that businesses awarded federal contracts of more than $500,000 do their best to find minority subcontractors and record their efforts to do so on forms filed with the gover____ent. Indeed, some federal and local agencies have gone so far as to set specific percentage goals for apportioning parts of public works contracts to minority enterprises.A second risk is that White-owned panies may seekto cash in on the increasing apportio____ents through formation of joint ventures with minority-owned concerns. Of course, in many instances there are legitimate reasons for joint ventures; clearly, White and minority enterprises can team up (team up: v.(使)结成一队, 合作, 协作) to acquire business that neither could acquire alone. But civil rights groups and minority business owners have plained to Congressabout minorities being set up as “fronts (a person, group, or thing used to mask the identity or true character or activity of the actual controlling agent)” with White backing, rather than being accepted as full partners in legitimate joint ventures.1. The primary purpose of the passage is to(A) present a monplace idea and its inaccuracies(B) describe a situation and its potential drawbacks(C) propose a temporary solution to a problem(D) analyze a frequent source of disagreement(E) explore the implications of a finding2. The passage supplies information that would answer which of the following questions?(A) What federal agencies have set percentage goals for the use of minority-owned businesses in public works contracts?(B) To which gover____ent agencies must businesses awarded federal contracts report their efforts to find minority subcontractors?(C) How widespread is the use of minority-owned concerns as “fronts” by White backers seeking to obtain subcontracts?(D) How many more minority-owned businesses were there in 1977 than in 1972?3. According to the passage, civil rightsactivists maintain that one disadvantage under which minority-owned businesses have traditionally had to labor (to suffer from some disadvantage or distress “labor under a delusion”) is that they have(A) been especially vulnerable to gover____ental mismanagement of the economy(B) been denied bank loans at rates parable to those afforded larger petitors(C) not had sufficient opportunity to secure business created by large corporations(D) not been able to advertise in those media that reach large numbers of potential customers(E) not had adequate representation in the centers of gover____ent power4. The passage suggests that the failure of a large business to have its bids for subcontractsresult quickly in orders might cause it to(A) experience frustration but not serious financial harm(B) face potentially crippling fixed expenses(C) have to record its efforts on forms filed with the gover____ent(E) revise its procedure for making bids for federal contracts and subcontracts5. The author implies that a minority-owned concern that does the greater part of its business with one large corporate customer should(A) avoid petition with larger, more established concerns by not expanding(B) concentrate on securing even more business from that corporation(D) pass on some of the work to be done for the corporation to other minority-owned concerns(E) use its influencewith the corporation to promote subcontracting with other minority concerns6. It can be inferred from the passage that, pared with the requirements of law, the percentage goals set by “some federal and local agencies” (lines 14-15) are(A) more popular with large corporations(B) more specific(C) less controversial(D) less expensive to enforce(E) easier to ply with7. Which of the following, if true, would most weaken the author’s assertion that, in the 1970’s, corporate response to federal requirements (lines 18-19) was substantial(A) Corporate contracts with minority-owned businesses totaled $2 billion in 1979.(B) Between 1970 and 1972, corporate contractswith minority-owned businesses declined by 25 percent.(C) The figures collected in 1977 underrepresented the extent of corporate contracts with minority-owned businesses.8. The author would most likely agree with whichof the following statements about corporate response to working with minority subcontractors?(A) Annoyed by the proliferation of “front” organizations, corporations are likely to reduce their efforts to work with minority-owned subcontractors in the near future.(B) Although corporations showed considerable interest in working with minority businesses in the 1970’s, their aversion to gover____ent paperwork mad e them reluctant to pursue many gover____ent contracts.(C) The significant response of corporations inthe 1970’s is likely to be sustained and conceivably be increased throughout the 1980’s.(D) Although corporations are eager to cooperate with minority-owned businesses, a shortage of capital in the 1970’s made substantial response impossible.(E) The enormous corporate response has all but eliminated the dangers of over-expansion that used to plague small minority-owned businesses.参考答案:BECA CBEC。
