hoshin plan
★ 自働化:1.绝不生产不良品 2.有异常就停止 3.不做机器的看守人(多选)
★ 实现自働化的方法:自工序完结(单选)
★ 自工序完结
3. 如何实现自工序完结:持续的良品条件*彻底遵从作业标准=精益求精的品质
因材料不良、加工不良、 检查不当等原因而导致浪费
单纯动作无法 产生附加价值
等待材料供应和工作 程
作业动作环节能 否彻底消除? 消除
对工作的顺 序重新排布?
能否与其他 工作合并?
知识点: 三大地基、两大支柱具体内容 准时化——效率支柱(效率类) 自动化——品质支柱(质量类)
一 知识点(精益现场+设备管理) 1. TPM——全员生产维护 2. TPM的三大管理思想:“零”目标、预防哲学、全员参与小组活动; 3. TPM的两大基石——5S活动、小组活动;(PPT 274) 4. TPM改善的是——人的体质改善+设备体质改善,最终达到企业的体质改善; 5. TPM支柱与零故障的5对策的关系;(PPT 275)特别是改善设计上的弱点与哪几个支柱有关; 6. 预防管理思想:以预防故障发生为前提,所以有必要站在故障是你想要它发生,才会发生的想法上来实施管理; 7. 预防管理核心——消除强制劣化,在自然劣化状态下测定或预测其劣化状态发展,当劣化状态已经达到某种程度以上时则给予彻
底恢复原状; 8. 自主维护:以现场操作人员为主; 9. 专业维护:以设备专业人员为主; 10. 自主维护七阶段(主要在前三阶段:初期清扫、发生源困难部位对策、制定自主维护临时基准) (PPT 281)
策略部署 Policy Deployment Hoshin Kanri
策略部署/方针管理Policy Deployment/Hoshin Kanri什么是方针管理(Hoshin Kanri) ?释义Hoshin Kanri乃日文发音之方针管理,是一个源于日本的企业长期循环和管理概念。
在企业的生产管理过程中,方针管理同时应用于两个层面:1)战略规划层面(Strategic Planning Level),通过方针管理,那些关键性的、长期性的企业目标得以系统规划。
这些目标在企业内部被称为“突破性目标”(Breakthrough Objectives),它们至少要在2-5年内很少有变动,它们着眼于企业绩效的重大该进和提高,及组织、部门或是关键业务流程的重大变革。
2)日常管理层面(Day-To-Day Level),任何一个企业的大部分时间和精力总是要花在确保企业的日常运作上,企业为了实现那些“大”目标,必须把握好关键业务流程中的每一项基础性工作活动,并要在各个环节上,以日为单位,对企业的这些“业务之基”(Business Fundamentals)实施监控。
这样一种双叉的方针管理(Hoshin Kanri)法,被认为是Total Quality Management[全面质量管理]的有力支柱。
方针管理也可以被认为是Deming Cycel[戴明循环](PDCA/PDSA)的基础(Plan)。
企业通过一种被称为“年度计划表(Annual Planning Tables,APT)”的工作程序,对既定的方针政策(Policy)自上而下依序展开(Depolyment)。
方针管理基础 hoshin_planing
C H A P T E R O N EHoshin Kanri Basics—Nested Experiments,X-Matrix, and Chartering TeamsIn this chapter, we will explore the basics of hoshin kanri. Table 1-1 shows the hoshin kanri road map—Scan, Plan, Do, Check, and Act—that the various teams will follow as they use the team exercises to implement hoshin. As mentioned in the introduction, the workbook fol-lows the Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA) cycle, along with the step-by-step progression of the hoshin process. Scan represents some of the preplan work the hoshin team must perform before moving into the PDCA cycle of hoshin kanri. Plan includes designing a business strat-egy or experiment, chartering teams, and assigning responsibilities to the four planning and implementation teams. Do develops leaders and implements the plan through project manage-ment and training. Check conducts periodic reviews. And Act makes hoshin kanri part of your business culture through standardization and continuous improvement.The hoshin kanri road map also directs the practitioner to charter a series of teams, each of which are responsible for one or more of the seven experiments of strategy described below. The first team you will charter is the “hoshin team.” The hoshin team is usually a management team in charge of a business unit: an entire company, division, brand, product line, department, physical site, or value stream. For the purpose of this workbook, the man-agement team is the hoshin management team or hoshin team. Later in this chapter, you will choose the members for the hoshin team.For the Cybernautx case study that illustrates the hoshin process, we chose a hoshin management team in charge of an entire value stream. The fact is you can choose any start-ing point that fits your circumstance. For example, the hoshin team might be the partners of a private equity firm, forming a strategy for increasing the value of its many holdings. Or it might be, as in my book Implementing a Lean Management System,a plant manager and her direct reports, forming a plan for implementing TPM. Or it might be a departmental manager and his direct reports, forming a strategy for departmental improvement. Wherever you choose to begin the hoshin process, the hoshin management team should represent stakeholders of the business unit to which the hoshin or strategy will be deployed. Normally this means that the team should be cross-functional or, in the case of the value stream illus-trated in the Cybernautx case study,interorganizational (that is, with members drawn from different companies).Before chartering a team, the company will need to scan the environment to define a problem or challenge for strategy to address. The hoshin team can perform the scan or you can delegate it to functional experts. (For this workbook, the hoshin team will perform the scan.) Once you have performed the scan, the hoshin team designs a strategy with theX-matrix so the company can turn its business strategy into an experimental design, con-sisting of the seven hoshin experiments, to address the problem or challenge. In designing aHoshin Kanri for the Lean Enterprisehoshin kanriDefine a problem or challenge and design an experiment to address it Design strategy withthe X-matrixCharter successful teams through policydeploymentFashion business strategy as an experimental design by analyzing the business as a complex system,identifying truly critical factors and their interaction effects.Engage the entire workforce in conducting the experiment by formally chartering departments and teams at every level in the organization.V a l u e s t r e a m m a n a g e r sM i d d l e m a n a g e r s126Build a midterm strategy and the annual hoshin 1Identify 3-to 5-year breakthrough