


nacemr0103标准中硬度要求摘要:一、前言二、nacemr0103 标准简介三、nacemr0103 标准中的硬度要求1.硬度指标2.硬度测量方法3.硬度要求对材料性能的影响四、实现硬度要求的措施1.材料选择2.生产工艺优化3.质量控制与检测五、结论正文:一、前言acemr0103 标准在我国相关领域具有重要地位,其中硬度要求对于保证材料性能及产品质量具有重要意义。

本文将对nacemr0103 标准中的硬度要求进行详细解读,以期为相关行业提供参考。

二、nacemr0103 标准简介acemr0103 标准,全称为《金属材料硬度试验第103 部分:钢制件硬度试验》,是我国关于金属材料硬度试验的一项重要标准。


三、nacemr0103 标准中的硬度要求1.硬度指标acemr0103 标准中硬度指标主要包括布氏硬度、洛氏硬度、维氏硬度等。


2.硬度测量方法acemr0103 标准对各种硬度测量方法的试验力、压头、试验次数等参数进行了明确规定,以保证试验结果的准确性和可重复性。


nacemr0103 标准中规定的硬度要求,旨在保证材料在使用过程中的性能稳定。

四、实现硬度要求的措施1.材料选择为实现nacemr0103 标准中的硬度要求,首先需要从材料选择入手,选择具有合适硬度的金属材料。


3.质量控制与检测通过严格的质量控制与检测,确保生产出的金属材料硬度符合nacemr0103 标准要求。

五、结论acemr0103 标准中的硬度要求对于保证金属材料及其产品的性能及质量具有重要意义。

nace mr0103标准解读

nace mr0103标准解读

nace mr0103标准解读摘要:1.NACE MR0103 标准的概述2.NACE MR0103 标准的主要内容3.NACE MR0103 标准的应用领域4.NACE MR0103 标准的重要性正文:1.NACE MR0103 标准的概述ACE MR0103 是一种材料抗腐蚀性能的标准测试方法,由美国腐蚀工程师协会(NACE)制定。


2.NACE MR0103 标准的主要内容ACE MR0103 标准主要包括以下几个方面的内容:(1)测试方法:该标准规定了测试金属材料抗腐蚀性能的方法,包括电化学测试、腐蚀速率测试等。




3.NACE MR0103 标准的应用领域ACE MR0103 标准广泛应用于石油、化工、能源、交通等工业领域。


通过NACE MR0103 标准的测试和评估,可以确保材料的抗腐蚀性能满足实际应用环境的要求,从而提高设备的使用寿命和安全性能。

4.NACE MR0103 标准的重要性ACE MR0103 标准对于保证金属材料的抗腐蚀性能具有重要意义。


其次,通过NACE MR0103 标准的测试和评估,可以确保材料的抗腐蚀性能满足设计要求,从而提高设备的使用寿命和安全性能。

NACE MR0175 ISO 15156 CIR 3 TO PT 3 2014-EN

NACE MR0175 ISO 15156 CIR 3 TO PT 3 2014-EN
Industries du pétrole et du gaz naturel - Matériaux pour utilisation dans des environnements contenant de l'hydrogène sulfuré (H2S) dans la production de pétrole et de gaz — Partie 3: ARC (alliages résistants a la corrosion) et autres alliages résistants à la fissuration CIRCULAIRE TECHNIQUE 3
Part 1: General principles for selection of cracking-resistant materials (2009) Technical Circular 1, ANSI/NACE MR0175/ISO 15156-1:2009/Cir.1:2014(E) (2014-01-27) Part 2: Cracking-resistant carbon and low alloy steels, and the use of cast irons (2009) Technical Circular 1, ANSI/NACE MR0175/ISO 15156-2:2009/Cir.1:2011(E) (2011-06-14) Technical Circular 2, ANSI/NACE MR0175/ISO 15156-2:2009/Cir.2:2014(E) (2014-01-27) Part 3: Cracking-resistant CRAs (corrosion-resistant alloys) and other alloys (2009) Technical Circular 1, ANSI/NACE MR0175/ISO 15156-3:2009/Cir.1:2011(E) (2011-06-20) Technical Circular 2, ANSI/NACE MR0175/ISO 15156-3:2009/Cir.2:2013(E) (2013-08-27) Technical Circular 3, ANSI/NACE MR0175/ISO 15156-3:2009/Cir.3:2014(E) (2014-01-27)

ANSINACE MR0103ISO 17945 2016石油石化和天然气工业—金属材料在腐蚀性石油精炼环境中抗硫化应力开裂

ANSINACE MR0103ISO 17945 2016石油石化和天然气工业—金属材料在腐蚀性石油精炼环境中抗硫化应力开裂

ANSI/NACE MR0103/ISO 17945: 2016石油,石化和天然气工业—金属材料在腐蚀性石油精炼环境中抗硫化应力开裂(中文翻译版)美国国家标准2015年11月23日批准版权保护文件ISO和NACE材料都受到版权保护。


所有与ANSI/NACE MR0103/ISO 17945相关的申请应提交给NACE。


国际标准化组织(ISO)ISO中央秘书处BIBC II地址:Chemin de Blandonnet 8CP4011214Vernier, GenevaSwitzerland电话:+41 22 749 01 11传真:+41 22 749 09 47Web: www.ISO .chNACE 国际地址:15835 Park Ten PlaceHouston, TX 77084-5145电话:+1281-228-6223传真:+1281-228-6300Web: 在美国由NACE印刷目录...............................................................................................................................页码前言 (6)引言 (7)1.范围 (8)2.规范性引用文件 (8)3.术语和定义 (9)4.符号和缩略语 (10)5.责任 (11)5.1最终用户的责任 (11)5.2制造商的责任 (12)6.导致硫化应力开裂(SSC)的因素 (12)6.1影响硫化应力开裂(SSC)的常规参数 (12)6.2材料状态及应力水平对SSC敏感性的影响 (12)6.3氢渗透流量对SSC的影响 (12)6.4高温暴露对SSC的影响 (13)6.5由于SSC造成的失效时间的影响因素 (14)6.6确定设备是否涵盖在本国际标准范围内的依据 (14)7.本国际标准收录的材料 (14)8.硬度要求 (15)9.增添新材料或新工艺的程序 (16)9.1一般投票要求 (16)9.2现场经验数据要求 (16)9.3实验室试验数据要求 (16)10.新的限制条件和废止材料 (17)11.特定用途的未列出的合金、工况和/或工艺的鉴定 (17)12.标准线路图 (19)13.铁基材料 (19)13.1碳钢和合金钢 (19)13.1.1所有碳钢和合金钢要求 (19)13.1.2 ASME BPVC第IX章中列出的P-No.1组别1或组别2的碳钢要求 (19)13.1.3其他碳钢要求 (20)13.1.4 ASME BPVC第IX章中所列的P系列合金钢要求 (20)13.1.5其他合金钢的要求 (20)13.1.6碳钢和合金钢的冷成型要求 (20)13.1.7 ASME BPVC第IX章中所列的P-No.1系列碳钢的焊接要求 (21)13.1.8 ASME BPVC第IX章中所列的P-No.3,4,或5A系列合金钢的焊接要求 (21)13.1.9碳钢和合金钢表面的耐腐蚀堆焊层,堆焊硬质层,覆盖层及热喷涂覆层 (21)13.2铸铁和球墨铸铁 (22)13.3铁素体不锈钢 (22)13.4马氏体不锈钢 (22)13.4.1常规马氏体不锈钢 (22)13.4.2低碳马氏体不锈钢 (23)13.4.3马氏体不锈钢的焊接和堆焊 (23)13.5奥氏体不锈钢 (24)13.6特定的奥氏体不锈钢牌号 (24)13.7高度合金化的奥氏体不锈钢 (24)13.8双相不锈钢 (25)13.8.1双相不锈钢的一般要求 (25)13.8.2双相不锈钢的焊接要求 (25)13.9沉淀硬化的不锈钢 (26)13.9.1奥氏体沉淀硬化型不锈钢 (26)13.9.2马氏体沉淀硬化型不锈钢 (26)13.9.3沉淀硬化不锈钢的焊接要求 (27)14.有色金属材料 (27)14.1镍合金 (27)14.1.1固溶镍合金 (27)14.1.2可沉淀硬化的镍合金 (28)14.2钴镍铬钼合金 (28)14.3钴镍铬钨合金 (29)14.4钛合金 (29)14.5铝合金 (30)14.6铜合金 (30)15.装配要求 (30)15.1一般装配要求 (30)15.2耐腐蚀堆焊层,硬质堆焊层以及覆盖层 (31)15.3焊接 (31)15.4碳钢、合金钢和马氏体不锈钢镀层 (31)15.5标识的打印 (32)15.6螺纹的加工 (32)15.6.1机械切削螺纹 (32)15.6.2冷作成形(套扣)螺纹 (32)15.7冷作成形工艺 (32)16.栓接 (32)16.1一般栓接要求 (32)16.2裸露的栓接 (33)16.3非裸露的栓接 (33)17.镀层、喷涂和扩散工艺 (33)18.特殊部件 (34)18.1特殊部件的一般要求 (34)18.2轴承 (34)18.3弹簧 (34)18.4仪器和控制装置 (34)18.4.1仪器和控制装置的一般要求 (34)18.4.2隔膜、测压装置和压力密封件 (35)18.5密封环和垫片 (35)18.6止动环 (35)18.7特殊工艺部件 (35)19.阀门 (35)20.压缩机和泵 (36)附录A(资料性附录)硫化物种类分布图 (37)附录B(资料性附录)硬度试验和要求的背景信息 (38)附录C(规范性附录)焊接程序评定硬度调查布局 (43)参考文献 (52)前言ISO(国际标准化组织)是各国的国家标准机构(ISO成员单位)的世界性联盟。