GMAT考试模拟试题:阅读理解The general density dependence model can be applied to explain the founding of specialist firms (those attempting to serve a narrow target market). According to this model, specialist foundings hinge on the interplay between legitimation and competitive forces, both of which are functions of the density (total number) of firms in a particular specialist population. Legitimation occurs as a new type of firm moves from being viewed as unfamiliar to being viewed as a natural way to organize. At low density levels, each founding increases legitimation, reducing barriers to entry and easing subsequent foundings. Competition occurs because the resources that firms seek--customers, suppliers, and employees--are limited, but as long as density is low relative to plentiful resources, the addition of another firm has a negligible impact on the intensity of competition. At high density levels, however, competitive effects outweigh legitimation effects, discouraging foundings. The more numerous the competitors, the fiercer the competition will be and the smaller will be the incentive for new firms to enter the field.While several studies have found a significant correspondence between the density dependence model and actual patterns of foundings, other studies have found patterns not consistent with the model. A possible explanation for this inconsistency is that legitimation and competitive forces transcend national boundaries, while studies typically restrict their analysis to the national level. Thus a national-level analysis can understate the true legitimationand competitive forces as well as the number of foundings in an industry that is internationally integrated. Many industries are or are becoming international, and since media and information easily cross national borders, so should legitimation and its effects on overseas foundings. For example, if a type of firm becomes established in the United States, that information transcends borders, reduces uncertainties, and helps foundings of that type of firm in other countries. Even within national contexts, studies have found more support for the density dependence model when they employ broader geographic units of analysis--for example, finding that the model's operation is seen more clearly at the state and national levels than at city levels.Question #4. 066-02 (21392-!-item-!-188;#058&000066-02)According to the passage, which of the following may account for the inconsistency between the general density dependence model and the evidence provided by certain studies of foundings?(A) Such studies have overemphasized the impact of preexisting firms on the establishment of new firms.(B) Such studies have not focused strongly enough on the role of competition among newly established firms operating at the city and state levels.(C) Such studies fail to differentiate among specialist firms with regard to the degree to which they deviate from familiar forms of organization.(D) Such studies have not taken into account the fact that many industries are internationally integrated.(E) Such studies have neglected to investigate firms that attempt to serve only a narrow target market.Question #5. 066-04 (21438-!-item-!-188;#058&000066-04)In the second paragraph, the author is primarily concerned with(A) noting various exceptions to a certain general finding(B) examining the impact of one type of industry on another(C) proposing a possible explanation for an inconsistency(D) providing specific examples of a particular phenomenon(E) defending the validity of a particular study's conclusions。
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这不,精品学习网出国频道为大家呈现了2017年GMAT考试阅读模拟试题及答案,让我们一起分享下吧~2017年GMAT考试阅读模拟试题及答案参考In contrast to traditional analyses of minority business, the sociological analysis contends that minority business ownership is a group-level phenomenon, in that it is largely dependent upon social-group resources for its development. Specifically, this analysis indicates that support networks play a critical role in starting and maintaining minority business enterprises by providing owners with a range of assistance, from the informal encouragement of family members and friends to dependable sources of la bor and clientele from the owner’s ethnic group (ethnic group: n.同种同文化之民族). Such self-help networks, which encourage and support ethnic minority entrepreneurs, consist of “primary” institutions, those closest to the individual in shaping his or her behavior and beliefs. They are characterized by the face-to-face association and cooperation of persons united by ties of mutual concern. They form an intermediate social level between the individual and larger “secondary” institutions based on impersonal relatio nships. Primary institutions comprising the support network include kinship, peer, and neighborhood or community subgroups.A major function of self-help networks is financial support. Most scholars agree that minority business owners have depended primarily on family funds and ethnic community resources for investment capital. Personal savings have been accumulated, often through frugal living habits that require sacrifices by the entire family and are thus a product of long-term family financial behavior. Additional loans and gifts from relatives, forthcoming because of group obligation rather than narrow investment calculation, have supplemented personal savings. Individual entrepreneurs do not necessarily rely on their kin because they cannot obtain financial backing from commercial resources. They may actually avoid banks because they assume that commercial institutions either cannot comprehend the special needs of minority enterprise or charge unreasonably high interest rates.Within the larger ethnic community, rotating credit associations have been used to raise capital. These associations are informal clubs of friends and other trusted members of the ethnic group who make regular contributions to a fund that is given to each contributor in rotation. One author estimates that 40 percent of New York Chinatown firms established during 1900-1950 utilized such associations as their initial source of capital. However, recent immigrants and third or fourth generations of older groups now employ rotating credit associations only occasionally to raise investment funds. Some groups, like Black Americans, found other means of financial support for their entrepreneurial efforts. The first Black-operated banks were created in the late nineteenth century as depositories (depository: n.