opportunities2Forecast financial results3Determine measures of process improvement 4Studyinterdependencies5Identify 6-to 12-month tactics6Establish annual targets for process and results 7Study newinterdependencies Play catchball,rounds 1,&5Play catchball rounds 1,2,&51Prepare for the meeting 2Introduce the hoshin 3Discuss the plan4Charter tactical teams 5Study the plan6Complete and confirm the tactical plansPlay catchball rounds 2,3,&41Prepare for the meeting2Introduce the tactical project plan3Discuss the operations plan4Charter operations teams5Study the plan6Complete and confirm the operations planS u p e r v i s o r s &t e a m l e a d e r sInclusion in planning phase optional;not recommended for companies just starting to implement hoshin kanriS t a f f &h o u r l y a s s o c i a t e sIncluded in implementation but not in the planningPlay catchball rounds 2,3,&41Prepare for the meeting2Introduce the operations plans 3Discuss the plan 4Charter action teams 5Study the plan6Complete and confirm action plansHoshin teamTactical teamsOperational teamsTable 1-1.Hoshin Kanri Basics—Nested Experiments, X-Matrix, and Chartering Teamsroad mapConduct the experiment under controlledconditions Transform the mass production organizationthrough trainingCheck progress inreal timeConduct the president’s diagnosisStandardized work provides controlled conditions for execution of the experiment.Otherwise promote adherence through intensive training in productivity and quality methods before initiating continuous improvement.Empower your workforce of scientists to check results and make adjustments in real time.Manage exceptions through your business operating system.Make new knowledge part of standardized work through PDCA embedded in daily operations.Coach andmentor to develop leaders at every level.Develop leaders who can teachapprenticeship kaizen blitz train-the-trainerquasi-apprenticeship six sigma Note :Teams at all levels participate in leadership development, but responsibility lies with the hoshin team leader.1234512123Hoshin team,Table 1-1.Hoshin Kanri for the Lean Enterprisestrategy, the hoshin team will define the elements of strategic intent, which includes identify-ing the first of seven hoshin experiments discussed below.THE SEVEN EXPERIMENTS OF HOSHIN KANRIBecause no one can know the outcome of a strategy in advance, especially a dynamic strat-egy that involves improving the way you do business, strategy is like a scientific hypothesis. Y ou have to implement it to find out what will happen. In this scientific sense, your plans become “experiments” where, under the controlled conditions of standardized work,the hoshin process involves every manager and employee in testing your company’s hypothesis about its strategy.The experiments of hoshin are carried out by a network of teams that eventually include top management, middle management, and ultimately, in the Do stage of the hoshin process, the entire workforce. Each PDCA experiment in the hoshin system has a different purpose, depending upon its duration and relation to the organization’s overall goals. In general, the longer the cycle, the higher the level of responsibility in the management hierarchy. Further-more, the hoshin kanri process never ends. Strategic improvement cycles repeat once a year. Companies that are just beginning their lean or six sigma transformations may take up to 18 months to complete the first cycle. Others operating at faster “clockspeeds” may repeat the cycle twice a year to accelerate organization learning.Table 1-2 defines the four types of hoshin teams and hoshin’s seven types of PDCA cycles or experiments, which are nested one within the other. The four teams and basic responsibilities are as follows:1.The hoshin team has the overall responsibility for the strategic planning and imple-mentation process and designs and guides the first three experiments: (1) long-termstrategy, (2) midterm strategy, and (3) annual hoshin. These three experiments nor-mally focus on the improvement of companywide business processes that requirecross-functional coordination or coordination between the company and its suppliers and customers.2.The tactical teams,chartered by the hoshin team, design and guide the fourthhoshin experiment: tactical initiatives to develop particular competitive capabilities.Tactical initiatives normally focus on the improvement of functional businessprocesses, i.e., the process of marketing, engineering, manufacturing, etc., but alsoaddress any important elements of cross-functional coordination required for success-ful implementation.3.The operational teams,chartered by the tactical teams, design and guide the fifthhoshin experiment: operational projects to improve particular products and processes.Operational projects also focus on the improvement of functional business processes and address the cross-functional coordination required for successful implementation.4.The action teams,chartered by the operational teams, conduct the sixth and seventhhoshin experiments. The sixth experiment is to implement periodic improvements of relatively large