X -7.9+5.4=12 3X -25×3=120 2X -3.8+4.2=1018+29+6X=95 52X 74=- 55X -3X=15.62、计算下面各题,怎样算简便就怎样算。
416187+- )--(92431 81948395--+75878572+++ 81121831211)---( 1+3+5+.........+29二、列方程解决实际问题。
X -0.24+0.76=5 80X ÷2=3.2 2.7y -1.8y=1.267X -0.9×3=3.6 3.6X -0.9X=1.62 32+6X=502、计算下面各题怎样算简便就怎样算。
736174-+ )-(319197+ 1036110365--+)-(324349+ 313276++ 3211618141211-----二、解决实际问题。
[单元自测题一练习册· 基础练习]
kāi tuò táo cí yōulǜ róng qià lí míng (开拓) (陶瓷) (忧虑) (融洽) (黎明) shuò guǒ héngxíngbàdào yǔshìchángcí (硕果) (横 行 霸 道) (与 世 长 辞) 二、按要求写四字词语。 1、描写祖国河山的:波澜壮阔、山清水秀、山河壮丽、锦 绣河山;选择其中一个写一句话:一艘艘庞大的舰船行使 在波澜壮阔的大海之上。 2、表现爱国深情的:精忠报国、鞠躬尽瘁、赤胆忠心、舍 身为国;选择其中一个写一句话:周总理一心为公,为了 党和国家的事业,为了人民群众的幸福,鞠躬尽瘁,死而 后已。
1、《示儿》是宋代诗人陆游的绝笔,以遗嘱的 口吻告诉儿子,他为没有能看见祖国统一(用 自己的话回答)而“悲”,并叮嘱儿子“王师 北定中原日,家祭无忘告乃翁”(填诗句)。 2、《闻官军收河南河北》被称为杜甫“生平第 一快诗”,全诗体现了一个“喜”字。从“忽 传”、“初闻”、“却看”、“漫卷”等词句 可以体会到,诗人因朝廷军队收复蓟北而欣喜。 3、本课两首诗虽然一“喜”一“悲”,但都能 让我们感受到诗人强烈的爱国之情。
业,身前没有实现,只能寄希望于身后,这一看似矛盾 的举动实则表现了诗人企盼祖国统一的强烈爱国之情。
3、联系本课两首古诗想一想,陆游为不见九州同而 “悲”,而杜甫则为收蓟北而“喜”。陆游的“悲”之 切,杜甫的“喜欲狂”,是因为他们都渴望看到祖国统 一,都有一颗强烈的爱国心。
[发展练习] 一、阅读短文,完成练习。 1、作者喜欢背古诗的原因是古诗不但很美,而且还蕴 藏着各种各样的知识。 2、短文中一共提到6首古诗,分别是:1日照香炉生紫 烟,遥看瀑布挂前川。飞流直下三千尺,疑是银河落 九天。2长安回望绣成堆,山顶千门次第开。一骑红尘 妃子笑,无人知是荔枝来。3水光潋滟晴方好,山色空 濛雨亦奇。欲把西湖比西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜。4毕竟 西湖六月中,风光不与四时同。接天莲叶无穷碧,映 日荷花别样红。5晴天摇动清江底,晚日浮游急浪中。 6百川东到海,何时复西归?少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。
第一章语言学入门知识:I. 名词解释1.cultural transmission (as a defining property of language)Answer: While human capacity for language has a genetic basis, the details of any language system are not genetically transmitted, but instead have to be taught and learned. An English speaker and a Chinese speaker are both able to use a language, but they are not mutually intelligible. This shows that language is culturally transmitted. It is passed on from one generation to the next through teaching and learning, rather than by instinct. In contrast, animal call systems are genetically transmitted. They are born with the capacity to produce the set of calls peculiar to their species.2.descriptive linguistics vs. prescriptive linguisticsAnswer: A linguistic study is descriptive if it describes and analyses facts observed; it is prescriptive if it tries to lay down rules for "correct" behavior. Linguistic studies before the 204 century are largely prescriptive whereas modem linguistic is mostly descriptive.II. 判断正误(T for True and F for False)1. When language is used to get information, it serves an informative function.Answer: F (It serves an interrogative function).2.Most animal communication systems lack the primary level of articulation.Answer: F (The primary units in these systems cannot be further divided into elements. So what they lack is the secondary level of articulation.) 3.Descriptive linguistics are concerned with how languages work, not with how they can be improved.Answer: TIII. 填空题1.By saying that "language is arbitrary", we mean that there is no logical connection between meaning and _______.Answer: sounds2.The distinction between langue and parole is made by the Swiss linguist E de Saussure. The distinction between competence and performance is made by the American linguist__________.Answer: Noam Chomsky3.An approach to linguistic study which attempts to lay down rules of correctness as to how language should be used is _______.Answer: prescriptiveIV. 选择题1.Unlike animal communication system, human language is ______.A. stimulus freeB. stimulus boundC. under immediate stimulus controlD. stimulated by some occurrence of communal interestAnswer:A2. ____ has been widely accepted as the forefather of modem linguistics.a. Chomskyb. Saussurec. Bloomfieldd. John LyonAnswer: bV. 问答题l. Is language productive or not? Why?Answer: Firstly, Language is productive or creative. This means that language users can understand and produce sentences they have never heard before. Secondly, Productivity is unique to human language. Most animal communication systems have a limited repertoire, which is rapidly exhausted, making any novelty impossible. Thirdly, The productivity or creativity of human language originates from its duality. Because of duality, the speaker can combine the basiclinguistic units to form an infinite set of sentences. The productivity of language also means its potential to create endless sentences. This is made possible by the recursive nature of language.2. Comment on the f ollowing statement: “In linguistics, ‘language’ onlymeans what a person says or said in a given situation”.Answer: This statement is incorrect. In linguistics, "language" has several layers of meaning: firstly, the whole of a person’s language, e.g. Sha kespeare’s language; secondly, a particular variety or level of speech or writing, e.g. scientific language, literary language, colloquial language; thirdly, an abstract system underlying the totality of the speech/writing behavior of a community, e.g. the English language, the Chinese language; lastly, there is an even more abstract sense of "language", referring to the common features of all human languages that distinguish them from animal communication systems or any artificial language.3. Point out three ways in which linguistics differs from traditional grammar.Answer: Firstly, most linguistic analyses today focus on speech rather than writing. Secondly, modem linguistics is mostly descriptive while traditional grammar is largely prescriptive. Thirdly, a third difference is the priority of synchronic description over the traditional diachronic studies.4. What is the major difference between Saussure' s distinction between langue and parole and Chomsky's distinction between competence and performance?Answer: Saussure’s langue is social product, a set of conventions for a speech community. Chomsky regards competence as a property of themind of each individual. Saussure studies language more from a sociological point of view while Chomsky studies it more from a psychological point of view.第二章语音学和音位学I. 