Application of quantum cascade lasers











DOI 10.1007s00340-004-1639-7

DOI 10.1007s00340-004-1639-7

DOI:10.1007/s00340-004-1639-7Appl.Phys.B (2004)Lasers and OpticsApplied Physics Bd.weidmann 1,∗,u g.wysocki 1c.oppenheimer 2f.k.tittel 1Development of a compactquantum cascade laser spectrometer for field measurements of CO 2isotopes1Rice Quantum Institute,Rice University,6100Main Street,Houston,TX,USA 2Departmentof Geography,Downing Place,Cambridge CB23EN,UKReceived:10August 2004Published online:29September 2004•©Springer-Verlag 2004ABSTRACT We report the development of a field-deployable,pulsed quantum cascade laser spectrometer.The instrument is designed to measure the 13C /12C isotopic ratio in the CO 2released from volcanic vents.Specific 12CO 2and 13CO 2ab-sorption lines were selected around 4.3µm,where the P-branch of 12CO 2overlaps the R-branch of 13CO 2of the 0001–0000vibrational transition.This particular selection makes the instru-ment insensitive to temperature variations.A dual-channel cell balances the two absorption signals.We provide details of the instrument design and a preliminary demonstration of its per-formance based on laboratory measurements of 16O 12C 16O and 16O 12C 18O.PACS 42.55.Px;42.62.Fi;07.88.+y1IntroductionMeasurements of stable isotopic ratios of carbon(in addition to other species including hydrogen,nitrogen,oxygen and sulfur)provide unique information about the source and history of the compound under study through an understanding of fractionation and mixing processes.Iso-topic ratiometry has important applications in many fields,including atmospheric sciences,biochemistry and geochem-istry.For atmospheric chemistry and environmental moni-toring the main purpose of carbon isotopic measurements is to determine carbon sources and sinks (see [1]and ref-erences therein).In biochemistry,concentrations of carbon isotopes are relevant to studies of photosynthesis,and have applications for non-invasive,early diagnostics by breath an-alysis [2].Geochemical applications are varied [3]and in-clude evaluation of the sources of volcanic gases,critical to eruption forecasting and volcanic hazard assessment.For ex-ample,the ratio 3He /4He is useful in distinguishing magmatic helium from that derived radiogenically in the Earth’s crust (and enriched in 4He )[4].It has been shown recently that this ratio can be measured by near-infrared laser spectroscopy [5].Nitrogen isotopic composition traces sedimentary input intou Fax:+1-713-348-5686,E-mail:d.weidmann@∗Present address:Space Science and Technology Department,CCLRC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory,Chilton,Didcot,Oxfordshire,OX110QX,UKvolcanic gases [6],while concentrations of 18O and D in water composition are important indicators of mixing of magmatic,hydrothermal,marine and meteoric sources.Stable isotopes of carbon and sulfur can reveal magma sources,assuming that isotopic compositions of surface reservoirs are constrained.For example,13CO 2/12CO 2and 34SO 2/32SO 2measurements of gas samples collected from the lava lake of Erta ‘Ale vol-cano (Ethiopia)indicated the mantle origin of emitted carbon and sulfur (δ13C ≈−4‰and δ34S ≈0‰),whereas emis-sions from ‘arc’volcanoes display more variable δ13C (−12to +2.5‰)and δ34S (0to +10‰)due to contamination by sedimentary and crustal sources [7].Isotopic ratios are commonly expressed as ‘delta values’.For the 12C /13C ratio in CO 2the δ13C value is defined as fol-lows:δ13C =R X −R PDBR PDB ×1000.(1)Note that this notation means that delta values are expressed as ‘per mil’(parts per thousand,or ‰).R denotes the concen-tration ratio of 13CO 2and 12CO 2.R X refers to the sample to be analyzed and R PDB to the Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite standard (R PDB =0.0112312[8,9]).The value of R PDB is high (high 13C )relative to a number of environmental sources and there-fore δ13C is typically negative.For example,the average value in the atmosphere is ∼−8‰.Isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS)is the standard measurement technique,and has been used successfully for many years,with a precision in the 0.01‰–0.05‰range.However,IRMS cannot differentiate isotopes with almost the same mass,it does not allow real-time measurements,it often requires a complex sample preparation and precision IRMS instrumentation is not readily field deployable for in situ measurements.To overcome these issues,when a target precision of ∼0.1‰is required,techniques based on infrared absorption spectroscopy offer an alternative approach.An ex-cellent up-to-date review of these techniques can be found in [10].In particular,tunable laser absorption spectroscopy based on semiconductor lasers promises compact instrumen-tation and real-time measurements.These sensors can dis-criminate closely related lines of different isotopes due to their narrow instrumental bandwidths.We report here the development of a field-deployable in-strument designed for measurement of volcanic emissions,and based on tunable infrared laser absorption spectroscopy.Applied Physics B –Lasers and OpticsThe spectroscopic source used is a distributed feedback (DFB)quantum cascade laser (QCL)operating at Peltier-cooled temperatures in a pulsed mode and emitting at 4.3µm .This mid-infrared source is well suited for a field-deployable instrument because it does not require liquid-nitrogen cool-ing,it is compact and robust,provides several mW of power and can access a fundamental band of CO 2.First,we discuss the choice of the 12CO 2and 13CO 2lines to be used,and review prior work on 13CO 2/12CO 2ratio measurements by semiconductor laser absorption spec-troscopy.We then describe in detail the instrument design and report a laboratory demonstration of the instrument capabilities.213CO2and 12CO 2line selectionPrior to selection of the optimum CO 2absorp-tion lines,the general spectral region for measurement is determined primarily by the available laser source,in this case a QCL.Figure 1presents the 12CO 2and 13CO 2bands in the near and mid infrared,obtained from the HITRAN 2000database [11].The most favorable band to measure δ13C with high precision appears to be the ν3band cen-tered at 2349cm −1(4.3µm ).Also,the ν2band centered at 667cm −1(15.0µm )and the combination band ν1+ν3cen-tered at 3720cm −1(2.7µm )could be used,but their intensi-ties are a factor of about one hundred weaker than the ν3band.Although far from optimum in terms of transition in-tensity,the 13C /12C isotope ratio has been measured using a harmonic band in the near-infrared region.The availabil-ity of near-infrared semiconductor lasers,their low cost and reliability and the possibility of fiber amplification and coup-ling make this spectral region very attractive.For example,Gagliardi et al.and Rocco et al.measured 13CO 2/12CO 2at ∼2µm (5000cm −1)and partially compensated the intrinsic low line strength (of more than three orders of magnitude weaker than the ν3band)by using a multipass cell [12,13].Measurements have also been performed with telecommu-nications laser diodes at 1.6µm (6250cm −1),where lines are about five orders of magnitude weaker than in the ν3band [14,15].At these wavelengths,the weak absorption lines can be compensated by use of highly sensitive cavity ring-down spectroscopy [2].Having found a suitable absorption band,the precise 12CO 2and 13CO 2transitions have to be selected.Two mainLine selection Line Technologyfor 12C and 13Cintensity ∆T ∆δ(cm −1)ratio 12/13(K)(‰)Erdelyi et al.[18]DFG 2299.6423570.670.0050.82299.795519Mc Mannus et al.[1]Lead salt 2314.304896460.2130.2Dual path 2314.408412Becker et al.[20]Lead salt 2291.5416900.640.00442291.680391Bowling et al.[19]Lead salt 2308.2246890.430.0060.252308.171080This workQCL 2311.10556696181Dual path2311.398738TABLE 1Summary of tunable mid-infrared laser-based spectroscopy approaches for 12CO 2/13CO 2iso-topic ratio measurements.The frequencies and intensity ratios of the two transitions chosen in each case are given.∆T is the corresponding temperature stability re-quired to achieve a 0.1‰precision in δ13C.The last column indicates the precisionachievedFIGURE 1Ro-vibrational bands suitable for 12CO 2/13CO 2ratio measure-ments,based on HITRAN 2000criteria dictate this choice.Firstly,the signals for each iso-tope should be of similar intensities in order to limit the effect of the intrinsic non-linearity due to Beer’s law and potential non-linearities of the detectors.In practice,this means that the overall absorption of the 12CO 2and the 13CO 2lines must be similar.Secondly,the lower energy levels of the 12CO 2and 13CO 2transitions must be as close as possible to limit the sen-sitivity of the measurement to temperature variations.This dependence is approximately given by [16]∆T ∆E =∆δkT 2,(2)where ∆T is the temperature variation,∆E the difference between the lower-state energies of the 12CO 2and 13CO 2tran-sitions,∆δthe corresponding precision of the delta value,k the Boltzmann constant and T the temperature.These crite-ria cannot be fulfilled together in the 2300cm −1region.In addition,the lines have to be the strongest possible to achieve good sensitivity,the spectral window must be free of atmo-spheric interference and the two line frequencies close enough to resolve with a single QCL scan.From these considerations,two strategies are feasible.Ei-ther two lines can be selected such that the strengths of the 12CO 2and 13CO 2absorptions are similar.In this case,the transition lower-state energies are quite different and the tem-perature of the gas mixture during measurements has to be very stable.Alternatively,two lines with almost the same lower-state energy can be selected.In this case,the line inten-sities are different and the respective absorptions have to be balanced using a dual-channel absorption cell [1,17].Several techniques with different line-selection strategies have already been developed to measure the 13CO 2/12CO 2ratio using the ν3band.An analyzer based on difference-WEIDMANN et al.Development of a compact quantum cascade laser spectrometer forfield measurements of CO2isotopesfrequency generation was reported by Erd´e lyi et al.with a0.8‰precision[18].Lead salt diode laser spectrome-ters have also been used,delivering precisions of0.2‰[1], 0.25‰[19]and4‰[20,21].An instrument based on a pulsed QCL is also in development at Physical Science Inc.[22]. The line selections for these different studies are compared in Table1.We selected a line pair around2311cm−1.The main fea-ture is that the two transitions have nearly the same lower-state energies.The calculated required temperature stability to achieve a0.1‰precision on the delta value is180K,which means that CO2isotopic ratio measurement will be insensi-tive to temperaturefluctuations.On the other hand,the two line strengths are very different(the ratio is96)and can be compensated for using different path lengths for each line.3Description of dual gas absorption cellsThe selected12CO2line has a high intensity of ∼10−19cm−1/−2.As the CO2concentration is ex-pected to be greater than1%in volcanic gas emissions,a short path length is needed to avoid saturation.We have constructed an optical configuration consisting of two separate cells,by modifying a36-m multipass astigmatic Herriott cell from Aerodyne Research Inc.[23].The cell entrance window has been replaced by a short-path cell(Fig.2),whose exit window acts as a beam splitter coupling a part of the laser radiation into the Herriott cell.The two windows are parallel to ensure that the path length does not depend on the beam position.The incoming beam from the QCL follows two separate optical paths:–Channel1,short path(12CO2):the beam enters the short-path cell via the entrance window(CaF2wedge),tran-sits through the short-path cell(0.024m)and exits viaa wedged ZnSe window.–Channel2,long path(13CO2):the beam enters the short-path cell as for channel1.The beam is then reflected by the ZnSe window and travels in the astigmatic Herriott cell.The beam makes12passes inside the multipass cell(2.444m)and then exits through the ZnSe window. Channels1and2transmit44%and12%of the incoming QCL power,respectively.The two cells are interconnected so that the gas to be measured is at the same pressure in each chan-nel.Figure3shows simulated spectra for these conditionsandFIGURE2Schematics of the modified Herriott cell.Note the two different pathlengths FIGURE3Simulated spectra for the two cells(channels1and2)for a total pressure of50Torr,a CO2concentration of1%and the natural isotopic abundance.The lines of interest are indicated by an arrowa concentration of1%CO2in air at50Torr for the natural abundance of13CO2.4CO2-sensor design4.1Optical platformThe two absorption cells,the QCL source,detec-tors and other components are mounted on a46×30cm2 optical breadboard.A plan view and a three-dimensional(3D) view of the optical platform are shown in Figs.4and5,re-FIGURE4Scaled optical layout of the sensor.M indicates plane mirrors, and OAPM off-axis parabolicmirrorsFIGURE53D view of the optical head of the sensor on the46×30cm2 optical breadboardApplied Physics B–Lasers and Opticsspectively.The QCL is enclosed in an evacuated housing[24]. The exiting infrared beam is collimated with a∼6-mm diam-eter,f/0.5aspheric ZnSe lens.High-current ns pulses are pro-vided by a laser driver(Directed Energy model PCO-7120) to the QCL via a low-impedance strip line.After the exit window of the QCL housing,a removable mirror can be in-serted for beam alignment.This mirror redirects the beam coming from a visible diode laser and allows the superimpo-sition of the visible and mid-infrared beams.Except during the alignment process,the QCL beam encounters a set of three mirrors,which are used to couple the QCL beam to the dual-cell system.As shown in Fig.2,two beams exit the absorption cell system and are focused on two detectors by 75mm focal length off-axis parabolic mirrors.Two thermo-electrically cooled photovoltaic HgCdZnTe detectors(VIGO Systems model PDI-2TE-5)are used.The effective area of each detector is1mm2and their response time is∼20ns. The detectors are connected to transimpedance preamplifiers with a50-MHz bandwidth,and their outputs are sent to the data-acquisition system.The optical module of the sensor is sealed off and a constant low overpressure of dry nitrogen is applied to prevent contamination of the sensor by ambient at-mospheric CO2.4.2Data acquisitionThe peak voltage of the detected optical pulses is measured using350-MHz sampling bandwidth track and hold(T&H)circuits[25].Data acquisition is performed by a National Instrument PCMCIA card(DAQ card Al-16E-4) connected to a laptop computer.Software control was imple-mented using LabView.External timing was used to optimize the acquisition rate (see Fig.6).Four acquisition channels were used:two for the QCL peak signal(laser on),and two for the detectorback-FIGURE6Timing diagram of the acquisition sequence.The crosses indi-cate individual acquisitions ground voltage(laser off).The reference clock operates at 50kHz and synchronizes the laser excitation signal.This ex-citation signal consists of a20-ns-width pulse sent to the gate input of the laser driver,which delivers a25-ns cur-rent pulse train to the QCL.At the same time,this signal clocks the scan sequence of the acquisition card.The gate signals provided to the two T&Hs run at twice the reference frequency so that two sequences can be recorded:one with the laser on,the other with the laser off(background).For each gate,the delay and length of the holding time have to be adjusted:the delay is set such that the T&H gate signal rising edge corresponds to the position of the detected pulse peak voltage,and the‘holding time’must be sufficiently long in order to keep the captured voltage to be acquired by the DAQ card.These parameters must be optimized for the two channels of the spectrometer.The acquisition clock runs at four times the reference frequency(four channels must be acquired)with its delay time adjusted so that acquisition se-quences appear within the holding time of both T&Hs.The user can select the number of spectra that are required for averaging.4.3Gas-flow systemThe gas-flow system uses a compact diaphragm pump,a pressure controller and four three-way electromag-netic valves driven by the digital output of the data-acquisition card.The gas input can be switched between dry nitrogen,an isotopic calibration mixture(the reference gas)and the sam-ple.Isotopic calibration standards are costly and we therefore use a separate holding tank in order to recycle the reference gas in a closed loop,as noted previously[18].The complete architecture of the control system is sum-marized in Fig.7,and a photograph of the actual sensor is depicted in Fig.8.5Measurement protocolMeasurements are performed as follows:–Acquisition of spectra for a calibrated isotopic gas mix-ture.We use a calibrated reference cylinder from Cam-bridge Isotope Laboratories Inc.(with itsδ13C value,δcal, known with a precision of0.01‰)for the determination of [12C cal]and[13C cal].FIGURE7Scheme of the electronic control and data-acquisition system of the laser-based gas sensor.DO,digital output;AI Ch,analog input channelWEIDMANN et al.Development of a compact quantum cascade laser spectrometer for field measurements of CO 2isotopesFIGURE 8Spectrometer shown with the cover removed.Power supplies and controllers are housed below the main optical breadboard–Acquisition of spectra for the unknown sample for which [12C X ]and [13C X ]are to be determined.–A baseline can be recorded by purging the system with dry nitrogen,if required.The unknown δX is then given by δX =δcal +R X −R calR PDB×1000.(3)6Instrumental sensitivityRetrieval of concentrations is made by line integra-tion of the absorbance signal α(ν).In this case,the concentra-tion is given byC =α(ν)d νRT L S N A P ,(4)where R is the ideal gas constant,T the temperature,L the path length,S the line intensity,N A Avogadro’s number and P the pressure.By differentiating (3),we obtain the precision of the delta value as a function of the precision of the concentra-tion measurement:∆δX ≈2000∆CR PDB [CO 2],(5)where the concentration precision ∆C is assumed to be iden-tical for the measurements of [13CO 2]and [12CO 2]in both channels,and [13CO 2] [12CO 2].From (5),it can be shown that,for a 1%CO 2mixture,a precision of 10ppb in the con-centrations is required to achieve a 0.2‰precision in δ13C .This means that the pressure stability inside the optical cells must be better than 0.05mTorr ,and the optical path length stability better than 2µm .The main sensitivity limitation is expected to arise from the usual performance issues of pulsed QCL-based spectrom-eters [26]:an increase in laser line width as a result of ther-mal chirping and pulse-to-pulse intensity variations.Hence,achieving a 0.1‰precision in δ13C is a significant technical challenge to implement.7Results of laboratory testsof the QCL-based CO 2-gas sensorFor laboratory testing of the CO 2sensor we utilizeda QCL-based spectroscopic source operating at 2320cm −1,as it was the only commercially available QCL for this spec-tral region at this time.However,it operated outside the 2311-cm −1spectral region identified to be optimum for 13CO 2isotopic measurements as described in Sect.2.This QCL was nevertheless valuable for demonstrating the basic concept of the sensor by examining the 16O 12C 18O isotope concentra-tion.The specifications of this particular QCL were unusual as compared to other QCLs.For example,a threshold peak cur-rent of about 8A at −35◦C when compared to less than 1A for a usual QCL.Such a high injection current results in two major issues:–The thermal chirp,and consequently the laser line width,was broadened.–The optical frequency was limited in tunability when ap-plying a subthreshold current ramp because of the high thermal load of the QCL.Hence,laser-frequency scanning was performed by tem-perature tuning.The peak current of the excitation pulse was set to 8.2A ,which is close to the laser threshold.A 7◦C temperature ramp from −28to −35◦C was ap-plied.Each acquisition point lasted 8ms and consisted of 400co-added (averaged)acquisition events.For these tests a flow of a calibrated mixture of CO 2diluted (1.00±0.02%)in dry nitrogen was used.The pressure in the absorption cell was set to 50Torr .The tuning rate was measured to be −0.12cm −1K −1and the averaged QCL power was 0.2mW .The spectra recorded simultaneously by the two channels are shown in Fig.9.Figure 9a shows the signal from the short-path cell.Only the intense 12CO 2lines are visible.In this plot is also depicted the theoretical transmission expected according toHITRANFIGURE 9Spectra for 16O 12C 18O recorded to demonstrate the basic con-cept of the instrument.(a )corresponds to the short path cell signal;(b )is the signal from the long path.The simulated spectra from HITRAN are shown in light grey .In (a )the laser line width has not been taken into account,whereas in (b )a 0.04cm −1FWHM Gaussian function simulated the laser line widthApplied Physics B–Lasers and Optics(grey trace).The comparison between the experimental and the theoretical spectra points out the effect of the laser spec-tral width.The1σnoise on either side of the16O12C16O line at2320.75cm−1is1.2×10−2.By computing the area below the absorbance curve and using(4),the retrieved concentra-tion for16O12C16O is1.00±0.06%.The line parameters from HITRAN were used.For these particular lines,the quoted precision in the intensities is given as5%and therefore rep-resents the major source of uncertainty in the concentration retrieval.In the second channel(see Fig.9b),the intense 16O12C16O2line nearly saturates and a16O12C18O line ap-pears(indicated by an arrow).In Fig.9b is also depicted the HITRAN calculated spectrum but this time convolved with a0.04cm−1FWHM Gaussian function.The agreement is very good,as can be seen.We believe that discrepancies can be further reduced by refining the function that describes the laser emission spectrum known as not being purely Gaus-sian.For the calculated spectrum the natural abundance of 16O12C18O has been used in the calculation(0.394707%)and the isotopic line at2320.46cm−1is in good agreement with the experimental one.At longer wavelengths an increase in noise is apparent.This is due to laser intensity variation during temperature tuning.8ConclusionsWe have reported the development of afield-deployable QCL-based sensor for measurements of CO2iso-topes.The sensor consists of a dual absorption cell and is based on the selection of a particular pair of absorption lines that yield13C and12C concentration measurements that are insensitive to temperature.We have demonstrated the basic sensor concept by measuring16O12C16O and16O12C18O con-centrations in a1%CO2mixture in N2in the spectral region of2320cm−1.In future,a dedicated pulsed QCL that emits at2311cm−1will be integrated into the instrument to inves-tigate the experimental precision achievable inδ13C,prior to fullfield testing.Several groups have reported progress in the development of thermo-electrically cooled continuous-wave QCLs[27–29]and interband cascade lasers[30]as well as advanced compact DFG-based sources[31],which would further improve the performance of the reported CO2 spectrometer.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors are grateful to K.Ue-hara of Keio University for helpful discussions and input to this work.The authors also gratefully acknowledgefinancial support from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration,the Texas Advanced Technology Program,the Robert Welch Foundation and the Office of Naval Research via a sub-award from Texas A&M University as well as from the Gruppo Nazionale per la Vulcanologia and Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vul-canologia(under a grant entitled‘Development of an integrated spectro-scopic system for remote and continuous monitoring of volcanic gas’).C. 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别位于两个微带的上下边沿 [ 1 ] 。由于这种设计的 辐射跃迁是垂直的 ,因此可以得到比较大的辐射谐 振强度 。束缚态到连续态跃迁结构最开始应用于中 红外 QCL。2003年 , Scalari等人 [ 3 ]将束缚态到连续 态跃迁结构应用于 THz QCL 并取得成功 。这种设 计的显著特点是 :上激光能级是一个束缚态 ,而下激 光能级位于一个微带的边沿 。在这种结构中 ,辐射 跃迁是对角的 ,减小了注入能级和下激光能级之间 的耦合 ,以提高电子的注入效率 。共振声子结构最 开始是由 W illiam s提出来的 [ 4 ] 。这种设计与啁啾超 晶格及束缚态到连续态跃迁结构截然不同 :下激光 能级的电子通过共振纵光学 (LO )声子散射抽取出
0 引 言
太赫兹 ( THz)量子级联激光器 (QCL )是一种单 极器件 ,电子在子带间跃迁产生 THz光子 。自从 2002年意大利和英国的科学家联合研制成功世界 上第一个 THz QCL 以来 [ 1 ] , THz QCL 在有源区设计 和波导设计方面都有显著的发展 [ 2 ] 。有源区设计 方面 ,主要有三种设计 ,即啁啾超晶格结构 、束缚态 到连续态跃迁结构 , 以及共振声子结构 。第一个 THz QCL 就是采用的啁啾超晶格有源区结构设计 , 光学跃迁发生在上 、下激光能级之间 ,这两个能级分
摘 要 :针对四阱有源区 、一阱注入区及三阱有源设计 ,采用蒙特卡洛模拟方法研究了共振声子太 赫兹量子级联激光器的性能差异 。采用傅里叶变换光谱仪及远红外探测器测量了四阱共振声子太 赫兹量子级联激光器的低温电光特性 。详细讨论了提高太赫兹量子级联激光器发射功率的方案 。 关键词 :太赫兹 ;量子级联激光器 ;蒙特卡洛方法 ;功率 中图分类号 : TN248 文献标识码 : A 文章编号 : 167325692 (2009) 032244205

