












说明】:1、“五牌二图”由项目经理部在工程进场后15 天内设计完成,交安全部统一制作,现场展示。














八、非电工禁止乱接乱拉电线,在电线上禁止搭挂衣物,电闸箱内禁止放工具及物品,夜间施工必须有足够的照明,宿舍照明高度低于 2.4m必须使用安全电压。







油漆。 • 4、围档可由专业加工单位统一制作安
• 说明: • 1、适用于现场气瓶的垂直吊运。 • 2、托架边框部分宜采用L45×45×5角铁焊接。 • 3、托架围栏宜采用12mm螺纹钢焊接。 • 4、托架的长为0.8米、宽为0.6米、高为1.4米。 • 5、托架应悬挂警示标牌(禁止烟火)。
• 说明: • 1、氧气、乙炔瓶距明火间距不得小于10米。 • 2、氧气、乙炔瓶存放间距不得小于5米。 • 3、氧气、乙炔不得平放和曝晒。 • 4、氧气、乙炔瓶储存室应分开存放。
• 说明:
• 1、施工现场需制定完善的消防制度及措施。有经过审批的消防应急预案,并定期进行演练。
• 说明 • 1.在建工程不得在外电线路正下方施工、搭
设作业棚、建造生活设施或堆放构件、架具、 材料等。 • 2.在建工程(含脚手架)的周边与外电架空线路 的边线之 间的最小安全操作距离应符合下表规 定:
3.施工现场开挖沟槽边缘与外电埋地电缆沟 槽边缘之问的距离不得小于0.5m。 4.架设安全防护设施应是一种绝缘隔离防护 措施,宜通过采用木、竹或其他绝缘材料增 设屏障、遮拦、围栏、保护网等与外电线路 实现强制性绝缘隔离,并须在隔离处悬挂醒 目的警告标志牌。
• 3、色彩:太门颜色为白色或不锈钢本色。 • 4、文字组合及其它: 每扇门正腰安装一块面积为l米×2米或1 × 3米(高×宽)的薄铁板,颜色为中
建蓝色(C100M30,以下简称蓝色),上面用白色隶书体宇(刘炳森手书)书写“中国建筑”宇样,如门为 铁板制成,正腰则涂为蓝色,面积同上。门柱:门柱截面尺寸建议为0.8×0. 8米,高度为2.2米,其中 0.2米为柱帽高度,柱帽为梯形,顶面积为0.6×0.6米。门柱通体为蓝色。两柱帽上方可加灯箱,各单 位根据需要自行决定。

ISO 23601-2009 安全标识 疏散平面图标志(中英文,GB T25894)

ISO 23601-2009 安全标识 疏散平面图标志(中英文,GB T25894)

Reference numberISO 23601:2009(E)INTERNATIONALSTANDARD ISO 23601First edition2009-02-15Safety identification — Escape andevacuation plan signsIdentification de sécurité — Plans d'évacuation et de secoursISO 23601:2009(E)PDF disclaimerThis PDF file may contain embedded typefaces. I n accordance with Adobe's licensing policy, this file may be printed or viewed but shall not be edited unless the typefaces which are embedded are licensed to and installed on the computer performing the editing. In downloading this file, parties accept therein the responsibility of not infringing Adobe's licensing policy. The ISO Central Secretariat accepts no liability in this area.Adobe is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.Details of the software products used to create this PDF file can be found in the General I nfo relative to the file; the PDF-creation parameters were optimized for printing. Every care has been taken to ensure that the file is suitable for use by ISO member bodies. In the unlikely event that a problem relating to it is found, please inform the Central Secretariat at the address given below.COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT© ISO 2009All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either I SO at the address below or ISO's member body in the country of the requester.ISO copyright officeCase postale 56 x CH-1211 Geneva 20Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11Fax + 41 22 749 09 47E-mail copyright@Web Published in SwitzerlandISO 23601:2009(E)Contents PageForeword (iv)Introduction (v)1 Scope (1)2 Normativereferences (1)definitions (1)3 Termsand4 General (2)5 Designrequirements (2)6 Size of plan elements (3)representation (4)and7 Contents7.1 Header (4)plan (4)7.2 Overview7.3 Escape plan detail (4)notices (5)7.4 Safety7.5 Legend (5)information (5)7.6 Other7.7 Use of colours (6)7.7.1 Escaperoutes (6)signs (6)7.7.2 Safety7.7.3 Point of location of the user (6)colour (6)7.7.4 Background7.7.5 Outline of facility structural elements (6)7.7.6 Header (6)7.7.7 Text (6)8 Materials (6)location (6)and9 Installationrevision (7)and10 InspectionAnnex A (informative) Examples of escape plans (8)Bibliography (13)。



