What is a knowledge representation






knowledge的意思n. 了解,理解,学问(表示多方面的学问时有复数knowledges这一用法),学科,见闻knowledge用法knowledge可以用作名词knowledge可表示“了解,知道”或“学问,熟悉,学问”等,是不行数名词。



knowledge可用some, much, little, more等词修饰。

knowledge用作名词的用法例句He is poor in money, but rich in knowledge.他贫于金钱,但富于学问。

She has a detailed knowledge of this period.她对这段时期的状况了解地相当具体。

Child as he is, he knows much knowledge of science.尽管还是个孩子,他懂得许多科学学问。

knowledge用法例句1、Father had no more than a superficial knowledge of music.父亲对音乐只懂一点皮毛。

2、He did not get a chance to deepen his knowledge of Poland.他没有机会更深化地了解波兰。

3、To the young boy his father was the fount of all knowledge.对于这个小男孩儿来说,他的父亲就是全部学问的源泉。


2.6: 剧本表示法
• 一、剧本的构成
剧本(script)是框架的一种特殊形式,它用一组槽来 描述某些事件的发生序列,就像剧本中的事件序列一 样,故称为“剧本”。 一般由以下各部分组成:
开场条件: 给出在剧本中描述的事件发生的前提条件。 角色: 用来表示在剧本所描述的事件中可能出现的有关人物的 一些槽。 道具: 这是用来表示在剧本所描述的事件中可能出现的有关物 体的一些槽。 场景: 描述事件发生的真实顺序,可以由多个场景组成,每个 场景又可以是其它的剧本。 结果: 给出在剧本所描述的事件发生以后通常所产生的结果。
网络含义:从整体来说, 积木的颜色很可能是蓝色 的,但在砖块中,颜色可 能是红的。
• 四、语义网络 的推理过程
解决由多部分 组成的事物之 间的值传递问 题。
2.5: 框架表示法
• 一、框架的构成
常采用语义网络中的节点-槽-值表示结构,所以框 架也可以定义为是一组语义网络的节点和槽,这组 节点和槽可以描述格式固定的事物、行动和事件。 语义网络可看做节点和弧线的集合,也可以视为框 架的集合。
2.7: 过程表示法
• 例:8-puzzle problem
(8)依次移动将牌,使得空格位置沿图(g)所示的箭 头方向移动,直到空格又回到位置d为止。 (9)依次移动将牌,使得空格位置沿图(h)所示的箭 头方向移动,直到数码6在位置h为止,若这时数码7、 8分别在位置g和d,则问题得解,否则,说明由所给 初始状态达不到所要求的目标状态。

Knowledge Representation 知识表示 共38页

Knowledge Representation 知识表示 共38页
Generality Problem Size
1) Making rules are hard 2) State space is unbounded
First-order Logic
Is able to capture simple Boolean relations and facts
x y Brother(x,y) Sibling(x,y) x y Loves(x,y)
Can capture lots of commonsense knowledge
Not a cure-all
First order Logic - Problems
Faithful captures fact, objects and relations
Blockworlds (1972)
“Find a block which is taller than the one you are holding and put it in the box”
Early Work - Theme
Limit domain
“Microworlds” Allows precise rules
Closed form Calculus Problems x2 x
STUDENT (1967)
“If the number of customers Tom gets is twice the square of 20% of the number of advertisements he runs, and the number of advertisements he runs is 45, what is the number of customers Tom gets?

Knowledge Representation & Reasoning 知识表示与推理;共32页文档

Knowledge Representation & Reasoning 知识表示与推理;共32页文档
Assuming pits uniformly distributed, (2,2) is most likely to have a pit.
Knoweldge Representation & Reasoning
Another tight spot
Smell in (1,1) cannot move.
OK since
no Stench, no Breeze, neighbors are safe (OK).
Knoweldge Representation & Reasoning
Exploring Wumpus World
We move and smell a stench.
Knoweldge Representation & Reasoning
Exploring Wumpus World
Knoweldge Representation & Reasoning
Exploring Wumpus World
• Shooting uses up the only arrow.
• Grabbing picks up the gold if in the same square.
• Releasing drops the gold in the same square.
Knoweldge Representation & Reasoning
Knowledge Representation & Reasoning

