common errors in writing
英语作文改错模板English Answer:Common Errors in English Writing and How to Correct Them。
1. Subject-Verb Agreement。
Error: The student eat their lunch.Correction: The student eats their lunch.Explanation: The subject "student" is singular, so the verb must be "eats."2. Pronoun Agreement。
Error: Each of the students brought his or her own books.Correction: Each of the students brought their own books.Explanation: Since the subject is plural ("students"), the pronoun must be plural ("their").3. Verb Tense。
Error: I will be studying for the test yesterday.Correction: I will study for the test tomorrow.Explanation: The timeline of the action is incorrect. Use the correct tense for the intended time.4. Redundancy。
Error: The small, tiny kitten was playful.Correction: The small kitten was playful.Explanation: "Small" and "tiny" mean the same thing.Avoid using redundant words.5. Misplaced Modifiers。
英语学习中的常见写作错误及纠正方法Common Writing Errors in English language Learning and Correction MethodsIntroductionEnglish writing plays a crucial role in language learning as it allows individuals to communicate effectively and express their thoughts. However, learners often make common mistakes that can hinder their progress. This article will address some of these errors and provide correction methods to enhance writing skills.1. Grammatical ErrorsGrammatical mistakes are quite common in English writing. These errors can impact the overall clarity and coherence of the text. To avoid such mistakes, learners should focus on understanding grammar rules and structures. Regular practice is also essential for reinforcing correct usage. Utilizing grammar books, online resources, and seeking feedback from teachers or native speakers can be beneficial for correction.Example:Incorrect: I has two cats and they is very playful.Correct: I have two cats, and they are very playful.2. Sentence Structure ErrorsIncorrect sentence structure can lead to confusion and misinterpretation. It is crucial to maintain proper subject-verb agreement, utilize appropriatepunctuation, and structure sentences correctly to convey the intended meaning. Reading extensively, observing sentence patterns, and practicing sentence construction will help learners improve their sentence structure.Example:Incorrect: She watching a movie when the phone rang.Correct: She was watching a movie when the phone rang.3. Spelling and TyposSpelling mistakes and typos can undermine the credibility and professionalism of written work. To avoid these errors, learners should develop their spelling skills through reading, word games, and vocabulary practice. Utilizing spell-checkers and proofreading carefully before submitting any written work is necessary to spot and correct spelling errors.Example:Incorrect: Tomarrow I will go to the libray.Correct: Tomorrow, I will go to the library.4. Misuse of HomophonesHomophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings. Misusing homophones can lead to confusion and misunderstanding. To overcome this mistake, learners should familiarize themselves with common homophones and practice differentiating their usage. Creating vocabulary lists and engaging in contextual practice can reinforce correct word choice.Example:Incorrect: Their going to the park for a picnic.Correct: They're going to the park for a picnic.5. Lack of Coherence and CohesionEffective writing should flow smoothly, exhibiting logical connections between ideas. Lack of coherence and cohesion can make the writing difficult to comprehend. To address this, learner should focus on organizing their ideas, utilizing transition words and phrases, and maintaining clear paragraph structure. Drafting outlines and seeking feedback on their writing can assist in improving coherence and cohesion.Example:Incorrect: I love reading books. It's fun. I also enjoy traveling.Correct: I love reading books because it is enjoyable. Additionally, I find traveling to be a rewarding experience.ConclusionBy addressing these common writing errors and utilizing the suggested correction methods, English learners can enhance their writing skills and communication abilities. Continuous practice, seeking feedback, and making use of available resources will aid in overcoming these challenges. With dedication and persistence, learners can become proficient writers, effectively conveying their thoughts and ideas in the English language.。
• Common errors in the writing section
• Common errors in reading comprehension section
Candidates may not have an accurate understanding of the meaning of a key word, resulting in a deviation in their understanding of the entire article.
Candidates may not be able to infer the author's intention or make accurate judgments about the main idea of the article based on the information in the article, resulting in incorrect answer selection.
Position usage
Correct or inappropriate positions can lead to fusion about the intended meaning of a sentence
Article usage
The use of "a," "an," and "the" is essential in English grammar,
• Common errors in the listening section
英语作文改错范文There are several common errors found in English writing. In this essay, I will discuss some of these errors and provide examples of how to correct them.One common error is the misuse of apostrophes. Many people use apostrophes to make a word plural, but this is incorrect. For example, "apple's" is incorrect when used to mean more than one apple. The correct form is "apples." Another common error is the confusion between "its" and"it's." "Its" is a possessive form, while "it's" is a contraction of "it is" or "it has." For example, "The dog wagged its tail" is correct, while "It's a beautiful day"is also correct.Another common error is the misuse of homophones. Homophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings and spellings. For example, "their," "there," and "they're" are often used incorrectly. "Their" is a possessive form, "there" indicates a place, and "they're"is a contraction of "they are." It is important to usethese words correctly to avoid confusion in writing.Additionally, many people struggle with subject-verb agreement. This means that the subject and verb in a sentence must agree in number. For example, "The cat eats" is correct, while "The cat eat" is incorrect. This error can lead to confusion and should be carefully checked for in writing.Furthermore, sentence fragments are a common error in English writing. A sentence fragment is an incomplete sentence that does not contain a subject and a verb. For example, "Running down the street" is a fragment, while "I was running down the street" is a complete sentence. It is important to ensure that all sentences are complete and make sense on their own.In conclusion, there are several common errors in English writing, including the misuse of apostrophes, homophones, subject-verb agreement, and sentence fragments. It is important to be aware of these errors and tocarefully proofread writing to correct them.中文翻译:在英语写作中常见一些错误。
d.如果出现两个句子,中间除了用加连词这种方法之 外,还可以用标点符号分割,比如用句号或者分号。 句号和分号在语法上有连词的功能,其前后要有完整 的句子;而逗号、括号则不能够连接完整的句子。 Education has been made available to more people nowadays, however, many adults have some problems with literacy and numeracy. Education has been made available to more people nowadays; however, many adults have some problems with literacy and numeracy.
b.如果一个句子中出现多个谓语动词,要使用连词连接构 成并列动词,或者在一些句子中使用关系代词构成复合句。 有一些动词后面可以跟动词作宾语或者宾语补足语。 1. The media distorts reality, categories things as all good or all bad. The media distorts reality and categories things as all good or all bad. 2. Should we Chinese boycott Japanese Goods is hotly debated recently because of the territorial disputer for Diaoyu Islands. Whether we Chinese should boycott Japanese Goods is hotly debated recently because of the territorial disputer for Diaoyu Islands. 3.People think it is terrible that we stop buy Japanese goods. People think it is terrible that we stop buying Japanese goods.
大学英语写作 4-Common Errors in Composing Setences
After I cashed my paycheck, I treated myself to dinner. After I cashed my paycheck and then treated myself to dinner.
Dependent-word Fragments (从属词不完整句)
How to correct -ing/to fragments:
1) Attach the fragment to the sentence before/after it,
College English Dep.,YCU Li Ganggang
whichever makes sense.
People sometimes write -ing/to fragments because they
think that the subject of one sentence will work for the next word group as well. e.g:
1) We sat back to watch the movie. Not expecting anything
-ing and to Fragments (现在分词和不定式不完整句)
How to correct -ing/to fragments:
1) Attach the fragment to the sentence before/after it,
College English Dep.,YCU Li Ganggang
special. To our surprise, we clapped, cheered and cried for the next two hours. his date, he spent one hour eating a small bowl of rice.