13.8.3示例1“五牌一图”(七牌两图)的基本内容1. 按《检查标准》(JGJ 59—99)规定,大门口标牌为“五牌一图”,即工程概况牌、管理人员名单及监督电话牌、消防保卫牌、安全生产牌、文明施工牌和施工现场总平面图等内容。

2. 有的地区推广“七牌两图”,即消防保卫牌、材料管理牌、环境卫生管理牌、安全生产牌、文明施工牌、工程概况牌、项目管理人员名单及监督电话牌和施工现场总平面图、施工现场安全标志平面图等内容。

3. “七牌两图”参考内容示例(1)消防保卫管理制度(消防保卫牌)1)施工现场设消防保卫负责人,建立消防组织、设置义务消防队员。























ISO 23601-2009_安全标识—疏散平面图标志_20090

ISO 23601-2009_安全标识—疏散平面图标志_20090

Reference numberISO 23601:2009(E)INTERNATIONALSTANDARD ISO 23601First edition2009-02-15Safety identification — Escape andevacuation plan signsIdentification de sécurité — Plans d'évacuation et de secoursISO 23601:2009(E)PDF disclaimerThis PDF file may contain embedded typefaces. I n accordance with Adobe's licensing policy, this file may be printed or viewed but shall not be edited unless the typefaces which are embedded are licensed to and installed on the computer performing the editing. In downloading this file, parties accept therein the responsibility of not infringing Adobe's licensing policy. The ISO Central Secretariat accepts no liability in this area.Adobe is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.Details of the software products used to create this PDF file can be found in the General I nfo relative to the file; the PDF-creation parameters were optimized for printing. Every care has been taken to ensure that the file is suitable for use by ISO member bodies. In the unlikely event that a problem relating to it is found, please inform the Central Secretariat at the address given below.COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT© ISO 2009All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either I SO at the address below or ISO's member body in the country of the requester.ISO copyright officeCase postale 56 x CH-1211 Geneva 20Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11Fax + 41 22 749 09 47E-mail copyright@Web Published in SwitzerlandISO 23601:2009(E)Contents PageForeword (iv)Introduction (v)1 Scope (1)2 Normativereferences (1)definitions (1)3 Termsand4 General (2)5 Designrequirements (2)6 Size of plan elements (3)representation (4)and7 Contents7.1 Header (4)plan (4)7.2 Overview7.3 Escape plan detail (4)notices (5)7.4 Safety7.5 Legend (5)information (5)7.6 Other7.7 Use of colours (6)7.7.1 Escaperoutes (6)signs (6)7.7.2 Safety7.7.3 Point of location of the user (6)colour (6)7.7.4 Background7.7.5 Outline of facility structural elements (6)7.7.6 Header (6)7.7.7 Text (6)8 Materials (6)location (6)and9 Installationrevision (7)and10 InspectionAnnex A (informative) Examples of escape plans (8)Bibliography (13)ISO 23601:2009(E)ForewordISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (I SO member bodies). The work of preparing I nternational Standards is normally carried out through I SO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with I SO, also take part in the work. I SO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.The main task of technical committees is to prepare I nternational Standards. Draft I nternational Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.SO 23601 was prepared by Technical Committee I SO/TC 145, Graphical sym bols, Subcommittee SC 2, Safety identification, signs, shapes, symbols and colours.ISO 23601:2009(E)IntroductionThere is a need to standardize a system of communicating escape routes in facilities that relies as little as possible on the use of words to achieve understanding.Continued growth in international trade, travel and mobility of labour requires a common method of conveying this important safety information to the occupants of facilities.The use of this International Standard is expected to reduce risk by providing a means of improved training and education and to reduce possible confusion in times of emergency.Through the use of ISO 7010 safety signs, colour coding and specific design requirements, this International Standard establishes a common method of illustrating the position of the viewer in relation to designated escape routes leading to emergency exits and the location of fire safety and emergency equipment close and adjacent to escape routes.Escape plans are an integral part of a facility’s system of safety signs and play an integral role in a building owner’s fire safety management plan. Escape plans are a necessary component of a facility’s safety way guidance system (see ISO 16069).NOTE Some countries’ statutory regulations may differ in some respect from those given in this nternational Standard.INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 23601:2009(E) Safety identification — Escape and evacuation plan signsIMPOR TANT — The electronic file of this document contains colours which are