外教雇佣合同中英文版本合同由以下双方达成,即雇主(以下简称“甲方”)和外教(以下简称“乙方”),根据双方的意愿和协商一致,达成如下合同条款:第一条岗位和职责1.1 乙方将担任甲方的英语教师,负责进行英语课程的教学工作。
1.2 乙方应按照甲方的安排,准时参加工作并完成所负责的课程。
第二条工作时间和待遇2.1 乙方的工作时间为每周40小时,具体安排由甲方提前通知。
2.2 乙方的基本工资为每月X元,甲方应于每月X日向乙方支付。
第三条社会保险和福利3.1 甲方为乙方购买养老保险和医疗保险,并按照国家相关规定缴纳相关费用。
3.2 甲方为乙方提供休假、带薪年假和其他福利待遇,具体以甲方的规定为准。
第四条合同期限和解除4.1 本合同期限为X年,自YYYY年MM月DD日起至YYYY年MM月DD日止。
4.2 若乙方有违反本合同的行为,甲方有权解除合同并取消其酬劳和福利。
第五条保密条款5.1 乙方应对甲方的商业秘密和机密信息进行保密,不得擅自使用、泄露或转让给第三方。
5.2 在合同解除后,乙方仍应继续履行保密义务,不得向任何第三方透露甲方的商业秘密和机密信息。
第六条争议解决6.1 本合同的履行受中华人民共和国法律的约束。
6.2 对于因本合同引起的任何争议,双方应通过友好协商解决;如果协商不成,任何一方均有权向有管辖权的人民法院提起诉讼。
第七条其他事项7.1 本合同未尽事宜由双方协商解决,并签署补充协议。
7.2 本合同一式两份,甲方和乙方各执一份,具体内容以中英文本为准。
甲方(雇主):签字:____________ 日期:____________ 乙方(外教):签字:____________ 日期:____________。
1. 合同甲方
2. 合同乙方
3. 合同背景
4. 工作内容
5. 合同期限
6. 工资和福利
- 住宿:甲方提供合适的住宿条件。
- 签证:乙方签证费用由甲方负责支付。
- 交通:乙方的往返交通费用由甲方负责支付。
7. 保密条款
8. 解除合同
- 一方未履行合同义务或违反合同条款;
- 经协商一致;
- 法律法规规定。
9. 争议解决
10. 其他条款
11. 合同生效
培训学校兼职外教合同模板 英文版
编号:_____________Job Offer and Agreement(Part-time)The Employer:_____________________The Employee:_____________________签订日期:_______年______月______日(the name of your school) decides to offer (passport number: ) a part-time teaching position starting onThe working schedule agreed upon both parties is as follow:.Duties and ObligationsThe duties to be performed by the employee include (but not limited to):1.Teaching English Corners, private classes or hosting activities as assigned by the Education Supervisor of the school.2.Other duties as assigned by the Education Supervisor and agreed upon by both parties.3.The st atement in the employee’s curriculum vitae, resume,references and other information submitted to the employer in support of the Employee’s application for this part-time position must be true and not misleading in any sense.4.The employee has a valid passport. The employee is not a member of any organization that may be regarded by authorities as a threat to public security or social order of China.5.The employee must perform the duties in a professional and diligent manner.6.The employee must obey the written and/or verbal directions of the employer.7.The employee must at all time comply with the terms and conditions of this job offer and agreement and the rules and regulations of the employer.8.The employee must at all time comply with the laws of the PRC9.The employee must not harm the image of the Employer or other staff with the employer.10.The employee must provide the passport and visa copy to HR department within one week after the agreement is signed. RemunerationThe Employee’s remuneration is calculated according to his/her actual teaching hours:1.The actual teacher hour should be not more than 4 hours per day and not more than 24 hours per week.2.RMB 150 per class (before tax). Usually the school will arrange two classes in a row and another yuan will be given as a transportation fee every time the ESL teacher comes to teach.3.The school should note the employee one –week’s working schedule if there is any change upon the agreed schedule.4.The first performance review will be made after the first month. And the review report will be a reference for raising the salary of the part time teachers.5.The employee will be paid on the 10th of each month, not in advance, for the teaching hours in the previous month(every 1st to the last day of the month).6.The Employee gets the payment in the center within the pay period from the 10th to the 15th of every month. Over the period, the employee should contact the direct Education Supervisor for the payment.Penalty for Misconduct1.The penalty takes form of termination of this agreement or deduction in pay for the month when the misconduct occurs. Misconducts include failure in teaching scheduled classes without a notice at least one day in advance, being late for the scheduled classes for more than 8 minutes, and other conducts that may negatively influence the employer.2.If the employee fails in teaching scheduled classes without a notice at least one day in advance, the deduction in pay is RMB 200 per incident. Any other misconduct, the deduction in pay is RMB300 per incident. And the employee must note the school at least 7 seven days earlier if he or she is going to end this contract before thevalidity period of this contract, or another RMB300 is going to be deducted.3.Exceptions are accidents or urgent health problems, in which case, the employee must inform the Education Supervisor as soon as he/she realizes the accident or problem and must find or recommend a substitute teacher with the qualifications required by the employer. TerminationThe employer reserves the right to terminate this agreement in the following circumstances:1.The employee brings the school into disrepute.2.Misconducts of the employee occur.3.The employee breaches the confidentiality clause as referred to in section “confidentiality”4.If the employee is guilty of dereliction of duty, incompetence,insubordination,dishonesty or other breaches of employee’s duties or obligations under this agreement or the rules and regulations of the school.5.The employee fails to work for 30 consecutive days.The employee reserves the right to terminate this agreement with a two-week notice in writing in the following circumstances: The employer fails to comply with the terms of this agreementConfidentialityThe employee must keep all information regarding to t he employer’s teaching methods and administration confidential.The employee must not disclose details of his/her agreement.The employee must not use the employer’s teaching methods and materials for any other purpose.The obligations of the employee concerning the section titled “Confidentiality” will survive the termination of this agreement. GeneralThe employer cannot arrange the employee the new working schedule without employee’s agreement and should confirm with employee every Friday for the next we ek’s schedule on Email or Message. And the employee should stick to the schedule once confirm with the school on Email or Message. The employer reserves the right to add extra classes in short notice upon the employee’s agreement.This agreement will be interpreted in accordance with and is subject to the laws of PRC. The parties submit irrevocably to thejurisdiction of the courts of the PRC in respect of any dispute relating to or concerning this agreement.The terms and conditions of this agreement prevail over any conflicting or inconsistent provisions of the Employer’s rules or regulations. This agreement is effective immediately and supersedes。
一、雇佣双方雇主:英文名称:[雇主公司名称]中文名称:[雇主公司名称]注册地址:[雇主公司注册地址]法定代表人:[法定代表人姓名][雇主]外籍教师:英文姓名:[外籍教师姓名]国籍:[外籍教师国籍]护照号码:[外籍教师护照号码]联系地址:[外籍教师联系地址][外籍教师]二、聘用内容1. 外籍教师职位:英语(或其他)教师2. 工作地点:[工作地点]3. 工作内容:根据雇主的安排,进行英语(或其他语言)教学工作,包括备课、授课、批改作业等。
4. 工作时间:根据雇主安排的教学时间表进行工作。
三、工资和福利1. 外籍教师的基本工资为每月人民币[基本工资金额]元。
2. 聘用期满一年后,将按照雇主政策评定外籍教师的薪资调整。
3. 外籍教师享有法定的休假权益,具体休假时间根据雇主规定执行。
4. 雇主为外籍教师提供符合国家规定的社会保险和住房公积金。
五、合同解除1. 若任何一方违反本合同的规定,对方有权单方解除合同,并无需承担违约责任。
2. 若因不可抗力因素导致无法履行合同,双方互不承担任何责任。
六、保密条款1. 外籍教师在受聘期间及聘期结束后,需对雇主的商业机密和教学资料等保密。
2. 外籍教师签署保密协议,并承诺终身遵守相关规定。
八、其他事项1. 本合同采用中英双语表述,具有相同的法律效力。
2. 本合同自双方签字之日起生效,期满后自动失效。
3. 本合同签署地点为[合同签署地点],签署日期为[合同签署日期]。
外教英文合同范本三篇篇一Employment Contract for Foreign TeacherThis Employment Contract (the "Contract") is made and entered into on [date] and between [Employer Name] (the "Employer") and [Teacher's Name] (the "Teacher").1. Position and DutiesThe Teacher will be employed as a [Subject] teacher. The Teacher's mn duties include but are not limited to preparing and delivering lessons, assessing students' work, and participating in educational activities as required the Employer.2. Employment PeriodThe employment period shall mence on [start date] and end on [end date], unless otherwise terminated in accordance with the terms of this Contract.3. Working HoursThe Teacher's normal working hours will be [number of hours per week], excluding breaks and meal times. However, additional hours may be required for meetings, parent-teacher conferences, and other educational activities.4. Salary and BenefitsThe Teacher will be pd a monthly salary of [amount] in [currency]. The salary will be pd on or before the [payment date] of each month. The Employer will also provide benefits such as health insurance, vacation days, and professional development opportunities as per the Employer's policies.5. Intellectual PropertyAll teaching materials and intellectual property developed the Teacher during the course of employment shall belong to the Employer.6. ConfidentialityThe Teacher agrees to keep confidential all information related to the Employer's business, students, and educational programs.7. TerminationThis Contract may be terminated either party with [notice period] written notice for reasons including but not limited to breach of contract, poor performance, or redundancy.8. Dispute ResolutionAny disputes arising from this Contract shall be resolved through amicable negotiation. If negotiation fls, the dispute shall be submitted to arbitration in accordance with the laws and regulations of [jurisdiction].9. Governing LawThis Contract shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of [jurisdiction].IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.Employer: [Employer's Name and Signature]Teacher: [Teacher's Name and Signature]Please note that this is a basic template and may need to be customized based on specific circumstances and legal requirements in your jurisdiction. It is remended to consult with a legal professional before finalizing any employment contract.