2008(率文献质量评价)Prevalence of Urinary Tract Infection in Childhood
Criteria for the judgement of ‘High risk’ of bias.
Participants or investigators enrolling participants could possibly foresee assignments and thus introduce selection bias, such as allocation based on:
Allocation by judgement of the clinician;
Allocation by preference of the participant;
Allocation based on the results of a laboratory test or a series of tests;
Describe the completeness of outcome data for each main outcome, including attrition and exclusions from the analysis. State whether attrition and exclusions were reported, the numbers in each intervention group (compared with total randomized participants), reasons for attrition/exclusions where reported, and any re-inclusions in analyses performed by the review authors.
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为压 力性 尿 失 禁 (stress urinary incontinence,SUI)、混 合性 尿 失禁 (mixed urinary incontinence,MUI)及 急迫 性 尿 失 禁 (urge urinary incontinence,UUI)/膀 胱 过 度 活 动症 (overactive bladder,OAB)。根据 美 国妇产 科 医
排尿 困难 和尿 潴 留 的发 生 ,进 而 引起 充 溢 性 尿 失 禁 。
充溢 性尿 失禁 分急 性和 慢性 两种 类型 。 4.1 急性 充溢 性尿 失禁 多发 生 于 中枢 神 经 系统 损 伤 或 损 害之 后 。神 经 系统 损伤 会 导 致 排 尿 反 射 麻 痹
文 章 编 号 :1003—6946(2018)03—0164—04
高 ,超 过 了最 大 尿 道 压 ,并 出现 不 自主 漏 尿 。充溢 性
尿失 禁与膀 胱 收缩 乏力 有 关 ,同时还 可 出现 排 尿 不 完
全 、过 度 充盈和 尿潴 留 的现 象 。
充溢 性 尿失 禁 是 由膀 胱逼 尿肌 弹 性 下 降 ,收 缩 力
减弱 ,对充 盈缺 乏应 有 的 敏感 及 排 尿 障碍 所 致 。脊 髓
内压 不 断增 高 ,进 而 膀 胱 壁 血 液 循 环 障 碍 ,可 导 致 膀 胱壁 内神 经 及 神 经 受 体 退 行 性 变 化 ,逼 尿 肌 纤 维 变 性 、断裂 。这些 变 化 大 多是 可逆 的 ,一 旦病 因解 除 ,可 逐渐 恢 复 。
(河北医科大学 第二 医院 ,河北 石家庄 050000)
功 能 障 碍 :多见 于骶 髓 逼 尿肌 核 的 反射 弧 破 坏 ,逼 尿 身心 健康 和生 活质 量 。本 文 旨在 阐述女 性 uI的分 类
美国血液学会采用RAND积分法,设计1300个以上的临床 问题组成41页的调查表,由工作组专家单独完成,不进行 讨论,对ITP的诊断和治疗意见征求是否“应当给予”、“可 给,也可不给”、“不需要给予”或“不应当给予”,由工作组 专家打分。 从1-9分,1分表示强烈不同意,9分表示强烈同意,中 间分数表示同意或不同意的程度。 平均积分:
由专家们无记名投票 获得最佳治疗意见 未成年人ITP患者内 科治疗无效成为难治 性病例,到底多久应 考虑切脾治疗,从图 1-11-2示极大多数 专家认为是4-6周, 并且和血小板减少的 严重度有关,血小颇 数以50×l09/L以上 多数专家不主张切脾。
4. 考虑所形成的诊断冶疗意见在实施过程中的政策问题和临 床心用的实际问题。 一项好的临床指南不但应具有科学性,同时还应具有实用 性。 需要考虑政策、医疗保险政策、伦理问题、患者和社会的 反应及接受能力、成本-效益、各种医疗机构条件、患者 依从性等。
推荐 级别 A
证据 病因、治疗、预防的证据 类别 1a RCTs 的系统评价 1b 单项 RCT(95%可信区间较窄) 1c 全或无,即必须满足下列要求: a. 用传统方法治疗,全部患者残废或治疗失败;而用新的 疗法后,有部分患者存活或治愈(如脑膜炎的化学治疗) ; 或 b. 应用传统方法治疗,许多患者死亡或治疗失败;而用 新疗法无一死亡或治疗失败(如用青霉素治疗溶血性链球 菌感染) 2a 队列研究的系统评价 2b 单项队列研究(包括质量较差的 RCT) (如随访率<80% ) 2c 结局研究 3a 病例-对照研究的系统评价 3b 单项病例-对照研究 4 系列病例分析及质量较差的病例-对照研究
赫尔辛基宣言(2008版)(Declaration of Helsinki, Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects, 2008, World Medical Association)涉及人类受试者的医学研究伦理原则编者按:2008年10月第59届世界医学大会通过了《赫尔辛基宣言》修正版,这是宣言自1 964年首次发布以来的第六次修正(2002年和2004年分别对第29条和30条进行了补充),修正版扩展了宣言的适用对象,重申并进一步澄清了基本原则和内容,加强了对受试者的权利保护,同时还增加了临床试验数据注册和使用人体组织时的同意等新内容,提高了人体医学研究的伦理标准。
现将《赫尔辛基宣言》(2008修正版)全文刊登A.前言(WMA) 制定《赫尔辛基宣言》,是作为关于涉及人类受试者的医学研究,包括对可确定的人体材料和数据的研究,有关伦理原则的一项声明。
左侧 卧位插 胃管法在抢 救昏迷患者 中的应用研究
符 钻 英 唐 汉 媛 张 梅 萍 林 秋 炜
【摘要 】 目的 探 讨 左侧 卧插 胃管 法在抢 救 昏迷 患者 置 管过程 中其一 次 置管 的成功 率和 患者 发生呕 吐 、 窒息等 并 发症 的发生率 ;为 了更好 、
传统 的阴道哑铃 训练 由于其操 作简单 ,费 用低廉 ,因此在临床上 得到广 泛应 用 ,但 由于患 者的PC肌 本身强度 状 况 ,以及 产后恢 复情 况 ,有时候效 果并不佳 ,尤其是 重度患者 。因此 ,有必要 引进新的治 疗方案 。我们采用法 国Phenix USB4低频神 经肌 肉治 疗仪 ,以生物反 馈联合 电刺激 治疗 。盆底肌 电刺 激治疗尿失 禁的确切机 制仍 未完全阐
具有可 比性。
增加至76例 ,相 比对照组 (43例 )也有显著性差异 (P<0.05)。统计
结果如表1所示 。
按 国际通用 的会 阴肌 力测试 法 (GRRUG) ,将盆 底肌力 分为6
表 1 两组PC肌 疗 效统计 (n=150)
个级别 ,采用法 国神 经肌肉刺激治疗仪 (PHENIX,法 国VIVALNS公
产后盆底肌肉强度下降近年来 已经 引起广 泛关注 ,其不仅容易引 仪 (高级 智能型 ),以生物反馈联合 电刺激治疗 。电极大小 :阴道 电
发尿失禁,还可能降低产 后性生活质量 ,影响夫妻之间的和谐 ,因此 极 长13cm,直径2cm;技术参数 :电流0-50mA,频率15 ̄85Hz,波宽
有必要 加强产后康复训练 。为 了提 高女性 产后生活质量 ,我们对患者 200~500us。治疗刺激 电流最大强度 :以患者有刺激感觉 而无疼痛感
The Joanna Briggs Institute Critical Appraisal toolsfor use in JBl Systematic Reviews澳大利亚JBI循证卫生保健中心对病例对照研究的真实性评价病例对照研究(case-controlled study)是以现在确诊的患有某特定疾病的患者作为病例组,以不患有该病但具有可比性的个体作为对照组,通过询问、实验室检查或复查病史,搜集既往各种可能的危险因素的暴露史,比较病例组与对照组中各因素的暴露比例有无差异,以探讨暴露因素与疾病之间的关联。
澳大利亚JBI循证卫生保健中心对病例对照研究的真实性评价评价项目评价结果1. 病例组与对照组除是否患有该疾病不同外,其他因素是否具有可比性?是否不清楚不适用2. 病例组与对照组的匹配是否恰当?是否不清楚3. 是否采用相同的标准招募病例组和对照组?是否不清楚不适用4. 是否采用标准、有效、可信的方法测评暴露因素?是否不清楚不适用5. 是否采用相同的方法测评病例组和对照组的暴露因素?是否不清楚不适用6. 是否考虑了混杂因素?是否不清楚不适用7. 是否采取措施控制了混杂因素?是否不清楚不适用8. 是否采用标准、有效、可信的方法测评结局指标?是否不清楚不适用9. 暴露时间是否足够长?是否不清楚不适用10. 资料分析方法是否恰当?是否不清楚。
• 一、中国循证医学杂志 (/) • 月刊,四川大学华西医院中国循证医学 Cochrane中心主编,2001年创刊,发表循 证决策,临床医学研究、医疗、教育、中 医学、药学、公共卫生等方面论文,从创 刊至今网上全文免费。
• 二、*美国内科医师学会杂志俱乐部(ACP Journal club)/ • 双月刊,1991年创刊。由各学科临床专家从100 余种重要临床杂志中,按严格标准选取内科学各 领域内论述病因、病程、诊断、临床预测、预防 治疗、经济学、质量改善、继续医学教育措施试 验等方面最佳原始论文与综述论文。按结构式文 摘形式,以可以复制、准确与可以直接应用的方 式报告这些论文的目的、方法、结果与循证结论。 在结论之后附有该文结果的重要数据、专家评论 与参考文献。该刊每期都设治疗学、诊断、预后、 病因学、质量改善、读者来信等栏目。每篇论文 文题之后星号多少表示和内科各分支学科相关度。 用户点击该刊首页的Search,然后输入主题词, 就可综合检出历年有关文献。 • 该刊要求交费订阅,但2006年论文现在尚能免费 利用。
• Cochrane有以下专题综述组:急性呼吸道感染, 气道(airway),麻醉,背脊骨关节与肌肉创伤, 乳癌,结肠直肠癌,消费者(用户)与交流,囊 性纤维化与遗传病,痴呆与认知改善,抑郁焦虑 与神经官能症,发育,精神社会与学习困难,药 物与酒精,耳鼻喉病,有效医疗与医护组织,癫 痫,眼与视力,节育(fertility regulation),妇 科癌,血液恶性病,心脏,肝胆,HIV/艾滋病, 高血压,失禁,传染病,炎性肠病与功能性肠病, 损伤,肺癌,月经失调与低生育,代谢与内分泌 病,方法学,运动疾病,多发性硬化,肌肉骨骼, 新生儿,神经肌肉病,口腔卫生,疼痛,姑息与 支持治疗,外周血管病,妊娠与生育,前列腺与 泌尿系癌,肾病,精神分裂,性传播疾病,皮肤, 中风,吸烟与瘾嗜,上消化道与胰腺病,创伤, 共50组。