considered to be useful for the correct understanding of the document. Users should therefore consider printing this document using a colour printer.1 ScopeThis International Standard establishes design principles for displayed escape plans that contain information relevant to fire safety, escape, evacuation and rescue of the facility's occupants. These plans may also be used by intervention forces in case of emergency.These plans are intended to be displayed as signs in public areas and workplaces.This I nternational Standard is not intended to cover the plans to be used by external safety services nor detailed professional technical drawings for use by specialists.2 Normative referencesThe following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.ISO 3864-1:2002, Graphical symbols — Safety colours and safety signs — Part 1: Design principles for safety signs in workplaces and public areasISO 3864-3, Graphical symbols — Safety colours and safety signs — Part 3: Design principles for graphical symbols for use in safety signsISO 7010, Graphical sym bols — Safety colours and safety signs — Safety signs used in workplaces and public areasISO 17724, Graphical symbols — VocabularyISO 17398, Safety colours and safety signs — Classification, performance and durability of safety signs3 Terms and definitionsFor the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 17724 and the following apply.3.1emergency safety noticeinstructions for occupants, to be followed in case of emergencyISO 23601:2009(E)3.2escape planplan displayed for the occupants of a facility on which are illustrated the necessary elements for escape and on which may appear information required for evacuation, rescue and for a first intervention3.3escape routedesignated route to a place of intended safety3.4escape plan detaildetailed representation of the area marked in the overview plan based on floor plans3.5fire safety noticeinstructions for occupants, to be followed in case of fire3.6overview plansimplified graphical representation used to relate the escape plan detail to the overall facility or site4 GeneralBefore applying the design principles, the fire safety management procedures shall have determined a number of essential elements to be shown on the escape plans. The escape plans shall be a reflection of the study of the following information:a) fire safety manuals and procedures;b) current site and facility plan drawing(s) with key features of the facility as verified by site visit;c) identification of all escape routes;d) evacuation planning documentation including expected people movement and any instructions given andthe way they are to be given;e) location of all fire-fighting equipment and alarms;f) location of emergency equipment and evacuation aids;g) required actions to be taken in case of emergency or fire;h) location of refuge and assembly points.The purpose of escape plans is to help people orient themselves in relation to the planned escape route. In this way, the escape plan complements the facility's safety way guidance system (see ISO 16069).5 Design requirementsThe escape plan shall be designed in accordance with the evacuation strategy of the facility and addresses the specific needs of the occupants of the premises or part thereof.The following requirements shall be met by any escape plan.a) The exact location of the user shall be indicated on the escape plan.b) Escape plans shall use colour.ISO 23601:2009(E) c) The scale of the escape plan is dependent on the size of the facility, the level of detail to be illustratedand the intended location of the escape plan. Scales no less than the following shall be used:1:250 for large-sized facilities;1:100 for small- to medium-sized facilities;1:350 for plans displayed in individual rooms.Detailed elements such as stairs or corridors may be drawn to a larger scale to increase conspicuity or to accommodate the placement of safety signs on the escape plan. For a series of escape plans for the same facility, the same scale should be used. For certain specific areas of the facility, e.g. parking areas or technical spaces, other scales may be used to recognize the extent of empty space.d) In a set of facility plans, all defined areas shall be illustrated consistently.e) In order to achieve sufficient visibility and legibility, the vertical illumination on escape plans shall be noless than 50 lx provided by the normal lighting. Where emergency lighting is provided in case of failure of the normal lighting, the vertical illumination on escape plans comprising ordinary materials or phosphorescent materials shall be no less than 5 lx. Where emergency lighting