Laser Principle

Laser Principle

kink in output power 扭结、弯曲
Laser history
Javan invents He-Ne laser Maiman builds first Townes invents and Schawlow and Townes (ruby) LASER builds first MASER propose LASER Spectra introduces first fiber optic communication IBM builds first system Hall buildsAlferov builds first laser printer (Chicago) player Einstein predicts CD Ti:Sapphire laser heterostructure laser semiconductor stimulated emission laser Nakamura builds builds quantum built Faist nanowire laser at UCB blue laser diode cascade laser
Optical Electronics, Fall 2010
Optical Electronics, Fall 2010
Optical Electronics, Fall 2010
Optical Electronics, Fall 2010
Optical Electronics, Fall 2010
laser as amplifier
Input Monitor tap
Isolator Monitor tap Output



这种激发器的光子产生依赖于电 区被激发了的电子)
子 级 量 子 阱
产生一个光子。 激发区:3个量子阱
量子在穿越不同量子阱界面时, QCL性能受量子阱界面缺陷、 粗糙散射影响,同时由于处于 不同量子阱,导致产生跃迁的 上下能级波函数叠加较少,降
量子级联 激光器
(quantum cascade
lasers, QCLs)是基于电 子在半导体量子阱中导
助共振隧穿原理的新型 单极半导体器件。
2 3 4
基本概念 结构分析 研究现状 前景应用
普通半导体激光器由于受到化学结构的制约,使其大约以相 当于导带价带差的能量向外辐射光,因此不能发射中远红外范 围的光。而于1994年,美国贝尔实验室发明的量子级联激光器
结构 是一种多层的量子阱结构,每层结 构包括一个注入区和一个激发区, 其中激发区为三个耦合量子阱。 原理
PART TWO 基本结构 QCL受激辐射过程只有电子参与,其发光波长由半导体能隙来决定。



