关键词:睫状神经营养因子(CNTF) 脊髓损伤(SCI)中图分类号:R651 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-098X(2011)04(a)-0002-02脊髓是中枢神经系统中较易受到损伤的部位,随着社会经济的发展和生活节奏的加快,脊髓损伤(spinal cord injury,SCI)的发生日益增多,该病致瘫率高,给病人造成极大的身心痛苦,而且给国家、社会和家庭带来了沉重的负担。
神经营养因子(Neurotrophic Factors,NTFs)的发现和研究,为神经修复的治疗带来新的希望,这是一类具有促进和维持神经细胞生长、存活和分化作用的特异性蛋白质,是有力的神经生长促进因子。
睫状神经营养因子(Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor,CNTF)是NTFs中的一员,它生理作用广泛,最突出的功能是促进中枢和周围运动神经元的存活,防止受损神经元退变,以及维持运动神经元的功能,这对于SCI后的再生和修复具有重要意义[1]。
1 CNTF的介绍1.1 CNTF的发现和结构CNTF于1976年在鸡胚眼组织睫状神经节中发现,因其对睫状神经元有营养作用而得名,它是目前发现的唯一具有神经营养和肌肉营养双重作用的因子。
人类的CNTF基因位于第l1号染色体长臂近端,属单拷贝基因,编码区长600 bp,人、兔、大鼠CNTF同源性达84%左右。
光。提取病毒基因组经PCR证实病毒携带CNTF基因。 3.带有CNTF的重组腺相关病毒可有效感染体外培养的人RPE。 结
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endonuclease and T4 DNA into pAAV—IRES—hrGFP to
ligase.To insert
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expression plasmid wi th pHelper and prepared from retinal
CO—transfected into
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1. 实验材料
2. 实验方法
1. 神经功能恢复情况
睫状神经营养因子基因转染延缓失神经肌萎缩的作用沈尊理;王丰;贾万新;黄倩;钱均;吴继红;张兆锋;黄一雄;章开衡;沈华;王永春【期刊名称】《中国组织工程研究》【年(卷),期】2004(008)034【摘要】背景:睫状神经营养因子(CNTF)对失神经支配骨骼肌萎缩有防治作用,但是否可以应用CNTF基因转染方法延缓失神经支配骨骼肌萎缩尚不清楚.目的:探索一次性电穿孔介导CNTF转染延缓失神经骨骼肌萎缩的疗效.设计:随机对照研究.地点和对象:在上海交通大学附属第一人民医院动物房完成,雄性SD大鼠36只,年龄两三个月,体质量250~300 g,由上海中科院实验动物中心提供.干预:制备36只大鼠右下肢腓肠肌失神经支配模型,随机平均分成失神经对照组,CNTF基因转染组.两组于术后2,4,8周分别取6只大鼠进行实验评价.主要观察指标:两组术后2,4,8周肌湿重维持率、肌细胞截面积、肌肉蛋白含量、胶原纤维与肌细胞面积比和细胞凋亡数.结果:2周和4周CNTF基因转染组的肌湿重维持率、肌细胞截面积和肌肉蛋白含量均明显高于失神经对照组(P<0.05),而胶原纤维与肌细胞面积比和细胞凋亡数明显低于失神经对照组(P<0.05).8周后,两组间各参数无明显区别(P>0.05).结论:一次性电穿孔介导CNTF基因转染可延缓失神经骨骼肌萎缩4周.%BACKGROUND: Ciliary neurotrophic factor(CNTF) was proved to be effective on delaying the atrophy of denervated skeletal muscles. However, it is still unclear whether the gene transfer of CNTF can delay the atrophy of denervated skeletal muscle.OBJECTIVE: To explore the therapeutic effect of one-time gene eletrotransfer of CNTF on delaying denervated muscle atrophy.DESIGN: A randomized controlled trial.SETTING andPARTICIPANTS: The research was done at the Laboratory for Animals, Shanghai First People' s Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Twenty-six male SD rats, aged 2 - 3 months, weighing 250 - 300 g wereused(provided by Shanghai Laboratory Animal Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences).INTERVENTIONS: A model of denervated gastrocnemius of right lower limb was established in thirty-six rats. They were divided into two groups: denervation control group and CNTF gene transfer group. Experimental evaluation was performed for six rats of each group 2, 4 and 8 weeks after operation.MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Rate of wet muscle mass preservation,muscle cell cross-section area, protein amount, area rate of the collagen fibers versus muscle cells and the number of apoptotic muscle cells were measured at 2, 4 and 8 weeks.RESULTS: On the 2nd and 4th week, the rate of wet muscle mass preservation, the muscle cell cross-section area and the protein amount were significantly greater in CNTF gene transfer group than those in denervation control group ( P < 0.05 ), while the area rate of the collagen fibers versus muscle cells and the number of apoptotic muscle cells were significantly fewer in CNTF gene transfer group than those in denervatian control group( P < 0. 05) . After 8 weeks, there was no significant difference between two groups in regard to the parameters mentioned above ( P > 0. 05 ).CONCLUSION: One-time gene transfer of CNTF mediated by electroporation could attenuate the denervated muscle atrophy for 4 weeks.【总页数】2页(P7828-7829)【作者】沈尊理;王丰;贾万新;黄倩;钱均;吴继红;张兆锋;黄一雄;章开衡;沈华;王永春【作者单位】上海交通大学附属第一人民医院,整形科,上海市,200080;上海交通大学附属第一人民医院,中心实验室,上海市,200080;上海交通大学附属第一人民医院,整形科,上海市,200080;上海交通大学附属第一人民医院,中心实验室,上海市,200080;上海交通大学附属第一人民医院,整形科,上海市,200080;上海交通大学附属第一人民医院,中心实验室,上海市,200080;上海交通大学附属第一人民医院,整形科,上海市,200080;上海交通大学附属第一人民医院,整形科,上海市,200080;上海交通大学附属第一人民医院,整形科,上海市,200080;上海交通大学附属第一人民医院,整形科,上海市,200080;上海交通大学附属第一人民医院,整形科,上海市,200080【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R74【相关文献】1.心脏营养素-1延缓失神经骨骼肌萎缩作用机制研究 [J], 马学晓;张高孟;于腾波;冯勇;顾玉东2.失神经骨骼肌萎缩与氯沙坦通过核因子kB/MuRF1通路的延缓作用 [J], 王乐;梁炳生;李文斌;张磊;韩利军;吴启平3.虾青素通过抑制氧化应激延缓失神经肌萎缩 [J], 孙嘉诚;杨晓明;仇嘉颖;张莉蕾;沈筠恬;孙华林4.理气补血汤调控TGF-β1/Smad通路延缓失神经骨骼肌萎缩的机制研究 [J], 赵常云蕾;刘俊宁;赵宇;郭双;李楠;牛素生;张燕5.一氧化氮合酶抑制剂对失神经肌萎缩的延缓作用 [J], 王全震;王发斌;洪光祥;康皓因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
CNTF 最早由Helfand等在1976年发现,1984年Barbin等从鸡睫状神经元提取获得,并于1989年获得CNTFcDNA。