is not provided in case of failure of the normal lighting or where a phosphorescent safety way guidance system according to ISO 16069 is provided, escape plans comprising phosphorescent materials may be used. In all cases, the phosphorescent material shall be no less than classification C according to ISO 17398.f) In order to identify safety colours on the plans, the minimum value for the colour-rendering index, R a, froma lamp shall be W 40. The luminaire shall not substantially subtract from this. Where escape plans arebased on phosphorescent materials, excitation shall be from white fluorescent lamps. Low-pressure sodium lamps shall not be used.g) The background of an escape plan shall have the safety colour white or phosphorescent white as definedin ISO 3864-1:2002, Table 4.h) The minimum size of an escape plan shall be 297 mm u420 mm (A3) except for escape plans to belocated in individual rooms where the plan size may be reduced to 210 mm u 297 mm (A4). A tolerance of5 % is acceptable.i) Escape plans shall be up to date.j) The orientation of the plan as displayed shall be related to the viewer so that locations on the left of the plan are to the viewer's left and locations on the right of the plan are to the viewer's right.k) When safe condition and fire-fighting equipment are indicated on the escape plan, they shall use safety signs that are the same as in their installed location in the facility and both shall conform to ISO 7010.l) Escape plans shall have a legend.m) Escape plans shall have a standardized header, including the words “Escape plan” in the language(s) of the country in which the plan is used.n) Escape plans shall show the position of the assembly points as part of the escape plan detail or on an overview plan.6 Size of plan elementsThe following requirements shall be met.a) Information presented on escape plans shall be legible at the intended viewing distance. The minimumlettering height shall be 2 mm. Fonts should be chosen that maximize the legibility at the intended viewing distance.--```,,,,`,,`,`,`,`,``,``,,```,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ISO 23601:2009(E)b) The minimum height of the header shall be at least 7 % of the smallest dimension of the escape plan andthe height of its characters shall be at least 60 % of the height of the header. Examples are given in Table 1.c) Safety signs shown on the plan shall have a minimum height of 7 mm.d) The line width for the graphical representation of the facility's structural walls shall be at least 1,6 mm.Interior partition walls shall be represented by lines of a minimum width of 0,6 mm. If detailed elements are shown on the plan (e.g. stairs, shelves, windows), they shall be shown by lines of a minimum width of 0,15 mm.In the representation of long escape corridors, architectural features or equipment should be shown to give the user a sense of scale/distance.Table 1 — Examples of the minimum height of header and charactersSize of escape planmm u mm Height of escape planmmHeight of headermmHeight of capital lettermm297u 420 (A3) 297 21 13420u 594 (A2) 420 30 18594u 841 (A1) 594 42 26841u 1 189 (A0) 841 59 367 Contents and representation7.1 HeaderEvery escape plan shall have a header. For the header, upper- and lower-case letters may be used.7.2 Overview planExcept when a small facility's escape plan detail is itself an overview perspective of the facility, every escape plan shall incorporate an overview plan.An overview plan shall incorporate:a) the assembly point location(s);b) the overall facility/site plan with the specific section covered by the escape plan detail highlighted;c) a simplified representation of the surrounding area (e.g. roadways, parking areas, other buildings).The size of the overview plan shall not exceed 10 % of the area of the escape plan.7.3 Escape plan detailThe escape plan detail shall incorporate:a) the floor plan of the relevant part of the facility that is modified toeliminate non-essential details,highlight important elements,increase legibility and ease of comprehension,orient the plan to the position of the viewer;b) all emergency exits and escape routes, horizontal and vertical. If directional instructions are to be givenfrom a specific “You are here” point, such directional information shall be conveyed by the use of arrow-type D from ISO 3864-3 (see Figure 1);Figure 1 — Arrow indicating the direction of movement of people (ISO 3864-3, arrow-type D)c) the point of location of the user (“You are here”);d) the location of stairs;e) any specific evacuation provisions made available for people with disabilities;f) the location and type of the first