jbi 2008年rct研究质量评价标准
2008年JBI(Joanna Briggs Institute)关于RCT(随机对照试验)研究的质量评价标准是一组用于评估随机对照试验质量的指导原则和标准。
以下是2008年JBI关于RCT研究质量评价的主要标准:1. **随机分配(Randomization)**:研究应描述随机分配方法,确保研究对象在不同治疗组之间具有相等的机会,并减少选择偏倚。
2. **双盲(Blinding)**:研究应描述盲法的使用,包括受试者、研究人员和评估者是否被隐瞒了治疗分组信息,以减少测量和信息偏倚。
3. **完整性分析(Intention-to-Treat Analysis)**:应报告关于完整性分析的信息,包括是否分析了所有随机分配的受试者,以保持随机分配的效果。
4. **数据丢失处理(Handling of Missing Data)**:应描述如何处理丢失的数据,以减少丢失数据引起的偏倚。
5. **治疗协议(Treatment Protocol)**:应提供关于治疗协议的详细信息,以确保研究的一致性和可重复性。
6. **随机分配遮盖(Randomization Concealment)**:应描述如何隐藏随机分配过程,以防止分组信息泄露。
7. **相似性基线数据(Baseline Similarity)**:应报告各治疗组在基线上的相似性,以确保比较的可信度。
8. **治疗遵从性(Treatment Compliance)**:应报告研究对象的治疗遵从性,以评估治疗的实际效果。
9. **结果测量(Outcome Measurement)**:应提供关于主要和次要结果的详细测量信息,以确保测量的准确性和可信度。
10. **统计分析(Statistical Analysis)**:应提供有关统计分析方法的详细信息,以确保分析的适当性和可信度。
长期留置导尿患者成功拔除导尿管的最佳指南意见李飞;宋美璇;李显蓉【摘要】Objective To evaluate and summarize the available guidelines on the successful removal of urinary catheter in patients with long-term indwelling urinary catheters. Methods We searched the Cochrane Library, Joanna Briggs Institute Library (JBI), Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario (RNAO), National Guideline Clearing house(NGC), EBM reviews, PubMed, EMbase, CBM, as well as the official websites of public health department of many countries, to retrieve the related guidelines on urinary catheter removal. Two trained reviewers assessed the quality and extracted the data independently. Results Five guidelines were included, and five items of best evidence were summarized including evaluating the necessity of catheterization and promoting the earlier removal of non-clinically indicated catheter (grade-A recommendation); employing the nurse-oriented urinary catheter reminder system and order terminating system (grade-A recommendation); performing bladder training before the removal, but not through the clipping of catheter before the removal (grade-B recommendation); no wide usage of antimicrobials before or after catheter removal without clinical indication (grade-A recommendation) and close monitoring after catheter removal to know about the bladder function (grade-A recommendation).Conclusion More attention should be paid to the timing and skill of catheter removal,so as to reduce the occurrence of catheter-associated adverse events.Since thereare still controversies on evidence about catheter removal,more prospective studies of high quality are needed to guide evidence-based clinical practice and ensure patients'safety.%目的评价总结长期留置导尿患者成功拔除导尿管的最佳指南意见.方法计算机检索Cochrane Library、JBI、安大略注册护士协会、美国指南网、循证医学数据库、PubMed、荷兰医学文摘数据库、中国生物医学文献数据库,并补充检索各国卫生行政部门的官方网站,查找长期留置导尿患者尿管拔除的相关指南.经过2名具有循证基础的研究员独立进行文献质量评价和资料提取后,对符合纳入标准的指南进行证据总结.结果共纳入指南5篇,最终总结出5条最佳证据,分别为:(1)每日评估尿管留置的必要性,尽早拔除无需留置的尿管(A级推荐);(2)采用护士主导的尿管拔除提示信息系统及医嘱终止系统(A 级推荐);(3)拔管前应当进行膀胱功能训练,但不推荐通过夹闭尿管的方式训练膀胱功能(B 级推荐);(4)除非具有临床指征,否则尿管拔除后不应常规使用抗菌药物来预防尿路感染(A 级推荐);(5)尿管拔除后应密切关注患者排尿功能的恢复情况(A级推荐).结论临床上应准确评估尿管拔除时机,规范拔管操作,减少尿路感染风险及拔管后的不良事件,以实现成功拔管.当前有关尿管拔除的相关证据还存在诸多争议,未来应开展更多高质量的临床随机对照试验,以指导实践指南的制定,更好地维护患者安全.【期刊名称】《护理学报》【年(卷),期】2018(025)005【总页数】5页(P1-5)【关键词】留置导尿;拔管;循证护理【作者】李飞;宋美璇;李显蓉【作者单位】西南医科大学护理学院,四川泸州646000;西南医科大学附属医院胃肠外科,四川泸州646000;西南医科大学附属医院胃肠外科,四川泸州646000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R473.6留置导尿是临床上常见的操作技术,约16%的住院患者在院期间都有留置导尿的经历[1]。
尿路感染大多数与留置尿管有关[2],导尿管相关尿路感染(catheter-associated urinary tract infection,CAUTI)是指患者留置尿管后,或拔除导尿管48 h以内发生的泌尿系统感染[3]。
1 CAUTI集束化策略的概述1.1 集束化护理的起源与概念集束化护理是15年前由美国健康研究所首先推出的基于循证护理、提高护理质量的一种策略[6],通常是由3~5个基于证据的核心干预措施构成,多项措施联合实施比单独实施显著[7-8]。
超声评估盆腔器官脱垂的进展木其尔;史铁梅;张原溪;刘晨;高敏【摘要】超声可清晰显示盆底解剖结构、盆底重建术后网片位置及长度,且诊断重度盆腔器官脱垂与盆腔器官脱垂定量分度标准的一致性较好,可为评价盆底重建术的安全性及有效性提供影像学基础.本文对超声在盆腔器官脱垂诊断及盆底重建术术后疗效评价中的应用进展进行综述.%Ultrasonography can clearly show pelvic anatomic structures,as well as the location and length of mesh after pelvic floor reconstructive operation.The consistency of ultrasonic diagnosis of severe pelvic organ prolapse with pelvic organ prolapse quantitation is good.Furthermore,ultrasonography can provide imaging basis for evaluating the safety and efficacy of pelvic floor reconstruction.The progresses of ultrasound in diagnosis of severe pelvic organ prolapse and postoperative evaluation of pelvic floor reconstruction were reviewed in this article.【期刊名称】《中国介入影像与治疗学》【年(卷),期】2017(014)012【总页数】4页(P772-775)【关键词】盆腔器官脱垂;肛提肌;超声检查【作者】木其尔;史铁梅;张原溪;刘晨;高敏【作者单位】中国医科大学附属盛京医院超声科,辽宁沈阳 110004;中国医科大学附属盛京医院超声科,辽宁沈阳 110004;中国医科大学附属盛京医院超声科,辽宁沈阳 110004;中国医科大学附属盛京医院超声科,辽宁沈阳 110004;中国医科大学附属盛京医院超声科,辽宁沈阳 110004【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R711.2;R445.1女性盆腔器官脱垂(pelvic organ prolapse, POP)指由于各种原因导致盆底支持功能减弱,使女性生殖器官和相邻脏器向下移位,临床主要表现为膀胱膨出、子宫脱垂等。