名词解释1.narrow transcriptionAnswer: There are two ways to transcribe speech sounds. One is the “broad transcription”----the transcription with letter-symbols only, and the other is “narrow transcription”---the transcription with letter-symbols accompanied by the diacritics which can help bring out the finer distinctions than the letters alone may possibly do.2. Illustrate the term “allophone” with at least one appropriate example. Answer: Allophones are the different members of a phoneme, sounds which are phonetically different but do not make one word different from another in meaning. For example, in English, the phoneme /l/ is pronounced differently in "let", "play" and "tell". The first /l/ is made by raising the front of the tongue to the hard palate, while the vocal cords are vibrating; the second /l/ is made with the same tongue position as the first, but the vocal cords are not vibrating; and the third /l/ is made by raisingnot only the front by also the back of the tongue while the vocal cords are vibrating.II 判断正误(T for True and F for False)1. /o/ is a mid-high front rounded vowel.Answer: F. (/o/ is a mid-high BACK rounded vowel.)2. A phoneme in one language or one dialect may be an allophone in another language or dialect.Answer: T.III. 填空题:1. The three cavities in the articulatory apparatus are _____, _______, and _____.Answer: pharynx, the nasal cavity, the oral cavity2. By the position of the ____ part of the tongue, vowels and classified as front vowels, central vowels and back vowels.Answer: highest.3. ____refers to the change of a sound as a result of the influence of an adjacent sound.Answer: Assimilation.4. You are required to fill in the blanks below abiding by the instancegiven beforehand.Example: /p/: voiced bilabial stop/s/: ________________/g/:_______________/tʃ/:______________/t/: _______________/f /: _______________Answer:/s/: voiceless alveolar fricative/g/: voiced velar stop/tʃ/: voiceless alveo-palatal/post-alveolar affricate/ t /: voiced dental fricative/f /: voiceless labiodental fricative5. Which of the following words would be treated as minimal pairs and minimal sets?pat, pen more, heat, tape, bun, fat, ban, chain, tale, bell, far, meal, vote, bet, heel, ten, men, pit, main, hit, eat, manAnswer:pat, fat; pat, pit; pit, hit;pen, ten; ten, men;heat, eat; heat, heel;tape, tale;bun, ban;chain, main;bell, bet;meal, heel;man, men, main.IV. 选择题1. All syllables contain a(n) _______.a. nucleusb. codac. onsetAnswer: a2. _____is one of the supersegmental features.a. Stopb. Voicingc. Deletiond. ToneAnswer: d3. Which of the following consonants does not exist in English?a. dental stopb. bilabial stopc. alveolar stopd. velar stopAnswer: a4. _____is not an English consonant.a. Labiodental plosiveb. Alveolar nasalc. Velar stopd. Dental fricativeAnswer: aV. 辨音选择1. What are the distinctive features that group the following sounds in these sets?1) /f, v ,s/2) /p, f, b/3) /g, z, b/4) /k, g, w/5) /m, n, ŋ/Answer: 1) fricative 2) obstruent 3) voiced 4) velar5) nasal2. There is one segment that does not belong to the natural class in each of the following groups of speech sounds. You are required to identify that segment and label the natural class, using a descriptive term asspecific as possible.a) /m/, /n/, /w/, / ŋ /b) /v/, /w/, /z/, /t/c) /n/, /f/, /l/, /s/, /t/, /d/, /z/Answer:1) /w/ is a semi-vowel, and the others are all nasals.2) /t/ is voiceless, and the others are voiced.3) /f/ is labiodental, and the rest are alveolarVI. 问答题1.Circle the words that contain a sound as required:1) a low vowel: pipe, gather, article, leave, cook2) a bilabial consonant: cool, lad, leap, bomb, push3) an approximant: luck, boots, word, once, table4) a front vowel: god, neat, pit, lush, cook5) a velar: god, fast, chat, lake, quick2.Exemplify the relationship between phone, phoneme and allophone. Answer: Firstly, a “phone” is a phonetic unit or segment. The speech sounds we hear and produce during linguistic communication are all phones. Phones may or may not distinguish meaning. Secondly, a "phoneme" is a phonological unit that is of distinctive value. As an abstract unit, a phoneme is not any particular sound. It is represented orrealized by a certain phone in a certain phonetic context. Thirdly, the phones representing a phoneme are called its "allophones". How a phoneme is represented by a phone, or which allophone is to be used, is determined by the phonetic context in which it occurs. But the choice of an allophone is not random but rule-governed in most cases.3.When we are pronouncing the following phrases, how do we actually articulate the "n" sound in the word "ten"? Do we still pronounce it as /n/?1) ten houses 2) ten teachers 3) ten colleges 4) ten pupils 5) ten buildings 6) ten classesAnswer: 1) /n/2) /n/3) / ŋ /4) /m/5) /m/6) / ŋ /4.How many functions do the vocal cords have in the production of speech sounds?Answer: They have three functions: to make a glottal stop, to produce a voiced sound and to produce a voiceless sound.第三章形态学I. 名词解释1.morphemeAnswer: The morpheme is the smallest unit in terms of relationship between expression and content, a unit which cannot be divided without destroying or drastically altering its meaning, whether it is lexical or grammatical. For instance, the word "barks" in "The dog barks" consists of two morphemes ― "bark" and "-s", neither of which can be further divided into other smaller meaningful units.2.lexemeAnswer: The term "lexeme" is postulated to reduce the ambiguity of the term "word". It is the abstract unit underlying the smallest unit in the lexical system of a language, which appears in different grammatical contexts. For example, "write" is the lexeme of the following set of words: "writes", "wrote", "writing", "written".3.inflectional morphemesAnswer: Inflectional morphemes are also called inflectional affixes. They manifest various grammatical relations or grammatical categories such as number, tense, degree and case. In English, all inflectional morphemes are suffixes, e.g. -(e)s, -ing, -(e)d, -est.II. 