Common Errors in English Writing
CommonErrorsinEnglishWriting作者:胡翠莲来源:《中学文科·教研版》2008年第04期1.Misused Nouns and ArticlesIt’s very important to leam that all nouns in EnglishareeitherCOUNTABLEorUNCOUNTABLE.Unfortunately there is no rule that will tell you whether anoun is COUNTABLE or UNCOUNTABLE:It just is.Thus. an UNCOUNTABLE noun is always singular.COUNTABLE nounsshould be paid moreattention to.What’8 more wecan put“a”or“an”in front of each COUNTABLE noun,but UNCOUNTABLEnouns cannot.This is because“a”is a weak form of theWOrd “one”.and as you can’t count an UNCOUNTABLEnoun, yon cannot take “one”of it Therefore,UNCOUNT-ABLE nouns cannot take“a”.In a great many casesUNCOUNTABLE nouns ale used without any article atall.In other Words.COUNTABLE nouns can never occurin the singular without an article.2.MisUSed VerbsHere are some main errors:(1)Disagreement of Subjeet and VerbA.An easily correeted error is the olnission of“s”inthe Thor d Persorl Singular Simple Present Tense.B.Errprs in using a Plural Subjeet with a SingularVerb or a Singular Subjeet with a Plural verb.(2)Incorrect Past Participle and Simple Past TenseMost verbs in English add—ed or—d to form their pasttense and their past participle which are called regularVerbs. A number of other verbs, however,are quitedifferent,which are caned irregular verbs,and each onemust be leamt separately.So,errors are often made from not knOWing the rightform of tIle Simple Past Tense andd the Past Participle.(3)The confusion of the Active Voice with the PassiveVoiceThe students should always have the followingconsciously in mind:The Active Voice is used when thesubjeet does the action while the Passive Voice is usedwhen the subject is done something to.(4)Auxiliary VerbsRemember that,as a nlle,aU Auxiliary Verbs arefollowed by the Infinitive without“to”,each of which hastheir own meanings and uses.Forthe negative,us e lnly“not”. However, there are some certain verbs. notproperly Auxiliary Verbs,which are treated in this way.They are see,hear,feel,nake and fet.The most commonerrors in a passage arise from the misiise of them.Therefore,I advise students to pay particular attention tothem.3.Misused PronouFisPronoun is a Word used instead of a noun, anadjeetive.or a numeral.Pronouns can be classified as follows;(1)Personal Pronollns:I,you,he,it,we,they,her,him…(2)Possessive Pronouns: my,mine;our,ours;their,theirs(3)Self-Pronouns:myself,himself, theraselves.itself…(4)Relative Pronouns;who,which,what…(5)Demonstrative Pronouns:this,that,tllose.these…(6)Indefnite Pronouns:some,any,all,none,every,each…(7)Interrogative Pronouns:who,which,what…(8)Reciproeal Pronouns:each other,one another…(9)Conjunctive Pronouns:who,which,what…Personal Pronouns express persorlal relatioilships.Subjeets haVe the rlominative form,while objects,whether direet or indireet, or prepositional, have the obieetiveform.There are two sets of PoSSessive Pronouns:Conjointforms and Absolute forms.when used as modifiers(justlike adjectiveS before the nouns)!,they take the first form;The second forms are used to avoid the repetition of thenouns.They are not followed by the nouns and may beused in many of the constructiotis in which noHns areused.Self-Pronouns are formed by adding“self”(plural:“selves”)to the g enitive (possessive)case of the first andthe seeond person,and to the objeetive CaSe of the thirdperfon.They have thtee distinct llSes:reflexive,emphaticand predieative.4.Misused AdjectIves or AdverbsA modifier is a word or a group of Words which isadded to another word or a group of Words and modifiesits meaning.Modifiers are classified,aecording to theirfunetions,as(1)AdjeetiVeS Modifiers,which modify nounsand pronouns;arld (2)Adverbial Modifiers,which modifvVerbs,adjeetives and adverbs,or modify the Sellterlee as awhole.Besides, Adjeetives can be used as a Predieative,part of a eomplex objeet,a prepositional object or tofunetion as a noun(generally but not rlecessarily preeededby the de6nite“the”--to denote all the persons possessingthe quality meritioned by the adjective as a group,so theyare plural in meaning and take a plural verb).What’s more,students should pay attention to thethree degrees of eomparison of Adjeetives or Adverhs andformation(regular or irregular).。
英语写作常见错误common errors
Exercise: p36
西 南 科 技 大 学 网 络 教 育
Ⅲ Faulty Parallelism (Faulty Coordination 错误平行结构)
– 平行结构是把两个或两个以上意思并列的成分用同等的语法形式 来表达。 – 反之则为错误平行结构。 – A student needs books, notebooks, and he needs pens. – A student needs books, notebooks and pens.
I am going to the lecture on modern Chinese drama, because he is a dramatist I like.
I’m going to the lecture on modern Chinese drama, because the speaker is a dramatist I like. As she was greatly influenced by her history teacher, she chose it as her major. As she was greatly influenced by her history teacher, she chose history as her major.
西 南 科 技 大 学 网 络 教 育
ⅤDangling modifiers( 垂悬修饰语)
Looking out of the window, the grassland stretches as far as the eye can see.
The sentence structure is chaotic and the logic is unclear.
Improper order of vocabulary or phrases in a sentence can lead to unclear or illogical meaning. For example, "The cat and the dog in the basket." should be modified with "cat and the dog." It should be changed to "The cat and the dog are in the basket."
Detailed description
Cultural differences error
Summary: In English writing, if the expression is not authentic or lacks the characteristics of the English language, it is usually caused by cultural differences.
Vocabulary errors
Summary word
spelling error
Detailed description
Spelling errors are one of the common errors in English writing, which may be caused by unfamiliarity with the spelling rules of words or carelessness. Common spelling errors include adding or removing letters, replacing letters, or confusingtion error
A NSWER KEYPart One: Essay Writing1 An Introduction to WritingActivity (Point and Support in a Paragraph), pages 5–6Point:There are drawbacks to moviegoing.Support: 1. Inconvenienceb. Long time to find parking spot and long walk to theaterd. Sticky floor3. Other moviegoersa. Running kidsb. Laughing, shouting teenagersActivity (Introductory Paragraph), 81. c2. b3. a4. a. Inconvenience of going outb. Temptations of the theaterc. Behavior of some patronsActivity (Body: Supporting Paragraphs), 9–101. To begin with, I just don’t enjoy the general hassle of the evening.2. b. Parking lot is always jammedd. Tickets may sell out, and theater is crowdede. Tickets cost up to $8 each3. Second, the theater offers tempting snacks that I really don’t need.4. b. 2) chocolate bars3) Milk Duds5. Many of the other patrons are even more of a problem than the concession stand.6. a. Little kids race up and down the aislesb. Teenagers talk back to the screen, whistle, make funny noisesActivity (Concluding Paragraph), 101. a2. cReview Activities, 18–20Answers will vary.2 The Writing ProcessActivities (Freewriting, Questioning, Making a List, Clustering, Scratch Outline), 25–31Answers will vary.Activity (Writing a First Draft), 331. thesis 5.specific2. first6. bs3. equiped (other answers are possible)7. conclusion4. second and thirdActivity (Revising with a Second Draft), 36–371. Second 5. watching what I keep in thehouse2. however 6. comfortable seats3. unity . . . My friends are as bad as I am. 7. As4. support . . . snacks like celery and carrot 8. jump into my handssticks . . . no ice cream in the freezer . . . 9. disgusteddripping with butter . . . risk pulling outmy fillings as I chewActivity (Taking a Writing Inventory), 39–40Answers will vary.Activity (Prewriting), 41–43L, Q, SO, C, FActivity 1 (Outlining), 43–451. Thesis:My high school had three problem areas.a. Students(1) Involved with drugs(2) Formed cliquesb. Teachers(1) Unwilling to help after class(2) Much too strictc. Buildings(1) Leaky ceilings(2) Ill-equipped gym2. Thesis:Working as a dishwasher in a restaurant was my worst job.a. Working conditions(1) Heat in kitchen(2) Noisy work areab. Hours(1) Ten-hour shifts(2) Hours changed every weekc. Pay(1) Minimum wage(2) No bonus for overtime3. Thesis: Joining an aerobics class has many benefits.a. Social benefits(1) Make new friends(2) Meet interesting instructorsb. Mental benefits(1) Reduces mental stress(2) Improves self-imagec. Physical benefits(1) Strengthens heart(2) Tones muscles4. Thesis: My favorite times in school were the days before holiday vacations.a. Lighter workload(1) Less work in class(2) Less homeworkb. Friendlier atmosphere(1) Teachers more relaxed(2) Students happy about vacationc. Special events(1) Pep rallies(2) Holiday concertsActivity 2 (Outlining), 45–47Thesis:More and more, the inventions of modern technology seem to be cutting us off from contact with our fellow human beings.First topic sentence:The world of business is one area in which technology is isolating us.Support: 2. Workers’salaries are automatically credited to their bank accounts.3. Personal banking is becoming a detached process.a. Customers interact with machines rather than people.b. Some loans are accepted or rejected by computers, not loanofficers.Second topic sentence:Another area that technology is changing is entertainment.Support: 1. For many people now, music is a solitary experience.2. Fewer people go out to watch movies.Third topic sentence: Education is a third important area in which technology is separating us from others.Support: 1. Students sit alone in front of computers.2. Students use software at home instead of interacting with others.3. Videotapes are replacing class instruction.Activity (Revising), 47–482, 1, 4, 33 The First and Second Steps in Essay WritingActivity (Writing a Good Thesis), 50–51List 1 List 22 Teachers3 Bicyclesl Education 4 Dangers of bike riding3 Math teacher l Recreation5 My high school math 2 Recreational vehiclesteacher was incompetent. 