产后盆底肌肉松弛症的康复治疗之影响左玲;凌桂凤;任卫娟;夏顺珍【摘要】目的评估产后盆底肌肉松弛症患者的治疗情况并探讨其对预防女性尿失禁的作用.方法回顾性分析157例产后42 d检测为盆底肌肉松弛的产妇使用生物反馈电刺激治疗后盆底肌肉收缩力及盆底肌力的变化情况.结果治疗1个疗程后,75%的患者盆底肌肉平均收缩力或盆底肌力都有所增强.结论产后尽早进行盆底肌肉松弛症的康复治疗,加强盆底肌肉收缩训练,可增强盆底肌肉的收缩力度,达到改善尿道括约肌和肛提肌功能的目的,并起到预防女性尿失禁的作用.%Objective To evaluate therapeutic conditions of patients with postpartum pelvic floor muscular relaxation and explore its role in the prevention of female urinary incontinence. Methods 42 days after delivery, 157 puerperas were diagnosed as pelvic floor muscular relaxation. They were treated with biofeedback electric stimulation rehabilitation. Changes of pelvic floor muscular contraction force and pelvic floor myodynamia were analyzed retrospectively. Results After a course of treatment, the mean contraction force of pelvic floor muscle and the pelvic floor myodynamia enhanced in 75% of patients. Conclusions Early rehabilitation treatment for puerperas with postpartum pelvic floor muscular relaxation and training for pelvic floor muscle can strengthen the contraction power of pelvic floor muscle and improve functions of urethral sphincter and levator ani. As a result, it plays a role in the prevention of female urinary incontinence.【期刊名称】《实用临床医药杂志》【年(卷),期】2013(017)002【总页数】3页(P97-98,101)【关键词】盆底肌肉松弛;治疗;预防;尿失禁【作者】左玲;凌桂凤;任卫娟;夏顺珍【作者单位】江苏省扬州市妇幼保健院尿动力检测室,江苏扬州,225002【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R473.71尿失禁是世界性健康问题,全球包括发达和发展中国家约有2亿人受到影响。
临床护理质量控制的应用现状及展望(居中;宋体加黑三号字)2009护理本科 XXX(居中;宋体加黑四号字;段前、段后各0.5行)关键词:护理;质量控制(宋体加黑小四号字;段前、段后各0.5行)随着医学技术的进步,现代医疗及护理活动日趋复杂,各种影响因素越来越多,患者在医院接受诊断、治疗、护理的同时,也面临一定的不安全风险[1],而这些风险也越来越受到国家、医院和患者的重视。
(宋体小四号字;行间距22磅,正文部分一样)1 护理质量控制(宋体加黑小四号字;段前、段后各0.5行)1.1 护理质量控制的概念1.1.1 以患者需求为基础的质量概念ISO9000族标准2000版质量的定义为:质量是产品、体系或过程的一组固有特性,是满足顾客和其他相关方面要求的能力[2]。
1.1.2 护理质量的概念护理质量是护理工作为患者提供护理技术,生活服务所能达到的优劣程度,即护理效果的高低[2]。
1.1.3 护理质量控制的概念护理质量控制是对各级护理人员为患者提供护理技术、生活服务时是否达到标准的干预措施[2]。
1.2 护理质量控制的作用及意义1.2.1 护理质量控制的作用首先,护理质控为医院防病治病任务的完成起到保证作用;其次,护理质控为护理指挥部门提供可靠信息与第一手资料[3]。
1.2.2 护理质量控制的意义第一,护理质控促进护理人员树立高尚医德和精神文明;第二,启发护理人员刻苦钻研、精益求精的学习热情;第三,护理质控活动密切了护际关系[3]。
2 临床护理质量控制的应用现状(宋体加黑小四号字;段前、段后各0.5行)2.1 临床护理质量控制在安全管理中的应用2.1.1 护理质控在预防住院患者跌倒中应用陈巧玲[4]通过在某三甲综合性中医院成立住院患者跌倒预防管理小组,制定住院患者跌倒预防的管理流程,每月随机检查有跌倒风险住院患者的护理质量,对发生跌倒患者进行根本原因分析,再进行改进。
药物不良反应杂志2008年4月第10卷第2期 ADRJ,April,2008,V ol10.N o.2 参考文献[1] Yang W,Dollear M,M uthukrishnan SR.One rare sideeffect of Zol p ide m2sleepwalking:a case report[J].A rchPhysM ed Rehabil,2005,86(6):126521266.[2] 傅得兴.唑吡坦不良反应[J].中国新药杂志,2002,11(7):571.[3] 程术芹.老年人药物不良反应及预防[J].现代中西医结合杂志,2007,16(6):7982799.[4] Glass J,Lanct ot K L,Herr mann N,et al.Sedative hypnot2ics in older peop le with ins omnia:meta2analysis of risksand benefits[J].B MJ,2005,331(7526):1169.[5] 黄国军,阮云军.思诺思致精神症状2例[J].第一军医大学分校学报,2002,25(1):77278.(收稿日期:2007212205)亚胺培南/西司他丁静脉输注引发过敏反应李伽1 王春萍2 田硕涵1 (1北京大学第一医院药剂科,北京100034;2中国人民大学医院药剂科,北京100872)摘要 1名30岁女性行剖宫产术患者,手术当日至术后5d,体温波动在37.7~39.5℃之间,经细菌培养证实为大肠埃希菌感染,给予亚胺培南/西司他丁500mg+0.9%氯化钠注射液250m l静脉滴注,15m in后患者出现寒战、心慌、呼吸困难等症状,立即停药。
45m in后患者症状缓解,2.5h后体温为38.4℃。
关键词 亚胺培南/西司他丁;过敏反应中图分类号: R978.11 文献标识码: B 文章编号: 100825734(2008)220140202Anaphyl acti c reacti on a ttr i buted to i n travenous i n fusi on of i m i penem/c il a st a ti nL i J ia1,W ang Chunp ing2,Tian Shuohan1 (1D epart m ent of Phar m acy,the F irst Hospital of Peking U niversity,B eijing 100034,China;2D epart m ent of Phar m acy,Hospital of R enm in U niversity of China,B eijing100872,China)ABSTRACT A302year2old woman under went caesarean secti on was p resented with a fever(37.7239.5℃)fr om the day of surgery t o day5after surgery.Bacterial culture tests showed that she was infected with E.coli.The patient was ad m inistered with i m i pene m/ cilastatin500mg diss olved in250m l of s odiu m chl oride0.9%intravenously.Fifteen m inutes later,the woman devel oped chill, pal p itati on,and dys pnea.The medicati on was withdra wn i m mediately.She was given oxygen therapy,physical hypother my,and corticoster oids.Forty2five m inutes later,her sy mp t om s were relieved,and t w o hours and a half later,her te mperature was38.4℃. KE Y WO R D S i m i pene m/cilastatin;anaphylactic reacti on 患者女,30岁。
糖尿病肾病患者尿液中相关检测指标的研究进展王龙龙;陆世龙;黄国东【摘要】糖尿病肾病(DN)是指由糖尿病本身引起的肾脏损害,是以尿白蛋白排泄率升高和进行性肾功能丧失为主要特征的糖尿病微血管并发症.临床上糖尿病患者一旦发生肾损害,出现持续蛋白尿,则病情不可逆转,其肾功能也将不可遏制地进行性下降,最终发展为终末肾衰竭.目前尚无高特异性和阳性率的早期发现DN的检测指标.尿液是肾功能检测的主要标本,且由于其取材方便,可重复检测,故可在糖尿病患者尿液中找到早期诊断和预测DN的相关指标.本文对近年来有关诊断DN的微量白蛋白、β2-微球蛋白、N-乙酰-β-D氨基葡萄糖苷酶及胱抑素C等4种常见尿液检测指标的研究进展作一综述.【期刊名称】《广西医学》【年(卷),期】2016(038)005【总页数】4页(P684-686,700)【关键词】糖尿病肾病;尿液;微量白蛋白;β2-微球蛋白;N-乙酰-β-D氨基葡萄糖苷酶;胱抑素C;综述【作者】王龙龙;陆世龙;黄国东【作者单位】广西中医药大学研究生院,南宁市530001;广西中医药大学研究生院,南宁市530001;广西中医药大学附属瑞康医院肾内科,南宁市530011【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R587.2随着人们生活水平的逐步提高、生活方式的改变及人均寿命的延长,糖尿病肾病(diabetic nephropathy,DN)的发生率呈现快速增长的态势。
目前,我国约有9 240万人面临糖尿病的威胁,且其发病率逐年升高[2]。