篇二Employment ContractThis Employment Contract (the "Contract") is made and entered into on [date] and between [Employer Name] (the "Employer") and [Teacher's Name] (the "Teacher").1. Position and DutiesThe Teacher shall be employed as a [subject] teacher and shall perform the duties and responsibilities associated with such position, including but not limited to teaching classes, preparing lesson plans, grading assignments, and providing academic support to students.2. Term of EmploymentThe term of this Contract shall mence on [start date] and shall continue until [end date], unless earlier terminated in accordance with the provisions of this Contract.3. Working HoursThe Teacher's normal working hours shall be [hours per week], excluding breaks and meal times. The Teacher may be required to work additional hoursfor special events, parent-teacher meetings, or other educational activities as reasonably requested the Employer.4. CompensationThe Employer shall pay the Teacher a salary of [amount] per [payment period](e.g., month, semester). The salary shall be pd on or before [payment due date].5. BenefitsThe Teacher shall be end to the following benefits: [list of benefits, such as health insurance, vacation days, sick leave, etc.]6. Professional DevelopmentThe Employer shall provide opportunities for the Teacher's professional development, including but not limited to attending workshops, conferences, and trning sessions related to teaching and education.7. ConfidentialityThe Teacher shall mntn the confidentiality of all information related to the Employer, students, and the educational institution during and after the term of employment.8. TerminationThis Contract may be terminated either party in the following circumstances:a. By mutual agreement of both parties.b. For cause, such as serious misconduct, violation of school policies, or flure to perform duties as stipulated in this Contract.c. Due to the Employer's financial difficulties or changes in educational programs, with proper notice and severance pay as required law.9. Dispute ResolutionAny disputes arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be resolved through amicable negotiation. If negotiation fls, the parties agree to submit the dispute to arbitration in accordance with the rules of [arbitration institution].10. Governing LawThis Contract shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of [jurisdiction].11. Entire AgreementThis Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, whether written or oral, relating to the subject matter hereof.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.Employer: [Employer's Name and Signature]Teacher: [Teacher's Name and Signature]Date: [date]Please note that this is a basic template and should be tlored to the specific circumstances and requirements of the employment arrangement. It is advisable to consult with a legal professional to ensure the contract plies with all applicable laws and regulations.篇三Employment Contract for Foreign TeacherThis Employment Contract (the "Contract") is made and entered into on [date] and between [Employer Name] (the "Employer") and [Foreign Teacher's Name] (the "Teacher").1. Position and DutiesThe Teacher shall be employed as a [subject] teacher and shall perform duties as reasonably assigned the Employer, including but not limited to teaching classes, preparing lesson plans, grading student work, and participating in school activities.2. Employment PeriodThe employment period shall mence on [start date] and end on [end date], unless earlier terminated in accordance with the terms of this Contract.3. Working HoursThe Teacher's normal working hours shall be [number of hours per week], excluding breaks and meal times. However, additional hours may be required for meetings, parent-teacher conferences, and other school-related activities.4. Salary and Benefitsa. The Teacher shall be pd a monthly salary of [amount] in [currency].b. The Employer shall provide health insurance coverage for the Teacher in accordance with local laws and regulations.c. The Teacher shall be end to [number] days of pd vacation per year and other benefits as per the Employer's policies.5. Teaching Materials and FacilitiesThe Employer shall provide the Teacher with necessary teaching materials and facilities to perform the job effectively.6. Professional DevelopmentThe Employer shall support the Teacher's professional development providing opportunities for trning and attending relevant conferences or workshops.7. ConfidentialityThe Teacher shall keep confidential all information related to the Employer and its students during and after the employment period.8. Terminationa. Either party may terminate this Contract with [number] days' written notice for cause.b. In the event of serious misconduct or violation of this Contract the Teacher, the Employer may terminate the Contract immediately without notice.9. Dispute ResolutionAny disputes arising from this Contract shall be resolved through friendly negotiation. If negotiation fls, the matter shall be submitted to arbitration in accordance with the laws of [jurisdiction].10. Governing LawThis Contract shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of [jurisdiction].11. Entire AgreementThis Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior negotiations and understandings.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.Employer: [Employer's Name and Signature]Teacher: [Foreign Teacher's Name and Signature]Please note that this is a basic template and should be tlored to meet the specific requirements and legal regulations of your jurisdiction. It is advisable to consult with a legal professional before finalizing any employment contract.。
外教聘用合同英文模板This Employment Contract (the "Contract") is entered into by and between [School Name], located at [School Address] (the "School"), and [Teacher Name], residing at [Teacher Address] (the "Teacher"), on [Contract Date].1. Scope of EmploymentThe School hereby agrees to employ the Teacher to teach [Subject/Grade Level] at the School for the duration of this Contract. The Teacher shall be responsible for teaching scheduled classes, preparing lesson plans, grading assignments, and participating in school activities as required.2. Term of EmploymentThis Contract shall be effective from [Contract Start Date] to [Contract End Date], unless terminated earlier in accordance with the terms of this Contract. The Teacher's employment may be renewed upon mutual agreement by both parties.3. Duties and ResponsibilitiesThe Teacher shall perform the following duties and responsibilities:- Teach [Subject/Grade Level] classes in a professional and effective manner- Prepare lesson plans, assignments, and assessments in accordance with the School's curriculum- Provide feedback to students and parents on academic progress- Participate in parent-teacher meetings, school events, and professional development activities- Maintain accurate records of student attendance, grades, and performance- Adhere to the School's policies, rules, and regulations4. Work ScheduleThe Teacher's work schedule shall be from [Work Schedule Start Time] to [Work Schedule End Time] on [Work Days], with [X] hours of teaching per week. The Teacher shall be required to arrive at the School at least 30 minutes before the start of classes.5. CompensationThe School shall pay the Teacher a monthly salary of [Salary Amount] for the duration of this Contract. The salary shall be paid on the [Payment Date] of each month, via [Payment Method]. The Teacher shall be responsible for any taxes or deductions related to their salary.6. BenefitsThe Teacher shall be entitled to the following benefits:- Housing provided by the School or a housing allowance of [Amount]- Annual round-trip airfare between the Teacher's home country and the School- Health insurance coverage for the duration of this Contract- Paid holidays and vacation leave as per the School's policy7. TerminationEither party may terminate this Contract with [X] days' written notice to the other party. The School may terminate the Teacher immediately for cause, including but not limited to misconduct, incompetence, or breach of contract. The Teacher may terminate the Contract immediately in case of a material breach by the School.8. Confidentiality and Non-CompeteThe Teacher agrees to maintain the confidentiality of any sensitive information shared by the School during the term of this Contract. The Teacher shall not teach or engage in similar activities at any other educational institution within [X] miles of the School during the term of this Contract and for [X] months thereafter.9. Governing LawThis Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Country]. Any disputes arising out of or related to this Contract shall be resolved through arbitration in [City], according to the rules of the [Arbitration Authority].10. Entire AgreementThis Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the School and the Teacher with respect to the Teacher's employment at the School. Any amendments or modifications to this Contract must be made in writing and signed by both parties.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.SCHOOL: TEACHER:[School Name] [Teacher Name]DATE: DATE:[Contract Date] [Contract Date][Signature] [Signature]。
聘方姓名(以下称甲方):Engager(part A) :受聘方姓名(以下称乙方):Employee(part B) :聘请双方本着友好合作精神,自愿签订本合同并保证认真履行合同中约定的各项义务。
The two parties, in a spirit of friendly cooperation, agree to sign this contract and pledge to fufil conscientiously all the obligations stipulated in it.一、合同期自起至止。
(法定节假日及寒暑假除外)Contract time:from to .(except Legal Holidays and Summer And Winter Vacation)二、甲乙双方合作内容:Cooperation contents:甲方聘请乙方为教师进行英文授课。
Employee employed by engager as a teacher to teach English.三、乙方工作时间The work time of part B1、根据学校的作息时间表,一般每周工作日为5天(节假日除外),如遇节假日学校调换课程时间则按学校要求安排授课。
According to school’s teachi ng schedule,teacher usually work 5 days eachweek(except holidays).If the school change the time in holidays,teacher should teach according to school’s arrangement.2、遇甲方在合作学校有特殊活动时,乙方应该参加,如庆祝日、教研活动及一些重要的英语活动等,甲方对此给予乙方一定的交通补助,但不再支付其他费用。
If part A have some special activities in cooperation school,part B should attend ,for example,celebration day, teaching research activities and some important english activities, part A will give part B some transport fee for these,but no extra payment.四、授课地点Teaching address甲方根据乙方的实际情况,为乙方安排的课程在主城区内,如有其他变化,双方协商解决。