判断正误1.A root is not always a free form.Answer: T (There are such bound roots as “-ceive”.)III. 填空题1.Polymorphemic words other than compounds have two parts: the roots and the ____.Answer: affixes2.On, before and together are_____words ― they are words which do not take inflectional endings.Answer: grammatical (functional/form)IV.选择题1."Radar" is a/an____.a. acronymb. blendingc. coinaged. clippingAnswer: a2.Compound words consist of______ morphemes.a. boundb. freec. both bound and freeAnswer: bV. 匹配题Match each expression under A with the one statement under B that characterizes it.A B1. a noisy crow a. compound noun2. eat crow b. root morpheme plus derivational prefix3. scarecrow c. phrase consisting of an adjective plus noun4. the crow d. root morpheme plus inflection affix5. crowlike e. root morpheme plus derivational suffix6. crows f. grammatical morpheme followed by lexical morphemeg. idiomAnswer: 1. c 2. g 3. a 4. f 5. e 6. dVI. 问答题1. Divide the following words into Roots, IA (inflectional affix) and/or DA (derivational affix).1) transformations 2) looseleaves3) destructive 4) geese 5) misledAnswer:1) trans- (DA) form (Root) -ation (DA) s (IA)2) loose (Root) leave (Root) s (IA)3) de- (DA) struct (Root) -ive (DA)4) geese (IA)5) mis- (DA) led (IA)2. Label the morphological category of the morphemes underlined in each of the English expressions.a) I' ve been here.b) transformc) oxend) recurAnswer: a) bound morpheme b) derivational prefix c) inflectional suffix d) bound root3. Each of the following Persian words is poly-morphemic. You are required to match each of the notions given below with a morpheme in Persian. (Note that xar means "buy" and -id designates the past tense). xaridiYou (singular) bought.naxaridamI did not buy.namixaridandThey were not buying.xaridHe bought.naxaridimWe did not buy.mixaridHe was buying.mixarididYou (plural) were buying.xaridamI bought.Match each of the notions given below with a morpheme in Persian:a) Ib) you (singular)c) notd) was/were V-ing (continuous)Answer: a) amb) ic) nad) miVid4.It is a fact that morphological processes may be sensitive to certain phonological context. The English data given below illustrate this fact. You are required to state the phonological contexts where the addition of -en is possible.a bwhiten *bluenmadden *stupidenredden *greenenFatten *fartheren quicken *slowendeafen *difficultenLiven *abstractenharden *shallowensoften *angryendeepen *vividenAnswer: The suffix -en, which attaches to adjectives to form verbs, can only attach to monosyllabic bases ending in oral stops or fricatives.VerbAdjective-en if Adjective ends in an obstruent (oral stop or fricative).- <Φ> if Adjective ends in a sonorant (nasal, approximant, vowel) Meaning: to make (more) Adjectives5.The word uneasiness may be analyzed in either of the two ways below. You are required to find an argument to support one of the two analyses.a)NPrefixNoununAdjectiveSuffixeasinessb)NAdjectiveSuffixPrefixAdjectivenessuneasiAnswer: b) is the correct analysis, because un- only attaches to adjectivesto form other adjectives. Un- cannot be attached to a noun.。
8A补充练习3Part 2 Phonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar(第二部分语音、词汇和语法)( )23. Fred plays ____ violin after dinner every day.A. aB. anC. theD. /( )24. Big Ben takes its name from Benjamin Hall, because he was responsible ____ making the clock in 1859.A. ofB. onC. forD. in( )25. Some animals, such as brown bears and tigers, have colours similar ____ the trees, so they can’t be seen easily in forests.A. toB. withC. fromD. by( )26. The little girl’s mother collects ____ from school every afternoon.A. sheB. herC. hersD. herself( )27. A knife is one of ____ tools.A. simpleB. simplerC. the simplerD. the simplest( )28. Lucy likes staying at home. She ____ goes travelling during holidays.A. oftenB. seldomC. sometimesD. usually( )29. — I hear your son is sent to a boarding school. ____ can he go back home?—Once a week.A. How soonB. How longC. How manyD. How often( )30. Teachers and parents think the holiday is the best time for students to improve any subject that they had a hard time on last term, ____ it is also time for students to relax.A. whenB. ifC. althoughD. as( )31. I like coffee, but I can’t have it now ____ I want to go to sleep and have a good rest.A. andB. becauseC. orD. so( )32. Nowadays in Mexico, the mobile phone most people use ____ Huawei.A. isB. wasC. will beD. had been( )33. The five-year-old child ____ a lot since he went to kindergarten.A. learnsB. has learnedC. is learningD. had learned( )34. My parents ask me ____ my homework first before I start to watch TV.A. finishB. finishesC. finishingD. to finish( )35. Adam was very tired, but he continued ____ in his office until he finished his report.A. workingB. worksC. workD. worked( )36. — Guess what? Our team won the school basketball match.—Good job! You ____ be very proud.A. mustB. canC. mayD. need( )37. — The weather report says we’ll have a nice weekend. How about going out to the water park?—____A. Good luck!B. Thank you!C. Good idea!D. Well done!Ⅲ. Complete the passage with the words in the box. Each can only be used once (将下列单词前的字母填入空格。
1.4在排列中,将任意两个元素对调,其余元素不动,称为对换;一个排列中的任意两个元素对换,排列改变奇偶性;三阶行列式写出列下标的全排列的逆序数,确定每个排列是奇排列还是偶排列:观察顺序可先按轮换写出:123;231;312;再利用对换写出:132;213;321:四阶行列式写出列下标的全排列的逆序数,确定每个排列是奇排列还是偶排列:观察顺序可先按轮换先写出:1234;2341;3412;4123;思考:写出五阶行列式的奇、偶排列列下标的的全排列数为120,其中奇、偶排列各60项观察顺序可先轮换,先写出::12345;23451;34512;45123;51234,以上5个排列且因相邻两项都是1个数字对换四次,故都为偶排列再将1在首位的扩展为24项;对2,3,4,5作全排列;再将2在首位的扩展为24项;对1,3,4,5作全排列;再将3在首位的扩展为24项;对1,2,4,5作全排列;再将4在首位的扩展为24项;对1,2,3,5作全排列;再将5在首位的扩展为24项;对1,2,3,4作全排列;证明上三角行列式的值时,从nn a 开始。
补充:求倒(或次)上、下三角行列式的值11121121222,12,12(1)212,11,211,11,21,211200000000(1)00000n n n n nn n n n n n n n n n n n nna a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a -----⋅---==-⋅行列式的行初等变换包括:对调变换、倍乘变换、倍加变换,其中对调两行、某行倍乘改变行列式的值, 倍加变换行列式的值不变。