intervention fire equipment and emergency and rescue equipment,e.g. fire alarms, fire extinguisher, fire hoses, first aid equipment;If it is not possible to show the actual location of the safety signs because of the scale used, the safety signs may be shown separately in the closest available free space with a leader line to indicate the correct location (see Figure A.1).g) the location of the lifts as an architectural feature.7.4 Safety noticesEscape plans shall always be associated with fire and emergency safety notices which may be on the escape plan or displayed in proximity to the escape plan.7.5 LegendThe legend shall appear on the escape plan and shall give the meaning of the safety signs, graphical symbols and colour coding used on the escape plan. Examples are given in Annex A.7.6 Other informationThe following information shall be part of the plan:a) plan designer;b) name of the facility;c) floor designation;d) date of plan design and revision number;e) plan number.--```,,,,`,,`,`,`,`,``,``,,```,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---7.7 Use of colours7.7.1 Escape routesDirectional arrows shall be in safety green according to ISO 3864-1. Escape routes shall be highlighted in light green which gives sufficient contrast to the arrows.NOTE With phosphorescent materials, graphical methods such as halftone or hatching of the escape route can be used to render the escape route directional arrows visible in dark conditions.7.7.2 Safety signsSafety signs shall be reproduced in safety colours according to ISO 3864- Point of location of the userThe point of location of the user shall be safety blue according to ISO 3864- Background colourThe colour of the background shall be white or phosphorescent white according to ISO 3864- Outline of facility structural elementsThe colour of the outline of facility structural elements shall be black.7.7.6 HeaderThe header shall be in safety colour green and the text shall be in the contrast colour as given in ISO 3864- TextThe normal colour of the text shall be black. Other colours may be used for highlighting purposes.8 MaterialsEscape plans shall be made of materials and inks that are durable enough to resist the environmental influences at the site of the application (e.g. light resistance and resistance to humidity) for the expected service life. If required, durability characteristics shall be measured by methods described in ISO 17398.9 Installation and locationEscape plans shall be located so that they are conspicuous in their environment of use and sited to ensure that they are accessible and readable to the intended user.These plans shall be permanently fixed and are intended to be locateda) at positions where occupants can learn the means of escape andb) at strategic points of the escape route, which can beon every floor at primary entry points,near lifts and stairs,--```,,,,`,,`,`,`,`,``,``,,```,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---in every room, e.g. hotel rooms,at appropriate training points, e.g. cafeterias, office centres, meeting places,at principal junctions and intersections.10 Inspection and revisionI nspections of the escape plans shall be conducted at regular intervals, to ensure they are legible, conspicuous, comprehensible and up to date.Any change of the facility or its fire safety or emergency procedures shall result in a review of the escape plans and, when necessary, revision to the escape plans.--```,,,,`,,`,`,`,`,``,``,,```,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---Annex A(informative)Examples of escape plansFigures A.1 through A.4 are example layouts of escape plans.These examples should not be assumed to be exhaustive. They are not drawn to scale.--```,,,,`,,`,`,`,`,``,``,,```,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---F i g u r e A .1 — E x a m p l e o f a n e s c a p e p l a n w i t h o u t d i r e c t i o n a l a r r o w s — C o m p l e t e f l o o rF i g u r e A .2 — E x a m p l e o f a n e s c a p e p l a n w i t h d i r e c t i o n a l a r r o w s — C o m p l e t e f l o o rF i g u r e A .3 — E x a m p l e o f a n e s c a p e p l a n — P a r t o f t h e f l o o rF i g u r e A .4 — E x a m p l e o f a n e s c a p e p l a n — C o m p l e t e f l o o r w i t h s t a i r s--```,,,,`,,`,`,`,`,``,``,,```,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---BibliographyWriting paper and certain classes of printed matter — Trimmed sizes — A and B series, and 216,[1]I SOindication of machine direction16069, Graphical symbols — Safety signs — Safety way guidance systems (SWGS)[2]I SOEmergency lighting30061,I SO[3]ICS 01.080.10 Price based on 13 pages。