NACE MR 0175-2000 材料要求标准 油田设备用抗硫化物应力开裂的金属材料

NACE MR 0175-2000 材料要求标准 油田设备用抗硫化物应力开裂的金属材料

专用部件------------------------------------------------------------35 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 总则-------------------------------------------------------------35 轴承-------------------------------------------------------------35 弹簧-------------------------------------------------------------36 仪表和控制器件----------------------------------------------36 密封环----------------------------------------------------------37

总则 -----------------------------------------------------------------1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 范围 ------------------------------------------------------------1 适用性 ---------------------------------------------------------1 MR0175 的应用 ----------------------------------------------2 控制硫化物应力开裂 (SSC)--------------------------------5 可采用的材料 ------------------------------------------------5 新材料或工艺的增补程序 ---------------------------------6 硬度要求 ------------------------------------------------------7 材料的使用 ---------------------------------------------------8 选材 ------------------------------------------------------------8 材料替换 -----------------------------------------------------8



StandardMaterial RequirementsSulfide Stress Cracking Resistant MetallicMaterials for Oilfield EquipmentThis NACE International standard represents a consensus of those individual members who have reviewed this document,its scope,and provisions.Its acceptance does not in any respect preclude anyone,whether he has adopted the standard or not,from manufacturing,marketing,purchasing,or using products,processes,or procedures not in conformance with this standard.Nothing contained in this NACE International standard is to be construed as granting any right,by implication or otherwise,to manufacture,sell,or use in connection with any method,apparatus,or product covered by Letters Patent,or as indemnifying or protecting anyone against liability for infringement of Letters Patent.This standard represents minimum requirements and should in no way be interpreted as a restriction on the use of better procedures or materials.Neither is this standard intended to apply in all cases relating to the subject.Unpredictable circumstances may negate the usefulness of this standard in specific instances.NACE International assumes no responsibility for the interpretation or use of this standard by other parties and accepts responsibility for only those official NACE International interpretations issued by NACE International in accordance with its governing procedures and policies which preclude the issuance of interpretations by individual volunteers.Users of this NACE International standard are responsible for reviewing appropriate health,safety,environmental,and regulatory documents and for determining their applicability in relation to this standard prior to its use.This NACE International standard may not necessarily address all potential health and safety problems or environmental hazards associated with the use of materials,equipment,and/or operations detailed or referred to within this ers of this NACE International standard are also responsible for establishing appropriate health,safety,and environmental protection practices,in consultation with appropriate regulatory authorities if necessary,to achieve compliance with any existing applicable regulatory requirements prior to the use of this standard.CAUTIONARY NOTICE:NACE International standards are subject to periodic review,and may be revised or withdrawn at any time without prior notice.NACE International requires that action be taken to reaffirm,revise,or withdraw this standard no later than five years from the date of initial publication.The user is cautioned to obtain the latest edition.Purchasers of NACE International standards may receive current information on all standards and other NACE International publications by contacting the NACE International Membership Services Department,1440South Creek Dr.,Houston,Texas 77084-4906(telephone +1[281]228-6200).Revised 2002-01-01Approved March 1975NACE International 1440South Creek Dr.Houston,Texas 77084-4906+1(281)228-6200ISBN 1-57590-021-1©2002,NACE InternationalNACE Standard MR0175-2002Item No.21304MR0175-2002________________________________________________________________________ForewordThis NACE standard materials requirement is one step in a series of committee studies,reports,symposia,and standards that have been sponsored by former Group Committee T-1(Corrosion Control in Petroleum Production)relating to the general problem of sulfide stress cracking (SSC)of metals.Much of this work has been directed toward the oil-and gas-production industry.This standard is a materials requirement for metals used in oil and gas service exposed to sour gas,to be used by oil and gas companies,manufacturers,engineers,and purchasing agents.Many of the guidelines and specific requirements in this standard are based on field experience with the materials listed,as used in specific components,and may be applicable to other components and equipment in the oil-production industry or to other industries,as determined by the ers of this standard must be cautious in extrapolating the content of this standard for use beyond its scope.The materials,heat treatments,and metal-property requirements given in this standard represent the best judgment of Task Group 081(formerly T-1F-1)and its administrative Specific Technology Group (STG)32on Oil and Gas Production—Metallurgy (formerly Unit Committee T-1F on Metallurgy of Oilfield Equipment).This NACE standard updates and supersedes all previous editions of MR0175.The original 1975edition of the standard superseded NACE Publication 1F166(1973Revision)titled “Sulfide Cracking-Resistant Metallic Materials for Valves for Production and Pipeline Service,”and NACE Publication 1B163titled “Recommendation of Materials for Sour Service”(which included Tentative Specifications 150on valves,51on severe weight loss,60on tubular goods,and 50on nominal weight loss).This standard will be revised as necessary to reflect changes in technology.(See Paragraph 1.6.)Whenever possible,the recommended materials are defined by reference to accepted genericdescriptors (such as UNS (1)numbers)and/or accepted standards,such as AISI,(2)API,(3)ASTM,(4)or DIN (5)standards.(1)Metals and Alloys in the Unified Numbering System (latest revision),a joint publication of ASTM International and the Society of Automotive Engineers Inc.(SAE),400Commonwealth Dr.,Warrendale,PA 15096.(2)American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI),113315th St.NW,Washington,DC 20005-2701.(3)American Petroleum Institute (API),1220L St.NW,Washington,DC 20005.(4)ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Dr.,West Conshohocken,PA 19428-2959.(5)Deutsches Institut für Normung (DIN),Postfach 1107,D-1000Berlin 30,Federal Republic of Germany.________________________________________________________________________Arrows in the margins indicate technical or major editorial revisions that were approved by NACE International STG 32and incorporated into the 2002edition of MR0175.Revisions are not indicated in the tables or index.In NACE standards,the terms shall ,must ,should ,and may are used in accordance with the definitions of these terms in the NACE Publications Style Manual ,4th ed.,Paragraph and must are used to state mandatory requirements.Should is used to state something considered good and is recommended but is not mandatory.May is used to state something considered optional.MR0175-2002________________________________________________________________________NACE InternationalStandardMaterial RequirementsSulfide Stress Cracking Resistant Metallic Materialsfor Oilfield EquipmentContents1.General (1)1.1Scope (1)1.2Applicability (1)1.3MR0175Application (1)1.4Control of Sulfide Stress Cracking(SSC) (2)1.5Acceptable Materials (2)1.6Procedures for the Addition of New Materials or Processes (2)1.7Hardness Requirements (3)1.8Materials Handling (3)1.9Procurement (3)1.10Material Replacement (3)2.Definitions (7)3.Ferrous Metals (9)3.1General (9)3.2Carbon and Low-Alloy Steels (9)3.3Free-Machining Steels (10)3.4Cast Iron (10)3.5Austenitic Stainless Steels (10)3.6Ferritic Stainless Steels (13)3.7Martensitic Stainless Steels (13)3.8Precipitation-Hardening Stainless Steels (14)3.9Duplex Stainless Steels (14)4.Nonferrous Metals (15)4.1General (15)4.2Other Alloys (18)5.Fabrication (19)5.1General (19)5.2Overlays (19)5.3Welding (19)5.4Identification Stamping (19)5.5Threading (19)5.6Cold-Deformation Processes (20)6.Bolting (20)6.1General (20)6.2Exposed Bolting (20)6.3Nonexposed Bolting (20)7.Platings and Coatings (20)7.1General (20)7.2Nitriding (20)8.Special Components (20)8.1General (20)8.2Bearings (20)8.3Springs (21)8.4Instrumentation and Control Devices (21)8.5Seal Rings (21)8.6Snap Rings (21)8.7Duplex Stainless Steel for Wellhead Components (21)8.8Special Process Wear-Resistant Parts (22)9.Valves and Chokes (22)9.1General (22)9.2Shafts,Stems,and Pins (22)9.3Internal Valve and Pressure Regulator Components (22)10.Wells,Flow Lines,Gathering Lines,Facilities,and Field Processing Plants (22)10.1General (22)10.2Wells (22)10.3Subsurface Equipment (23)10.4Wellheads (24)10.5Flow Lines and Gathering Lines (24)10.6Production Facilities (24)10.7Compressors and Pumps (24)10.8Pipe Fittings (24)11.Drilling and Well-Servicing Equipment (24)11.1General (24)11.2Control of Drilling and Well-Servicing Environments (24)11.3Drilling Equipment (25)11.4Blowout Preventer(BOP) (25)11.5Choke Manifolds and Choke and Kill Lines (25)11.6Drill Stem Testing (25)11.7Formation-Testing Tools (25)11.8Floating Drilling Operations (26)11.9Well-Servicing Equipment (26)References (26)Tables1.Description of Test Levels (4)2.Test Data (4)3.Stainless Steels Acceptable for Direct Exposure to Sour Environments (28)4.Nonferrous Materials Acceptable for Direct Exposure to Sour Environments (29)5.Acceptable API and ASTM Specifications for Tubular Goods (31)6.Acceptable Materials for Subsurface Equipment for Direct Exposure to SourEnvironments (32)7.Other Sources of Material Standards (32)FiguresFigure1:Sour Gas Systems (5)Figure2:Sour Multiphase Systems (6)IndexHistory of the Addition of Materials to MR0175 (33)________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Section1:General1.1Scope1.1.1This standard presents metallic materialrequirements for resistance to sulfide stress cracking (SSC)for petroleum production,drilling,gathering and flowline equipment,and field processing facilities to be used in hydrogen sulfide(H2S)-bearing hydrocarbon service.This standard is applicable to the materials and/or equipment specified by the materials standards institutions listed in Table7(or by equivalent standards or specifications of other agencies).This standard does not include and is not intended to include design specifications.Other forms of corrosion and other modes of failure,although outside the scope of this standard,should also be considered in design and operation of equipment.Severely corrosive conditions may lead to failures by mechanisms other than SSC and should be mitigated by corrosion inhibition or materials selection,which are outside the scope of this standard.For example,some lower-strength steels used for pipelines and vessels may be subjected to failure by blister cracking or hydrogen-induced(stepwise)cracking as a result of hydrogen damage associated with general corrosion in the presence of H2S.1,2Also,austenitic stainless steels and even more highly alloyed materials may fail by a type of chloride stress corrosion cracking that is promoted by elevated temperature,aggravated in some cases by the presence of H2S.1.1.2Many of the materials initially included in MR0175were included based on field use under varied conditions and the items for inclusion did not record the environments on which acceptance of these alloys into MR0175was based.MR0175has specified environmental limits for alloys included more recently.The stated environmental limits represent conditions under which the alloys successfully passed laboratory tests.Because SSC is dependent on the environment, including stress,H2S partial pressure,the presence of elemental sulfur,salinity,pH,and metallurgical condition of the alloys,the actual environmental limits may not have been defined for any alloys in MR0175.It is the user’s responsibility to determine both(1)the degree of accuracy to which laboratory test data,and(2)the degree of applicability of qualifying field experience, simulates the critical variables of the intended application.1.2Applicability1.2.1This standard applies to all components ofequipment exposed to sour environments,where failure by SSC would(1)prevent the equipment from being restored to an operating condition while continuing to contain pressure,(2)compromise the integrity of the pressure-containment system,and/or(3)prevent the basic function of the equipment from occurring.Materials selection for items such as atmospheric and low-pressure systems,water-handling facilities,sucker rods,and subsurface pumps are covered in greater detail in other NACE International and API documents and are outside the scope of this standard.1.3MR0175ApplicationSulfide stress cracking(SSC)is affected by factors including the following:(1)metal chemical composition,strength,heat treatment, and microstructure;(2)hydrogen ion concentration(pH)of the environment;(3)H2S concentration and total pressure;(4)total tensile stress(applied plus residual);(5)temperature;and(6)time.The user shall determine whether or not the environmental conditions are such that MR0175applies.1.3.1MR0175shall apply to conditions containingwater as a liquid and H2S exceeding the limits defined in Paragraph should be noted that highly susceptible materials may fail in less severe environments.MR0175-20021.3.1.1All gas,(6,7)gas condensate,(6,7)and sourcrude oil (8,9)(except as noted)When the partial pressure of H 2S in a wet (water as a liquid)gas phase of a gas,gas condensate,or crude oil system is equal to or exceeds 0.0003MPa abs (0.05psia).1.3.2MR0175need not apply (the user shall determine)when the following conditions exist: gasWhen the total pressure is less than 0.4MPa abs (65psia). oil and gas multiphase systemsWhen the total pressure is less than 1.8MPa abs (265psia),the maximum gas:oil ratio (SCF:bbl [SCF:bbl])is 5,000or less,and the H 2S content is less than 15mol%and