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O RIGINAL S TUDIESPrevalence of Urinary Tract Infection in ChildhoodA Meta-AnalysisNader Shaikh,MD,MPH,*Natalia E.Morone,MD,MSc,†James E.Bost,PhD,‡and Max H.Farrell,BS‡Background:Knowledge of baseline risk of urinary tract infection can help clinicians make informed diagnostic and therapeutic deci-sions.We conducted a meta-analysis to determine the pooled prev-alence of urinary tract infection(UTI)in children by age,gender, race,and circumcision status.Methods:MEDLINE and EMBASE databases were searched for articles about pediatric urinary tract infection.Search terms included urinary tract infection,cystitis,pyelonephritis,prevalence and inci-dence.We included articles in our review if they contained data on the prevalence of UTI in children0–19years of age presenting with symptoms of UTI.Of the51articles with data on UTI prevalence, 18met all inclusion criteria.Two evaluators independently re-viewed,rated,and abstracted data from each article.Results:Among infants presenting with fever,the overall preva-lence(and95%confidence interval)of UTI was7.0%(CI:5.5–8.4). The pooled prevalence rates of febrile UTIs in females aged0–3 months,3–6months,6–12months,andϾ12months was7.5%, 5.7%,8.3%,and2.1%respectively.Among febrile male infants less than3months of age,2.4%(CI:1.4–3.5)of circumcised males and 20.1%(CI:16.8–23.4)of uncircumcised males had a UTI.For the 4studies that reported UTI prevalence by race,UTI rates were higher among white infants8.0%(CI:5.1–11.0)than among black infants4.7%(CI:2.1–7.3).Among older children(Ͻ19years)with urinary symptoms,the pooled prevalence of UTI(both febrile and afebrile)was7.8%(CI:6.6–8.9).Conclusions:Prevalence rates of UTI varied by age,gender,race, and circumcision status.Uncircumcised male infants less than3 months of age and females less than12months of age had the highest baseline prevalence of UTI.Prevalence estimates can help clinicians make informed decisions regarding diagnostic testing in children presenting with signs and symptoms of urinary tract infection.Key Words:urinary tract infection,pediatrics,prevalence,meta-analysis(Pediatr Infect Dis J2008;27:302–308)P ediatric urinary tract infections(UTI)account for0.7%of physician office visits and5–14%of emergency depart-ment visits by children annually.1Accurate diagnosis of UTI has important clinical implications;most febrile infants with UTI show evidence of renal parenchymal involvement(pye-lonephritis).2Nevertheless,the presenting signs and symp-toms of UTI in childhood are often nonspecific and,among infants,definitive testing for UTI involves bladder catheter-ization.Accordingly,clinicians caring for young children are frequently faced with the decision of whether or not to obtain a urine sample for urinalysis and culture.Knowledge of the prevalence of UTI among different subgroups of children can assist clinicians in selecting chil-dren who would benefit from further diagnostic ing prevalence rates as an estimate of the prior probability of disease is thefirst step in evidence-based practice.In children with a very low pretest probability of disease,routine diag-nostic testing is not necessary.In fact,in such children,an indiscriminate approach to diagnostic testing might lead to more harm than benefit.In contrast,in children with high pretest probability of disease,routine diagnostic testing would be ap-propriate.In a survey of300academic and community pedi-atricians regarding diagnostic testing in infants with unex-plained fever,baseline risk was important in determining diagnostic decisions.3Specifically,only10%of clinicians believed that a urine culture was indicated if the probability of UTI wasϽ1%,whereas80–90%would obtain a culture if the probability of disease was3–5%,and all would do so if the probability exceeded5%.Whether a certain child has a 2%or a10%baseline probability of UTI makes a difference to the practicing clinician.Prevalence was defined as the proportion of children with the target disorder among patients undergoing diagnostic testing.4This type of point prevalence,also known as pretest probability,provides clinicians with an estimate of the base-line risk of disease.There are currently no pooled data available stratifying prevalence based on age,gender,race,or circumcision status,all of which can affect UTI risk.To address this we conducted a meta-analysis with the aim of providing clinicians with quanti-tative estimates of UTI prevalence for each subgroup.Accepted for publication October12,2007.From the*Division of General Academic Pediatrics;†Division of GeneralInternal Medicine,Center for Research on Health Care,University ofPittsburgh School of Medicine;and‡Center for Research on Health Care,University of Pittsburgh,Pittsburgh,PA.Dr.Morone was supported by the Roadmap Multidisciplinary ClinicalResearch Career Development Award Grant(1KL2RR02415401)fromthe National Institutes of Health.Address for correspondence:Nader Shaikh,MD,MPH,Children’s Hospitalof Pittsburgh,General Academic Pediatrics,3705Fifth Ave.,Pittsburgh,PA15213-2583.E-mail:nader.shaikh@.Copyright©2008by Lippincott Williams&WilkinsISSN:0891-3668/08/2704-0302DOI:10.1097/INF.0b013e31815e4122The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal•Volume27,Number4,April2008 