1 Logics for Knowledge Representation

1 Logics for Knowledge Representation

Logics for Knowledge RepresentationBernhard NebelAlbert-Ludwigs-Universit¨a t Freiburg,Germany1IntroductionKnowledge representation and reasoning plays a central role in Artificial Intelli-gence.Research in Artificial Intelligence(henceforth AI)started off by trying to identify the general mechanisms responsible for intelligent behavior.However,it quickly became obvious that general and powerful methods are not enough to get the desired result,namely,intelligent behavior.Almost all tasks a human can per-form which are considered to require intelligence are also based on a huge amount of knowledge.For instance,understanding and producing natural language heavily relies on knowledge about the language,about the structure of the world,about social relationships etc.One way to address the problem of representing knowledge and reasoning about it is to use some form of logic.While this seems to be a natural choice,it took a while before this“logical point of view”became the prevalent approach in the area of knowledge representation.Below,we will give a brief sketch of how thefield of knowledge representation evolved and what kind logical methods have been used. Int.Encyc.Social and Behavioral Sciences27February2001In particular,we will argue that the important point about using formal logic is the logical method.2Logic-Based Knowledge Representation:A Historical AccountMcCarthy(1968)stated very early on that mathematical,formal logic appears to be a promising tool for achieving human-level intelligence on computers.In fact, this is still McCarthy’s(2000)vision,which he shares with many researchers in AI.However,in the early days of AI,there were also a number of researchers with a completely different opinion.Minsky(1975),for example,argued that knowl-edge representation formalisms should beflexible and informal.Moreover,he ar-gued that the logical notions of correctness and completeness are inappropriate in a knowledge representation context.While in those days heated arguments of the suitability of logic were exchanged,by the end of the eighties,the logical perspective seem to have gained the upper hand (Brachman1990).During the nineties almost all research in the area of knowledge representation and reasoning was based on formal,logical methods as demonstrated by the papers published in the bi-annual international conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning,which started in1989.It should be noted,however,that two perspectives on logic are possible.Thefirst perspective,taken by McCarthy(1968),is that logic should be used to represent knowledge.That is,we use logic as the representational and reasoning tool insidethe computer.Newell(1982)on the other hand proposed in his seminal paper on the knowledge level to use logic as a formal tool to analyze knowledge.Of course, these two views are not incompatible.Furthermore,once we accept that formal logic should be used as a tool for analyzing knowledge,it is a natural consequence to use logic for representing knowledge and for reasoning about it as well.3Knowledge Representation Formalisms and Their SemanticsSaying that logic is used as the main formal tool does not say which kind of logic is used.In fact,a large variety of logics(Gabbay,Hogger and Robinson1995)have been employed or developed in order to solve knowledge representation and rea-soning problems.Often,one started with a vaguely specified problem,developed some kind knowledge representation formalism without a formal semantics,and only later started to provide a formal ing this semantics,one could then analyze the complexity of the reasoning problems and develop sound and complete reasoning algorithms.I will call this the logical method,which proved to be very fruitful in the past and has a lot of potential for the future.3.1Description LogicsOne good example for the evolution of knowledge representation formalisms is the development of description logics,which have their roots in so-called struc-tured inheritance networks formalisms such as KL-ONE(Brachman1979).These networks were originally developed in order represent word meanings.A conceptnode connects to other concept nodes using roles.Moreover,the roles could be structured as well.These networks permits for,e.g.,the definition of the concept of a bachelor.Later on,these structured inheritance networks were formalized as so-called con-cept languages,terminological logics,or description logics.Concepts were inter-preted as unary predicates,roles as binary relations,and the connections between nodes as so-called value restrictions.This leads for most such description logics to a particular fragment offirst-order predicate logic,namely,the fragment.In this fragment only two different variable symbols are used.As it turns out,this is a decidable fragment offirst-order logic.However,some of the more involved description logics go beyond.They con-tain,e.g.,relational composition or transitive closure.As it turns out,such descrip-tion logics can be understood as variants of multi-modal logics(Schild1991),and decidability and complexity results from these multi-modal logics carry over to the description logics.Furthermore,description logics are very close to feature log-ics as they are used in unification-based grammars.In fact,description logics and feature logics can be viewed as members of the same family of representation for-malisms(Nebel and Smolka1990).All these insights,i.e.,determination of decidability and complexity as well as the design of decision algorithms(e.g.Donini,Lenzerini,Nardi and Nutt1991),are based on the rigorous formalization of the initial ideas.In particular,it is not justone logic that it is used to derive these results,but it is the logical method that led to the success.One starts with a specification of how expressions of the language or formalism have to be interpreted in formal terms.Based on that one can specify when a set of formulae logically implies a formula.Then one can start tofind similar formalisms(e.g.modal logics)and prove equivalences and/or one can specify a method to derive logically entailed sentences and prove them to be correct and complete.3.2Nonmonotonic LogicsAnother interesting area where the logical method has been applied is the devel-opment of the so-called non-monotonic logics.These are based on the intuition that sometimes a logical consequence should be retracted if new evidence becomes known.For example,we may assume that our car will not be moved by somebody else after we have parked it.However,if new information becomes known,such as the fact that the car is not at the place where we have parked it,we are ready to drop the assumption that our car has not been moved.This general reasoning pattern was used quite regularly in early AI systems,but it took a while before it was analyzed from a logical point of view.In1980,a special issue of the Artificial Intelligence journal appeared,presenting different ap-proaches to non-monotonic reasoning,in particular Reiter’s(1980)default logic and McCarthy’s(1980)circumscription approach.A disappointing fact about nonmonotonic logics appears to be that it is very difficult to formalize a domain such that one gets the intended conclusions.In particular,in the area of reasoning about actions,McDermott(1987)has demonstrated that the straightforward formalization of an easy temporal projection problem(the“Yale shooting problem”)does not lead to the desired consequences.However,it is pos-sible to get around this problem.Once all underlying assumptions are spelled out, this and other problem can be solved(Sandewall1994).It took more than a decade before people started to analyze the computational com-plexity(of the propositional versions)of these logics.As it turned out,these log-ics are usually somewhat more difficult than ordinary propositional logic(Gottlob 1992).This,however,seems tolerable since we get much more conclusions than in standard propositional logic.Right at the same time,the tight connection between nonmonotonic logic and belief revision(G¨a rdenfors1988)was noticed.Belief revision–modeling the evolution of beliefs over time–is just one way to describe how the set of nonmonotonic consequences evolve over time,which leads to a very tight connection on the formal level for these two forms of nonmonotonicity(Nebel1991).Again,all these results and insights are mainly based on the logical method to knowledge representation.4OutlookThe above description of the use of logics for knowledge representation is nec-essarily incomplete.For instance,we left out the area of qualitative temporal and spatial reasoning completely.Nevertheless,one should have got an idea of how log-ics are used in the area of knowledge representation.As mentioned,it is the idea of providing knowledge representation formalisms with formal(logical)semantics that enables us to communicate their meaning,to analyze their formal properties, to determine their computational complexity,and to devise reasoning algorithms.While the research area of knowledge representation is dominated by the logical approach,this does not mean that all approaches to knowledge representation must be based on logic.Probabilistic(Pearl1988)and decision theoretic approaches, for instance,have become very popular lately.Nowadays a number of approaches aim at unifying decision theoretic and logical accounts by introducing a qualita-tive version of decision theoretic concepts(Benferhat,Dubois,Fargier,Prade and Sabbadin2000).Other approaches(Boutilier,Reiter,Soutchanski and Thrun2000) aim at tightly integrating decision theoretic concepts such as Markov decision pro-cesses with logical approaches,for instance.Although this is not pure logic,the two latter approaches demonstrate the generality of the logical method:specify the formal meaning and analyze!BibliographyAllen,J. A.,Fikes,R.and Sandewall, E.(eds):1991,Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning:Proceedings of the2nd International Conference(KR-91),Morgan Kaufmann,Cambridge,MA.Benferhat,S.,Dubois,D.,Fargier,H.,Prade,H.and Sabbadin,R.:2000,Decision, nonmonotonic reasoning and possibilistic logic,in Minker(2000),pp.333–360. Boutilier,C.,Reiter,R.,Soutchanski,M.and Thrun,S.:2000,Decision-theoretic,high-level agent programming in the situation calculus,Proceedings of the17th National Conference of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence(AAAI-2000),MIT Press,Austin,TX.Brachman,R.J.:1979,On the epistemological status of semantic networks,in N.V.Findler (ed.),Associative Networks:Representation and Use of Knowledge by Computers, Academic Press,New York,NY,pp.3–50.Brachman,R.J.:1990,The future of knowledge representation,Proceedings of the8th National Conference of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence(AAAI-90),MIT Press,Boston,MA,pp.1082–1092.Donini,F.M.,Lenzerini,M.,Nardi,D.and Nutt,W.:1991,The complexity of concept languages,in Allen,Fikes and Sandewall(1991),pp.151–162.Gabbay,D.M.,Hogger,C.J.and Robinson,J.A.(eds):1995,Handbook of Logic in Artificial Intelligence and Logic Programming–Vol.1–5,Oxford University Press, Oxford,UK.G¨a rdenfors,P.:1988,Knowledge in Flux—Modeling the Dynamics of Epistemic States, MIT Press,Cambridge,MA.Gottlob,G.:1992,Complexity results for nonmonotonic logics,Journal for Logic and Computation2(3),397–425.McCarthy,J.:1968,Programs with common sense,in M.Minsky(ed.),Semantic Information Processing,MIT Press,Cambridge,MA,pp.403–418.McCarthy,J.:1980,Circumscription—a form of non-monotonic reasoning,Artificial Intelligence13(1–2),27–39.McCarthy,J.:2000,Concepts of logical AI,in Minker(2000),pp.37–58. McDermott,D.V.:1987,A critique of pure reason,Computational Intelligence3(3),151–160.Minker,J.(ed.):2000,Logic-Based Artificial Intelligence,Kluwer,Dordrecht,Holland. Minsky,M.:1975,A framework for representing knowledge,in P.Winston(ed.),The Psychology of Computer Vision,McGraw-Hill,New York,NY,pp.211–277. Nebel,B.:1991,Belief revision and default reasoning:Syntax-based approaches,in Allen et al.(1991),pp.417–428.Nebel,B.and Smolka,G.:1990,Representation and reasoning with attributive descriptions, in K.-H.Bl¨a sius,U.Hedtst¨u ck and C.-R.Rollinger(eds),Sorts and Types in Artificial Intelligence,V ol.418of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence,Springer-Verlag, Berlin,Heidelberg,New York,pp.112–139.Newell,A.:1982,The knowledge level,Artificial Intelligence18(1),87–127.Pearl,J.:1988,Probabilistic Reasoning in Intelligent Systems:Networks of Plausible Inference,Morgan Kaufmann,San Francisco,CA.Reiter,R.:1980,A logic for default reasoning,Artificial Intelligence13(1),81–132. Sandewall,E.:1994,Features and Fluents,Oxford University Press,Oxford,UK. Schild,K.:1991,A correspondence theory for terminological logics:Preliminary report, Proceedings of the12th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-91),Morgan Kaufmann,Sydney,Australia,pp.466–471.。