5 Bike riding in the city is a4 High school math teacher dangerous experience.List 3 List 41 Retail companies 3 Camping2 Supermarkets 4 First camping trip4 Dealing with customers 2 Summer vacation3 Working in a supermarket 5 My first camping trip was a5 I’ve learned how to handle disastrous experience.unpleasant supermarket customers. l VacationsActivity (Common Errors in Writing a Thesis), 53A. 1. TBB. 6. 22. TN 7. A3. TB 8. 24. TN 9. A5. TB 10. 2Activity (Support the Thesis with Specific Evidence), 54–55Answers for this activity will vary; a possible third point for each outline is listed below.1. c. Learning new rules and procedures 4. c. Save money2. c. Sense of humor 5. c. Long hours3. c. Too cold in the winter 6. c. Worry about financesActivity (The Importance of Specific Details), 57S 1. The paragraph lists specific precautions: getting a permit and buyingpressure-treated lumber.X 2. What kinds of things did the writer do wrong? What specific rules were enforced?How did this parent punish the writer?S 3 The paragraph lists specific examples of items that should not be improved: cheesecake and jeans.X 4. What kinds of problems does the dog have? How does the dog misbehave when the owners are away? How did the owners try to train the dog?Activity 1 (The Importance of Adequate Details), 58Answers are given in the text after the activity.Activity (Identifying the Parts of an Essay), 61Thesis statement: 4Topic sentence of first supporting paragraph: 5Topic sentence of second supporting paragraph: 15Topic sentence of third supporting paragraph: 22First sentence of the conclusion: 34Activity 1 (Evaluating Thesis Statements), 61–62 Activity 2 (Evaluating Thesis Statements), 621. A a. 1. TN a.OKb. OK b.2. OK a. 2. TN a.Ab. OK b.3. OK a. 3. TN a.Ab. OK b.4.A a. 4. OK a.OKb. TN b.5.A a. 5. OK a.OKb. TN b.Activity 3 (Evaluating Thesis Statements), 62–63 Activity 4 (Evaluating Thesis Statements), 631. TB a. 1. OKa.OKb. 2 b.2.TB a. 2. 2a.OKb. OKb.3. OK a. 3. OKa.TBb. 2b.4. TB a. 4. 2a.OK b.OK b.5. TB a. 5. 2a.OK b.OK b.Activity (Completing Thesis Statements), 64Answers for this activity will vary; a possible third point of development for each thesis statement is listed below.1. science. 6. coach2. to be enthusiastic. 7. we were emotionally immature.3. my boyfriend. 8. manners4. money. 9. my relationships with others.5. breaks down regularly. 10. the time I dented my friend’s car.Activity (Writing a Thesis Statement), 65Answers may vary slightly.1. The cars I’ve owned have reflected the changes in my personality.2. Attending a two-year college has several advantages.3. I have tried several ways to give up snacks.4. Halloween is not all fun.5. Three factors contributed to my heart attack.Activity 1 (Limiting a Topic and Writing a Thesis), 66Answers will vary; a possible thesis for each limited subject is listed below.1. Sharing an apartment with a roommate helped me adjust to a new city.2. Deciding to be less critical of your spouse can help a marriage.3. My mother’s tidiness drives us crazy.4. Fast-food restaurants are cheaper, cleaner, and friendlier than other restaurants.5. My cousin Myra has several bad driving habits.6. Regular exercise can help ease emotional problems.7. Do-it-yourself repairs always end up costing me more money than they’re supposedto.8. The free-agent system has made baseball a big business, not a sport.9. Being a single parent can be exhausting, frustrating, and intimidating.10. Noise pollution is a growing problem in our city.Activity 2 (Limiting a Topic and Writing a Thesis), 67Answers will vary; some possible limited subjects and thesis statements are listed below. 1. Exotic animals as petsPeople should not be allowed to keep exotic animals as pets.2. Teens and birth controlParents should be notified if their daughters visit a birth control clinic.3. The new season’s TV programmingThe new television programs are carbon copies of last year’s successful shows. 4. Computerized officesComputers in offices are creating new health problems for employees.5. Major fields of studyChoosing a major does not have to be done blindly.6. House callsDoctors should be compelled to make house calls.7. Summer vacationsSummer is the worst time of year to take a vacation.8. BarbecuingThere are three kinds of people who will be found behind a barbecue grill.9. Children’s allowancesGetting an allowance teaches a child to be responsible, mature, and thrifty.10. Christmas shoppingOne year I made the mistake of doing my Christmas shopping months in advance. Activity (Providing Specific Evidence), 68–69Answers will vary; some possibilities are listed below.1. Guests arrived two hours late; roast was burned; host and hostess got into a huge fight2. Collects dead frogs, birds, and worms; loves to dunk pizza in his chocolate milk;combs his hair with his toothbrush3. Too tired; too hungry; too disorganized4. Chose my friends for me; chose my clothes for me; chose my college for me5. Baby-sitting, gardening, baking cookies6. New ignition, new brakes, new heater7. Cat got sick; kids got sick; roof started to leak8. Slept at his desk; gave six hours of homework per night; had a nasty temperActivity (Identifying Adequate Supporting Evidence), 69–70AD 1.U 2. What are specific examples of how people are thoughtless to pets? What are the particular needs of pets that may be ignored? Examples might include bathinganimals regularly, treating them for fleas, helping them stay cool in summer,exercising them, and providing a nutritious diet.U 3. What are specific examples of shows that are of little interest to people? Exactly how would commercials be changed? How would network news be made moreinteresting? Examples might include the names of shows (situation comedies,game shows, and so on) that aren’t popular. Commercials might be changed byeliminating repetitious jingles or celebrity endorsements (using examples ofcurrent commercials).AD 4.U 5. What are examples of how the woman was set in her ways? What did she say about the kind of hairdo she wanted? For example, the woman might have rejected anysuggestions other than the style she was used to. What did the writer do that wasunsuccessful? And how did the woman seem to indicate that the writer was notdoing what she wanted? For instance, she might have shook her head or sighedevery time the writer attempted to please her.Activity (Adding Details to Complete an Essay), 70–73Answers will vary; possible supporting details are included in the paragraphs below.First of all, with no television to compete for our time, we found plenty of hours for personal interests. We all read more that week than we had read during the six months before. Dad introduced Mom to his favorite mystery writer—Dorothy Sayers—and it was pleasant to see them sitting on the sofa together, each one absorbed in a book. Luella, serious as always, read novels by Charles Dickens, while I settled modestly for the daily newspapers. W e each also enjoyed some hobbies we had ignored for ages. Mom and Dad did crossword puzzles together, Lu dusted off her stamp collection, and I finished knitting the sweater I had started last September. In addition, my sister and I both stopped procrastinating with our homework. Instead of putting off our English and math assignments until our favorite shows were over, we tackled them right after supper and found that, without the sound of the TV blaring in our ears, we could do them in a couple of hours—far more quickly than we expected.Second, we did chores that had been hanging over our heads for too long. There were many jobs around the house that had needed attention for some time. Mom fixed a faucet that had been dripping for weeks while Dad patched the cracked plaster in the dining room. Lu and I cleaned our closets, finding records, tapes, and magazines that had been missing for months. By the end of the week, the house was in tidier shape than it had been since we moved in. We also had a chance to do some long-postponed shopping. Mom and Dad picked out a new sofa for the den; Lu bought some new books, and