光电英语词汇(G)光电英语词汇(G)光电英语词汇(G)g-factorg 因数,朗德因释gaas detector 砷化镓探测器gaas infrared emitter 砷化镓红外发射器gaas injection laser 砷化镓注入式激光器gaas laser 砷化镓激光器gaas laser diode 砷化镓激光二极管gaas light source 砷化镓光源gaas p-n junction injection laser 砷化镓p-n结注入式激光器gaas p-n junction ir source 砷化镓p-n结红外光源gaas spontaneous infrared source 砷化镓自发红外光源gaas varactor diode 砷化镓可变电抗二极管gaas-junction light source 砷化镓结光源gabor hologram 伽柏全息图gabor's expansion theorem 伽柏展开原理gabor's method 伽柏法gadolinium (gd)钆gadolinium molybdate 钼酸钆gaertner spectrograph 伽特纳摄谱仪gage (=gauge)(1)规(2)量计(3)测量gaging head 测头gaililean viewfinder 伽利略取景器gaillium antimonide 锑化镓gain 增益gain amplifier 增益放大器gain by one path 单程增益gain cell 增益室gain coefficient of medium 媒质增益系数gain control 增益控制gain crossover 增益窜渡gain curve of medium 媒质增益曲线gain decay characteristic 增益衷减特性gain factor 增益因数gain invertion 增益反转gain margin 增益容限gain of light 光增益gain per pass 单程增益gain spiking 增益巅值gain stage 增益级gain staturation 增益饱和gain-bandwidth product 宽频增益器gain-bandwithd 增益带宽gain-guided laser 增益导引雷射gain-switching amplifier 增益开关放大器gain-switching system 增益开关系统gal 伽galaaxy 银河系galactic irradiance 银河系辐照度galactic noise 银河系噪声galaxy 银河galilean binocular 伽利略双筒望远镜galilean eyepiece 伽利略目镜galilean refracting telescopes 折射望远镜,galilean 望远镜galilean telescope 伽利略望远镜galilent telescope 加利略望远镜galley camera 制版照相机gallium (ga)镓gallium aluminum arsenide (gaaias or aigaas)砷铝化镓gallium antimonite (gasb)锑化镓gallium aresenide injection laser 砷化镓注入式激光器gallium arseide detector 砷化镓探测器gallium arsenide 砷化镓gallium arsenide photphide 磷砷化镓gallium arsenide (gaas) injection laser 砷化镓注入雷射gallium nitride 磷化镓gallium photsphide (gap)加仑gallium-arsenide optical filter 砷化镓滤光片gallon (gal)电流探测galvanic detection 镀锌galvanoluminescence 电流发光galvanometer 电流计galvanometer mirror 电流计镜galvanometer recorder 电流计记录器galvanometer shunt 电流计分流器galvanometer spot project 电流计光点投影器galvanometerh 电流计gamma 加玛gamma camera 加玛射线照像机gamma control r控制gamma correction r校准gamma irradiation r辐射gamma radiography 加玛防线照像术gamma ray r射线gamma ray detector 伽玛射线检测器gamma ray image converter r射线变像管gamma sphere 伽玛射线球gamma value r值gamma-ray astronomy 伽玛射线天文线gamma-ray fluoroscope r射线荧光镜gamma-ray gauge r射线测量计gamma-ray hologram r射线全息图gamma-ray laser r射线激光器gamma-ray meter r射线测计,r剂量计gamma-ray projector r射线投影器gamma-ray spectrograph r射线摄谱仪gamma-ray spectromete r伽玛射线分光计gamma-space r空目gammagraph r照相装置gammagraphy r照相术gamut (1)音阶(2)色移gan 氮化镓gan led 氮化镓发光二极体ganecke projection 甘奈克投影gang capacitor 其轴电容器gang switch 共轴开关gap 磷化镓gap coding 空隙编码gap conunter 间隙计数器gap length 气隙长度gap loss 间隙损失gap-gauge 厚薄尺,塞尺garching iodine laser system 伽斤碘激光系统garment (1)外套,外表(2)外涂层garmnet 石榴石garnet crystal 石榴晶体garnet laser 石榴石激光器gas (1)气体(2)媒气gas absorption cell 气体吸收元件gas active material 气体激光材料gas amplification 气体放大gas analysis 气体分析gas ballast rotary pump 气镇旋转泵gas breakdown 气体击穿gas breakdown threshold 气体击穿阈gas chromatograph 气象色谱gas chromatography 气相色谱gas chromatorgarma 气相色谱gas clean up 气体除净gas current 气体电流gas detector 气体检测器gas diode 气体二极管gas diode phototube 充气光电二极管gas discharge 气体放电gas discharge display 气体放电显示器gas discharge laser 气体放电雷射gas dynamic co-laser 气动-氧化碳激光器gas dynamic laser 气体激光器gas etching technique 气体刻蚀技术充气的gas filled cable 充气电缆gas filled rectifier 充气整流器gas filled tube 充气管gas filter correlation 气体滤器相关gas focusing 气体聚焦gas laser 气体激光高度计gas laser altimeter 气体透镜gas lens 混合气体透镜gas magnification 气体放大gas mixture lens 汽油gas photocell 气体光电池gas recyclers and gas handling equipment 气体再生设备,气体填充设备gas ring laser 不透气的,气密的gas tightness 气体迁移激光器gas tube 气体管gas-ballatsing 气镇gas-discharge 气体放电gas-discharge cell 气体放电元件gas-discharge lamp 气体放电灯gas-discharge laser 气的放电激光器gas-discharge noise 气体放电噪声gas-discharge plasma 气体放电等离子体gas-discharge source 气体放电光源gas-discharge tube 气体放电管gas-filled 充气灯gas-filled lamp 充气激光管gas-filled laser tube 充气光电管gas-filled phototube 充气钨丝灯gas-filled tungsten-filament 气体注入式激光器gas-injection laser (1)衬垫(2)垫圈gas-phase laser 气环形激光器gas-tight 气密性gas-transport laser 充气三极管,闸流管gas-transport laser (gtl)气体输送雷射gasdynamic 气动的gasdynamic mixing laser 气动混合激光器gasdynamic mode 气动模gasdynamic type of chemical laser 气动式化学激光器gaseous 气体的gaseous cascade laser 气体串级激光器gaseous discharge 气体放电gaseous medium 气体媒质gaseous target 气体靶gases for lasers 雷射用气体gases for optical application 光学用气体gasket 气体激光器gasoline 气相激光器gassing 释气gastriode 纤维胃窥镜gastrofiberscope gastroscope 胃镜gastroscope 胃窥镜,胃视镜gate (1)门电路(2)选通脉冲(3)电影放大镜头窗口gate bias 栅偏压gate driver ic 闸极驱动ic gate float 浮动窗框gate mask 孔板gate pulse 选通脉冲,门脉冲gate trigger signal 闸极驱动讯号gate turn off signal 闸极关闭讯号gate value 门阀gate width 选通脉冲宽度gate-controlled switch 闸控开关gated amplifier 选通放大器gated aradiometer 选通辐射计gather 导入,引入gating 选通,开启gating pulse 选通脉冲gating siganl 选通信号gatling gun laser 卡特林机枪雷射(连发式雷射)gauge batr 规杆gauge block 规块gauge caliper 测径规gauge feeler 厚薄规gauge glass 量液玻璃管gauge hole 标准孔gauge outfit 测量头,表头gauge point 标记点gauge pressure 计示压力,表压gauge (=gage)(1)规(2)计(3)测量gauge[-block] interferometer 规块干涉仪gauging error 分度误差,检定误差gauss 高斯gauss beam 高斯光束gauss double type object-lens 双高斯型物镜gauss eyepiece 高斯目镜gauss optics 高斯光学gauss plane 高斯平面gauss point 高斯点gauss points 高斯点gauss theorem 高斯定理gauss transform 高斯变换gauss-condition error 高斯条件误差gauss-invariant co-ordinates 高斯不变坐gaussian band-pass filter 高斯带通滤波器gaussian beam 高斯光束gaussian curvature 高斯曲率gaussian distribution 高斯分布gaussian doublet 高斯型双胶合透镜gaussian elementary beam 高斯基本光束gaussian error 高斯误差gaussian flux law 高斯通量定律gaussian function 高斯函gaussian image 高斯像gaussian laser beam 高斯激光束gaussian lens formula 高斯透镜公式gaussian lineshape 高斯线型gaussian noise 高斯噪声gaussian optics 高斯光学gaussian probability-density function 高斯概率密度函数gaussian pulse 高斯脉冲gaussian reference sphere 高斯参考球gaussian reflectivity 高斯反射率gaussian regaion 高斯区域gaussian wave train 高斯波列gaussmeter 高斯计,磁强计gauze filter 网状滤波器gauze technique 线网技术gaviola test 加维拉检验法ge mesa transistor 锗台式晶体管ge photodiode array camera tube 锗光电二极管阵列摄像管gear (1)齿轮(2)传动装置gear bank 齿轮组gear box (gear case)齿轮箱gear coupling 齿轮联轴节gear drive 齿轮传动gear lead checking machine 齿轮导程检查仪gear lever 变速杆gear mesh 齿轮齿合gear rack 齿轮齿条gear sector 扇形齿轮gear shift 变速,调档gear sprial 螺旋齿轮gear testing machine 齿轮检查仪,测齿仪gear thickness gauge 齿厚规gear tooth venier caliper 厚游标卡尺gear wheel 齿轮gear wheel shaft 齿轮轴gear wheel tester 齿轮检查仪gear-type coupling 齿轮联轴节gearing (1)齿轮装置(2)传动装置gegenschein-zodiacal light photometer 积坚斯因,祖弟卡光线光度计geiger counter 盖革计数器geiger mueller region 盖氏弥勒区域geiger mueller threshold 盖革弥勒阈值geiger-mueller counter 盖革一弥计时器geiger-muller ballast 盖革-弥勒计数管geiger-muller coungter 盖革-弥勒计数管geigerscope 闪烁镜geissler tube 盖斯勒管gel 凝胶gel layer 凝胶层gelatine 明胶gelatine filter 明胶滤光镜gelogy 地质学gemoetrical error 几何误差genal drawing 总图general assembly 总装配general computer 通用计算机general confocal resonator 泛共焦共振腔general isoplanatism theorem 广义等晕定理general radiation scattering 连续辐射散射general view 总图,全视图general wave-beam guide 通用波导general-purpose camera 通用照相机generalized coordinates 广义坐标generalized lagrange invariant 广义拉格朗日不变量generalized projection 广义投影generalized pupil function 广义光瞳函数generalized relative aperture 广义相对孔径generating mark 磨胚痕generation 磨胚generation electric field meter 发电式电场计generation lifetime (1)发生涛命(2)生成寿命generation ⅱwafer tube 第二代晶圆管generation-recombination noise 振荡复合噪声generator (1)振荡器(2)发生器(3)发电机(4)母线generator field control 发电机场控制generatrix 母线genescope 频率特性观测仪genetic engineering 遗传工程学genlock 内锁genmetric concentration 几何传中率genoralized inverse matrix 广义逆矩阵geocenter 地球质量中心geodesic lens 测地镜头geodesic leveling 大地水准测量geodesy 大地测量学geodetic datum 天地基准点geodetic instrument 大地测量仪器geodetic measurement 大地测量geodetic survey 大地测量geodimeter 光电测距仪geodynamic satellite 地球动力卫geodynamics 地球动力学geographic survey 地图测量geographical coordinates 地图坐标,地理坐标geography 地理geoid 大地水准面geological mapping 地质测绘geological survey 地质测量geologit's compass 地质罗盘仪geomagnetic field 地磁场geometrcial transformation 几何变化geometric extent 几何领域geometric metamerism 几何的同差异构性geometric operations 几何作业geometric optics 几何光学geometrical aberration 几何像差geometrical axis 几何轴geometrical broadening 几何展宽geometrical center 几何中心geometrical cross section 几何截面geometrical drawing 几何图geometrical focus 几何焦点geometrical gropression 几何级数geometrical image 几何像geometrical leveling 几何水准测量geometrical optics 几何光学geometrical projection 几何投影法geometrical relationship 几何关系geometrical scanner 几何授描器geometrical shadow 几何阴影geometrical similarity 几何相似性geometry 几何学geomorphology 地貌学,地形学geophysical survey 地球物理测量geophysics 地球物理学georan (geodetie ranger)大地测距仪geoscience 地球科学geostationary satellite 同步卫星geosynchronous orbit 同步轨道geosynchronous satellite 地球同步卫星germainium imaging sensor 锗成像传感器germainium lens 锗透镜germainium-doped optical fibre 掺锗光学纤维german illuminating engineeering society (dltg)德国照明工程协会german silver 德银germanium (ge)锗germanium bolometer 锗测辐射热器germanium detector 锗探测器germanium polarizer 锗偏振器germanium-mosaic image-convertor 锗镶嵌变像管germanium-silicaon alloy 锗硅合金germicidal lamp 杀菌灯germinium-doped silica 掺锗二氧化硅getter (1)吸气剂,收气剂(2)吸杂剂getter bulb 吸气剂管getter material 吸气材料ggg laser crystals 雷射晶体(ggg)ghost effect 寄生效应ghost image 鬼像,幻像ghost line 鬼线ghost peak 假峰ghost prism 鬼棱镜ghost surface 假面ghost-strenght 鬼像强度ghosts 幻影giant optical pulsation 巨光脉冲giant pulse (gp)巨脉冲giant pulse emission 巨脉冲发射giant pulse technique 巨脉冲技术giant resonance 巨共振giant-pulse laser 巨脉冲激光器gib clamp 扁栓制动机构gibbs 吉卜斯gibbs' phenomena 吉卜斯现象giga (g)吉,千兆giga-electron-volt 吉电子伏,千兆电子伏gigabit ethernet network equipment 超高速乙太网路设备gilbert (gb)吉伯gilding (1)镀金(2)镀金术gimbal 常平架,平衡环gimbal lock 常平架锁定gimbal mount 常平架座glaass-sealed 玻璃封接的glan polarizer 格兰起偏振镜glan spectrophotometer 葛兰分光光度计glan-foucault polarizing prism 格兰-傅科偏振棱镜glan-thompson prism 葛兰-汤普生棱镜glan-thomson prism 格兰-汤姆逊棱镜glan-thomson prismsglan-thomson 棱镜glancing angle 掠射角glancing incidence 掠入角gland (1)衬垫压盖(2)密封装置gland nut 压紧螺母glarimeter 光泽计glaring 耀眼的glas laswer 玻璃激光器glass (1)玻璃(2)望远镜(3)显微镜(4)放大镜glass and glass-ceramic mirrors 玻璃,玻璃/陶瓷面镜glass annealing furnace 玻璃退火炉glass barium (baryta)钡玻璃glass bead screen 玻璃球屏幕glass beads 玻璃珠glass blowing 吹玻璃glass capacitor 玻璃电容器glass capillary 玻璃毛细管glass cement 玻璃胶glass cement surface 玻璃胶合界面glass ceramic 玻璃陶瓷glass cuter 玻璃刀glass dial 玻璃刻度些glass disk laser 玻璃圆盘激光器glass disk scale 玻璃刻度盘glass dosimeter 玻璃软片板glass electrode 玻璃电极glass fiber 玻璃纤维glass fiber waveguide 玻璃纤维波导glass film plates 玻璃雷射glass filter 滤光镜glass generators 玻璃产生机glass laser 上色墨glass laser targer 玻璃激光靶glass lasers 玻璃雷射glass marking inks 玻璃上色墨glass melting furnace 玻璃熔炉摄谱仪glass mirror 玻璃镜glass plate 玻璃板glass powder 玻璃粉glass precision scale 精密玻璃刻尺glass rod 玻璃棒glass scale 玻璃分划尺glass shot (1)闪光玻璃(2)特技摄影glass sight 光学瞄准具glass slip 玻璃片glass spectrograph 玻璃摄谱仪glass substrate 玻璃基板glass target 玻璃靶glass transition temperature 玻璃软化温度glass-air interface 玻璃-空气分界面glass-beaded 玻璃熔接的glass-engraving 玻璃雕刻glass-fiber cabie 光缆glass-fiber guide 玻璃纤维波导glass-fiber laser 玻璃纤维激光器glass-on-glass ddrawing technique 玻璃拨丝技术glass-path 玻璃光程glass-processing 玻璃加工的glass-shell target 玻璃空心靶glasses 眼镜glassine 玻璃射glassiness 玻璃质glassing machine 抛光机glassite 玻璃抛光分glassy 透明的,玻璃状的glassy chalcogenide 透明硫化物glassy chalcogenide semiconductor 透明硫化物半导体glaucoma 绿内障,青光眼glaze wheel 研磨轮glazebrook prism 格累兹布鲁克棱镜glazer 抛光轮glazing (1)抛光,磨光(2)配玻璃glazing machine 抛光机gleam 发光,闪光glide plane 滑移平面glide reflection 滑移反射glimmer (1)微光,微弱闪光(2)云母glint (1)光反射(2)闪烁glisten (1)反光(2)闪光glitter 闪烁global monitoring 全球监控global radiation 金球辐射globar 碳化硅棒globar element 碳化硅棒元件globar meterial 碳化硅棒材料globar source 碳化硅棒光源globe 球,球体globe lens 球透镜globe photometer 球形光度计globular bulb 球状灯泡globular projection 球面投影globule 小球体globulite 滴晶glory ray 彩色glosgloss meters 光泽计gloss 光泽gloss meter 光泽计glossiness (1)光泽度(2)砖光度glossy paper 光面相纸glossy specimen 光泽样品glow 辉光glow ballast 辉光管glow characteristic 辉光特性曲线glow discharge 辉光放电glow factor 辉光因数glow lamp 辉光放电管,白炽灯glow modulator tube 辉光调制管glow plasma 辉光等离子体glower 炽热体glue line heating 胶线加热gluing 胶合,黏合glyceriin-immerision system 甘油油浸系统go-gauge 通过规go-no-go gauge 过端-不过端量规gobo (1)镜头挡光板(2)吸声板goggles 护目镜,风镜golay cell 高莱探测器gold (au)金gold blackbody 金黑体gold flaser 金激光器gold foil 金箔gold leaf electroscope 金箔验电器gold-doped 掺金的goldberg wedge 戈伯劈gon 百分度gonimeter eyepiece 测角目镜goniometer (1)测角器(2)测向器goniometer eyepiece 测角器目镜goniometry (1)测角术(2)测向术goniophotometer 测角光度计goniophotometric curve 测角光度曲线gonioradiometer 测角轴射计gonioscopic prism 视轴角度棱镜gonometric (1)测角的(2)测向的gotar lens 戈塔镜头grad criteria 等级判据gradation (1)层次(2)分级(3)等级grade (1)等级(2)坡度grade of fit 配合等俏grade-index 递级指数graded coating 等级涂层graded deposit 递级淀积层graded index 陡度折射率graded refractive index 陡度折射率graded-index glass fiber 陡度折射率玻璃纤维graded-index potical fiber 陡度折射率光学纤维graded-index potical waveguide 陡度折射率光学波导gradient 陡度,梯度gradient edge enhancement 梯度边增强gradient neutral density filter 陡度中性密滤光片gradient refractive index 陡度折射率gradient spectrum 陡度光谱gradient vector 梯度向量gradienter 陡度计,测斜度计gradual approximation 渐次近似法gradual cut filter 阶梯式截止滤光片graduated circle 分度圈graduated ring 分度圈graduated scale 分度尺graduation 分度,刻度graduation line 分度线,刻度线graduation mark 分度符号graduator 分度器gradusated filter 分度滤光片grain 粒,晶粒grain isolating diaphragm 晶粒隔离光阑grain noise 颗粒噪声grain refinement 晶粒细化grain size (1)粒度(2)晶粒大小grain structure 颗粒特构graininess (1)粒度(2)颗粒性graininess of the photographic image 相片影像的颗粒度gram 克gram atom 克原gram molecule 克分子gram-rad 克-弧度gramme ring 格阑姆环grandagon 格朗达贡granlte 花岗岩granular 颗粒状的granular structure 颗粒结构granularity (1)颗粒度(2)颗粒性granulation 颗粒化grape jelly 葡萄胶graph 线图graph plotter 制图仪graphechon 阴极射线存储管graphecon 阴极射线储存管graphic 图示的,图解的graphic analysis 图解分析graphic arts 图解艺术graphic arts camera 图解艺术照相机graphic arts equipment 图解艺术设备graphic chart 图表graphic display 图形显示graphic instrument 图解仪graphic language 图像语言graphic meter 自动记录仪graphic method 图示法graphic panel 图示板graphic projection disply 图形投影显示graphic recorder 图形记录器graphic representation 图示,图形表示法graphic scale 图示比例尺graphical construction of image 成像图法graphical design of otpical system 光学系统图解设计graphical integration 图解积分graphical ray tracing 图解光路追踪graphics 图解法,图示学graphite 石墨graphitic carbon 石墨碳graser 伽射graser (gamma-ray laser) r激光器graser rodr 激光棒grasshof number 革拉秀夫数grate 格栅graticule (1)十字线(2)分度镜grating 光栅grating beam-divider 光栅光束分离器grating constant 光栅常数grating coupled 光栅耦合的grating coupler 光栅耦合器grating dip 光栅浸渍grating efficiency 光栅效率grating interferometer 光栅干涉仪grating line 光栅划线grating lobe 光栅波瓣grating monochromator 光栅单色仪grating pair 光栅对grating prism 光栅棱镜grating recombiner 光栅光束重合器grating reflector 栅状反射器grating satellite 光栅伴线grating shearing interferometer 光栅剪切干涉仪grating space 光栅间距grating spectrograph 光栅摄谱仪grating spectrometer 光栅分光计grating spectronmeter 光栅分光计grating spectrum 光栅光谱grating spectrum satellite 光栅光谱伴线grating storage target 栅状信息存储靶grating substrate 光栅衬底grating (chromatic resolving power)光栅(色监别能力)grating-coupled radiation 光栅耦合辐射grating-like hologram 类光栅全息图grating-ruling engine 光栅刻线机gravimeter 重差计gravitational field (1)引力场(2)重力场gravitational force (1)引力(2)重力gravitational imaging 重力造像gravitational method 重力法gravitational red shift 引力红移gravitational waves 重力波gravity 重力gravity interferometer 重力干涉仪gravitycell 重力电池gravure microscope 照相制版用显微镜gray (1)灰色(2)灰色的gray body 灰体gray code 葛莱码gray levels 灰色阶层gray scale 灰色刻度gray scales 灰色标gray-level mask 灰阶光罩gray-scale image 灰色刻度相gray-scale modification 灰色刻度修正grazing angle 掠射角grazing emergence (1)掠射(2)临界出射grazing incidence 掠入射grazing-incidence diffraction 掠入射衍射grazing-incidence grating 掠入射光栅grazing-incidence interferometer 掠入射干涉仪grazing-incidence mounting 掠入射装grease 润滑脂grease-spot photometer 油斑光度计green (1)绿色(2)绿色的green block 绿块green disk 革忍碟green filter 绿色滤光器green laser 绿光激光器green mercury light 汞绿光green radiation 绿辐射green region 绿区green's function 格临函数green's theorem 格临定理green-house effect 温室效应green-twyman interferometer 格临-揣曼干涉仪green-yellow light 黄绿光greenough microscope 革忍欧夫显微镜greenwich meridian 格林尼治子午线greenwich sidereal time 格林尼治恒星时greenwich time 格林尼治时gregorian mirror 格雷果反射镜gregorian telescope 格雷果里望远镜grenz rays 界射线grey (1)灰色(2)灰色的grey body 灰色体grey body radiation 灰色体射grey filter 灰滤色镜grey glass 灰玻璃grey level 灰度级grey photometric wedge 灰色光楔grey scale 灰度标grey surface 灰表面greyness 灰色grid (1)栅极(2)格栅(3)电池铅板grid azimuth 平面方位角grid bias cell 栅偏压电池grid blocking 栅遮断grid control 栅控grid pulsing 栅极脉波法grid-bias 栅偏压grid-leak bias 栅漏偏压grid-voitage 栅压gridistor 隐栅管grill 格栅grin (graded index)陡度折度率grin lenses (graduated refractive index rod) grin 透镜grindability 可磨性grinder (1)磨床(2)磨工grinding 研磨grinding and polishing machinery 研磨与抛光机器grinding material 磨料grinding stone (1)砂轮(2)磨石grinding tool 磨具grindstone 天然磨石grit (1)研磨砂(2)粒度grond photogrammetry 地面摄影测量学grooring 划槽groove (1)槽(2)粒度groove form diffraction grating 槽形衍射光栅grooved pulley 槽轮gross area 总面积gross difference 总差gross tolerance 总公差gross weight 总重,毛重grossmeters 光泽度计ground absorption 地面吸收,大地吸收ground circle 基圆ground coat 底涂层ground colour 底色ground flat 研磨平面ground glass 磨砂玻璃,毛玻璃ground infrared target 地面红外目标ground laser locator designator 地面激光定位指示器ground laser radar 地面激光雷达ground level 基能级ground line 基线ground noise 本底噪声ground object 地面地标ground range 地面距离ground state 基态ground state assignment 基态分布ground state atom 基态原子ground state population 基态粒子数ground state relaxation 基态弛豫ground state speies 基态族ground truth 地表实况ground wire (1)群(2)基,组,族,团ground-based optical receiver 地面光学接收器ground-cathode amplifier 阴极接地放大器ground-echo pattern 地球反射波图样ground-excited level jump 基态激发能级跃迁ground-glass diffuser 毛玻璃漫射器ground-glass finder 毛玻璃寻像器ground-glass screen 毛玻璃屏ground-to-air laser ranging 地对空激光测距ground-to-ground laser ranging 接地线grounded-base amplifier 基极接地放大器grounded-collector amplifier 共集放大器grounded-emitter amplifier 共射放大器grounded-grid amplifier 栅极接地放大器grounded-plate amplifier 屏极接地放大器grounding conductor 接地导体group 群码group code 群延迟时间group delay time 脉冲群振荡器group index 群摄group modulation 群调变group pulse generator 组合振射效group shot 组合系统group system 群摄group theory 组合系统group velocity 郡论growing wave 增长波growith striation 生长辉纹growler 咆哮器grown junction 生长接面grown-junction photocell 生长-接面光电池grub screw 无头螺钉grum recording spectroadiometer 格卢姆自动记录分光辐射谱仪grzig incidence telescope 掠入射望远镜gsgg gsag laser crystals 雷射晶体(gsgg,gsag)guard (1)防护(2)防謢装置guard wire 保护线gudden-pohl effect 卡登-波耳效应guidance (1)制导,导航(2)导槽guidance accuracy 制导准确度guidance beam 制导波束guidance control 制导控制guidance information 制导信息guidance package 制导组件guide (1)导向器(2)导轨(3)导槽guide bar 导杆guide curve 导向曲线guide face 导轨面guide grid 定向栅guide line 导线guide locating 导销guide number 闪光次数guide number letter scale 曝光指数等级guide pin 导销,定位销guide pulley 导轮,压带轮guide rod 导杆guide surface 导轨面guide track 导轨guide wavelength 导波长guide way (1)导轨(2)导向槽guided mode 导引模式guided ray 导向射线guided transmission 波导传输guided wave 导波guiding laser beam 制导激光束guiding microscope 引导显微镜guiding ocular 引导目镜guiding prism 引导棱镜guinier focusing camera 纪尼埃聚焦照相机gum 树胶,树脂gun (1)抢,炮(2)电子枪(3)照相机镜头gun camera 枪炮照相机gun sight 枪炮瞄准镜gun-laying reticle 枪瞄准十字线gun-sight aiming point camera 枪炮瞄准装置gunn effect oscillator 耿氏效应振荡器gunn errer 白恩效应guy wire 拉线gypsum 石膏gyration 回转gyrator 回转器,陀螺gyre 回转,旋转gyro 回转罗盘,陀螺仪gyro black assembly 回转组件gyro frequency 回转频率gyro horizon 回转地平仪gyro magnetic ratio 回磁比gyro sextant 回转六分仪gyro-level 回转水平仪gyrobearing 回转方位gyroclinometer 回转测斜仪gyrocompass 回转罗盘gyromagnetic effect 回磁效应gyromagnetic ratio 回磁比gyromagnetic spin system 回磁自旋系统gyrometer 回转测试仪gyropilot 回转驾驶仪,导航仪gyroscope 回转仪,陀螺gyroscopic camera mount 摄影机回转座gyroscopic clinmeter 回转测斜仪gyroscopic theodolite 回转经纬仪gyrosight 回转瞄准器gyrostabilizer 回转稳定器gyrostat 回转轮gyrosyn 回转感应同步罗盘gyrotron 振动回转器,振动陀螺仪gyrotropi crystal 旋光晶体gyrotropic bi-refringence 旋转变折射gyrotropy (1)旋转回归线(2)旋光性光电英语词汇(G) 相关内容:41。



