Michale Jackon_PPT_演讲_课件_介绍
He is a great music all-rounder(全才)in the lyricizing, composing, scene production, arrangement, singing, dancing and playing musical instruments.
Michael Jackson
King of Pop
--蒋世琪 李鹏 李亚恒 徐文汗 2011.5
• • • • • • A Brief Introduction. The Childhood & Early life. Amazing Music Career. Charity Legend The Rumors and Misunderstandings The Death of MJ
Jackson was invited to the White House to receive an award presented by American President Ronald Reagan. The award was given for Jackson's support of charities that helped people overcome alcohol and drug abuse.
Love for Children
In 1992, Michael founded the Heal the World Foundation which brought underprivileged children to Neverland and made donations worldwide Jackson stated that he wanted "to improve the conditions for children throughout the world"
火柴人 Matchstick Men
火柴人Matchstick Men【生活中的得失】。
电影结尾,她说'll see you,Dad 。
①景的意义:故事背景,电影的主角(景在舞台戏 中不重要) 萨特:电影的主角是景 由景推及到人 戏剧的主角是人
全知视点: 对被表现事物的态度是通过如何表现它而体现出来的。通过一定的手段和方
法,使得在表现被摄物的状况的同时还能表现出作者的态度,以及作者希望观众 对它的态度和感觉。
镜头可用作剧中人物视线方向的化身,暗示观众“谁在看?”如孩子看大人 用仰摄,法官看罪犯用俯摄。
镜头还可用作代表导演对观众的引导和对事物的评价,如阴谋家每次出场都背 对着镜头,为未来而献身的勇士在仰拍镜头中映衬着广阔的天空。
镜头归为正常角度和非正常角度两大类,多数影片以正常角度为主,偶尔出现 的俯仰等非正常角度镜头,则是要有意提醒观众注意点什么。
EG 电影《铁皮鼓》中,通过主人公奥斯卡的第一人称视点和全知观点的交替,展 现创作者意图。
电影镜头画面是电影最基本的叙事单位,无数镜头画面的排列与组合,无非 是由关系镜头、动作镜头、渲染镜头这三类镜头组成。
总角度:为了保持空间关系的统一完整所规定的全景拍摄角度 全景决定了其他镜头的大致方向 受景的制约,总角度是最佳角度 受光的制约,逆光或测逆光 受调度的制约,表现人、景关系 内外景总角度的不同特点 一条轴线,两个总角度
主要是表现人物表情、对话、反应,再现、强调人物动作及动作过程、动作 细节、动作方式、动作结果等,表现具体交流者之间位置关系。
又称之为空镜头。多用来调整叙事、减弱叙事效果、调整情绪、调整视觉、 强调风格。
要在镜头排列和并列中起到对叙事本体、影片场景、动作及主题的暗示、渲 染、象征、夸张、比喻、拟人、强调、类比等作用。
即分镜头脚本,又称摄制工作台本,“分镜头剧本”又称“导演剧 本”。是导演将整个影片或电视片的文学内容分切成一系列可摄制的镜 头的剧本。
内容包括: 镜头号、景别、摄法、画面内容、对话、音响效果、音乐、镜头长 度等项目,是导演对影片全面设计和构思的蓝图。 镜头画面设计:包括个别镜头的构图、动作的调度、透镜的选择和 完成片里镜头的次序。
出画入画:右出左入 左出右入
1.超越轴线的意义 创造真实的电影空间
2. 演员调度改变轴线走向 第一幅图轴线为蓝色线,第二幅图演员发生位移,轴线变为黄色线
3.利用多条轴线自然过轴 通常用在三个角色以上场景
5.中性镜头 定义:方向感不强的镜头 空镜头
电影镜头画面构图的基本目的是为了产生纵深感。电影镜头画面的首要任务是 突出主题形象,吸引观众的注意力,并准确地引导到影片创作者希望观众注意的地 方。
通过对象运动和摄影机运动,将不断改变画面构图结构和画面中的情节重点, 变换对象在画面中的位置及画面的透视关系。
以内景或人工景为主,外景实景为辅 优点:风格独特
主观色彩 抒情色彩 《霸王别姬》 《天安门》
美术师拿到文学剧本,进入筹备阶段的第一位重要工 作就是研究剧本和搜集资料。对剧本的研究分析要做到, 对主要的、重点的问题,如主题思想、结构形式、风格样 式、人物等有明确的看法,如场景的数量、时间、地点、 季节、时代特征、地方、民族特色等要细微分类,做到了 如指掌。
服装的实用性 服装的审美功能 社会标志性的功能,即服装的样式、色彩、饰物及
其身份的象征、职业等级的划分等等。如,海陆空 军服装、警察、皇帝与贫民、都市白领、魔术师等。
时代和社会的印记 “文革” 体现人物的个性特征 《罗马假日》奥黛丽·赫本公主服
在影视创作中创作具有时代的特征环境离不开环境的 三个层面:时代环境、社会环境、生活环境。
1、对主题思想的把握。 动作主题、思想主题、动作思想主题三种形态。
剧作结构由于着眼点和侧重点的方面不同会有 不同的形式,如
从时空的把握和处理来结构剧本可以分为,时 间顺序式和时空交错式类型
从叙述方式上可以分为主观叙述或客观叙述方 式以及戏剧式、小说式、散文式结构形式等
主要是表现人物表情、对话、反应,再现、强调人物动作及动作过程、动作 细节、动作方式、动作结果等,表现具体交流者之间位置关系。
•在1958年,为庆祝一所新成立小学的奠基仪式, 一群学生将自己的绘画作品封藏在时间胶囊里并 深埋入基石之下。但其中的一名神秘的女学生, 似乎听到了耳边的各种私语声,她将整张绘纸填 写上了数排无规则的数字。
很快时间流逝到50年后的现在:一批新时代的学 生从地下挖出并开启时间胶囊,来查看里面的内 容。之前那位女学生留下的神秘数字信息被其中 一位小男孩Caleb Myles拿到。而碰巧的是, Caleb的父亲、教授Ted Myles(尼古拉斯· 凯奇饰 演)揭秘了一个惊人的发现,即这些编码信息竟 然毫厘不差地预言了过去50年里每个重大灾难所 发生的日期、死亡人数和其它匹配数字。正当Te...