知识的英语高级表达1. 与知识相关的动词短语- Acquire knowledge (获得知识)- Deepen one's understanding (加深理解) - Expand one's horizons (拓宽视野)- Broaden one's knowledge (扩展知识)- Enhance one's expertise (提高专业水平) 2. 描述知识水平的形容词- Proficient (熟练的)- Knowledgeable (有知识的)- Well-informed (消息灵通的)- Erudite (博学的)- Astute (机智的)3. 描述知识来源的名词- Reference materials (参考资料)- Primary sources (原始资料)- Secondary sources (次级资料)- Academic journals (学术期刊)- Online databases (在线数据库)4. 描述知识应用的动词短语- Apply knowledge (应用知识)- Utilize expertise (利用专业知识)- Implement strategies (实施策略)- Execute plans (执行计划)- Put theory into practice (把理论付诸实践) 5. 描述知识价值的形容词- Valuable (有价值的)- Practical (实用的)- Insightful (有见地的)- Relevant (相关的)- Applicable (适用的)6. 描述知识来源的形容词- Authoritative (权威的)- Credible (可信的)- Reliable (可靠的)- Trustworthy (值得信赖的)- Accurate (准确的)7. 描述知识缺乏的短语- Lack knowledge (缺乏知识)- Be ignorant of (对...一无所知)- Have limited understanding (理解有限)- Be unfamiliar with (对...不熟悉)- Be out of touch with (与...脱节)8. 描述知识的限制和局限性的短语- Have a narrow perspective (视野狭窄)- Be biased (有偏见)- Be subjective (主观的)- Be influenced by personal beliefs (受个人信仰影响) - Be limited by cultural background (文化背景限制)9. 描述知识的价值和重要性的短语- Knowledge is power (知识就是力量)- Knowledge is the key to success (知识是成功的关键) - Knowledge is a priceless asset (知识是无价之宝)- Knowledge is the foundation of progress (知识是进步的基石)- Knowledge is a lifelong pursuit (知识是终身追求)。

Knowledge Representation

Knowledge Representation

Haven’t been eaten by a Wumpus.
Knoweldge Representation & Reasoning
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱExploring Wumpus World OK since no Stench, no Breeze, neighbors are safe (OK).
Declarative vs procedural approach:
Declarative approach is an approach to system building that consists in expressing the knowledge of the environment in the form of sentences using a representation language.
• Squares adjacent to wumpus are smelly. • Squares adjacent to pit are breezy. • Glitter if and only if gold is in the same square. • Shooting kills the wumpus if you are facing it. • Shooting uses up the only arrow. Goals: Get gold back to the start without • Grabbing picks up the gold if in the same square. entering in pit or wumpus square. • Releasing drops the gold in the Percepts: Breeze, Glitter, Smell. same square.



高考英语写作功能词“知识”表达详解一、主要英语对应词及其用法结构1.名词(knowledge, learning, know-how, science, intellectual, intelligentsia, expertise, erudition)△to acquire knowledge 学习知识to regard knowledge as private property 知识私有to gain/obtain knowledge获取/掌握知识to enrich one's knowledge丰富自己的知识to gather/accumulate/build up/store up knowledge 积累知识to broaden/enlarge/amplify/expand one's knowledge 扩大知识面to deepen / absorb / digest/utilize / pursue knowledge加深/吸收/消化/应用/追求知识to update/upgrade one's knowledge 更新知识to discover new knowledge 发现新知识to impa rt knowledge to sb.向某人传授知识to augment/increase knowledge 增加知识to advance/improve one's knowledge 增进知识to prize/treasure knowledge 珍视知识to have a wide range of knowledge 有渊博的知识to air/flash /flaunt/parade one's knowledge 炫耀知识to derive one's knowledge from practice 从实践中获得知识to convey/distribute/disseminate knowledge 传播知识to propagate a knowledge of...宣传…的知识to possess(have)a good(profound)/an ample/an up-to-date/a comprehensive/an adequate/an exclusive/a special (specific)/a professional/many-sided/a rudimentary/a partial/a scanty knowledge of...具有…方面的渊博的/丰富的/最新的/综合的/足够的/专有的/专门的/专业的/多方面的/初步的/不完全的/一知半解的知识to lack knowledge about…缺乏关于…方面的知识to look for new knowledge about …探索关于…方面的新知识there are still some gaps/deficiencies in our knowledge of...the advancement/updating of one' s knowledge 知识更新knowledge explosion/representation/industry/field/engineering/worker/composition/management/acquisition/hierarchy/information/occupation/professional /base/reasoning知识爆炸/知识表达/知识产业/知识场/知识工程/知识工人/知识构成/知识管理/知识获取/知识体系/知识信息/知识职业/知识专家/知识库/知识推理representation of knowledge 知识表达法structure of knowledge 知识结构value of knowledge 知识价值knowledge-intensive economy 知识密集型经济acquisition of knowledge 知识的掌握transfer of knowledge 知识转让state of knowledge 知识状态△a person of great /real learning知识渊博的人/具有真才实学的人△to enlarge one's know-how拓宽自己的实际知识△a person of immense erudition学识极为渊博的人△intellectual property 知识产权to protect/respect intellectual property保护/尊重知识产权△The mental commodity most in need will be practical wisdom rather than specialized expertise.(最迫切需要的智力商品与其说是实用的智慧不如说是专门知识。