magnitude—called kaikaku;and the seventh experiment is to imple-ment continuous, incremental improvements—called kaizen.In a mature lean enterprise, these four teams ultimately include every manager at every level of the organization, and by extension every employee. In fact, you can define a lean enter-prise as a network of hoshin teams. The seven experiments of hoshin represent the actual work that the teams need to do in order to implement the experimental design of business strategy to resolve emerging problems or challenges (see Figure 1-1).Hoshin Kanri Basics—Nested Experiments, X-Matrix, and Chartering Teams Table 1-2. The 4 Teams and the 7 ExperimentsHoshin Kanri for the Lean EnterpriseFigure 1-1. The 4 Teams and the 7 ExperimentsAs we explained above, the hoshin team takes responsibility for the first three experi-ments of the hoshin system. Once in the Plan stage, the hoshin team will help form and hand off responsibility for the last four experiments to the other three types of teams that will have their own set of duties within each Plan, Do, Check, Act cycle. There will be several tactical teams—roughly one for every member on the hoshin team, even more operational teams, and an even larger number of action teams. By the end of the Plan phase, you may engage every manager in the hoshin process. Ultimately, in the Do phase of the hoshin process with its action teams, you will engage the entire workforce at every level in the organization.Workbook Tip:To assist the reader, beginning with Chapter 2, an icon representingthe experiment you are engaged in is at the beginning of each chapter—a total ofseven icons for seven experiments.DESIGN OF STRATEGY—ANATOMY OF AN X-MATRIXA strategic plan is a detailed, documented course of action. Most companies already have missions, visions, and long-term strategies. So, this workbook concentrates on helping the hoshin team document its midterm strategy, annual hoshin,and tactical improvement projects (Experiments 2, 3, and 4 respectively) with the X-matrix. Hoshin kanri requires management teams at various levels within an organization to cooperate in designing the experiments for strategy, tactics, and operations. The design of strategy strives to optimize overall system per-formance by identifying the factors critical to the company’s success and the interdependen-cies or linkages among them.The hoshin team guides the process of strategy design, and records the results on a memorandum called an X-matrix .(We will discuss this in Chapter 3 and 4.) As Table 1-3shows, the X-matrix has the unique advantage of visualizing the design of strategy on one piece of paper. It is essentially a memorandum on which you record the decisions—and sup-porting discussions—needed to articulate and execute an effective strategy. The X-matrix is on one side of the document and easy-to-follow instructions appear on the back. The instruc-tions in each part of the workbook refer to your X-matrix and related team charters. (The instructions for the X-matrix are included on a separate page on the companion CD.)Hoshin Kanri Basics—Nested Experiments, X-Matrix, and Chartering TeamsThe prime mover on the matrix is strategy, recorded to the left of the “X” in the middle of the matrix.Strategies are high-priority and companywideimprovement strategies or “breakthroughs” for the Strategy gives rise to tactics, recorded at the top of the matrix. Tactics are tactical improvement projects for the current period initiatives and projects for the current period (6 Tactics require measures of process improvement, recorded to the right of the “X.” Establish improvement-friendly measures that indicate the development of business processes and Correlation matrices within the X-matrix recordinterrelationships between critical factors in your business strategy.The proper management of process yields results, recorded below the “X.”Estimate financial impacts of investments in business processes and other assets.It’s the people who make it all happen. Here’s where you establish the pattern of cooperation—known as alignment—among individuals, teams,departments, and divisions required for the company to achieve its targets.One of the most important features about the X-matrix is that it recordsimportant relationships among individuals,teams, departments,and your suppliers.Table 1-3. Anatomy of an X-matrixHoshin Kanri for the Lean EnterpriseHoshin Team Exercise:Before choosing members for your hoshin team, reviewthe Hoshin Kanri Road Map and the purpose of the four teams and seven experi-ments. From the CD companion, print out the X-matrix and instructions (CD Form1-2). Review the instructions. Become familiar with the format. Once managementdetermines who is on the hoshin team, the team will begin using the X-matrix torecord breakthrough objectives, and later to help build its midterm strategy andannual hoshin(Chapter 3). Later, various tactical and operational team leaders andtheir teams will continue to revise and populate this X-matrix. Normally, the teamleader does the prework or delegates it to another team member.THE A3: BUSINESS MEMORANDUM OF