睫状神经营养因子治疗代谢综合征的研究进展刘庆山;崔箭;徐斯凡;黄秀兰;杜冠华;李克琴;古丽丽【期刊名称】《国际药学研究杂志》【年(卷),期】2008(35)5【摘要】本文总结了睫状神经营养因子(CNTF)的生物学特性及其对代谢综合征的影响,分析了其如何通过调节血脂、促进能量代谢、保护神经等途径改善代谢综合征的机制,并探讨了CNTF应用于治疗代谢综合征的前景.【总页数】3页(P346-348)【作者】刘庆山;崔箭;徐斯凡;黄秀兰;杜冠华;李克琴;古丽丽【作者单位】中央民族大学中国少数民族传统医学研究中心,北京,100081;中央民族大学中国少数民族传统医学研究中心,北京,100081;中央民族大学中国少数民族传统医学研究中心,北京,100081;中央民族大学中国少数民族传统医学研究中心,北京,100081;中国医学科学院/中国协和医科大学药物研究所,北京100050;中央民族大学中国少数民族传统医学研究中心,北京,100081;中央民族大学中国少数民族传统医学研究中心,北京,100081【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R969【相关文献】1.中西医调控炎症因子治疗代谢综合征的研究进展 [J], 刘丞豪;袁莎莎;杨宏杰2.儿童及青春期代谢综合征的预防和治疗研究进展 [J], 李妍;李慕白;孙淼;侯丽辉;郝松莉3.ICU持续炎症-免疫抑制-分解代谢综合征患者的临床发病机制及治疗研究进展[J], 林惠旻;黄斌4.代谢综合征在急性胰腺炎发病、治疗及预后中的研究进展 [J], 田光芳5.中医技术配合运动饮食治疗肥胖症与代谢综合征研究进展 [J], 韩仲慧;王存川;高丽莲;卿鹏;林清然;杨华;中国肥胖代谢外科研究协作组因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
睫状神经营养因子对急性面神经损伤端侧吻合后促进再生作用的研究刘洪飞;张宇彤;徐勇忠【期刊名称】《黑龙江医学》【年(卷),期】2003(027)012【摘要】目的研究睫状神经营养因子(CNTF)对急性面神经损伤端侧吻合后促进神经再生的作用.方法 24只成年家兔随机分为3组,兔双侧面神经上颊支切断后与同侧外膜开窗的下颊支作端侧吻合.右侧为实验侧,术后局部给予CNTF,左侧用生理盐水作为对照侧.分别于术后3、5、12周取材,进行大体观察和面神经功能评分、神经组织学、电生理、透射电镜等检查.结果各组实验侧颊支有髓神经数目、运动神经传导速度、面神经功能评分均高于对照侧(P<0.05).实验侧颊支神经成熟程度优于对照侧.结论 CNTF在提高神经端侧吻合后侧支萌出率和减轻失神经肌肉萎缩方面有积极的作用.【总页数】2页(P895-896)【作者】刘洪飞;张宇彤;徐勇忠【作者单位】中国人民解放军第二一一医院,黑龙江,哈尔滨,150080;中国人民解放军第二一一医院,黑龙江,哈尔滨,150080;中国人民解放军第二一一医院,黑龙江,哈尔滨,150080【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R745.1【相关文献】1.端侧吻合中供体神经的损伤处理促进神经再生作用的研究 [J], 陈保国;黄渭清;乔群;李文婷;王乃利2.面神经端侧吻合与端端吻合后神经再生质量的比较 [J], 刘洪飞;张宇彤;胡敏;刘洪臣3.嗅鞘细胞移植对周围神经端侧吻合后侧支轴突再生的修复作用 [J], 康毅;何兴国4.周围神经端侧吻合后侧支发芽过程中睫状神经营养因子和S-100蛋白的表达 [J], 李旭东;蒙喜永;季正伦;何清濂5.施万细胞源神经营养因子促进神经端侧吻合后再生的实验研究 [J], 成少安;朱正道;胡茜;王惠丽因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
1.穴位针刺对面神经再生影响的实验研究 [J], 牙祖蒙;王建华
2.睫状神经营养因子促进大鼠周围神经再生的实验研究 [J], 张键;陈峥嵘;陈中伟;
3.玻璃体内单剂量注射睫状神经营养因子对金黄地鼠视神经再生的影响 [J], 吕强;赵发国;张卫清;张英谦;石进
4.睫状神经营养因子神经生长因子对面神经再生影响的比较研究 [J], 佟仲伟;王绪凯
5.神经组织匀浆对面神经再生影响的实验研究 [J], 杨振祥;刘志斌;孔吉明;钟世镇因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
方法用尾吊方法制备失重性肌萎缩模型,通过采用RT-PCR和Western blot分析方法检测MHC-I/IIb和p130或Myf5表达的变化,以揭示CNTF对失重性肌萎缩及其纤维表型转换的影响。
【总页数】5页(P240-244)【关键词】睫状神经营养因子;干预;失重;肌萎缩;肌纤维【作者】张鹏;刘红菊;杨明浩;李莉;葛昕;李翔;王旭;范明;陈晓萍【作者单位】中国航天员科研训练中心,中国北京100094;Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, Beijing 100850【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R854【相关文献】1.用气机升降理论探讨对失重的中医学认识及失重性肌萎缩的中医病机 [J], 张燕;高明泽;孙玉秀;徐文慧;赵亚云;李可;于博文;胡素敏2.高频正弦波振动对失重性肌萎缩的对抗作用 [J], 任俊蝉;樊小力;宋新爱;朱永进3.间断性头高位倾斜对模拟失重大鼠肌萎缩的对抗作用 [J],4.睫状神经营养因子基因转染延缓失神经肌萎缩的作用 [J], 沈尊理;王丰;贾万新;黄倩;钱均;吴继红;张兆锋;黄一雄;章开衡;沈华;王永春5.支链氨基酸对模拟失重大鼠肌萎缩的干预作用 [J], 李红毅;白树民;黄贱英;韩晓龙;朱德兵;雷浪伟;陈朴因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
睫状神经营养因子对体外培养星形胶质细胞的激活作用(英文)吴艳;刘仁刚;周洁萍【期刊名称】《神经科学通报:英文版》【年(卷),期】2006(22)6【摘要】目的观察睫状神经营养因子(ciliary neurotrophic factor, CNTF)对体外培养星形胶质细胞的细胞激活作用。
【总页数】8页(P315-322)【关键词】睫状神经营养因子;星形胶质细胞;活化;增殖;细胞周期【作者】吴艳;刘仁刚;周洁萍【作者单位】华中科技大学同济医学院解剖教研室【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R322.81【相关文献】1.氯喹抑制体外培养星形胶质细胞的激活 [J], 荆丽丽;吴淑华2.柴胡皂苷a对体外培养大鼠海马星形胶质细胞激活的抑制作用 [J], 谢炜;林佳;张作文;周烨;鲍勇3.睫状神经营养因子对体外培养星形胶质细胞的激活作用 [J], 吴艳;刘仁刚;周洁萍4.TNF-α激活的星形胶质细胞条件培养液对培养的海马星形胶质细胞的兴奋作用[J], 李忠玉;朱家祥;朱长庚;刘庆莹;魏瑛;赵虎5.体外培养大鼠星形胶质细胞受损后的激活与反应性胶质化 [J], 叶诸榕;李立新因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
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Development/Plasticity/RepairTransplantation of Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor-Expressing Adult Oligodendrocyte Precursor Cells Promotes Remyelination and Functional Recovery after SpinalCord InjuryQilin Cao,1,2,4Qian He,1,2,4Yaping Wang,1,2,6Xiaoxin Cheng,1,2,4Russell M.Howard,1,2Yiping Zhang,1,2William H.DeVries,1,2Christopher B.Shields,1,2,3David S.K.Magnuson,1,2,3Xiao-Ming Xu,1,2,3,5Dong H.Kim,4and Scott R.Whittemore1,2,31Kentucky Spinal Cord Injury Research Center,and Departments of2Neurological Surgery and3Anatomical Sciences and Neurobiology,University of Louisville School of Medicine,Louisville,Kentucky40202,4Department of Neurosurgery,University of Texas Medical School at Houston,Houston,Texas 77030,5Spinal Cord and Brain Injury Research Group,Stark Neurosciences Research Institute,and Department of Neurological Surgery,Indiana University School of Medicine,Indianapolis,Indiana46202,and6Department of Anesthesiology,Second Xianya Hospital,Central South University Xianya Medical School,Changsha,Hunan410011,People’s Republic of ChinaDemyelination contributes to the dysfunction after traumatic spinal cord injury(SCI).We explored whether the combination of neuro-trophic factors and transplantation of adult rat spinal cord oligodendrocyte precursor cells(OPCs)could enhance remyelination and functional recovery after SCI.Ciliary neurotrophic factor(CNTF)was the most effective neurotrophic factor to promote oligodendrocyte (OL)differentiation and survival of OPCs in vitro.OPCs were infected with retroviruses expressing enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP)or CNTF and transplanted into the contused adult thoracic spinal cord9d after injury.Seven weeks after transplantation,the grafted OPCs survived and integrated into the injured spinal cord.The survival of grafted CNTF-OPCs increased fourfold compared with EGFP-OPCs.The grafted OPCs differentiated into adenomatus polyposis coli(APCϩ)OLs,and CNTF significantly increased the percent-age