K NOWLEDGE R EPRESENTATION T ECHNIQUESBy Captain Wilfried HonekampMarch 2004C ONTENTS i C ONTENTS1INTRODUCTION (1)2KNOWLEDGE REPRESENTATION TECHNIQUES (2)2.1 S EMANTIC N ETS (2)2.2 F RAMES AND SCRIPTS (2)2.3 L OGIC (3)2.4 F ACTS AND RULES (3)2.5 S TATISTIC (4)2.6 N EURAL N ETWORKS (5)2.7 M IXED A PPROACHES (6)3CONCLUSIONS (7)4BIBLIOGRAPHY (8)L IST OF FIGURES ii L IST OF FIGURESFigure 1: A Semantic Net (2)Figure 2: Two frames describing a human being (2)Figure 3: Shank’s famous restaurant script (3)Figure 4: Adjustable Rule Set (4)Figure 5: A Bayes Belief Network (5)Figure 6: Simplified illustration of a neural network (5)Figure 7: Parameters of a perceptron (6)I NTRODUCTION 11I NTRODUCTIONKnowledge Representation is the method used to encode knowledge in Intelligent Systems. An Intelligent System is an engineered system which has a purpose and uses techniques of artificial intelligence to fulfil its task. This essay is about advantages and drawbacks of knowledge representation techniques. Therefore in the next chapter a variety of possible tech-niques is described and assessed. In the last chapter then the results are summarised and some conclusions are drawn.2K NOWLEDGE R EPRESENTATION TECHNIQUES2.1Semantic NetsIn Semantic Nets the knowledge is represented by a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG). In-stances are represented as nodes and relationships, influences or dependencies are depicted as Arrows. Figure 1 depicts a simple Semantic Net.Figure 1: A Semantic Net1All features are inheritable, thus an emu is not only a bird but also has wings and can fly. This eases the implementation in modern developing environments, above all if these are object oriented. The modular structure and the coherence make Semantic Nets simple to be modified and reused. As it is a graphical method it is easy to understand. The method is especially suit-able for binary relationships. One drawback is the lack of standards for the links between in-stances. Complex relationships and structures can only be depicted with huge graphs. Uncer-tainty and incomplete information can hardly be represented. The expenditure of work to ex-press relationships is relatively high and the visual appeal can be misleading in case of the representation of a node. They can be concepts, classes and nodes.2.2Frames and scriptsIn frames instances are represented as classes with slots of attributes. These attributes can be linked to other frames to depict influences, dependencies or connections. Frames use inheri-tance like Semantic Nets. An example of connected frames is given in Figure 2.Figure 2: Two frames describing a human being1 Taken from: Marshall, Dave: Artificial Intelligence2 COURSEWARE, Lecture notes + integrated exercises, solutions and marking, 2004Scripts describe a particular process in simple steps. Figure 3 depicts the probably most fa-mous script of someone having a meal at a restaurant.THE RESTAURANT SCRIPT1) Actor goes to a restaurant.2) Actor is seated.3) Actor orders a meal from waiter.4) Waiter brings the meal to actor.5) Actor eats the meal.6) Actor gives money to the restaurant.7) Actor leaves the restaurant.Figure 3: Shank’s famous restaurant script2Frames and scripts are appropriate for the representation of stereotypical knowledge. They can depict hierarchies by connections and uncertainty by unfilled slots. Slots in frames and parts of scripts can be inserted and deleted which provides high flexibility. Default values can be used to represent common sense. The execution of frames and scripts is relatively efficient. On the other hand the precise structure is hard to select to achieve an optimal performance. Furthermore complex concepts, influences and dependencies are difficult to represent.2.3LogicAll varieties of logic base on the binary or propositional logic knowing only the states true and false. These can be combined by operators like or, and, not or Implication. An extension of the propositional logic is the predicate calculus which includes variables, functions and quantifiers. A further extension is the Fuzzy Logic which uses ranges of values, so called Fuzzy Sets, to calculate a determined value with blurry information. Logic often seems a natural way to express certain notions, it is precise flexible and modular. That is why pro-gramming languages and Expert System Shell are often based on logic. The major drawback is the separation of representing and processing.2.4Facts and rulesSimplified this can be described as an If Then function where the If part consists of a bunch of parameters and AND or OR operators. Expert systems can be extended by learning compo-nents, so rules can be added or deleted. Expert systems, for example, contain an inference machine which uses adjustable rule sets (R) to analyse facts (X) and steering (P) parameters to draw conclusions (Y). This is illustrated in Figure 2.2 Taken from: HUMA 201: HUMA 201 Metaphors in English and Chinese, 2004Figure 4: Adjustable Rule Set3Rules can include certainty factors, priorities and fuzzy states. They are easy to extend and small knowledge bases are easy to maintain. Furthermore they can provide an explanation component. The similarity to human reasoning makes this technique the most understandable and suitable for Expert Systems. Additionally there are several conflict resolutions strategies for the inference engine available. One problem with rule sets is the speed. Matching a condi-tion, selecting a rule and firing needs much more time then other methods and is so inherently inefficient. A second drawback occurs when knowledge bases grow significantly large enough. Then they are hard to maintain and debug not only because the order of rules which is often crucial. Finally the control knowledge is frequently mixed up with the domain knowl-edge. So the context in which a rule applies is to be considered.2.5StatisticEmpirical or calculated data can be an example of the use of statistical information is a Bayes-ian Belief Network. Foundation of a Bayesian Belief Network is the probability of its events and the conditional probability of an event chain. The probability of an event B occurring given that an event A has already occurred is expressed mathematically as P(B|A) = P(B∩A) / P(A). Bayes found a way of answering the question using the flip conditional probability of event A given that event B has occurred. His theorem provides the probability of the truth of a hypothesis, H, given some evidence, E, and is expressed mathematically as P(H|E) = P(H) * P(E|H) / P(E), where P(H|E) is the reverse probability that H is true given E, P(H) is the prior probability that H is true, P(E|H) is the probability of observing E when H is true and P(E) is the probability of E occurring.4 Figure 3 describes this in connection with a medical diagnose. For each event the probability of being true or false is given.3 Taken from: Tolk, Andreas: Human Behaviour Representation – Recent Developments, 20024 Further described in: Brosnan, Amanda: Use of Bayesian Belief Networks for Enemy Course of Action As-sessment at the Tactical Level, Masters Thesis, Shrivenham, 2003Figure 5: A Bayes Belief Network5Using the conditional probabilities of the event chains, a diagnose can be made, which disease is the most likely. These systems can handle uncertainty and provide information even with-out any input. Therefore this technique is suitable especially for Decision Support or Expert Systems. The disadvantage is the ease of misinterpretation this technique provides. If a system suggests one solution with a probability of sixty percent and another with forty percent one can be mislead to think the solution with the higher probability has to be the correct one.2.6Neural NetworksAnother approach to represent knowledge is the use of neural networks. These mathematical models of connections of neurons, human brain cells are depicted in Figure 4.Figure 6: Simplified illustration of a neural network65 Taken from: Looney, Carl: CS 773c - Intelligent Systems Applications: Information Fusion, 20016 Taken from: Z Solutions: Light Description of Neural NetworksBy customising input weights (w), threshold (Ω), activation function (F) or output function (F’) of particular perceptrons (mathematical neurons, see Figure 5), the network can be trai-ned or when implemented, learn unauthorised.Figure 7: Parameters of a perceptron7Neural networks are especially suitable for pattern matching. Known constellations of pa-rameters can be recognised and determined output can be given. In contrast to rule based sys-tems neural networks can be robust and error tolerant, so similar situations can be identified. Some of the most famous neural networks are back propagation nets, Hopfield Network and the Boltzmann-Machine.8Neural networks are extremely suitable for pattern matching and searching because of their capability of being trained. The disadvantage is the complexity. The creation of neural nets assumes a deep knowledge of their function.2.7Mixed ApproachesCertainly all previous mentioned ways can be combined. This combination represents a pow-erful but complicated solution. The problem is the data exchange between the different meth-ods. Here potent interfaces must be created.7 Taken from (and modified): Z Solutions: Light Description of Neural Networks8 Further described in: Honekamp, Wilfried: Intelligente Systeme. Skriptum zur Vorlesung, Fachbereich Wirt-schaft, Hochschule Bremen, 2002C ONCLUSIONS73C ONCLUSIONSA variety of different techniques exist to represent knowledge of which each has its advan-tages and disadvantages. Mainly application and domain are the crucial factors which one has to be chosen. Semantic Nets are the most visual representation and suitable for binary and simple relationships in a small domain. Frames and scripts provide a high degree of flexibility and are to be used in fast changing but not complex domains. Facts and rules are similar to human reasoning and thus appropriate for Decision Support and Expert Systems dealing with certain knowledge. Uncertainty in this context can be represented by statistical data and func-tions like Bayesian Belief Networks. Relationships are best to be represented with logical connections and when they are blurry with Fuzzy Logic. Complex patterns are the best do-main for neural networks. Finally there can be mixed approaches of two or more techniques to suit special domains and application.B IBLIOGRAPHY8 4B IBLIOGRAPHYBarr, Avron and Fei-genbaum, Edward The Handbook of Artificial Intelligence, Addison-Wesley, Reading 1986Brosnan, Amanda Use of Bayesian Belief Networks for Enemy Course of ActionAssessment at the Tactical Level, Masters Thesis, Shrivenham,2003Honekamp, Wilfried Intelligente Systeme. Skriptum zur Vorlesung, FachbereichWirtschaft, Hochschule Bremen, 2002/kiskript.zip, 27.02.2004 HUMA 201 HUMA 201 Metaphors in English and Chinese, 2004t.hk/~huma201/ai.html, 01.03.2004 Looney, Carl CS 773c - Intelligent Systems Applications: Information Fu-sion, 2001/cs773c/u8/unit8773c.htm, 29.02.2004 Marshall, Dave Artificial Intelligence 2 COURSEWARE, Lecture notes +integrated exercises, solutions and marking, 2004/Dave/AI2/node61.html, 01.03.2004 McNaught, Ken Bayesian Belief Networks, Presentation, Shrivenham, 2004 Sastry, Venkat Knowledge Representation, Presentation, Shrivenham, 2004 Tolk, Andreas Human Behaviour Representation – Recent Developments,2002/Publications/TolkHBR%20Technologies%202002.pdf, 28.02.2004Z Solutions Light Description of Neural Networks/light.htm, 29.02.2004。