THE 21ST CENTURYWhen I teach the X-matrix to my clients, I often refer to it as “the business memo of the 21st century.” That is only part of the story. Many companies now support strategic planning and problem solving withby a unique suite of documents that have come to be known as A3s because in Japan they are printed on one side of a sheets of European A3 size paper (equiva-lent to American tabloid [11″x17″]paper). The A3 is a technical writing format designed for communicating the story of continuous improvement succinctly,visually, and in a stan-dardized way. Printed on tabloid paper, as I encourage my clients to do, the X-matrix itself becomes an A3. But there are others, too.Toyota, the originator of the A3 format, actually employs several different types ofwhat we may call “classic” A3 story forms, including a team charter proposal, an informa-tion report, problem solving report, and status reportA3. Most of Toyota’s A3 forms (at least those that have been published) contain nine typical elements critical to good project management.1.Theme (thesis at the top of the form stating the problem or challenge)2.Problem statement (or(including an initial current state) defining the motive of theproject3.Target statement (oor future state) defining the scope of the project4.A scientific process (PDCA)PDCA (i.e., scientific) process of investigatingthe problem5.Systematic analysis (5 whys, cost benefit, cause-and-effect diagram, design ofexperiments, etc.)6.Proposed solution (including any cross-functional coordination of resources)7.Implementation timeline (including the action, who is responsible parties, and deliver-able dated of the action)8.Graphic illustrations to convey information at-a-glance.9.Date and reporting unit or owner at the bottom of the form (the individual or teamresponsible for this particular A3).The A3 format sharpens thinking, forcing managers to know their audience and flow their stories logically so they can succinctly document what they have to say to fit on one page. Quality and Productivity guru, Ryuji Fukuda, and other pragmatically minded Japanese consultants also have recommended this practice.This workbook presents six different types of A3 documents (see Table 1-4). Four are based on Toyota’s original four A3 forms;, a fifth A3 is based on Fukuda’s X-matrix (see Fukuda’s Building Organizational Fitness(Productivity Press); see also my Implementing A Lean Management System(Productivity Press), and a sixth A3 is based on summary statusHoshin Kanri Basics—Nested Experiments, X-Matrix, and Chartering Teamsreports found in my Implementing a Lean Management System(Productivity Press). Each A3 form has corresponding how-to instructions that you can print on the back of a blank A3 when using the forms for the first time.Toyota’s and Fukuda’s all-on-one page documents rely heavily on the graphic illustra-tions(instead of textual descriptions) of processes, such as value stream maps, which con-dense information into visual form to facilitate quick comprehension when communicating with others. In addition to value stream maps, you will find many graphics illustrations throughout this workbook (fishbone diagrams, interrelationship diagrams, simple bar charts, milestone charts, radar charts, etc.) that you can incorporate into your own A3s. The graphic presentation of complex information is not a trivial subject. As such, it is beyond the scope of this workbook. People who are serious about visual communication should visit the web-site of Y ale University Professor Edward Tufte at for a list of his wonderfully illustrated books plus pages of useful resources.Presentation Tip:In some companies, PowerPoint and the ubiquitous LCD projector have almost entirely displaced the important practice of technical writing. Some man-agers actually manage to combine all the information found on an A3 onto a singlepresentation slide for review meetings. You should resist this apparently universal urge.Do not convert A3’s into presentation slides!The A3 is perfectly useful as a handout,but it is “death by PowerPoint.” Good presentations emphasize simple pictures andgraphics that people, even those unfamiliar with the problem or issue, can easily grasp at a glance. Avoid text—especially text “builds,” and use big fonts when text isrequired. See Tufte’s web site for more information and discussion about the proper,limited role of presentation software in the management process.Not only is the A3 highly visual, its one-page format is highly portable, so it facilitates “managing by walking around,” a practice that encourages managers to discuss progress towards company goals frequently, face-to-face with their direct reports as well as their supe-riors. Some managers punch holes in their A3s and insert them into 3-ring binders, or carry their A3s in their back pocket. Some managers have so much to do that they use both sides of the A3 form. The A3 will never be as good as “managing by walking around,” but it should be the next best thing.Practitioners sometimes discuss the A3 form as if it were a scientific process. It is, how-ever, purely a format