



新东方听力点题班预测第一部分:北美点题预测机经及背景知识 (2)2014.11.29NA (2)2014.11.29NA (10)2014.10.25NA (14)2014.9.19NA (19)第二部分:大陆点题预测机经及背景知识 (24)2014.3.2 ML (24)2014.3.15 ML (27)2014.3.16ML (31)2014.3.22 ML (33)2014.3.23ML (37)2014.4.12ML (39)2014.4.19ML (41)2014.5.11ML (43)2014.5.17 ML (45)2014.5.25ML (46)2014.6.15 ML (50)2014.6.21ML (51)2014.6.28ML (54)2014.6.29 ML (56)2014.7.6 ML (59)2014.7.12 ML (62)2014.8.16 ML (64)2014.8.23 ML (66)2014.8.30 ML (68)2014.9.14 ML (70)2014.9.21 ML (71)2014.9.27 ML (73)第三部分:新托福听力经典加试完整版 (76)第四部分:2013年北美全年听力机经100词 (84)第一部分:北美点题预测机经及背景知识2014.11.29NA第一部分/Section 1对话/conversation:学生与心理学(psychology)教授谈论urban legendary男学生找到心理学教授谈论期末作业。

因为学生错过了很多课(missed many classes),老师关切的问上课是否跟得上,学生说借了笔记看,因此都跟得上讲课,他找老师想谈论一下期末作业。

学生说,他知道期末作业有写final paper 和final project两个选择。

老师说,由于学生错过太多课,final paper is not an option , you may choose final project.学生说正有此意,并且想写urban legendary (都市传奇)这个主题。





不过,整体难度不变,还是一样难~~~ 对话场景分布依然是:一个办公时间,一个服务咨询;讲座学科分布都是高频学科:社会学科——考古、生命学科——动物、自然科学——地理气象和艺术——美术,雕像。

Conversation 1:教授问女生一个课外活动反馈,healthcare类,还说下半学期不打算开了,但女生觉得非常不错。

女生找他写推荐信,两人还讨论了一个新建的healthcare center之类。

解析:第一个对话是办公时间场景,边听边整理篇章的结构,按照:提出问题(P)——分析问题(C)——解决问题(S)三个板块,但是小伙伴们会发现这篇篇章的内容比较松散,主旨不突出,混淆性的信息比较多(活动反馈health care等等),一定要谨记学生过来找教授(或其他人)的目的、要解决的问题才是主旨的答案,不要听着听着就被带着走~~Lecture1:earth science:先讲一种花younger D,这种花适应低温,在冰河时期生存,可是突然灭绝了,意味着地球在短时间内回温,可是这与以往的理论(气温回暖的过程很漫长)相悖。




解析:冰河世纪在TPO中有两种说法:ice age以及Pleistocene epoch。



可以通过看discovery等学科视频补充学科词汇和知识背景,同时锻炼听辨速度和能力~Lecture2:art history:关于古希腊和罗马雕塑。



2015年3月28日托福真题预测2015年3月28日托福真题预测下载:/tuofujijing/20150225/tfjj-fll-20150328tfzt.html?seo=wenku3028 2015年3月28日托福真题预测已经和考生见面了,此次真题预测包含了2015年3月28日托福考试重点考试内容,考生可以复制链接直接进入免费索取下载使用。


听力, 女学生不同意, 1 价格已经很便宜了50 分, 价格没什么影响。

2 没有那么多工作人␀ ,没有人力和车。

19proposal: a student suggest 图书馆限制同学们借书,最多借十本,因为 1. 大多数人一次借的太多,看不过来 2. 许多人借的时间太长,都丢了,这样可以减少图书馆每年丢书的数目。

女生反对:1 要给好几个科目写paper,喜欢用很多书,至少20 本,而且所借的书都会看。

2 从来没丢过书。

20A letter from a student says taht the university should impose on monetary penalties for people who litter on campus for the following two reasons. First, it can make university cleaning. Second, the university can get lot of extra money. In the conversation, the woman supports this plan for the following two reasons. First, her home town was dirty at first but when her town issued such policy , the town become cleaner. Second, the university can save a lot of money since it does not have to pay employees to clean up the university.听力说同意,首先拿自己的家乡做例子,家乡也有同样的问题,家乡采用了相同的政策,现在家乡很干净,不是钱让他们干净,二十扔东西被警察看到很羞愧。




以下是2015年3月28日托福听力预测部分内容:Section 2,New Guided Walk Programme; 选择题 5+配对题 5句子填空题:11.The reason for most of people join this programme is because the majority of the customers from people who have done this before.12. What has changes this year. A change its meal every week13. New guide first learn to guide. A ccompany with another guideSection 2 新题,校园讨论,选择5+配对5这部分为新题,答案不全,目前能够给大家分析的内容如下:本题是有关于校园的讨论,地图题。