of APCϩOLs from grafted OPCs.Immunofluorescent and immunoelectron microscopic analyses showed that the grafted OPCs formed central myelin sheaths around the axons in the injured spinal cord.The number of OL-remyelinated axons in ventrolateral funiculus(VLF)or lateral funiculus(LF)at the injured epicenter was significantly increased in animals that received CNTF-OPC grafts compared with all other groups.Importantly,75%of rats receiving CNTF-OPC grafts recovered transcranial magnetic motor-evoked potential and magnetic interenlargement reflex responses,indicating that conduction through the demyelinated axons in VLF or LF, respectively,was partially restored.More importantly,recovery of hindlimb locomotor function was significantly enhanced in animals receiving grafts of CNTF-OPCs.Thus,combined treatment with OPC grafts expressing CNTF can enhance remyelination and facilitate functional recovery after traumatic SCI.IntroductionThe pathophysiology and dysfunction after spinal cord injury (SCI)includes demyelination caused by oligodendrocyte(OL) cell death(Crowe et al.,1997;Liu et al.,1997;Li et al.,1999).Even after severe contusive SCI,demyelinated axons persist in the sub-pial rim of white matter in both humans(Bunge et al.,1993;Guest et al.,2005)and experimental animals(Blight,1983,1993; Cao et al.,2005a;Totoiu and Keirstead,2005).Some remyelina-tion by endogenous oligodendrocytes and invading peripheral Schwann cells occurs(Gledhill et al.,1973;Itoyama et al.,1983; Dusart et al.,1992;McTigue et al.,2001;Tripathi and McTigue, 2007).However,conduction deficits persist chronically in hu-mans(Alexeeva et al.,1997,1998)and rodents(Nashmi et al., 2000;Nashmi and Fehlings,2001),suggesting spontaneous re-myelination is limited and incomplete.Multiple cell types have been grafted into the demyelinated spinal cord and remyelinate the demyelinated axons to varying degrees(Cao et al.,2002a;Kocsis et al.,2004).Neural stem cells (NSCs)and glial precursor cells have the potential to differentiate into OLs in vitro and in vivo.However,multipotent NSCs mainly differentiate into astrocytes after transplantation into the injured spinal cord(Chow et al.,2000;Shihabuddin et al.,2000;Cao et al., 2001;Wu et al.,2002;Vroemen et al.,2003;Hofstetter et al.,Received July2,2009;revised Nov.9,2009;accepted Dec.26,2009.This work was supported by National Institutes of Health Grants NS061975(Q.C.),NS054708(S.R.W.,D.S.K.M.),and RR15576(Q.C.,S.R.W.,D.S.K.M.);The Institute for Rehabilitation and Research Foundation through MissionConnect(Q.C.);the Kentucky Spinal Cord and Head Injury Research Trust(Q.C.,S.R.W.);and the Commonwealth ofKentucky Research Challenge for Excellence Trust Fund(S.R.W.).We thank Kim Fentress and Christian Nunn for theirexpert technical help.The statistical expertise of Darlene Burke and the highly skilled assistance of Cathie Caple arealso gratefully acknowledged.Correspondence should be addressed to Dr.Qilin Cao,Department of Neurosurgery,University of Texas MedicalSchool at Houston,6341Fannin Street,MSE R158,Houston,TX77030.E-mail:qi-lin.cao@.DOI:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3174-09.2010Copyright©2010the authors0270-6474/10/302989-13$15.00/0The Journal of Neuroscience,February24,2010•30(8):2989–3001•29892005).Such astrocyte differentiation from grafted NSCs may lead to allodynia(Hofstetter et al.,2005).Oligodendrocyte precursor cells(OPCs)may be optimal cell grafts because of their potential for more extensive remyelination and their lack of differentiation into astrocytes after transplantation.The adult CNS contains a significant number of OPCs(Wolswijk and Noble,1989;Wolswijk et al.,1991;Roy et al.,1999;Chang et al.,2000;Horner et al., 2000).Although the turnover of these cells is relatively low under normal conditions,their proliferation increases significantly af-ter SCI(Ishii et al.,2001;McTigue et al.,2001;Yamamoto et al., 2001)or multiple sclerosis(MS)(Wolswijk,1998,2000).More importantly,they can survive and differentiate into myelinating OLs after transplantation into demyelinated adult CNS(Zhang et al.,1999;Windrem et al.,2002,2004).Ciliary neurotrophic factor(CNTF)has neuroprotective ef-fects on a variety of CNS and PNS neurons(Barbin et al.,1984; Hagg and Varon,1993;Naumann et al.,2003).In addition, CNTF promotes OL differentiation and maturation from OPCs in vitro(Barres et al.,1996;Marmur et al.,1998;Stankoff et al., 2002).It also increases the survival of mature OLs(Barres et al., 1993;Louis et al.,1993).Importantly,CNTF and LIF(leukemia inhibitory factor)decrease the severity of experimental autoim-mune encephalomyelitis by decreasing the OL apoptosis and en-hancing OPC proliferation and differentiation(Butzkueven et al.,2002;Linker et al.,2002).These studies suggest a potential therapeutic role for CNTF in promoting