存放处) for dues (due: n. [复]应付款) collected from fraternal or lodge groups, which themselves had sprung from Black churches. Black banks madelimited investments in other Black enterprises. Irish immigrants in American cities organized many building and loan associations to provide capital for home construction and purchase. They, in turn, provided work for many Irish home-building contractor firms. Other ethnic and minority groups followed similar practices in founding ethnic-directed financial institutions.1. Based on the information in the passage, it would be LEAST likely for which of the following persons to be part of a self-help network?(A) The entrepreneur’s childhood friend(B) The entrepreneur’s aunt(C) The entrepreneur’s religio us leader(D) The entrepreneur’s neighbor(E) The entrepreneur’s banker2. Which of the following illustrates the working of a self-help support network, as such networks are described in the passage?(A) A public high school offers courses in book-keeping and accounting as part of itsopen-enrollment adult education program.(B) The local government in a small city sets up a program that helps teen-agers find summer jobs.(C) A major commercial bank offers low-interest loans to experienced individuals who hope to establish their own businesses.(D) A neighborhood-based fraternal organization develops a program of on-the-job (on-the-job: adj.在职的) training for its members and their friends.(E) A community college offers country residents training programs that can lead to certification ina variety of technical trades.3. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about rotating credit associations?(A) They were developed exclusively by Chinese immigrants.(B) They accounted for a significant portion of the investment capital used by Chinese immigrants in New York in the early twentieth century.(C) Third-generation members of an immigrant group who started businesses in the 1920’s would have been unlikely to rely on them.(D) They were frequently joint endeavors by members of two or three different ethnic groups.(E) Recent immigrants still frequently turn to rotating credit associations instead of banks for investment capital.4. The passage best supports which of the following statements?(A) A minority entrepreneur who had no assistance from family members would not be able to start a business.(B) Self-help networks have been effective in helping entrepreneurs primarily in the last 50 years.(C) Minority groups have developed a range of alternatives to standard financing of business ventures.(D) The financial institutions founded by various ethnic groups owe their success to their unique formal organization.(E) Successful minority-owned businesses succeed primarily because of the personal strengths of their founders.5. Which of the following best describes the organization of the second paragraph?(A) An argument is delineated, followed by a counter-argument.(B) An assertion is made and several examples are provided to illustrate it.(C) A situation is described and its historical background is then outlined.(D) An example of a phenomenon is given and is then used as a basis for general conclusions.(E) A group of parallel incidents is described and the distinctions among the incidents are then clarified.6. According to the passage, once a minority-owned business is established, self-help networks contribute which of the following to that business?(A) Information regarding possible expansion of the business into nearby communities(B) Encouragement of a business climate that is nearly free of direct competition(C) Opportunities for the business owner to reinvest profits in other minority-owned businesses(D) Contact with people who are likely to be customers of the new business(E) Contact with minority entrepreneurs who are members of other ethnic groups7. It can be inferred from the passage that traditional analyses of minority business would be LEAST likely to do which of the following?(A) Examine businesses primarily in their social contexts(B) Focus on current, rather than historical, examples of business enterprises(C) Stress common experiences of individual entrepreneurs in starting businesses(D) Focus on the maintenance of businesses, rather than means of starting them(E) Focus on the role of individual entrepreneurs in starting a business8. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about the Irish building and loan associations mentioned in the last paragraph?(A) They were started by third- or fourth-generation immigrants.(B) They originated as offshoots of church-related groups.(C) They frequently helped Irish entrepreneurs to finance business not connected with construction.(D) They contributed to the employment of many Irish construction workers.(E) They provided assistance for construction businesses owned by members of other ethnic groups.参考答案:EDBC BDAD此外,为大家分享两种GMAT阅读技巧:一.TS的寻找方式1.套路结构法:A.现象解释型文章:文章开始给出现象,之后必定有解释,TS在解释给出处。