•Section 3新题,学术讨论场景(新授课模式的调研blended course learning),选择5+配对5扫描二维码可以下载托福听力app,随时随地的进行托福听力备考。





托福考试(TOEFL) /真题题库2015年“月28日托福听力真题对话1办公室场景teacher preparation program,男生去问这个项目,前面和老师说其实当老师很不容易,老师表示赞同,说大家都觉得当老师很容身其实并不是,你要准备好你的portfoI io,男生就问portfoI io要什么样比较好,老师说我发现你在教music这方面很有优势,男生又问我能不能改之前我写的对教学的reflection,因为我现在想法不一样了。

老师说不用改,这样能够体现你的成长过程,然后老师又问男生有没有什么计划observe other teacher , s class,还是要去看一看的,男生说有的,我计划下周就去的。

讲座1生命科学讲的是animal behavior中的非继承制动物中如何选择leadero开始提到上节课说了一种就是成员固定的,leader固定的关系。




讲座2艺术讲的是Segal' s scuIpture, 一开始说比较传统的是什么水泥啊框架啊用于雕塑,Segal不一样,他用的塑料cover who I e body,而且最重要的是面无表情,因为注重的是肢体的表达,另一方面他把雕塑是放在了比较真实的环境,作为真实的物体,教授说在Loca I museum中他的作品只能远观,这与Segal的本义是违背的,因为她希望的是作品和观众有个interactiono 后来有个学生说她看过一个Sega I的作品the custom party,那个雕塑是有颜色的,教授补充道说她会用颜色。




S1: Describe a difficulty which you have overcome with the help of your family, friends or classmates. Explain how they helped you.S2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important influences that young adults have are from their families.S3: Describe a present you have given to others. Explain why you think it is important.S4: What time of a year do you like the most? Explain why you like this time of a year.S5:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Having a relaxed or unhurried life is the best way of life for a person.S6: Describe your favorite room either of your own house or in other places and explain why.S7: What do you think is ONE of the most important characteristics that a teacher should have?S8: Do you always make friends with people who have different interests from you? Why?S9: Among the following three professions, which do you think make the biggest contribution to society? Teachers, famers, doctors.S10: Do you agree or disagree with the following question. In order to stay happy, you must have a job that you love doing.S11: Describe an area in your city that you like the most. Explain why you like this area the most.S12: What will you do when you need to find an answer to a question: to ask a teacher, to search the Internet, or to read a book?留学改变人生,教育改变中国!S13: Describe a day that you enjoyed the most or was the most special to you. Include reasons and details to support your response.S14: Some people prefer to have classes during the day and do part-time jobs in the evening while others prefer to have classes in the evening and do part-time jobs during the day. Which do you prefer?S15: Describe the changes in your life five years from now on. Include specific examples and details in your explanation.S16: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Power and money is the symbol of success.S17: What is your favorite outdoor place to do exercise in a nice day?S18: Some people like to have a break or get a job during summer vacation. Others think it is better to take a class. Which do you prefer and why?S19: Describe a most unforgettable success in your life. Explain why it was important to you. Include reasons and examples to support your response.S20: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is never too late for an old person to receive higher education and to get a university degree. Use specific reasons to support your answer.更多雅思机经下载,点击↓↓进入免费下载/gz/留学改变人生,教育改变中国!。



新托福写作考题回顾朗阁海外考试研究中心吴玉考试日期:2015.03.28Task 1INTEGRATED 综合写作关于Mary Rose沉没的原因。

阅读文章要点:1. 因为要发射cannon ball, gun port打开了,然后水进去,导致船沉;2. sailor和captain的关系不好,没听指令;3. 法国船舰的破坏;听力逐一反驳:1. research显示,炮管里还有炮,证明还没发射,不可能打开,也不可能进水;2. Mary Rose是Britain Navy的旗舰,上面全部都是很专业的精英,即使有矛盾也不会在那么危险的情况下不听指令;3. 法国人为了证明法国的海军实力比英国强,故意撒谎。

Task 2 INDEPENDENT 独立写作话题类别社会类考题文字:Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement?It is better to finish a project completely andthen do another project than do two or moreprojects at the same time.本次写作考试点评:本次综合写作是原因驳斥类的题目,词汇上相对比较简单,因此对于考生来说不难把握住重点信息。