3 产生式
把一组产生式放在一起,让它们互相配合,协同作用,一 个产生式生成的结论可以供另一个产生式作为前提使用, 以这种方式求得问题的解决,这样的系统就称为产生式系 统,也称之为基于规则的系统. 一个产生式系统由三个基本部分组成:
3 产生式
1.规则库 由产生式所组成的集合称为规则库.规则库反映了领域知 识,其内容是否完整、一致将直接影响到系统的功能和性 能.规则库中的每一条规则都有一个编号,系统运行时通过 编号标识每一条规则. 2.综合数据库 综合数据库又称为事实库、上下文、黑板等.它是一个类 似缓冲器的数据结构,用于存放问题求解过程中的各种当 前信息.例如问题的初始状态、推理时得到的中间结论及最 终结论等.当规则库中某条产生式的前提可与综合数据库申 某些事实匹配时,该产生式就被激活,并把其结论放大到 综合数据库中,所以综合数据库的内容是在不断变化的, 是动态的.
1 充分表示领域知识
本质上说知识处理也是一类信息处理,主要是符号的处理,包括符 号表示、符号推理和搜索。虽然这种符号处理可以看成传统数据处 理的延伸和发展,但是,符号的内涵不再局限于数据计算和数据处 理中的数据和一般的信息,而主要表示人类推理所需要的各类知识. 除了一些通用知识,例如数学、物理学、逻辑学等知识之外,更需 要应用大量与所解问题领域密切相关的知识,即所谓领域知识.
is_a (car ford)
is_a (X ford)
teach (smith tom) works (smith ibm computer-science)
1 谓词逻辑表示法
可以通过逻辑词将简单的谓词公式联结起来构成复合 的谓词公式,用来表达复杂的内容。这些联结词有否 定词、合取词、析取词、条件词、双条件词等。



知识位势的英语Knowledge is power. It is the understanding of information, facts, and skills that enables individuals to make informed decisions, solve problems, and achieve success. Knowledge is acquired through education, experience, and observation, and it plays a crucial role in shaping our beliefs, values, and behaviors. In today's rapidly changing world, the importance of knowledge cannot be overstated. It empowers individuals to adapt to new situations, navigate complex challenges, and innovate for the future.Knowledge is a fundamental component of human development. It provides the foundation for learning,critical thinking, and creativity. With knowledge, individuals can explore new ideas, challenge existing norms, and contribute to the advancement of society. It alsofosters a sense of curiosity and open-mindedness, encouraging individuals to explore and embrace diverse perspectives and cultures.Furthermore, knowledge is essential for personal and professional growth. It allows individuals to developspecialized skills and expertise in their chosen fields, leading to improved job performance, career advancement, and economic prosperity. In a globalized economy, theability to acquire and apply knowledge is a key determinant of success and competitiveness.Moreover, knowledge empowers individuals to make informed decisions in their personal lives. Whether it's related to health, finance, or relationships, having access to accurate and relevant information enables individuals to make choices that align with their goals and values. It also helps them to navigate and mitigate risks, ultimately leading to a higher quality of life.In addition, knowledge has the power to drive social change and progress. Through education and awareness, individuals can address issues such as inequality, injustice, and environmental degradation. By sharing knowledge and collaborating with others, they can work towards creating a more sustainable and equitable world for future generations.In conclusion, knowledge is indeed a powerful force that drives personal, professional, and societal development. Itempowers individuals to think critically, act decisively, and contribute meaningfully to the world around them. Asthe saying goes, "knowledge is power," and it is essential for individuals to actively seek, cultivate, and share knowledge in order to thrive in today's complex and interconnected world.知识是力量。



• 知识表征(knowledge representation)是指信息在人脑中 的存储和组织形式:即外在的事物、 事件、观念等在人脑中呈现并为人 脑所知的形式。不同知识类的表征 形式存在着较大的差异。本章主要 介绍语义信息的表征和表象表征。
第一节 陈述性知识的表征
• 陈述性知识(declarative knowledge)是一般 意义上的知识,是知道“是什么的知识,包括 书本知识以及一切可以用语言表达的事实,其 表征(representati)形式主要有命题、表象 和图式等,比如你的生日,你朋友的名字,大 熊猫的样子以及夏天的温度通常比冬天高等。 由于有语言作为载体,陈述性知识可以随时提 取,但也会因记忆受到干扰或痕迹消退而产生 遗忘。
• 在个体的认知结构中,陈述性知识的命题表征并 不等同于日常意义中的包子。例如“这个年老的 男子骑着白马”这句话包含三层意思:这个男人 是老人,这个老人骑着马,马是白色的。这三层 意思在认知结构中各由一个命题来表征,因此这 句话含有三个命题。有时两个不同的句子可能表 示的是一个命题。例如“鸟在天上飞”和“天上 飞着鸟”,表达的就是同一个命题,但句式不同。 句子与命题间的关系为:命题用句子表述但不等 于句子,命题只涉及句子所表达的意义。人们在 长时记忆中保持的不是句子本身而是句子所表达 的意义。 • 命题表征主要是言语描述,因此具有语言表 征一些特性,即不连续的、外显的、抽象的,是 通过规则组织起来的代表心理的概念性内容。
第五章 知识表征
• 学习本章内容,将有助于你对以下问题的理解 与思考: • >陈述性知识和程序性知识有什么区别?它们的 表征形式是什么? • >认知心理学中的知识表征主要有哪两大取向? • >图式和脚本是一回事吗? • >心理表象有哪些代表性的理论? • >分布式表征是如何实现的? • >双重编码理论解释了什么问题? • >什么是心理旋转?有哪些经典的研究?