1986年,凯奇又主演了《忧郁男孩》和《佩吉苏要出嫁》两部影片,但并未造成 太大的影响。但1987年对凯奇来说则是颇为成功的一年。他先是在影片《抚养亚 历桑纳》中饰演一个因无法生育而想偷窃别人婴儿的男子,又在《月色撩人》中饰 演一个失去一只手掌的面包师。这两部影片在影评界人士中有着不错的评价,但却 并不是十分卖座的影片。在1988年,他有了一部颇为引人注目的影片《吸血鬼之 吻》。在片中凯奇饰演了一位纽约雅皮士,后来变成了一个吸血鬼。该片堪称是凯 奇从影以来最为“过分”的演出。在拍片时,他甚至真的活吞了一只蟑螂。不过那 只倒霉的蟑螂却似乎给他带来了好运。此后他那带点疲备,有些低调的形象开始为 人们所接受。1990年他又演出了《火鸟出击》一片,同样有相当不错的表现。 同年,尼古拉斯· 凯奇在美国前卫导演大卫· 林奇执导的影片《我心狂野》中饰 演了主角。凯奇在片中的角色是以摇滚乐传奇人物猫王为蓝图的。该片有着诡异强 烈的影像风格。同时更有着超现实的气氛。片尾凯奇身着蛇皮夹克站在滚滚车流之 上演唱猫王名曲《Love Me Tender》一段更成了电影史上的一个经典场面。不过在 《我心狂野》之后,凯奇并没有重复这种叛逆青年的路子,因为他的外形并不适合 这类的角色。他继续在小制作影片中尝试着各种角色。1992年他在影片《今夜你 寂寞吗》中饰演了一位将未婚妻输给赌场大享之后想尽办法赢回美人芳心的侦探。 在1993年凯奇又主演了《西部红石镇》、《黑白追缉令》和《超级赌徒》等影片, 也都是小制作的叫好不叫座的作品。
故事发生在1945年第二次世界大战即将结束的时候.苏联红军偶然从日军屠杀 中救下一名中国老百姓--杨玉福.在将杨玉福和伤员一起往后方转移的途中,军 车误入日军军营,发生了一场激战.杨玉福和一位名叫娜佳的苏联女军医侥幸逃 进了林区.中途他们遇见了在混战中与大队失散的日本少女秋叶子.他们让秋叶 子带路,可是深受日本军国主义思想毒害的秋叶子却一心要将他们置于死地,带 着他们走进了险境…… 娜佳痛恨秋叶子的行为,让杨玉福杀了她,忠厚老实的杨玉福虽然怀着杀母 之仇却也不忍心杀害眼前这个年少无知的女孩,于是,为了能从茫茫林区活着走 出去,三个人一起踏上了求生之路.在看不见战火硝烟的美丽林区里,三人一路 上经历了山林大火,沼泽,猛兽等一系列磨难,患难之中渐渐产生了友情,秋叶 子也被娜佳和杨玉福的善良所感染,对自己长期以来所接受的"教诲"产生了怀 疑.虽然语言不通,三个年轻人却几乎忘记了战争的存在,互相露出了善意的笑 容. 然而,就在他们即将获得新生的时候,秋叶子却被疯狂的法西斯所杀害.悲 忿的杨玉福和娜佳愤怒地冲向残余的日本法西斯部分,为纯真的少女秋叶子报仇 雪恨……
这时,佩拉吉娅的未婚夫,本地渔民曼德拉斯(克利 斯汀贝尔)加入了希腊游击队阵营,奔赴前线抗击意军, 曼德拉斯走后,佩拉吉娅和柯莱利之间的情谊有增无减, 姑娘典雅的气质和不凡的智慧慢慢俘获了这位意大利上尉 的心,尽管战争日益临近,但是两人的感情仍迅速地增长 着,被战争封闭的柯莱利开始融入小村子淳朴简单但是快 乐平和的生活中,而这一切又令他开始怀疑起这场战争的 意义究竟何在. 美好的时光总是短暂的,而战争会湮灭一切美好的事 物--包括爱情.柯莱利和佩拉吉娅不得不作出最后的抉择, 是选择对各自祖国的忠诚还是选择对方的爱情?如果选择 了后者,他们注定将要面对全然不可预知的未来和无止境 的奉献牺牲…… 片中有许多意大利民歌的男声合唱,别具风味,特别 是那首脍炙人口的《桑塔露琪亚》,引出了无数人对过 去的回忆. 因此,就音乐而言,这部影片也是极有建树的.同时, 该片也通过对表现音乐的美好,意大利人热爱音乐,热爱 和平的性格反衬了战争的残酷,纳粹的可恶.
法,使得在表现被摄物的状况的同时还能表现出作者的态度,以及作者希望观众 对它的态度和感觉。
镜头可用作剧中人物视线方向的化身,暗示观众“谁在看?”如孩子看大人 用仰摄,法官看罪犯用俯摄。
镜头还可用作代表导演对观众的引导和对事物的评价,如阴谋家每次出场都背 对着镜头,为未来而献身的勇士在仰拍镜头中映衬着广阔的天空。
(1)短焦镜头相对取景范围大、景深大、透 视效果强。 (2)长焦镜头取景范围小、景深小、透视效 果弱。
造成被摄物体的变形(线性歪曲),纵深运动效果明显。 EG:王家卫的影片《重庆森林》《堕落天使》 片例:《谜一样的双眼》《超级8》
被摄主体的横向运动效果明显。 EG:《走出非洲》 片例:《怦然心动》
1 : 1.618(相当于5:8) 水平线构图、垂直线构图、三角形构图、斜线构图、S形构图、圆形构图等。
1 风格样式的选择 整体统一
2 创造性的分镜
2 每个电影画面无论在内容上或造型上都必须与前 后镜头取得有机联系。
3 一个电影镜头即可表现一种景别,也可以表现多种 景别的变化。无论电影银幕上所展示的一个镜头有多长, 调度如何复杂,只要中间不断开、不经剪接,仍为一个 镜头,即一个电影画面。
我不是魔鬼 我是蜥蜴 是鲨鱼 是热追踪猎豹 我要像鲍勃· 丹佛嗑了药 拉手风琴一样演戏” “如果有一个好的角色,我可以将我的灵魂投资下去!” “没有任何一部电影能够取悦所有人” “在某一种风格里保持安全是很容易的事,那就像呆在一个盒子 里,所有人都习惯了你是在那儿,做着人们认为是正确的事情,可这 有什么意义呢?” “要做一个好的演员你必须像一个罪犯那样,敢于去打破规则, 以创造争取新的东西” “惊喜总是有趣的,我从来不会将它拒之门外” “我曾经拥有过被我称为阳光三部曲的岁月,而现在我正处于我 的午夜三部曲” “你不能永远活在恐惧中”
克鲁德一家The Croods 恶灵骑士 国家宝藏3National Treasure 豚鼠特攻队G-Force
预见未来/惊魂下一秒 Next
吸血鬼之吻 Vampire's Kiss 变脸 忧郁男孩/蓝衣人 the Boy in Blue 蛇眼 Snake Eyes 空中监狱 Con Air 倾城佳话 It Could Happen To You
•在1958年,为庆祝一所新成立小学的奠基仪式, 一群学生将自己的绘画作品封藏在时间胶囊里并 深埋入基石之下。但其中的一名神秘的女学生, 似乎听到了耳边的各种私语声,她将整张绘纸填 写上了数排无规则的数字。
很快时间流逝到50年后的现在:一批新时代的学 生从地下挖出并开启时间胶囊,来查看里面的内 容。之前那位女学生留下的神秘数字信息被其中 一位小男孩Caleb Myles拿到。而碰巧的是, Caleb的父亲、教授Ted Myles(尼古拉斯· 凯奇饰 演)揭秘了一个惊人的发现,即这些编码信息竟 然毫厘不差地预言了过去50年里每个重大灾难所 发生的日期、死亡人数和其它匹配数字。正当Te...