英文外教聘用合同范本Employment Contract for Foreign English TeacherThis Employment Contract ("Contract") is entered into between [School Name], located at [School Address] ("School") and [Teacher's Name], residing at [Teacher's Address] ("Teacher") on [Contract Start Date].1. Position and DutiesThe School agrees to employ the Teacher as a Foreign English Teacher, and the Teacher agrees to accept such employment. The Teacher's duties shall include, but not be limited to, teaching English to students, developing lesson plans, and participating in school activities as required the School.2. Term of EmploymentThe term of this Contract shall be for a period of [Contract Duration], mencing on [Contract Start Date] and ending on [Contract End Date], unless terminated earlier as provided in this Contract.3. CompensationThe School agrees to pay the Teacher a monthly salary of [Salary Amount], to be pd on the [Payment Date] of each month. The Teacher shall be end to [Vacation Days] pd vacation days per year.4. Working HoursThe Teacher's working hours shall be [Working Hours] per week, to be scheduled the School. The Teacher agrees to work additional hours as necessary to fulfill their duties.5. TerminationEither party may terminate this Contract with [Termination Notice Period] written notice. The School may terminate this Contract immediately for cause, including but not limited to, breach of this Contract or misconduct.6. Governing LawThis Contract shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of [Governing Law State]. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be resolved through arbitration in [Arbitration Location].IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.[School Representative Name] [Teacher's Name](School Representative) (Teacher)。
外教雇佣合同甲方:_______________________ 乙方:_______________________签订日期:___ 年_____ 月 ____ 日乙方(Party B ) :I. 乙方自愿作为甲方外教在甲方学校从事教学服务工作。
Party B wishes to engage the service of Party A ' s school as a foreign teacher. The two parties, in a spirit of frie ndly cooperati on, agree to sig n this con tract and pledge to fulfill conscientiously all the obligations stipulated in it.II. 乙方在甲方服务期限为____________________________ 至__________________________ 。
The period of service will be from _______________________ to _________________ .III. 乙方的职责The duties of Party B1. 乙方在合同有效期内的工作时间为每周___________ 小时。
Party B shall work hours per week dur ing the con tract con stra int period.2. 乙方的工作内容包括但不仅限于面授课、备课(教学计划、课程计划和批改作业等)、课程研发、与其它教师和家长的交流,以及参加学校的活动。
The contents of Party B' s work include but not limited to lectures, preparing for lessons (teach ing pla ns, less on pla ns, homework making, etc.), curriculum desig n & developme nt, communication with parents and the other teachers, and participating in school events.IV. 乙方的报酬1. 乙方在甲方工作期间的工资为:__________ 元|小时,以人民币形式支付。
外教中英文合同4篇篇1Foreign Teacher ContractThis agreement is made on [Date], between [Name of School], hereinafter referred to as “the School”, and [Name of Foreign Teacher], hereinafter referred to as “the Teacher”.1. Position and DutiesThe School agrees to employ the Teacher as a foreign language teacher for a period of [Contract Length], commencing on [Start Date] and ending on [End Date]. The Teacher shall be responsible for teaching [Language(s)] to students at the School. The Teacher shall also be required to prepare lesson plans, conduct assessments, and participate in any other school-related activities as necessary.2. CompensationThe Teacher shall be paid a salary of [Amount] per month, payable in [Currency], in accor dance with the School’s payroll schedule. The School shall also provide the Teacher with [Benefits].3. Working HoursThe Teacher’s working hours shall be [Number] hours per week, with [Number] hours of preparation time included. The School reserves the right to require the Teacher to work additional hours as needed, for which the Teacher shall receive overtime pay at a rate of [Rate].4. AccommodationThe School shall provide the Teacher with suitable accommodation for the duration of the contract. The School shall cover the cost of rent, utilities, and maintenance for the accommodation. The Teacher shall be responsible for any damages caused to the accommodation during their stay.5. VacationThe Teacher shall be entitled to [Number] days of paid vacation per year. The Teacher must request vacation time in advance and obtain approval from the School. Unused vacation days cannot be carried over to the following year.6. TerminationEither party may terminate this contract with [Number] days’ notice in writing. The School reserves the right to terminate thecontract immediately in the event of the Teacher’s misconduct or breach of contract.7. Governing LawThis contract shall be governed by the laws of [Country]. Any disputes arising from this contract shall be resolved through arbitration in accordance with the laws of [Country].8. SignaturesThis agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the School and the Teacher and supersedes any previous agreements or understandings. Both parties hereby agree to the terms and conditions set forth in this contract.Signed:School Representative:Date:Teacher:Date:I hereby acknowledge that I have read and understood the terms and conditions of this contract and agree to abide by them.[Name of Foreign Teacher]篇2Foreign Teacher ContractThis agreement is made and entered into on [date] by and between [school name], hereinafter referred to as "the School", and [foreign teacher’s name], hereinafter referred to as "the Teacher".1. Contract TermThe contract term shall be for [number of months/years], starting from [start date] to [end date].2. Position and ResponsibilitiesThe Teacher shall be employed as a [position] and shall be responsible for [list of duties and responsibilities].3. Salary and BenefitsThe School shall pay the Teacher a salary of [amount] per [month/week], payable on the [day] of each month. The Teacher shall also be entitled to the following benefits:- Housing allowance of [amount] per month- Health insurance- Round-trip airfare reimbursement- Paid vacation days [number of days]- Other benefits as agreed upon by both parties4. Work ScheduleThe Teacher shall work [number of hours] per week, spread over [number of days]. The School reserves the right to adjust the work schedule as needed.5. TerminationEither party may terminate this contract with [number of days] notice. The School may terminate the contract without notice for just cause, including but not limited to misconduct or failure to perform duties.6. ConfidentialityThe Teacher agrees to keep all school-related information confidential and not to disclose any sensitive information to third parties.7. Governing LawThis agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [jurisdiction].8. Entire AgreementThis contract contains the entire agreement between the School and the Teacher and supersedes any previous agreements or understandings between the parties.In witness whereof, the parties hereto have executed this contract as of the date first above written.[School Name]By: _________________________Title: _______________________[Foreign Teacher’s Name]By: _________________________Date:_______________________This Foreign Teacher Contract is hereby accepted and agreed upon by both parties.Date:_______________________篇3Foreign Teacher Employment ContractThis agreement is entered into between [Company Name], hereinafter referred to as “the employer”, and [Foreign Teacher’s Name], hereinafter referred to as “the foreign teacher”.1. Position and Responsibilities:The employer agrees to employ the foreign teacher as an English teacher for the duration of this contract. The foreign teacher agrees to perform the duties as outlined by the employer, including but not limited to teaching English classes, preparing lesson plans, and participating in school activities.2. Duration of Contract:This contract shall commence on [start date] and terminate on [end date]. The employer reserves the right to terminate the contract earlier for just cause, including but not limited to poor performance, misconduct, or breach of contract.3. Remuneration:The foreign teacher shall be paid a monthly salary of [amount] in [currency] for the duration of this contract. Payment shall be made on the [specific date] of each month. The employer agrees to provide accommodation for the foreign teacher and cover travel expenses.4. Working Hours:The foreign teacher agrees to work [number] hours per week, with [number] of days off per week. The employer agrees to provide a schedule in advance and notify the foreign teacher of any changes.5. Holidays:The foreign teacher shall be entitled to [number] days of paid holiday per year, as well as all national holidays as determined by the employer.6. Termination:Either party may terminate this contract with [number] days’ notice in writing. The employer reserves the right to terminate the contract immediately for just cause, as outlined in section 2.7. Confidentiality:The foreign teacher agrees to maintain the confidentiality of all school-related information, including student records, lesson plans, and any other sensitive information.8. Governing Law:This contract shall be governed by the laws of the [Country] and any disputes shall be resolved in accordance with the laws of the [Country].Signed by:Employer: [Signature]Foreign Teacher: [Signature]Date: [Date]篇4Foreign Teacher Employment ContractThis agreement is made on [Date] by and between [School Name], hereinafter referred to as the "School" and [Foreign Teacher Name], hereinafter referred to as the "Foreign Teacher."1. Term of EmploymentThe School agrees to employ the Foreign Teacher as an English language teacher for a period of [Length of Contract] starting