推荐思路如下:Agree:1. 一次性完成一件事情完成的质量会更高,尤其是某些工作需要注意细节和高度集中。

2. 工作的特殊性要求参与者只能在一个时间做一件事情。

3. 同时做几件事情会产生的问题是无法周全的兼顾所有,反而会影响这几个工作的完成效果。




智课网TOEFL备考资料2015年3月28日托福阅读真题及答案解析机经词汇:attest to= provide evidence ofseverely=very seriouslypermanentsimultaneously=at the same timereadily=easilyreflect=indicateeploit=make use ofaccumulate=build upcurious=strangeties=connection第一篇:辫状河(braided stream)考生回忆:本文主要说了沙洲(bar)、冲积扇(alluvial fan)、三角洲(delta) 这些辫状河是如何形成的。




河曲沙洲(point bar)是河流内外侧流速不一样,同时干旱半干旱山区和冰川地区容易形成冲积扇,在湖泊和海边流速慢的地方会形成三角洲。







推荐的阋读文章是TP08的文章 Running Water on Mars.Running Water on MarsPhotographic evidence suggests that liquid water once existed in great quantity on the surface of Mars. Two types of flow features are seen: runoff channels and outflow channels. Runoff channels are found in the southern highlands. These flow features are extensive systems—sometimes hundreds of kilometers in total length—of interconnecting, twisting channels that seem to merge into larger, wider channels. They bear a strong resemblance to river systems on Earth, and geologists think that they are dried-up beds of long-gone rivers that once carried rainfall on Mars from the mountains down into the valleys. Runoff channels on Mars speak of a time 4 billion years ago (the age of the Martian highlands), when the atmosphere was thicker, the surface warmer, and liquid water widespread.Outflow channels are probably relics of catastrophic flooding on Mars long ago. They appear only in equatorial regions and generally do not form extensive interconnected networks. Instead, they are probably the paths taken by huge volumes of water draining from the southern highlands into the northern plains. The onrushing water arising from these flash floods likely also formed the odd teardrop-shaped "islands”(resembling the miniature versions seen in the wet sand of our beaches at low tide) that have been found on the plains close to the ends of the outflow channels. Judging from the width and depth of the channels, the flow rates must have been truly enormous—perhaps as much as a hundred times greater than the 105 tons per second carried by the great Amazon river. Flooding shaped the outflow channels approximately 3 billion years ago, about the same times as the northern volcanic plains formed.Some scientists speculate that Mars may have enjoyed an extended early Period during which rivers, lakes, and perhaps even oceans adorned its surface. A 2003 Mars Global Surveyor image shows what mission specialists think may be a delta—a fan-shaped network of channels and sediments where a river once flowed into a larger body of water, in this case a lake filling a crater in the southern highlands. Other researchers go even further, suggesting that the data provide evidence for large open expenses of water on the earlyMartian surface. A computer-generated view of the Martian north polar region shows the extent of what may have been an ancient ocean covering much of the northern lowlands. The Hellas Basin, which measures some 3,000 kilometers across and has a floor that lies nearly 9 kilometers below the basin's rim, is another candidate for an ancient Martian sea.These ideas remain controversial. Proponents point to features such as the terraced "beaches” shown in one image, which could conceivably have been left behind as a lake or ocean evaporated and the shoreline receded. But detractors maintain that the terraces could also have been created by geological activity, perhaps related to the geologic forces that depressed the Northern Hemisphere far below the level of the south, in which case they have nothing whatever to do with Martian water. Furthermore, Mars Global Surveyor data released in 2003 seem to indicate that the Martian surface contains too few carbonate rock layers—layers containing compounds of carbon and oxygen—that should have been formed in abundance in an ancient ocean. Their absence supports the picture of a cold, dry Mars that never experienced the extended mild period required to form lakes and oceans. However, more recent data imply that at least some parts of the planet did in fact experience long periods in the past during which liquid water existed on the surface.Aside from some small-scale gullies (channels) found since 2000, which are inconclusive, astronomers have no direct evidence for liquid water anywhere on the surface of Mars today, and the amount of water vapor in the Martian atmosphere is tiny. Yet even setting aside the unproven hints of ancient oceans, the extent of the outflow channels suggests that a huge total volume of water existed on Mars in the past. Where did all the water go? The answer may be that virtually all the water on Mars is now locked in the permafrost layer under the surface, with more contained in the planet's polar caps.第二篇:N文明考生回忆:一开始说在撤哈拉中部平原,那里的人发展了农牧业。



2015年3月28日托福听力预测2015年3月28日托福听力预测下载:/tuofujijing/20150303/tfjj-lhy-328tftl.html?seo=wenku3.204 2015年3月28日托福考试即将开始了,考生也正在处于紧张的备考之中,小马过河老师团队精心整理发布了2015年3月28日托福听力预测,考生可以复制链接进入并免费索取下载使用。