302METHODSAs part of a larger meta-analysis on signs and symp-toms of pediatric UTI,a large database was compiled.Twoinvestigators searched MEDLINE and EMBASE for articlesfrom January1966through October2005.Search termsincluded the following:UTI,cystitis,pyelonephritis,preva-lence,and incidence.This computerized search was supple-mented with a manual review of references cited in theTechnical Report on UTI from the American Academy ofPediatrics.5From this database,we reviewed full-text ver-sions of articles that might contain data regarding prevalenceof UTI.A second MEDLINE search was conducted6monthslater to ensure that all relevant articles were obtained.For thesecond search,the following terms were used:incidence,prev-alence,epidemiology,UTI,cystitis,and pyelonephritis.Wereviewed652titles.No additional articles were identified in thesecond search.We did not specifically search for unpublishedstudies.Articles meeting inclusion criteria were then indepen-dently reviewed,rated,and had data abstracted by2of theauthors(NS,NEM).Both authors had previous experience withdata abstraction and quality rating in meta-analysis.Explicit a priori inclusion and exclusion criteria wereapplied.We included articles in our review if they:(1)presenteddata on the prevalence of UTI in children0–19years of agepresenting with symptoms of UTI(including fever alone),(2)used urine cultures as the gold standard,and(3)defined apositive urine culture asՆ104for catheterized specimen,Ͼ103for suprapubic specimen,andՆ105for clean catch or bagspecimens.Articles were excluded if they:(1)were in languagesother than English,(2)evaluated only a high risk subgroup(eg,malnourished,premature,genitourinary or neurologic abnormal-ities,nosocomial infections,sexually abused),(3)were per-formed in developing countries,(4)evaluated only a low risksubgroup(eg,asymptomatic well appearing children),(5)eval-uated only children with other symptomatic illnesses(febrileseizures,infectious diarrhea,bronchiolitis),(6)containedfewer than10subjects,and(7)used bags to collect urinespecimen in more than25%of subjects with UTI withoutconfirming results using more accurate methods such assuprapubic catheterization or bladder catheterization.Four of the authors whose prevalence papers are in-cluded in this analysis(Zorc,Newman,Hoberman,andShaw)provided us with additional data from their studies,which we included in our analyses.Quality Rating.We used a published quality rating system forprevalence articles.6Two investigators(NS,NEM)assessedeach study independently on a5-point scale.We reviewedeach article to determine whether:(1)study design wasappropriate for obtaining prevalence estimates,(2)samplewas representative of the general population of children present-ing with a UTI,(3)UTI diagnostic criteria were acceptable(catheterized,suprapubic,or clean catch specimen withϾ105,Ͼ103,andϾ105organisms,respectively),(4)urine culture was performed on a consecutive or random sample of sub-jects,and(5)thefinal diagnosis was known forϾ80%ofeligible subjects.To avoid introducing bias,we included allarticles meeting our inclusion criteria in the analysis,andused the quality rating to explore the effect of study quality on prevalence values.7Disagreements were resolved by con-sensus of the authors.Statistical Analysis.Data were imported into STATA version 9.2and a pooled estimate of UTI prevalence was calculated.To determine whether or not to use thefixed-or random-effects model,statistical heterogeneity between and within groups was measured using the Q statistic and assessed visually using the Galbraith plot of heterogeneity.If the Q test was not significant, thefixed effects methods were used.Otherwise pooled estimates and confidence intervals were calculated assuming a random-effects model with inverse-variance weighting using the DeSimonian and Laird method.8Although we did not expect to see publication bias when assessing prevalence,this was assessed using the Begg rank correlation method and the Egger weighted regression method. We also looked at the cumulative effect of adding articles one at a time ordered by publication date on the pooled prevalence estimate.We also performed a similar analysis for quality ratings.To evaluate the weight of particular articles on the pooled estimate we performed influence analysis.This method recalculates the pooled prevalence estimate omitting1study at a time.Meta-regression was used to analyze the relationship between UTI prevalence and study quality,age,length of the study,setting(outpatient clinic versus ER),year of study,and whether the study was conducted in the United States or another country.All reported confidence intervals represent the95% confidence intervals.RESULTSDescription of Articles.From a total ofϾ4000articles found through our search strategy,we retrieved330for full text review.Fifty-one articles contained prevalence