remyelination by grafted or endogenous OPCs after injury.In this study,we have explored the potential of adult OPCs transplanted into the spinal cord to promote remyelination and functional recovery after traumatic SCI in rats.Our results indicate that CNTF increases the survival and differentiation of adult OPCs both in vitro and in vivo.Fur-thermore,transplantation of CNTF-expressing OPCs promotes remyelination and functional recovery after SCI. Materials and MethodsAll animal care and surgical interventions were undertaken in strict ac-cordance with the Public Health Service Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals,Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources,National Research Council, 1996),and with the approval of the University of Louisville Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee and Institutional Biosafety Committee. Isolation of OPCs from adult spinal cord.OPCs were immunopanned with an O4antibody from the spinal cord of adult Fischer344rats that ubiquitously express human placental alkaline phosphatase(hPAP),as detailed previously(Talbott et al.,2006;Cheng et al.,2007).Briefly,the dissected spinal cords were minced into1mm3pieces and incubated in HBSS containing0.1%papain,0.1%neutral protease,and0.01%DNase for30min at37°C.The digestion was stopped by the addition of an equal volume of DMEM containing20%fetal bovine serum.Tissues were dis-sociated by repeated trituration with fire-polished Pasteur pipettes and were filtered through70m nylon mesh.The cells were incubated on an anti-RAN-2antibody-coated dish for30min to deplete type1astrocytes and meningeal cells and then transferred to an O4-coated dish for45min to select OPCs.The purified OPCs on the dish were removed with trypsin and cultured in poly-L-lysine/laminin-coated dishes with DMEM/F12 medium containing1ϫN2and1ϫB27supplements,fibroblast growth factor2(FGF2)(20ng/ml),platelet-derived growth factor aa(PDGFaa) (10ng/ml),insulin(5g/ml),and BSA(0.1%).Cells were fed with fresh growth medium every other day.In all cases,an aliquot of cells was analyzed the next day to determine the efficiency of the immunopanning. Only those cell preparations in whichϾ95%of the bound cells expressed O4were used in the experiments.Differentiation and survival of OPCs by growth factors in vitro.To de-termine which neurotrophic factor is most effective in promoting OL differentiation,adult OPCs were cultured in either basal media(DMEM/F12plus1ϫN2plus1ϫB27plus0.1%BSA)plus5ng/ml FGF2without(control)or with one of the following neurotrophic factors at concentra-tion of10ng/ml for3d:neurotrophin3(NT3),CNTF,neuregulin(NRG),insulin-like growth factor-1(IGF1),or glial cell line-derivedgrowth factor(GDNF).All these neurotrophic factors have been shownpreviously to promote OL development.FGF2was added to both groupsto minimize spontaneous OPC differentiation.After3d of treatment,cell preparations were fixed and stained with antibodies for the moremature OL marker O1.The percentage of O1ϩOLs was counted,and thedifferences among groups were analyzed by repeated-measures ANOVAfollowed by Tukey’s honestly significant difference(HSD)post hoc t testsusing a0.05confidence interval.To examine the effect of neurotrophicfactors on the survival of OLs,adult OPCs were induced to differentiateinto O1ϩOLs by withdrawal of FGF2and PDGFaa for2d.Then thedifferentiated OLs continued to grow in the basal medium alone or basalmedia with one of the above neurotrophic factors(all,10ng/ml)for5more days.Cell survival was assessed either by an MTT colorimetric assayaccording to the manufacturer’s instructions(Millipore Bioscience Re-search Reagents)or by counting the apoptotic O1ϩOLs based on con-densed and/or fragmental Hoechst-stained nuclei.Immunofluorescence in vitro.To detect the surface membrane anti-gens,cells cultured on24-well plates were incubated with primary anti-bodies A2B5,O4,or O1(hybridoma supernatant,undiluted;AmericanType Culture Collection)at4°C for45min.After fixation with4%para-formaldehyde,cells were incubated in FITC-or Texas Red-conjugateddonkey anti-mouse IgM for1h at room temperature(RT).For recogni-tion of other antigens,cells cultured on24-well plates were fixed with4%paraformaldehyde.Mouse monoclonal antibodies against2Ј,3Ј-cyclicnucleotide phosphodiesterase(CNPase)(1:800;Covance),myelin basicprotein(MBP)(1:50;Millipore Bioscience Research Reagents),or glialfibrillary acid protein(GFAP)(1:400;Sigma-Aldrich)were applied over-night at4°C.Then the appropriate fluorescence-conjugated secondaryantibodies(1:200;Jackson ImmunoResearch Laboratories)were applied,and the nuclei were counterstained with DAPI(4Ј,6Ј-diamidino-2-phenylindole).Controls were performed with the appropriate species-specific nonimmune sera and showed negligible background.Totalcellular counts for each