for encouraging good technical writing about scientific investigation and project management.Toyota favors using the PDCA process in its investigations, and we have standardized more or less on PDCA throughout this workbook. In writing A3 reports about hoshin projects or problems, however, a company can use any world class problem-solving process as a framework for scientific investigation. Generally speaking, all the A3s discussed in this workbook are consistent with PDCA, CEDAC, six sigma’s DMAIC, and any other methodology based on scientific principles of hypothesis testing. As Table I-1 (in the Introduction to this workbook) demonstrates, the similarities between these methods are more striking than the differences. If your company has already adopted one of these prob-lem-solving processes as a standard, there is no need to change to another process to use the A3 format. Instead, you should revise the terminology in the A3 reports as necessary toreflect the standard method that you use. This is one of beauties of the A3 format, it is extremely flexible, and, as it spreads to other types of businesses and industries, such as healthcare, it can be easily adapted to suit any need.The six A3s presented in this workbook are designed as an integrated set to promote good technical writing and, more importantly, to support organizational learning about the processes of hoshin kanri and companywide problem solving. Below is a short description ofHoshin Kanri for the Lean EnterpriseDesigned to build consensus about changes in the conditions of demand and supply before building the ed in the “scan”phase of the hoshin process.Designed to bundle several A3-Ts together,exploreinterdependencies,and relate them all to bottom line ed in the “plan”phase of the hoshin process.Proposal to conduct a strategic,tactical,or operational hoshin experiment;A3-Ts appear as “tactics”in the ed in the “plan”phase of the hoshin process.Table 1-4. Hoshin Kanri A3 Starter SetHoshin Kanri Basics—Nested Experiments, X-Matrix, and Chartering Teams Table 1-4. Hoshin Kanri A3 Starter Set, continuedHoshin Kanri for the Lean Enterpriseeach A3, roughly in the order they are used to manage the hoshin process, along with refer-ences to the figures in the workbook and the templates on the CD companion. Instructions for printing A3 documents on the companion CD and a “tip” are on page 00.A3-iI: Competitive Information ReportSee Figure 2-4 and companion CD Form 1-1.The A3-iI is a free form but concise report on important developments in the competitive environment. Y ou can use the form at any point during the hoshin process to raise awareness about changing business conditions that should be reflected in your strategy. The form is processed during the scan phase of the hoshin process (see Chapter 2).A3-X: The X-matrixSee Table 1-2 and Companion CD Form 1-2.This A3 form supports the hoshin process for planning the mid-term strategy and annual hoshin, and deploying the annual hoshin to tacti-cal and operational teams. Y ou use this form to build and deploy the company’s mid-term strategy and annual hoshin (see Chapters 3, 4, and 5). The A3-X is actually an A3 of A3s, because it links all of your many A3-Ts (see below) into a single, grand experiment focused on realizing strategic intent. Managers who carry A3-Xs are responsible for coordinating and monitoring the projects listed in the “tactics” section of the X-matrix, each of which refers to its own A3-T.A3-T:The Team CharterSee Figure 1-5 and companion CD Form 1-4.The A3-T patterns after the “classic” proposal A3 that supports action planning at all levels of the organization. In this workbook, we use it to support action planning in the hoshin process of catchball. Managers who carry A3-Ts or team charter A3s are responsible for the execution of a project or initiative listed as a tactic on the A3-X or X-matrix of their team leader. Managers can print their related A3-Xs andA3-Ts back-to-back for convenience. Managers who are responsible for managing more than one project may carry more than one team charter A3-T or print them back-to-back and carry the A3-X separately.A3-R: The Status ReportSee Figure 7-5 and companion CD Form 1-4.The A3-R or status report A3 is designed as a monthly report for managers to summarize progress made on an individual project defined by an A3-T or an A3-P, and to list obstacles encountered in implementation and plans on how to overcome them. To improve acceptance of the A3 writing method by new practition-ers, some practitioners incorporate reporting elements of the A3-R into their A3-Ts andA3-Ps. After the method of hoshin planning and disciplined project management and prob-lem solving have been accepted, however, it is a good idea to switch to more complete progress reports. This encourages the habit of careful reflection, which is one of the require-ments of an effective“check” phase in the hoshin kanri cycle (see Chapter 7).A3-SSR: The Summary Status ReportSee Figure 7-6 and companion CD Form 1-5.The A3-SSR or summary status report A3 is designed as a periodic (monthly, bi-monthly, or quarterly) report