求行和相等、列和相等的行列式的值:对行和相等的行列式,把其它各列先加到第一列,再化为上三角行列式; 对列和相等的行列式,把其它各行先加到第一行,再化为上三角行列式。
补充练习1):求1110110110110111的值方法一:按行和相等计算11103110110131011011301101113111=1110111011010011331011010111110001-=⨯=⨯-111001013300110001-=-⨯=--方法二:按列和相等计算11103333110111011011101101110111=1111111111010010331011010001110111-=⨯=⨯- 11111111010001003330010001001110001--=-⨯=-⨯=--- 补充练习2):设123,,x x x 是 30x b x q ++= 的三个根,求123312231x x x D x x x x x x =的值解:因为123,,x x x 是 30x b x q ++= 的三个根,根据因式定理,3123()()()x bx q x x x x x x ++=--- ,把右端展开后,得到2x 的系数为123x x x ++ ,比较方程两端2x 的系数,得1230x x x ++= ,而123312231x x x D x x x x x x =是列和相等的行列式,把第2行、第3行加到第1行,并提出123x x x ++1230x x x ++=,0D ∴=补充练习3):计算1111111111111111x x x x ---+---+--解:是行和相等的行列式,行和为x , 把第2、3、4列加到第1列,并提出x ,11111111111111111111111111111111x x x x x x x x -----+--+-=⋅----+---- 41111111100000000000000x x x x xxx x x x x x x x x------=⋅=-⋅=----4)计算范德蒙行列式123422221234333312341111a a a a D a a a a aa a a =的值,下标均为列标;解:先将第4列变出3个0,从最后一行开始进行变换:443342241,,r a r r a r r a r ---1424342221412423433232321412423*********a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a ---=------,按第4列展开142434114224334222114224334(1)()()()()()()a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a ---=-⋅------142434123222123111(1)()()()a a a a a a a a a a a a =-⋅-⋅-⋅- 将第3列变出2个0,从最后一行开始进行变换:332231,r a r r a r --142434132322131232111(1)()()()00a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a =-⋅-⋅-⋅----- 按第3列展开132314243422131232(1)()()()a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a --=-⋅-⋅-⋅---14243413231211(1)()()()()()a a a a a a a a a a a a =-⋅-⋅-⋅-⋅-⋅-142434132321(1)()()()()()()a a a a a a a a a a a a =-⋅-⋅-⋅-⋅-⋅-⋅- 414243313221()()()()()()a a a a a a a a a a a a =-⋅-⋅-⋅-⋅-⋅-只看原行列式的第2行,就可直接写出这个结果;共有 244!62!(42)!C ==- 个因子注意:.36P 范德蒙行列式的结果中,被减数的下标>减数的下标 (j i >)1()n j i i j nD a a ≤<≤=-∏121323121()()()()()()n n n n n a a a a a a a a a a a a --=-⋅---⋅-⋅-补充:1) 两条线的行列式112211n n nna b a b a b b a --,如果0n b =,则为上三角行列式112211n n nna b a b a b b a --按第1列展开22133221131111(1)n n n n nn n a b b a b a b a b a a b a a b +----=⋅+⋅-⋅(1)n -阶上三角行列式 (1)n -阶下三角行列式112121(1)n n n n a a a b b b b +-=⋅+-⋅⋅⋅两条线的行列式有以下形式:112211n n nna b a b a b b a --;112211nn n na b b a b a b a --;112121n nn n b a a b b a a b --;111212n n nn b a a b b a a b -- ;121211nn n nb a b a a b a b -- ;1121nn nb a a a a b -1211nn na b a a b a -后三种形式都可以化为三角行列式计算补充:2) 爪形行列式1212231n n n n na b b b c a c a c a --;112211121n n n n a b a b a b c c c a ---;12112321n nn nb b b a ac c a a c -- ;12112123nn n nb a b a b a ac c c --练习:求(1)n +阶爪形行列式0111212n na na a na -的值按照 121,,n n a a a a - 中零的个数分三种情况讨论:情况一:121,,n n a a a a - 中有两个或两个以上的零,则行列式有两行成比例,行列式的值为零;情况二:121,,n n a a a a - 中只有一个零,例如设 0k a = ,而0,()i a i k ≠≠01111101k k na k k na k k a na -+++按第(1)k +行展开,1(1)111120(1)000k k k nkna k a a a ++-+=⋅-⋅(n 阶行列式)按按第k 列展开,11211(1)(1)k k k k na a k k a a -+++=⋅-⋅⋅-⋅(1n -阶对角行列式)21211k k n k a a a a a -+=-⋅⋅⋅情况三:121,,n n a a a a - 全不为零00112121112111212211n n n nna na na a a a a a a a na n a --=⋅⋅现在从第二行起,主对角线元素都是1,再把第一行的1,2, ,n 变为0;222012112121200011211nn nnn a a a a a a a a a a n a -----=⋅⋅现在是1n +阶的下三角行列式22212101212()n n nn a a a a a a a a -=⋅⋅⋅----教材.36p 例1.30 改为计算四阶行列式1234111111a a D a a -=-- 这是三条线的行列式可以直接按第2、3、4行降阶,或直接按第1、4列降阶,也可以先把某行或某列变换为只有1个非零元素以后再降阶;还可以变换为上三角行列式求解,具体做法是:依次将第4列乘以41a 加到第3列;第3列乘以31a 加到第2列;第2列乘以21a 加到第1列;1234111111a a D a a -=--34441234344234111111a a a a a a a a a a a a a a ++++++=344123412343442341()1a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a ++=+=+++补充:按多行展开行列式的拉普拉斯定理1)k 阶子式:n 阶行列式中,任取k 行k 列,交叉点处的2k 个元素,按原来相对位置组成的k 阶行列式;2)k 阶子式的余子式:划去某k 阶子式所在的k 行、k 列以后,余下元素按原来相对位置组成的n k -阶行列式;3)k 阶子式的代数余子式=k 阶子式的余子式(1)m ⨯-m 为该k 阶子式的行下标与列下标之和;拉普拉斯定理:在n 阶行列式D 中,任取k 行以后,含于此k 行中的所有k 阶子式(个数为kn C )与其代数余子式的乘积之和等于D 的值。
三、根据课文内容填空。 1、我们爱你——战国编钟奏出的古曲,改革 开放谱写的新歌。 2、我们爱你——奋斗书写的史册,汗水浇灌 的硕果。松树的伟岸、梅花的高洁,拨打的胸 怀、恢弘的气魄。 3、全诗可以分为三部分。第一节写出了祖国 幅员辽阔;第二至六节从不同的角度歌颂祖国 的壮丽山河、丰富物产、民俗风情、光辉历史、 民族精神; 第七节表达了建设祖国的决心。
三、读一读。 1、张海迪是一个怎样的人:张海迪是个高位 截瘫的女子,在上个世纪的八十年代,是全国 青年学习的楷模。她身残志坚,用难以想象的 顽强毅力,与疾病作斗争,并自学外语、著书。 2、你还了解中国历史上哪些著名人物?仿照 文章中的句式说一说:当孔子带领弟子周游列 国,徜徉在知识的海洋,当秦始皇尽情展示合 纵连横的权谋,一举击败六国成为我国第一位 统一天下的皇帝,他们让我们记住的是中华民 族的智慧、责任和担当。
郑成功慷慨激昂地说:“台湾自古以来 就是中国的领土,决不允许侵略者横行霸 道。我们一定要收复祖国的宝岛台湾!” 郑军舰队渡海东征,奋勇杀敌,让企图负 隅顽抗的荷兰侵略者举手投降。台湾同胞 听说郑成功的军队到了,个个喜出望外。 街头巷尾,鞭炮声不绝于耳,人民载歌载 舞,欢庆胜利。
四、以“我们爱你——”为起句,仿照课文第二 至六节写一到两节句子。 我们爱你—— 万里长城的雄伟壮观,北京故宫的金碧辉煌,秦 兵马俑的惟妙惟肖,中山陵的庄严肃穆。 我们爱你—— 贵州黄果树的气势宏大,四川九寨沟的风景如画, 黄海、东海的宽广无垠,泰山、华山的巍峨宽大 。
五、诵读与欣赏《爱我中华》 1、诗歌讲究押韵,《爱我中华》的 韵脚有:花、家、话、华、伐、家、 发、话、华。 2、这首诗真切地表达了全国各族人 民热爱祖国的思想感情。
电场补充练习1班级:姓名:1、如图所示,在一真空区域中,AB、CD是圆O的两条直径,在A、B两点上各放置电荷量为+Q和-Q的点电荷,设C、D两点的电场强度分别为E C、E D,、电势分别为下列说法正确的是( )与E D相同,与相等B.E C与E D不相同,与相等A.E与E D相同,与不相等D.E C与E D不相同,与不相等C.E2、如图所示,a、b带等量异种电荷,MN为a、b连线的中垂线,现有一带电粒子从M点以一定的初速度v射出,开始时的一段轨迹如图中细线所示,若不计重力的作用,则在飞越该电场的过程中,下列说法中正确的是()A.该粒子带负电B.该粒子的动能先增大后减小C.该粒子的电势能先增大后减小D.该粒子运动到无穷远处后,其速度大小一定仍为v3、如图所示,三条平行等距的虚线表示电场中的三个等势面,电势值分别为10V、20V、30V,实线是一带负电的粒子(不计重力)在该区域内的运动轨迹,对于轨迹上的a、b、c三点来说( )A、粒子在三点的合力F a=F b=F c;B、粒子必先过a,再到b,然后到c;C、粒子在三点的动能大小为E Kb>E Ka>E Kc;D、粒子在三点的电势能大小为E Pc<E Pa<E Pb。
4、如图所示,在y轴上关于O点对称的A、B两点有等量同种点电荷+Q,在x轴上C点有点电荷-Q,且CO=OD,∠ADO=60°.下列判断正确的是( )A.O点电场强度为零B.D点电场强度为零C.若将点电荷+q从O移向C,电势能增大D.若将点电荷-q从O移向C,电势能增大5、如图所示,实线为电场线,虚线为等势线,且AB=BC,电场中的A、B、C三点的场强分别为E A、E B、E C,电势分别为φA、φB、φC,AB、BC间的电势差分别为U AB、U BC,则下列关系中正确的有( )A.φA>φB>φC B.E C>E B>E A C.U AB<U BC D.U AB=U BC6、如图14所示,竖直放置的两块足够长的平行金属板,相距0.08m ,两板间的电压是2400V ,在两板间的电场中用丝线悬挂着质量是5×10-3kg 的带电小球,平衡后,丝线跟竖直方向成30°角,若将丝线剪断(1)说明小球在电场中作什么运动(2)计算小球带电量(3)设小球原来离带负电的板0.06m ,经过多少时间小球碰到金属板?7、如图,一质量m =1×10-6kg ,带电量q = -2×10-8C 的微粒以初速度v 0竖直向上从A 点射入一水平向右的匀强电场,当微粒运动到比A 高2cm 的B 点时速度大小也是v 0,但方向水平,且AB 两点的连线与水平方向的夹角为45º,g 取10m/s 2,求:(1)AB 两点间的电势差U AB ;(2)匀强电场的场强E 的大小。