I went through a whole stack of catalogs and finished all my Christmas shopping by mail. And each of us also did some letter writing or other paperwork that was long overdue.Mom and Dad struggled with this year’s income tax forms, Lu wrote to Johnny, a friend she met at Spirit Lake last summer, and I wrote a thank-you note to Aunt Elsie for letting me stay with her during my weekend in New York City last month.Finally, and probably most important, we spent time with each other. Instead of being in the same room together while we stared at a screen, we actually talked for many pleasant hours. Mom told us about the programming project she has been doing at work, and we had fun planning the trip to Boston we are going to take this summer. Moreover, for the first time in years my family played some games together. We played several games of Scrabble, and we even got out the Monopoly set and played a game following the rules our family has made up over the years. And because we didn’t have to worry about missing this or that show, we had some family friends over a couple of evenings and spent an enjoyable time with them. We were glad to see how much the Overholt children had grown, and Joe and Sandy Ciprianni kept us laughing all evening with their stories about fixing up the old house they bought.4 The Third Step in Essay WritingFill-ins (Common Methods of Organization), 75–76The topic sentences in the essay use the words To begin with, Next, and Finally to help show time order.The paragraph uses the following words to help show time order: Next, first, Then, After, and Finally.The topic sentences in the essay use the words For one thing, In addition, and Most important to help show emphatic order.The words Worst of all are used to mark the most emphatic detail in the paragraph. Activity (Common Methods of Organization), 77A. 1. time orderB. time; emphatic; time; emphatic2. emphatic order3. combination of time and emphatic orderActivity (Transitions), 78–801. Addition signals: One, Also, Another2. Time signals:After,First, Next, Finally3. Space signals:Next [to], To the right, Near4. Change-of-direction signals:But, however5. Illustration signals:For example, such as6. Conclusion signals:Finally, thereforeActivity (Transitional Sentences), 81Answers may vary slightly.In addition to teaching me about the importance of family support, my parents taught me the value of hard work.Along with the value of hard work, my parents emphasized the benefits of a good education.Activity (Other Connecting Words), 831. four times2. he3. iron range; throbbing swellings; frigidActivity (Introductory Paragraph), 86-87 Activity (Concluding Paragraph), 891. B Starting with an opposite 1. P/R2. F Quotation 2. Q3. A General to narrow 3. S Activity (Titles), 90–91Answers will vary; examples of titles are given below.1. Choosing McDonald’s2. A Diner at Midnight3. Audiences at Rock ConcertsActivity 1 (Organizing Through Time Order), 91–931. 12. 33. 13 1 32 2 2Activity 2 (Organizing Through Emphatic Order), 95–961. 22. 33. 21 1 33 2 1Activity (Providing Transitions), 93–94First of all, there are the people . . .For example, there are the ones . . .Another type of nervous . . .However, neither of these . . .A second category of people . . .On the contrary, they feel compelled . . .As a result, no one hears . . .After they have been to the theater . . .Then they will start . . .Last of all, there are the people who talk . . .In addition, it is impossible . . .But if ever I am granted . . .Activity (Identifying Transitions and Other Connecting Words), 95–96S 1. T 9.P 2. RW 10.T 3. S 11.S 4. T 12.P 5. P 13.RW 6. RW 14.P 7. T 15.P 8.Activity (Completing Transitional Sentences), 96–97Thesis 1:After making certain that your house conforms to state regulations, you must obtain legal permits . . .Finally, once you have the necessary legal permits, you can begin to advertise . . .Thesis 2:In addition to saving me money, watching the game at home is more comfortable than sitting in a stadium . . .Even more important than cost and comfort, though, is the technology which makes a televised game better than the “real thing.”. . .Activity (Identifying Introductions and Conclusions), 97-99Pair 1:D Incident or storyI Prediction or recommendationPair 2:E Question(s)G Summary and final thoughtPair 3:F QuotationG Summary and final thought5 The Fourth Step in Essay WritingActivity (Use Parallelism), 101–102Answers may vary slightly.1. The novelty store sells hand buzzers, plastic fangs, and fake insects.2. Many people share the same three great fears: being in high places, working withnumbers, and making speeches.3. To decide on a career, people should think closely about their interests, hobbies, andskills.4. At the body shop, the car was sanded down to the bare metal, painted with primer,and sprayed with red enamel.5. In order to become a dancer, Lola is taking lessons, working in amateur shows, andauditioning for professional companies.6. Juan’s last job offered security; his new job offers a better chance for advancement.7. People in today’s world often try to avoid silence, whether on the job, in school, or athome.8. Because the dying woman was dignified and courageous, she won everyone’s respect.9. The politician trusted no one, rewarded loyalty, and depended only on his owninstincts.10. If we’re not careful, we’ll leave the next generation polluted air, contaminated water,and dying forests.Activity (Consistency with Verbs), 1031. arrive arrived 6.floated floats2. asks asked 7.grabs grabbed3. sliced slices 8.swooped swoops4. went goes 9.recharged recharge5. tips tipped 10.burns burnedActivity (Consistency with Pronouns), 104–1051. your their health 6. you Ican own2. you I never know 7. youher indigestion3. youwe have if youwe 8. you wedon’t dare4. their its aggressive 9. wethey can learn5. one you should plan 10. one youshould dressActivity 1 (Use Specific Words), 106–107Answers will vary; following are examples.1. Potato chips, pretzels, and salted peanuts . . .2. . . . papers, books, and magazines . . .3. . . . a TV, a CD player, and a computer.4. The comics, the sports pages, the obituaries, and the society page . . .5. . . .my throat, my ears, and my lungs . . .Activity 2 (Use Specific Words), 107–108Answers will vary; following are examples.1. The rusty old Buick sputtered, whined, and refused to start.2. The mathematics final was filled with tricky, baffling problems.3. Little Robbie was so exhausted that he could scarcely keep his eyes open.4. My cluttered, jumbled, dusty bedroom needs to be swept out, scrubbed, andreorganized.5. A broken-down city bus blocked Main Streetand stopped traffic for an hour.Activity (Use Active Verbs), 1091. The typical American diet includes many unhealthy foods.2. Hundreds of biting ants invaded the family picnic.3. Doctors use antibiotics to treat many infections.4. A drunk driver caused the fatal traffic accident.5. The instructor will determine final grades on the basis of class performance.Activity (Use Concise Words), 110–111Answers will vary.1. I will conclude by summarizing my major points.2. Every day, parents must control their children’s television watching.3. I am shy.4. Magazine advertising contains clever hidden messages.5. My worst mistake last week was to hurt my brother’s feelings and not apologize.6. In today’s uncertain economy, the middle class finds it hard to save.7. We liked last night’s television show, but our parents didn’t.8. The school district canceled classes because of the bad weather.9. I regret not having studied word processing in high school.10. People are harmed by emotional as well as by physical abuse.Activity (Revise by Adding a Second Complete Thought), 112–1131. . . . sandwiches, for he is allergic . . .2. . . . sleep, but the thought . . .3. . . . bakery, and it has . . .4. . . . soggy, for rainwater had . . .5. . . . present, so I offered . . .Activity (Revise by Adding a Dependent Thought), 114–115Answers may vary.1. Because I had forgotten to lock the front door, I . . .2. When the bear turned over the rotten log, fat . . .3. After Kevin had sent away for a set of tools, he . . .4. Because some people are allergic to wool, they . . .5. Even though an older woman in my typing class can type almost one hundred words aminute, she . . .Activity (Revise by Beginning with a Special Opening Word or Phrase), 1161. Reluctantly, Shirley signed the repair contract.2. To improve their chances of promotion, the interns volunteered to work overtime.3. During the trial, the accused murderer grinned at the witnesses.4. Crowded with nervous pets, the vet’s office was noisy and confusing.5. Trying to find something worth watching, Barry flipped from channel to channel. Activity (Revise by Placing Adjectives or Verbs in a Series), 117–118Answers may vary.1. The baby toddled across the rug, picked up a button, and put the button in his mouth.2. Brown, foul-tasting water dribbled out of the rusty metal tap.3. By 6 A.M., I had read the textbook chapter, taken notes on it, studied the notes, anddrunk eight cups of coffee.4. The exterminator approached the large, papery wasps’nests hanging under the oldwooden eaves.5. Slim brown reeds bordered the stagnant green pond.Activity (Proofreading), 120–1211. 