Lord of War script( machine gun fire continuing )There are over 550 million firearmsin worldwide circulation.That's one firearm for every 12 people on the planet.The only question is...how do we arm the other 11?( "For What It's Worth" playing )( men shouting indistinctly )#There's something happening here ##What it is ain't eactly clear ##There's a man with a gun over there ##Telling me I got to beware ## I think it's time we stop, children ##What's that sound? ## Everybody Iook what's going down ##There's battle Iines being drawn ## Nobody's right ## If everybody's wrong # # Young people speaking their minds ## Getting so much resistance from behind ## I think it's time we stop hey, what's that sound? ## Everybody Iook what's going down #- #What a field day for the heat # - # Ooh-ooh ## A thousand people in the street ## Singing songs and a-carrying signs ## Mostly say, hooray for our side ## It's time we stop, hey, what's that sound? ## Everybody Iook what's going down #( clamoring )# Paranoia strikes deep ## Into your Iife it will creep ## It starts when you're always afraid ## You step out of Iine, the man come and take you away ##We better stop, children, what's that sound? ## Everybody Iook what's going down ##There's battle Iines being drawn ## Nobody's right ## If everybody's wrong ## Young people speaking their minds ## Getting so much resistance from behind ## It's time we stop, hey, what's that sound? ## Everybody Iook what's going down. #Man: You don't have to worry.I'm not gonna tell you a pack of Iies to make me Iook good.I'm just gonna tell you what happened.- My name is Yuri Orlov. - ( "America the Beautiful" playing )When I was a boy, my family came to America,but not all the way.Like most Ukrainians, we congregated in Brighton Beach.It reminded us of the BIack Sea. I soon realized we just swapped one hell for another.Even in hell,an angel sometimes makes an appearance.I'd worshipped Ava Fontaine since I was 10 years old.Of course, she didn't know I existed.I was starting to think she had a point.For the first 20-odd years of my Iife,Little Odessa was to me what it is to the Q train.The end of the Iine.Oh, I did Iie about my name.It's not really Yuri Orlov.There have been few occasions in the 20th Centurywhen it's been an advantage to be a Jew.But in the '70s to escape the Soviet Union,our family pretended to be Jewish.Little about my Iife has been kosher ever since.How's it going, brother?It's not.Yuri: That's Vitaly, my younger brother.He was a Iost as me. He just didn't know it yet.Yuri, you're late.My father took his assumed identity to heart.He was more Jewish than most Jews,which drove my Catholic mother crazy.How many times? I can't eat shellfish.- It's trayf. - You're not Jewish.I like it.I like the hat--to remind us there is something above us.I like that.- I'm going to temple. - You're not going to temple.You go to temple more than the rabbi.( speaking Russian )Yuri, don't forget to check the specials at the Palace.Yuri: Growing up in Little Odessa,murder was an everyday part of Iife.Russian mobsters had also migrated from the Soviet Union.And when they came to America, their baggage came with them.There was always some gangster getting whacked in my neighborhood.But I'd never seen it with my own eyes.I had this knack of showing up five minutes before something went down,or five minutes after.Not that day.It hit me.It couldn't have hit me harder if I was the one who'd been shot.You go into the restaurant business because people are alwaysgoing to have to eat.That was the day I realized my destiny Iay in fulfilling another basic human need.The next Sabbath, I went to temple with my father.However, it wasn't God I was trying to get close to.Eli, my oldest son Yuri.My contact at synagogueIanded me my first Israeli-made Uzi submachine guns.The first time you sell a gun is a Iot Iike the first time you have sex.You have absolutely no idea what you're doing.But it is exciting, and one way or another,it's over way too fast.Gentlemen, the new Uzi machine pistol--big firepower in a small package.This little baby uses 9mm hollowpoints,20 25-round extendable mags,rear-flip adjustable sights.Silencer comes standard. Excellent recoil reduction.Muzzle jump reduced 40%,60%mproved noise suppression.You could pump a mag into me right now and never wake the guy in the next room.Of course that would eliminate your opportunity for repeat business.Yuri: I did have a natural instinct for smuggling contraband.Fortunately, back then a video camera was as big as a bazooka.Here, I'd been running away from violence my whole Iife,and I should have been running towards it.It's in our nature.The earliest human skeletons had spearheads in their ribcages.# AII right ## He was a young American ## Young American, young American ## He was a young American... #Where have you been? What if we had a customer?God bless America.- Mm, mm-hmm. ( gags ) - Yeah?( speaks Russian )"Beware of the dog"?You don't have a dog. Are you tryingto scare people?No, it's to scare me.Remind me to be aware of the dog in me.The dog that wants to fuck everything that moves,wants to fight and kill weaker dogs.I guess it's to remind me to be more human.Isn't being a dog part of being human?What if that's the best part of you, the dog part?What if you're really just atwo-legged dog?You need to see somebody.It stinks in here.Yuri: I'd always wanted to do something big with my Iife.I just didn't know what.Anyhow, I figured if I was going into the gun trade,I was going to aim high.Vitaly, stop fucking around. I want to talk to you.You read the newspapers, V? The newspaper?It's always the same.You're right. Every day there's people shooting each other.You know what I do when I see that?I Iook to see what guns they're using,and I think to myself, why not my guns?What, you opening a gun shop?Already more of those in America than McDonald's.Even with all the gangsters around here,the margins are too low.- You've worked out the margins? - Sure.Forget gang wars.The real money's in actual wars between countries.Yuri, what the fuck do you know about guns?I know which end I'd rather be on.I made the first sale. We're already in business.Whoa. We?I need a partner.I don't know.Uh, I don't know, Yuri. I don't know.Vitaly, I've tasted your borscht. You're no fucking chef.I can eat in the restaurant for free, and I still don't eat there.Fuck you.We're doing nothing with our lives.I mean, this is shit. This is shit.That's true.But maybe doing nothing's better than doing this.I need you.