(四)教材与主要参考书【课程教材】(1)英文版:Ben G. Streetman and Sanjay Banerjee, Solid State Electronic Devices(Seventh edition), Pearson Education, Inc., 2015. ISBN 978-0-13-335603-8.(2)中文版:Ben G. Streetman著,杨建红译,《固体电子器件》,电子工业出版社,2016年(在版)。
ISBN 978-7-5605-2596-9.二、课程内容与安排第1章晶体性质和半导体生长(略讲,无计划学时)1-1 常用半导体材料的晶体结构1-2 硅块状晶体生长电子级硅(EGS)原料的制备;单晶Si的Czochralski制备方法;Si掺杂技术。
n(xp ) ni exp
/ kT
a. 非平衡pn结空间电荷区及其边界电子与空穴 浓度的积相等,且是偏置电压的e指数函数。
Ei(x) = Eip―qψ(x)
1 dEi (x) d(x) (x)
q dx
n(x) ni exp EnF Ei (x) / KT p(x) ni exp Ei (x) EpF / KT
因为 EnF = EpF + qVA ,Ei(-xp) =Ei p—中性p区本征费米能级
7. 电子和空穴各自的扩散(扩散流)与漂移(漂移流)相抵消时,正、负空间电荷量、
© 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. For the exclusive use of adopters of the book Solid State Electronic Devices, Sixth Edition, by Ben G. Streetman and Sanjay Kumar Banerjee ISBN 0-13-149726-X
© 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. For the exclusive use of adopters of the book Solid State Electronic Devices, Sixth Edition, by Ben G. Streetman and Sanjay Kumar Banerjee ISBN 0-13-149726-X
加 工 液 晶 显 示器
在小区域内 完全有序
多 晶 硅 -太阳能电池
整个晶体中 排列有序
单 晶 硅 -电 子 器件
2 晶体结构
( 1) 晶 体 的 共性
①均匀性; ④ 多 面 体 外 形;
②各向异性; ⑤对称性;
③熔点固定; ⑥衍射性。
2 晶体结构
+4 +4
锗 、 硅 和 砷 化镓能 带结构 的简约 布里渊 图示。
导体 < 10-3
半导体 10-3~109
绝缘体 >109
温 度 可 以 显 著改变 半导体 导电能 力;
微 量 杂 质 可 以显著 改变半 导体导 电能力 ;
➢ 光 照 、 磁 场 、电场 等外界 因素也 可显著 改变半 导体的 导电能 力; ➢ 电 子 和 空 穴 晶体结构
4 半 导 体 中 杂 质和 缺陷能 级 5 载流子
3 半 导 体 中 的 电子 状态
6 载流子的浓度
7 载流子的输运
( 1) 导 电 性
➢ 电 阻 率 介 于 导体与 绝缘体 之间;
表 1 导体、半导体和绝缘体的电阻率范围
材料 电阻率ρ(Ωcm)
+4 +4
2 晶体结构
2 晶体结构
(4) 硅片鉴别方法
第一篇 半导体物理基础
1绪 论 2 晶体结构
4 半 导 体 中 杂 质和 缺陷能 级 5 载流子
3 半 导 体 中 的 电子 状态
6 载流子的浓度
体晶体,1965~1968年Mullin等人第一次用三氧化二硼(B2O3)做液封剂, 用LEC法生长了GaAs、InP等单晶材料,为以后生长大直径、高质量
• 由于离子键作用,电子云的分布是不均匀的,它有向 V族移动的趋向,即产生极化现象。这样导致在V族 原子处出现负有效电荷,Ⅲ族原子处出现正有效电荷。
• 在室温下,电子处在主能谷中,因为在室温时电子从晶体那 里得到的能量只有0.025eV,很难跃迁到X处导带能谷中去。
• 电子在主能谷中有效质量较小(m=0.07m0),迁移率大;而在 次能谷中,有效质量大(m=1.2m0),迁移率小,但状态密度比 主能谷大。
• 红、橙、黄、绿、蓝、靛(青)、紫 • 红:780-630nm • 橙:630-590nm • 黄:590-550nm • 绿:(550-490nm), • 蓝:(490-440nm), • 紫:(440-380nm).