from [Start Date] to [End Date].2. Duties and ResponsibilitiesThe Foreign Teacher shall perform the following duties:- teach English language courses to students of all levels- prepare lesson plans and materials for classes- participate in staff meetings and professional development activities- assist in extracurricular activities and events organized by the School- abide by the School's policies and regulations3. Working HoursThe Foreign Teacher's working hours shall be from [Start Time] to [End Time] on [Working Days]. The Foreign Teacher shall be entitled to [Number of Days] off days per week.4. Salary and BenefitsThe School agrees to pay the Foreign Teacher a monthly salary of [Amount] in local currency. In addition, the School shall provide the following benefits:- housing allowance or accommodation- medical insurance- round-trip airfare reimbursement- visa and work permit sponsorship5. Termination of ContractEither party may terminate this contract by giving [Number of Days] days written notice. The School may terminate the contract immediately if the Foreign Teacher breaches any terms of this agreement.6. Confidentiality and Non-CompeteThe Foreign Teacher agrees to maintain the confidentiality of all information and materials obtained during the course of employment with the School. The Foreign Teacher also agrees not to engage in any teaching activities that compete with the School during the term of this contract and for a period of [Length of Time] after termination.7. Governing LawThis contract shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of [Country]. Any dispute arising under this agreement shall be resolved through arbitration in [City].Both parties acknowledge that they have read and understood the terms of this agreement and agree to abide by them.School Representative: [Name]Foreign Teacher: [Name]Date: [Date]。
EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTEmployer School: ________________________________________________ Official Representative: ______________________________Foreign Teacher: ________________________________________I.Employee’s Duties and Responsibilities1. The foreign teacher willingly comes to the Employer School to be a part-time English teacher. The foreign teacher should be a native speaker of English, have higher education, have certain language teaching experience, and be in good health (he/she must pass the physical examination at an assigned Chinese hospital after he/she enters China) and possess required documents, such as TEFL certificate, foreign expert certificate, residence permit, etc.. Materials submitted to the Employer School in support of the employee’s application for this part-time position must be true and not misleading in any sense.2. The foreign teacher will complete teaching tasks during the contract period,including preparing lessons and teaching materials well prior to teaching, conducting lessons and accessing students’ work. Besides, the foreign teacher will give lessons on time in accordance with the class time required by the school.3. The foreign teacher will use strictly the teaching materials and the teaching plan provided by the Employer School, conscientiously accomplishing the teaching plan, to assure high quality teaching. The foreign teacher must keep all information regarding to the Employer School’s teaching methods and administration confidential and not use the teaching methods and materials for any other purpose.4. During the required lecture time, if the foreign teacher leaves Shenzhen he/she should inform the Coordinator. When traveling outside of Guangdong province, Hong Kong, or Macao, the foreign teacher is further responsible for announcing his/her travel plans to the Employer School through his/her contact teacher and the Coordinator, a week in advance in writing or via e-mail.5. In the event of illness that prevents the foreign teacher from teaching, he/she is responsible to notify both his/her contact teacher and the Coordinator in advance, and further is required to provide the Employer School with written documentation. If this notification is not done, there will be a reduction of pay by RMB 100 per time of absence; this penalty also applies to any unapproved tardiness from class. (For instance, if the foreign teacher is late for over one hour, he or she will lose RMB300: wage RMB 200 added a fine of RMB 100). After receiving the written warning letter from the employer, a total of three such occurrences are grounds for dismissal.6. During the lessons, the foreign teacher will make his or her own meal and transportation arrangements.7. The foreign teacher is to respect the moral standards and customs of the Chinese people. This specifically includes maintaining an appropriate professional appearance and standard of behavior. The foreign teacher must not harm the image of the Employer School or other staff with the Employer School.8. The foreign teacher will follow the Employer School’s working regulations and the relevant Foreign Expert regulations of the Chinese government.9. The foreign teacher is to follow Chinese law and regulations, and not interfere in Chinese internal affairs.II.Em ployer School’s Responsibilities1. The foreign teacher’s employment period is from signing date to ________. Teaching duties start from______ and end by _______. The Employer School will provide a wage of RMB200/hour to the foreign teacher during the employment period. The wage should be paid by month and the foreign teacher’s remuneration will be calculated according to his/her actual teaching hours. If there is any fine, the teacher will be informed in advance. The 12th of each month is pay day and the foreign teacher will receive last month’s wage in cash.2. The Employer School will provide introductory instruction on relevant working regulations o f the Employer School’s side and Chinese government regulations on foreign experts.3. The Employer School will guide, check, and evaluate the foreign teacher’s work.4. The Employer School will note the foreign teacher one week ahead if there is any change upon the agreed teaching schedule or class time.5. The Employer School will arrange a bi-lingual co-worker or assistant, referred to as the “contact teacher”, to assist the foreign teacher at the school, especially for infants’ or junior primary school foreign teachers.III. Modification, Dissolution and/or Termination of the Contract1. Both sides must abide by the contract. Neither side can modify, dissolve, or terminate the contract, except as specified below.2. With the agreement of the Employer School, the foreign teacher, the contract can be modified, dissolved, or terminated. Until reaching such an agreement, all sides should strictly carry out the contract.3. The Employer School has the right, with written notification to the foreign teacher, to terminate the employment contract and stop all benefits and payments to a foreign teacher under the following conditions:(a.) If the foreign teacher receives fifteen (15) days written notice from the Employer School or the Coordinator specifying his/her failure to comply with the terms of the contract, and fails to correct the noncompliance; or(b.) When, in the judgment of a qualified medical doctor, the foreign teacher is unable to resume his/her duties and responsibilities after the expiration of thirty (30) continuous days of sick leave.(c.) During the contract period, the foreign teacher shall be careful not to make improper statements that violate the political safety of the country and Chinese laws and result in adverse effects. Otherwise the employer school has the right to terminate the employment contract and relevant responsibilities shall be investigated according to laws.4. The foreign teacher has the right, with written notification to the Employer School to terminate the contract without further obligation to the Employer School under the following conditions:(a.) If, after thirty (30) days written notice from the foreign teacher to the Employer School and the Coordinator, the Employer School fails to provide the working and living conditions promised in the contract; or(b.) If the Employer School does not pay in a timely manner the foreign teacher’s salary, and fails to correct the problem after ten (10) days written notification from the foreign teacher to the School and the Coordinator; or(c.) If the foreign teacher seeks to terminate the employment contract due to a serious health and/or medical condition, and the foreign teacher provides appropriate documentation from a qualified medical doctor, and the Employer School agrees to such termination for medical reasons. If the Employer School does not agree to the termination for medical reasons, the penalty provision of Section IV of the contract will apply.III.Disagreement and AttributionThis contract is based on Chinese law, and if there is disagreement, arbitration will be held at the Employer School's local court.V. Contract Copies, Arbitration Location, and Effective Period This contract has two copies; each copy will be in both Chinese and English. Copies in both languages have the same effect, but because the English version is based on the Chinese version, if the two versions (English and Chinese) do not match, the Chinese version will be the one to be followed. This contract will be effective upon signing by both sides of both its English and Chinese versions. This contract will expire on___________Note: Both sides can negotiate supplementary terms and conditions for unsigned matters of this contract..Employer:Foreign Teacher:__________________ ________________________ Representative (signature) Foreign Teacher (signature)Date: ________________ Date: _____________。