太赫兹电磁波测试流程英文回答:Hertzian electromagnetic wave testing, also known as terahertz (THz) wave testing, is a non-destructive testing method that uses electromagnetic waves with frequencies between microwave and infrared to analyze and evaluate materials and structures. It has been widely used in various fields such as security screening, quality control, and medical imaging.The testing process of terahertz electromagnetic waves typically involves the following steps:1. Generation of terahertz waves: Terahertz waves can be generated using different techniques, such as photoconductive switches, quantum cascade lasers, or femtosecond lasers. These methods rely on the interaction between electrons and photons to produce terahertz waves.2. Terahertz wave transmission: Once generated, terahertz waves need to be transmitted to the target material or structure for testing. Terahertz waves can penetrate many non-metallic materials, such as plastics, ceramics, and fabrics, but are strongly absorbed by metals and water.3. Interaction with the sample: When terahertz waves interact with the sample, they undergo various phenomena, including reflection, transmission, absorption, and scattering. These interactions provide valuable information about the sample's properties, such as its thickness, composition, and structural defects.4. Detection and analysis: After interacting with the sample, the terahertz waves are detected and analyzed. Different detection techniques can be used, such as time-domain spectroscopy or frequency-domain spectroscopy. These techniques measure the amplitude and phase of the terahertz waves to extract information about the sample.5. Data processing and interpretation: The detectedterahertz wave signals are processed and analyzed to obtain meaningful information about the sample being tested. This may involve comparing the measured signals with reference data or using mathematical algorithms to extract specific features or parameters.6. Evaluation and decision-making: Based on the analyzed data, the sample can be evaluated and decisions can be made regarding its quality, integrity, orsuitability for a particular application. This may involve comparing the measured parameters with predefined thresholds or standards.Terahertz electromagnetic wave testing offers several advantages, such as non-destructive nature, high penetration capability, and sensitivity to material properties. However, it also has limitations, such as limited penetration through metals and water, and the need for specialized equipment and expertise.中文回答:太赫兹电磁波测试,也被称为太赫兹波(THz)测试,是一种利用介于微波和红外之间频率的电磁波来分析和评估材料和结构的非破坏性测试方法。