( speaking Russian )( "Ride of the Valkyries" playing )Sir, sir, may I interest you in the shoulder-fired SA-7surface-to-air missile? It's the older Chinese model.Not so effective against modern military aircraft,but deadly if used against a commercial airliner.Giving them away at 850. Yuri: It was the '80s, and the Cold War was far from thawed.Most of the deals were government to government.It was a mostly private club with a Iifetime club president.- That's him. - Who, the big shot?Simeon Weisz.Angola, Mozambique, those Exocet missiles in the Falklands.He was selling guns before there was gunpowder.I'll be right back.Mr. Weisz. Mr. Weisz.It's okay. They're talking.- May I help? - Yes, a mutual friend, Eli Kurtzman,from Brighton Beach, import, exports, said to contact you.I have a business proposal,and I thought perhaps we could discuss it.I don't think you and l are in the same business.You think I just sell guns, don't you?I don't. I take sides.But in the lran-lraq war, you soldguns to both sides.Did you ever consider that l wanted both sides to lose?Bullets change governments far surer than votes.You're in the wrong place, my young friend.This is no place for amateurs.Yuri: Curious how you always revert to your native tongue in moments- of extreme anger and ecstasy. - ( heavy breathing )- Oh, you are beautiful. - ( TV playing )What's your name again?( man on TV speaking foreign language )Yuri: The only option for Vitaly and mewas under the counter gun running.I got my first break in Lebanon after the suicide bombing.But I wasn't the only Iocal kid making good.When the United States Ieaves a war zone,they generally don't take their munitions. It costs more to bring it back than to buy new stock.So we sell by the kilo.They're secondhand weapons, but they're still okay.How many kilos would you like?- 5,000. - Yuri: I had a flair for Ianguages.But I soon discovered that what talks best is dollars,dinars, drachmas, rubles, rupees and pounds fucking sterling.Of course, the US Army got a piece of the action.Army salaries were no better in the '80s than they are today.And some of the brass, Iike Lieutenant Colonel Southernneeded to raise money for their own private wars.Good to make your acquaintance.This is bullshit money, V. This is small fucking potatoes.What do you want to go, go more legit?No, more illegal.What I would give right now for a plate of cabbage and potatoes.( machine gun fire )It's not our fight.V, come on.Let's go. Come on.Yuri: Selling guns is Iike selling vacuum cleaners.You make calls, pound the pavement, take orders.I was an equal opportunity merchant of death.I supplied every army but the Salvation Army.I sold Israeli-made Uzis to Muslims.I sold communist-made bullets to fascists.( speaking Chinese )I even shipped cargo to Afghanistanwhen they were fighting my fellow Soviets.I never sold to Osama bin Laden.Not on any moral grounds. Back then he was always bouncing checks.( machine gun fire )By the mid '80s, my weapons were represented in eight of the world's top 10 war zones.( cash register chiming )There's no problem Ieading a double Iife.It's the triple and quadruples Iives that get you in the end.Back then I carried a French, British, Israeliand Ukrainian passport and a student visa for the US.But that's another story. I also packed six different briefcases,depending on who I was that day and the regionof the world I was visiting.Without operations Iike mine,it would be impossible for certain countriesto conduct a respectable war.I was able to navigate around those inconvenient Iittle arms embargoes.There are three basic types of arms deal.White being Iegal, black being illegaland my personal favorite color gray.Sometimes I made the deals so convoluted,it was hard for me to work out if they were on the Ievel.To keep authorities in the dark, I often spoke in code.Rocket Iaunchers were "mothers, " the rockets-- "children. "The AK-47 assault rifle was the "angel king. "It's Yuri.Yeah, well, yeah, Raoul--Raoul, the angel king will arrive tomorrow.Hallelujah to you too. All right.The point is if I've done my job right,an arms embargo should be practically impossible- to enforce. - ( telephone rings )What? Okay, just slow the fuck down.I can't understand you. What?What do you mean tipped off? They know where we are?Well, where are they? Well, how long have I got? Not long, what does that mean? Shit.- Do we try to lose them? - On this?- Yuri, we have to get off this thing. - No, no one's going anywhere. Slow.Dead slow. Buy me time.Yeah, it's Yuri. Get that fucking rag down!I need another handle for this tub.Something in our weight class.You, over the side. We're changing the name. Now!Yes, it's gotta check out.Yuri: The way I Iook at it. What's in a name?Have you got a shorter name?I'd often change the registration of the ship or a plane.But never at such short notice.Damn, they're hauling.What? "Kono." How do you spell that? K-o-n-o.Okay, well, that's good. Kono.K-o-n-o.What are we flying? Dutch. Got it.V, get me a Dutch flag, would you?Faster or I'll send your ass in!Yuri, I don't have Dutch.- What? - I've got Belgium.What the fuck use is that? He's painting a nameregistered in the fucking Netherlands.- I've got a French flag. - So?Turn it sideways--it's Dutch. ( laughs )That's why you're my brother.All right, good. Everybody look innocent now.Yuri: They say every man has his price.But not every man gets it.Interpol agent Jack Valentine couldn't be bought,at Ieast not with money.For Jack, glory was the prize.Yeah, it's the Kono. It's not the Kristol.Kono. K-o-n-o.- It's clean, sir. - It's clean? Sure doesn't Iook clean.I'm gonna go aboard.Phone in a sighting of the Kristol south of Aruba.Yuri: Even when I was up against an overzealous agent,I had a number of methods for discouraging a search.I routinely mislabeled my arms shipments "farm machinery. "And I have yet to meet the Iowly paid customs officialwho will open a container marked "radioactive waste"to verify its contents,but my personal favorite is the unique combinationof week-old potatoes and tropical heat.