外教中英文合同5篇篇1Foreign Teacher ContractThis contract (hereinafter referred to as "the Contract") is entered into on [contract date], by and between [Employer's Name], a [nationality of the employer] company with its principal place of business at [employer's address] (hereinafter referred to as "the Employer"), and [Employee's Name], a national of [employee's nationality], residing at [employee's address] (hereinafter referred to as "the Employee").The parties agree as follows:1. Position and DutiesThe Employer agrees to employ the Employee as an English Language Teacher for a period of [contract period] commencing on [start date] and ending on [end date]. The Employee agrees to perform the duties of an English Language Teacher in accordance with the Employer's requirements.2. CompensationThe Employer agrees to pay the Employee a monthly salary of [salary amount], payable on [payment date] of each month. The Employer shall also provide the Employee with [additional benefits, such as housing allowance, transportation allowance, etc.].3. Working HoursThe Employee agrees to work for a total of [total number of hours] per week, spread over [number of days] days. The exact working hours will be determined by the Employer and communicated to the Employee in advance.4. VacationThe Employee shall be entitled to [number of days] days of paid vacation per year, to be taken at a time agreed upon by the Employer and the Employee. The Employee shall notify the Employer of the intention to take vacation at least [number of days] days in advance.5. TerminationEither party may terminate this Contract by giving [number of days] days' written notice to the other party. In the event of termination, the Employer shall pay the Employee all outstanding salary and benefits up to the date of termination.6. ConfidentialityThe Employee agrees to keep all information related to the Employer's business confidential and not to disclose it to any third party without the Employer's prior written consent.7. Governing LawThis Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [jurisdiction].IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.[Employer's Name]__________________________Signature[Employee's Name]__________________________SignatureThis document constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, whether written or oral.篇2Foreign Teacher Employment ContractThis Contract ("Contract") is made and entered into on [Date], by and between [Employer Name], a company organized and existing under the laws of [Country], having its principal place of business at [Address] ("Employer"), and [Foreign Teacher Name], with a passport number of [Passport Number], residing at [Foreign Teacher Address] ("Foreign Teacher").1. Position and ResponsibilitiesEmployer hereby employs Foreign Teacher as an English language teacher to teach English courses to students at [School Name] in [City], [Country]. Foreign Teacher shall perform the duties and responsibilities assigned to them by Employer, which may include but are not limited to: preparing and delivering English lessons, assessing and grading student work, conducting after-school activities, and participating in school events.2. Term of EmploymentThe term of this Contract shall be for a period of [Length of Contract], commencing on [Start Date] and ending on [End Date]. The Contract may be extended by mutual agreement of both parties.3. Compensation and Benefitsa. Employer shall pay Foreign Teacher a monthly salary of [Salary Amount], which shall be paid on the first day of each month.b. Employer shall provide Foreign Teacher with accommodation during the term of this Contract. The accommodation provided shall be fully furnished and located in close proximity to the school.c. Employer shall provide Foreign Teacher with round-trip airfare to and from Foreign Teacher's home country at the beginning and end of the Contract term.d. Other benefits may include health insurance, visa sponsorship, and paid vacation days as per the school's policies.4. Work ScheduleForeign Teacher's work schedule shall be [Number] hours per week, from [Start Time] to [End Time], with [Number] hours for lesson planning and student grading. Foreign Teacher shall adhere to the school's academic calendar and teaching schedule.5. Professional DevelopmentEmployer shall provide Foreign Teacher with opportunities for professional development, such as attending workshops, conferences, and training sessions. Foreign Teacher shall activelyparticipate in professional development activities to enhance their teaching skills and knowledge.6. TerminationThis Contract may be terminated by either party with [Number] days' written notice. In the event of termination, Employer shall provide Foreign Teacher with a severance payment equal to [Amount] months' salary.7. ConfidentialityForeign Teacher agrees to maintain the confidentiality of all school and student information obtained during the course of their employment. Foreign Teacher shall not disclose any confidential information to third parties without the consent of Employer.8. Governing LawThis Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Country]. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be resolved through amicable negotiations between the parties.In witness whereof, the parties have executed this Contract on the date and year first above written.Employer:[Employer Name]Foreign Teacher:[Foreign Teacher Name]Date: [Date]This Contract is hereby accepted by Foreign Teacher on the date first above written.Foreign Teacher:[Foreign Teacher Name]Date: [Date]篇3Foreign Teacher Employment ContractThis Employment Contract (the "Contract") is entered into on [Date], by and between [Name of School or Institution], located at [Address] (the "Employer") and [Name of Foreign Teacher], residing at [Address] (the "Foreign Teacher").1. Position and ResponsibilitiesThe Employer hereby employs the Foreign Teacher as an English Language Teacher, to teach English to students at the Employer's school or institution. The Foreign Teacher agrees to perform all duties and responsibilities associated with the position including, but not limited to:a. Preparing and delivering English language lessons to students.b. Conducting assessments and evaluations of student progress.c. Participating in school events and meetings as required by the Employer.d. Complying with school policies and regulations.2. Term of EmploymentThe term of this Contract shall commence on [Start Date] and shall continue for a period of [Number] months, ending on [End Date]. The Contract may be terminated by either party with [Number] days' written notice.3. CompensationThe Foreign Teacher shall be paid a monthly salary of [Amount] USD, payable on the [Day] of each month. In additionto the salary, the Employer shall provide the Foreign Teacher with the following benefits:a. Accommodation: The Employer shall provide the Foreign Teacher with furnished accommodation or a monthly housing allowance of [Amount] USD.b. Health Insurance: The Employer shall provide the Foreign Teacher with health insurance coverage.c. Visa and Work Permit: The Employer shall assist the Foreign Teacher in obtaining the necessary visa and work permit to work legally in [Country].4. Working HoursThe Foreign Teacher shall work a total of [Number] hours per week, from [Start Time] to [End Time], with [Number] teaching hours and [Number] office hours. The Foreign Teacher shall be required to attend all scheduled classes and meetings.5. Holidays and LeaveThe Foreign Teacher shall be entitled to [Number] days of paid annual leave per year, in addition to public holidays as observed by the Employer. The Employer may grant additional leave upon request, subject to the approval of the Employer.6. Code of ConductThe Foreign Teacher shall adhere to the Employer's code of conduct and professional standards at all times. The Foreign Teacher shall conduct themselves in a professional manner and maintain a positive and respectful relationship with students, colleagues, and parents.7. ConfidentialityThe Foreign Teacher shall maintain the confidentiality of all information related to the Employer, students, and colleagues. The Foreign Teacher shall not disclose any confidential information to third parties without the consent of the Employer.8. TerminationEither party may terminate this Contract with [Number] days' written notice. In the event of termination, the Foreign Teacher shall be entitled to receive any unpaid salary and benefits up to the date of termination.9. Governing LawThis Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Country]. Any disputes arising out of or relating to this Contract shall be resolved through arbitration in [City], [Country].In witness whereof, the parties hereto have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.Employer: [Signature]Foreign Teacher: [Signature][Date]篇4Foreign Teacher ContractThis agreement is made on [Date], between [School Name], hereafter referred to as "School" and [Foreign Teacher's Name], hereafter referred to as "Teacher".1. Term of Employmenta. The School shall employ the Teacher as a Foreign Language Teacher for a period of one academic year, starting on [start date] and ending on [end date]. This contract may be extended by mutual consent of both parties.b. The Teacher will be required to work for [number of hours] hours per week, including teaching hours, office hours, and other duties as assigned by the School.2. Dutiesa. The Teacher shall teach English language classes to students of [Grade level/age group] in accordance with the School's curriculum.b. The Teacher shall prepare lesson plans, teaching materials, and assessments as necessary.c. The Teacher shall attend all staff meetings, training sessions, and professional development activities as required by the School.d. The Teacher shall be responsible for maintaining accurate records of student attendance, grades, and progress, and shall provide regular feedback to students and parents.3. Compensationa. The School shall pay the Teacher a monthly salary of [amount] USD, payable on the [date] of each month.b. The School shall provide the Teacher with free accommodation, including utilities, internet, and basic furnishings.c. The School shall provide the Teacher with a round-trip airfare allowance upon completion of the contract.4. Work Visa and Permitsa. The School shall provide the Teacher with a valid work visa and residence permit to work in [country].b. The Teacher shall be responsible for obtaining and maintaining all necessary documents and permits required for employment in [country].c. The Teacher shall comply with all laws and regulations of [country] regarding employment and residency.5. Terminationa. Either party may terminate this contract with thirty days' written notice.b. The School may terminate this contract immediately in the event of misconduct or failure to fulfill the duties outlined in this agreement.c. The Teacher may terminate this contract immediately in the event of non-payment of salary, breach of contract by the School, or other serious violations.6. Confidentialitya. The Teacher agrees to maintain the confidentiality of all student records, curriculum materials, and other sensitive information.b. The School agrees to protect the Teacher's personal information and not disclose it to third parties without consent.7. Entire AgreementThis contract contains the entire agreement between the School and the Teacher, and supersedes any previous agreements or understandings, whether written or oral.In witness whereof, the parties have executed this agreement as of the date first above written.[School Name]: ________________________________[Teacher's Name]: _______________________________Date: ______________________篇5Foreign Teacher ContractThis agreement is made and entered into on XX month XX day, 20XX, by and between (School Name), hereinafter referred to as the School and (Teacher Name), hereinafter referred to as the Teacher, upon the following terms and conditions:1. Term of ContractThe School agrees to employ the Teacher as an English teacher, teaching English as a second language to students. The contract shall commence on XX month XX day, 20XX, and terminate on XX month XX day, 20XX.2. Duties of the TeacherThe Teacher shall perform the following duties during the term of the contract:- Prepare and teach English lessons to students according to the curriculum provided by the School.- Develop and implement lesson plans that meet the needs of students at various proficiency levels.- Evaluate students' progress and provide feedback on their performance.- Collaborate with other teachers and staff members to further students' English language learning.3. CompensationThe School shall pay the Teacher a monthly salary of XXXX USD, which shall be paid on the XX day of each month. The School shall also provide the Teacher with housing, medical insurance, and round-trip airfare.4. Work ScheduleThe Teacher's work schedule shall be from XX AM to XX PM, Monday through Friday, with weekends off. The Teacher may be required to work additional hours for school events or activities.5. HolidaysThe Teacher shall be entitled to all national holidays as well as XX days of paid vacation per year. The exact dates of the holiday schedule and vacation time shall be determined by the School.6. TerminationEither party may terminate this contract with XX days' written notice. In the event of termination, the Teacher shall receive a severance payment equivalent to XX month's salary.7. Governing LawThis contract shall be governed by the laws of (Country Name). Any disputes arising under this contract shall be resolved through arbitration.In witness whereof, the parties have executed this contract as of the date first written above.(School Name) (Teacher Name)_________________________ _________________________(School Signature) (Teacher Signature)By: (Authorized Signature) By: (Teacher Signature)。
外教中英文雇佣合同activities.IV.甲方的职责The duties of Party A1.为乙方提供必要的教学设备和教学资源。
Provide Party B with XXX.2.为乙方提供必要的工作和生活条件,包括但不限于提供住宿、餐饮、医疗保险等。
Provide Party B with necessary working and living ns。
including but not XXX。
medical insurance。
Provide Party B with XXX.V.薪酬及福利XXX1.甲方将按照合同约定向乙方支付工资。
Party A shall pay Party B salary according to the contract.2.甲方将为乙方提供医疗保险。
Party A shall provide Party B with medical insurance.3.甲方将为乙方提供带薪年假。
Party A shall provide Party XXX.VI.保密条款Confidentiality Clause1.乙方应当保守甲方的商业秘密和机密信息。
Party B shall keep Party A’s business XXX.2.未经甲方书面同意,乙方不得向第三方泄露甲方的商业秘密和机密信息。
Without written consent from Party A。
Party B shall not disclose Party A’XXX n to any third party.VII.违约责任XXX1.如果乙方违反合同规定,甲方有权解除合同。
If Party B lates the contract。
Party A has the right to XXX.2.如果甲方违反合同规定,应当向乙方支付违约金。
培训学校兼职外教合同模板 英文版
编号:_____________Job Offer and Agreement(Part-time)The Employer:_____________________The Employee:_____________________签订日期:_______年______月______日(the name of your school) decides to offer (passport number: ) a part-time teaching position starting onThe working schedule agreed upon both parties is as follow:.Duties and ObligationsThe duties to be performed by the employee include (but not limited to):1.Teaching English Corners, private classes or hosting activities as assigned by the Education Supervisor of the school.2.Other duties as assigned by the Education Supervisor and agreed upon by both parties.3.The st atement in the employee’s curriculum vitae, resume,references and other information submitted to the employer in support of the Employee’s application for this part-time position must be true and not misleading in any sense.4.The employee has a valid passport. The employee is not a member of any organization that may be regarded by authorities as a threat to public security or social order of China.5.The employee must perform the duties in a professional and diligent manner.6.The employee must obey the written and/or verbal directions of the employer.7.The employee must at all time comply with the terms and conditions of this job offer and agreement and the rules and regulations of the employer.8.The employee must at all time comply with the laws of the PRC9.The employee must not harm the image of the Employer or other staff with the employer.10.The employee must provide the passport and visa copy to HR department within one week after the agreement is signed. RemunerationThe Employee’s remuneration is calculated according to his/her actual teaching hours:1.The actual teacher hour should be not more than 4 hours per day and not more than 24 hours per week.2.RMB 150 per class (before tax). Usually the school will arrange two classes in a row and another yuan will be given as a transportation fee every time the ESL teacher comes to teach.3.The school should note the employee one –week’s working schedule if there is any change upon the agreed schedule.4.The first performance review will be made after the first month. And the review report will be a reference for raising the salary of the part time teachers.5.The employee will be paid on the 10th of each month, not in advance, for the teaching hours in the previous month(every 1st to the last day of the month).6.The Employee gets the payment in the center within the pay period from the 10th to the 15th of every month. Over the period, the employee should contact the direct Education Supervisor for the payment.Penalty for Misconduct1.The penalty takes form of termination of this agreement or deduction in pay for the month when the misconduct occurs. Misconducts include failure in teaching scheduled classes without a notice at least one day in advance, being late for the scheduled classes for more than 8 minutes, and other conducts that may negatively influence the employer.2.If the employee fails in teaching scheduled classes without a notice at least one day in advance, the deduction in pay is RMB 200 per incident. Any other misconduct, the deduction in pay is RMB300 per incident. And the employee must note the school at least 7 seven days earlier if he or she is going to end this contract before thevalidity period of this contract, or another RMB300 is going to be deducted.3.Exceptions are accidents or urgent health problems, in which case, the employee must inform the Education Supervisor as soon as he/she realizes the accident or problem and must find or recommend a substitute teacher with the qualifications required by the employer. TerminationThe employer reserves the right to terminate this agreement in the following circumstances:1.The employee brings the school into disrepute.2.Misconducts of the employee occur.3.The employee breaches the confidentiality clause as referred to in section “confidentiality”4.If the employee is guilty of dereliction of duty, incompetence,insubordination,dishonesty or other breaches of employee’s duties or obligations under this agreement or the rules and regulations of the school.5.The employee fails to work for 30 consecutive days.The employee reserves the right to terminate this agreement with a two-week notice in writing in the following circumstances: The employer fails to comply with the terms of this agreementConfidentialityThe employee must keep all information regarding to t he employer’s teaching methods and administration confidential.The employee must not disclose details of his/her agreement.The employee must not use the employer’s teaching methods and materials for any other purpose.The obligations of the employee concerning the section titled “Confidentiality” will survive the termination of this agreement. GeneralThe employer cannot arrange the employee the new working schedule without employee’s agreement and should confirm with employee every Friday for the next we ek’s schedule on Email or Message. And the employee should stick to the schedule once confirm with the school on Email or Message. The employer reserves the right to add extra classes in short notice upon the employee’s agreement.This agreement will be interpreted in accordance with and is subject to the laws of PRC. The parties submit irrevocably to thejurisdiction of the courts of the PRC in respect of any dispute relating to or concerning this agreement.The terms and conditions of this agreement prevail over any conflicting or inconsistent provisions of the Employer’s rules or regulations. This agreement is effective immediately and supersedesany prior agreements, understandings or representations relating to or concerning the Employee’s employment by the Employer.Each party will receive a signed copy of this agreement. Both versions are identical and equal in the eyes of the law. The Employee acknowledges receipt of a copy of this agreement.The Employer: The Employee/ the Signature:Date:: Date:。