experimental well were obtained in10fieldsunder20ϫobjective from three culture wells.The result for each exper-imental condition was verified a minimum of three independent times.Cell preparation for transplantation.Enhanced green fluorescent pro-tein(EGFP)and human CNTF cDNAs were cloned into the LZRS retro-viral vector(Kinsella and Nolan,1996).To generate high-titer virus,⌽NX cells(provided by Dr.Gary Nolan,Stanford University,Stanford, CA)were transfected using GenePorter II(Gene Therapy Systems),which routinely gave transfection efficiencies of50–65%.Selection with2g/ml puromycin began48h later.To harvest viral supernatant,media was changed to the appropriate serum-free media without mitogensovernight and harvested the next day.We routinely obtain titers of5ϫ105to5ϫ106pfu/ml.OPCs were treated with1g/ml polybrene for1h, followed by incubation in growth medium containing LZRS-EGFP orLZRS-CNTF-EGFP retrovirus for4h.Routinely,ϳ60%of the cells werelabeled.Two hours before transplantation,the labeled cells were de-tached from the dishes using a cell lifter,collected by centrifugation at1000ϫg for4min,and resuspended in1ml of culture medium.After cellcount and viability assessment with trypan blue in a hemacytometer,thecell suspension was centrifuged a second time and resuspended in asmaller volume to give a density of5ϫ104viable cells/l.Surgical procedures.Surgical procedures were as described previously(Cao et al.,2001,2002b,2005a).Briefly,after anesthetization with Nem-butal(50mg/kg,i.p.),age-and weight-matched adult female Fischer344rats received a dorsal laminectomy at the ninth thoracic vertebral level(T9)to expose the spinal cord,and then a150kdyn contusive SCI usingthe IH impactor(Infinite Horizons).At8d after injury,rats were ran-domly assigned to five groups,which received DMEM,EGFP-OPCs,CNTF-OPCs,EGFP-fibroblasts(FBs),or CNTF-FBs,respectively.Ani-mals were reanesthetized as above,and the laminectomy site was reex-posed.Four injections were made at1mm cranial to,caudal to,and leftand right of the lesion at depth1.3and0.6mm laterally from midline.Ateach site,2l of cell suspension or vehicle was injected through a glass2990•J.Neurosci.,February24,2010•30(8):2989–3001Cao et al.•Remyelination by CNTF-OPCs after SCImicropipette with an outer diameter of 50–70m and the tip sharp-beveled to 30–50°at rate of 0.5l/min as described previously (Cao etal.,2001,2002b).Thus,a total of 400,000cells was grafted into eachinjured spinal cord.The animals were allowed to survive 8weeks aftertransplantation.ELISA assessment of CNTF expression.To detect the expression ofCNTF in the cultured OPCs in vitro ,OPCs were infected with EGFP orCNTF retroviruses.Two days later,the uninfected,EGFP-or CNTF-OPCs were harvested with cold lysis buffer consisting of 137m M NaCl,20m M Tris-HCl,1%NP-40,and 1ϫprotease inhibitor mixture set III (Cal-biochem).Protein concentrations were calculated with the BCA proteinassay (Pierce).Expression of CNTF was examined by commercially avail-able sandwich technique ELISA kit (R&D Systems)following the manu-facturer’s recommended protocol.Oxidized horseradish peroxidaseenzymatic products in the microplate wells were read at 450nm absor-bance using a SpectraMax Plus 384plate reader (Molecular Devices).Differences of CNTF expression among three groups was compared withrepeated-measures ANOVA,followed by Student–Newman–Keuls posthoc test.The level of statistical significance was set at p Ͻ0.05.To detectthe expression of CNTF in the injured spinal cord,a total of nine animalsreceived 150kdyn IH contusion SCI as described above.Eight days later,they were then randomly divided into three groups that received 8l ofCNTF-OPCs,EGFP-OPCs,or DMEM,respec-tively,at four sites as described above.One week after transplantation,animals were killed with an overdose of Nembutal and 4mm of spinal cord (2mm from the injured epicenter cranially and caudally,respectively)was used for protein isolation.Spinal cords were ho-mogenized with cold lysis buffer as described above.After protein concentrations were cal-culated with the BCA protein assay,expression of CNTF in the injured spinal cord was de-tected by using the same ELISA assay as de-scribed above for OPCs.Behavioral assessment.Open-field locomo-tor testing using the Basso–Beattie–Bresnahan (BBB)locomotor rating scale (Basso et al.,1995)was performed at day 7after injury and once weekly thereafter for 7weeks after injury.All the animals were coded and behavioral as-sessments were performed by two investigators blinded with respect to the treatment groups.The mean BBB scores were tallied by injured groups and plotted as a function of time after injury.Changes in BBB scores over time for the five groups were analyzed using repeated-measures ANOVA with the between-groups factor.Differences among the groups and each