以下是2015年3月28日托福听力预测部分内容:1 3 . Do you prefer to live in a residence where there are strict rules (such as rules against making loud noises at night), or do you prefer to live in a residence without strict rules.14. Some people think students should study in the classroom while others believe they should visit the museum or the zoo. Which do you prefer and why?15. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The success of a school largely depends on the resources it has such as textbooks and journals.16. Do you prefer a job which requires you to communication with others, or do you prefer a job where you work alone.17. Some people prefer a job which deals with the same tasks every day. Others prefer a job which deals with many different tasks. Which do you prefer and why?18. 艺术家和音乐家对社会是否重要?19. Would you like to make friends with the same interests or the one with different interests? 你同不同意找朋友要选择有相同的爱好的人?20. Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Teachers should make their lessons fun.21. Do you prefer to do a job which requires you to travel a lot, or a job that allows you to work at a fixed lo cation?小马托福听力app是小马过河老师为考生们备考托福听力研发的一款app软件,内含最新托福考试机经预测,资料内容广,更新及时,更有各项针对性,个性化训练,可以随时随地的用来备考托福考试,考生可以用手机直接扫描下载安装使用2015年3月28日托福听力预测下载:/tuofujijing/20150303/tfjj-lhy-328tftl.html?seo=wenku3.204。



2015年3月28日托福预测2015年3月28日托福预测下载:/tuofujijing/20150225/tfjj-fll-20150328tfzt.html?seo=wenku3027 2015年3月28日托福考试还有不到一个月时间,为使考生在这一个月时间内能充分备考托福考试,小马过河老师特发布了2015年3月28日托福预测,考生可以复制链接直接进入免费索取下载使用。

以下为2015年3月28日托福预测部分内容:43.in what course is this speaker probably lecturing?44.what type of trees were used to making masts?45.which characteristic of the tree was used to classify as reserved for the king?46.which mark was used to reserve a tree for the king’s navy?47-50Now the Australia jumping spider as you can image got its name for its ability to leap. But it can swim too. What’s most interesting though is its ability to use try and error tactics when solving problems. Now the jumping spider attacks and eats other spiders. It’ll sit at the edge of another spider's web and attract the spider by tapping out different signals to mimic the struggles of a trapped insect and it’ll keep changing the signals till successfully lured its prey out. Well, to see ifthe jumping spider could apply the same problem solving technique, try and error to unfamiliar situations, scientists conducted an experiment. They field a trap full of water and then put some sand in the middle, like an island. In between the island and the edge of the trap, they put a rock. When they put the spider on the island, some tried jumping to the rock, and some tried swimming. All the spiders that successfully reached the rock either by jumping or by swimming use the same method to make it from the rock to the edge of the tree. If the spider failed to reach the rock, it was placed back on the island, but the next time they try to leave, spiders did opposite of whatever didn’t work the first time, leaping if it had swum, or swimming if it had leaped. So we see the spiders using the same try and error incrossing the water as they used in hunting.2015年3月28日托福预测下载:/tuofujijing/20150225/tfjj-fll-20150328tfzt.html?seo=wenku3027。

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教授说这个过程就是一个公司推出个和市场上已经⬀在的东西一样的产品,又拿他自己举例,说自己没干教师前,在一家汽车公司里干,别的公司推出一款车(具体名⬀不确定,貌似是跑车?) 他们公司为了跟人家竞争,也推出了同样的车。

3.extinction of behavior
讲座里讲了小孩死皮赖脸用哭闹来威胁妈妈们买 cookies 的例子说明。

4.contrast effect 大概意思就是说,人们在看一件东西的时候,往往会拿它和另外一个类似的东西比较,而不是基于这个东西本身的价值。


【教授举例】教授举了自己的例子, 自己年轻的时候去找房子,一开始看了很多烂房子small and crap,很受不了。

突然看到了一个还可以的 bigger and seems nicer。



但是等他搬进去,发现还是太小,他的家具什么的都放不下,而且现在看起来也没有那么 nice。


5.psychological risk.这车对环境污染严重,所以不想买。


公司发现这情况后啊,赶紧修改了广告, 着重突出这车的 high
efficiency ,environmentally friendly.
6.emotional reasoning 人类对一件事抱有负面感觉会影响他对事情的真实性的判断要去寻找负面感觉的 evidence 看看⬀不⬀在教授举了个例子他刚加入 psychology lab
7.approach-avoidance conflict 这个产生的原因是有一个 goal,很吸引你,但又很难达到,觉得很Discourage。

教授有个 Friend,大学时想当老师,在 practice 时发现她得把free time on weekend 都放弃来准备下周的课程。