for managers to summarize progress made in multiple hoshin projects listed as tactics on an A3-X. Y ou should usethis form during the check phase of the hoshin process (see Chapter 7). Y ou can print theA3-SSR back-to-back with the A3-X to which it is related.Hoshin Kanri Basics—Nested Experiments, X-Matrix, and Chartering TeamsA3-P: The Problem Solving ReportSee Figure 7-7 and companion CD Form 1-6.This is another “classic” A3, one that supports problem solving at all levels of the organization. The format is almost identical to that of the A3-T. Y ou can use this form at any point during the hoshin process, but it is probably most useful during the check phase (see Chapter 7). This is when you may need to address failures to meet critical milestones associated with an A3-T linked to the annual hoshin, or address unanticipated problems not contemplated by the annual hoshin, such as the failure of an existing product or process that no-one thought was in trouble.Hoshin Tip: Don’t adopt it; adapt it! In the 1980s, when Americans were making thepilgrimage to Japan to learn about Toyota, a friend of mine once asked a Toyota man-ager why his company was willing to permit foreigners to visit its best plants and evento take photographs. “It doesn’t really matter,” said the manager. “Everything you seewill be different by the time you get home, anyway.” So, consider this workbook’s suite of A3s as a starter set. You should plan to adapt these documents to your company’sown culture and conditions, based upon your own PDCA learning process. Neverattempt to copy Toyota or imitate “best practices,” because when you think you’vepinned down Toyota or “best practices,” they will have changed.Tip on Printing Forms off the CD Companion:The documents included on the CD Companion have been formatted as Adobe pdf (portable document format) files so that they may be printed from practically any computer on practically any printer. We rec-ommend that you print the documents using Adobe Reader, which is available in as afree download on the web at http:\\.Once you have installed AdobeReader,you can easily print all of the documents on the CD Companion. Please note,however, that the documents have been formatted for various sizes of paper, including US letter (81/2″ϫ11″), US legal (11″ϫ14″), and in some cases tabloid size paper(11″ϫ17″).When you print, use Adobe Reader’s“page setup” function (available from the pull-down “file” menu) to verify the size for which the document you are printing has been formatted. Also check that your printer is capable of printing that paper size andis loaded with the correct paper. If your printer is not capable of printing tabloid sizepaper, you must do two things to shrink tabloid-size documents to letter-size: 1)change the paper size setting in the “page setup” window to “US letter” and 2) choose “Reduce to Printer Margins” in the “page scaling” function, which appears halfwaydown the “print” window (in Adobe Reader 7). Note that letter-and tabloid-size pagesare proportional to one another, but not to legal-size pages.Preparing for the Hoshin ProcessThe focus in a lean enterprise, and the focus of the hoshin process, is the empowerment of frontline decision makers who add value to your products and services. Perhaps the best way to visualize this is the circular organization chart (see Figure 1-2). At the center of the chart are the value-adding employees who actually shape the final product or service for the exter-nal customer.The point to the circular organization chart is that every business function at every level of the organization must support the value-adder, or else the customer won’t be satisfied and the company won’t make money.。
Hoshin Workshop
TAKT-TIME = 25 200 / 420 = 60 s
Issuer: Function:
Eliminate all sources of WASTES 消除浪费的根源
Issuer: Function:
TAKT TIME – Exemple(生产节拍 -举例)
The customer demand is 420 parts per day.(客户每天需要420件) Every day, the associates are working 8 hours(职工每天工作8小时) - 15 min break(15分钟休息) - 30 min lunch(30分钟午饭) - 15 min change over(15分钟换模) So realy 即 7 hours
Consider as waste and eliminate (考虑浪费及消除): - All operations without added value(所有非增值的操作) - All operation that do not contribute to reach the level of quality, cost and delivery as required by our customer(所有不能达到客户要求 的质量水平、成本和交期的操作)
Implement the resources needed when we need to satisfied the customer requirement in term of quality, cost and deliver
Steps to Hoshin Planning and Metrics
Begin with the vision.
Create the strategy.
Determine the seven to ten year direction based on customer requirements, growth strategies, and other external factors. This is “Ideal State”
Policy Deployment
“Hoshin Kanri”
Hoshin Kanri
HO -- Direction SHIN -- Pointer HO + SHIN – Loosely translated as “The Compass Needle” that gives the direction (policy). KANRI ….. Deployment
11Байду номын сангаас
Policy Deployment
Planning, Definition & Deployment of the Objective & Strategy based in communication between all the layers of the organization Two way communications melts all barriers between departments (this DOES NOT mean agreement)
Extract the annual goals.