外教聘用合同范本 英文
外教聘用合同范本英文EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTBetween: [Employer's Name]And: [Employee's Name]Contract Date: [Date of Contract]1. Position and DutiesThe Employer here employs the Employee to perform the following duties as an [Position Title e.g., English Teacher]:Preparing and delivering English language lessons to students of various levels.Developing and updating lesson plans and materials to meet the needs of the students.Assessing and providing feedback on student progress and performance.Participating in staff meetings, trning, and other professional development activities.Encouraging student engagement and motivation to learn English.Collaborating with other teachers and staff to ensure a positive learning environment.2. Term of EmploymentThis employment contract shall mence on [Start Date] and shall continue until [End Date]. The Employer may choose to renew this contract upon mutual agreement between both parties.3. Working Hours and DaysThe Employee shall work [Number of Hours] hours per week, consisting of [Number of Days] days. The working hours shall be from [Start Time] to [End Time], unless otherwise agreed upon both parties.4. CompensationThe Employer shall provide the Employee with a monthly salary of [Salary Amount] to be pd on the [Payment Date]. The salary is subject to applicable taxes and deductions.5. BenefitsThe Employee shall be end to the following benefits:Pd time off, including [Number of Days] vacation days per year.Sick leave, with a maximum of [Number of Days] days per year.[Optional] Health insurance coverage, detls of which will be provided separately.[Optional] Pension or retirement savings plan, detls of which will be provided separately.6. Termination of EmploymentEither party may terminate this employment contract with a minimum of [Number of Weeks] weeks' notice in writing. In the event of termination, the Employee shall be end to receive any accrued but unused vacation pay.7. Confidentiality and Non-DisclosureThe Employee agrees to mntn strict confidentiality regarding all aspects of the Employer's business, including, but not limited to, student information, teaching materials, and operational procedures. The Employee shall not disclose any confidential information to third parties or use it for personal gn.8. Intellectual PropertyThe Employee acknowledges that all materials created or developed during the course of employment shall be the property of the Employer. The Employee shall not publish or distribute any materials created for the Employer without prior written consent.9. Governing Law and JurisdictionThis employment contract shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of [Country/State]. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this contract shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of [Country/State].10. Entire AgreementThis employment contract constitutes the entire agreement between the Employer and the Employee, superseding any previous agreements, whetherwritten or oral. Any amendments to this contract must be made in writing and signed both parties.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this employment contract as of the date first above written.[Employer's Name][Employee's Name][Signature][Signature][Date][Date]Note: This is a sample employment contract and should be tlored to meet the specific needs and legal requirements of both the employer and employee. It is remended that both parties consult with legal professionals before entering into any employment contract.。
语言学校用外教聘用合同英文Language School Employment Contract for Foreign TeachersThis Employment Contract (hereinafter referred to as "the Contract") is entered into by and between [Language School Name] (hereinafter referred to as "the School") and [Foreign Teacher's Name] (hereinafter referred to as "the Teacher") on [Contract Date].1. Contract PeriodThe Contract shall be valid for a period of [Contract Duration], starting from [Contract Start Date] and ending on [Contract End Date]. Both parties shall comply with the provisions herein during the contract period.2. Roles and Responsibilities2.1 School's Responsibilities2.1.1 The School agrees to provide the Teacher with a suitable working environment and necessary teaching materials.2.1.2 The School shall assist the Teacher in obtaining a legal work permit and other necessary documents to work in [Country Name].2.1.3 The School will arrange a reasonable teaching schedule for the Teacher and provide necessary support and guidance throughout their employment.2.2 Teacher's Responsibilities2.2.1 The Teacher shall perform their duties professionally and diligently, undertaking to fulfill the assigned teaching tasks and related responsibilities.2.2.2 The Teacher shall strictly follow the School's curriculum and teaching guidelines.2.2.3 The Teacher shall maintain good communication with the School and promptly report any issues or concerns related to their employment.3. Payment and Benefits3.1 Salary3.1.1 The School agrees to pay the Teacher a monthly salary of [Salary Amount] in local currency, which will be paid on the [Payment Date] of each month.3.1.2 Any additional benefits or allowances, such as housing allowance or medical insurance, shall be provided as agreed upon by both parties.3.2 Vacation and Holidays3.2.1 The Teacher shall be entitled to a paid vacation of [Number of Days] per year, subject to the School's academic calendar.3.2.2 The Teacher shall also be entitled to public holidays as per the regulations of [Country Name].4. Termination4.1 Termination by the School4.1.1 The School reserves the right to terminate the Contract if the Teacher engages in serious misconduct, fails to fulfill their duties, or breaches any terms and conditions stated herein.4.1.2 The School shall provide the Teacher with a written notice of termination at least [Notice Period] days in advance, stating the reason for termination.4.2 Termination by the Teacher4.2.1 The Teacher may terminate the Contract by providing a written notice to the School at least [Notice Period] days in advance.4.2.2 In the event of termination, the Teacher shall complete any pending teaching tasks and return all teaching materials and resources to the School.5. Confidentiality and Intellectual Property5.1 Confidentiality5.1.1 Both parties shall undertake to keep confidential any information related to the School's operations, students, or other confidential matters obtained during the employment period.5.1.2 This confidentiality obligation shall continue to be binding even after the termination of the Contract.5.2 Intellectual Property5.2.1 Any teaching materials, lesson plans, or other intellectual property created by the Teacher during the employment period shall be the property of the School.5.2.2 The Teacher shall not disclose, use, or reproduce any School-owned intellectual property without prior written consent from the School.6. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution6.1 Governing LawThe Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Country Name]. Any disputes arising from or in connection with the Contract shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in [City/Region].7. Entire AgreementThis Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the School and the Teacher, superseding any prior oral or written agreements. Any amendments or modifications to the Contract shall be made in writing and signed by both parties.By signing below, the School and the Teacher acknowledge and accept the terms and conditions set forth in this Contract.[Signature of School Representative] [Signature of Teacher][Date] [Date]。
外教英文合同范本English Teacher ContractThis Contract is made and entered into on [date] between [school/institution name] (hereinafter referred to as the "Employer") and [teacher's full name] (hereinafter referred to as the "Teacher").1. Job DescriptionThe Teacher will be responsible for teaching English courses to [students' level or group] at the Employer's institution. The teaching duties include preparing lesson plans, delivering classes, assessing students' progress, and providing feedback to students and the Employer.2. Working Hours and LocationThe Teacher's working hours will be [specify hours] per week. The classes will be conducted at the Employer's premises located at [address].3. Salary and BenefitsThe Employer will pay the Teacher a monthly salary of [amount] in [currency]. The salary will be pd on a [payment frequency] basis. In addition, the Teacher will be end to the following benefits: [list any benefits, such as health insurance, vacation days, etc.]4. Term of ContractThis contract is for a period of [contract duration] starting from [start date] and ending on [end date]. Either party may terminate this contract with [notice period] written notice to the other party.5. Intellectual PropertyAll teaching materials and resources developed the Teacher during the course of this employment shall be the property of the Employer. The Teacher agrees not to use or disclose such materials to any third party without the prior written consent of the Employer.6. ConfidentialityThe Teacher agrees to keep all information related to the Employer, its students, and its operations confidential. The Teacher shall not disclose such information to any third party during or after the term of this contract.7. Professional ConductThe Teacher is expected to mntn a high level of professional conduct and ethics. The Teacher shall adhere to the Employer's policies and procedures, as well as any applicable laws and regulations.8. Dispute ResolutionIn the event of a dispute or disagreement between the parties, they shall attempt to resolve the matter through amicable negotiations. If the dispute cannot be resolved through negotiations, the parties agree to submit the matter to arbitration in accordance with the laws of [arbitration jurisdiction].This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior negotiations, understandings, and agreements. This Contract may be modified or amended only in writing and signed both parties.Employer: [School/Institution Name]Signature: ____________________Date: ____________________Teacher: [Teacher's Full Name]Signature: ____________________Date: ____________________。