3 示例1 “五牌一图"(七牌两图)的基本内容1。

按《检查标准》(JGJ 59-99)规定,大门口标牌为“五牌一图”,即工程概况牌、管理人员名单及监督电话牌、消防保卫牌、安全生产牌、文明施工牌和施工现场总平面图等内容。

2. 有的地区推广“七牌两图”,即消防保卫牌、材料管理牌、环境卫生管理牌、安全生产牌、文明施工牌、工程概况牌、项目管理人员名单及监督电话牌和施工现场总平面图、施工现场安全标志平面图等内容.3. “七牌两图”参考内容示例(1)消防保卫管理制度(消防保卫牌)1)施工现场设消防保卫负责人,建立消防组织、设置义务消防队员。

































建筑工程施工现场标志1 总则1.0.1 为规范建筑工程施工现场标志的设置、维护和管理,预防施工安全事故,保障人身和财产安全,制定本规程。

1.0.2 本规程适用于建筑工程施工现场及相关区域标志的设置、维护和管理。

1.0.3 建筑工程施工现场标志的设置,除应符合本规程外,尚应符合国家现行有关标准的规定。

2 术语2.0.1标志sign表明特征的记号。

2.0.2 安全标志safe sign用以表达特定安全信息的标志,由图形符号、安全色、几何形状(边框)或文字构成。


2.0.3 专用标志special sign用以表达建筑工程施工现场特定信息的标志,由图形、安全色、几何形状(边框)或文字构成。


2.0.4 禁止标志prohibition sign禁止人们不安全行为的图形标志。

2.0.5 警告标志warning sign提醒人们对周围环境引起注意,以避免可能发生危险的图形标志。

2.0.6 指令标志direction sign强制人们必须做出某种动作或采用防范措施的图形标志。

2.0.7 提示标志information sign向人们提供某种信息的图形标志。

2.0.8 名称标志designation sign向人们提供特定事物专门称呼信息的标志。

2.0.9 导向标志direction guide sign用于引导车辆、人员行进方向的标志。

2.0.10 制度类标志system class sign。


2.0.11 标线marking向人们提供引导或警示信息的规定的线条。

3基本规定3.0.1 建筑工程施工现场标志可分为安全标志和专用标志两类。

3.0.2 施工现场应有安全标志布置平面图,并应根据施工进度适时更新。

3.0.5 应明确识别重大危险源,拟定控制要求,在临近重大危险源的明显位置、有较大危险因素的施工场所、有关设施和设备上,设置明显的安全标志和专用标志。










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搅拌机 ○4 ○5 ○6
通 沙石 ○123#○楼3 ○9
塔 ○11 ○7 ○8
○7 ○11
7#楼 8#楼
通 ○13 ○3 ○9 5#楼
配电 ○2房○4
图例: 通 安全通道
○1 :禁止吸烟 ○2 :禁止烟火 ○3 :注意安全 ○4 :当心触电 ○5 :当心机械伤人 ○6 :当心伤手 ○7 :当心坠落 ○8 :当心落物 ○9 :当心扎脚 ○10 :当心车辆 ○11 :必需戴好安全帽 ○12 :必须系好安全带 ○13 :安全通道 ○14 :安全楼梯
说明: ○14 设在楼梯每层一处 ○9 设在模板拆除区 ○12 设 在 必 须 系 安 全 带 的位置

○3 ○8 ○11
通 ○3 ○8 ○7 ○11 道
○2 ○3 ○4 ○5 ○8

22#楼 吊
○2 ○5 ○6 ○8 ○9
木工加工 棚
○5 ○7 ○11 塔
图例: 通 安全通道
○1 :禁止吸烟 ○2 :禁止烟火 ○3 :注意安全 ○4 :当心触电 ○5 :当心机械伤人 ○6 :当心伤手 ○7 :当心坠落 ○8 :当心落物 ○9 :当心扎脚 ○10 :当心车辆 ○11 :必需戴好安全帽 ○12 :必须系好安全带 ○13 :安全通道 ○14 :安全楼梯
搅拌机 ○4 ○5 ○6
○7 ○11
塔 ○11 ○7 ○8
通 ○13 ○3 ○9
说明: ○14 设在楼梯每层一处 ○9 设在模板拆除区 ○12 设 在 必 须 系 安 全 带 的位置
搅拌机 ○4 ○5 ○6

○7 ○11
○2 ○3 ○4 ○5 ○8
○5 ○7 ○11 15#楼