the H 2S partial pressure is less than 0.07MPa abs (10psia).1.3.3MR0175need not apply (the user shall determine)for the following conditions: wells and salt-water handling facilities.These are covered by NACE StandardRP0475. corrosionandcorrosionfatigue. and chemical plants.1.4Control of SSC1.4.1SSC may be controlled by any or all of the following measures:(1)using the materials and processes described in this standard;(2)controlling the environment;or (3)isolatingthe components from the sourenvironment.Metals susceptible to SSC have been used successfully by controlling drilling or workover fluid properties,during drilling and workover operations,respectively.1.5Metallic materials have been included in this standard as acceptable materials based on their resistance to SSC either in actual field applications,in SSC tests,or both.Many alloys included in the first edition of MR0175had proved to be satisfactory in sour service even though they might have cracked in standard SSC tests,such as those addressed inNACE Standard TM0177.4Because MR0175was incorporated as a mandatory requirement by certain regulatory agencies,it soon became impossible to use satisfactory field applications as a criterion for the addition of new materials or processes;i.e.,because regulations prohibited the use of materials not specifically approved in MR0175,proponents of new materials or processes could not establish a history of satisfactory field application.Consequently,some materials in the standard may not perform as well in SSC tests as newer materials that have been excluded on the basis of laboratory test data.Materials’performance in the field may be different from that indicated by laboratory testing.To aid the user of this standard,those materials that were included in the original edition (MR0175-75)are noted in the index.Materials included in this standard are resistant to,but not necessarily immune to,SSC under all service conditions.1.5.1The acceptable materials and manufacturing processes listed in Sections 3through 11should give satisfactory resistance to SSC in sour environments when the materials are (1)manufactured to the heat treatment and mechanical properties specified,and (2)used under the conditions specified.1.6Procedures for the Addition of New Materials or Processes___________________________(6)Figure 1provides a graphical representation of the above partial pressure relationship.(7)Partial pressure may be calculated by multiplying the system total pressure times the mol fraction of H 2S.For example,in a 69-MPa abs (10,000-psia)gas system where the H 2S is 10%mol in the gas,the H 2S partial pressure is:absMPa 6.9=69x 10010ÿpsia 1,000=10,000x 10010(8)Figure 2provides a graphical representation of the above partial pressure relationship.(9)For downhole liquid crude oil systems operating above the bubble point pressure,for which no equilibrium gas composition is available,the partial pressure of H 2S may be determined by using the mol fraction of H 2S in the gas phase at the bubble point pressure.For example,in an oil with a 34.5-MPa abs (5,000-psia)bubble point pressure which has 10mol%H 2S in the gas phase at the bubble point,the H 2S partial pressure is:absMPa 3.45=10010x34.5ÿpsia 500=10010x5,000MR0175-20021.6.1The guidelines and specific requirements in thisstandard are based on satisfactory field experience and/or laboratory data.Materials will be added to MR0175after completion of laboratory or field tests performed and successful balloting in accordance with the requirements of this standard.Requests for revision of this standard should be made in writing to NACE Headquarters as described in the NACE Technical Committee Publications Manual.5 These requests shall state the specific changes proposed,supported by appropriate documentation, including a complete description of the materials or processes and laboratory or field test data or service performance,or other technical justification.The requested change shall be reviewed and balloted as described in the NACE Technical Committee Publications Manual.1.6.2New materials and/or new processes that areassociated with specific material(s)shall be balloted according to a Test Level Category.Each category hasa level of environmental severity,which is listed in Table1;the balloter is free to increase the severity at which his/her tests are conducted subject to the minimum environmental constraints of the balloted Test Level Category.Ballots on new materials and/or processes that are based only on laboratory data shall contain data from tests conducted on specimens from at least three heats of material.1.6.3Austenitic and duplex stainless steels,nickel-based alloys,and titanium alloys may be susceptible to cracking at elevated temperature.For use at elevated temperature,data at Test Level IV,V,VI,or VII should be submitted.When a Test Level Category higher than III is being balloted,the ballot item submitter shall also include test results at room temperature according to the requirements of Test Level Category III.Cracking of some duplex stainless steels has been inhibited by galvanic coupling with steel;therefore,evaluation of duplex stainless steels at room temperature using Test Level II should be considered.1.6.4Laboratory data produced in accordance with therequirements of NACE Standard TM0177provide one accepted basis for required laboratory test information.Other test methods may be employed.The test results with testing details shall be incorporated into this standard in Table2;for example,for tension testing,the threshold stress at which cracking occurs or the maximum stress at which failure/cracking does not occur will be listed with the material and the conditions under which it is tested.These test environments are not intended to represent actual service conditions.The data that are presented in Table2are not meant as guidelines on application or a limit for service environments in which materials may be used;it is the user’s responsibility to ensure that a material will be satisfactory in the intended service environment.1.7Hardness Requirements1.7.1The relationship among SSC,heat treatment,andhardness has been documented by laboratory and field service data.Because hardness testing is nondestructive,it is used by manufacturers as a quality control method and by users as a field inspection method.Accurate hardness testing requires strict compliance with the methods described in appropriate ASTM standards.1.7.2Sufficient hardness tests should be made toestablish the actual hardness of the material or component being examined.Individual hardness readings exceeding the value permitted by this standard can be considered acceptable if the average of several readings taken within close proximity does not violate the value permitted by this standard and no individual reading is greater than2Rockwell C hardness(HRC) scale units above the acceptable value.The number and location of test areas are outside the scope of this standard.1.7.3The HRC scale is referred to throughout thisstandard.Hardness values measured by HRC shall be the primary basis for acceptance.When warranted, Brinell(HB)or other hardness scales may be used.When applicable,hardness conversions shall be made in accordance with ASTM E1406Standard Hardness Conversion Table for Metals.Microhardness acceptance criteria are considered outside the scope of this standard.1.8Materials Handling1.8.1Although this standard covers materials intendedfor sour service,it is not to be construed as implying that products conforming to these requirements will be resistant to SSC in sour environments under all conditions.Improper design,manufacturing,installation, or handling can cause resistant materials to become susceptible to SSC.1.9It is the responsibility of the user to determine the expected operating conditions and to specify when this standard applies.This standard includes a variety of materials that might be used for any given component.The user may select specific materials for use on the basis of operating conditions that include pressure,temperature, corrosiveness,fluid properties,etc.For example,in selecting bolting components,the pressure rating could be affected. The following could be specified at the user’s option:(1) materials from this standard used by the manufacturer,and (2)materials from this standard proposed by the manufacturer and approved by the user.1.10When new restrictions are put on materials in this standard or when materials are deleted from this standard, materials in use at the time of the change that complied with this standard prior to the standard revision and that have not experienced H2S-enhanced environmental cracking failure in their local environment are in compliance with this standard. However,when these materials are replaced from their local environment,the replacement materials must be listed in thisMR0175-2002standard at the time of replacement in order to be incompliance with this standard.Table1:Description of Test LevelsTest Level I II III IV V VI VIITemperature25±3°C(77±5°F)25±3°C(77±5°F)25±3°C(77±5°F)90±5°C(194±9°F)150±5°C(302±9°F)175±5°C(347±9°F)205±5°C(401±9°F)CO2content, min.none none none0.7MPaabs(100psia)1.4MPaabs(200psia)3.5MPaabs(500psia)3.5MPaabs(500psia)Environmental Condition H2S content,min.(list)TM0177TM01770.003MPaabs(0.4psia)0.7MPaabs(100psia)3.5MPaabs(500psia)3.5MPaabs(500psia) NaCl content,min.(list)TM0177TM0177150,000mg/L150,000mg/L200,000mg/L250,000mg/L pH(list)TM0177TM0177(list)(list)(list)(list) Other(list)none coupledto steel(list)(list)(list)(list)Test Method(s)(list)(list theTM0177method)(list theTM0177method)(list)(list)(list)(list)Material Type and Condition describe—chemical composition,UNS number,process history Material Properties describe—yield strength,tensile strength,%elongation,hardness Stress Level and Results describe—test stress level,plastic strain,etc.,test resultsTable2:Test DataTest Level Material Type andCondition Material Properties Test Method andEnvironmentTest ResultsMR0175-2002FIGURE1:Sour Gas Systems(see Paragraph1.3.1.1)MR0175-2002FIGURE2:Sour Multiphase Systems(see Paragraph1.3.1.1)Metric Conversion Factor:1MPa abs=145.089psia_______________________________________________________________________________Section2:DefinitionsAge Hardening:Hardening by aging,usually after rapid cooling or cold working.Aging:A change in metallurgical properties that generally occurs slowly at room temperature(natural aging)and more rapidly at higher temperature(artificial aging).Annealing:Heating to and holding at a temperature appropriate for the specific material and then cooling at a suitable rate,for such purposes as reducing hardness, improving machinability,or obtaining desired properties(also see Solution Heat Treatment).Austenite:The face-centered crystalline phase of iron-base alloys.Austenitic Steel:A steel whose microstructure at room temperature consists predominantly of austenite.Austenitizing:Forming austenite by heating a ferrous metal to a temperature in the transformation range(partial austen-itizing)or above the transformation range(complete austenitizing).Autofrettage:A technique whereby residual compressive stresses are created at the interior of a thick-walled component by application and release of internal pressure that causes yielding of the metal near the ID or bore of the component. Blowout Preventers(BOP):Mechanical devices capable of containing pressure,used for control of well fluids and drilling fluids during drilling operations.Brazing:Joining metals by flowing a thin layer(of capillary thickness)of a lower-melting-point nonferrous filler metal in the space between them.Brinell Hardness(HB):A hardness value obtained by use of a 10mm-diameter hardened steel(or carbide)ball and normally a load of3,000kg,in accordance with ASTM E10.7 Burnishing:Smoothing surfaces with frictional contact between the material and some other hard pieces of material, such as hardened steel balls.Carbon Steel:An alloy of carbon and iron containing up to2% carbon and up to1.65%manganese and residual quantities of other elements,except those intentionally added in specific quantities for deoxidation(usually silicon and/or aluminum). Carbon steels used in the petroleum industry usually contain less than0.8%carbon.Case Hardening:Hardening a ferrous alloy so that the outer portion,or case,is made substantially harder than the inner portion,or core.Typical processes are carburizing,cyaniding, carbonitriding,nitriding,induction hardening,and flame hardening.Cast Component(Casting):Metal that is obtained at or near its finished shape by the solidification of molten metal in a mold.Cast Iron:An iron-carbon alloy containing approximately2 to4%carbon.Cast irons may be classified as:(1)gray cast iron—cast iron that gives a gray fracture as a result of the presence of flake graphite;(2)white cast iron—cast iron that gives a white fracture asa result of the presence of cementite(Fe3C);(3)malleable cast iron—white cast iron that is thermally treated to convert most or all of the cementite to graphite (temper carbon);(4)ductile(nodular)cast iron—cast iron that has been treated while molten with an element(usually magnesium or cerium)that spheroidizes the graphite;or(5)austenitic cast iron—cast iron with a sufficient amount of nickel added to produce an austenitic microstructure.Cemented Tungsten Carbide:Pressed and sintered monolithic tungsten carbide alloys consisting of tungsten carbide with alloy binders of primarily cobalt or nickel.Chloride Stress Corrosion Cracking:Failure by cracking under the combined action of tensile stress and corrosion in the presence of chlorides and water.Cold Deforming:See Cold Working.Cold Forming:See Cold Working.Cold Reducing:See Cold Working.Cold Working:Deforming metal plastically under conditions of temperature and strain rate that induce strain hardening,usually,but not necessarily,conducted at room temperature.Contrast with hot working.Double Tempering:A treatment in which normalized or quench-hardened steel is given two complete tempering cycles(cooling to a suitable temperature after each cycle) with the second tempering cycle performed at a temperature at or below the first tempering temperature. The object is to temper any martensite that may have formed during the first tempering cycle.Duplex(Austenitic/Ferritic)Stainless Steel:A stainless steel whose microstructure at room temperature consists primarily of a mixture of austenite and ferrite.。