Glucose sensing

Glucose sensing

Glucose sensing in human epidermisusing mid-infrared photoacousticdetectionJonas Kottmann,1Julien M.Rey,1Joachim Luginb¨uhl,2Ernst Reichmann,2and Markus W.Sigrist1,∗1ETH Zurich,Institute for Quantum Electronics,Schafmattstrasse16,8093Zurich,Switzerland2University Children’s Hospital Zurich,Tissue Biology Research Unit,August Forel Strasse7,8008Zurich,Switzerland∗sigrist@iqe.phys.ethz.chAbstract:No reliable non-invasive glucose monitoring devices are cur-rently available.We implemented a mid-infrared(MIR)photoacoustic(PA)setup to track glucose in vitro in deep epidermal layers,which represents asignificant step towards non-invasive in vivo glucose measurements usingMIR light.An external-cavity quantum-cascade laser(1010-1095cm−1)and a PA cell of only78mm3volume were employed to monitor glucosein epidermal skin.Skin samples are characterized by a high water content.Such samples investigated with an open-ended PA cell lead to varyingconditions in the PA chamber(i.e.,change of light absorption or relativehumidity)and cause unstable signals.To circumvent variations in relativehumidity and possible water condensation,the PA chamber was constantlyventilated by a10sccm N2flow.By bringing the epidermal skin samplesin contact with aqueous glucose solutions with different concentrations(i.e.,0.1-10g/dl),the glucose concentration in the skin sample was variedthrough passive diffusion.The achieved detection limit for glucose inepidermal skin is100mg/dl(SNR=1).Although this lies within the humanphysiological range(30-500mg/dl)further improvements are necessaryto non-invasively monitor glucose levels of diabetes patients.Furthermorespectra of epidermal tissue with and without glucose content have beenrecorded with the tunable quantum-cascade laser,indicating that epidermalconstituents do not impair glucose detection.©2012Optical Society of AmericaOCIS codes:(110.5125)Photoacoustics;(140.5965)Semiconductor laser,quantum cascade;(170.1470)Blood or tissue constituent monitoring;(170.6510)Spectroscopy,tissue diagnos-tics.References and links1.WHO,“Diabetes,” E.Renard,“Monitoring glycemic control:the importance of self-monitoring of blood glucose,”Am.J.Med.118,12S–19S(2005).3. 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Currently no treatment exists or is under development which could possibly cure this illness in the near future.The therapy of diabetes mellitus so far consists in monitoring the blood glucose(BG)level of a patient to avoid the danger of hypo-and hyperglycemia and to assist in adjusting the diet and medical treatment.To monitor the blood sugar level as accurate as possible frequent measurements are required.Until today this involves puncturing thefingertip with a lancing device to obtain a drop of blood.The blood sample is placed on a test strip and usually analyzed via an electrochemical reaction.This expensive procedure is uncomfortable especially if frequently performed,it bears the risk of infections and does not represent a continuous measurement technique,which would be ideal for glycemic control[2].Hence a non-invasive glucose sensor would greatly increase the quality of life of diabetes patients. Despite intensive research towards a non-invasive glucose monitoring method since more than25years still no reliable commercial sensor exists,which circumvents the need of blood sample taking.An overview of the broad research activity and numerous companies involved in this area is given in review articles[3–6].Figure1summarizes the vastfield of glucose measurement techniques and distinguishes three different categories:invasive,minimal invasive and non-invasive approaches.Optical techniques like polarimetry[7,8],Raman spectroscopy[9,10],diffuse reflection spectroscopy[11,12],absorption spectroscopy[13–15], #161280 - $15.00 USD Received 11 Jan 2012; revised 16 Feb 2012; accepted 17 Feb 2012; published 1 Mar 2012 (C) 2012 OSA 1 April 2012 / Vol. 3, No. 4 / BIOMEDICAL OPTICS EXPRESS 669Fig.1.Overview of possible techniques and active research areas for in-vivo glucosemeasurements.thermal emission spectroscopy[16,17],fluorescence spectroscopy[18,19]and photoacoustic (PA)spectroscopy[20–22]have been used to sense glucose with respect to non-invasive monitoring.Most of the optical attempts use near-infrared(NIR)light because it can penetrate up to several mm into human tissue.Unfortunately,glucose absorption in this wavelength region is weak and interferes strongly with other blood and tissue components[23–25],which hampered a breakthrough to non-invasive glucose monitoring.Attempts using NIR PA spectroscopy[21,22,26–29]mainly employ pulsed lasers as excitation sources.On the contrary,glucose shows strong characteristic absorption and interferes less with other tissue components in the mid-infrared(MIR)spectral region[5].However,MIR light only penetrates up to100µm into human skin due to the strong water absorption[30,31].As a consequence glucose has to be sensed within the interstitialfluid(ISF)of the epidermis since blood capillaries are not reached.Metabolites and proteins diffuse into the ISF on their way from capillaries to cells.This leads to a strong correlation of BG levels and ISF glucose concentration within the physiological range as confirmed in clinical trails[32].In the ISF small-to-moderate sized molecules,like glucose(or ethanol),are present in the same proportion as in blood.Hence a frequent calibration with blood measurements is not necessary[33]. The diffusion process leads to a delayed increase of the glucose concentration in the ISF, which is stated to be between5to15minutes[13,34].In general the outer skin layers have a greater time delay and smaller glucose concentration maxima.Concerning the correlation for decreasing glucose concentration some uncertainty persists,but there is most likely no time delay due to the high glucose clearance from epidermal ISF[35].The outer most layer of the skin,the stratum corneum(SC)-consisting of cell remains(i.e.dead cells)-acts as a barrier to protect the human body from mechanical,chemicals or microbiological impacts from the surrounding[36].Moreover the SC is responsible to prevent transepidermal water loss.This#161280 - $15.00 USD Received 11 Jan 2012; revised 16 Feb 2012; accepted 17 Feb 2012; published 1 Mar 2012(C) 2012 OSA 1 April 2012 / Vol. 3, No. 4 / BIOMEDICAL OPTICS EXPRESS 670layer is only10-20µm thick(except at the sole of foot and the palm,where it can reach up to several mm),has a water content of approximately10%[31,37]and contains marginal amounts of glucose.Thus in vivo glucose sensing has to involve skin layers deeper than the SC. For in vitro studies of blood samples or homogeneous tissue phantoms,the penetration depth is not important since glucose can be detected at the surface.In such experiments glucose concentrations can be readily tracked using MIR light.Some research groups employed a quantum cascade laser(QCL)or a FTIR spectrometer to perform transmission measurements with glucose detection limits of13.8mg/dl(in whole blood)[38],9.4mg/dl[39]and4 mg/dl[13](both in aqueous solution).Unfortunately,these sensitive measurements are hardly convertible to in vivo sensing and therefore of little benefit to non-invasive glucose sensing. Guo et ed wavelength-modulated differential laser photothermal radiometry with two QCLs at9.5and10.4µm(i.e.,on and off a glucose absorption peak)to measure glucose concentrations(0-440mg/dl)in an homogeneous aqueous phantom[17].With a pulsed CO2laser and a PA detection Christison et al.measured glucose concentrations in aqueous solutions and whole-blood(18-450mg/dl)[40].These two approaches have the potential of adapting from a laboratory setup to a small-sized portable sensor in the future.However, both approaches sense glucose concentrations at the sample surface and not in deep epidermal layers as required for in vivo studies.An attempt to apply MIR PA measurements to in vivo glucose sensing was recently reported by Lilienfeld-Toal at al.[41,42]but could only indicate a qualitative correlation between BG and ISF glucose concentration.We developed a laser PA detection scheme using an external-cavity quantum cascade laser (tuning range1010-1095cm−1)as light source and a small-volume PA cell for detection. This setup bears the potential to shrink from a table size apparatus to a handheld device.When investigating epidermal skin samples having a high water content,challenges are the detection of a weak PA signal due to glucose on a strong water background and humidity variations in the PA chamber due to the evaporation of water.To stabilize the conditions in the PA chamber (i.e.,to maintain a constant relative humidity)for sensitive measurements,a constant N2flow is applied to ventilate the cell.Here we report on the performance of this setup by measuring glucose concentration changes through the SC in human epidermis in vitro.This is a significant step compared to former measurements since it demonstrates the tracking of glucose by MIR light not only at the surface but in lower epidermal skin layers.Furthermore by tuning the QCL a spectrum of human epidermis with and without the presence of glucose could be recorded.2.Photoacoustic signal generationThe PA signal generation in solid samples has been described mathematicallyfirst by Rosencwaig and ing an indirect PA detection,namely a detection of the generated PA signal in a strongly absorbing solid in a gas-filled PA chamber adjacent to the solid surface is described by their thermal piston model[43].Depending on the optical and thermal proper-ties of the solid sample with respect to its length l,this model distinguishes six different cases. The most important case for our application(l>µa>µs)is pictured in Fig.2.Hereµa=1/αdenotes the absorption length in the sample(α:absorption coefficient at the employed wave-lengthλ),µs= D sπ·f denotes the thermal diffusion length with the thermal diffusivity D s and the modulation frequency f of the incident radiation.Hence the thermal diffusion lengthµs can be controlled by f.For our case(l>µa>µs)the PA signal amplitude A PA is given by[44]A PA≈γ·P0·D s· D g·r2√π·T0·k s ·I0·αV0·f32,(1)#161280 - $15.00 USD Received 11 Jan 2012; revised 16 Feb 2012; accepted 17 Feb 2012; published 1 Mar 2012 (C) 2012 OSA 1 April 2012 / Vol. 3, No. 4 / BIOMEDICAL OPTICS EXPRESS 671Fig.2.Definition of lengths used to distinguish between the different cases in theRosencwaig Gersho model.l g denotes the length of the gas-filled PA chamber,l the samplelength,µa=1/αthe optical absorption length andµs the thermal diffusion length.In thisfigure a length ratio of l>µa>µs is pictured,as occurring in the samples investigated inthis work.The periodical PA signal is detected with a microphone(Mic).whereγ=C p/C v is the ratio of specific heats of the coupling gas at constant pressure and vol-ume,P0and T0are the ambient pressure and temperature,respectively,I0is the incident laser intensity(beam radius r),D g is the thermal diffusivity of the coupling gas,k s the thermal con-ductivity of the solid and V0the volume of the PA cell.According to Eq.(1)a temperature change in the PA chamber directly translates to a1/T0-dependence of the generated pressure amplitude A PA.A variation of the relative humidity(RH) in the coupling gas,however,only indirectly influences the PA signal via D g.At room tempera-ture a coupling gas exchange from water-saturated air to pure N2causes an estimated increase of D g of5.3%,i.e.,of A PA of28%,whereas a change from dry air to a pure N2atmosphere causes an increase of A PA by only2.8%.The variation of the specific heat ratioγby a change of the composition of the coupling gas can be neglected as it contributes<1%to the total sig-nal change.At higher RH the scattering and the absorption of light in the coupling gas might also increase.However,these contributions depend strongly on the cell geometry-particularly the length of the gas-filled PA chamber l g(see Fig.2)and the microphone position-and the excitation wavelength.For a biological sample like human skin considered here,which is characterized by a high water content,the penetration of MIR light is small due to the strong water absorption in this wave-length region.Hence the sample length l is usually larger than the optical penetration depth µa(i.e.,l>µa).By adjusting the modulation frequency f one can vary the thermal diffusion length of the sampleµs and restrict the discussion to the case where Eq.(1)holds.Hence,the signal amplitude A PA recorded in the PA cell with a microphone shows the dependenceA PA∝I0·αV0·f32,(2)i.e.,the PA signal directly scales with the incident intensity and the absorption coefficient of the sample.3.Experimental setupThe PA setup is pictured in Fig.3.An external-cavity quantum cascade laser(EC-QCL)(Day-light Solutions DLS-TLS-001-PL)is employed as excitation source.The EC-QCL is tunable in 0.9cm−1wavenumber steps from1010-1095cm−1via the external grating.Fine tuning can #161280 - $15.00 USD Received 11 Jan 2012; revised 16 Feb 2012; accepted 17 Feb 2012; published 1 Mar 2012 (C) 2012 OSA 1 April 2012 / Vol. 3, No. 4 / BIOMEDICAL OPTICS EXPRESS 672Fig.3.Setup for photoacoustic measurements:QCL=quantum cascade laser,FM=flip-ping mirror,L=lens,I=Iris,DL=diode laser(for alignment tasks),CHOP=chopper,PM=power meter,MIC=microphone and RH-T=relative humidity-temperature obtained by changing the temperature of the QCL chip.The QCL covers a range of glucose absorption in the MIR,with two strong absorption peaks at1034and1080cm−1.The maximal average laser power lies between20mW(at1010cm−1)and130mW(at1055cm−1)depend-ing on the emission wavelength.Normally the sample was irradiated with30to40mW average power during measurements.A mechanical chopper(New Focus Model3501)modulates the continuous-wave(cw)laser light,which is focused by several anti-reflection coated ZnSe lenses into the PA cell.The beam passes the PA chamber and is absorbed in the sample sealing the cell.This leads to the generation of an acoustic wave in the coupling gas which is sensed with an electret microphone(Knowles FG-23329-P07).The microphone has a diameter of only2.59 mm,aflat frequency response from100Hz to10kHz and a sensitivity of53dB(relative to1.0 V/0.1Pa).The small microphone diameter allows a compact cell design with a small volume V0which is favorable in terms of signal amplitude(see Eq.(2))and sensor size.The detected PA signal is pre-amplified and measured with a lock-in amplifier(Stanford Research SR830) before being stored in a computer.The temperature and the RH are recorded simultaneously with a simple sensor(Sensirion SHT21,3mm x3mm x1.1mm)with an accuracy of±0.4K and±3%,respectively,to monitor the conditions inside the PA chamber.3.1.Photoacoustic cell designA special PA cell which allows measurements on human skin samples in contact with aqueous glucose solution has been developed.The transversal cross section of the PA cell with the attached sample and reservoir for liquids is depicted in Fig.4.The PA cell and the sample reservoir are constructed out of a copper block(4x25x35mm).The PA chamber has a volume V of only78.5mm3(radius r=2.5mm and h=4mm),is polished and gold-coated on the inner surface to minimize spurious PA signals due to absorption on the cell walls.The laser beam passes perpendicularly through an anti-reflection coated ZnSe window,which seals the PA cell on the bottom side.The ZnSe window is pressed on a thin rubber sheet into which two thin needles(length=19mm and inner diameter=0.4mm)have been introduced.One of the needles is connected via silicon tubes to a massflow controller(MKS Instruments,Multi Gas#161280 - $15.00 USD Received 11 Jan 2012; revised 16 Feb 2012; accepted 17 Feb 2012; published 1 Mar 2012(C) 2012 OSA 1 April 2012 / Vol. 3, No. 4 / BIOMEDICAL OPTICS EXPRESS 673Fig.4.Schematic of the PA cell and the attachable reservoir for liquids.The PA cell isclosed directly by the sample itself(i.e.,human skin sample).N2ventilation is needed,ifthe PA chamber is closed with a sample containing volatile components.Controller647B)providing a constantflow of N2to the cell.The other needle is left open.Thisguarantees stable conditions in the PA chamber,necessary for precise measurements.At halfheight the microphone and the temperature and RH sensor are connected through cylindricalholes(length=1mm,diameter=1mm)to the PA chamber.On the sample side the PA chamberis separated from the reservoir for liquids by a70-100µm thick human epidermal skin sample. To allow measurements of other samples,which do not provide a rigid closure of the PA cellor if measuring without N2ventilation is preferred,the cell can be sealed with a thin chemicalvapor deposition(CVD)diamond window(Diamond Materials).The diamond window assuresstable conditions in the PA chamber and due to the favorable thermal and optical properties ofdiamond strong PA signals of the sample are obtained.A detailed description of the diamond-window closed cell can be found elsewhere[20,45].3.2.Preparation of epidermal skin sampleEpidermal sheets were isolated from forskins obtained from the University Childrens Hospi-tal of Zurich after routine circumcisions.All patients(and/or their parents)gave their writtenconsent for this study in accordance with the Ethics Commission of the Canton Zurich(noti-fication no.StV-12/06).Foreskins were cut into approximately2cm2pieces and digested for15-18hours at4◦C in12U/ml dispase in Hanks buffered salt solution containing5mg/ml gentamycin.Thereafter,the epidermis and the dermis could be easily separated using forceps.Epidermal sheets were stored in a transport medium(DMEM with1%penicillin/streptomycin)until further application.4.Results and Discussion4.1.RH dependence in PA measurementsIf biological samples with a high water content are investigated with an open-ended PA cellthe evaporation of water causes a steady increase in RH until saturation is reached.This resultsin water condensation within the PA chamber and makes sensitive measurements impossible.In Fig.5the RH evolution in the PA chamber during a measurement without laser irradiation#161280 - $15.00 USD Received 11 Jan 2012; revised 16 Feb 2012; accepted 17 Feb 2012; published 1 Mar 2012 (C) 2012 OSA 1 April 2012 / Vol. 3, No. 4 / BIOMEDICAL OPTICS EXPRESS 674Fig.5.Relative humidity(RH)evolution in the PA chamber after placing it on an epider-mal skin sample.In the open-ended PA cell(solid line)the RH constantly increases,untilitfinally leads to condensation.With N2ventilation the RH decreases below20%andstabilizes.of an epidermal skin sample is shown.Even though the SC has a low permeability for water, the RH reaches a level of over70%within less than10min and still rises further.With laser irradiation the RH increase is even more pronounced[20].In vivo this process is even accelerated due to the transpiration of the human body.If a constant N2flow(10standard cubic centimeters per minute(sccm))is applied to the PA chamber the RH falls within2min to less than20%and stabilizes at a low level(see Fig.5).The N2ventilation causes an increase of the pressure in the PA chamber.For N2flow rates between0and40sccm the pressure dependence is linear.At atmospheric pressure a10sccm rise in theflow rate results in an approximately1%increase in the PA signal amplitude,which has to be taken into account for quantitative measurements.4.2.Diffusion of glucose into epidermal skinFor the investigation of glucose penetration into epidermal skin the PA chamber is directly closed with the skin sample(see Fig.4).The epidermal skin isfixed on the cell with the stratum corneum towards the PA chamber and the liquid reservoir placed on the lower epidermal layers. To induce varying glucose concentration in the epidermal skin sample,differently concentrated solutions(i.e.,D-(+)-glucose(Sigma Aldrich)dissolved in distilled water)were placed in the sample reservoir(see Fig.4).The lower epidermal skin layers are in direct contact with the solution.Like in vivo,an exchange of constituents(here mainly water and glucose)occurs through passive diffusion.In Fig.6consecutive PA measurements using different glucose concentrations are shown.The measurements were performed at1034cm−1(absorption peak of glucose)with a modulation frequency of137Hz,30mW average power and an integration time of1s.Each time the sample solution was exchanged,the laser beam was blocked and the PA signal fell to zero.Immediately after replacing the sample solution the shutter was#161280 - $15.00 USD Received 11 Jan 2012; revised 16 Feb 2012; accepted 17 Feb 2012; published 1 Mar 2012(C) 2012 OSA 1 April 2012 / Vol. 3, No. 4 / BIOMEDICAL OPTICS EXPRESS 675。




本文介绍了从电子学方法中太赫兹辐射的方法,详细介绍了了电子振荡THz辐射和倍频耿氏二极管、同步辐射和自由电子激光器、返波管(BWO,Backward Wave Oscillator)、量子级联激光技术、自由电子激光器产生方式。

关键词:太赫兹、反波管、量子级联、自由电子激光器AbstractTerahertz (THz) is the range between the infrared and millimeter-wave electromagnetic radiation, it can be like X-rays, visible light and other radiation as the light of the object imaging because of its unique properties, making terahertz imaging technology at the security checkpointall aspects of the field of aerospace, non-destructive testing of materials has broad application prospects.This article describes the method of terahertz radiation from the e-learning method, described in detail the electron oscillation THz radiation and the multiplier Gunn diode, synchrotron radiation and free electron lasers, backward wave, quantum cascade laser technology, the free-electron lasermanner.Keywords: terahertz, anti-wave tubes, quantum cascade,free-electron laser引言电磁波谱技术是人类认识世界的工具,很长时间以来,人们发展了基于电磁辐射与物质相互作用产生的各种谱学技术,借助于这些技术,得到了很多物质的有用信息,比如,物质结构、分子的电子能级、振动、转动,材料的电学、光学性质等,这些技术已经很成熟,并应用到了物理、化学、生命科学等基础研究学科,以及医学成像、安全检查、产品检测、空间通信等很多领域。