26. 112. 47. 133. 58. 144. 69. 165. 910. 17Corrections (methods of correction may vary):1. an ashtray which I made 6. my father,who smoked2. the pride I felt when I presented 7. bright purple, myfavorite color3. a shelf; it is a remarkably 8. its rim; theyare colored neon green.4. circle. Unfortunately, 9. love me,I look5. or cigar, so I made 10. uglyashtray; the answerReview Test 1 (Using Parallelism), 1221. filled with suspense suspenseful 6. selling toys toysalesperson2. furniture for the office 7. food onthe table putting food on the tableoffice furniture 8. tocram cramming3. my kitchen working in my kitchen 9. bags are put on thembagged (or:put into bags)4. preparing to prepare 10. withfriendliness as well and his friendliness5. being kind kindnessReview Test 2 (Using Parallelism), 1231. to buy buying 6.were whispering whispered2. shows on science science shows 7. to start starting3. porch furniture that was rotted 8. pay that is goodgood payrotting porch furniture 9. was putting put4. her shirt was torn a torn shirt 10. losing lost5. takingtake (or:climbing . . . taking)Review Test 1 (Using a Consistent Point of View), 1241. is was taken 6.gets got the chicken2. are were not on the same shelf 7. realizes realized itcontained3. proceeds proceeded slowly. 8. transferstransferred the groceries,4. decides decided to pick up 9. notices noticed thatthe barbecued chicken5. parks parked his shopping cart 10. says said to the clerk, Review Test 2 (Using a Consistent Point of View), 1251. you they work. 6. one Ican meet2. you I could hear 7. wereto you me.3. you we are supposed 8. you I drive4. one I must complete 9. you theyhave turned in5. you he could not tell 10. and askedto help you her.Review Test 1 (Using Specific Words), 126Answers will vary; examples are shown.1. . . . I felt sad, angry, and worried.2. The lukewarm soup, stale sandwiches, and limp salads . . .3. Ants, moths, and spiders . . .4. . . . it rained nonstop, with a bone-chilling wind.5. . . . a broken arm, two broken ribs, and a concussion.Review Test 2 (Using Specific Words), 127Answers will vary; examples are shown.1. The haughty, scowling salesman told us not to waste his time with stupid questions.2. Betty dug her fists into her eyes and shook with sobs.3. The third game of the World Series was a tense pitchers’ duel.4. The airport lounge was thronged with holiday travelers.5. The woman in the front seat was muttering to herself and trembling.Review Test (Using Active Verbs), 1281. The health inspector closed the pizza restaurant.2. The workers in the library sorted huge stacks of donated books.3. A virus infected my computer.4. Oil companies will not increase gasoline prices this winter.5. Our airplanes dropped high-powered bombs onto enemy bases.6. The telephone company placed an additional charge on our phone bill.7. A group of vandals damaged the community center.8. Physical activity, meditation, and relaxation relieve stress.9. The federal government will raise taxes to pay for highway improvements.10. Studies show that watching violent TV programs increases violent behavior.Review Test 1 (Using Concise Words), 129Answers may vary; examples are shown.1. I finally decided to look for a new job.2. Because her printer was out of paper, Renee went to buy some.3. Tamika realized suddenly that her date had stood her up.4. Our teacher does not yet know if she will return next year.5. The salesperson advised us to wait until the price dropped before buying ourcomputer.Review Test 2 (Using Concise Words), 130Answers may vary; examples are shown.1. Our company allows two fifteen-minute coffee breaks.2. Your line of credit has been increased.3. I prefer candy to fruit. (Or:I think candy tastes better than fruit.)4. Lynn rarely admits that she has made a mistake.5. Many people think that children should, by law, attend school until age sixteen. Review Test 1 (Varying Your Sentences), 131Answers will vary; examples are shown.1. Sophie had repaired her broken watchband with a paper clip, but the clip snapped andthe watch slid off her wrist.2. The physical therapist watched as Julie tried to stand on her weakened legs and theycrumpled under her.3. Although there were parking spaces on the street, Richie pulled into an expensivegarage because he did not want to risk damage to his new car.4. Speeding, the brown truck skidded on some ice and almost hit a startled young policeofficer.5. A sudden terrible rainstorm flooded our basement, knocked slates off the roof, anduprooted a young tree.Review Test 2 (Varying Your Sentences), 132–133Answers will vary; examples are shown.1. When a sudden cold front hit the area, temperatures dropped thirty degrees in lessthan an hour. I was not wearing a warm jacket, so my teeth began to chatter.2. Vern works as a model, so he has to look his best. When he gained ten poundsrecently, he had to take off the extra weight, or he would have lost his job.3. As the ball game was about to begin, a dog ran onto the field and began nipping theinfielders’ ankles. The game had to be delayed until the dog was chased away.4. The hungry lion watched the herd of gazelle closely. If a young or sick animalwandered away from the group, the lion would move in for the kill.5. Suffering from arthritis, my aunt decided to find a helpful form of exercise. Shelearned that swimming is very healthful because it works every muscle group in the body without straining the muscles.Review Test 3 (Varying Your Sentences), 134Answers will vary; an example is shown.Lena and Miles wanted a nice, quiet, relaxing vacation, so they rented a small lakeside cabin. Their first day there was very peaceful, but the situation quickly changed when a large family moved into a nearby cabin. They played music at top volume and raced around in a speedboat with a loud whining engine. Lena and Miles, no longer very relaxed,。
英语写作中常见的错误及其纠正方法Introduction:Writing in English can be challenging, especially for non-native speakers. It is common to make mistakes while writing, but it is crucial to identify and correct them to improve our overall writing skills. This article aims to highlight some common errors in English writing and provide effective methods to rectify them.1. Grammatical Errors:One of the most common errors in English writing is related to grammar. These errors can significantly impact the clarity and coherence of our writing. Some examples include:- Subject-Verb Agreement: Ensure that the subject and verb agree in number and person. For example, "He like coffee" should be corrected to "He likes coffee."- Verb Tense: Pay attention to the correct usage of verb tenses, especially when describing past, present, and future actions. For instance, "She is going to the store tomorrow" should be corrected to "She will go to the store tomorrow."To correct these errors, it is essential to study and practice grammar rules. Utilize grammar books, online resources, and language exchange programs for assistance. Additionally, proofreading and editing our writing can help in identifying and rectifying grammatical mistakes.2. Spelling Errors:Spelling mistakes can negatively impact the credibility of our writing. Some common spelling errors to avoid:- Homophones: Be cautious of homophones (words that have different meanings but sound the same). For instance, confusing "their" with "there," or "two" with "too."- Word Endings: Pay attention to words that end with "-ed," "-ing," or "-s," as they can be easily misspelled. For example, "happend" should be corrected to "happened," and "childs" to "children."To overcome spelling errors, regularly practice spelling exercises and use resources like dictionaries and spell-check tools. Reading extensively in English can also improve our familiarity with correct spelling patterns.3. Sentence Structure Errors:Using incorrect sentence structures can make our writing confusing or unclear. Some common sentence structure errors include:- Run-on Sentences: Avoid excessively long sentences that lack proper punctuation or independent clauses. For example, "I went to the store I bought milk and vegetables" should be corrected to "I went to the store and bought milk and vegetables."- Fragmented Sentences: Ensure that each sentence contains a subject, verb, and expresses complete thoughts. For instance, "While reading the book" should be corrected to "While reading the book, I learned many new things."To rectify sentence structure errors, familiarize yourself with different sentence types (simple, compound, complex) and their appropriate usages. Practice constructing various types of sentences to improve your grasp on sentence structure.4. Vocabulary and Word Choice Errors:Using incorrect words or inappropriate vocabulary can weaken the impact of our message. It is crucial to select suitable words and expressions for effective communication. Common errors include:- Incorrect Word Form: Ensure that words are used in their correct forms (noun, verb, adjective, adverb, etc.). For example, "The news are interesting" should be corrected to "The news is interesting."