Contract of EmploymentThis contract is made and entered into by and between [Your Institution/Training Center] (hereinafter referred to as the "Employer") and [Foreign Teacher's Name] (hereinafter referred to as the "Employee").1. Position and ResponsibilitiesThe Employee will be employed as an English teacher. The main responsibilities include but are not limited to:- Conducting classroom teaching according to the school's curriculum.- Preparing lesson plans and teaching materials in accordance with the syllabus.- Assessing students' progress and providing appropriate feedback.- Participating in school activities and events as required.2. Term of ContractThe initial term of this contract shall begin on [start date] and end on [end date]. This contract can be renewed by mutual agreement of bothparties. The Employee will be given a notice period of no less than [number of days] if the contract is not renewed.3. Working Hours and ScheduleThe Employee shall work approximately [number of hours] per week, including teaching hours and office hours. The detailed schedule will be arranged by the Employer and communicated in advance. The Employee may be required to work weekends or evenings from time to time, with adequate compensation or time-off provided.4. Compensation and BenefitsThe Employee shall receive a monthly salary of [amount] payable in [currency]. The salary will be paid on a monthly basis, no later than [payment date]. In addition, the Employer will provide the following benefits:- Accommodation: The Employer will provide a fully furnished apartment or housing allowance.- Health Insurance: The Employer will provide comprehensive medical insurance coverage for the Employee.- Vacation: The Employee will be entitled to [number of days] paid vacation days per year.5. Termination of EmploymentEither party may terminate this contract by giving a written notice of [number of days] in advance. The Employee's employment may be terminated for reasons including but not limited to:- Breach of contract.- Unsatisfactory performance.- Mutual agreement of both parties.6. Confidentiality AgreementThe Employee agrees to keep all confidential information obtained during the course of employment confidential and not to disclose it to any third party without the prior written consent of the Employer.7. Governing Law and JurisdictionThis contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [country]. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this contract shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of [country].This contract is made in duplicate, with each party retaining one copy.[Your Institution/Training Center][Authorized Signatory]Date: [date][Foreign Teacher's Name][Employee's Signature]Date: [date]以上是一份招聘外教英文合同模板,供学校和培训机构参考使用。
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编号:_______________本资料为word版本,可以直接编辑和打印,感谢您的下载培训学校兼职外教合同模板英文版甲方:___________________乙方:___________________日期:___________________(passport number: ) apart-time teaching position starting onThe working schedule agreed upon both parties is as follow:Duties and ObligationsThe duties to be performed by the employee include (but not limitedto):I. Teaching English Corners , private classes or hosting activities as assigned by the Education Supervisor of the school.2.Other duties as assigned by the Education Supervisor and agreed upon by both parties.3. The st atement in the employee ' s curriculum vitae , resume , references and other information submitted to the employer in supportof the Employee ' s application for this part -time position must be true and not misleading in any sense.4. The employee has a valid passport. The employee is not a member of any organization that may be regarded by authorities as a threat to public security or social order of China.5. The employee must perform the duties in a professional and diligent manner.6. The employee must obey the written and/or verbal directions of the employer.7. The employee must at all time comply with the terms and conditionsof this job offer and agreement and the rules and regulations of the employer.8. The employee must at all time comply with the laws of the PRC9. The employee must not harm the image of the Employer or other staff with the employer.10. The employee must provide the passport and visa copy to HRdepartment within one week after the agreement is signed.RemunerationThe Employee" s remuneration is calculated according to his/heractual teaching hours:1. The actual teacher hour should be not more than 4 hours per day andnot more than 24 hours per week.2. RMB 150 per class (before tax). Usually the school willarrange two classes in a row and another yuan will be given as a transportation fee every time the ESL teacher comes to teach.3. The school should note the employee one - week' s working scheduleif there is any change upon the agreed schedule.4. The first performance review will be made after the first month.And the review report will be a reference for raising the salary of the part time teachers.5. The employee will be paid on the 10 th of each month , not inadvance, for the teaching hours in the previous month(every 1 st to the last day of the month).6. The Employee gets the payment in the center within the pay period from the10 th to the 15 th of every month. Over the period , the employee should contact the direct Education Supervisor for the payment.Penalty for Misconduct1.The penalty takes form of termination of this agreement or deduction in pay for the month when the misconduct occurs.Misconducts include failure in teaching scheduled classes without a notice at least one day in advance , being late for the scheduled classes for more than 8 minutes , and other conducts that may negatively influence the employer.2.If the employee fails in teaching scheduled classes without anotice at least one day in advance , the deduction in pay is RMB 200per incident. Any other misconduct , the deduction in pay is RMB300per incident. And the employee must note the school at least 7 seven days earlier if he or she is going to end this contract before thevalidity period of this contract , or another RMB300 is going to be deducted.3.Exceptions are accidents or urgent health problems , in whichcase, the employee must inform the Education Supervisor as soon as he/she realizes the accident or problem and must find or recommend a substitute teacher with the qualifications required by the employer.Termination.The employer reserves the right to terminate this agreement in the following circumstances:1. The employee brings the school into disrepute.2. Misconducts of the employee occur.3. The employee breaches the confidentiality clause as referred to in section " confidentiality "4.If the employee is guilty of dereliction of duty , incompetence , insubordination , dishonesty or other breaches of employee ' s duties or obligations under this agreement or the rules and regulations of the school.5.The employee fails to work for 30 consecutive days.The employee reserves the right to terminate this agreement with a two-week notice in writing in the following circumstances: The employer fails to comply with the terms of this agreementConfidentialityThe employee must keep all information regarding to t he employer ' s teaching methods and administration confidential.The employee must not disclose details of his/her agreement.The employee must not use the employer ' s teaching methods and materials for any other purpose.The obligations of the employee concerning the section titled"Confidentiality " will survive the termination of this agreement.General.The employer cannot arrange the employee the new working schedule withoutemployee ' s agreement and should confirm with employee every Friday for the next we ek' s schedule on Email or Message. And the employee should stick to the schedule once confirm with the school on Email or Message. The employer reserves the right to add extra classes in short notice upon the employee ' s agreement.This agreement will be interpreted in accordance with and is subject to the laws of PRC. The parties submit irrevocably to the jurisdiction of the courts of the PRC in respect of any dispute relating to or concerning this agreement.The terms and conditions of this agreement prevail over any conflicting or inconsistent provisions of the Employer ' s rules or regulations. This agreement is effective immediately and supersedes any prior agreements , understandings or representations relating to or concerning the Employee ' s employment by the Employer.Each party will receive a signed copy of this agreement. Bothversions are identical and equal in the eyes of the law. The Employee acknowledges receipt of a copy of this agreement.The Employer: The Employee/ the Signature:Date:: Date:。