光电英语词汇41光电英语词汇,欢迎学习交流!gain coefficient of medium媒质增益系数gain control增益控制gain crossover增益窜渡gain curve of medium媒质增益曲线gain decay characteristic增益衷减特性gain factor增益因数gain invertion增益反转gain margin增益容限gain of light光增益gain per pass单程增益gain spiking增益巅值gain stage增益级gain staturation增益饱和gain-bandwidth product宽频增益器gain-bandwithd增益带宽gain-guided laser增益导引雷射gain-switching amplifier增益开关放大器gain-switching system增益开关系统gal伽galaaxy银河系galactic irradiance银河系辐照度galactic noise银河系噪声galaxy银河Galilean binocular伽利略双筒望远镜Galilean eyepiece伽利略目镜galilean refracting telescopes折射望远镜,Galilean望远镜Galilean telescope伽利略望远镜galilent telescope加利略望远镜galley camera制版照相机gallium(Ga)镓gallium aluminum arsenide(GaAIAs or AIGaAs)砷铝化镓gallium antimonite(GaSb)锑化镓gallium aresenide injection laser砷化镓注入式激光器gallium arseide detector砷化镓探测器gallium arsenide砷化镓gallium arsenide photphide磷砷化镓gallium arsenide(GaAs)injection laser砷化镓注入雷射gallium nitride磷化镓gallium photsphide(GaP)加仑gallium-arsenide optical filter砷化镓滤光片gallon(gal)电流探测galvanic detection镀锌galvanoluminescence电流发光galvanometer电流计galvanometer mirror电流计镜galvanometer recorder电流计记录器galvanometer shunt电流计分流器galvanometer spot project电流计光点投影器galvanometerh电流计gamma加玛gamma camera加玛射线照像机gamma control r控制gamma correction r校准gamma irradiation r辐射gamma radiography加玛防线照像术gamma ray r射线gamma ray detector伽玛射线检测器gamma ray image converter r射线变像管gamma sphere伽玛射线球gamma value r值gamma-ray astronomy伽玛射线天文线gamma-ray fluoroscope r射线荧光镜gamma-ray gauge r射线测量计gamma-ray hologram r射线全息图gamma-ray laser r射线激光器gamma-ray meter r射线测计,r剂量计gamma-ray projector r射线投影器gamma-ray spectrograph r射线摄谱仪gamma-ray spectromete r伽玛射线分光计gamma-space r空目gammagraph r照相装置gammagraphy r照相术gamut(1)音阶(2)色移GaN氮化镓GaN LED氮化镓发光二极体Ganecke projection甘奈克投影gang capacitor其轴电容器gang switch共轴开关GaP磷化镓gap coding空隙编码gap conunter间隙计数器gap length气隙长度gap loss间隙损失gap-gauge厚薄尺,塞尺Garching iodine laser system伽斤碘激光系统garment(1)外套,外表(2)外涂层garmnet石榴石garnet crystal石榴晶体garnet laser石榴石激光器gas(1)气体(2)媒气gas absorption cell气体吸收元件gas active material气体激光材料gas amplification气体放大gas analysis气体分析gas ballast rotary pump气镇旋转泵gas breakdown气体击穿gas breakdown threshold气体击穿阈gas chromatograph气象色谱gas chromatography气相色谱gas chromatorgarma气相色谱gas clean up气体除净gas current气体电流gas detector气体检测器gas diode气体二极管gas diode phototube充气光电二极管gas discharge气体放电gas discharge display气体放电显示器gas discharge laser气体放电雷射gas dynamic CO-laser气动-氧化碳激光器gas dynamic laser气体激光器gas etching technique气体刻蚀技术充气的gas filled cable充气电缆gas filled rectifier充气整流器gas filled tube充气管gas filter correlation气体滤器相关gas focusing气体聚焦gas laser气体激光高度计gas laser altimeter气体透镜gas lens混合气体透镜gas magnification气体放大gas mixture lens汽油gas photocell气体光电池gas recyclers and gas handling equipment气体再生设备,气体填充设备gas ring laser不透气的,气密的gas tightness气体迁移激光器gas tube气体管gas-ballatsing气镇gas-discharge气体放电gas-discharge cell气体放电元件gas-discharge lamp气体放电灯gas-discharge laser气的放电激光器gas-discharge noise气体放电噪声gas-discharge plasma气体放电等离子体gas-discharge source气体放电光源gas-discharge tube气体放电管gas-filled充气灯gas-filled lamp充气激光管gas-filled laser tube充气光电管gas-filled phototube充气钨丝灯gas-filled tungsten-filament气体注入式激光器gas-injection laser(1)衬垫(2)垫圈gas-phase laser气环形激光器gas-tight气密性gas-transport laser充气三极管,闸流管gas-transport laser(GTL)气体输送雷射gasdynamic气动的gasdynamic mixing laser气动混合激光器gasdynamic mode气动模gasdynamic type of chemical laser气动式化学激光器gaseous气体的gaseous cascade laser气体串级激光器gaseous discharge气体放电gaseous medium气体媒质gaseous target气体靶gases for lasers雷射用气体gases for optical application光学用气体gasket气体激光器gasoline气相激光器gassing释气gastriode纤维胃窥镜gastrofiberscope gastroscope胃镜gastroscope胃窥镜,胃视镜gate(1)门电路(2)选通脉冲(3)电影放大镜头窗口gate bias栅偏压Gate Driver IC闸极驱动IC gate float浮动窗框gate mask孔板gate pulse选通脉冲,门脉冲gate trigger signal闸极驱动讯号gate turn off signal闸极关闭讯号gate value门阀gate width选通脉冲宽度gate-controlled switch闸控开关gated amplifier选通放大器gated aradiometer选通辐射计gather导入,引入gating选通,开启gating pulse选通脉冲gating siganl选通信号gatling gun laser卡特林机枪雷射(连发式雷射)gauge batr规杆gauge block规块gauge caliper测径规gauge feeler厚薄规gauge glass量液玻璃管gauge hole标准孔gauge outfit测量头,表头gauge point标记点gauge pressure计示压力,表压gauge(=gage)(1)规(2)计(3)测量gauge[-block]interferometer规块干涉仪gauging error分度误差,检定误差gauss高斯Gauss beam高斯光束Gauss double type object-lens双高斯型物镜Gauss eyepiece高斯目镜Gauss optics高斯光学Gauss plane高斯平面Gauss point高斯点gauss points高斯点Gauss theorem高斯定理Gauss transform高斯变换Gauss-condition error高斯条件误差Gauss-invariant co-ordinates高斯不变坐Gaussian band-pass filter高斯带通滤波器Gaussian beam高斯光束Gaussian curvature高斯曲率Gaussian distribution高斯分布Gaussian doublet高斯型双胶合透镜Gaussian elementary beam高斯基本光束Gaussian error高斯误差Gaussian flux law高斯通量定律Gaussian function高斯函Gaussian image高斯像Gaussian laser beam高斯激光束Gaussian lens formula高斯透镜公式Gaussian lineshape高斯线型Gaussian noise高斯噪声gaussian optics高斯光学Gaussian probability-density function高斯概率密度函数gaussian pulse高斯脉冲Gaussian reference sphere高斯参考球Gaussian reflectivity高斯反射率Gaussian regaion高斯区域Gaussian wave train高斯波列gaussmeter高斯计,磁强计gauze filter状滤波器gauze technique线技术Gaviola test加维拉检验法Ge mesa transistor锗台式晶体管Ge photodiode array camera tube锗光电二极管阵列摄像管gear(1)齿轮(2)传动装置gear bank齿轮组gear box(gear case)齿轮箱gear coupling齿轮联轴节gear drive齿轮传动gear lead checking machine齿轮导程检查仪gear lever变速杆gear mesh齿轮齿合gear rack齿轮齿条gear sector扇形齿轮gear shift变速,调档gear sprial螺旋齿轮gear testing machine齿轮检查仪,测齿仪gear thickness gauge齿厚规gear tooth venier caliper厚游标卡尺gear wheel齿轮gear wheel shaft齿轮轴gear wheel tester齿轮检查仪gear-type coupling齿轮联轴节gearing(1)齿轮装置(2)传动装置gegenschein-zodiacal light photometer积坚斯因,祖弟卡光线光度计Geiger counter盖革计数器Geiger Mueller region盖氏弥勒区域Geiger Mueller threshold盖革弥勒阈值Geiger-mueller counter盖革一弥计时器Geiger-Muller ballast盖革-弥勒计数管Geiger-Muller coungter盖革-弥勒计数管geigerscope闪烁镜geissler tube盖斯勒管gel凝胶gel layer凝胶层gelatine明胶gelatine filter明胶滤光镜gelogy地质学gemoetrical error几何误差genal drawing总图general assembly总装配general computer通用计算机general confocal resonator泛共焦共振腔general isoplanatism theorem广义等晕定理general radiation scattering连续辐射散射general view总图,全视图general wave-beam guide通用波导general-purpose camera通用照相机generalized coordinates广义坐标generalized Lagrange invariant广义拉格朗日不变量generalized projection广义投影generalized pupil function广义光瞳函数generalized relative aperture广义相对孔径generating mark磨胚痕generation磨胚generation electric field meter发电式电场计generation lifetime(1)发生涛命(2)生成寿命generationⅡwafer tube第二代晶圆管generation-recombination noise振荡复合噪声generator(1)振荡器(2)发生器(3)发电机(4)母线generator field control发电机场控制generatrix母线genescope频率特性观测仪genetic engineering遗传工程学genlock内锁genmetric concentration几何传中率genoralized inverse matrix广义逆矩阵geocenter地球质量中心geodesic lens测地镜头欢迎来到:口语课堂。


Abstract:An ultra - sensitive high - temperature ammonia analyzer is developed for flue gas denitrification
( DeNO x ) process control based on the mid - infrared quantum cascade laser ( QCL) spectrLeabharlann scopy. The labora ̄
sidesꎬthe mid - infrared analyzer provides real - time data of ammonia concentration that enables precise control
of ammonia injection in the DeNO x process.
2020 年 4 月
电 力 科 技 与 环 保
第 36 卷 第 2 期
A high - sensitivity on - line flue gas ammonia sensor based on quantum cascade lasers
王 胤1ꎬ2 ꎬ康 鹏1 ꎬ陆 寅1 ꎬ林廷容1
(1. 宁波海尔欣光电科技有限公司ꎬ浙江 宁波 315105ꎻ2. 清华长三角研究院宁波分院ꎬ浙江 宁波 315105)
气氨分析仪器ꎬ具有高线性度和高灵敏度ꎮ 实验测量结果表明该分析仪响应时间小于 30 sꎬ测量示值误差优于
调谐二极管激光吸收光谱技术( Tunable Diode Laser



第17卷 第4期 太赫兹科学与电子信息学报Vo1.17,No.4 2019年8月 Journal of Terahertz Science and Electronic Information Technology Aug.,2019文章编号:2095-4980(2019)04-0572-05太赫兹全息成像技术在太阳电池中的应用史 珂1,仝文浩1,邹蕊矫2,张永哲*1,严 辉*1,黎维华2,王雪敏2,吴卫东2(1.北京工业大学材料科学与工程学院,北京 100124;2.中国工程物理研究院激光聚变研究中心,四川绵阳 621999)摘 要:晶体硅太阳电池具有成本低廉、工艺简单等优点,但在生产过程中难免会出现断栅、破裂等问题,因此对太阳电池片的检测至关重要。




关键词:太赫兹;全息成像;太阳电池中图分类号:TN99 文献标志码:A doi:10.11805/TKYDA201904.0572Application of terahertz holography in solar cellsSHI Ke1,TONG Wenhao1,ZOU Ruijiao2,ZHANG Yongzhe*1,YAN Hui*1,LI Weihua2,WANG Xuemin2,WU Weidong2(1.College of Material Science and Engineering,Beijing University of Technology,Beijing 100124,China;2.Research Center of Laser Fusion,China Academy of Engineering Physics,Mianyang Sichuan 621999,China)Abstract:Due to its low cost and simple process, crystalline silicon solar cells occupy most of the market share of solar cells. However, such problems as broken-grid and cracks will inevitably occur in theproduction process, so the detection of solar cells is very important. Terahertz wave has unique advantagesin non-destructive detection as a kind of electromagnetic wave with photonics and electronics characteristics.By using terahertz quantum cascade laser digital holographic imaging system, simulated solar cells metalgrids, ruptured silicon wafers and substrates with different resistivity are tested. The results show that theterahertz holographic imaging technology has high application value in the field of solar cell detection.Keywords:terahertz;holography;solar cells晶体硅太阳电池具有成本低廉、工艺简单、产业化周期短等优点,占据了光伏电池90%以上的市场份额[1-2]。



1 引 言
光电探测器作为现代光电子系统的核心元件 目前已广泛应用于光学成像、信息通讯、生物医 疗等众多领域[1-3],对军事国防和国民经济的发展 具有重要的推动作用。高性能的光电探测器离不 开高质量的光敏感材料,目前商业化的光电探测 器主要是由 Si 基、Ge 基、InGaAs、HgCdTe 等无机 半导体材料构成,但它们也存在着诸如探测能力 不足、造价昂贵、制备工艺复杂苛刻等不足。此 外,受光敏材料带隙限制,传统半导体材料的光电 探测能力往往只能覆盖一定波长区域,尤其是在 中远红外及太赫兹波段缺乏新颖高效的光敏材料。
在线阅读 View online: https:///10.37188/CO.2020-0096
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引用本文: 刘慧,王好南,谢博阳,程化,田建国,陈树琪. 二维光子拓扑绝缘体研究进展[J]. 中国光学, 2021, 14(4): 935-954. doi: 10.37188/CO.2021-0076 LIU Hui, WANG Hao-nan, XIE Bo-yang, CHENG Hua, TIAN Jian-guo, CHEN Shu-qi. Progress of two-dimensional photonic topological insulators[J]. Chinese Optics, 2021, 14(4): 935-954. doi: 10.37188/CO.2021-0076
Floquet 拓扑绝缘体、拓扑安德森绝缘体和高阶拓扑绝缘体。文中重点介绍了上述几种光拓扑绝缘体的拓扑模型及其新
关 键 词:光拓扑绝缘体;光整数量子霍尔效应;光量子自旋霍尔效应;光 Floquet 拓扑绝缘体;拓扑安德森绝缘体;高
3. Collaborative Innovation Center of Light Manipulations and Applications, Shandong Normal University, Jinan 250358, China)
* Corresponding author,E-mail: hcheng@; schen@
2. 山西大学 极端光学协同创新中心,山西太原 030006; 3. 山东师范大学 光场调控及应用协同创新中心,济南 250358)



量子级联激光器英语全文共四篇示例,供读者参考第一篇示例:Quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) are a type of laser that operate on the principle of quantum cascade. They are a type of semiconductor laser that emits light in the infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum. Quantum cascade lasers have a number of unique characteristics that make them ideal for a variety of applications, including sensing, spectroscopy, and communications.第二篇示例:Quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) are a type of semiconductor laser that operates in the mid- to far-infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum. They have been of great interest to researchers and engineers due to their unique properties and potential applications in various fields, such as spectroscopy, sensing, and communications.第三篇示例:The development of QCLs dates back to the late 20th century, when researchers first began exploring the possibilities of using intersubband transitions in semiconductor structures. The breakthrough came in the early 1990s, when a team at Bell Labs in the United States successfully demonstrated the first QCL. Since then, QCL technology has advanced rapidly, with researchers around the world working to improve the performance and efficiency of these devices.第四篇示例:Quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) are a type of semiconductor laser that emits light in the mid- to far-infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum. They are highly tunable and have a wide range of applications, from environmental sensing to medical diagnostics. In this article, we will explore the principles behind QCLs, their unique features, and some of the most promising applications of this groundbreaking technology.。