归还贷款计划 表格:归还贷款计划表
损益预算 表格:损益预算表
现金流量预算 表格:现金流量预算 表格:采购支出预算 表格:资本性支出预算
资产负债预算 表格:资产负债预算
融资计划 表格:融资计划表
Specific direction and achievable milestones for each process 3. 4. 5.
年度S&OP及 预算
生产 计划
事业部经营指标及策略 事
业 部
研发 工程服务 人力资源
计划 。。。
(1)平衡记分卡 背景介绍:罗勃特S.卡普兰是哈佛商学院会计系的教授。大卫P.诺顿是麻
区 域产
品 销售目标
华 南 ……
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
年度产品发货计划 • 数量确定:总发货数量=订货数量*发货率+未交付数量 • 进度确定:按平均交货期后推
产品类别 产品名称 预计销售或要 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 货
根据客户要求、发展策略和其它外部因素制定将来七到十年的方向。这是 “理想状况”
根据“未来状况”,按照企业进取度、现有资源(时间、资金等)和现在 环境限制等因素制定三年计划.
可衡量、可实现的目标能够调动组织内每一位员工的行为和表现,并定下 本年的基调。年度目标是为了逐步“实施”策略目标而设。
愿景 策略 年度目标
策略 年度目标
“木匠需要首先想好制作 的物品,才能充分发挥斧 头的作用;我们也需要首 先想清楚公司的目标和配 上更好的管理方法,才能 走上精益之路”
策略必须是明确定义、容易理解的 利用严密检查/監控(过程)的方法
Goal Goal
Goal Goal
第二层 策略
. . . 战术层.面
生产 单元/生产线
目标 (内容)
方法 内容
方法 内容
方法 内容
通不良) 没有制定明确的检查/跟进方法
看板 KANBAN 全面生产维护 TPM
> 否则,任何一种与客户节奏不符将造成:
Otherwise, each diversion from this rhythm creates: . 我们的供货被客户停止/Either a rupture of customer deliveries . 或者是导致无价值增加的库存/Or stocks and therefore no added value
灵活性 :有效的生产客户所要求所有产品的能力 Flexibility:ability to efficiently produce all the part numbers requested by the customer 适应性 :生产不定数量产品的能力 Adaptability:Capacity to produce variable volumes
* 生产时间 / 周期 * Production time/period 客户订货数量 / 周期 Number of requested parts / period
* 生产时间 / 周期 = 工作时间 - 预计的休息日 * Production time/period = opening time - scheduled breakdowns
Ref.KD-HR-2004-30 Date: 2004-4-13To: 集团所有员工Cc: 管理层From: 人力资源部Subject: 关于颁发《金蝶公司员工绩效管理办法》的通知为统一和规范公司的绩效管理流程、原则,特制定《金蝶公司员工绩效管理办法》,本办法颁布后,原《绩效评估管理制度》(KD-HR-2002-020)即行作废。
Ref.KD-HR-2004-30 Date: 2004-4-13To: 集团所有员工Cc: 管理层From: 人力资源部Subject: 关于颁发《金蝶公司员工绩效管理办法》的通知为统一和规范公司的绩效管理流程、原则,特制定《金蝶公司员工绩效管理办法》,本办法颁布后,原《绩效评估管理制度》(KD-HR-2002-020)即行作废。
结果(实绩)与目标值比 较
国王 将军
送了980名,另20名在 河岸被攻打死 利用船渡河
确保50艘的船只数 达成目标
评 结果与管理项目的目标 评
价 比较
需要船只数为50艘→结 果50艘 划船的技术 →完全的精通
购买20艘船→结果25艘 5
建造30艘船→结果25艘 5 X
不仅将目标分摊Break down下来,也对 方策作Break down .目标达成、方策未达成的真相 (所谓的 有结果出来就好)无法在目标管理中显现, 但方针管理可让其明确化,并预防流于结 果就好的管理。
有结果出来就好, 真正的实力值(即问题点) 未能浮现台面上。
上下左右经过充分的沟通协调后, 再进行目标与方策之设定、展开。