• 发光的颜色是由能隙决定的,通过控制GaP中的掺杂剂可 以使GaP发出不同的光。
6-2 砷化镓单晶的生长方法
• 本节要点: • 掌握III-V族化合物的平衡相图的分析方法 • 砷化镓单晶的生长方法:水平布里奇曼法
固态电子器件重点Chapter 6 Field Effect Transistor1.how many forms are there in the field effect transistors?①JFET(junction FET) ②MESFET(Metal-semiconductor) ③MISFET(metal-insulator-semiconductor FET)2.Describe the differences between BJT and FET.①BJT is a biplor transistor whose action of both electrons and holes in thedevice ,but FET is a unipolar transistor.②FET are controlled by a voltage at the third terminal rather than by acurrent in the BJT .③The BJT uses the injection of minority carriers across a forward-biasedjunction. But the FET control of a junction de;letion width under reverse bias.3.What are the important circuit functions of transistors?amplification and switching4.Describe the operation of the junction FET(JFET).In a junction FET(JFET) the voltage-variable depletion region width of a junction is used to control the effective cross-sectional area of a conducting channel.5.Try to deduce the equation of the pinch-off voltage Vp and. of the draincurrent IdPinch-off occurs at the drain end of the channel when:6.What is the mutual transconductance of FET?7.Describe the structure and operation the metal-semiconductorFET(MESFET) with the GaAs MESFET.a.Substrate is Si-GaAsb.Channel n-GaAS (lightly-doped)c.Gate reverse biasing the schotlky gate, control the effect cross-sectional.d.Source and drain the ohmic wrtact between mental and semiconductor.Operation: By reverse biasing the Schottky gate the channel can bedepleted to the semi-insulating substrate, and the resulting I-V character istic are similar to the JFET device.8.Describe the structure and operation of the high electron mobilitytransistor (MEMT).Electrons in the donor doped AlGaAs fall into the GaAs potential well and become trapped. As a result, the undoped GaAs becomes n-type with low lattice scattering (低晶格散射)and high mobility.9.Describe the two approximations of the electric fields for the short channeleffects.When ,at low electric fieldWhen,at high electric field10.Describe the structure and operation of a basic MOSFET.a.When ,the MOS transistor is normally off.b.If we give a positive gate voltage( ), negative charges areinduced in the underlying Si, by the formation of a depletion region ana thin surface region, containing mobile electrons.c.If the barrier is reduced by applying a gate voltage in excess of what isknown as the threshold voltage, VT, there is significant current flow from the source to the drain ,the current become saturated.11.What is the threshold voltage VT of a MOSFET.The threshold voltage VT is the minimum gate voltage required to induce the channel.12.What are the modes of MOSFET? What is the difference between them?①enhancement-mode n channel ②enhancement-mode p channel③depletion-mode n channel ④ depletion-mode p channel①The p-channel device’s channel is p-type ,but the n-channel is n-typematerial.②depletion-mode devices have a channel already with zero gate voltage ,and in face a negative gate voltage is required to turn the device off.13.Briefly describe the processing steps of a MOSFET.a.An ultra-thin dry thermal silicon dioxide is grown on the p-typesubstrate.b.Covering it with LPCVD of polysilicon(多晶硅)c.The doped polysilicon layer is then patterned to form the gates.d.The gate itself is used as an implant mask for an n+ implant whichforms the source/drain junctions abutted to the gate edges, but is blocked(封闭的) from the channel region.e.The implanted dopants must be annealed.f.The MOFFETs have to be properly(适当的) interconnected according tothe circuit layout ,using metallization(镀金法).14.What are work functions(功函数)? Explain them with a band diagram.The work function be defined in terms of the energy required to move an electron from the Fermi level to outside. But in MOS we use a modified work function .The energy is measured from the Metal Fermi level to the conduction band of the oxide. is the modified work function at the semiconductor oxide interface(界面).15.How do the bands of semiconductor change if negative and positivevoltages are applied between the metal and the semiconductor respectively(各自的) in an ideal MOS capacitor? Explain them according to the distribution of carriers.a.Negative voltage causes hole accumulation in the p-typesemiconductor.b.Positive voltage depletes(使大大减少) holes from the semiconductorsurface.c. A larger positive voltage causes inversion-an “n-type” layer at thesemiconductor surface.If we continue to increase the positive voltage, the bends at the semiconductor surface bend down more strongly. In fact, a large voltage can bend Ei below Ef . since implies a large electron concentration in the conduction band.16.What is the inversion region(反型层)? Please draw a band diagram toexplain it according to the charge distribution.When ,we have depletion, and the bands at the surface are bent down such that Ei(x=0) lies below EF, and inversion is obtained.17.What is the practical criterion for inversion in an ideal MOS structure?The best criterion for strong inversion is that the surface should be as strongly n-type as the substrate is p-type.18.Please plot the space charge density per unit area Qs as a function of thesurface potential and describe the change of charge distribution.19.What is the equation of the threshold voltage VT in an ideal case? Describethe meanings of all quantities.a.Qd the charge per unit area in the depletion region.b.Ci is the insulator capacitance per unit area.c.Is the potential differene between the Fermi level an the intrrnsiclevel of the bulk.20.Why do the departures from the ideal case strongly affect VT and otherproperties in real MOS devices?First ,there is a work function difference between the doped polysilicongate and substrate, which depends on the substrate doping .second ,there are inevitably(不可避免的) charges at the Si-SiO2 interface and within the oxide which must be taken into account.21.What is the work function difference? Please plot the work functiondifference vs. the impurity concentrations.22.Please write the equation of threshold voltage VT in real MOS devices anddescribe all terms in it.a.Qi is the effective positive charge at the interface.b.Ci is the insulator capacitance per unit area.23.What are the transfer characteristics? What is the difference between thetransfer characteristics and the output characteristics?The output characteristics plot the drain current as a function of the drain bias, with gate bias as a parameter . On the other hand, the transfer characteristics plot the output drain current as a function of the input gate bias, for fixed drain bias.24.What is the substrate bias(衬底偏置) effects of MOSFET, take n-channelfor example.With a reverse bias between the substrate and the source, the depletion region is widened and the threshold gate voltage required to achieve inversion must be increased to accommodate the large Qd. We called this substrate Bias Effects.。
三、电子能带(Electronic Band)电子能带理论是描述固体中电子能级分布的理论。
四、晶体结构(Crystal Structure)晶体是由原子或者分子按照一定的周期性排列而成的固体材料。
五、电子传导(Electron Conduction)当固体中存在自由电子时,它们可以通过与晶格中的正离子或者其他电子散射而进行传导。
六、pn结(PN Junction)pn结是一种具有半导体性质的器件。
它由一块n型半导体和一块p 型半导体连接而成。
东南大学考研固态电子器件chapter 6(5)
• (2) Source/Drain series resistance, RSD
1 2 I D = k N (VG − VT )VD − VD ≈ k N (VG − VT )VD 2 (linear region )
∂I D Z g= ≈ µnCi (VG − VT ) ∂VD L
6.5.7 Sub-threshold characteristics(亚阈值特性 亚阈值特性) 亚阈值特性
VG≥VT, strong inversion occurs
1 Z 2 ID (sat.) ≈ µnCi (VG −VT ) 2 L
Ideally, VG VT, ID 0
In Practical,VG→ VT, ID ? ID≠0 !