新程专转本《大学英语》第三单元补充练习 2013 版单元三 Part One: Vocabulary and Structure 1. Codes are a way of writing something in secret; ______, anyone who doesn't know the code will not be able to read it. A. that is B. worse still C. in short D. on the other hand2. His long service with the company was ______ with a present. A. admitted B. acknowledged C. attributed D. accepted3. Our house is about a mile from the station and there are not many houses _____. A. in between B. far apart C. among them D. from each other4. The drowning child was saved by Dick's_______action. A. acute B. alert C. profound D. prompt5. Children and old people do not like having their daily ______ upset. A. habit B. routine C. practice D. custom6. The criminal always paid ______ cash so the police could not track him down. A. on B. by C. for D. in7. Professor Smith and professor Brown will ______ in giving the class lectures. A. alter B. change C. alternate D. differ8. The manager promised to have my complaint______ A. looked through B. looked into C. looked over D. looked after9. Children are ______ to have some accidents as they grow up. A. obvious B. indispensable C. bound D. doubtless10. The ratio of the work done by the machine ______ the work done on it is called the efficiency of the machine. A. against B. with C. to D. for11. In your first days at the school you'll be given a test to help the teachers to ______ you to a class at your level. A. locate B. assign C. deliver D. place12. The story that follows ______ two famous characters of the Rocky Mountain gold rush days. A. concerns B. states C. proclaims D. relates13. People who refuse to ______ with the law will be punished.参考答案见 1 新程专转本《大学英语》第三单元补充练习 2013 版A. obeyB. consentC. concealD. comply14. These excursions will give you an even deeper ______ into our language and culture. A. inquiry B. investigation C. input D. insight15. There is no electricity again. Has the ______ blown then? A. fuse B. wire C. plug D. circuit16. Every society has its own peculiar customs and ________of acting. A. ways B. behaviour C. attitudes D. means17. If a person talks about his weak points his listener is expected to say something in the way of _______. A. assurance B. persuasion C. encouragement D. confirmation18. China started its nuclear power industry only in recent years and should _______ no time in catching up. A.delay B. lose C. lag D. lessen19. Her life was devoted to ________the sick and needy. A. caring of B. caring with C. caring about D. caring for20. We can't hope to catch up with that car ______ us. It's a very high-powered one. A. in advance of B. in the front of C. ahead of D. at the frontier of21. The United Nations Conference on Drug Abuse,which took place earlier this year in Vienna, was a very ______ meeting. A. productive B. overwhelming C. compulsory D. protective22. Their endeavour and ______ to "get ahead" have produced some excellent results. A. attention B. acceleration C. affection D. ambition23. Chinese customs regulations ______ taking precious works of art out of China. A. prohibit B. reject C. avoid D. repel24. Some animals will modify their behaviour to _______ to their environment. A. suit B. conform C. reconcile D. adapt25. A man who could ____ such treatment was a man of remarkable physical strength and moral courage. A. bear upon B. insist on C. stand up to D. persist in26. He had tried everything but it made little ______.参考答案见 2 新程专转本《大学英语》第三单元补充练习 2013 版A. effectB. differenceC. outcomeD. result27. Americans are highly ______, and therefore may find it difficult to become deeply involved with others. A. moving B. mobile C. moveable D. motional28. Try as we would, they could not be brought to give their _______ A. consent B. complaint C. content D. completion29. Becoming disabled by an accident is one of the most serious_______that all drivers face. A. shortcomings B. faults C. mistakes D. hazards30. Streets in the United States are ______ by motor vehicles. A. confronted B. distributed C. constituted D. dominatedPart Two: Chinese-English Translation 1 外宾对我们在这么短的时间内所取得的成就感到惊讶。
Unit 1 补充练习There are 10 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four alternative choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the one that best completes the sentence.1.My journey back to my hometown seemed slow because the train stopped ______ at different villages.A) gradually B) continually C) continuously D) unceasingly2.These two cities are similar ______ they both have a high rainfall in June.A) to that B) except that C) besides that D) in that3.______ her sister, Jane is quiet and does not easily make friends with others in the school.A) Unlike B) Dislike C) Liking D) Alike4.Physics is ______ to the science which was called natural philosophy in history.A) uniform B) alike C) equivalent D) likely5.Race and sex are not relevant ______ whether a person is qualified for the job.A) to B) for C) on D) with6.The scientist could hardly find sufficient grounds ______ his arguments in favor of the new theory.A) which to base on B) to base onC) to be based on D) on which to base7.This is not an economical way to get more water; ______, it is very expensive.A) or else B) in short C) on the contrary D) on the other hand8.First published in 1927, the chart remains an ______ source for researchers.A) identical B) inevitable C) intelligent D) indispensable9.What a fantastic journey! It's worth ______ all my life.A) remembering B) being remembered C) to remember D) to be remembered10.I went along thinking of nothing ______, only looking at things around me.A) in brief B) in doubt C) in harmony D) in particularText SummaryThe following passage is a summary of Text A. Fill in each blank, using the words in Text A.Advertisements in newspapers and on buses often (1) ____________ that learning English is easy and does not need much effort. However, there is no such a thing as a (2) ____________ method that suits all students in every situation. Some experts even (3) ____________ that there are as many good methods of teaching a language as there are good teachers, because every teacher is an individual with his own (4) ____________.People used to believe the only way to learn a language was to spend a lot of time in a country where it was spoken. Some students go to the opposite (5) ____________ and think they can teach themselves at home with (6) ____________. A great deal of current teaching based on behaviorist (7) ____________ may not be (8) ____________, either.One can learn to speak English or any other language if he is (9)____________ in it. To learn a language well, we also need other people to talk to and listen to when we (10) ____________.Translate the following sentences into English, using the words and phrases given in brackets.1.他们说我长大以后会是个可敬又勤劳的年轻人,会像我父亲一样诚实地生活。