知识表⽰知识表⽰(Knowledge Representation)是长期以来⼈⼯智能研究中的⼀个重要问题。



2.1 知识表⽰⽅法在⼈⼯智能中,知识表⽰就是要把问题求解中所需要的对象、前提条件、算法等知识构造为计算机可处理的数据结构以及解释这种结构的某些过程。












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s Although knowledge representation is one of the central and, in some ways, most familiar con-cepts in AI, the most fundamental question about it—What is it?—has rarely been answered direct-ly. Numerous papers have lobbied for one or another variety of representation, other papers have argued for various properties a representa-tion should have, and still others have focused on properties that are important to the notion of representation in general.In this article, we go back to basics to address the question directly. We believe that the answer can best be understood in terms of five important and distinctly different roles that a representation plays, each of which places different and, at times, conflicting demands on the properties a representation should have. We argue that keep-ing in mind all five of these roles provides a use-fully broad perspective that sheds light on some long-standing disputes and can invigorate both research and practice in the field.W hat is a knowledge representation?We argue that the notion can bestbe understood in terms of five dis-tinct roles that it plays, each crucial to the task at hand:First, a knowledge representation is most fundamentally a surrogate, a substitute for the thing itself, that is used to enable an entity to determine consequences by thinking rather than acting, that is, by reasoning about the world rather than taking action in it.Second, it is a set of ontological commit-ments, that is, an answer to the question, In what terms should I think about the world?Third, it is a fragmentary theory of intelli-gent reasoning expressed in terms of three components: (1) the representation’s funda-mental conception of intelligent reasoning, (2) the set of inferences that the representa-tion sanctions, and (3) the set of inferencesthat it recommends.Fourth, it is a medium for pragmaticallyefficient computation, that is, the computa-tional environment in which thinking isaccomplished. One contribution to this prag-matic efficiency is supplied by the guidancethat a representation provides for organizinginformation to facilitate making the recom-mended inferences.Fifth, it is a medium of human expression,that is, a language in which we say thingsabout the world.Understanding the roles and acknowledg-ing their diversity has several useful conse-quences. First, each role requires somethingslightly different from a representation; eachaccordingly leads to an interesting and differ-ent set of properties that we want a represen-tation to have.Second, we believe the roles provide aframework that is useful for characterizing awide variety of representations. We suggestthat the fundamental mind set of a represen-tation can be captured by understanding howit views each of the roles and that doing soreveals essential similarities and differences.Third, we believe that some previous dis-agreements about representation are usefullydisentangled when all five roles are givenappropriate consideration. We demonstratethe clarification by revisiting and dissectingthe early arguments concerning frames andlogic.Finally, we believe that viewing representa-tions in this way has consequences for bothresearch and practice. For research, this viewprovides one direct answer to a question offundamental significance in the field. It alsosuggests adopting a broad perspective onArticlesSPRING 1993 17What Is a Knowledge Representation?Randall Davis, Howard Shrobe, and Peter SzolovitsCopyright © 1993, AAAI. All rights reserved. 0738-4602-1993 / $2.00Role 1: A KnowledgeRepresentation Is a SurrogateAny intelligent entity that wants to reason about its world encounters an important,inescapable fact: Reasoning is a process that goes on internally, but most things it wants to reason about exist only externally. A pro-gram (or person) engaged in planning the assembly of a bicycle, for example, might have to reason about entities such as wheels,chains, sprockets, and handle bars, but such things exist only in the external world.This unavoidable dichotomy is a funda-mental rationale and role for a representa-tion: It functions as a surrogate inside the reasoner, a stand-in for the things that exist in the world. Operations on and with repre-sentations substitute for operations on the real thing, that is, substitute for direct inter-action with the world. In this view, reasoning itself is, in part, a surrogate for action in the world when we cannot or do not (yet) want to take that action.1Viewing representations as surrogates leads naturally to two important questions. The first question about any surrogate is its intended identity: What is it a surrogate for?There must be some form of correspondence specified between the surrogate and its intended referent in the world; the correspon-dence is the semantics for the representation.The second question is fidelity: How close is the surrogate to the real thing? What attributes of the original does it capture and make explicit, and which does it omit? Per-fect fidelity is, in general, impossible, both in practice and in principle. It is impossible in principle because any thing other than the thing itself is necessarily different from the thing itself (in location if nothing else). Put the other way around, the only completely accurate representation of an object is the object itself. All other representations are inaccurate; they inevitably contain simplify-ing assumptions and, possibly, artifacts.Two minor elaborations extend this view of representations as surrogates. First, it appears to serve equally well for intangible objects as well as tangible objects such as gear wheels: Representations function as surro-gates for abstract notions such as actions,processes, beliefs, causality, and categories,allowing them to be described inside an entity so it can reason about them. Second,formal objects can of course exist inside the machine with perfect fidelity: Mathematical entities, for example, can be captured exactly,precisely because they are formal objects.Because almost any reasoning task willwhat’s important about a representation, and it makes the case that one significant part of the representation endeavor—capturing and representing the richness of the natural world—is receiving insufficient attention. We believe that this view can also improve prac-tice by reminding practitioners about the inspirations that are the important sources of power for a variety of representations.Terminology and PerspectiveTwo points of terminology assist our presen-tation. First, we use the term inference in a generic sense to mean any way to get new expressions from old. We rarely talk about sound logical inference and, when doing so,refer to it explicitly.Second, to give them a single collective name, we refer to the familiar set of basic rep-resentation tools, such as logic, rules, frames,and semantic nets, as knowledge representa-tion technologies.It also proves useful to take explicit note of the common practice of building knowledge representations in multiple levels of lan-guages, typically, with one of the knowledge representation technologies at the bottom level. Hayes’s (1978) ontology of liquids, for example, is at one level a representation com-posed of concepts like pieces of space, with portals, faces, sides, and so on. The language at the next, more primitive (and, as it turns out, bottom) level is first-order logic, where,for example, In (s 1,s 2) is a relation expressing that space s 1is contained in s 2.This view is useful in part because it allows our analysis and discussion to concentrate largely on the knowledge representation tech-nologies. As the primitive representational level at the foundation of knowledge repre-sentation languages, those technologies encounter all the issues central to knowledge representation of any variety. They are also useful exemplars because they are widely familiar to the field, and there is a substantial body of experience with them to draw on.What Is a Knowledge Representation?Perhaps the most fundamental question about the concept of knowledge representa-tion is, What is it? We believe that the answer is best understood in terms of the five funda-mental roles that it plays.arepresentation …functions as a surrogate inside the reasoner…Articles18AI MAGAZINEencounter the need to deal with natural objects(that is, those encountered in the real world) as well as formal objects, imperfect surrogates are pragmatically inevitable.Two important consequences follow from the inevitability of imperfect surrogates. One consequence is that in describing the natural world, we must inevitably lie, by omission at least. At a minimum, we must omit some of the effectively limitless complexity of the nat-ural world; in addition, our descriptions can introduce artifacts not present in the world.The second and more important conse-quence is that all sufficiently broad-based rea-soning about the natural world must eventually reach conclusions that are incor-rect, independent of the reasoning process used and independent of the representation employed. Sound reasoning cannot save us: If the world model is somehow wrong (and it must be), some conclusions will be incorrect, no matter how carefully drawn. A better rep-resentation cannot save us: All representa-tions are imperfect, and any imperfection can be a source of error.The significance of the error can, of course, vary; indeed, much of the art of selecting a good representation is in finding one that minimizes (or perhaps even eliminates) error for the specific task at hand. But the unavoid-able imperfection of surrogates means that we can supply at least one guarantee for any entity reasoning in any fashion about the natural world: If it reasons long enough and broadly enough, it is guaranteed to err.Thus, drawing only sound inferences does not free reasoning from error; it