6.5.8 Equivalent circuit for the MOSFET
Miller overlap capacitance
(1)Miller overlap capacitance
One can measure the Miller capacitance at high frequency by holding the gate at ground (VG=0) so that an inversion layer is not formed in the channel. Therefore, the most of the measured capacitance between the gate and drain is due to the Miller capacitance.
BasicsHow to form a rectifying contact ? How to form an Ohmic contact? What is the difference between p-n diode and Schottky barrier diode? Concept of heterojunction.FET1. The operation principle of the Junction FET.2. Pinch-off and saturation of JFET.3. Understand how I D is controlled by gate voltage.The definition of mutual transconductance g m.4. Heterojunction in MESFET, the High Electron Mobility Transistor (HEMT).5. Short channel effect of JFET.6. The principle of MOSFET.7. Ideal MOS structure, surface potential and band diagram;What is the criterion for strong inversion in a MOSFET?8. What is enhance mode transistor and what is depletion mode?9. What is flat band voltage? Effects of real surface?10. How to calculate the threshold voltage of MOSFET?11. How to control the threshold voltage of MOSFET?12. Understand the output characteristics and transfer characteristics.13. Substrate bias effect (body effect).14. Hot electron effects.15. Short channel effects and narrow width effect of MOSFET?16. MOS capacitance-Voltage analysis.17. Principle and application of C-V measurementBJT1. The principle of amplification with BJT?The definitions of the emitter injection efficiency, the current transfer ratio α, the base to collect or current amplification factor β2. Know about the calculation of the terminal currents.3. Understand the coupled-diode model (E-M equations).4. Output characteristics of BJT.5. Saturation and cutoff conditions of BJT.6. What is the effect of drift in the base region.7. Base narrowing effect (base-width modulation, Early effect)?8. Understand the effect of injection level on γ ,αand β.9. Base resistance and emitter crowding.10. What are the main frequency limitations of bipolar transistors?What is Webster Effect?11. Why is the heterojunction bipolar transistor (HBT) better than the bipolar junction transistor (BJT)?Optoelectronic Devices1. The principle of solar cells. Photovoltaic effect.2. The principle of photo detectors.3. Output characteristics of LED.4. The concept of spontaneous emission, stimulated emission and stimulated absorption. Population inversion.5. How to describe the population inversion at a junction by quasi-Fermi-level?6. The operation principle of p+n+homojunction semiconductors. Output characteristics.7. What are the differences in output characteristics between semiconductor lasers and LEDs?8.What are the advantages of heterojunction semiconductor lasers?High frequency and high-power devices1. The principle of Esaki or tunnel diodes?Understand the difference between Esaki diode and Zener diode.2. Know about the operation principle of impact avalanche transit time (IMPATT) diodes.3. What is the bulk negative differential conductivity effect?Explain the reason.What is the operation principle of the Gunn diode?。
第六章 自由电子论和电子的输运性质6-1电子气的费米能和热容量自由电子气(自由电子费米气体):自由的、无相互作用的 、遵从泡利原理的电子气。
一 费米能量1.模型(索末菲)(1)金属中的价电子彼此之间无相互作用;(2)金属内部势场为恒定势场(价电子各自在势能等于平均势能的势场中运动); (3)价电子速度服从费米—狄拉克分布。
2.费米分布函数在热平衡时,能量为E 的状态被电子占据的概率是1e 1)(B F )(+=-T k E E E fE F ---费米能级(等于这个系统中电子的化学势),它的意义是在体积不变的条件下,系统增加一个电子所需的自由能。
它是温度T 和晶体自由电子总数N的函数。
随着T 的增加,f (E )发生变化的能量范围变宽,但在任何情况下,此能量范围约在E F附近±k B T 范围内。
3.费米面0.a =T ⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧>=<<=F FF 01)(E E E E E E E f 陡变0.b ≠T ⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧>>=<<=FFF0211)(E E E E E E E fE=EF 的等能面称为费米面。
T ≠0时,费米球面的半径k F 比绝对零度时费米面半径小,此时费米面以内能量离EF 约k B T 范围的能级上的电子被激发到EF 之上约k B T 范围的能级。
4.求EF 的表达式E~E+dE 间的电子状态数:E E N )d ( E~E+dE 间的电子数:E E N E f )d ()( 系统总的电子数:⎰∞=0E E N E f N )d ()(分两种情况讨论:(1)在T=0K 时,上式变成:⎰=0)d (FE E E N N 0将自由电子密度N(E)=CE 1/2代入得:()23021032d ⎰==FE FE C E CE N 0其中23222π2⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛= m V C c()23023222π232FE m V N ⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=令n=N/V ,代表系统的价电子浓度()32220π32n mE F=金属中一般 n~1028m-3,电子质量m=9×10-31kg , 自由电子气系统中每个电子的平均能量由下式计算NN E E ⎰d =0⎰=0023d FE E E NC053F E =由上式可以看出即使在绝对零度时电子仍有相当大的平均能量,这与经典的结果是截然不同的。