《现代汉语》(增订四版)补充练习题答案(全) - 副本
(1)呼拉圈 (2)幽默 (3)幽静 (4)小鸟儿2.查字典,分析一下,“宫、降”各代表古今汉语里几个语素?为什么?“宫”代表二个语素,因为它们的语音虽然相同,都念ɡōnɡ,但核心意义不同。
九年级英语Unit 3补充练习
( ) 1. — What did you say just now?— I asked her .A. where is the hotelB. where the hotel isC. where was the hotelD. where the hotel was ( ) 2. —I am worried about the coming speech. I don’t even know .— What about singing a song?A. how I can start withB. what I can start withC. how should I start withD. what should I start with( ) 3. — Is the ride really exciting?— Yes. You will know if you take it.A. how exciting it isB. how exciting is itC. what exciting it isD. what exciting is it ( ) 4. — Would you please tell me ?— Of course. It is two stops away.A. how many stops there areB. how many stops are thereC. how far is the zooD. how far the zoo is— Thanks. Is it my uncle?A. I am sorryB. Never mindC. Pardon meD. Attention, please( )6. — Is AC Milan Italian football club?—Yes. It’s one of most successful clubs in Italy.A. an; /B. an; theC. /; theD. /; /( )7. —Look! What’s that the corner of the room?—I can’t see clearly. It’s a little dark there.A. behindB. belowC. inD. under( )8. — What fruit would you like?— Some , please. They are my favorite.A. dessertB. grapesC. juiceD. biscuits( )9. — The Internet has made communication much more .— I agree. For example, I can communicate with my friends on WeChat any time.A. popularB. necessaryC. importantD. convenient( )10. — Whom would you for the job?—Tom, I think. He’s always careful and serious.A. suggestB. remindC. rememberD. explain( )11. —Was Eric’s father very strict with him?— Yes. He never praised him he became one of the top students in his grade.A. sinceB. whenC. untilD. because( )12. — Excuse me, could you tell me where I can buy some ?—Sure. There’s a post office at the first crossing.A. snacksB. stampsC. umbrellasD. bananas( )13. — Will you be a supermarket on your way home?— Yes, Walmart is just beside my home.A. looking forB. setting upC. fixing upD. passing by( )10. — Does my question sound enough?—I don’t think so. You can ask more by using “could” instead of “can”.A. politely; politelyB. politely; politeC. polite; politelyD. polite; polite( )11. — You really went to the park last weekend?— Yes, I go there. Look! This is a photo of me in the park.A. willB. wouldC. doD. did( )12. — Are you going to Beijing for the summer holiday next week?— Yes. But I haven’t got the air tickets and don’t know we will set out.A. howB. whereC. whenD. what( )13. —I don’t know next. —Let’s ask our teacher for help.A. what to doB. what should I doC. how to doD. how I should do ( )14. — The game is too hard for me. I will certainly lose.—You never say no before you try.A. Forget it!B. I’m sorry.C. Come on!D. Pardon me?( )15.Tom never went to bed he finished his homework last night.A.becauseB.ifC.untilD.while( )16.Shanghai is bigger than city in Japan.A.anotherB.any otherC.othersD.any( )17.Our teacher told us to the old.A.to be politeB.were politeC.to politeD.to be politely( )18.On my way home,I pass a fruit shop every day.A.to,byB.to,pastC.\, byD.of, for( )19.I some of my free time playing basketball for my school team.A.spendB.costC.takeD.pay( )20.The expressions they use might whom they are speaking to or how well they know each other.A.instead ofB.lead in toC.because ofD.depend on( )21.Please don’t be late. Come here .A.at timesB.by the timeC.on timeD.take time( )21.It’s always busy, so come earlier to get a table.A.a bit ofB.a littleC.veryD.more( )22.The bookstore is your right,beside the bank.A.inB.atC.onD.of( )23. Everyone was ____ when they heard the _______ news.A. exciting; excitingB.excited; excitingC. exciting;excitedD. Excited; excited ( )24. Sorry,I haven’t____ money _____ buy the new iPad.A.such, thatB. too, toC. enough, toD.enough, for( )25.Could you please ____ such a thing again?A. not to doB. don’t doC. not doingD. not do( )26. His grade in the exam put him the top students in his class.A. betweenB. overC. amongD. above( )27.【2012 甘肃兰州】—All the workers went home yesterday ____ Mr. White. Why?—Because he was on duty.A. exceptB. besidesC. except forD.beside( )28. The man tried several times to start the car, and he succeeded______.A. in the pastB. in the endC. at firstD. at once( )29.Some of my friends eat with their eyes. They prefer to order what ______ nice.A. feelsB. smellsC. looksD. tastes( )30. We live _______ a supermarket. It’s very convenient.A. nearbyB. far away fromC. next toD. on the right( ) 31. —Do you know _______? —Yes, in two days.A. when will Mr Li come backB. how long Mr Li will come backC. what time will Mr Li come backD. how soon Mr Li will come back( )32. — Excuse me, could you please show me how to use this MP4 player? —_______A. Certainly! It’s here.B. Ok, my pleasure.C. Sure, with pleasure.D. Not at all. ( )33. The terrible accident happened ______ the evening of October 4th, 2009.A. inB. onC. fromD. at( )34. Could you tell me ___________?A. where do you liveB. who you are waiting forC. who were you waiting forD. where you live in( )35. --- Do you know if she ___ back tomorrow?---Sorry, I don’t know. I’ll call you if she ___ back.A. will come, comesB. comes, comeses, will comeD.will come, will come ( )36. She told me the sun ______ in the east.A. riseB. roseC. risesD. had risen( ) 37.We are going for a picnic tomorrow. I'll call Wendy to make sure________.A.why to start B.when to start C.what to start D.which to start ( )38.