- Improper Collocations: Pay attention to fixed word combinations or collocations in English. Using incorrect collocations can make our writing sound unnatural. For instance, instead of saying "make a mistake," we should use "commit a mistake."To overcome vocabulary and word choice errors, develop a habit of learning new words and their appropriate usage. Utilize online vocabulary resources, read extensively, and practice using new words in writing exercises.Conclusion:Improving our English writing skills requires the identification and correction of common errors. By addressing issues related to grammar, spelling, sentence structure, and vocabulary, we can enhance the clarity, coherence, and overall quality of our writing. Regular practice, study ofgrammar rules, and utilizing available resources will aid in overcoming these errors. So, let us be mindful of these common mistakes and strive for continuous improvement in our English writing abilities.。
英语作文错误的单词有哪些Possible essay:Common Errors in English Writing。
English is a complex language with many rules and exceptions, and even native speakers can make mistakes when writing or speaking. However, some errors are more common than others, and can be avoided with a little attention and practice. In this essay, I will identify and explain some of the most frequent errors in English writing, and suggest ways to correct them.1. Spelling errors: English spelling is notoriously irregular, with many words that sound alike but are spelled differently, and vice versa. Therefore, it is important to check the spelling of unfamiliar or tricky words,especially those that have silent letters, double letters, or unusual combinations of vowels and consonants. Some common examples of spelling errors are: "their" instead of"there" or "they're"; "your" instead of "you're"; "its" instead of "it's"; "loose" instead of "lose"; "affect" instead of "effect"; "principal" instead of "principle"; and "definitely" instead of "defiantly".2. Grammar errors: English grammar is also complex, with many rules and exceptions that can confuse even advanced learners. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the subject-verb agreement, the use of articles, prepositions, and pronouns, and the order of words in a sentence. Some common examples of grammar errors are: "I seen" instead of "I saw" or "I have seen"; "me and him" instead of "he and I" or "him and me"; "between you and I" instead of "between you and me"; "who" instead of "whom" or vice versa; "less" instead of "fewer" or "amount" instead of "number"; and "it's me" instead of "it's I" or "it's I who".3. Punctuation errors: English punctuation is crucial for conveying the meaning and tone of a sentence, and can change the interpretation of a text if misused or omitted. Therefore, it is important to use commas, periods, colons,semicolons, and quotation marks correctly, and to avoidrun-on sentences or fragments. Some common examples of punctuation errors are: "Let's eat, grandma" instead of "Let's eat grandma"; "I'm sorry, I can't come" instead of "I'm sorry I can't come"; "John, Mary, and Peter" instead of "John, Mary and Peter"; "I love you; however, I can't marry you" instead of "I love you. However, I can't marry you"; and "She said, 'I'm tired'" instead of "She said 'I'm tired'".4. Vocabulary errors: English has a rich and diverse vocabulary, but some words are often misused or confused, especially by non-native speakers or careless writers. Therefore, it is important to use the right word for the right context, and to avoid using slang, jargon, orclichés in formal writing. Some common examples of vocabulary errors are: "accept" instead of "except"; "allusion" instead of "illusion"; "eminent" instead of "imminent"; "enormity" instead of "enormousness"; "nauseous" instead of "nauseated"; "disinterested" instead of "uninterested"; and "literally" instead of "figuratively".To avoid these and other errors in English writing, one can use various strategies, such as: proofreading one's work carefully, using a spell-checker or a grammar-checker, consulting a dictionary or a style guide, asking a native speaker or a teacher for feedback, and practicing writing regularly. By improving one's writing skills, one can not only avoid embarrassing mistakes but also express oneself more clearly and effectively in any situation.。
写英语作文常犯的错误Writing an English essay can be a challenging task, as it requires a high level of proficiency in the language, as well as a strong understanding of the subject matter. However, there are several common mistakes that students often make when writing English essays. In this article, we will explore some of the most common errors and providetips to avoid them.1. Grammatical Errors:Grammatical errors are one of the most common mistakes made by students when writing English essays. These errors can range from simple spelling mistakes to more complex grammatical issues, such as subject-verb agreement or tense usage. To avoid these errors, it is important to proofread your essay carefully before submitting it. Additionally, using a grammar checker or asking a native speaker to review your work can help identify and correct any grammatical issues.2. Vocabulary Mistakes:Using the wrong vocabulary or not using specific enough terms can also affect the clarity and quality of your essay. It is important to choose your words carefully and use them correctly in context. If you are unsure about the meaningor usage of a particular word, it is always best to look it up in a dictionary or ask a teacher or native speaker for clarification.3. Structure Issues:A well-structured essay is essential for effective communication. However, many students struggle with organizing their ideas and arguments in a logical and coherent manner. To avoid these issues, it is important to plan your essay before you start writing. Create an outline that organizes your ideas into logical sections, and ensure that each paragraph has a clear topic sentence and supports your overall argument.4. Plagiarism:Plagiarism is a serious academic offense that can lead to serious consequences, including failure in the course or even expulsion from the institution. It involves the unauthorized use of someone else's ideas, words, or创意without proper citation. To avoid plagiarism, always quote or paraphrase others' work accurately and provide appropriate citations. Additionally, it is important to understand the difference between common knowledge and original research, and to cite your sources even when using common knowledge.5. Failure to Answer the Prompt:When writing an essay, it is crucial to understand and answer the prompt correctly. Students often make the mistake of ignoring or misinterpreting the prompt, which can lead to a significant deviation from the required topic or argument. To avoid this mistake, carefully read and understand the prompt before starting your essay. Make sure that your essay addresses all the key points and argumentsoutlined in the prompt, and that your overall argument aligns with the requirements of the assignment.6. Insufficient Evidence or Analysis:Another common mistake made by students is failing to provide sufficient evidence or analysis to support their arguments. An essay should be backed up with credible sources and in-depth analysis to demonstrate the validity of your claims. To avoid this mistake, conduct thorough research and include relevant examples, quotes, or data to support your arguments. Additionally, make sure to analyze and interpret your evidence critically, rather than simply presenting it without any analysis.In conclusion, writing an effective English essay requires careful attention to detail and a strong understanding of the subject matter. By avoiding common mistakes such as grammatical errors, vocabulary mistakes, structure issues, plagiarism, failure to answer the prompt, and insufficient evidence or analysis, you can improve the clarity, coherence, and quality of your writing. Rememberto proofread your work carefully, seek feedback from others, and practice writing regularly to improve your skills as a writer.。
Common errors in basic writing
意义一致原则 就近原则 语法一致原则
The group _____ (be) made up of nine students. is are (be) dancing happily. The group _____
has (have) some good players. The team _____ are (be) handsome. The team _____
Common errors in basic writing --subject-verb agreement
Can you find the errors in the following sentences ? Please correct it.