( insects buzzing )It smells.Sir, sighting of the Kristol due north.Most importantly, I kept a number of intelligence peopleon the payroll to supply their colleagueswith counterintelligence.Let's go.The second rule of gun-running is always ensureyou have a foolproof way to get paid.Preferably in advance, ideally to an offshore account.That's why I chose my customers so carefully.Say what you Iike about warlords and dictators.They tend to have a highly developed sense of order.They always pay their bills on time.( speaking Spanish )Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa...What the fuck are you doing?- Fuck you! - Fuck you!( screams ) No, V.Shit.The first and most important rule of gunrunningis never get shot with your own merchandise.You okay? I think so.- So what do we do now? - Let's celebrate.# If you wanna hang out, you've got to take her out ## Cocaine #- # If you wanna get down # - God.# Down on the ground ## Cocaine... #That narco-guerilla had his facts right.After shipping it stateside, the return on that blownetted me a healthy profit.It would have been better, except one kilo never made it back.Vitaly.Vit.To this day, I don't know what Vitaly was running away from.Maybe just from Vitaly.I found him 12 days, 2, 000 milesand 1 50 grams Iater in a Bolivian boarding house.Of course, my dream girl had gotten there before me.# Cocaine... #V.# If your thing is gone and you wanna ride on ## Cocaine... #- Come on. - # Don't forget this fact ## You can't get it back ## Cocaine ## She don't Iie, she don't Iie, she don't Iie ## Cocaine #Yuri. It's my brother Yuri.He's my big brother.What the fuck is that?Ukraine. I was young.But I remember. Look.I start in Odessa, right?And then I work my way to the Crimean.You're gonna be dead before you fucking reach Kiev.- Come on, we're going home. - You fuck!You fucking fuck! You fucking fuck! What the fuck is your problem?( snorting )Come on, Vit.It's so nice to be home.Yeah, we're-- we're gonna get you home.Come on.( sighs ) Get out of the car.Vitaly, I need you to get out of the car.I promised our parents.Please.Vitaly, you're gonna have a great time. This is a top place.Two Ford models checked in last week.And that cute weathergirl's been here since July.Please, please.Please, Yuri.( snorting )You're a good brother.- Okay. - You're a good brother, Yuri.- Okay, all right. - Good brother.All right, get out of the car. Okay.Get out of the car.Yuri: From then on, I was a one-man operation.I never understood what separated the recreational drug userfrom the habitual, but for the grace of God,it could have been me snorting Iines as Iong as the Belt Parkway.However, I wasn't entirely free of the grip of addiction myself.There she was again.Ava Fontaine.In my neighborhood, they say "The good get out. "In our own ways, we both conquered the world.( woman singing in French )You can't force someone to fall in Iove with you.But you can definitely improve your odds.It cost me 20 grand to book her for a fake photo shoot.Another 12 to buy out the hotel.It's a popular hotel, huh? - Ava Fontaine. - Yuri Orlov.What brings you to St. Bart's?Photo shoot. At least that was the plan.Guess the photographer got stuck in Miami.Hurricane, though there's nothing on the news.Those things can come out of nowhere.So, the job's been canceled,and wouldn't you know it, there's no flight back to New York until Tuesday.You can hitch a ride with me if you like. I'm leaving tomorrow.Meanwhile, why don't l take your picture?Yuri: In my experience, some of the most successful relationshipsare based on Iies and deceit.Since that's where they usually end up anyway,it's a Iogical place to start. Right there. Right there. Hold it. Oh my God!Yuri: I nearly went broke trying to convince her I was anything but.I knew Ava was not the kind of woman to be seducedby a ride in a private jet unless you owned the jet.This is your plane?That is my name.Yuri: Of course I was Iying.The plane was a rental Iike the car and even the suit I was standing in.At the Iast minute I bribed the crew for the paint job.Luckily by the time we IandedAva wasn't Iooking anywhere but in my eyes.I had no idea.I'm sorry I didn't recognize you.Don't apologize. I put clothes on for a living.Well at least you're not taking them off.I would be if half the photographers had their way.What about you?I'm in transport.International air freight mostly.Business is good. Where are you from?I was born in Ukraine but I grew up in Brooklyn.- No. - What, you too?Williamsburg.Well, here's to a hurricane.Without it I never would have met you.This is no accident, is it, Yuri?It feels like fate.I don't believe in fate.What do you believe in?Is that a view or is that a view?That's a view.( people applauding )Thank you. Thank you all.- Mazel tov. - Congratulations.Thanks.Always remember, son, there's something above you.Sure, Dad. A $40,000 crystal chandelier.( laughs )Make yourselves at home.Go. Go!I'm sorry. Today must be tough.Be nice to have a couple more guests from my side of the family.I'm sure they're watching right now.Thank you.But you don't believe that, Yuri. Remember?I know you, Yuri.I know you're not everything you seem.Don't worry. I won't ask a lot of questions.I don't want to hear you lie. You take risks.Just...promise me you won't risk us.Yuri: That's the trouble with falling in Iove with a dream girl.They have a habit of becoming real.I've never been so glad to see Vitaly.- So fucking beautiful! - Oh! Brother, brother, thank you so much for giving me such a beautiful sister.Yuri: He was out of rehab and out of his mind.Dance! Dance! Dance! We have to dance!- All right. - It's a wedding. A celebration. To Yuri!Yuri: But for once, he rescued me.I was still Iiving way beyond my means.Mortgaged to the hilt, using one credit card to pay off another.Anything to keep Ava in the style to which she had,thanks Iargely to me, become accustomed.Ava! Ava this is too much.Yuri likes to spoil you.Yuri: Then suddenly all my Christmases came at once.Nicki, you did it! Good boy!Ha ha! That's my grandson!Yuri, don't you want to see what your son is doing?Yuri: Whoever said it's better to give than receivenever got a Christmas present Iikethe one I gotin 1991 from Mikhail Gorbachev.- What the hell's the matter? - It's over! It's over!- What's over? - TheCold-fucking-War!The Soviet-fucking-Union! The evil fucking empire.Mikhail's saying "no mas." He's throwing in the towel.It's over!- Your son is walking. - That's incredible, honey.At least there'll be religious freedom.Let's hope so.I think I'll go back for a visit.Do you stay in touch with Uncle Dmitri?I'm not a fool, Yuri.I don't think you're going just to sell Pepsi-Cola.Is this how you want to be remembered?