[2013·菏泽] Traveling around big cities by taxi can cost a lot of money, but it's usually ________ to take the underground train to most places.A.amazing B.expensive C.convenient D.exciting ( )39. —Let's go shopping at the new mall. —Why not shop online? It's ________. A.expensive B.more expensive C.less expensive D.the most expensive( )40.[2013·泸州] Could you tell me ________ the cool Tshirt?A.where you buy B.where do you buy C.where did you buy D.where you bought ( )41.[2013·济宁] — Do you know________?—Yes, I do. He went by skateboarding!A.whether Paul will go or not B.when will Paul go to the partyC.how Paul went to the party D.how did Paul go to the party( ) 42. I live right next to the subway station so it’s very ________ to go to work by subway.A. fascinatingB. interestingC. inexpensiveD. convenient ( ) 43. She was seen ____ the theatre at that moment.A. go intoB. to go intoC. went intoD. going into ( ) 44. This interesting book only ______ me ten yuan and I _______ ten month reading it.A. cost, spendB. cost, spentC. spends, costD. spent, costs ( ) 45. He could hardly believe her words, ___________?A. did heB. didn’t heC. couldn’t heD. could he二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。
三年级下册数学沪教版 暑期巩固提高练习(无答案)
三下数学暑期补充练习(每周练习3组)【1】一、竖式计算:(带*的要验算)(1)250×603= (2)734×546= (3)1506÷25= *(4)3462÷33= 二、列式计算:(1)2个25的积比700少多少?(2)34除1530与408的差,商是多少?【2】一、递等式计算:(能巧算的要巧算)(1)25×30-7904÷26(2)1715-582+285-118(3)1168÷16×22(4)78×33+66×78+78二、解决问题:(1)一本故事书共120页,小明原计划10天看完,实际多看了2天,平均每天看几页?(2)甲乙两地相距1950千米,一辆汽车从甲地开往乙地用了13小时,正好行了全程的一半,求这辆汽车的平均行驶速度。
【3】一、竖式计算:(带*的要验算)(1)406×390= (2)360×540= (3)6554÷65= *(4)38400÷32=二、解决问题:(1)用一根32厘米长的铁丝围出一个长方形框架,能围出的最大面积是多少?(2)一块长方形菜地占地面积128平方米,长16米,如果沿着这个菜地四周走一圈,一共有多长?【4】一、递等式计算:(能巧算的要巧算)(1)2304-1163+837 (2)199×78+78(3)6460÷(96-77) (4)125×16×25二、列式计算:(1)一个数除以36,商是25,余数是11,这个数是多少?(2)用72除2个12的积,结果是多少?【5】一、竖式计算:(带*的要验算)(1)86×435= (2)460×230= (3)7085÷57= *(4)16192÷32= 二、解决问题:(1)工人装月饼,24个装一盒,装了240盒后还剩1344个没有装完,这些月饼一共可以装多少盒?(2)海洋世界的门票价格是每张60元,如果去的人多了,购买团体票比较合算。
《会计学》补充练习(企业是一般纳税人)1、[目的] 练习现金清查的核算(1)3月30日,在现金清查过程中,发现长款180元,其原因待查。
借:库存现金 180贷:待处理财产损溢 180(2)3月30日,以上长款,经领导批准,转作营业外收入。
借:待处理财产损溢 180贷:营业外收入 180(3)3月30日,在现金清查中,发现短款50元,具体原因未明。
借:待处理财产损溢 50贷:库存现金 50(4)3月31日,经核查,以上短款由出纳人员责任造成,应由其赔偿。
借:其他应收款——出纳员 50贷:待处理财产损溢 50(5)3月31日,出纳人员赔付现金50元。
借:库存现金 50贷:其他应收款——出纳员 502、[目的] 练习其他货币资金的核算(1)企业向银行填写“银行本票申请书”申请签发银行本票。
银行予以受理,在企业的银行存款账户中扣取票款,并将银行本票交给企业,银行本票的金额为11 700元。
借:其他货币资金——银行本票 11700贷:银行存款 11700(2)企业将上述银行本票持往梅林公司采购甲材料,支付价款10 000元,税额1 700元。
借:原材料 10000应交税费——应交增值税(进项税)1700贷:其他货币资金——银行本票 117003、[目的] 练习坏账准备的核算企业2009年初坏账准备余额为6500元。
a.确定坏账借:坏账准备 5000贷:应收账款 5000b.已核销坏账又收回借:应收账款 3000贷:坏账准备 3000借:银行存款 3000贷:应收账款 3000c.年末计提坏账借:资产减值损失——计提的坏账准备 5500贷:坏账准备 55004、[目的] 练习原材料采购的核算借:在途物资——甲材料 10000——乙材料 20000应交税费——应交增值税(进项税)5100贷:应付账款 35100(2)另外用现金支付上述甲、乙材料的运杂费600元。
统编版小学语文二上语文补充读本练习题 含答案(3)
A. 黑珠B.绸带C.黑云2.秋姑姑来时披着(),去时霜花为她铺路。
A. 露珠B.朝霞C.乌云3.风里有花香,有鸟鸣,有()。
A. 虫叫B.歌声C.蝉鸣4.椴树像魁梧的爸爸,柳树像美丽的妈妈,而()像伶俐的妹妹。
A. 红松B.白桦C.桂花树5.冬天的脚步悄悄,她笑着走来()唱起来歌。
A. 北风B.金蝉C.溪水6.(A)告诉小熊,水去哪里了?A. 狐狸B.山羊C.小鹿7.牵牛花的花朵开得像()。
A. 喇叭B.帽子C.铜号8.(A)把熊爸爸引回家的。
A. 两颗星星B.黑影C.熊妈妈9.罗蒙诺索夫放弃要麂皮上衣,而要()A. 零食B.书C.玩具10.大大小小的鞋,就像大大小小的(),回到安静的港湾。
A. 船B.鞋11.黄山有四绝:奇松、怪石、云海、()A. 迎客松B.朝霞C.温泉12.黄山有著名的迎客松、卧龙松、()A. 温泉B.蒲团松C.奇松13.黄山温泉常年()。
A. 42℃B.38℃C.27℃14.蝴蝶王国在哪?( )A. 南通B.台湾C.如皋15.蓝笔画(),三道弯弯线。
A. 小山B.帆船C.小河16.花儿明白了,花儿最好看,全靠()帮。
A. 绿叶B.肥料C.太阳17.熊得到了庄稼人种的萝卜的叶子和()。
A. 花生B.小麦C.麦根18.舜帝派()带领百姓治水。
A. 大禹B.尧C.孙悟空19.大禹一共治水()年。
A. 13年B.9年C.4年20.清晨()帮母亲挑水。
A. 朱德B.毛泽东C.周恩来1.文彦博拿水灌树洞,最后球浮出来了。
内含报酬率=16%+(18%-16%)×[338/(338+22)]=17.88%3.下列表述中,正确的是( D )。
那么,该项⽬年营业现⾦流量为( A )万元。
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1SLT:A century and a half ago it was discovered by an English chemist, Sir Humphry Davy, that common salt can be separated, by passing electricity through it, into a soft, silvery metal, to which he gave the name sodium, and a greenish-yellow gas, which had been discovered some time earlier, named chlorine. Chlorine is a corrosive gas, which attacks many metals, and irritates the mucous membranes of the nose and throat if it is inhaled.TLT:一个半世纪前,英国化学家Humphry Davy爵士发现普通的盐在通电的状况下可分解为两种物质:一种是他起名为钠的银白色的软金属,另一种为早先已被发现的叫做氯的黄绿色气体。
2A spoof medical paper full of easily detectable flaws was submitted in a sting operation to 304 open access journals and accepted by more than half of them. The results, reported in Science by journalist John Bohannon, reveal “an emerging Wild West in academic publishing,” he says, with mushrooming numbers of new journals profiting from the open access model, in which authors rather than readers pay the cost of publication.Of the 304 papers submitted, 157 had been accepted and 98 rejected by the time Science went to press. Of the remaining 49 journals to which articles were sent, 29 appear to be defunct and 20 had yet to reply. The majority of decisions were taken without peer review, with only 36 of the 304 submissions generating comments that recognized the flaws. And 16 of those were accepted despite the referees’ comments.3A Guide to Smarter, Safer Antibiotic UseAntibiotics are important drugs, perhaps the most important. In a world beset with “an unprecedented wave of new and old infections,” as one expert recently wrote, it is critically important that antibiotics work well when people need them.But antibiotics are frequently misused—overprescribed or incorrectly taken by patients, and recklessly fed to farm animals. As a result, lifesaving antibacterial drugs lose effectiveness faster than new ones are developed to replace them.Each year, 100,000 people in the US die from hospital-acquired infections that are resistant to antibiotics, according to the Infectious Diseases Society of America. These concerns led Dr Zelalem Temesgen, an infectious disease specialist at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, to create a 15-part “Symposium on AntimicrobialTherapy,” published in Febru ary in The Mayo Clinic Proceedings. The series is intended in part to help physicians