can only ensure that inference is not the source of the error. Given that broad-based reasoning is inevitably wrong, the step from sound infer-ence to other models of inference is thus not a move from total accuracy to error, but is instead a question of balancing the possibility of one more source of error against the gains (for example, efficiency) it might offer.We do not suggest that unsound reasoning ought to be embraced casually, but we do claim that given the inevitability of error, even with sound reasoning, it makes sense to pragmatically evaluate the relative costs and benefits that come from using both sound and unsound reasoning methods.Role 2: A Knowledge Representation Is a Set of Ontological CommitmentsIf, as we argue, all representations are imper-fect approximations to reality, each approxi-mation attending to some things and ignoring others, then in selecting any repre-sentation, we are in the very same actunavoidably making a set of decisions abouthow and what to see in the world. That is,selecting a representation means making a setof ontological commitments.2The commit-ments are, in effect, a strong pair of glassesthat determine what we can see, bringingsome part of the world into sharp focus at theexpense of blurring other parts.These commitments and their focusing-blurring effect are not an incidental sideeffect of a representation choice; they are ofthe essence: A knowledge representation is aset of ontological commitments. It isunavoidably so because of the inevitableimperfections of representations. It is usefullyso because judicious selection of commit-ments provides the opportunity to focusattention on aspects of the world that webelieve to be relevant.The focusing effect is an essential part ofwhat a representation offers because the com-plexity of the natural world is overwhelming.We (and our reasoning machines) need guid-ance in deciding what in the world to attendto and what to ignore. The glasses supplied bya representation can provide this guidance: Intelling us what and how to see, they allow usto cope with what would otherwise be unten-able complexity and detail. Hence, the onto-logical commitment made by a representationcan be one of its most important contribu-tions.There is a long history of work attemptingto build good ontologies for a variety of taskdomains, including early work on an ontolo-gy for liquids (Hayes 1978), the lumped ele-ment model widely used in representingelectronic circuits (for example, Davis andShrobe [1983]) as well as ontologies for time,belief, and even programming itself. Each ofthese ontologies offers a way to see some partof the world.The lumped-element model, for example,suggests that we think of circuits in terms ofcomponents with connections between them,with signals flowing instantaneously alongthe connections. This view is useful, but it isnot the only possible one. A different ontolo-gy arises if we need to attend to the electrody-namics in the device: Here, signals propagateat finite speed, and an object (such as a resis-tor) that was previously viewed as a singlecomponent with an input-output behaviormight now have to be thought of as anextended medium through which an electro-magnetic wave flows.Ontologies can, of course, be written downin a wide variety of languages and notationsAll represen-tations areimperfect,and anyimperfectioncan be asourceof error.ArticlesSPRING 1993 19The ontological commitment of a representa-tion thus begins at the level of the representa-tion technologies and accumulates from there. Additional layers of commitment are made as we put the technology to work. The use of framelike structures in INTERNIST illus-trates. At the most fundamental level, the decision to view diagnosis in terms of frames suggests thinking in terms of prototypes,defaults, and a taxonomic hierarchy. But what are the prototypes of, and how will the taxonomy be organized?An early description of the system (Pople 1982) shows how these questions were answered in the task at hand, supplying the second layer of commitment:The knowledge base underlying the INTERNIST system is composed of two basic types of elements: disease entities and manifestations.… [It] also contains a … hierarchy of disease categories, orga-nized primarily around the concept of organ systems, having at the top level such categories as “liver disease,”“kidney disease,” etc. (pp. 136–137)Thus, the prototypes are intended to cap-ture prototypical diseases (for example, a clas-sic case of a disease), and they will be organized in a taxonomy indexed around organ systems. This set of choices is sensible and intuitive, but clearly, it is not the only way to apply frames to the task; hence, it is another layer of ontological commitment.At the third (and, in this case, final) layer,this set of choices is instantiated: Which dis-eases will be included, and in which branches of the hierarchy will they appear? Ontologi-cal questions that arise even at this level can be fundamental. Consider, for example,determining which of the following are to be considered diseases (that is, abnormal states requiring cure): alcoholism, homosexuality,and chronic fatigue syndrome. The ontologi-cal commitment here is sufficiently obvious and sufficiently important that it is often a subject of debate in the field itself, indepen-dent of building automated reasoners.Similar sorts of decisions have to be made with all the representation technologies because each of them supplies only a first-order guess about how to see the world: They offer a way of seeing but don’t indicate how to instantiate this view. Frames suggest proto-types and taxonomies but do not tell us which things to select as prototypes, and rules suggest thinking in terms of plausible inferences but don’t tell us which plausible inferences to attend to. Similarly, logic tells us to view the world in terms of individuals(for example, logic, Lisp); the essential infor-mation is not the form of this language but the content , that is, the set of concepts offered as a way of thinking about the world. Simply put, the important part is notions such as connections and components, and not whether we choose to write them as predi-cates or Lisp constructs.The commitment we make by selecting one or another ontology can produce a sharply different view of the task at hand.Consider the difference that arises in select-ing the lumped element view of a circuit rather than the electrodynamic view of the same device. As a second example, medical diagnosis viewed in terms of rules (for exam-ple, MYCIN ) looks substantially different from the same task viewed in terms of frames (for example, INTERNIST ). Where MYCIN sees the medical world as made up of empirical associ-ations connecting symptom to disease,INTERNIST sees a set of prototypes, in particular prototypical diseases, that are to be matched against the case at hand.Commitment Begins with the Earliest Choices The INTERNIST example also demon-strates that there is significant and unavoid-able ontological commitment even at the level of the familiar representation technolo-gies. Logic, rules, frames, and so on, embody a viewpoint on the kinds of things that are important in the world. Logic, for example,involves a (fairly minimal) commitment to viewing the world in terms of individual enti-ties and relations between them. Rule-based systems view the world in terms of attribute-object-value triples and the rules of plausible inference that connect them, while frames have us thinking in terms of prototypical objects.Thus, each of these representation tech-nologies supplies its own view of what is important to attend to, and each suggests,conversely, that anything not easily seen in these terms may be ignored. This suggestion is, of course, not guaranteed to be correct because anything ignored can later prove to be relevant. But the task is hopeless in princi-ple—every representation ignores something about the world; hence, the best we can do is start with a good guess. The existing repre-sentation technologies supply one set of guesses about what to attend to and what to ignore. Thus, selecting any of them involves a degree of ontological commitment: The selec-tion will have a significant impact on our per-ception of, and approach to, the task and on our perception of the world being modeled.The Commitments Accumulate in LayersArticles20AI MAGAZINEand relations but does not specify which indi-viduals and relations to use. Thus, commit-ment to a particular view of the world starts with the choice of a representation technolo-gy and accumulates as subsequent choices are made about how to see the world in these terms.Reminder: A Knowledge Representation Is Not a Data Structure Note that at each layer, even the first (for example, selecting rules or frames), the choices being made are about representation, not data structures. Part of what makes a language representational is that it carries meaning (Hayes 1979; Brach-man and Levesque 1985); that is, there is a correspondence between its constructs and things in the external world. In turn, this cor-respondence carries with it a constraint.A semantic net, for example, is a represen-tation, but a graph is a data structure. They are different kinds of entity, even though one is invariably used to implement the other, precisely because the net has (should have) a semantics. This semantics will be manifest in part because it constrains the network topolo-gy: A network purporting to describe family memberships as we know them cannot have a cycle in its parent links, but graphs (that is, data structures) are, of course, under no such constraint and can have arbitrary cycles.Although every representation must be implemented in the machine by some data structure, the representational property is in the correspondence to something in the world and in the constraint that correspon-dence imposes.Role 3: A Knowledge Representation Is a Fragmentary Theory of Intelligent ReasoningThe third role for a representation is as a frag-mentary