( laughs )I don't want to be remembered at all. If I'm being remembered it means I'm dead.Merry fucking Christmas!( laughing )Who is this, Vitaly?- I'm Angel. - Her name really is Angel.She's a fairy.Let's put her on top of the Christmas tree.- Vitaly: I love you! - Come on.- I love you all. - ( Nicki crying )Take this.I'm going back to Ukraine.I miss Odessa.( inhales )- I miss you. - I miss you.Be careful, Yuri. Those things you sell kill.Inside.You're high.Well, that's true.Hello, Christian.( "Soviet National Anthem"playing )Yuri: During the Cold War the Red Army stationednearly one million troops in Ukrainebecause of it's strategic military importance.The day after The Wall came down the paychecks stopped coming.( speaking Russian )There's nothing better for an arms dealerthan the combination of disgruntled soldiersand warehouses full of weapons.I was hoping Major General Dmitri Volkoffwould open a Iot of armory doors in Iots of military bases.For a start, he was family.He was a highly decorated hero of the Red Armyand he was almost permanentlyshit-faced.I can't just sell you government property, Yuri.I have to report.Report to who? Moscow? As of last week Moscow's in a foreign country.New flag, new boss.There is no new boss yet.They're all too busy squabbling over who's gonna getthe presidential holiday home at the Black Sea.It's beautiful.The ones who know don't care anymore and the ones who care don't know.Show me your inventory.Yuri: Those 45 years of mutual hatredbetween the East and the West had generatedthe highest weapons buildup in history.The Soviets had guns coming out of the demon hole.Huge stockpiles, and now no enemy.How many Kalashnikovs do you have?40,000.Is that a four?Doesn't look like a four to me. Looks more like a one.No, it's a four.It's whatever we say it is because no one else will know the difference.10,000 Kalashnikovs for a battalion.Your stocks are dangerously depleted, Dmitri.You should order more from the factory.Someone will work it out.What happens then?We'll cut them in.Yuri: The end of the Cold War was the beginningof the hottest time in arms dealing.The arms bazaar was open.guided missiles, unguided missiles,mortars, mines, armored personnel carriers.Whole tank divisions.I even Ianded a squadron of helicopter gunships--the most sophisticated fighting machines, built for a war with America that never happened.Thanks to me, they'd finally get to fire a shot in anger.I have a feeling it wasn't exactly what comrade Leninhad in mind when he advocated the redistribution of wealth.But I wasn't the only one offering a crash course in capitalism.I had rivals.Inform your commanding officer that Simeon Weisz is here to meet him.You don't know who I am, do you?You're late.So it appears.( speaks Russian )( imitates gunshot )You look a little lost, Simeon. Is the world changing too fast?I'm here, aren't l?Not all of you, I think.You've gotten so rich selling for the ClAyou can't seem to get that ideology completely out of your head.Oh, the Cold War had its uses.Kept attentions frozen.Now it's harder to determinewhich side one's on.Things have become more complicated.No, it's gotten simpler.There's no place in gunrunning for politics anymore, Simeon.I sell to leftists and rightists.I'd sell to pacifists but they're not the most regular of customers.Of course you're not a true internationalistuntil you've supplied weapons to kill your own countrymen.This current state of chaos won't last forever.There'll have to be order.Instead of cutting each other's throats,it may be beneficial if we work together. What do you think?What do I think?I think you're the amateur now.I think you should go with your instincts. With your first instinct.I'm the same man who was not good enough for you beforeand I'm just not good enough for you now.The problem with gunrunners going to war...is that there's no shortage of ammunition.Yuri: This was the chaos that the OId Guard had always feared.As far as they were concerned I was giving arms dealers a bad name.But then they could hardly report me to the Better Business Bureau.And Ukraine wasn't the only former statewith an unpaid army and stockpiles of guns.There was Bulgaria, Hungary,Poland, Belarus,all there for the taking.Of all the weapons in the vast Soviet arsenalnothing was more profitable than Avtomat Kalashnikova,model of 1 947more commonly known as the AK-47 orKalashnikov.It's the world's most popular assault rife.A weapon all fighters Iove.An elegantly simple 9-Ib. amalgamationof forged steel and plywood.It doesn't break, jam, or overheat.It will shoot whether it's covered in mud or filled with sand.It's so easy even a child can use it, and they do.The Soviets put the gun on a coin.Mozambique put it on their flag.Since the end of the Cold War the Kalashnikov has becomethe Russian people's greatest export.After that comes vodka, caviar and suicidal novelists.One thing's for sure.No one was Iining up to buy their cars.I thought you were supposed to be watching out for these people.How can l? You keep selling my helicopters. You are too greedy, Yuri.I can't hold him forever.- I've got paperwork. - Not for the gunships.You know the penalty forsanction-busting.Selling the military helicopter is a major violation.Military helicopter.It's not a military helicopter.It's a rescue helicopter.Get to work, son.The law is on our side.All right, let me see your papers.No, no, put that away. Let's see your papers.- Yuri Orlov. - Mr. Orlov.Always in the wrong place at the right time.We've met before. Off the coast of Columbia.What was the name of that freighter?I can't remember.Was it Kono or the Kristol?The crew called that vessel a lot of names,。
尼古拉斯凯奇英文介绍(Nicholas Cage)