NACE©NACE Standard MR0103-2003I N T E R N A T I O N A L Item No.21305 THE COROSION SOCIETYStandardMaterial RequirementsMaterials Resistant to Sulfide Stress Cracking inCorrosive Petroleum Refining EnvironmentsThis NACE International standard represents a consensus of those individual members who have reviewed this document its scope,and provisions 。

Its acceptance does not in any respect preclude anyone whether he has adopted the standard or not,from manufacturing,,marketing,purchasing,or using products,or procedures not in conformance with this standard。

Nothing contained in this NACE International standard is to be construed as granting any right,by implication or otherwise,to manufacture,sell,or use in connection with any method,apparatus,or product covered by Letters Patent,or as indemnifying or protecting anyone against liability for infringement of Letters Patent。

酸性环境选材 NACE MR0175学习

酸性环境选材 NACE MR0175学习
ISO 15156-2009 SECOND EDITION (ISO 15156/NACE MR0175) 标准学习
涂蓝色为个人不太确定或理解的内容 涂绿色为关键点 素材摘自NACE MR 0175,尤利格腐蚀手册, NACE
Corrosion Engineer‘s Reference Book (3rd Edition)等 对于规范中涉及到油气井、钻井、完井、井口、采油树、 矿场设备和矿场处理装置的内容做了删减 对有些内容仅罗列了关键的点,在设计以及标准使用过程 中仍需要参阅标准 对于有些项目业主会提出不同于该标准的要求,需要参考 具体的规格书,通常大石油公司都有自己的酸性环境选材 规范,其内容可能会存在些许差异,但其原则都是一样的
点蚀等,会产生化学或电化学反应,引起质量损失,可以 通过增加腐蚀裕量来解决
钢暴露于湿H2S环境开裂现象 (摘自尤利格腐蚀手册)
SSC选材 ① 按经验选材——附录A2,相对保守笼统的做法 选项一: P H2S<0.0003MPa(0.05psi)一般无详细考虑,但对高
敏感性钢材可能会开裂(应考虑在不正常使用条件或停车 时暴露于未缓冲的低PH值凝析水相等) 对P H2S≥0.0003MPa(0.05psi)按附录A.2选择,不用 进一步SSC试验 选项二:按分区选择,在A.2的基础上有例外SSC 1区按 A.2 A.3 A.4选择,SSC 2区按A.2 A.3 选择, SSC 3按 A.2区选择 A3 A4是针对A2的一些补充,放宽了限制 ② 按试验选材——附录B 实验室试验评定,按分区来制定推 荐的试验方法,详见B.3 试验方法 NACE TM 0177 Method A/C/D(未应用Method B 试验时间至少720h)或EFC Publication 16

NACE MR0175-2000中文

NACE MR0175-2000中文
3.9 4
非铁类金属---------------------------------------------------------25 4.1 4.2 总则-------------------------------------------------------------25 其他合金-------------------------------------------------------31
专用部件------------------------------------------------------------35 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 总则-------------------------------------------------------------35 轴承-------------------------------------------------------------35 弹簧-------------------------------------------------------------36 仪表和控制器件----------------------------------------------36 密封环----------------------------------------------------------37
阀门和油嘴---------------------------------------------------------38 9.1 9.2 9.3 总则-------------------------------------------------------------38 轴、杆和销子-------------------------------------------------38 内阀和压力调节器部件 -------------------------------------39

nace mr 1075标准

nace mr 1075标准

nace mr 1075标准
NACE MR 1075标准是NACE国际组织(美国腐蚀工程师协会)发布的一项关于金属腐蚀控制的行业标准。


NACE MR 1075标准的内容包括以下几个方面:




