题号I II III IV V VI …总分总分人分数得分评卷人I. Translate the following terms into Chinese (10%)1. Multiculturalism2.Cultural anthropology3.Harmony4.Free education5.Do-for-oneself education得分评卷人II. Define the following terms in English (10%)1.Culture2. Civilization3. Multicultural Education4. Cultural model5. Cultural transition得分评卷人III. Decide whether the statements are true or false. If it is true, put “T”in the space provided and “F” if it is false. (20%)1. ___________ multi-culture is the mixture of different cultures.2. ___________we should respect the behaviors of people from different cultures.3. ____________cultures have qualities.4. ____________ the attitude to treat culture is to respect.5.____________ culture conflict exists everywhere and any time.6.__________the culture of the local culture is superior to other nation’s cultures.7.__________ education is the process of choosing.8.__________ a successful education is judged by the proportion of students entering schools of a higher grade.9.__________ according to the equal chance to receive education, teachers should treat students in the same way.10. __________one aim of the multi-culture is to get rid of prejudice.得分评卷人IV. Brief summary (20%)1. What are the aims of multi-cultural education? (at least three ones)2. What is the basic structure of cultural psychology?3. What flaws are there in traditional courses?4. What are the forms of the multi-culture in education?5. What problems and difficulties are there to carry out the multi-cultural education in the current situation? Please give some examples.得分评卷人V. Calculation(40%)1. Here is part of a learning diary about education course by a American student , which states his attitude to learning culture.Why be concerned about culture? After all, we all live in the same country. Most of us speak the same language, and those who don’t have the chance to learn English in school. Most of us dress the same, bathe every day, and enjoy the same foods and entertainment and comforts. If you don’t think so, just spend some time in a really foreign country. Then you’ll see just how American you are….Sure, I plan to be a teacher…and I see it as my responsibility to help everyone learn to the best of their ability and to fit into the American society. When we start to look at differences between the races and other groups, we tend to development stronger stereotypes…Besides, I think it’s prejudiced to look at a person’s race or cultural differences, especially in the classroom where we’re supposed to treat everyone equally.What kind of education view does he have in his diary? And how does he understand culture? Please find out that he lacks of multi-cultural view and then explain it.(20%)2. Here is the criticism about the multi-cultural study given by Chicago Cultural Studies Group:“Multicultural studies is vulnerable at the juncture, not only because of the reactionary attack on it in the popular press, but because of weaknesses in its own rhetoric: an over-reliance on the efficacy of theory; a false voluntarism about political engagement; an unrecognized assumption of civil-society conditions; a tendency to limit ground of critique to a standard brace of minorities identities (for example, race, class, and gender); and a forgetfulness about how its terms circulate in Third World contexts which are often expected to provide raw material for integration in Western vision of multicultural pluralism.”Do you agree the statement? Why? (20分)四川师范大学教育科学学院教育学专业2007-2008学年度第一学期期末考试多元文化教育学试卷A参考答案与评分细则I. Translate the following terms into Chinese (10%)1.Multiculturalism多元主义(2分)2.Cultural anthropology文化人类学(2分)3.Harmony和谐(2分)4.Free education自在教育(2分)5.Do-for-oneself education自为教育(2分)II. Define the following terms in English (10%)1.Culture:Culture is an integrated pattern of human behavior that includethoughts,communications, languages, practices, beliefs, values, customs, courtesies, rituals, manners of interacting and roles, relationships and expected behaviors of a racial, ethnic, religious or social group; and the ability to transmit the above to succeeding generations. (2分)2. Civilization:A civilization is a society or culture defined as a complex society characterized by the practice of agriculture and settlement in cities. Compared with other cultures, members of a civilization are divided into specific work activities and social hierarchy.(2分)3.Multicultural Education:multicultural education is education “involving two or more ethnic groups and designed to help participants clarify their own ethnic identity and appreciate that of others, reduce prejudice and stereotyping, and promote cultural pluralism and equal participation”.(2分)4. Cultural model:cultural model is a cultural structure formed through the mixing of different cultural parts in a nation.5. Cultural transition:cultural transition is the changes of the cultural contents and structures, which is usually the increasing of the new knowledge and the change of the old knowledge that is the spread between different cultures and the creation of the culture itself.