• Specific 特定性 • Measurable 可衡量的 • Achievable 可达成的 • Relevant 相关的 • Timing 时效性
A类型 B类型
目标 方策(管理项目) 目标 方策(管理项目)
目标 方策(管理项目) 目标 方策(管理项目)
上位者 部属
7.必须有衡量目标、方策实施绩效的指标,必须与人事(绩效)考核 充分地结合。 8.方针管理之检讨结果系及要因系(结果与过程)之未达及过达项目 皆须彻底检讨。 9.方针管理须取得上下及部门间的协调与调整(水平、垂直之Catch ball)。 10.结果的评价须包含目标达成的困难度与达成度(设定时及年终 评价)。 11.目标、方策、目标值实际状况及内外部环境变化适时修正、 调整。(并非一成不变) 12.方针管理最重要的一环“诊断”必须落实实施,以确认整体方向 是否一致。
2.5 生产计划
(2) 年度生产计划 A、主生产计划(MPS)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
B、物料需求计划(MRP) C、车间作业计划 D、物料采购计划
2.6 事业部研发计划
• 预研项目、开发项目 • 技术开发项目、产品开发项目
行次 全年合计 一月 二月 三月 四月 五月 六月 七月 八月 九月 十月 十一月 十二月
减: 产品销售成本
加: 其他业务利润
减: 管理费用
加: 加:投资收益
减: 所得税
2.1 集团公司经营计划及预算的总体框架
年度经营计划 及预算
生产 计划
集团年度经营目标 事业部经营指标及策略
研发 工程服务 人力资源
本文从绩效考核旳两个方面系统阐明员工个人绩效考核和团体绩效考旳概念, 两者互相联络, 以及合并使用旳好处, 在企业既有考核内容中增长团体绩效, 将组织绩效、团体绩效与员工个人绩效三者有力地结合在一起。
以企业价值最大化作为基础, 将促使人力资源管理中不在仅仅将员工在本职工作上旳体现作为考核旳唯一根据。
以企业价值最大化为基础旳绩效考核将引导员工把对企业旳价值实现自觉旳同自己旳工作结合起来, 工作绩效不完全是个人工作旳绩效, 企业旳价值实现才是最为重要旳。
这样旳绩效考核会引导员工从企业发展旳大局出发, 加强团体合作, 提高企业在市场上旳整体竞争力。
以企业价值最大化为基础旳绩效考核强调企业与社会旳友好共存, 引导员工将个体形象同、团体形象、企业旳整体形象结合起来, 使得员工将工作体现同社会生活体现结合起来, 最终实现企业与社会双赢旳局面。
一、部门绩效考核体系改善设想1.部门考核体系旳设计a.部门绩效考核定量指标体系旳建立——确定部门关键业绩指标确定部门关键业绩指标是一项重要旳基础性工作, 关系到企业管理旳方方面面, 需要各级领导及各个部门旳积极配合、参与。
在制定关键业绩指标旳过程中, 企业总经办、人力资源部起着组织、协调、培训等作用。
制定关键业绩指标旳环节可分为: 罗列指标、筛选指标、设置权重、修改确认。
b.部门绩效考核定性指标体系旳建立——360度绩效考核法定性指标旳提取重要通过与分管领导、各职能部门、下属分企业旳调研和访谈, 理解被考核部门与各考核者之间工作流程中起重要作用旳要点和经典工作行为体现, 对某些重要旳却无法量化旳指标如工作态度、工作效率、工作支撑进行定性考核。
c.部门关键绩效考核指标旳来源目前越来越多旳企业重视绩效考核, 尤其是量化考核被认为是评价员工业绩优劣旳一种相对公平合理旳考核方式。
这个事件发生之后,报纸与电视对李文哲的勇敢表现大肆宣 扬,将他捧为英雄。但是,大卖场的高阶主管却为这事件伤透脑 筋。该大卖场对付抢劫的一贯政策是:1、完全依照匪徒的要求 行事,以避免员工或在场的顾客受到伤害;2、在无安全顾虑时 立即按警铃;3、等待警方及保险公司前来处理善后。违反这个 政策任一者,一律开除。
• Specific • Measurable • Achievable • Realistic • Time-bound
具体的 可衡量的 可实现的 现实的 有时限的
• 厨房用具破损保持在最 小范围内。 • 接电话要迅速,必要时
KRA: Key Result Area 关键成果领域
• 是指岗位职责说明书中所定义 的主要职责 • 是对公司经营最有价值的部份
KPI: Key Performance Indicator 关键业绩指标
• 是从KRA中提取出的主要工作目标 • 目标达成情况的衡量手段 • 是公司用以衡量员工绩效的重要指标
• 达到XX万元 • X万元 • 份额达到43% • 满意度提高到62%
1 2 3
4 5 6
KPI设计方法 平衡记分卡(Balanced Scorecard)
我们以何种形象展现 给股东/投资者?
总目标 部门目标