data and of these18articles evaluating22,919children met all criteria for inclusion.The setting for all articles was either the outpatient clinic,emergency department or both.There was no evidence of publication bias.We categorized the studies into2groups based on the population of children enrolled.There were14articles which enrolled infants(0–24 months,Table1);in these articles,enrollment was based on the presence of fever(of at least38.0°C).We further subdi-vided this group into4smaller subgroups:infantsՅ3 months,infants3–6months,infants6–12months,and in-fants12–24months of age.There were4articles which enrolled children older than 2years of age(Table2).In these studies,enrollment was based on the presence of signs and symptoms referable to the urinary tract.Although some infants(with fever)were in-cluded in these studies,the majority of subjects were children Ͼ2years of age(with urinary symptoms).Prevalence of UTI Among Febrile InfantsϽ2Years of Age. Among the14studies of febrile infantsϽ24months of age, the pooled prevalence of UTI was7.0%(CI:5.5–8.4)(Fig.1). The2test of homogeneity was highly significant(PϽ0.001). Accordingly random effects estimates were used.The Begg and Egger tests showed no evidence of publication bias.The Gal-braith plot,identified the populations studied by Newman et al,9 Bachur and Harper,10and Shaw et al11as the most heteroge-neous.However,influence analysis showed that no study,in-The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal•Volume27,Number4,April2008Prevalence of Urinary Tract Infectioncluding these3,significantly impacted the pooled prevalence estimate.Although high study quality was associated with lower prevalence of UTI(Pϭ0.001),only small changes in the pooled prevalence rate was observed after eliminating the2 bag studies(6.6,CI:5.1–8.1)or the2level4studies6.6% (5.1–8.1%).Meta-regression showed that study year,study length,location within the United States,and study setting did not impact prevalence rates significantly.The effect of age and gender on prevalence of febrile UTI in infants is shown in Table1.Fourteen articles contained data regarding the prevalence of UTI among febrile infants,9of which presented data according to gender.Among males,prev-alence rates were highest during thefirst3months of life and declined thereafter.Among females,prevalence rates were high-est during thefirst12months.Prevalence of Febrile UTI According to Circumcision Status. Four articles contained information regarding UTI prevalence in circumcised and uncircumcised males in infantsϽ3months of age(Fig.2).9,11–14The UTI prevalence rates for circumcised and uncircumcised males were2.4%(CI:1.4–3.5)and20.1%(CI: 16.8–23.4),respectively.The prevalence of UTI among circum-cised males was relatively similar across the articles.Elimination of the bag studies from this analysis did not significantly alter the results:prevalence of UTI among uncircumcised(2studies)and circumcised infants(1study)was20.7%(CI:16.7–20.8)and 2.3%(CI:1.1–5.4),respectively.TABLE1.Prevalence of Urinary Tract Infection Among Febrile Infants0–24Months of Age Stratified by AgeStudy Characteristics Prevalence of Urinary Tract Infection(%)Quality*Setting Country Age N†Overall Females Males Circumcised Uncircumcised Infants<3Mo With FeverKrober et al,2319851Clinic USAϽ3mo18211.07.214.1Crain and Gershel,121990‡3ED USAϽ2mo4427.5 4.110.1 2.117.5 Bonadio et al,2419931ED USAϽ2mo233 2.9Bonadio et al,2519931ED USAϽ2mo1130 3.5Hoberman et al,1519932ED USAϽ3mo391 5.48.9 2.4Bonadio et al,2619942ED USA8–12wk321 5.3Shaw et al,1119982ED USAϽ3mo335 5.49.4 1.7Lin et al,1320002Clinic/ED TaiwanϽ2mo16213.6 5.919.119.1 Kadish et al,2720003ED USAϽ1mo3728.6Bachur and Harper,1020014ED USAՅ3mo37687.1Herr et al,2820011ED USAϽ2mo434 5.79.0 2.7Dayan et al,2920021ED USAϽ2mo23211.6 5.118.4Newman et al,92002‡4Clinic USAϽ3mo160810.413.07.4 2.620.8Zorc et al,1420052ED USAϽ2mo10059.0 5.012.0 2.321.3 Pooled prevalence(CI)7.2(5.8–8.6)7.5(5.1–10.0)8.7(5.4–11.9)2.4(1.4–3.5)20.1(16.8–23.4) Infants3–6mo With FeverHoberman et al,1519932ED USA3–6mo171 2.9 3.7 2.2Shaw et al,1119981ED USA3–6mo390 5.67.5 4.2Bachur and Harper,1020014ED USA3–6mo171110.9Pooled prevalence(CI) 6.6(1.7–11.5) 5.7(2.3–9.4) 3.3(1.3–5.3)Infants6–12mo With FeverHoberman et al,1519932ED USA6–12mo390 6.210.9 2.7Shaw et al,1119982ED USA6–12mo1030 3.7 6.5 Bachur and Harper,1020014ED USA6–12mo3114 6.4Pooled prevalence(CI) 5.4(3.4–7.4)8.3(3.9–12.7) 1.7(0.5–2.9)Infants12–24mo With FeverShaw et al,1119982ED USA12-24mo656 2.1Bachur and Harper,1020014ED USA12-24mo2928 4.5Pooled Prevalence of FebrileUTI in Infants0–24moof AgePooled prevalence(CI)7.0(5.5–8.4)7.3(5.0–9.6)8.0(5.5–10.4)*Quality rated from1to5using published criteria5with1being the best quality and5being the worst quality(see Methods).†Three studies provided data stratified by age(Bachur,Shaw,Hoberman);for these studies,N represents number of children in the respective age group.