theory of intelligent reasoning. This role comes about because the initial concep-tion of a representation is typically motivated by some insight indicating how people reason intelligently or by some belief about what it means to reason intelligently at all.The theory is fragmentary in two distinct senses: (1) the representation typically incor-porates only part of the insight or belief that motivated it and (2) this insight or belief is, in turn, only a part of the complex and multi-faceted phenomenon of intelligent reasoning.A representation’s theory of intelligent rea-soning is often implicit but can be made more evident by examining its three compo-nents: (1) the representation’s fundamental conception of intelligent inference, (2) the set of inferences that the representation sanc-tions, and (3) the set of inferences that it rec-ommends.Where the sanctioned inferences indicatewhat can be inferred at all, the recommendedinferences are concerned with what should beinferred. (Guidance is needed because the setof sanctioned inferences is typically far toolarge to be used indiscriminately.) Where theontology we examined earlier tells us how tosee, the recommended inferences suggest howto reason.These components can also be seen as therepresentation’s answers to three correspond-ing fundamental questions: (1) What does itmean to reason intelligently? (2) What canwe infer from what we know? and (3) Whatshould we infer from what we know? Answersto these questions are at the heart of a repre-sentation’s spirit and mind set; knowing itsposition on these issues tells us a great dealabout it.We begin with the first of these compo-nents, examining two of several fundamental-ly different conceptions of intelligentreasoning that have been explored in AI.These conceptions and their underlyingassumptions demonstrate the broad range ofviews on the question and set important con-text for the remaining components.What Is Intelligent Reasoning? What are theessential, defining properties of intelligentreasoning? As a consequence of the relativeyouth of AI as a discipline, insights about thenature of intelligent reasoning have oftencome from work in other fields. Fivefields—mathematical logic, psychology, biolo-gy, statistics, and economics—have providedthe inspiration for five distinguishablenotions of what constitutes intelligent rea-soning (table 1).One view, historically derived from mathe-matical logic, makes the assumption thatintelligent reasoning is some variety of formalcalculation, typically deduction; the modernexemplars of this view in AI are the logicists.A second view, rooted in psychology, sees rea-soning as a characteristic human behaviorand has given rise to both the extensive workon human problem solving and the large col-lection of knowledge-based systems.A third approach, loosely rooted in biology,takes the view that the key to reasoning is thearchitecture of the machinery that accom-plishes it; hence, reasoning is a characteristicstimulus-response behavior that emerges fromthe parallel interconnection of a large collec-tion of very simple processors. Researchersworking on several varieties of connectionismare the current descendants of this line ofArticlesSPRING 1993 21ment.3The line continues with RenéDescartes, whose analytic geometry showed that Euclid’s work, apparently concerned with the stuff of pure thought (lines of zero width, perfect circles of the sorts only the gods could make), could, in fact, be married to algebra, a form of calculation, something mere mortals can do.By the time of Gottfried Wilhelm von Leib-nitz in the seventeenth century, the agenda was specific and telling: He sought nothing less than a calculus of thought , one that would permit the resolution of all human disagree-ment with the simple invocation, “Let us compute.” By this time, there was a clear and concrete belief that as Euclid’s once godlike and unreachable geometry could be captured with algebra, so some (or perhaps any) vari-ety of that ephemeral stuff called thought might be captured in calculation, specifically,logical deduction.In the nineteenth century, G. Boole provid-work. A fourth approach, derived from proba-bility theory, adds to logic the notion of uncertainty, yielding a view in which reason-ing intelligently means obeying the axioms of probability theory. A fifth view, from eco-nomics, adds the further ingredient of values and preferences, leading to a view of intelli-gent reasoning that is defined by adherence to the tenets of utility theory.Briefly exploring the historical develop-ment of the first two of these views (the logi-cal and the psychological) illustrates the different conceptions they have of the funda-mental nature of intelligent reasoning and demonstrates the deep-seated differences in mind set that arise as a consequence.Consider first the tradition that surrounds mathematical logic as a view of intelligent reasoning. This view has its historical origins in Aristotle’s efforts to accumulate and cata-log the syllogisms in an attempt to determine what should be taken as a convincing argu-Articles22AI MAGAZINETable 1. Views of Intelligent Reasoning and Their Intellectual Origins.ed the basis for propositional calculus in his “Laws of Thought”; later work by G. Frege and G. Peano provided additional foundation for the modern form of predicate calculus. Work by M. Davis, H. Putnam, and G. Robin-son in the twentieth century provides the final steps in sufficiently mechanizing deduc-tion to enable the first automated theorem provers. The modern offspring of this line of intellectual development include the many efforts that use first-order logic as a represen-tation and some variety of deduction as the reasoning engine as well as the large body of work with the explicit agenda of making logi-cal reasoning computational, exemplified by PROLOG.This line of development clearly illustrates how approaches to representation are found-ed on and embed a view of the nature of intelligent reasoning. There is here, for exam-ple, the historical development of the under-lying premise that reasoning intelligently means reasoning logically; anything else is a mistake or an aberration. Allied with this premise is the belief that logically,in turn, means first-order logic, typically, sound deduction. By simple transitivity, these two theories collapse into one key part of the view of intelligent reasoning underlying logic: Rea-soning intelligently means reasoning in the fashion defined by first-order logic. A second important part of the view is the allied belief that intelligent reasoning is a process that can be captured in a formal description, particu-larly a formal description that is both precise and concise.But very different views of the nature of intelligent reasoning are also possible. One distinctly different view is embedded in the part of AI that is influenced by the psycholog-ical tradition. This tradition, rooted in the work of D. O. Hebb, J. Bruner, G. Miller, and A. Newell and H. Simon, broke through the stimulus-response view demanded by behav-iorism and suggested instead that human problem-solving behavior could usefully be viewed in terms of goals, plans, and other complex mental structures. Modern manifes-tations include work on SOAR as a general mechanism for producing intelligent reason-ing and knowledge-based systems as a means of capturing human expert reasoning.Comparing these two traditions reveals significant differences and illustrates the con-sequences of adopting one or the other view of intelligent reasoning. In the logicist tradi-tion intelligent reasoning is taken to be a form of calculation, typically, deduction in first-order logic, while the tradition based in psychology takes as the defining characteris-tic of intelligent reasoning that it is a particu-lar variety of human behavior. In the logicistview, the object of interest is, thus, a con-struct definable in formal terms throughmathematics, while for those influenced bythe psychological tradition, it is an empiricalphenomenon from the natural world. Thus,there are two very different assumptions hereabout the essential nature of the fundamentalphenomenon to be captured.A second contrast arises in considering thecharacter of the answers each seeks. The logi-cist view has traditionally sought compactand precise characterizations of intelligence,looking for the kind of characterizationsencountered in mathematics (and at times inphysics). By contrast, the psychological tradi-tion suggests that intelligence is not only anatural phenomenon, it is also an inherentlycomplex natural phenomenon: As humananatomy and physiology are inherently com-plex systems resulting from a long process ofevolution, so perhaps is intelligence. As such,intelligence may be a large and fundamental-ly ad hoc collection of mechanisms and phe-nomena, one that complete and concisedescriptions might not be possible for.S everal useful consequences result fromunderstanding the different positions onthis fundamental question that are takenby each tradition. First, it demonstrates thatselecting any of the modern offspring of thesetraditions—that is, any of the representationtechnologies shown at the bottom of thetable—means choosing more than a represen-tation. In the same act, we are also selecting aconception of the fundamental nature ofintelligent reasoning.Second, these conceptions differ in impor-tant ways: There are fundamental differencesin the conception of the phenomenon we aretrying to capture. The different conceptions inturn mean there are deep-seated differences inthe character and the goals of the variousresearch efforts that are trying to create intelli-gent programs. Simply put, different concep-tions of the nature of intelligent reasoninglead to different goals, definitions of success,and different artifacts being created.Finally, these differences are rarely articu-lated. In turn, this lack of articulation leadsto arguments that may be phrased in termsof issues such as representation choice (forArticlesSPRING 1993 23。