Nicholas CageBorn on: January 7, 1964Born in: Long Beach, CaliforniaNationality: AmericanCareer: Actor, Producer, DirectorNicolas Cage is a very well-known and extremely acclaimed American actor, who has an Academy Award to his credit. He also owns a production company -Saturn Films, and has been involved in production for quite sometime. Apart from that, he can also be seen working as a director, making him a multi-talented personality. Till date, Nicholas Cage has been most known for his method acting and is also considered a prototype for the same. He made his debut in the year 1981 and since then, has constantly been moving on the path of success.ChildhoodNicolas Cage was born as ‘Nicolas Kim Coppola’ on 7th January 1964, in Long Beach, California. His father, August Coppola, is a professor of literature, while Cage's mother, Joy Vogelsang, is a dancer and choreographer. Nicholas’ parents got divorced in 1976, when he was only 12 years old. Through his father, Cage is the nephew of director Francis Ford Coppola and actress Talia Shire. His mother is of German descent, while his father is an Italian AmericanCage is also the cousin of director Sofia Coppola and actors, Robert Carmine and Jason Schwartzman. He has two brothers, Christopher Coppola - a director, and Marc "The Cope" Coppola - a New York radio personality. He was raised as a Roman Catholic and continues to be one till date. He went to Beverly Hills High School, but dropped out before graduation. Thereafter, he started pursuing the career of an actor.CareerNicholas Cage made his debut in the year 1981, with the movie ‘The Best of Times’. He changed his name to ‘Nicholas Cage’, from ‘Nicolas Kim Coppola’, early in his career. The reason was that he wanted to avoid being charged wit h the tag of ‘being favored’ as the nephew of Francis Ford Coppola. His ‘feature film debut’ came with ‘Fast Times at Ridgemont High’, in which he had a one-minute role opposite Sean Penn. Since then, Cage has done numerous movies till date, some huge successes, while some major flops.The irony with Cage has been that some of his critically acclaimed films have failed to generate major revenues, while the ones that were rejected by critics have been amongst his highest grosser flicks. For example, in 2005, he starred in two offbeat, non-mainstream films - ‘Lord of War’ and ‘The Weather Man’. Though both of them received good reviews from the critics, they failed to garner significant audience. On the other hand, ‘Ghost Rider’ (2007), was reduced to shreds by critics, but was a major hit worldwide.Nicholas has received success, in the form of high collections at the box-office, mainly from his forays into the action-adventure genre. Be it ‘National Treasure’, his second highest grossing film to date, or ‘The Rock’, in which he plays a young FBI chemical weapons expert, adventure has always suited him. His other successful films, belonging to the same genre, have been‘Face/Off’, ‘World Trade Center’, ‘Grindhouse’, etc. His most recent films (2007) were ‘G host Rider’, ‘Grindhouse’, ‘Next’ and ‘National Treasure: Book of Secrets’.Till date, Nicholas Cage has received two Academy Award nominations, one for his role as a suicidal alcoholic in ‘Leaving Las Vegas’ and other for playing real-life screenwriter Charlie Kaufman in ‘Adaptation’. Amongst his most successful films are ‘It Could Happen to You’,‘Leaving Las Vegas’, ‘The Rock’, ‘Con Air’, ‘Face/Off’, ‘City of Angels’, ‘Gone in Sixty Seconds’, ‘National Treasure 9’, ‘Ghost Rider’, ‘National Treasure: Book of Secrets’, etc.Direction and ProductionNicholas Cage made his directorial debut with ‘Sonny’, a low-budget drama that starred James Franco as a male prostitute. The film did not receive good reviews and had a short run in a limited number of theat res. His production debut was with the movie ‘Shadow of the Vampire’, which got nominated for an Academy Award. He was also the producer of ‘The Life of David Gale’, a death penalty-themed thriller that had Kevin Spacey and Kate Winslet. Cage is presently serving as the executive producer of ‘The Dresden Files’, on the Sci-Fi Channel.Personal LifeNicholas Cage dated actress Elizabeth Daily in his early 20s and the affair lasted only two years. Thereafter, he started dating Uma Thurman. The year 1988 saw him going around with Christina Fulton, with whom he now shares the joint custody of their son, Weston Coppola Cage. Cage has been married three times. His first marriage was with Patricia Arquette, with whom he tied the knot in April 1995. The union came to an end six years later, in May 2001. Later he met Lisa Marie Presley, the daughter of Elvis Presley, and married her in August 2002.The couple separated hardly four months after marriage i.e. in December 2002, and got divorced in 2004. Nicholas Cage met Alice Kim, a waitress at the Los Angeles restaurant Kabuki, while visiting a Korean Nightclub, Le Privé. The couple fell in love and soon had a son, Kal-El (born October 3, 2005). They got married in an island, situated off the coast of New Zealand. A lice also had a minor role in ‘Next’, a movie produced by Cage in 2007. Presently, the couple is living together.。
MICHAEL: All right, that’s probably me.
MORTY: You know fast food shortens your life.
MICHAEL: Yeah, that’s what I heard. But the way my life’s been going lately, that ain’t such a bad thing.
MORTY: I don’t know the O’ Doyles but they can bite it hard.
MORTY: Come in the back with me. MICHAEL: Okay. This is … This is very nice of you. What’s your name, anyways? MORTY: Call me Morty. MICHAEL: Morty, I’m Michael Newman. MORTY: Michael Newman. I’m about to rock your world. MICHAEL: Okay. I gotta be honest with you. This place looks bigger from the outside.
Scene 2 Dialogue at Home
DONNA: What the heck is going on? MICHAEL: Hey, do you mind? I am trying to concentrate. Here I am, staying up all night,
killing myself, trying to come up with activities for our Fourth of July camping trip, but you won’t let me think! DONNA: You want time to think? Why don’t you think about the fact that you just wo…What did you just say? MICHAEL: Yes, you heard me. If you keep up this weird attitude, I won’t be able to work for a year and have to plan 10 more vacations. That make you happy? DONNA: Did you eat a bad Yodel? MICHAEL: Give me those big lips. BEN: What’s going on down here? (Ben and Samantha go downstairs) MICHAEL: Ben, Ben! Come here. Oh, my God. I missed you, I missed you. Look at you, boy. You know what, I’m gonna finish the tree house. We’re gonna sleep in it next weekend. From now on, we’re gonna exercise and I’m not gonna wear a Speedo. BEN: All right! MICHAEL: All right. And you (Mike picks up Samantha). Nice jump! I love you. One day, you are gonna be the hottest chick alive. But you still gotta have brains. So tomorrow I’m gonna teach you calculus. SAMANTHA: You know calculus? MICHAEL: I knew you’d call me on that. You mom will teach you. Now, get your rest, because tomorrow we’re going camping! I know! It’s gonna be the best! Put a sweater on! Don’t take it off!