‡20–25%of positive urine cultures from bag specimen.For this analysis,children with growth ofՅ105CFU/mL from bag specimen and a negative UA were considered not to have a UTI.ED indicates Emergency Department;CI,95%confidence interval.TABLE2.Prevalence of UTI in ChildrenϽ19Years With Urinary Symptoms and/or FeverQuality*Setting Country Age N Prevalence Heale et al,3019732Clinic/ED AustraliaϽ15yr7899.1Dickinson,3119792Clinic UKϽ15yr1568.9Shaw and McGowan,3219973ED USAϽ19yr12987.1Struthers et al,3320033Clinic/ED UKϽ6yr110 6.4Pooled prevalence(CI)7.8(6.6–8.9)ED indicates Emergency Department;CI,95%confidence interval.Shaikh et al The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal•Volume27,Number4,April2008One study provided data regarding prevalence of UTI among older infants by circumcision status.In that study the prevalence rates of UTI among circumcised and uncircum-cised males 6–12months of age were 0.3%and 7.3%,respectively.None of the studies included data regarding the prevalence of UTI in males Ͼ12months of age.Prevalence of Febrile UTI According to Race.Four articles provided data regarding race.9,11,14,15The prevalence of UTI among whites (8.0%;CI:5.1–11.0)was significantly higher than the prevalence of UTI among African Americans (4.7%;CI:2.1–7.3).However,there was heterogeneity among the articles.Three articles found significantly higher rates of UTI among whites than African Americans.9,11,15In the remaining study,14which used Hispanics as a race cate-gory,whites were less likely to have a UTI than nonwhites.Because Hispanic males are less likely to be circum-cised,16,17the higher rate of UTI among nonwhites may be partially the result of the Hispanic male subgroup.Among female children,all 4studies found higher rates of UTI among whites than African Americans.Prevalence of UTI Among Older Children.Four studies presented data on the prevalence of UTI among children Ͻ19years of age with signs or symptoms referable to the urinary tract (Table 2).The 2test indicated that the studies were homogeneous (P ϭ0.36).The pooled prevalence of UTI (febrile and afebrile)was 7.8%(CI:6.6–8.9).DISCUSSIONThis analysis found that the reported prevalence of UTI varies widely by age,gender and circumcision status.This confirms the importance of demographic and clinical charac-teristics when considering further diagnostic testing.The quantitative prevalence estimates presented in this article provide the clinician with a better sense of the relative importance of each of these factors.By incorporating infor-mation about the patient’s age,race,gender and circumcision status,clinicians can make more informed decisions on a case-by-case basis.We found slightly higher prevalence rates than a 1999study of UTI prevalence conducted by the American Acad-Source Sample Size Krober, 1985182Crain, 1990442Bonadio, 19931,130Bonadio, 1993233Hoberman, 1993945Bonadio, 1994321Shaw, 19982,411Kadish, 2000372Lin, 2000162Bachur, 200111,089Herr, 2001434Dayan, 2002232Newman, 20021,608Zorc, 20041,005Aged 0 - 24 MonthsSource Sample Size Heale, 1973789Dickinson, 1979156Shaw, 19971,298Struthers, 2003110Prevalence, %FIGURE 1.Urinary tract infection prevalence (rectangles),95%confidence interval (lines),and pooled prevalence rate (diamonds)stratified by age.The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal •Volume 27,Number 4,April 2008Prevalence of Urinary Tract Infectionemy of Pediatrics(AAP)in which the pooled prevalence of UTI in10studies was5%.5We used explicit a priori inclusion and exclusion criteria specifically related to prevalence studies, which led us to exclude several articles included in the AAP report.Furthermore,we were able to provide pooled estimates of prevalence by age,race and gender.Female infants with fever had a relatively high prevalence rate of UTI,especially during thefirst year of life.Our results are consistent with data from large epidemiologic UTI studies,18,19 which have shown a decreasing incidence of febrile UTI among females during thefirst2years of life.Accordingly,it would be reasonable to consider obtaining a urine specimen from febrile females younger than1year of age.Knowledge of the baseline probability of UTI,along with information on the unique clinical presentation,can help the clinician decide whether obtaining a urine specimen is indicated.Among febrile males,circumcision status was impor-tant in determining risk for UTI.Uncircumcised male infants Յ3months of age had the highest prevalence of UTI of anygroup,male or female,whereas circumcised males had one of the lowest rates.Among febrile male infantsՅ3months of age,20.1%of uncircumcised males had a UTI.Thisfinding suggests that clinicians need to carefully ascertain circumci-sion status in all male infants with unexplained fever.Among studies with circumcised male infantsՅ3months of age,the