§1.1 pn结基本物理特性
1.1.1 平衡pn结 平衡pn结是指不受电、光、热、磁等各种外界因素作用与影响的pn结。
1. Pp (NA) >>Pn ,nn (ND) >>np;
Solid State Electronic Devices
教材:张鹤鸣 张玉明 曹全喜
Ch1 pn结二极管 Ch2 双极型晶体管 Ch3 JFET与MESFET
Ch4 MISFET Ch5 电力电子器件 Ch6 CCD器件 Ch7 LED器件 Ch8 光电探测器 Ch9 半导体太阳电池 Ch10 片式元器件
在空间电荷区边界,多子和少子浓度与相应中性区相等,对电场表达式积 分即可得到接触电位差
xxn p (x)dx
KT ln q
pp pn
KT ln q
nn np
C. 能带结构 孤立p区和n区能带结构如下图
Eip EFp
EFn Ein
空间电荷区自建电场的存在,形成从中性p区到中性n区逐渐上升的电位。 使空间电荷区内导带底、价带顶及本征费米能级依其电位分布从p区边界到n区 边界逐渐下降。设空间电荷区内电位分布为ψ(x),那么ψ(x)、能带结构如图示
光子器件 无源器件
第一章 pn结二极管
§1.1 pn结基本物理特性 §1.2 pn结基本电学特性 §1.3 异质结 §1.4 pn结二极管
具有某种电学功能的二端器件。从二极管的结构划分,可分为pn结二 极管,金属-半导体接触二极管( 肖特基二极管)和金属-氧化物-半导体二极 管(MOS二极管)等
区进入p(n)区,在边界处积累,同时向p(n)区扩散,并于空穴(电 子)复合,形成电子(空穴)扩散流,;外加偏置增加,势垒降低,扩 散流增加。 17、PN结反向偏置:Pn结加反向偏置时,产生的电场方向与内建电场 方向一致,势垒区电场增强,势垒区变宽,势垒区多高度增加漂移电 流大于扩散电流;外加电场下,边界处的载流子在电场作用下漂移运 动,使得边界处的载流子浓度降低,从而需要内部少子的补充--少 子的抽取(或吸出);增大反向电压,边界处的少子可以近似为0,扩 散电流不随电压变化而变化。 第七章 金半结和MIS结构 1、欧姆接触:不产生明显的附加阻抗,而且不会是半导体内部平衡载 流子浓度发生显著改变的接触。(1、金属与重掺杂的n型半导体形成能 产生隧道效应的薄势垒层;2、金属同p型半导体接触构成反阻挡层。) 2、肖特基接触:肖特基接触是指金属和半导体材料相接触的时候,在 界面处半导体的能带弯曲,形成肖特基势垒。势垒的存在才导致了大 的界面电阻。与之对应的是欧姆接触,界面处势垒非常小或者是没有 接触势垒。 3、镜像力:金属与半导体接触时,半导体中的电荷在金属表面感应出 带电符号相反的电荷,同时半导体中的电荷要受到金属中的感应电荷 库伦吸引力,这个吸引力为镜像力。对势垒高度影响:镜像力使肖特 基势垒高度降低的前提是金属表面附近的半导体导带要有电子存在。 镜象力引起势垒降低随反向电压的增加而缓慢增大。反向电压越高, 势垒的降低变得明显。在测量势垒高度时,如果测量方法与电子在金 属和半导体间的输运有关,则所得结果是Φb-ΔΦb ;如果测量方法 只与耗尽层的空间电荷有关而不涉及电子的输运(例如电容方法),则 测量结果不受镜像力影响。 4、隧道效应:能量低于势垒顶的电子有一定几率穿过势垒,这种效应 是隧道效应,与电子能量和势垒高度有关。 5、表面能级:在半导体表面处的禁带中存在表面态,对应的能级称为 表面能级; 6、表面钉轧效应:如果表面态密度很大,只要Ef比qФ高一点,在表 面态上就会积累很多负电荷,由于能带向上弯,表面处Ef很接近qФ, 势垒高度就等于原来费米能级(设想没有势垒的情形)和qФ之差,即 qVD=Eg—qФ—En,这时势垒高度称为被高表面态密度钉扎(Pinned)。 如果半导体表面态密度很大,它可以屏蔽金属接触的影响,使半导体 内的势垒高度和金属的功函数几乎无关,而基本上由半导体的表面性 质决定。钉扎条件:1、表面态密度很大,大量的电荷积累在表面态上.2、 能带向上弯曲,表面处EF很接近qΦ0,势垒高度等于原来的费米能级 和qΦ0之差;3、能带弯曲量为qVD=EF0-EFS0与金属的性能无关。 7、肖特基二极管反向电流比PN结反向电流大的原因:当反向电压增 大,则肖特基势垒宽度减小,故势垒附近电子隧穿的概率增大,是反 向电流增大。 8、施主型表面态:能级被电子占据时呈电中性,释放后呈正电性;受 主型表面态:能级空着时为电中性,接受电子后带负电。 9、悬挂健:晶体中由于原子的配位数减少而形成的一种物理缺陷。 10、整流理论:(1)扩散理论,对于n型阻挡层,当势垒的宽度比电子 的平均自由程大的多时,电子通过势垒区要发生多次碰撞,这样的阻 挡层称为厚阻挡层,当势垒高度远大于KT时,势垒区近似为一个耗尽 层。(2)热电子发射理论,条件:阻挡层很薄,电子(空穴)平均自 由程远大于势垒宽度,电子在势垒区的碰撞可忽略,势垒形状不影响 电流,起作用的是势垒高度,半导体内部的电子只要有足够的能量越 过势垒顶点,就可以自由通过阻挡层进入金属,同样金属中能超越势
N 0 D( )
f (.T ) dε=常数
N T 0
F N 0 F D( )
f (.T ) dε=常数
即: F N T 0
0 F
D( )
f T
d 0
cel 0 D( )
f T
再加上一项等于零的积分对Cel无影响 则:
cel 0 D( )
dsω Kω
V 4π 3
dsε k ε
2) 2
2 z
在波矢空间是一球面方程,不同能量的等 能面是一系列同心球面。
电子在T=0k时所能填充到的最高 等能面称为费米面,我们知道自由电 子的等能面是球面,在T=0k时,费米 面把电子填充过的轨道与电子未填充 过的轨道完全分开了,即费米面内所 有的轨道都被填充,费米面外边都是 空轨道,这一点对金属是非常主要的, 因为只有费米面附近的电子才能决定 金属的动力学性质。
电子气的轨道密度为抛物线关系,费米分 布函数为:
在T=0时,轨道全占满,但当温度T上升 时,费米面附近的电子可能激发到高轨道上 去,在温度T时能受热激发的电子数(只看到 数量级)大约为:(kBT/εF)N,则在温度T 时电子气热能的增加为:
《固态电子器件》课件 6(1)
• By using GaAs instead of Si, a higher electron mobility is available ,and furthermore GaAs can be operated at higher temperature( and therefore higher power levels). Since no diffusion are involved, close geometrical tolerance can be achieved and MESFET can be made very small. This is
Voltage-controlled amplification — FET Current-controlled amplification — BJT
6.2 Junction Field Effect Transistor(结型场 效应管,JFET) basic structure
6.2 Junction Field Effect Transistor(JFET) A fabrication process for JFET
qa 2 N d VP 2
1/ 2
2 ( VGx ) h( x ) a W ( x ) a qN d 1/ 2 Vx VG a 1 V P
I D dx
Vx VG 2 Za 1 V P
P+-type/diffusion扩散 Metal Lithography光刻
SiO2 /oxidation氧化 n-type
P+-type Si Epitaxial film外延
固态电子器件重点Chapter 6 Field Effect Transistor1.how many forms are there in the field effect transistors?①JFET(junction FET) ②MESFET(Metal-semiconductor) ③MISFET(metal-insulator-semiconductor FET)2.Describe the differences between BJT and FET.①BJT is a biplor transistor whose action of both electrons and holes in thedevice ,but FET is a unipolar transistor.②FET are controlled by a voltage at the third terminal rather than by acurrent in the BJT .