Design and Characterization of Single Photon APD Detector forQKD ApplicationAbstractModeling and design of a single photon detector and its various characteristics are presented. It is a type of avalanche photo diode (APD) designed to suit the requirements of a Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) detection system. The device is modeled to operate in a gated mode at liquid nitrogen temperature for minimum noise and maximum gain. Different types of APDs are compared for best performance. The APD is part of an optical communication link, which is a private channel to transmit the key signal. The encrypted message is sent via a public channel. The optical link operates at a wavelength of 1.55μm. The design is based on InGaAs with a quantum efficiency of more than 75% and a multiplication factor of 1000. The calculated dark current is below 10-12A with an overall signal to noise ratio better than 18dB. The device sensitivity is better than -40dBm, which is more than an order of magnitude higher than the dark current, corresponding to a detection sensitivity of two photons in pico-second pulses.I. INTRODUCTIONPhoton detectors sensitive to extremely low light levels are needed in a variety of applications. It was not possible to introduce these devices commercially several years ago because of the stringent requirements of QKD. Research efforts however resulted in photon detectors with reasonably good performance characteristics. The objective here is to model a single photon detector of high sensitivity, suitable for a QKD system. The detector is basically an APD, which needs cooling to very low temperature (77K) for the dark current to be low. The wavelength of interest is 1.55μm. Different applications may impose different requirements, and hence the dependence of the various parameters on wavelength, temperature, responsivity, dark current, noise etc, are modeled. Comparison of the results from calculations based on a suitable model provides amenable grounds to determine the suitability of each type of APD for a specific application.Attacks on communication systems in recent years have become a main concern accompanying the technological advances. The measures and counter measures against attacks have driven research effort towards security techniques that aim at absolute infallibility. Quantum Mechanics is considered one of the answers, due to inherent physical phenomena. QKD systems which depend on entangled pairs orpolarization states will inevitably require the usage of APDs in photon detection systems. How suitable these detectors may be, depends on their ability to detect low light level signals, in other words “photon counting”. It is therefore anticipated that the application of high security systems will be in high demand in a variety of fields such as banking sector, military, medical care, e-commerce, e-government etc.Ⅱ. AV ALANCHE PHOTO DIODEA. Structure of the APDFig. 1 shows a schematic diagram of the structure of an APD. The APD is a photodiode with a built-in amplification mechanism. The applied reverse potential difference causes accelerates photo-generated carriers to very high speeds so that a transfer of momentum occurs upon collisions, which liberates other electrons. Secondary electrons are accelerated in turn and the result is an avalanche process. The photo generated carriers traverse the high electric field region causing further ionization by releasing bound electrons in the valence band upon collision. This carrier generation mechanism is known as impact ionization. When carriers collide with the crystal lattice, they lose some energy to the crystal. If the kinetic energy of a carrier is greater than the band-gap, the collision will free a bound electron. The free electrons and holes so created also acquire enough energy to cause further impact ionization. The result is an avalanche, where the number of free carriers grows exponentially as the process continues.The number of ionization collisions per unit length for holes and electrons is designated ionization coefficients αn and αp, respectively. The type of materials and their band structures are responsible for the variation in αn and αp. Ionization coefficients also depend on the applied electric field according tothe following relationship:,exp[]n p b a Eαα=- (1) For αn = αp = α, the multiplication factor, M takes the form11aW M -= (2)W is the width of the depletion region. It can be observed that M tends to ∞ when αW →1, whichsignifies the condition for junction breakdown. Therefore, the high values of M can be obtained whenthe APD is biased close to the breakdown region.The thickness of the multiplication region for M = 1000, has been calculated and compared withthose found by other workers and the results are shown in Table 1. The layer thickness for undoped InPis 10μm, for a substrate thickness of 100μm .The photon-generated electron-hole pairs in the absorption layer are accelerated under theinfluence of an electric field of 3.105V/cm. The acceleration process is constantly interrupted by randomcollisions with the lattice. The two competing processes will continue until eventually an averagesaturation velocity is reached. Secondary electron-hole pairs are generated at any time during theprocess, when they acquire energy larger than the band gap Eg. The electrons are then accelerated andmay cause further impact ionization.Impact ionization of holes due to bound electrons is not as effective as that due to free electrons.Hence, most of the ionization is achieved by free electrons. The avalanche process then proceedsprincipally from the p to the n side of the device. It terminates after a certain time, when the electronsarrive at the n side of the depletion layer. Holes moving to the left create electrons that move to the right,which in turn generate further holes moving to the left in a possibly unending circulation. Although this feedback process increases the gain of the device, it is nevertheless undesirable for several reasons. First, it is time consuming and reduces the device bandwidth. Second, it is a random process and therefore increases the noise in the device. Third, it is unstable, which may cause avalanche breakdown.It may be desirable to fabricate APDs from materials that permit impact ionization by only one type of carriers either electrons or holes. Photo detector materials generally exhibit different ionization rates for electrons and holes. The ratio ofthe two ionization rates k = βi/αi is a measure of the photodiode performance. If for example, electrons have higher ionization coefficient, optimal behavior is achieved by injecting electrons of photo-carrier pairs at the p-type edge of the depletion layer and by using a material with k value as small as possible. If holes are injected, they should be injected at the n-type edge of the depletion layer and k should be as large as possible. Single-carrier multiplication is achieved ideally, when k = 0 with electrons or with k = ∞for holes.B.Geiger ModeGeiger mode (GM) operation means that the diode is operated slightly above the breakdown threshold voltage, where a single electron–hole pair can trigger a strong avalanche. In the case of such an event, the electronics reduce the diode voltage to below the threshold value for a short time called “dead time”, during which the avalanche is stopped and the detector is made ready to detect the next batch of photons. GM operation is one of the basic of Quantum Counting techniques when utilizing an avalanche process (APD) that increases the detector efficiency significantly.There are a number of parameters related to Geiger mode. The general idea however is to temporarily disturb the equilibrium inside the APD.The Geiger mode is placing the APD in a gated regime and the bias is raised above the breakdownvoltage for a short period of time. Fig. 2 shows the parameters characterizing the Geiger operation. The rise and fall times of the edges are neglected because they are made fast. Detection of single photons occurs during the gate window.作者:Khalid A. S. Al-Khateeb, Nazmus Shaker Nafi, Khalid Hasan国籍:美国出处:Computer and Communication Engineering (ICCCE), 2010 International Conference on 11-12 May 2010用于量子密钥的单光子APD探测器设计摘要本文提出的是单光子探测器及其各种特性的建模与设计。



基于IMPATT管固态器件的太赫兹源潘结斌;谢斌;程怀宇【摘要】太赫兹频谱有很多优越特性,在生物医疗、安全检查及军事领域中具有重要的应用前景.太赫兹源是太赫兹波领域研究中的关键技术,制约着太赫兹技术的发展.从介绍太赫兹源的研究与发展动态出发,阐述了雪崩渡越时间二极管(IMPATT)器件的工作机理、等效分析模型及注锁牵引稳频振荡理论,给出了几种基于IMPATT 管获取电子学固态太赫兹源的方法.【期刊名称】《电子与封装》【年(卷),期】2018(018)004【总页数】5页(P33-37)【关键词】固态电子学;IMPATT管;电路模型;稳频振荡;太赫兹源【作者】潘结斌;谢斌;程怀宇【作者单位】华东光电集成器件研究所,安徽蚌埠233030;华东光电集成器件研究所,安徽蚌埠233030;华东光电集成器件研究所,安徽蚌埠233030【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN312+.71 前言太赫兹(THz)波常称为“太赫兹间隙”,频率介于0.1~10 THz之间,波长范围是 3 mm~30 μm,介于毫米波与红外光之间相当宽的电磁波谱区域,具有低能、安全、穿透、相干及光谱分辨等特性。




图1左侧是一些采用电子学技术产生的太赫兹源,通过负阻器件振荡效应或利用非线性电子元件把低频段微波源向太赫兹频段拓展,工作频率常低于1 THz,功率不到毫瓦量级,具有体积小巧、便携的优势。








结合波长调制离轴积分腔输出光谱技术(Wavelength Modulated Off-Axis Integrated Cavity Output Spectroscopy,WM-OA-ICOS),实现对C02气体中13C、18O的丰度探测。









