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D 區沒有圍牆的綠色教室 (英文)
中文圖說 英文圖說 馬槽河畔,小樹林裏,鄉親散步的場所,是優 At the bank of the Macao river, in the woods and in 美的綠色課堂。白天為老人播黃梅戲,傍晚為 places where the villagers stroll are the graceful green 孩子放德育片,晚上有老師講課,教大家唱歌。 classrooms. The Huangmei Operas are broadcasted for 健康的娛樂生活,良善的社會風氣,就在這裏 t promoting virtue 潛移默化。 education are prepared for the children in the evening. Teachers give lectures and teach singing at night. Excellent moral atmosphere is formed gradually through these healthy entertainments. 鎮政府發現綠色課堂地面坑窪不平,拉來砂石 When the officials of the town government found that the 鋪平路面。當地企業家用不銹鋼搭一個鋼鐵棚 ground of the green classroom is pitted with holes, they 架,為課堂遮風擋雨。造福家鄉,回報父老, transported sands and stones to pave the road. A local 從我們自己做起。 entrepreneur shelved the green classroom with stainless steel in order to shelter us against winds and rains. We start from ourselves to contribute to our hometown and to repay our gratitude to our fellow villagers. 手捧經典,依偎父母身邊,聆聽聖賢教誨。這 With classics in hands, lying besides his parents, the 樣的孩子多幸福。身教為先,親愛的家長們, child is listening to the teachings of the sages and saints. 您在做什麼,孩子就在學什麼。 How happy the child is! A good example is the best sermon. Dear parents, please do pay attention to your behaviors because children are what the parents are. 每週兩次“好歌大家唱”,深受鄉親歡迎。通 ‘Good songs for everyone’ is very popular among the 過教唱孝道和愛心的優秀歌曲,在輕鬆中學會 fellow villagers. They learnt to become a good person by 了做人。移風易俗莫善於樂。好歌曲,等待我 singing excellent songs on filial piety and 們來譜寫,來傳揚。 loving-kindness twice a week. For changing people’s manners and altering their customs, there is nothing better than music. It is necessary for us to compose and spread good songs. 讓辛苦了一生的老人,晚年生活幸福,這是人 It is a son’s responsibility to ensure his parents to live a 子的本分。“親所好,力為具”,父母最需要 happy life during their aging times for they have been 什麼,我們知道嗎? toiling all their life. ‘If whatever pleased my parents is fair and reasonable, I will try my best to attain it for them.’ Do we actually know what our parents need most? 孩子的眼睛裏,母親是最近的老師。有賢母, Mother is the closest teacher in a child’s eyes. Good son 而後有賢子。溫馨孝悌的家庭氛圍,就在賢母 comes along with a good mother. Filial, fraternal and 的手中營造。 warm family atmosphere is formed by an affectionate mother.