③The BJT uses the injection of minority carriers across a forward-biasedjunction. But the FET control of a junction de;letion width under reverse bias.3.What are the important circuit functions of transistors?amplification and switching4.Describe the operation of the junction FET(JFET).In a junction FET(JFET) the voltage-variable depletion region width of a junction is used to control the effective cross-sectional area of a conducting channel.5.Try to deduce the equation of the pinch-off voltage Vp and. of the draincurrent IdPinch-off occurs at the drain end of the channel when:6.What is the mutual transconductance of FET?7.Describe the structure and operation the metal-semiconductorFET(MESFET) with the GaAs MESFET.a.Substrate is Si-GaAsb.Channel n-GaAS (lightly-doped)c.Gate reverse biasing the schotlky gate, control the effectcross-sectional.d.Source and drain the ohmic wrtact between mental and semiconductor.Operation: By reverse biasing the Schottky gate the channel can bedepleted to the semi-insulating substrate, and the resulting I-V character istic are similar to the JFET device.8.Describe the structure and operation of the high electron mobilitytransistor (MEMT).Electrons in the donor doped AlGaAs fall into the GaAs potential well and become trapped. As a result, the undoped GaAs becomes n-type with low lattice scattering (低晶格散射)and high mobility.9.Describe the two approximations of the electric fields for the short channeleffects.When ,at low electric fieldWhen,at high electric field10.Describe the structure and operation of a basic MOSFET.a.When ,the MOS transistor is normally off.b.If we give a positive gate voltage( ), negative charges areinduced in the underlying Si, by the formation of a depletion region ana thin surface region, containing mobile electrons.c.If the barrier is reduced by applying a gate voltage in excess of what isknown as the threshold voltage, VT, there is significant current flow from the source to the drain ,the current become saturated.11.What is the threshold voltage VT of a MOSFET.The threshold voltage VT is the minimum gate voltage required to induce the channel.12.What are the modes of MOSFET? What is the difference between them?①enhancement-mode n channel ②enhancement-mode p channel ③depletion-mode n channel ④depletion-mode p channel①The p-channel device’s channel is p-type ,but the n-channel is n-typematerial.②depletion-mode devices have a channel already with zero gate voltage ,and in face a negative gate voltage is required to turn the device off.13.Briefly describe the processing steps of a MOSFET.a.An ultra-thin dry thermal silicon dioxide is grown on the p-typesubstrate.b.Covering it with LPCVD of polysilicon(多晶硅)c.The doped polysilicon layer is then patterned to form the gates.d.The gate itself is used as an implant mask for an n+ implant which formsthe source/drain junctions abutted to the gate edges, but is blocked(封闭的) from the channel region.e.The implanted dopants must be annealed.f.The MOFFETs have to be properly(适当的) interconnected according tothe circuit layout ,using metallization(镀金法).14.What are work functions(功函数)? Explain them with a band diagram.The work function be defined in terms of the energy required to move an electron from the Fermi level to outside. But in MOS we use a modified work function .The energy is measured from the Metal Fermi level to the conduction band of the oxide. is the modified work function at the semiconductor oxide interface(界面).15.How do the bands of semiconductor change if negative and positivevoltages are applied between the metal and the semiconductor respectively(各自的) in an ideal MOS capacitor? Explain them according to the distribution of carriers.a.Negative voltage causes hole accumulation in the p-typesemiconductor.b.Positive voltage depletes(使大大减少) holes from the semiconductorsurface.c. A larger positive voltage causes inversion-an “n-type” layer at thesemiconductor surface.If we continue to increase the positive voltage, the bends at the semiconductor surface bend down more strongly. In fact, a large voltage can bend Ei below Ef . since implies a large electron concentration in the conduction band.16.What is the inversion region(反型层)? Please draw a band diagram toexplain it according to the charge distribution.When ,we have depletion, and the bands at the surface are bent down such that Ei(x=0) lies below EF, and inversion is obtained.17.What is the practical criterion for inversion in an ideal MOS structure?The best criterion for strong inversion is that the surface should be as strongly n-type as the substrate is p-type.18.Please plot the space charge density per unit area Qs as a function of thesurface potential and describe the change of charge distribution.19.What is the