为实现腔内较窄的自由光谱区间隔,本系统利用的一种Herriott 型积分腔。




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DOI:10.1007/s00340-007-2846-9Appl.Phys.B 90,165–176(2008)Lasers and OpticsApplied Physics Ba.kosterev g.wysocki y.bakhirkin s.sor.lewicki m.fraser f.tittel u r.f.curlApplication of quantum cascade lasers to trace gas analysisRice Quantum Institute,Rice University,6100Main St.,Houston,TX 77005,USAReceived:18September 2007/Published online:8December 2007•©Springer-Verlag 2007ABSTRACTQuantum cascade (QC)lasers are virtually idealmid-infrared sources for trace gas monitoring.They can be fab-ricated to operate at any of a very wide range of wavelengths from ∼3µm to ∼24µm.Seizing the opportunity presented by mid-infrared QC lasers,several groups world-wide are actively applying them to trace gas sensing.Real world applications in-clude environmental monitoring,industrial process control and biomedical diagnostics.In our laboratory we have explored the use of several methods for carrying out absorption spectroscopy with these sources,which include multipass absorption spec-troscopy,cavity ring down spectroscopy (CRDS),integrated cavity output spectroscopy (ICOS),and quartz-enhanced photo-acoustic spectroscopy (QEPAS).PACS 42.62.Fi;42.62.Be;07.88.+y;33.20.Ea1IntroductionInfrared laser absorption spectroscopy (LAS)is anextremely effective tool for the detection and quantification of molecular trace gases with demonstrated detection sensi-tivities ranging from ppmv and ppbv,to even pptv levels de-pending on the specific gas species and the detection method employed [1,2].These high sensitivities are obtained using fundamental vibrational molecular absorption bands in the mid-infrared (wavelength range from 3to 24µm ).Absorption spectra in the mid-IR of several small mol-ecules of potential interest for trace gas monitoring are de-picted in Fig.1.The upper panel shows absorption spectra in the atmospheric window between the bending fundamental of water centered at around ∼1600cm −1and the water OH stretches starting above 3200cm −1.The lower panel shows absorption spectra in the atmospheric window below the wa-ter bending fundamental.The logarithmic ordinate scales are the integrated intensities of the lines on a per-molecule basis.Since the peak absorption is the integrated absorption divided by the line width,the Doppler limited peak absorptions will beu Fax:+1-713-348-5686,E-mail:fkt@correspondingly higher relative to the integrated absorption number at lower frequencies as the Doppler width is propor-tional to frequency.Because the vibrational fundamentals have the largest ab-sorption coefficients,they are the most suitable for high sen-sitivity trace gas detection of small and large molecules pro-vided appropriate tunable laser sources are available.For real world trace gas monitoring applications,these laser sources should be compact and continuous wave (cw),efficient,and operate at near room-temperature and be reliable for long periods of time.Existing tunable cw lasers operating in the mid-infrared include cw lead salt diode lasers,coherent sources based on difference frequency generation (DFG),optical parametric oscillators (OPOs),tunable solid state lasers,quantum and in-terband cascade lasers.Sensors based upon lead salt diode lasers are typically large in size and require cooling to tem-peratures of less than 90K .DFG sources (especially peri-odically poled lithium niobate based bulk and waveguide)have been shown to be robust and compact [3–5]enough for desktop-type applications but are typically limited to wave-lengths shorter than 5µm and have limited mid-infrared out-put power.CW OPOs offer significant output power,how-ever they are still too large and costly for field deployable sensors.As the result of recent advances in the technologies of their fabrication,quantum cascade (QC)and interband cas-cade (IC)lasers have become attractive sources for ultra sensitive and highly selective,mid-infrared absorption spec-troscopy [6].At present,the most useful mid-infrared QC laser sources are based on type-I intersubband transitions in InGaAs /InAlAs heterostructures.These thermo-electrically cooled (TEC)QC lasers possess the narrow linewidths and high powers (tens to hundreds of mW in single frequency operation)that make these devices highly effective in laser absorption spectroscopy.These characteristics permit the cre-ation of compact,robust trace gas sensors.Their relatively high power makes possible the use of a variety of spectro-scopic detection techniques such as long open path laser ab-sorption spectroscopy (including remote sensing techniques such as light detection and ranging,LIDAR or differential ab-sorption LIDAR),cavity ringdown and integrated cavity out-166Applied Physics B –Lasers andOpticsFIGURE 1HITRAN simulation of absorption spectraput spectroscopies,photoacoustic spectroscopy and evanes-cent field monitoring using fibers and waveguides.Seizing the opportunity presented by the availability of mid-IR QC lasers,several groups worldwide are actively applying them to trace gas sensing [7–13].In our laboratory we have explored the use of sev-eral methods for carrying out absorption spectroscopy with these sources:multipass absorption spectroscopy [14],cav-ity ring down spectroscopy [15],integrated cavity output spectroscopy (ICOS)[16],and quartz-enhanced photoacous-tic spectroscopy (QEPAS)[17].Practical applications from our laboratory include:monitoring of formaldehyde in the Houston atmosphere [18],monitoring of NO in human breath [19],monitoring NH 3in a NASA bioreactor [20]and detection of traces of CO in propylene [21].There is a web-site [22]with a complete listing of publications on trace gas sensing at Rice.In this paper we will first discuss the properties of quan-tum cascade lasers including widely tunable QCL sources,which are expected to be of great value to high resolution spectroscopy and gas phase radical chemical kinetics.This will be followed by a discussion of the requirements of trace gas sensing and the various methods for improving sensitiv-ity including our QEPAS technology.Then some applications of QC lasers to trace gas sensing will be described.Finally we look to the future to discuss networks of sensors.2Properties of quantum cascade lasersHigh optical power and single frequency opera-tion with good spectral purity and wide tunability of the laser source are the most critical characteristics for chemical trace gas sensing using spectroscopic techniques.A simple QC laser with its cavity formed by the Fresnel reflections at its ends typically operates simultaneously in multiple longitudi-nal modes.This behavior has a straightforward explanation.In a linear cavity a mode is a standing wave.At the nodes of a standing wave,the mode power is zero and therefore in-version depletion at these locations by stimulated emission from the mode is small.However,another mode under the gain profile may have an antinode at these locations and con-sequently be over threshold.Thus the laser operates in several modes.Single frequency operation is usually achieved by intro-ducing a distributed feedback (DFB)structure into the QCL active region in order to favor a particular mode.Although state-of-the art DFB QCLs show high performance and reli-ability,actually obtaining a laser with the optimum emission wavelength for a desired target analyte is technically chal-lenging,because the range of wavelength tuning is strongly limited by the wavelength tuning range of the embedded DFB structure.Typically the maximum tuning range of DFB-QCLs achieved by changing the laser injection current isKOSTEREV et al.Application of quantum cascade lasers to trace gas analysis167FIGURE2(a)A photograph and (b)a3D mechanical model of a com-pact tunable external grating cavity quantum cascade laser3–4cm−1.This can be increased to∼20cm−1by varying the temperature of the QCL chip.Such a laser has the tremen-dous advantage of being very compact and rugged making it very useful for monitoring of a specific trace gas with re-solved rotational structure.Depending upon what other gases are present,which might absorb in the same region,such a DFB-QCL may or may not be useful for monitoring a gas with a congested rotational spectrum by laser spectroscopy. With a limited tuning range,it is difficult to scan far enough to ascertain anything about the band profile of a congested band.The spectral width of the QCL optical gain profile is usu-ally significantly broader than20cm−1and therefore QCLs can provide in fact a much broader wavelength tuning range. Recent advances have resulted in very broad gain profiles.The bound-to-continuum QC laser designfirst proposed by Blaser et al.[23]and the heterogeneous QC structurefirst demon-strated by C.Gmachl et a super-continuum QCL[24], are the most promising structures in terms of broadband emission,and have been further developed for wide single mode frequency tuning spectroscopic applications by Maulini et al.[25].A luminescence spectrum of297cm−1FWHM at room temperature was observed forλ≈10µm QCL de-vices employing bound-to-continuum transitions[26],while even broader gain profiles with FWHM of∼350cm−1were achieved in[25]using both concepts mentioned above by in-corporating two bound-to-continuum designs emitting at8.4 and9.6µm.To take advantage of the broadband gain of such QCLs, an external cavity(EC)configuration can be used to ob-tain a single mode operation at any wavelength within the laser gain profile[27,28].A widely tunable QC laser spec-trometer implementing a novel EC-QCL architecture for high resolution spectroscopic applications and multi species trace-gas detection was recently demonstrated with a ther-moelectrically cooled Fabry–P´e rot gain medium operating in a continuous wave mode atλ∼5.28µm.The instrument depicted in Fig.2employs a piezo-activated cavity mode tracking system for mode-hop free operation.The mode-tracking system provides independent control of the EC length,diffraction grating angle and laser current.The QCL gain medium allowed a coarse laser frequency tuning range of∼155cm−1(see Fig.3)and a high resolution(better than0.001cm−1)continuous mode-hop freefine tuning withina range of up to2cm−1with a maximum available optical power of∼11mW.Wide wavelength tunability aroundλ=5.28µm allows accessing of most of the absorption lines within the funda-mental vibrational band of NO as shown in the HITRAN simulation presented in Fig.4a.A narrow laser linewidth of <30MHz,which allowed resolving spectral features sepa-rated by∼0.01cm−1,makes the EC-QCL an excellent lightsource suitable for high resolution spectroscopic applications and multiple species trace-gas detection(see measurements performed for a NO gas sample at both atmospheric and a re-duced pressure of10Torr shown in Fig.4b).Theflexibility of this arrangement makes it possible to use it with any QCL gain media without the need of an embedded DFB structure and at any mid-infrared wavelength without changing the EC configuration.More recently,the use of a MOCVD grown buried het-erostructure Fabry–P´e rot QCL gain medium operating at λ=8.6µm in the above described EC-QCL sensor archi-tecture resulted in considerably higher levels of optical out-put power(Fig.5).The maximum single frequency output power obtained in the EC-QCL configuration was50mW, which represents a significant improvement compared with results obtained in[27]using a previous version of this system.Until now we have considered only intersubband quan-tum cascade lasers(QCLs).The other form of quantum cas-cade laser is the interband cascade laser(ICL).TheseareFIGURE3Wide wavelength tuning of a5.3µm EC-QCL168Applied Physics B–Lasers andOpticsFIGURE4(a)Nitric oxide absorption spectra simulated for a1ppm NO mixture at atmospheric pressure and open path of286m(in red)shown together with an EC-QCL tunability range.Atmospheric absorption caused by H2O(mixing ratio=0.006)and CO2(mixing ratio=380ppm)is depicted in blue.(b)Spectral measurements performed for NO lines,which are optimal for atmospheric measurements(the narrow QCL linewidth allows a spectral resolution of<0.001cm−1)FIGURE5Wide wavelength tuning of an8.4µm EC-QCL somewhat of a hybrid of a diode laser and a cascade laser. The lasing transition occurs when a conduction band elec-tron confined in a quantum well of one material annihilates a quantum confined hole in the valence band of a different material emitting a photon.This is similar to a diode laser in that it is an interband transition,although with diode lasers only a single material is typically involved.In a diode laser, each electron is used only once,while in an ICL an elec-tron in the valence band well just tunnels out,and is raised in energy through a series of quantum wells until it possesses sufficient energy for the lasing transition process to be re-peated.Thus the same electrical current is used repeatedly in a cascade process.Because they have band gap energy available,ICLs operate at shorter wavelengths than QCLs, typically in the3–4µm region.For various technical rea-sons,including that more types of semiconductor materials are employed,ICLs are more difficult to make,but they permit access to shorter wavelengths,as the short wavelength limit of QCLs is determined by the height of the well confinement barriers.3Fundamentals of trace gas sensing3.1Detection of power loss by absorptionGenerally sensitivity and selectivity are the pri-mary requirements for trace gas sensing.For small molecules with resolved rotational structure,selectivity is obtained by choosing an absorption line that is free of interference from other species that might be present in the sample.In the small molecule case,reducing the sample pressure sharpens the ab-sorption line without reducing the peak absorption until theKOSTEREV et al.Application of quantum cascade lasers to trace gas analysis169FIGURE 6Pressure dependence of absorptionlinewidth begins to approach the Doppler width,as is evident in Fig.6.This sharpening of the absorption line significantly improves selectivity.To obtain the best sensitivity one needs to choose a strong molecular absorption line,use a long pathlength,and have a means for distinguishing absorption from baseline varia-tions and laser power fluctuations.The first requirement is best met by choosing a line of fundamental absorption bands as these tend to be stronger than overtone or combinations bands.An effective long pathlength can be obtained by using multipass cells or cavity enhancement techniques.For sharp absorption lines,noise associated with laser power fluctua-tions can be greatly reduced by averaging rapid scans over the line or by the similar technique of wavelength modulation.The final requirement to distinguish absorption from baseline variations is the most challenging.Every long pass arrange-ment exhibits accidental etalons,which typically have widths comparable to the absorption line width.In principle,these can be removed by evacuating the cell,replacing the sample with gas without the absorption (“zero air”)and then dividing the sample trace by this background trace.This approach as-sumes that these accidental etalons do not shift their pattern during the process of sample replacement,but this is often not the case.Large molecules do not have resolved rotational structure,and a molecule does not have to be very large to be in this category.Molecules with four heavy atoms or low frequency vibrational modes typically are enough to cause congested spectra.Because there is no nearby baseline to compare with,the only way to detect absorption is by this process of pump-ing the sample out and replacing it with zero air.For very weak absorptions expected for trace concentrations this imposes se-vere limits on long term power stability of the laser source,the absence of low frequency laser noise,and baseline stability.Without a sharp rotational spectral component,the required long term power stability is typically ∼1in 104.Furthermore in the mid-IR fingerprint region,where many gases absorb,there may be other gases contributing to a broad absorption putting selectivity in jeopardy.As we shall see,an advantage of photoacoustic spectroscopy is that the power stability and baseline stability requirements are reduced.However,any se-lectivity ambiguity in the molecules causing the absorption is not removed.Turning to the practical matter of creating long effective pathlengths for absorption,some comparisons between the various means for doing this are needed.Open paths throughthe atmosphere incur two problems:1.There is no way to replace the sample with zero air making the baseline issue a serious problem and 2.there is no way to reduce the pres-sure in the path and atmospheric pressure linewidths (typic-ally 0.1cm −1)are too large to be optimal.Obtaining a long pathlength by using a multipass cell suffers from neither of these problems;the only issue is that long pass multipass cells are intrinsically bulky.Cavity ringdown spectroscopy has been demonstrated to give excellent sensitivity,but requires very high quality mirrors,which are slowly becoming avail-able in the mid-infrared.Optimum sensitivity requires a large spacing between the mirrors again making the trace gas sen-sor bulky.Off-axis intracavity absorption spectroscopy can provide long pathlengths in small volumes.Without further embellishments,its principal problem is mode noise arising from jumping between a welter of cavity modes.However,when the alignment of the cavity is such that the effective path traveled by the beam within the cavity before satisfying the reentrant condition is much longer than the laser coher-ence length (effective cavity FSR significantly smaller than the laser linewidth),or when combined with deliberately in-troduced vibration to move the mode structure rapidly and wavelength modulation to scramble them further,off-axis in-tracavity absorption spectroscopy has considerable promise for trace gas sensing especially as better mid-infrared mirrors become available.3.2Quartz-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy (QEPAS)Photoacoustic spectroscopy (PAS)is based on thephotoacoustic effect,in which acoustic waves are produced by the absorption of modulated radiation by target compound.By the use of specially designed cells,which are acoustically resonant at the modulation frequency and often contain an ar-ray of microphones,this is an effective method for sensitive trace gas detection.In contrast to other infrared absorption techniques,PAS is an indirect technique in which the effect on the absorbing medium and not the direct light attenuation is detected.Light absorption results in a transient tempera-ture effect,which translates into pressure variations in the absorbing medium that can be detected with a sensitive micro-phone.PAS is ideally a background-free technique,since the signal is generated only by the absorbing gas.However,back-ground signals can originate from nonselective absorption of the gas cell windows (coherent noise)and external acoustic (incoherent)noise.PAS signals are proportional to the pump laser power and therefore the maximum detection sensitivity that can be realized by means of the PAS technique is with high-power laser excitation.However,a sensitivity of 8ppmv was demonstrated with only 2mW of modulated diode laser power for CH 4in its overtone region [29,30].The use of high power cw TEC QCL excitation in the fundamental absorp-tion region gives results with much higher trace gas detection sensitivity.A novel approach to photoacoustic detection of trace gases utilizing a quartz tuning fork (QTF)as a sharply resonant acoustic transducer was first reported in 2002[31,32].The basic idea of quartz enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy (QEPAS)is to invert the common PAS approach and accumu-170Applied Physics B –Lasers and Opticslate the acoustic energy not in a gas-filled cell but in a sharply resonant acoustic transducer.A natural candidate for such a transducer is crystal quartz,because it is a low-loss piezo-electric material.A nearly optimum readily available quartz transducer can be found in the quartz tuning forks intended for use in electronic clocks and watches as frequency stan-dards.QTFs typically resonate at 32768(215)Hz in clock circuits.A typical sensor architecture is depicted in Fig.7a to-gether with a picture of a QEPAS absorption detection module (ADM)consisting of a QTF equipped with a micro-resonator as shown in Fig.7b.The laser radiation is focused between the prongs of the QTF and its wavelength is modulated at f m =f 0/2frequency or its intensity is modulated at f m =f 0frequency (where f 0is the QTF resonant frequency)depend-ing respectively on whether wavelength modulation or am-plitude modulation of the laser is used.The acoustic wave at f 0induced by absorption of the laser by the gas becomes the driving force to excite the symmetric fundamental mechan-ical vibration of the QTF prongs (i.e.the two QTF prongs move in opposite directions).The electrical signal produced by this piezo-electrically active mode of vibration is measured using lock-in detection at f 0.Spectral data can be acquired by scanning the laser wavelength.To increase the effective in-teraction length between the radiation-induced sound and the QTF,a gas-filled acoustic resonator can be added somewhat similarly to the traditional PAS approach.Sound waves from distant acoustic sources tend to move the QTF prongs in the same direction,which results in zero net piezo-current thus making this element insensitive to such excitation.Thus advantages of QEPAS compared to conventional resonant photoacoustic spectroscopy include QEPAS sensor immunity to environmental acoustic noise,a simple absorp-tion detection module,and the capability to analyze small gas samples,down to 1mm 3in volume.The pressure cor-responding to optimum sensitivity depends upon the V to T energy conversion cross-section of the gas of interest.It was experimentally found that this optimum pressurefor FIGURE 7(a )Schematic of a QCL based QEPAS sensor platform showing a QTF and acoustic micro-resonator.(b )Picture of a QEPAS absorption detection module consisting of a QTF and micro-resonatorfast-relaxing molecules with resolved optical transitions is ∼50Torr ,which also ensures Doppler-limited spectral reso-lution.For slow relaxing gases such as NO or CO,this op-timum pressure is higher and may give a broader linewidth than desirable for the best selectivity.The response speed of QEPAS is fundamentally limited by the resonance width of the QTF resonator,which at typical operating pressures is about 1Hz .This constraint is of little concern for all but a very limited kind of application.QEPAS sensor technology has already been demonstrated in trace gas measurements of 11target analytes,including NH 3[33],CO 2[34,35],N 2O [17],HCN [36],CO in propy-lene [37]and CH 2O [38].A normalized noise equivalent ab-sorption coefficient of 1.9×10−9cm −1W Hz −1/2was meas-ured to date using QEPAS [39].This figure of merit is com-parable to the best conventional PA results.An experimental study of the long-term stability of a QEPAS-based NH 3sensor showed that the sensor exhibits very low drift,which allows long term data averaging (>3h ).This can provide a signifi-cant improvement of the signal to noise ratio in concentration measurements.Recently Wojcik et al.[13]reported the performance of an amplitude modulated (AM)8.4µm QC laser based QEPAS sensor system that demonstrated the detection of broad band absorbing target species in the mid-infrared spectroscopic fingerprint ing a similar approach,we developed a QEPAS sensor employing an external cavity laser utiliz-ing a MOCVD grown Fabry–P´e rot QCL gain medium like the ones described in Sect.2,targeting the unresolved absorp-tion spectrum of C 2HF 5(Freon 125)at λ∼1150cm −1.The laser source exhibits single frequency tuning of 180cm −1.In this sensor a photoacoustic signal is generated by turn-ing the laser on and off at the exact resonance frequency of the applied quartz tuning fork.The sensitivity of this sen-sor was determined both for a single point measurement as well as in a broadband wavelength scan using a calibration mixture of 15ppm Freon-125A in dry nitrogen.With a laserKOSTEREV et al.Application of quantum cascade lasers to trace gas analysis171FIGURE 8Freon 125A concentration measurement performed witha 8.6µm QCL based AM-QEPAS trace gas sensor system at the spectral lo-cation of a maximum absorption.The inset shows a spectral location of the laser frequency on the Freon 125absorption spectrumfrequency set to 1208.62cm −1,which corresponds to the maximum absorption of Freon 125in this spectral region,a continuous concentration measurement was performed.An example of an AM-QEPAS signal of the Freon 125calibra-tion mixture recorded between several subsequent zero gas flushes is shown in Fig.8.A minimum detection limit (1σ)of ∼9ppb was calculated for these conditions based on the scatter of the background signal measurements.The power and measurement bandwidth normalized noise equivalent ab-sorption coefficient (NNEA)of this sensor was determined to be 7.92×10−9cm −1W Hz −1/2for Freon 125.The applied cw TEC EC QC laser is able to provide ∼50mW of optical power.This translates into a minimum detection absorption coefficient limit for C 2HF 5of ∼3.2×10−7cm −1with 1s av-eraging time.AM detection of a broad band absorber at a single spec-tral point can only be performed for gas mixtures that do not contain species absorbing in the same spectral region.This limitation can be overcome by application of broadly tunable lasers,which can be tuned over a wide range ofwavelengthsFIGURE 9Photoacoustic spectrum of Freon 125measured between 1125and 1250cm −1fitted by the reference spectrum from the spectral databaseand allows measurement of a unique spectral envelope of the target unresolved absorption feature.EC-QCL seems to be an ideal tool for such application.Figure 9depicts a spectrum of the same calibration mixture (15ppm of Freon 125in N 2),which was recorded with our EC-QCL based AM-QEPAS system.Excellent agreement of a measured spectrum with a spectrum obtained from a spectroscopic database (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory infrared spectral library)was observed.This in combination with appropriate data acqui-sition processing and analysis methods (see [40])can allow concentration measurements with high molecular selectivity even in presence of spectrally interfering molecular species.4Trace gas sensing examples 4.1NO using a high-finesse optical cavityDetection of nitric oxide (NO)is important in manyapplications that include combustion diagnostics,[41],indus-trial emission and process monitoring [42]atmospheric re-search [43],and medical diagnostics [44,45].In recent years stricter regulatory limits for the maximum allowable con-centrations of toxic pollutants in industrial exhaust gases are being imposed.This has triggered a need for sensors capa-ble of real-time concentration monitoring of NO at parts per million (ppmv)levels to ensure regulatory compliance.An in-strument suitable for direct in situ spectroscopic analysis of industrial exhaust gases must address specific environmen-tal challenges including atmospheric analyte gas pressure,strong nonselective absorption by soot particles,high tem-perature,and absorption lines of different gas species [40].Nelson et al.[46]reported measurements of nitric oxide in air with a detection limit of <1ppb using a thermoelectri-cally cooled quantum cascade laser operated in a pulsed mode at 5.26µm (1897cm −1),with a line width of ∼0.01cm −1(300MHz ),and coupled to a 210m path length multiple-pass absorption cell at a reduced pressure (50Torr ).The sensi-tivity of the system is enhanced by normalizing pulse-to-pulse intensity variations with temporal gating on a single HgCdTe detector.A detection precision of 0.12ppb Hz −1/2is achieved with a cryogenically-cooled detector.This de-tection precision corresponds to an absorbance precision of 1×10−5Hz −1/2or an absorption coefficient per unit path length of 5×10−10cm −1Hz −1/2.Sensitive laser absorption spectroscopy often requires a long effective pathlength of the probing laser beam in me-dia that are to be analyzed.Traditionally,this requirement is satisfied using an optical multipass cell.Such an approach can be difficult to implement in certain field applications,requir-ing compact gas sensor configurations.For example,a typical commercial 100m pathlength multipass cell has a volume of 3.5l .An alternative way to obtain a long optical path is to make the light bounce along the same path between two ultralow-loss dielectric mirrors forming a high finesse optical resonator.An effective optical pathlength of several kilome-ters can be obtained in a very small volume.The light leaking out of such an optical cavity can be used to characterize the absorption of the intracavity medium.Presently a variety of techniques exist to perform high-sensitivity absorption spectroscopy in a high finesse optical cavity such as cavity ringdown spectroscopy (CRDS)[15]。