prevalence of UTI was2.4%.Accordingly,approximately42 such infants will need to undergo catheterization to detect a single UTI.Although the prevalence of UTI is relatively low in this subgroup,the risks of a misdiagnosed neonatal UTI (hematogeneous dissemination,sepsis,missed high grade vesicoureteral reflux)are high.Furthermore,in this age group more than any other,appropriate therapy depends on deter-mination of the exact site and bacterial etiology of the infecting agent.Accordingly,catheterization of all febrile male infantsϽ3months of age should be considered.Although we could not directly calculate the pooled prevalence of UTI in circumcised and uncircumcised males older than1year of age from the included articles,several important pieces of information are available.Among the studies compiled for this report,the overall prevalence of UTIFIGURE2.Urinary tract infection prevalence(rectangles),95%confidence interval(lines),and pooled prevalence rate(diamonds) for circumcised and uncircumcised male infants younger than3months of age.Shaikh et al The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal•Volume27,Number4,April2008among males decreased rapidly with age(Table1).This is consistent with previous epidemiologic studies of UTI in which the highest rates of UTI were in thefirst month of life.18,20The decreasing prevalence of UTI with age has been documented in uncircumcised18–21and circumcised males.10,11 In these epidemiologic studies,the rates of UTI decrease con-siderably after6or12months of age.Only one of the studies that included older male infants reported UTI prevalence by circumcision status;among circumcised male infants6–12 months of age,the prevalence of UTI was0.3%among uncir-cumcised males and7.3%among circumcised males.19Accord-ingly,it would be reasonable to assume that the prevalence of UTI among circumcised malesϾ12months of age isϽ1%.The available data suggest that race is associated with UTI prevalence.Although more data are needed to clarify the mech-anism by which race affects baseline risk of UTI,based on the available data,white children can be considered at higher risk of developing UTI than African American children.Among older children with signs and symptoms referable to the urinary tract,the prevalence of UTI was7.8%(CI: 6.6–8.9).In contrast,among adult females presenting with genitourinary symptoms,approximately50%are ultimately di-agnosed with UTI.22The discrepancy between children and adults could be secondary to biologic differences such as sexual activity or bacterialflora.Alternatively,it could be related to the better ability of adults to recognize and communicate symptoms of UTI.Whatever the reasons,the difference in pretest proba-bility dictates a different approach to diagnosis.Specifically,the relatively low prevalence of UTI in children calls for the use of more accurate tests to minimize false positive and false negative results.Furthermore,because of the relatively low prevalence of UTI in children,diagnosis of UTI based on signs or symptoms alone is unlikely to be accurate.Our analysis had several limitations.First,the hetero-geneity(among studies of infantsՅ2years)could be con-sidered a limitation.Although pooled estimates and the con-fidence intervals include adjustments for the between study variances,clinical judgment is warranted to decide whether, in fact,there are studies that were“too different”to be included.We found little difference in study design or quality between studies having the greatest and least impact on heterogeneity.Second,because most of the articles about older children did not differentiate cystitis from pyelonephri-tis,the estimates provided include both.Finally,we could not directly calculate a prevalence rate for verbal children ac-cording to gender as no study that included older children reported this data.This analysis,however,has several strengths.By using rigorous methodology(comprehensive search strategy and use of a priori inclusion/exclusion criteria),our results pro-vide a more updated picture of UTI prevalence.The pooled estimates have relatively narrow confidence intervals and are consistent with previous epidemiologic studies.Pooled prev-alence values provided in this study can be used as an estimate of baseline probability in an evidence-based ap-proach.Neither cumulative incidence nor population preva-lence,often reported in epidemiologic articles,can be used in this fashion.In pediatrics,signs and symptoms of disease are often nonspecific.Consequently,more prevalence meta-anal-yses are needed to provide clinicians with baseline estimates of risk for common diseases.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSDr.Shaikh had full access to all the data in the study and takes responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis.The authors thank Drs. 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