总之,NACE MR 1075标准是金属腐蚀控制领域的一项重要标准,为金属材料的选择、制造和使用提供了指导和规范。




根据NACEMR 0103标准中的硬度要求,该标准指导了硬度测试和评估的相关要求。



NACEMR 0103标准规定了硬度测试的方法和标准。



按照NACEMR 0103标准,硬度测试结果通常以硬度值表示,如HB、HV、HRC等。






除了硬度测试方法和标准之外,NACEMR 0103标准还对硬度测试的设备和标定要求进行了详细的规定。



根据NACEMR 0103标准中的硬度要求,硬度测试在材料工程中起着重要的作用。
































根据NACE MR0103标准,热处理温度取决于具体的材料和合金成分。


对于碳钢、合金钢和不锈钢等材料,NACE MR0103标准规定了一系列的热处理温度范围。



此外,NACE MR0103标准还要求对于一些特定的合金材料,需要进行双重热处理。


总的来说,根据NACE MR0103标准,热处理温度的选择是非常严格和具体的,需要根据具体材料的要求来确定,以确保材料具有良好的抗硫化物应力腐蚀开裂性能。

NACE MR 0103-2005 腐蚀性石油炼制环境中抗硫化物应力开裂材料的选择 中文

NACE MR 0103-2005 腐蚀性石油炼制环境中抗硫化物应力开裂材料的选择 中文
表1.本标准“路线图” 表2.P-xx合金钢最大硬度要求 表3.奥氏体不锈钢化学成分要求 表4.许可的冷加工镍-铬合金和镍-铬-钼合金及最大硬度要求 表5.许可的沉淀硬化镍合金、状态及最大硬度要求 表6.UNS R30035 热处理 表7.许可的钛合金、状态及最大硬度要求 表8.符合第二、三章要求的普通螺栓材料
(1) API:美国石油学会 (2) 金属和合金统一编号系统,它是ASTM和汽车工程师协会(SAE)的联合出版物。 (3) AISI :美国钢铁学会 (4) ASTM:美国材料试验学会 (5) ASME:美国机械工程师协会 (6) ANSI :美国国家标准化组织 (7) BSI :英国标准协会有色金属材料 4. 总的制造要求 5. 螺栓 6. 镀层、涂层和扩散工艺 7. 特殊部件 8. 阀门 9. 压缩机和泵 参考文献 附录A.硬度测试和要求的背景资料(非强制性)
炼制行业中使用的术语“湿H2S开裂”涵盖一系列的破坏机理,这些破坏是在湿H2S炼厂或天 然气厂工艺环境中由于充氢作用而发生的。由于充氢而导致的破坏形式之一是淬硬焊接件和显 微组织的硫化物应力开裂(SSC),这部分内容将在本标准中涉及。其它材料破坏形式包括氢 鼓泡、氢致诱发裂纹(HIC)和应力导向氢诱导裂纹(SOHIC),这些内容不在本标准涉及。
本标准中所给出的材料、热处理和材料性能要求,反映了 TG231 和它的两个发起者——特 别技术组 STG34(负责石油炼制和天然气加工工业腐蚀)和 STG60(负责腐蚀机理)的最佳 意见和经验。在许多情况下,意见是基于油、气开采行业的大量经验(在 MR0175/ISO15156 中提供了这些资料),工作组相信对炼制行业也是有很有作用的。
NACE标准的用户负责在使用前检查相应的健康、安全、环保和法规文件,并确定它们对 本标准的适用性。本标准可能没有列出在本标准范围内所涉及的与材料和设备的使用及操作相 关的所有潜在的健康和安全问题或对环境的危害。NACE标准的用户也有责任建立相应的健康、 安全和环保规则,必要时咨询相应的政府法规部门,以便在使用本标准前满足现有适用的法律 和法规要求。