group over the 7postinjury test weeks were performed using Tukey’s HSD post hoc t tests.Electrophysiological assessment of spinal cord function.The methods for evaluating transcranial magnetic motor-evoked potential (tcMMEP)and magnetic interenlargement reflex (MIER)responses were described in detail in previous studies (Loy et al.,2002;Cao et al.,2005a,b;Beaumont et al.,2006).Briefly,tcMMEPs were recorded preoperatively and every other week postoperatively in restrained,unanesthetized rats as a means to evaluate con-duction through long descending motor path-ways.The tcMMEP system used a MagStim200magnetic stimulator attached to a 50-mm-diameter transducer coil (Magstim)and re-corded using a Cadwell Sierra II data acquisition system.The transducer was placed over the skull,and a short (70s)magnetic pulse wasdelivered while EMG responses were recorded from hindlimb flexor (tibialis anterior)and ex-tensor (gastrocnemius)muscles with single needle electrodes.MIER responses were used as a means to evaluate conduction of long,interenlargement ascending propriospinal axons.Also recorded from unanesthetized animals,EMGs from the triceps muscle after magnetic stimulation of the contralateral hindlimb were recorded in response to magnetic stimulation (single or paired with a 1ms separation)of the sciatic nerve in one hindlimb by placing a dual 25mm figure eight coil (Magstim)over the hip and proximal femur.Both amplitudes and laten-cies of tcMMEP and MIER responses were analyzed by random and fixed-effects model with repeated-measures ANOVA followed by the appropriate post hoc t tests using a 0.05confidence interval.Immunohistochemistry.For the histological analysis of the grafted cells,rats were anesthetized with 80mg/kg Nembutal and perfused transcar-dially with 0.01M PBS,pH 7.4,followed by 4%paraformaldehyde in 0.01M phosphate buffer (PB).The spinal cord segments that received the grafts were removed,cryoprotected in 30%sucrose buffer overnight at 4°C,and embedded in OCT compound.Some cords were transversely sectioned at 16m on a cryostat,whereas others were cut longitudinally.After blocking with 10%donkey serum in Tris-buffered saline (TBS)containing 0.3%Triton X-100(TBST)for 1h at room temperature (RT),the sections were incubated in TBST containing 5%donkey serum,poly-Figure1.Invitro differentiationofadultOPCs.AllpurifiedOPCsexpressedhPAP(A–C )aswellasOPCsmarkersO4(A ),A2B5(B ),or NG2(C ).Three days after withdrawal of FGF2and PDGFaa,OPCs constitutively differentiated into OLs expressing O1(D ).Six days after differentiation,OPCs differentiated into mature OLs expressing MBP with complex membrane sheet (E ).Two weeks after cocultured with DRG neurons,adult OPCs became OLs,which formed myelin sheaths around the axons (F ).Scale bars:A ,E ,F ,20m;B ,C ,10m;D ,50m.Cao et al.•Remyelination by CNTF-OPCs after SCI J.Neurosci.,February 24,2010•30(8):2989–3001•2991clonal chicken anti-GFP (1:500;Millipore Bio-science Research Reagents)or polyclonal rabbit anti-neurofilament M (NFM)(a marker for axons;1:200;Millipore Bioscience Research Reagents)with one of the following monoclo-nal mouse antibodies:anti-MBP (a marker for myelin;1:50;Millipore Bioscience Research Reagents),anti-GFAP (a marker for astrocytes;1:100;Millipore Bioscience Research Reagents),anti-adenomatus polyposis coli (APC)(also called CC1;a marker that labels cell bodies of mature OL)(1:200;BD Pharmingen),anti-NG2(a marker for OPCs;1:200;Millipore Bio-science Research Reagents),or anti-nestin (a marker for undifferentiated NSCs or progeni-tor cells;1:10;DSHB)overnight at 4°C.After three washes of 10min in TBS,sections were incubated in TBST containing 5%donkey serum,donkey anti-sheep or donkey anti-chicken FITC-conjugated Fab Јfragments (1:100),donkey anti-mouse Texas Red-conjugated Fab Јfragments (1:200),or donkey anti-rabbit AMCA (amino-methyl-coumarin-acetate)-conjugated Fab Јfragments (1:100;Jackson ImmunoResearch Laboratories)for 1h at RT.The sections were rinsed in TBS and coverslipped with antifademounting medium (Invitrogen).A Nikon Eclipse TE300inverted fluorescence micro-scope equipped with RT color Spot camera or a Zeiss Axiophot,LSM 510confocal microscopywas used to capture representative images.Pho-tomicrographs were assembled using AdobePhotoshop and Adobe Illustrator software.To determine the differentiation of grafted EGFP-or CNTF-OPCs inthe injured spinal cord,four coronal sections,200m apart,were takenspanning the lesion epicenter.The percentage of engrafted OPCs (eitherEGFP-or CNTF-infected,identified by EGFP expression)that coex-pressed APC was quantified for the two groups of grafted animals.Forratio analysis,unbiased stereological counting methods are not needed(Coggeshall and Lekan,1996).Quantification of axonal density and remyelination.High-precision design-based unbiased