1. In order to sleep more, some student don't eat breakfast. __________ 2. Some girls who wants to keep thin don't eat breakfast. __________ 3. 30% energy of the breakfast are provided for us. __________ 4.
1. collective nouns (集体名词)
由集体名词 , 如 group, family, class, government, team, enemy, crowd, company, audience 等作主语时, 如果看成一个整体,谓语动词用单数形式,如果看成其中 各成员,则用复数形式。
注意:集体名词 pቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱople, police, 谓语动词用复数形式
自考英语二作文节日写错了标题: Common Mistakes in Writing English Compositionfor the Second Foreign Language Test: Festivals。
In the English Second Foreign Language Test, writing compositions is a crucial part, and one common mistake students make is misinterpreting or misrepresenting festivals. Festivals are integral to various cultures worldwide, and understanding them accurately is essential for effective communication. In this essay, we will explore some common errors in writing about festivals and provide examples of how to correct them.Misrepresentation of Festivals。
One common mistake is misunderstanding the significanceor customs associated with a particular festival. For instance, some students may misinterpret Halloween as a serious religious observance rather than a lighthearted celebration rooted in Celtic traditions. This misrepresentation can lead to confusion or miscommunication when discussing festivals with native speakers.Overgeneralization。
英语续写作文常见错误格式Common Errors in Writing English Essays。
As students, we often find ourselves struggling towrite good English essays. Even after hours of researching and brainstorming, we sometimes end up making common errors that can affect the overall quality of our work. In this article, we will discuss some of the most common errors in writing English essays and how to avoid them.1. Grammatical Errors。
One of the most common errors in English essays is grammatical errors. These errors include incorrect verb tense, subject-verb agreement, and sentence structure. To avoid these errors, it is important to proofread your work carefully and use grammar-checking tools.2. Spelling Errors。
Spelling errors can also affect the quality of your essay. It is important to double-check your spelling and use a spell-checker to avoid these errors.3. Punctuation Errors。
有关错误英语作文的开头Certainly! Here's a sample introduction for an English essay about common errors in writing:---。
Title: Navigating Common Pitfalls in English Composition。
Introduction:In the realm of English composition, the journeytowards proficiency often involves navigating through a labyrinth of linguistic nuances and grammatical intricacies. However, even the most seasoned writers occasionally find themselves ensnared in the web of common errors that canmar the clarity and coherence of their prose. This essay endeavors to dissect some of these prevalent pitfalls, shedding light on their origins, manifestations, and strategies for avoidance.At the outset, it is imperative to acknowledge that the landscape of language is rife with complexities, rendering it susceptible to missteps and misinterpretations. From erroneous word choices to syntactical blunders, the spectrum of potential errors is as diverse as it is daunting. Yet, rather than regarding these missteps as insurmountable obstacles, they should be viewed as invaluable opportunities for growth and refinement.One of the most ubiquitous errors encountered in English composition pertains to the misuse of homophones –words that sound alike but have different meanings or spellings. This phenomenon often gives rise to inadvertent instances of confusion and ambiguity within written discourse. For instance, the improper interchange of "their," "there," and "they're" can obscure the intended message and undermine the credibility of the writer. Similarly, the conflation of "your" and "you're," or "its" and "it's," constitutes a common stumbling block that can impede effective communication.Furthermore, syntactic errors pose a formidable challenge to writers striving for linguistic precision. The improper arrangement of clauses, faulty parallelism, and dangling modifiers frequently disrupt the flow of prose, detracting from its overall coherence and persuasiveness. In particular, the misuse of punctuation marks such as commas, semicolons, and colons often results in syntactic ambiguities that befuddle readers and compromise theclarity of the message.Additionally, grammatical errors stemming from subject-verb agreement discrepancies pose a perennial obstacle to effective communication. The failure to ensure congruence between the subject and verb of a sentence can introduce discordant notes into an otherwise harmonious composition. Whether manifested through singular-plural mismatches or tense inconsistencies, these grammatical lapses diminish the readability and authority of the writer's voice.In light of the foregoing observations, it becomes evident that a vigilant stance towards error detection and correction is indispensable for writers seeking to elevatethe caliber of their compositions. By cultivating an awareness of common linguistic pitfalls and honing their editorial acumen, writers can fortify the structural integrity and communicative efficacy of their prose.This essay aims to serve as a compass for navigating the treacherous terrain of English composition, equipping writers with the tools and insights necessary to circumvent common errors and forge a path towards linguistic mastery. Through diligent practice, attentive scrutiny, and a willingness to learn from one's mistakes, writers can embark on a journey of continual improvement, transcending the limitations imposed by linguistic pitfalls andrealizing the full potential of their written expression.In the subsequent sections of this essay, we shall delve deeper into the origins and manifestations of common errors in English composition, elucidating their underlying mechanisms and proposing remedial strategies for their mitigation. By fostering a culture of linguistic inquiry and refinement, we can collectively strive towards the attainment of clarity, coherence, and eloquence in writtencommunication.--。
英语犯错误的作文As an English teacher, one of the most common problems I encounter with my students is their tendency to make errors in their writing. 作为英语老师,我经常遇到的一个问题是学生在写作中经常出错。
These errors can vary from simple grammatical mistakes to more complex vocabulary usage issues. 这些错误可能是简单的语法错误,也可能是更复杂的词汇使用问题。
One of the main reasons why students make mistakes in their writing is a lack of understanding or knowledge of the English language rules. 学生在写作中犯错的主要原因之一是对英语语法规则的理解或知识不足。
Without a solid foundation in English grammar and vocabulary, it is easy for students to make errors in their writing. 没有扎实的英语语法和词汇基础,学生在写作中犯错误是很容易的。
Another reason for these errors is the lack of practice and exposureto the English language. 这些错误的另一个原因是缺乏练习和接触英语的机会。
Students who do not have regular opportunities to practice their writing skills may struggle to produce error-free essays. 那些没有经常练习写作技能的学生可能会在撰写文章时遇到困难。
First and foremost, it is important to have a clear understanding of grammar rules. This includes knowing the proper use of tenses, subject-verb agreement, and punctuation. Without a good grasp of these basic rules, it is easy to make mistakes that can significantly impact the quality of your writing.
Secondly, pay attention to word choice and usage. One common mistake is using the wrong word or phrase in a sentence. This can change the meaning of the sentence and lead to confusion for the reader. It's important to carefully consider the meaning and connotation of the words you use in your writing.