(2分)III. Decide whether the statements are true or false. If it is true, put “T”in the space provided and “F” if it is false. (20%)1. False(2分);2. True(2分);3. False(2分);4. True(2分);5. True (2分);6. False(2分);7. True(2分);8. False(2分);9. False(2分);10. True(2分)IV. Brief summary (20%)1.Five goals of multicultural education①To promote respect and appreciation for cultural diversity;②To promote an understanding of the unique and diverse cultural, racial,and ethnic heritage of our nations;③To promote the development of cultural responsible and responsivecurriculum and practices that create equity and inclusiveness throughout society;To provide a knowledge base to inform multicultural practices in schools and society, and①facilitate the ability of individuals and institutions to functioneffectively in a pluralistic society;②To reduce racism and discrimination by providing thoughtful analysisof cultural pluralism in our society.2.the basic characters of cultural psychological structure①integrityThe cultural psychological structure is a multi-layer structure formed by many units and elements which relate to one another and function mutually. There are three units corresponding to the three layers of surface, interlayer and deep-layer. The three units are the social psychology, concepts and spiritual essence. The many elements form a system and turns out an organic integrity from which the culture gets new materials which functions in the cognition activity through the domination by corresponding rules and behavioral norms.②the character of transformationThe cultural psychological structure keeps its system in harmony and transforms reversibly through assimilation and adaption③the function of self-controlThe systematic function and transformational conservation function of the cultural psychological structure can only be achieved on the basis of self-control.Self-control is the basic feature of life organism activity and the basic function for the organism and environment to keep peace.3. What flaws are there in the traditional courses?①The centralization of mainstream culture is obvious.②the stereotype of gender③Culture types are very unbalanced.4. What are the forms of the multi-culture in education?①national culture②class culture③regional culture④community culture⑤gender culture⑥age culture⑦group culture⑧special children culture5. What problems and difficulties are there to carry out the multi-cultural education in the current situation? Please give some examples.Issues in multicultural education of America①the multicultural education debate and culture wars②critical theory and critique of capitalist social relations③transformative multicultural education for social action④white privilege and racism⑤anti-bias curriculum and teaching⑥cultural pluralism⑦promising practicesV. Calculation (40%)1. His multi-cultural education view is that he thinks that it is not necessary to pay much attention to the different cultures for that when we look into them, we have already taken prejudice at the cultures.He lacks of the multi-cultural view. We can see it from his diary: “After all, we all live in the same country. Most of us speak the same language, and those who don’t have the chance to learn English in school. Most of us dress the same, bathe every day, and enjoy the same foods and entertainment and comforts.” Culture relates to many fields such as economy, police, psychology, etc. it arranges widely. What we see in daily time is only the surface. The culture that we learn is much deeper.2. Answer 1: yes. Firstly, we are taking our own thought when we are studying a culture. We might think in our thought under our own culture. In this way, what we have study lacks of justice. Secondly, we can not actually enter into a culture. The spirit of every culture is deep. They are accumulated for thousand years or at least hundreds of years.Answer 2: no. firstly, multi-culture is what we have to face and study for the globalization. With the development of the human beings, communication is what we need every day. If we do not understand other culture but ourselves, we can not get a good understanding one another. Secondly, although what we learned about other culture is not accurate, we are trying our best. We might do not touch the deep of a culture, but we are trying. And this is necessary for the development of our human beings.。
学君考研教育学考研资料四川师范大学非统考历年真题目录四川师范大学2000年教育学考研真题 (2)四川师范大学2001年教育学考研真题 (3)四川师范大学2002年教育学考研真题 (3)四川师范大学2004年教育学考研真题 (4)四川师范大学2005年教育学考研真题 (5)四川师范大学2000年教育学考研真题参考答案 (6)四川师范大学2000年教育学考研真题参考答案 (9)四川师范大学2002年教育学考研真题参考答案 (12)四川师范大学2004年教育学考研真题参考答案 (15)四川师范大学2005年教育学考研真题参考答案 (17)四川师范大学2000年教育学考研真题学科专业:教育学原理研究方向:教育学各方向通用考试科目:教育学基础一、名词解释(每小题2分,共10分)1.义务教育2.素质3.陶冶教育法5.教学评价二、辨析题。
[单选题] *A.教学过程B.学习过程(正确答案)C.评价过程D.反思过程2.现代教育心理学的奠基人是()。
[单选题] *A.弗洛伊德B.冯特C.华生D.桑代克(正确答案)3.在个体早期生命中,对某种刺激特别敏感的短暂时期,称为()。
[单选题] *A.成熟期B.关键期(正确答案)C.学习期D.高原期4.“发展危机”的提出者是()。
[单选题] *A.皮亚杰B.维果茨基C.埃里克森(正确答案)5.人和动物在生活的过程中,凭借经验而产生的行为或行为潜能的相对持久的变化,称为()。
[单选题] *A.心理发展B.学习(正确答案)C.迁移D.适应6.通过撤销厌恶刺激(惩罚)而使行为发生概率提高的方法是()。
[单选题] *A.正强化B.负强化(正确答案)C.惩罚D.撤除7.苛勒认为学习的实质是()。
[单选题] *A.尝试错误B.顿悟(正确答案)C.同化D.意义建构8.个体对学习活动所要达到目标的主观估计是()。
[单选题] *A.学习期待(正确答案)B.归因C.成就动机D.自我效能感9.需要层次论的提出者是()。
[单选题] *B.华生C.马斯洛(正确答案)D.罗杰斯10.在学习过程中,学生先获得“哺乳动物”的概念,再来学习“鲸”的概念,这种学习属于()。
[单选题] *A.下位学习(正确答案)B.上位学习C.并列结合学习D.无关学习11.埃里克森把人格发展划分为()个阶段。
[单选题] *A. 3B. 4C. 6D.8(正确答案)12.乘坐校车时,系好安全带就可以终止刺耳的提示噪音,这属于()。
[单选题] *A.正强化B.负强化(正确答案)C.替代强化D.自我强化13.将符号所代表的新知识与学习者认知结构中已有的适当观念建立起非人为的实质性的联系属于()。
[单选题] *A.接受学习B.发现学习C.有意义学习(正确答案)D.机械学习14.以下哪点属于内部的、稳定的归因()。