A1142班秦鹏组 好莱坞电影成功的背后 .ppt
好莱坞电影成功的的背后------------------以《TF 4》为例影片简介变形金刚系列电影是由迈克尔.贝导演的,由派拉蒙影业公司联合梦工厂发行的好莱坞巨制科幻片。
除音乐录影带之外,迈克尔还为Nike、Reebok、可口可乐、Budweiser和Miller Lite等世界著名的品牌制作商业广告,并因此而获得多项年度商业广告大奖的奖项。
1995年开始从事电影的制作,并制作了他的首部电影《绝地战警》(Bad Boys)。
他制作的第二部影片《勇闯夺命岛》(The Rock)也获得了相当大的成功,这部由肖恩·康纳利和尼古拉斯·凯奇主演的影片最终确立了迈克尔的电影导演地位。
这之后迈克尔·贝执导了不少卖座的商业大片,包括《世界末日》(Armageddon)、《珍珠港》(Pearl Harbor)、《绝地战警2》(Bad Boys II)、等等。
倒影变大象的天鹅(油画)1937 达利
来个头脑风暴吧 “联想替换”
来个头脑风暴吧 “放大缩小”
我会 造型 我能选择不同的奇妙组合方法设计有趣的画面
《莫斯科的英国人》 马列维奇(俄)1913
奇妙组合方法(三) “象征隐喻”
《莫斯科的英国人》 马列维奇(俄)1913
《牛头》 1942 毕加索(西班牙)
《牛头雕塑》 1941 毕加索(西班牙) 《狒狒母子》1951 毕加索(西班牙)
《牛头》 1942 毕加索(西班牙)
《牛头雕塑》 现成品联想 1941
Hale Waihona Puke 《莫斯科的英国人》 马列维奇(俄)1913
《莫斯科的英国人》 马列维奇(俄)1913
《莫斯科的英国人》 马列维奇(俄)1913
奇妙组合方法(一) “多层叠加”
奇妙组合方法(二) “放大缩小”
《牛头》 1942 毕加索(西班牙)
《牛头雕塑》 现成品联想 1941
奇妙组合方法四 “联想替换”
《牛头》 1942 毕加索(西班牙)
《牛头雕塑》 现成品联想 1941
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1964 年 1 月 7 日 (星期二) Director, actor, film producer Capricorn A6 feet 1 inch (about 185 cm)
毕业院校; 毕业院校 加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校影剧系 想演的角色 Dracula 想做的事 索尼柯里昂Sonny Corleone(《教父》) 、吸血鬼德拉库拉 自己打造一部车子、开音乐公司、开漫画公司
• 父亲:奥古斯丁·科波拉August Coppola 旧金山大学 比较文学教授【已逝(于2009年10月27日心脏病突发离 世,终年75岁)】 母亲:Joy Vogelsang 舞蹈家 Joy 叔父:弗朗西斯·福特·科波拉Francis Ford Coppola(代表作《教父系列》《现代启示录》) 祖父:Camine Coppola NBC首席吹笛手【已逝(于 1990年病逝,终年80岁)】 妻子:爱丽丝·金Alice Kim 儿子:威斯顿·科波拉·凯奇Weston Coppola Cage /卡 尔·科波拉·凯奇Kal-Er Coppola Cage
• 尼古拉斯·凯奇(原名:尼古拉斯·金·科波拉) , 父亲为意大利裔,大导演弗朗西斯·科波拉 的侄子,17岁进入电影行业,为免受其家 族名声的影响,改姓“凯奇”。1992年因 在大卫·林奇的公路影片《我心狂野》中扮 演男主角而获第43届戛纳电影节金棕榈大 奖。1996年凭借《离开拉斯维加斯》中扮 演的酒鬼一角夺得当年度奥斯卡最佳男主 角奖。而后转型于动作类影片
• In 2003 the "adapted screenplay" (Adaptation, 2003) was nominated for Best Actor (Comedy) • British Academy Award nomination for Best Actor 1996 • BAFTA Film Award for best actor (Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role) • Toronto Film Critics Association Awards 2009 Best Actor (Best Performance, Male) • 1996 American Film Critics Association Award for Best Actor (Best Actor) • 1995 New York Film Critics Association Award Best Actor (Best Actor) • 1995 Los Angeles Film Critics Association Award Best Actor (Best Actor) • National Board of Review Award (U.S.) 1995 best actor (Best Actor) • Screen Actors Guild Award for Best Actor in 1995 (Best Actor) • 1996 Independent Spirit Award nomination for Best Actor (Best Male Lead) • Bahamas International Film Festival Bahamas International Film Festival, the third Cage received a lifetime achievement Academy Award is the award before and Cage worked with Sean Connery
Chiቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱese name:
Nicolas Cage (Nicholas Kim Coppola) Italy Long Beach, California United States
English name: Nationality: Place of Birth:
Date of Birth: Occupation: Constellation: Blood type: Height:
喜欢的文学名著 俄国作家陀思妥耶夫斯基的《卡拉马佐夫兄弟》 喜欢的文学角色 欣赏的艺术品 吸血鬼德拉库拉Dracula 琉璃、意大利车(会移动的雕塑品)
罗伯特德尼罗Robert DeNiro(代表作《教父2》《出租车司机》) 偶像 马龙·白兰度Marlon Brando (代表作《码头风云》《教父》)
2. 空中监狱 Con Air 4. 我心狂野 Wild at Heart 6. 战争之王 Lord of War 8. 远离赌城 Leaving Las Vegas 10. 国家宝藏 National Treasure 12. 斗气保镖 Guarding Tess 14. 灵魂战车 Ghost Rider 16. 西部红石镇 Red Rock West 18. 吸血鬼之吻 Vampire's Kiss 20. 倾城佳话 It Could Happen 22. 居家男人 The Family Man 24. 改编剧本 Adaptation.
• • • • •
1. 天使之城 City of Angels 3. 变脸 Face/Off 5. 风语战士 Windtalkers 7. 天气预报员 The Weather Man 9. 蛇眼 Snake Eyes 11. 极速 秒 Gone in 60 Seconds 极速60秒 13. 天堂有难 Trapped in Paradise 15. 火柴人 Matchstick Men 17. 月色撩人 Moonstruck 19. 穿梭阴阳界 Bringing Out the Dead to You 21. 预见未来 Next 23. 勇闯夺命岛 The Rock 25. 八毫米 8MM
Academy Awards
• 1996 film, "escape the Las Vegas" (Leaving LasVegas, 1995) won the 68th Academy Award for Best Actor. • 2003 film, "adapted screenplay" (Adaptation, 2002) won the 75th Oscar nomination for Best Actor • Cannes Film Festival: • 1992 film, "Wild at Heart" (Wild at Heart, 1990) won the 43 th Cannes Film Festival Palme d'Or. • Golden Globes (Awards): • 1996, to "flee Las Vegas" (Leaving LasVegas, 1995) was the best actor (Drama) • Golden Globe (Nomination): • 1988, to "moonlight sultry" (Moonstruck, 1987) was nominated for Best Actor (Comedy) • 1993, "Las Vegas Honeymoon" (Honeymoon in Vegas, 1992) was nominated for Best Actor (Comedy)
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