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Common Errors1.Run-on SentenceExamples:(1)Mrs. Smith decided to stop smoking she did not want to die of lung cancer.(2)The exam was postponed, the class was cancelled as well.(3)I took lots of vitamin C, however, I still came down with the flu.(4) The river was more than a mile wide, he could not swim across.Definition: Run-on sentences are two independent clauses run together without any punctuation or conjunction between them.Ways of correcting run-on sentences:✓Make two separate sentences by using a period and a capital letter.(1)Mrs. Smith decided to stop smoking. She did not want to die of lung cancer.(2)The exam was postponed. The class was cancelled as well.(3)I took lots of vitamin C. However, I still came down with the flu.✓Use a semicolon (;) to connect the two complete thoughts.(1)Mrs. Smith decided to stop smoking; she did not want to die of lung cancer.(2)The exam was postponed; the class was cancelled as well.(3)I took lots of vitamin C; however, I still came down with the flu.✓Use connecting words, such as and, but, or, for, nor, yet, so(coordinating conjunctions), preceded by a comma (,).(1)Mrs. Smith decided to stop smoking, for she did not want to die of lung cancer.(2)The exam was postponed, and the class was cancelled as well.(3)I took lots of vitamin C, but I still came down with the flu.✓Use a conjunctive adverb, a linking word or phrase such as therefore, moreover, consequently, as a result.(1) The river was more than a mile wide; therefore he could not swim across.✓Make one of the independent clauses subordinate by using subordinate conjunctions such as because, before, after, since, while, until, if, so that, as, as if, as though, once, as long as, and so on.(1)Although I took lots of vitamin C, I still came down with the flu.2.Sentence FragmentsExamples:(1)We have to learn a foreign language. Because we need to speak to foreigners.(2)After I arrived in Beijing by bus. I checked into a room.(3)My daughter likes to make paper boats. Which she floats in the tub during her nightly bath.(4)She was at first very happy with the blue sports car she bought for only $500. Not realizing until a weeklater that the car averaged 7 miles a gallon of gas.(5)I plan on working overtime. To get this job finished. Otherwise, my boss may get angry with me.(6) To settle the tension in Tibet. Many measures are worked out.(7) She is the only woman I know who plays all kinds of card games for money. For example, poker, bridge and blackjack.(8) The class often starts late. For example, yesterday at quarter after nine, instead of at nine sharp.(9) I am always short of pocket money. Especially for everyday items like magazines and sodas.(10) One example of my father’s generosity is that he visits sick friends in the hospital. And takes along get-well cards with a few dollars folded in them.(11) Sarah looked with admiration at the stunningly attractive model. And wondered how the model looked upon waking up in the morning.Definition:Every sentence must have a subject and a verb and must express a complete thought. A word group that lacks a subject or a verb and that does not express a complete thought is a fragment.There are altogether four types of them, which are routine mistakes in students’ writing.Dependent-word fragments-ing and to fragmentsAdded-detail fragmentsMissing-subject fragmentsA. dependent-word fragmentsWhenever you start a sentence with one of these words (after, unless, even , even if, even though, since, before, when, whenever, because, if, who, whoever, while, as, as if, which, whichever, although, though, so that, where, wherever, until, that), you must be careful so that a fragment sentence does not result.The simplest way to correct a dependent-word fragment is to attach it the sentence that comes before or after it.(1)We have to learn a foreign language, because we need to speak to foreigners.(2)After I arrived in Beijing by bus, I checked into a room.(3) My daughter likes to make paper boats which she floats in the tub during her nightly bath.B. –ing and -to fragmentsWhen an –ing word or –to appears at or near the start of a word group, a fragment may result. Such fragments often lack a subject and/or part of the verb.How to Correct –ing or –to Fragments✓Attach the fragment to the sentence that comes before or after it.(4) She was at first very happy with the blue sports car she bought for only $500, not realizing until a weeklater that the car averaged 7 miles a gallon of gas.(5) To get this job finished, I plan on working overtime.. Otherwise, my boss may get angry with me.✓Add a subject and change the –ing to the correct form of the verb.(6)She was at first very happy with the blue sports car she bought for only $500. She realized only a weeklater that the car averaged 7 miles a gallon of gas.✓To settle the tension in Tibet. Many measures are worked out. (X)“To settle the tension in Tibet” is dangling for its logical subject is not the subject of the following statement. We have to add its logical subject in due place in order to make the dangling modifier attached to the statement, or to make it the infinitive of purpose.[Revised] The government tries to settle the tension in Tibet. Many measures are worked out.Or The government takes many measures to settle the tension in Tibet.C. added-detail fragmentsAdded-detail fragments lack a subject and/or a verb. They often begin with one of the following words: for example, also, except, such as, including, especially.How to correct added-detail fragments?✓Attach the fragment to the preceding sentence.(7) She is the only woman I know who plays all kinds of card games for money, for example, poker, bridge and blackjack.(9) I am always short of pocket money, especially for everyday items like magazines and sodas.✓Add a subject and a verb to the fragment to make it a complete sentence.(8) The class often starts late. For example, yesterday it began at quarter after nine instead of at nine sharp.D. missing-subject fragments(10) One example of my father’s generosity is that he visits sick friends in the hospital and he takes along get-well cards with a few dollars folded in them.(11) Sarah looked with admiration at the stunningly attractive model. She wondered how the model looked upon waking up in the morning.3.Faulty ParallelismExamples:(1)Our new car is not only more economical but also it is more comfortable than the old one.(2)When we arrived home, we unpacked our suitcases, took showers, and then we went to sleep after eatingour lunch.(3)Many people choose air transportation because it is fast, offers convenience, and it is not very expensive.(4)You should strive to cooperate with your colleagues to bring about change, for improvingcommunication, and professional development.(5)The growth rate of house purchasing in China is lower than the world.(6)I cannot decide whether I should remain in school or to withdraw.The vital problem with parallelism is that people fail to deal with the logic of grammatical relationship. When words or groups of words are placed in a series, they must be parallel in both meaning and structure. When handling a series of parallels, it is easy to produce unequal elements.Examples:(1)Our new car is not only more economical but also it is more comfortable than the old one.[Revised] Our new car is not only more economical but also it is more comfortable than the old one.(2)When we arrived home, we unpacked our suitcases, took showers, and then we went to sleep after eatingour lunch.[Revised] When we arrived home, we unpacked our suitcases, took showers, ate our lunch, and went to sleep.(3)Many people choose air transportation because it is fast, offers convenience, and it is not very expensive.[Revised] Many people choose air transportation because it is fast, convenient, and inexpensive.(4)You should strive to cooperate with your colleagues to bring about change, for improvingcommunication, and professional development.[Revised] You should strive to cooperate with your colleagues to bring about change, to improve communication, and to further professional development.(5)The growth rate of house purchasing in China is lower than the world.[Revised] The growth rate of house purchasing in China is lower than that of the world.(6)I cannot decide whether I should remain in school or to withdraw.[Revised] I cannot decide whether to remain in school or to withdraw.4.Misplaced ModifiersExamples:(1)Bill yelled at the howling dog in his underwear.(2)Charlotte returned the hamburger to the supermarket that was spoiled.(3)Techniques have taken on a new look in long-range communication.Misplaced modifiers are words that, because of unknown placement, do not describe the words the writer intended them to describe, thus confusing the meaning of a sentence. To avoid this problem, place modifiers (especially like “only, just, almost, nearly”) as close to as possible to what they modify.5.Dangling modifiersExamples:(1) Looking up at the sky, the sun went under a cloud.(2) After finishing the research, the paper was easy to write.(3)To write well, good books must be read.(4)When only a small boy, my father took me with him to Chicago.A serious and frequently ridiculous error in the use of modifiers is labeled dangling, which occurs if the modifiers: do not have a word to modify, or are placed incorrectly in the sentence.Ways to revise:Put modifiers correctly, and be close to the words they are intended to modify;Making them dependent clauses by adding a subject and a verb.Four kinds of dangling modifiers:a.Dangling Participle. 悬垂分词[Example 11] Looking up at the sky, the sun went under a cloud.[Revised] Looking up at the sky, he saw the sun went under a cloud.b.Dangling Gerund. 悬垂动名词[Example 12] After finishing the research, the paper was easy to write.[Revised] After finishing the research, I found that the paper was easy to write.c.Dangling Infinitive. 悬垂动词不定式[Example 13] To write well, good books must be read.[Revised] To write well, I good books must be read.d.Dangling Elliptical Clause. 悬垂省略从句[Example 14] When only a small boy, my father took me with him to Chicago.[Revised] When I was only a small boy, my father took me with him to Chicago.。