equation of the threshold voltage VT in an ideal case? Describethe meanings of all quantities.a.Qd the charge per unit area in the depletion region.b.Ci is the insulator capacitance per unit area.c.Is the potential differene between the Fermi level an the intrrnsiclevel of the bulk.20.Why do the departures from the ideal case strongly affect VT and otherproperties in real MOS devices?First ,there is a work function difference between the doped polysilicongate and substrate, which depends on the substrate doping .second ,there are inevitably(不可避免的) charges at the Si-SiO2 interface and within the oxide which must be taken into account.21.What is the work function difference? Please plot the work functiondifference vs. the impurity concentrations.22.Please write the equation of threshold voltage VT in real MOS devices anddescribe all terms in it.a.Qi is the effective positive charge at the interface.b.Ci is the insulator capacitance per unit area.23.What are the transfer characteristics? What is the difference between thetransfer characteristics and the output characteristics?The output characteristics plot the drain current as a function of the drain bias, with gate bias as a parameter . On the other hand, the transfer characteristics plot the output drain current as a function of the input gate bias, for fixed drain bias.24.What is the substrate bias(衬底偏置) effects of MOSFET, take n-channel forexample.With a reverse bias between the substrate and the source, the depletion region is widened and the threshold gate voltage required to achieve inversion must be increased to accommodate the large Qd. We called this substrate Bias Effects.[文档可能无法思考全面,请浏览后下载,另外祝您生活愉快,工作顺利,万事如意!]。
BasicsHow to form a rectifying contact ? How to form an Ohmic contact? What is the difference between p-n diode and Schottky barrier diode? Concept of heterojunction.FET1. The operation principle of the Junction FET.2. Pinch-off and saturation of JFET.3. Understand how I D is controlled by gate voltage.The definition of mutual transconductance g m.4. Heterojunction in MESFET, the High Electron Mobility Transistor (HEMT).5. Short channel effect of JFET.6. The principle of MOSFET.7. Ideal MOS structure, surface potential and band diagram;What is the criterion for strong inversion in a MOSFET?8. What is enhance mode transistor and what is depletion mode?9. What is flat band voltage? Effects of real surface?10. How to calculate the threshold voltage of MOSFET?11. How to control the threshold voltage of MOSFET?12. Understand the output characteristics and transfer characteristics.13. Substrate bias effect (body effect).14. Hot electron effects.15. Short channel effects and narrow width effect of MOSFET?16. MOS capacitance-Voltage analysis.17. Principle and application of C-V measurementBJT1. The principle of amplification with BJT?The definitions of the emitter injection efficiency, the current transfer ratio α, the base to collect or current amplification factor β2. Know about the calculation of the terminal currents.3. Understand the coupled-diode model (E-M equations).4. Output characteristics of BJT.5. Saturation and cutoff conditions of BJT.6. What is the effect of drift in the base region.7. Base narrowing effect (base-width modulation, Early effect)?8. Understand the effect of injection level on γ ,αand β.9. Base resistance and emitter crowding.10. What are the main frequency limitations of bipolar transistors?What is Webster Effect?11. Why is the heterojunction bipolar transistor (HBT) better than the bipolar junction transistor (BJT)?Optoelectronic Devices1. The principle of solar cells. Photovoltaic effect.2. The principle of photo detectors.3. Output characteristics of LED.4. The concept of spontaneous emission, stimulated emission and stimulated absorption. Population inversion.5. How to describe the population inversion at a junction by quasi-Fermi-level?6. The operation principle of p+n+homojunction semiconductors. Output characteristics.7. What are the differences in output characteristics between semiconductor lasers and LEDs?8.What are the advantages of heterojunction semiconductor lasers?High frequency and high-power devices1. The principle of Esaki or tunnel diodes?Understand the difference between Esaki diode and Zener diode.2. Know about the operation principle of impact avalanche transit time (IMPATT) diodes.3. What is the bulk negative differential conductivity effect?Explain the reason.What is the operation principle of the Gunn diode?。