know when and how antibiotics should be used—and, equally important, when they should not.Improving how antibiotics are prescribed can do more than curb resistance. It can save lives and money by reducing adverse drug reactions and eliminating or shortening hospital stays, Dr Temesgen said.The first installment in the series, based on guidelines developed by the infectious diseases society and published with Dr Temesge n’s introduction, was devoted to helping doctors practice better medicine. It also can help patients better understand how and when antibiotics work best, and it can arm them with the right questions when an antibiotic prescription is being considered.Patient-tailored therapyThe report, prepared by three infectious disease specialists—Surbhi Leekha, now at the University of Maryland, and Drs Christine L Terrell and Randall S Edson, both at the Mayo Clinic—urged doctors to avoid a “one size fits all” ap proach to antibiotics. Rather, they said, many individual factors must be taken into account to ensure the right drug and the right dose are prescribed for each patient.It is often up to the patient to make sure the prescribing physician is aware of these influential factors. They include: Kidney and liver function. The kidneys and liver eliminate drugs from the body. If the organs are not working well, toxic levels can accumulate in the bloodstream.Age. Considering a new antibiotic? This is no time to lie about your age. “Patients at both extremes of age handle drugs differently, primarily due to differences in body size and kidney function,” the experts wrote. A face-lift and hair colouring may disguise your geriatric status, but they will not help your kidneys process drugs as well as they did in your youth. In some cases, in young, otherwise healthy patients, higher drug doses may be needed to be sure that therapeutic levels are maintained.Pregnancy and nursing. Some antibiotics given to a pregnant or lactating woman can adversely affect her baby, and it is critically important to tell the prescribing doctor if you are pregnant (or might be pregnant) or nursing. The risk of drug-induced birth defects is highest in the first three months of pregnancy; during the last three months, drugs are eliminated from the body more quickly, and higher doses may be needed to maintain a therapeutic blood level.Drug allergy or intolerance. Make sure the doctor knows if you have ever had a bad reaction to an antibiotic. But —and this is important—neither you nor your doctor should assume you are allergic to, for example, penicillin because you once developed a rash while taking it. The rash could have been caused by the illness or some thing else entirely. When an allergy is suspected, a skin test should be performed to confirm it so that the ideal antibiotic treatment is not mistakenly ruled out in the future.“It has been shown that only 10% to 20% of patients reporting a history of penicillin allergy were truly allergic when assessed by skin testing,” the experts wrote.In an interview, Dr Edson said it is possible to rapidly desensitise a patient to a needed antibiotic by administering progressively larger oral doses of the drug.Recent antibiotic use. Tell the doctor if you recently took an antibiotic. If you develop a bacterial illness within three months of antibiotic therapy, you may have a drug-resistant infection that requires use of an alternate class of medication.Genetic characteristics. Some people are born with factors that make them especially vulnerable to bad reactions from certain antibiotics. For example, in those with a condition known as G6PD deficiency, which is most common among blacks, certain antibiotics can lead to the destruction of red blood cells. Patients who could be at risk should be tested for G6PD deficiency beforehand.The value of a cultureWhen patients arrive at the doctor’s office with an inflamed throat, deep cough, high fever or unrelenting sinus pain, more often than not they are given prescriptions for antibiotics. The experts noted that it is sometimes reasonable to treat an infection without first getting a culture of the responsible organism—like when the patient’s symptoms are typical of a known bacterial infection.“Doctors do have to exercise clinical judgment in many cases,” Dr Edson said. For example, he and his co-authors wrote, “Cellulitis is most frequently assumed to be caused by streptococci or staphylococci, and antibacterial treatment can be administered i n the absence of a positive culture.” Likewise, they added, community-acquired pneumonia (that is, pneumonia that develops somewhere other than a hospital) can be treated with an antibiotic without patients first receiving a diagnostic test.But all too o ften, the cause of a patient’s symptoms is not bacterial and may not even be an infection. In these cases, taking an antibiotic will do no good and may even be harmful. Possible nonbacterial causes include a viral infection (which will not respond to an antibiotic), a connective tissue disorder or an allergy, Dr Edson said.He and his co-authors emphasised the importance of getting a laboratory to identify the responsible organism when the likely cause of symptoms is not apparent or when patients have a serious infection, require long-term antibiotic therapy or fail to benefit from the drug chosen initially.Sometimes a culture will indicate the need to administer two antibiotics simultaneously—for example, when the infectious organism produces an enzyme that inactivates what would otherwise be the most effective antibacterial drug.The experts also urged that if patients were first treated with a broad-spectrum antibiotic (one that attacks a number of different bacteria), doctors should consider switching to a narrow-spectrum drug that targets the specific cause once it is identified through a laboratory culture. This could reduce the risk of other bacteria becoming resistant to the broad-spectrum drug.。