NACE MR0175-2002

NACE MR0175-2002

Sulfide Stress Cracking--NACE MR0175-2002, MR0175/ISO 15156650The DetailsNACE MR0175, “Sulfide Stress Corrosion Cracking Resistant Metallic Materials for Oil Field Equipment” is widely used throughout the world. In late 2003, it became NACE MR0175/ISO 15156, “Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries - Materials for Use in H 2S-Containing Environments in Oil and Gas Production.” These standards specify the proper materials, heat treat conditions and strength levels required to provide good service life in sour gas and oil environments.NACE International (formerly the National Association ofCorrosion Engineers) is a worldwide technical organization which studies various aspects of corrosion and the damage that may result in refineries, chemical plants, water systems and other types of industrial equipment. MR0175 was first issued in 1975, but the origin of the document dates to 1959 when a group of engineers in Western Canada pooled their experience in successful handling of sour gas. The group organized as a NACE committee and in 1963 issued specification 1B163, “Recommendations of Materials for Sour Service.” In 1965, NACE organized a nationwide committee, which issued 1F166 in 1966 and MR0175 in 1975. Revisions were issued on an annual basis as new materials and processes were added. Revisions had to receive unanimous approval from the responsible NACE committee.In the mid-1990’s, the European Federation of Corrosion (EFC) issued 2 reports closely related to MR0175; Publication 16,“Guidelines on Materials Requirements for Carbon and Low Alloy Steels for H 2S-Containing Environments in Oil and Gas Production” and Publication 17, “Corrosion Resistant Alloys for Oil and Gas Production: Guidance on General Requirements and Test Methods for H 2S Service.” EFC is located in London, England.The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is aworldwide federation of national standards bodies from more than 140 countries. One organization from each country acts as the representative for all organizations in that country. The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) is the USA representative in ISO. Technical Committee 67, “Materials, Equipment andOffshore Structures for Petroleum, Petrochemical and Natural Gas Industries,” requested that NACE blend the different sour service documents into a single global standard.This task was completed in late 2003 and the document was issued as ISO standard, NACE MR0175/ISO 15156. It is now maintained by ISO/TC 67, Work Group 7, a 12-member “Maintenance Panel” and a 40-member Oversight Committeeunder combined NACE/ISO control. The three committees are an international group of users, manufacturers and service providers. Membership is approved by NACE and ISO based on technical knowledge and experience. Terms are limited. Previously, some members on the NACE Task Group had served for over 25 years.NACE MR0175/ISO 15156 is published in 3 volumes.Part 1: General Principles for Selection of Cracking-Resistant Materials Part 2: Cracking-Resistant Carbon and Low Alloy Steels, and the Use of Cast IronsPart 3: Cracking-Resistant CRA’s (Corrosion-Resistant Alloys) and Other AlloysNACE MR0175/ISO 15156 applies only to petroleum production, drilling, gathering and flow line equipment and field processing facilities to be used in H 2S bearing hydrocarbon service. In the past, MR0175 only addressed sulfide stress cracking (SSC). In NACE MR0175/ISO 15156, however, but both SSC and chloride stress corrosion cracking (SCC) are considered. While clearly intended to be used only for oil field equipment, industry hasapplied MR0175 in to many other areas including refineries, LNG plants, pipelines and natural gas systems. The judicious use of the document in these applications is constructive and can help prevent SSC failures wherever H 2S is present. Saltwater wells and saltwater handling facilities are not covered by NACE MR0175/ISO 15156. These are covered by NACE Standard RP0475,“Selection of Metallic Materials to Be Used in All Phases of Water Handling for Injection into Oil-Bearing Formations.”When new restrictions are placed on materials in NACE MR0175/ISO 15156 or when materials are deleted from this standard, materials in use at that time are in compliance. This includes materials listed in MR0175-2002, but not listed in NACEMR0175/ISO 15156. However, if this equipment is moved to a different location and exposed to different conditions, the materials must be listed in the current revision. Alternatively, successful use of materials outside the limitations of NACE MR0175/ISO 15156 may be perpetuated by qualification testing per the standard. The user may replace materials in kind for existing wells or for new wells within a given field if the environmental conditions of the field have not changed.Sulfide Stress Cracking--NACE MR0175-2002, MR0175/ISO 15156651New Sulfide Stress Cracking Standard for RefineriesDon Bush, Principal Engineer - Materials, at Emerson Process Management Fisher Valves, is a member and former chair of a NACE task group that has written a document for refinery applications, NACE MR0103. The title is “Materials Resistant to Sulfide Stress Cracking in Corrosive Petroleum RefiningEnvironments.” The requirements of this standard are very similar to the pre-2003 MR0175 for many materials. When applying this standard, there are changes to certain key materials compared with NACE MR0175-2002.ResponsibilityIt has always been the responsibility of the end user to determine the operating conditions and to specify when NACE MR0175applies. This is now emphasized more strongly than ever in NACE MR0175/ISO 15156. The manufacturer is responsible for meeting the metallurgical requirements of NACE MR0175/ISO 15156. It is the end user’s responsibility to ensure that a material will be satisfactory in the intended environment. Some of the operating conditions which must be considered include pressure, temperature, corrosiveness, fluid properties, etc. When bolting components are selected, the pressure rating of flanges could be affected. It is always the responsibility of the equipment user to convey the environmental conditions to the equipment supplier, particularly if the equipment will be used in sour service.The various sections of NACE MR0175/ISO 15156 cover the commonly available forms of materials and alloy systems. The requirements for heat treatment, hardness levels, conditions of mechanical work and post-weld heat treatment are addressed for each form of material. Fabrication techniques, bolting, platings and coatings are also addressed.Applicability of NACE MR0175/ISO 15156Low concentrations of H 2S (<0.05 psi (0,3 kPa) H 2S partialpressure) and low pressures (<65 psia or 450 kPa) are considered outside the scope of NACE MR0175/ISO 15156. The low stress levels at low pressures or the inhibitive effects of oil may give satisfactory performance with standard commercial equipment. Many users, however, have elected to take a conservative approach and specify compliance to either NACE MR0175 or NACE MR0175/ISO 15156 any time a measurable amount of H 2S is present. The decision to follow these specifications must be made by the user based on economic impact, the safety aspects should a failure occur and past field experience. Legislation can impact the decision as well. Such jurisdictions include; the Texas Railroad Commission and the U.S. Minerals Management Service (offshore). The Alberta, Canada Energy Conservation Board recommends use of the specifications.Basics of Sulfide Stress Cracking (SSC) and Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC)SSC and SCC are cracking processes that develop in the presence of water, corrosion and surface tensile stress. It is a progressive type of failure that produces cracking at stress levels that are well below the material’s tensile strength. The break or fracture appears brittle, with no localized yielding, plastic deformation or elongation. Rather than a single crack, a network of fine, feathery, branched cracks will form (see Figure 1). Pitting is frequently seen, and will serve as a stress concentrator to initiate cracking.With SSC, hydrogen ions are a product of the corrosion process (Figure 2). These ions pick up electrons from the base material producing hydrogen atoms. At that point, two hydrogen atoms may combine to form a hydrogen molecule. Most molecules will eventually collect, form hydrogen bubbles and float awayharmlessly. However, some percentage of the hydrogen atoms will diffuse into the base metal and embrittle the crystalline structure. When a certain critical concentration of hydrogen is reached and combined with a tensile stress exceeding a threshold level, SSC will occur. H 2S does not actively participate in the SSC reaction; however, sulfides act to promote the entry of the hydrogen atoms into the base material.As little as 0.05 psi (0,3 kPa) H 2S partial pressure in 65 psia (450 kPa) hydrocarbon gas can cause SSC of carbon and low alloy steels. Sulfide stress cracking is most severe at ambient temperature, particularly in the range of 20° to 120°F (-6° to49°C). Below 20°F (-6°C) the diffusion rate of the hydrogen isFigure 1. Photomicrograph Showing Stress Corrosion CrackingSulfide Stress Cracking--NACE MR0175-2002, MR0175/ISO 15156652so slow that the critical concentration is never reached. Above 120°F (49°C), the diffusion rate is so fast that the hydrogen atoms pass through the material in such a rapid manner that the critical concentration is not reached.Chloride SCC is widely encountered and has been extensively studied. Much is still unknown, however, about its mechanism. One theory says that hydrogen, generated by the corrosion process, diffuses into the base metal in the atomic form and embrittles the lattice structure. A second, more widely accepted theory proposes an electrochemical mechanism. Stainless steels are covered with a protective, chromium oxide film. The chloride ions rupture the film at weak spots, resulting in anodic (bare) and cathodic (film covered) sites. The galvanic cell produces accelerated attack at the anodic sites, which when combined with tensile stresses produces cracking. A minimum ion concentration is required to produce SCC. As the concentration increases, the environment becomes more severe, reducing the time to failure. Temperature also is a factor in SCC. In general, the likelihood of SCC increases with increasing temperature. A minimum threshold temperature exists for most systems, below which SCC is rare. Across industry, the generally accepted minimum temperature for chloride SCC of the 300 SST’s is about 160°F (71°C). NACE MR0175/ISO 15156 has set a very conservative limit of 140°F (60°C) due to the synergistic effects of the chlorides, H 2S and low pH values. As the temperature increases above these values, the time to failure will typically decrease.Resistance to chloride SCC increases with higher alloy materials. This is reflected in the environmental limits set by NACEMR0175/ISO 15156. Environmental limits progressively increase from 400 Series SST and ferritic SST to 300 Series, highly alloy austenitic SST, duplex SST, nickel and cobalt base alloys.Carbon SteelCarbon and low-alloy steels have acceptable resistance to SSC and SCC however; their application is often limited by their low resistance to general corrosion. The processing of carbon and low alloy steels must be carefully controlled for good resistance to SSC and SCC. The hardness must be less than 22 HRC. If welding or significant cold working is done, stress relief is required. Although the base metal hardness of a carbon or alloy steel is less than 22 HRC, areas of the heat affected zone (HAZ) will be harder. PWHT will eliminate these excessively hard areas.ASME SA216 Grades WCB and WCC and SAME SA105 are the most commonly used body materials. It is Fisher’s policy to stress relieve all welded carbon steels that are supplied to NACE MR0175/ISO 15156.All carbon steel castings sold to NACE MR0175/ISO 15156 requirements are produced using one of the following processes:1. In particular product lines where a large percentage of carbon steel assemblies are sold as NACE MR0175/ISO 15156 compliant, castings are ordered from the foundry with a requirement that the castings be either normalized or stress relieved following all weld repairs, major or minor. Any weld repairs performed, either major or minor, are subsequently stress relieved.2. In product lines where only a small percentage of carbon steel products are ordered NACE MR0175/ISO 15156 compliant, stock castings are stress relieved whether they are weld repaired by Emerson Process Management or not. This eliminates the chance of a minor foundry weld repair going undetected and not being stress relieved.ASME SA352 grades LCB and LCC have the same composition as WCB and WCC, respectively. They are heat treated differently and impact tested at -50°F (-46°C) to ensure good toughness in low temperature service. LCB and LCC are used in locations where temperatures commonly drop below the -20°F (-29°C) permitted for WCB and WCC. LCB and LCC castings are processed in the same manner as WCB and WCC when required to meet NACE MR0175/ISO 15156.For carbon and low-alloy steels NACE MR0175/ISO 15156imposes some changes in the requirements for the weld procedure qualification report (PQR). All new PQR’s will meet these requirements; however, it will take several years for Emerson Process Management and our suppliers to complete this work. At this time, we will require user approval to use HRC.S -2H++S -2S -2Figure 2. Schematic Showing the Generation of Hydrogen Producing SSCSulfide Stress Cracking--NACE MR0175-2002, MR0175/ISO 15156653Carbon and Low-Alloy Steel Welding hardness Requirements• HV-10, HV-5 or Rockwell 15N.• HRC testing is acceptable if the design stresses are less than 67% of the minimum specified yield strength and the PQR includes PWHT.