固态电子器件答案固态电子器件答案【篇一:微波固态电路复习题】1. 微波是指频率在(300mhz~300ghz)范围内的电磁波,对应的波长范围为(1mm~1m)。
2. ku波段是指频率在(12ghz~18ghz)范围内的电磁波,对应的波长范围为(2.5~1.67cm)。
vhf波段是指频率在(0.1ghz~0.3ghz)范围内的电磁波,对应的波长范围为(300~100cm) uhf波段是指频率在(0.3ghz~1ghz)范围内的电磁波,对应的波长范围为(100~30cm)s波段是指频率在(2ghz~4ghz)范围内的电磁波,对应的波长范围为(15~7.5cm)c波段是指频率在(4ghz~8ghz)范围内的电磁波,对应的波长范围为(7.5~3.75cm)3. 在大气中,影响微波/毫米波传播的主要是(氧分子)和(水分子),由于气体的(谐振)会对微波/毫米波产生(吸收)和(散射)。
简答题1. 简述微波电路的发展历程由最初的电子管向固态化发展,由大型元件向小型元件、集成电路、器件方向发展,同时开发新系统。
2. 什么是mmic利用半导体批生产技术,将电路中所有的有源元件和无源元件都制作在一块砷化镓衬底上的电路称为微波单片集成电路。
第2章选择与填空题1. 列举几种常用的平面传输线(微带线、悬置式微带线、倒置式微带线、带线、槽线、共面波导、鳍线)2. 微带线主要传输的模式是(准tem),带线的传输主模是(tem)11. 槽线的传输模式是(te模)。
12. 共面波导的传输模式是(准tem模)。
8. 鳍线的传输模式是(te与tm模式组成的混合模)。
3. 微带线最高工作频率的影响因素有(寄生模的激励、较高的损耗、严格的制造公差、处理过程中的脆性、显著地不连续效应、不连续处的辐射引起低的q值)(列举四个即可)4. 定向耦合器常用表征参量有(耦合度、方向性、隔离度)7. 耦合器的耦合度的定义是(c= 10lgp1/p3 = 20lg|s31| db )。
0 NI dA
a10 a11H
0 NI [a10
dA dA a11 NI 2 ] l l
' 0 NI
从实用的磁学观点看,物质可分为抗磁性、 顺磁性、反铁磁性、铁磁性和亚铁磁性五类材料。 其中前三种材料|x|→0,因此一般不能算作 磁性材料,而铁磁性材料|x|可达101~106 量级, 一般为Fe、Co、Ni及一些稀土金属磁性材料。亚 铁磁性材料|x|可达101~104 量级,一般为铁氧 体材料(磁性陶瓷材料)。具有铁磁性和亚铁磁 性的材料才能算真正的磁性材料。
Ae A A 0 NI [a10 e a11 NI 2e ] le le le
dr h r r1 r2
要使实际磁环和理想磁环等效,两者的磁通应该相等, 即有: Ae Ae dA dA
le l
Ae dA 2 hdr h r ln 2 le l 2r 2 r1 r1
Ae dA 2 hdr h 1 1 ( ) 2 2 2 2 l ( 2 r ) 4 r1 r2 le r1
r2 h ln ( ) r1 Ae 1 1 r1 r2
r2 r1 le 1 1 r1 r2 2 ln
联立上式可解出Ae 和le 来。 二、气隙对于磁芯的磁阻和有效磁导率的影响 设气隙的长度为lg ,截面积为Ag ,则
B 0 H 0 H lim 1
• 振幅磁导率:如果交变磁场的振幅较大,振幅B比上振 幅H所得到的磁导率。
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固态电子器件重点Chapter 6 Field Effect Transistor1.how many forms are there in the field effect transistors?①JFET(junction FET) ②MESFET(Metal-semiconductor) ③MISFET(metal-insulator-semiconductor FET)2.Describe the differences between BJT and FET.①BJT is a biplor transistor whose action of both electrons and holes in thedevice ,but FET is a unipolar transistor.②FET are controlled by a voltage at the third terminal rather than by acurrent in the BJT .③The BJT uses the injection of minority carriers across a forward-biasedjunction. But the FET control of a junction de;letion width under reverse bias.3.What are the important circuit functions of transistors?amplification and switching4.Describe the operation of the junction FET(JFET).In a junction FET(JFET) the voltage-variable depletion region width of a junction is used to control the effective cross-sectional area of a conducting channel.5.Try to deduce the equation of the pinch-off voltage Vp and. of the draincurrent IdPinch-off occurs at the drain end of the channel when:6.What is the mutual transconductance of FET?7.Describe the structure and operation the metal-semiconductorFET(MESFET) with the GaAs MESFET.a.Substrate is Si-GaAsb.Channel n-GaAS (lightly-doped)c.Gate reverse biasing the schotlky gate, control the effectcross-sectional.d.Source and drain theohmicwrtact between mental and semiconductor.Operation: By reverse biasing the Schottky gate the channel can bedepleted to the semi-insulating substrate, and the resulting I-V character istic are similar to the JFET device.8.Describe the structure and operation of the high electron mobilitytransistor (MEMT).Electrons in the donor doped AlGaAs fall into the GaAs potential well and become trapped. As a result, theundopedGaAs becomes n-type with low lattice scattering (低晶格散射)and high mobility.9.Describe the two approximations of the electric fields for the short channeleffects.When ,at low electric fieldWhen,at high electric field10.Describe the structure and operation of a basic MOSFET.a.When ,the MOS transistor is normally off.b.If we give a positive gate voltage( ), negative charges areinduced in the underlying Si, by the formation of a depletion region ana thin surface region, containing mobile electrons.c.If the barrier is reduced by applying a gate voltage in excess of what isknown as the threshold voltage,VT, there is significant current flow from the source to thedrain ,the current become saturated.11.What is the threshold voltage VT of a MOSFET.The threshold voltage VT is the minimum gate voltage required to induce the channel.12.What are the modes of MOSFET? What is the difference between them?