systematic random sampling technique (Storke-baum et al.,2005)was used to quantify the number of normally myelin-ated,OL-or Schwann cell-remyelinated axons in the ventrolateral funiculus (VLF)and lateral funiculus (LF)where tcMMEP and MIER responses are carried,respectively.Three representative toluidine blue-stained 1m semithin cross sections at the injured epicenter were used for each animal.To obtain accurate counts without relying on densities or introducing shrinkage bias,geometrical anatomy in the injured spinal cord was used to define the VLF and LF (Casley-Smith,1988).The whole spinal cords on toluidine blue-stained 1m semithin cross sections were traced with an Olympus BX60microscope attached to a stereology work-station (StereoInvestigator;MicroBrightField)at 120ϫmagnification.This outer trace was then partitioned into eight equal segments.Thecenter of each section was determined by the intersection of two digitallyimposed lines that connected any point to its opposite point.The VLFwas defined by connecting the points in the anterior median fissure,thepoint directly lateral to the anterior medial fissure,and the center point.The LF was defined by connecting the points immediately lateral to theanterior median fissure,the point immediately lateral to the dorsal cen-ter,and absolute center point.The VLF and LF at each representativesection were divided into counting frames of 25by 25m using theOptical Fractionator probe of the software StereoInvestigator at 120ϫmagnification.The scan grid size was anticipated to be 250ϫ250m,allowing for an area-sampling fraction (ASF)of 1/100(the scan grid sizeand ASF were determined by the software with a Schmitz–Hof coefficientof error Ͻ0.10).The scan grid orientation was randomly rotated sincethe spinal cords were non-isotropically cut.The number of normallymyelinated and OL-or Schwann cell-remyelinated axons were countedin the sampling area at 3000ϫmagnification using an oil-immersion objective with a high numerical aperture (100ϫ;oil;numerical aperture,1.00)by a investigator who was blinded to the animal groups.The axon counts of each category in all sampling areas in the defined VLF or LF of each section were multiplied by the sampling probability to give an esti-mate of the total number of axons of each category within VLF or LF as described previously (Schmitz and Hof,2000).The numbers from the three sections at the epicenter were averaged.The difference between the axon number in each category in the VLF or LF among groups was analyzed with repeated-measures ANOVA followed by the appropriatepost hoc t tests using a 0.05confidence interval.Electron microscopic immunocytochemistry.For immuno-EM,rats were perfused with the same perfusion fixatives as described above for immunohistochemistry but with addition of 0.1%glutaraldehyde.Afterperfusion,the spinal cord was carefully dissected out and blocked into proximal (injured epicenter)and distant (8mm away from the epicen-ter)segments in both caudal and rostral directions.Horizontal sections were cut at 40m on a vibratome.The sections were subjected to immu-nohistochemical processing for hPAP using the avidin–biotin peroxi-dase complex (ABC)method.Briefly,sections were blocked in 10%goat serum in 0.01M PBS containing 0.05%Triton X-100for 30min at RT andthen incubated with polyclonal rabbit anti-hPAP antibody (1:2000;Mil-lipore Bioscience Research Reagents)containing 3%goat serum for 24hat 4°C.After several rinses in 0.01M PBS,the sections were reacted with biotinylated goat anti-rabbit IgG (1:200;Vector Laboratories)for 1h and subsequently with Vector ABC reagent (1:200;Vector Laboratories)for 1h at RT.The reaction product was revealed by incubation for 5–10min with 0.05%diaminobenzidine tetrahydrochloride (DAB)and 0.01%H 2O 2in 0.05M Tris-HCl,pH 7.6.After reaction,the sections were postfixed in 1%osmium tetroxide in 0.1M PB,pH 7.4,for 1h at RT and dehydrated in graded ethanols and propylene oxide.The sections were then flat-embedded in Epon on slides.After cutting,sections were examined and the VLF was cut out and glued to Epon cylinders for ultrathin sectioning.The ultrathin sections were mounted on grids and examined and photographed using a Philips CM10trans-mission electronmicroscope.Figure TF promoted OL differentiation of adult OPCs in vitro .Adult OPCs were grown in basal medium containing FGF2(5ng/ml)andtheindicatedgrowthfactorfor3d.TheeffectofindividualgrowthfactortoovercometheinhibitionofFGF2topromote differentiation was defined by the percentage of O1ϩpared with control (A ),CNTF (B )and IGF1(C )significantly pro-moteddifferentiation,whereasotherfactorshadnosignificanteffect(D ).Datain D representthemean ϮSD(n ϭ4).ଝp Ͻ0.05.Scale bars,50m.2992•J.Neurosci.,February 24,2010•30(8):2989–3001Cao et al.