• Other methods require user approval. • 250 HV or 70.6 HR15N maximum. • 22 HRC maximum if approved by user.Low-Alloy Steel Welding hardness Requirements• All of the above apply with the additional requirement of stress relieve at 1150°F (621°C) minimum after welding.All new PQR’s at Emerson Process Management and our foundries will require hardness testing with HV-10, HV-5 or Rockwell 15N and HRC. The acceptable maximum hardness values will be 250 HV or 70.6 HR15N and 22 HRC. Hardness traverse locations are specified in NACE MR0175/ISO 15156 part 2 as a function of thickness and weld configuration. The number and locations of production hardness tests are still outside the scope of the standard. The maximum allowable nickel content for carbon and low-alloy steels and their weld deposits is 1%.Low alloy steels like WC6, WC9, and C5 are acceptable to NACE MR0175/ISO 15156 to a maximum hardness of 22 HRC. These castings must all be stress relieved to FMS 20B52.The compositions of C12, C12a, F9 and F91 materials do not fall within the definition of “low alloy steel” in NACE MR0175/ISO 15156, therefore, these materials are not acceptable.A few customers have specified a maximum carbon equivalent (CE) for carbon steel. The primary driver for this requirement is to improve the SSC resistance in the as-welded condition. Fisher’s practice of stress relieving all carbon steel negates this need. Decreasing the CE reduces the hardenability of the steel and presumably improves resistance to sulfide stress cracking (SSC). Because reducing the CE decreases the strength of the steel, there is a limit to how far the CE can be reduced.Cast IronGray, austenitic and white cast irons cannot be used for anypressure-retaining parts, due to low ductility. Ferritic ductile iron to ASTM A395 is acceptable when permitted by ANSI, API or other industry standards.Stainless Steel400 Series Stainless SteelUNS 410 (410 SST), CA15 (cast 410), 420 (420 SST) and several other martensitic grades must be double tempered to a maximum hardness of 22 HRC. PWHT is also required. An environmental limit now applies to the martensitic grades; 1.5 psi (10 kPa) H 2S partial pressure and pH greater than or equal to 3.5, 416 (416 SST) is similar to 410 (410) with the exception of a sulfur addition to produce free machining characteristics. Use of 416 and other free machining steels is not permitted by NACE MR0175/ISO 15156.CA6NM is a modified version of the cast 410 stainless steel. NACE MR0175/ISO 15156 allows its use, but specifies the exact heat treatment required. Generally, the carbon content must be restricted to 0.03% maximum to meet the 23 HRCmaximum hardness. PWHT is required for CA6NM. The same environmental limit applies; 1.5 psi (10 kPa) H 2S partial pressure and pH greater than or equal to 3.5.300 Series Stainless SteelSeveral changes have been made with the requirements of the austenitic (300 Series) stainless steels. Individual alloys are no longer listed. All alloys with the following elemental ranges are acceptable: C 0.08% maximum, Cr 16% minimum, Ni 8% minimum, P 0.045% maximum, S 0.04% maximum, Mn 2.0% maximum, and Si 2.0% maximum. Other alloying elements are permitted. The other requirements remain; solution heat treated condition, 22 HRC maximum and free of cold work designed to improve mechanical properties. The cast and wrought equivalents of 302, 304 (CF8), S30403 (CF3), 310 (CK20), 316 (CF8M), S31603 (CF3M), 317 (CG8M), S31703 (CG3M), 321, 347 (CF8C) and N08020 (CN7M) are all acceptable per NACE MR0175/ISO 15156.Environmental restrictions now apply to the 300 Series SST. The limits are 15 psia (100 kPa) H 2S partial pressure, a maximum temperature of 140°F (60°C), and no elemental sulfur. If the chloride content is less than 50 mg/L (50 ppm), the H 2S partial pressure must be less than 50 psia (350 kPa) but there is no temperature limit.There is less of a restriction on 300 Series SST in oil and gas processing and injection facilities. If the chloride content in aqueous solutions is low (typically less than 50 mg/L or 50 ppm chloride) in operations after separation, there are no limits for austenitic stainless steels, highly alloyed austenitic stainless steels, duplex stainless steels, or nickel-based alloys.Sulfide Stress Cracking--NACE MR0175-2002, MR0175/ISO 15156654Post-weld heat treatment of the 300 Series SST is not required. Although the corrosion resistance may be affected by poorlycontrolled welding, this can be minimized by using the low carbon filler material grades, low heat input levels and low interpass temperatures. We impose all these controls as standard practice. NACE MR0175/ISO 15156 now requires the use of “L” grade consumables with 0.03% carbon maximum.S20910S20910 (Nitronic ® 50) is acceptable in both the annealed and high strength conditions with environmental restrictions; H 2S partial pressure limit of 15 psia (100 kPa), a maximum temperature of 150°F (66°C), and no elemental sulfur. This would apply to components such as bolting, plugs, cages, seat rings and other internal parts. Strain hardened (cold-worked) S20910 is acceptable for shafts, stems, and pins without any environmental restrictions. Because of the environmental restrictions and poor availability on the high strength condition, use of S20910 will eventually be discontinued except for shafts, stems and pins where unrestricted application is acceptable for these components.CK3MCuNThe cast equivalent of S31254 (Avesta 254SMO ®), CK3MCuN (UNS J93254), is included in this category. The same elemental limits apply. It is acceptable in the cast, solution heat-treatedcondition at a hardness level of 100 HRB maximum in the absence of elemental sulfur.S17400The use of S17400 (17-4PH) is now prohibited for pressure-retaining components including bolting, shafts and stems. Prior to 2003, S17400 was listed as an acceptable material in the general section (Section 3) of NACE MR0175. Starting with the 2003 revision, however, it is no longer listed in the general section. Its use is restricted to internal, non-pressure containing components in valves, pressure regulators and level controllers. This includes cages and other trim parts. 17-4 bolting will no longer be supplied in any NACE MR0175/ISO 15156 construction. The 17-4 and 15-5 must be heat-treated to the H1150 DBL condition or the H1150M condition. The maximum hardness of 33 HRC is the same for both conditions.CB7Cu-1 and CB7Cu-2 (cast 17-4PH and 15-5 respectively) in the H1150 DBL condition are also acceptable for internal valve and regulator components. The maximum hardness is 30 HRC or 310 HB for both alloys.Duplex Stainless SteelWrought and cast duplex SST alloys with 35-65% ferrite are acceptable based on the composition of the alloy, but there areenvironmental restrictions. There is no differentiation between cast and wrought, therefore, cast CD3MN is now acceptable. There are two categories of duplex SST. The “standard” alloys with a 30≤PREN≤40 and ≥1.5% Mo, and the “super” duplex alloys with PREN>40. The PREN is calculated from the composition of the material. The chromium, molybdenum, tungsten and nitrogen contents are used in the calculation. NACE MR0175/ISO 15156 uses this number for several classes of materials.PREN = Cr% + 3.3(Mo% + 0.5W%) + 16N%The “standard” duplex SST grades have environmental limits of450°F (232°C) maximum and H 2S partial pressure of 1.5 psia (10 kPa) maximum. The acceptable alloys include S31803, CD3MN, S32550 and CD7MCuN (Ferralium ® 255). The alloys must be in the solution heat-treated and quenched condition. There are no hardness restrictions in NACE MR0175/ISO 15156, however, 28 HRC remains as the limit in the refinery document MR0103.The “super” duplex SST with PREN>40 have environmental limits of 450°F (232°C) maximum and H 2S partial pressure of 3 psia (20 kPa) maximum. The acceptable “super” duplex SST’s include S32760 and CD3MWCuN (Zeron ® 100).The cast duplex SST Z 6CNDU20.08M to the French National Standard NF A 320-55 is no longer acceptable for NACE MR0175/ISO 15156 applications. The composition fails to meet the requirements set for either the duplex SST or the austenitic SST.highly Alloyed Austenitic Stainless SteelsThere are two categories of highly alloyed austenitic SST’s that are acceptable in the solution heat-treated condition. There are different compositional and environmental requirements for the two categories. The first category includes alloys S31254 (Avesta 254SMO ®) andN08904 (904L); Ni% + 2Mo%>30 and Mo=2% minimum.Sulfide Stress Cracking--NACE MR0175-2002, MR0175/ISO 15156655Monel ® K500 and Inconel ® X750N05500 and N07750 are now prohibited for use in pressure- retaining components including bolting, shafts and stems. They can still be used for internal parts such as cages, other trimparts and torque tubes. There are no environmental restrictions, however, for either alloy. They must be in the solution heat-treated condition with a maximum hardness of 35 HRC. N07750 is still acceptable for springs to 50 HRC maximum.Cobalt-Base AlloysAlloy 6 castings and hardfacing are still acceptable. There are no environmental limits with respect to partial pressures of H 2S or elemental sulfur. All other cobalt-chromium-tungsten, nickel-chromium-boron (Colmonoy) and tungsten-carbide castings are also acceptable without restrictions.The second category of highly alloyed austenitic stainless steels are those having a PREN >40. This includes S31654 (Avesta 654SMO ®), N08926 (Inco 25-6Mo), N08367 (AL-6XN), S31266 (UR B66) and S34565. The environmental restrictions for thesealloys are as follows:Nonferrous AlloysNickel-Base AlloysNickel base alloys have very good resistance to cracking in sour, chloride containing environments. There are 2 different categories of nickel base alloys in NACE MR0175/ISO 15156:• Solid-solution nickel-based alloys • Precipitation hardenable alloysThe solid solution alloys are the Hastelloy ® C, Inconel ® 625 and Incoloy ® 825 type alloys. Both the wrought and cast alloys are acceptable in the solution heat-treated condition with no hardness limits or environmental restrictions. The chemical composition of these alloys is as follows:• 19.0% Cr minimum, 29.5% Ni minimum, and 2.5% Mominimum. Includes N06625, CW6MC, N08825, CU5MCuC.• 14.5% Cr minimum, 52% Ni minimum, and 12% Mo minimum. Includes N10276, N06022, CW2M.N08020 and CN7M (alloy 20 Cb3) are not included in this category. They must follow the restrictions placed on the austenitic SST’s like 304, 316 and 317.Although originally excluded from NACE MR0175/ISO 15156, N04400 (Monel ® 400) in the wrought and cast forms are now included in this category.The precipitation hardenable alloys are Incoloy ® 925, Inconel ® 718 and X750 type alloys. They are listed in the specification as individual alloys. Each has specific hardness and environmental restrictions.N07718 is acceptable in the solution heat-treated and precipitation hardened condition to 40 HRC maximum. N09925 is acceptable in the cold-worked condition to 35 HRC maximum, solution-annealed and aged to 38 HRC maximum and cold-worked and aged to 40 HRC maximum.The restrictions are as follows:Cast N07718 is acceptable in the solution heat-treated and precipitation hardened condition to 35 HRC maximum. The restrictions are as follows:Sulfide Stress Cracking--NACE MR0175-2002, MR0175/ISO 15156656All cobalt based, nickel based and tungsten-carbide weld overlays are acceptable without environmental restrictions. This includes CoCr-A, NiCr-A (Colmonoy ® 4), NiCr-C (Colmonoy ® 6) and Haynes Ultimet ® hardfacing.Wrought UNS R31233 (Haynes Ultimet ®) is acceptable in the solution heat-treated condition to 22 HRC maximum, however, all production barstock exceeds this hardness limit. Therefore, Ultimet ® barstock cannot be used for NACE MR0175/ISO 15156 applications. Cast Ultimet is not listed in NACE MR0175/ISO 15156.R30003 (Elgiloy ®) springs are acceptable to 60 HRC in the cold worked and aged condition. There are no environmental restrictions.Aluminum and Copper AlloysPer NACE MR0175/ISO 15156, environmental limits have not been established for aluminum base and copper alloys. This means that they could be used in sour applications per therequirements of NACE MR0175/ISO 15156, however, they should not be used because severe corrosion attack will likely occur. They are seldom used in direct contact with H 2S.TitaniumEnvironmental limits have not been established for the wrought titanium grades. Fisher ® has no experience in using titanium in sour applications. The only common industrial alloy is wrought R50400 (grade 2). Cast titanium is not included in NACE MR0175/ISO 15156.zirconiumZirconium is not listed in NACE MR0175/ISO 15156.SpringsSprings in compliance with NACE represent a difficult problem. To function properly, springs must have very high strength(hardness) levels. Normal steel and stainless steel springs would be very susceptible to SSC and fail to meet NACE MR0175/ISO 15156. In general, relatively soft, low strength materials must be used. Of course, these materials produce poor springs. The two exceptions allowed are the cobalt based alloys, such as R30003 (Elgiloy ®), which may be cold worked and hardened to a maximum hardness of 60 HRC and alloy N07750 (alloy X750) which is permitted to 50 HRC. There are no environmental restrictions for these alloys.CoatingsCoatings, platings and overlays may be used provided the basemetal is in a condition which is acceptable per NACE MR0175/ISO 15156. The coatings may not be used to protect a base material which is susceptible to SSC. Coatings commonly used in sour service are chromium plating, electroless nickel (ENC) and nitriding. Overlays and castings commonly used include CoCr-A (Stellite ® or alloy 6), R30006 (alloy 6B), NiCr-A and NiCr-C (Colmonoy ® 4 and 6) nickel-chromium-boron alloys. Tungsten carbide alloys are acceptable in the cast, cemented or thermally sprayed conditions. Ceramic coatings such as plasma sprayedchromium oxide are also acceptable. As is true with all materials in NACE MR0175/ISO 15156, the general corrosion resistance in the intended application must always be considered.NACE MR0175/ISO 15156 permits the uses of weld overlay cladding to protect an unacceptable base material from cracking. Fisher does not recommend this practice, however, as hydrogen could diffuse through the cladding and produce cracking of a susceptible basemetal such as carbon or low alloy steel.Stress RelievingMany people have the misunderstanding that stress relieving following machining is required by NACE MR0175/ISO 15156. Provided good machining practices are followed using sharptools and proper lubrication, the amount of cold work produced is negligible. SSC and SCC resistance will not be affected. NACE MR0175/ISO 15156 actually permits the cold rolling of threads, provided the component will meet the heat treat conditions and hardness requirements specified for the given parent material. Cold deformation processes such as burnishing are also acceptable.BoltingBolting materials must meet the requirements of NACE MR0175/ISO 15156 when directly exposed to the process environment (“exposed” applications). Standard ASTM A193 and ASME SA193 grade B7 bolts or ASTM A194 and ASME SA194 grade 2H nuts can and should be used provided they are outside of the process environment (“non-exposed” applications). If the bolting will be deprived atmospheric contact by burial, insulation or flange protectors and the customer specifies that the bolting will be “exposed”, then grades of bolting such as B7 and 2H are unacceptable. The most commonly used fasteners listed for “exposed” applications are grade B7M bolts (99 HRB maximum) and grade 2HM nuts (22 HRC maximum). If 300 Series SST fasteners are needed, the bolting grades B8A Class 1A and B8MA Class 1A are acceptable. The corresponding nut grades are 8A and 8MA.。