①enhancement-mode n channel ②enhancement-mode p channel ③depletion-mode n channel ④depletion-mode p channel①The p-channel device’s channel is p-type ,but the n-channel is n-typematerial.②depletion-mode devices have a channel already with zero gate voltage ,and in face a negative gate voltage is required to turn the device off.13.Briefly describe the processing steps of a MOSFET.a.An ultra-thin dry thermal silicon dioxide is grown on the p-typesubstrate.b.Covering it with LPCVD of polysilicon(多晶硅)c.The doped polysilicon layer is then patterned to form the gates.d.The gate itself is used as an implant mask for an n+ implant which formsthe source/drain junctions abutted to the gate edges, but is blocked(封闭的) from the channel region.e.The implanted dopants must be annealed.f.The MOFFETs have to be properly(适当的) interconnected according tothe circuit layout ,using metallization(镀金法).14.What are work functions(功函数)? Explain them with a band diagram.The work function be defined in terms of the energy required to move an electron from the Fermi level to outside. But in MOS we use a modified work function .The energy is measured from the Metal Fermi level to the conduction band of the oxide. is the modified work function at the semiconductor oxide interface(界面).15.How do the bands of semiconductor change if negative and positivevoltages are applied between the metal and the semiconductor respectively(各自的) in an ideal MOS capacitor? Explain them according to the distribution of carriers.a.Negative voltage causes hole accumulation in the p-typesemiconductor.b.Positive voltage depletes(使大大减少) holes from the semiconductorsurface.c. A larger positive voltage causes inversion-an “n-type”layer at thesemiconductor surface.If we continue to increase the positive voltage, the bends at the semiconductor surface bend down more strongly. In fact, a large voltage can bend Ei below Ef .since implies a large electron concentration in the conduction band.16.What is the inversion region(反型层)? Please draw a band diagram toexplain it according to the charge distribution.When ,we have depletion, and the bands at the surface are bent down such that Ei(x=0) lies below EF, and inversion is obtained.17.What is the practical criterion for inversion in an ideal MOS structure?The best criterion for strong inversion is that the surface should be as strongly n-type as the substrate is p-type.18.Please plot the space charge density per unit area Qs as a function of thesurface potential and describe the change of charge distribution.19.What is the equation of the threshold voltage VT in an ideal case? Describethe meanings of all quantities.a.Qd the charge per unit area in the depletion region.b.Ci is the insulator capacitance per unit area.c.Is the potential differene between the Fermi level antheintrrnsic levelof the bulk.20.Why do the departures from the ideal case strongly affect VT and otherproperties in real MOS devices?First ,there is a work function difference between the dopedpolysilicongate and substrate, which depends on the substrate doping .second ,there are inevitably(不可避免的) charges at the Si-SiO2 interface and within the oxide which must be taken into account.21.What is the work function difference? Please plot the work functiondifference vs. the impurity concentrations.22.Please write the equation of threshold voltage VT in real MOS devices anddescribe all terms in it.a.Qi is the effective positive charge at the interface.b.Ci is the insulator capacitance per unit area.23.What are the transfer characteristics? What is the difference between thetransfer characteristics and the output characteristics?The output characteristics plot the drain current as a function of the drain bias, with gate bias as a parameter . On the other hand, the transfer characteristics plot the output drain current as a function of the input gate bias, for fixed drain bias.24.What is the substrate bias(衬底偏置) effects of MOSFET, take n-channel forexample.With a reverse bias between the substrate and the source, the depletion region is widened and the threshold gate voltage required to achieve inversion must be increased to accommodate the large Qd. We called this substrate Bias Effects.。