•Remyelination by CNTF-OPCs after SCIResultsIsolation,expansion,and characterization of OPCs from adult spinal cordAll isolated OPCs expressed hPAP (Fig.1A ,B ).More impor-tantly,Ͼ95%of these cells expressed the OPC-specific markers 04(Fig.1A ),A2B5(Fig.1B ),or NG2(Fig.1C ).Less than 10%of adult OPCs expressed the more mature oligodendrocyte-specific marker O1(data not shown).Adult OPCs were not labeled by antibodies recognizing the mature oligodendrocyte-specific pro-teins MBP and PLP (proteolipid protein)or the astrocyte-specific proteins GFAP and vimentin (data not shown).Adult OPCs pro-liferated in culture medium containing FGF2and PDGFaa for multiple passages (at least 10)in vitro without changing pheno-type (Cheng et al.,2007).To test their differentiation potential,adult OPCs were induced to differentiate by withdrawing FGF2and PDGFaa.When cultured in serum-free medium containing insulin and CNTF but lacking FGF2and PDGFaa for 3d,Ͼ85%of cells expressed O1and developed the typical,highly process-bearing morphology of OLs (Fig.1D ).Moreover,over 6d of differentiation,Ͼ80%of the cells developed into mature MBP ϩOLs with visible membrane sheets (Fig.1E ).To further test their capacity to myelinate axons in vitro ,adult OPCs were cocultured with purified embryonic dorsal root ganglion (DRG)neurons (Plant et al.,2002;Cao et al.,2005b).After coculture for 2weeks,adult OPCs were observed to myelinate the DRG axons as as-sessed by MBP expression (Fig.1F ).These results demonstrate that adult OPCs have the capacity to differentiate into mature oligodendrocytes to myelinate axons in vitro .Whereas no astro-cytic differentiation was observed in the differentiation medium without serum,Ͼ60%of adult OPCs differentiated into GFAP ϩastrocytes after differentiation in the same medium with 10%FBS (Cheng et al.,2007).These astrocytes also expressed A2B5with the typical stellate morphology of type 2astrocytes.These results showed that adult OPCs from the spinal cord were bipo-tential with the capacity to differentiate into oligodendrocytes inthe absence of serum and into type 2astrocytes in the presence of serum,similar to their perinatal counterparts (Raff et al.,1983).Differentiation and survival of adult OPCs induced by growth factors in vitroA substantial number of growth factors play critical roles in the regulation of OPC differentiation,maturation,and survival dur-ing CNS development.Their effects on adult OPCs have not been well investigated.We examined whether OL differentiation of adult OPCs could be promoted by the growth factors NT3,CNTF,IGF1,NRG,or GDNF,all having been previously shown to regulate OL development.Adult OPCs were differentiated for 5d in basal medium with 5ng/ml FGF2plus one growth factor (10ng/ml).Our previous study showed that adult OPCs sponta-neously differentiated into OLs after withdrawal of mitogens FGF2and PDGFaa (Cheng et al.,2007).Hence,addition of FGF2(5ng/ml)prevented the spontaneous differentiation.After cul-ture for 3d in basal medium containing 5ng/ml FGF2but with-out growth factor,17%of OPCs differentiated into O1ϩOLs (Fig.2A ,D ).After differentiation with CNTF (Fig.2B ),IGF1(Fig.2C ),NT3,NRG,or GDNF,the percentages of O1ϩOLs were 41,40,18,22,and 29,respectively (Fig.2D ).Addition of CNTF or IGF1significantly increased the percentage of O1ϩOLs compared with the control cultures without growth factor (all p Ͻ0.05).We further tested whether these growth factors could pro-mote the survival of differentiated OLs.Adult OPCs were in-duced to differentiate into O1ϩOLs by withdrawal of FGF2and PDGFaa for 2d.The differentiated OLs were subsequently grown for 5d in basal medium alone or with NT3,CNTF,IGF1,NRG,or GDNF (10ng/ml).In basal medium,85%of OLs were apoptotic (Fig.3A ,C ).The membrane sheets in these OLs were broken and lost (Fig.3A ).However,the majority of OLs in the CNTF cultures survived (Fig.3B ,C ).These OLs had an extensive membrane sheet,a typical in vitro morphology of mature OLs (Fig.3B ).TheFigure TF significantly increased OL survival and maturation in vitro .Adult OPCs were differentiated for 2d in basal medium (BM)to become O1ϩOLs and continued to mature for 5more daysinBMplustheindicatedgrowthfactor.Withoutadditionaltrophicsupport,mostOLsunderwentapoptosis(A ).AdditionofCNTFpreventedmostOLsfrominitiatingapoptosis(B ).Thesurviving OLs showed mature OL morphology with complex membrane sheets.Although all tested growth factors protected differentiated OLs from death,CNTF was the most effective (C ).The survival of OLs was also measured by MTT (D–F ).Compared with control BM (D ),there was significantly more survival with all growth factors,but CNTF was the most effective (E ,F ).Data in C and F represent the mean ϮSD (n ϭ4).ଝp Ͻ0.05.Scale bars:A ,B ,25m;D ,E ,50m.Cao et al.•Remyelination by CNTF-OPCs after SCI J.Neurosci.,February 24,2010•30(8):2989–3001•2993。