nace mr0103标准解读

nace mr0103标准解读

nace mr0103标准解读
NACE MR0103标准是一项关于油气工业设备的耐硫化氢腐蚀


NACE MR0103标准的目的是为了确保在含有硫化氢的环境中




NACE MR0103标准还包括一系列的材料选择指南,以帮助工


综上所述,NACE MR0103标准是一项重要的国际标准,用于


nace mr0103标准解读

nace mr0103标准解读

nace mr0103标准解读










nace mr 1075标准

nace mr 1075标准

nace mr 1075标准摘要:I.引言A.介绍NACE MR 1075标准B.阐述NACE MR 1075标准的重要性II.NACE MR 1075标准的定义和背景A.解释NACE MR 1075标准的含义B.介绍NACE MR 1075标准的发展历程C.阐述NACE MR 1075标准的目的和适用范围III.NACE MR 1075标准的主要内容A.概述NACE MR 1075标准的主要章节和条款B.分析NACE MR 1075标准的关键要求IV.NACE MR 1075标准在工业领域的应用A.介绍NACE MR 1075标准在工业领域的实际应用B.分析NACE MR 1075标准如何提高工业领域的效率和质量V.NACE MR 1075标准在国际贸易中的作用A.阐述NACE MR 1075标准在国际贸易中的重要性B.介绍NACE MR 1075标准如何促进国际贸易的发展VI.结论A.总结NACE MR 1075标准的主要优点和价值B.提出进一步推广和应用NACE MR 1075标准的建议正文:ACE MR 1075标准是涂料防护和表面处理领域的重要标准,为各类工业设施的防护涂料系统提供了设计和施工的指导原则。


ACE MR 1075标准的定义和背景部分阐述了该标准的基本含义、发展历程和目的。


ACE MR 1075标准的主要内容包括:总则、术语和定义、涂料选择、设计原则、施工方法、检查和验收、文件和记录等。


在工业领域,NACE MR 1075标准被广泛应用于石油、化工、冶金、船舶等各个行业。


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Æ Wrought S45000
– Single-step precipitation-hardening treatment – 31 HRC max
Slide 15
MR0175 - PH Martensitic Stainless Steels
Æ MR0175-2002
– Wrought S17400, Double-H1150 and H1150M conditions, 33 HRC maximum.
and CB7Cu-2
– Double-H1150 and H1150M conditions – 33 HRC max for wrought grades – 310 HBW (30 HRC) max for cast grades – S17400 and S15500 Bolting - H1150M only – 29 HRC
Æ MR0175-2002
– PWHT required for welding of low-alloy steels – Maximum hardness 22 HRC
Æ MR0175/ISO 15156
– Same requirements as for carbon steels – Would allow welding w/o PWHT where allowed by construction
or – Free water pH > 7.6 and > 20 ppmw hydrogen
cyanide ion (HCN) and some H2S dissolved in the free water , or – >0.0003 MPa abs (0.05 psia) partial pressure H2S in a process with a gas phase
– MR0175/ISO 15156 low-alloy steel: steel with a total alloying element content of less than about 5%, nickel < 1%
Æ Hardness Requirements in MR0103
– P-No.’s 3, 4, 10, 11 - 225 HB max – P-No.’s 5A, 5B, 5C, 6, 7 - 235 HB max – P-No. 5B 9Cr-1Mo-V grades - 248 HB max – Other alloy steels – 22 HRC max
Why Create a New Document? Æ Lack of refinery-specific standard for materials
resistant to sulfide stress cracking Æ Methods of applying MR0175 within the refining
Slide 12
Page 2
Welding of Alloy Steel
Æ MR0103
– Allows welding of P-No.’s 3 and 4 without PWHT where allowed by ANSI/NB-23
– Hardness traverse required – 248 HV maximum
environment is "sour"
Æ Environmental restrictions on materials
Æ Materials and/or material conditions included
Æ Welding controls
Upstream vs. Downstream Sour Environments
Slide 6
Page 1
Application of Requirements
Æ Both MR0175 and MR0103
– User is responsible for deciding whether the material requirements of the standard need to be applied
– PWHT, or
– Base metal chemistry controls, or
– HAZ hardness traverse on PQR specimen (248 HV max) combined with weld parameter and chemistry controls
Slide 9
codes – Hardness traverse required – 250 HV maximum
Slide 13
Martensitic Stainless Steels
Æ Requirements are essentially the same for MR0103, MR0175-2002, and MR0175-2003
– Hardness traverse on PQR specimen (250 HV max), but
– No PQR/Production chemistry controls
Slide 11
– MR0103: steel with a chromium content of less than 10%
Æ RP0472 Weld Deposit Hardness Controls
– Deposit hardness testing
• Exemptions: SMAW with E70XX fillers GTAW with ER70S-X (except -6, -7, or –G)
Æ RP0472 Base Metal HAZ Hardness Controls
2 base materials Æ 22 HRC maximum on other carbon steels
Slide 8
Welding of Carbon Steel
Æ MR0103 - welds in P-No. 1 carbon steels must be performed per NACE Standard RP0472
Æ Often contain cyanides
Æ Seldom contain chlorides or CO2
Slide 3
Slide 4
MR0103 Application Approach
Æ Focuses on the broader range of sour environment conditions experienced in downstream process units
Slide 5
MR0103 Guideline - Sour Service Definition
Æ Free water in the liquid phase and:
– >50 ppmw dissolved H2S in the free water, or – Free water pH < 4 and some dissolved H2S present,
• Cannot locate deposits for hardness testing
– Most foundries use multiple processes/filler grades
• Don’t know which process was used
– Result
• May require special-order purchase of castings with RP0472 requirements imposed
– Wrought S45000, single-step precipitation-hardening treatment , 31 HRC maximum
– Cast CB7Cu-1 in Double-H1150 condition, 310 HBW (30 HRC) max, for non-pressure-containing, internal valve, and pressure regulator components only.
Welding of Carbon Steel (continued)
Æ Impact of MR0103 (RP0472) vs. MR0175
– Mainly affects cast steel components (pump casings, valve bodies, etc.)
– Weld repairs on commercial castings not mapped
Slide 10
Welding of Carbon Steel (continued)
Æ MR0175-2002 welding requirements much less specific
Æ MR0175/ISO 15156 requirements improved, but still much less specific than RP0472
Upstream Æ Often contain CO2, which
causes low pH.
Æ Often contain dissolved ammonia
Æ Often contain chlorides, which can cause chlorideion stress corrosion cracking.
Introduction to NACE MR0103 and Comparison with
NACE MR0175/ISO 15156